Perry Mehrling - Money and Empire
Perry Mehrling - Money and Empire
Perry Mehrling - Money and Empire
Charles Kindleberger ranks as one of the twentieth century’s best known and
most influential international economists. This book traces the evolution of
his thinking in the context of a “key-currency” approach to the rise of the
dollar system, here revealed as the indispensable framework for global
economic development since World War II. Unlike most of his colleagues,
Kindleberger was deeply interested in history, and his economics brimmed
with real people and institutional details. His research at the New York Fed
and BIS during the Great Depression, his wartime intelligence work, and his
role in administering the Marshall Plan gave him deep insight into how the
international financial system really operated. A biography of both the dollar
and a man, this book is also the story of the development of ideas about how
money works. It throws revealing light on the underlying economic forces
and political obstacles shaping our globalized world.
The 2008 financial crisis pointed to problems in economic theory that require
more than just big data to solve. INET’s series in New Economic Thinking exists
to ensure that innovative work that advances economics and better integrates it
with other social sciences and the study of history and institutions can reach
a broad audience in a timely way.
Perry Mehrling
Boston University
Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781009158589
© Perry Mehrling 2022
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2022
Printed in the United Kingdom by TJ Books LTD
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Mehrling, Perry, author.
Title: Money and empire : Charles P. Kindleberger and the dollar system / Perry
Mehrling, Boston University.
Description: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University
Press, 2021. | Series: Studies in new economic thinking | Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021056132 (print) | LCCN 2021056133 (ebook) | ISBN
9781009158572 (hardback) | ISBN 9781009158589 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Kindleberger, Charles P., 1910–2003. | Monetary policy – United
States. | United States. Federal Reserve Board. | Dollar.
Classification: LCC HG501 .M57 2021 (print) | LCC HG501 (ebook) | DDC 332.4/
LC record available at
LC ebook record available at
ISBN 978-1-009-15857-2 Hardback
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of
URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain,
accurate or appropriate.
Charles Kindleberger ranks as one of the twentieth century’s best known and
most influential international economists. This book traces the evolution of
his thinking in the context of a “key-currency” approach to the rise of the
dollar system, here revealed as the indispensable framework for global
economic development since World War II. Unlike most of his colleagues,
Kindleberger was deeply interested in history, and his economics brimmed
with real people and institutional details. His research at the New York Fed
and BIS during the Great Depression, his wartime intelligence work, and his
role in administering the Marshall Plan gave him deep insight into how the
international financial system really operated. A biography of both the dollar
and a man, this book is also the story of the development of ideas about how
money works. It throws revealing light on the underlying economic forces
and political obstacles shaping our globalized world.
The 2008 financial crisis pointed to problems in economic theory that require
more than just big data to solve. INET’s series in New Economic Thinking exists
to ensure that innovative work that advances economics and better integrates it
with other social sciences and the study of history and institutions can reach
a broad audience in a timely way.
Perry Mehrling
Boston University
Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781009158589
© Perry Mehrling 2022
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2022
Printed in the United Kingdom by TJ Books LTD
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Mehrling, Perry, author.
Title: Money and empire : Charles P. Kindleberger and the dollar system / Perry
Mehrling, Boston University.
Description: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University
Press, 2021. | Series: Studies in new economic thinking | Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021056132 (print) | LCCN 2021056133 (ebook) | ISBN
9781009158572 (hardback) | ISBN 9781009158589 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Kindleberger, Charles P., 1910–2003. | Monetary policy – United
States. | United States. Federal Reserve Board. | Dollar.
Classification: LCC HG501 .M57 2021 (print) | LCC HG501 (ebook) | DDC 332.4/
LC record available at
LC ebook record available at
ISBN 978-1-009-15857-2 Hardback
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of
URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain,
accurate or appropriate.
Charles Kindleberger ranks as one of the twentieth century’s best known and
most influential international economists. This book traces the evolution of
his thinking in the context of a “key-currency” approach to the rise of the
dollar system, here revealed as the indispensable framework for global
economic development since World War II. Unlike most of his colleagues,
Kindleberger was deeply interested in history, and his economics brimmed
with real people and institutional details. His research at the New York Fed
and BIS during the Great Depression, his wartime intelligence work, and his
role in administering the Marshall Plan gave him deep insight into how the
international financial system really operated. A biography of both the dollar
and a man, this book is also the story of the development of ideas about how
money works. It throws revealing light on the underlying economic forces
and political obstacles shaping our globalized world.
The 2008 financial crisis pointed to problems in economic theory that require
more than just big data to solve. INET’s series in New Economic Thinking exists
to ensure that innovative work that advances economics and better integrates it
with other social sciences and the study of history and institutions can reach
a broad audience in a timely way.
Perry Mehrling
Boston University
Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781009158589
© Perry Mehrling 2022
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2022
Printed in the United Kingdom by TJ Books LTD
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Mehrling, Perry, author.
Title: Money and empire : Charles P. Kindleberger and the dollar system / Perry
Mehrling, Boston University.
Description: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University
Press, 2021. | Series: Studies in new economic thinking | Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021056132 (print) | LCCN 2021056133 (ebook) | ISBN
9781009158572 (hardback) | ISBN 9781009158589 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Kindleberger, Charles P., 1910–2003. | Monetary policy – United
States. | United States. Federal Reserve Board. | Dollar.
Classification: LCC HG501 .M57 2021 (print) | LCC HG501 (ebook) | DDC 332.4/
LC record available at
LC ebook record available at
ISBN 978-1-009-15857-2 Hardback
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of
URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain,
accurate or appropriate.
Charles Kindleberger ranks as one of the twentieth century’s best known and
most influential international economists. This book traces the evolution of
his thinking in the context of a “key-currency” approach to the rise of the
dollar system, here revealed as the indispensable framework for global
economic development since World War II. Unlike most of his colleagues,
Kindleberger was deeply interested in history, and his economics brimmed
with real people and institutional details. His research at the New York Fed
and BIS during the Great Depression, his wartime intelligence work, and his
role in administering the Marshall Plan gave him deep insight into how the
international financial system really operated. A biography of both the dollar
and a man, this book is also the story of the development of ideas about how
money works. It throws revealing light on the underlying economic forces
and political obstacles shaping our globalized world.
The 2008 financial crisis pointed to problems in economic theory that require
more than just big data to solve. INET’s series in New Economic Thinking exists
to ensure that innovative work that advances economics and better integrates it
with other social sciences and the study of history and institutions can reach
a broad audience in a timely way.
Perry Mehrling
Boston University
Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781009158589
© Perry Mehrling 2022
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2022
Printed in the United Kingdom by TJ Books LTD
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Mehrling, Perry, author.
Title: Money and empire : Charles P. Kindleberger and the dollar system / Perry
Mehrling, Boston University.
Description: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University
Press, 2021. | Series: Studies in new economic thinking | Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021056132 (print) | LCCN 2021056133 (ebook) | ISBN
9781009158572 (hardback) | ISBN 9781009158589 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Kindleberger, Charles P., 1910–2003. | Monetary policy – United
States. | United States. Federal Reserve Board. | Dollar.
Classification: LCC HG501 .M57 2021 (print) | LCC HG501 (ebook) | DDC 332.4/
LC record available at
LC ebook record available at
ISBN 978-1-009-15857-2 Hardback
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of
URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain,
accurate or appropriate.
Preface page ix
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Bibliography 262
Index 279
This book started out as a biography of the dollar, not of a man. It was
intended to be an international version of the story I had told in The New
Lombard Street: How the Fed Became the Dealer of Last Resort (2011). That book
was a biography of the Fed, as seen through the analytical lens of the
“money view,” an approach to monetary theory that I had been develop-
ing in the classroom for the previous decade. The new project was
supposed to extend the money view to a theory of foreign exchange
and the international monetary system, and in doing so would enable
the story of the emerging market-based credit system to encompass the
story of financial globalization and the spreading dollar system. As in the
previous book, I planned a story of institutional development as context
for a story of economic thought development – this time international
rather than domestic. Fortunately for me, my plan attracted support from
the initial grant round of the fledgling Institute for New Economic
Thinking (INET), which I gratefully acknowledge. However, in the
first year the project began to change shape, and I decided not to request
As I reconstruct my process today, the shift in focus began with work
I had been doing on the history of monetary economics at MIT.1
Spending a few days in the Modigliani Papers at Duke University in
January 2011, I found extensive correspondence with Charles
P. Kindleberger about international monetary reform, and that is
where the seed for the present book was planted. Subsequent discovery
of the extensive Kindleberger Papers at MIT made me realize that there
Mehrling (2014).
2 3
Mehrling (2005). Mehrling (2013). Also Bernes et al. (2014) and Mehrling (2015).
Kindleberger wrote a lot for publication, but I have found the unpub-
lished record invaluable for teasing out the underlying life story that
brings the published work to life. In addition to MIT and the Truman
Library, I thank archivists at the Kent School, the Jamestown Historical
Society, the University of Pennsylvania, and Bucknell University. Special
thanks are due to MIT archivist Myles Crowley who went beyond the call
of duty when the pandemic closed the archive, providing Zoom access to
critical documents needed to complete the book. Financial support from
the Truman Library for my week there is gratefully acknowledged.
Along the way, I have accumulated additional debts to numerous
individuals: Bob Solow, Stephen Magee, Ron Findlay, Hossein Askari,
Bob McCauley, David Warsh, Deirdre McCloskey, Bob Pollin, and Peter
Johns. Also, to the readers who saved me from error and helped me to
sharpen my argument: Andre Burgstaller, Kevin Gallagher, Vivien
Schmidt, Erik Goldstein, Maria Cecilia Schweinberger, Steffen Murau,
Anush Kapadia, Michael Beall, Yakov Feygin, Frederick V. Hermann,
Asgeir Torfason, Celine Tcheng, Eric Monnet, Muriel Dalpont, Bob
Dimand, and Catherine Schenk. In the final stages of manuscript prep-
aration, Andrew Grafton served as research assistant, checking quotes
and references with a fresh eye.
Finally, as always, this book would not have been possible without the
constant and patient support of my wife Judy. I’ve lost track of the
number of times I assured her that there were only six months to go,
though I insist that each time I believed it. In my defense, repeatedly
I found that there was more to the story than I had anticipated, and
repeatedly I was grateful that I was able to take the time to pursue the
story where it led.
big wide world – came together in the idea of a global central bank, which
US citizens therefore instinctively and viscerally resisted, even as business
practice pushed ahead with the construction of the global dollar system
as a concrete reality.
Having himself been a central banker from 1936 until 1942 – first at
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, then the Bank for International
Settlements, then back at the Board of Governors – Charlie worked to
assuage the fears of his fellow citizens, using education as his main
weapon. If people understood how the dollar system actually worked,
he thought, they would stop trying to destroy it. Having served in the
Department of State from 1945 to 1948, first guiding the German recon-
struction effort and then coordinating the legislative effort to launch the
Marshall Plan, Charlie thought the key was to educate the junior staffers
who, in his experience, actually made the policy that their superiors
subsequently announced.
But education didn’t work. One reason was that his fellow economists
were feeding the fears of the politicians. Economists such as Robert
Triffin wanted to replace the dollar with a nonnational world currency,
and Harry Johnson wanted to replace the Bretton Woods fixed exchange
rate system with a flexible exchange rate system. Even Charlie’s MIT
colleagues, ambitious Keynesians who found in President Kennedy an
eager student, were swayed by the arguments of Triffin and Johnson. And
educating them was an even harder task, since their professional eco-
nomic discourse increasingly took the form of mathematical and statis-
tical modelling, a language that Charlie did not speak.
In the end, politics won out and the opponents of the dollar system got
their way. In August 1971, President Nixon took the dollar off gold, and
in 1973 abandoned any attempt to stabilize the exchange rate. For
Charlie, it was a devastating blow: not only the abdication of a crucial
responsibility, but probably the end of the dollar system. Roosevelt’s
decision in 1933 to torpedo the central bankers’ attempt to stabilize
currencies had doomed the world to Depression. Nixon’s decision in
1973 now doomed the world to stagflation, or worse.
Speaking at a colloquy on “The Global Economic Crisis” held at
Bucknell University, February 27–March 1, 1975, Charlie took as his
theme “The Lessons of 1929–1933 for 1975.” His latest book The World
the Covid Crisis of 2020, which the Fed met with rapid and massive
intervention, acting now quite openly as central bank of the world, triple
threat bogeyman no more apparently. In the end, Darwinian evolution
thus seems to have got us where Charlie predicted after all, though of
course it remains to be seen if the politics will hold.
The overall arc of this book follows the vicissitudes of the dollar
system, as seen through the eyes of one of its keenest observers. But an
important subtheme that also runs throughout concerns exactly why it
was that Charlie could see things so clearly that were so opaque to others.
A biography of the dollar, this book is also the biography of a man.
Interestingly, Charlie wrote his own autobiography The Life of an
Economist (1991), but it is a disappointingly unreflective and impersonal
book, perhaps reflecting the WASP’s ingrained reticence to talk about
oneself. Most disappointing, there is very little discussion of his work or
its larger context, just a chronology. Students and colleagues loved this
man, for his wit and charm, for his integrity and responsibility, for his
dedication and hard work, but more than one of them read his autobiog-
raphy and came away disappointed. MIT colleagues admired his eco-
nomic “intuition,” but had no very good idea how he came up with what
he did, since his process was so different from theirs.
Fortunately, I have found many other sources to fill in the gaps:
a collection of papers at MIT, others at the Truman Library including
Charlie’s FBI file and the “Interim Biography” that he wrote in an
attempt to regain his security clearance lost in the McCarthy witch
hunt, family papers including a memoir “A 20th Century Family” put
together by Charlie’s sister, school records, and personal remembrances
by colleagues and friends prepared for Charlie’s eightieth birthday. And,
of course, there is the work itself: thirty-one published books and hun-
dreds of articles, but also unpublished memos he wrote at the Fed and
BIS, speeches, and Congressional testimony. All that is more than
enough to flesh out a three-dimensional picture of the man.
Born in 1910, Charlie came of age in the Roaring Twenties, the only
son of a successful lawyer who wanted his son to follow him in the trade.
Kent School formed his character, and he found economics at
Pennsylvania University, but it was at Columbia University in the years
of “hot money” (1933–6) that he became a scholar. Family finances
having fallen apart in the Depression, he made his own way and chose his
own intellectual fathers, all of them from within the tradition of
American institutionalism. Not only Willis, but also James Angell and
John H. Williams were critical intellectual influences, the latter mediated
through Emile Despres, a student of Williams who became Charlie’s
lifelong friend and colleague. Williams’ key-currency idea, first floated
at the fateful 1933 World Economic Conference that Roosevelt torpe-
doed, was always core to Charlie’s thinking. Later, it was Williams’
Harvard colleague Alvin Hansen who drew Charlie’s attention to the
central importance of long-term capital flows to the Global South.
Equally important for his intellectual formation was Charlie’s real
world experience: as a practicing central banker starting at the
New York Fed supporting the 1936 Tripartite Agreement, continuing at
the BIS confronting the emerging challenges of war finance, and then
back at the Board of Governors for contingency planning in the event of
a German victory. But it was war service more than anything else that
made Charlie into the mature economist he would be, pressing him to
develop his analytical skills to the highest level, first as an intelligence
analyst in the OSS and then in postwar service at the State Department.
His Pantheon of heroes included the four great men he worked under in
those years: Omar Bradley, William Clayton, George Marshall, and Allan
Sproul. Closer to Charlie’s own merely human condition, the demigods
of his private religion were the economists with whom he worked: Emile
Despres, Alvin Hansen, Edward Mason, and Willard Thorp. A self-
diagnosed overachiever, Charlie never aspired to be one of the greats,
but he could and did aspire to be an economist like these men.
It was only in 1948, at age 38, that Charlie landed his first academic
appointment, at MIT, then as now primarily a school of engineering.
Over the next decades, under the leadership of Paul Samuelson and
Robert Solow, the department would pioneer the use of mathematical
and statistical methods for economic modelling, and in so doing would
transform itself into one of the leading departments in the world. Charlie
himself, however, never retooled, and one reason is that he never felt the
need. Twelve years in government service left him with a wealth of
knowledge about how the system worked, and he had seen how the
pragmatic empiricist method of the American institutionalists worked
life work. The first three Parts – titled respectively “Money,” “Banking,”
and “Finance” – can be read as an attempt inductively to sketch for the
reader his own analytical framework for understanding the international
monetary system, building on his earlier nonhistorical works The Dollar
Shortage (1950), Europe and the Dollar (1966), and International Money
(1981). Here, in effect, we find his treatise on money. The second two
parts – “The Interwar Period” and “After World War II” – use this
analytical framework to make sense of the dramatic monetary events of
his own life. In effect, Financial History is Charlie’s own Money and Empire,
a Bildungsroman of both the dollar and himself.
In all of this postretirement work, we see Charlie not so much turning
himself into an economic historian, but rather using the material of eco-
nomic history finally to do the kind of comparative political economics that
he had intended to do when he left government service for the academy.
Indeed, Charlie signals as much himself in the title of his final collection of
favorite papers: Comparative Political Economy, A Retrospective (2000). Resilient
in the face of multiple obstacles, Charlie ultimately achieved what he had set
out to way back in 1933 when he found himself confronting the reality of
global economic collapse and the necessity of making some kind of life for
FORMATION, 1910–1948
Golden Boy
Born October 12, 1910, Charles “Charlie” Poor Kindleberger II was the
third child but first son born to up-and-coming New York City lawyer
Evertson Crosby Kindleberger (1875–1950) and his socially ambitious wife
Elizabeth Randall (née McIlvaine) (1879–1959).2 Elizabeth had been raised
to be a “lady,” and Crosby had been raised to marry one, and so the marital
bargain was struck while both were vacationing in North Hatley, Quebec.
Married in June 1906, she, at twenty-seven years the oldest of four sisters, felt
herself lucky to have avoided dreaded spinsterhood. He, lame from child-
hood polio, felt himself lucky to have attracted such a beautiful wife.
Episcopalians and “rock-ribbed Republicans” both, they made an attractive
couple in local social and political circles, which they were careful to
cultivate. Crosby worked long hours at his law practice and Elizabeth kept
herself busy with social calls, while the help kept the household running.
After Charlie, two more daughters would follow, but no more sons.
Charlie thus grew up sandwiched between pairs of sisters – Katharine Wirt
(1907) and Mattie Lindsay (1908), and Elizabeth Randall (1911) and Mary
Bolling (1914) – but he was always closest to Elizabeth (Betty), only eleven
months younger and so almost a twin. All five children were born at home,
Kindleberger (1991a, 71).
The family history here recounted draws on “A 20th Century Family” (1994), an
unpublished collection of essays about the Kindleberger family put together by
Charlie’s sister Betty Stone. KPMD, Box 40.
which was 11 West 8th Street in New York City, just a block from
Washington Square Park. There they lived in an increasingly crowded
fourth floor apartment shared with two servants, an Austrian cook who
lived in the back room, and a succession of nursemaids who came and went
during the day. Child-rearing practice was informed by Mother’s
Emersonian ideas – “self-reliance, plain living, and high thinking” – plus
a strong dose of the newly fashionable and purportedly scientific Watson
behaviorism, which warned of the danger of excessive mother-
dependence and thumb-sucking.3 Because of Father’s irregular income,
family finances operated almost entirely on store credit, repaid in part
whenever a big fee came in. As Betty remembers: “Being in debt never
seemed to bother her or Daddy in the least.”4
In his autobiography, The Life of an Economist (1991), Charlie opens
the narrative by telling the reader, “Mine is an Eastern seaboard
family.”5 This I take to be characteristic circumlocution. Not to put
too fine a point on it, Charlie was a WASP of the generation chronicled
by Tad Friend in his memoir Cheerful Money: Me, My Family, and the Last
Days of Wasp Splendor (2009). In Charlie’s case, the ancestral WASP
splendor was naval, specifically three admirals, two of them doctors.
His grandfather, Admiral David M. Kindleberger (1834–1921), had
married Mattie Lindsay Poor, herself the daughter of Admiral Charles
Henry Poor (1808–82), and they named their first son Charles Poor
Kindleberger (1870–1957) in honor of her father. That first CPK
dutifully made his career in the Navy and rose to admiral rank, but
without producing progeny.6 It was left therefore to the second son,
Charlie’s father, to continue the name with his own first son, Charlie
himself. In due course, Charlie would continue the name with his own
first son, Charles Poor Kindleberger III. Thus did ancestral splendor
live on in memory, even as successive generations turned to other
20th Century Family, 36–37.
20th Century Family, 6.
Kindleberger (1991a, 4).
Biographies of these admirals, useful for our purposes mainly for the names and dates
of their progeny, can be found at MOLLUS, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the
United States,
Kindleberger (1991a, 4).
20th Century Family, 9, 15–18.
Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission. 1995. Historic and
Architectural Resources of Jamestown, Rhode Island. Available at
In 1912, the Kindlebergers bought an additional 15 feet of abutting land, and in 1915
transferred an additional 15 feet to Grandma Fannie.
Biographical details again usefully available at MOLLUS,
Kindleberger (2000a, 183).
The books of Rosemary Enright and Sue Maden (2010, 2014, 2016) provide a vivid
picture of Jamestown life in the early days, sources usefully supplemented by material
on the website of the Jamestown Historical Society.
Kindlebergers’ boat Spider (a gift from Morton Otis, the elevator tycoon),
and cruising in Wham with Bill Wetherill (who would eventually marry
Charlie’s oldest sister, Katharine). Essentially unsupervised, the boys
sailed all around Narragansett Bay to “Fall River, Bristol, Hope Island,
Prudence, West Greenwich, Warwick and Point Judith,” and once even to
Block Island. It was also during those long summers that Charlie became
a reader, raiding the cottage bookshelves for “E. Phillips Oppenheim,
Gertrude Atherton, A. S. M Hutchison (If Winter Comes), Henry Sydnor
Harrison (V. V.’s Eyes and Queed), Beau Geste, The Prisoner of Zenda, Rupert of
Hentzau.”14 Left to their own devices by adults on extended vacation,
Charlie, along with his siblings and cousins, learned to make their own
The taste for the sea formed at Jamestown stayed with Charlie for the
rest of his life, even as he eventually settled into academic life as an
economist. In retirement, he wrote a small book, Mariners and Markets
(1992), that in effect joined his two lifetime interests – the sea and
economics – including on the back cover a picture of himself in 1930 as
deckboy on the SS Bird City, about which episode there is more later.15
For present purposes, the important point to emphasize is how the
“halcyon days” of Jamestown remained always a place of security and
comfort, an unshakably solid emotional foundation to which Charlie
could repair in times of need simply by taking the helm of a small boat.
That’s what lies underneath the surface when Charlie writes, “I prefer for
vacations above all else, to go sailing in Maine.”16
Having acquired a summer house, the Kindlebergers’ next logical
move was for more space during the winter, but that move was delayed
first by the birth of Mary and then by World War I. Thus, it was not until
September 1919 when, flush with “superpatriot” wartime savings in the
form of Liberty bonds and just in time to avoid capital loss from the
interest rate rise later that year, the family was finally able to move to 81
Maple Avenue (now 134–28) in Flushing, Queens, a Long Island suburb,
20th Century Family, 17. I have corrected minor misspellings and misrememberings.
Charlie dedicated the book to “W. H. S.,” which refers to William H. Sands, his best
friend in his college fraternity and a lifelong sailing enthusiast.
Kindleberger (1991a, 4).
This passage is taken from “Security Report – An Interim Biography,” which
Kindleberger wrote in 1956 in an attempt to get cleared for government service.
This unpublished document, though referenced in the published autobiography
(1991a, 127) and clearly a source close at hand in the writing of that book, provides
considerably greater personal detail as well as subtly different accounts of several key
life episodes. Writing for an imagined inquisitor seems to have loosened Charlie’s
tongue, which was noticeably more circumspect for an imagined public audience:
“Because of its limited purpose, the document will be long on opinions and on
relations with ‘controversial persons,’ brief on other aspects of my life” (1). KPTL,
Box 8.
20th Century Family, 27.
Conference of 1921–2 that settled the global balance of naval forces, and
maybe even the Genoa Economic and Financial Conference of 1922 that
agreed the postwar gold-exchange standard. All seeds planted in the
developing young Charlie, just beginning to be aware of the larger
world outside.
But these seeds would have to grow to fruition elsewhere, as “it was
decided after one and a half years at the Flushing High School that I be
sent away.”19 Roger Williams Jr., the son of Mother’s younger sister
Frances, attended the Kent School, and so it was decided Charlie should
too. He passed the entrance exam, but began at Kent in the third form,
receiving no credit for the years he had skipped in public school. At age
13, Charlie left home for boarding school and did not return for any
extended period until after college.
Today the town of Kent, Connecticut, lies at the end of the Harlem
line of the Metro-North Railroad and is commutable to New York City
in about two hours. Back then, in the age of the steam locomotive, it
took twice that long and there were only two trains a day. Kent School
was thus an isolated community, not unlike a ship on a transatlantic
crossing, self-contained and untouched by either the comforts or the
stresses of life on land. Founded in 1906, the School was in 1924 still
very much a work in progress: a collection of drafty repurposed
wooden farmhouse structures and not at all the well-endowed brick
campus of modern day.
From its founding, Headmaster Frederick H. Sill, a celibate monk in
the Episcopalian Order of the Holy Cross, made virtue of what we might
today consider deficiencies, promoting “Simplicity of Life, Self-Reliance
and Directness of Purpose” as the guiding trinity of the school: “The
standard of life I had in mind was that to be found in the average country
rectory.”20 Self-reliance meant that students, not teachers or employees,
took charge of supervising study halls and dormitories, serving food,
filling the coal bin and even serving on work gangs for the neighboring
farms that supplied the school. “Directness of Purpose” references
Kindleberger (1991a, 6).
Frederick H. Sill. “Address on the Subject of Simplicity of Life, Self-Reliance and
Directness of Purpose,” Feb. 27, 1926. Kent School Archives.
preparation for college: students were to come out of Kent with a clear
sense of direction toward a future vocation.
Sill himself made sure that the daily life of the school reflected its
founding values, enforcing strict discipline, including compulsory daily
chapel. Remembers Maitland Edey, a classmate of Charlie’s and also
a neighbor from Queens: “Father Sill had a mesmerizing personality and
appearance, unique in the secondary-school world. Short, stout and with
a big head, he nevertheless cut a commanding figure in his long white robe
with its knotted cord girdling his stomach and a large black cross dangling
from his neck.”21 Charlie recalls: “Sill would rant and rave when something
went wrong, and send a form, or the whole school, out to do penance,
sometimes running around the big pond several times, occasionally work-
ing on a job such as cleaning up a construction site.”22
Having himself rowed crew (actually coxswain) at Columbia and perhaps
having in mind the pitiful state of the school library, Sill put great emphasis
on sports and less on intellectual achievement. His crowning glory was the
crew team in the class ahead of Charlie, which competed in the Henley
Royal Regatta in 1927. Charlie’s own class, however, was “more intellectual
than sporting,” as was Charlie himself: “I played second-team football, class
hockey – unable to make either the first or second team – and became
manager of the tennis team,” but became “number two on the Kent School
News and number one on the chess team,” as well as the winner of two essay
contests and the Latin Prize. “Some of my classmates hated school.
I happened to love it, whether from lack of imagination or merely a good
digestive tract that predisposes one to like whatever happens along.”23
What did he like about it? Simplicity of life and self-reliance, certainly –
these could have been the motto for Jamestown summers as well – but also
directness of purpose. It is perhaps telling that, after graduation, Charlie
chose to spend the summer of 1928 at Kent rather than Jamestown, under-
taking “a job surveying Kent School, learning to use the tape, stadia rod,
transit, and triangulation.”24 But his autobiographical chapter on Kent
Edey (1983).
Kindleberger (1991a, 7).
Kindleberger (1991a, 6–7).
Kindleberger (1991a, 18).
KPMD, Box 20.
checks and reconciling balances. Edey tells the story of one remark-
able transaction:
One Easter morning [Ernie] Jacoby went from chapel to the athletic store
where he worked. A few minutes later the Sacristan, DeWolf Perry of the
Class of 1927, came in to count up the receipts. Among the checks was one:
“Pay to Jesus Christ for Easter Offering (signed) Herbert Barnum Seeley.”
“What do I do about this?” asked Perry in some agitation. “Just endorse it
Jesus Christ,” replied Ernie calmly, “and then sign your own name
Edey (1983, 7).
Kindleberger (1999, ix).
Interim Biography, 8.
Kent School Archives, “Kindleberger Term Papers.”
Kindleberger (1991a, 12).
Interim Biography, 14.
Republicans who thought Wilson represented the devil. I differed. She was
in her 80s. I was 18.32
Man in his elemental state is a peasant with a possessive love of his own turf;
a mercantilist who favors exports over imports; a Populist who distrusts
banks, especially foreign banks; a monopolist, who abhors competition;
a xenophobe, who feels threatened by strangers and foreigners, and above
all, a child who wants to have his cake and eat it too.35
Such is the poor stuff of which we are made, but which our better nature
may aspire to overcome.
“International economics began in 1929,”36 Charlie tells us, and imme-
diately we think of the stock market crash in October 1929 that ushered in
a widening global collapse that did not find its bottom until 1933. Certainly
that is part of Charlie’s story, if only because of the consequences for his
family’s income. After 1929, the upper-middle or lower-upper class life into
Interim Biography, 10.
Kindleberger (1991a, 15–16).
Kindleberger (1987a, 62).
Kindleberger (1984b, 39).
Kindleberger (1991a, 19).
which Charlie had been born was effectively over, though money was
found to keep him in college to completion, and his sister Betty at Bryn
Mawr as well. But of course in 1929 no one knew that future. The actual
contemporary importance of 1929 for Charlie was not the Depression but
rather his summer job as cadet on the SS California, a passenger ship
traveling between New York and San Francisco with stops in Cuba,
Panama, and Los Angeles. His uncle, Roger Williams, arranged the matter.
For Charlie, it was about seeing the world and engaging the range of
people who choose the seafaring life.
He liked it so much that he did it again the next year, signing on in
summer 1930 with a job as ordinary seaman on the oil tanker MV
Australia and then, again thanks to Uncle Roger, as deck boy on the SS
Bird City, which traveled to Copenhagen, Gdynia, Helsinki, and
Leningrad. His unpublished account of the latter journey, “A Seaman
Visits Leningrad,” dwells equally on his impressions of Leningrad, then in
the throes of its first five-year plan under Joseph Stalin, and his impres-
sions of his shipmates, two of them Russians. For our purposes, special
interest attaches to Charlie’s account of a four-hour argument with an
agitator sent from the Soviet of Seamen while their boat was docked in
Part III, 3–4. KPMD, Box 14.
