Final Portfolio
Final Portfolio
Final Portfolio
Caraga Administrative Region
Datu Lipus Makapandong National High School
(based on DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017)
Neri A. Sabado
Name of Student-Trainee
Track / Strand / Section
_ Provincial Management
Agency / Company / Cooperative
School Year
This Work Immersion Portfolio will serve as a workbook for the students who will take
up the course/subject Work Immersion in Senior High School. The framework is based on
DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017, entitled Guidelines for Work Immersion.
This workbook will essentially foster in-depth learning of the world of work and
assessment of student’s performance during work immersion.
Furthermore, the purpose of this portfolio includes but is not limited to the following:
For Student-Trainees:
• The portfolio will be used as a source of motivation and guide for work immersion.
• This will serve as a documentation and approval of lessons learned.
• This will provide feedback of their performance level.
• This will pave the way in preparation for real job application.
• This contains regulations and conditions regarding contract between school and
• This is an information about curriculum and record of lessons learned.
• This is a record of student-trainees performance for assessment.
Agency / Company:
• This contains introduction of company in general.
• This enumerates training rules and regulations for training inside the agency/company.
• This provides feedback to and from student-trainees.
Grade: 12
Pre-requisite: Should have taken at least 4 Specialized Subjects Course
No. Of hours:80 hoursDescription:
Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School
student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s
postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become
familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their
competence. Specifically, the students are able to: (i) gain relevant and practical industrial skills
under the guidance of industry experts and workers; (ii) appreciate the importance and
application of the principles and theories taught in school; (iii) enhance their technical
knowledge and skills; (iv) enrich their skills in communications and human relations; (v)
develop good working habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare
them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation.
The Work Immersion Teacher and the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor
will jointly assess the learner’s performance following the DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 Policy
Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
Preface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
Work Immersion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
Student Information Sheet ---------------------------------------------------------------------6-
Request for Work Immersion ---------------------------------------------------------------------8
Endorsement Letter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
Pre-Immersion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Activity 1. The Worker -----------------------------------------------------------------------------11
Activity 2. Do’s and Don’ts --------------------------------------------------------------------12-13
Activity 3. Situational Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------14
Activity 4. Conflict Resolution --------------------------------------------------------------------15
Activity 5. Resume ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
Activity 6. Application Letter ---------------------------------------------------------------------17
Activity 7. Barangay Clearance -------------------------------------------------------------------18
Activity 8. Police Clearance -----------------------------------------------------------------------18
Activity 9. Medical Clearance ----------------------------------------------------------------18-19
Activity 10. Job Interview -------------------------------------------------------------------------20-28
Mock Job Interview ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Activity 11. Mock Job Interview ------------------------------------------------------------------29
Activity 12. Insurance Policy ………………………………………………………………………………
Activity 13. Parent’s Consent Form ----------------------------------------------------------30-31
Activity 14. Profile of the Company/Establishment --------------------------------------32-22
Activity 15. Organizational Chart -----------------------------------------------------------------34
Activity 16. Work Immersion Task/Activities ---------------------------------------------35-36
Activity 17. Report on Activities Performed -----------------------------------------------37
Activity 18. Business Flow Chart -----------------------------------------------------------------38
Activity 19. Civil Service Form No. 48 -----------------------------------------------------------39
Activity 20. Daily Task Record/Daily Journal ----------------------------------------------40-44
Activity 21. Work Performance Artifacts --------------------------------------------------------43
Activity 22. Personal Traits 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------44
Activity 22. Personal Traits 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------45
Activity 23. Other Related Tasks -----------------------------------------------------------------46
Activity 24. Post-Immersion ----------------------------------------------------------------------47
Activity 25. Accomplishment Report ---------------------------------------------------------48
Activity 26. My Updated Resume --------------------------------------------------------------54
Activity 27. Work Immersion Highlights ----------------------------------------------------55
What are your most memorable subject / class? Why? : CSS Subject I will never forgot. Because I
Learn how to make a report and easy how to edit anything. learnd
What are your plans after Senior High School? : For me, My plan after Senir High School is to
tkedream come true.
take a collage and study hard and focus my school until my
What is your career path? : my career path is simply a series of jobs you take that
ultimately lead you to your dream career. Career paths go
hand-in-hand with a career plan, which is basically a list
of short- and long-term goals that you strive for along
your career path.
are studying and going to school, not just going to school and sitting on the bench. The learning
process was not trivial. Beacause every child has a challenge to able to absorb everything.
What are your dreams and ambitions? My dream is to become a teacher, Because I will help the child or
people that for them to knw to read.
How do you plan to achieve your ambitions and goals in life? : I will focus my work and I give
Sir / Madame:
Thank you very much for your usual cooperation and assistance extended to the school.
