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Multicomponent Analysis System
Described product

Erwin-Sick-Str. 1
79183 Waldkirch

Legal information
This work is protected by copyright. Any rights derived from the copyright shall be
reserved for SICK AG. Reproduction of this document or parts of this document is only
permissible within the limits of the legal determination of Copyright Law. Any modifica‐
tion, abridgment or translation of this document is prohibited without the express writ‐
ten permission of SICK AG.
The trademarks stated in this document are the property of their respective owner.
© SICK AG. All rights reserved.

Original document
This document is an original document of SICK AG.

2 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | MCS200HW 8021889/AE00/V2-0/2019-08 | SICK

Subject to change without notice

1 About this document........................................................................ 6
1.1 Function of this document....................................................................... 6
1.2 Scope of application................................................................................. 6
1.3 Target groups............................................................................................ 6
1.4 Further information................................................................................... 6
1.5 Symbols and document conventions...................................................... 6
1.5.1 Warning symbols...................................................................... 6
1.5.2 Warning levels / Signal words................................................. 7
1.5.3 Information symbols................................................................ 7
1.6 Data integrity............................................................................................. 7

2 Safety information............................................................................ 8
2.1 Basic safety information........................................................................... 8
2.2 Warning information on device................................................................ 8
2.3 Intended use............................................................................................. 9
2.4 Responsibility of user............................................................................... 9
2.5 User qualification...................................................................................... 10

3 Product description........................................................................... 11
3.1 Product identification............................................................................... 11
3.2 Gas supply terminology............................................................................ 11
3.3 Layout and function.................................................................................. 12
3.3.1 Analyzer cabinet....................................................................... 14
3.3.2 Gas sampling unit.................................................................... 15
3.3.3 Heated sample gas line........................................................... 15
3.3.4 Hose bundle line...................................................................... 15
3.3.5 Instrument air conditioning (option)....................................... 15
3.3.6 Integrated GMS811 FIDORi (option)...................................... 16
3.4 Extended interfaces (optional)................................................................. 16
3.5 Remote maintenance (optional).............................................................. 16

4 Transport and storage....................................................................... 17

4.1 Transport................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Protective measures for long-term storage............................................. 18

5 Mounting............................................................................................. 19
5.1 Safety......................................................................................................... 19
5.2 Scope of delivery....................................................................................... 19
5.3 Checklist for mechanical and electrical installation............................... 19
5.4 Installing the analyzer cabinet................................................................. 20
5.5 Assembly information for sample gas lines and hose bundle line........ 20
5.6 Installation sequence............................................................................... 21
5.6.1 Connect the sample gas line to the analyzer......................... 21
5.6.2 Tube screw fittings................................................................... 22

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5.6.3 Connecting the signal lines to the analyzer........................... 22

5.6.4 Setting the pressure reducer module.................................... 22
5.6.5 Connecting the valve block..................................................... 23
5.6.6 Connecting the span gases..................................................... 24
5.6.7 Connect sample gas outlet..................................................... 25

6 Electrical installation........................................................................ 26
6.1 Safety......................................................................................................... 26
6.2 Equipment protection............................................................................... 26
6.3 Disconnecting device................................................................................ 26
6.4 Socket for Service work............................................................................ 26
6.5 Electrical connections.............................................................................. 26

7 Commissioning.................................................................................. 28
7.1 Before switching on.................................................................................. 28
7.2 Switching on.............................................................................................. 28
7.3 Recognizing the safe operating state...................................................... 28
7.4 Adjusting.................................................................................................... 28
7.4.1 Performing zero point adjustment.......................................... 28
7.4.2 Performing reference point adjustment................................. 29

8 Operation............................................................................................ 31
8.1 Operating concept.................................................................................... 31
8.2 User groups............................................................................................... 31
8.3 Display....................................................................................................... 31
8.4 Tiles........................................................................................................... 32
8.5 Measuring Screen..................................................................................... 33

9 Menus.................................................................................................. 34
9.1 Password................................................................................................... 34
9.2 Menu tree.................................................................................................. 34

10 Maintenance...................................................................................... 38
10.1 Important information.............................................................................. 38
10.1.1 Information on span gases..................................................... 39
10.2 Cleaning..................................................................................................... 39
10.3 Maintenance plan..................................................................................... 40
10.4 Checking the system................................................................................ 40
10.5 Maintaining the instrument air conditioning........................................... 41
10.6 Replacing the filter pads.......................................................................... 42

11 Troubleshooting................................................................................. 44
11.1 Important information.............................................................................. 44
11.2 Error messages and possible causes..................................................... 45
11.3 Measured values erroneous.................................................................... 48
11.4 Replacing the electronics filter pad......................................................... 48

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12 Decommissioning............................................................................. 49
12.1 Switch-off states....................................................................................... 49
12.2 Shipping for repair.................................................................................... 49
12.3 Transport................................................................................................... 50
12.4 Disposal..................................................................................................... 50

13 Technical data.................................................................................... 51
13.1 Dimension drawings................................................................................. 51
13.2 Technical data........................................................................................... 52
13.2.1 Measuring parameters............................................................ 52
13.2.2 Ambient conditions.................................................................. 53
13.2.3 Design....................................................................................... 53
13.2.4 Interfaces and protocols......................................................... 54
13.2.5 Voltage supply.......................................................................... 54
13.2.6 Supply gases............................................................................ 55
13.2.7 Tube connections..................................................................... 55
13.2.8 Sample gas conditions............................................................ 55
13.2.9 Heated sample gas lines......................................................... 55
13.2.10 Connections in analyzer.......................................................... 56
13.2.11 Circuit breakers........................................................................ 59
13.2.12 Torques..................................................................................... 60

14 Annex.................................................................................................. 61
14.1 Conformities.............................................................................................. 61
14.2 Licences.................................................................................................... 61

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1 About this document

1.1 Function of this document
These Operating Instructions describe:
• Device components
• Assembly
• Commissioning
• Operation
• Maintenance work required for reliable operation
• Troubleshooting
• Decommissioning

1.2 Scope of application

These Operating Instructions are only applicable for the measuring device described in
the product identification.
They are not applicable for other SICK measuring devices.
The standards referred to in these Operating Instructions are to be observed in the
respective valid version.

1.3 Target groups

This Manual is intended for persons commissioning, operating and maintaining the

1.4 Further information

• SFU Gas Sampling Unit Operating Instructions
• Sample Gas Line Operating Instructions
• System documentation
• Option: MPR (Meeting Point Router) Operating Instructions
• Option: Instrument Air Conditioning Operating Instructions
• Option: GMS800 FIDOR / FIDORi Operating Instructions
• Option: Condensate Container Operating Instructions

1.5 Symbols and document conventions

1.5.1 Warning symbols

Table 1: Warning symbols
Symbol Significance
Hazard (general)

Hazard by voltage

Hazard by acidic substances

Hazard by noxious substances

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Symbol Significance
Hazard by toxic substances

Hazard by high temperature

Hazard for the environment/nature/organic life

1.5.2 Warning levels / Signal words

Risk or hazardous situation which will result in severe personal injury or death.
Risk or hazardous situation which could result in severe personal injury or death.
Hazard or unsafe practice which could result in less severe or minor injuries.
Hazard which could result in property damage.

1.5.3 Information symbols

Table 2: Information symbols
Symbol Significance
Important technical information for this product

Important information on electric or electronic functions

1.6 Data integrity

SICK AG uses standardized data interfaces such as, for example, standard IP technol‐
ogy, in its products. The focus here is on product availability and features.
SICK AG always assumes that the customer is responsible for the integrity and confi‐
dentiality of data and rights involved in connection with using the products.
In all cases, the customer is responsible for the implementation of safety measures
suitable for the respective situation, e.g., network separation, firewalls, virus protection
and patch management.

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2 Safety information
2.1 Basic safety information
Electrical safety

Danger to life through electric shock
There is a risk of electric shock when working on the device with the voltage supply
switched on.
b Before starting work on the device, ensure the voltage supply can be switched off
in accordance with the valid Standard using a power isolating switch/circuit
b Make sure the disconnector switch is easily accessible.
b An additional disconnecting device is mandatory when the power disconnector
switch cannot be accessed or only with difficulty after installation of the device
b Switch off the voltage supply before starting any work on the device.
b After completion of the work or for test purposes, calibration the power supply may
only be activated again by authorized personnel complying with the safety regula‐

Danger to life by electric voltage
b Only allow an authorized electrician to work on the electric system
b Disconnect the device from the power supply before performing work on the

Endangerment of electrical safety through power cable with incorrect rating
Electrical accidents can occur when the specifications for installation of a power line
have not been adequately observed.
b Always observe the exact specifications in the Operating Instructions (see "Techni‐
cal data", page 51) for installation of a power line.

Dangerous substances

Mortal/health danger as a result of gas path leakage
When the device is used to measure toxic gases: A leak, for example in the purge air
supply, can be an acute hazard for persons.
b Regularly check all gas-carrying components for leaks.
b Take suitable safety measures. For example:
° Attach warning signs to the device.
° Attach warning signs in the operating area.
° Safety-oriented instruction of persons that could be in this area.

