Beamforming-As-A-Service For Multicast and Broadca

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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number

Beamforming-as-a-Service for Multicast and

Broadcast Services in 5G systems and Beyond
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi 100000, Vietnam

Corresponding author: Nguyen Huu Trung (e-mail: [email protected]).

ABSTRACT Driven by the most advanced technologies, such as massive multiple-input multiple-output
(MIMO), 3D beamforming, Software-Defined Networking, and network slicing, 5G/6G systems support
radio connections and end-to-end network connectivity at ultrahigh speeds, low latency, high reliability,
and massive connectivity. 5G/6G networks promise a faster, more streamlined future for broadcasters. It
can handle rapid changes, along with improved quality standards in broadcasting. However, broadcasting
services are becoming increasingly distributed and prevalent; thus, how to effectively provide broadcast
services to end users has recently become a natural concern. In this paper, we propose a novel concept of
Beamforming-as-a-Service (BFaaS) for delivering multicast and broadcast services in 5G/6G networks. We
first comprehensively overview and study background standards and industrial activities through broadcast
projects that have been carried over 5G platforms. Then, we shed light on the requirements of providing
multicast and broadcast services to end users and the importance of beamforming in delivering multicast
and broadcast services in 5G/6G networks. From this point, we define the BFaaS concept and vision and the
benefits of the proposed BFaaS scheme. Next, we discuss the beam generation process, beamforming
control and the channel model which is used in the proposed system model analysis. As a step further, with
the proposed system model, we propose optimal algorithms for allocating beams to different service areas.
The simulation results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed BFaaS scheme. Finally, we
summarize the paper by identifying the potential areas of application of BFaaS for future research

INDEX TERMS 5G networks, terrestrial broadcasting, broadband, multicast and broadcast services, new
radio, as-a-service, beamforming.

I. INTRODUCTION networks, traditional linear television services that are

Terrestrial Television (TV) broadcasting is becoming transmitted over IP and mobile communication networks
increasingly important along with other types of media. The and nonlinear services such as video-on-demand will
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has reinforced coexist [2].
the importance of broadcasting and hybrid systems. TV The Fifth Generation (5G) and Sixth Generation (6G)
broadcasting is currently undergoing drastic changes along wireless communications systems provide a variety of
with improved quality standards, such as High-Definition services such as enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB),
Television (HDTV), Ultra-High-Definition Television massive Machine-Type Communication (mMTC), Ultra-
(UHDTV), high dynamic range television, high frame rate Reliable and Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) [3],
video, and Next-Generation Audio (NGA). On-demand and private networks that allow support of both a non-
services have changed the television and online video public network specific authentication mechanism for User
industries [1]. All-IP is the standard method for delivering Equipments (UEs) without a Universal Subscriber Identity
television and video content. Artificial intelligence and big- Module (USIM) and an authentication and key agreement
data analytics have become key elements in intelligent mechanism for UEs with a USIM [4].
content discovery. With the development of the future In previous literature, several works have been done on
internet and next-generation mobile communication Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services (MBMS),

VOLUME XX, 2017 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3343523

adapting existing broadcast systems such as Advanced simplified multi-bit successive cancellation list decoding
Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 3.0, Digital Video method for polar codes with FPGA implementation details
Broadcasting - Second Generation Terrestrial (DVB-T2), for future 5G millimeter wave TV broadcasting services is
and DVB - Next Generation Handheld (DVB-NGH) over introduced in [12].
5G New Radio (NR) [5]. Gimenez et al. [6] presented a As one of the emerging strategic information
physical layer design for NR-MBMS, a system derived technologies, cloud computing is widely applied to deliver
from 5G-NR specifications, with minor modifications and “as-a-Service” over 5G networks, including Software-as-a-
suitable for the transmission of linear TV and radio services Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS),
in either single-cell or Single Frequency Network (SFN) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and Hardware-as-a-
operations. This design is based on a cyclic prefix Service (HaaS). The well-known 5G SaaS [13], in which
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) software applications are rented from a provider as opposed
solution, such as Long-Term Evolution (LTE), with a to purchasing them for enterprise installation and
scalable numerology that enables radio resource allocation deployment. This allows the service providers to avoid the
over different frequency bands. In this study, the NR- need to manage the hardware, infrastructure, operating
MBMS proposition was evaluated and compared to LTE- system… All of which are managed and controlled by the
based Further evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast network operator, to ensure that the application is always
Service (FeMBMS) in terms of flexibility, performance, ready and working correctly.
capacity, and coverage. The 5G NR using low-density The on-demand software development platform PaaS
parity-check and polar codes may have up to 7.2% higher provides developers with a complete platform including an
bandwidth utilization than LTE-based FeMBMS. application, interface, database, and data storage. It also
The non-3GPP ATSC 3.0 broadcast Radio Access supports software development in the lifecycle cycle, such
Technology (RAT) is aligned with 3GPP 5G NR unicast as code development, testing, application deployment, and
RAT in [7]. An innovative broadcast 5G convergence services on cloud computing platforms [14].
architecture was introduced, 5G NR frames and ATSC 3.0 5G IaaS is an on-demand computing infrastructure that
frames were optimized, and ATSC 3.0 frames were time- provides remote access to physical resources such as
aligned to 5G NR unicast frames and received using a dual servers, network devices, and storage drives. IaaS supports
simultaneously connected UE. In [8], a 5G NR mixed mode hardware, such as backhaul, backbone, and radio resource
is presented for enabling the use of multicast/broadcast, control units. In the IaaS framework, virtualization is a
which enables flexible, dynamic, and seamless switching common method used to create on-demand delivery of
between unicast and multicast or broadcast transmissions, network resources. IaaS is based on virtualization
and the multiplexing of traffic under the same radio technology, which reduces operating costs owing to the
structures. efficient use of resources. Service providers do not need to
An enhanced Next Generation - Radio Access Network maintain network hardware or systems. However, service
(NG-RAN) architecture was introduced in [9] to support providers must calculate the capacity, bandwidth,
efficient, flexible, and dynamic selection between unicast processing power, and storage [15].
and multicast/broadcast transmission modes and the More specifically, in [16], the concept of ANYthing-as-
delivery of terrestrial broadcast services. The NG-RAN is a a-Service (ANYaaS) was proposed, wherein on-demand
cloud-RAN based on new concepts, such as the RAN creation and orchestration of 5G services are specified and
broadcast/multicast areas, that allow a more flexible enabled by exploiting the benefits of both cloud computing
deployment in comparison to evolved Multimedia and network function virtualization. The ANYaaS concept
Broadcast and Multicast Services (eMBMS), using an can create a single service instance operating individually
enhanced NG-RAN architecture based on 3GPP Rel-15, or multiple correlated service instances, thereby ensuring
which primarily focuses on broadcast/multicast capabilities efficient integration between them. This approach is based
to address requirements from multiple verticals. on the use of a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Fallgren et al. [10] proposed an adaptive and robust Chang et al. [17] presented the concept of everything-as-
beam-management algorithm at the air interface to improve a-service. From a wireless network virtualization
the end-to-end architectural design of 5G networks, thereby perspective, instead of virtualizing computing resources in
enabling efficient broadcast and multicast transmissions for server virtualization, in wireless network virtualization,
vehicle-to-anything services. Power-based Non-Orthogonal physical resources must be abstracted to isolate virtual
Multiplexing (P-NOM) technology has been proposed [11] resources from infrastructure service providers. Virtual
in addition to the existing orthogonal time-division resources can then be offered to different Network Service
multiplexing scheme. By using P-NOM in a 5G-MBMS Providers (NSPs).
system, significant capacity gains can be achieved for RAN-as-a-Service (RANaaS), which is based on generic
delivering different types of broadcast services and datacenters, is presented in [18] to centrally execute part of
delivering mixed unicast and broadcast services. A fast the RAN functionalities, thus benefitting from

VOLUME XX, 2017 2

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3343523

centralization gains, which are fundamental in ultra-dense capacity and coverage enhancement, and steering energy to
deployments. The approach is to achieve energy efficiency a predetermined area adaptively and optimally [24]. This
based on backhauling network power consumption with opens broadcast possibilities for providing diverse services
respect to the small-cell RF output power. RANaaS creates to different customer groups and defines a novel area-based
RAN sharing mechanisms to improve efficient usage of business model.
network resources. RAN resources are virtualized as a In this study, we seek to provide multicast and broadcast
process in which physical wireless resources can be services to each specific service area while optimizing
abstracted into virtual resources, holding a subset of infrastructure resources through a set of quality assessment
functionalities of the underlying physical counterpart, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). From there, we
shared by ensuring complete isolation from each other. propose beamforming-as-a-service (BFaaS) for Multicast
Thus, RAN virtualization is the process of abstracting all and Broadcast Services in 5G systems and beyond, under
elements of a RAN and slicing them into virtual elements the concept of service-oriented architecture. The idea is that
that hold certain corresponding functionalities and are network operators provide beams as services to NSPs.
isolated from each other [19]. NSPs rent beams for different coverage areas that meet the
5G services such as eMBB, URLLC and mMTC are requirements of KPIs regardless of the specific hardware
enabled through a key technology called Network Slicing architecture of the network infrastructure.
(NS) [20] and are managed by End-to-End (E2E) service With the aim of providing Beamforming-as-a-Service for
orchestration via Network Slice-as-a-Service (NSaaS) [21]. multicast and broadcast services in 5G systems, the key
The NS creates virtual network segments for different contributions of this study can be summarized as follows:
services within the same 5G network. NS divides a physical 1) This paper introduces the background of standards of
network into independent logical subnets for different digital television terrestrial broadcasting and broadcast over
service types, each of which has a size and structure 5G networks.
suitable for dedicated services [22]. Network-slicing 2) The study also provides a survey of broadcast projects
solutions are based on 5G network functions across the that have been carried out over 5G platforms, and the
RAN, core network, transport network, and orchestrator. projects are compared in terms of technological advantages
The logical network concept of network slicing is based on and disadvantages.
a Software-Defined Network (SDN). Core network 3) We define the novel concept and system model of
functions can be sliced to provide specific services to BFaaS for delivering multicast and broadcast services in
different users. 5G/6G networks. Our solution provides a means to
effectively increase spectral efficiency.
A. MOTIVATIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS 4) Aiming to allocate beams to different service areas,
The motivation behind this work stems from the we first propose one algorithm to gather the information
observation that on the convergence of broadcast and 5G from UEs for UE classification and beam assignment, and
broadband, the proposed solutions focus only on the then the next three algorithms aim to determine the
improvement of RAT technology, allowing flexibility in the minimum number of beams to cover all coverage area.
delivery of broadcast services via a High-Power High- These algorithms are based on the greedy and dynamic
Tower (HPHT) topology. The HPHT topology does not programming algorithm. The fifth algorithm is used to
take advantage of MIMO transmissions [23]. Furthermore, maximize coverage area for a given number of beams. This
in this architecture, each gNB can provide only a fixed algorithm is based on K-means clustering. The simulation
service program, even without subscribers. results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed
Today, we can already observe a variety of broadcasting Beamforming-as-a-Service scheme.
services. The coverage areas for each service are distributed 5) Finally, because none of the proposals are ready for
across many locations. However, in many situations, the 5G NR systems, we propose using BFaaS for 5G NR
subscribers are concentrated in one location. For example, a technology.
service provider must provide services to subscribers in a
building, stadium, toll gates, and so on. Thus, to be more B. PAPER STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION
effective, different service companies provide different Table 1 lists the abbreviations used in this paper. The
types of broadcasting services based on a shared network structure of the paper is illustrated in Fig. 1. The remainder
infrastructure with coverage areas corresponding to of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we
different groups of subscribers. Particularly for Internet of commence by providing an overview of the background
Things (IoT) services that are highly customizable, the standards and industrial activities through broadcast
quality of service also varies by service group. projects that have been carried over 5G platforms. We pay
Advanced antenna system deployment in 5G/6G special attention to the implementation and use cases of the
networks enables state-of-the-art beamforming and spatial applied projects related to MBMS services and how to
multiplexing techniques, which are powerful tools for provide multicast and broadcast services to the end users.