On business, this would be the whole point of his extensive work on multinational
corporations (see Chapter 5). On speculators and politicians, see Kindleberger (1966,
119 and 146).
Kindleberger (1991a, 10).
summer school lost its planned director at the last minute, and so the
undergraduates were enrolled instead in a more advanced summer
school operated by the Graduate School of International Studies,
a training arm of the League of Nations, along with 200 more advanced
students. The SIU students remained a separate unit for meals and
housing, but during the day they were essentially treated like graduate
students, with lectures in the morning, afternoon, and evening, for seven
long weeks. This was Charlie’s first exposure to first-rate economists,
teachers and students alike, and he realized for the first time the second-
rate education he had been receiving at Penn. One fellow undergradu-
ate, F. Tyler Ostrander, “who was writing an honors thesis in economics at
Williams . . . knew about such things as the Keynes-Ohlin controversy
[concerning war reparations], of which I had never heard.”40
Summer 1931 also turned out to be a momentous time in international
money matters: the failure of Credit Anstalt in May, Hoover’s moratorium
on war debt payments in June, the British Macmillan report (penned
largely by Keynes), and the German banking crisis in July, all leading up
to Britain’s abandonment of the gold standard in September. All of these
were matters that Charlie would treat in detail forty years later in The World
in Depression (1973), but of which he remained “sublimely unconscious”
contemporaneously. In summer 1931 his attention was elsewhere: “The
social life – swimming, climbing, partying in the cafes – was delightful.” For
him, the experience “did perhaps what good teachers can best do, which is
to stimulate appetite and create enthusiasm. Students teach themselves
(and each other). The role of experience and teachers is to encourage and
to motivate. The summer of 1931 did that for me.”41
The summer of 1931 was also the origin of Charlie’s misbegotten
infatuation with one Caroline Thompson, a student from Bryn Mawr
whom he had met at the model League of Nations and who had intro-
duced him to Francis Miles during the crossing. One thing led to another
and “in the fall of 1931 I thought I was in love, despite receiving no
encouragement, and decided to graduate from the University of
Interim Biography, p. 18. Charlie’s notebook from the summer survives in his papers,
but Ostrander (2009) provides a fuller account.
Kindleberger (1991a, 25–26).
Kindleberger (1991a, 27). He kept track of her sufficiently to note her marriage to
John Farr Simmons, US Ambassador, in Interim Biography, p. 19.
Interim Biography, p. 27.
Kindleberger (1991a, 48).
Kindleberger (1991a, 28).
not; his detailing law cases in progress or prospect at the dinner table
found me unamused.”46
Betty followed her big brother in supporting Norman Thomas and
more besides as she recollects:
New York City during the thirties was thick with communists as well as
socialists. A friend and I attended a meeting of New York City Trotsky
communists in the apartment of the attractive young woman who was the
group’s leader . . . there were a few communists at Bank Street College and
some at the New School for Social Research where Henry and I took a course
by the psychiatrist Fritz Wittels . . . A couple of communists worked with Henry
and me in the welfare department . . . I felt about communists what I now feel
about radical right Christians; these are hostile people who want permission to
feel good about themselves while doing violent and hurtful things.47
Suffice it to say that in summer 1932, the world was in turmoil, and so
was Charlie. For the first time in his life, he faced squarely the prospect of
making his own way in the world. In a contemporary fragment titled
“Stock-taking,” he reflects:
How am I fitted for existence, for happiness, for social relations, for this
economic system, for any other, for the marine insurance world, for
marriage, for parenthood? Where have the mistakes been made in my
upbringing and by whom? Am I any different from anybody else, from the
great mass, from my class, the upper middle class mentally, morally,
spiritually? What difference does it make to anyone beside myself? In
what measure do I embody the virtues I have been trained to admire –
intellectual honesty, integrity, personal, social and commercial, and
paradoxically enough courage and moderation?
The choice confronting him, as he saw it, was between three possible
directions: foreign banking, law, or economics. Having tried with no
success to get into foreign banking, the very real danger was that he
would wind up in law, the direction his father favored but mere “fence
walking” as Charlie then saw: “I admired my father, but was turned off law
Interim Biography, p. 21.
20th Century Family, p. 147.
on the ground that most of it was fighting over spilled milk, so to speak,
rather than dealing with current problems.”48 Economics offered escape
from that fate, but also more positively a kind of engagement with the
world that he thought might actually suit him: “summation of personal
characteristics, economic views world and personal, political.”49 But how
to do it? Here, not for the last time, fortune took a hand.
As it happened, the Columbia College chapter of his fraternity, looking
to rebuild its Alpha chapter, “proposed that I be given money to undertake
graduate work, provided I would live in the Chapter House, 434 Riverside
Drive, and work with the undergraduate chapter. The suggestion was made
to me that I might like to study law. I said I would be delighted to accept, but
that I wanted to study economics.”50 In February 1933, all the while con-
tinuing to live at home and to work at Johnson and Higgins, Charlie dipped
his toe into the water by taking an evening class in banking with Ralph
W. Robey, Financial Editor for the New York Evening Post, which turned out
to be a ringside seat from which to watch the collapse of the US banking
system that spring. Charlie’s choice of topic for his term paper, “The
Discount Rate in Federal Reserve Policy, 1927–1933,” reveals his continuing
interest not just in banking, but more specifically in central banking.51
Of course, the ringside seat that Charlie really wanted was at the Fed,
where his future colleague Emile Despres spent “perhaps a week, sleeping
in the infirmary, as the bank staff tried to solve the problem of reopening
the banks, which had been closed in Roosevelt’s bank holiday of March 3,
and at the same time to avoid the reporters that were circling the building
like piranhas.”52 That’s the life Charlie had sought, and he still wanted it,
even if it meant more school and delayed entry into adult life. Years later,
when he was a professor himself, Charlie would sympathize with the plight
of his graduate students: “A graduate student is by definition unhappy; he
has the appetites of a man and the income of a child.”53 Starting Fall 1933,
Kindleberger (1991a, 16).
KPMD, Box 40, “Stock-taking” (July 30, 1932).
Interim Biography, p. 23.
KPMD, Box 4.
Kindleberger (1991a, 29).
Charles Staley, in “Reminiscences of Charles P. Kindleberger on his Eightieth
Birthday.” KPMD, Box 24. See also Kindleberger (1988a, 144).
that would be his own plight, as he resigned from Johnson and Higgins and
hunkered down to full-time graduate study.
But first, a visit to Jamestown for a sailing trip with friends out on the
Sound, in a Friendship sloop named the Sea Fox. Capsized when the
mainsheet jammed during a sudden squall, Charlie was injured and rescued
from “almost certain death,” according to the local newspaper.54 Returning
to New York, he moved out of his parents’ house and into St. Anthony Hall,
keeping a personal diary for the first and last time in his life. Herbert Keith
Fitzroy (“Fitz”), a friend from Penn days now working on a doctorate in legal
history at Columbia, and Eileen O’Daniel, an acquaintance made at the
Geneva Summer School now living at home in nearby Englewood, were his
best male and female friends in that first year, providing ample social
diversion. But Charlie was clearly serious about becoming an economist,
recording not only what he was reading for class (Hawtrey, Keynes, Ohlin,
and Hayek), but also his thoughts about his eventual dissertation topic.
November 2, 1933:
December 8, 1933:
Interim Biography, p. 16. The accident happened Sept. 10, 1933, in Fishers Island
Sound off Stonington Point. First entry in the Personal Journal is Sept. 16, 1933.
KPMD, Box 40.
KPMD, Box 40, “Personal Journal.”
Kindleberger (1991a, 179).
Kindleberger (1991a, 31, 32, 34). I read these passages as a retrospective view distorted
by the lens of thirty years at MIT, where there were fewer students, faculty spent time in
their offices, and banking was taught in the economics department.
KPMD, Box 40, Personal Journal, Jan. 14, 1934. Probably the lectures he references are
the mimeographed student notes later published as Types of Economic Theory (Mitchell
1967). Rutherford (2011) is the best source on the institutionalist movement more
Willis and Chapman (1934).
Willis and Chapman (1935).
Kindleberger (1991a, 34).
KPMD, Box 40, “Personal Journal,” Jan 3, 1934.
Kindleberger (1991a, 35).
KPMD, Box 4. The others were John Chapman, Anatol Murad, Vladimir Kazekevitch,
and Eric Kjellstrom. Interim Biography, p. 26.
The government debt does not represent the invested savings of the
country, but rather credit created by the banks. This credit is liquid only
in the limited sense that it is shiftable, or that the asset can be transferred
to another holder (the Federal Reserve Banks), while it cannot be paid off
out of current income on the part of the debtor, the United States
Here he expresses his concern that prior banking inflation will lead to
monetary inflation as government debt is shifted to the Federal Reserve,
which again was more or less exactly Willis’ concern.
Charlie would ultimately move beyond Willis, as good students always
move beyond their teachers, but there can be no question that he started
from Willis. To understand Charlie, therefore, we also must start from
The central event in the life of Henry Parker Willis (1874–1937) was
the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913. A student of
J. Laurence Laughlin at the University Chicago, Willis was coauthor with
Laughlin of the 1898 Report of the Monetary Commission of the Indianapolis
Convention, which launched the movement for monetary reform, and for
the rest of his life his attention never wavered. Not only did he help draft
the Federal Reserve Act, working closely with Senator Glass, but also,
after the Act was adopted, he served as chairman of the Technical
Organization Committee,11 then Secretary of the Federal Reserve
Board (1914–18) and then Director of Research (1918–22). The process
His published autobiography claims no recollection of summer 1935. The Interim
Biography, however, does treat this episode: pp. 27–28.
Hammes (2001) provides a comprehensive account of the work of this committee.
left him with a firm view of what the Fed was all about, what problems in
the past it was meant to solve, and what vision of the future it was meant to
bring into reality.
Inspired by the British model of central banking, Willis always con-
sidered the central purpose of the Fed to be the creation of a class of
notes and deposit accounts backed by self-liquidating commercial loans
(so-called “real bills”), which notes and deposits would serve as the solid
foundation of the larger monetary and financial system. Says Willis: “The
banker is essentially one who concerns himself with facilitating the move-
ment of goods into actual consumption, the basis of his loans being
found in the consuming power of the community.”12 In this point of
view, loans against goods on their way to sale are naturally self-
liquidating, since the eventual sale of the goods provides the funds
needed to pay back the loans. A core holding of such loans therefore
provides a constant flow of liquid funds to the banker, enabling him
readily to meet any deficit at the daily clearing, so allowing his balance
sheet to expand and contract elastically according to the needs of
Willis knew well that American commercial banks would be making
other kinds of business loans as well, financing “production, storage, or
speculation” in order to meet the long-term capital investment needs of
the dynamic young economy.13 But he was at pains to point out that such
loans involve commitment of funds for a longer term – funds that are
therefore not available to meet a deficit at the daily clearing. Some
fraction of this kind of business may be appropriate for commercial
banks, but definitely not for the new Reserve Banks, whose deposit and
note liabilities were supposed to serve as the reserve for commercial
banks and others. That is why the Act explicitly limited Reserve Banks
to holding real bills; the assets of the Reserve Banks were supposed to be
the core holding of self-liquidating bills for the entire banking system.
The Reserve Banks were also explicitly not supposed to constitute
a central bank, rather just a cooperative system of private banks, more
or less on the model of a mutual clearinghouse: “co-operative
Willis and Chapman (1934, 31).
Willis and Chapman (1934, 658).
Willis (1923, 48).
finance the World War, and as a consequence not real bills but rather
Treasury bills became the core asset of the Reserve Banks. “Balance sheet
inflation,” Willis called it. Even as he accepted wartime necessity, Willis
regretted keenly the evolution of the banking system toward a more
frozen and less liquid portfolio – the exact opposite of the future envi-
sioned by the language of the Federal Reserve Act. In war time, govern-
ment became the ultimate consumer, buying whatever it needed on
credit using the banking system, with the Reserve Banks operating as
a backstop by expanding their own balance sheets to provide banks with
the funds needed. War allies, especially France and Britain, also served as
ultimate consumers, buying essential war material from the United States
on credit, to such an extent that the United States became for the first
time a net creditor on the world stage. These foreign debts were largely
public debts, one Treasury borrowing from another, but the important
point is that they were financed ultimately by the US Treasury borrowing
from the US banking system.
In theory, all of this short-term bank credit expansion was supposed to
be periodically reversed by government bond issues, the proceeds of
which would be used to pay off short-term bank credits. In practice,
however, banks lent their retail customers much of the funds needed to
purchase the government bond issues, and anyway the proceeds of the
bond sales were never used to liquidate government bank credits, which
just kept growing. Bank liabilities (which is to say the money supply) grew
along with bank assets, and so too did the prices of the commodities
purchased by all this credit-financed demand. For Willis it was never
a matter of money supply growth causing price inflation, as believers in
the simplistic quantity theory of money would have it, but rather balance
sheet inflation driving both money and prices. In the end the banking
system survived, but it was a near-run thing. Says Willis: “Had the war
continued much longer . . . the country would have plunged definitely
into the morass of ‘fiat credit’ as one economist has termed it.”15
On the bright side, one of the positive features of the period of war
finance was the extraordinarily rapid unification of domestic money
markets, and capital markets as well, as funds were drawn from every
Willis (1923, 1220).
Willis (1923, 1211, 1509). The pre-Fed system of clearing using bankers’ balances was
replaced by clearing using Reserve Bank balances, and then final clearing between the
Reserve Banks themselves.
Willis (1923, 1119). Increasingly, the government held its deposits with the few
Reserve Banks, not with the many commercial banks.
their public credit holdings paid off from the final bond issue used the
proceeds not to shrink their inflated balance sheets, but rather to expand
private credit. Balance sheet inflation thus continued, albeit now with
frozen private credits rather than frozen public credits.
In an attempt to control this speculative excess, the Fed began to
transition away from the wartime discount rate policy, starting
November 1919 with a 0.5 percent discount rate advance and ending
a year later “on the verge of a Panic” with the rate standing at 7 percent.
The Depression of 1920–1 that followed was, for Willis, the inevitable
adjustment of a wartime economy to peacetime conditions, a wrenching
process but one in which the Fed played an admirably supportive role by
discounting freely.18 Prices that had been inflated by wartime demand
pressures dropped precipitously, and credits that had been extended on
the basis of wartime prices inevitably defaulted, but the system held. For
Willis, this was the Fed’s finest hour.
Writing in 1923, in his massive tome The Federal Reserve System:
Legislation, Organization and Operation, Willis told the story of the found-
ing of the Fed, urging his readers to put wartime experience behind them
and to return to the original vision of the Federal Reserve Act.
Domestically, “experience has shown the capacity of the note issue to
contract as prices fell and demand for circulation was reduced. It is a fact
that the theoretical elasticity of the new note currency has been entirely
vindicated.”19 Internationally, the high discount rates used to combat
postwar speculation had allowed London to regain its dominance of
foreign trade financing, but it was not too late to make another effort.
“Come on, guys,” you can hear him exhorting his New York banker
friends, “make an effort!”
Once again, it didn’t work out that way. Looking back a decade later,
Willis saw only “credit debauch.”20 The beautiful machinery of the Fed,
tuned by the experience of war finance, had instead been diverted to
speculative finance, not only domestically but also internationally. The
resulting mess ultimately collapsed, first internationally, starting with the
Willis (1923, 1406).
Willis (1923, 1522).
Willis and Chapman (1934, 106).
Willis and Chapman (1935, 127).
Moulton (1918).
Willis and Chapman (1934, 32).
system.”24 The underlying cause of the credit debauch was, in this sense,
the deliberate monetary policy of the Federal Reserve System.
Against this background, we can understand the seminar that Willis
offered at Columbia in 1933–4 as a kind of last-ditch effort to get the Fed
and the larger banking system back on track. The credit debauch of the
Twenties had been about using banking and currency manipulation to
avoid confronting hard political realities. Banking collapse could there-
fore be seen as a good thing, since it finally forced us to face reality and
offered the opportunity to rebuild on solid ground rather than shifting
sand. Just so, Willis urged his readers to put the period of speculative
excess behind them, and to use the Banking Act of 1933, which he had
himself played a role in drafting as advisor to Senator Glass, as an
opportunity to restart the Fed on sound principles. That Act, known
today as Glass-Steagall, called for strict separation of commercial and
investment banking, which in context we can understand as an adapta-
tion of the real bills doctrine for American conditions. Willis hoped that
Glass-Steagall, though not itself as far-reaching as he would have liked,
would in time spark a radical transformation of American banking.
For Willis, collapse had been inevitable because the underlying
credit was unsound, but what was not inevitable was mismanagement
of the policy response by leaders who should have known better. Hoover
was one such leader, using the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to
prop up banks that had been made insolvent by the prior policy of
stuffing them with illiquid assets. The Fed was another such leader,
needlessly abandoning the gold standard in 1933 in the face of a little
speculative attack, even while the United States held 40 percent of the
world’s gold: “Speculators in New York bought sterling, and the British
government, in pursuance of its policy of maintaining a relative degree
of stability in the pound sterling, bought the dollars offered for the
sterling – almost necessarily so – with the result that they earmarked
a corresponding amount of metal.”25 Central bank cooperation could
have shut down the speculators in short order, but the Fed was unpre-
pared, having “never developed and trained an adequate foreign
Willis and Chapman (1934, 57).
Willis and Chapman (1934, 18).
Willis and Chapman (1934, 14).
Kindleberger (1987a, 62).
have required the international financial crisis of 1929 to put the matter
of international monetary reform firmly on the agenda of the London
Economic and Financial Conference, scheduled for June 1933, but the
result was no international analogue of the Federal Reserve Act. Instead,
Roosevelt’s preemptive action on gold and his subsequent refusal to
consider a proposal for exchange stabilization put forward by his own
central bank meant that the Conference ended early without substantive
agreement.28 The time was apparently not ripe. In 1933, everyone was
still absorbing the fact that the old system, which had been centered on
London and the pound sterling, was well and truly dead, while the
eventual new system centered on New York and the dollar was not yet
ready to be born.
International economics may have begun for Charlie, as he says, in his
shipboard adventures of summer 1929, but his formal education in the
subject began in fall 1933 in the classroom with James Angell. It was his
worst grade, but a lasting influence in multiple ways. Most fundamentally,
Angell’s teaching is the likely origin of Charlie’s early sense that “inter-
national economic theory . . . does not fit the facts.” Even more, Charlie’s
early ambition to deduce “a new – and probably more complicated
theory – from la situation actuelle” more or less mirrors Angell’s own
ambition to offer an alternative. Four years later, Charlie would produce
his own treatise: International Short-Term Capital Movements (1937). He
might have been talking about the relationship of his work to Angell’s
when he wrote about how the more rigorous textbooks produced by his
MIT students had eaten into the market for his own: “that is the way
academic life works: one climbs on the shoulders of the older generation
and occasionally steps on a face.”29 Like Angell, Charlie would eventually
become a Professor of International Economics, and it was Angell’s
example more than any other that shaped his conception of the job. To
understand Charlie, we thus need also to understand Angell as a kind of
aspirational role model.
Clavin (2013) provides a detailed time line of the relevant events, though always from
the somewhat distorting perspective of the League of Nations, which organized the
Conference and had its own view on the central importance of free trade, not so much
currency stabilization.
Kindleberger (1991a, 135).
specie flow analysis, at least in any short time sense, is now discredited in
the eyes of most writers.”30
And yet, some mechanism of self-regulation does seem to be operat-
ing, since prices do tend to remain more or less in line across country
boundaries. Angell proposes that the relevant mechanism is not the flow
of gold, but rather the operation of the market for foreign exchange, and
in particular the shifting balance of importer and exporter bills, which
has an immediate effect on short-term interest rates and also, so he
proposes, on the total volume of purchasing power, meaning bank credit.
“This explanation rests on the effects which changes in the demand and
supply of bills of exchange produce in the volume of bank deposits, and
in the levels of general prices.”31
One virtue of Angell’s alternative explanation of international prices
is that it applies even when currencies are not convertible, as they were
not for some period after the war. Under such circumstances, not only
interest rates but also exchange rates shift with movements of the balance
of international payments.32 The classical doctrine for the case of incon-
vertible currency depended on so-called “purchasing power parity,”
according to which exchange rates simply reflect relative price levels, so
that exchange depreciation simply reflects relative inflation rates, which
presumably arise from relative monetary policies. But that is another nice
theory at odds with the facts, since exchange rates can and do move
independently from price levels in response to speculation, and chan-
ging exchange rates can and do affect domestic price levels independ-
ently from domestic monetary policy.
After Angell took up his new job at Columbia, Allyn Young encour-
aged him to develop his theory of foreign exchange into a full-blown
treatise, as did Ralph Hawtrey, who reviewed Angell’s book for the British
Economic Journal. But Angell had other ideas. As a student, he had spent
the academic year 1922–3 touring Europe to meet all the leading inter-
national economists, as background research for his dissertation. Once
he was in New York, he lost no time in establishing contact with the
Angell (1926, 393).
Angell (1926, 474).
Indeed, it seems that Angell began with the inconvertible case, as in Angell (1922).
Young (1921a, 1921b), and Young and Fay (1927). See also Mehrling (1997, ch. 3).
Angell (1932, 1933a, 1933b).
Angell (1931).
for so long.36 It must have been a sore disappointment for him. The
mission he had accepted from his mentors – to help the United States
navigate the tricky transition from war to peace, and from autarky to
global free trade – seemed now more or less a complete failure.
Not only an internationalist, Angell was also a liberal, and as such
a strong supporter of Roosevelt’s interventionist New Deal. For him,
economic stabilization at the national level was the prerequisite for any
program of stabilization at the international level that went beyond mere
currency stabilization and central bank cooperation. Angell’s response to
the policy failure of 1933 was therefore to shift his attention away from
international matters and to focus instead on using monetary control to
stabilize the domestic economy. Ultimately, he produced two books on
the topic: The Behavior of Money: Exploratory Studies (1936) and Investment
and Business Cycles (1941).
It is this latter work that did not survive, as Charlie pointed out in his
autobiography, and the reason was Keynes, whose General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money (1936) better caught the spirit of the
times. On the matter of effective control of internal economic activity,
Charlie, along with everyone else, followed Keynes rather than Angell.
Charlie had been introduced to Keynesian thinking as early as 1934 by
Henry Villard who had been part of the Keynes seminar at Cambridge but
then shifted to the City College of New York, “bringing with him reports
of the new book by Keynes which fundamentally altered economic ana-
lysis of business fluctuations.”37 They had met and become friends in
Charlie’s second year at Columbia, and then in the third year they had
organized a graduate student seminar which met at the apartment of
Professors Arthur R. and Eveline M. Burns, which “proved to be as
stimulating as any formal seminar listed in the catalogue.”38
All of this – the bitter disappointment of the World Economic
Conference and the looming figure of Keynes – would have been upper-
most in Angell’s mind in fall 1933 when Charlie enrolled in his class, and
no doubt it colored their initial interaction. Although Charlie was
See Clavin (2013), and footnote 28 herein.
Interim Biography, p. 25.
Kindleberger (1991a, 32).
initially a protégé of Willis, the topics of the papers he wrote during his
first graduate years show him moving toward the Angell agenda step by
step. Already in fall 1933 he was writing a term paper for his course with
Beckhart, “Competitive Currency Depreciation between Denmark and
New Zealand,” concluding that the only winner of competitive depreci-
ation was the British consumer who got cheaper butter.39 More funda-
mentally, in his master’s thesis “Inflation and Foreign Trade” (1934), he
examined exchange depreciation in Great Britain, Japan, and the United
States, concluding that it was not a consequence of domestic inflation, as
the theory of purchasing power proposed, but rather a cause of subse-
quent inflation. Compare Angell: “The English data . . . show that the
order of change which that theory expects was on the whole reversed
here, not confirmed. The exchanges moved first, then prices, and last of
all the note circulation.”40
With these finger exercises behind him, Charlie was ready to tackle
the Angell agenda head on, producing a sketch of a possible theoretical
framework: “Flexibility of Demand in International Trade Theory.”
Feeling the inadequacy of his mathematical preparation, Charlie pro-
ceeded instead “with the (possibly) archaic tool of logical analysis,”41 but
there is no mistaking his ambition. He urges attention to the role of
changes in nominal income, not just the international prices emphasized
by Angell, as central to the mechanism through which disequilibrium in
the balance of payments is adjusted. It was on the basis of this paper that
Angell agreed to serve as supervisor of his thesis.
The thesis itself was written largely off-campus in evenings and week-
ends, initially at a temporary job at the US Treasury in summer 1936, and
then during the first year of a permanent job at the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York which started in October 1936. Charlie remembers:
Angell lacked a warm nature, and called me Mr. Kindleberger all through
the process of supervision. He did however respond fully to the separate
The paper was Charlie’s first publication, in Harvard Business Review (July 1934), and
the only pre-World War II publication that he would include in his retrospective
(2000a, ch. 2).
Angell (1926, 430).
Kindleberger (1937a, 353).
Kindleberger (1991a, 39).
Observe here that “logical analysis” takes the form of thinking like
a banker, in balance sheet terms, attending to both assets and liabilities.
From this perspective it becomes clear that the central bank in the
country losing the gold should at most borrow it back from the central
bank in the country gaining the gold, thus reversing the speculative flow,
both of gold and of short-term capital.
In the theory of international money, Charlie thus moved beyond
Angell, as good students always move beyond their teachers, but the
example of Angell had a lasting influence on Charlie’s trajectory in
other ways, most importantly by introducing him to an alternative career
goal: teaching, instead of central banking. The teaching plan did not
immediately work out – this was the Depression and there were simply no
jobs – but eventually Charlie did manage to shift into teaching, starting at
MIT in 1948 as a professor of international economics, more or less
exactly the position that Angell still held at Columbia.
Further, Angell’s internationalist perspective had lasting influence,
while the failure of Angell’s internationalist interventions informed
Charlie’s own rather different interventions when the opportunity pre-
sented itself. Significantly, Charlie would have nothing to do with the
multilateral Bretton Woods agreement, nor the United Nations which
arose as successor to the failed League. His energies were devoted instead
to the Marshall Plan, the unilateral move of the de facto world leader. That
said, Charlie’s economic justification for the Marshall Plan, laid out in The
Dollar Shortage (1950), very clearly echoes the concerns expressed by Angell
as the international monetary system was collapsing in 1930. In 1950 as in
1930, the fundamental problem was that the rest of the world needed to
make payments to the United States, now not so much for war debts but
rather for the materials needed for reconstruction, so even zero tariffs
would not help very much. The Marshall Plan worked because it addressed
this most pressing obstacle to recovery, and so bridged the gap from war to
peace, from command economy to market economy (Chapter 4).
Kindleberger (1937b, 234).
In February 1932, Charlie had graduated early from Penn with the
idea of getting a job at the Fed and marrying Caroline Thompson. Three
years into his graduate studies, it was time to try again. Eileen O’Daniels
was by this time out of the picture. Her parting gift to Charlie was to
arrange for him to get professional help for his stuttering problem, and
this softened the blow: “Not to stutter in teaching or in a big public
lecture before as many, on some occasions, as a thousand people,
reminds me of my deliverance.”44 Taking her place was Sarah B. Miles,
the sister of Charlie’s friend Francis Miles, and the daughter of Wardlaw
Miles, the World War I hero who became headmaster of the Gilman
School and then Professor of English at Johns Hopkins, and who would
become a kind of adoptive father for Charlie as his own family collapsed
under the strain of Depression.45 But Charlie did not feel that he could
propose to Sarah until he had a job, and he did not feel that he could
marry until he finished the thesis: “A considerable part of the spur to
complete the dissertation was the suggestion from my prospective father-
in-law that it might be useful to get the thesis out of the way before
marrying.”46 Strong incentive.
Job first. As it happened, W. Randolph Burgess, a vice president of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, attended one meeting of the Villard–
Kindleberger Keynes seminar and, when Charlie expressed interest in
a job, invited him down: “I met Lewis Galantiere and discussed with him
the possibility of a job working partly in his Foreign Information Division
and partly for the Foreign Report Section of the Foreign Exchange
Department with Emile Despres.”47 But nothing immediately came of
it, and so instead Charlie accepted a summer position in the Division of
Research and Statistics at the US Treasury, working mainly on calculating
purchasing power parities, while writing his thesis in the evenings and
visiting Miss Miles in Baltimore on the weekends. Eventually, the Fed job
did materialize with a starting date of October 1, 1936, and on the
strength of that Charlie got engaged on September 26th and resigned
Kindleberger (1991a, 42).
Like Charlie, Miles had managed to avoid his father’s profession (medicine) and
developed a mastery of the essay form (French 1944, Miles 1930).
Interim Biography, p. 34.
Interim Biography, p. 29.
from the Treasury on the 28th. “Harry White, I recall, asked me to stay on
for $2600 [a $200 raise from his summer salary]. I said I would for $3200,
but he could not or would not make such an offer.”48 And so Charlie
shifted from Washington to New York, now working mainly on calculat-
ing international capital flows.
Thesis second. A lot of the preparatory reading and note-taking was
already done. A first step had been a review of the recent literature on
international capital flows. Three books on the topic were published in
1935, and Charlie got hold of them by promising to review them for the
Political Science Quarterly. The best of them all was Ragnar Nurkse’s
Internationale Kapitalbewegungen, “a brilliant excursion into
a theoretically dimly lighted territory.”49 It is Nurkse’s classification of
different kinds of capital flows that Charlie would use as the frame for
Part I of his thesis.
Part II of the thesis followed Willis, by applying a payments perspective
to short-term capital movements. The first of two basic principles that
Charlie sought to establish has recognizable origins in Willis: “that short-
term capital in the balance of payments and in a national banking system
should be regarded as equivalent to gold (from which the corollary
follows that when gold flows are due solely to movements of short-term
funds their effects on the banking system should be offset).” Part III then
followed Angell by tracing the effects of these flows on domestic money
and nominal income. The second principle has recognizable origins in
Angell: “that equilibrium in the foreign-exchange market and in the
balance of payments can be said to obtain when at a given rate of
exchange the balance of payments exerts neither an inflationary nor
a deflationary force on the national money income.”
This is the account in the Interim Biography, p. 33. In his autobiography, Charlie says
he was willing to stay for $2,600 but White was unwilling to offer the extra $200. I have
favored the IB account, as it was written closer to the time of the event, but it should be
kept in mind that a central purpose of that account was to establish that Charlie was
not so interested in a job at the Treasury, so as to “dispel any possible question in any
mind that I was participating in a Treasury plot, if there was one, whether to pastor-
alize Germany, or for any other purpose.” In the IB account, Charlie more or less
rejects the Treasury, while in the autobiography account the Treasury more or less
rejects Charlie.