2.2 Warning information on device

The following safety symbols are on the device:

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Table 3: Warning symbols

Symbol Significance
Warning for general hazard

Warning for hazard by electric voltage, possibly also by residual electric voltage

Warning for hazard through hot surfaces

If you need to work on a subassembly marked with such a symbol:

b Read the relevant Section in these Operating Instructions
b Observe all the safety information in the relevant Section

2.3 Intended use

The MCS200HW is a multicomponent analysis system for continuous flue gas monitor‐
ing of industrial combustion plants (emission measuring system). The sample gas is
extracted at the measuring point and fed through the analysis system (extractive mea‐
The analysis system is designed for indoor installation.
b Refer to the system documentation delivered for information on the device equip‐

2.4 Responsibility of user

Designated users
see "User qualification", page 10.

Correct project planning

• Basis of this Manual is the delivery of the device according to the preceding
project planning (e.g., based on the SICK application questionnaire) and the rele‐
vant delivery state of the device (see delivered System Documentation).
w If you are not sure whether the device corresponds to the state defined dur‐
ing project planning or to the delivered system documentation: Please con‐
tact SICK Customer Service.

Correct use
b Use the device only as described in “Intended use”.
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any other use.
b Carry out the specified maintenance work.
b Do not carry out any work or repairs on the device that are not described in this
Do not remove, add or change any components in or on the device unless such
changes are officially allowed and specified by the manufacturer.
If you do not observe this:
° The manufacturer's warranty becomes void.
° The device could become dangerous.

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Special local conditions

In addition to the information in these Operating Instructions, follow all local laws, tech‐
nical rules and company-internal operating and installation directives applicable wher‐
ever the device is installed.

Read the Operating Instructions

b Read and observe these Operating Instructions.

b Observe all safety instructions.
b If anything is not clear: Please contact SICK Customer Service.

Document retention
These Operating Instructions
b Must be kept for reference.
b Must be passed on to new owners.

2.5 User qualification

This Manual is intended for persons commissioning, operating and maintaining the

Table 4: Qualification requirements

Tasks User groups Qualification
Assembly Qualified personnel • General knowledge in mea‐
surement technology, special‐
ist device knowledge (possibly
customer training at SICK)
Electrical installation Qualified personnel • Authorized electrician (autho‐
rized skilled electrician or per‐
son with similar training)
• General knowledge in mea‐
surement technology, special‐
ist device knowledge (possibly
customer training at SICK)
Initial start-up Authorized operator Ü • General knowledge in mea‐
surement technology, special‐
Returning to operation
ist device knowledge (possibly
customer training at SICK)
Decommissioning • Operator / system integrator • General knowledge in mea‐
• Authorized operator Ü surement technology, special‐
ist device knowledge (possibly
Troubleshooting customer training at SICK)
Service training
• Authorized electrician (autho‐
rized skilled electrician or per‐
son with similar training)
• Service training
Maintenance Operator / system integrator Autho‐ • General knowledge in mea‐
rized operator Ü surement technology, special‐
ist device knowledge (possibly
customer training at SICK)
• Service training

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3 Product description
3.1 Product identification
Product name MCS200HW
Manufacturer SICK AG
Erwin-Sick-Str. 1 · D-79183 Waldkirch · Germany
Type plate Type plates are located outside on the right of the enclosure.
The second type plate states the integrated measuring modules.
An additional copy of the type plate can be found on the inside of
the cabinet.

MCS200HW type plates

¨ HCl ¨ SO2
¨ NH3 ¨ N2O
¨ CO ¨ CO2
¨ NO ¨ H2O
¨ CH4 ¨ O2
¨ NO2 ¨ TOC
Figure 1: Type plates, schematic representation
1 Product name
2 Item number
3 Specification on voltage supply
4 Serial number
5 Barcode
6 Measuring modules

Analyzer type plate

Figure 2: Type plates, schematic representation

1 Product name
2 Item number
3 Specification on voltage supply
4 Serial number
5 Barcode

3.2 Gas supply terminology

Definition of utility gases:

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• Zero gas: Gas to adjust the zero point. Instrument air or nitrogen (N2)
• Span gas: Gas to adjust the measuring range full scale value
• Instrument air: Compressed air free of oil, water and particles

Gas quality: see "Supply gases", page 55

3.3 Layout and function

System overview

5 6

Figure 3: System overview (schematic)

1 Gas sampling unit see "Gas sampling unit", page 15

2 Heated sample gas line see "Heated sample gas line", page 15
3 Hose bundle line see "Hose bundle line", page 15
4 Analyzer cabinet see "Analyzer cabinet", page 14
5 Voltage supply see "Voltage supply", page 54
6 Interfaces 1 x Ethernet: Connections see "Connections in
analyzer", page 56
Customer-specific analog and digital inputs
and outputs, see wiring diagram
7 Instrument air inlet Observe the quality of the operator's instru‐
Option: Instrument air conditioning ment air: see "Supply gases", page 55
A separate instrument air supply can also be
connected as zero gas (IR components) or
span gas (O2 sensor).
8 Sample gas outlet

Measuring principle
• IR components: Single-beam infrared photometer with interference filter and gas
filter correlation method
• Oxygen: Zirconium dioxide sensor

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Measuring components
Output of measured values in mg/m³ or percentage volume, relative to humid flue gas.
Refer to the system documentation provided for the configuration of your system.

The system operates independently.
Operation is performed using the display in the analysis system door.
Operating states are signaled by status signals and shown on the display.
• Sampling of flue gas at the measuring point with a heated gas sampling unit
• Sample gas feed to the analyzer in a heated sample gas line
• Heating temperature of all parts with sample gas contact: 200 °C
• Pump: Ejector pump in cell (operated with instrument air)
• The analysis system uses status indicators to signal the current operating state:
see "", page 31
• The analysis system switches to operating state “System Stop” automatically when
a malfunction occurs
“System Stop” corresponds to classification “Failure”: see "", page 31
° The sample gas line and the sample gas path in the analyzer are automati‐
cally purged with instrument air in this mode.
° Measured values are updated further.
Check (validation) and adjustment
• Zero point adjustment: see "Performing zero point adjustment", page 28
• Reference point adjustment: see "Performing reference point adjustment",
page 29
• Adjustment with internal adjustment filter: see "Performing reference point adjust‐
ment", page 29
• Backflush of the gas sampling unit
° Automatic (configuration with internal trigger, duration e.g., 2 minutes every 4
° Manual

Operating using the display

It is also possible to operate the MCS200HW using the display in the door.

Operation via external PC (optional)

Operator menus and measured value displays are also available for easy use on an
external PC via the Ethernet connection (with Google Chrome browser and SOPAS Air).

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3.3.1 Analyzer cabinet

Figure 4: Exterior and interior view

Analyzer module
1 Cell module
• Ejector pump
• Inlet filter
2 Optics module
3 Electronics module

Analyzer cabinet
4 Sample gas inlet (heated sample gas line)
5 Hose bundle line
6 Valve block
7 Pressure reducer module
Notice: Observe the quality of the operator's instrument air: see "Supply gases",
page 55
8 Sample gas outlet
9 I/O modules

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3.3.2 Gas sampling unit

Figure 5: Gas sampling unit (example with

heated gas sampling pipe)

• The gas sampling unit extracts the sample gas from the exhaust duct.
• The gas sampling pipe is:
° unheated
° or heated
• The gas sampling unit is thermostatically controlled.
• The analyzer cabinet regulates the heaters.
• When no voltage is applied, the “heated sample gas line” and the analyzer cabinet
are flushed with instrument air.

b Further information on the gas sampling unit: See the provided “Gas Sampling Unit
SFU Operating Instructions”

3.3.3 Heated sample gas line

• The heated sample gas line leads the flue gas from the gas sampling system to
the analyzer cabinet.
• The sample gas line is thermostatic-controlled to prevent condensation of the flue
° The analyzer cabinet regulates the heating.
3.3.4 Hose bundle line
The hose bundle line comprises electrical and pneumatic control lines.

3.3.5 Instrument air conditioning (option)

Only feed conditioned instrument air to the analyzer cabinet. The instrument air quality
is specified in Annex chapter 13.2.6 . Operation with air not satisfying these specifica‐
tions voids the warranty and does not ensure proper functioning of the device.

Instrument air conditioning serves to condition the compressed air provided by the
b Refer to the Instrument Air Conditioning Operating Instructions delivered with the
system for further information

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3.3.6 Integrated GMS811 FIDORi (option)

As an option, the MCS200HW can be equipped with an integrated GMS811 FIDORi for
measuring the total carbon (TOC). Measured values and operating states can be dis‐
played using the MCS200HW display.
If the GMS811 FIDORi is integrated, it is stated on the type plate by the “TOC” module.
Further information: see GMS800 FIDOR / FIDORi Operating Instructions

3.4 Extended interfaces (optional)

As standard, analog and digital signals are used for device communication with cus‐
tomer peripherals. Alternatively, output can be performed using the Modbus-TCP proto‐
SICK also offers various optional converter modules that can be installed by the cus‐
tomer for communication with the device via MODBUS TCP. Available options

Modbus® is a communication standard for digital controls to create a connection
between a »Master« device and several »Slave« devices. The Modbus protocol only
defines the communication commands, not their electronic transfer; it can therefore be
used with differing digital interfaces (Ethernet).
The measuring device is equipped with a digital interface for data transmission in
accordance with Guideline VDI 4201, Sheet 1 (General requirements) and Sheet 3
(Specific requirements for Modbus). Refer to the documentation delivered (Modbus sig‐
nal list) for assignment of the Modbus registers. Only SICK Service may perform para‐
meter settings.