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3343523

TABLE 1. List of Abbreviations.

Abb. Definition Abb. Definition Abb. Definition

Further evolved Multimedia Broadcast and
5G Fifth Generation FeMBMS NSaaS Network Slice-as-a-Service
Multicast Services
6G Sixth Generation gNB Next Generation NodeB NSP Network Service Provider
ANYaaS ANYthing-as-a-Service HaaS Hardware-as-a-Service PaaS Platform-as-a-Service
AR Augmented Reality HDTV High-Definition Television PDP Power Delay Profile
Advanced Television Systems
ATSC HPHT High-Power High-Tower PL Path Loss
BF Beamforming IaaS Infrastructure-as-a-Service PMI Precoding Matrix Indicator
Power-based Non-Orthogonal
BFaaS Beamforming-as-a-Service IoT Internet of Things P-NOM
BM-SC Broadcast Multicast - Service Centre KPI Key Performance Indicator QoE Quality of Experience
BSA Beam Service Area KQI Key Quality Indicator QoS Quality of Service
CDN Content Delivery Network LoS Line of Sight RAN Radio Access Network
CIR Complex Impulse Response LTE Long-Term Evolution RANaaS RAN-as-a-Service
CMAF Common Media Application Format MBMS Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services RAT Radio Access Technology
Content Protection Interchange MBMS-
CPIX MBMS - Gateway RI Rank Indicator
Format GW
Channel State Information -
CSI-RS MCE Multi-Cell/Multicast Coordination Entity RMS Root Mean Square
Reference Signal
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over Received Signal Strength
DASH MEC Multiaccess Edge Computing RSSI
HTTP Indicator
DRM Digital Rights Management Multi-Group MIMO SaaS Software-as-a-Service
DS Delay Spread MME Mobility Management Entity SDN Software Defined Network
Digital Television Terrestrial
DTTB mMTC massive Machine Type Communications SDoF Spatial Degrees-of-Freedom
DVB - Next Generation Handheld MooD MBMS operation on-Demand SE Spectral Efficiency
DVB-T Digital Video Broadcast - Terrestrial NGA Next Generation Audio SlaaS Slice-as-a-Service
E2E End-to-End NG-RAN Next Generation - Radio Access Network TSA Total Service Area
eMBB Enhanced Mobile Broadband NLoS Non-Line of Sight TV Television
evolved Multimedia Broadcast and Ultra-High-Definition
Multicast Services Television
Universal Subscriber Identity
EPC Evolved Packet Core NS Network Slicing USIM

Beamforming-as-a-Service for Multicast and Broadcast Services in 5G systems and Beyond




A. Research Questions
A. MBMS related
B. BFaaS Concept and Vision
B. Digital Television Terrestrial C. BFaaS Model
Broadcasting Standards
D. Beam Generation
C. DVB-I over 5G E. Channel Model
D. Broadcast Projects over 4G/5G F. Optimal Beamforming Selection

FIGURE 1. Structure of the paper.

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3343523

Also, in this section we look at the pros and cons of the potential of FeMBMS. The FeMBMS modulation mode is
topologies used in standards and projects. As a step further, based on OFDM, similar to the DVB-T2 and ATSC 3.0.
in Section III, we investigate the beamforming in delivering FeMBMS supports larger sites for single-frequency networks
different multicast and broadcast services in 5G/6G systems. and allocates 100% of the resources to broadcast with
For clarity, we pose research questions and define the independent signals for downlink transmission. The
novel BFaaS concept and vision and the benefits of the FeMBMS receive-only mode allows unregistered user
proposed BFaaS scheme. We present the beam generation devices to receive free-to-air signals without the need for
process, beamforming control and the channel model in the uplink transmissions or SIM cards. The network architecture
proposed system model. We propose optimal algorithms for of FeMBMS in LTE/EPC networks with a HPHT is shown in
allocating beams to different service areas. The simulation Fig. 2. The FeMBMS architecture adds three new network
results of the proposed optimal algorithms for allocating elements to the existing LTE core network which includes
beams to different service areas are presented in Section IV. Multi-Cell/Multicast Coordination Entity (MCE), MBMS
Finally, we summarize the paper by identifying the Gateway (MBMS-GW), and Broadcast-Multicast Service
potential areas of application of BFaaS for future research Centre (BM-SC). The MCE manages the radio resources for
directions in Section V. the MBMS for all the radios that are part of the MBSFN
service area. It coordinates the transmission of synchronized
II. BACKGROUND OF STANDARDS AND RELATED signals from different eNodeBs by using the M2 interface for
WORKS ON BROADCAST OVER 5G the control plane. The MBMS-GW receives the broadcast
In this section, we provide an overview on the background data and forwards it to the relevant eNodeB in the network.
standards related to MBMS and Digital Television Terrestrial The BM-SC is the core multicast/broadcast functionality that
Broadcasting (DTTB). Then, we investigate the industrial receives content through the xMB interface in unicast,
activities through broadcast projects that have been carried converts it into multicast data, and sends it to the MBMS-
over 5G platforms. GW. The Operation Support System/Business Support
System (OSS/BSS) is used to support E2E
A. MBMS RELATED telecommunication services, inventory, and service lifecycle.
The MBMS is a point-to-multi-point specification for The MBMS operation on-Demand (MooD) is a multicast
existing GSM/UMTS and CDMA2000 mobile networks. The operation on demand. MooD enables automatic bandwidth
MBMS standard first described in UMTS version 6 (Rel-6) partitioning between the unicast and broadcast modes.
introduces only minor changes to existing core and radio Because MBMS serves multiple mobile devices, there is no
access network protocols. Therefore, MBMS can be feedback such as hybrid automatic repeat request, and
implemented by upgrading software to an appropriate MIMO is not supported. Owing to the lack of MIMO,
hardware platform. This reduces the cost of the terminal and common-control pilot or reference signals are not delivered.
core networks. MBMS allows broadcast on mobile Logically, however, the MBMS pilot signal or MBSFN
technology platforms and is a relatively cheap technology reference signal is delivered. The PDN Gateway (P-GW)
compared to other broadcasting technologies, such as DVB- routes packets to and from external CDN. The Serving
T2, which requires new receiver hardware and significant Gateway (S-GW) handles the user data traffic. The emulated
investment in network infrastructure [25]. Mobility Management Entity (MME) handles the control
The eMBMS, also known as the LTE Broadcast, of 3GPP plane setup of the eMBMS session. The purpose is to bypass
was first described in version 9 and completed in release 13. the MME when the operator’s MME does not support the
eMBMS enables multiple mobile users to view the same eMBMS [27].
content but uses only a fixed amount of network resources.
With eMBMS, up to 60% of the network capacity can be B. DIGITAL TELEVISION TERRESTRIAL
allocated to broadcast services. Service providers have full BROADCASTING STANDARDS
control over the content to be broadcast within the broadcast Standards for DTTB have evolved worldwide, with different
bandwidth. eMBMS supports multicast and broadcast systems adopted in different regions. Currently, there are
services. eMBMS was upgraded to FeMBMS in Release 14 three leading DTTB systems: ATSC 3.0 system, DVB-T2
[26]. system, and the integrated service digital broadcasting
FeMBMS is a further development of the LTE broadcast terrestrial system. The ATSC 3.0 system has largely been
mode eMBMS in 3GPP Release 14 which was released in adopted in North America, South America, Taiwan, and
June 2017. FeMBMS is considered an added service for South Korea. This system adapts trellis coding and 8-level
broadcasting from HPHT base stations, wider bandwidth, vestigial sideband modulation. The DVB-T2 system has now
and no SIM card required. Instead of 60%, FeMBMS enables been widely adopted in Europe, the Middle East, Australia,
100% of transmission capacity to be used for broadcasting and parts of Africa and Asia. The DVB-T2 system adapts
services. This is a significant improvement over eMBMS, coded OFDM.
leading to growing interest among broadcasters regarding the

VOLUME XX, 2017 5

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3343523

FIGURE 2. FeMBMS architecture in LTE/EPC networks with HPHT topology.

