SOP For Hazardous Manufacturing Processes
SOP For Hazardous Manufacturing Processes
SOP For Hazardous Manufacturing Processes
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manufacture of aerated waters and processes incidental thereto
1. Fencing of Machines:- All machines for filling bottles or syphons shall be so constructed,
placed or fenced, as far as may be practicable, a fragment of a bursting bottle or syphon
from striking any person employed in the factory.
1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the use of all persons
engaged in filling bottles or syphons,
a) suitable face guards to protect the face, neck and throat; and
b) suitable gauntlets, for both arms to protect the whole hand and arms:
Provided that the provisions of this sub-paragraph (a) (1) shall not apply where
bottles are filled by means of an automatic machine so constructed that no fragment of a
bursting bottle can escape:
Provided further that where a machine is so constructed that only one arm of the
bottle at work upon it is exposed to danger, a gauntlet need not be provided for the arm
which is not exposed to danger.
2) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the use of all persons
engaged in corking, crowning, screwing, wiring, foiling, capsuling, sighting or
labelling bottles or syphons;
a) suitable face guards to protect the face, neck and throat; and
b) suitable gauntlets, for both arms to protect the arm and at least half of the
palm and the space between the thumb and forefinger.
3. Wearing of face guards and gauntlets:- All Persons engaged in any of the processes
specified in paragraph 2 of this schedule shall, while at work in such processes, wear the
face guards and gauntlets provided under the provisions of the said paragraph.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles by use of an electrolyte
containing acids, bases or salts of metals such as Chromium, Nickel, Cadmium,
Zinc, Copper, Silver, Gold, etc.
1. Definitions:-
b) "Bath" means any vessel used for an electrolytic process or for any subsequent
process; and
c) "Employed" means employed in any process involving contact with liquid from a
2. Exhaust draught:- An efficient exhaust draught shall be applied to every vessel in which
an electrolytic process is carried on. Such draught shall be provided by mechanical means
and shall operate on the vapour or spray given off in the process as near as may be at the
point of origin. The exhaust draught appliance shall be so constructed, arranged and
maintained as to prevent the vapour or spray entering into any room or place in which
work is carried on.
4. Floor of work rooms:- The floor of every work room containing a bath shall be
impervious to water. The floor shall be maintained in good and level condition shall be
washed down at least once a day.
5. Protective devices:-
1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good and clean condition the following
articles of protective devices for the use of all persons employed on any process at
which they are liable to come in contact with liquid from a bath and such devices
shall be worn by the persons concerned;
2) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed suitable
accommodation for the storage and drying of protective devices.
6. Water facilities:-
1) There shall be provided and maintained in good repairs for the use of all persons
employed in electrolytic process and processes incidental to it:—
b) Sufficient supply of clean towels renewed daily, and soap or other suitably
cleaning material.
2) In addition to the facility in sub-paragraph 1, an approved type of emergency
shower with eye fountain shall be provided and maintained in good working order.
Wherever necessary, in order to ensure continuous water supply, storage tank of
1500 litres capacity shall be provided as a source of clean water for emergency use.
7. Cautionary Placard:- A cautionary placard in the form specified below and printed in the
language of the majority of the workers employed shall be affixed in a prominent place in
the factory where it can be easily and conveniently read by the workers.
Cautionary Notice
Electrolytic Plating
vii. All workers shall report for the prescribed medical tests regularly to protect their
own health.
1) The occupier of every factory in which electrolytic processes are carried on shall—
b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a) and;
2) The medical practitioner shall examine all workers before they are employed in
electrolytic processes. Such examination in case of chrome plating shall include
inspection of hands, forearms and nose and will be carried out once at least in every
a) in case of chromium plating include examination for nasal septum
perforation and test for chromium in urine;
2) No worker shall be employed in any electrolytic processes unless certified fit for
such employment by the Certifying Surgeon.
3) Every worker employed in the electrolytic processes shall be re-examined by a
Certifying Surgeon at least once in every year, except in case of the workers
employed in cadmium, chromium and nickel plating processes for whom this
examination shall be carried out once in every six months. Such re-examination
shall, wherever the Certifying Surgeon considers appropriate, include tests as
specified under sub-paragraph (1) excluding the X-ray of the chest which shall
not be required normally to be carried out earlier than once in three years.
5) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available
for inspection by the Inspector.
6) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer
fit for employment in the electrolytic processes on the ground that continuance
therein would involve danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record
of his findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his
findings in those documents should also include the period for which he
considers that the said person is unfit for work in the said processes. The person
declared unfit in such circumstances shall be provided with alternate placement
facility unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying Surgeon, in
which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
7) No person who has been unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph (6) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying
Surgeon, after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in
those processes.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manufacture and repair of electric accumulators
1. Savings:- This shall not apply to the manufacture or repair of electric accumulators or
parts thereof not containing lead or any compound of lead or to the repair on the premises
of any accumulator forming part of a stationary battery.
2. Definitions:-
c) "manipulation of raw oxide of lead" means any lead process involving any
manipulation or movement of raw oxides of lead other than its
conveyance in a receptacle or by means of an implement from one
operation to another.
