Scope of Political Science

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Unit 1

1. Introduction
Politics exists everywhere. It is all-pervading and as old as human beings. Politics
prevails in every sphere of human life. Whether one likes or not virtually no one is
completely beyond the reach of some kind of political system. Political science is a social
science and like other social science it revolves around man and his social (Political)
environment. Being one of the oldest social sciences its nature and scope of the study
have undergone several changes over the centuries. Political Science first began with
the Greeks. The term ‘Politics’ is derived from the Greek word ‘Polis’ which means ‘city-
states’ and each city in those days was an independent state, a principality in its own
right. E.g. Athens, Sparta, Corinth etc. Aristotle is regarded as a “father of Political
science” on account of his far reaching and permanent contribution to the field of
politics. He called politics the Master Science because politics determines the
environment within which every person will organize his life. No one can escape from
the parameters set by politics. In his famous book Politics Aristotle wrote, “Man is by
nature a Political Animal and he who is by nature or by accident is without state is either
above humanity or below it.” Politics is the control room of all human activities.

Definitions of Political Science:

The word politics has different interpretations. Definitions of politics vary according to
the variety of activities that have been considered political from time to time.

Early Definitions or Traditional View of Politics:

• According to the traditional political scientist from the early part of 20th century such
as J W Garner, Henry Sidgwick, R G Gettel and others Politics deals mainly with study of
state and government or related institutions.

• R G Gettel defined politics as the study of the state in the past, present and future, of
political organization and political function, of political institutions and political

• According to Laski "the study of politics concerns itself with the life of man in relation
to organized states.”

• According to Garner, “Political science begins and ends with state.”

• According to Leacock, “Political science deals with government.”

Thus from above definitions it is clear that the traditional view of politics was narrow, static
and limited and included only the study of state and government, its structure and organisation
etc. Modern View of Political Science

Modern View of Political Science:

In the beginning of the 20th century there developed a new way of looking at political science.
This new approach is known as behavioural approach. The main thrust of the new view is the
treatment of politics as an activity and a process. In this context, new definitions emerged.

scope of Political Science

As I said before, it is a dynamic and social science. That’s why it’s scope or subject
matter is always changing.

Until the nineteenth century, its field of discussion was state-centered. At present,
the state and any other issues that touch people’s political life are included in the
discussion of political science.

So the Scope of political science can be divided into two categories.

1. State-Centric
2. Non-State-Centric
State-Centric discussion

The state is the ultimate expression of socialized life. People’s political life
revolves around the state. As a result, the personality of the socialized people
develops, and peaceful social life is possible. So there is no doubt that the state is
the central subject of political science.

1. Study of Government

This state was again embodied through the government. The state cannot be
imagined without the government. The state fulfilled its goals through the
government. So the discussion of the state as well as the government becomes
2. Study of the history of the State

The idea of the present state remains incomplete if we do not discuss the history
of the state. In the context of the past and present discussion of the state, it is
necessary to see how this institution evolved from the past to the present.

3. Study of Laws
In addition to the state and the government, laws enacted by the government are
also included in the discussion of political science. The government passes laws
on behalf of the state and maintains peace. So the discussion of law is another
matter of political science.

4. Study of International Relations and International laws

At present, the interaction between the citizen and the state is influenced by
multiple issues. The flow of international events affects national life.

So, it also deals with international relations and international laws. It includes
international organizations like the United Nations, International Monetary Fund,
and The World Bank.

5. Study of theoretical and applied political science

Theoretical discussions of political science are about the origin, nature, ideology,
independence, law, etc. of the state.

On the other hand, the classification of government, functions, legislation,

functions of political institutions, international customs, treaties, and diplomacy
are the main topics of applied discussion in it.

Non-State-Centric Discussion

Modern political scientists think that at present political science deals not only
with the state but with non-governmental organizations and individuals or
groups of political activities, pressure groups, etc. So let’s discuss this in detail.

1. Study of Influence and Influential

The study of politics is the study of influence and the influential.

Many times a person is getting others to work on what he wants. In this case, the
person who did it is called influential and the power of the influential is called

Similarly, a special relationship between an individual, a group, an organization,

and a state is called influence.

influence is a relation among actors in which one actor induces other

actors to act in some way they would not otherwise act.