The DVB-T2 system is an advanced DTTB system with with internet access. We can select a program from a list of
high spectrum efficiency, robustness, and flexible services services and content, including DVB-I and broadcast services
developed based on the DVB-T system. Although DVB-T2 and we do not have to know or care whether a service arrives
can provide sufficient transmission speed for HDTV, the data via broadcast or IP because DVB-I can offer stand alone or
rate remains insufficient for UHDTV services [28]. integrated with broadcast services. With these hybrid
The mobile evolution of DVB-T2 is DVB-NGH, which services, basic broadcast distribution is augmented with
was developed through a digital video broadcast terrestrial unicast for extended service coverage, lower distribution
project. DVB-NGH deployment is motivated by the costs, improved quality, and additional user experience.
continuous growth of mobile multimedia services for DVB-I concurrently delivers both unicast and multicast
handheld devices such as tablets and smartphones [6]. The services to users and dynamically switches between these
main objective of DVB-NGH is to increase the network services. In DVB-I, the MBMS-SFN is broadcast using
capacity and coverage area, outperforming existing mobile physical multicast channels. The physical multicast channel
broadcasting standards, such as DVB-H (handheld) and can be transmitted in QPSK, 16 QAM, or 64 QAM. No
DVB-SH (satellite services to handheld devices). transmit diversity (i.e., MIMO) scheme is specified. Layer
DVB-NGH uses a physical layer pipe, scalable video mapping and precoding shall be performed assuming a single
coding, time-frequency slicing, robust header compression, antenna port, and the transmission uses antenna port 4 [30].
and MIMO. MIMO spatial multiplexing is specified in DVB- As mentioned before, we are interested in the transmission
NGH as MIMO rate 2 codes, where the term “rate 2” of multicast/broadcast services over 5G networks. Fig. 3
represents the transmission of two independent streams. shows the DVB-I architecture for 5G systems to deliver
MIMO rate 2 codes in DVB-NGH use a cross-polar antenna multicast services.
arrangement (antennas with orthogonal polarization) with Linear, on-demand TV services, ads, or objects are fed
two transmit and two receive antenna [29]. into the encoder, and the output is a Common Media
Application Format (CMAF). CMAF is an emerging
C. DVB-I OVER 5G standard intended to simplify the delivery of HTTP-based
The “I” in DVB-I stands for Internet. DVB-I provides an streaming media. CMAF uses a common media format for
Internet-centric mechanism for delivering content services. video streams and reduces the costs, complexity, and latency.
DVB-I can be used in combination with DVB-T, C, and S.
With DVB-I, we can watch TV on smartphones or tablets

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FIGURE 3. DVB-I over 5G E2E architecture with unicast/multicast dynamic switching.

The Content Protection Interchange Format (CPIX) is used In the UK, the government funded the 5G RuralFirst
to exchange key information between Digital Rights project, which provides trials to harness the benefits of 5G
Management (DRM) and Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over networks in serving rural communities in agriculture,
HTTP (DASH) packagers. CPIX defines an XML schema broadcasting, and public services. The 5G RuralFirst
for carrying content keys and encrypting the information. project aims to research and develop the following: 5G
The DASH packager then puts each group of frames into a cloud core network, dynamic spectrum sharing, 5G RAT,
CMAF chunk and pushes it to the origin server of the CDN. agri-tech, broadcast, industrial IoT and community and
The transcaster server pulls source-adaptive bit rate infrastructure.
streams and embeds them into multicast streams, which The 5G RuralFirst project is a new paradigm for
optimizes the network performance for streaming services spectrum sharing and deployment of disaggregated 5G
while ensuring QoE to customers. lower-cost radios and RAN (at Orkney). Applications of the
5G RuralFirst project include radio broadcasts over 5G
D. BROADCAST PROJECTS OVER 4G/5G (Orkney), renewable energy/IoT/security (Orkney), Li-Fi
This section presents the advantages and disadvantages of (Light Fidelity) in rural settings in 5G (Orkney), salmon
eMBMS/FeMBMS and 5G mobile TV pilot projects that farming/safety/IoT monitoring (Orkney), agri-tech such as
have recently been conducted. automomous farm vehicles, crop/soil condition mapping,
1) 5G TODAY and Augmented Reality (AR) veterinary information
The project 5G TODAY which is funded by the Bavarian (Shropshire & Somerset). The following applications and
Research Foundation, has been running since 2017. The E2E use cases were tested: IoT connectivity from fish farms
project partners are IRT, Kathrein, Rohde & Schwarz, and to wind farms, connecting sensors, tourism with mobile
associated partners. Bayerischer Rundfunk and Telefónica connectivity, radio broadcast BBC, connecting drones for
Deutschland jointly investigated the possibilities of a 5G- high-definition video for vehicles, and IoT monitoring of
based broadcast solution. The main objective of the project livestock. Business models are also investigated in this
is large-scale TV broadcasting in the higher Bavarian study.
region in FeMBMS mode over 5G broadcast networks. The The project used a mix of radio technologies, including
project investigated the implementation of FeMBMS pre-5G, such as 4G, 5G NR, SDR/custom-built, Li-Fi, LoRa,
transmitters and receivers and provided novel insights into and citizens broadband radio service. The disaggregation of
network parameters, antenna design, and propagation hardware and software plays an important role in designing a
models. The test field showed that 5G broadcasts offer unified architecture that can operate with 2G, 3G, 4G, and
fundamental advantages such as high video quality, low 5G systems (all-G support, any-G solution) [32].
latency, and cost-effective distribution with a high coverage 3) 5G-XCAST
of up to 60 km [31]. The main objective of this project is to develop broadcast and
2) 5G RURALFIRST multicast point to multi-point capabilities for 5G systems and
dynamically adaptable 5G network architecture with layer-

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independent network interfaces to dynamically and In addition, 5G-Xcast also has an object-based
seamlessly switch between unicast, multicast, and broadcast broadcasting mode, for example, an object-based weather
modes [33]. forecast. This mode is implemented by dividing the content
5G-Xcast provides efficient, scalable, and sustainable into objects, such as body language (sign language, assets,
solutions for a large-scale distribution of media services fully and background) rendered on the end device, depending on
consistent with the core 5G specifications, 4K UHDTV, and, the situation and needs of the user to combine this
in the future, 8K UHDTV and emerging new interactive information, and objects are delivered over either multicast
services (e.g., augmented reality, virtual reality, and 360º or unicast. Objects for all devices are delivered over
visual media). Three main use cases are supported: hybrid multicast, whereas personalized objects are delivered over
broadcast services, object-based broadcast services, and unicast. This feature was implemented in the MEC.
public warning messages. Four different vertical markets are 4) “TOWER OVERLAY” STAND-ALONE 4G/LTE
supported: media and entertainment (UHDTV, virtual reality, BROADCAST NETWORK IN AOSTA VALLEY
AR, 3600 video, content propositioning, push2talk), public RAI Research with the EBU and Technische Universitaet
warning (disasters, emergency alerts), automotive Braunschweig implemented a broadcast network using
(autonomous driving, vehicle-to-everything broadcast 4G/LTE towers in a SFN configuration. The test
service, infotainment, safety, signage information), and the demonstrated the deployment of 4G/LTE technology in a
IoT (massive software and firmware updates). conventional terrestrial broadcast network infrastructure for
In 5G-Xcast, if there are two subscribers running on one the distribution of public service media content and services
stream (for example, a sports event) using unicast (two media [34].
flows), the system detects that it is a popular event, which 5) TRIAL OF LTE BROADCAST (LTE-B) IN RURAL
may activate a broadcast session and steer that traffic onto NORWAY
the broadcast. Thus, hundreds of unicasts can be replaced Distribution of linear TV and big-screen TVs via 4G or 5G
with a single broadcast stream. The unicast traffic is expected via LTE Broadcast (LTE-B) technology.
to decrease. A summary of projects and their characteristics is
presented in Table 2.
TABLE 2. Broadcast projects over 4G/5G.

Project Nation Locations Time Technologies Frequencies Bandwidth Speed, service Tower
Main traffic
5G routes between 5 kW (100 kW SFN, 750-760 5 MHz and Video and IP
Germany to Oct- FeMBMS HPHT
TODAY Munich and ERP) MHz. 10 MHz. data
3.77 Mbps;
June-2017 4K/8K UHDTV/
5G-PPP, Munich, Surrey MooD for hybrid SFN, 700 MHz
5G-Xcast to July- ca. 400W 2 x 10 MHz VR/AR/MR, HPHT
EU and Turku broadcast service (LTE band 28)
2019 360° visual
media and NGA
Orkney Islands all-G O-RAN, Coverage 10 Mbps;
spectrum (shared
(Scotland), Mar-2018 HetNet Gateway, within the spectrum sharing,
5G Rural use): TV
UK Harper Adams to Sep- network slice, islands' 2000 Broadband and new N/A
First whitespace,
and Somerset 2019 control and user square applications &
2.4GHz/ 5GHz/
(England) plane separation kilometers services
Tower Italy and LTE-Advanced SFN, channel 53, 10 Mbps; LTE
Eiffel Tower Apri-2015 2.7 kW ERP 8 MHz HPHT
Overlay France eMBMS 730 MHz A+ / DVB-T2
Trial of
758 – 778 MHz 4 TV channels in
LTE-B in Norwegian 2017 to LTE-Broadcast
Norway 1 x 40 W downlink; 708 – 2 x 10 MHz HD, 4÷5 Mbps HPHT
rural West Coast 2019 (LTE-B)
718 MHz uplink per channel

resources and ensuring the Multi-Group MIMO (MG-

To achieve this aim, the following research questions were
This study aims to provide, manage, and monitor services to 1) What is the importance of beamforming in delivering
groups of subscribers, satisfying the corresponding set of multicast/broadcast services in 5G/6G systems?
KPIs for the quality assessment of services provided to these 2) How to generate beam(s) for a group of users for
groups. The solution is to provide services in the form of multicast/broadcast services?
beamforming-as-a-service based on optimizing system

VOLUME XX, 2017 8

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3343523

RT: Remote Terminal

COT: Central Office
5GC: 5G Core
CU: Central Unit
DU: Distributed Unit

FIGURE 4. The proposed BFaaS concept and implementation in 5G NR for broadcast services.