3.5 Remote maintenance (optional)

The SICK Meeting Point Router (MPR) is available for remote diagnostics via the inter‐
The MPR links a plant-side machine network with the SICK remote architecture.
A firewall which decouples the machine network from the internet or the operating com‐
pany network is integrated in the MPR.

An internet connection must be available.
Further information, see optional “MPR Operating Instructions”.

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4 Transport and storage

4.1 Transport

The device may only be transported and installed by skilled persons who, based on
their training and knowledge as well as knowledge of the relevant regulations, can
assess the tasks given and recognize the dangers involved.

Transport and install the device with suitable hoisting equipment (e.g. a crane or jack
lift with adequate lifting capacity).

Transport via crane

Analyzer cabinets are transported safely with delivered lifting lugs. The following permis‐
sible total loads apply for symmetrical loads:
• For 45° cable pull angle 4 800 N
• For 60° cable pull angle 6 400 N
• For 90° cable pull angle 13 600 N

Figure 6: Analyzer cabinet suspension

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4.2 Protective measures for long-term storage

• When gas lines were unscrewed: Close all gas connections (with sealing plugs) to
protect internal gas paths against moisture, dust or dirt penetrating
• Close off open electrical connections dust-tight
• Protect the display against sharp-edged objects. Possibly attach a suitable protec‐
tive cover (e.g. made of cardboard or hard foam)
• Select a dry, well-ventilated room for storage
• Wrap the device (e.g. with stretch foil)
• If high air humidity can be expected: Enclose a drying agent (e.g., silica gel) in the

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5 Mounting
5.1 Safety

The device may only be installed by trained, skilled persons.

5.2 Scope of delivery

Please see the delivery documents for the scope of delivery.

5.3 Checklist for mechanical and electrical installation

Observe the sequence during installation. Connect the gas sampling units on the
exhaust duct as last task.
Incorrect assembly can create a risk of contaminating the gas sampling unit. In this
case, exhaust gas can penetrate the unheated analyzer and possibly condensate.
1. First connect instrument air and voltage supply.
2. Then install the gas sampling unit in the exhaust duct.

Observe laying information (Chapter, see "Assembly information for sample gas lines
and hose bundle line", page 20).
Table 5: Fitting and connecting system components
System components Reference
Install analyzer cabinet see "Installing the analyzer cabinet", page 20
Electrical connections on analyzer see "Electrical connections", page 26
Connect signal lines to analyzer see "Connecting the signal lines to the analyzer",
page 22
Install SFU gas sampling system See SFU Operating Instructions
Connect heater hose
Air and gas connections on analyzer see "Setting the pressure reducer module",
page 22
Connect sample gas line to analyzer see "Connect the sample gas line to the analyzer",
page 21
Sample gas outlet see "Connect sample gas outlet", page 25

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5.4 Installing the analyzer cabinet

30 cm
142 cm

20 cm 20 cm

• Observe the clearances for the heated sample gas line.

• Install the analyzer in a well ventilated room at a location with temperature condi‐
tions in accordance with the specification.
• Observe the relevant ambient conditions: see "Ambient conditions", page 53

• Install the analyzer cabinet on a ground with sufficient load capacity.

• Install the analyzer cabinet horizontally.
• Remove the plastic cover from the base.
• Fasten the analyzer cabinet using 4x M10 screw connections (to the ground).

5.5 Assembly information for sample gas lines and hose bundle line
Installing the sample gas lines

Danger to life by electric voltage
b Only allow an authorized electrician to work on the electric system
b Disconnect the device from the power supply before performing work on the

b Start laying at the analyzer cabinet.

° The end with the electric connection belongs on the analyzer.
Important: The screw fitting for the enclosure duct must be located at the
end of the electrical connection (analyzer side).
° The end without electrical connection belongs on the gas sampling unit.

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Roll up excess length at the gas sampling unit.

Leave enough length for pulling the gas sampling unit.
b Protect the line from damage (chafing through vibration, mechanical load).
b Observe a minimum bending radius of 300 mm.

Fitting the hose bundle line

Start laying the hose bundle line at the analyzer. Roll up excess length at the gas sam‐
pling unit.
1. Assembly on the analyzer: see "Electrical connections", page 26
2. Lay the hose bundle line to the analyzer cabinet.
° Roll up excess length at the gas sampling unit.
° Leave enough length for pulling the gas sampling unit.
° Protect the line from damage (chafing through vibration, mechanical load).
° Minimum bending radius: 300 mm.
3. Assembly on the gas sampling unit: SFU Operating Instructions

Fit the sample gas lines and hose bundle line on the intended cable strips.
b Observe the minimum distance and bend radius.

≥ 100 mm
250 mm



Figure 7: Sample gas line: Distance and radius

5.6 Installation sequence

5.6.1 Connect the sample gas line to the analyzer

Connect heated sample gas line to analyzer

1. Unscrew the counter nut from the cable gland. Remove from sample gas line.
2. Lead sample gas line together with electrical connections from above through the
enclosure opening in the analyzer cabinet roof.
3. Push counter nut back over the sample gas line and electric connections.
4. Screw counter nut tight on the cable gland.
5. Unscrew cell cover and remove.
6. Remove protective cap from sample gas line.
7. Insert sample gas line to stop in the clamping ring screw connection on the cell.
8. Screw the sample gas line tight on the clamping ring screw connection.
9. Attach red foam insulation to the clamping ring screw connection. Bind together
with a cable clip. No thermal bridges may remain.

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10. Close cell again.

11. Screw cable gland tight.
12. Push electric lines downwards through the cable duct.
13. Connect power supply of the sample gas line:

5.6.2 Tube screw fittings

Clamping ring screw connection

Figure 8: Clamping ring screw connection

b Push the tube up to the stop in the tube b During initial assembly: Hold the fitting
screw fitting. bolt steady and tighten the cap nut with
Turn the cap nut finger-tight. 1 1/4 revolutions.
b During refitting: Tighten the cap nut to
the previous position (the resistance
increases noticeably) and then slightly

Push-in fitting (pneumatic)

Figure 9: Push-in fitting with retaining ring

1 Retaining ring
2 Line

b Inserting the tube: Push tube in.

b Removing the tube: Press the retaining ring in and pull the tube out.

5.6.3 Connecting the signal lines to the analyzer

Connect the signal lines according to the wiring diagram.

5.6.4 Setting the pressure reducer module

The external air supply is fitted on the pressure reducer module.

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b Set the controllers to the pressures shown in the Figure.

6 bar
3 bar

4 bar
0 10 0 10 0 10

Figure 10: Pressure reducer module

1 Inlet of instrument air with zero gas quality
2 Inlet of instrument air solely as induction air for ejector
3 Manual valve for instrument air selection (closed position)
4 3 pressure reducers (adjustable)

The instrument air is used as both induction air for the ejector (cell) and zero/control
There are two possibilities of connecting instrument air:
b One (1) common instrument air supply for ejector air and zero/control air (inlet 1)
b Separate instrument air supply for:
° Ejector air (inlet 2)
° and zero/control air (inlet 1)
Instrument air quality
The quality requirement for instrument air used exclusively as ejector air is lower
than for usage as zero/control air (zero gas quality) (see "Supply gases", page 55
b When connected just as instrument air supply with zero gas quality to be used as
common air for both ejector air and zero/control air (on inlet 1):
w Set manual valve to position “open”.
b When connected as (1) instrument air supply for the ejector (on inlet 2) and as
instrument air supply with zero gas quality (on inlet 1):
w Set manual valve to position “closed”.

5.6.5 Connecting the valve block

Hazard when pressure is too high
Hoses can burst when the pressure is too high.
b Observe the maximum pressures of the gases provided by the operator: see "Sup‐
ply gases", page 55.

The following are located on the valve block:

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• Gas connections of the gas sampling unit hose bundle line

1 Inlet: Zero gas

2 Outlet: Zero gas measuring point 1
3 Outlet: Zero gas measuring point 2 (option)
4 Outlet: Control air measuring point 1
5 Outlet: Backflush air measuring point 1
6 Outlet: Control air measuring point 2 (option)
7 Outlet: Backflush air measuring point 2 (option)
8 Inlet: Control/backflush air
9 Inlet: Auxiliary control air

5.6.6 Connecting the span gases

The span gases are connected to the span gas unit.

Figure 11: Span gas unit connections

1 Span gas connection 1
2 Span gas connection 2

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The Figure serves as example. It is also possible to connect more than two span gas

1. Lead the span gas lines through the roof into the enclosure and connect to the
span gas unit.
2. Turn the span gas on and set the pressure to approx. 3.5 bar.
3. Check the lines for leak tightness.

5.6.7 Connect sample gas outlet

Noxious and aggressive exhaust gases
Exhaust gases can contain components harmful to health or irritating.
b Lead the measuring system gas outlets outdoors or into a suitable flue.
b Do not connect the exhaust gas line with the exhaust gas line of sensitive sub‐
assemblies. Aggressive gases could damage these subassemblies as a result of

Condensate could accrue in the exhaust gas line.
b Use a suitable hose line to run the condensate outlet into an open condensate
container or a waste disposal line.
b Lay the line so that it always runs downwards.
b Keep the line opening free from any blockages or liquids.
b Protect the line from frost.

Connect the sample gas outlet at the intended place.

Lay the exhaust gas line in a suitable manner:
• The gas outlet must be open to the ambient pressure; in waste disposal lines it
can be laid with a light partial vacuum.
• Do not bend or crimp exhaust gas lines.

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6 Electrical installation
6.1 Safety

The device may only be installed by trained, skilled persons.