Kindleberger (1936).
Kindleberger (1937b, 176–177).
Williams (1934).
KPMD, Box 40, “Personal Diary.” The conference was held at Hotel Astor, Mar. 21,
Truman Library, Despres Papers.
they have given me on the problems covered below and for their patience
in reading and suggesting improvements in the manuscript.”54
Job first, thesis second, and finally marriage. Working fast, Charlie
finished the thesis in March 1937, just in time to marry Miss Miles on
May 1, 1937. Marriage came with a dowry of $6,000, half of which he used
to fund publication of the thesis by Columbia University Press, so it was
fitting that the published book was dedicated “To S.M.K.” Realizing that
the two key dates of his engagement and his marriage coincided with two
important events in the world of money – the Tripartite Agreement that
stabilized dollar–sterling–franc exchange and the Fed’s decision to raise
reserve requirements – Charlie included an entry in the book’s index for
“S. Murgatroyd” that references the two worldly events. He liked to joke
that it served as an aide memoire to remind him of the important
personal anniversaries. Everywhere else it may have been Depression,
but not in Charlie’s life. Not for the last time, Charlie’s planful resilience
had overcome worldly setback.
Kindleberger (1937b, viii).
Hot Money
As Charlie started his new job at the New York Fed, the Tripartite
Agreement for currency stabilization between the United States, Britain,
and France was being implemented. In fact, his new job largely involved
providing statistical support for the US role in the new monetary system,
working with Emile Despres to tally short-term capital flows and report to
the Treasury. A further idea seems to have been to free up Despres to do
other things, such as spending the academic year 1937–8 pursuing formal
graduate study at Harvard, specifically participating in the famous Hansen–
Williams Fiscal Policy Seminar. For Charlie, the important thing was that he
was now finally in the game, doing more or less exactly what he had set his
mind on doing. Rejected out of hand by the Fed in his first attempt back in
1932, he had regrouped and retrained and was now on his way.
The way the new currency stabilization system worked, every day each
country published the price at which it was willing to sell gold to other
signatories of the Agreement, and then for the next 24 hours met all
requests using the gold reserves in its Exchange Stabilization Fund.
Large enough gold outflows could of course exhaust the gold reserves of
any one country, but so long as outflows were matched by inflows into one
of the other Tripartite currencies, reserves could always be replenished
simply by borrowing and lending between the deficit and surplus Funds.
As the system came into effect, this replenishment came to operate mainly
Kindleberger (1981a, 69). Possibly Charlie is here echoing a famous line from The
Imitation of Christ, which he likely encountered in chapel at Kent: “Man proposes, but
God disposes.”
through the fixed buying and selling price of gold in terms of dollars, $35
an ounce, which operated as an anchor for the system as a whole. The
effect was to create a 24-hour fixed exchange rate between the three
countries. As an international monetary system, it wasn’t much – only
three currencies and only 24 hours – but it was a start, and it was soon
joined by Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. It didn’t restore the
prewar globally integrated trading system, but it did temporarily help to
stabilize exchange rates that had been whipsawed by the flow of so-called
“hot money” ever since Britain’s suspension of gold convertibility in 1931.
The underlying logic of the Tripartite system, it is important to
emphasize, was the so-called “key-currency” idea that had first been
floated by Harvard Professor John H. Williams back in 1932 in his role
as US representative to the Preparatory Commission of Experts, prelim-
inary to the June 1933 World Economic Conference in London.2 Prior to
the Conference, in May 1933, Williams was brought on to the New York
Fed staff as an assistant Federal Reserve agent, and then in 1936, prior to
the Tripartite Agreement, he was promoted to Vice President. Thus, in
effect Williams was chief economist of the New York Fed when Charlie
joined, and, although Charlie never reported to him directly, his job
required him very much to engage with Williams’ thinking.
In his autobiography, Charlie remembers how Williams split his time
between Harvard and the Fed:
He patronized the overnight sleeper, the Owl, to such an extent that some
of us thought he had hung pictures in his lower berth . . . I saw more of
Professor Williams [after the war] when I was at MIT and he at Harvard,
and found myself slowly and partly unconsciously more and more
impressed with his notion of “key currencies.”3
Following Clarke (1967, 40), Kindleberger (1984a, 336, 430) suggests that the key-
currency idea perhaps has its origin even earlier in the thinking of Benjamin Strong,
while drawing attention to the account of Williams’ “pays-clef” views in Documents
diplomatiques francais, 1932–39, 1st Series, 1932–1934, Volume 2, para. 180, Geneva to
Paris, p. 386. See also Kindleberger (1987b, 122, 140). Clavin (1996, 90, 110, 112)
tracks the diplomatic history of stabilization discussions leading up to the World
Economic Conference, emphasizing their tripartite nature. The most complete
account of Williams’ thinking is Asso and Fiorito (2009).
Kindleberger (1991a, 50).
Alacevich et al. (2015).
the while, the unresolved problem of Allied war debts and German
reparations stood in the way of more extensive central bank cooperation.
Williams’ breakthrough in thinking about these matters was to recog-
nize that the prewar gold standard had actually been a gold standard only
for Britain: “England was on the gold standard and the rest of the world
was on the sterling standard,” insofar as it was the London sterling bill
market that facilitated trade across the globe.5 Through its empire,
Britain had run a trade surplus with the rest of the world, and through
its financial center in London it had recycled that surplus into long-term
investments across the globe, while the Bank of England managed the
daily fluctuations of the international monetary system by raising the
bank rate in response to net gold outflows and lowering it in response
to net gold inflows.
From a key-currency perspective, the central problem facing the
Bank of England after the war was the new position of the United
States as net creditor to the rest of the world, which meant that sterling
no longer stood alone at the apex of the system. As a consequence,
reasoned Williams, stabilization of both sterling and the dollar, against
gold but more importantly against each other, was the key to achieving
international monetary stability, the essential first step but also the
essential stable core around which others could subsequently orient
Fixed exchanges and gold flow would provide a means of imparting to the
rest of the world stabilizing influences developed, maintained and
controlled through money management in the center countries. Under
such conditions, the foreign exchange problem would boil down in the
main to the question of the dollar-sterling rate relationship. Some
community of action in monetary and in general economic policy as
between these two countries would clearly be involved.6
Williams (1934, 65). Here he is explicitly following the historical account of Smit
(1934), which references a longer study he published with the Council on Foreign
Relations. In context, we can understand the interventions of Williams and Smit as an
attempt to shift the multilateral League-style thinking of the Council in a key-currency
Williams (1934, 66).
The Agenda for the 1933 World Economic Conference very much
reflected Williams’ conception of the road forward. The very first item on
the Agenda was Monetary and Credit Policy: “We feel that, in practice,
certain countries are in a key position in that the reestablishment of a free
gold standard by them would influence action in a number of other
countries.” In this regard, “countries with a free gold standard and with
abundant monetary reserves” are obliged to take the lead; no specific
countries are named, but clearly France and the United States are
intended. “Countries which have left the gold standard” are obliged to
restrain themselves from seeking individual advantage by depreciating
their currencies against the leaders; again, no specific countries are
named, but clearly Britain is intended. And “countries which have intro-
duced exchange restrictions” as a means of defending their exchange
rates are obliged to allow these rates to find their own levels and to
stabilize at those levels; here, the main target is likely Germany. The
central banks of all three kinds of countries are obliged to cooperate,
initially to facilitate reallocation of world monetary reserves, and after
that on an ongoing basis concerning credit policy. “The Bank for
International Settlements represents a new agency for central banks
and should be able to play an increasingly important part, not only by
improving contact, but also as an instrument of common action.”7
This published Agenda is likely more or less what Williams urged
privately to his fellow experts in 1932, and it is also likely more or less
what the American representatives to the World Economic Conference,
O. M. W. Sprague from Harvard (representing the Treasury) and George
Harrison from the Federal Reserve, pushed during the first weeks of that
Conference. For a brief moment, it even seemed possible that the
Agenda might become reality as central bankers, meeting separately
from the main conference, made rapid progress nailing down the details
of specific exchange rate pegs. But in the end, the new US President
Roosevelt refused to go along, perhaps having in mind the British experi-
ence of the 1920s when domestic prosperity was sacrificed to a quixotic
attempt to restore the prewar gold standard. Instead, Roosevelt moved in
exactly the opposite direction by suspending US gold payments in
Angell (1933b, 31–39).
April 1933 and then raising the price of gold in an attempt to raise
domestic prices, causing gold to flood into the United States. His “bomb-
shell” telegram more or less tanked the Conference, with the result that
instead of international monetary stabilization we got the era of hot
Notwithstanding the failure of 1933, it is important to appreciate that
the Agenda of the World Economic Conference was subsequently kept
alive as a minority view inside the New York Fed by Williams and also by
Allan Sproul, Charlie’s ultimate boss, who would succeed Harrison as
President of the Bank. Finally in 1936, when recovery in the United States
seemed to be under way, there was space to press the Agenda forward
again. The result was the Tripartite Agreement.
Whether or not Charlie knew about the larger Williams agenda in
advance of taking the Fed job, he certainly found out in a hurry once on
site. For the first six months, his focus understandably was on finishing his
thesis, but all the while he was coming up to speed. Already in an internal
Fed manuscript dated January 12, 1937, and titled “International
Monetary Organization and Policy,” which opens with an essay by John
H. Williams of the same title,9 Charlie contributed a coauthored chapter 6,
“Trade Areas,” and a single-authored chapter 7, “Some General
Implications of Recent Currency Developments.” Charlie might have
been channeling Williams when he writes: “The devaluation of the franc
and the other gold bloc currencies, long expected and postponed, clears
the way for possible advances in the development of international monet-
ary organization.”10
What possible advances? One possibility, which Charlie subsequently
urged in a variety of internal Fed memos, was the demonetization of gold:
“A Program for Gold” (June 18, 1937), and “The Gold Problem”
(March 24, 1938, with Emilio G. Collado). He argued that the continued
availability of gold as a monetary asset was a destabilizing feature of the
system, since it enabled runs on national currencies, that is, the hot
Clavin (2013, 120–121).
Under a different title, this chapter was published as Williams (1937).
“International Monetary Organization and Policy,” p. 144. KPMD, Box 4, Folder
“Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1936.”
“The Gold Problem,” p. 4. KPMD, Box 4, Folder “FRBNY, 1938–1939.”
The origin of the idea (probably Collado's contribution) was apparently ATT’s
practice of limiting foreign ownership of its stock and letting the price of the foreign
quota fluctuate relative to the price of the domestically held stock.
“Hot Money,” p. 12. KPMD, Box 4, Folder “FRBNY, 1938–1939.” Despres (1973,
ch. 14) would revive both of these proposals in the 1960s, prior to the imposition of
a two-tier gold market in March 1968, and the suspension of convertibility on
August 15, 1971.
Charlie’s explicit target is the erroneous argument of Paul Einzig (1937) to the effect
that intervention in the forward market offers a nearly costless way of stabilizing
exchange, since it does not require use of scarce gold reserves.
Interim Biography, p. 38. The autobiography says that Sproul approached him about
the opportunity; Kindleberger (1991a, 50).
Kindleberger (1991a, 5).
Kindleberger (1991a, 146).
If the war were to end before the end of June with a German victory and an
armistice, I should resign I think from the bank, and we should head right
for Baltimore. If the Germans should win later, I am afraid it would be
more feasible to stay here until after Cookie [the baby] arrived and got
into travelling condition. But most of all for general reasons, let us hope
the Allies hang on until the Germans collapse from exhaustion, in which
event I have to stay until June 1942.19
KPTL, Box 11, “Dr. and Mrs. Wardlaw Miles.”
KPTL, Box 11, “Dr. and Mrs. Wardlaw Miles.”
Gross (2017).
irrelevant and at worst an agent of the Reichsbank. For Charlie, the idyll
was definitely over. After some renewed pressure from the Fed (organ-
ized by Despres), on June 29 he was finally able to get a release from his
BIS contract. On July 3, the Kindlebergers left Geneva by bus, arriving
eventually in Lisbon where they caught the SS Manhattan for New York,
and then on to Baltimore where Charles Poor Kindleberger III was born
nine days later (July 27).
Back in the States, and back also at the Fed, now the Board in DC
rather than the Fed in New York, Charlie commuted for a while from
Baltimore before moving with the family in October to a rented house on
Seminary Hill in rural Alexandria, Virginia. There the Kindlebergers
would remain until 1948, even as war service and then State
Department posting took Charlie abroad for extended periods. The
friendships forged with the New Dealers who made Seminary Hill their
home during those first years of family life continued on for the rest of
their lives; three of these friends served as godparents for the children
born on Seminary Hill.21 After the move to MIT in 1948, Charlie’s
continuing appetite for international economics would take the family
abroad repeatedly for sabbatical trips, but Sarah’s responsibility for
domestic economics would keep the family firmly rooted on domestic
Meanwhile, life went on at the BIS without Charlie. In October 1940,
the Bank moved back to Basel and Charlie’s boss, Per Jacobsson,
Economic Advisor of the BIS, stayed on through the war, as did the
American President McKittrick.22 Uncomfortably, the majority of Bank
assets were loans to Germany (against the long-term deposits of the
founding members of the BIS), which Germany continued to service
throughout the war. Accepting gold in payment of interest due was
arguably less shameful than laundering German gold for war material
imports (as the Swiss banks did), especially since those interest payments
were the main source of BIS income during those years; the Bank would
have had to shut down without them. But it cannot have come as any
surprise that, in the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference that laid the
Chandler Morse for Sally, Clifford Durr and Mary Walton Livingston for Randall.
Auboin (1955), Jacobsson (1979), Toniolo (2005).
groundwork for postwar monetary arrangements, the BIS was slated for
closure, and only managed to survive thanks to the staunch support of its
central bank founders. In the years that followed, the diminished BIS
would redeem itself by managing the monetary stress of postwar recon-
struction in Europe, specifically by running the European Payments
Union that served as the seed of the subsequent Monetary Union. But
that is getting ahead of the story. The important thing for now is that
Charlie’s dream of a life in international central banking was over.
In his autobiography, Charlie passes quickly over his year at the BIS,
and also his two subsequent years at the Board before he joined the War.
Understandably, his war experience starting August 1942 stands out
much more sharply in his memory. But an outsider can see what he
does not: a period of some three fallow years when Charlie, previously
narrowly focused on monetary matters and heading for a career as
a central banker, laid the foundations for the wide-ranging mature
economist that he would become. For the first (and last) time in his life
he had more time than he needed – time to draft and revise. By tempera-
ment, he was not happy with so much time on his hands, and he found
the solution by jumping into the war as soon as he could. But until that
moment he continued his education, and it all began in Basel, with his
work with Jacobsson on the Bank’s Tenth Annual Report (May 1940).
In typical understatement, Charlie suggests that the report was “mod-
estly better than those it followed.”23 In fact his hand is very visible
throughout, perhaps most obviously in a short digression on the theory
of “shiftability,” but more generally in the attention given to short-term
capital flows as disruptive shocks to the system, and the way that markets
and central bankers were responding to them. We can, I think, read this
report as the missing empirical chapter of Charlie’s dissertation, but also
more importantly as a foreshadowing of his mature The World in Depression
(1973), and the opening statement of his lifelong debate with monetarism,
as in Keynesianism vs. Monetarism (1985).
The report opens by reminding the reader of the tremendous advance
in human flourishing that had been achieved in the period leading up to
World War I: “This improvement was built on the basis of the
Kindleberger (1991a, 55).
BIS, Tenth Annual Report, pp. 6–8.
Only then was Britain finally forced to abandon its defense of the pound,
to allow devaluation, and to implement far-reaching currency controls.
Other countries responded along a spectrum, some (such as France)
following the pound, others switching to peg against the dollar instead,
and still others splitting the difference. In effect, under pressure from war,
the global shift from a sterling standard to a dollar standard was moving
forward faster than it would have in peace time. In September 1939, the
United States issued a statement reaffirming the Tripartite Agreement, but
in effect it was already over. Foreign trade between the war economies and
the peace economies shifted quickly to a cash basis, as commercial traders
were unwilling to offer credit terms, and states were yet unprepared to offer
political terms. Central banks everywhere supported the flight to safety in
their individual countries by expanding their note issue against purchases of
long-term government debt, much of it new debt issued to support rearma-
ment expenditure beyond tax revenue. In effect, central banks, “the indis-
pensable adjunct” of government, were shifting from bankers’ banks to
government banks, even in peace economies.
Just so, in the United States, Depression deficits had already trans-
formed the central bank balance sheet and central bank policy as well,
showing the way forward for others; “In fact, the bond market has to an
increasing extent been utilized by the banks not only for investment but
as a means of adjusting their cash position, thus usurping the functions of
the money market.” “[T]he old conception of liquidity has changed . . .
In the United States, the theory of ‘shiftability’ was developed – any assets
for which there was a high degree of marketability were considered
liquid.” As adjuncts of government, central banks take on the task of
maintaining orderly bond markets but, “anxious not to become ‘shifter
of last resort’,” insist on substantial price concession before absorbing
excess bond selling pressure.25
Charlie’s embrace of shiftability shows how far he had traveled from
his teacher Willis, but not so far as monetarism, not by a long shot.
Working on the Report meant tangling with Per Jacobsson, head of the
Monetary and Economic Department and a committed monetarist with
special interest in the Report’s chapter on “Production and Movements
BIS, Tenth Annual Report, pp. 102, 134, 135.
of Gold.” But even in this chapter, Charlie’s hand is visible: “Gold in itself
has no mystical influence on prices; it is only when the supply brings
about an increase in active purchasing power than an effect on the price
level can be expected.” From Angell, Charlie had absorbed the idea that
money influences income as well as prices, and from Keynes the idea that
it is not so much money as spending that drives income, specifically
investment spending:
BIS, Tenth Annual Report, pp. 80, 14.
Hansen (1939).
BIS, Tenth Annual Report, p. 15.
The work which the Board was so anxious to have me undertake was to
contemplate the nature of United States foreign trade in a world where
Germany had conquered Britain. It is hard to recall the deep pessimism of
those months of June, after Dunkirk, and July, August and September,
until it appeared that possibly the British would be able to resist defeat . . .
I wrote a long memorandum on the “Future of World Trade.”29
The concern was with American loss not only of export markets, but also
of raw material supply channels, in a world divided between a German
“New Order of Europe” and a Japanese “Co-Prosperity Sphere” – two
essentially imperial projects with their own dedicated, more or less
enslaved peripheries serving the imperial core. Supposing that hap-
pened, America would survive, but its existing industrial structure
would have to be significantly changed, and trading patterns would
have to be shifted strongly toward Canada and Latin America.
Definitely not a bright prospect, and fortunately one that did not actually
have to be faced as, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7,
1941, the United States officially abandoned neutrality and declared war,
thus decisively shifting the likely outcome.
But even supposing that Britain somehow managed to resist defeat, all
would not be well. Providing statistical support to the negotiations of the
Lend-Lease Act in March 1941, Charlie had reason to appreciate not only
the desperate position of wartime Britain, but also how much that unten-
able situation would persist even after eventual peace.30 In a seminal essay
“Britain’s Trade in the Postwar World,” published anonymously with
Hansen’s encouragement by the National Planning Association in
December 1941, Charlie set out the problem and his proposed solution.31
Interim Biography, pp. 41, 46. KPMD, Box 21.
Charlie’s interest in British matters dates from New York Fed days: “Tentative Outline of
a Memorandum for Mr. Williams on British Economic Future” (Apr. 24, 1937) and “The
British Economy, 1925–1937” (July 20, 1937), both listed in Interim Biography, p. 37.
Whitham (2016) provides useful historical context about the efforts of the National
Planning Association.
The whole reason for Lend-Lease was that Britain had by then largely
liquidated her portfolio of foreign investments, and so had nothing with
which to pay for essential war imports.32 One consequence of that liquid-
ation was that, after the war, there would be no investment earnings to
support essential imports. Even more, the anticipated postwar shift to
a dollar standard seemed likely to involve shift also of the trade financing
business from London to New York – another crucial source of earnings lost.
And even though Lend-Lease meant that there would be no postwar indebt-
edness to the United States, Britain was in effect borrowing heavily from her
former colonies by paying them for war material with sterling balances,
which they would want to spend on imports from the United States after
the war: “How Britain can improve her balance of payments is one of the
crucial postwar problems . . . Narrowly construed, the problem of Britain
and the entire sterling area will be: ‘What will we use for dollars?’”33
Lend-Lease for Britain during wartime, and perhaps also during
reconstruction, solved this problem for a while, but obviously it could
not be expected to continue after the war. The danger (and the obvious
default scenario) was that Britain would resort to bilateralism and
exchange control, as it had after it went off gold in 1931, so likely coming
into conflict with the United States over trade preferences with former
colonies. Meanwhile, the clear interest of the United States was in a larger
global settlement: “International economic collaboration for production
and trade on a new and higher level,” to be achieved by a two-pronged
program of “simultaneous internal measures to achieve world prosperity,
and the development of economically backward countries under inter-
national sponsorship and with international capital.”34
Just as British prosperity in the nineteenth century had depended on
development of the New World, so too more general prosperity after
World War II would depend on development of the rest of the world:
“Indian, Chinese, and African peoples must be helped to develop their
Some of this liquidation was more or less forced on Britain. “White was determined to
make the British turn their pockets inside out, and this led to their being compelled to
sell a prize investment in the United States, the American Viscose Company, owned by
Courtaulds” (Kindleberger (1991a, 66).
Kindleberger (1941, 15, 16).
Kindleberger (1941, 20, 34).
Kindleberger (1941, 33–34).
Kindleberger (1941, 29).
Hansen and Kindleberger (1942a, 473). See Mehrling (1997, 117–123) for the larger
context in Hansen’s own work.
Kindleberger (1943b).
“Together we wrote a pamphlet for the National Planning Association on International
Development Loans.” Interim Biography, p. 49.
Hansen and Kindleberger (1942b, 5, 34).
the Research and Analysis Branch, starting in August 1942 as chief of the
Military Supplies section in the Economics Division.
“The task of the Military Supplies section, as outlined to me by Morse,
was to estimate German economic capabilities in the fields of military
hardware . . . but we very shortly started to move into target selection.”
While Morse traveled to London to set up what came to be called the
Enemy Objectives Unit, Charlie stayed in DC to draft “the first beginnings
of a theory of bombardment known to me, in which the recuperative powers
of an industry, the depth of its output behind the fighting front, and the
need for a fighting front as an anvil to the air force hammer were related to
each other.”41 With this sketch in hand, Charlie then traveled to London to
relieve Morse, taking up residence at 50 Great Cumberland Place and
working at the US Embassy at 40 Berkeley Square. There was a war on,
and now he was in it.
One last thing before he left: Charlie took part in a panel on “The Future
of International Investment” held on January 6, 1943 in Washington, DC, as
part of the annual meeting of the American Economic Association. His
contribution, “Planning for Foreign Investment,” is notable for its unusual
The world “chronic shortage of dollars” of which so much has been heard
abroad, is basically ascribable to the United States’ failure to lend abroad
more abundantly, or rather more continuously . . . The private investor is not
in a position to undertake the provision of large blocks of capital for major
development undertakings . . . The government is appropriately the borrower
for such large-scale projects, as government is appropriately the lender.42
Let economists quibble about fine points of price theory; Charlie was
embarked on a much grander venture. There was a war to be won, and
after that a world to be reconstructed. For the next five years, both tasks
would occupy him completely.
Interim Biography, pp. 52–53, 55.
Kindleberger (1943a, 350–353).
A Good War
There can be no question that for Charlie, like so many of his generation,
war service was the peak experience of his life, a fact that he signals by
dedicating his 1991 autobiography to “the comrades-at-arms of EOU,”
meaning the Enemy Objectives Unit of which he became chief starting
February 28, 1943. He was relieving Chandler Morse, and the plan was for
Emile Despres to relieve him in turn; so, it was just a temporary assign-
ment, but it was his first significant managerial position and he was
determined to rise to the occasion. In the event, Despres never did relieve
him, and Charlie remained in London as chief until D-Day, after which
he shifted to the ground war in France. His colleague Walt Rostow
remembers: “His rule in exercising authority was ‘tough upwards, soft
downwards’,” and he set an example with his own “fierce integrity” and
unrelenting work ethic.2 Many of the friendships he formed in the
foxhole at 40 Berkeley Square would continue on into postwar govern-
ment work and remain lifelong.
The job itself was Research and Analysis: desk work behind the lines
and behind the scenes, not Secret Intelligence “spy stuff” or Secret
Operations “sabotage” (the other OSS units), but nonetheless clearly
an essential contribution to the war effort. Charlie loved it. Even with
two babies at home, there is no sense at all that he ever questioned where
his duty lay, not until the war was well and truly won. Indeed, he was
plenty irritated by the fact that in September 1943, when the official draft
Kindleberger (1991a, 80).
Rostow (1992). See also Winks (1987), Katz (1989, Ch. 4), and Milne (2008, 31–34).
finally got around to him, he was required to leave his vital war work
behind and return to the States for six weeks in order to receive his
official commission (as Captain).3
The central task of the EOU was to provide analytical support for the
strategic bombing effort, in effect advising how best to disrupt the
German war machine. Put another way, the question was how best to
make practical use of the 50,000 airplanes that Roosevelt had committed
to supply. The British favored shock and awe, for psychological effect, but
as an economist Charlie thought about the problem differently. The
economics of war, Charlie would reflect, are essentially simple: “win the
war without unduly deranging the domestic economy . . . Our task in OSS
was to try to decide how best the enemy economy could be taken apart . . .
In the end, we recommended ball-bearings and aircraft.”4
The remaining problem was to find out where exactly the Germans
were producing ball-bearings and aircraft, and that’s where the hay-
processing came in: “every possible source of information, including
mountains of Photostats produced by Polish intelligence, aerial photog-
raphy, prisoner-of-war interrogation, etc . . . Instead of passively examin-
ing the flow that came across our desks, we pushed . . . The task kept us
going nights and weekends.”5 In his autobiography, Charlie lovingly
relates various needles found by processing this hay, but these war stories
need not detain us. The important thing for our account is the demon-
strable success of EOU’s methods of research and analysis, a success that
would inform Charlie’s later academic style of research and analysis. He
was never much one for digging in the archives, but he was definitely
prepared to read everything written on a subject and then to spin the bits
and pieces into a plausible narrative. As an academic, he would remain in
effect an intelligence analyst.
As D-Day approached, the attention of the EOU shifted from strategic
to tactical bombing in support of the invasion, which required an
Interim Biography, p. 58. The autobiography spins this moment more positively,
referencing instead a “week of blessed leave” (1991a, 80).
Kindleberger (1991a, 71, 76). Tooze (2007) tells the story of a German war economy
already stretched near to breaking point, and significantly disrupted by Allied
Kindleberger (1991a, 77, 79). See also Babington-Smith (1987).
The key proponent of the British view was Lord Zuckerman. Rostow (1981b) tells the
story of Eisenhower’s fateful decision of March 25, 1944, in favor of Zuckerman, and of
the eventually successful EOU effort to reverse that decision. Rostow’s decision to
publish seems to have been provoked by Zuckerman’s (1978) self-serving memoir, and
Kindleberger’s (1978d) review of that memoir.
KPTL, Box 3, “War Diary, R&A Branch, OSS London, Vol. 5. Economic Outpost with
Economic Warfare Division.” Kindleberger (1991a, 88).
“German Rail Movement in France in the First Ten Days after D-Day: an Interim Report
by Charles P. Kindleberger, June 16–19, 1944,” published as Appendix F in Rostow
(1981b). A less hasty and more comprehensive post-mortem can be found in
Kindleberger’s letter to Major Derek J. Ezra, Apr. 13, 1945, which treats also the
political battle over targeting that continued from D-Day all the way to the end of the
war, KPTL Box 1.
It is not a pleasant thought: and it is a very obvious one, which we all take
for granted without translating it into its many practical applications. It is
that beauty, and logic, and symmetry and truth have to fight to win against
power. The rise of Hitler and the enormous effort and loss of life which it is
going to cost to defeat him are the obvious manifestation of this. But I, in
my very small way, have been conducting a fight in planning for some four
months now, a fight against power, held by a few men, with a very bad plan,
with a good plan which has truth on its side.
It is sometimes thought, and frequently stated, that the right will
prevail . . . What I have finally gotten a sense of is power, naked and
unashamed, which can laugh at logic, reason and truth. Goebbels and
Hitler do so. But so can all power.9
Once the invading Allied force was well and truly established, Charlie
shifted to the G-2 (Intelligence) section of the Twelfth Army Group, and
from London to the Continent, in effect an attempt to keep “Operation
Octopus” going even as the ground war progressed. This move required
a further upgrade in his clearance all the way to Ultra, which gave him
access to the code-breaking operation that had been reading German
communications. In his new position, he worked out of the forward
tactical headquarters, so-called “Eagle Tac,” traveling with General
Omar Bradley, working in a mobile trailer and sleeping in a tent with
two others: “My charge was intelligence on enemy supply and transport,
and specifically to make recommendations as to how air force could assist
the ground troops.”10 The frustrating political battle over bomb targeting
continued, but for Charlie the long hours at EOU learning the intelli-
gence business had paid off. For the first time he had full access to all
intelligence, and also a direct line to a key decision maker whenever he
KPTL, Box 10. CPK to Richard, June 4, 1944.
Kindleberger (1991a, 83, 91).
had advice to offer. It’s what he liked best – being a useful member of
a highly qualified and motivated team, working toward a common
Eventual Allied victory was never seriously in doubt, and Charlie
found time to enjoy his access to French food and drink, as well as the
occasional jaunt through the French countryside, but as the end
approached he found himself increasingly eager to get home. Initially
he thought it would be over by October, then Christmas 1944 at the latest.
The last-ditch German offensive at Ardennes on December 16th came as
a complete surprise, notwithstanding access to Ultra intelligence. After
the first weeks of battle, Charlie judged that German fuel supplies were
nearly exhausted and urged a final big Allied push. Instead, the decision
was made to continue grinding and even to launch the horrific firebomb-
ing of Dresden and other German population centers in February.
