HWYH-1261, ADC-59L Supplement # 2 Completions Program V1
HWYH-1261, ADC-59L Supplement # 2 Completions Program V1
HWYH-1261, ADC-59L Supplement # 2 Completions Program V1
Saudi Aramco in principle is signing this drilling program (DP) only for the compliance to WAP work scope
requirement and well design. The specified drilling practices in the DP for well construction are sole responsibility
of SLB.
The Gas LSTK signed contract terms and conditions shall remain the final authority in the implementation of this
project and cannot be substituted by Drilling Programs and Supplements. Saudi Aramco is therefore not accepting
liabilities beyond the extent to which it is contractually obligated.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
NA Onshore Gas Drilling Engineering Division #1
C-2144 Central Admin Building 990, Abqaiq
Tel: 576-6467, Fax: 576-6459
February 21, 2022
NAOGDED1-038-2024 Supplement # 02
Well, HWYH-1261
Manager, Rig ADC-59L
Gas Drilling Department, Well Category#2 MK1K-SL
This supplement #02 is issued to the original Drilling Program HWYH-1261, (Ref.: NAOGDED1-309-2023) dated December
5, 2023. It describes the sequence of operations to run the lower and upper completions as per below two options: -
Option 1: Open Hole MSF
Perform PackerPlus (PP) MSF dummy run combined with Thrubit logging, run 4- PackerPlus OH MSF system and
15K PackersPlus PrimeSET Liner Hanger, set the liner hanger, perform negative pressure test with wellbore clean-out BHA,
perform casing pickling, displace well to kill brine, and perform positive pressure test. The well will be completed with 4-
and 4-
Option 2: Cemented MSF
Run 4.5" 15K NOV Cemented MSF system with 15K Baker ZXTREME control set LH assembly, run SPS clean out BHA,
perform negative test, polish 4- -DG 15K Tubing Anchor
with extension seal and 4- te the NOV BPS MAXX Toe Initiator.
The 8- 4,314 327 KFCC
at 14,311 326 462 461 - will be drilled to well TD at ± 19,983
/ 13,427
As per confirmation, please proceed with Option# 1 or Option # 2 as mentioned in this completion program.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Table of Contents
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
OPTION # 1: RUN 4- H
Planned Completion Setting Depths
• 4- - (Plan)
• Crossover: 4- (Plan)
• 4- 738 00 8.05º) (Plan)
• 4- 770 MD / ± 12,625 38.41º) (Plan)
• 4- 80 6 80º) (Plan)
Scope of Work
1. Perform combined 5- Plus MSF dummy run.
2. Run 4-
▪ Set 4-
▪ Close TCS
▪ Release running tool and set liner top packer.
3. Run with SPS wellbore clean-out BHA with 9-
▪ Perform negative pressure test of lower completion.
▪ Perform casing pickle and displace well to kill brine.
▪ Perform positive pressure test.
4. Run PackersPlus Anchor Latch with 30 ft PBR seal assembly on 4-
5. Perform tubing pickling and acid jobs, displace well with 70 pcf inhibited NaCl brine, land the tubing into the tubing hanger.
6. Pressure test TCA and tubing.
7. Set the well control barriers, N/D BOP and N/U X-mass tree.
8. Set RockSEAL packers and open Hydraulic Diffusor Sleeve (SIH).
9. Release the rig.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Avoid any rig maintenance, rig service, BOP test or any flat time operation between Dummy Run and MSF LC run.
✓ Run Swab simulation to define the tripping schedule with the BHA.
✓ Confirm location and availability of acid tank (with 31% HCL) and pumping unit to minimize mobilization time when
✓ Fill up completely the string every 20 stands.
weight, circulating pressure at 3, 4 & 5 bpm, torque with 60 RPM.
4. Continue RIH dummy run combined ThruBit logging BHA to bottom on elevators (without rotation or circulation). If any
tight spots are observed, ream and backream to clear it.
✓ Fill up the drill string on the fly and record the difference in hook load using the same fill up rate.
✓ Follow the tripping schedule as per the surge and swab analysis.
✓ Do not force the BHA into tight spot while tripping or reaming, limit the SOW/ PUW to 10 klbs and/or refer to
the T&S simulations.
✓ If any tight spots are encountered in the open hole while RIH:
▪ Control reaming speed across the tight spots not to force the BHA into the tight spots.
▪ Ream and backream to clear the tight spots.
▪ In case any tight spot is observed in the first feet below the shoe, clear it and go back to the shoe.
▪ Stop circulation and work reaming BHA up & down through tight spots until it slides freely up and down without
rotation or circulation.
▪ Record tight-spots depths and continue RIH.
✓ Minimize connection times. Record the breakover slack off weight after connections.
✓ Monitor and record the T&D of the dummy run (SOW while RIH and PUW while POOH) and plot the measurements on
the T&D broomstick chart. Well Engineer to send the T&D simulation before the dummy run. If any indications of bad
wellbore condition:
▪ Do not RIH, connect TDS.
▪ Circulate to condition and clean the wellbore while reciprocating and rotating the drill string.
▪ Record T&D measurements again and do not RIH unless wellbore is in good condition.
▪ If TDS need to be connected, ensure string is free, do not combine with connections and last movement should
be up (15-20 ft) before set string in slips if possible, ensuring the slip area is completely free before setting slip.
▪ Consider pumping sealing pills at regular intervals while reaming down to bridge the reamed down section.
✓ Perform sticking test (breakover slack off) every 1,000 ft of open hole or every change of formation layer or as
necessary (adjust the depths of the highly permeable intervals - keep one single above rotary table, as work joint for
stuck pipe if required).
✓ Monitor for losses while RIH and before circulation for duration of the dummy run. Report same in DDR.
✓ There must be a static dummy run from shoe to TD with no rotation or circulation before RIH MSF.
✓ If any tight spots are encountered during the trip, perform a short wiper trip to 200 ft above the top tight spot and run
back to bottom ensuring hole is clear and BHA slides freely up & down in the wellbore.
5. At TD before circulation, perform stick test and compare to previous stick tests. Circulate hole clean based on hole cleaning
simulation (minimum 3 bottoms-up). If stick test is ok, circulate for additional bottoms-up.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Start circulation with low flow rate (100 gpm) and increase gradually to 200 gpm to avoid high ECD and induced
losses. Rotate the string (60-120 RPM) during the whole circulation.
✓ Pump bridging pills (minimum 3x bridging pills, 20-30 bbls each) while circulating for hole clean pumped every BU.
✓ Hole clean simulation and bridging pills to be confirmed by MI and IWC WE.
✓ Monitor for losses while RIH, before circulation and after circulation for duration of dummy run. Report same in DDR.
✓ Perform stick tests (breakover slack off at 0.5, 1.5, 3 and 5 minutes) and confirm no sticking tendency. If breakover
torque stick test is performed ensure it is done with 40 RPM consistently.
✓ Following WL OH logging operation with ThruBit has to be reconfirmed as per well/tripping conditions.
6. Space out the string to have stick-up 3-5 ft above rotary table with 130 ft (ThruBit logging tools length) below the bit.
✓ To deploy the WL tools, sufficient space must be left below the bit. The wireline tool string will stick out ~100 ft
from the bit. Considering a safety margin, the bit should be spaced ~130 ft from TD prior to WL rig up.
✓ Confirm the final logging tools length from Wireline and adjust the space-out.
✓ Perform stick test (breakover slack off at 0.5, 1.5, 3 and 5 minutes) and confirm no sticking tendency. If breakover
torque stick test is performed ensure it is done with 40 RPM consistently.
7. Rig-up WL sheaves (top and bottom) and WL Unit and Tools.
✓ Hold pre-job safety meeting to ensure clear instructions and assign responsibility.
✓ Rig can be rotating the drill string and circulating at bottom while sheaves are being rigged up.
✓ Ensure the sheave wheel and cable are not in the path of the traveling block.
✓ The top sheave placement should be hung off-center to allow the cable a clear path without rubbing the travelling
blocks, hydraulic lines and hose.
✓ Bottom sheave to be installed in line with the top sheave and WL Unit.
✓ To rig up the WL tools, a stand will be broken into double and single, leaving the single in the slips and the double
will be lifted with the top drive.
✓ Once top and lower sheaves are rigged up, disconnect top drive and pick up a double-joint above monkey board to
begin connecting all the Thrubit tools one at a time inside the drill pipe (using the tugger line).
8. Install 2 x FOSV (in open position) and Cable Side Entry Sub CSES on top of FOSVs.
✓ Ensure a third FOSV is ready on the rig floor.
9. Stop all pipe movement, connect all ThruBit logging tools inside the drill pipes using WL cable. Stationary time of the
dummy string should not exceed 5 minutes.
✓ Consider reciprocating the string while assembling the WL logging tools.
✓ Prepare Cable Side Entry Sub (CSES) with cable head passed through.
✓ Once tools are in the pipe and C-plate is installed on the drill pipe (as seen in Figure 2), drill string can be rotated via
rotary table at maximum 5-10 RPM to ensure string is still free, while bring up the next tool from the catwalk.
✓ Maximum stationary time while making up WL ThruBit tools is 5 minutes, if exceeded, rotate the string with 5-10
RPM for 3 minutes.
✓ Tools will be run to 200 ft prior to torquing the CSES. Once the CSES is connected, it is not possible to rotate the drill
string anymore.
✓ Ensure the hydraulic cable cutter is ready to be used.
10. RIH with ThruBit logging tools inside drill string with maximum speed to ± 60° inclination while reciprocating.
✓ String must be kept in motion by reciprocating at low speed ±2 ft/min within the allowed interval (bit between 120-
160 ft from section TD).
✓ The string cannot be rotated throughout the entire deployment operation, due to cable wrapping around the
drill pipe. Make sure cable is not rubbing on the Top Drive while reciprocating.
✓ While RIH the ThruBit logging tools monitor the tension on the WL cable.
✓ Never tag bottom with the bit or RIH deeper than 200 above the well TD (Mark-1).
✓ Check with WL if a swivel is available to rotate the pipe during deployment, otherwise do not rotate.
11. Start circulation with 200-
✓ Review the requirements for pumping the WL logging tools down the string, and the required flow rate and
pressure limitations.
✓ For the whole combined run, the maximum stationary time of the string should not exceed 3-5 minutes or as per the
result of the sticking test.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ String must be kept in motion by reciprocating no more than 10 ft at ±2 ft/min while RIH the WL tools.
✓ Confirm the final logging tools length from Wireline and adjust the space out accordingly.
✓ During Pump Down operations, effective communication between the wireline unit and the driller on the rig floor is
extremely important. Advised to use radios provided by the rig for clear communication.
1. WL Engineer will instruct the driller to begin pumping and gradually increase the pump rate up to 500 GPM (the
pump rate will gradually be increased or decreased accordingly throughout the horizontal interval as required to
maintain a tool speed of 12,000 ft/hr).
2. Driller will need to monitor the pressure readings and inform the WL Engineer the pressure each time the pump
rate is increased.
3. Once the pumps are turned on, and the tool is moving, the engineer will ask the driller to begin reciprocating the
pipe again at 2 ft/min.
4. 1000 ft before the tool reaches the bit, the engineer will inform the driller so that the bit can be positioned at the
required depth (the tool speed will be reduced to 10,000 ft/hr and pump rate will be set accordingly). The drill
pipe will need to be stationary for the remaining time it takes the tools to exit the bit and until the Engineer
informs the driller to begin moving up.
5. Once the tool exits the portal bit, the engineer will ask the driller to gradually turn off the pumps. Once the Thrubit
tools have been deployed out of the bit, the drill string CAN ONLY MOVE UP.
6. Once Engineer has verified tools have completely exited the bit, and they have been put in logging mode, the driller
will be notified to begin slowly moving the drill pipe up after the tool has been released.
7. The released cable head will be pulled out of hole at 20,000 ft/hr while the rig is slowly picking the pipes up in 5
minutes intervals.
8. Once cable head reaches 200 ft, Driller will be asked to pull the remainder of the pipes until CSES is on surface.
The pipes will remain stationary until the CSES is removed and the cable head is rigged down.
9. Leave the sheave wheels rigged up but secure the cable to make sure it does not get in the way of the rig crew
while pulling/racking back pipes (Rig crew will need to pay special attention to the cable while racking back the
12. Stop reciprocation and continue pumping until ThruBit tools are deployed.
13. Stop pumping and put the ThruBit tools in logging mode by the WL engineer.
14. Move the string up only very slowly until WL engineer confirms tool is functioning correctly.
✓ Do not move down with the ThruBit tools deployed.
✓ Keep moving the string up 1 ft every 5 minutes (1ft/min) while activating and confirming the tool functionality.
✓ Minimize stationary time while deploying the ThruBit logging tools to max 5 minutes.
15. Release the cable from the logging tool. POOH the WL cable to surface while keeping the string in motion by moving up 1
ft every 5 minutes stationary time (1 ft/min).
✓ The released cable head will be pulled out of hole at 415 ft/min.
16. Have the CSES at rotary table when the WL cable at surface, remove the WL cable and CSES from the string as fast as
safely possible.
✓ Leave the sheave wheels rigged up but secure the cable to make sure it does not get in the way of the rig crew while
pulling/racking back pipes.
17. Log up to 7" liner shoe on elevator. Circulate at liner shoe at least 1.5 B/U and follow the tripping schedule inside the
cased hole.
✓ Do not move down with the ThruBit tools deployed.
✓ Control Logging speed to 20-30 ft/min. Maximum logging speed is 1800 ft/hr, so the rig needs to make sure pipes
are being pulled out at a constant speed that does not exceed 30 ft/min or 3 minutes slip to slip.
✓ Limit overpull to 3 klbs when POOH. If limit is reached:
▪ Stop and put the string in neutral weight.
▪ Rotate in 15-30 rpm and confirm torque is stable.
▪ Backream through the tight spot with maximum 5 ft/min.
✓ If backreaming is required, string can be rotated with max 30 RPM, and 150-250 GPM. DO NOT MOVE THE PIPES
✓ Minimize connection time, record breakover PU.
✓ WL supervisor must be notified of any plans to circulate.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Note, while there are no limitations on the pump rate/pumping pressure after the Thrubit tools are deployed,
excessive pumping during logging can affect the logging environment. SLB wireline supervisor must be notified of any
plans to circulate. Corrosive agents such as acid cannot be pumped down while the ThruBit tools are deployed.
✓ In case of Stuck Pipe situation: in case the log out is pulling tight.
▪ During Deployment: When CSES is connected, no rotation is allowed, so it will be allowed to pull up to their
maximum allowed tension to get free. Circulation can also be used at this moment to get free.
▪ After Deployment: In case the rig is experiencing over-pull, up to 35 klbs can be applied initially, as well as
washing down up to 600 GPM. In case attempts are unsuccessful, back-rimming can be done up to 15 RPM.
▪ If string is still stuck, up to 50 klbs can be applied after approval from line management.
▪ DO NOT GO DOWN WITH THE STRING. Doing so might result in damage to the tools.
▪ In case additional attempts to wash and back-rim are unsuccessful, the operation should be stopped and
Engineer, Wellsite Leader, Company Representative and Tool pusher should be consulted, to determine
whether to go and retrieve the tools from the bit and allow the rig to proceed with stuck pipe operations or
to continue to work the string free.
Emergency plan: in case of well control situation while the flapper is not functioning (ThruBit tools are deployed
and WL cable is latched):
➢ FOSV need to be inspected and tested before the ThruBit run.
➢ Flow check before disconnecting the WL cable while turning the WL tools on logging mode.
➢ Trip tank to be closely monitored, in case of any discrepancy flow check to confirm well status.
➢ Trip tank to be running all the time while tripping.
➢ If the well flows while the WL cable is inside the string (while deploying the ThruBit tools and While POOH/RIH
the WL cable):
▪ Cut the WL cable with the hydraulic cutter.
▪ Pick up the string to space out for BOP pipe rams and to have the FOSV above rotary table.
▪ Close FOSV, close BOP pipe ram and laydown the CSES.
▪ Connect TDS and proceed with killing operation.
top drive as quick as possible.
✓ Consider pumping drill beads pill (2-5 ppb concentration) after static run to bottom. Slow circulation while the drill
beads in the annulus in order to smear the beads into the formation and filter cake. Drill beads to be pumped only
prior to final pullout. Ensure to circulate drill beads out of the well.
21. POOH to 7" liner shoe on elevator. Circulate at liner shoe at least 1.5 bottoms up and follow the tripping schedule inside
the cased hole.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Control tripping speed as per surge and swab analysis.
✓ If any tight spots are encountered during the wiper trip, perform a short wiper trip to 200 ft below the tight spot and
ensure free pass confirming BHA slides freely up & down.