6.2 Equipment protection

The customer must ensure short-circuit protection according to the valid standards
using fuses or automatic circuit breakers with short-circuit protection and overload pro‐

6.3 Disconnecting device

Install a disconnector switch or circuit breaker according to the valid standard for dis‐
connecting the voltage supply.
Install an additional disconnecting device if an UPS is used.
Make sure the disconnector switches are easily accessible.

6.4 Socket for Service work

It is recommended to install a socket according to the valid standards for Service work
on the device near the analysis system.

6.5 Electrical connections

The lines are led through the roof using cable glands. Refer to the wiring diagram deliv‐
ered for the line duct and the relevant installation.
Connect power supply
The power supply is located on the left on the analyzer.

Figure 12: Power supply connections

° Install an external power disconnection unit which disconnects all connectors
and fuses near the analyzer.
° The power disconnection unit must be marked clearly and be easily accessi‐
° The onsite wiring system to the power source of the system must be installed
and fused according to the relevant regulations.
° Always connect a protective ground to PE.

b Route the electric lines through the screw fittings of the enclosure.
b Connect the electric lines.

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As an option, the system can be supplied with power by an UPS. Refer to the delivered
wiring diagram for information on how to install it. Install an additional disconnecting
device if an UPS is used.

High voltage test

Remove the bridges, see figure 12, page 26 to avoid incorrect measurements during a
high-voltage test.
Insert the bridges again after the high-voltage test.

Connect signal line (optional)

Figure 13: Signal lines connections (shielded)

b Lead cable through the enclosure duct.

b Attach shield as shown in the Figure above.

Connect Ethernet (optional)

Figure 14: Ethernet connection

b Lead the Ethernet cable into the enclosure through the cable gland for Ethernet
b Establish a safe contact between the shield of the signal cable and the cable

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7 Commissioning
7.1 Before switching on
b Check the measuring device: see "Checking the system", page 40
b Instrument air must be connected and open
° If the instrument air supply has changed: Check the instrument air quality.
Specified quality: see "Supply gases", page 55
b Check pressure settings on the pressure reducer unit: see "Setting the pressure
reducer module", page 22

7.2 Switching on
1. Switch on the external power disconnection unit:
° SOPASair loading screen is displayed.
° A countdown is shown on the display, counting down from 80.
° The start screen opens.
Display: System initialization
° The measuring device heats up:
Display: System heats
The status indicator is orange.
Heating process can take up to 2 hours.
° Display: Premeasure
The status indicator is orange
° The status indicator is green.
Display: Measure
The measuring device is ready for operation.
When the yellow or red status indicator is on: Display logbook and clear error:
Error list, see "Error messages and possible causes", page 45.
The measuring device is in operation.

7.3 Recognizing the safe operating state

The system is in proper operation when:
• A system check (see "Checking the system", page 40) has been carried out
according to the Maintenance plan before commissioning and in running opera‐
• Only the green status indicator is on and Measuring is shown in the status bar.
When the yellow or red status indicator is on: Display logbook and clear error: Error
list, see "Error messages and possible causes", page 45

7.4 Adjusting

7.4.1 Performing zero point adjustment

Menu: Tasks →Zero point adjustment

As standard, the zero point adjustment is used to adjust the zero points of the mea‐
sured values while instrument air is fed.
Zero point adjustment runs cyclically (preset) but can also be started manually.
If the deviation is higher than a specified limit value, the system switches to classifica‐
tion “Maintenance request” and the zero point is however corrected.

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1. Click tile “Zero point adjustment”.
✓ The operating state switches to zero point adjustment.
✓ The respective active step is displayed.
✓ The time elapsed and the remaining time of the state and of the respective active
step is displayed.
2. The system switches back to original state automatically when adjustment has
been completed.

7.4.2 Performing reference point adjustment

Adjustment with internal adjustment filter
Menu: Tasks → Adjustment with internal adjustment filter
During adjustment, concentrations of measuring components are adjusted with an
adjustment filter.

1. Click tile “Adjustment with internal adjustment filter”.
✓ The operating state switches to adjustment with internal adjustment filter.
✓ The respective active step is displayed.
✓ The time elapsed and the remaining time of the state and of the respective active
step is displayed.
2. The system switches back to original state automatically when adjustment has
been completed.

Adjustment with span gas

Menu: Tasks → Reference point adjustment

During adjustment, the concentrations of the respective measuring component are

adjusted using span gas.

Span gas adjustment

1. Compare the span gas concentration set with the certificate of the span gas cylin‐
der and, when necessary, change it in the device: Tasks→ Reference point adjust‐
ment - Concentrations.
2. Perform manual update.
3. Use the arrow button to go to the next Figure.
4. Start adjustment with “Reference point adjustment”.
✓ The operating state switches to reference point adjustment.
✓ The time elapsed and the remaining time of the state and of the respective active
step is displayed.
5. The system switches back to original state automatically when adjustment has
been completed.

O2 adjustment
Menu: 2 adjustment→ 1 adjustment → O2 adjustment

During adjustment, the concentrations of the respective measuring component are

adjusted using instrument air as standard.

O2 adjustment
1. Start adjustment with “O2 adjustment”.
✓ The operating state switches to O2 adjustment.
✓ The time elapsed and the remaining time of the state and of the respective active

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step is displayed.
2. The system switches back to original state automatically when adjustment has
been completed.

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8 Operation
8.1 Operating concept
The analysis system is equipped with a display with touchscreen.
• All menus and functions are shown on the display.
• The menus and functions are called up using the tiles.
• The current operating state is displayed by the status indicator (Namur).

8.2 User groups

Depending on the user group, different menus are visible on the device.
User group Task
Operator System monitoring regarding measured values and status
Authorized client Configuration, simple error clearance and maintenance

8.3 Display

1 Quick access
2 Search box
3 Editing and updating tools
4 Display and selection screen
5 Display of time and date
6 Status indicator (Namur)
7 Display of operating state
8 Display of user
9 Display of menu path

Significance of status indicator (Namur)

Color Status signal Significance
Normal Valid output signal

Maintenance request Maintenance necessary, valid output signal

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Color Status signal Significance

Outside specification Signal outside specified range

Function check Sporadically no valid output signal

Failure No valid output signal

8.4 Tiles
Symbol Name Function
Login symbol Calls up the Login menu.

Menu symbol Calls up the menu.

Home symbol Goes back to start screen (measured value


Quick access to tasks Calls up the task menu where the most important
functions for the operator are contained.

Quick access to logbook Calls up the device logbook.

Quick access to Measuring Selection of saved Measuring Screens using a drop-

Screen down menu.

Search box Enter a search term to call up the relevant display.

History Selection of the last six displayed pages using a

drop-down menu.

Refresh Reloads the called up page.

“Edit” Activates editing on the input pages.

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8.5 Measuring Screen

Figure 15: Measuring Screen

1 Legend of displayed measured values
2 Measured value concentration
3 Measuring time and date
4 Tiles

Measuring Screen tiles

Symbol Name Function
Visibility Switches the visibility of the measured value curve
on and off.

Move left Shifts the time axis of the measured value curve.

Move right Shifts the time axis of the measured value curve.

Current value Jumps to the current measured value of the mea‐

sured value curve on the time axis.

Stop Stops update of measured values.

Adjust y-axis Displays the largest preset range of component

concentrations of visible components.

Adjust x-axis Displays preset range of time.

Increase Increases display of time axis.

Reduce Reduces display of time axis.

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9 Menus
9.1 Password
Configuration is only possible on level “Authorized Client”. Login is performed using tile
“Login” and a password prompt.
Password for “Authorized Client”: HIDE (preset)

9.2 Menu tree

Menu level Explanation

1 Tasks Quick access to the most important func‐

tions for the operator
2 Adjustment

2.1 Adjustment

2.1.1 Zero point adjustment The measured value zero points are
adjusted while instrument air is fed.

2.1.2 Adjustment with internal adjustment fil‐ The concentrations of measuring compo‐
ter nents are adjusted with an adjustment fil‐

2.1.3 Reference point adjustment The concentrations of measuring compo‐

nents are adjusted while span gas is fed.

2.1.4 O2 adjustment The zero and reference point is adjusted

while instrument air is fed.

2.1.5 Pressure adjustment Adjustment of pressure sensors.

2.2 Validation

2.2.1 Zero point validation The measured value zero points are
checked while instrument air is fed, but not

2.2.2 Validation with internal adjustment filterThe concentrations of measuring compo‐

nents are adjusted with an adjustment fil‐
ter, but not adjusted.

2.2.3 Reference point validation The concentrations of measuring compo‐

nents are checked while span gas is fed,
but not adjusted.

2.3 Span gas feed Different reference materials can be con‐

trolled. No adjustment or validation is per‐

2.4 Results

2.4.1 Adjustment factors Displays the adjustment factors for span

gas and adjustment with internal adjust‐
ment filter.

2.4.2 Zero point drift Displays the determined percentage devia‐

tion after zero point validation.

2.4.3 Reference point drift (internal adjust‐ Displays the determined percentage devia‐
ment filter) tion of measuring component concentration
after validation with an adjustment filter.

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2.4.4 Reference point drift (span gas) Displays the determined percentage devia‐
tion of measuring component concentration
after validation with span gas.

2.5 Settings

2.5.1 Span gas concentrations Entry fields for updating the span gas con‐

2.5.2 Component-specific parameters Displays the parameters of the individual

measuring components.

