Micro Doppler Signatures of Dynamic Humans From Around The Corner

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Micro-Doppler Signatures of Dynamic Humans From Around

The Corner Radar

Shelly Vishwakarma, Aaquib Rafiq, and Shobha Sundar Ram
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi
New Delhi, India 110020

Abstract—Recent studies have demonstrated the possibility of sensing

dynamic targets around the corners with no direct signal in line-of-
sight with respect to the radar. These works have mostly focused on the
detection of targets around the corner on the basis of multipath scattering
from lateral walls. However, strong specular multipath returns are only
obtained for highly conductive walls or at high carrier frequencies. There
is minimal research effort into using the existing indoor radar hardware
at much lower carrier frequencies for around the corner sensing of
targets. In this paper, we have performed a detailed experimental analysis,
including both simulations and measurements, of the effect of wall
parameters and carrier frequency on the around the corner micro-
Doppler signatures of dynamic humans. Our results demonstrate that
in real world scenarios where walls are lossy, target micro-Dopplers are Fig. 1. Propagation mechanisms for around the corner radar include propaga-
weak and distorted by multipath scattering at high carrier frequencies tion of radar signals through the walls (TTW), diffraction around the corners
and are sensed only very near the radar. At lower carrier frequencies, and multipath scattering off lateral walls.
the targets are sensed at greater distances and the micro-Dopplers are
not significantly distorted by multipath since the signals mostly travel
along the direct path through the wall. frequencies (X, Ku), where wall materials are highly lossy. In
Index Terms—Through-wall radar, around the corner radar, FDTD, these conditions, the radar scatterings consist of strong specular
micro-Doppler signatures multipath returns and very weak direct path signals through the walls.
I. I NTRODUCTION Therefore, these works have modeled radar returns using ray tracing.
In recent years, sensing targets around the corner of walls and However, if ACR data are to be collected from existing hardware
other types of blockages by radar is being increasingly researched for systems developed for TWR purposes or other ubiquitous low-
surveillance purposes [1]–[4]. The around the corner radar (ACR) frequency wireless networks such as WiFi, then the direct path signal
is relatively new when compared to through wall radar (TWR) through the wall cannot be ignored. The resulting ACR signatures
[5] and indoor radar [6] technologies. Indoor radars are typically will consist of features arising from all three of the propagation
characterized by low carrier frequencies and bandwidths of the order mechanisms shown in Fig.1. In this paper, we study the propagation
of few hundreds of MHz, resulting in range resolution in the order of effects for realistic wall parameters on signatures generated from both
meters. These radars have usually relied on Doppler information for simulated and measured ACR data.
inferring the type of activity undertaken by the target [7], [8] while We simulate the signal propagation phenomenology of an around-
in [9], [10], the range and azimuth information have been gathered the-corner radar using a full-wave electromagnetic solver based on
for localizing and imaging the target. Detection and localization finite difference time domain (FDTD) techniques for four different
of targets in ACR are considerably complicated by the complex carrier frequencies in S, C, X and Ku bands. Our previous works
electromagnetic propagation phenomenology of the radar signals, as have demonstrated methods to simulate both narrowband [16] and
shown in Fig.1. At low frequencies, the radar signal may propagate broadband radar [17] returns from humans in TWR environments
through the blockage (such as a wall). There may be diffraction for both a single antenna element and an antenna array [18]. Here,
around edges of the blockage as well as multipath signals arising from the wall propagation phenomenology, modeled using finite difference
specular reflections off the surface of the blockages. As a result, the time domain techniques (FDTD), and primitive based models of
radar signatures - the high range resolution profiles and the Doppler humans, are hybridized to generate the radar returns. We adapt the
spectrograms - may be considerably distorted. method to simulate the ACR radar returns of a human. First, we
Measurements of ACR radar data have been previously conducted consider a single point scatterer moving with constant velocity and
at S-band [11], X band [12] and Ku bands [13]. In [12], the study the Doppler returns for different wall parameters such as the
authors demonstrated that micro-Doppler signatures of humans could dielectric constant, the conductivity, the thickness, and the width of
be generated in non line-of-sight (NLOS) conditions using stepped the walls. Then we simulated micro-Dopplers of a human moving
frequency continuous waveforms while in [13], the authors proposed along a trajectory such that the human is always under non-line-
a detection and localization strategy based on generalized likelihood of-sight conditions. We provide a comparison to the micro-Doppler
ratio test applied on multipath returns. In [11], the authors used signatures obtained in free space scenarios. Finally, we present
WiFi signals to detect moving targets around corners. Along with experimental results of micro-Doppler data gathered from around-the-
measurement data collection, there have also been several efforts to corner radar scenarios for the three carrier frequencies and provide
model ACR data. Prior works have mostly simulated ACR scattering a comparison of the resulting signatures with those obtained under
by modeling walls as perfect electric conductors [14], [15]. This line-of-sight conditions. Our results show that the Doppler returns
assumption is mostly valid when the radars operate at high carrier are most sensitive to the carrier frequency of the signal and the