3. Prohibition relating to women and young persons:- No women or young person shall
be employed or permitted to work in any lead process or in any room in which the
manipulation of raw oxide of lead or pasting is carried on.
5. Air space:- In every room in which a lead process is carried on, there shall be at least
14.2 cubic metres of air space for each person employed therein, and in computing this air
space no height over 3.65 metres shall be taken into account.
6. Ventilation:- Every work room shall be provided with inlets and outlets of adequate size
as to secure and maintain efficient ventilation in all parts of the room.
7. Distance between workers in pasting room:- In every pasting room the distance
between the centre of the working position of one paster and that of the other paster
working nearest to him shall not be less than 1.5 metres.
8. Floor or workrooms:-
1) The floor of every room in which lead process is carried on shall be—
c) kept free from materials, plant or other obstruction not required for, or
produced in the process carried on in the room.
2) In all such rooms other than grid casting shops the floor shall be cleaned daily after
being thoroughly sprayed with water at a time when no other work is being carried
on in the room.
4) Without prejudice to the requirements of sub-paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) where
manipulation of raw oxide of lead or pasting is carried on, the floor shall also be—
1) The following processes shall not be carried on without the use of an efficient
exhaust draught, namely-
2) Such exhaust draught shall be effected by mechanical means and shall operate on
the dust or fume given off as nearly as may be at its point of origin, so as to
prevent it entering the air of any room in which persons work.
11. Fumes and gases from melting pots:- The products of combustion produced in the
heating of any melting pot shall not be allowed to escape into a room in which persons
12. Container for dross:-A suitable receptacle with tightly fitting cover shall be provided and
used for dross as it is removed from every melting pot. Such receptacle shall be kept
covered while in the workroom, except when dross is being deposited therein.
13. Container for lead waste:- A suitable receptacle shall be provided in every workroom in
which old plates and waste material which may give rise to dust shall be deposited.
1) The racks or shelves provided in any drying room shall not be more than 2.4 metres
from the floor nor more than 60 centimetres in width:
Provided that as regards racks or shelves set or drawn from both sides the
total width shall not exceed 120 centimetres.
2) Such racks or shelves shall be cleaned only after being thoroughly damped unless
an efficient suction cleaning apparatus is used for this purpose.
1) Protective clothing shall be provided and maintained in good repair for all persons
employed in—
16. Messroom:- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed in
a lead process and remaining on the premises during the meal intervals, a suitable
messroom which shall be furnished with sufficient tables and benches and adequate means
for warming food. The messroom shall be placed under the charge of responsible person
and shall be kept clean.
17. Cloakroom:- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed
in a lead process:
a) a cloakroom for clothing put off during working hours with adequate arrangements
for drying the clothing 2 wet, which accommodation shall be separate from any
messroom; and
b) separate and suitable arrangements for the storage of protective clothing provided
under paragraph 15.
1) There shall be provided and maintained in a cleanly state and in good repair for the
use of all persons employed in a lead process—
ii. at least one wash basin for every five such persons employed at any
one time, fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having constant supply
of water laid on;
c) a sufficient supply of soap or other suitable cleansing material arid of nail
19. Time to be allowed for washing:- Before each meal and before the end of the days work
at least ten minutes, in addition to the regular meal times, shall be allowed for washing to
each person who has been employed in the manipulation of raw oxide of lead or in pasting:
Provided that if there be one basin or 60 centimetres of trough for each such person
this paragraph shall not apply.
20. Facilities for bathings:- Sufficient bath accommodation to the satisfaction of the Chief
Inspector shall be provided for all persons engaged in the manipulation of raw oxide or lead
or in pasting and a sufficient supply of soap and clean towels.
21. Food, drinks etc., prohibited in work rooms:- No food, drink, pan and supari or
tobacco shall be consumed or brought by any worker into any workroom in which any lead
process is carried on.
b. provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the
Chief Inspector which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the
2) Every worker employed in the set process shall be re-examined by a Certifying Surgeon
at least once in every three calendar months. Such re-examination shall, wherever the
Certifying Surgeon considers appropriate, include tests specified in sub-paragraph (1).
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a certificate of fitness in
Form 4. The record of the examination and re-examination carried out shall be entered
in the certificate and the certificate shall be kept in the custody of the Manager of the
Factory. The record of each examination and re-examination carried out under sub-
paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively, including the nature and the results of the tests,
shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the Health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit for
employment in the said process on the ground that continuance therein would involve
special danger to the health of the worker he shall make a record of his findings to the
set certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in those documents
should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is unfit for
work in the said processes.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work under above sub-paragraph shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying Surgeon,
after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in those processes.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Glass Manufacture
1. Definitions:-
b) "lead compound" means any compound of lead other than galena which when
treated in the manner described below, yields to an aqueous solution of
hydrochloric acid a quantity of soluble lead compound exceeding, when
calculated as lead mono-oxide, five percent of the dry weight of the portion
taken for analysis. The method of treatment shall be as follows:
A weighted quantity of the material which has been dried at 100 degrees centigrade
and thoroughly mixed shall be continuously, shaken for one hour at the common
temperature with 1,000 times its weight of an aqueous solution of hydro-chloric acid
containing 0.25 per cent by weight of hydrogen chloride. This solution shall thereafter
be allowed to stand for one hour and then filtered. The lead salt contained in the clear
filterate shall then be precipitated as lead sulphide and weighed as lead sulphate.