2.5.3 Parameters Displays general parameters and parame‐

ters relevant for adjustment.

2.5.4 Cyclic triggers Displays configured start times of


3 Diagnosis

3.1 Status Displays device information and the current


3.2 Logbooks

3.2.1 Device logbook Logbook of pending messages and status

with start and end date.

3.2.2 Customer protocol Tile “Edit” allows entries by operator and

maintenance personnel.

3.3 Device state data

3.3.1 Operating hours counter Displays operating hours.

3.3.2 Temperatures Displays temperatures and their status.

3.3.3 IR source Displays IR source status.

3.3.4 Motors Displays motor values.

3.3.5 Pressure Displays current pressures.

3.3.6 Flow rate Displays flow rates and their status.

3.3.7 Hardware monitoring Displays values and hardware status.

3.3.8 O2 sensor Displays values and O2 sensor status.

3.3.9 Reference energy Displays reference energy of the individual

measuring components.

3.3.10 Intensity Displays intensities of measuring filters and

reference filters.

3.4 Interfaces

3.4.1 Analog outputs Displays current mA of the individual analog


3.4.2 Analog inputs Displays current mA of the individual analog


3.4.3 Digital outputs Displays digital output status. Digital out‐

puts switched off are marked with “.” ,
those switched on with “I”.

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3.4.4 Digital inputs Displays digital input status. Digital inputs

switched off are marked with “.” , those
switched on with “I”.

3.4.5 Modbus outputs Displays values of the individual Modbus


3.4.6 Modbus inputs Displays values of the individual Modbus


3.5 Signals

3.5.1 Measuring signals Displays measuring signals of the measur‐

ing components.

3.5.2 Boolean values

3.5.3 Real values

3.5.4 Filtered values

3.5.5 Integer values

3.5.6 Real constants

3.6 Diagnosis files

3.6.1 Export of measured value history Option for exporting the Measuring Screen

4 Parameters

4.1 Display settings Tile “Edit” serves to adjust the Measuring

Screen layout.

4.1.1 Measuring Screen 1

4.1.2 Measuring Screen 2

4.1.3 Measuring Screen 3

4.1.4 Measuring Screen 4

4.1.5 Measuring Screen 5

4.1.6 Measuring Screen 6

4.1.7 Measuring Screen 7

4.1.8 Measuring Screen 8

4.2 Measuring components Displays definitions of measuring compo‐

nents and monitoring limits.

4.3 Interfaces Displays information on the different inter‐


4.3.1 Analog outputs

4.3.2 Analog inputs

4.3.3 Digital outputs

4.3.4 Digital inputs

4.3.5 Modbus outputs

4.3.6 Modbus inputs

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4.3.7 Modbus

4.3.8 OPC outputs

4.3.9 LAN

4.3.10 Hardware plan (CAN)

4.4 Date and time Set date and time.

4.5 Device information Displays device information.

5 Measuring Screen Displays individual preset Measuring


5.1 Measuring Screen 1

5.2 Measuring Screen 2

5.3 Measuring Screen 3

5.4 Measuring Screen 4

5.5 Measuring Screen 5

5.6 Measuring Screen 6

5.7 Measuring Screen 7

5.8 Measuring Screen 8

6 Maintenance

6.1 Maintenance signal Switch Maintenance signal on and off.

6.2 Restart Restart the device.

6.3 Data backup

6.3.1 Backup

6.3.2 Restore

6.4 Protocol Tile “Edit” allows entries by operator and

maintenance personnel.

6.5 Functions Trigger sequences and states.

• A sequence can be started from any

state except standby.
• States must be terminated or changed

6.6 Reset

6.6.1 Confirm active messages

7 Settings Tile “Edit” serves to make settings.

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10 Maintenance
10.1 Important information
Requirements for the maintenance personnel
• Only allow an authorized electrician to work on the electrical system or electrical
• The technician must be familiar with the exhaust gas technology of the operator's
plant (hazard by overpressure and toxic and hot flue gases) and be able to avoid
hazards when working on gas ducts.
• The technician must be familiar with handling compressed gas cylinders (span
• The technician must be able to avoid hazards caused by noxious span gases.
• The technician must be familiar with gas lines and their screw fittings (be able to
ensure gas-tight connections).

Observe voltage variants
Some spare parts are available in different voltage variants, 115 V or 230 V.
b Check spare parts for voltage dependency before fitting: see "Voltage supply",
page 54
The power voltage of your system is shown on the type plates.

Danger to life through electric shock
There is a risk of electric shock when working on the device with the voltage supply
switched on.
b Before starting work on the device, ensure the voltage supply can be switched off
in accordance with the valid standard using a power isolating switch/circuit
b Switch off the voltage supply before starting any work on the device.
b After completion of the work or for test purposes or calibration, the power supply
may only be activated again by authorized personnel complying with the safety reg‐

Hazard of severe damage to electronic subassemblies through electrostatic discharge
When touching electronic subassemblies, there is a hazard of severe damage to the
subassembly by electric potential equalization.
b Make sure you have the same electric potential as the subassembly (e.g. by
grounding) before touching the subassembly.

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Risk of chemical burns by acid gas
Acid condensate could escape when working on the sample gas lines and the associ‐
ated subassemblies.
b Take appropriate protective measures for work (e.g., by wearing a safety mask, pro‐
tective gloves and acid resistant clothes)
b In case of contact with the eyes, rinse immediately with clear water and consult a

Risk of contamination of analyzer
The gas sampling unit and analyzer are flushed with instrument air when the system is
not in measuring operation.
When the instrument air is switched off, there is the risk of contamination of the ana‐
b Pull the gas sampling unit out of the exhaust duct when instrument air is not avail‐
able for a longer period of time.

Risk of burns on hot surfaces
Surface can become hot through operation of the device.
b Switch analyzer off and allow to cool down
b wear suitable protective clothes, for example, heat-resistant gloves.

Observe the following:

b After working on the gas path: Perform a leak tightness check.
b After exchanging a span gas cylinder: Check the compliance with the span gas
concentration set in the menu: 2 Adjustment → 5 Settings → 1 Concentrations

10.1.1 Information on span gases

Before working on span gas cylinders or span gas lines: Relieve the span gas pressure.
b Shut off the span gas cylinder.
b Open the span gas valve: Menu: 2 Adjustment → 3 Span gas feed.
b Wait for about 1 minute until the pressure in the lines has been relieved.
b Close the span gas valve: Menu: 2 Adjustment → 3 Span gas feed.

10.2 Cleaning

Device damage through incorrect cleaning.
Incorrect cleaning can lead to device damage.
• Only use recommended cleaning agents.
• Do not use sharp objects for cleaning.

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Clean surfaces and parts with media contact:

• Remove loose contamination with compressed air.
• Remove adhering contamination with a mild soap solution and a soft cloth. Ensure
the electric parts do not come into contact with liquids.

Cleaning the display

• Regularly clean the display from outside to ensure heat dissipation and thus oper‐
• It is recommended to clean the surfaces with a damp, soft cloth and wipe them
with a dry, soft cloth.
• In case of heavier contamination, do not use acidic or abrasive cleaning agents as
these corrode the surface structure. Use neutral soap sud or limescale remover
specially suitable for the surface.
• Use 2-propanol/isopropanol (isomeric alcohol) for disinfection.

10.3 Maintenance plan

This Maintenance plan describes the maintenance work specified by the manufacturer.
Perform checks in accordance with the guidelines to be applied by the operator in
accordance with the intervals described therein.

Table 6: Maintenance intervals

Interval Maintenance work Remark
Quarterly Gas sampling unit: See SFU Operating Instructions

• Check fine filter and seals.

• Clean or renew if necessary.

Instrument air (option): See Instrument Air Conditioning Operating

• Replace filter elements if required.

Depending on the system, it may be necessary to perform the following maintenance tasks
more frequently:
Check the analysis system. see "Checking the system", page 40
Instrument air (option): See Instrument Air Conditioning Operating
b Check oil and water.
b Clean drains if required.
b Clean filter housing if required.
b Check pressure.
One filter pad each in the fan and air outlet see "Replacing the filter pads", page 42

b Check fine filter and seals.

b Clean or renew if necessary.
Every 6 Gas sampling unit: See SFU Operating Instructions
• Replace the filter element and seals.

10.4 Checking the system

Check subassemblies
• Check complete measuring system (from sample gas sampling to exhaust gas) for
outer damage.
• Check sample gas outlet for continuity.
• Check system cabinet for cleanness, dryness and freedom from corrosion.
• Check grounding conductors are free from corrosion.

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• Check valve block and pressure reducer unit for leak tightness:
° No permanent hissing noise should be noticeable.
° Check no air is escaping from the connections, e.g., with leakage spray
Check external instrument air supply
• Check pressure, oil, particle and water content according to the specification (see
"Supply gases", page 55).
• If an external instrument air conditioning is provided:
Check condition of filters: Refer to the Instrument Air Conditioning Operating
Instructions delivered

Check span gases

• Check span gases (when used)
° Use-by date
° Cylinder pressure fill level
° Condition of cylinders
Check environment
• Check room ventilation.
• Check ambient conditions of analyzer and gas sampling unit: Temperature, humid‐
ity, vibrations

Check gas sampling unit

• Visually check state from the outside and clean as necessary.
• Check sample gas line for outside damage.

Check measured values (when system in operation)

• Check display for pending error messages.
• Check measured values for plausibility.
• Check external instrument air conditioning (optional).