3) Each or several (corresponding to the number of layers) to the quality of service. Users who are not guaranteed
BF will serve a certain number of UEs, so how does the BF quality of service will report to the network for appropriate
management algorithm for each service area? adjustments based on the statistical performance of user
To address these issues, we identify the importance of BF usage.
in providing effective services to groups of subscribers. The principle of BFaaS is based on the concept of service-
oriented architecture. The service provider (e.g., multimedia
B. BFaaS CONCEPT AND VISION and broadcast services) leases beams for each coverage area.
The concept of BFaaS is to provide beams to user groups The beam provider will have to design, adjust, and manage
corresponding to different services so that the service the beams that meet the service requirements specified in the
provider is not concerned with the specific hardware contract between the service provider and the network
architecture of the network, but rather only with the quantity operator. Payments vary depending on specific parameters
and characteristics of the required beams. such as QoS or bitrate. The BFaaS allows the establishment
BF is a limitation and an advantage of mMIMO. The use of new business models.
of BF increases the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio The effectiveness of BFaaS is that service providers do not
(SINR) and reduces interference, but also makes the need to be concerned with the physical details and specific
management of beams more complex. Furthermore, architecture of the network but only need to focus on
broadcast systems currently only use the HPHT configuration ensuring that the UE group they manage will receive the
for transmitting and broadcasting services. Therefore, the service with the required QoS and KPIs. Service providers do
effectiveness of beamforming cannot be exploited fully. The not need to have the know-how or in-house resources to
proposed BFaaS solution considers user groups as the focal maintain such radio solutions, thus avoiding downsides of
point. User groups connect to the network through ownership. However, the challenge is how many beams and
beamforming based on the cost optimization and efficient protocols will be needed to meet the service requirements
energy usage of the base station. User groups are committed

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3343523

and how the BF control mechanism will be implemented in user groups #1 to #3. Because the data is layered, each data
the gNB. group can be transmitted to different layers depending on the
The principle of the proposed BFaaS scheme is illustrated speed and quality required.
in Fig. 4. The BFaaS principle is implemented in the 5G The BFaaS architecture can be implemented using the
network architecture as follows: Suppose that we need to SDN/NFV techniques. Here, NFV is used to migrate network
transmit three content data to three different service areas. functions, which are typically performed on network devices,
For broadcast services, the content is distributed through to the cloud. When migrating the BFaaS functions to the
Content Servers, which can be static or dynamic content that cloud, an orchestrator must coordinate and schedule when to
will change based on input data, personalized on each page, initiate and run the BFaaS service.
depending on user input data (as in the case of 5G-Xcast) Table 3 presents a comparison of the proposed BFaaS
entering the 5G core, through the UPF function, and through solution with the other as-a-service solutions.
Backhaul to the DU Center. Hereafter, the content data of
each group will be separated through BFaaS #1 to #3 to reach

TABLE 3. Comparison of the proposed BFaaS solution with other as-a-Service solutions.

Radio resource as a
RANaaS NSaaS IaaS Proposed BFaaS
Service (RaaS)
Concept Provide and supervise Provide and supervise Provide and supervise on- Provide and supervise Provide and supervise
virtual RANs to meet customized network demand computing the radio resources as an customized massive
the requirements of an slices as services to infrastructure and remote online service, that is MIMO based RF beams for
E2E service. meet their access to physical characterized by time, groups of service.
requirements and the resources such as servers, space, frequency, and
right level of services. network devices, and physical resource block.
storage drives.
Principle RAN functionalities Allows the operators to To provide virtual The radio resources can The Service Provider (for
are virtualized and provision customized computing and offer be pooled, abstracted, example, multimedia,
flexibly centralized on network slices to networking and storage isolated, assigned and broadcast) will lease beams
cloud and provided individual customers, services to customers. sliced properly for each different service
depending on the and eventually enables With this service, the according to the area.
actual load and these customers to gain rented resources can be demands and
network access to some network scaled up or down at any requirements, and then
characteristics. slice management time if you want to are offered as a service
capabilities. integrate an additional
server or reduce the
computing power.
Benefit Cost savings from Permits automation of Service providers do not The available radio The service provider does
COTS high processing resource customization need to care about resources can be utilized not need to concern
density hardware. and capability maintaining network more efficiently by themselves with the
Efficient partitioning exposure to the vertical hardware devices, as well permitting different specific architecture of the
and Energy saving of business customers for as the operation of the parties to network, but rather only
network functions and managing their own network system. share the same with ensuring that the UEs
resources to support slices. spectrum. they manage will enjoy the
the 5G use cases. service with the required
QoS and KPIs.

 n . The QoS of each UE in a BSA can vary depending on

C. BFaaS MODEL the commitment to the UE of the Service Provider.
We define a Beam Service Area (BSA) as a service area that Denote = {K1 ,, K n ,, K M } is the set of beams. The
contains a set of UEs, with each BSA corresponding to a subset Kn beams serve the n-th BSA. The total number of
service that needs to be deployed on this set of UEs, that is, beams is K =  iM=1 Ki .
corresponding to eMBB content. In this regard, we must Let be the set of all UEs. ={ 1 ,, n ,, M } ,
optimally determine a set of beams for each BSA. Each BSA where n is the set of UEs belonging to the nth BSA. The
has one or more beams, which can be combined using Type I total number of UEs in the TSA is U =  iM=1 i .
or Type II precoding codebooks. Each beam corresponds to a Assume we have to transmit M broadcast streams,
codebook vector. The BFaaS model is illustrated in Fig. 7. corresponding to M service messages (the m-th service has
Next, we define the Total Service Area (TSA) as a  m layers). Each broadcast stream is precoded by precoding
(i )
coverage area where one or more BSAs can be formed, and code book Vs ,m , where s is sub-band index. The precoding
= { 1 ,, n ,, M } is a set of all BSAs in the Total code book is described in beam generation part. The m-th
Service Area (TSA) and = {1 ,  2 ,,  M } is the set of broadcast message is transmitted by i-th beam with the
(i )
services in TSA. Each BSA corresponds to a subset of transmit power of Pm .
services. The total number of service layers of n-th BSA is

VOLUME XX, 2017 10

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3343523


Service: ε1
gNB Set of K1 UE set: U1
(1) Beams BSA2
𝐕𝑠,1 Service: ε2
xs,1 𝑃1
(𝐾1 )
UE set: U2

(𝐾 ) Antenna Array
. Set of K2
.. 𝑃𝑀
Beams Beam #K2
xs,M 𝑃𝑀
(𝐾𝑀 )

(𝐾 )
𝐕𝑠,𝑀𝑀 ..

Beam management
Set of KM
Service: εM
UE set: UM

FIGURE 5. BFaaS model.

is the number of columns, and N2 is the number of rows in a

D. BEAM GENERATION panel. The parameters are shown in Fig. 6.
This section presents the precoding code book types and how In association with N1 and N2, Q1 and Q2 are oversampling
to generate beams for the BSA service areas to provide factors to determine the sweeping steps of a beam during
service in the form of beams. beam management (beam tracking). Q1 determines the
Without loss of generality, we consider the downlink of a sweeping step in the horizontal direction and Q2 determines
BFaaS-based broadcasting service system model which is the sweeping step in the vertical direction.
illustrated in Fig. 5. The system uses a massive MIMO One of the parameters to be defined is the Channel State
system with Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) based 3D Information - Reference Signal (CSI-RS) antenna port. Each
beamforming, and the physical antenna configuration is a antenna port is assigned a dedicated reference signal. Each
uniform planar array. antenna port represents a unique channel. The receiver can
With a large number of antennas, beamforming creates use a reference signal transmitted on the antenna port to
beams both vertically and horizontally towards the UEs. In estimate the channel model for this antenna port, which can
this study, we use 3D beamforming and a DFT based subsequently be used to decode data transmitted on the same
codebook. In 3D beamforming, it is necessary to control both antenna port [35].
the azimuth and elevation angles of the beams. There are two types of beamforming control based on the
1) ANTENNA CONFIGURATION codebook: Type I and Type II codebooks. Type I relies on
In DFT-based 3D beamforming, the question here is how creating only one specific beam, and controlling this beam
many beams are managed and controlled. The 5G NR based on phase control rather than amplitude. Type II is a
supports both a single panel and a uniform and non-uniform linear combination of multiple beams with different phases
multipanel. In 5G NR, the logical antenna configuration is and amplitudes. Therefore, controlling this beam is based on
described by three parameters: Ng is the number of panels, N1 selecting a group of beams and controlling the phase and
amplitude of each beam [36].

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Ng x N1 x Q1 = 16 horizontal beams b(nll )ml = w N1 ( nl )  w N2 ( ml ) (6)


is of 2D DFT structure,  is Kronecker product.

