EED415 - Project Phase I

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Preamble: The course ‘Project Work’ is mainly intended to evoke the innovation and invention
skills in a student. The course will provide an opportunity to synthesize and apply the knowledge
and analytical skills learned, to be developed as a prototype or simulation. The project extends to
2 semesters and will be evaluated in the 7th and 8th semester separately, based on the achieved
objectives. One third of the project credits shall be completed in 7th semester and two third in 8th
semester. It is recommended that the projects may be finalized in the thrust areas of the respective
engineering stream or as interdisciplinary projects. Importance should be given to address societal
problems and developing indigenous technologies.

Course Objectives
 To apply engineering knowledge in practical problem solving.
 To foster innovation in design of products, processes or systems.
 To develop creative thinking in finding viable solutions to engineering problems.

Course Outcomes [COs] :After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
Model and solve real world problems by applying knowledge across domains
(Cognitive knowledge level: Apply).
Develop products, processes or technologies for sustainable and socially relevant
applications (Cognitive knowledge level: Apply).
Function effectively as an individual and as a leader in diverse teams and to
comprehend and execute designated tasks (Cognitive knowledge level: Apply).
Plan and execute tasks utilizing available resources within timelines, following
ethical and professional norms (Cognitive knowledge level: Apply).
Identify technology/research gaps and propose innovative/creative solutions
(Cognitive knowledge level: Analyze).
Organize and communicate technical and scientific findings effectively in written
and oral forms (Cognitive knowledge level: Apply).

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2

CO2 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1

CO3 3 2 2 1

CO4 2 3 2 2 3 2

CO5 2 3 3 1 2 1

CO6 2 2 2 3 1 1
Abstract POs defined by National Board AND ELECTRONICS
of Accreditation

PO# Broad PO PO# Broad PO

PO1 Engineering Knowledge PO7 Environment and Sustainability

PO2 Problem Analysis PO8 Ethics

PO3 Design/Development of solutions PO9 Individual and team work

Conduct investigations of PO10 Communication
complex problems
PO5 Modern tool usage PO11 Project Management and Finance

PO6 The Engineer and Society PO12 Lifelong learning

Phase 1 Target

 Literature study/survey of published literature on the assigned topic

 Formulation of objectives
 Formulation of hypothesis/ design/ methodology
 Formulation of work plan and task allocation.
 Block level design documentation
 Seeking project funds from various agencies
 Preliminary Analysis/Modeling/Simulation/Experiment/Design/Feasibility study
 Preparation of Phase 1 report

Evaluation Guidelines & Rubrics

Total: 100 marks (Minimum required to pass: 50 marks).

 Project progress evaluation by guide: 30 Marks.

 Interim evaluation by the Evaluation Committee: 20 Marks.
 Final Evaluation by the Evaluation Committee: 30 Marks.
 Project Phase - I Report (By Evaluation Committee): 20 Marks.

(The evaluation committee comprises HoD or a senior faculty member, Project coordinator
and project supervisor).
Evaluation by the Guide

The guide/supervisor shall monitor the progress being carried out by the project groups on a
regular basis. In case it is found that progress is unsatisfactory it shall be reported to the
Department Evaluation Committee for necessary action. The presence of each student in the group
and their involvement in all stages of execution of the project shall be ensured by the guide.
Project evaluation by the guide: 30 Marks. This mark shall be awarded to the students in his/her
group by considering the following aspects:
Topic Selection: innovativeness, social relevance etc. (2)
Problem definition: Identification of the social, environmental and ethical issues of the project
problem. (2)
Purpose and need of the project: Detailed and extensive explanation of the purpose and need of
the project. (3)
Project Objectives: All objectives of the proposed work are well defined; Steps to be followed to
solve the defined problem are clearly specified. (2)
Project Scheduling & Distribution of Work among Team members: Detailed and extensive
Scheduling with timelines provided for each phase of project. Work breakdown structure well
defined. (3)
Literature survey: Outstanding investigation in all aspects. (4)
Student’s Diary/ Daily Log: The main purpose of writing daily diary is to cultivate the habit of
documenting and to encourage the students to search for details. It develops the students’ thought
process and reasoning abilities. The students should record in the daily/weekly activity diary the
day to day account of the observations, impressions, information gathered and suggestions given,
if any. It should contain the sketches & drawings related to the observations made by the students.
The daily/weekly activity diary shall be signed after every day/week by the guide. (7)
Individual Contribution: The contribution of each student at various stages. (7)
EVALUATION RUBRICS for PROJECT Phase I: Interim Evaluation

No. Parameters Marks Poor Fair Very Good Outstanding

The team has identified a topic.
Topic The team has failed to come Good evidence of the group The group has brainstormed in an
The originally selected topic
identification, with a relevant topic in time. thinking and brainstorming on excellent manner on what they were
lacks substance and needs to
selection, Needed full assistance to find what they are going to build. The going to build. The topic selected is
be revised. There were
formulation of a topic from the guide. They results of the brainstorming are highly relevant, real world problem
suggestions given to improve
objectives do not respond to documented and the selection of and is potentially innovative. The
1-a 10 the relevance and quality of the
and/or suggestions from the topic is relevant. The review of group shows extreme interest in the
project topic. Only a few
literature evaluation committee and/or related references was good, but topic and has conducted extensive
relevant references were
survey. the guide. No literature there is scope of improvement. literature survey in connection with
consulted/ studied and there is
(Group review was conducted. The Objectives formed with good the topic. The team has come up
no clear evidence to show the
assessment) team tried to gather easy clarity, however some objectives with clear objectives which are
team's understanding on the
information without verifying are not realistic enough. feasible.
same. Some objectives
[CO1] the authenticity. No
identified, but not clear enough.
objectives formed yet.