10.5 Maintaining the instrument air conditioning

Maintaining the instrument air conditioning (optional).

1. Switch on the analyzer maintenance signal: Tasks → Maintenance signal on/off

2. Flush system for 10 minutes in this state.
3. Close off operator's instrument air supply.
The probe tube is not purged when no instrument air is available.
b Only close off the instrument air supply for a short time (several minutes).

4. Perform maintenance on the instrument air conditioning according to the provided

manufacturer's instructions.
5. Open instrument air supply again.
6. Switch the maintenance signal off again.

External instrument air conditioning (optional)

1. Check the external instrument air conditioning for correct function.
b Observe quality requirements for instrument air.

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10.6 Replacing the filter pads

Figure 17: Lower fan grill

Figure 16: Fan grill position

1 Upper fan grill
2 Lower fan grill

The device is equipped with two different fans with different filter pads.
Tools required
• Torx screwdriver set

Only replace the filter pads when the device is switched off.

Replacing the upper filter pads:

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1. Loosen 4 screws on the fan grill (1/4 turn).

2. Take fan grill off.

3. Replace the filter pads (face in) on all four sides.

4. Fit the fan grill again and screw tight.

Replacing the lower filter pad:

1. Take fan grill off.
2. Take filter pad out.
3. Immediately fit new filter pad (face in).
4. Press fan grill back on.

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11 Troubleshooting
11.1 Important information
Requirements for the maintenance personnel
• Only allow an authorized electrician to work on the electrical system or electrical
• The technician must be familiar with the exhaust gas technology of the operator's
plant (hazard by overpressure and toxic and hot flue gases) and be able to avoid
hazards when working on gas ducts.
• The technician must be familiar with handling compressed gas cylinders (span
• The technician must be able to avoid hazards caused by noxious span gases.
• The technician must be familiar with gas lines and their screw fittings (be able to
ensure gas-tight connections).

Observe voltage variants
Some spare parts are available in different voltage variants, 115 V or 230 V.
b Check spare parts for voltage dependency before fitting: see "Voltage supply",
page 54
The power voltage of your system is shown on the type plates.

Hazard of severe damage to electronic subassemblies through electrostatic discharge
When touching electronic subassemblies, there is a hazard of severe damage to the
subassembly by electric potential equalization.
b Make sure you have the same electric potential as the subassembly (e.g. by
grounding) before touching the subassembly.

Risk of chemical burns by acid gas
Acid condensate could escape when working on the sample gas lines and the associ‐
ated subassemblies.
b Take appropriate protective measures for work (e.g., by wearing a safety mask, pro‐
tective gloves and acid resistant clothes)
b In case of contact with the eyes, rinse immediately with clear water and consult a

Risk of contamination of analyzer
The gas sampling unit and analyzer are flushed with instrument air when the system is
not in measuring operation.
When the instrument air is switched off, there is the risk of contamination of the ana‐
b Pull the gas sampling unit out of the exhaust duct when instrument air is not avail‐
able for a longer period of time.

Observe the following:

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b After exchanging subassemblies: Switch the system on according to the switch-on

procedure: see "Switching on", page 28
b After exchanging a span gas cylinder: Check the compliance with the span gas
concentration set in the menu: 2 Adjustment → 5 Settings → 1 Concentrations

11.2 Error messages and possible causes

Current pending messages are shown on the device display.

The following Table only includes those messages with classification "X" that are impor‐
tant for information.
Messages not included in the following Table have no further significance for operation.

Display of current device state data: Logbook

1. Clear messages with status “F” first.
2. Close the logbook and open it again to check whether the error is cleared.

Trigger: System
C = Classification
F = Failure
M = Maintenance request
Table 7: Error codes - System
Code Error text K Description Possible clearance
S001 Temperature too high F Measuring cell temperature too high When T ≥ 360.7 °C: Check plug-in connectors.
When ok: Call SICK Service.
When T < 360.7 °C: Call SICK Service.
Optic head temperature too high When T ≥ 151.2 °C: Check plug-in connectors.
When ok: Call SICK Service.
When T < 151.2 °C:
When cabinet temperature ≥ 55 °C: Check cabi‐
net fan / replace filter pad.
Otherwise, call SICK Service.
Temperature of heating for a subassembly Check device documentation to clarify which sub‐
too high assembly is affected.
When T ≥ 360.7 °C: Check plug-in connectors.
When ok: Call SICK Service.
When T < 360.7 °C: Call SICK Service.
LPMS01 (1/2 control) temperature too high When enclosure temperature ≥ 55 °C: Check
cabinet fan / replace filter pad.
When enclosure temperature < 55 °C: Check fan
of electronics unit / clean or replace filter pad.
Otherwise, call SICK Service.
LPMS02 (power electronics) temperature too When enclosure temperature ≥ 55 °C: Check
high cabinet fan / replace filter pad.
When enclosure temperature < 55 °C: Call SICK
LPMS03 temperature too high When no error message for optic head tempera‐
ture: Call SICK Service.
Otherwise, see optic head error clearance

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Code Error text K Description Possible clearance

S002 Temperature too low F Check system documentation to clarify which
subassembly is affected (heating circuit 1 ..7).
Check circuit breaker
• Circuit breaker has triggered:
Check all affected lines for damage.
Check the plugs.
When ok: Perform reset of circuit breaker.
Check all plugs are plugged correctly.
• Circuit breaker has not triggered:
When heating hose affected: Connect new
Otherwise, call SICK Service.
S004 Flow too low F When pressure error, clear it first.
Sample gas flow too low and purge/zero gas flow
ok: Check/replace sampling filter
Sample gas flow and purge/zero gas flow too low:
Call SICK Service.
Purge/zero gas flow too low and sample gas flow
ok: Check all hose connections.
When ok: To be checked by SICK Service.
S005 Cell pressure too high F Only sample gas pressure too high:

• Ensure sample gas pressure within device

• When not possible: Call SICK Service.

Purge/zero gas and sample gas pressure too


• Exhaust gas hose crimped/blocked?

• Counter-pressure in exhaust duct too high?
• Check all hose connections.

When ok: Call SICK Service.

Only purge/zero gas pressure too high:

• Set correct pressure on pressure reducer

When ok: Call SICK Service.
S006 Cell pressure too low F Call SICK Service.
S008 Chopper F Chopper frequency not regulated. Call SICK Service.
S009 Motor filterwheel 1 F Filterwheel motor does not detect reference Call SICK Service.
S010 Motor filterwheel 2
S011 Motor filterwheel 3
S012 IR source F Voltage or current outside tolerance Call SICK Service.
S013 5 Volt power F Outside tolerance Call SICK Service.
S014 24 Volt power F Outside tolerance Call SICK Service.
S015 Detectorsignal F Call SICK Service.
S016 Ref.energy too low F Call SICK Service.
S018 O2 sensor failure F Check plug connection.
When ok: Call SICK Service.
S019 O2 adj. factor too high F Perform O2 adjustment again.
When message is still pending: Call SICK Service.
S024 No active component F When “active” checkmarks of all components When current backup available: Load backup.
are inactive Otherwise: Call SICK Service.
S025 Evaluation module failure F Evaluation module can not be started. When current backup available: Load backup.
Otherwise: Call SICK Service.
S026 Evaluation mod. file error F Files for evaluation module not created When current backup available: Load backup.
Otherwise: Call SICK Service.

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Code Error text K Description Possible clearance

S027 No result F When current backup available: Load backup.
Otherwise: Call SICK Service.
S033 Dev. zero point too high M Parameters set for measured component Check zero gas for pressure and cleanness.
Perform maintenance on compressed air condi‐
tioning unit.
Perform manual zero point adjustment twice
(menu: 2 Adjustment → 1 Adjustment → 1 Zero
point adjustment).
When message occurs again during next auto‐
matic zero point adjustment: Call SICK Service.
S034 Config. I/O mod. M Configuration error, found module does not Check IO modules, check plug connectors and
correspond to that of the nominal configura‐ voltage supply, load backup if necessary.
tion Otherwise: Call SICK Service.
S035 Ref.energy too low M Call SICK Service.
S036 O2 sensor failure M Call SICK Service.
S038 Current invalid M Analog output: Desired current not reached. Check connections on the Analog module.
S039 Current invalid M Analog input: Current outside valid range.

S040 Flow too high M Call SICK Service.

S041 Flow too low M When pressure error, clear it first.
Sample gas flow too low and purge/zero gas flow
ok: Check/replace sampling filter
Sample gas flow and purge/zero gas flow too low:
Call SICK Service.
Purge/zero gas flow too low and sample gas flow
ok: Check all hose connections. Check zero gas
needle valve setting.
When ok: To be checked by SICK Service.
S043 IR source weak M Voltage or current outside tolerance Call SICK Service.
S045 Dev. span adjust too high M Gas adjustment not performed because it is Check that correct span gas is connected, span
outside the tolerable range; parameters set gas concentration is entered correctly and the
for measured component certificate is still valid.
Perform new span gas adjustment, when mes‐
sage is still pending: Call SICK Service.
S046 Dev. int. adjust too high M Adjustment with internal adjustment filters Check instrument air and zero gas quality. Per‐
not performed because it is outside the toler‐ form adjustment again with internal adjustment
able range; parameters set for measured filters.
component When message is still pending: Call SICK Service.
S047 Dev. O2 adjust too high M O2 adjustment not performed because it is Perform O2 adjustment again, when message is
outside the tolerable range; parameters set still pending: Call SICK Service.
for measured component
S048 Alarm O2 measured value M The current O2 measured value is outside the
alarm limits.
S049 SD card not detected M Check the SD-card seat. When ok: Call SICK Ser‐
S050 Adjust factor is zero M Check entry of span gas concentration.
S055 O2 adjust factor too high M O2 adjustment factor is above warning limit. Call SICK Service.
S113 Check sum error F Error in communication between CAN node Check I/O modules, cable damage.
and I/O module
S114 Communication error F Interruption in communication between CAN
node and I/O module
S116 Connection was interr. F Signals that the output was switched free Check I/O modules, cable damage.
from current because of the time-out.