As the war finally wound down, Charlie took the opportunity to visit
some of the sites he had most been looking to destroy, most importantly
the very impressive underground factory near Nordhausen (soon to be
within the Soviet zone of occupation) that had been producing buzz
bombs, jet engines, and V-2 rockets. “Fantastic” as a piece of German
engineering – “the eighth wonder of the world,” as he wrote to his wife – it
was at the same time a horrific death camp, where prisoners were literally
worked to death: “A strong man could last six months. A thin or weak one
usually folded after three.”11 It was obvious that the Germans who worked
at the factory knew about the death camp, but somehow they had man-
aged not to confront its horror until the war was lost. Having lost the war,
Germans were forced to confront the fact that they had lost their honor
as well; suicide of responsible leaders seemed to Charlie an honorable
acknowledgment of complicity in such war crimes.
Charlie would end the war with the rank of Major and be awarded
a Bronze Star by General Bradley himself, but by then his thoughts were
very much on other things, specifically postwar employment. The easiest
thing would have been to stay in Europe, specifically Germany, as part of
the postwar Army occupation. But that Charlie most definitely did not
want to do, and not only because he wanted to get home. Wartime
April 19, 1945. Letter reproduced in Kindleberger (1989b, 203).
animus toward the German army was clearly spilling over into peacetime
animus toward the German people, and Charlie wanted no part of it. The
Morgenthau Plan to pastoralize Germany, made public after the
September 1944 Quebec Conference, was the guiding document on
the ground even if not official policy. Writing to Despres in October,
Charlie is clear:
[W]hile no man is a hero to his valet in the usual aphorism, I have often
stated that I have four heros in the Pantheon of men I have worked for – well
down the line to be sure, in my youth. They consist in (in alphabetical
order), Omar Bradley, William Clayton, George Marshall and Allan Sproul.
There is universal agreement that I have been blessed beyond the deserts of
any man to have had an opportunity to work with these great men.13
KPTL, Box 1. CPK to Chan and Emile, Oct. 27, 1944.
KPTL, Box 9, CPK to Bradley, Dec. 18, 1978. He would offer the same list in a letter to
Alfred Malabre of the Wall Street Journal (Oct. 7, 1988), in his autobiography
Sproul, of course, had been Charlie’s superior at the New York Fed
during the years of the Tripartite Agreement, and Clayton and Marshall
would be his superiors during his immediate postwar service at the State
Department. But in my judgment it was the experience with Bradley,
more than anything else, that made Charlie realize the deep satisfaction
that could come from service to one of the greats, and it was that experi-
ence, moreover, that impelled him to seek out similar opportunities in
postwar service. In this interpretation, it was the opportunity to work
under Clayton that persuaded Charlie to put aside his own feelings and to
accept the position of Chief of German and Austrian Affairs in
November 1945, in effect confronting the power of the Morgenthau
boys who had a very bad plan for Germany. And it was the opportunity
to work under Marshall that caused Charlie to accept the position of
director of the committee that put together the Marshall Plan and
ushered it successfully through Congress, in effect confronting the
power of American isolationists who had a very bad plan for Europe. In
both jobs, he would be joined by former EOU comrades-in-arms and
would pursue the well-honed EOU strategy of using a small, dedicated
team to shift a large and determined consensus.
It is notable that Charlie’s Pantheon were all men of the world, men of
broad vision and decisive action, albeit in different spheres: (in temporal
order) the banker Sproul, the soldier Bradley, the merchant-statesman
Clayton, and the soldier-statesman Marshall. Charlie would dedicate his
1996 World Economic Primacy to the memory of these four. In addition, and
closer to Charlie’s own merely human condition, the demigods in his
private religion were advisors and implementers, all of them economists:
Emile Despres and Alvin H. Hansen, about whom we have heard already,
and Edward S. Mason and Willard L. Thorp, his immediate superiors at
the State Department, working under Undersecretary for Economic
Affairs Clayton, and eventually Secretary of State Marshall. Charlie
would dedicate his 1999 Essays in History to the memory of these four. It
seems clear that the experience of working for his Pantheon, and along-
side these economists, made Charlie into the economist he was, well
(Kindleberger 1991a, 48), and in a letter to Clarice Thorp (May 11, 1992). KPMD,
Box 12.
You will take no steps (a) looking toward the economic rehabilitation of
Germany, or (b) designed to maintain or strengthen the German
economy . . . [C]onsumption held to the minimum in order that imports
may be strictly limited and that surpluses may be made available for the
occupying forces and displaced persons and United Nations prisoners of
war, and for reparation.16
Kindleberger (1987b, 162).
Rostow (1981a, 52).
Reprinted as Appendix C in Department of State (1946, 63–64).
The report was eventually published as Colm, Dodge, and Goldsmith (1955). See also
Gottlieb (1956/1957, 404), Kindleberger and Ostrander (2003). It should be noted
that Gottlieb worked under Dodge, while Ostrander ran Price Control. It was
Ostrander who recommended Colm and Goldsmith to Clay.
Department of State (1946, 78).
Department of State (1946, 27).
So far as Charlie was concerned, this was the policy of the State
Department going forward, and his job was to lay the groundwork for
implementing it.
The December report envisaged a three-stage approach. In the first
stage, which was to last until Spring 1946, the focus would be on recovery of
the rest of Europe, even at the immediate expense of Germany in terms of
coal and food allocation. It would be a cold and hungry winter for the
Germans while the Allies worked out a detailed level of industry plan for
the eventual peacetime German economy. But then, in the second stage,
allowed peacetime industries would reopen while excess or disallowed
wartime industries would be available for reparations. And upon comple-
tion of that second stage – say, by February 1948 – control would be shifted
to the Germans themselves, for further economic development of the
peacetime economy as they saw fit.
From the start, the goal was eventual freedom of the German people
to chart their own course, not only economically but also politically.
Clay’s closeness to business interests and the conservative CDU was
therefore highly inappropriate. After all, the British Labour government
was nominally socialist and they were running the British zone, so there
was no reason for the United States to resist something similar for the
Department of State (1946, pp. 94, 97).
American zone if that was what the Germans themselves wanted. The
problem was not just Clay. The entire War Department, headed by
Stimson and his deputy McCloy, was intent on preventing Communist
political parties operating as agents of the Soviet Union from taking
advantage of disordered postwar conditions to gain a foothold in
Western Europe, and they viewed socialist parties as a dangerous entry
point for such. This political calculation would in the end lead to the
division of Germany, and of Europe also, between the two superpowers,
but in 1945 alternative futures still seemed possible and Clayton’s econo-
mists were working toward their own favored outcome.21
From an economic point of view, the central challenge to be con-
fronted in the level of industry plan was that prewar Germany had
depended on exports from heavy industry to pay for necessary imports,
and that was going to be impossible for postwar Germany. Under Hitler,
heavy industry had been easily repurposed for war production, and that
made it the immediate target of postwar plans for “industrial disarma-
ment” and also of demands for reparations.22 In broad terms, the main
idea was to dismantle as much of German heavy industry as possible and
ship it to the USSR. That left light industry as the potential source of
postwar export earnings; so, that’s where Clayton’s economists focused
their attention, urging not only retention of existing capacity, but also
a wholesale retraining of the labor force to work in that capacity, using
multiple shifts in order to make maximal use of existing capacity until it
could be increased. The plan was fleshed out and then adopted by the
Allied Control Council in a comprehensive document, “Plan for
Reparations and Level of post-war German economy,” issued March 28,
1946, with lists of Prohibited, Restricted, and Unrestricted sectors for
industrial reconstruction and development. Stage One thus complete,
attention turned to Stage Two, and that’s where the trouble began.
Key to the plan was the “single economic unit” principle established in
the Potsdam Agreement, according to which the four zones of occupa-
tion were to be treated as a single unit for economic purposes. That
meant pooling scarce export proceeds from all four zones and using
Leffler (1996). On the War Department and McCloy, see Bird (1992).
On the complex politics of reparations, see Cairncross (1986).
them to meet the most pressing import needs in all four zones. And it also
meant taking maximal advantage of interzonal trade within Germany:
“The United States zone lacks coal. The French and British zones have
coal but lack food. The Soviet zone has food and brown coal, lacks iron
and steel.”23 Thus, from the beginning, the plan was concerned not just
with the American zone, but also with Germany as a whole, and in
particular with restoring economic relations between the four zones of
occupation. The trouble on this front came from France and Russia, both
of which resisted the single economic unit principle and in practice
treated their own zones as a resource to be exploited for their own
domestic purposes.
Even more, and also from the beginning, the plan was also concerned
with restoring economic relations between Germany and Europe. It
seemed clear to Clayton’s economists that reconstruction of Germany
was a key element of the larger project of reconstruction of Europe, and
by Europe they meant all of Europe, both East and West. Walt Rostow, in
particular, made this wider European dimension of the plan his own
personal mission, sketching the outline of such a plan as early as
February 1946, which in later draft would become known as the
Acheson–Clayton plan, forwarded by Charlie to Secretary Byrnes in
April. But Byrnes did nothing with it, neither forwarding it to the atten-
tion of President Truman nor introducing it at the April Council of
Foreign Ministers meeting in Paris. In retrospect, Rostow would come
to view Byrnes’ pocket veto as a crucial missed opportunity to avoid the
drift toward division of Europe. In the event, instead of the economists, it
was the foreign service side of the State Department that had Byrnes’ ear,
starting with Kennan’s famous “Long Telegram” in February. As Rostow
remembers, “The task of the West was to contain the outward thrust of
Communist power rather than seek a grand settlement embracing all of
But Rostow was not one to accept defeat so easily. In true “Operation
Octopus” fashion, he simply shifted his attention from the State
Department to the United Nations, where he urged the creation of an
Department of State (1946, 32).
Rostow (1981a, 42).
Clay (1950).
Department of State (1946, 23).
Kindleberger (1987b, 186).
Kindleberger (1987b, 177).
Stuttgart speech, available at
Kindleberger (1987b, 100).
But his even bigger contribution came after. On June 25, just weeks
after Marshall’s speech, Charlie shifted from GA to a new position as
executive secretary of the State Department’s working committee on the
Marshall Plan. Relieved finally to be off the endlessly frustrating German
beat, and to be working instead toward a clear and important goal,
Charlie threw himself into the task of producing a detailed plan that
could be presented to Congress for approval.33 It was a monumental task,
involving coordination with the Committee of European Economic
Cooperation (CEEC) to knit together a unified plan from sixteen differ-
ent country proposals for American contributions of twenty-six different
commodities. Initially the CEEC asked for $30 billion; ultimately
Congress gave $17 billion, spread out from April 1948 to June 1952.
After Congressional passage, the German monetary reform was finally
implemented on June 20th, which triggered the Berlin blockade on
June 24th, which in turn triggered the Berlin airlift operation mounted
with great distinction by General Clay. Notwithstanding these conse-
quences, for many years afterward Charlie imagined that the German
Kindleberger (1987b, 101). See also Jones (1955).
Kindleberger (1987b, 157). See also Jones (1955, 243).
Kindleberger (1997, 185).
monetary reform had proceeded more or less along the lines of the
original Colm–Dodge–Goldsmith plan, of which he had heartily
approved. In fact, however, only part of the plan had been implemented:
the part that converted all money and debts from Reichsmarks to
Deutschemarks, at a 10:1 ratio. The proposed capital levy, which had
been intended to effect an internal German redistribution between those
who profited from the war and those who suffered from it, never got
done. (It was that part of the plan that the War Department had choked
on when the plan first came out.) Imagining that the capital levy had
gone through as planned, Charlie would write in 1984: “I regard the
German monetary reform of 1948 as one of the great feats of social
engineering of all time.”34 Informed otherwise by his old friend Tyler
Ostrander, he would walk back the hyperbole in a paper that would see
publication only posthumously, expressing instead “regret that burden
sharing did not go further in rooting democracy more firmly.”35
Meanwhile, the apparent success of the German monetary reform,
which almost immediately brought goods out of hiding and into the shop
windows, stimulated Charlie to reconsider the reasons for the failure of
the Anglo-American loan way back in 1945. The whole idea of the loan
had stemmed from Williams’ key-currency approach, which suggested
the importance of stabilizing sterling against the dollar by facilitating
exchange of the sterling overhang. In retrospect, the mistake had been to
try to stabilize currencies in an environment where markets were basically
not working. The right approach was to address that more fundamental
problem first, which the Marshall Plan did, and only then to address the
monetary problem, precisely as had been done in Germany. Indeed, in
retrospect Charlie would understand the Marshall Plan itself as an exten-
sion of the key-currency idea, focusing on getting a key area – in this case,
Western Europe – on its feet first and then extending the effort to other
areas later. In this regard, Stalin had perhaps done the West a favor by
refusing Marshall Plan aid for Eastern Europe, which might well have
proven to be more than could be tackled at one time.
Kindleberger (1984a, 418).
Kindleberger and Ostrander (2003, 191).
Likely the reason Charlie did not contemporaneously notice how the
German monetary reform had been watered down was that he was glad to
be rid of responsibility for Germany and hence was no longer paying
close attention. In fact, by the time the reform was implemented he was
out of the State Department completely and starting a new life as
a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Exhausted by
his work on the Marshall Plan, and anticipating Truman’s defeat in the
1948 election, he had been contemplating such a move for a while, giving
seminars at Princeton and Yale, but with no luck.
The result was different at MIT primarily because of the intervention
of Richard Bissell, himself a 1939 Yale Economics PhD perennially on
leave from his MIT appointment during the war, who had asked MIT for
even more leave in order to serve as deputy to Paul Hoffman, the first
administrator of the Marshall Plan in Europe. Bissell had come to know
Charlie through the Marshall Plan work, Bissell serving as Executive
Secretary of the Harriman Committee which lobbied for the Plan, and
he recommended Charlie to MIT.36 Charlie visited Cambridge, this time
no formal seminar just office visits, most importantly with W. Rupert
Maclaurin, and he was offered the job: “associate professor with
a promise of full professor in three years.”37 He took it and bought
a house at 37 Bedford Road in nearby Lincoln, and that was his life for
the next forty-one years. “Bissell got me this job, and I’ve never regretted
The resistance of Princeton and Yale, however, is something that
needs to be understood – indeed, is something that Charlie himself
worked hard to understand and to counter, determined as he was to
make good in his new academic career. Charlie’s seminars at Princeton
and Yale had mounted an economic defense of the Marshall Plan,
a defense he would later expand into the book that got him tenure, The
Dollar Shortage (1950). The fundamental objection of people like Frank
Graham and Jacob Viner, the professors who tanked his academic
Bissell would ultimately resign his position in 1952 when he shifted from the
Economic Cooperation Administration to the CIA. See Bissell (1996).
Kindleberger (1991a, 129).
Kindleberger (1987b, 119).
seminars, came from their stolid belief that “any structural disequilib-
rium could be cured by leaving it to the market.” It was a belief that
Charlie had met before in the work he did as a government economist,
but one so obviously out of touch with conditions on the ground that it
had not been hard to overcome. As chief of GA, Charlie’s mantra had
become “If markets don’t work, don’t use markets.” In academia, as he
was learning, theoretical priors were much harder to shift. He put it down
to what he would call the “fallacy of misplaced concreteness”; for lack of
concrete information about actual conditions on the ground, economists
fell back on the concreteness of their merely theoretical ideas about how
the world works.
To be sure, Charlie always had in the back of his mind the ideal system
of multilateral trade, the theoretical ideal that is the trained economist’s
instinctive reference point, and an ideal that had in fact been approxi-
mated by the multilateral system of the nineteenth century. However, his
point always was that construction of such a multilateral system had
involved a lot more than just leaving things to the market. Indeed, “the
multilateral system of the nineteenth century was an accident, built of
British economic hegemony, the London capital market where dis-
tressed debtors could raise funds, and the British commodity markets
where distressed goods could be sold.”39 In the immediate postwar
period, none of these conditions pertained.
Rather, under actual postwar conditions, the fundamental problem was
structural disequilibrium. “The ultimate restoration of convertibility and
multilateralism presupposes that the resources within the countries in the
system will already be located in those occupations at which they can earn
the highest return,”40 which presupposition was clearly counterfactual for
Europe. The necessary reallocation of productive resources would take
time, and meanwhile opening up markets prematurely could easily disrupt
the necessary adjustment, for example by destroying what already exists,
leaving nothing behind with which to build toward the future. Specifically,
Kindleberger (1987b, 58). Compare Kindleberger (1973, 292), which emphasizes the
central role of the United States in the postwar multilateral system, without, however,
ever using the word “hegemony.”
Kindleberger (1987b, 51).
Kindleberger (1987b, 193–196).
reasons, but also because such a policy hits different social groups differ-
ently, and those most affected may well respond in ways that destabilize
the political equilibrium which is presupposed as a condition for imple-
menting the policy. Simply put, a reasonable degree of economic equal-
ity may well be a prerequisite for economic equilibrium: “Political
stability in Europe requires not only an increase in the standard of living
of the peasant and laborer in Italy and Greece, but also a reduction in the
conspicuous consumption of the Italian landowner and the Greek ship-
ping magnate.”42
That’s why Charlie had objected to General Clay’s cozy relationship
with the German industrialists, and that’s why he had seen the capital levy
as a crucial element of the German monetary reform. Indeed, Charlie
always saw political cooperation, not economic cooperation, as the essen-
tial element of the Marshall Plan. Crucially, no country would get anything
from the Plan unless they all came to an agreement on who would get what,
and that forced construction of a new kind of political equilibrium across
Europe. “The division of aid without objective economic or political
criteria was a creative cooperative act, forced on Europe by the United
States, no doubt, but nonetheless cooperative. The type of sharing implied
in this act is the basis of forging many into one sovereignty.”43 “In the
Marshall Plan, the economics profession got an opportunity to spend
$17 billion to test a theory about the relationship between economic
dislocation and political behavior. The experiment was a success.”44
At MIT, Charlie would develop this idea of political equilibrium into
a little paper, “The Distribution of Income, Political Equilibrium, and
Equilibrium in the Balance of Payments.” Rejected by Harvard’s Quarterly
Journal of Economics, Charlie published it anyway as an appendix to
The Dollar Shortage.45 For him the problem of structural disequilibrium
was fundamentally both political and economic and could only be
addressed effectively by engaging both dimensions at the same time.
Economists did not apparently agree but, fortunately for Charlie, MIT
Kindleberger (1950, 259).
Kindleberger (1987b, 88).
Kindleberger (1987b, 103).
KPMD, Box 1, Edward Chamberlin to CPK, Dec. 9, 1949.
Kindleberger (1991a, 49).
Recommendation letters from Charlie and also Paul Samuelson were instrumental in
effecting Despres’ move to Stanford. KPMD, Box 3. CPK to Lorie Tarshis, Mar. 4,
ECONOMIST, 1948–1976
In 1948, MIT was not the economics powerhouse it would later become.
For one thing, back then the economists mingled with other social
scientists in one single department, which existed mainly to service
students majoring in engineering of one kind or another. Paul
Samuelson had been charged with producing an introductory textbook
suitable for that student body, the first edition published in 1948; but
conservative alumni objected to the Keynesian thrust of the book, and
the administration had to get involved.2 In a communication to the
alums, department chair Ralph E. Freeman assured that “the group we
now have includes no freaks or extremists . . . all of the members of the
Department share a desire to preserve and improve the free institutions
of America.”3 He might have been talking about Charlie who, with his
twelve years of government service, carried more weight with business
practitioners than academics like Samuelson ever could.
In addition to service teaching, the department had begun offering
a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Engineering, which yet attracted
very few students; it also supported professional courses in Business and
Engineering Administration, but particular attention of the faculty
focused on the fledgling graduate division. Lawrence Klein had been
Kindleberger (1991a, 131). See also Kindleberger (1964, 327 n. 3).
Giraud (2014, 139–143).
MIT Archives. Office of the President, 1930–1959. Box 93 “R.E. Freeman, 1945–1954.”
Cherrier (2014, 25).
Kindleberger (1991a, 133).
Kindleberger (1986b, 13).
You are always fair, internationally minded, and quite free from insular,
nationalistic, and racial prejudices. You look at both sides of the matter
when the interest of different groups are in conflict. To be unprejudiced
and internationally minded is an advantage for an economist, especially for
those specialized in international economics, but I found, both with regard
to myself and others, that it is not easy to be free from a nationalistic bias.8
Kindleberger (2000a, 446).
KPMD, Box 24, “Reminiscences of Charles P. Kindleberger on his Eightieth Birthday,
October 12, 1990.”
Kindleberger (1986b, 16).
Myrdal.”10 And he would spend the third sabbatical (1970–1) in Kiel and
Rome. Each of these sabbaticals produced a book, but the locations were
always chosen as places that Charlie especially wanted to visit. Echoes
here of the foreshortened BIS adventure.
Children came along on all these adventures, but child rearing, both
at home and abroad, was almost entirely the domain of Charlie’s wife,
Sarah, as was perhaps typical in those prefeminist days. Charlie’s books
thus came at the expense of some neglect of his children, and perhaps
also some neglect of his wife, who found outlet for her own energies in
social work, volunteering at the library, and civil rights activism. After the
last child was safely off to college, it was Sarah’s idea to spend a year at one
or more of the historically black colleges, which took her and Charlie to
Atlanta for 1967–8, and led to Charlie’s ongoing engagement as a trustee
of Clark College. The assassination of Martin Luther King in April 1968
was, Charlie recalls, “the towering event of the year,” especially so
because King had been a graduate of local Morehouse College where
he was teaching a class.11
Life at 37 Bedford Road had its definite routine, but birthdays
and anniversaries were always special opportunities for fun. At
Charlie’s sixtieth, a favorite nephew penned a limerick that
Charlie saved:12
Charlie would have occasion to return the favor in his memorial tribute to Myrdal: “I
first met Gunnar and Alva Myrdal at a party in New York given by a Fortune editor and
his wife, Jack Jessup and Eunice Clark, to celebrate the release of John Strachey from
Ellis Island, where he had been detained as a Communist sympathizer because of the
tone of his book, The Coming Struggle for Power” (Kindleberger 1987c). Strachey’s
account of his experience “A Reporter Confined” was published in The New Yorker
(Nov. 12, 1938).
Kindleberger (1991a, 186). Charlie’s report on that year “Teaching Economics at
Atlanta University Center, 1967–68” may be found at KPTL, Box 8.
KPMD, Box 1. The limerick is dated 1970, and the menu 1965.
A menu saved from another special occasion adds detail about food choices:
Among these are the chronic world shortage of dollars; the continuous
balance of payments deficit of the British Isles and a few other countries of
KPMD contains outlines for three more collections that never found publishers: The
Economic Review as a Literary Art Form, edited by Stephen Magee (Box 8); The Finance
and Economy of France (Box 25); and The Economist and the Academy (Box 19).
Kindleberger (1991a, 209).
Western Europe; the problem of “hot money” which may be still further
aggravated after the war by the increased proportion which liquid claims
bear to national wealth in all countries; and the world trend of the terms of
trade against agriculture in favor of manufacturing.15
The first of these would be the topic of The Dollar Shortage (1950). The
third was not yet a problem given the capital controls established at Bretton
Woods (but see Chapter 6). The second and fourth Charlie would initially
pursue by accepting “moonlighting” teaching assignments outside MIT,
respectively a year-long course on “The Economy of Europe” at Columbia
University and courses on development economics at the nearby Fletcher
School of Law and Diplomacy.16 The purpose of taking on all this extra
teaching was not only intellectual broadening, but also helping with family
finances since Charlie had taken a substantial cut in pay when he shifted
from government to university work, even as the Kindlebergers welcomed
their fourth child, Elizabeth Randall, born August 1949.
In his preface to The Dollar Shortage, Charlie frames the book explicitly
as an attempt to “bridge part of the gap between government and
university economists, widened by the irritation of the former with the
latter for their lack of responsibility and the occasional patronage of the
latter for the former as students who failed of academic distinction.”17 It
is easy to see that it is Charlie himself who has felt irritated and patron-
ized, not least in those failed job talks at Princeton and Yale, and to see
also that he is determined in his new job to keep one foot deliberately in
each world. Indeed, Charlie probably imagined that his future academic
work would be supported by government contracts of one kind or other,
just as The Dollar Shortage had been supported by his ongoing consulting
work for the Economic Cooperation Administration (the Marshall Plan).
That seems to have been the plan.
Even more, his 1951 paper “Group Behavior and International Trade”
points to the likely intended direction of his immediate posttenure
KPMD, Box 5, folder “Post World War II Planning.” “The Bases of an International
Program for National Development after the War” (June 24, 1942), p. 5. The pub-
lished version (Kindleberger 1943b) leads with more or less the same list, though with
dollar shortage listed fourth rather than first.
Kindleberger (1991a, 137–139).
Kindleberger (1950, v).
Kindleberger (1951b, 30, 56). On Polanyi specifically, see Kindleberger (1974a).
Interim Biography, p. 93.
Kindleberger (1991a, 126).
KPMD, Box 3, “Correspondence 1973–89,” CPK to Alfred Malabre (Oct. 7, 1988). The
offending passage can be found at p. 56n in Alan S. Milward, The Reconstruction of
Western Europe, London: Methuen, as cited in Kindleberger (1987b, 263).
Interim Biography, p. 83.
Kindleberger (1951a; 1955a).
MIT suspended Struik, with salary, for five years, until finally the case was
dropped for lack of evidence.24
In this regard, it is important to note that Charlie’s own promotion
was happening at the exact moment that MIT was setting up the Center
for International Studies, secretly accepting CIA money that Harvard had
turned down because of the CIA’s security restrictions.25 Cold War com-
petition with the Soviet Union was on, and MIT was proud to be of
service, just as it had been during World War II when it had developed
vital radar systems at the famous Radiation Lab. Had Charlie not lost his
security clearance, one can imagine that he might have put himself
forward as a candidate for directorship of the new Center, perhaps
partnering with his wartime buddy Walt Rostow, who produced the first
two studies for the Center under classified CIA contract: one on the
Soviet Union and one on Communist China.26 Indeed, possibly it was
the prospect of involvement with the new Center that triggered the
fateful 1951 security investigation in the first place, which then had the
effect instead of blocking that involvement.
In the event, instead of Charlie it was Max Milliken, a former student
of Bissell brought back from the CIA, who got the director job and held
the post until his premature death in 1969. Under Milliken’s administra-
tion, the CIS became the intellectual center for social sciences at MIT,
attracting large grants from the Ford Foundation (where Bissell had
moved after the Marshall Plan), which built up first the economics
department and then the political science department. But without
security clearance, Charlie’s involvement in all of this was inevitably
For a brief period in 1956, Charlie thought he saw a way to clear his
name. Following the advice of lawyer friends Walter Surrey and Monroe
Karasik, he produced “An Interim Biography”: 100 typewritten pages
plus multiple appendices.27 The idea was to get hired at the Council of
Economic Advisors and then try to arrange for a hearing if he could not
Killian (1985, 150–157).
Blackmer (2002).
Rostow (1952, 1954).
KPTL, Box 9. CPK to Monroe Karasik, June 25, 1956.
get cleared; the biography was for the anticipated hearing. But nothing
came of it because Arthur F. Burns, chairman of the Council, thought “it
meant too much trouble.”28 While Charlie was waiting, however, and
apparently hoping for the best, he took on an assignment for the Center,
producing in short order a report, “The Objectives of United States
Economic Assistance Programs,” under contract for a Senate hearing
January 1957.29 The CIS was already on record advocating increased aid
for economic development up to the so-called “absorption limit” in any
given country, in a book by Milliken and Rostow, A Proposal: Key to an
Effective Foreign Policy (1957). In his report, Charlie offers his own spin.
Ever since the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, US aid had been
focusing mainly on military support to counter the Communist military
threat, but the end of that conflict brought opportunity to shift instead
toward economic development proper. Just as the Marshall Plan had
successfully assisted longer-term reconstruction in Europe (1948–52),
so too a program that channeled capital funds to the underdeveloped
world could assist in their transition to self-sustaining growth. In the
Marshall Plan, the initial idea had been to use the Economic
Commission for Europe as the coordinating body. In his report,
Charlie analogously proposed creation of an International
Development Advisory Council to oversee distribution of largely US
funds. Echoes here of his prewar work with Hansen on a possible
International Development Authority.
In context, we can thus understand the 1957 report not merely as an
attempt by the CIS to shift US policy, but more locally as an attempt by
Charlie to shift CIS policy away from Cold War competition with the
Soviet Union and toward the more globalist Hansenian vision that he
preferred. In the event, neither attempt was successful, and Charlie’s
security clearance plan also failed because of Burns’ timidity. Once again,
Charlie compensated by turning to textbook writing, now Economic
Kindleberger (1991a, 127).
Kindleberger (1957a). The report lists Charlie as one of many CIS researchers
involved in its production, but Charlie lists the report on his CV without mentioning
any coauthors. According to Blackmer (2002, 102), it was this report that prompted
William F. Buckley, Jr. publically to reveal the previously secret CIA funding of the
Development (1958), which makes extensive use of facts and figures gath-
ered by CIS researchers but within an entirely different analytical frame.
For Charlie, economic development was always a business thing, not
a Cold War thing. It was about the developing countries catching up
with the developed world, not about US competition with the Soviet
Union for influence over them. Further, for Charlie, the critical ingredi-
ent in the growth process was not so much capital formation as what he
called “the social capacity of labor for economic development.” The key
thing is to change people, and that suggests focus on “two major growing
points . . . transport (and communication) and education.”30
Charlie’s 1957 report for the CIS focused on using public funds from
the global North to create public goods in the Global South in order to
prepare the ground for later private investment, both domestic and
foreign, and self-sustaining growth. The economics of that subsequent
private foreign direct investment, however, remained largely unexam-
ined until Charlie, in collaboration with Stephen Hymer, his thesis
student from 1958 to 1960, turned his attention to the problem.
Hymer’s thesis, “The International Operations of National Firms:
A Study of Direct Foreign Investment,” though rejected in 1960 for
publication in the MIT economics department series on the grounds
that “the argument was too simple and straightforward,” laid the founda-
tion for more or less all of Charlie’s subsequent thinking on the topic.31
The central idea was that direct foreign investment was primarily
driven by the attempt of essentially national firms to more efficiently
organize their international operations by bringing them under central-
ized control. Just so, typically American firms make equity investments in
foreign firms, which they then integrate with their own domestic oper-
ations, even as they use the foreign platform to raise creditor capital in
the foreign country. It follows that foreign direct investment is not so
much a part of the theory of international capital movements, but rather
part of the theory of the firm. For Charlie, the most compelling thing
about these international operations was the prospect that they would
eventually lead national firms to become essentially international actors,
Kindleberger (1958b, 56, 161).
Hymer (1976, xiii).
Kindleberger (1967a).
Kindleberger (1984b, 171–176).
Kindleberger (2000a, 2).