(0 – 3 Marks) (4 – 6 Marks) (7 - 9 Marks) (10 Marks)

Excellent evidence of enterprising
and extensive project planning.
Gantt charts were used to depict
Project detailed project scheduling. A
Good evidence of planning
Planning, No evidence of planning or Some evidence of a primary project management/version
done. Materials were listed and
Scheduling scheduling of the project. plan. There were some ideas on control tool is used to track the
thought out, but the plan
and The students did not plan the materials /resources project, which shows familiarity
wasn't quite complete.
Resource/ what they were going to required, but not really thought with modern tools. All materials /
Schedules were prepared, but
Tasks build or plan on what out. The students have some resources were identified and listed
not detailed, and needs
Identification materials / resources to use idea on the finances required, and anticipation of procuring time
1-b 10 improvement. Project journal is
and in the project. The students but they have not formalized a is done. Detailed budgeting is done.
presented but it is not complete
allocation. do not have any idea on the budget plan. Schedules were All tasks were identified and
in all respect / detailed. There
(Group budget required. The team not prepared. The project incorporated in the schedule. A
is better task allocation and
assessment) has not yet decided on who journal has no details. Some well-kept project journal shows
individual members understand
does what. No project journal evidence on task allocation evidence for all the above, in
[CO4] about their tasks. There is
kept. among the team members. addition to the interaction with the
room for improvement.
project guide. Each member knows
well about their individual tasks.

(0 – 3 Marks) (4 – 6 Marks) (7 - 9 Marks) (10 Marks)

Phase 1 Interim Evaluation Total Marks: 20
EVALUATION RUBRICS for PROJECT Phase I: Final Evaluation
No. Parameters Marks Poor Fair Very Good Outstanding

None of the team members The students have some The students are comfortable Shows clear evidence of having a
of Design
show any evidence of knowledge on the design with design methods adopted, well- defined design methodology and
knowledge about the design procedure to be adopted, and and they have made some adherence to it. Excellent knowledge
and and the methodology adopted the methodologies. However, the progress as per the plan. The in design procedure and its
1-c 5 till now/ to be adopted in the team has not made much methodologies are understood adaptation. Adherence to project
(Group later stages. The team has progress in the design, and yet to a large extent. plan is commendable.
assessment) not progressed from the to catch up with the project
[CO1] previous stage of evaluation. plan.

(0 – 1 Marks) (2 – 3 Marks) (4 Marks) (5 Marks)

The student show some interest The student shows very good
Individual and The student does not show interest in project, and takes up The student takes a leadership
and participates in some of the
any interest in the project tasks and attempts to complete position and supports the other
Teamwork activities. However, the activities
1-d activities, and is a passive them. Shows excellent team members and leads the project.
Leadership are mostly easy and superficial
10 member. responsibility and team skills. Shows clear evidence of leadership.
( Individual in nature.
assessment) Supports the other members
[CO3] well.

(0 – 3 Marks) (4 – 6 Marks) (7 - 9 Marks) (10 Marks)

Preliminary The team has not done any The team has started doing There is some evidence to show Strong evidence for excellent
Analysis/ preliminary work with respect some preliminary work with that the team has done good progress in the project. The team
Modeling / to the analysis/modeling/ respect to the project. The amount of preliminary has completed the required
Simulation/ simulation/experiment/desig students however are not investigation and design/ preliminary work already and are
Experiment / n/feasibility study/ algorithm prepared enough for the work analysis/ modeling etc. poised to finish the phase I in an
Design/ development. and they need to improve a lot. They can improve further. excellent manner. They have shown
Feasibility results to prove their progress.
(0 – 3 Marks) (4 – 6 Marks) (7 - 9 Marks) (10 Marks)
The project stages are extensively
documented in the report.
Professional documentation tools
The team did not document
Some documentation is done, like LaTeX were used to document
Documentatio the work at all. The project
but not extensive. Interaction Most of the project details were the progress of the project along
n and journal/diary is not
1-f with the guide is minimal. documented well enough. with the project journal. The
presentation. 5 presented. The presentation
Presentation include some There is scope for documentation structure is well-
(Individual & was shallow in content and
points of interest, but overall improvement. The presentation planned and can easily grow into the
group dull in appearance.
quality needs to be improved. is satisfactory. Individual project report.
assessment). The individual student has no
Individual performance to be performance is good.
idea on the presentation of
improved. The presentation is done
[CO6] his/her part.
professionally and with great clarity.
The individual’s performance is

(0 – 1 Marks) (2 – 3 Marks) (4 Marks) (5 Marks)

Total 30 Phase - I Final Evaluation Marks: 30

EVALUATION RUBRICS for PROJECT Phase I: Report Evaluation
No. Parameters Marks Poor Fair Very Good Outstanding

Project report shows

The prepared report is Project report follows the
evidence of systematic
shallow and not as per standard format to some The report is exceptionally good. Neatly
documentation. Report is
standard format. It does not extent. However, its organized. All references cited
1-g Report [CO6] 20 following the standard
follow proper organization. organization is not very good. properly. Diagrams/Figures, Tables and
format and there are only a
Contains mostly Language needs to be equations are properly numbered, and
few issues. Organization of
Unacknowledged content. improved. All references are listed and clearly shown. Language is
the report is good. Most
Lack of effort in preparation not cited properly in the excellent and follows standard styles.
of references are cited
is evident. report.
(0 - 7 Marks) (8 - 12 Marks) (13 - 19 Marks) (20 Marks)
Phase - I Project Report Marks: 20

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