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This Table contains solution proposals that can only be processed by specially trained

11.3 Measured values erroneous

Possible cause Notes
Device does not measure the sample gas Check sample gas path and all valves (e.g. switch
from test to sample gas).
Sample gas path leaky/clogged Check installations: Leak tightness, corrosion,
Device not adjusted correctly Perform adjustment (see "Adjusting", page 28).
Check span gases first (nominal value, service
life, flow rate, configuration in menu (2 Adjust‐
ment → 5 Settings → 1 Concentrations))
Check ambient conditions • Check temperature, humidity, vibrations
• Check instrument air quality

11.4 Replacing the electronics filter pad

Only replace the filter pad when the device is switched off.

Figure 18: Electronic housing (right side)

1. Pull cover 1 off.

2. Replace the filter pad inside.

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12 Decommissioning
12.1 Switch-off states
Switch off the system, e.g. to perform maintenance work.

b Switch system off at the external power disconnection unit.

Do not switch off the instrument air supply. If this is not possible:
b Purge system for a minimum of 10 minutes
b Pull the SFU out of the measuring point.
b Ensure no sample gas reaches the analyzer.
The gas sampling unit is still purged with instrument air.
The thermostatic control of the gas sampling unit is switched off.

b Switch system off: See above
b Ensure the gas sampling unit can not be contaminated (e.g. by pulling the probe
b Switch external instrument air off
b Close off gas inlets and outlets gas-tight

12.2 Shipping for repair

Before shipping:
b Contact your local SICK representative. The addresses are on the back cover of
the Operating Instructions.
b Your SICK representative can advise you whether the defective device can be
repaired locally or whether it would more advantageous for you to return the
device for repair.
b Observe the following when returning the device to SICK:
° Flat rates for repairs (concerning duration and costs)
° Safety protection for the transport
° Replacement devices or putting the device back into operation by SICK Ser‐

Correct device preparation for return delivery
b Clean all device components.
b Use the original packaging for the transport.
b Complete the Non-Risk Declaration (NRD) and lay these clearly visible in the pack‐
Without the Non-Risk Declaration, the device will either be cleaned by a third-party com‐
pany at the customer's expense or the package will not be accepted.

Clean the device before returning

Prerequisite: Switch device free from voltage

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Clean surfaces and parts with media contact:

b Remove loose contamination with compressed air
b Remove adhering contamination with a mild soap solution and a soft cloth

Close the enclosure before cleaning so that no fluid can penetrate.

12.3 Transport
• Protect the enclosure before transport.
• Use the original packaging for transport or alternatively a suitable padded stable
• A transport container with adequate stability can also be used.
Use padding to protect the device against jolts and vibration and to fix the device
securely in the transport container.
Make sure there is adequate clearance from the sides of the transport container.

Accompanying documents when shipping for repairs: see "Shipping for repair", page 49.

12.4 Disposal
The device can easily be disassembled into its components which can then be sent to
the respective raw material recycling facilities.

The following subassemblies contain substances that may have to be disposed of sepa‐
• Electronics: Capacitors, rechargeable batteries, batteries.
• Display: Liquid of LC display.
• Sample gas filter: Sample gas filters could be contaminated by pollutants.
• All lines with sample gas contact could be contaminated with pollutants.

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13 Technical data
13.1 Dimension drawings
622 806



All dimensions in the dimension drawing are in mm.

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Observe clearances:
• Top: 30 cm
• Page:20 cm

13.2 Technical data

The Technical data depend to some extent on the individual equipment of your analyzer.
b See the system documentation provided for the configuration of your analyzer.

13.2.1 Measuring parameters

Table 8: Measured variables
Number of measured variables
Number of measured variables 10 IR components + O2 + TOC (optional)

Table 9: Measuring method

Measuring method
Measuring method Hot extractive

Table 10: Sample volume

Sample volume
Sample volume 200 ... 400 l/h

Table 11: Measuring ranges

Component Measuring range
HCl 0 ... 9 ppm; 0 ... 1840 ppm
NH3 0 ... 15 ppm; 0 ... 650 ppm
CO 0 ... 60 ppm; 0 ... 8.000 ppm
NO 0 ... 110 ppm; 0 ... 1.865 ppm
CH4 0 ... 70 ppm; 0 ... 700 ppm
NO2 0 ... 25 ppm; 0 ... 240 ppm
CO2 0 ... 25% by volume; 0 ... 50% by volume
SO2 0 ... 26 ppm; 0 ... 875 ppm
H2O 0 ... 40% by volume
O2 0 ... 25% by volume
N2O 0 ... 50 ppm; 0 ... 1.015 ppm
TOC 0 ... 15 mg/m3; 0 ... 10,000 mg/m3

Table 12: Certified measuring ranges in accordance with EN15267-3

Component Certified measuring ranges Additional measuring ranges
HCl 0 ... 15 mg/m3 0 ... 3,000 mg/m3
NH3 0 ... 10 mg/m3 0 ... 500 mg/m3
CO 0 ... 75 mg/m3 0 ... 10,000 mg/m3
NO 0 ... 150 mg/m3 0 ... 2,500 mg/m3
CH4 0 ... 50 mg/m3 0 ... 500 mg/m3

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Component Certified measuring ranges Additional measuring ranges

NO2 0 ... 50 mg/m3 0 ... 500 mg/m3
SO2 0 ... 75 mg/m3 0 ... 2,000 mg/m3
N2O 0 ... 100 mg/m3 0 ... 2,000 mg/m3
CO2 0 ... 25% by volume —
H2O 0 ... 40% by volume —
O2 0 ... 25% by volume —
TOC 0 ... 15 mg/m3 0 ... 50/150/500 mg/m3

Table 13: Measured value characteristics

Measured value characteristics
Measuring principle Photometric
Measuring precision < 2% of the respective full scale value
Detection limit < 2% of the respective full scale value
Sensitivity drift < 2% of the respective full scale value per week
Zero point drift < 2% of the respective full scale value per week
Span drift < 2% of the respective full scale value per week
Setting time t90 < 200 s, total measuring path as from probe extraction

13.2.2 Ambient conditions

Table 14: Ambient conditions - in operation
Ambient conditions in operation
Installation location Indoor installation
Ambient temperature +5 ... +40 °C
Relative humidity < 90% (without condensate)
Air pressure 850 ... 1100 hPa
Degree of protection IP 54

Table 15: Ambient conditions - in storage

Ambient conditions in storage
Ambient temperature -20 ... +70 °C
Relative humidity < 90% (without condensate)

13.2.3 Design
Table 16: Design
Design 1 x stand-alone enclosure
Material, general Steel plate, aluminium cast
Dimensions see "Dimension drawings", page 51
Installation Upright
Weight Approx. 200 kg
Materials with media contact • Stainless steel 1.4571
• Aluminium (coated)
Degree of protection IP 54
Impact resistance IK08

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13.2.4 Interfaces and protocols

Table 17: Interfaces and protocols
Operation and interfaces
Operation Via display or Google Chrome browser with SOPASair
software, several operating levels, password-protected
Display and input Foiled color display with touchscreen
Analog inputs/outputs Optional
Digital inputs/outputs Optional
Data interface 1 x Modbus TCP/IP
Profibus Configurable
Profinet Configurable
Remote support SICK MPR (optional)
PC operation Browser Google Chrome with SOPASair via Ethernet

13.2.5 Voltage supply

Table 18: Voltage supply
Voltage supply
Power input Power input

• Analyzer • Approx. 1000 VA

• Heated sample gas line • Approx. 95 VA/m
• Gas sampling unit • Approx. 450 VA
• Heated probe tube • Approx. 450 VA

Table 19: Line cross-sections

Line cross-sections (relative to leads with ferrules)

• CAN Line cross-section: 0.14 ... 1.5 mm2

AWG28 ... AWG16
• RS485

• Pt100 inputs Line cross-section: 0.25 ... 2.5 mm2

AWG30 ... AWG12
• 24 V DC valve outputs
• Digital inputs
• Relay outputs (potential-free)

• External heating circuits Line cross-section: 0.25 ... 4.0 mm2

AWG30 ... AWG10

• Voltage supply Line cross-section: 0.5 ... 6.0 mm2

AWG20 ... AWG7

Table 20: Optional interfaces

Interfaces (optional)
Digital outputs 4 outputs, 24 V, 0.5 A
Digital inputs Electrically isolated, 24 V, 0.3 A

Table 21: Cable glands

Cable glands
Hose bundle line M40x1.5 D22 -32 IP68 PA-GR
Main power supply M32x1.5 D18 -25 IP68 PA-GR
UPS power supply M20x1.5 D10 -14 IP68 PA-GR
External I/O lines (digital/analog) M20x1.5 D10 -14 IP68 EMC
Ethernet interface M20x1.5 D6 -12 IP68 EMC-D

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13.2.6 Supply gases

Risk of contamination of analyzer
b Observe the specified quality of the instrument air.
b If required, provide an instrument air conditioning.