✓ Minimize connection time. Record pickup, slack-off & rotating weights, circulating pressures & rates, and free torque
top drive as quick as possible.
22. bottom, whichever comes first
(without rotation or circulation). Circulate a minimum of 3 Bottoms up at TD.
✓ There must be a static dummy run with no rotation or circulation before RIH MSF to 200 ft below the MSF setting
depth or bottom whichever comes first.
✓ If any tight spots are encountered during the wiper trip, perform a short wiper trip to 200 ft below the tight spot and
ensure free pass confirming BHA slides freely up & down.
✓ Minimize connection time. Record pickup, slack-off & rotating weights, circulating pressures & rates, and free torque
top drive as quick as possible.
✓ Consider pumping drill beads pill (2-5 ppb concentration) after static run to bottom.
✓ Slow circulation while the drill beads in the annulus to smear the beads into the formation and filter cake. Drill beads
to be pumped only prior to final pull-out. Ensure to circulate the drill beads out of the well.
23. POOH to 7" liner shoe on elevator. Circulate at liner shoe at least 1.5 bottoms up and follow the tripping schedule inside
the cased hole.
✓ Control tripping speed as per surge and swab analysis.
✓ Record pickup, slack-
24. POOH dummy run BHA and L/D the same.
✓ Risk matrix to be updated post the dummy run.
✓ Dummy run should be evaluated and confirmed by office before final POOH for running MSF completions.
case of running with ThruBit.
✓ -
✓ -gauge.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Ensure MSF risk matrix is updated and shared with Aramco MSF committee for their approval before running MSF.
✓ If there is significant deviations between the actual T&D figures and planned simulations especially in the open hole, the
concern has to be communicated directly to Aramco Engineering office to take a corrective action. MSF Risk Matrix has
to be revised and updated periodically to account for more challenges in the MSF operations.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
5. Lift PackersPlus Liner Hanger on rig floor using crane. Use proper pup joints to hoist the assembly into the elevators. Tail
it in with the crane to avoid dragging over V-blocks.
6. M/U the 4-1/2 PackersPlus Liner Hanger assembly. Record pick up / slack off weight of MSF string.
✓ Scribe a line to Setting Tool and TBR with white paint to ensure the whole assembly is rotating during connection
make up. Ensure that during the make-up of Liner Hanger assembly connection, the handling sub is free to rotate in
the elevators and the setting tool rotates with Liner Hanger assembly.
✓ After picking up the liner hanger, monitor and record SO and PU weights and change in circulating pressure with liner
hanger above and below the well head to identify the clearance effect between liner hanger and 9-
✓ Liner hanger engineer to be present on rig floor while passing through BOP, 9-
✓ Circulate, ensure clear path, and flush all debris before 4-
9. break circulation at 0.5 bpm and circulate minimum of 1.2 times string volume and ensure no air is trapped
in the system. Record the following parameters (for base line): String weight, up and down weights, rotational parameters
(10 and 20 rpm) and circulating pressure.
✓ Ensure PackersPlus Engineers are on rig floor during all operations that require circulation and/or rotation check.
✓ Do not circulate more than 3 bpm or higher than 2,000 psi (whichever comes first).
✓ Set up the torque limit on the top drive to 80% of make-up TQ plus the free rotating torque at shoe. Confirm the same
with PackerPlus liner hanger engineer with T&D simulations.
✓ Hold pre-job meeting with rig crew and PackersPlus engineers before running in the open hole.
✓ Identify responsibility of each party. PackersPlus engineer must be on rig floor to record parameters.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
10. Continue RIH in OH the MSF until reaching the setting depth. No wash down is necessary if setting depth is more than 1
joint off bottom.
✓ Minimize the stationary time of the liner/MSF in the Open Hole (connection time, etc.).
✓ Special attention while making up connection through the intervals with high porosity. Map all the intervals with high
porosity ahead of running the MSF.
✓ Fill up the string on the fly (with same mud) every stand using a hose. Do not break circulation in the open hole. Fill
up hose must have a screen installed on it, to avoid debris in wellbore.
✓ Pay particular attention to high dog leg severity areas. Also watch for abnormal decreases in running weights as you
may be pushing debris ahead of completion that could be circulated out.
✓ Increase pump rate very slowly and confirm returns before increasing pump rate to max allowable limit to avoid any
pressure spikes.
✓ flow rate
1 BPM and increase gradually. Max set down weight is as per T&D simulation and 2,000 psi.
✓ This is an Orientable MSF Packer assembly. However, orientation will be used as a last resource to overcome
any obstruction. If the obstruction cannot overcome by washing down for a minimum 1.5 bottoms up,
communicate with office immediately before orienting.
o Confirm with IWC/PP Office before exceeding 10 Klbs S/O and if unable to make further progress with
15 Klbs S/O, contact IWC/Aramco/PP for forward plan.
✓ Record the down weight every 5 stands (consider that the string gets filled at least once at mid open hole), and plot
on the Torque and Drag running force graph. If there is a significant difference between model and actual values
(more than 10,000 lbs difference between the T&D model and actual) take the required decision and contact IWC
✓ In case of abnormal slack off/pickup during the run, follow SLB recommended practices and communicate plan to
office before executing.
✓ Monitor the breakover slack off tendency and report to office.
✓ Getting on & off the slips when making connections should be as smooth as possible with no quick pickups and no
quick stops.
✓ Control running speed as per MSF engineer (recommended 30 ft/minute) and adjust according to wellbore condition.
11. Continue RIH the MSF to setting depth without tagging TD. Wash down last stand under Packers Plus engineer supervision.
Check tally & ensure that the total depth (TD) is correct. Record P/U & S/O weights.
Connection Practices While RIH with MSF:
✓ Follow the below steps to make connections:
▪ RIH with controlled speed (~30 ft/min).
▪ RIH each stand to rotary table.
▪ Ensure the string is 3-5 ft above rotary table to release the string compression.
▪ Ensure there is enough room with the new stand is made up to apply overpull in case of stuck pipe.
▪ PU/MU the following stand and make connection as quick as safely possible.
▪ Monitor and record connection time, breakover slack-off and slack-off weight.
Monitoring T&D While RIH with MSF:
✓ Monitor the breakover slack-off after connections and if any sticking trend is observed, follow the below steps:
▪ RIH to last single of the stand (20-40 ft above rotary table).
▪ Pick-up 15-30 ft, connect top drive as quick as possible.
▪ Reciprocate the string with controlled speed.
▪ Start circulation with low flow rate and record pressure. Report the same in DDR.
▪ Increase the flow rate gradually to 3 BPM or 2,000 psi whichever comes first.
▪ Pump bridging pills.
▪ Perform stick test (follow PP Engineer instructions) after circulation if any sticking tendency continue
circulating and pumping bridging pills.
▪ If no sticking tendency continue RIH.
✓ Monitor slack-off weight and if any local obstructions or ledges, follow below stages:
▪ Pick up the string and try to pass through without forcing the MSF string into tight hole.
▪ If string does not pass through, Pick-up 20-30 ft and connect top drive as quick as possible.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
- Reciprocate the string with controlled speed as per PP engineer instructions.
- Start circulation with low flow (1 BPM) to provide lubricity and record pressure.
- If hole cleaning is not a concern, then consider increase the flow rate and attempt to pass the restriction.
If any indication of pack off should be carefully monitored to suspend the circulation.
- Do not exceed the maximum MSF and liner specs and record pressure based on actual equipment
pressure limitations. [ 3 BPM/ 2,000 Psi]
▪ Attempt to pass through the ledge with controlled speed without forcing the MSF into tight spots while
circulating and orienting the MSF string without exceeding 10-15 Klbs slack off.
▪ If MSF string does not pass through or observed maximum allowable drag gradually (10-15 Klbs), while RIH:
- Pick up to free point and reciprocate pipe. Confirm free up movement each time slack-off is applied.
- Keep reciprocating till obstruction is passed.
- If no progress after three attempts; connect TDS and start circulation gradually and work the string.
▪ Start circulation with minimum flow rate of 1 bpm. Attempt to re-orient the MSF string, if possible,
once pass the restriction stop circulation and continue RIH.
▪ In case of no progress within 1 hour escalate to IWC WE and Aramco DE for further decision.
12. If at any point, the string was not able to move down or up, make sure to establish circulation prior to working on any tight
spot. DO NOT exceed the MACP. If there is any problem requiring change of planned setting depth, discuss with Aramco
✓ If string gets stuck, follow the below steps:
1. Apply maximum overpull and slack off as per MSF string limitation (overpull and slack off based on T&D
simulation). Confirm with PP engineer if limit can be increased depending on the stuck depth.
2. Circulating Pressure shall be limited to 2,000 psi or 3 BPM whichever comes first and to be confirmed with PP
completion engineer, HAL engineer and IWC WE.
3. Start mixing 20% HCL acid, conduct PJSM, pump once ready as per acid procedures. Confirm with office before
4. Request more acid and chemicals. Prepare fishing assembly.
5. If string gets free, continue circulation to condition the hole and pump bridging pills.
6. Confirm with PP, IWC and Aramco to continue RIH with MSF.
13. Position the MSF shoe at the setting depth.
✓ At the MSF setting depth confirm that the last movement of the string was up and ensure that the string is in tension.
✓ Confirm liner weight at setting depth prior to circulation.
✓ Confirm number of stands ran in hole (physically and in digital records in rig system), ensuring tubulars ran are at
required depth as per agreed tally ensuring assembly is at correct setting depth, prior to proceed operations).
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
14. Continue to slowly wash down till the Well Commissioner is +/-
liner top with a maximum of 10,000 lbs of set down weight whilst rotating (10 RPM). Pick up 5ft off the TOL before stopping
the rotation.
15. Pump a 75 bbl high vis pill, at least 1-1.5 bottoms up till shaker is clean. While circulating with as high as possible flow,
rotate up to 40-60 RPM and reciprocate the string slowly above the liner top.
✓ Consider rotating string at 60 RPM (do not exceed maximum torque limit of 80% of 2-
✓ Consider circulating more and / or pumping new hi-vis sweep if indication of hole not clean.
✓ Make sure the scraper segment of the Well Commissioner is reciprocated across the area where the packer element
will be set.
✓ Ensure mud is in good condition, MWin = MWout, prior pressure test.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Cup readings to be done from the choke.
13. Re-pressure the drill string to equalize the differential pressure in the annulus and drill pipe.
14. Unset the well commissioner packer element by picking up string slowly to the pickup weight as per MI Engineer
instruction, and allow rubber element to relax for 5 minutes, then picking up further into over pull if needed.
✓ Pick up a sufficient 10 distance.
15. Pick up 10 ft, then reverse out the water with mud, confirm MW in/out the same.
✓ Fill up and sign positive and negative test check list in Attachment #06.
16. Flow check.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
1. Pump below pills and displace well with the following pill train:
1 60 Diesel
Hi-Vis pill (Viscosified Brine spacer): Formulation:
▪ Water: 0.93 bbl/bbl
▪ CaCl2: 95.3 ppb
2nd 50 ▪ DUOVIS: 3-5 ppb
▪ CCT-3000D: 3%
▪ CCT-8051: 5%
▪ 10 pcf higher than DF + Barite
Clean up pill Formulation:
3rd 80 ▪ Water: 76 bbl of fresh water
▪ CCT-3000D: 10%
▪ 26min contact time at 3 BPM
Hi-Vis pill (Viscosified Brine spacer 20% higher rheology than
DF): Formulation:
4th 50 ▪ Water: 0.93 bbl/bbl
▪ CaCl2: 95.3 ppb
▪ DUOVIS: 3-5 ppb
2. Displace the pills train with clean filtered water (at minimum 3 BPM) until clean water is on surface. Once water is
confirmed at surface, record new up and down weights.
✓ Keep enough kill brine in the tanks during the entire completion phase until the tree is tested.
✓ Make sure to receive clear filtered water in & out.
✓ As the chemical train is circulated down the work string and into the annulus, rotate the string up to 40 RPM as per
MI-Swaco wellbore clean-out representative instructions without exceeding the torque limit of any downhole
components (begin rotation slowly and monitor the torque carefully, water system generates higher friction compared
to mud).
3. Pump hi-vis and the following pill train, displace same at 9 BPM target, if hydraulics allow (at 10% concentration - 6
minutes contact time).
• 150 BBL - Lead Transition Spacer
Product Concentration Unit Size Qty
Brine (CaCl2) Water: 0.8918 bbl/bbl, CaCl2: 137.9 ppb/ 80 pcf density 1 BBL 130 BBL
DUO-VIS 2 ppb 25 KG, Bag 6
CCT8051 20% v/v 55-GAL, Drum 25
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
• 54 BBL - Solvent/Surfactant Spacer
Product Concentration Unit Size Qty
Water 0.89 BBL/BBL 1 BBL 56
CCT 3000D 12 % v/v 55-GAL, drum 6
• 75 BBL - Tail Viscous Spacer
Product Concentration Unit Size Qty
Water 1 BBL/BBL 1 BBL 75
DUO-VIS 3 ppb 25 kg, bag 4
4. Displace the pills train with clean filtered water at 9 BPM target, if hydraulics allows (achieve 6 minutes contact time with
pickle pill). Once water is confirmed at surface, record new up and down weights.
✓ As the chemical train is circulated down work string and into the annulus, rotate the string up to 60 RPM as per MI-
Swaco wellbore clean out representative instructions without exceeding the torque limit of any down hole component
(begin rotations slowly and monitor the torque carefully). Be aware that water generates higher friction compared to
drilling fluid.
✓ Take the rotation parameters (torque, RPM, and pumping pressure).
✓ Use cement pump if rig pump cannot attain 9 BPM pump rate.
5. Once the pills at surface, circulate (5-9 BPM) on bottom with clean filtered water until the target NTU and TSS (NTU < 50,
TSS < 0.05%) are achieved in 3 continued successful tests taken 30 minutes apart.
✓ Take the readings from out stream directly from the flow line before reaching the bosom belly.
6. Perform a wiper trip till the upper bottom.
7. Pump a hi-vis and circulate (5-9 BPM) 1.5 bottom up until returns are clear.
8. Continue circulation (5-9 BPM) with clean filtered water until the target NTU and TSS (NTU < 50, TSS < 0.05%) are achieved
in 3 consecutive successful tests taken 60 minutes apart.
✓ It can take up to 6 hours of circulation to get required readings of NTU and TSS.
✓ Spend the required quality time during the pickling phases to ensure well quality results as per program.
9. Pump 30 bbl hi-vis pill and displace well to 73 pcf NaCl Kill brine.
✓ Pump the kill brine thru the same lines used for pickling the well going thru the filtration unit.
✓ Final brine weight may be adjusted based on actual mud weight used in the section
10. Perform flow check.
2. When the positive test has been finished, bleed off the pressure slowly to zero.
3. Open BOP rams.
4. POOH wellbore clean-up. L/D WBCU assembly.
✓ Keep the hole full at all time.
✓ Do not run any drill pipe stands which may be available in the derrick into the hole for breaking it into singles to avoid
introducing dirt into the hole. The mouse hole should be used for this purpose.
✓ L/D excess drill string from the rack. Confirm with office if tubulars can be laid down after rig release.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ MI-Swaco Wellbore clean-out representative will strip down the Well Patroller and evaluate contents. If they are
80% full, consider re-running the clean-up string again.
✓ The quality of all completion fluids pumped downhole after the casing has been pickled must be good and its quality
checked regularly.
✓ Wellbore clean-out representative to monitor and report NTU & TSS of fluids going in and out of hole. Any problems
with fluid quality are to be immediately highlighted to WCS WSL.
✓ POOH with the assembly at a maximum of 150 ft/min.
✓ Fill up and sign the wellbore clean out check list in Attachment #07.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
1. Hold a pre-job safety meeting to discuss safety procedures, the operational program, and the tubing handling procedures.
✓ (IDS-D&C-CSGCL-001).
2. Retrieve Tubing Head Spool Wear Bushing (if remains in the THS).
3. 500 psi with water. Mark test assembly
at rotary. Measure this mark to bottom (using measuring tape) of test plug while POOH to obtain accurate measurement
of the tubing spool height relative to RKB.
Inspection Requirements:
Prior to running the Anchor Latch on tubing, ensure the following procedures have been carried out:
A. A full, very recent inspection (approved company), including API drift performed prior to delivery at the rig.
B. Hydro blast tubing as close to time of running tubing as possible. Pressure wash outside of tubing to remove any residual
sand/dirt, especially around box ends. If a significant sandstorm occurs before running, inspect tubing and consider performing
cleaning operation again.
C. Perform the following pipe inspection on the racks at the rig site:
• Clean the thread with a nylon brush and a cleaning solvent.