N2 x Q2 = 8 vertical beams

The sub-band component Φ(sl ) represents the NPSK co-
phasing between the two polarizations for the l-th layer in
the s-th sub-band. For rank R = 1, the subband component

is of the form

1 1
Φ(s1) =  ,
2  s 
Panel 1   3 
 s = e j s/2  0, ,  ,  .
Panel 2
 2 2 
FIGURE 6. Multi panel antenna configuration.
and codebook for 1-layer CSI reporting is
1  b(nm) 

Precoding Matrix Indicator (PMI) Type I codebook is νn(1,m) ,s =  (l )  . (8)

defined as predesigned set of beamforming codevectors as 2 s b nm 
C = ν1 , ν2 ,, ν N  , (1) Codebook for 2-layer CSI reporting is

1  b(n1)m1 b(nl2)m2 
where a specific UE requests that the gNB use the best
νn(12,)m2 ,n1 ,m2 ,s =  (l ) . (9)
codevector or the best combination of a number of 4 s b n1m1 −s b(nl2)m2 
codevectors based on PMI and CQI information reported
from that UE for Type I and Type II Codebooks, The general form of the PMI codebook V is as follows:
The beamforming weights for N1 dimension in horizontal ( No of Layers ) 1 b b b 
= 
 b 
VParamerters , (10)
direction is represented as N g 2R   b  b
j 2  ( N −1)n
1  
j 2 n 1 l
where the number of columns is equal to number of layers
w N ( nl ) =
1 1 e NQ
 e
1 1 NQ
 ,
1 1

and number of rows is equal to number of CSI-RS ports, and

N1  
R is rank. For conclusion, we have:
nl  0,1,, N1Q1 − 1 . (2) • Number of polarizations = 2,
• Number of CSI-RS antenna ports PCSI −RS = 2  ( N1  N 2 ) ,
The beamforming weights for N2 dimension in vertical
• Number of beams in a column = N1  Q1 ,
direction is represented as
• Number of beams in a row = N 2  Q2 ,
1 
j 2 m j 2 ( N −1)m
 2 l
• Number of total 2D beams = (N1  Q1 )  ( N 2  Q2 ) .
w N ( ml ) =
2 1 e N Q
 e
2 2 N Q
 ,
2 2

N2   The difference between the Type I and Type II codebooks
ml  0,1, ..., N 2 Q2 − 1 . (3) is that Type I allows the selection of the best beam for that
connection, whereas Type II allows for the selection of
For ranks ≥ 2, the precoder structure is a combination of more than one beam and the combination of these beams in
the following two matrices the amplitude and phase. However, the Type II codebook
supports only transmissions up to rank two to maintain a
νs(l ) = WUPA
(l )
 Φ(sl ) , (4)
reasonable level of feedback overhead. Similar to Type I,
(l )
where WUPA is a wideband component. The number of the Type II codebook comprises two matrices V = W1 W2 .
layers Nl  min( NT , N R ) , NT is the number of transmit ν0(1)  ν0(1) ν0( 2) 
antennas, and NR is the number of receiver antennas for the For rank-1, V =  (1)  , for rank-2, V =  (1) ( 2) 
(l )
general case. WUPA is used for beam selection in the vertical ν1  ν1 ν1 
and horizontal directions and is of the form The weighted combination of K beams for polarization p,
layer l is given by
(l ) b(nl )m 0 
WUPA = l l , (5) K −1

 0
(l )
b nl ml  ν (pl ) = b (nl )m a p ,l ,k e j
k k
p ,l , k
, (11)
k =0


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where ap,l,k and e p ,l ,k represent the wideband beam where PL is the path loss and d is the distance from gNB to
amplitude scaling factor and the phase combiner for beam k UE.
and on polarization p and layer l. The Spectral Efficiency (SE) at the s-th subcarrier and k-th
The signal received at each UE in the specific BSA is UE in the n-th BSA is computed as
transmitted to all beams belonging to the same service class, n
and the interference signal is transmitted to the other service
ln =1
( n
Rs(,kn) =  log 2 1 + SINR (sk ,l ) . (17)
layer. Therefore, the signal received at the single k-th UE in
the n-th BSA on the s-th subcarrier can be written as The overall system throughput 𝒞 is obtained as

( )
y (sk,n) = w (sk,n) H (sk,n)  Pn(i ) Vs(,in) xs ,n
=  N sPRB (k )
,n Rs ,n , (18)
i =1
k s =1
Desired signal

where N sPRB and J are the number of allocated physical

( )
M Km

(k ) H
(k ) (i ) (i )
+ w s ,n H s ,n Pm Vs ,m xs ,m resource blocks per BW per subcarrier and the number of
m=1,m n i =1

Inter BSA interference

aggregated subcarriers for n-th BSA, respectively.

( (k )
) (k )
+ w s ,n ns , (12) E. CHANNEL MODEL
Gaussian noise This section describes the channel model which is used in
the system model. In practice, there are two 5G channel
where H(sk,n)  N P CSI − RS
is the channel matrix between the
models: the ring channel model and map-based channel
gNB and k-th UE at the s-th subcarrier, which is constructed model [37].
as in (5). NR is the number of receiving antennas. The one-ring MIMO channel model was developed using
Vs(,in)  P  is the PMI codebook for i-th beam, i = 1..K n
CSI − RS n
the geometry-based stochastic model method. The one-ring
of size ( PCSI −RS   n ) , where PCSI-RS is the number of CSI-RS channel model is appropriate for describing environments in
ports.  n is the number of layers and also the number of data which the base station is elevated and unobstructed, whereas
streams spatially multiplexed to the UE, as previously user equipment is surrounded by a large number of local
described. xs ,n  n denotes the transmission message for
 1
scatterers. The two-ring and elliptical models are appropriate
service  n in the n-th BSA. xs,n is the unit power, which for environments in which both the base stations and users
implies that { xs ,n ( xs ,n ) H } = I . Pn(i ) is transmit power of i- n are surrounded by local scatterers.
th beam in the n-th BSA. w (sk,n)  N   is the receive R n
The scatterers are assumed to be located on a ring with
beamforming vector for maximizing the received signal at radius r, which is specified by the Root Mean Square (RMS)
the UE. n(sk )  N 1 is the additive white Gaussian noise
delay spread. The aim was to create a transmission delay fit
(AWGN) vector having the form of for the measured Power Delay Profile (PDP) of the channel.
n(sk ) (0, ( s( k ) ) 2 I N ), and (.)H stands for the conjugate
R The map-based 5G channel model is a deterministic model
transpose. of physical effects in which buildings and walls are modelled
The total beamforming gain of the i-th beam at the k-th as rectangular objects [35]. Ray-tracing is a method of
UE in the n-th BSA is approximating the propagation of waves in an environment
using discrete rays. The model is based on ray tracing, using
( )
BGs(,kn) = w (sk,n) H (sk,n) Vs(,in) .
(13) a simplified 3D geometric description of the propagation
environment [38].
The SINR for k-th UE is given by In this study, we use map-based model. The Map-based
model was chosen because it is suitable for massive MIMO
( w ( ) ) H( )  P( ) V (
i ,ln )
H Kn
k ,ln k ,ln i
s ,n s ,n
i =1
n s ,n and advanced beamforming techniques. It is also appropriate
SINR (sk,n,l n )
= , (14) for the realistic modeling of path loss in the case of D2D and
( w ( ) ) Q ( ) w ( ) + ( ( ) )
H 2
k ,ln k ,ln k ,ln k
s ,n s ,n s ,n s IN R V2V. Therefore, this model is suitable for network planning,
such as service group planning.
where ln is the layer index (data stream) ln = 1.. n in the n- The main parameters of a channel model include PDP,
th BSA, n = 1, …, M. Q(sk,n,l )  N  N is the interference n R R
Path Loss (PL) and Delay Spread (DS) as follows:
covariance matrix, which is given by Power delay profile: PDP provides the intensity of a
signal received through a multipath channel as a function of
( ) ( H( ) )
M Km

Q(sk,n,l ) =  Pm(i ) H (sk,n) Vs(,im) Vs(,im)

s ,n . (15) time delay. In this model, the received signals are scattering
m=1,m n i =1
points in the form of a 5 × 5 grid, reflection and diffraction,
The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) level Line of Sight (LoS) component, and ground reflected and
received from i-th beam of k-th UE is scattered components.
Consider N clusters, cluster index is n = 1, …, N. Mn is
RSSI(sk,n,i ) dB = Pn(i ) dB + BGs(,kn) dB − PL ( d )dB , (16) number of paths within cluster n. Denote u is Rx antenna

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3343523

element and s is Tx antenna element. The cluster powers are where FRx ,u , , FRx ,u , and FTx ,s , , FTx ,s , are the field patterns
determined by of the receive antenna element u and transmit antenna
element s in the direction of the spherical basis vectors θ and
 r − 1  −10Z n
𝜙 respectively. The azimuth angle of arrival (AoA) is nAoA
Pn' = exp  − n  .10 , (19) ,m ,

 r DS  azimuth angle of departure (AoD) is nAoD ,m , zenith angle of

arrival (ZoA) is  nZoA ,m , and zenith angle of departure (ZoD) is

where Z n ~ (0,  2 ) is the per-cluster shadowing term in
,m .  n ,m is the cross-polarization power ratio for m-th ray
 nZoD
[dB],  n is the delay, DS is the delay spread, r is the delay
of n-th cluster.
distribution proportionality factor, and cluster index n = 1,
{Φn ,m , Φn ,m , Φn ,m , Φn ,m } are random initial phases for each
…, N. N is the number of clusters. Under the LoS condition,
ray m of each cluster n and for four different polarization
a single LoS ray with a power of
combinations that are randomly generated with a uniform
KR distribution (− ,  ) . Φ LoS is the random initial phase of
P1,LOS = , (20)
KR +1 the LoS component.
rnRx,m and rnTx,m are the spherical unit vectors as
and the power of cluster n is
sin ( nZoA
,m ) cos (n ,m ) 

1 Pn'  
Pn = +  ( n − 1) P1,LOS , (21) rnRx,m =  sin ( nZoA
,m ) sin (n ,m )  ,
K R + 1  Pn' (24)

 
cos ( nZoA,m )
 
where the Ricean K-factor 𝐾𝑅 is the ratio of the power in the
direct path to that in the scattered paths [39]. δ(.) is Dirac’s sin ( nZoD
,m ) cos (n ,m ) 

 
=  sin ( nZoD
,m ) sin (n ,m )  .
delta function. For a strong LoS signal, the K-factor was
rnTx,m AoD
high, whereas its value was low in the presence of a strong
 
multipath with a direct LoS signal. The K-factor increased as  cos ( nZoD,m ) 
the LoS dominated.
The UE velocity vector ν with speed v, travel azimuth
The Complex Impulse Response (CIR) of the time-varying
channel between RX antenna element u and TX antenna angle 𝜙𝜈 , and elevation angle 𝜃𝜈 is given by
elements s for Non-Line of Sight (NLoS) of m-th ray within
sin ( ) cos ( ) 
n-th cluster as  
ν UE
=  sin ( ) sin ( )  , (26)
Pn  FRx ,u , ( n ,m , n ,m ) 
 cos ( ) 