Table 22: Supply gases

Gas Quality Inlet pressure Flow rate
Instrument air (zero Particle size max. 1 μm 600 ... 700 kPa Approx. 350 l/h
gas quality) Oil content max. 0.1 mg/m3 (6.0 ... 7.0 bar)
Pressure dew point max. –
40 °C
Purity class 2 (ISO 8573)
Instrument air solely Particle size max. 5 μm 500 ... 700 kPa Approx. 1300 l/h
as induction air for Oil content max. 1 mg/m3 (5.0 ... 7.0 bar)
ejector Pressure dew point max.
+3 °C
Purity class 3 (ISO 8573)
External span gas Span gas must comply with Max. 400 kPa Approx. 350 l/h
the specifications of the stan‐ (3.5 bar)
dards to be applied

13.2.7 Tube connections

Table 23: Tube connections
Connection Dimension
Sample gas inlet Clamping ring screw connection 6 mm
Ejector induction air DN 6/8
Span gas inlet Clamping ring screw connection 6 mm
Gas outlet DN 8/10

13.2.8 Sample gas conditions

Table 24: Sample gas characteristics
Sample gas at the measuring point Characteristic
Process temperature 10 ... 550 °C
Sample gas temperature subassem‐ Temperature:
• Approx. 200 °C
• Sample gas probe • Approx. 200 °C
• Sample gas line • Approx. 200 °C
• Cell
Process pressure -20 ... +200 hPa relative
Dust load < 200 mg/m3

13.2.9 Heated sample gas lines

Table 25: Sample gas line - characteristics
Sample gas line
Length Max. 50 m certified, longer sample gas lines on request
Ambient temperature –20 ... 80 °C
Working temperature Max. 200 °C

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Sample gas line

Temperature control 1 x Pt100
Voltage supply 115 V or 230 V
Power input 90 VA/m
Degree of protection IP 54

13.2.10 Connections in analyzer

Power supply - connection / fuses
The power supply is located on the left on the analyzer.

Figure 19: Power supply connections

Table 26: Power supply - connections
Name Supply
MAINS USV (3-pole) Power supply for electronics unit (internal)
MAINS (5-pole) External power supply
F1 Internal
F2 Internal

Electronics fuses



Table 27: Electronics connections

Name Fuse for
ELECTRONIC Electronics
TUBE 1 Sample gas line 1
FILTER/PROBE 1 Filter heater 1

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Name Fuse for

TUBE 2 Sample gas line 2
FILTER/PROBE 2 Filter heater 2
TUBE 3 Sample gas line 3
CELL Sample gas cell

Connections for heated components


Table 28: Connections - pin assignment

Plug Subassembly Pin Assignment
TUBE 1 Sample gas line 1 1 L (L)
2 N (L)
3 PE
FILTER1 Gas sampling unit filter 1 1 L (L)
(Lines from hose bundle line) 2 N (L)
3 PE
PROBE1 Gas sampling unit probe tube 1 4 L (L)
(Lines from hose bundle line) 5 N (L)
6 PE (not connected)
TUBE2 Sample gas line 2 1 ... 3 As for TUBE1
FILTER2 Gas sampling unit filter 2 1 ... 3 As for FILTER1
PROBE2 Gas sampling unit gas sampling probe 2 4 ... 6 As for PROBE1
TUBE3 Sample gas line 3

1 The connections must match the connections on the gas sampling unit.

Connections for interfaces and SD card

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1 2 RS422/RS485 RS232 02 DISP. I/0-MOD.


Table 29: Data interfaces - overview

Plug Connection for
ETH0 Ethernet (e.g. SOPAS ET), MPR (remote maintenance), communication via
Modbus TCP
ETH1 Internal
USB Internal
SD card SD card (on the right, next to USB)
CAN1 Internal
CAN2 Internal
RS422, RS485 Internal
RS232 (top plug) Internal
O2 (bottom plug) O2 sensor
DISP (top plug) Display
I/O-MOD (bottom plug) Internal

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Pt100 and signal connections

Table 30: Overview - pin assignment and signals
Plug Subassembly Pin Assignment
Pt100 Sample gas line 1 1 Pt100 +
2 Pt100 –
Gas sampling unit filter 1 3 Pt100 +
4 Pt100 –
Gas sampling unit probe tube 1 5 Pt100 +
6 Pt100 –
Not connected 7
Sample gas line 2 9, 10 As above
Gas sampling unit filter 2 11, 12 As above
Gas sampling unit probe tube 2 13, 14 As above
Sample gas line 3 15 Pt100 +
16 Pt100 –
DIGITAL Digital input 1 1 + 24 V
INPUTS 2 + Signal
3 - Signal
Digital input 2 5 ... 8 As above
Digital input 3 9 ... 12 As above
Digital input 4 13 ... 16 As above
DIGITAL Digital output 1 1 NC
3 NO
Digital output 2 4 ... 6 As above
Digital output 3 7 ... 9 As above
Digital output 4 10 ... 12 As above
VALVE Valves Internal

1 The connections must match the connections on the gas sampling unit.

13.2.11 Circuit breakers

The circuit breakers are located at the bottom of the electronics unit.
The circuit breakers are labeled.
When a circuit breaker has triggered:
b Press the circuit breaker pin back in again.
If this does not work:
w Wait for a few minutes (cooling down phase) and then press the pin back in
If this does not work: Check the subassembly and replace when necessary.

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Figure 20: Circuit breakers

13.2.12 Torques
Tighten all screw connections, for which no tightening torque or no pretension force is
specified in drawings or Assembly Instructions, according to VDI 2230.
Exceptions to this rule are all connections with screws that are not screw connections in
the real sense. This includes hose clips, cable glands, screw fittings, gas connections,
screws for circuit boards etc. Tighten these screw fittings as evenly as possible with a
much lower torque (hose clips 1 Nm, other screw fittings according to manufacturer
Select the next lowest torque valid for the screw for mixed materials and special screws
such as relieved screws.
The friction coefficient serving as basis is (screw fitting without lubrication)
µk=µG=0.14. The calculated values are valid for room temperature (T=20°C).

Table 31: Torques

Size M Pitch P Tightening torque Ma (Nm)
3.6 4.6 5.6 8.8, A2 u. 10.9 12.9
1.6 0.4 0.05 0.05 0.17 0.28
2 0.45 0.1 0.11 0.35 0.6
2.5 0.45 0.21 0.23 0.73 1.23
3 0.5 0.54 1 1.3 1.7 2
3.5 0.6 0.85 1.3 1.9 2.6 3.2
4 0.7 1.02 2 2.5 4.4 5.1
5 0.8 2 2.7 5 8.7 10
6 1 3.5 4.6 10 15 18
8 1.25 8.4 11 25 36 43
10 1.5 17 22 49 72 84
12 1.75 29 39 85 125 145
14 2 46 62 135 200 235
16 2 71 95 210 310 365
18 2.5 97 130 300 430 500
20 2.5 138 184 425 610 710
22 2.5 186 250 580 830 970
24 3 235 315 730 1050 1220
27 3 350 470 1100 1550 1800
30 3.5 475 635 1450 2100 2450
33 3.5 645 865 2000 2800 3400
36 4 1080 1440 2600 3700 4300
39 4 1330 1780 3400 4800 5600

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14 Annex
14.1 Conformities
• EC Directive: LVD (Low Voltage Directive)
EN 61010-1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, con‐
trol and laboratory use
• EC Directive: EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)
EN 61326: Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use,
EMC requirements

Further standards and directives: See Declaration of Conformity provided with the

14.2 Licences
Liability disclaimer
The firmware for this device has been developed using Open Source Software. Any
changes to the Open-Source components are in the general responsibility of the user.
All warranty claims are excluded in this case.
The following liability disclaimer is valid for the GPL components in relation to the copy‐
right holders: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be of use but, however,
without any warranty; also without the implicit warranty for marketability or suitability
for a particular purpose. Refer to the GNU General Public Licence for details.
With regard to the other Open-Source components, we refer to the liability disclaimers
of the copyright holders in the licence texts on the CD delivered.
Software licences
In this product, SICK uses unchanged and, as far is necessary and in compliance with
relevant licence conditions, changed Open Source Software.
The firmware of this device is therefore subject to the copyrights listed on the CD deliv‐
ered. Please refer to the CD delivered for a complete list of the Open Source programs
used as well as the relevant licence conditions.
Source codes
The source codes for the Open Source programs used in this device can be requested
using the following email address: [email protected]. Please enter as subject “Open
Source Software”.

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Australia Hungary Slovakia

Phone +61 (3) 9457 0600 Phone +36 1 371 2680 Phone +421 482 901 201
1800 33 48 02 – tollfree E-Mail [email protected] E-Mail [email protected]
E-Mail [email protected] India Slovenia
Austria Phone +91-22-6119 8900 Phone +386 591 78849
Phone +43 (0) 2236 62288-0 E-Mail [email protected] E-Mail [email protected]
E-Mail [email protected] Israel South Africa
Belgium/Luxembourg Phone +972 97110 11 Phone +27 10 060 0550
Phone +32 (0) 2 466 55 66 E-Mail [email protected] E-Mail [email protected]
E-Mail [email protected] Italy South Korea
Brazil Phone +39 02 27 43 41 Phone +82 2 786 6321/4
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