• Visually inspect all threads.
• Inspect and clean the threads prior to make-up.
D. Double check and note all OD, ID, length, and drift at rig site prior to RIH. Verify completion equipment check sheet dimensions.
Check for transportation damage or loose connections. Two different persons to measure and confirm the tally.
E. Check Nipple seal bore and connections.
F. Drift the tubing hanger and pin-pin sub with drift equivalent to drift ID of 4-
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
O. Drain the BOP and visually monitor as critical components of the upper completion pass through.
P. Be careful to keep the anchor latch centered while lowering through the BOP.
Q. Have proper tubing joint with the correct lift threads for landing the tubing hanger.
R. When using a tubing hanger with a Vam Top HC thread ensure it is stamped with a 3.9 minimum ID.
S. -Way Check Valve.
T. Inspect the annular BOP thoroughly prior to run the upper completion and confirm the integrity of the rubber parts.
This will eliminate dropping or extrusion of rubber into well head and preventing setting the tubing hanger.
U. to
verify Jam unit and tongs accuracy. (Make sure calibration chart for m/up tong/load cell is available with the Tubular Service
V. Soft copy of Jam Unit Make-Up Torque Chart Data should be provided by Tubular Services Company to SLB WSL and to IWC
Well Engineer during completion.
W. The power tong to be calibrated with the jam unit offline before starting the trip.
X. Upper completion tubing tally to be done as per SLB standard operating procedure. Two separate persons to measure the tally,
compare them against each other and WSL to confirm final tally.
Y. Refer to recommended Tubing Make-up Torque below:
Torque (ft-lb)
Connection Type
Minimum Optimum Maximum
4- -125HC Tenaris Blue 7,340 8,150 8,970
4- -125HC VAM TOP HC 7,170 7,960 8,750
4- -95HCS VAM TOP HC 4,690 5,210 5,730
Running Procedure:
4. Hold a pre-job safety meeting to discuss safety procedures, the operational program, and the tubing handling procedures.
5. Rig up tongs and Jam Unit for tubing running operations.
6. Carefully pick up the anchor latch assembly with tubing elevators on 4- Section O.
✓ Properly support the assembly to pick it up as straight as possible.
✓ Remove protective layers and inspect the seals and the rest of the assembly for any damage.
7. Drift the 30 ft PBR and 10 ft latched seal assembly with a
✓ Carefully apply thread dope lightly to pins (not boxes) with a paint brush. AVOID EXCESS DOPE!
✓ When running completion assembly through rotary table ensure there is no contact with the slip bowl, BOP, and
✓ Drift the R-
✓ The spacing must be adapted to the actual depth.
✓ P/T surface lines to 5,000 psi with water.
✓ Always have properly sized / fitted and tested TIW valve, etc. readily accessible on the rig floor.
8. RIH PackersPlus upper completion as per Section O.
✓ Drifting upper completion:
▪ Drift the 4-
▪ Drift the 4- - R-nipple.
▪ After PU the R-nipple drift the 4-
NOTE: Consider using floating drift technology as an alternative to conventional drifts.
✓ Carefully -
✓ Exercise care when passing through restrictions such as TOL and DV Collar, and slow running speed accordingly. Try
to avoid unnecessary jolting of tubing before setting slips.
✓ Maximum Slack off weight to apply 5 klbs.
✓ Tubing space out must be adapted to the actual setting depth of PBR.
✓ Run two full joints of 4- -
have different connections).
✓ Running and setting procedure as per PackersPlus representative.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Check friction factor for thread dope to be used and calibrate make-up torque accordingly.
✓ RIH speed 1 joint/minute. Maximum speed 60 ft/min, thus reducing potential damage to the seals. Exercise care when
passing through restrictions such as TOL, and slow running speed accordingly.
✓ Exercise caution while entering the 9- -
30 ft/min.
✓ -way check valve.
✓ Tubing will self-fill (run open ended).
✓ Always have properly sized/fitted and tested TIW valve, etc. readily accessible on the rig floor.
✓ Do not circulate across the anchor latch more than 3 BPM to avoid damaging the seals.
✓ Do not rotate string while RIH with upper completion assembly.
✓ Do not slack off more than 5,000 lbs while RIH. If restriction found, stop the job and discuss with PackersPlus engineer
and SLB IWC office.
9. Continue RIH with the upper completion to one joint above 4-
(without circulation).
✓ Do not exceed a running speed of 1 joint/minute (slip to slip) when anchor latch is
representative. Pull and set slips very gently avoiding shocking the pipe movement.
10. Reverse circulate 1.5 string volume with kill brine until clean brine on surface, pump rate not to exceed 3 BPM.
11. Lower PBR into TBR, slowly slack off 5 klbs then overpull 5 Klbs to ensure the Muleshoe is in the TBR, then slowly slack
off 40 Klbs to engage the PrimeSET 10 ft latched seal assembly with PrimeSET lower PBR, overpull 5 klbs to check that
latch is engaged then apply 30 klbs slack off, no pumping while stinging in. Keep surface lines open.
12. Pressure test surface lines to 2,000 psi.
13. Pressure test tubing string to 2,000 psi for 10 min to confirm integrity of the string. Keep TCA open. Bleed off pressure to
14. Pressure test TCA to 2,000 psi for 10 min to confirm integrity of the string. Keep tubing open. Bleed off pressure to zero.
15. Over-pull gradually to 40 klbs to shear out of upper PBR. Once sheared stop tubing movement. Leave lines open.
16. Mark neutral weight on string and pull 20 ft from the mark. Close BOP & with the tubing open, pressure test TCA to 2,000
psi for 10 min. Bleed off pressure and open BOP.
17. Slack-off 5 klbs on no-go of seal assembly and pressure test tubing to 2,000 psi and hold for 10 min. Bleed off pressure.
18. Let the tubing stand one hour in neutral to achieve a static geothermal gradient before spacing out. Run back & set 5klbs
compression on seal, mark tubing at the rotary (Mark-1).
19. P/U the string and measure from Mark-1 the distance from rotary table to the tubing hanger bowl and mark the tubing at
this point (Mark-2).
20. P/U and measure length between Mark-2 and the next tubing collar below Mark-2. This length minus the length of the
pup joint at the bottom of the tubing hanger will be the length of the pup joints needed for space out. Install the necessary
space out Pups
✓ Drift the hanger and pup joints at surface. Do not sting back into the PBR before pickling the tubing.
✓ Report space-out details and total length in/out in the morning report.
21. Install landing joint.
✓ Make sure tubing lengths on schematic are updated as per corresponding tubing tally.
✓ Do not land tubing before pickling procedure.
22. Place the end of Seal Assembly 10 ft above the upper polished bore.
23. Reverse circulate tubing with 50 bbl of hi-vis gel followed by filtered water at 3 BPM. Monitor and take samples of
returns. Continue reverse circulating until clean filtrated water at surface.
✓ Install full opening safety valve for 4-
✓ Recover all the Kill Brine and keep it on location if possible.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Acid Pickling Volume = 0.2 ∗ [π ∗ IDtubing ∗ (Depthseal element − )]
IDtubing 2
3.826 4 3.92
Acid Pickling Volume = 0.2 ∗ π ∗ [ ∗ ((12,770 − 9,000) − 2 )] + [ ∗ (9,000)] = 2,621 gal
12 3.826 12
[ 1029.4 ]
✓ Acid treatment is calculated based on 0.2 gal/ft2 of tubing internal surface area and 4 bbl of under-displacement.
✓ MI-Swaco Wellbore clean-out representative to be on location to supervise mixing and pumping of tubing pickle.
✓ Ensure to pump fresh acid, obtain, and check certificates.
4. Displace with clean filtered water (pH=11) until acid is 4 bbl short of the end of the seal assembly (seals must not be in contact with
the acid). Do not over displace. Reverse circulate tubing out with 30 bbl of Hi-Vis gel followed by filtered water at 3 BPM. Monitor and
take samples of returns. After reverse circulating acid, reverse circulate 1.5 tubing volume and check for NTU/TSS (as per checklist).
Continue reversing out of the tubing until returns are clean (NTU < 50 and TSS < 0.05%). To be measured by MI-Swaco SPS
representative 3 consecutive successful readings 60 minutes apart.
✓ Report in DDR (Actual Readings).
✓ Take pictures for the passing sample and share with SLB IWC office.
5. Pump down the tubing (direct circulation):
✓ 25 bbls of Hi-Vis gel, followed by 70 pcf inhibited NaCl brine until brine is seen on surface [Refer to Attachment #01 for
the brine formulation and mixing procedure].
✓ Mud Engineer is required to complete the Packer Fluid Record Form [refer to Attachment #02] and provide it to the WSL,
rig foreman and well engineer for the well file.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Calculate the displacement volume based on the final tally.
6. With tubing open, and BOP stack drained, lower tubing with hanger. Sting into the Sealbore Extension and land Tubing Hanger. Screw
in the Lock Down Screws on the Tubing Spool.
✓ WSL must be present on the rig floor during this operation.
✓ Verify that the lock down screws are fully retracted before running the tubing hanger.
✓ Verify that the tubing hanger has landed correctly on the tubing spool by physically measuring that the length of pipe RIH
equals the distance from the RT to the tubing spool.
✓ Verify that the lock down screws are screwed correctly after landing the tubing hanger.
✓ Keep surface lines open to avoid damage to seal assembly due to hydraulic locking.
✓ Do not apply more than 15 klbs S/O weight.
✓ DO NOT Pump while Seal Assembly enters the Sealbore Extension as it may damage the Premium seals.
7. Rig up cement lines. Pressure test lines to 10,000 psi.
8. Pressure test TCA to 6,500 psi for 30 minutes with 70 pcf NaCl inhibited brine and monitor the tubing. Bleed off pressure. Record
volume received back after bleeding off, and report in Daily Drilling Report.
9. Pressure test the tubing to 3,500 psi for 30 minutes with 70 pcf NaCl inhibited brine and monitor the TCA. Bleed off pressure. Record
volume received back after bleeding off, and report in Daily Drilling Report.
✓ Fill out upper completion and tubing pickling checklist in Attachment #09.
✓ Maximum safe pressure for opening of SIH with 85 pcf OBM in LC and 70 pcf Brine in UC is 4,941 Psi.
NOTE: Actual TCA and Tubing test pressure values must be confirmed with PP, IWC and Aramco Engineering as per final
anchor and seal assembly installation.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ If FMC or Cameron Manual Lower Master Valve (MLMV) is used, ensure hand wheel/stem is towards the EAST.
✓ If Vetco Grey or WG Manual Lower Master Valve (MLMV) is used, ensure valve/stem is towards the EAST with hand
wheel at 45° (upward tilt) and facing North.
✓ The torque applied on all flanged connections (bottom to top) shall be re -checked by using the Hydraulic Torque
✓ Ensure ring gasket for connecting the flow line is available.
✓ Ensure tree is delivered with limit switches and dump valves. These will be handed over to GWS during well handover.
If not, state this on morning report.
9. -Way Check Valve. R/D GWSD
with lubricator.
10. Pressure test Tree and Tubing Bonnet to 10,000 psi with water. The volume pumped in to pressure up should be equal
to the volume recovered on bleeding off.
11. R/U GWSD with lubricator -Way Check valve, R/D GWSD.
12. R/U slickline with BOP/Lubricator and P/T same.
13. RIH with slickline and retrieve the HPHT Retrievable Bridge Plug under provider supervision.
14. RIH with slickline and retrieve the PR-plug and prong from the upper R-nipple.
upper most MSF component of the lower completion, limited to maximum 45-50 deg. Wellbore inclination
(slickline limitation) whichever comes first. POOH and R/D slick line. Report tagged depth if any in the morning.
✓ Report the slickline depth reached by drift in Daily Drilling Report, adjust depth for slickline stretch.
✓ If drift reached shallow depth, communicate with IWC office for next course of action.
✓ Calibrate Slick line depth with pipe depth. Ensure to pass end of upper completion tail pipe.
16. Line up surface lines to Xmas tree and TCA.
casing test pressure.
✓ Utilize two independent HP cement pumps for accurate pressure and volume.
✓ Flush and test TCA line with same fluid in annulus.
✓ Flush and test tree line with same fluid in tubing/string.
17. Pressure up string to 4,200 psi with 70 pcf inhibited brine in stages as follows and hold for 30 mins to set the open hole
RockSEAL packers. Continue pressuring up the string and TCA in stages as follows to activate and open SIH. Maintain ±
3,000 psi differential pressure between the completion string and TCA always.
String (psi) 3,000 4,200 (Hold for 30 minutes) 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 8,500
TCA (psi) 0 1,200 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 5,500
✓ Diffusor surface opening pressure is 5,441 8,262 Psi (Optimum Pressure is 7,557 Psi)
✓ Actual pressure values and pin calculation to be confirmed by PP before performing the job.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Do not exceed 8,500 psi in tubing (85% of wellhead pressure rating) without consulting office.
✓ If the Hydraulic FracPORT does not open; repeat the procedure 3 times reaching the maximum pressure on the
string and TCA.
✓ If the Hydraulic FracPORT does not open after 3 attempts, confirm plan forward with IWC and Aramco office.
✓ Utilize two independent HP cement pumps for accurate pressure and volume.
✓ Flush TCA line with inhibited brine and pressurize using inhibited brine. Use inhibited brine for the tree line
✓ Maximum TCA pressure to be limited by TCA test pressure done after setting the tubing hanger in slips.
✓ Monitor volume and pressure response during activation of the Sleeve.
✓ Send opening plot chart to office.
18. Once hydraulic FracPORT opening is confirmed, pump 5 bbl of fluid into the formation to establish injectivity and report
tubing and TCA pressure. Report to IWC Well Engineer.
19. Bleed off pressure in string and TCA to zero in stages.
✓ Pressure will be bled off in stages keeping 3,000 psi differential in tubing until zero psi.
20. Close Lower Master Valve.
21. R/U GWSD with lubricator with lubricator.
✓ Install GWSD lubricator and P/T the same.
a copy to IWC Well Engineer.
✓ Record the Wellhead pressures and report the same in morning report.
22. Close Lower Master Valve and all valves with actuator on the X-mas Tree. Bleed off surface equipment to zero.
23. Secure the wellhead and clear cellar. Make sure cellar is jetted dry and clean from any debris.
✓ Ensure that all wellhead and production tree outlets are blind flanged.
✓ Ensure cellar is jetted dry and clean from any debris.
✓ Clean the location and perimeter.
✓ -mail copy to the IWC Well Engineer to print out and place in the Well file.
well. Send a copy to the IWC Well Engineer.
24. Make sure that all wellhead and Christmas tree outlets are blind flanged.
✓ Ensure the wing valve is installed as per Well Head Specialist instructions.