978-1-7281-6813-5/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 169

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The wall parameters - r and σ - are varied for each independent
simulation. The time-domain simulations are run until they reached
steady-state conditions. Then the steady-state time-domain electric
field for every point in the FDTD space is Hilbert transformed
to obtain the frequency domain response at the desired carrier
frequency E(x, y, fc ). We scale the resultant electric field suitably
with a constant to obtain the propagation function HACR (x, y, fc )
for desired transmitted radar power.
The steady-state time-domain electric fields for four carrier fre-
quencies and for two wall conductivity are presented in Fig.3. The top
row presents the electric fields for σ = 0.0001S/m while the bottom
row shows the fields for high σ = 105 S/m. In both cases, we observe
the differences in the propagation phenomenology for the different
carrier frequencies. When the walls are not very lossy (low σ), the
radar signal penetrates through the wall and reaches the corridor space
in the NLOS region with respect to the radar. The penetration is
greater for the low carrier frequencies when compared to the higher
carrier frequencies. We also observe scattering off the lateral surfaces
of the wall giving rise to multipath and around the corner of the wall.
When the walls are highly lossy, resembling perfect electric conductor
Fig. 2. Trajectory followed by a point scatterer in FDTD space. conditions, we observe that the through-wall propagation is very low
and the signal in the NLOS regions are far higher due to constructive
conductivity of the wall. At low carrier frequencies, walls are not interference from multipath signals scattered off the walls. The results
very lossy, and the Doppler returns are mostly identical to those indicate that the dominant electromagnetic propagation mechanism is
obtained under free space scenarios. However, at high frequencies strongly determined by the carrier frequency and wall conductivity.
the multipath signals arising from specular reflections off the lateral
walls give rise to additional Doppler components. The strength of A. Electromagnetic radar scattering from a point scatterer in ACR
the returns is a function of the reflectivity of the walls. When the scenarios
walls are not very conductive, the multipath returns are weak and the We first consider the motion of a point target along a straight-line
distance at which the target’s micro-Doppler is observed is quite low. trajectory. The target starts from a position of (x0 = 5.5, y0 = 2.5)m
Our paper is organized as follows. In section II, we describe the and moves along the trajectory shown in the Fig.2 for a duration of
simulation set up based on FDTD for obtaining the radar returns of 5s at a velocity of v = −1.5x̂ + 0ŷm/s. Therefore, the target is in
a point scatterer and for an extended human target in an around-the- NLOS conditions with respect to the radar from 0 to 2.73s and from
corner radar scenario for different carrier frequencies. We present 3.93 to 5s. From 2.73 to 3.93s, the target is within the LOS of the
the simulated radar micro-Doppler signatures for different ACR radar. The point scatterer is assumed to have a nonfluctuating radar
scenarios. In section III, we present the experimental set up for cross-section of 1m2 . We simulate the discretised time-domain radar
measurement data collection of a human monitored by an ACR radar returns, sfc [n], at carrier frequency fc using
and the related results. Section IV concludes the paper.
sfc [n] = HACR (x[n], y[n], fc )2 . (1)
II. S IMULATION E XPERIMENTS where x[n] = x0 + vx nΔt and y[n]) = y0 + vy nΔt denote the
We simulate the electromagnetic propagation phenomenology for position along the point target’s trajectory at every nth time sample
the ACR radar using a two-dimensional FDTD based full wave at a sampling frequency of Fs = Δt = 1000Hz. The square in the
solver. The geometry of the simulation space is shown in Fig.2. above expression models the two-way propagation phenomenology,
The space spans 12m along X and 4m along Y . There are three including through-wall physics, multipath scattering, and diffraction.
walls that segment the space into two rooms (highlighted with a We obtain the time-varying Doppler spectrograms of the target by
different color) and a T-shaped white corridor space. The walls applying the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) on the radar returns
are 20cm thick, and the corridor spans 1.55m in its width. The as shown below
source in the FDTD simulation is assumed to be located at the 

