KFS-UT-U3 - Answer Key

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1. Read about Jack’s school lunch and look at the pictures (1–10).
Put the letters in brackets in the correct order to make words for
school lunches.

I like to eat something different every day in school. I often have a

(1) __________ (disnahwc). Sometimes, I have some (2) ___________
(ehsece) and then some fruit like an (3) ___________ (lapep) or a (4)
___________ (naanba). I always have something sweet, like some (5)
___________ (keac) or two or three (6) ___________ (sisbcuti). To drink, I
have some (7) ___________ (ageron ciuje) or some (8) ___________
(trewa). Sometimes, I have lunch in the school canteen. My favourite
is fish and chips with (9) ___________ (medneola) and (10) ___________
(cie marec).
1 sandwich
2 cheese
3 apple
4 banana
5 cake
6 biscuits
7 orange juice
8 water
9 lemonade
10 ice cream

Unit Test 3 A PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and

UCLES 2019
2. Read the sentences about food. Choose the best word (a or b) for
each space.

1. There’s __________ a of water in the fridge.

a) box b) bottle
Answer: bottle

2. I sometimes eat a __________ of soup for lunch.

a) glass b) bowl
Answer: bowl

3. My mum always has a __________ of tea after dinner.

a) cup b) can
Answer: cup

4. I’d like a big __________ of cake, please.

a) slice b) bowl
Answer: slice

5. I sometimes have a __________ of milk before I go to bed.

a) glass b) plate
Answer: glass

6. I’ve got a __________ of cola in my bag.

a) plate b) can
Answer: can

7. I need to buy a __________ of cereal for breakfast tomorrow.

a) bottle b) box

Unit Test 3 A PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and

UCLES 2019
Answer: box

8. I’m hungry! I’d love a __________ of sausage, egg and toast.

a) plate b) slice
Answer: plate

3. Read the descriptions of some food. What is the word for each
one? The first and last letters are already there. There is one space
for each other letter in the word.

1. I eat a bowl of this every morning with milk and some sugar: c _ _
_ _ l.

2. Two slices of bread with something between them is a s _ _ _ _ _ _


3. You drink water or orange juice from a g _ _ _ s.


4. This is a long, yellow fruit: b _ _ _ _ a.


5. You cut pizza or cake into s _ _ _ _ s.


6. This is cold and sweet: i _ e c _ _ _ m.

ice cream

7. It’s usually white and it’s good with chicken or vegetables: r_ _e


8. People drink tea and coffee in c _ _ s.

Unit Test 3 A PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and

UCLES 2019


4. Complete the sentences with words below.

some | some (x3) | a | a | any (x2) | an | any

1. Have we got any cheese?

2. There is some bread in the kitchen.

3. I’ve got an apple in my bag.

4. I usually have some biscuits after my dinner.

5. Would you like a sandwich for lunch?

6. Please can you get some bananas from the shop?

7. We haven’t got any orange juice. Do you want some water?

5. Choose the correct words in italics to complete the


1. A: How much cheese is there in the fridge?

B: Just a little / a few.
a little

2. A: Would you like some chips?

B: Just a little / a few, please.
a few

Unit Test 3 A PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and

UCLES 2019
3. A: How much / How many pizzas do you want?
B: Five. One for everyone.
How many

4. A: We haven’t got a lot / a little of milk in the fridge.

B: It’s OK. I can get some in the shop.
a lot

5. A: Have you got anything to eat?

B: I’ve only got a little / a few biscuits.
a few

6. There are a lot of / a few tomatoes in the fridge – about 20.

a lot of

7. A: How much / How many tea do you drink every day?

B: About four or five cups.
How much


6. Listen and choose the correct sound at the end of each word.

1. drinks /s/ /z/


2. dishes /s/ /ɪz/


3. onions /s/ /z/


4. chips /s/ /ɪz/


5. bananas /s/ /z/


Unit Test 3 A PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and

UCLES 2019
6. fridges /s/ /ɪz/

7. cakes /s/ /ɪz/


8. apples /s/ /z/


9. sandwiches /s/ /ɪz/


Unit Test 3 A PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and

UCLES 2019

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