25. On last drilling report, report all annulus pressures.
26. Release the rig to next location.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Well Name Location Type of Installation
Reamer Run
Depth (mKB) Drawing Description OD (in) ID (in) Length (ft)
Not to be disclosed outside Saudi Aramco
Casing Shoe
Hole 5.875"
Bit (Jets Out); Provided by Aramco
NOTE: The final BHA will be shared by IWC Engineer as per hole conditions.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Proposed MD of Well: 19983.00 ft
Proposed End of Tool String: 19980.00 ft
Proposed TVD of Well: 13426.60 ft
Proposed KOP of Well: 6580.00 ft Well Profile
Proposed MD of Casing Shoe: 14310.00 ft
Estimated Bottom Hole Pressure: 4000 - 5600 psi
Estimated Bottom Hole Temperature: 293 °F
Estimated H₂S: TBA
Estimated CO₂: TBA
Formation: Khuff-C, B
Field: Hawaiyah
KB-THF: 35.00
4-1/2" x 13.5 lb/ft x VM-95HCSS x VTHC x 4.00 ft Double Pin Tubing Hanger Sub 4.500 3.920 4.00
4-1/2" x 13.5 lb/ft x VM-95HCSS x VTHC Liner (2 Joints) 4.500 3.920 80.00
4-1/2" x 13.5 lb/ft x VM-95HCSS x VTHC x 6.00 ft Space Out Pup Joint 4.500 3.920 6.00
4-1/2" x 13.5 lb/ft x VM-95HCSS x VTHC Liner (59 Joints) 4.500 3.920 2358.00
Crossover Crossover: 4-1/2" x 13.5 lb/ft x VTHC x Box * 4-1/2'' x 13.5 lb/ft x VTHC x Pin 4.500 3.920 4.00
2485 ft
4-1/2'' x 13.5 lb/ft x VM-95HCSS x VTHC x 6.00 ft Pup Joint 4.500 3.920 6.00
4-1/2" x 15.1 lb/ft x 80MY x VTHC x 5.00 ft Flow Coupling 4.500 3.826 5.00
Landing Nipple Halliburton®: Landing Nipple c/w 3.688" "R" Profile 5.040 3.688 2.00
2500 ft Size: 4-1/2" / Thread: VTHC / Metallurgy: 9CR-1MO / 80MY
4-1/2" x 15.1 lb/ft x 80MY x VTHC x 5.00 ft Flow Coupling 4.500 3.826 5.00
4-1/2'' x 13.5 lb/ft x VM-95HCSS x VTHC x 6.00 ft Pup Joint 4.500 3.920 6.00
Crossover Crossover: 4-1/2'' x 13.5 lb/ft x VTHC x Box * 4-1/2" x 13.5 lb/ft x VTHC x Pin 4.500 3.920 4.00
2513 ft
4-1/2" x 13.5 lb/ft x VM-95HCSS x VTHC Liner (As Required) 4.500 3.920 TBA
Crossover Crossover: 4-1/2" x 13.5 lb/ft x VTHC x Box * 4-1/2" x 15.2 lb/ft x TSH-BLUE x Pin 4.500 3.826 4.00
4-1/2" x 15.2 lb/ft x TN-125HC x TSH-BLUE Liner (As Required) 4.500 3.826 TBA
Crossover Crossover: 4-1/2" x 15.2 lb/ft x TSH-BLUE x Box * 4-1/2'' x 15.1 lb/ft x VTHC x Pin 4.500 3.826 4.00
12707 ft
4-1/2'' x 15.1 lb/ft x VM-125HC x VTHC x 6.00 ft Pup Joint 4.500 3.826 6.00
Landing Nipple Halliburton®: Landing Nipple c/w 3.688" "R" Profile 5.040 3.688 2.00
12717 ft Size: 4-1/2" / Thread: VTHC / Metallurgy: 41XX
4-1/2'' x 15.1 lb/ft x VM-125HC x VTHC x 6.00 ft Pup Joint 4.500 3.826 6.00
Crossover Crossover: 4-1/2" x 15.1 lb/ft x VTHC x Box * 4-1/2" x 15.2 lb/ft x TSH-BLUE x Pin 4.500 3.826 4.00
12725 ft
4-1/2" x 15.2 lb/ft x TN-125HC x TSH-BLUE x 6.00 ft Pup Joint 4.500 3.826 6.00
Packers Plus®: Landed (Locator) 30 ft Seal Assembly (Inside PBR) 5.750 3.730 2.80
Size: 4-1/2" / Thread: TSH-BLUE / Elastomers: Aflas / Metallurgy: Q-125
5.000" Seal OD x 3.730" ID
Assembly Number: 150257-000007 / Serial Number:
Top of PBR Packers Plus®: 30 ft PBR Assembly 5.750 5.000 31.93
12738 ft Size: 4-1/2" / Thread: NA / Elastomers: Aflas / Metallurgy: Q-125
PBR Seal Bore: 5.000"
Assembly Number: 150259-000001 / Serial Number:
Packers Plus®: PrimeSET™ 10 ft Anchor Latched Seal Assembly (Inside TBR) 4.980 3.730
Size: 4-1/2" / Thread: STUB-ACME / Elastomers: Aflas / Metallurgy: Q-125
5.000" Seal OD x 3.730" ID
Assembly Number: 150258-000001 / Serial Number:
Top of Liner Packers Plus®: PrimeSET™ 10 ft Tie-back Receptacle (TBR - Top of Liner) 5.750 5.000 11.91
12770 ft Size: 4-1/2" / Thread: STUB-ACME / Elastomers: Aflas / Metallurgy: Q-125
TBR Seal Bore: 5.000"
Assembly Number: 152030 / Serial Number:
Liner Hanger Packers Plus®: PrimeSET™ Liner Hanger Packer 5.790 3.730 9.00
12782 ft Size: 4-1/2" / Thread: TSH-BLUE / Elastomers: Aflas / Metallurgy: P-110
TVD Assembly Number: 151209-000001 / Serial Number:
12636 ft DDRT: 140815-000019:
Angle Release Pressure: 2 Pins x 235 psi/pin = 470 psi (Differential)
38 deg Ball Seat: 1.670" / Actuation Ball: 1.750" SF-10N
Setting Pressure: 3 Pins x 700 psi/pin = 2,100 psi (Differential)
Ball Setting Sub:
Ball Release Pressure: 7 Pins x 597 psi/pin = 4,179 psi (Differential)
Ball Seat: 1.600" / Actuation Ball: 1.750" SF-10N
4-1/2" x 15.2 lb/ft x TN-125HC x TSH-BLUE x 10.00 ft Pup Joint 4.500 3.826 10.00
4-1/2" x 15.2 lb/ft x TN-125HC x TSH-BLUE Liner (As Required) 4.500 3.826
Casing Shoe MD of Casing Shoe: 14310 ft (TVD of Casing Shoe: 13326.91 ft / Angle of Casing Shoe: 86.50˚)
14310 ft
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Diffusor Min Surface Opening Pressure 4,496 4,403 4,311 4,218 4,126 4,033 3,941 3,848 3,756
*Max. Safe Surface Pressure 3,996 3,903 3,811 3,718 3,626 3,533 3,441 3,348 3,256
Diffusor Min Surface Opening Pressure 5,460 5,455 5,450 5,446 5,441 5,436 5,431 5,426 5,421
Diffusor/SIH Diffusor Calc Surface Opening Pressure 7,576 7,571 7,566 7,562 7,557 7,552 7,547 7,542 7,537
Diffusor Max Surface Opening Pressure 8,281 8,277 8,272 8,267 8,262 8,257 8,252 8,247 8,243
Max Surface Pressure Limit 11,961 11,956 11,951 11,946 11,941 11,937 11,932 11,927 11,922
Max Bottom Hole Pressure Limit 18,491 18,491 18,491 18,491 18,491 18,491 18,491 18,491 18,491
RS-II Diff. across pipe @ max opening pressure 11,063 11,063 11,063 11,063 11,063 11,063 11,063 11,063 11,063
% of Pipe Burst Rating 68% 68% 68% 68% 68% 68% 68% 68% 68%
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Planned Completion Setting Depths
• 4- - (Plan)
• Crossover: 4- (Plan)
• 607 1 deg) (Plan)
• 4- 800 649 39.21º) (Plan)
• 4- 9,976 3,427 88.80º) (Plan)
Scope of Work
1. Run 4.5" 15K NOV Cemented MSF system with 15K Baker ZXTREME control set LH assembly.
▪ Set 4- Liner Hanger.
▪ Release 4- Liner Hanger Running Tool
▪ 4-
▪ Set 4-
2. Run SPS clean out BHA with 9- -thru Well Commissioner
▪ Perform Negative Pressure Test of lower completion.
▪ Shear the 9- -
▪ Displace well to filtered water, perform casing pickling, and displace wellbore to kill brine.
▪ Perform positive pressure test.
3. -DG 15K Tubing Anchor with extension seal and 4-
4. Perform tubing pickling and acid jobs, displace with 70 pcf inhibited NaCl brine in casing-tubing annulus and
inside the tubing, land tubing hanger.
5. Perform Tubing and TCA pressure tests.
6. N/D BOPE and N/U X-mass tree.
7. Open the NOV BPS MAXX Toe Initiator.
8. Release the rig.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Inspection Requirements
E. Hydro blast and drift tubing as close to time of running tubing as possible.
▪ Pressure wash outside and inside of tubing to remove any residual sand/dirt, especially around box ends.
▪ If a significant sandstorm occurs before running, inspect tubing and consider performing cleaning operation again.
F. Perform the following pipe inspection on the racks at the rig site:
▪ Clean the thread with a nylon brush and a cleaning solvent and Hydro-jet all the tubing joints.
▪ Visually inspect all threads.
▪ Inspect and clean the threads prior to make-up.
G. Double check and note all OD, ID, length, and drift at rig site prior to RIH. Verify completion equipment check sheet
dimensions & connections. Check for transportation damage or loose connections.
SLB WSL must confirm the string tally with signed completion program and with SLB office prior running in hole.
1. Confirm with ARAMCO Drilling Engineer via email that GRMD has completed all open hole evaluations, and no further
logs or drilling is required.
2. Hold pre-job safety meeting to emphasize on safety and proper communication.
✓ Mud Engineer to ensure correct shaker screens are installed.
✓ Allocate a cementing tank and fill with drilling mud in advance to check for leaks and for accurate displacement.
✓ Locate acid and acid pumping unit, to be able to mobilize it promptly when required.
▪ Ensure all the inspection & acid tanker integrity reports are verified and correct.
▪ Ensure to prepare the right XOs for the BOP PT Assay.
▪ Ensure WC X/O with right connection type are available:
▪ -54 Box (for upper completion operation)
▪ -54 Box (for upper and lower completion operation)
4. Hold PJSM. R/U 4-
✓ NOV to confirm with Aramco Drilling Engineer and GRMD caliper logs and final Diffusor Sleeves placement and design.
✓ The TIV (BPS MAXX) actual shear values shall match with agreed planned pressure set values. IWC WE, IWC D.S
and NOV should confirm the shear values prior to pick up the cemented MSF assay.
✓ Ensure the pinning is correct and communicated to office, ensure that the calculation sheet is revised by office and
communicated with all party on PP. Any change on the field needs to be approved by office.
▪ Consider dropping the hollow drifts at casing shoe while final POOH.
✓ Double check that any drill pipe crossovers in the string have an internal taper of 30 degrees or less.
▪ If the internal taper is more than 30 degrees, it will be replaced immediately.
▪ Do not use any crossover with square shoulder.
✓ -CSG-SOP-001).
✓ -D&C-CSG-CL-001).
✓ Inspect Cement Head before picking up at TD. Function test swivel to ensure rotation is possible.
5. Section I.
✓ Communicate the final tally with Aramco DE for confirmation.
✓ Final tubing configuration will depend on stock availability.
✓ Ensure NOV BPS Toe Initiator Valve has proper burst pressure as per program. Any change shall be re-confirmed with
✓ )
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Reamer shoe or float shoe to be confirmed with IWC WE before lower completion run.
✓ Confirm that the setting depth of LH is spaced out to allow for the contingency of setting the second trip packer if required:
▪ The Liner hanger and packer element is not across a casing connection.
▪ The top of liner is not within 5 ft from a casing connection.
▪ The liner is set above the last tagged TOC.
▪ 4-1/2" 15K liner hanger is to be set across 7" 35# liner joints.
✓ Shoe track length might be adjusted based on final TD, BPS valve placement.
▪ Minimum of 6 Joints in the shoe track is needed for mud-film contamination.
▪ Consider 4 joints from Landing Collar to TIV.
▪ Confirm with IWC WE and Aramco DE final shoe track length as per final completions schematic.
✓ Place Spirolizer Bladerunner centralizers with the pattern 2/1. Final centralization plan will be updated based on
caliper data (if available) and hole survey to confirm casing stand-off is higher than 70% and modify the placement
as required.
Type Quantity (15% excess included) SAP #
4- 360 10-008-860-09
4- 720 10-008-035-85
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
▪ Verify all the M/U charts while making up and ensure proper make up as per pipe manufacturer recommendation.
▪ If any doubt on the makeup chart/process; the pipe must be break out, cleaned, inspected, and re-make up to right
torque and jamming chart.
▪ Circulating pressure should be monitored and recorded by Baker representative on location at all operation. Circulating
pressures and rates to be limited as per table below.
▪ While filling up and circulating, initiate pumping at a gradual and controlled rate until pressure is stabilized. Ensure
string is in tension while circulating.
▪ Hoist and lift the casing string after checking the floats with water. This will ensure that there is no fluid emulsion
phase is formed and left inside the casing between water and OBM that may plug the string in later stages.
6. Pick up and M/U liner hanger under supervision of Baker Engineer. With one stand of drill pipes circulate with mud 1.5
X string volume at 1-3 bpm and record weights.
✓ Fill hanger assembly with fresh solids free mud prepared offline.
✓ Max Allowable Circulating Pressure = 3,000 psi or 6 BPM whichever comes first.
▪ Min. surface pressure to burst BPS Maxx with 85 pcf is 5,814 psi. Refer to Section J.
▪ Re-confirm maximum circulating pressure in location with NOV supervisor.
✓ Caliper the ball to ensure it is the correct size for the ball seat and will pass through the drill pipe tool joints. Check that
the ball seats in the TOL correctly.
✓ The liner hanger will be prepared at workshop with Liner Top debris system and grease for high temperature.
✓ Scribe a line to Setting Tool and TBR with white paint to ensure the whole assembly is rotating during connection make-
up. Ensure that during the make-up of Liner Hanger assembly connection, the handling sub is free to rotate in the elevators
and the setting tool rotates with Liner Hanger assembly.
✓ Record the volume required to fill up the liner and compare it with the theoretical calculated volume, if actual volume
more than the theoretical volume, check if there is any air in the system.
✓ After picking up the liner hanger, monitor and record SO and PU weights and change in circulating pressure with liner
hanger above and below the well head to identify tight clearance between liner hanger and 9-
✓ DO NOT SET SLIPS ON THE TIEBACK EXTENSION. This will cause damage to the extension and may prevent running
tools from being released from liner.
✓ While RIH with liner hanger below the wellhead, pick up string out of slips gently and monitor hook load to avoid
excessive forces on the shear pins.
7. RIH with DP up to previous liner shoe depth.
✓ Monitor the SO and PU weights while RIH and limit the SO to 5 klbs in the cased hole, control running speed if needed.
Do not exceed 80% maximum tensile rating of weakest component in the string.
✓ Fill up the string on the fly every 10 stand when in Cased Hole.
✓ Calibrate friction factors and update drag chart. Follow up drag analysis while RIH assembly in the hole. In case of any
deviation, stop the job immediately and discuss with office.
✓ Confirm tripping speeds with Well Engineer.
✓ All drifting operations must be done with only one drift on the rig floor and witnessed by the driller.
✓ Record the string weight and slack-off weights before and after filling the string at the same depth (pumps off) to
calculate the reduction of string weight (klbs) by not filling the string. Use this value in the open hole slack off weight
✓ HWDP and weight requirements must be confirmed by Packers Plus engineer before running the job. HWDP stands must
be readily racked back.
TBR to ensure clear path.
✓ Liner hanger engineer to be present on rig floor while passing through BOP, 9-
✓ Circulate, ensure clear path, and flush all debris before 4-
8. Circulate minimum 1.2 times -up, slack off and free torque readings at shoe.
✓ Max Allowable Circulating Pressure = 3,000 psi or 6 BPM whichever comes first.
▪ Min. surface pressure to burst BPS Maxx with 85 pcf is 5,814 psi. Refer to Section J.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
▪ Re-confirm maximum circulating pressure in location with NOV supervisor.
✓ Set up the torque limit on the top drive to 80% of makeup TQ plus the free rotating torque at shoe. Confirm the same
with PackerPlus liner hanger engineer with T&D simulations.
✓ Check the floats equipment and ensure they are holding.
✓ Hold pre-job meeting with rig crew and Liner hanger engineer before running in the open hole.
✓ Liner hanger engineer to be present on rig floor while recording parameters and while running in open hole.
9. RIH with 4-
gently and confirm same. Review casing and pipe tally thoroughly.
✓ Confirm the pressures required to set the hydraulic liner hanger and blow the ball seat. Ensure the rig pump pop-off
valves are set high enough to allow the ball seat to be sheared.
✓ Control running speed as per liner hanger engineer (recommended 30 ft/min) and adjust according to the wellbore
✓ Confirm tripping speeds with IWC Well Engineer as per surge and swab analysis.
✓ Watch for abnormal decrease in running weights as it might be pushing debris ahead of completion that could be
circulated out.
✓ Monitor the break over slack off tendency and report to office.
✓ Liner Hanger representative should be on rig floor while running 4-
✓ Max Allowable Circulating Pressure = 3,000 psi or 6 BPM whichever comes first.
▪ Min. surface pressure to burst BPS Maxx with 85 pcf is 5,814 psi. Refer to Section J.
▪ Re-confirm maximum circulating pressure in location with NOV supervisor.
✓ Getting on and off the slips when making connections should be as smooth as possible with no quick pickups and no
quick stops.
✓ Record the down weight every 5 stands (Consider that the string gets filled at least once at mid open hole), and plot on
the Torque and Drag running force graph. If there is a significant difference between model and actual values (more than
10 klbs) take the required decision and contact IWC office.
✓ Minimize static time while RIH including any stoppages & connections to avoid differential sticking.
✓ Monitor the SO and PU weights while RIH and control running speed if needed.