, s ,n ,m ( t ) =
huNLoS  
M  FRx ,u , ( nZoA
,m , n ,m ) 
 where dTxs is the location vector of the transmit antenna
 exp ( jΦn ,m ) ( ) exp ( jΦn ,m ) 
element s, d uRx is the location vector of the receive antenna
 
n ,m
element u, and 𝜆0 is the wavelength of carrier frequency.
 ( ) −1 exp jΦ 
 n ,m ( n ,m ) exp ( jΦn ,m )  The channel impulse response is obtained by adding the
 FTx ,s , ( nZoD
,m , n ,m ) 
LoS channel coefficient to the NLoS channel impulse
 (rnRx,m )T .d uRx 

  exp  j 2 
response and scaling both terms according to the desired K-
 FTx ,s , ( n ,m , n ,m )   0 
factor 𝐾𝑅 as follows:
 (rn ,m ) .d s 
Tx T Tx
 (rn ,m ) .ν 
hu ,s ( , t )
 exp  j 2  exp  j 2 . (22)
 0   0  K R LoS
= hu ,s ,1 ( t )  ( −  1 )
The line-of-sight channel coefficient is as follows: KR +1
N Mn
 FRx ,u , ( LoS
, LoS
+ 
K R + 1 n=1 m=1
,s ,n ,m ( , t )  ( −  n −  nm ) ,
huNLoS (27)
hu ,s ,1 ( t ) = 

 FRx ,u , ( LoS , LoS ) 

where τ1 is the delay of the LoS component and τn and τnm are
exp ( jΦ LoS ) 0  the delays of the n-th cluster and m-th ray within the n-th
 
 0 − exp ( jΦ LoS )  cluster of the NLoS components, respectively.
The time-variant MIMO channel matrix between the gNB
 FTx ,s , ( LoS
, LoS
) exp  j 2 (rLoSRx )T .duRx  equipped with Nt antennas and the UE equipped with Nr
   
 FTx ,s , ( LoS , LoS )  0
  antennas is obtained as

 (rLoS ) .d s 
Tx T Tx
 (rLoS ) .ν 

 exp  j 2  exp  j 2 , (23)

  0   0 

VOLUME XX, 2017 14

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 h11 ( , t ) h1 Nr ( , t )  F. OPTIMAL BEAMFORMING SELECTION

  In this section, we present the proposed algorithms for the
H ( , t ) =  . (28)
optimal beamforming selection.
 hNt 1 ( , t ) hNt Nr ( , t )  Consider the proposed BFaaS model as illustrated in Fig.
5. Assume a service provider needs to provide services by
The path loss model: In a map-based channel model, the BFaaS model. Let us remind that there are 𝓜 set of BSAs in
path loss is simplified using only three parameters, A, B, and the Total Service Area (TSA) and 𝕌 is the set of all UEs that
C, as follows: the service provider has to serve. The total number of UEs is
PLdB = A log10 ( 1md ) + B log10 ( 1GHz
)+C . (29) U. 𝓚 is set of available beams.
Two problems are going to be solved in this study. The
For UMi Street Canyon, the LoS path loss model is first problem is that, given a total number of UEs, find the
minimum number of beams to ensure full coverage, and the
 PL1 , 10m  d 2D  d BP
, overall system throughput is maximum. The constraints are
PLdB =  (30)
 PL2 , d BP  d 2D  5km,
that the total power is less than a given total power, and the
number of UEs in any beam is greater than a given minimum
where number of UEs.
PL1 = 21log10 ( d1m ) + 20 log10 ( 1GHz
3D f
) + 32.4 , c
(31) The problem is stated as follows:

and maximize   i , j N sPR,n B Rs(,kn) ,

β ,P
j i =1 s =1

PL2 = 40 log10 ( d3D

1m ) + 20 log ( 10
1GHz ) + 32.4 Subject to:
−9.5log10  ( ) +( ) .
2 2
d BP hgNB −hUE
(32) U
  C1:   i , j Pn( j )  PT ,
1m 1m

j i =1
Breakpoint distance d BP is given by [39] Kj

4hgNB '
hUE fc
C2 : min
 i , j  N min ,
i =1
d BP =  BP , (33)
c where β = {i , j }, i = 1..U , j = 1..K , where i , j = 1 if i-th UE
where fc is the center frequency, c is the speed of light, and is served by j-th beam and i , j = 0 otherwise, U is the total
αBP is a breakpoint scaling factor, which is a function of the number of UEs, Pn( j ) is transmit power of j-th beam for n-th
radio frequency and is introduced as broadcast stream, N sPRB ,n is the number of radio resource
blocks which are used for that transmission, Rs(,kn) is
 fc 

log10  
 1GHz  computed by (17), PT is total power, and N min is the limited
 BP = 0.87e 0.65
, (34) number of UEs in a beam.
and hgNB and hUE'
are the effective antenna heights at gNB The second problem is that, given predetermined M
and UE, respectively. beams, select the appropriate beams in the set of available
beams to maximize the overall system throughput. The
The effective antenna heights hgNB '
= hgNB − hE and
hUE = hUE − hE , where hgNB and hUE are the actual antenna
' constraints are similar to the first problem. The problem is
heights, and hE is the effective environmental height. For stated as follows:
UMi hE = 1m. M U J

Delay Spread: The frequency dependency of the DS is

β ,P
  
m =1, jm i =1 s =1
i , jb N sPRB (k )
,n Rs ,n ,

modelled as
Subject to:
10 ( s ) = μ DS + γ DS log10 ( 1GHz
) + X ( DS ) .

where μ DS represents the DS at 1 GHz, and γ DS models the

C1:  
m=1, jm i =1
i , jb Pn( jb )  PT ,
frequency dependency of the DS. X ( DS ) is a random K jm

variable with zero-mean and variance  DS . For UMi Street

C2 : min  i , jm  N min . (37)
Canyon LoS model [38], μ DS = −7.1 , γ DS = −0.75 ,
i =1

 DS = 0.38 . Next, we develop algorithms to solve the aforementioned

An important aspect of the channel model is to understand problems.
the relationship between the UEs, based on which the beams
are classified and designed to serve the UEs. The first algorithm is a pre-processing step for gathering
information from the UEs. The next three algorithms
(Algorithms 2, 3, and 4) solve the first problem to determine

VOLUME XX, 2017 15

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the minimum number of beams for that set of UEs. The last beam, total throughput of each beam, and total number of
algorithm solves the second problem. UEs in service.
Multiple-stream spatial transmission is possible for The UE subset of i-th beam is denoted by { ( i ) } . These
mMIMO due to the available Spatial Degrees-of-Freedom subsets might overlap. It means that a specific UE can belong
(SDoF). UEs are classified based on the SDoF index. UEs in to some different beams.
(i )
the line-of-sight (high K-factor) with a long transmission The set of UEs with the highest RSSI level UEmaxRSSI
distance have a low SDoF index. UEs with a high SDoF corresponding to each beam are considered as initial
index (high scattering) transmit multiple bit streams but centroids for the fifth algorithm (K-means clustering).
receive low signal level [40]. We should also note that, in practice, it is difficult to report
The SDoF is defined as the number of singular values of channel parameters to the gNB to estimate the centroids of
the propagation channel matrix that exceeds the noise level. the user groups [42]. In this study, the measured RSSI levels
SDoF represents the number of bit streams that can be corresponding to the reference beams were used to determine
simultaneously transmitted, and it is equivalent to the number the UE groups.
of orthogonal beams that must be generated simultaneously 2) MINIMUM NUMBER OF BEAMS FINDING
to transmit independent bit streams [41]. The gNB can ALGORITHMS
simultaneously transmit the maximum of r data streams to Because system resources depend on the number of beams,
the target UE, thereby increasing channel throughput. In 5G minimizing the number of beams is of particular importance
NR, SDoF index is expressed as Rank Indicator (RI). in optimizing system resources allocated to serving areas. In
The UE classification and beam assignment algorithm is other words, the cost that service providers have to spend on
presented as follows: network operators will be minimized for the total number of
UEs. After all of UEs have been classified and all the
Algorithm 1: UE classification and beam assignment reference beams are browsed. Next, we need to determine the
1: Input: The total user set = { i } , the channel matrix of minimum number of beams to serve a given set of UEs in
all users H, the set of services and the total number of order to optimize system resources.
reference beams K. Here, we consider three use cases:
2: Initialization: Initialization PMI codebook V for set of • Select beams to serve the user set 𝕌, and to ensure the
K reference beams; service rates 𝓔.
3: for i = 1 to K do • Select beams based-on the user set 𝕌 coverage.
4: Compute RSSI level of k-th UE in service RSSI k(i ) ; • Select beams to serve the user set 𝕌, and to ensure the
(i )
5: if ( RSSI k  threshold ) then service rates 𝓔 and the power efficiency of the selected
6: Find service  n of k-th UE by RI report; beams.
7: Assign UE k with service  n into subset The algorithms 2,3,4 below solve these use cases,
{ n }  UEk ; n
(i )
Assign UEk n into i-th beam UE set: { }  UEk n ;

9: Calculate total throughput of UEs in i-th beam: Algorithm 2: Greedy Algorithm for finding minimum
Ri + = Rk n ; number of beams
10: end 1: Input: = { i } , H, , Ptotal , UEmin , K;
(i )
11: Find the UE with the highest RSSI level: UEmaxRSSI ; 2: Initialization: S =  ; Total power Pt = 0 ;
12: end 3: Perform the UE classification and beam assignment by
(i ) (i )
13: Output: UE subset of i-th beam { } , total Algorithm 1 to obtain UE subset of i-th beam { }
throughput Ri , i = 1..K ; Total number of UEs in service and total number of UEs in service U ;
U =  iK=1 (i ) and UEmaxRSSI
(i )
. 4: Assign a temporary variable u (i ) = (i ) , i = 1..K ;
5: Calculate the beam weights b(i ) = u (i )   i , i = 1..K ;
The input of Algorithm 1 includes the set of users 𝕌, the 6: Sort the beams in descending order of weights;
channel matrix of all users H, the corresponding set of 7: for i = 1 to K do
8: if ( U  u ( ) ) then
services 𝓔 and the total number of reference beams K.
The algorithm works as follows. First, the system 9: S  S i ;
initializes precoding matrix V for the set of K available 10: Pt := Pt + Pi ;
beams. We call these beams reference beams. 11: U := U − u (i ) ;
Then, the system scans all UEs to determine the serving 12: for j = i to K do
capability of each reference beam and the registered services 13: Eliminate overlapping UEs with i-th beam in j-
( j) '
of each UE using RSSI measurements and rank indicators th beam, the remaining is u ;
( j) ( j) '
which is calculated by (16). RI indicates the number of layers 14: Recalculate beam weights: b = u   j ;
( j) '
for multicast/broadcast streams transmission. Based on the 15: if ( u  UEmin ) then j := j + 1 ;
measurements, the system determines the UE subset for each 16: end