radar position at (0, 0.5)m and excited by a narrowband source of λc χ[n, f ] = x[k]h[k − n]e−j2πf k/N . (2)
wavelength corresponding to a carrier frequency fc . The entire two- k=1

dimensional space is bounded by a perfectly matched layer (PML) of Here N is the number of time samples in the short time window
2λc thickness. The wall is characterized by a dielectric constant of r of 0.1s and h[n] is a Hamming window that is applied to mitigate
and conductivity σ. The FDTD space is discretised with a resolution Fourier based side lobes.
of λc /10. Simulation results and analysis: Fig.4 shows the Doppler spec-
To study the effect of the radar carrier frequency and the wall trograms generated for the four carrier frequencies (2.4GHz, 5GHz,
propagation parameters on the radar signatures, we perform inde- 10GHz and 26GHz) for free space and under ACR scenarios with
pendent simulations at four carrier frequencies - 2.4GHz, 5GHz, different wall conductivity. The top row of the figure shows the free
10GHz and 26GHz. The first two frequencies correspond to existing space results for the four carrier frequencies. The motion of the
licensed bands for wireless systems that are also being used for point scatterer is the same in all the cases and hence the Doppler
indoor radar purposes. The remaining two frequencies are used to velocity is the same. However, the time-varying Doppler frequency
provide results that can be compared with other studies on ACR data. shown in the figure varies as a function of the carrier frequency


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Fig. 3. Top row shows the steady state time-domain electric fields for FDTD space with dielectric walls (r = 4, σ = 0.0001) at (a)2.4GHz, (b)5GHz,
(c) 10GHz and (d)26GHz. The bottom row shows the results for FDTD space with PEC walls (r = 4, σ = 105 ) at (e)2.4GHz, (f)5GHz, (g)10GHz and
(h)26GHz. The walls are indicated with dotted lines.
with the higher carrier frequencies giving rise to higher Doppler B. Electromagnetic radar scattering from dynamic human in ACR
frequencies. As the point scatterer walks from 0 to 2.73s in the scenarios
NLOS region, the Doppler is positive and then it becomes negative We extended the formulation in (1) from a single point target to
in the LOS region when the target tangentially crosses the radar. an extended target with multiple point scatterers. If each bth point
Then the Doppler becomes negative as the target moves away from scatterer has a scattering coefficient ab and a trajectory (xb [n], yb [n]),
the radar. The strongest returns arise at approximately 2.5s when then the time-domain radar returns from the extended target is given
the target is nearest the radar. In all of the four cases, we are able by
to observe the sidelobes of the Doppler frequency that arise from
Fourier processing. Since the sampling frequency is the same across 

