ENG40001 Final Year Research Project 1 Semester 2, 2020: Rubrics

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ENG40001 Final Year Research Project 1

Semester 2, 2020
Marks Distribution

Research Plan Presentation Report Workbook

(10 Marks) (20 Marks) (60 Marks) (10 Marks)

Research Plan (10 Marks, Individual)

Criteria Marks Attributes Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent
(0.0-0.5) (0.5-0.7) (0.7-0.8) (0.8-1.0)
RP1: 1 Context of the project Context & problem Context & problem Clear statement of PLUS: Problem
Problem Problem statement statement is not properly statement is clearly problem & context, statement clearly
statement & Specific aims of project defined. Project aims or defined, but proposed Proposed aim & captures the research
Research Research questions questions are unclear aim & question are not questions are well component of study.
Questions Link to relevant body and/or not properly specific to the defined justified. Good Proposed aim &
of knowledge justified. No clear links problem. Justification is attempts are made to questions are clearly
ULO 1 – 3 to relevant body of provided, with attempts link proposed aim & linked to relevant
knowledge to link the proposed questions to relevant body of knowledge.
questions to relevant body of knowledge.
body of knowledge.
RP2: 5 Analysis & synthesis of Analysis shows poor Analysis of literature is Review appraises Review critically
Analysis & existing knowledge & paraphrasing skills presented as a high level relevant literature. appraises relevant
Synthesis of related theory, (mostly plagiarised). summary, with limited Provides good literature. Provides
Literature Merits and limitations Provides weak or appraisal. Provides fair synthesis of ideas. comprehensive
of existing literature, inconsistent synthesis of synthesis of ideas. Good evidence is used synthesis of ideas.
ULO 2, 3 Peer-reviewed sources ideas. Evidence is Supporting evidence is to support claims Critique questions
Relevant & up-to-date mostly abstracted from largely abstracted from presented. Knowledge the evidence and
literature review, non-peer reviewed peer-reviewed sources. gap is clearly claims presented.
Research gap sources. Knowledge gap Knowledge gap is highlighted and Knowledge gap is
not identified. presented but not clearly justified. rigorously justified

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ENG40001 Final Year Research Project 1
Semester 2, 2020
RP3: 2 Description of Study design & methods Study design & methods Study design & PLUS: Study design
Principles & principles & are poorly articulated. are clearly articulated. methods are clearly and methods are
Methodology methodology: Fails to justify the study Provides limited articulated and fully rigorously justified.
analytical, design & method. justification for the explained. Provides a Provides strong
ULO 2, 3 experimental, or Proposed methodology study design & methods. detailed justification evidence that shows
simulation appears inappropriate Proposed methodology for the study design & how proposed study
for investigating the appears sufficient for methods. Methodology design & methods
research problem and investigating the is framed to address relate to previous
question(s). research problem and research problem and studies.
question(s). question(s).
RP4: 2 Plan of action / Proposed plan is not Presents a feasible plan, Presents a detailed PLUS: Proposed
Project Planning activities feasible. Did not but missing some research plan that is plan and course of
& Management Procurement account for project information. Description clearly feasible within action are
Gantt chart constraints, time-frame, of constraints, or time- timeframe, budget and excellently justified.
ULO 1 – 3 Division of tasks procurement and/or frame, or budget is other constraints
budget. presented.

Note: The “Attributes” in Column 3 refers to different components of the “Criteria” in Column 1.

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ENG40001 Final Year Research Project 1
Semester 2, 2020
Mid-Semester Presentation (5 Marks, Individual)
Criteria Marks Attributes Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent
(0.0-0.5) (0.5-0.7) (0.7-0.8) (0.8-1.0)
P1: 2 Organisation and structure Presents an overview with Presents a basic Presents a good Presents a detailed
Content Logical sequence some missing information / overview of research overview of overview of the
Use of visuals (text, gaps. The structure is project to date. research project research project.
ULO 1 – 3 images, etc.) unclear and hard to follow. Structure is acceptable to date. Clear Clear and easy to
Proper colour contrast Some visuals are unclear with no missing parts. structure with follow structure
and hard to see. Poor Visuals are generally adequate with logical flow of
colour contrast acceptable. Contrast is coverage of ideas. ideas. Visuals are
acceptable Visuals are clear used to support the
and concise. discussion. Good
Good contrast contrast.
P2: 2 Clear and unambiguous Speaker is unprepared and Speaker is prepared but Speaker is Speaker is well
Oral voice relies excessively on script still relies on scripts prepared and able prepared and
Communication Preparedness Does not speak clearly Speaks reasonably to present without presents without
Timeliness of presentation Talks to screen or tutor clearly using scripts. support. Speaks
ULO 3 Makes good attempt to Speaks clearly clearly and engages
address the audience and uses audience. Does not
appropriate go over allocated
language. time
P3: 1 Appropriate for audience Presentation not Some aspects of Some evidence of Presentation is
Audience in Dressed properly appropriate for the specific presentation are tailoring for clearly targeted at
Mind Body language audience. Speaker is not appropriate for audience. Speaker the specific
Eye contact & smile dressed appropriately, does audience. Speaker is is appropriately audience. Speaker
ULO 2, 3, 5 not make eye contact with reasonably dressed, but dressed, makes is well-dressed and
the audience, and shows rarely makes eye good eye contact, acts professionally
some lapses in contact with the and generally acts
professionalism audience. Generally acts professionally.