Sir / Madame:
We request that said form be accomplished and returned to this office upon acceptance of our
student in your company. We are confident that given the opportunity, our student will be an asset to
your company.
Thank you for the favorable action and we look forward to a more fruitful linkage with you.
Work Immersion Teacher
School Head
Before we immerse into the workplace we will first understand the immersion process, proper
work ethics, workplace safety, confidentiality, and effective conflict resolution and teamwork skills, as
Learner’s Activity
You will also prepare and accomplish own portfolio and update it from time to time because at
the end of the work immersion you will need to present this portfolio. Make sure to attach needed
documents, answer reflection leaf and paste pictures. Happy working !
After the pre-immersion orientation, list the Do’s and Don’ts employed in the workplace you are
1. Always wear I’D No leggings/jeggings (except if pregnant)
2. Do arrive early Don’t forgot to give clients the best service
1. Do you agree to the company ‘s policy guidelines ,rules and agrement? Support your answer.
Yes, I would agree with the company’s policy guidelines, rules, and agreement,
because these are the foundation to make all things in order. it's essential for individuals
to carefully review and understand the policies, guidelines, rules, and agreements of any
organization they are affiliated with. Agreements typically outline expectations,
responsibilities, and procedures for conduct within the company. By adhering to these
guidelines, individuals contribute to a harmonious and to the company’s policy
guidelines, rules and agreement? Support your answer.
2. Was there a rule that you think is not acceptable to you? Why?
No, it would imply that I did not find any rule unacceptable to me. This could suggest
that I perceive all the rules as reasonable, fair, and aligned with my values and beliefs.
Situational Analysis
Did you ever experience disagreement and conflict with co-workers? How did you handle the
situation? How would you rate your skills in handling differences of opinion? Please give an example
that illustrates that skill.
In one particular instance, there was a disagreement between two teams in my company
about the prioritization of a project. One team believed that their project should take
precedence due to its pòtential impact on revenue, while the other team argued that
their project was more critical for long-term strategic growth.
Give the process and fees required for a BARANGAY CLEARANCE. Also attach your BARANGAY
Give the process and fees required for POLICE CLEARANCE. Also attach your POLICE CLEARANCE .
Give the process and fees required for a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE. Attach also your MEDICAL
___Speak clearly and you’re tone to show you’re interested and enthusiastic. Take
time to think about each question before answering so you can give a good response.
Listen to question carefully and let the interviewer lead the conversation. In interview
it went so challenge because if I answer my answer will become an question to
interviewee first thing she ask is if I can introduce myself then it went to situational
question like if my boss will ask me to hack those computer what should I do and so on
it’s really challenge me.
Here are some questions that you may encounter during an interview. Try answering them.
Interpersonal Skills
- Are things you Strengths of a person relates to its knowledge, skill, and talent.
2.What do you do when you know you are right and your boss disagrees with you? Give me an example.
- I would respectfully present my viewpoint with supporting evidence, while also being
open to hearing my boss's perspective to find a mutually agreeable solution. For
example, if I believe a certain strategy is more effective for a project but my boss
disagrees, I would calmly explain my rationale while considering their insights.
- If my colleagues had to tell us our primary strengths and weakness, that is because they want
us to improve our capability to become better. The strength and weaknesses could be
-Strength: Being organized for each situation that could arise, in addition to being dependable,
diligent, dedicated, passionate, and friendly. I also can communicate, hold discipline, be
punctual, and hold listen in the face of numerous distractions.
-weakness: I'm hesitant to express myself due to the fact that I'm afraid they will reject me. I
additionally lack self-assurance in my capacity to reveal to others what I have.
4. As a component of this position, you may have to work on a team on certain projects. Describe when
you’ve worked on a team before and what, in your opinion, constitutes an effective team? What do
you expect from others on the team and what do you need from others on the team?
-My priority is on the team’s success and making sure everyone achieve the object
1. Suppose you are in a situation where deadlines and priorities change frequently and rapidly.
How would you handle it?
- I was in a situation where deadlines and priorities change frequently and rapidly. I handle it by
doing it on time and managing my time wisely. I also identify the more important and focus that the
unnecessary. This permits me to speedy focus on the challenge to hand and pass directly to the
subsequent challenge without hesitation or stress.
2. How do you know when you are stressed? What do you do to de-stress?
- I recognize stress through physical symptoms like tension or headaches, and emotional
signs like irritability or feeling overwhelmed. To de-stress, I engage in activities such as
exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Additionally, I prioritize tasks, break
them into smaller steps, and practice time management techniques to regain a sense of
4. Suppose your supervisor asked you to get information for them that you know is confidential
and he/she should not have access to. What would you do?