all four cases, we see fewer sidelobes for the higher carrier frequency. sfc [n] = ab HACR (xb [n], yb [n], fc )2 . (3)
The second row shows the returns for the ACR scenarios when the
wall conductivity is σ = 0.0001S/m. When the wall conductivity The above radar signal model integrates the animation motion of the
is low, the dominant propagation mechanism between the radar and extended target and the electromagnetic phenomenology of the ACR
the target is the through-wall propagation especially at lower carrier radar. In this paper, we consider the human as an extended target. The
frequencies. In the NLOS region from 0 to 2.73s, we are able to human is a three-dimensional target and is modelled as a combination
observe the Doppler returns of the point scatterer for all four carrier of 17 primitives - either spheres or ellipsoids - that model the different
frequency. We observe that the strength of the signal is strongest in the body parts. The human subject follows the trajectory shown in Fig.5
case of the 2.4GHz carrier due to penetration of the signal through the at a speed of 1m/s for a duration of 5sec. Here, the subject starting
walls. For higher carrier frequencies (10GHz and 26GHz), we observe from a position (x0 = 4.5, y0 = 2.5)m, approaches the radar and
some Doppler spreading from the single point scatterer. These arise then turns around and walks away from the radar. The human is
from the multipath scattering of the radar signal off the lateral walls. assumed to be walking in NLOS conditions with respect to the radar
However, since the walls are not very conductive, these returns are for the entire duration of the motion. The motion of the human and
weak. The Doppler spreading is most visible from 2.73s to 3.93s thereby the three-dimensional position of the scattering center of each
when the point scatterer is within the LOS region with respect to the of the primitives (xb [n], yb [n], zb [n]) are obtained from computer
radar. These returns are due to the multiple bounce of the radar returns animation. The animation data which are described at video frame
along the lateral walls of the corridor where the radar is located. The rates (60 Hz) are interpolated to obtain the motion information at the
bottom most row shows the Doppler spectrograms when the wall radar sampling frequency of 1KHz. The three-dimensional human is
conductivity is very high (equivalent to PEC). Again, we are able suitably projected into the two-dimensional FDTD simulation space
to observe the target returns around the corner in the NLOS region. and appropriate 2D to 3D scaling is carried out to the propagation
The strength of the signals are even higher than the previous case term HACR [xb , yb ] for each position of the scattering center as
with the low wall conductivity. This is because the radar signals are described in [16]. The strength of the scattering coefficient is obtained
not absorbed by the lateral walls and are completely reflected. The from radar cross-section formulae for the primitive shapes for the
regions where the multipath scattering constructively interfere give corresponding carrier frequency. The coefficient is further scaled by
rise to higher strengths. The Doppler spreads at higher frequencies the two path loss factor. The strength and positions of the scattering
are now considerable both in the NLOS region and in the LOS centers are substituted in (3) to obtain the time-domain radar returns.
region. The results indicate that the multipath Doppler components Simulation results and analysis: We simulate radar returns from a
are enhanced at high carrier frequencies with PEC walls. walking human at four carrier frequencies (2.4GHz, 5GHz, 10GHz,
and 26GHz) in free space, and then repeat the exercise for different
ACR scenarios for two wall conductivity values as discussed the pre-


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Fig. 4. Spectrograms of a point scatterer in: (a)-(d) free space conditions; (e)-(h) around the corner of a dielectric wall (r = 4, σ = 0.0001) conditions;
and (i)-(l) around the corner of a PEC wall (r = 4, σ = 105 ) conditions at the carrier frequencies 2.4GHz, 5GHz, 10GHz and 26GHz respectively.

The second row shows the micro-Doppler returns around the

corner when the wall parameters are r = 4, σ = 0.1S/m. The
parameters are chosen to mimic the realistic ACR scenarios with
brick walls. Here, we can observe the micro-Doppler returns for
all four carrier frequencies. However, the strength of the returns is
highest for the lower frequencies since the through-wall propagation
effect dominates at these frequencies. At higher carrier frequencies,
we observe micro-Doppler spreading arising due to the multipath
scattering off the lateral walls. However, the signal strength is weak
since significant energy is absorbed by the walls. The last row
shows the spectrograms when the wall conductivity is very high.
The strength of the returned signal is highest amongst all the cases,
which is possibly due to the constructive interference of the multipath
scattering off the lateral walls. The radar signals are completely
reflected by the walls. Hence, the Doppler spread is more pronounced
at higher frequencies when the wall behaves as PEC.
Fig. 5. Trajectory followed by a human in around the corner radar scenario.
vious section. Fig.6 shows the corresponding Doppler spectrograms. A. Experimental Set Up
The top row shows the micro-Doppler signatures for the different We gather measurement data in an ACR scenario using the experi-
carrier frequencies in freespace conditions. These spectrograms are mental set up shown in Fig.7. The radar consists of a Field Fox vector
generated using the short-time Fourier transform with a short time network analyzer that can operate from 30KHz to 14GHz. We connect
window of 0.1 seconds. Due to the dynamic motion of the arms two broad band horn antennas (HF907) at the two ports of the VNA.
and legs, each scattering center along the human follows a distinct We configure the VNA to perform narrowband two port scattering
trajectory, and the resultant Doppler spectrogram show micro-Doppler parameter measurements. The S21 measured by the VNA provides us
features. The Dopplers are positive when the human approaches the time-domain radar returns. The transmitted power of the VNA was
the radar and are negative when the human moves away from the set at a maximum of +3dBm. The sampling frequency of the VNA
radar. As expected, the Doppler spectrograms corresponding to high is 370Hz. The limited sampling frequency arises due to the hardware
carrier frequencies show finer frequency resolution than low carrier limitation of the VNA. We perform independent measurements at
frequencies. We kept identical sampling frequency for all the carrier three carrier frequencies - 2.4GHz, 5GHz and 10GHz. Based on our
frequencies. Therefore, there is some amount of aliasing at 26GHz. current hardware limitations, we could not carry out measurements