Note: The “Attributes” in Column 3 refers to different components of the “Criteria” in Column 1.
RUBRICS_ENG40001_FYRP 1, SEMESTER 2, 2020 | VERSION 1.0_Updated 15 July 2020 3
ENG40001 Final Year Research Project 1
Semester 2, 2020
Final Presentation (15 Marks, Individual)
Criteria Marks Attributes Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent
(0.0-0.5) (0.5-0.7) (0.7-0.8) (0.8-1.0)
P1: 5 Organisation and structure Presents an overview with Presents a basic Presents a good Presents a detailed
Content Logical sequence some missing information / overview of research overview of overview of the
Use of visuals (text, gaps. The structure is project to date. research project research project.
ULO 1 – 3 images, etc.) unclear and hard to follow. Structure is acceptable to date. Clear Clear and easy to
Proper colour contrast Some visuals are unclear with no missing parts. structure with follow structure
and hard to see. Poor Visuals are generally adequate with logical flow of
colour contrast acceptable. Contrast is coverage of ideas. ideas. Visuals are
acceptable Visuals are clear used to support the
and concise. discussion. Good
Good contrast contrast.
P2: 5 Clear and unambiguous Speaker is unprepared and Speaker is prepared but Speaker is Speaker is well
Oral voice relies excessively on script still relies on scripts prepared and able prepared and
Communication Preparedness Does not speak clearly Speaks reasonably to present without presents without
Timeliness of presentation Talks to screen or tutor clearly using scripts. support. Speaks
ULO 3 Makes good attempt to Speaks clearly clearly and engages
address the audience and uses audience. Does not
appropriate go over allocated
language. time
P3: 5 Appropriate for audience Presentation not Some aspects of Some evidence of Presentation is
Audience in Dressed properly appropriate for the specific presentation are tailoring for clearly targeted at
Mind Body language audience. Speaker is not appropriate for audience. Speaker the specific
Eye contact & smile dressed appropriately, does audience. Speaker is is appropriately audience. Speaker
ULO 2, 3, 5 not make eye contact with reasonably dressed, but dressed, makes is well-dressed and
the audience, and shows rarely makes eye good eye contact, acts professionally
some lapses in contact with the and generally acts
professionalism audience. Generally acts professionally.

Note: The “Attributes” in Column 3 refers to different components of the “Criteria” in Column 1.
RUBRICS_ENG40001_FYRP 1, SEMESTER 2, 2020 | VERSION 1.0_Updated 15 July 2020 4
ENG40001 Final Year Research Project 1
Semester 2, 2020
Progress Report (60 Marks, Individual)
Criteria Marks Attributes Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent
(0.0-0.5) (0.5-0.7) (0.7-0.8) (0.8-1.0)
PR1: 5 Context of the project Context & problem Context & problem Clear statement of PLUS: Problem
Problem Problem statement statement is not properly statement is clearly problem and statement clearly
Statement & Specific aims of project defined. Project aims or defined, but context, as well as captures the
Research Research/design question questions are unclear proposed aim & aim & research research component
Questions Link to relevant body of and/or not properly question are not question(s) are of study. Proposed
knowledge justified. No clear links to specific to the proposed. aim & questions are
ULO 1 – 3 Practical relevance and relevant body of defined problem. Proposed aim & clearly linked to
usefulness knowledge Justification is questions are well relevant body of
provided, with justified. Proposed knowledge.
attempts to link the aim & questions
proposed questions are somewhat
to relevant body of linked to relevant
knowledge. body of
PR2: 30 Analysis & synthesis of existing Analysis shows poor Analysis of Review appraises Review critically
Analysis & knowledge & related theory, paraphrasing skills (mostly literature is relevant literature. appraises relevant
Synthesis of Merits and limitations of existing plagiarised). Provides presented as a high Provides good literature. Provides
Literature literature, weak or inconsistent level summary, synthesis of ideas. comprehensive
Peer-reviewed sources synthesis of ideas. with limited Good evidence is synthesis of ideas.
ULO 2, 3 Relevant & up-to-date literature Evidence is mostly appraisal. Provides used to support Critique questions
review, abstracted from non-peer fair synthesis of claims presented. the evidence and
Research gap reviewed sources. ideas. Supporting Knowledge gap is claims presented.
Knowledge gap not evidence is largely clearly highlighted Knowledge gap is
identified. abstracted from and justified. rigorously justified
Knowledge gap is
presented but not
clearly justified.
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ENG40001 Final Year Research Project 1
Semester 2, 2020
PR3: 5 Descriptions of method applied Study design & methods Study design & Study design & PLUS: Study
Principles & Merits and limitations of existing are poorly articulated. methods are fully methods are clearly design and methods
Methodology methodology & techniques, Fails to justify the study described, although articulated and are rigorously
Justification for choice design & method. with some minor fully explained. justified. Provides
ULO 2, 3 Resources Proposed methodology inconsistencies. Provides a detailed strong evidence that
appears inappropriate for Provides limited justification for the shows how
investigating the research justification for the study design & proposed study
problem and question(s). study design & methods. design & methods
Some required resources methods. Proposed Methodology is relate to previous
are identified. methodology framed to address studies.
appears sufficient research problem
for investigating and question(s).
the research Merits / limitations
problem and of methods are
question(s). Some properly analysed.
attempt to analyse Clearly identifies
merits / limitations required resources
of methods. Some for each step.
required resources
are identified.
PR4: 10 Show activities completed for Progress is not Satisfactory Report shows Excellent progress
Mid-term FYRP 1, satisfactory. Project is evidence of strong evidence of with project work.
Project Design of experiment, running behind schedule, progress with progress with Experimentations /
deliverable & Test equipment, apparatus, with major activities still project work, but project work. All design have already
Progress simulation, etc. not commenced or some key activities key activities are commenced, with
Procurement completed are running behind running as planned some good
ULO 1 – 3, 5 Preliminary results / design schedule preliminary results