▪ Do not exceed 80% maximum tensile rating of weakest component in the string.
✓ Calibrate friction factors and update drag chart. Follow up drag analysis while RIH assembly in the hole.
▪ In case of any deviation, stop the job immediately and discuss with office.
✓ In case of any obstruction, slack off without washing down, if not, try to washdown with low FR (2 bpm) and increase
gradually. Max Set Down weight is 10-15 Kips [ re-confirm with T&D simulation] and MACP is 3,000 psi.
▪ Do not pump hi-vis pill while RIH cementing MSF. If tight spot or high pressure is observed, circulate hole clean
with mud (not hi-vis)
✓ This is a rotating LH system and the accessories in the MSF assembly are rotatable as well (as strong as the casing
joints). Confirm with Baker and NOV engineers maximum rotating parameters before attempting to rotate liner.
▪ Before resuming any reaming or washing down operations, pick up the string and release any residual torque.
✓ Confirm number of stands ran in hole (physically and in digital records in rig system), ensuring tubulars ran are at required
depth as per agreed tally, prior to proceed operations)
Connection Practices While RIH:
✓ Follow the below steps to make connections:
1. RIH with controlled speed (30 ft/min).
2. RIH each stand to the rotary table.
3. Pull the string 3-5 ft above rotary table to release the string compression.
4. Ensure there is enough room when the new stand is made up to apply overpull in case of stuck pipe.
5. Do not place string on the slips if hole condition is not good, attempt to work pipes, circulate, and rotate till hole
in good condition.
6. PU/MU the following stand and make connection as quick as safely possible.
7. Consider rotating the pipe on rotary table at 5-10 RPM while picking up next stand.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Monitoring T&D While RIH:
✓ Monitor the breakover slack-off after connections and if any sticking trend is observed, follow the below steps:
1. RIH to last single of the stand (30 ft above rotary table).
2. Pick-up 15-30 ft connect top drive as quick as possible.
3. Reciprocate the string with controlled speed.
4. Start circulation with low flow rate and record pressure. Report the same in DDR.
5. Increase flow gradually and record pressure (Maximum 6 BPM or 3,000 psi, communicate to town if higher
standpipe pressure will be seen).
6. Pump bridging pills.
7. Perform stick test after circulation if any sticking tendency continue circulating and pumping bridging pills.
8. If no sticking tendency continue RIH.
✓ Monitor slack-off weight and if any increasing trend follow the below steps:
1. Pick-up 20-30ft and connect top drive as quick as possible.
2. Reciprocate the string with controlled speed.
3. Start circulation with low flow and record pressure.
4. Increase flow gradually and record pressure (Maximum 6 BPM or 3,000 psi, communicate to town if higher
standpipe pressure will be seen)
5. Circulate hole clean while monitor circulating pressure and shale shaker.
6. Perform stick test.
7. Take slack-off and pick-up weights and compare to readings before circulation if no improvements continue
✓ Check tally and ensure that the total depth (TD) is correct. Record P/U & S/O weights.
If at any point, the string was not able to move down or up, make sure to establish circulation prior to
working on any tight spot. DO NOT exceed the MACP= 3,000 psi. If there is any problem requiring change of
planned setting depth, discuss with IWC Well Engineer and Aramco Drilling Engineer.
✓ If string got stuck, follow the below steps:
1. Apply maximum overpull and slack off as per liner string limitation (overpull and slack off as per the T&D
simulation). Confirm with Packers Plus engineer if limit can be increased depending on the stuck depth.
a. Run the margin of overpull calculations and define the weak point and overpull limits.
2. Start mixing acid, conduct PJSM, and pump once ready as per acid procedures.
3. Request more acid and chemicals.
4. Prepare fishing assembly.
5. If string got free, continue circulation to condition the hole and pump bridging pills.
6. Contact office in case higher circulation pressure than MACP is required.
7. Confirm with Packers Plus and Aramco to continue RIH with the liner.
8. This must be done under the supervision of the PackerPlus representative on location.
Obstruction while RIH (Liner hanger supervision):
1. Make sure string is full.
2. Attempt to pass without pumping 10 klbs S/O.
3. If not pass, pick up the liner to PU weight.
4. Start circulation (6 BPM), wash down w/maximum 10 klbs S/O.
a. Start circulation gradually increasing by 0.5 bpm, wait for clear pressure stabilization each step at least 10 min.
5. If unable to pass:
a. Pick up string till free. Rotate with 10 rpm, record torque and set torque limit.
b. Ream down with 10-15 rpm, only the obstruction interval.
6. If any deeper obstruction is encountered, start with step a) and repeat the above. If not able to pass, contact
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Limitations while RIH in the OH:
Max S/O (klbs) Max SPP, (psi) Maximum flow rate (bpm) Max RPM Max Torque
3,000 (confirm with NOV 10-15 (confirm by 80% of MUT + free
15 6
BPS supervisor) T&D) torque
10. With the liner at setting depth, break circulation at 0.5 bpm increasing the flow gradually to maximum cementing flow
rate in 0.5 bpm steps, wait for clear pressure stabilization each step and at least 10 minutes. Record weight of liner.
✓ Circulate at least 1-1.5 annular volume to ensure no packing off is taking place in the annulus.
✓ In case circulation is stopped for any reason, stage up circulation, even if stable pressure was reached during previous
✓ Monitor standpipe pressure. A steady pressure (at constant pump rate) is a good indication that packing off is not
✓ Decrease flow rate if pressure spikes observed.
✓ Set pressure limit to 300 psi above normal circulating pressure.
✓ If possible, rotate liner at 5-10 RPM during circulation to improve hole cleaning. Limit torque to 80% of the
✓ Monitor the surface torque and confirm with LH simulations for the job.
✓ Last movement of string is up and ensure that the string is in tension.
✓ Do not stop circulation to make up liner cement head till pressure is stabilized and hole is clean.
✓ Attempt to pressure test the cementing lines during the circulation, if possible.
11. Place string on slips, stop circulate and make up NOV cement head.
✓ Ensure that there is no left-over torque that could result in a string backlash with the chicksan lines and the manifold.
✓ Do not stop circulation and set slip if pressure is not stable, continue to circulate till pressure is stabilized.
12. With the liner at setting depth, break circulation at 0.5 bpm increasing the flow gradually to maximum rate as per
cementing program in 0.5 bpm steps, wait for clear pressure stabilization each step and at least 10 minutes. Circulate
till stabilized pressure is achieved.
13. Pressure Limitations:
Re-confirm the values before the job with Final BPS MAXX sheet and cementing program.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
1. Pressure test cementing lines to 6,000 psi.
2. Set liner hanger: drop first 1- and pump the ball with 2 BPM, slow down 1-2 BPM at 10 bbl
before reaching ball seat. Chase the ball with hi-vis pill to ensure it lands on the ball seat.
✓ The pump rate should not exceed 2 BPM (or 300-400 psi).
✓ Ensure ball lands on ball seat with slow pumping rate to avoid any damage to the ball / seat.
✓ Free fall speed of ball needs to be requested from Baker.
3. When the ball lands, begin pumping slowly, and increase the pressure to 500 psi above the recommended hanger
setting pressure as per Operating Parameter Sheet. Hold pressure for 10 minutes.
✓ Confirm setting pressure with liner hanger engineer (1,600 1,800 psi).
4. Keep the pressure and verify that the hanger is set by slacking off liner weight plus liner top packer setting force to the
5. Increase pressure approximately 1,000 psi per minute until ball seat extrudes. Obtain circulation and check rates. Refer
to Operating Parameter Sheet for shifting pressure.
✓ Higher pressure may be observed after setting the liner and hence proper pumping rate staging procedure should be
followed till pressure stabilized.
6. Releasing RT: drop second 1- and pump the ball with 2 BPM, slow down 1-2 BPM at 10 bbl
before reaching ball seat. Chase the ball with hi-vis pill to ensure it lands on the ball seat.
✓ The pump rate should not exceed 2 BPM (or 300-400 psi). Ensure ball lands on ball seat with slow pumping rate to avoid
any damage to the ball / seat.
7. When the ball lands, increase pressure slowly at approximately 1,000 psi per minute until ball seat extrudes (or shifts).
Bleed off pressure.
✓ Confirm ball seat extruding pressure with liner hanger engineer (2,700 3,000 psi).
8. Pick up the string to check that the running tool is free (as per BHI technician) and the liner weight has been lost.
✓ Do not pull packer dog setting sub out of the tieback extension and record the new up weight.
9. After confirming that the liner running tool has been released, slowly set down so that the recommended drill pipe
weight is set on the liner hanger to compensate for the pump-out forces for the cement job.
10. Break circulation at 0.5 bpm increasing the flow gradually to the planned cementing rate in 0.5 bpm steps, wait for
clear pressure stabilization each step and at least 10 minutes.
✓ Slowly set down the recommended weight to compensate the pump-out movement as per LH representative.
✓ Circulate at least one open-hole annular volume to ensure no packing off is taking place in the annulus.
✓ Monitor standpipe pressure. A steady pressure (at constant pump rate) is a good indication that packing off is not
✓ Decrease flow rate if pressure spikes observed.
✓ Set pressure limit to 300 psi above normal circulating pressure.
✓ If possible, rotate liner at 5-10 RPM during circulation to improve hole cleaning. Limit torque to 80% of the maximum
✓ Monitor the surface torque and confirm with LH simulations for the job.
11. Compare actual circulation pressure and simulated circulation pressure prior to pumping slurry if high variance is
observed contact office.
Minimum surface pressure to burst BPS Maxx with 85 pcf mud is 5,814 psi.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
C. 4-
✓ operation as follows:
• Cement Job Design SOP (IWC-CMT-SOP-002)
• Cement Placement SOP (IWC-CMT-SOP-003)
✓ -D&C-CMT-CL-001).
Batch Mixed Lead Slurry (TOC = TOL)
400 sks Saudi Cement Class G + 35% BWOC D066-L (silica) +1% BWOC D176 (expanding agent) +0.035 gps
D175 (antifoam) + 0.6% BWOC D167 (FLAC) + 0.3% BWOC D065 (Dispersant) + 0.5% BWOC D121 (Retarder aid)
+ 0.8% BWOC D028 (retarder) + 1.5 gps D700 (Gas Control) + 0.15 gps D701 (Stabilizer)
Slurry Density 118 pcf
Slurry Yield 1.55 ft3/sk
Mix Fluid 6.505 gps
Mix Water 4.682 gps
Thickening Time 05:40 06:40 Hrs: Min
BHST/BHCT 295 / 288 °F
✓ Above is the general cementing program. The final cementing program will be issued separately.
✓ Cement calculations are based on theoretical annular volume with 50% open hole excess (or 30% open hole excess if
caliper log is available), 10% excess in the cased hole and TOC at TOL.
✓ Tail slurry extends to 2,000 ft above 4-
✓ Mix Biocide in the mix water and circulate prior to mixing chemicals for the job. Ensure biocide is added at regular
intervals to both spacer and mix fluid as per well services procedures.
✓ Use pressurized mud balance while batch mixing cement slurry to measure slurry density.
✓ Pilot and Confirmation lab tests are required prior cementing. Confirmation test for mixing fluid by SLB and Aramco lab
is required.
✓ Obtain compatibility lab test on the mud, cement, and spacer prior to job. Ensure to provide cementing lab tests ahead
of time.
✓ WSL to ensure sufficient quantity of spacer is prepared for the job. Spacer volume should cater for cement tank deadlines
along with safety margins.
✓ Run pressure simulation throughout the job to identify the maximum pressure against the BPX MAXX valve during
the entire pumping and displacement to avoid premature opening of SIH .
2. HPJSM with rig crew and all cementing company personnel to review the procedure for cementing and liner hanger operations.
✓ Ensure essential personnel are in radio communications with each other.
✓ Make sure all personnel who will be on rig floor understand the time constraints.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ If cement job is going to happen over rig crew change, review operations with each crew.
✓ If critical operations will occur right at shift change, then circulate additional time to ensure continuity.
3. Flush cement surface lines outside the well and test the lines to 6,000 psi.
✓ Do not flush into the well. Do not flush using spacer.
4. Pump 120 bbl of spacer ahead of the cement slurry.
5. Pump cement slurry at recommended by SLB Well Cementing Services rate and note pressures.
6. Drop wiper dart followed by 20 bbls of spacer and continue displacing with drilling fluid.
✓ Check the cement head to confirm that the dart was released.
▪ Ensure to have a second dart on rig floor to be dropped manually in case the dart in the cement head is stuck.
✓ Monitor for pressure spikes when dart passes through the liner running tool. Consider reducing the flow rate to 4 BPM.
✓ Maximize Displacement Rate with minimum 6 BPM (ECD permitting). Maximum 8 BPM, if ECD allows (confirm with Baker
and NOV supervisors and Well Engineer).
✓ Flush the cement lines outside of string, before releasing the dart.
NOTE: Flush the surface lines before releasing the wiper dart and starting displacement. Arrange Y connection on Rig
Floor to avoid breaking any connection.
✓ Include ± 30 bbl of spacer in the displacement volume to be placed across the Liner Hanger (to cover the liner lap +/- 500
ft below TOL and +/- 1,000 ft above TOL).
▪ Ensure to have enough volume of spacer including dead volume to cover the job.
✓ If a high pressure is seen while displacing, stop the Job and contact office (maximum pressure limit to be calculated and
communicated by SLB Well Cementing Services on the specific cementing program).
7. Displace the dart with the cementing unit as per calculations by counting the tanks physically, slow down pump to 3-3.5 BPM,
±10 bbls before Dart is bumped into the landing collar as per calculations. Bump the plug. Record pressures. Apply 500 psi
above final circulation pressure.
✓ Run pressure simulation throughout the job to identify the maximum pressure against NOV TIV valve (NOV BPS)
during the entire pumping and displacement. Update the simulation based on the final cementing program.
✓ Displacement fluid to be stored in an isolated cementing tank where displacement can be tracked during and after
8. Check if plug is holding and there is no backflow. Bleed of the pressure.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
1. With surface lines open to atmosphere, pick up the running string to pull the packer setting dog sub above the top of the tieback
extension making sure not to remove the PBR pack-off from extension. This will activate the spring-loaded setting dogs.
2. Slack off slowly and set down 5,000 - 10,000 lbs on top of the tieback extension to confirm that the dogs have been activated.
3. Pick back up to neutral. Start rotating pipe, which should be held to a minimum of 10 - 15 RPM (maximum 20 RPM).
4. Slowly and steadily apply the required set down weight (±100K lbs in Operating Parameter Sheet) on to liner top extension.
5. Release torque slowly, pick back up to neutral.
6. Pick up and watch for U-tube while un-stinging the setting tool.
✓ 1 a). If cement job went as per plan and in case of positive indication setting the top packer, apply 200 psi pressure and
slowly pick up the running tool until pressure releases. Perform reverse circulation at TOL reversing out excess of cement
by circulating 1.5 x string volume at high rate (Running tool string should be pulled so as to be on TOL to ensure all
excess cement is circulated out from Cemented MSF Lower Completion).
✓ 1 b). Direct circulate 1.5 x string volume at high rate.
✓ 2). If there are any concerns with cement operation, Skip (1a) and perform (1b) only at TOL to circulate out the excess
of cement from Cemented MSF lower completion.
✓ Report the return fluid density and volume in the morning report.
7. Ensure well is static. POOH setting tool to surface.
✓ Check the running tool and cement head to confirm that wiper plug, and dart were released.
✓ Inspect the liner running tools at surface and confirm integrity.
✓ WOC time will be based on lab test results in the final cementing program. This also will be based upon how successful
the actual job went and compressive strength tests at BHST simulating at the top of liner (SLB Well Cementing Services
to provide UCA chart).
8. R/D cement lines.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
1. Ensure that rig surface systems are clean and free of debris. Drilling mud and debris must not get into well after mechanical
cleaning is complete.
2. P/U and RIH with SPS full package wellbore clean-up and 9-
per Section M.
✓ The BHA in shall be adjusted based on actual depths.
✓ Make sure that all X-overs from the wellbore clean-out equipment to the rig equipment are available on location. Ensure
to confirm specification of 2-
✓ 2- - -
✓ Make sure that only required pipes are in the mast as after well bore is displaced to filtered water no dirty pipes should
be run in hole.
✓ Space out such that:
➢ Before shearing the Well Commissioner: When 9-
will be 100 ft above top-most Diffusor Sleeve (or to maximum depth reached with 500 ft of 2-
➢ After shearing the Well Commissioner: After reaching maximum depth with 500 ft. of 2-
mill No-go will tag the 4-
✓ In case of unavailability of shear-thru well commissioner, a dedicated polish mill run shall be performed before the
negative test and casing pickling job.