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Fig. 6. Spectrograms of a simulated human moving in: (a)-(d) free space conditions, (e)-(h) around the corner of a dielectric wall (r = 4, σ = 0.1)
conditions; and (i)-(l) around the corner of a PEC wall (r = 4, σ = 105 ) at the carrier frequencies 2.4GHz, 5GHz, 10GHz and 26GHz respectively.
at Ku band. The measurements were first carried out in free space the radar. The Doppler returns are at the same band of frequencies as
and then repeated in the ACR scenario shown in the figure. The the free space results. This indicates that the dominant propagation
measurement area consists of a T-shaped corridor with 30cm thick mechanism at this frequency is the through-wall propagation. Note
brick walls on either side with some doors. The corridor spans 1.8m. the signal travels a two-way propagation path through two walls and
The radar is spaced 0.9m behind the edge of the wall as shown in the hence undergoes significant attenuation. In the case of 5GHz, the
Fig.7(c). The human walks along a straight line over a distance of 5m ACR returns are only visible from 0.5s on wards. we observe some
at an approximate speed of 1.5m/s and then turns around and moves Doppler spread due to the multipath returns of the radar signals off the
away. In the ACR scenario, the human is always in the NLOS region lateral walls. However, since real walls are not PEC, the strength of
with respect to the radar. The horns are tilted so as to ensure that the these returns is quite weak. In the case of the X band radar signal, the
human is always within the field-of-view of the radar antennas. The Doppler spread is significant especially where the human is nearest
human motion was carefully replicated for each measurement. The the radar, when he turns from the radar and begins to walk away.
duration of each measurement is 2.5s. However, the strength of the returns are quite weak. The radar signal
does not significantly penetrate the wall. Hence, we do not observe
B. Experimental Results any returns from 0 to 1s.
The micro-Doppler signatures of the human motion in free space IV. C ONCLUSION
and in the ACR scenarios for the three carrier frequencies are shown We have done a detailed experimental study including both simu-
in Fig.8. The human motion was mostly identical across the free lations and measurements of the effect of wall parameters and carrier
space and ACR conditions. Therefore, the Doppler velocity of the frequency on the ACR micro-Doppler signatures. Our study shows
torso and the legs and arms are mostly the same. The top row in the that at low carrier frequencies, when the walls are not very lossy,
figure shows the micro-Doppler frequencies for the different carrier the micro-Doppler signatures show Doppler returns that are similar
frequencies. The Dopplers are positive when the human approaches to those of free space scenarios (except for signal attenuation). This
the radar and become zero when the human turns and then become is because the dominant electromagnetic phenomenon is the through-
negative as the human moves away from the radar. As expected, the wall propagation. When the walls are more lossy, the multipath
Dopplers are higher for X band when compared to C and S bands. resulting from the scattering of the radar signals off the lateral walls
Due to the limited sampling frequency, we do not observe the Fourier form the dominant propagation mechanism giving rise to Doppler
sidelobes across the Doppler domain. At X bands, we observe some spreads. The strength of the signals are often weak due to the
aliasing of the higher micro-Doppler returns from the human feet at absorption of the signals by the walls except in the case of PEC walls
0.4s. where the signals are entirely reflected. Therefore, ACR detection
The bottom row of the figure show the ACR results collected from strategies based on multipath scattering require the use of high
measurement data for the three carrier frequencies. These returns carrier frequency radars and must account for the nature of the wall
were obtained from 30cm thick lossy walls. The strength of the characteristics.
returns for all three carrier frequencies is weaker than the free space R EFERENCES
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