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ENG40001 Final Year Research Project 1
Semester 2, 2020
PR5: 5 Plan of activities for FYRP 2 Proposed plan is not Presents a feasible Presents a detailed PLUS: Shows good
Project Gantt chart feasible. Plan does not plan, with basic research plan that use of project
Planning & Risk analysis account for project description of is clearly feasible management tools
Management Contingency Plan constraints, time-frame, constraints, time- within timeframe, and processes to
Measures to ensure success of procurement and/or frame, and budget. budget and other plan and manage
ULO 1 – 3, 5 project budget. No risk analysis Some attempt to constraints. Good project work.
and contingency plan analyse risks, set up analysis of risks Excellent review of
provided. a contingency plan associated with risks, contingency
and identify critical project. Good plan, and critical
success factors in contingency plan success factors in
relation to the and critical success relation to the
project. factors proposed. project.

PR6: 5 Organisation and Structure Report is poorly Writing is basic but Writing is clear PLUS: Report is
Writing & Formatting documented, with poor able to be followed. and easy to follow. well-organized into
Documentation Referencing paragraphing and sentence Some errors in Few errors in Chapters, Sections,
Grammar and spelling structure. Report is grammar and grammar and and sub-sections.
ULO 3 Professional presentation difficult to follow. No spelling. Reference spelling. The report Uses proper font
linkage between sections. list and in-text is formatted well and font size, page
Report contains many citations are and is presented number and margin.
errors in grammar and documented, with well. Reference list Enumeration of
spelling. Some attempt at some and in-text equations, Figures,
referencing sources of inconsistencies citations follow a and Tables. Harvard
information standard or IEEE reference
referencing guide style is Consistently
(Harvard or IEEE), applied throughout
with very minor

Note: The “Attributes” in Column 3 refers to different components of the “Criteria” in Column 1
RUBRICS_ENG40001_FYRP 1, SEMESTER 2, 2020 | VERSION 1.0_Updated 15 July 2020 7
ENG40001 Final Year Research Project 1
Semester 2, 2020

Workbook (10 Marks, Individual)

Criteria Marks Attributes Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent
(0.0-0.5) (0.5-0.7) (0.7-0.8) (0.8-1.0)
W1: 5 Organisation of workbook Poor presentation of Basic but clear Good presentation Professional
Progress Weekly report of activities work. Almost complete presentation of work. of work that is easy presentation of work
Documentation completed lack of consistent Some inconsistencies. to follow. Evidence Evidence of
& Clear evidence of personal presentation of ideas. Evidence of personal of personal sustained
Reflection on contribution, including Minimal evidence of contribution to some contribution to the contribution to
professional personal notes, sketches, personal contribution to aspect of the project. project. project throughout
practice meeting minutes, and other project. the semester.
project activities;
ULO 1 – 7
Reflection on work completed, Minimal reflection Reflection captures Reflection provides PLUS: Reflection is
challenges encountered, responding to attributes. responses to some of good information executed
knowledge / experiences Writing is largely the attributes, on work completed, professionally, and
gained; descriptions of events including experiences experiences gained, captures all
Reflection on personal & instead of reflection on gained, work interaction with attributes excellently
professional issues within the learning and practice. completed & stakeholders, as
project, as well as interaction Depth of reflection needs challenges. Depth of well as insights for
with team mates & other significant improvement. reflection needs future practice.
stakeholders minor improvement.
W2: 5 Weekly interaction and Seldom turns up to Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Supervisor discussions with supervisor; supervisor and team punctuality, punctuality, professionalism,
Observations Personal professionalism meetings and doesn’t accountability and accountability and accountability and
Punctuality always deliver what is delivers what is diligence diligence throughout
ULO 5, 6 Accountability agreed to. agreed to. Work often throughout the the semester.
needs to undergo semester. Mostly Deliverables mostly
minor revision delivers good exceed expectations
quality work
Note: The “Attributes” in Column 3 refers to different components of the “Criteria” in Column 1.

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