Robart Dahl
In modern times many political scientists have emphasized influence as a subject
of political science. The tendency of behavioral statesmen is particularly observed.
According to them, the influential people of society control the distribution of
goods or values.

And this is exactly the reason why it is necessary to discuss political science with
influence and influential.

2. Study of Conflict and Disagreement

Conflict lies at the heart of politics. In a world of universal agreement,

there would be no room for it.

J.D.B Miller
Disagreements and disputes create politics. That means the political situation is
created when the work on which there is disagreement is organized. And that is
when the law needs to be created and enacted.

According to eminent scientists, politics prevails when there is disagreement. And

politics is about resolving that conflict.
So it can be said that it also deals with the conflict and disagreements which are
occurred in any society and finding out the resolution of those conflicts.

3. Study of Authoritative Allocation of Values

According to Political scientist David Easton, it deals with the authoritative

allocation of values. “Political Science be described as the study of the authoritative
allocation of values for society”.
Here are three words in the above sentence. These are Value, Allocation, and

The word value here refers to the needs and wants of socialized people. What is
valuable to a person is what he needs. It is not possible to meet all the needs of
all people in any society because every society has a shortage of resources.
So it meets the needs of some people. Conflict begins among members of
society to meet their own needs. Conflict resolution is needed to prevent social
crises as a result of this conflict.

Society has to constantly decide how much car needs to be met on the basis of
limited resources. That is, in Easton’s language, how the value will be fixed or how
its allocation will be.
Authority makes this important decision for society. The process of making this
decision by the authority is called the allocation of values.
4. Study of Political Dynamics
The study of political dynamics is very important because it deals with the current
forces at work in government and politics. It includes the study of political
parties, pressure groups, public opinion, lobbies, etc.

Importance of Political Science

The study of political science is very important and significant in this socio-
economic-political society. By studying it people can know how and why the state
is organized and why its constitution is justified.

It makes people more conscious about their rights and duties. Those who know
political science, always take useful part in social and political affairs.
Robert Dahl rightly said that “A citizen encounters politics in the government of a
country, town, school, church, business firm, trade union, club, political party, civic
association and a host of organizations. Politics is one of the unavoidable facts of
human existence. Everyone is involved in some fashion at some time in some kind
of political system.”
After knowing about the meaning nature and scope of political science, you have
realized some basic points which tell you why to study it. or what is the

importance of political science?

1. Understand Citizenship

It enables you to understand the relationship between an individual or citizen and

the state. Citizen participates in the decision-making process of governance in
the name of election and forms a government under which they are governed.

2. Know the Political Thoughts and Ideas of the Eminent Political


We are influenced by the ideas of political thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes,
Karl Marx, etc. and it helps us to understand the present political problem and
allow us to find out the solution to those problems.

3. Make Citizen Conscious of Their Rights and Duties

I have already said that it allows us to understand our rights and duties in the
society we live. Rights are the most important aspect of any individual.

Rights are the one that helps individuals to grow in terms of their talent. Besides
this, it also tells citizens about their duties to society.

4. Understands Recent Trends in the World

It also allows us to understand the current trends in the world. By the study of
political science, we can search for what is happening around us. This is the era of
globalization. And globalization affects our daily life but how? To solve this
question we have to study it.
5. Understand the Role of Government, Political Parties, and
Pressure Groups

What should be the role of a political party and how do pressure groups affect
the decision-making process of the government?
It gives you clear ideas of these questions that help you to understand how the
government is formed, what’s your role in the decision-making process of the
government, etc.

So it can be said that a modern man cannot be perfect without knowing facts
about political science. In simple importance it is precious. It improves our living

After a long discussion on the Meaning Nature and Scope of Political Science, it
can be concluded that it is the branch of social science in which we study the
state, government, political theory, politics, political institutions, the life of
political man, international relations, laws and organizations, influence and
influential, authoritative allocation of values, etc.

So it can be said that it is a dynamic science which means the nature and scope
of political science are extensive and always changeable. It empowers us to think
differently about our society as a political as well as a social animal.

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