Kindleberger (1963a).
over time and across countries.36 It was surplus labor supply that had
produced the super-growth of the immediate postwar period, and it was
the drying-up of that supply that was bringing that super-growth period to
an end.
It was thus Harvard not MIT, and the CFIA not the CIS, that kept
Charlie going during his years in the wilderness. In context, we can
understand his championing of the Lewis model as an attempt to pose
an alternative to both Rostow’s Stages of the Economic Growth (1960), which
was the favored frame at CIS, and also to Solow’s (1957) neoclassical
growth model, which was the favored frame in the MIT economics
department. In the event, it was the Solow model, applied to Europe in
the statistical growth accounting exercise of Denison (1967), that would
carry the day. Increasingly, Charlie would find his audience not only
outside MIT but also outside economics.37
Eventually Charlie did get his clearance back, in September 1962,
after the Kennedy administration hired him through the office of the
Undersecretary of State, but by then he was no longer the same person
he had been ten years before.38 He did take advantage of the clearance
to dabble a bit in government consulting around international monet-
ary reform, starting with a memo for his old EOU buddy Robert Roosa,
“Suggested Lines of Evolution for the International Monetary System”
(January 7, 1963), which he developed further in a memo for the
Treasury, “Summary of Views on US Balance of Payments Position
and Policy” (April 2, 1963).39 And two years later he was appointed
to President Johnson’s Advisory Committee on International
Monetary Arrangements.40 But it was really too late for him to build
Kindleberger (1967b, 8), Lewis (1954).
One exception, his student Peter Temin (2002) would subsequently build on
Charlie’s preferred analytical structure.
His application is dated December 5, 1961. The ultimate resolution is stated in a letter
from the US Civil Service Commission, Bureau of Personnel Investigation, dated Sept.
26, 1962. KPTL, Box 8.
The Roosa memo may be found in KPMD, Box 21. The Treasury memo was published
as ch. 6 in Kindleberger (1966).
In his autobiography, Charlie refers to this committee as the LBJ Presidential
Committee on International Monetary Policy, but historians call it the Dillon
Committee, after Douglas Dillon its Chair. Apparently its first meeting was July 16,
Kirschner et al. (1997), Cohen (2008, ch. 3).
Bhagwati et al. (1971).
Kindleberger (1991a, 204).
Kindleberger (1991a, 209–210; 1999, 1).
Kirshner et al. (1997).
See also Kindleberger (1996b).
Kindleberger (1987d). See also Kindleberger (2000a, 171).
Kindleberger (2000a, 183).
KPMD, Box 1, CPK to Cliff Durr, Dec. 13, 1951. See also Kindleberger (1991a, 155).
Kindleberger (1991a, 45, 117). Sokolsky’s articles were published in the New York
Herald Tribune, June 5 and July 23, 1947. See Kindleberger (1987b, pp. 196–197, n. 3)
for excerpts.
a grudging apology, but the incident made him aware that somehow he
had attracted the attention of the FBI.
Subsequent events had shed more light on the underlying reasons for the
FBI’s interest in him. Shortly after joining MIT, Charlie had been investi-
gated and cleared for work as an outside consultant for the European
Recovery Program of the Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA).
In the course of that investigation, J. Walter Yeagley, Director of the Security
and Investigation Division for the ECA, sent Charlie a formal request for
further information on his contacts with Frank Coe, Harry D. White, David
Wahl, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Miller. That must have been a worrisome
letter to receive in February 1949, right on the heels of the highly visible
August 1948 hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee,
which had interviewed Robert T. Miller on August 10th and Harry White
and Frank Coe on August 13th. But Charlie responded to Yeagley with
a letter detailing the nature and extent of his association with each man
and that seemed to be the end of the matter. He was cleared.53
Having dealt – as he thought, successfully – with the problem of White,
Coe, and Miller back in 1949, Charlie no doubt anticipated a similar result
when he applied for security clearance two years later. But it didn’t work
out that way. Thinking back on it in 1956, he concluded that there must be
something else: maybe something added after his 1949 clearance?
A particular worry was his friendship with Clifford Durr, much closer in
fact than that with Miller: “We asked Clifford Durr to be godfather of our
daughter Randall, born after we left Virginia, as a sign of our love for
him.”54 Durr had been tangling with the House Un-American Activities
Committee as early as 1942, and for him Truman’s loyalty program, estab-
lished March 22, 1947, by Executive Order 9835, was the last straw, leading
to his resignation on principle in April 1948. Like Charlie, Durr imagined
that he would find more suitable employment in academia, but unlike
Charlie he found all doors closed to him, and so instead embarked on
a career of private civil rights law practice, starting with defense of people
unjustly fired on spurious loyalty charges.55
Interim Biography, p. 86, 92.
Interim Biography, p. 43a.
Salmond (1990).
KPTL, Box 9. CPK to Struik Defense Fund, Jan. 21, 1952.
KPTL, Box 8. In the event, the Boston Division recommended against any formal
interview on the grounds that it “could prove embarrassing to the Bureau” since there
was very little evidence. Report of the Boston Division, Oct. 4, 1954.
Interim Biography, p. 98.
I know them well and that I know them to be loyal Americans who have
worked hard and faithfully in their country’s interest.59
Interim Biography, p. 35.
Interim Biography, p. 98.
Published July 30, 1953, Report of the Subcommittee to Investigate the
Administration of the Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws.
FBI’s original file on him, opened in October 1946, as part of its investi-
gation into “Underground Soviet Espionage Organization (NKVD) in
the Agencies of the United States Government.” Once he had his FBI file,
Charlie would have been able to reconstruct what happened, but in his
1991 autobiography he only hints at the full story. Probably it is a case of
WASP reticence: “Never complain; never explain”; though he did take
care to preserve the relevant documents from which it is possible to fill in
the gaps in his own account. Herewith the full story revealed by those
Charlie left the Department of State effective July 31, 1948, to start his
new academic life at MIT, and he signed on with the ERP effective
November 4, 1948, which triggered a security investigation. In his letter of
November 24, 1948, formally launching the investigation, J. Edgar Hoover
more or less instructed the field offices where the dirt was to be found in
reports that already existed. The resulting report of December 30, 1948,
then dutifully compiled it all, along with fresh investigative reports from
field offices in New York, New Haven, Philadelphia, Washington, DC,
Boston, and Baltimore, none of which turned up any additional derogatory
information. The following sentences from the cover-page synopsis of the
December 1948 FBI investigation were the fatal ones:
These were the sentences that must have prompted Yeagley’s querying
letter of February 1949, which Charlie thought he had adequately cleared
up in his response.
KPTL, Box 8.
In fact, however, as the FBI file further makes clear, Charlie’s response
was used in the 1951 investigation as confirmation of the suspect associ-
ations. The fundamental reason he lost his clearance was thus not any new
evidence at all, but rather the fact that, while Yeagley had been willing to
override the FBI in 1948, his counterpart at the Atomic Energy
Commission in 1951 was not. As a consequence, as we have seen, not
only was Charlie unable to be hired for government work in any capacity,
but he was also unable to participate fully in the Center for International
Studies that would be the intellectual center for social science at MIT.
In his autobiography, Charlie chooses not to tell this story, concerning
himself instead with establishing the facts of the matter about White, Coe,
and Miller, the men whose purported involvement in a Soviet espionage
conspiracy had resulted in his own security troubles. Were they in fact
Soviet spies?63
He may or may not have been a Marxist – nothing I have ever witnessed
directly would point in that direction – but he was a conspirator. He
wanted to run the world . . . Although it has been denied in the
biography by his brother, I suspect he committed suicide after returning
to New Hampshire from having testified in Congress and fighting off
accusations. That would fit his conspiratorial character.
Coe may well have been a Marxist . . . [While living] in the coal-fields of
Kentucky, [he] became radicalized in observing the conditions of the
miners. I liked Coe, and kept in touch with him for a while, sending him
a copy of my thesis in 1937 . . . Poor Coe: when the McCarthy heat was on
there was so much he could not explain that he left, first for Mexico and
then for Communist China. When Galbraith saw him in China on a trip for
the American Economic Association, Coe expressed an interest in seeing
more current books, and I sent him some.
There is an enormous volume of writing on this topic, reviewed and evaluated
persuasively, in my view, in Boughton and Sandilands (2003). My concern here,
however, is not so much with the fact of the matter, but rather with Kindleberger’s
own personal assessment of the cases.
Miller had made some money in the stock market in 1933, and went to
Russia to see what it was about. There he wrote for a newspaper as
a stringer, and married an American woman who may have been
interested in Marxism. His conservative Baltimore family was not pleased
by all this, and he waited in Europe until his twins were born, meanwhile
working in Paris for the Spanish loyalists.64
In all three cases, it is notable that for Charlie it all comes down to
a matter of character. To evaluate someone’s actions you need to know
what is behind them. Some of that is about personality, some about past
formative experience, and some about the frame they use to understand
the world. It is further notable that in all three cases Charlie says nothing
about whether they were Communists, much less whether they associated
with known Communists. He is interested instead in whether they were
Marxists. In effect, he clears all three men of the charge of espionage, but
convicts each one of a different variety of human frailty that opened them
up to the charge. It is the variety of human frailty that interests him.
Charlie was a New Deal liberal, of the globalist rather than nationalist
variety, and a William Clayton free trader rather than a George Kennan
Cold Warrior. All three of these positions were controversial, but none of
them was the reason for his clearance trouble. He got into trouble instead
for his wide interest in humanity, expressed by his continuing friendship
and contact with people who interested him, even if he disagreed with
them on political grounds. In his autobiography, he concludes that his
problems arose because “some of my friends were less than circumspect
in the way they responded to the witch hunt,” and so they were, Coe and
Miller (White was never a friend) and all the others as well.65 But it is also
true that Charlie continued these friendships even in the face of the
witch hunt. His friends’ lack of circumspection was one of the reasons he
liked them, even when he regretted the trouble it made for them and for
him. That’s who he was, even more than he was a New Dealer.
Kindleberger (1991a, 44, 45, 10).
Kindleberger (1991a, 127).
The model for the world should be the integrated financial market of a single
country, with one money, free movements of capital at long and short term,
the quantity theory of money employed on trend but free discounting in
periods of trouble. Such a world will be full of ambiguity, paradox,
uncertainty and problems. Such it seems to me is the human condition.2
The reality of the immediate postwar period was of course very far
from this ideal, and Charlie was quick to admit that for present purposes
his internationalist instinct was little more than a “prejudice” at consid-
erable distance from the facts on the ground. Indeed, it seemed to him
clear enough that the world was mired in a state of “pervasive and
unyielding” structural disequilibrium, so much so that the normal
Kindleberger (1970a, 227).
Kindleberger (1987a, 62).
operations of the market, which in the past had worked well enough in
response to small shocks, were simply overwhelmed.3 Adjustment
required instead the active intervention of government to correct struc-
tural disequilibrium, working toward restoration of the conditions under
which the market system might one day be able to work again. Just so, the
immediate postwar structural disequilibrium, which had dollar shortage
as its most dramatic symptom, had been overcome by an equally dramatic
government-led effort, not just the Marshall Plan, but also a whole pan-
oply of intergovernmental economic assistance. At the heart of the
problem, as Charlie saw it, factor prices were out of line with factor
endowments, while the price adjustment called for by standard economic
theory was incompatible with political stability. The answer was found
instead by adjusting endowments to prices by means of a massive pro-
gram of capital investment.
By this means, the immediate postwar structural disequilibrium seemed
well on its way to resolution by the time Charlie was putting together the
first edition of his textbook. But a new form of structural disequilibrium
was already emerging in the developing world and proving equally resist-
ant to a market solution. Put simply, the “social capacity for development”
in the developing countries was running substantially ahead of their own
capital resources even while, as a lasting consequence of depression and
world war, the international market for long-term capital remained essen-
tially shut down. Governments were stepping in to fill the gap, but still
demand was running substantially ahead of supply. “The remedy lies in
creating the climate of opinion in which private capital movements can be
resumed or in devising the international institutions capable of handling
capital movements in the amounts needed, or a little of both.”4
In Charlie’s view, “the young debtor should borrow, the mature debtor
should repay, the young creditor should lend.”5 Specifically, capital should
flow from the low-interest-rate developed world to the high-interest-rate
developing world, as it had before World War I through the mechanism of
empire. The problem was that no substitute for empire, whether markets
Kindleberger (1958a, 553, 557).
Kindleberger (1958a, 561).
Kindleberger (1958a, 522).
Kindleberger (1958a, 584, 563).
Kindleberger (1958a, 547, 439, 582, 571, 432).
Kindleberger (1958a, chs. 12–15).
valid argument for a tariff from a world point of view is the infant-industry
argument,” and that argument is more salient for the developing than
the already developed. In a world of specialization and increasing
returns, initial protection may be required in order to build capacity in
a new line of activity. Most importantly, tariffs on manufactured imports
may be appropriate for developing countries which confront the chal-
lenge of shifting labor from a low-wage traditional agricultural sector to
a high-wage modern manufacturing sector – so-called “dual economies.”9
To repeat, it seemed clear to Charlie that tariffs in the developed
world should be lowered. The problem was that persistent balance of
payments disequilibrium made that goal difficult to accomplish. Faced
with a payments deficit, tariffs can seem like a logical policy response
even if “anything that the tariffs can do, something else can do better.”10
That’s why Charlie so forcefully insisted that “the establishment and
maintenance of balance-of-payments equilibrium . . . is the central
problem in international economics today.”11 Balance of payments
disequilibrium was the central problem because it was the biggest threat
to free trade. And the main underlying cause of balance of payments
disequilibrium was the problem of restoring long-term capital flows
from the North to the South.
That’s why, notwithstanding the political challenge, Charlie always
emphasized restoration of long-term capital flows as job one, more
important even than restoration of short-term capital flows. Indeed, he
warned that premature restoration of short-term capital flows would
likely just fill the long-term capital flow vacuum, and that was asking for
trouble since there was no short-term prospect of reversing the flow in
order to repay. It is only when the young debtor becomes a mature debtor
that repayment can be expected. Reliance on short-term capital flows for
long-term capital needs therefore inevitably results in even worse balance
of payment problems when the short-term borrowing comes due.
In Charlie’s view, the stakes could not have been higher. He remem-
bered well how the structural disequilibrium of the 1930s had brought to
Kindleberger (1958a, 234, 216, 550).
Kindleberger (1958a, 233).
Kindleberger (1958a, 469).
a halt both long-term and short-term capital flows and so destroyed the
international monetary system, ushering in world depression and eventu-
ally renewed World War. Each country, facing its own individual balance of
payments constraint, had sought direct control over its interface with the
rest of the world, and the result was collapse of the elastic international
credit flows required for continued operation of the world trading system:
“Parallel with the growth of quantitative restrictions on imports . . . has
been the development of foreign exchange control. This depression prod-
uct was born largely of necessity.”12 It is this history that informs the
urgency of Charlie’s message in the immediate postwar period. Sine qua
non for post–World War II reconstruction of the global trading system was
long-term capital flows from the developed world to the developing world.
Teaching cosmopolitanism meant not only presenting a realistic
account of how the world actually works, that is, structural disequilibrium,
but also painting a picture of how the world might one day be able to work,
supposing that the long-term capital-flow problem could be solved and
short-term capital flow resumed. Toward this end, the central pedagogical
challenge that Charlie faced was that the traditional analytical structure of
international economics had very little connection to present reality:
“There can be little doubt in most minds that the real world resembles
less the classical assumptions than their obverse.” Three assumptions in
particular seemed to him clearly false: full employment, elastic demand,
and elastic supply. Supposing these assumptions held, the price mechan-
ism might well be adequate for directing the international adjustment
process, and in this case the classical theory would present a powerful
argument for free trade: “This approach is pedagogically instructive, but it
runs the danger of misleading the student who mistakes the analysis for
a description of reality.”13 The pedagogical challenge was to find an
alternative line of analysis, more tightly connected to observed reality,
without abandoning the cosmopolitan vision of free trade.
Toward that end, Charlie’s first step was the Keynesian one, relaxing
the assumption of full employment, and drawing attention to the role of
income changes in the adjustment process. (This would come to be
Kindleberger (1958a, 281).
Kindleberger (1958a, 557, 148, 554, 148)
Kindleberger (1958a, 206). See also Kindleberger (1957b).
Kindleberger (1958a, 44).
Kindleberger (1958a, 343, 330, 328).
Kindleberger (1958a, 344).
Kindleberger (1966, 207).
Kindleberger (1966, 208).
as Triffin’s SDR proposal for the IMF; for Charlie, central bank swap
arrangements were preferable, and were in fact working fine. As
a second example, notwithstanding the political obstacles to restoring an
international regime of free trade, Charlie warned against the danger of
resorting to a merely regional approach, such as the European Payments
Union, another enthusiasm of Triffin. For Charlie, the important thing
was not so much economic integration within Europe, but rather integra-
tion of each European economy into the larger world system. And, a third
example, Charlie’s conception of the balance of payments as a matter of
settling clearing balances led him to be an early and persistent critic of
enthusiasts for “freely fluctuating exchange rates” such as Milton
Friedman (1953). For Charlie, internationally as much as nationally,
trade works better with a single currency, and on these grounds fixed
exchange was preferable.20 As we will see, these three policy debates
would absorb much of his energy in the decade of the 1960s.
The return of European currencies to convertibility in 1958 marked
the end of one era and the beginning of another. Charlie’s preferred key-
currency approach would have suggested a more gradual evolution, first
stabilizing sterling against the dollar and then adding other currencies
one by one. The operation of the European Payments Union, however,
had effectively ruled that out, requiring the stronger currencies to wait
for the weaker currencies so that all could join at once. From this point of
view, it was not so surprising to him that the return to convertibility was
accompanied by considerable volatility, as each currency found its own
market level relative to everyone else. For Charlie, that was just the
growing pains of the emerging new system, nothing really to worry
about. The memoir of Charles Coombs, Vice President of the New York
Fed in charge of the Bank’s Foreign department, tells the tale of central
bank cooperation during those volatile years, working gradually to
reform the Bretton Woods system by substituting “mutual credit facilities
for international gold settlements.”21 Other voices, however, were not so
sanguine, none more important than the voice of Robert Triffin, and
Kindleberger (1958a, 562, 569, 567).
Coombs (1976, 188).
Maes (2013), Maes and Pasotti (2016, 5; 2021,61).
Triffin (1957, 29).
capital flows. Even more, Williams had gone so far as to actively oppose the
IMF, in both writing and Congressional testimony, as a distraction from the
more relevant project of building the nascent international dollar system.
In retrospect, Williams’ testimony, in his own admission a “minority view,”
serves as a prescient guide to the true evolutionary dynamic operating
behind the scenes, both in the immediate postwar period and subse-
quently, that is, the emergence of the global dollar system.24 As Harold
James reminds us: “Bretton Woods was the intellectual sugar, covering and
masking the bitter taste of the pill of Realpolitik dollar hegemony.”25
The bulk of Triffin’s 1957 book was not directly concerned with these
matters, but rather was focused more narrowly on the European Payments
Union, which Triffin credits with overcoming bilateralism within Europe,
expansion of intra-European trade, and laying the groundwork for eventual
convertibility. According to Triffin, the EPU had succeeded in achieving at
the regional level what the IMF had not yet been able to achieve at the
international level, due to the greater political obstacles to collective nego-
tiation, which is to say US resistance to full implementation of Bretton
Woods. I have already noted how Triffin’s celebration of the EPU had
attracted Charlie’s critical attention, on the grounds that promotion of
intraregional trade and economic integration came at the expense of the
larger objective of international trade and integration, and indeed involved
discrimination against non-EPU members, specifically the United States.
But it was a few pages at the end of Triffin’s book, added almost as an
afterthought, that would draw Charlie into a more sustained engagement.
It is here, already in 1957, that Triffin first floated the idea that came to be
known as the “Triffin Dilemma”: the idea that national currencies such as
the pound and the dollar are inherently unable to serve as adequate inter-
national reserve currencies, and so should be replaced as soon as possible by
a genuinely international reserve currency. Here is the key passage:
[As early as 1955], it was becoming apparent that further increases on the
scale necessary to ward off monetary pressures toward deflation and trade
restrictions would be found, sooner or later, to overtax the strength not
Williams (1947, ch. 4, appendix 3).
James (2012, 438).
only of the United Kingdom but even of the United States, and to
endanger the acceptability of the dollar itself as a safe reserve medium
for other countries. The solution of this dilemma should lead us to explore
more fully than has been done up to now the possibility of broadening the
basis of the gold exchange standard . . . by requiring all countries . . . to
maintain an appropriate proportion of their international reserves in the
form of a deposit account with the International Monetary Fund.26
The gauntlet was thus thrown. We can read Charlie’s subsequent 1966
collection of essays Europe and the Dollar as the record of his response to this
challenge. The title of the book certainly echoes Triffin’s, and the dedica-
tion to Emile Despres – “economist’s economist, teachers’ teacher, and
friends’ friend” – identifies Charlie’s own position with that of a favorite
student of Williams and Hansen, in effect claiming himself by proxy as the
more legitimate heir of that intellectual legacy, as indeed he was. The essays
in the book are arranged in reverse chronological order, from 1965’s
“Balance-of-Payments Deficits and the International Market for Liquidity”
all the way back to 1939’s “Speculation and Forward Exchange,” showing
how far Charlie had come from his New York Fed days. But more or less all
of the post-1957 essays are directed toward countering Triffin’s interpret-
ation of international monetary events and also his proposal for inter-
national monetary reform.
Triffin’s argument was attractively simple. Gold production was not
keeping up with the growth of world trade, and that posed a potentially
deflationary headwind for global expansion. Temporarily filling the gap,
and so warding off deflation, was the expansion of national credit money,
mainly dollars but also sterling. This mechanism, however, contained the
seeds of its own destruction since new national credit money only became
available for use as international credit money through the mechanism of
a balance-of-payments deficit, the issuing nation paying for purchases of
goods or securities with short-term borrowing rather than with its own goods
or securities. In the longer run, the buildup of these short-term balances
would, Triffin argued, inevitably prove unsustainable, prompting a run on
the national currency as holders sought to convert their balances into gold.
Triffin (1957, 299).
Kindleberger (1966, 163).
a structural current account surplus was not a problem, but rather the
solution of a former problem, bespeaking the increasingly cosmopolitan
view of American firms and consumers, and also a welcome technological
catchup by Europe.
Contra Triffin, the accumulation of short-term dollar balances by for-
eigners was also no problem: “There is very little danger from a withdrawal
of foreign funds in the United States. It makes no sense to net the
$16 billion of foreign funds in this country against the $20 billion gold
stock. No other country calculates its reserves net of liabilities, rather than
gross, nor does any bank.”28 Central banks already cooperate effectively to
stem short-run currency crises. For the longer run, what was really needed
was a shift on the margin to sharing the “burden of leadership,” specifically
some help with US military expenditure and foreign aid.
Although Charlie’s testimony made no explicit mention of them,
Triffin’s two articles of March and June 1959 in the Banca Nazionale
del Lavoro Quarterly Review were the clear subtext. Probably Charlie
thought (hoped) that his testimony would be enough to set the policy
conversation on the right track. Instead, Triffin came back in October
with his own Congressional testimony and then packaged that testimony
with the earlier articles and published the lot as a best-selling book, Gold
and the Dollar Crisis, The Future of Convertibility (1960), which fatefully
struck a chord with incoming President Kennedy. And so, Charlie was
obliged to spend precious sabbatical time putting together a major state-
ment, “The Prospects for International Liquidity and the Future
Evolution of the International Payments System,” now for the first time
engaging Triffin explicitly.29
For Charlie, the trouble with the gold-exchange standard was not at all
the inherent unsuitability of a national currency to serve international
Kindleberger (1966, 165), my emphasis. This somewhat offhand comment seems to
be the earliest explicit mention of Charlie’s conceptualization of the United States as
bank of the world. It is, however, clearly the product of a prepared mind, and in
retrospect is implicit in Charlie’s work as early as 1939. In later work, he often
mentions Hal Lary, Problems of the United States as World Trader and Banker (1963) as
an inspiration. No doubt Lary’s strong title did provide welcome encouragement for
developing the germ of an idea into a full-blown analysis, but the germ was already
Kindleberger (1966, ch. 7).
There is a respectable view [i.e. Charlie’s own view] that with all major
currencies more or less in line under the fixed exchange standard, and
holders of liquid assets relatively indifferent as to which currency they
hold, and therefore ready to speculate by taking open positions, the
major money markets have become one market, and small differences in
interest rates, such as one or another country may wish to support by
reason of domestic monetary policy, will lead to large-scale outflows and
inflows of liquid funds.34
Kindleberger (1966, 91).
See “Gresham’s Law” in Kindleberger (1989a, Third Lecture).
Kindleberger (1966, 209).
Kindleberger (1966, 92).
Kindleberger (1966, 101).
The scheme, in short, is that central banks of the major currencies, with
treasury support, undertake to buy and hold each others’ currencies during
crises of confidence, when they are under speculative attack . . . [A]s their
defense departments collaborate for defense, so should central banks and
treasuries of the responsible countries . . . collaborate . . . to preserve
monetary stability in the face of de-stabilizing speculation.35
Kindleberger (1966, 102), my emphasis.
Kindleberger (1966, 94).
In his memoir Coombs notably references the “university economists . . . distaste and
distrust of informally negotiated credit facilities” (1976, 189).
further concerned in the longer run to ensure that the world money supply
grew in line with world trade at some appropriate rate, say 3–5 percent, in
order to avoid both deflation and inflation.
Charlie, by contrast, always saw the balance of payments constraint as
a matter of clearing and settlement, and he worried that many proposals
for international monetary reform (including Triffin’s) would be “likely
to subvert the balance of payments discipline which is so needed and so
hard to provide.”38 For Charlie, persistent payment deficits reflect
a structural problem that needs correction not accommodation, and
they are a real problem not a liquidity problem, which is to say
a problem requiring real structural change in the countries affected
not international monetary reform in the world as a whole. So much for
Triffin’s Keynesian short run; what about his monetarist long run? Says
Charlie: “The quantity theory of money has no greater validity inter-
nationally than domestically, and in the latter connection I regard its
validity as small.”39 For him, the key to long-run stability was not the
steady and regular increase of the quantity of world liquidity by a world
central bank, but rather the elasticity of short-term private capital
markets, expanding to accommodate short-term deficits and then con-
tracting again when deficits turn to surpluses. Trend increase of world
liquidity is the endogenous consequence of this fluctuation, not the
exogenous regulator of it.
This difference on the basic economics was perhaps not so immedi-
ately visible in 1961, maybe not even to Charlie himself, as his attention
naturally focused on the concrete policy proposals under consideration.
In 1961, he seems to have thought (hoped) that his own concrete policy
proposal for an updated Tripartite Agreement would carry the day,
emanating as it did from concrete banking and central banking practice.
We hear that optimism in his March 1965 testimony to Congress, in his
exchange with Senator Proxmire:
Kindleberger (1966, 100).
Kindleberger (1966, 109).
so on. I think they are technicians and this is the kind of problem they can
handle easily . . .
Senator Proxmire: This is a very relaxing and reassuring answer . . .40
Page 382, “Balance of Payments – 1965.” Hearing before a Subcommittee of the
Committee on Banking and Currency. 89th Congress, 1st Session, Mar. 1965.
Kindleberger (1966, 85, 87).
Given their subsequent behavior, one imagines that many if not most
of Charlie’s interlocutors at the Treasury weighed the costs and benefits
differently. Writing in retrospect, Charlie lists the history of US capital
controls imposed by those interlocutors: “the Interest Equalization Tax
[of 1963] which broke up the development of an international capital
market in New York and drove it to the Euro-market; . . . the Gore
amendment applying the tax to bank loans; . . . the Voluntary Credit
Restraint Program of February 1965; . . . the Mandatory Program of
January 1, 1968.”42 Every one of these controls was instituted as
a reaction to perceived or actual European threat to cash in their dollar
balances for gold. The ultimate effect, however, was to dismantle the
emerging dollar system. These were policy decisions made by politi-
cians, but encouraged by irresponsible economists whose faith in their
models was greater than their understanding of the operations of the
Charlie’s optimism circa 1965 shifted over the years to frustration,
desperation, and ultimately resignation. But he did not stop fighting
until it seemed clear that the battle was well and truly lost. One venue for
that fight was President Johnson’s Advisory Committee on International
Monetary Arrangements, for which Charlie produced a number of
memos, to no discernible effect.43 In the end, realizing the direction that
things were moving, he was willing to endorse creation of a new artificial
Currency Reserve Unit (CRU) as a way of supporting the international role
of the dollar, swayed by Alvin Hansen’s argument that the world was not
ready to accept a purely fiat dollar, which made it necessary to devise some
mechanism for augmenting apparent gold reserves.44 In the event, how-
ever, the Currency Reserve Unit morphed into the IMF’s Special Drawing
Rights and got allocated to all the members of the IMF, not just the United
States. Instead of backstopping the emerging global dollar system, the SDR
instead served to perpetuate the Bretton Woods myth, even as the Bretton
Woods system was collapsing.
Kindleberger (1970b, 6).
KPMD, Box 3, Folder “Treasury Dept 1967–1969,” “Issues and Positions in
International Monetary Arrangements,” July 26, 1965. See Ch. 5, n. 40.
Hansen (1965).
The failure of Charlie’s foray into the policy process seems to have taught
him the lesson that he needed to be engaging the policy economists behind
the scenes, not so much the visible policymakers. In any event, that’s what
we see him doing in “Balance-of-Payments Deficits and the International
Market for Liquidity” (1965), which he offers as the lead chapter of the 1966
book.45 Going now beyond his critique of Triffin, his central positive
message is that the United States had in fact been operating as an inter-
national financial intermediary with respect to Europe, borrowing short
term and lending long term, so satisfying the liquidity preference of
Europe’s borrowers who wanted long-term funding and also of Europe’s
lenders who wanted to hold their funds in liquid form. European financial
institutions might conceivably one day do some of this themselves, though
economies of scale would likely still give the United States the edge, allowing
Europeans to borrow at lower rates and lend at higher rates than would be
possible within Europe, given European liquidity preferences.
The point is that the United States was providing a valuable service to
Europe, which unfortunately European policymakers persisted in under-
standing instead as some kind of exploitation, pointing to sustained US
payment deficits funded by burgeoning European central bank dollar
balances. Once one views these data through the lens of international
financial intermediation, however, the dollar balances are revealed not as
short-run capital flows but rather as long-run accumulation of needed
monetary reserves, and the deficits disappear: “Below a certain point –
which shifts with time, the unfolding of events, and opinion – lending
long and borrowing short [as US], or vice versa [as Europe], is merely
trading in liquidity. Beyond it, the long lender is overdoing it and the
short lender has the right to become increasingly nervous.”46
Thus, from Charlie’s point of view, there was no trade-deficit problem.
