2.2. Phase Equilibria

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Phase equilibria and the

phase rule
Phase equilibria and the phase rule
 Phase equilibria: the equilibria exist between the
phase of a system. Example: the equilibrium exists
between water and steam.
 Phase is a homogeneous, physically distinct portion
of a system that is separated from other portions of
the system by bounding surfaces.
 The three primary phases (solid, liquid, and gaseous)
are defined individually under different conditions.
 But in most systems we encounter phases in
 For example, a glass of ice water on a hot summer
day comprises three coexisting phases: ice(solid),
water (liquid), and vapour (gaseous). 2
The phase rule
 The Phase Rule expresses the relation between
phases, phase compositions, and intensive variables
(e.g. temperature and pressure) in a system of a
given composition at equilibrium.
 J. Willard Gibbs formulated the phase rule, which is a
relationship for determining the least number of
intensive variables (independent variables that do
not depend on the size of the phase, e.g.,
temperature, pressure, density, and concentration),
the least number required to define the state of the

The phase rule (cont’d)
 This critical number is called F, the number of
degrees of freedom of the system, and the rule is
expressed as follows:
F = C-P+2
Where, C is the number of components and P is the
number of phases present.
 The degree of freedom is the least number of
intensive variables that must be known to describe
the system completely.
 Although a large number of intensive properties are
associated with any system, it is not necessary to
report all of these to define the system. 4
The phase rule (cont’d)

 An equilibrium mixture of ice, liquid water, and water

vapor is a three-phase system.
 The number of components is the smallest number
of constituents by which the composition of each
phase in the system at equilibrium can be expressed
in the form of a chemical formula or equation.
 The number of components in the equilibrium
mixture of ice, liquid water and water vapor is one
because the composition of all the three phases is
described by the chemical formula H2O.
The phase rule (cont’d)

Examples: calculate the degree of freedom

1. A given mass of gas, say, water vapor, confined to a

particular volume.
F = 1-1+2 = 2
2. A system comprising a liquid, say, water in
equilibrium with its vapor
F = 1-2+2 = 1
3. Suppose we cool liquid water and its vapor until a
third phase/ice/ separates out
F = 1-3+2 = 0
The phase rule (cont’d)

 As the number of components increases, so do the

number of degree of freedom required to define the
 The greater the number of phases in equilibrium,
however, the fewer are the degrees of freedom.

The phase rule (cont’d)

The phase rule (cont’d)
 In any one of the three regions of phase diagram of
water, in which pure solid, liquid, or vapor exists, the
phase rule gives
F = 1-1+2 = 2
 Therefore, we must fix two conditions, namely
temperature and pressure, to specify or describe
the system completely.
 This statement means that if we were to record the
results of a scientific experiment involving a given
quantity of water, it would not be sufficient to state
that the water was kept at, say, 76 oC.
 The pressure would also have to be specified to
define the system completely.
The phase rule (cont’d)

 Conversely, it would not be sufficient to state that

liquid water was present at a certain pressure
without also stating the temperature.
 Along any three of the curves where two phases
exist in equilibrium, F = 1. Hence, only one condition
need be given to define the system.
 If we state that the system contains both liquid water and
water vapor in equilibrium at 100 oC , we need not specify
the pressure, for the vapor pressure can have no other
value than 760 mm Hg.
 At the triple point, where the three phases- Ice, liquid water,
and water vapor – are in equilibrium, we say F = 0.
Phase transition processes for H2O

– Melting/freezing
– Vaporization/condensation
– Sublimation/deposition

Phase equilibria of two- component
 A maximum of three degrees of freedom is possible
in a two-component system, for example,
temperature, pressure and concentration.
 Because in practice we are primarily concerned with
liquid and/or solid phases in the particular system
under examination, we frequently choose to
disregard the vapor phase and work under normal
conditions of 1 atm ( 760 mm Hg) of pressure.
 In this manner we reduce the number of degrees of
freedom by one.
Phase equilibria of two- component
system (cont’d)

 In a two-component system, therefore, only two

variables (temperature and concentration) remain,
and we are able to describe the interaction of these
variables by the use of planer figures on a
rectangular – coordinate graph paper.
 Systems in which the vapor phase is ignored and only
solid and/or liquid phases are considered are termed
condensed systems.
 Condensed systems are most appropriate for solid
and liquid dosage forms.
Two- component systems containing
liquid phases

 We know from experience that water and ethyl alcohol

are miscible in all proportions,
 whereas water and mercury are, completely
immiscible regardless of the relative amounts of each
 Between these extremes lies a whole range of systems
that exhibit partial miscibility (or immiscibility).
 One of such system is phenol and water, and a portion
of the condensed phase diagram is plotted in the next
side. 14
Phenol – water systems

Two- component systems containing
liquid phases
 The curve gbhci shows the limits of temperature and
concentration within which two liquid phases exist in
 The region outside this curve contains systems having
one liquid phase.
 Starting at the point a, equivalent to a system
containing 100% water (i.e., pure water) at 50 oC,
 Adding known increments of phenol to a fixed weight
of water, the whole being maintained at 50 oC, will
result in the formation of a single phase until the point
b is reached, at which a minute amount of second
phase appears i.e. at 11% by weight of phenol in water 16
Two- component systems containing
liquid phases (cont’d)

 Analysis of the second phase, which separates out on

the bottom of water, shows it to contain 63% by
weight of phenol in water.
 The phenol-rich phase is denoted by the point c on
the phase diagram.
 As we prepare mixtures containing increasing
quantities of phenol, that is, as we proceed the
diagram from point b to point C, we form systems in
which the amount of phenol rich phase(B) continually
Two- component systems containing
liquid phases (cont’d)
 At the same time the amount of water-rich phase (A)
 Once the total concentration of phenol exceeds 63%
at 50 oC, a single phenol-rich liquid phase is formed.
 The maximum temperature at which the two-phase
region exists is termed the upper critical solution, or
upper consolute temperature.
 In the case of phenol-water system, this is 66.8 oC.
 All combinations of phenol and water above this
temperature are completely miscible and yield one-
phase liquid systems.
Two- component systems containing
liquid phases (cont’d)
 If we prepare a system containing 24% by weight of
phenol and 76% by weight of water (point d), at
equilibrium, we have two liquid phases present in the
tube at 50 oC.
 In terms of relative weights of the two phases, there
will be more of the water-rich phase (A) than the
phenol- rich phase B at point d.

Applications of phase diagram
 The phase diagram is used in practice to formulate
systems containing more than one component where
it may be advantageous to achieve a single phase
 A number of solutions containing different
concentrations of phenol are official in several

Three component systems (ternary system)
 For three component (A, B, C) systems at
constant temperature and pressure, the
composition can be expressed in terms of the
coordinates of an equilateral triangle.

Three component systems…
 In figure each corner of the triangle represents a
pure component, i.e. 100% A, 100% B and 100% C.
 Each side represents a binary mixture and the
interior represents all ternary compositions.
 A line parallel to one side of the triangle represents a
constant percentage of one component.
 For e.g., DE (parallel to BC) represents 20% A with
varying amounts of B and C.
 Similarly, line FG (parallel to AC) represents all
mixtures containing 50% of B.
 These lines intersect at K which must be 20% of A,
50% of B, and therefore 30% of C.
Three component systems…

 In the formulation of pharmaceutical solutions

containing two immiscible liquids plus a mutually
soluble liquid (cosolvent or blending agent) the
triangular diagram provides a convenient means of
expressing the data.


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