- If my supervisor asked for confidential information they should not have access to, I
would respectfully decline and explain the reasons for not disclosing the information. I
would emphasize the importance of confidentiality and offer to help them obtain the
5. Describe a time when you performed a task outside your perceived responsibilities. What was
the task? Why did you perceive it to be outside your responsibilities? What was the outcome?
- Once, I took the initiative to organize a team-building event outside of my usual
responsibilities. Though it wasn't explicitly part of my job description, I felt it was
essential for team morale and cohesion. The outcome was overwhelmingly positive, with
improved teamwork, communication, and morale among team members, leading to
increased productivity and a more positive work environment.
Creative Thinking
1. What’s the best book you’ve read in the last year? Please take a minute and tell us what you liked
about it.
- i read beauty and the beast i love how the beast fell inlove with belle
2. What was the most creative thing you did in your last job?
- i created a dress desighn!
2. What strengths did you rely on in your last position to make you successful in your work?
- None, because I never experience to work.
3. As a supervisor, it is essential to motivate employees in your area. Sometimes this must be done
using non-monetary means. Please describe some creative ways you have motivated and
recognized employees in the past non-monetarily.
- 've motivated and recognized employees by organizing team-building
activities, implementing a peer recognition program, and offering personalized
professional development opportunities.
4. Explain, step by step, how you have coached an employee who had performance problems.
5. If you had to describe your own leadership style as directive, delegating, or coaching, which
would you choose? Please explain why giving examples.
- My leadership style is coaching, as I believe in empowering team members,
providing guidance and support, and fostering their growth and development.
Optional Situational Questions: Please explain how you would handle the following situations:
1. You observe two of your employees arguing in a central location in the office.
2. One of your employees comes to you complaining about another employee and insisting they
should no longer work together.
3. One of your employees comes to you to complain that he/she has a more demanding work load
than another employee and wants the workload to be shifted.
1. Could you share with us a recent accomplishment of which you are most proud?
2. bout your work background, and then give us a description of how you think it relates to our
current opening.
I bring all of my skills, qualities, values, interests, academic knowledge, internships and life
experience to the company
5. Tell me about your present or last job. Why did you choose it? Why did you/do you want to
I feel undervalued in my current role
Short-term goals might include completing a project by a deadline, learning a new skill, or
improving time management. Long-term goals could involve career advancement, financial
stability, or personal development such as pursuing higher education or starting a
8. In what areas would you like to develop further? What are your plans to do that?
-For more improvements
9. What are some positive aspects of your last employment/employer? What are some negative
-None so far, because I never experience to work.
12. After learning about this opportunity, what made you take the next step and apply for the job?
- The job role aligns with my abilities, development potential, company values, and
important commitment drove me to apply for the work.
13. If you are the successful applicant, how would you expect to be different after a year in this
- If I were the successful applicant for this position, I would expect to have grown
significantly in my leadership capabilities.
14. Now that you have learned about our company and the position you are applying for, what
hesitation or reluctance would you have in accepting this job if we offer it to you?
- while I have a strong interest in the position and the company, it is natural to have some
hesitations and reluctances when considering a new job opportunity. I believe that open
and honest communication about these concerns with the company would be essential in
making an informed decision. I am confident that with the right information and support,
any hesitations or reluctances I may have can be addressed, and I can fully embrace the
potential of the job offer
During the conduct of the mock job interview, do you think you did well?
Yes, beacause I am prepare thoughtful responses that highlight your skills and experiences relevant
to the job.
What are the areas that you think you are good at and areas that needed to be improved?
students may also identify areas where improvement is needed. These could include subjects or
skills that they find challenging or less interesting, such as advanced mathematics, foreign languages,
A parent’s consent form is a document signed by parents or legal guardians that grants
permission for a student to undergo Work Immersion.
□ Yes ☑ No
Please provide details of medication that must be administered, if any:
a) I agree to my son/daughter taking part in the Work Immersion as a key feature of the
Senior High School Curriculum, which involves hands-on experience or work simulation
in which learners can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to
their track;
b) I understand that an insurance for learners in DepEd schools shall be procured by their
respective schools, hence, I hereby release the school, its teachers and personnel from
c) I confirm to the best of my knowledge that my son/daughter does not suffer from any
medical condition other than those listed above;
That I have read and fully understood the statements above including the implications thereof.
Date: _______________________________________________
Signature Over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
I. Objectives: Appreciating management processes by observing, identifying and describing the
1. Nature of the business
2. Description of the products/services
3. Target clientele
4. Organizational structure
5. Company rules and regulations
Company Profile
It is a big establishment has a lot of offices located at Patin-ay, Prosperidad Agusan del Sur.
The Provincial Information Management Office(PIMO) located at third floor.