The fact that Washington policymakers perceived one stemmed merely from
the way the Department of Commerce was reporting balance of payments
statistics, obscuring rather than illuminating the actual situation.
Charlie subsequently wrote a second version of this paper for the Journal of Political
Economy, under the title “Measuring Equilibrium in the Balance of Payments,” and it is
this second version that he includes in his 2000 Retrospective. See Chapter 7 for a fuller
Kindleberger (1966, 24).
Reproduced in Despres (1973, chs. 15 and 16).
Kindleberger (1981a, 285). Here he follows Arnold (1937). See also Kindleberger
(1950, 6; 2000a, 70; 1970a, 53).
where foreigners meet one another as both borrowers and lenders. This
marketplace had been key to the recovery of Europe and was now
becoming key to the development of the periphery: “In my judgment,
the economists have underrated the contribution to economic develop-
ment of an international capital market.”49
In addition, the United States was also the center of the international
money market, the place where deficit countries settled with surplus coun-
tries. Foreign deposits in New York banks served as the means of this inter-
national settlement, and in doing so played a crucial role in facilitating the
growth of international trade, allowing countries to mismatch their inter-
national earnings and expenditures temporarily, and to absorb any present
imbalance by drawing down or building up their liquid balances. In effect,
international short-term capital flows took place on the balance sheets of
New York banks, which expanded and contracted their balance sheets as
Originally, both capital and money markets had grown up in
New York, but over time both had also begun developing natural
extensions abroad, in Europe and especially in London, in the so-
called Eurobond and Eurodollar markets. Indeed, the misguided cap-
ital controls imposed by US policymakers had only encouraged these
offshore extensions where foreigners borrowed and lent among them-
selves in dollars, both at long term and at short term. The onshore
markets nevertheless remained critically important for absorbing any
net borrowing or lending, specifically net borrowing long and net
lending short. For Charlie, and for the United States, this was the
crucial point.
In absorbing the net dollar borrowing and dollar lending of the rest of
the world, the United States was in effect operating as an international
financial intermediary:
Kindleberger (1981a, 321).
Kindleberger (1981a, 43).
Kindleberger (1981a, 27).
both came to resent, for different reasons. Thus, even The Economist,
while essentially accepting Charlie’s bank-of-the-world analytical frame,
viewed his article as an assertion of American primacy, and specifically of
dollar primacy – “the new nationalism.” The United States may be a bank,
so the editors wrote, but banks need to be mindful of the interest of their
depositors lest they be subject to runs as anxious depositors shift their
funds into better money, in this case gold at the promised parity of $35 an
ounce. For The Economist, Charlie’s rather cavalier attitude toward that
promised parity – “let the gold go” – was a crucial sticking point.52
One imagines that Charlie expected better from The Economist, heir to
the tradition of Walter Bagehot whose 1873 Lombard Street had served to
crystallize the doctrine of lender of last resort for a time when the pound
sterling served the world as international money. Viewing the matter
from the vantage point of the United States, Charlie understood the
problem as the failure of the United States to take responsibility for the
international role that had been thrust upon it. So he was somewhat
taken aback when The Economist interpreted his essay as a symptom, even
an encouragement, of exactly that US irresponsibility. What did Charlie
have in mind when he said “let the gold go”?
It is certainly true that Charlie was willing, even eager, to contemplate
partial or complete demonetization of gold by the United States –
“widening the margin around parity at which it buys and sells gold,
reducing the price at which it buys gold, and otherwise depriving gold
of its present unlimited convertibility into dollars.”53 But the reason was
that the dollar, not gold, had already become the world’s standard of
value. In Charlie’s view, any depreciation of the dollar against gold would
inevitably be followed by similar depreciation of all other currencies, so
leaving exchange rates unchanged. From this point of view, a “run” on
the dollar was essentially pointless, since there was no better money into
which to run. It was only the myth of gold, a myth that had unfortunately
been given substance by central bankers in such misbegotten initiatives as
In fact, Charlie’s position was moderate compared to Despres, who explicitly urged
unilateral demonetization of gold (1973, ch. 15).
Kindleberger (1981a, 50).
the Gold Pool, that gave speculators the idea of shifting between dollars
and gold in the first place.
For Charlie, the way to avoid destabilizing speculation was to eliminate
convertibility altogether, and to operate a pure exchange standard,
embracing de jure the system that had long been in place de facto. Yes,
US gold reserves had been run down even as US short-term liabilities to
the rest of the world had grown. Nevertheless, so far as Charlie was
concerned, the dollar was strong not weak, and the measure of its
strength was the continuing expansion of foreign deposits to the tune
of $1.5 to $2 billion a year, in line with the expansion of the world
economy. The market was demanding this expansion of liquidity, and
the US financial system was responding by supplying it endogenously.
Even more, the system had shown itself able to supply not only the
trend demand but also the occasional crisis demand as well. To that end,
the central bank swap lines formally established in March 1961 by the BIS
had already proven to be a serviceable lender of last resort for the pound
sterling and could be expected to do so as well for other currencies as
needed, including potentially the dollar: “The great merit of the Basel
agreement, and the crucial feature of an international central bank, is
the availability of unlimited amounts of assistance through rediscounting
in a period of crisis.”54
The response of The Economist was disappointing but also extremely
instructive, drawing Charlie’s attention to the political as well as the
economic dimensions of the dollar problem. As he would later summar-
ize: “Benevolent despotism is the best form of government because it
permits us all not to pay the price of eternal vigilance. The difficulty is to
keep it benevolent, or viewed as such.” Charlie’s proposed answer to that
difficulty was to internationalize the institutions for managing the dollar.
Subsequent to the 1966 Economist essay, he would urge formal represen-
tation of the rest of the world in the Fed’s governing apparatus, specific-
ally the creation of an Atlantic Open-Market Committee. And even that
he would view as merely a stepping stone to an eventual proper world
Kindleberger (1981a, 28). Coombs (1976, ch. 5) traces the evolution from 1961 of
what he calls “The Federal Reserve Swap Network,” as first line of defense for the
Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system.
Kindleberger (1981a; 316, 107, 102, 109, 325–6).
Kindleberger (1981a, 73).
Kindleberger (1981a, 328).
devalued the dollar against gold, thereby bringing the Bretton Woods era
to an end. History may not repeat, but it does seem to rhyme.
In 1966, however, Charlie thought it was still possible to avert disaster.
Similarly, in 1969: “Demonetization [of gold] is nonetheless inevitable.
The basis of national money is national credit. We approach the day when
the basis of international money is international credit.”58 Even as late as
1970, Charlie could write: “I forecast that the world is moving toward
internationalized control of a national money, with gold demonetized.”59
It was in this spirit that he rapidly produced his third textbook effort, Power
and Money: The Economics of International Politics and the Politics of
International Economics (1970). The problem with the dollar standard was
that the dollar was increasingly the offshore Eurodollar, hence an unman-
aged standard, and the central political problem was to find a way to bring
that new offshore dollar under collective management.60 Unfortunately,
“discussion of the politics of the subject is handicapped by lack of agree-
ment on the economics.”61 Most distressingly, politicians seemed now to
be flirting with flexible exchange rates as a possible panacea, a policy
“which solves a political problem but creates an economic one.”62
From this point of view, Nixon’s unilateral devaluation in August 1971
struck Charlie as nothing less than a crime: the Crime of 1971, he called
it. The proximate cause was loose monetary policy in the United States
(for election reasons) combined with tight monetary policy in Germany
(for inflation reasons), which combination led to large capital flows from
the United States to Germany – the dreaded hot money. Writing in 1972,
after the December 1971 Smithsonian Agreement which had established
new parities, but before that agreement had collapsed, Charlie asked:
“With the devaluation of the dollar in 1971, and the adoption of the wider
band, there is a question whether there is any international money
today.” By 1976, Charlie was prepared to concede defeat: “The dollar is
finished as international money.”63
Kindleberger (1981a, 103).
Kindleberger (1981a, 84).
Kindleberger (1970a, 210).
Kindleberger (1970a, 196).
Kindleberger (1970a, 224).
Kindleberger (1981a, 10, 314).
Among Economists
Kindleberger (1991a, 154).
KPMD, Box 1, Folder “Bloomfield, Arthur, 1948–87.” Bloomfield (1950).
Kindleberger (1950), Bloomfield (1952).
Kindleberger (1966, 255), my emphasis.
Kindleberger (1949a, 491).
Enke and Salera (1947, 599–606).
Kindleberger (1949a, 491).
structural disequilibrium that the world would likely confront after the
war and criticizing the adequacy of various proposals for tackling them,
unorthodox as well as orthodox. His critics, however, were talking about
the properties of formal economic models, and, from their point of view,
the question was what features of the real world Charlie saw outside his
window that were missing from those textbook models. In an attempt to
meet his critics on their own ground, Charlie pointed to the possible role
of so-called “induced investment” for some countries, especially develop-
ing countries, which may respond dynamically to a surge in exports by
building new capacity to such an extent that imports rise by more than
the initial export surge. An empirical example of such is the case of
Argentina during the interwar period.
Bloomfield’s response is telling. While accepting the formal logic of
Charlie’s defense, he objects that it is based on “additional” and “special”
assumptions, and hence represents a particular case rather than
a general one: “Unless some such additional assumptions are postulated,
the theoretical presumption must be that an increase in a country’s
exports will typically result in only a smaller, or at best an equal, increase
[in its imports].” Charlie’s rejoinder is equally telling: “I cannot, how-
ever, accept the proposition that, because more theoretical models have
been built by scholars with a tendency to undercompensate than with the
opposite tendency, there is a strong argument in favor of the prevalence
of this tendency [in the real world].”8
This disjuncture between the real world and the most popular theor-
etical models was a problem that Charlie had encountered repeatedly in
his former life in government service, but in that world practical concerns
had always trumped theoretical niceties. Because Bloomfield was writing
from the New York Fed, one imagines that Charlie expected him to be
similarly motivated by practical concerns and was therefore somewhat
surprised to discover that the influence of academic culture loomed so
large in Bloomfield’s mind. Here, and not for the first time, Charlie was
confronting what he would come to view as the besetting sin of academia,
namely the “fallacy of misplaced concreteness.” Because academics do
not engage directly on a daily basis with the actual world, always so full of
Bloomfield (1949, 971), Kindleberger (1949a, 975).
complexity and ambiguity, they tend to drift into viewing the artificial
world of economic theory, always so reassuringly simple and clear, as the
central object of attention, more concrete than the actual world itself.
Subsequently in 1958, Bloomfield would shift from the Fed to aca-
demia, once again following Charlie’s own career trajectory, and Charlie
would come to appreciate Bloomfield’s work on the historical experience
of the pre-1914 gold standard. But in 1969, when Bloomfield was asked to
survey “Trends in International Economics,” he focused entirely on
advances in formal theory, in striking contrast with Charlie’s own survey
five years earlier which had been organized around four current issues or
problems.9 Further, Bloomfield’s survey made no mention of Charlie’s
own work on international financial intermediation, or indeed any other
empirical or policy work. One imagines that that slight was on Charlie’s
mind when, in 1985, he was invited to write something for a symposium in
honor of Bloomfield. For the occasion, he made a point of offering an
essay titled “The Functioning of Financial Centers: Britain in the
Nineteenth Century, the United States since 1945,” which used the
frame of international financial intermediation to draw comparisons
between the pre-1914 gold standard (Bloomfield’s focus) and the pre-
sent operation of the dollar system (Charlie’s focus). He made a further
point of starting the essay with a reference to their “brief dispute in an
initial encounter in 1949. I have the memory that I won the early argu-
ment, but doubtless he feels equally sure that he did.”10
The early tussle with Bloomfield established the pattern. Throughout
his academic career, Charlie would chafe repeatedly against the meth-
odological strictures of academic economics, strictures he references on
the very first page of his autobiography: “I am an old-fashioned econo-
mist, who finished his training in the 1930s, spent twelve years in banks,
the military and government, and in starting to teach in 1948 made the
conscious and perhaps mistaken decision not to undertake the daunting
task of retraining in modern analytical, largely mathematical,
techniques.”11 As we have seen, Charlie’s intellectual formation was in
Bloomfield (1969). Compare Kindleberger (1965a).
Kindleberger (1985b, 7).
Kindleberger (1991a, 1).
Weintraub (2014).
Keynes (1936, 383).
focus at Bretton Woods in 1944, by both Keynes for the UK and White for
the United States, had instead been on providing machinery to enable
each country separately to implement its own program of national stabil-
ization. International economics thus came into the picture only because
of concern that balance of payments problems might constrain such
programs. As we have seen, the Marshall Plan solved that problem in
the developed world for a few years, and then Cold War and Korean War
spending for a few more, until 1958 when Europe returned to
In the underdeveloped world, however, and in particular in Latin
America, balance of payments problems were rife, even as economic
development ambition was blossoming. As the United States focused on
Europe, it left a vacuum elsewhere, and so that’s where the newly estab-
lished IMF found its most immediate purpose. In the underdeveloped
world, “fundamental disequilibrium” was a recurring phenomenon, giv-
ing license for exchange rate adjustments under the IMF’s Articles of
Agreement. But in each specific case the practical question always was:
how much to devalue, and what other measures might also be needed to
ensure success? Under Edward M. Bernstein, Director of the Research
Department from 1946 to 1958, a multipronged approach emerged from
this practical experience, combining the “elasticity approach” of the
prewar literature with the more Keynes-inflected “absorption approach”
developed largely in-house, and also what came to be called the “monet-
ary approach to the balance of payments.”14
Quantitative work using data and formal mathematical modelling was
central to the work of the IMF’s Research Department. Sidney
S. Alexander (1952) was the first to formalize the absorption approach,
and Jacques Polak (1957) was the first to formalize the monetary
approach; but in both cases, it should be emphasized, the papers
emerged from practical experience in the field, brought back to the
Research Department in Washington, DC, and distilled by a process of
internal debate among multiple authors. These seminal papers were thus
products of the institution as much as they were of the individual authors,
much like the work product and process of most central banks. The key
De Vries (1987, 30), IMF (1977).
point is that, at the IMF, international economics got its start from the
practical problems of the underdeveloped world.
Watching all of this from his new perch at MIT, Charlie would have
recognized Alexander’s absorption approach as a version of what he
himself had been attempting in his 1937 dissertation. And Alexander
himself would have been a known quantity since he had served during
the War as Director of Research at the OSS. No doubt both were factors in
the decision to bring Alexander to MIT in 1956, where he would remain
until retirement.
Polak’s monetary approach would also have been recognizable to
Charlie, given his own preferred payments approach to international
economics. Polak’s model built on the distinction between money of
external origin and money of domestic origin that Robert Triffin had
brought to the IMF back in 1946, but it was Polak and others who turned
it into a practically usable policy framework. Importantly, and notwith-
standing the emphasis on money supply, the IMF approach was by no
means monetarist.15 Indeed, the whole point was to emphasize how the
money supply in these countries was fundamentally an endogenous
variable, rising and falling with the inflow and outflow of foreign reserves,
as well as the expansion and contraction of domestic credit. The
emphasis on these monetary magnitudes was partly an accommodation
to data availability, but it worked because countries in the underdevel-
oped world were typically quite underdeveloped financially as well. Bank
credit was essentially the only financial instrument, and given the lack of
international capital flows, changes in official foreign reserves of the
central bank were essentially the only means of settling international
payments. Further, in many of these countries, the fiscal Treasury was
effectively conjoined with the monetary central bank, so IMF field inves-
tigations typically involved working with both, advising how to avoid
balance of payments crises by controlling both domestic spending and
In the case of the monetary approach, there was no need for MIT to
recruit anybody since they already had Charlie. Instead, the flow went the
other way as Robert Mundell, one of Charlie’s first PhD students,
De Vries (1987, 30).
graduating in 1956, spent two years at the IMF (1961–3). His dissertation
had been pure trade theory, nothing at all on money, but he had taken
a guided reading course from Charlie that would have provided him with
a basic understanding of the relevant literature on international money.
And Charlie had helped Mundell to get the IMF job, no doubt remem-
bering the importance of his own early stints at the Fed and BIS.16
Indeed, there are echoes of Charlie’s 1939 “Speculation and Forward
Exchange” in the paper Mundell wrote jointly with Fleming at the end of
his IMF sojourn, “Official Intervention on the Forward Exchange Market:
A Simplified Analysis.” Notably, the paper builds explicitly on the work of
Charles Coombs at the New York Fed, whose 1976 memoir Charlie would
later review glowingly.17
The point to emphasize in all of this is not only that postwar thinking
about international money had its origins in the world of central bank
and IMF practitioners, but also that that thinking then spilled over into
academic circles at MIT through contacts such as Alexander and
Mundell. Although Charlie always favored the Williams key-currency
approach and so opposed elevation of the IMF into a global central
bank, he quite definitely recognized the usefulness of the institution
for fleshing out the periphery of the emerging global dollar system.
Indeed, in his review of the official history of the IMF, Charlie went so
far as to analogize the Fund’s structural adjustment programs to the
Marshall Plan – both programs used outside funding to support
a program of structural change – and to praise the “Darwinian fashion”
in which the Fund developed over time to meet changing
circumstances.18 He does not mention (but it is relevant) that the author
of the official history, Margaret Garritsen de Vries, was herself an MIT
PhD, graduating in 1946 with a thesis that she wrote under Paul
Samuelson on the management of Federal debt in the postwar period.
Charlie’s arrival two years later thus merely continued and solidified an
IMF–MIT cross-fertilization that predated him.
Boughton (2003, 3).
Fleming and Mundell (1964). Footnote 1 cites Coombs (1963). Kindleberger
Kindleberger (1988b).
This paragraph and the next are taken from Mehrling (2014, 178, 185–187) with
minimal edits. See the original for a story of “MIT and Money” that focuses on the
national discourse rather than, as here, international money.
Giraud (2014, 149).
Kindleberger (1981a, 106, 324).
Kindleberger (1981a, 327).
its own aggregate income and employment, trading goods and services
with the rest of the world as needed, but strictly controlling all capital
flows, both short-term and long-term. In this way, the balance of pay-
ments should be driven by the balance of trade, perhaps fluctuating over
time, but with exports tracking imports on average over time. The world
was not one integrated market, but rather many separate national mar-
kets, economic islands engaging with each other at arm’s length. And the
job of the economist was not to advise how best to manage the world
system as a whole, but rather to advise the domestic sovereign how best to
maximize income and employment on his own island.
Toward that national stabilization goal, initially the IS–LM frame
merely took over the foreign trade multiplier analysis from the original
nonmonetary Keynesian model, embedding it now into the IS curve.
Domestic money entered the model through the LM curve, but inter-
national money still entered nowhere. Obviously this was unsatisfactory,
and so a generation of academics set to work, eventually adding a third
curve that described equilibrium in the foreign exchange market, so
extending the IS–LM model to what became known as the IS–LM–BP
model (BP for balance of payments). Significantly, Robert Mundell
played a central role in this, starting with some papers he published
during the IMF years, reworked as chapters in International Economics
(1968).23 In 1976, Mundell’s student Rudiger Dornbusch, by then him-
self a professor at MIT, would dub the IS–LM–BP model “Mundell–
Fleming” and popularize it in his 1980 textbook Open Economy
Macroeconomics.24 The inclusion of Fleming was meant to acknowledge
the contribution of Fleming’s 1962 paper produced independently from
Mundell’s, also at the IMF. Says Boughton, official historian of the IMF:
“What has become known vernacularly as the Mundell-Fleming model is
essentially Fleming’s equations with Mundell’s policy analysis.”25
We will have occasion to delve into this account of the development of
the standard model a bit later, but for the Kindleberger story it makes
more sense to start earlier, with the work of Egon Sohmen, another
Mundell (1961, 1963), Mundell (1968, ch. 15, 18).
Young and Darity (2004).
Fleming (1962), Boughton (2003, 3).
Sohmen (1969, 79).
The fatal flaw of the Bretton Woods system, however, was price stickiness;
not only wages, but especially output prices due to widespread monopoly.
The result was that, over time, price levels in different countries drifted away
from each other, causing some currencies to become overvalued and others
undervalued. The resulting payment imbalances then eventually exhausted
the capacity of short-term capital flows and reserve flows, leading to more
serious intervention in the form of tariffs and capital controls, all in an
ultimately futile attempt to defend the fixed exchange rate. And all the
while, speculators were placing their bets, attracted by the prospect of
imminent devaluation or revaluation, forcing central banks to engage in
ever more heroic measures only eventually to capitulate, shifting the
exchange rate discontinuously and then holding fast to the new rate until
the same problem emerged again. In this way, according to Sohmen, the
Bretton Woods fixed exchange system had turned out in practice to be
the enemy of free trade in goods and capital. The solution was to abandon
the fixed exchange rate system and embrace flexible rates instead.
What Sohmen imagined as an alternative was a system where the
exchange rate drifts gradually, to keep the price systems of different
countries in alignment, while temporary imbalances are absorbed by
short-term capital flows. In such a system, interest rates move to facilitate
absorption of temporary imbalances, while exchange rates move to facili-
tate absorption of permanent imbalances. The workability of this ideal
system, however, clearly depends on whether speculation is stabilizing, as
it apparently was under the gold standard, or destabilizing, as it arguably
was in the interwar period. Sohmen’s book was therefore largely focused
on the question of stability, starting with the simple world of commodity
trade. Will depreciation improve the balance of payments or make it
worse? Put another way, starting from a position of trade balance, is the
equilibrium stable or unstable?
Sohmen’s first venture into academic publication, while still
a graduate student, had involved an argument that, even if the initial
equilibrium is unstable, there are always other stable equilibria above and
below the unstable one. So, if you experience instability, the trick is to
seek out one of the stable equilibria instead. This argument found favor
with Milton Friedman, who had asserted something similar in a footnote
to his 1953 article, and so Sohmen’s article found its way into the Journal
Sohmen (1957), Bhagwati and Johnson (1960), Sohmen (1961b), Bhagwati and
Johnson (1961).
Chipman and Kindleberger (1980, ch. 8).
a flexible exchange rate system was likely to inhibit the growth of world
trade and probably dry up long-term cross-border capital flows more or
less completely, as exchange rates got whipsawed by destabilizing specu-
lation – shades of the 1930s. In the event, as we shall see, both men were
wrong. For now, the important thing to appreciate is that both Sohmen
and Charlie were in the minority among academic economists, since they
were both centrally concerned with the international system as a whole,
whereas most everyone else was thinking just about national economic
policy. For everyone else, Keynesians and monetarists both, flexible
exchange rates seemed like an extra degree of freedom for national
policy, which could only be a good thing.
Just so, as we have seen, Franco Modigliani had been hired at MIT to
expand the macroeconomic stabilization toolkit from fiscal policy to
include also monetary policy. Unemployment and inflation were the
targets he was trying to hit, so his interest in international money was
largely about preserving space for an activist domestic monetary policy
agenda. We see him doing exactly that in his various proposals for
international monetary reform, starting with “A Suggestion for Solving
the International Liquidity Problem” (1966), which he coauthored with
Peter Kenen, then a professor at Columbia University. More or less along
Triffin lines, they proposed a new international monetary unit to be
called the MIT (Medium for International Transactions) to be issued
by a new MIT bank, successor to the IMF, which would have the remit to
increase the supply of this new reserve asset in line with the secular
increase in demand from national banking systems. For Modigliani, the
big payoff from such a system was avoiding the necessity for deficit
countries to adopt deflationary policy domestically; they could instead
just devalue.29
Graduate students who were hearing one thing in Franco’s class and
another in Charlie’s organized a debate between the two men on
January 10, 1966, at 4:30 pm, cocktails and dinner to follow. Neither
Charlie’s Economist manifesto nor Franco’s MIT proposal were published
yet, but they were imminent. Professors were invited to the debate as well,
and Bob Solow spoke up on Franco’s side in favor of flexible exchange
Modigliani and Kenen (1966, 8).
rates, earning him a riposte from Charlie that Solow would remember
and recount at Charlie’s eightieth birthday celebration: “The audience
should keep in mind that MIT does not pay Professor Solow to think
about international economics.”30 The same, of course, could have been
said of Modigliani, but that didn’t stop him from developing his remarks
into a long memorandum for the Fed’s Economic Consultants Meeting
of October 20–21, 1966, explicitly attacking what he called the “CPK
position,” which provoked a formal reply by Charlie dated
November 29th.31
Modigliani would go on to coauthor with a student three more ver-
sions of his international monetary reform proposal, now shifting focus
to the SDR.32 A letter from Charlie commenting on the first of these
three versions survives and shows the distance between the two men as
wide as ever:
There is a fundamental monetary issue here between the school which says
that money is created by the state, or by legislation or international
agreement, and another which says money is created by usage . . . You
dismiss without a hearing the case for internationalization of monetary
policy to avoid the kinds of deficits and surpluses which have been so
troublesome in the last few years. Your independence of domestic
monetary policy is an assumed goal, not debated or debatable.33
KPMD, Box 24, “Reminiscences of Charles P. Kindleberger on his Eightieth Birthday,
October 12, 1990.”
KPMD, Box 1, “Graduate Economics Association Seminar.” The Modigliani memo-
randum was eventually published with light revisions as Modigliani (1973).
Modigliani and Askari (1971, 1973), Askari and Modigliani (1972).
KPMD, Box 1, “Graduate Economics Association Seminar.” CPK to FM, July 16, 1971.
New York would resume its growth as the center of the capital market of
the world . . . Set the dollar free, and make it clear that it will continue to be
free, and the Euro-dollar market will shrivel and New York will become in
the final decades of the twentieth century what London was in the final
decades of the nineteenth century.36
The main case against flexible exchange rates is that they break up the
world market. There is no one money which serves as a medium of
exchange, unit of account, store of value, and standard of deferred
payment . . . Under any system of flexible exchange rates, the drive to
Friedman and Roosa (1967), Halm (1970), Bator (1968).
Kindleberger (1981a, 84 n. 1, 182 n. 5).
Friedman (1969, 365).
The Burgenstock and the Boston Fed conferences were just two of
many in those years. Reviewing the published proceedings of yet another
one, Charlie observed:
Kindleberger (1981a, 174–175).
Kindleberger (1971, 127), quoted also in Kindleberger (1989c).
Proceedings of that early effort appear in Machlup (1964). Connell (2013) provides
a useful chronicle of the continuing series of Bellagio conferences, including the shift
eventually to Burgenstock with proceedings published as Halm (1970).
Kindleberger (1971, 128).
Kindleberger (1971, 131).
KPMD, Box 2, “Johnson, Harry G., 1961–85,” CPK to HJ, Nov. 9, 1964, and Nov. 27,
KPMD, Box 2, “John Despres.” CPK to ED, Sept. 27, 1965.
Vane and Mulhearn (2006, 107).
Kindleberger (1989c, 52).
Mundell (1969, 642 and 638).
Without hardly anybody noticing it, the gold exchange standard in its old
form was dead, and the dollar exchange standard had taken its place . . .
a system in which the United States took on a new role of world banker, not
just in the sense of being a key currency center, nor the provider of
a reserve money and the main settlement currency, but as a world
banker in the more comprehensive sense of guiding the monetary policy
of the world.47
This certainly looks like Mundell breaking with Chicago and joining
instead with Kindleberger. Even more, this looks like Mundell trying on
the role that Emile Despres had been unable to fulfill, namely taking
Charlie’s place when Congressional testimony was needed. Indeed,
Mundell (1969, 631).
Mundell (1973).
See also Friedman (1953, 176 n. 9) casting aspersions on Nurkse, and Johnson
(1973, 8) on central bankers more generally, both references cited in Kindleberger
(1981a, 204 n. 4).
Mundell (1971), Kindleberger (1982, 56–57).
Coombs (1976, 219).
Kindleberger (1981a, 141, 186), Williams (1929).
Johnson (1981, 89), Frenkel and Johnson (1976).
Instead of wasting his time in the academic fray, Charlie simply watched
from the sidelines, waiting for the “coils of fashion and euphoria” to burn
themselves out.
By 1976 he was ready to draw “Lessons of Floating Exchange Rates.”
He and Sohmen had both been wrong: “Initiation of flexible exchange
rates was not succeeded by a drying-up of capital movements [as Charlie
had anticipated], or by capital movements only in a stabilizing direction
[as Sohmen had anticipated].”55 Instead, a big surprise for Charlie,
capital flows, both long term and short term, had continued even as
behind the scenes central bank cooperation had worked to mitigate the
worst of destabilizing speculation, even managing to recycle the surpluses
caused by the (first) oil shock.
The continuation of capital flows in the face of flexible exchange rates
counted as a remarkable success in Charlie’s eyes, but a remarkable
failure for advocates of floating rates since it meant that the shift to
floating had failed to separate domestic capital markets as intended.
Notwithstanding floating rates, there was still one world capital market
and one world money market, and both were dollar markets: “With
flexible exchange rates and capital movements, independent monetary
policies are compromised.”56
The central problem now was that this global market was fundamen-
tally unmanaged, basically because the Nixon administration was acting
irresponsibly in its own perceived national interest rather than taking
responsibility for managing the global system, and because without the
United States on board no one else could do it. Instead, each country was
on its own, more or less the situation analyzed by the IS–LM–BP model,
which rose to prominence on the back of this entirely unsatisfactory state
of affairs. Central bank cooperation behind the scenes had kept the
KPMD, Box 25, “The Economic Review as a Literary Art Form.” Unpublished
“Comment” on Johnson “The Role of Networks of Economists in International
Monetary Reform.” The last section of this passage also appears in Kindleberger
(1989c, 48).
Kindleberger (1981a, 189).
Kindleberger (1981a, 201). Compare Rey (2018).
Kindleberger (1976a, 271).
See Polak (2002) for a retrospective that draws a sharp contrast between the IMF’s
practitioner version and Johnson’s academic version of the monetary approach.
flows, but its practitioners for the most part abstract from these and
assume that changes in real [money] balances affect changes in expend-
iture rather than those in assets or liabilities, i.e., result from changing
consumption and/or investment and not [from changing] wealth or the
composition of wealth.”59 A few pages later: “A major advantage of the
monetarist approach is that it permits adjustment through capital
movements . . . Real balances can be restored not by changes in expend-
iture, but by reductions in wealth, that is restoring real balances by
portfolio adjustment, by selling off foreign assets or incurring liabilities
to foreigners.”60
One problem with the academic monetary approach was thus its exces-
sively narrow focus on money supply and money demand, ignoring all the
other financial markets that are available for adjustment. After he retired,
Charlie would go even farther in emphasizing this point. In his mind, the
supply and demand frame for the analysis of money, a frame taken over
from the closed economy IS–LM model, was itself the problem. For Charlie,
it will be recalled, short-term capital movements ideally play a balance-wheel
function, expanding and contracting endogenously to facilitate temporary
imbalances: “Most of us adjust our holdings of money to our streams of
income and spending, not income and spending to some rigid demand for
money. And one can always lend a monetary surplus or borrow to make up
a deficiency, without changing output or spending.”61
It is hard for all but true believers to put much credence in the monetary
theory of balance-of-payments adjustment, and for two reasons. In the first
place, the theory runs counter to economic common sense and intuition.
