Noun Gender

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Noun Gender

Exercise 1: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Please select the correct gendered noun that fits the sentence.
1. The _______ (king/queen) rules the kingdom with wisdom and justice.
2. The _______ (bridegroom/bride) looked absolutely stunning in her dress.
3. The _______ (sir/madam) has left her purse at the counter.
4. The _______ (lion/lioness) protects her cubs ferociously.
5. The _______ (man/woman) runs a successful business downtown.
Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the correct gendered noun that completes the sentence.
1. The _______ was excited to see the newborn puppies.
2. The _______ played the lead role in the school's drama production.
3. At the farm, the _______ looked after all the hens and roosters.
4. The _______ is the head of the family in many traditional households.
5. The head nurse told the _______ to prep for surgery immediately.
Exercise 3: Match the following
Match the gender-specific nouns with their correct counterparts.
1. King Lady
2. Bridegroom Daughter
3. Actress Actor
4. Gentleman Bride
5. Son Queen
Exercise 4: True or False
Determine whether the following sentences are using the gender-specific nouns correctly.
Select True or False.
1. The huntress set a trap to catch her prey. True / False
2. The hostess greeted us warmly when we arrived. True / False
3. The emperor's new husband was introduced at the gala. True / False
4. The actress admired the lion's mane. True / False
5. The hero of the story was a milkman. True / False
Gender Examples
Masculine Feminine Bachelor spinster
Boy girl Brother sister
Buck doe Bull cow
Bullock heifer Cook hen
Colt filly Dog bitch
Drake duck Drone bee
Earl countees Father mother
Gander goose Gentleman Lady
Some Masculine words change entirely when they become Feminine
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Boy Girl Brother Sister
Emperor Empress Man Woman
Cock Hen Husband Wife
Horse Mare Bull Cow
God Goddess Son Daughter
King Queen Uncle Aunt
By changing a word Prefix or suffix (before or after)Changing the Prefix
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
He Bear She bear Man Servant Maid Servant
Dog Fox Bitch Fox Son in law Daughter in law
Bull Calf Cow Calf Man Servant Maid Servant
Brother in law Sister in law He goat She goat
Changing the Suffix (Word After)
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Grand-Father Grand-Mother Pea-Cock Pea- Hen
Land-Lord Land-Lady Washer-man Washer- Woman
Bar Man Bar Maid Dairy- Man Dairy- Maid
Step-Son Step-Daughter
By adding “ess” to Masculine without changing its form.
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Peer Peeress Author Authoress
Host Hostess Lion Lioness
Priest Priestess
By adding “ess” to Masculine after removing the last vowel of the Masculine.
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Hunter Huntress Conductor Conductress
Actor Actress Waiter Waitress
Instructor Instructress Founder Foundress
Proprietor Proprietress
In an irregular type
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Master Mistress Lad Lass
God Goddess Mr. Mrs Master
Master Miss
Some exception
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Fox Vixen Hero Heroine
His Her Widower Widow
Bridegroom Bride
Identify the nouns in the following sentences and then rewrite after changing the
1. The duck dived into the water.
2. The bride rode a mare to her wedding.
3. The hen has found a worm.
4. The empress was angry with her maid servant.
5. The husband of this lady is an actor.
6. The bull chased the boys.
7. The ewe chased the lad.
8. The fox caught a lamb.
9. He worshiped God in the temple.
10. The tiger and lion had a fight.
A) Rewrite these sentences changing the Masculine Nouns to the Feminine Nouns:
1. The dog barked at the old man.
2. My father loves his sister very much.
3. That old lady has two sons.
4. Mr. John knows his duties towards the king.
5. The duke is a good man.
B) Pick out the nouns belonging to the Common Gender in the following sentences:
6. My neighbour has gone to the market.
7. Two of my cousins are living in Japan.
8. All the children sat around the table.
9. The teacher punished all the students.
10. His friend did not come to the party.
C) Give the Feminine Genders of the following nouns:
11. Bullock - __________ 12. Priest - __________
13. Landlord - __________ 14. Prince-__________
15. Horse-____________
D) Next to each noun put a tick mark () if it belongs to the Neuter Gender; if not, put a
cross (X).
16. Fan ( ) 17. Fox ( ) 18. Piano ( ) 19. Wood ( ) 20. Waiter ( )
E) Pick out the Nouns in the following sentences and next to each write the gender:
21. The policeman shot at the thief.
22. Jack fell down and broke his crown.
23. We saw the actress with her children.
24. Not many people can keep a secret.
25. The servant served tea to all.
F) Identify the gender of the underlined words in the following sentences. Write M for
masculine, F for feminine, C for common and N for neuter words:
26. Workers are doing a great job for the company. _____________
27. I need a pen to sign this document.____________
28. Man works hard for his family. _____________
29. Girls usually like pink colour. _____________
30. This hero is my favourite. ____________

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