A center in technological advancement providing
sustainable ICT solutions and services for effective
The Provincial Government of Agusan del Sur under the Office of the Governor is mandated to
exercise such power and perform such duties and functions as provided under the Local
Government Code of 1991 for the efficient, effective and economical governance, the purpose
of which is the general
welfare of the province and its inhabitant
Core Values
We, the officials and employees of the Provincial Government of Agusan del Sur, do herby
pledge to CARE for our customers and be.
Credible - We abide and serve in accordance with the Constitutional principle that a public
office is a public trust.
Accessible - We endeavor to observe that our services are accessible to our customers and
their needs at the proper time.
Reliable- Our customers can be confident that we can and we will deliver on our mandate to
serve the people.
Students shall not be given other activities outside of those previously agreed upon, which are anchored
on the stated competencies.
State the work functions delegated unto you and how you accomplished it.
A business flow chart shows the steps that make up a business process, along with who’s
responsible for each step. They are useful for analysing current processes, planning improvements, and
crystallizing communication between process participants.
Task: Draw a diagram of the company or institution’s business flow chart where you are assigned. Do ask
permission from head of office before doing so.
A daily task record is a work log that summarizes how an employee spent his time on the job.
Through a daily work log, an employee can create a mental picture of what comprises his day and how
he uses his time. It is also helpful in understanding how productive an employee is during a particular
period of the workday.
What happened on the 2nd day was that we took a long bath because
he couldn't get rid of the bomb. Because there was no water. Even if he
was small, we hurried because it was almost an hour late. Kay was a
gentle person, so when they arrived, sir, he cleaned the office, he gave us
a map, he swept for a while. Kay, when they arrived, sir, then we rushed
to work on what we were asked to work on. Aron quickly finished, and
then they chika2 there, sir, while we were work so that they could take
us out and then at noon Kay we ate at the canteen together. At 1 o'clock 8:00AM 5:00PM
when we got back, we were told that you were at work. When we got to
the office, we were relaxing for a while. Then at 1 o'clock, we were told
that we had to finish our work. The servant was hungry and sick, that's
why we had to wait until the afternoon. We had to go to work. Because
he had to come back at 5 o'clock. He said, "Sir, we can come back
tomorrow." There's still a lot of oil to walk. We can't afford to pay for
Raman's boarding house. When you leave the capitol, there's someone
who went to Simba at the Catholic school, that's why he and Ivy went to
Simba quickly. That's where my boarding house is. My day 2!!
What I said from day 5 is that when we arrived at the office, you cleaned
their table, sir, he swept my table to clean it after you finished, and we rushed
to do the task for you, sir, this is Kay Isa Raman, our computer. Lima and I just
took turns while they got up, Rochil and I also got up. I answered that
someone called his phone when they finished, Gerica told us that she had 8:00AM 5:00PM
changed. Eat at his canteen after you eat. Because we went back there so that
we could have time to relax. When we got to the office, he browned out. Please
help us make an I'd for the athletes so that they can finish quickly. Because it
took a long time for the fire to come back, that's why his office was cleaned at
2 o'clock. I heard that he rushed at 5 o'clock because we were all already
On the 6th day, we didn't do anything. He had a lot of maids, but he just
swept the map to clean his office. When you were at noon, he was there. Do
you plan to go for a walk and watch a play in the place he licked? He wasn't
there in the afternoon. He said we should go on duty because it's his duty to do 8:00AM 5:00PM
it in the afternoon. Why did they say that we should go on a walk? We didn't
do anything either, so we went on a walk where he saw his play. boxing
Because he liked it when you were 5, we went back there because he was tired
of playing with us, that's why we went back
On day 7, I woke up in the morning because I kept my eyes open for a long
time. When you got there, because when we went to the office, he swept the
room right there in the park, and we didn't have any work. Because he
stopped, they just looked for us, sir Aron, he didn't go with us when we went
My last day at the immersion. When you woke up. When we packed our
belongings. In the afternoon, he left. He took a shower. We were there. After
eating, we went to my office so that he wouldn't be late when we arrived.
When we were clean there because it was the last day, His office was also
empty, we filled up the one that was given to us by ma'am so that we could
graduate. He printed it on our heads and said that we were given a certificate
Name and Signature of Student-Trainee
Noted: ____________________________________________
Name and Signature of Supervisor
Attach photos, illustrations, and other evidences (e.g. certificates of awards received) of
performed hands-on skills that include knowledge of work and quality of work done.
| Personal Traits 2
Attach photo, illustrations, and other evidences (e.g. certificates of awards received) of good
personality traits demonstrated during the work immersion which is based on sociability, drive and
leadership, mental maturity, and stress tolerance.
Other related tasks means taking on tasks outside your role but is based on the company given
competencies to the students.
Dear students, you are now on the final stretch of your work immersion course. At this juncture
you need to revisit the things that have been done in the past few days. What are the events that are
How did the experience change me as a person, and how will it help me in the future.