✓ Do not run a float valve in the string.
✓ While running clean-out string, dope the pin end sparingly and wipe off any excess dope following joint make up.
✓ Do not exceed the lowest M/U torque in the string as per the T&D analysis & actual connections in BHA. Torque for MI
SPS BHA tools will be available based on actual tools configuration. Confirm M/U torque of 2-
✓ MI-Swaco Wellbore clean out representative to be on location for run and supervising clean out and measure and record
the Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) and the Total Suspended Solids (TSS).
✓ Share the final well schematic with SPS engineer prior to run the SPS tool and confirm the string ODs and Final Space
out, share the same with IWC WE.
✓ Consider connecting filter unit directly to the pumps.
✓ Ensure enough capacity is available in the waste pit to dump pickle and dirty water.
✓ Ensure the quality of water from water well is checked and it is NTU < 30 and check water tank to confirm no settlements
in the tank coming from water well. If the water does not meet the criteria, filtration for the water will be required.
✓ -
✓ Place paint marks on the polish mill NO-GO at surface as positive indicator we tagged TOL during the polishing process.
3. Continue RIH, break circulation every 2,500 ft to remove debris from around the scraping element of the tool.
4. When the 9-
it across the BOPs.
5. Jet and circulate at moderate rate (10 BPM except when across the annular BOP when the rate should be reduced to 3 BPM)
through the STJS while reciprocating the length of the BOP stack. When appropriate function the pipe rams at some time during
this operation.
6. POOH and lay down STJS.
7. TBR
/ PBR as per SPS engineer instructions.
✓ Parameters: 8 BPM, 60 RPM and 5 Klbs WOB. Revise parameters with IWC Well Engineer, ensure that circulation is at
11. Continue RIH to 90 ft above the 4-
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Exercise care when passing through restrictions such as TOLs and DV Collar, and slow running speed accordingly. Ensure
to pass smoothly through 4-
✓ When running the bit through 4-
12. Continue to RIH inside the 4-
✓ When the 9-
RIH, washing down remaining 10 ft, measure the remaining pipe to indicate when the Well Commissioner will land off.
✓ Take the off-
13. Pick up / slack off to establish and record free moving non-rotating / rotating pick up and slack of weight.
14. p 5ft
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
E. SHEAR 9- -
Surface Equipment Preparation:
• It is vital that all operations associated with the clean-up are conducted in accordance with agreed procedures and that
all personnel are aware of the importance and timing of each operation.
• SLB WSL to order CCT-3000D Solution from MI Swaco SPS.
• Isolate a storage pit for kill brine and transfer enough volume there in case it is required.
• Dump and clean the return and active tanks and water blast them clean, including surface gratings, return troughs etc.
• Fill the suction pit with filtered water (200 bbl), add 1 drum of CCT-3000D solution and keep it agitated.
• Circulate the CCT-3000D solution at maximum rate through all surface lines and suction lines that will come into
contact with completion fluid (transfer lines, hopper lines, gun lines, standpipe, etc.). Take returns into a separate
pit for disposal.
• Cleaning surface lines to be conducted while displacing the well to filtered water.
• Run through rig pumps and ensure shear relief systems are also clean and clear.
• Appropriately dump the remaining solution and flush/rinse these tanks clean. Isolate the cleaned system from possible
• SLB WSL to inspect the surface equipment and tanks for cleanliness with ADC Tool pusher and sign off on it.
• Line up the Water directly to the mud pumps without using the suction lines from the mud tanks. Use the same line to
pump the kill fluid in hole.
• Perform regular checks of the filtered water being circulated downhole by taking samples. Ensure there is no settlement
in water tanks.
• Ensure well quality (NTU<30) and no settlement in the water tank.
1. Drop the to disengage the outer components of the WCS from the mandrel. Meanwhile, R/D negative test surface
3. When the ball lands, a pressure build-up should be observed. Continue to slowly increase pressure to the recommended shear
value expected to be 1,300 psi (as per MI SPS recommendation). If a pressure drop is not observed, continue pressuring up in 500
psi increments (holding for 30 secs at each increment) until a drop is observed.
outer components.
components. Record S/O and P/U weights whilst circulating, with and without rotation.
✓ In case the WCS fails to shear, POOH. The Baker polish mill assembly shall be run in hole along with the full SPS Wellbore
Cleanout Assembly (without the Well Commissioner).
✓ RIH Baker Polishing Top Dress Combo Mill assembly and dress the 4-
6. RIH and circulate hole clean with hi-vis weighted pill. Ensure the string enters the TBR of the Liner Hanger with rotation and
circulation at 5 RPM and 2 BPM. Baker personnel to be at the rig floor when reaching PBTD.
✓ 20 ft above 4- 50 rpm and record torque value. This is the torque required
to rotate the drill pipe with no mill torque applied.
✓ Rotate and circulate Mill assembly while lowering into TBR.
✓ Apply 20-50 RPM and 5 BPM FR during polishing based on torque and as per Liner Hanger Engineer.
✓ Do not exceed baseline torque value plus 5,000 ft-lbs mill torque. Perform minimum 3 passes with polish mill across TBR.
✓ Circulation makes the pressure indication from when the mill enters the liner top extension more visible.
✓ The distance from the pressure increase to the tag-up point will provide an approximate indication of the mill position
relative to the top of the tieback extension.
✓ Maximum set- -4 Klbs.
✓ Pump hi-vis pill as needed, 50 bbl minimum.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
8. Pump the following pills and displace well to water as per Aramco procedure:
1st 60 Diesel
Hi-Vis pill (Viscosified Brine spacer): Formulation:
▪ Water: 0.93 bbl/bbl
▪ CaCl2: 95.3 ppb
2nd 50 ▪ DUOVIS: 3-5 ppb
▪ CCT-3000D: 3%
▪ CCT-8051: 5%
▪ 10 pcf higher than DF using Barite
Clean up pill Formulation:
▪ Water: 76 bbl of fresh water
3rd 80
▪ CCT-3000D: 10%
▪ 26min contact time at 3 BPM
Hi-Vis pill (Viscosified Brine spacer 20% higher rheology than
4th 50
▪ Water: 0.93 bbl/bbl
▪ CaCl2: 95.3 ppb
▪ DUOVIS: 3-5 ppb
9. Displace the pills train with clean filtered water (at minimum 3 BPM) until clean water is on surface. Once water is confirmed at
surface, record new up and down weights.
✓ Keep enough kill brine in the tanks during the entire completion phase until the tree is tested.
✓ As the chemical train is circulated down the work string and into the annulus, rotate the string at up to 40 RPM as per
MI-Swaco wellbore clean-out representative instructions without exceeding the torque limit of any downhole
components (begin rotation slowly and monitor the torque carefully. Water system generates higher friction compared
to mud).
10. After 2 bottoms up, pump hi-vis and the following pill train. Displace same at 9 BPM target (at 10% concentration - 6 minutes
contact time):
➢ 150 BBL - Lead Transition Spacer
Product Concentration Unit Size Qty
Brine (CaCl2) Water: 0.8918 bbl/bbl, CaCl2: 137.9 ppb/ 80 pcf density 1 BBL 130 BBL
DUO-VIS 2 ppb 25 KG, Bag 6
CCT8051 20% v/v 55-GAL, Drum 25
➢ 54 BBL - Solvent/Surfactant Spacer
Product Concentration Unit Size Qty
Water 0.89 BBL/BBL 1 BBL 56
CCT 3000D 12 % v/v 55-GAL, drum 6
➢ 75 BBL - Tail Viscous Spacer
Product Concentration Unit Size Qty
Water 1 BBL/BBL 1 BBL 75
DUO-VIS 3 ppb 25 kg, bag 4
11. Displace the pills train with clean filtered water (targeting 9 BPM to achieve 6 minutes contact time with pickle pill). Utilize
cementing unit if required. Once water is confirmed at surface, record new up and down weights.
✓ As the chemical train is circulated down the work string and into the annulus, rotate the string at up to 60 RPM as per
MI-Swaco wellbore clean-out representative instructions without exceeding the torque limit of any downhole
components (begin rotation slowly and monitor the torque carefully. Water system generates higher friction compared
to mud).
✓ Take the rotation parameters (torque, RPM, and pumping pressure).
12. Raise and lower mill assembly in Tie-Back two (2) times while rotating with same procedure.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
13. Pick up slowly whilst continuing to rotate and circulate. When end of polish mill assembly is clear of the TBR top, stop rotating
and increase circulation rate to 9 BPM (utilize cement unit if cannot be achieved with rig pumps). Circulate 2 x bottoms-up with
clean filtered water to ensure debris and cuttings are removed.
14. Continue circulate with clean filtered water and maximum flowrate (targeting 9 BPM) until the target NTU and TSS (NTU < 50,
TSS < 0.05%) are achieved in 3 successive tests taken 30 minutes apart.
✓ Take the readings from out stream directly from the flow line before reaching the bosom belly.
✓ Utilize cementing unit for casing pickling job if rig pump cannot attain required flow rate.
15. POOH to bring the upper 4- - - -
✓ Ensure the Baker engineer is on the rig floor to supervise this trip.
16. Pump high vis pill and circulate (targeting 9 BPM) 1.5 bottoms up until returns are clean.
17. Continue circulate (targeting 9 BPM) on bottom with clean filtered water until the target NTU and TSS (NTU < 50, TSS < 0.05%)
are achieved in 3 successive tests taken 60 minutes apart.
✓ It can take significant duration of circulation to get required readings of NTU and TSS.
✓ Take the readings from out stream directly from the flow line before reaching the bosom belly.
18. Pump 30 bbls of Hi-Vis and displace the well to 73 pcf filtered NaCl kill brine.
✓ Pump the kill brine thru the same lines used for pickling the well going thru the filtration unit.
19. Flow check.
P test = 4,000 ((Kill brine Wt 70) x D 4-1/2 TOL TVD) / 144
Ptest = 4,000 ((73 70) x 12,648 3,900 Psi
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Schlumberger WSL have to confirm the rig tally with signed completion program and with IWC WE in office.
without having confirmation from IWC Well Engineer.
Inspection Requirements:
Prior to running the Anchor tail pipe tubing, ensure the following procedures have been carried out:
A. A full, very recent inspection (approved company), including API drift performed prior to delivery at the rig.
B. Hydro blast tubing as close to time of running tubing as possible. Pressure wash outside of tubing to remove any residual
sand/dirt, especially around box ends. If a significant sandstorm occurs before running, inspect tubing and consider
performing cleaning operation again.
✓ Ensure tubing are properly hydro blasted to avoid scales debris inside the completion string.
C. Perform the following pipe inspection on the racks at the rig site:
• Clean the thread with a nylon brush and a cleaning solvent.
• Visually inspect all threads.
• Inspect and clean the threads prior to make-up.
D. Double check and note all OD, ID, length and drift at rig site prior to RIH. Verify completion equipment check sheet
dimensions. Check for transportation damage or loose connections. Two different persons to measure and confirm the
E. Check Nipple seal bore and connections.
F. Drift the tubing hanger and pin-pin sub with drift equivalent to drift ID of 4-
N. Always have properly sized/fitted and tested valve etc. readily accessible on the rig floor.
O. Use Weatherford Lubeseal API modified tubing dope. Apply dope to the pin end using paint brush. Use paint brush and
apply a thin even coat.
P. Inspect the annular BOP thoroughly prior to run the upper completion and confirm the integrity of the rubber parts. This
will eliminate dropping or extrusion of rubber into well head and preventing setting the tubing hanger.
Q. Drain the BOP and visually monitor as critical components of the upper completion pass through.
R. Be careful to keep the anchor centred while lowering through the BOP.
S. Have proper tubing joint with the correct lift threads for landing the tubing hanger.
T. Ensure the tubing hanger landing sub is available and connection is verified.
U. Select proper landing joint for the tubing hanger considering the length of the XO and the landing sub from the tubing
V. When using a tubing hanger with a Vam Top HC thread ensure it is stamped with a 3.9 minimum ID.
W. -Way Check Valve.
X. Reconfigure BOP stack and pressure test same as per Aramco standard. Ensure the tubing spool side outlet valves are
open during the test.
line to verify Jam unit and tongs accuracy. (Make sure calibration chart for m/up tong/load cell is available with the
Tubular Service Company).
Z. Verify all the M/U charts while making up and ensure proper make up as per pipe manufacturer recommendation. If any
doubt on the makeup chart/process; the pipe must be break out, cleaned, inspected, and re-made up to right torque
and jamming chart.
AA. Soft copy of Jam Unit Make-Up Torque Chart Data should be provided by Tubular Services Company to Schlumberger
WSL and to Schlumberger Well Engineer during completion.
BB. The power tong to be calibrated with the jam unit offline before starting the trip.
CC. Upper completion tubing tally to be done as per Schlumberger standard operating procedure. Two separate persons to
measure the tally, compare them against each other and WSL to confirm final tally.
DD. Refer to recommended Tubing Make-up Torque below:
Torque (ft-lb)
Connection Type
Minimum Optimum Maximum
4- -125HC Tenaris Blue 7340 8150 8970
4- -125HC VAM TOP HC 7170 7960 8750
4- -95HCS VAM TOP HC 4690 5210 5730
4- TN-95HS NK-3SB (5 threads/in) 3520 4400 5280
4- -95HC Tenaris Blue 5810 6460 7110
4- -95HS NK-3SB (8 threads/in) 3920 4900 5880
Running Procedure:
1. Hold a pre-job safety meeting to discuss safety procedures, the operational program, and the tubing handling procedures.
2. Rig up tongs and Jam Unit for Tailpipe / Anchor assembly and tubing running operations.
3. Carefully pick up the JM-DG Liner top assembly with completion PBR/Seal Assembly with tubing elevators on 4-
tubing as per attachment#03.
✓ Properly support the assembly to pick it up as straight as possible.
✓ Remove protective layers and inspect the seals and the rest of the assembly for any damage.
✓ Use API modified tubing dope.
✓ Carefully apply thread dope lightly to pins (not boxes) with a paint brush. AVOID EXCESS DOPE.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Ensure the anchor is not set in casing collar.
✓ When running completion assembly through rotary table ensure there is no contact with the slip bowl, BOP, and wellhead.
✓ Drift the R-
✓ The spacing must be adapted to the actual depth.
✓ P/T surface lines to 5,000 psi with water.
✓ Always have properly sized / fitted and tested TIW valve, etc. readily accessible on the rig floor.
5. Section K.
✓ Drifting upper completion:
▪ Drift the 4-
▪ Drift the 4- R- -nipple.
▪ After PU the R-nipple drift the 4-
Note: Consider using floating drift technology as an alternative to conventional drifts.
✓ -
✓ Ensure the anchor slips and elements are not set in a casing collar.
✓ Exercise care when passing through restrictions such as TOL and DV Collar, and slow running speed accordingly. Try to
avoid unnecessary jolting of tubing before setting slips.
✓ Maximum Slack off weight to apply 5 klbs.
✓ Tubing space out must be adapted to the actual setting depth of Liner top anchor.
✓ -
different connections).
✓ Running and setting procedure as per Baker representative.
✓ Check friction factor for thread dope to be used and calibrate make-up torque accordingly.
✓ RIH speed 50 ft/min. Maximum speed 60 ft/min, thus reducing potential damage to the seals. Exercise care when
passing through restrictions such as TOL, and slow running speed accordingly.
✓ Exercise caution while entering the 9- -
✓ -way check valve.
✓ Tubing will self-fill (run open ended).
✓ Always have properly sized/fitted and tested TIW valve, etc. readily accessible on the rig floor.
✓ Do not circulate across the anchor more than 3 BPM to avoid damaging the seals.
✓ Do not rotate string while RIH with upper completion assembly.
✓ Do not slack off more than 5,000 lbs while RIH. If restriction found, stop the job and discuss with Baker engineer and
Schlumberger office.
6. Continue RIH with the upper completion to ± -
representative. Pull and set slips very gently avoiding shocking the pipe movement.
✓ Drift the 4- -nipple, and at final depth.
✓ Slow down RIH speed while close to TBR and reconfirm tally to avoid tagging the TBR unexpectedly.
7. Reverse circulate 1.5 string volume with kill brine until clean brine on surface, pump rate not to exceed 3 BPM.
8. Slowly RIH until seal is 1 joint above the top of the TOL. Perform space out
9. Open the surface lines to atmosphere to allow fluid to escape to surface while Seal assembly is slowly lowered into the seal bore.
10. Slowly lower the seal assembly into the tieback receptacle until the No-Go Collet locator on the JM-DG anchor locates on top of
liner top receptacle. S/O with 5,000 lbs to make sure entire seals are inside. Take neutral weight.