Instead of money serving as a buffer stock to offset temporary disequilibria
between income and expenditure, as in conventional economic reasoning,
income and expenditure are varied to maintain a wanted stock of money.
The intuitive model is stood on its head. Secondly, the theory ignores the
function of the banking system in providing liquidity in the form of
Kindleberger (1981a, 195). In this reprinted version, the original “i.e.” was replaced
with “that is,” presumably by some editor, which garbles the meaning a bit. I have
restored the original.
Kindleberger (1981a, 198). See also Kindleberger (1982, 54).
Kindleberger (1984c, 299).
Kindleberger (1982, 54–55).
Anything can happen and often does. The day of positive economics,
useful for prediction, is still some distance away.1
Kindleberger (1985c, 152).
Kindleberger (1955b, 438).
Kindleberger (1949b, 242).
Kindleberger (1977b, 557, 560).
simply an alternative venue for serving the general interest, job security
enabling him to take the long view.
In the short run, however, the noise of politics quite typically drowns out
the trend of history, as multifarious individual interests push this way and
that at multifarious levels of society. Indeed, the complexity of the political
process means that a scientific understanding of the system as a whole is
probably quite impossible, much less the identification of a small number of
causes responsible for any given ultimate effect. Here is the reason that the
“true believer” finds so much traction, in politics and also in economics,
simply because the true scholar finds so little. But that is no reason for the
scholar to desist; curiosity is the thing to cultivate, not certainty. “Is econom-
ics a science, or is it, like law, merely an aid to advocacy?”5 Having narrowly
escaped his ordained fate as a lawyer, as an academic Charlie embraced
a life of scholarship and resisted all temptation to join the political fray.
Thankfully for the scholar, the economic system is more amenable to
scientific understanding than the political, but that is not to say that
economists do not regularly make a hash of it. In this respect,
a recurring hobbyhorse for Charlie throughout his career was the ten-
dency of economists to use partial equilibrium methods for general
equilibrium problems, such as the balance of payments and exchange
rates.6 In the real world, everything depends on everything else, and
viewing that real world through the lens of a model in which some things
are taken as exogenous can seriously mislead. Sometimes the balance of
payments is driven mostly by the current account, and sometimes mostly
by the capital account, so no single partial model will fit all cases. The art
of economics is knowing which to choose when.
A second, more specific hobbyhorse was the tendency of economists to
neglect money and banking or, perhaps worse, to bring money into the
picture through a simplistic monetarist account. Shortly after his arrival at
MIT, Charlie singled out Henry Wallich for high praise as an exception to
what was already becoming the rule, “a reminder of money and banking
theory which is undeservedly going into neglect.”7 Looking back thirty
Kindleberger (1976b, 300).
Kindleberger (1957b).
Kindleberger (1952a, 95).
years later: “The difficulty lies in the narrowness of the IS-LM analysis . . .
The basic difficulty is that, except for Hyman Minsky, modern economists
have thrown away the Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Alfred Marshall,
Dennis Robertson, Ralph Hawtrey analysis of credit instability”; “The
monetarist approach in the short run is intuitively ridiculous . . . In the
short run money needs are balanced not through changes in spending but
through borrowing or repaying debts.”8
A final hobbyhorse was the tendency of economists to view economies
other than their own through an analytical lens refined for the case they
know best. Just so, by holding up their own economies as comparison,
economists in the advanced industrialized world draw attention to the
wide range of things that are missing from developing economies and
then recommend attacking that wide range all at once. “Balanced
growth” is typically favored over so-called “unbalanced growth” simply
because of a priori analytical deformation rather than as the result of any
sustained engagement with the facts on the ground. By contrast, Charlie
insisted that the beginning of wisdom is the admission that no one knows
much about economic development, and then “concentrating on the
smallest number of priority blocks to a cumulative and self-sustaining
process of economic development indigenous to the local setting.”9
It was these three hobbyhorses that led Charlie bit by bit, over his years in
academia, away from economics proper and toward a greater appreciation
of the work of economic historians, specifically those engaged in what he
called the “old economic history” by contrast with the self-proclaimed new
economic history (so-called “cliometrics”), which was more or less just
standard econometrics using old data. Reviewing an early contribution in
the latter vein by young Jeffrey Williamson, Charlie chastised: “Anything can
happen, and generally does. When it reminds us of this, history is useful
indeed.”10 In the former vein, Charlie’s heroes were instead scholars such as
Alexander Gerschenkron, “the doyen of economic history in the United
States, widely informed, deeply read, subtle, urbane, and full of zest,” and
Kindleberger (1981b, 1586; 1980a, 820).
Kindleberger (1952b, 392).
Kindleberger (1965c, 55). Williamson (1978) would return the favor in his review of
Kindleberger (1978a).
Kindleberger (1963b, 362; 1977a, 843).
Gerschenkron (1962).
Kindleberger (1978a, 3).
Kindleberger (1982, 63–64).
that economics needs history – perhaps even more than history needs
But this somewhat negative and critical agenda was always only the first
step for him, a kind of ground-clearing exercise preliminary to a deeper and
more positive agenda to follow. Having stripped economics of its hubristic
overreach, what remained would be solid foundations on which the profes-
sion could reliably build – general economic laws more than specific
economic models: “A search for uniformities in history, or the elaboration
of economic ‘stories’, strikes me as a vital complement to, and, for one
whose professional formation took place in the 1930s, even a substitute for,
high-powered theory, mathematical modelling and statistical testing.”16
At MIT, these might well have been read as fighting words, MIT being
the very epitome of high-powered theory, mathematical modelling, and
statistical testing. But Charlie was too much the inveterate team player for
that. Observe that “complement” acknowledges the central position of
the standard MIT approach, and “substitute” is explicitly framed as his
own personal choice, not a competitor for the hearts and minds of the
MIT graduate students. Only after his retirement in 1976 would Charlie
actively promote comparative economic history as an alternative for
others: “It is in the nature of man to evangelize, to urge others to behave
as he does, and I am no exception.”17 That’s from Economic Response
(1978), in which he presents six examples of the kind of comparative
history approach he favors, four of which he would reprint in his 2000
Retrospective as an indication of the importance he attached to this work.18
Two years later, in his Mattioli Lectures of May 1980 (belatedly pub-
lished as Economic Laws and Economic History [1989]), Charlie offered his
own selection of fundamental economic laws:
[M]y interest is in better theory in the sense of more useful, more general
and more relevant theories, and the discarding of that which is merely
elegant but has no bearing on how people behave in an economy . . . The
Kindleberger (1978a, 241).
Kindleberger (1985c, 4), my emphasis.
Kindleberger (1978a, 241).
This is the book he dedicated to “AJ and UW,” which refers to Aunt Jen and Uncle Will
object of the exercise is to discuss a few laws deeply rooted in observed reality
that have powerful explanatory power for some, but not for all economic
history, to show that eclecticism rather than an all-encompassing system of
interpretation is the wiser attitude to bring to the study of the economic
Here, in these four lectures, we find the nearest that Charlie ever came
to a general economic treatise. The first lecture, on Engel’s Law, is really
about the theory of economic development, emphasizing its inherently
unbalanced nature. The second, on the Iron Law of Wages, extends his
earlier embrace of the Lewis model as a framework for thinking about
economic growth. The third, on Gresham’s Law, brings money into the
picture: “With two or more monies, we are subject to the instability of
Gresham’s law. Any attempt to limit ourselves to one money is likely to be
thwarted by the market’s need for different monies for different purposes
and its capacity to create them.” And the final lecture, on the Law of One
Price, takes as its theme the tendency for market expansion and integra-
tion, in commodity markets and also money and capital markets, with the
result that the increasingly single world market implies a single world
price. The central challenge in such a world is political: “while the opti-
mum scale of economic activity is getting larger and larger, the optimum
social scale appears to be shrinking.”20 It is the same challenge Charlie had
brought with him into academia back in 1948: universalism versus individ-
ual interest, and long-run economics versus short-run politics.
It is against this background that we must read Charlie’s three major
works of economic history: The World in Depression (1973), Manias, Panics,
and Crashes (1978), and A Financial History of Western Europe (1984). The
latter two are explicitly works of comparative economic history, written as
exemplars of the method he now wished publically to evangelize, but we
can read the first in that frame as well. Written starting in fall 1969 and
finished in spring 1971, it is perhaps significant that he took on the project
more or less at the very moment of his abortive defense of fixed exchange
rates at the Boston Fed conference in October 1969. Taken together, this
trilogy can be read as Charlie’s attempt to use history to improve economic
Kindleberger (1989a, ix, xi).
Kindleberger (1989a, 63, 87).
Kindleberger (2013, 20).
Schwartz (1975), Kindleberger (1991a, 179, 205).
Minsky’s model (1984) of the impact of the credit system on the prices of
financial assets, and their repercussions back on banking, credit and
income, is much richer than the simple monetary model. It is none the less
limited, as Minsky indicates: it is limited to the United States; there are no
capital movements, no exchange rates, no international commodity prices,
nor even any impact of price changes on bank liquidity for domestic
commodities; all assets are financial. In combination, these limitations
mean that Minsky is not interested in the communication of the collapse
of stock-market prices to commodity markets between September and
December 1929, or in the further pressure on United States, German and
gold-bloc prices from the depreciation of sterling in September 1931.24
DeLong and Eichengreen (2013, 6).
Kindleberger (1985c, 301–302), my emphasis.
Kindleberger (2013, 16). In the second edition, he adds two additional paragraphs of
reminiscence that were “cut out at the last minute on the basis of advice from
a colleague that I now regard as misguided” (1986a, xv). The offending paragraphs
are the second and third, pp. xvii–xviii, concerning a two week stint he spent in
March 1928 as a runner for a Wall Street brokerage house.
Kindleberger (1973, 304, 292). See also Kindleberger (1987b, 58), and Chapter 4
n. 39.
and wiser central banker, having learned from experience that mere
liquidity provision only buys time and does nothing much to address
underlying imbalances in (a) commodity markets and (b) capital mar-
kets. Indeed, imbalances in both of these markets were, so Charlie had
argued earlier in the book, exactly the challenge faced by the Bank of
England starting in 1929, a challenge that ultimately proved too much for
it to handle: “In 1929, 1930, and 1931 Britain could not act as a stabilizer,
and the United States would not.”27 The result was the collapse of the
international monetary system.
“By way of apology,” says Charlie in the self-deprecating way of the
WASP, “I find the key to why the depression was so wide, so deep, and so
long in my specialty, the international monetary mechanism. This should
surprise no one.” The biographical truth, of course, is more or less the
opposite since, as we have seen, he chose the international monetary
mechanism as his specialty precisely because of his life experience with
the depression. In this respect, it is significant that he dedicates the book
to the memory of his father, “who struggled with great courage against
a physical handicap, and against the Great Depression.”28 This book was
personal to him, perhaps the most personal thing he ever wrote, not
excluding his autobiography. Written as Charlie was on his way out of
a department and a profession where increasingly he found himself “on
its fringes,” the book seems originally to have been conceived as
a culminating academic achievement, a kind of completion of the intel-
lectual journey he had begun in 1929, and continued at Columbia 1933–
6 and the New York Fed 1936–9. When he mentions economists at the
Fed “producing proposals for an ultimate demonetization of gold, and
suggestions of taxes and other devices to contain hot money,” he is
talking about himself (see Chapter 3).29
Kindleberger (1986, 290).
Kindleberger (1973, 305, 292, 18). It is perhaps significant that he includes in the
index an entry for S. Murgatroyd, just as he had done in the 1937 thesis to reference
the dates of his engagement and marriage, but there seems to be a typo. In the 1973
book, page 261 references the 1936 Tripartite Agreement (his engagement) but the
1937 increase in reserve requirements (his marriage) is referenced on page 266 not
Kindleberger (1973, 270).
Lindert (1969), Herrick (1966).
standard Keynesianism in the person of his own student Peter Temin gets
equal treatment for its wrong-headed uni-causal frame.31
Kindleberger (1986a, 5). Taking this criticism apparently to heart, Temin (1989)
subsequently moved considerably in Charlie’s direction, addressing specifically
Charlie’s emphasis on commodity prices in 1929 and the devaluation of sterling in
1931 (Temin 1989, 55, 75). But the focus remains on the policy response in individual
countries and not on the dynamics of the international system.
Kindleberger (1986a, xiv).
Kindleberger (1986a, 11). This is not an isolated quotation. Also: “the conventional
wisdom was, in this judgment, correct” (p. 72); “it is hard to avoid the conclusion that
there is something to the conventional wisdom” (p. 116); “there is much to be said for
the conventional wisdom of the period” (p. 136); “Contemporaneous conventional
wisdom in the early 1930s thought falling commodity and asset prices important”
(p. 169).
The new stabilizing functions are (3) and (4), added by Charlie to take
account of the experience with flexible exchange rates in the years after
the first edition. The world had for a while embraced flexible exchange
rates as a way to avoid the necessity of macroeconomic policy coordin-
ation, but experience showed that goal to have been illusory. Under the
gold standard of the nineteenth century, exchange stability and macro-
economic coordination had been implicit; to the extent that the Bank of
England took responsibility for managing the gold standard, both were
Kindleberger (1999, ch. 1; 1990, ch. 13).
Kindleberger (1986a, 289).
Kindleberger (1986a, 305).
Kindleberger (1973, 295).
Ferguson and Temin (2003) usefully flesh out the details of the German case.
Keynes (1933).
Kindleberger (1973, 272 n. 11; 1986a, 271). In both editions, the page reference is
incorrectly given as p. 437, instead of p. 456. Further, the quoted passage is actually
More generally, Charlie suggests that the world Depression was so wide,
so deep, and so long not because of mistaken policy intervention, but rather
because of market instability that overwhelmed the capacity of policymakers
to act. The key to the disaster was not any inherent instability of markets, but
rather the overwhelming of policymakers; and that happened because the
two shocks, in 1929 and 1931, came at a delicate moment when the system
was in transition from sterling to the dollar and from Great Britain to the
United States as leader of the international monetary system. In Charlie’s
view, the shocks to the system, even as large as they were, could have been
stemmed by timely and vigorous intervention, but that would have required
leadership for which the United States was unprepared. Importantly, mere
central bank cooperation would not have been enough.41
In all of this, we see Charlie looking at the world through the eyes of
a sometime central banker – a lens shared by essentially none of his
economist colleagues, Keynesians no more than monetarists. Instead,
they looked at the world through the lens of their models. Referencing
the first phase of the Depression, Charlie insists: “There is no way in
which these price declines can be connected with a mechanism that goes
through either the quantity theory of money, since money aggregates
barely changed at all, or through Keynesian effects on spending by
consumers, with or without wealth in consumption functions”; “It cannot
be contended that Keynesian analysis explains the 1930s any better than
monetarism”; “No monetarist or Keynesian model can account for such
precipitous declines . . . A point on which I insist, but one neglected by
virtually all other observers, is that the decline in stock prices was com-
municated to commodity prices through the banking system.”42
And yet his economist colleagues remained unconvinced. The reason,
so Charlie came to believe, was that there was no place in their models for
from the 8th Annual Report of the Bank of International Settlements (where it can be
found on p. 11), from which an extensive excerpt is reprinted in the Fed’s Bulletin.
The sentiment expressed is thus not the Fed’s alone, but rather that of the entire
world central banking community more generally.
This, despite Charlie’s abiding respect and affection for his former brothers-in-arms at
the New York Fed, as noted in Clarke (1967) and Coombs (1976). On the latter, see
his glowing review (Kindleberger 1977c) and Kindleberger (1978b, 204–205).
Kindleberger (1985c, 269, 290, 303).
Kindleberger (1985c, 303).
Kindleberger (1978b, 20).
Kindleberger (1978a, 10).
Kindleberger (1978b, 208, 226).
Kindleberger (1978b, 72).
Kindleberger (1978b, 70, 13).
Minsky (1976).
Kindleberger (1978b, 70, 55, 12).
Kindleberger (1978b, 23).
Kindleberger (1978b, 15, 21, 8, 15, 220, 6).
Kindleberger (1978b, 15, 21).
monetary system and its propensity to disaster”: “We need not take
seriously novelists like Erdman, nor accept uncritically the predictions
of Minsky.” This last is apparently a reference to Paul Erdman, who
started his successful career writing financial thrillers with his 1976
publication The Crash of ’79.
Charlie is further always careful to distance himself from the “pessim-
istic, even lugubrious” side of Minsky, and not just because Charlie
himself was basically an optimistic and cheerful personality.54 The
more fundamental reason comes down to his belief that lender of last
resort not only can stay a panic, but also that general awareness of the
lender-of-last-resort function can even prevent panics and so forestall
crises, allowing speculation to die out gradually rather than necessarily
ending in a catastrophic collapse. In his view, dependable lender-of-last-
resort backstop at the domestic level is the reason that domestic panics
have become much less common. And uncertainty about lender of last
resort at the international level is the reason that international panics
have become more common.55
For Charlie, Minsky goes too far in emphasizing inherent fragility, but
it is important to appreciate that in other respects Charlie thought that
Minsky did not go far enough. Emphasizing business credit from banks
within the United States, Minsky’s model was intended quite narrowly to
be a financial model of the US business cycle. By contrast, Charlie’s
interest is mainly in the financial crisis that sometimes comes at the
peak of a business cycle, and he is interested in all kinds of financial
crises, especially those with international dimensions. Further, and
importantly, he is interested in the instability of credit quite generally,
not just business and bank credit: “Before banks had evolved, and after-
ward, additional means of payment to fund a speculative mania were
available in the virtually infinitely expansible nature of personal credit.”56
The mechanism of instability that Charlie emphasizes is also different.
Whereas Minsky emphasizes positive feedbacks between business spending
on investment and subsequent expansion of aggregate income and
Kindleberger (1978b, 15).
Kindleberger (1978b, 215–220).
Kindleberger (1978b, 16).
Kindleberger (1978b, 220).
Chef d’Oeuvre
Kindleberger (1991a, 70).
Kindleberger (1984a, 1), my emphasis. The dedication, “To SMK once more, after
forty-five years, with feeling,” explicitly links this book with his first.
“Economist Development,” p. 18. KPMD Box 19, “The Economist and the Academy.”
Charlie’s eyes, in the context of all his previous output, perhaps we can
synthesize and reconstruct what he was trying to do.
The book had its origin, so Charlie tells us, in lecture notes for
a course he taught only twice: first at the University of Texas at Austin
in Spring 1979, and second at MIT in Fall 1980. At Austin, in effect he was
taking up the challenge of his wartime buddy Walt Rostow, who had
claimed that there was no proper monetary theory prior to 1914 because
money and finance were entirely passive until then, not the prime movers
of economic events that they would later become.4 Charlie finds, quite to
the contrary, a rich mine of materials produced in and concerning
exactly that pre-1914 period, which materials he uses to derive the theory
that he then uses to understand post-1914. I say “finds,” but in fact
Charlie had been teaching European economic history regularly for
years and was already familiar with much of the material. What is new is
his ambition to use that historical material explicitly to test the limitations
of existing theories (i.e., monetarist and Keynesian theories) and to
derive new, more robust ones.
The Gerschenkronian themes of banking and the state, now renamed
“Finance” and “War Finance,” are the prime movers of Charlie’s narra-
tive, and a central theme throughout is finance as “an independent force
for good or ill”: “War is a hothouse and places enormous strain on
resources, which finance is used to mobilize. Financial innovation occurs
in wartime.” The innovation that he has in mind concerns institutional
change: “New men, new ways of doing things threatened the old.” Not for
nothing does he give his old teacher Wesley Clair Mitchell pride of place
in the epigram to the first chapter. Says Mitchell: “Cannot economic
history be organized most effectively around the evolution of pecuniary
history?” Mitchell’s empiricism, as founder and research director of the
National Bureau of Economics Research, had been quantitative and
statistical. Charlie’s own empiricism was otherwise, as he says: “it is not
my style, and statistics do not on most aspects of the subject go back far.”5
Instead, comparative economic history was Charlie’s way of carrying on
See extended quote of Rostow (1978) at Kindleberger (1984a, 3).
Kindleberger (1984a, 3, 5, 8, 1, xvii).
Kindleberger (1984a, 24).
Kindleberger (1984a, 36–41).
Kindleberger (1984a, 19).
Kindleberger (1984a, 50).
Kindleberger (1984a, 8).
The Bank of England set the level of world interest rates, which accounts for
the fact that national interest rates moved up and down together, while other
countries had power only over a narrow differential between the domestic
level and the world rate. With sterling bills traded worldwide, serving as
a close substitute for money in foreign countries, and their interest rate
manipulated in London, the gold standard was a sterling system.14
Kindleberger (1984a, 6, 56).
Kindleberger (1984a, 65–68).
Kindleberger (1984a, 68–69).
Kindleberger (1984a, 70).
Kindleberger (1984a, 22).
Kindleberger (1984a, 35, 51; 21, 45; 24). On the latter point, Vilar (1976) is his
primary source, referenced repeatedly.
Kindleberger (1984a, 24, 68).
Kindleberger (1984a, 73). In other work, I have identified these same three ideas –
alchemy, hierarchy, and hybridity – in addition to the instability which Charlie treats
in Part One, as the four reasons that money is “difficult” (Mehrling 2017).
Kindleberger (1984a, 85).
Kindleberger (1984a, 113–115).
Kindleberger (1984a, 96, 99).
Kindleberger (1984a, 109).
Kindleberger (1984a, 115).
Kindleberger (1984a, 129, 212).
Kindleberger (1984a, 117).
local initiatives.” “In Spain, and to some extent in Italy, economic devel-
opment was in fact set back a generation. Banks were needed, but so was
an adequate socio-political matrix of laws, regulation and custom in
which they operated, and appropriate government policies.”26
Having thus dispatched with Gerschenkron in Part Two, Charlie’s
central theme in Part Three – “Finance” – is instead his own alternative
historical thesis, which revolves around the centrality of financial booms
and busts: “financial crises [which] have tended to appear at roughly ten-
year intervals for the last 400 years or so.”27 An important mechanism
involved in these crises, according to Charlie, is the international flow of
capital, the central role of which has quite typically been overlooked by
local historians specialized in the history of their own individual coun-
tries. The final chapter of this Part (chapter 15: “Financial Crises”) reads
as the culminating statement of theory derived from accumulated fact,
not only of Part Three but also of the preceding parts as well. It is this
theory that Charlie will use as his framework for making sense of the post-
World War I chronology that follows.
As in MPC, Charlie emphasizes that booms typically begin with some
“displacement,” which “can be monetary or real.” He credits the concept
to Minsky, but in fact Minsky never used it; it is pure Kindleberger and,
indeed, the central organizing concept for the entire Part Three:28 “The
displacement that gets the most attention in these pages is war and the
end of war. War both cuts off old connections in trade and finance, and is
likely to require the fashioning of new.”29 In particular, war has often
been the impetus for foreign borrowing, which opens channels that
remain after the war is over (ch. 12). It is these new channels that bring
the boom, as initial trickle subsequently widens the channel to enable
eventual flood: “The consequence of limited horizons that change
Kindleberger (1984a, 74).
Kindleberger (1984a, 269).
Kindleberger cites Minsky (1982) but neither the word nor the concept appears in
that chapter. Elsewhere he speaks of the “stages of a financial crisis, worked out by
Hyman Minsky with a small assist from me” (1988a, 110). In his paper for Minsky’s
festschrift, he thanks Martin Mayer for bringing his attention to Minsky, “who got me
to think about instability in financial markets” (1995, 131). On Minsky himself, see
Mehrling (1999) and Neilson (2019).
Kindleberger (1984a, 270–271).
Kindleberger (1984a, 219).
Kindleberger (1984a, 239–250).
Kindleberger (1984a, 249).
Kindleberger (1984a, 275).
a further question: “Who helps the center when it gets into trouble?”
Historically, central bank cooperation has been the answer.34
Prior to 1700, the world lacked a lender of last resort, but it also largely
lacked the credit mechanism that made such a lender necessary. After
1700, the credit mechanism and the lender of last resort grew up
together, assurance of the latter being the enabler of the former.
Most economists view the lender of last resort as a source of moral hazard
and hence a cause of instability, excessive credit expansion being encour-
aged by assurance of central bank backstop. Not Charlie. He saw instead
encouragement and support of entrepreneurial risk, essential for eco-
nomic growth. In his view, economic development depends on the credit
mechanism and would be (was in fact before 1700) stifled in a world with
no lender of last resort. Instability of credit is, in this way of thinking, part
of the price we pay for economic development, and so too the necessity
for management of that instability by a lender of last resort.
Charlie’s story about the relationship between finance and economic
development can thus be seen as an attempt to improve on
Gerschenkron. In Charlie’s account, the emphasis is not on degrees of
backwardness in different individual countries, but rather on communi-
cation between countries, and on the international spread of information,
institutions, and capital. For Charlie, financial development plays
a central role in economic development, but the process is much more
bottom-up, unplanned, and international than Gerschenkron allows.
And it also typically works itself out in booms and busts.
A central puzzle remains: Why this recurrence? Don’t people learn
from past experience? Charlie’s answer, drawn from the historical record,
emphasizes the dynamic between informed insiders and uninformed out-
siders. Each boom involves mobilization of a new crew of outsiders, who
are left holding the bag when insiders liquidate. The a priori view of Milton
Friedman that destabilizing speculation is theoretically impossible is thus
disproven both historically and theoretically: “Each individual may be
rational, expecting to sell out before the collapse, but the fallacy of
composition assures that not all can be.”35
Kindleberger (1984a, 277, 280, 281).
Kindleberger (1984a, 272–273).
The purpose of Parts One through Three was to glean lessons from
history that can help us to understand our own time, which is to say the
time experienced by Charlie himself. Born in 1910, he had come to
consciousness in the aftermath of World War I, and it is that experience
that he wants retrospectively to understand in Part Four. From the point
of view of the preceding parts, the most important thing to appreciate is
that World War constituted monetary displacement on a scale never
before seen in world history. Subsequent euphoria, distress, and crisis
were therefore to be expected, along the general lines sketched in
chapter 15, but this time would be different. This time there were
multiple domestic displacements, each one transmitted internationally
by capital flows and together acting to produce boom–bust on a scale
never before seen. All of this was to be expected, but the exact course of
events remained to be determined, in part by political forces different in
each country and in part by the ability to mount an effective international
lender of last resort operation, never before tested at such a scale.
The monetary displacement came from the war finance of the Allies,
and also from postwar reparation charges to Germany. At the war’s
origin, Germany apparently imagined a quick war that would be financed
by a subsequent indemnity to be imposed on France, along the lines of
the 1871 resolution of the Franco-Prussian War. In the event, however,
what Germany got was a long war, and it was France, along with the Allies,
that got the chance to impose an indemnity on Germany. France natur-
ally imagined that the indemnity would be recycled, along the lines of
1871: “Germany would issue bonds to be bought by Americans with
monies then turned over to reparation claimants. Real reparations
would be paid by Germany when and if she paid off the bonds.”36
That’s not what happened, of course, but Charlie’s frame for understand-
ing what in fact did happen is clearly an imagination of how that coun-
terfactual might have played out.
The first step of the counterfactual would have been to come up with
a number for reparations that was acceptable to both the Allies and to
Germany. Only then could Germany mount the necessary borrowing
operation. Subsequently, just as France had experienced a boom in the
Kindleberger (1984a, 300).
Kindleberger (1984a, 305).
Kindleberger (1984a, 325).
among them the young John Maynard Keynes, who failed to apply the
appropriate recycling analytical framework. (He was not the only one.
Academic debate quite generally focused on real transfer, i.e., the fam-
ous debate between Keynes and Ohlin, which misses the point.) In this
regard, Keynes’ 1919 account of the Versailles Peace Conference,
Economic Consequences of the Peace, “changed the course of history.” For
one, it “encouraged the Germans to resist paying reparations.” And for
two, it “helped the Republicans in the United States to defeat American
ratification of the Versailles Treaty and keep the United States out of the
League of Nations.”39 In this way, in both Germany and the United States,
it was politics that blocked the two main steps on a possible road to
financial settlement. To their eternal shame, economists facilitated that
blockage rather than helping to break it down.
Charlie posits June 1922 as the fateful turning point, when hope for
a possible rational financial settlement finally gave way. Until that time,
German monetary inflation and deutschemark depreciation had been
moderated by short-term capital inflows as speculators sought to profit
from what they supposed to be temporary disequilibrium. After June,
however, the stabilizing inflows stopped and destabilizing outflows began
to dominate as speculators joined German authorities in selling
deutschemarks for whatever the market would bear, driving down the
exchange rate and sparking the hyperinflation that would destroy the
currency within the next year. In this process, notably prices rose first,
and the German money supply followed after – exactly the opposite of
the monetarist quantity theory of money.
Why did Keynes write as he did? Maybe he was a bit pro-German, but
probably more important was his concern for the postwar fate of the City,
the prewar financial center of the world in London. Removal of Germany
as a trade competitor had sparked hopes of postwar British revival, which
had led to a little postwar boom–bust, but in the longer run the prewar
sterling system was clearly threatened by an emergent dollar; New York
bankers had made no secret of their ambition to take the place of
London bankers: “Churchill does not quite use the expression ‘dollar
standard’ as a replacement for sterling and gold. The words can be
Kindleberger (1984a, 299).
Kindleberger (1984a, 300, 341).
Kindleberger (1984a, 332, 344–345), my emphasis.
Kindleberger (1984a, 308).
Kindleberger (1984a, 355).
This is the same argument Charlie had made in WID. One thing that is new here is his
recognition that his argument “fit easily into the Hawtrey mold of Currency and Credit
(1919)” (Kindleberger (1984a, 364).
institutional inhibitions would have been swept aside if there had existed
coherent leadership and cohesive followership.”45 As earlier, the United
States would not lead, and so Britain was left to soldier on as best it could
until it could no longer. Significantly, sterling depreciation in 1931 was
not followed by Deutschemark depreciation – memory of hyperinflation
stood in the way of rational economic response – exacerbating the
international transmission of deflation.