VOLUME XX, 2017 16

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17: end In the case of regardless of the services rate, the algorithm
18: Sort the beams in descending order of weights; is simply stated as follows. Given K beams and the number
19: if ( U = 0 ) then break; of UEs that each beam can serve is (i ) , i = 1..K , find the
20: if ( Pt  Ptotal ) then break; minimum number of beams so that the total UEs have been
21: end served.
22: Output: S; Note that (i ) is initial values of number of UEs for each
beam, u (i ) is number of UEs in this beam after overlapping
The proposed Algorithm 2 is an iterative greedy search UEs have been removed.
algorithm. This algorithm is used to determine the minimum In this algorithm, an important variable is the state
number of beams for service providers to hire from network variable. State S[i] is defined as the minimum number of
operators. beams required to serve i UEs, where i is less than the total
In this algorithm, the weight of each beam is determined number of UEs. S[.] is actually an array with array index
by the sum of the product of the number of UEs and its varies from 1 to the total number of UEs.
corresponding service rate. The weight of i-th beam is The algorithm works as follows. Initial state values are
(i )
b(i ) = u (i )   i , where u is number of UEs in this beam after initialized to S[0] := 0 and S[i ] = , i .
overlapping UEs have been removed.  i is corresponding In order to find state S[i], we need to find all the previous
service rate. states S[j] with j<i. Once the state S[i] has been found, we
The input of the algorithm is set of all UEs = { i }, total can easily find the state of S[i + 1].
power budget and number of available beams K. At every single beam of j with u ( j )  i , find the minimum
(i )
The initial subset of UEs for each beam { } is number of beams so that the total UEs is i − u ( j ) . Assume this
computed by the UE classification and beam assignment number of beams equals m. If m + 1 is smaller than the
algorithm (Algorithm 1). current number of beams, then we update state S[i] = m + 1.
Start with the first iteration i = 1, S :=  which means no After iteration from 1 to U, S[U] is the minimum number
beam has been selected. 𝑆 is the set of selected beams. of beams that we must look for.
The algorithm sorts the beams in descending order of In Algorithm 3, we do not care about the service rate nor
weights and selects the beam with the highest weights if the the power efficiency of the beams. Algorithm 4 is interested
remaining number of UEs is greater than the number of UEs in the service rate as well as the transmit power of each
in i-th beam until all UEs are selected. beam.
Finding minimum number beams can be performed more Algorithm 4 is based on the profit/weight ratio of each
efficiently using the dynamic programming algorithm. The beam. We define the profit/weight ratio of a beam as the total
next algorithm is as follows: throughput of the beam divided by its corresponding power

( )
Algorithm 3: Dynamic Programming Algorithm for
finding minimum number of beams pw(i ) = u (i )   i / Pi' , (38)
1: Input: = { i } , H, Ptotal , UEmin ; K;
2: Initialization: S[0] = 0 ; S[i ] = , ; Pt = 0 ; where i is beam index, 𝑃𝑖 is transmit power of i-th beam.
3: Perform the UE classification and beam assignment by Since the optimization problem is dealing with fractional
(i ) amounts of profit/weight ratio, we propose to use fractional
Algorithm 1 to obtain UE subset of i-th beam { }
and total number of UEs in service U ; knapsack algorithm to maximize the profit of the selected
4: Assign a temporary variable u (i ) = (i ) , i = 1..K ; beams. The input of the algorithm is set of all UEs = { i } ,
5: for i = 1 to U do the initial subset of UEs for each beam { (i ) } , total power
6: for j = 1 to K do budget and number of available beams K. The algorithm is as
7: if (u ( j )  i) and ( S[i − u ( j ) ] + 1  S[i]) then follows:
8: S[i] := S[i − u ( j ) ] + 1 ;
9: Eliminate overlapping UEs with j-th Algorithm 4: Fractional knapsack Algorithm for finding
beam in k-th beam, k=j..K; minimum number of beams
10: Pt := Pt + Pj ; 1: Input: = { i } , H, , Ptotal , UEmin ; K;
11: if ( Pt  Ptotal ) then break; 2: Initialization: S:= # number _ UE = 0 ;
12: end Pt = 0 ; UE _ inservice:= ;
13: end 3: Perform the UE classification and beam assignment by
(i )
14: end Algorithm 1 to obtain UE subset of i-th beam { }
15: Output: S ; and total number of UEs in service U ;
The proposed Algorithm 3 uses dynamic programming 4: Assign a temporary variable u (i ) = (i ) , i = 1..K ;
methods to find minimum number beams. The input of this 5: for i = 1 to K do
algorithm is similar to that of Algorithm 2. 6: pw( i ) = (u ( i )   i ) / Pi ;

VOLUME XX, 2017 17

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7: end Select M UEs with the highest RSSI levels for different
8: Sort the beams in descending order of pw( i ) , i = 1..K ; reference beams as the initial centroids. The error for the
9: i := 1; entire dataset is
10: while (# number _ UE  U ) do U M

( Y, M ) =  y xi − m j
11: UE _ inservice  UE _ inservice  (i ) ; ij
, (41)
i =1 j =1
12: # number _ UE + = u (i ) ;
13: S  S  i ; where Y = [y1 , y 2 ,, yU ] , M = [m1 , m 2 ,, m M ] are the
14: for j = i to K do matrices generated by the label vectors of each UEs and
15: Eliminate overlapping UEs, remain u ( j ) ' ; centroid, respectively.
Recalculate pw = (u   j ) / Pj ;
( j) ( j )
16: The optimization problem is stated as follows:
( j) '
17: if ( u < UEmin ) then j := j + 1 ;//bypass U M
Y, M = arg min  yij xi − m j
18: end ,
Y ,M 2
19: Resort the beams in descending order of i =1 j =1

pw( j ) , j = 1..K ; Subject to:

20: Pt := Pt + Pi ;
21: if ( Pt  Ptotal ) then break;

22: i = i + 1 ;
yij  0,1 , i, j; yj =1
ij = 1, i . (42)

23: if (i  K ) then break;

24: end The pseudo code for the algorithm is as follows:
25: Output: S ;
Algorithm 5: K-Means Clustering Algorithm for
Algorithm 4 sorts out the beams in the decreasing order of
maximization of coverage area
profit/weight and allocates them using a greedy approach.
1: Input: = { i } , ,M ; H; K;
n = 0; tot
= 1;
The problem now is that assume the service provides hires M (n)
n = 1; tot = 0 ; S(jn ) = {m j }, j = 1, 2,, M ; =;
beams from network operators, select M beams from K
3: Perform the UE classification and beam assignment by
available beams so that the coverage area is maximized. (i )
Algorithm 1 to obtain UE subset of i-th beam { }
This can be solved using K-means clustering method. The (i )
and total number of UEs in service U , and UEmaxRSSI
input of the algorithm is M, and this is the number of clusters
4: while (| tot
− tot
( n−1)
| ( n−1)
tot ) do
to be separated. After separation, M beams are allocated to
5: for i = 1 to U do
the centroids of the clusters as required. The principle of K-
6: for j = 1 to M do
means clustering includes the nearest-neighbor rule.
7: Compute ( x i , m(jn−1) ) = || x i − m(jn−1) ||22
According to the nearest-neighbor rule, each UE is associated
8: end
with the closest centroid.
Find j* = arg min
( n−1)
The vector xi = [ xi1 , xi 2 ,, xiK ] represents the RSSI level 9: j*
(x i , m j* ) ;
of i-th UE that is received by K reference beams.
S j* = S j*  {i} ;
(n) (n)
These reference vectors form a sparse matrix with many 11: end
zero values for orthogonal beams. The distance from the UE 12: for j = 1 to M do
to the centroids is calculated based on this matrix space.
The RSSI levels of the total U UEs are represented as 13: m (jn ) = 1
(n)  xk ;
Sj (n)
kS j
14: end
=  x1 , x2 , , xU   K U
. (39) 15: ( n) U M ( n) 2
tot =  i =1  j =1 y ij || x i − m j ||2 ;
16: n = n + 1;
Denote y i = [yi1 , yi 2 ,, yiM ] is a label vector. If xi is
17: end//while
classified into cluster k then yik = 1, and yij = 0, j  k
18: for i = 1 to M do
elsewhere. This implies that exactly one element of vector yi
19: mi = m(i n) ; Si = Si( n ) ;
is equal to 1 (corresponding to the cluster of xi), and the
remaining elements are equal to 0. 20: for j = 1 to M do
j* = arg min b j − mi 2 ;
The constraint of yi can be written as 21: j
=  { j} ;
yik  0,1 ,  yik = 1 .
k =1 23: end
24: end
25: Output: {S j } ; ;

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In this algorithm, the input is the set of RSSI levels of the O( KUN 3 + K log K + K 2 log 2 K + K log K )

UEs corresponding to reference beam 𝓧 and the set of M

= O( KUN 3 + K 2 log 2 K ).
gNB (45)
UEs with the highest RSSI levels. Set M UEs with
maximum RSSI as the initial centroids. Greedy algorithms are algorithms that search and select
The output of the algorithm is M beams. The i-th beam is the local optimal solution at each step with the hope of
chosen such that the distance from the reference vector of the finding a globally optimal solution. We hope to find a beam
corresponding beam of the form that serves as many UEs as possible at each iterative step.
b i = [0, 0, ,1, , 0] , (43)
Similar to GA algorithm, DP algorithm (Algorithm 3)
=1 at position i
also finds the minimum number of beams but using the
dynamic programming method. In this method, the main
to the centroids is minimum as problem is divided into subproblems and then it uses the
storage method (memoization) to remember the results of
j* = arg min b j − mi 2 .