WEG and repeat the process.
✓ DO NOT Pump while Seal Assembly enters the Sealbore Extension as it may damage the Premium seals.
✓ Take a note of new down weight (Seal drag). As seals enter seal bore drag should increase.
✓ The 4- -18 ft before locator tags top of the Tie back extension of the
ZXTreme packer.
✓ May require up to 20,000 lbs to successfully sting-in the seal assembly in polished bore.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ Limit maximum slack off weight to 25 Klbs to avoid any damage in the seals / Sealbore.
✓ Confirm this measurement to measurement made at surface on the Seal assembly ensuring that the Seal Assembly has
fully entered the liner Tieback Receptacle.
11. Pressure test surface lines to 2,000 psi.
12. Pressure up tubing as per upper completion provider representative to perform pressure test of Bullet Seals on JM-DG assembly to
1,500 psi and hold for 15 minutes.
✓ Ensure to offset upward hydraulic forces with pipe weight. Ensure S/O weight is below weight required for first shear on
JM-DG setting sequence.
✓ In the case of any leak, contact office.
✓ To confirm if the tubing is leaking and no returns were observed during previous pressure test, close annular and pressure
up the inner string. Observe annular for any increase of pressure. The annular will slightly increase even if no leak due
to ballooning effect.
✓ Ensure to offset upward hydraulic forces with pipe weight. The hydraulic piston effect of this test will have been
calculated prior to testing.
13. Pick up Tubing stretch from previous pick-up weight (Above neutral weight). Pressure up the backside to 1,500 psi with tubing open
and hold for 10 minutes to test the Liner Hanger seals. Compensate for downward stretch. Bleed off pressure.
14. Go back to neutral mark and apply 20 klbs compression over the slack off weight.
15. Apply enough set down weight to set an anchor (Mark 3) (check T&D calculation provided for required weight) and wait for 10 minutes.
16. Take neutral weight and mark tubing. Apply 20-35,000 lbs overpull to confirm the Compression Set Anchor is fully set. Return to neutral
17. Slowly pressure up the tubing to 2,000 psi and then apply 40-55 Klbs of over pull, this will shear out the PBR. Bleed off the tubing
18. Place assembly at neutral position and mark tubing. Pull 22 ft and increase pressure in the tubing to 500 psi for 5 min, If the pressure
holds it will indicate that the JM anchor is still in place and only the upper PBR Assembly is moving up, bleed off. Close BOP and
pressure test the TCA to 1,500 psi for 15 minutes. Observe tubing for returns. Bleed off pressure, open BOP.
19. Place the seal assembly for final tubing space out with 5,000 lbs slack off over neutral.
20. Pressure test tubing to 2,000 psi for 15 minutes. Observe annular for returns. Bleed off pressure. (Pressure test #4).
21. At neutral weight let the tubing stand for 1 hour to achieve static state length considering both geothermal gradient and deformation
from being pressure tested, slack off 5,000 lbs, mark rotary table (Mark-1) for space out.
22. Sting out of PBR seals housing by picking up 20 ft (Completion PBR length ~30 ft). Measure from Mark-1 the distance from the rotary
table to the tubing hanger bowl and mark the tubing at this point (Mark-2). Continue to pick-up on the tubing string and measure length
between Mark-2 and the next tubing collar below Mark-2. This length minus the length of the tubing hanger/double pin sub will be
the length of the pup joints required for space out. Install the required space out pups 2 joints below the tubing hanger. Install two (2)
✓ Drift the hanger and pup joints at surface. Do not sting back into the PBR before pickling the tubing.
✓ Report space-out details and total length in/out in the morning report.
23. Install landing joint.
✓ Make sure tubing lengths on schematic are updated as per corresponding tubing tally.
✓ Do not land tubing before pickling procedure.
24. Place the end of Seal Assembly 10 ft above the upper polished bore.
25. Reverse circulate tubing with 50 bbl of hi-vis gel followed by filtered water at 3 BPM. Monitor and take samples of returns. Continue
reverse circulating until clean filtrated water at surface.
✓ Install full opening safety valve for 4-
✓ Recover all the Kill Brine and keep it on location if possible.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
1. Flush cement unit with filtered water to remove any dirt and debris before pickling job commences.
2. Hold PJSM. Pump the below mentioned fluid treatment down the tubing at maximum 3 BPM (to clean and pickle the
carbon steel tubing). Displace with water at max 3 BPM to get the CCT-8051 pickle chemical within 4 bbl short of end-of-
tubing (seals must not be in contact with the pickle).
• 20 bbl of Viscosified water spacer (2 lb/bbl XCD).
• 54 bbl of Mutual solvent or CCT-8051@ 43 % concentration (31 bbl water + 18 drums of MI CCT-8051 Tubing
Pickle chemical 18 min contact time @ 3 BPM inside the 4-
• 20 bbl of Viscosified water spacer (2 lb/bbl XCD or HEC).
✓ Volumes need to be revised as per actual upper completion string to avoid having CCT-8051 in contact with the seal
✓ Mud engineer on location to supervise mixing and pumping of the tubing pickle.
✓ Do not exceed 3 BPM during circulation.
✓ Use cement pump unit to pump and displace pickle and acid.
✓ All circulation must be through the choke. Close rams and reverse circulate through the choke.
3. Immediately reverse circulate with filtered water at 3 BPM until all the pills are out of the tubing and relatively clear
returns are observed at the surface. Monitor and collect samples of the returns. Continue reverse circulating additional
1.5 tubing volume.
4. With cement unit, pump acid pickling down the tubing at not more than 3 BPM as follows:
• 30 bbl Hi-Vis gel sweep (1-1.5 lb/bbl XCD).
• 62.55 bbl 15% HCl with the composition in table below.
• 30 bbl Hi-Vis gel sweep (1-1.5 lb/bbl XCD).
2,627 Gal
Additive Name Description Concentration per 1000 gal (24 bbl)
62.55 Bbl
Fresh water Base Fluid 490 1,277
31% HCl Strong Acid 450 1,193
A-262 Corrosion Inhibitor 15 39
A-201 Corrosion Inhibitor Aid 40 104
Fe-103 Surfactant 5 13
Acid Pickling Volume = 0.2 ∗ [π ∗ IDtubing ∗ (Depthseal element − )]
IDtubing 2
3.826 4 3.92
Acid Pickling Volume = 0.2 ∗ π ∗ [ ∗ (12,800 − 9,000) − 2 ]+[ ∗ 9,000] = 2,627 gal
12 3.826 12
[ ( 1029.4 ) ]
✓ Acid treatment is calculated based on 0.2 gal/ft2 of tubing internal surface area and 4 bbl of under-displacement.
✓ Mud Engineer on location to supervise mixing and pumping of tubing pickle.
✓ Ensure to pump fresh acid, obtain, and check certificates.
5. Displace with clean filtered water (pH=11) until acid is 4 bbl short of the end of the seal assembly (seals must not be in
contact with the acid). Do not over displace. Reverse circulate tubing out with 30 bbl of Hi-Vis gel followed by filtered
water at 3 BPM. Monitor and take samples of returns. After reverse circulating acid, reverse circulate 1.5 tubing volume
and check for NTU/TSS (as per checklist). Continue reversing out of the tubing until returns are clean (NTU < 50 and TSS
< 0.05%). To be measured by MI-Swaco SPS representative 3 consecutive successful readings 60 minutes apart.
✓ Report in DDR (Actual Readings).
✓ Take pictures for the passing sample and share with SLB office.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
6. Pump down the tubing (direct circulation):
✓ 25 bbls of Hi-Vis gel, followed by 70 pcf inhibited NaCl brine until brine is seen on surface [Refer to Attachment #01 for
the brine formulation and mixing procedure].
✓ Mud Engineer is required to complete the Packer Fluid Record Form [refer to Attachment #02] and provide it to the WSL,
rig foreman and well engineer for the well file.
✓ Calculate the displacement volume based on the final tally.
7. Establish circulation and maintain either pressure at 200 psi, OR rate at 1.5 BPM, whichever is lower. Slowly lower the
string until an increase in pressure is observed as the bottom set of seals enters the PBR. Stop the pump immediately and
mark pipe. Open surface lines to tubing and slowly sting seals into PBR until locator lands on top of PBR Housing. Screw
in the Lock Down Screws on the Tubing Spool.
✓ Adjust spacer volume to ensure minimum of 5 bbl spacer is left in the tubing after lowering seal assembly with
✓ WSL must be present on the rig floor during this operation.
✓ Verify that the lock down screws are fully retracted before running the tubing hanger.
✓ Verify that the tubing hanger has landed correctly on the tubing spool by physically measuring that the length of pipe
RIH equals the distance from the RT to the tubing spool.
✓ Verify that the lock down screws are screwed correctly after landing the tubing hanger.
✓ Keep surface lines open to avoid damage to seal assembly due to hydraulic locking.
✓ Do not apply more than 15 klbs S/O weight.
8. Rig up cement lines. Pressure test lines to 10,000 psi.
9. Pressure test TCA to 6,500 psi for 30 minutes with 70 pcf NaCl inhibited brine and monitor the tubing. Bleed off pressure.
Record volume received back after bleeding off, and report in Daily Drilling Report.
✓ Confirm the final pressure requirement with Aramco DE
10. Pressure test the tubing to 4,000 psi for 30 minutes with 70 pcf NaCl inhibited brine and monitor the TCA. Bleed off
pressure. Record volume received back after bleeding off, and report in Daily Drilling Report.
✓ NOV BPS TIV safe surface pressure is 7,137 psi with 85 pcf mud and 70 pcf brine in hole (Refer to Section J).
✓ Confirm the final pressure requirement with Aramco DE.
✓ Fill out upper completion and tubing pickling checklist in attachment #09.
NOTE: Actual TCA and Tubing test pressure values must be confirmed with NOV, SLB and Aramco Engineering as per
final anchor and seal assembly installation.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
1. R/U slickline with BOP/Lubricator and P/T same.
2. RIH with brush and brush the 3.688" upper R‐Nipple at ± 2,500 MD and POOH.
✓ Ensure the SL brush is dressed adequately prior to RIH to ensure proper brushing of the nipple.
3. Run and set 3.688 PRR plug in the 3.688" upper R‐Nipple at ± 2,500 MD. Check Set.
4. Run and set prong on slickline. POOH
5. Run and set the HPHT Retrievable Bridge plug on slickline at ±400 ft under provider supervision. POOH and R/D slickline
and Lubricator.
✓ Bridge Plug Representative to prepare and check all connection between setting tool and slick line tools.
✓ Set the timer for the required time to set the bridge plug at 400 ft (Time of timer activation and estimated start time of
plug setting).
6. Back-off and Lay down Landing Sub and Landing Joint.
8. N/D the 13- 10M Lower Master Valve. Pack off and test the flange void to 7,500 psi with the LMMV
✓ If FMC or Cameron Manual Lower Master Valve (MLMV) is used, ensure hand wheel/stem is towards the EAST.
✓ If Vetco Grey or WG Manual Lower Master Valve (MLMV) is used, ensure valve/stem is towards the EAST with hand
wheel at 45° (upward tilt) and facing North.
✓ The torque applied on all flanged connections (bottom to top) shall be re -checked by using the Hydraulic Torque
✓ Ensure ring gasket for connecting the flow line is available.
✓ Ensure tree is delivered with limit switches and dump valves. These will be handed over to GWS during well handover.
If not, state this on morning report.
9. -Way Check Valve. R/D GWSD
with lubricator.
10. Pressure test Tree and Tubing Bonnet to 10,000 psi with water. The volume pumped in to pressure up should be equal
to the volume recovered on bleeding off.
11. -Way Check valve, R/D GWSD.
12. R/U slickline with BOP/Lubricator and P/T same.
13. RIH with slickline and retrieve the HPHT Retrievable Bridge Plug under provider supervision.
14. RIH with slickline and retrieve the PR-plug and prong from the upper R-nipple.
component of the lower completion, limited to maximum 45-50 deg. Wellbore inclination (slickline limitation) whichever
comes first. POOH and R/D slick line. Report tagged depth if any in the morning.
✓ Report the slickline depth reached by drift in Daily Drilling Report, adjust depth for slickline stretch.
✓ If drift reached shallow depth, communicate with IWC office for next course of action.
✓ Calibrate Slick line depth with pipe depth. Ensure to pass end of upper completion tail pipe.
16. Line up surface lines to Xmas tree and TCA. Test the surface lines connected to tree to 10,000 psi and connected to TCA
to 7,000 psi
✓ Utilize two independent HP cement pumps/units for accurate pressure and volume.
✓ Flush and test TCA line with same fluid in annulus.
✓ Flush and test tree line with same fluid in tubing/string.
17. Pressure up string to 8,500 psi with 70 pcf Nacl inhibited brine and TCA with NaCl inhibited brine in stages as follows to
activate and open the BPS TIV. Always maintain ±3,000 psi differential pressure between the completion string and TCA.
String (psi) 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,500
TCA (psi) 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,500
✓ Opening pressure with 85 pcf OBM and 70 pcf Brine in hole is 7,137 8,583 psi.
operations without approval from office.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
✓ BPS pressure calculations should be updated based on actual tally, final mud and brine weights and updated
pressure data (if any).
✓ Actual pressure values and burst calculation to be confirmed by NOV before performing the job.
✓ Do not exceed 8,500 psi in tubing (85% of wellhead pressure rating) without consulting office.
✓ Utilize two independent HP cement pumps/units for accurate pressure and volume.
✓ Flush TCA line with inhibited brine and pressurize using inhibited brine. Use inhibited brine for the tree line.
✓ Maximum TCA pressure to be limited by TCA test pressure done after setting the tubing hanger in slips.
✓ Monitor volume and pressure response during activation of the BPS Toe Initiator Valve.
✓ Send opening plot chart to office.
✓ Pressure will be bled off in stages keeping 3,000 psi differential in tubing until zero psi.
18. Once BPS opening is confirmed, pump 5 bbls in the formation to establish injectivity and report tubing and TCA pressure.
If not successful, report to IWC Well Engineer and Aramco Drilling Engineer for further discussion.
✓ Reconfirm the injectivity requirement from Completions letter.
19. Bleed off pressure in string and TCA to zero in stages.
✓ Pressure will be bled off in stages keeping 3,000 psi differential in tubing until zero psi.
20. Close Lower Master Valve.
21. R/U GWSD
✓ Install GWSD lubricator and P/T the same.
a copy to IWC Well Engineer.
22. Close Lower Master Valve and all valves with actuator on the X-mas Tree. Bleed off surface equipment to zero.
23. Secure the wellhead and clear cellar.
✓ Ensure that all wellhead and production tree outlets are blind flanged.
✓ Ensure cellar is jetted dry and clean from any debris.
✓ Clean the location and perimeter.
✓ -mail copy to the IWC Well Engineer to print out and place in the Well file.
well. Send a copy to the IWC Well Engineer.
24. Make sure that all wellhead and Christmas tree outlets are blind flanged.
✓ Ensure the wing valve is installed as per Well Head Specialist instructions.