For the United States, the turning point in the depression came from
Roosevelt’s decision in advance of the 1933 World Economic Conference
to devalue the dollar. In response, finally prices began to rise, and by mid-
1933 “the corner of the depression had been turned.” But only for the
United States, not for anyone else. Given the failure to agree on currency
stabilization, “successive depreciation of the pound sterling, the yen, the
dollar and the gold bloc were each excessive and communicated over-
valuation and deflation to the rest of the system.”46 The Tripartite
Agreement of September 1936 did little to stem this tide, serving mainly
as cover for French devaluation. But it did mark a minor triumph for the
key-currency approach, which had been championed by the New York
Fed since the 1920s as a viable alternative to the doomed sterling–gold
exchange standard.
Against this background, Part Five of FHWE reads as a kind of auto-
biographical culmination, though without any explicit marker of
Charlie’s own contributions to the momentous events he records.
WASP reticence, no doubt, which unfortunately also functions to obscure
somewhat the analytical frame that Charlie uses to make sense of these
events. The important point to keep in mind is that the postwar financial
history of Western Europe is intertwined with Charlie’s own life. Just so,
as Chief of the Division of German and Austrian Affairs (GA), Charlie
had an inside view of the challenge of reconstructing Germany after the
war (chapter 22). He is speaking, therefore, in part of his own life project
when he says: “I regard the German monetary reform of 1948 as one of
the great feats of social engineering of all time.”47 Further, as staffer for
Kindleberger (1984a, 381).
Kindleberger (1984a, 384, 399).
Kindleberger (1984a, 418).
Kindleberger (1984a, 436).
Kindleberger (1984a, 415, 416).
Kindleberger (1984a, 415).
Kindleberger (1984a, 426).
Kindleberger (1984a, 452).
the same thing are equal to each other, but they are not necessarily inte-
grated.” The rise of the Eurodollar and Eurobond markets, after 1971,
created an offshore dollar system (markets disposing) that served this equal-
izing function, even as European politicians flirted with ideas of a Europe-
wide currency (government proposing) as replacement for the dollar.53
We have seen in previous chapters (6, 7, and 8) how Charlie hoped
that Europe might grab the reins of leadership left flapping in the wind
by Nixon’s abdication. Unfortunately, the subsequent history of Europe’s
monetary reform efforts dashed those hopes. Significantly, Charlie ends
the book with these words: “I conclude that the EMU [the Werner Plan]
has failed, and that the EMS promises little advance over the EMU to
solve the European monetary problem, or to provide a European monetary
substitute for the failing dollar, needed to undergird world economic stabil-
ity.” Governments may propose, but markets dispose. “The European
and the world systems will limp along for some time. Ultimately, new
hierarchical arrangements will emerge.”54
Indeed, even as he was writing, the seeds of a new hierarchical
arrangement were already sprouting, in the form of the offshore
Eurodollar and Eurobond markets. As mentioned, Charlie noticed
both of these developments, but he saw them mainly as vehicles for
equalizing asset prices within Europe, rather than as the seed of a new
globalized dollar system, as they turned out to be.55 The second edition
of FHWE, published in 1993, offers a more rosy forecast for European
monetary union, presumably on the basis that the 1992 Maastricht agree-
ment had put in place sufficient political union to make monetary union
a realistic possibility. But Charlie is no more hopeful about the future of
the dollar, notwithstanding the habits of G7 cooperation that continued
even after the breakdown of Bretton Woods (e.g., the 1985 Plaza Accord,
and the 1987 Louvre Accord). “The safest prediction is that there will be
another transitional period, like that between the world wars, after which
a new continental or national leadership will emerge.”56
Kindleberger (1984a, 448, 449–453). See also Kindleberger (1969c).
Kindleberger (1984a, 463, my emphasis).
McCauley (2020), Schenk (2020).
Kindleberger (1993, 457).
a world central bank, the system of central bank swap lines, cobbled
together by the BIS in 1961, was the essential mechanism for central
bank cooperation in defense of the dollar system.
If the payments approach is thus the analytical core of Charlie’s think-
ing, the centrality of the dealer function, that is, market-making for profit,
is a critical second but more emergent element. We can trace this element
too back to early days, not so much the thesis but rather “Speculation and
Forward Exchange” (1939), the article he wrote to make sense of the
pattern of exchange rates during the Tripartite Agreement period.
Covered interest parity arbitrage by speculators kept sterling and the dollar
in line with each other, but not any other currency because the markets
required for arbitrage were shut down; no market-makers, no markets.
Similarly, in the immediate postwar period, given continuing lack of
markets, the BIS substituted its gold swap facility, in effect making markets
between inconvertible European currencies until, after the move to con-
vertibility, private speculators stepped in and the BIS was able to shift
instead to using its swap facility to backstop those private markets.
For a long time, the importance of the dealer function in Charlie’s
thought was limited to foreign exchange markets, and, as a consequence,
it is not so obviously an element distinct from the underlying payments
frame. Here perhaps Charlie was in part unconsciously channeling Willis’
unease with the emerging new understanding of liquidity as “shiftability,” an
understanding which implies that liquidity depends on dealers standing
ready to absorb excess demand or supply. Indeed, we see that unease
explicitly in Charlie’s concern, expressed in the 10th Annual Report of the
BIS, that central banks are being asked to play the role of “shifter of last
A more obvious reason for the limited role of the dealer function in
Charlie’s early thinking was of course the limited role of dealers them-
selves under conditions of Depression and War. Capital markets, both
short term and long term, were more or less shut down. and indeed largely
remained so in the immediate postwar period. Only gradually did they get
put back together again, first domestically and then internationally, the
See Chapter 3, n. 25.
Eurodollar and Eurobond markets coming into their own only after the
breakdown of Bretton Woods.
This explains why it is only in World in Depression that the dealer function
finally emerges as a clearly separate element, centrally important for
understanding the link between the US stock market crash and the subse-
quent persistent fall of commodity prices. Commodity prices are made by
dealers, who absorb temporary excess supply into their own inventories,
and these inventories need to be financed, which means that disruption of
finance can force liquidation of inventories at fire-sale prices. Similarly, the
collapse of long-term capital flows was really about the collapse of inter-
national capital markets, which is to say the absence of profit-seeking
dealers willing to use their own balance sheets to support new bond issues.
Both of these ideas – banking as a payments system and banking as
a dealer system – came together in Charlie’s MPC understanding of
financial crises as essentially liquidity crises, arising from the inability of
borrowers to make promised payments combined with a further inability
to postpone those payments to some future time. Lender of last resort
can put a floor on this kind of crisis precisely because the liabilities of the
lender are means of payment for everyone else. At the international level,
however, the central challenge is that there is no world central bank
whose liabilities can serve that function, while the ability of national
central banks to cooperate toward that end is limited by national political
constraints. Viewed in this light, FHWE is essentially a story of the
Darwinian coevolution of an integrated world market with an inter-
national lender of last resort, a world market for commodities and also
for capital, both short term and long term. As such, it is essentially a story
of financial development in support of economic development, both
processes advancing together in Darwinian evolutionary fashion by
means of boom and bust – a story that continues to this day.
Thinking of Charlie as an international monetary economist, one might
have thought that his chef-d’oeuvre was the 1981 collection International
Money. Certainly, that is the book that initially attracted my attention. The
book is organized as a treatise, with four parts: “International Money,”
“International Payments,” “International Capital Markets,” and “Toward
a New Monetary World Order.” But it doesn’t really deliver, remaining
more “A Collection of Essays” written in the decade from 1966 to 1976, as
Chapter 7, n. 42.
CPK to Steve Magee, Dec. 8, 1998. KPMD, Box 20. See also Kindleberger (1988a, 157).
Kindleberger (1988a, 12).
Cairncross (1985, 1). See also Kindleberger (1995, ch. 12), prepared for the Cairncross
Lamfalussy (1985, 410).
Personal communication, Roy Weintraub.
issues, and he chose to take that advice. Thus, Charlie’s enthusiasm for
economic history shows up not in the address, but rather in the book that
came out of the economic history session, Bill Parker’s Economic History
and the Modern Economist (1986), and even more so in Charlie’s own later
collection of essays, Historical Economics, Art or Science? (1990). More on all
of that below. The important point for now is that, in 1985, Charlie chose
to use the most visible platform he ever had to speak instead on
“International Public Goods without International Government.” Here
we see him at the end of his career attempting to foster conversation
between economics and political science, just as he had back at the
beginning with his abortive 1950 “The Distribution of Income, Political
Equilibrium, and Equilibrium in the Balance of Payments.”
Well aware that his audience were all economists, Charlie’s pitch
was in language that all trained economists understand. Standard
economics warns of the possibility of market failure. Left to its own
devices the market mechanism can be expected to supply an ineffi-
ciently low quantity of public goods simply because, by definition,
public goods are freely available to everyone, and so no one is willing
to pay for their supply. A classic example is clean air. Here is
a situation where the market does not work, and that makes room
for the argument that we should not use the market, but rather
government. More generally, Charlie always embraced what he called
a “vacuum theory of government” – namely, that government steps in
to do what the market can’t or doesn’t do well.
The problem is that, at the international level, there is no govern-
ment, and so the vacuum theory leaves open the question of how inter-
national public goods get supplied, if at all. In practice, Charlie says, the
solution has generally been for one nation to step forward as “leader,”
taking on the task itself for whatever reason. The particular public good
closest to Charlie’s heart was of course provision of global money, coord-
ination of macroeconomic policy, and stabilization of exchange rates,
but the argument is general, applying to peace-keeping operations as
well. In the absence of such a leader, the market can be expected to
supply an inefficiently low quantity of needed public goods.
The argument is recognizably an extension of the case Charlie had
made in World in Depression concerning the need for a stabilizer, one
stabilizer. In 1931, Britain could no longer play that role, and the United
States would not, and so we got world depression. Subsequently, the
United States did take up that role, and, as a consequence, economic
matters went better for a while, until unilateral abandonment of that
leadership role by Nixon, which in Charlie’s mind had raised the pro-
spect of another depression. On that score, the important point to
appreciate is that by December 1985, when Charlie gave his presidential
address, he saw real reason for hope. Three months earlier, the major
powers had met at the Plaza Hotel in New York City and agreed to
cooperate on stabilizing the major currencies. It was only a first step,
but the United States seemed finally to be willing to lead again, and the
major powers seemed once again to be willing to follow. In his address,
Charlie wanted not only to celebrate this new development, but also to
urge further building on this promising start, which he saw as a possible
pivot point in history.
The main argument in Charlie’s address is about public goods because
that’s what he thought his audience would understand. But in fact, and
notwithstanding Temin’s advice, there is a methodological theme that runs
throughout as well, concerning not economic history but rather political
science. Charlie’s target here is the “imperialism” of the Chicago school –
George Stigler and Gary Becker are mentioned by name – who see econom-
ics as having nothing to learn from political science and political science as
subordinate to economics. For them, as a matter of a priori theory, the
market works – and it works just as well internationally as it does domestic-
ally if only government will get out of the way and let it do so, which is
actually easier at the international level since there is no international
government. In opposition to the Chicago School, Charlie’s MIT home
department had long emphasized the prevalence of various market failures,
both microeconomic and macroeconomic, and hence also the general case
for government intervention, but mostly the MIT line had been at the level
of the nation-state, not international. Thus, we can understand Charlie’s
address as a challenge just as much to his MIT friends as to his Chicago
opponents: How to address market failure at the international level when
there is no international government?
It was also a challenge just as much to political science as it was to
economics, since political scientists quite typically take the point of view
Kindleberger (1988a, ch. 9, 137).
Also Marshall Plan Days (1987) and The German Economy (1989). International Capital
Movements (1987) was based on the Marshall Lectures he had given at Cambridge
University in Fall 1985.
Kindleberger (1988a, 109, 108).
Kindleberger (1978c) is his most comprehensive treatment of the NIEO.
Kindleberger (1988a, 10).
Kindleberger (1988a, 89).
Kindleberger (1988a, 120).
further result of finally creating the meeting of minds that made the Plaza
Accord a possibility only three years later.
In short, the displacement of 1971 did not cause depression because it
did not cause the collapse of the international monetary system. This
surprised Charlie, who had expected long-term international capital
flows to cease, with short-term flows following soon behind, as had hap-
pened in 1931. But it didn’t happen. Instead of credit collapse we got
credit expansion, and instead of deflation we got inflation. Significantly,
Charlie sees the same ratchet effect, with exchange-rate instability causing
price-level instability, operating in both the 1930s and the 1970s: “The
result was structural inflation in an inflationary world . . . the ratchet was
the opposite of that in the deflation of the 1930s.”12 In both periods, the
movement of exchange rates operated not to bring the economy back to
equilibrium, but rather to drive it farther away – a prime example of the
market not working. Given lack of leadership in the 1970s (as in
the 1930s), for a long time there was no choice but to continue using the
market, and the result was rising inflation. Plaza marked the end of all that.
The question begged by this historical account, of course, is why it took
so long to get to Plaza, and that’s the question that the second half of the
book attempts to answer. The answer, in short, is politics. It will be recalled
that, in 1971, Charlie thought that Nixon was simply making a huge blunder
in economic policy, egged on by a few wrong-thinking economists. But as
time went on and the world did not collapse, Charlie moved beyond this
initial position, coming to see that Nixon’s hand had to a large extent been
forced by the actions of others, “free-riders” on US international leadership
who ultimately exhausted the domestic political limits of that leadership.
For Charlie, the problem traced back at least to 1960. At that time, he
had been asked to write a think piece for John J. McCloy on the future
course of US economic policy, which he titled “The End of the Dominant
Role of the United States and the Future of World Economic Policy.”13
Writing from Paris, where he was on sabbatical, he proposed that it was
Kindleberger (1988a, 60).
Appreciation of the significance of this assignment requires appreciation of the key role
McCloy played, largely behind the scenes, in multiple administrations. See Bird (1992).
Recall that more or less at this same time, Charlie produced his first explicit engagement
with Triffin, see Chapter 6, n. 29.
time for the United States to shift from a position of dominance to one of
leadership: “The United States could no longer dictate to other countries
what was needed to be done in the field of economic foreign policy; it was
obliged at that time to ask, not tell them.”14 In the event, Charlie’s
message was welcomed neither in Washington, so Charlie tells us, nor
in France, where economist Francois Perroux was promoting the idea
that the United States had already shifted in the opposite direction, from
mere dominance to outright exploitation.
The French did not agree with Charlie, but at least they were willing to
publish what he wrote, while the Americans were not, which is why his paper
appeared only in French.15 One imagines that this experience gave
Charlie second thoughts about his plan at the time to re-engage with active
government service, once he managed to regain his security clearance. We
have seen how instead he subsequently followed the evolving drama of
Europe and the dollar (Chapter 6) and then made a conscious shift into
economic history with World in Depression (Chapter 8), in effect putting this
episode behind him. But in 1971 Nixon’s abdication of leadership brought
the matter back up to consciousness. And a timely invitation to give the
Frank D. Graham Memorial Lecture at Princeton in 1977 gave him the
incentive to put his thoughts in order, not to mention a welcome chance
to sit for a moment in the chair that Graham had done so much to deny him
back in 1948.
Like Graham, Charlie had for a time considered the nation-state as an
institution that had outlived its usefulness: “The increase in mobility
produced by innovations in transport and communication during and
after World War II led some of us to conclude that the nation-state was in
difficulty.”16 But whereas Graham had thought the way forward was
international laissez-faire, Charlie thought the way forward was to yield
national sovereignty to some new form of international governance. In
the event, both views got their comeuppance in the 1970s with
a resurgence of nationalism, not least in the United States, and it was
this development that Charlie wanted to understand.
Kindleberger (1988a, 185).
Kindleberger (1961).
Kindleberger (1988a, 132).
Kindleberger (1988a, 225–226).
Kindleberger (1988a, 208).
Kindleberger (1988a, 193).
Kindleberger (1988a, 207, 157).
Kindleberger (1988a, 157).
Kindleberger (1988a, 191).
Kindleberger (1988a, 193).
continuing to produce work in this rich vein, using his speaking invita-
tions to remain engaged as he watched the slow process of rebuilding the
leadership system, as he hoped. But life intervened. In Fall 1986 his wife
Sarah suffered a stroke, which forced Charlie to curtail his travel and
then to face the prospect of moving out of his beloved Lincoln home.
After sorting through and disposing of the accumulation of a lifetime, he
moved with Sarah on October 3, 1989, to Brookhaven, a new assisted
living facility in nearby Lexington. Significantly, Charlie’s introduction
to the second Wheatsheaf book, Historical Economics, Art or Science?, is
dated November 1989, and he specifically thanks Peter Johns “for urging
me to proceed with the collection.” Given the disruption to his life, it is
remarkable that he was able to proceed, and testament to the importance
that he attached to the subject matter. Having listened to Temin regard-
ing his presidential address, he was now determined to have his say,
imagining perhaps that this would be his last substantive book.
In Charlie’s mind, the book amounts to an extended argument for
restoring the place of economic history in the training of young economists,
“so as to bring a historical perspective to economic questions.”24 His argu-
ment is largely by example: examples of his own work as a historical econo-
mist, notably including his very first effort, “The Postwar Resurgence of the
French Economy” (1963a). Such an effort, he avers, “can be undertaken
only midway in an economist’s development and after a firm grounding in
economic theory and perhaps in an economic special field. My interest is
not in producing economic historians but rather in diluting the rigor of
modern technical economics through exposure to a fairly broad range of
human economic experience.”25 That’s what he had been trying to do in his
own teaching. Now he was offering his own work as a resource for others
who might be inclined to follow his lead.
As a set of examples, this second Wheatsheaf book inevitably has less
thematic coherence than the first one. For our purposes, the most
important chapters are those that show him building on his Financial
History of Western Europe (1984). Just so, chapter 3, “Spenders and
Hoarders: The World Distribution of Spanish American Silver, 1550–
Kindleberger (1990, 349).
Kindleberger (1990, 350).
Kindleberger (1990, ix).
Kindleberger (1990, 37).
Kindleberger (1990, 353). Here we also see Charlie doing his best to build on the work
of a favorite student, Carlos Diaz-Alejandro, subsequent to his untimely death in 1985.
Not included is Charlie’s 1989 memorial essay, “From Graduate Student to
Professional Peer: An Appreciation of Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro” which he would
reprint in a later collection (1999, ch. 16).
practiced under capitalism less for efficiency than for lowering the return
to labour,”29 testing that suggestion against the available literature on the
organization of production at the time Adam Smith wrote. And the Mun
essay is essentially a spinoff from the “Spenders and Hoarders” project,
interesting to Charlie because Mun wrote during the time of the Spanish
silver flows in an attempt to make sense of what he was seeing in his role as
director of the East India Company. Both chapters thus are properly
works of economic history more than history of economic thought.
Charlie pitches the book to economics instructors looking for
a “Bridge between Liberal Arts and Business Studies” (the subtitle of
ch. 1), but that’s not all. Says Charlie, in the final sentence of his
concluding chapter: “Historical economics, I contend, can bridge the
chasm between abstractions and facts, test theories against the course of
events, and ensure the discard of models that are unuseful in illuminat-
ing concrete situations.”30 Here we recognize the creed that he had
worked out in Economic Response (1978) and pursued thereafter in
Manias, Panics, and Crashes and then ultimately A Financial History of
Western Europe. Like that earlier book, Historical Economics is a work of
evangelism, a collection of exemplars of comparative economic history
intended to convert others to the true faith by showing concrete practice
of it.
The last thing Charlie did before moving to Brookhaven was to put
together a draft of his autobiography, which would be published as The
Life of an Economist (1991). Encouraged by his friend David Warsh,
columnist at The Boston Globe, he put it together in a blizzard of typing
in only a month.31 There were bits and pieces already available at hand:
a published essay “The Life of an Economist” (1980c), the preface to
World in Depression, an oral history taken down by the Truman Library,
some reminiscences from the fiftieth reunion of his 1928 Kent School
class, the “Interim Biography” he had written in an effort to get cleared,
a long report on his eventful year in Atlanta, plus of course his FBI file,
letters home during the war, and a lifetime of academic correspondence
Kindleberger (1990, 109), Marglin (1974).
Kindleberger (1990, 354).
Personal communication, David Warsh.
and student files. But there was no time to dig through it all, much less
the appetite (or perhaps capacity?) for self-reflection after a life of WASP
reticence and self-deprecation. As a consequence, there is in the book
none of the loving attention Charlie devotes to tracing the flow of silver,
or the international transmission of the Panic of 1873. Instead, the book
is merely what he calls a “professional biography”: an account of what
happened when, sprinkled with the occasional charming anecdote. The
most personal part of it is the sequence of fourteen plates which alert the
reader to the existence of a deeper story, but without actually telling that
Ken Galbraith, a lifelong friend who Charlie leaned on for the fore-
word to the book, tells us that it is “a book by a scholar for scholars,”
meaning more or less the (limited) audience of Charlie’s presidential
address “and its larger penumbra,” not the best-seller audience for which
Galbraith himself wrote. Not only does Charlie leave out much of the
wartime drama, but also the academic drama: “Kindleberger is not
a person who suffers fools gladly. But he suffers them in tolerant silence,
and not less those with whom he is thrown into scholarly
disagreement.”32 Maybe so, but I would point further to the role of
Charlie’s professed antiperfectionism. Probably that was the essential
trait that enabled him to pound out a draft even as he shipped off to
the archives all of the rich source material, most of it unused.
Charlie thus arrived at Brookhaven with the decks cleared, but still it
took him a while to get settled. The untimely death of his son Richard’s
wife in 1990, leaving two young children, created additional family
responsibility. Also, Brookhaven was new, and Charlie and Sarah were
among its very first residents, so Charlie found himself getting involved in
creating a community culture, not least by recruiting family (on Sarah’s
side, her siblings Francis and Jen) and professorial friends (on Charlie’s
side, his MIT colleague Bob Solow) to join them over the next years.
Unlike many who make this kind of transition late in life, Charlie had
ample experience in total institutions, harking back to boarding school
and his summer shipboard adventures, so he knew what he was in for and
adapted easily. It was not the endgame he had hoped for, but he made
Galbraith (1991, x, xi).
KPMD, Box 24, “Reminiscences of Charles P. Kindleberger.”
Kindleberger (1991b, 203, 205).
labor markets, Charlie’s curiosity was piqued, and off he went. The book
was the result.
For our purposes, the important thing is that the occupational therapy
worked. When the little book was done, Charlie was ready to move on to
a bigger one. Back in September 1990, shortly after the move to
Brookhaven, he had attended at Harvard a conference to launch a new
large-scale and long-term project on “The Vitality of Nations,” sponsored
by the Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies
under the directorship of Armand Clesse. As part of that project, in early
1993, so Charlie says, he started work on the book that would appear as
World Economic Primacy: 1500–1990 (1996), offering a partial draft for
comment at another Harvard conference in May 1994.
To make sense of the book, it is helpful to read it in the context of two
other books Charlie published at about the same time: World Economy and
National Finance in Historical Perspective (1995) and Centralization vs.
Pluralism: A Historical Examination of Political-Economic Struggles and
Swings within Some Leading Nations (1996). The first, a collection of essays,
is a kind “hors d’oeuvre,” he says, for the main course, sketching themes
that he would develop more fully in Economic Primacy. And the second is
a kind of after-dinner sweet (my metaphor, not his), that mops up some
unfinished business. It is these three books that would occupy his ener-
gies at the end of his career.
“Casual observation attests,” so Charlie states as the opening gambit in
Economic Primacy, “to the successive economic primacy of the Italian city-
states, the Spanish-Portuguese empire, the Low Countries, Great Britain,
and the United States, with failed challenges and impressive growth in
France and Germany.”35 Accordingly, the core of the book is seven
chapters, one on each of these instances, plus an eighth, “Japan in the
Queue?,” possibly a late addition. The first three of these and the last
required new research, which took time, but the other four very much
build on previous work. In a departure from his previous practice,
Charlie treats all eight of the cases in a common analytical framework,
which he outlines in chapters 2 and 3 and reprises in the conclusion.
Kindleberger (1996a, 37).
Kindleberger (1995, 108).
Kindleberger (1995, 105).
Kindleberger (1996a, 36). He nods to Mancur Olson (1982) as one who had similar
ideas, but his own thinking along these lines clearly predates, as seen, for example, in
his essay “The Aging Economy” (Kindleberger 1990, ch. 9). Similarly, he nods to the
ubiquity of the “S- or Gompertz or logistic curve” (1996a, 15; 1999, 121). I read both of
these as instances of Charlie looking for allies, as he had done previously with his
embrace of Minsky.
Kindleberger (1996a, 185).
Kindleberger (1996a, 222).
Kindleberger (1996a, 224).
Kindleberger (1996a, 169).
Kindleberger (1996a, 208).
Kindleberger (1995, 46–7).
Kindleberger (1996a, 228).
Kindleberger (1995, 63). See also p. 46, and Kindleberger (1969c, 14).
Kindleberger (1995, 102).
Kindleberger (1996a, 228).
suits them in terms of cash flows in and out through financial contracts
that adjust the time profile of anticipated receipts and payments.”49
Here, in the shifting balance between “Intermediation,
Disintermediation, and Direct Trading,” Charlie points to a general
pattern of history that we can see in all markets, a pattern significant
enough to qualify as a possible fifth “economic law” to be added to the
four he had explored in his 1980 lectures Economic Laws and Economic
History. For present purposes, the important point is that financial
innovation was creating new channels for capital flow. Maybe these
will provide the bridge we need until a new leader emerges? For now,
to the extent that these new mechanisms work well, there is less need
for a leader to manage capital flows directly.50 Significantly, Charlie’s
paper on these matters was prepared for a festschrift in honor of
Hyman P. Minsky. Not for the first time, Charlie’s impulse was to
lean against the prejudice of his audience.
Even more, Charlie would go on to suggest that the problem now had
become one of the government stepping in too often and too much as
lender of last resort, even when there is no real threat to the system as
a whole, so defeating the necessary discipline of the market:
Many high-minded principles suffer from entropy or decay over time, and
the lender of last resort may be one of them . . . Rather than move to having
government take over the financial system, including banking, I would
prefer to try to stuff the genie back into the bottle, reduce the last-resort
function to a weapon of rare and occasional use.51
Kindleberger (1995, 141).
Kindleberger (1995, ch. 10, 11).
Kindleberger (1995, 147, 160).
Kindleberger (1995, 41; 1996b, 187).
Mehrling (2015).
Kindleberger (1999, 23).
Kindleberger (1996b, 88). See Kindleberger (1974b) for an earlier attempt to use the
historical experience of individual nation-states to shed light on the possible dynamics
at work in the international realm.
Kindleberger (1996a, 31).
Kindleberger (1996a, ix).
Kindleberger (1996b, 2).
Eichengreen (1997), Kane (2005), Jones (2005), Findlay (2005), Fischer (2005),
Bhagwati (2005), Sylla (2005, 32).
Kirshner et al. (1997), Cohen (2008, ch. 3).
Kindleberger (1999, 1).
Kindleberger (1996a, 227).
Agmon, Tamir and Charles P. Kindleberger, eds. 1977. Multinationals from Small
Countries. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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Alexander, Sidney S. 1952. “Effects of a Devaluation on a Trade Balance.” Staff
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Angell, James W. 1933b. The Program for the World Economic Conference, The Experts’
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Angell, James W. 1936a. “Equilibrium in International Payments: The United
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Angell, James W. 1936b. The Behavior of Money: Exploratory Studies. New York:
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Arnold, Thurman W. 1937. The Folklore of Capitalism. New Haven, CT: Yale
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free trade, 20, 128–129, 130, 133, 135, 169 Morgenthau plan, 83, 119
answering structural disequilibrium post-war balance of payments problems,
through, 128 201
Freeman, Ralph E., 101 post-war program, 82–91, 195
Friedman, Milton, 135, 173, 178 see also Marshall plan.
“Case for Flexible Exchange Rates, The,” post-war recovery of Europe and, 86, 88
168 post–World War I reparation payments,
debate with Robert Roosa, 172 90, 221–225
explanation for the 1929 Depression, 193 see also reparations.
flexible exchange rates discourse, 168 post–World War I US loan requirements,
MIT’s response to, 165 46
“Monetary and Fiscal Framework for prospects for self-sufficiency in food, 85
Economic Stability, A,” 164 stock market collapse of 1929 and, 198
Monetary History of the United States, unification of as official American policy,
1867–1960, A (with Schwartz), 165, 91
193 war economy, 69
Program for Monetary Stability, A, 165 Gerschenkron, Alexander, 189–190,
“Quantity Theory, The,” 165 210–211
response to the Fed-Treasury Accord, Gerschenkron’s thesis, 215–218, 220
164–165 Glasser, Harold, 121
stable equilibria-seeking argument and, Glass-Steagall Act (1933), 40
169 Global Financial Crisis (2007–9), 4
Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money, 164 Global South, see also developing countries;
view on destabilizing speculation, 220 Least Developed Countries (LDCs);
view on German monetary reform, 228 underdeveloped world, 2
Workshop on Money and Banking, 164 gold
Friend, Tad, 12 demonetization of, 61–62, 63, 152, 155
fundamental disequilibrium, also structural Roosevelt’s increase of the dollar price of,
disequilibrium, 75, 96, 161 63
Funk Plan, 66 “Gold Problem, The” (Kindleberger &
Collado), 61
Galbraith, Ken, 250 gold standard
Galenson, David W., 251 adoption as single international money,
General Theory of Employment, Interest and 213
Money (Keynes), 48 attempted reinstatement, 224
Genoa Economic and Financial Bank of England’s management role,
Conference (1922), 17, 58, 224 199, 213, 224
German banking crisis (1931), 25 Bloomfield’s work on the historical
German Reparations, see also reparations, 59 experience of, 159
German Standstill Agreement (1931), 225 Britain’s abandonment, 25
Germany comparison with the dollar system, 159
BIS loans to, 67 equilibrium in the balance of payments
Crédit Mobilier and, 190, 217 under, 44
division of, 87, 89, 91 expectations of post-war re-establishment,
Gerschenkron thesis and, 217 60
gold standard and, 60 Fed’s abandonment, 40
hot money and, 155 fluctuation of exchange rates under, 168
interzonal trade, 88 post–World War I expectations of
invasion of Czechoslovakia, 65 restoration, 58
invasion of Poland, 65 removal of the dollar from, 179
JCS 1067 directive, 84 stabilizing speculation and, 168–169
monetary reform, 92–94, 97, 226, 228 sterling system and, 1