(44) solved subproblems.
The total average computational complexity of DP
In this subsection, we summarize the proposed algorithms O KUN gNB
+ UK ( K log K )
including UE classification and beam assignment algorithm,
Greedy Algorithm (GA), Dynamic Programming algorithm
= O( KUN gNB
+ UK 2 log K ). (46)
(DP), Fractional knapsack algorithm (Knap) for finding The complexity of the DP algorithm for finding minimum
minimum number of beams and K-means clustering number of beams is greater than that of the algorithm using
algorithm (K-means) for maximization of coverage area and greedy method.
analyze the computational complexity of each algorithm The purpose of Knap algorithm (Algorithm 4) is to find
because computational complexity is important to their the minimum number of beams but using the profit/weight
implementation. ratio of each beam from (38).
Start with the UE classification and beam assignment The principle of this algorithm is based on the greedy
algorithm (Algorithm 1), the purpose of this algorithm is to method. By calculating the computational complexity of each
gather information from the UEs and evaluate the serving part of the algorithm, we have the total average
capacity of each reference beam. This algorithm is a pre- computational complexity of Knap algorithm is
processing step for the next algorithms. The computational
complexity of Algorithm 1 mainly depends on the RSSI O KUN gNB
+ K log K + log U  K ( K log K ) + K log K 
calculation. The complexity of the calculation of the 2-norm
= O( KUN gNB
+ K 2 log U log K ). (47)
of three matrices multiplication (w (sk,n) ) H H (sk,n) Vs(,in) 2 is
O( n N R N gNB +  n N gNB ) = O( N gNB ) (it is applied the constants
For maximization of coverage area K-means algorithm
removing rule). The computational complexity of precoding (Algorithm 5), similar to the above algorithms, first, the
matrix V calculation is O( N 2 ) , then the complexity of the
gNB algorithm runs the UE classification and beam assignment.
RSSI calculation is O( N 3 ) . Repeating this for U users, we
gNB This part has the complexity of O( KUN 3 ) . gNB

have the complexity of O(UN 3 ) . The total complexity of

gNB The next part of the algorithm is based on K-means
Algorithm 1 is O( KUN 3 ) , where NgNB is number of
gNB clustering approach. Typically, the time complexity or the
antennas at gNB. running time of the K-means clustering using Lloyd's
For GA algorithm (Algorithm 2), the purpose of this algorithm is O(UMKi) where U is the number of points
algorithm is to find the minimum number of beams by (number of UEs in this case), M is number of clusters, since
greedy method. each UE can belong to one of K beams then the
At first, we run the UE classification and beam assignment dimensionality of data is K, i is the number of iterations.
algorithm. This part has the complexity of O( KUN 3 ) as we gNB When U is large, i and M are not too large the time
calculated. The sorting beams codes at line 5 and line 18 complexity of this is approximately equal O(UK).
have the same computational complexity of O( K log K ) . The last part of the algorithm is to select the corresponding
The eliminating overlapping UEs (line 13 to line 15) has beams which has the computational complexity of
the computational complexity of O( K log K ) , the average O( M 2 K ). The total average computational complexity of K-
complexity to browse all beams to select the optimal beams means algorithm is
would be O( K log KK log K ) = O( K 2 log 2 K ) . Therefore,
the total average computational complexity of GA algorithm O( KUN 3 + UK + M 2 K ).
gNB (48)
The computational complexities of proposed algorithms
are summarized in Table 4.

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TABLE 4. Comparison of computational complexity. condition update period. The O2I or O2O channel condition
is based on the UE antenna height. O2I condition is
Algorithm Computational complexity
considered only for UEs with random antenna heights. The
GA (Algorithm 2) O( KUN 3 + K 2 log 2 K )
path loss and delay spread model is calculated by (30) and
DP (Algorithm 3) O( KUN 3 + UK 2 log K )
(35), respectively.
Knap (Algorithm 4) O( KUN 3 + log UK 2 log K )
In the simulation, we compare the proposed algorithms
K-means (Algorithm 5) O( KUN 3 + UK + M 2 K )
including GA, DP, Knap, K-means to existing Single User
Random Request (Random) [42].
In this section, the numerical results are presented. In the case of K-means clustering algorithm, due to the
MATLAB Monte Carlo simulation was used to evaluate the purpose of this algorithm is to maximize the coverage area
effectiveness of the proposed beamforming schemes under with a given number of beams, however, in order to compare
different simulation conditions. Each simulation was the performance of all algorithms, we run the algorithm with
performed by averaging over 2000 random channel every single number of beams to cover all the total number of
realizations. UEs. In all mentioned algorithms, the UE classification and
The simulation parameters are listed in Table 5. The beam assignment algorithm is run first.
number of antennas at the gNB varies from 192 to 256. The In the simulation for the first algorithm (Algorithm 1),
resolution of the DFT codebook is set to be K = NgNB. Each UEs are uniformly distributed throughout the entire coverage
UE has one single antenna. For the the massive MIMO area of a gNB and single layered services (Ԑ=1). For the
antenna configuration at gNB, 2D planar array is used to following algorithms, the simulation process is conducted
allocate multiple beams to different service areas. With this sequentially as the steps in the algorithm. The effectiveness
configuration, it is able to control the width and height of a of the proposed optimal beamforming selection algorithms
beam in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. Also, for BFaaS scheme is evaluated by the achieved average SE
in this study, we used zero forcing precoding for and the total sum rate.
broadcasting service messages.
TABLE 5. System parameters in simulations.

Parameter Value
Carrier frequency FR1
Bandwidth 50 MHz
SNR [-5 dB ÷25 dB]
Propagation environment Dense urban
Path loss model UMi
Delay spread ( μ DS , γ DS ,  DS ) (-7.1, -0.75, 0.38)
PDP K-factor ( μ K ,  K ) (9, 5)
Link topology O2O/O2I
Number of antennas 192 to 256
Number of UEs 48 to 884
Monte-Carlo 2000
Antenna-element spacing λ⁄2

FIGURE 7. Minimum number of beams comparison.

For channel model, we used map-based 5G channel
model, which is described in section III, for the simulations.
Fig. 7 shows the minimum number of beams comparison
The PDP, PL, and DS parameters are calculated by cluster,
among the 4 algorithms against the number of UEs. In this
where each cluster corresponds to the service area of each
simulation, the number of UEs varies from 48 to 884. We can
group. These parameters, together with the Ricean K-factor
observe that the DP algorithm achieves the best performance
𝐾𝑅 and path loss model, were computed step-by-step, as
and the more UEs the system manages, the more benefit the
described in [39]. This is the real situation which is guided by
system will get with the DP algorithm. At low number of
following the guidelines of the 3GPP technical report. We
UEs regime, the performance of all the algorithms is very
assess the dense urban propagation environment for actual
similar, but it diverges as the number of UEs increases.
environment simulation.
The channel bandwidth is fixed to 50 MHz with link
topology was Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O), Outdoor to Indoor
(O2I). The O2I channel condition and low/high condition
period updates are set equal to the LoS/NLoS channel

VOLUME XX, 2017 20

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3343523

the total sum rate of the system almost linearly increases as

the number of antennas increases. Consistent with the results
in the previous simulation, the performance of the DP and
GA algorithms is similar in the low SNR regime.

FIGURE 8. Average spectral efficiency comparison.

Fig. 8 shows a comparison of the average SE of the

proposed algorithms for the Beamforming-as-a-Service for
Multicast and Broadcast services. The number of antennas at
FIGURE 10. Total sum rate vs. number of antennas and SNR.
the gNB in the simulation is set to 256 and the number of
UEs is set to 512. Finally, interested in the case where the best algorithm is
It can be observed from the plot that the performance of DP, in Fig. 10 we plot the total sum rate against the number
the proposed algorithms is better than that of the existing of antennas and SNR in 3D view. It is clear that the total sum
scheme. This is because the optimal beamforming selection rate also increases slightly as the number of antennas from
algorithms eliminate the overlapping UEs from different 192 to 256 elements.
beams to minimize number of beams. From there, the The proposed BFaaS scheme not only brings efficiency in
allocation of beams and the power utilization of the system spectral usage but also creates a service that provides beams
are optimized. Thus, it can improve the sum rate and the on demand.
average SE of the system. The Fig. 8 also showed that the
DP algorithm provides the best performance in term of the V. CONCLUSION
average SE. At high SNR regime (25 dB), the average SE of In this paper, we provided our concept and vision of
the DP algorithm is better than that of the GA, Knap, K- Beamforming-as-a-service scheme for delivering multicast
means algorithms and the existing scheme from 5%, 7%, and broadcast Services in 5G systems and beyond. To begin
14% to 17%, respectively. In low SNR regime (<5 dB), the with, we overviewed the background standards and industrial
DP and GA algorithms have similar performance and the DP activities through broadcast projects that have been carried
algorithm outperform the existing scheme. over 5G platforms. Focusing on the multicast and broadcast
services delivering, we presented, discussed the system
model and architectures of standards, industrial projects with
pros and cons. The overview is shedding light on the
requirements of providing multicast and broadcast services to
end users. The end users can watch videos on demand at
anytime, anywhere, in any form. This is suitable to the
criteria in which everything is sensed, everything is
connected, and everything is intelligent in the evolution
towards 6G. The results of the investigation clearly
demonstrate that the convergence of telecommunication,
television and broadcast networks will enable the provision
of multimedia services based on the existing 5G platform.
We proposed a Beamforming-as-a-service scheme for
multicast and broadcast services in 5G systems and beyond,
FIGURE 9. Total Sum Rate vs. number of antennas. which allows service providers to optimize the use of beams
for each coverage area that meets the requirements regardless
Next, in Fig. 9, we consider the total sum rate of the of the specific hardware architecture of the network
system when the number of UEs is fixed at 512 and the infrastructure. We have shown the benefits achieved by using
number of antennas varies from 192 to 256. We notice that BFaaS scheme in comparison to other methods.

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