25. On last drilling report, report all annulus pressures.
26. Release the rig to next well.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Date 2/19/2024 Formation KHFC TDMD (ft) 19983 Description SIZE WEIGHT GRADE THREAD Top MD (ft) Btm MD (ft)
Rev 2 Low pressure (psi) 3749 TVD (ft) 13426.6 Casing 9.625 53.50 95 3SB 0 10788
Prepared by S.Satimov High Pressure (psi) 6249 OH Length (ft) 5676 Casing 7.000 32 / 35 95 / 110 VTHC 10488 14307
Well Name HWYH-1261 Mud Weight (pcf) 83 TDMD TOL (ft) 12800 Liner 4.500 15.20 125 T-Blue 12800 19978
Rig Name ADC-59L Tempreture (F) 295 TVD TOL (ft) 12702 Liner - - - - - -
Description Quantity Supplier Serial Number Material Y.S. O.D. (in) I.D. (in) Length (ft) Depth (ft)
ZXTreme 20.00 ft Extension 140 ksi EXT 5.00'' ID 1 BHI 125 5.750 5.000 24.73 12800.00
4.5 x 7
ZXTreme Liner top Packer HRD-E profile 4.5 in 15.10 lb/ft VTHC Box 15Kpsi rated pkr element 125 Ksi MYS
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16360.66
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 16365.66
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16445.66
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 3.385 3.59 16450.66
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16454.25
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 16459.25
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16539.25
NOV i-Seat, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.012 3.385 0.98 16544.25
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16545.23
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 16550.23
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16630.23
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 3.264 3.59 16635.23
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16638.82
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 16643.82
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16723.82
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 3.264 3.59 16728.82
3.375" ball
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16732.41
Stage 9
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 16737.41
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16817.41
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 3.264 3.59 16822.41
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16826.00
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 16831.00
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16911.00
NOV i-Seat, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.012 3.264 0.98 16916.00
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 16916.98
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 16921.98
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17001.98
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 3.146 3.59 17006.98
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17010.57
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17015.57
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17095.57
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 3.146 3.59 17100.57
3.254" ball
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17104.16
Stage 8
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17109.16
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17189.16
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 3.146 3.59 17194.16
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17197.75
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17202.75
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17282.75
NOV i-Seat, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.012 3.146 0.98 17287.75
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17288.73
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17293.73
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17373.73
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 3.033 3.59 17378.73
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17382.32
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17387.32
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17467.32
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 3.033 3.59 17472.32
3.136" ball
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17475.91
Stage 7
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17480.91
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17560.91
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 3.033 3.59 17565.91
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17569.50
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17574.50
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17654.50
NOV i-Seat, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.012 3.033 0.98 17659.50
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17660.48
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17665.48
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17745.48
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.922 3.59 17750.48
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17754.07
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17759.07
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17839.07
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.922 3.59 17844.07
3.023" ball
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17847.66
Stage 6
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17852.66
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17932.66
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.922 3.59 17937.66
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 17941.25
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 17946.25
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18026.25
NOV i-Seat, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.012 2.922 0.98 18031.25
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18032.23
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18037.23
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18117.23
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.816 3.59 18122.23
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18125.82
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18130.82
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18210.82
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.816 3.59 18215.82
2.912" ball
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18219.41
Stage 5
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18224.41
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18304.41
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.816 3.59 18309.41
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18313.00
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18318.00
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18398.00
NOV i-Seat, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.012 2.816 0.98 18403.00
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18403.98
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18408.98
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18488.98
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.712 3.59 18493.98
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18497.57
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18502.57
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18582.57
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.712 3.59 18587.57
2.806" ball
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18591.16
Stage 4
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18596.16
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18676.16
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.712 3.59 18681.16
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18684.75
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18689.75
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18769.75
NOV i-Seat, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.012 2.712 0.98 18774.75
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18775.73
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18780.73
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18860.73
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.612 3.59 18865.73
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18869.32
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18874.32
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18954.32
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.612 3.59 18959.32
2.702" ball
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 18962.91
Stage 3
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 18967.91
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19047.91
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.612 3.59 19052.91
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19056.50
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 19061.50
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19141.50
NOV i-Seat, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.012 2.612 0.98 19146.50
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19147.48
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 19152.48
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19232.48
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.514 3.59 19237.48
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19241.07
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 19246.07
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19326.07
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.514 3.59 19331.07
2.602" ball
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19334.66
Stage 2
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 19339.66
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19419.66
NOV i-Frac Flex, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.350 2.514 3.59 19424.66
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19428.25
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 19433.25
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19513.25
NOV i-Seat, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.012 2.514 0.98 19518.25
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19519.23
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 19524.23
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19604.23
Absolute Valve
NOV BPS MAXX 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.250 3.411 3.59 19609.23
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19612.82
Stage 1
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 19617.82
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19697.82
NOV BPS MAXX 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.250 3.411 3.59 19702.82
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19706.41
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 2 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 19711.41
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19791.41
A NOV Landing Collar, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 NOV 125 5.600 1.625 3.59 19796.41
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19800.00
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 1 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 19805.00
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 2.00 19885.00
FC Float Collar Shoe, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 HES 125 5.630 3.743 2.00 19887.00
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Pin 1 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 5.00 19889.00
Tubing Joint, 4-1/2 15.2#, T.Blue Box x Pin, R3 1 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 80.00 19894.00
XO 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Pin x 4-1/2 15.2#, Tenaris Blue Box 1 ARAMCO 125 4.500 3.826 2.00 19974.00
Reamer Shoe, 4-1/2 15.1#, Vam Top HC Box x Pin 1 ARAMCO 125 5.630 3.743 2.00 19976.00
End of completion 19978.00
TD MD 19983.00
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
M-I SPS Clean-up Equipment
1 WCS 101 53.5-58.4#, with -38 Box x Pin
1 BB-101B-R - 53.5#, with NC-50 Box x Pin
1 WP-103D - 53.5#, with NC-50 Box x Pin
1 MSWEEPII-103 -50 Box x Pin
1 MSTAR 101 MagnoStar for 7" 20# - 35#, with NC-38 Box x Pin
1 MSWEEP II 101 Magno Sweep for 7" 20# - 35#, with NC-38 Box x Pin
1 WP 107D -38 Box x Pin
1 BB 104B Bristle Back® Casing Clean Up Tool for -
1 RBMHD 101 -
1 MS ll 135
2 BBHD 204R HD Bristle Back® Casing Clean Up
1 RBMHD 113
1 QTJT 105 Quick Trip Jetting Tool (QTJT) XT-54 Box x Pin
2 MI Ball 2 Balls for WC 1.625 OD
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
M. 4- -UP BHA
SPS BHA with HT PAC 2-
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
N. Polish Mill Schematic:
12,297 3.13 5.485 1.500 H275250074 Top Dress Mill No-Go to Top of Top Dress Mill
12,300 TOL
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
1. Brine formulation mixing procedure.
2. Packer fluid record form
3. Well head schematic and tree.
4. Gas well turnover checklist
5. Lower completion and cementing checklist.
6. Negative and positive testing checklist
7. Wellbore clean out checklist
8. Brine mixing checklist.
9. Upper completion and tubing pickling checklist
10. M/u torque chart from jam unit illustration
11. HPHT Bridge Plug Technical Sheet (Interwell)
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
73 pcf NaCl Brine Formulation
73 pcf NaCl Brine Formulation (Packer Fluid TCA)
Density: 73 pcf
Bbls water: 0.909
Lbs NaCl per bbl (SCHLUMBERGER) 89.7
TCT Deg F: -2°
Corrosion Treatment Est. Units Required for 1,000 bbls
Biocide (gluteraldehyde) 0.05 gal/bbl 10 X 5 gal pails
Oxygen Scavenger 0.15 lbs/bbl 5 pails (50 lb/pail)
Caustic Soda: 0.15 0.35 10 cans (25 kg) -(add only as needed for pH 10.5)
Filming Amine O-3670R, 1-2% by vol. 8 X 55 gal dms SAP # 1000022136
SAP#: 1000022136. Since SLB inhibitor is being tested,
CORTRON KR-2326 - O-3670-R the following chemical will be requested through Aramco
Final Packer Fluid Specifications
Density 73 pcf
pH 10.5
Total Hardness < 350 mg/l
Chlorides: 160,000 mg/l Acceptable within ± 10% of this value
Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
NTU N/A (Typical is 50 200)
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
70 pcf NaCl Brine Formulation
70 pcf NaCl Brine Formulation (Packer Fluid Tubing)
Density: 70 pcf
Bbls water: 0.933
Lbs NaCl per bbl (SCHLUMBERGER) 64.7
TCT Deg F: 9°
Corrosion Treatment Est. Units Required for 1,000 bbls
Biocide (gluteraldehyde) 0.05 gal/bbl 10 X 5 gal pails
Oxygen Scavenger 0.15 lbs/bbl 5 pails (50 lb/pail)
Caustic Soda: 0.15 0.35 10 cans (25 kg) -(add only as needed for pH 10.5)
Filming Amine O-3670R, 1-2% by vol. 8 X 55 gal dms SAP # 1000022136
SAP#: 1000022136.
CORTRON KR-2326 - O-3670-R Since SLB inhibitor is being tested,
CORTRON SA-360 the following chemical
will be requested through Aramco
Final Packer Fluid Specifications
Density 70 pcf
pH 10.5
Total Hardness < 350 mg/l
Chlorides: 121,000 mg/l (107,000 ppm) Acceptable within ± 10% of this value
Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
NTU N/A (Typical is 50 200)
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
70 pcf NaCl Brine Formulation
70 pcf NaCl Brine Formulation (Killing)
Density: 70 pcf
Bbls water: 0.933
Lbs NaCl per bbl (SCHLUMBERGER) 64.7
TCT Deg F: 9°
Corrosion Treatment Est. Units Required for 1,000 bbls
Biocide (gluteraldehyde) 0.05 gal/bbl 10 X 5 gal pails
Oxygen Scavenger 0.15 lbs/bbl 5 pails (50 lb/pail)
Caustic Soda: 0.15 0.35 10 cans (25 kg) -(add only as needed for pH 10.5)
Filming Amine O-3670R, 1-2% by vol. 8 X 55 gal dms SAP # 1000022136
SAP#: 1000022136. Since SLB inhibitor is being tested,
CORTRON KR-2326 - O-3670-R the following chemical
CORTRON SA-360 will be requested through Aramco
Final Packer Fluid Specifications
Density 70 pcf
pH 10.5
Total Hardness < 350 mg/l
Chlorides: 121,000 mg/l (107,000 ppm) Acceptable within ± 10% of this value
Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
NTU N/A (Typical is 50 200)
Since SLB inhibitor is being tested, the following chemical will be requested through Aramco:
Filming Amine 1-2% by vol. 24 X 55 gal drums, SAP # 1000022136
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
IMPORTANT! Planning the Project:
o At the start of the well, the mud engineer is to check the rig well water quality for mud use and packer fluid use, especially total
hardness (calcium and magnesium). The packer fluid must meet the final specifications in the table above or it should be pilot
tested to see if chemical treatment will result in meeting the required specifications.
o Mud engineer is required to fill out the form at the end of this procedure when packer fluid operations are complete and give it
to the Rig Foreman and Rig Engineer as a Record for the Well File of the actual packer fluid formulation and treatment.
o If there is a concern with meeting the packer fluid specifications when the water is tested, the mud engineer is to notify the Rig
Foreman as soon as possible to request technical support from Saudi Aramco Fluid Specialists.
o If the well water cannot meet specifications, even after treatment at the wellsite, delivery of acceptable water from another rig
location or water delivery source will be required.
o If sourcing acceptable Water is difficult, contact a Saudi Aramco Mud Specialist or Saudi Aramco DF & CU labs for additional
1. Prepare to mix packer fluid by cleaning mix and storage tanks, including surface grating, by pressure washing, squeegee, etc.
Flush tanks and lines with a high pH/rig soap solution if Water Base Mud has been in use or a degreasing solution (rig
degreaser/Super Pickle/CCT-8051, etc.) solution if Oil Base Mud was in the tanks.
2. If Total Hardness needs to be reduced below the specification (<350 mg/l), add soda ash according to the titrated calcium level
X 0.00093 for soda ash in lbs/bbl to treat out the calcium. Stir for 2 4 hours and test calcium level. Re-treat if needed to
lower calcium level to <350 mg/l.
3. Mix the brine to the specified density as per the well program formulation.
4. Once proper density is achieved, add caustic to pH 10.5 as measured by a calibrated, glass electrode pH meter NOT pH paper.
Make sure the pH meter is calibrated with standard solutions before each test. Allow to stir for 2 - 4 hours and proceed to the
filtration process. Do not increase the pH above 10.5 as it may promote pitting or localized corrosion.
5. If TSS meets specifications, proceed
to the next step.
6. Add the biocide (B-54) and wait 6 hours before adding the oxygen scavenger (Oxygon or FE-200). Turn off any pumps and
agitators 2 hours after adding oxygen scavenger. Pumps and agitators will rapidly re-oxygenate the fluid if left running.
7. If the fluid is pre-mixed long before the displacement operation, the fluid MUST be re-checked every 12 hours and results
reported to Saudi Aramco rig foreman to ensure it meets density, pH, and TSS/NTU specifications. BE SURE and check the
fluid 2 - 4 hours before pumping to have time to make any final adjustments to required specifications.
8. If the fluid becomes contaminated in the pits and must be re-filtered to required specs, the biocide and oxygen scavenger
treatment (Step 4) must be re-done after this second filtration.
9. Within the last (1) hour before the displacement starts, treat the first pit of treated packer fluid with the recommended amount
(1% by volume) of filming amine (O-3670-R) and turn on agitators (no more than 30 minutes unless pumping has begun). Begin
pumping the packer fluid downhole while adding the filming amine (on the fly) at 1% concentration to the remaining amount
of packer fluid while pumping and placing the packer fluid. (It will coat out on the mud pit walls if added too long before
pumping.) Mi
while displacing the fluid downhole.
10. Displace as per Drilling Program with a High Vis XC Spacer between Water and Packer Fluid. Over-displace until returning
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Notes: _____________________________________________________________________
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
18-5/8" X 18-3/4" 5M 5M NEW
Fill the Final Wellhead Report and Send to IWC well engineer.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
The objective of this checklist is to ensure that the wellhead and cellar are in first class condition and accepted by Aramco GDD from SLB IWC
Note: This checklist fulfils LSTK contractual obligations for the turnover of the well to Aramco to ensure timely invoices payment. This does not
absolved LSTK from its Contractual liability to fix any other subsequent issues may arise later. The Separate Gas Well Turnover Checklist is still
required to turn-over the well from Gas Drilling and Workover to Gas Production Department.
Yes No
1. Is the cellar cleaned out to the lowest level?
2. Is the cellar cleaned and free from any debris and/or mud?
3. Is the cellar wall in good condition with no cracks in the walls (pre cast cellar)?
4. Are all wellhead and tree valves closed?
5. Is there any damage to existing wellhead and/or tree?
6. Are all valve handles installed and secured?
7. Are all bolts installed in the casing spools and properly sized for the flanges?
8. Are all valves and flange bolts installed?
9. Are all TCA/CCA valves clear of cement?
10. Are all blind flanges installed on annuli valves and their plugs installed?
11. Are all TCA/CCA pressures reported on the last Morning Report?
12. Are all well name and number secured to the tree?
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Lower Completion and Cementing Checklist
Item Action
1 All 4-1/2" joints are drifted and hydro-blasted (jet washed) prior to RIH
2 Utilizing Lube-seal API modified tubing dope.
3 Applying thin, even coat to both the box and pin end utilizing pipe dope applicator.
4 Flushing cement behind dart.
Reversing out cement and spacer directly at TOL (at least 1.5 string volume and until
5 clean returns at surface)
6 Check running tool pins are sheared and confirm packer setting. Report in DMR.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Cement Clean Out, Negative and Positive Testing Checklist
Item Action
1 RIH with 3.75" mill (preffered for 13.5# liner) or 3.625" bit.
2 Utilization of 2-7/8" PH-6 Pipe in clean out run
Sweep hole with Low-vis/Hi-weighted pills at PBTD and circulate at least 3 bottoms up
3 and until the shakers are clean
4 Inspect L/D packer and report any debris or junk left in hole in DMR.
5 Repeat Clean out run if debris left in hole.
For horizontal wells, if junk (rubbers, seals, mill cuttings) is left in hole, need to make dedicated trips to run
appropriate clean-out tools (venturi, magnets) to remove these junks prior to wellbore clean-out trip.
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Wellbore Clean Out Checklist
Item Action
1 RIH with BOP jetting with junk baskets and flush/jet across BOP.
2 RIH with 2-7/8" OEDP to 10' above BPTD.
Run 4-1/2", 7" and 9-5/8" full set of clean out equipment (scraper, junk trapper,
3 magnet and brush)
4 For 15 K completion, 7" scraper is spaced out 5 ft above 4-1/2" TOL
For 15 K completion, separate polish mill is required.
a) 100 ft of 2-7/8" is run below the polish mill.
b) Reverse circulate 1.5 string volume when string 30 ft above TBR
5 c) Circulate 2 bottoms up after finsihing the polishing
On bottom, swept hole with low-vis / Hi-weighted pills until shakers are clean at least
6 2 BTM-UP (with mud in hole)
7 Ensure water well quality (NTU<30) and no settelement in water tank
Utilizing best practices to displace OBM to water/filtered water while displacing well to
8 water
9 Pumping pickle train with at least 9 BPM.
Achieving 3 consecutive NTU<50 & TSS<0.05 readings (1/2 hr apart) prior to short trip
10 and report in DMR
11 Perform short trip to 4-1/2" TOL then back to bottom
12 Circulate 1.5 BTM-UP and until returns are clean
13 Achieving 3 consecutive NTU<50 & TSS<0.05 readings (1 hr apart) and report in DMR
14 Ensure mixing and brine transfer checklist is filled and confirmed all items are done
15 Displace well to filtered kill brine
Inspect wellbore clean out tools at surface and report junk retreived in junk trappers and
16 magnets
17 Repeat wellbore clean out run if junk trappers or magnets are 80% full
Consider using frac tanksfor storage of filtered brine
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261
Ghawar Gas LSTK Project
Supplement # 02 for Well HWYH-1261