2. Exhaust draught:- The following processes shall not be carried on except under
efficient exhaust draught or such other conditions as may be approved by the Chief
Inspector, namely:—
b. the dry grinding, glazing, and polishing of glass or any article of glass;
c. all processes in which hydrofluoric acid fumes or ammonical vapours are given
d. all processes in the making of furnace moulds or pots including the grinding or
crushing or used "pots"; and
4. Floor and work-benches:- The floor and work-benches of every room in which a dry
compound of lead is manipulated or in which any process is carried on giving off silica
dust shall be kept moist and shall comply with the following requirements namely—
a) the floor shall be,
5. Use of hydroflouric acid:- The following provisions shall apply to rooms in which glass
is treated with hydroflouric acid, namely—
b) the floor shall be covered with guttaparcha and be tight and shall slope
gently down to a covered drain;
d) the efficient exhaust draught shall be so contrived that the gases are
exhausted downwards.
6. Storage and transport of hydroflouric acid:- Hydrofluoric acid shall not be stored or
transported except in cylinders or receptacles of lead or rubber.
7. Blow pipes:- Every glass blower shall be provided with a separate blow pipe bearing
the distinguishing mark of the person to whom it is issued and suitable facilities shall be
readily available to every glass blower for sterlising his blow pipe.
8. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in workrooms:- No food, drink, pan and supari or
tobacco shall be brought into or consumed by any worker in any room or workplace
where in any process specified in paragraph 2 is carried on.
9. Protective clothing:- The occupier shall provide and maintain in good repair and keep
in a clean condition for the use of all persons employed in the processes specified in
paragraph 2 suitable protective clothing, footwear and goggles according to the nature
of the work and such clothing, footwear and goggles shall be worn by the persons
10. Washing facilities:- There shall be provided and maintained in a cleanly state and in
good repair for the use of all persons employed in the processes specified in paragraph
a) a wash place with either—
i. a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe, without
plug and of sufficient length to allow of at least 60 centimetres for every five
such persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of
water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 60
centimetres; or
ii. at least one wash basin for every five persons employed at any one time,
fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having an adequate supply of water
laid on or always readily available;
b) a sufficient supply of clean towels made of suitable material renewed daily with a
sufficient supply of soap or other suitable cleansing material and of nail brushes;
c) a sufficient number of stand pipes with taps the number and location of which shall
be to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector.
11. Medical facilities and record of examination and tests:-
1) The occupier of every factory in which glass manufacturing processes are carried
out, shall—
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a)
2) The records of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a Certificate of Fitness
in Form 4.The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be
entered in the certificate and the certificate shall be kept in the custody of the
Manager of the factory. The record of each examination and re-examination carried
out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively including the nature and the
results of the tests, shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health
register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit
for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would
involve special danger to the health of worker, he shall make a record of his findings
in the said Certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in those
documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said
person is unfit to work in the said processes.
The person so suspended form the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion or the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work under sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the certifying Surgeon,
after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in those processes.
13. Exemption:- If the Chief Inspector is satisfied in respect of any factory or any class of
process that owing to the special methods of work or the special conditions in a factory
or otherwise any of the requirements of this schedule can be suspended or relaxed
without danger to the persons employed therein, or that the application of this schedule
or any part thereof is for any reason impracticable, he may by certificate in writing
authorise such suspension or relaxation as may be indicated in the certificate for such
period and on such conditions as he may think fit.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Grinding or glazing of metals and processes incidental thereto
1. Exception:-
1) Nothing in this shall apply to any factory in which only repairs are carried on except
any part thereof in which one or more persons are wholly or mainly employed in the
grinding or glazing of metals.
2) Nothing in this except paragraph 4 shall apply to any grinding or glazing or metals
carried on intermittently and at which no person is employed for more than 12
hours in any week.
2. Definitions:-
ii. "glazing" means the abrading, polishing or finishing by aid of mechanical power, of
metal, by means or any wheel, buff, mop or similar appliance to which any abrading
or polishing substance is attached or applied;
iii. "grinding" means the abrasion by aid of mechanical power, of metal, by means of a
grindstone or abrasive wheel;
v. "hacking" means the chipping of the surface of a grindstone by a hack or similar tool;
vi. "racing" means the turning up, cutting or dressing of a revolving grind stone before it
is brought into use for the first time; and
vii. "rodding" means the dressing of the surface of a revolving grindstone by the
application of a rod, bar or strip of metal to such surface.
3. Equipment for removal of dust:- No racing, dry grinding or glazing shall be performed
without —
Provided that the Chief Inspector may accept any other appliance that is in his
opinion, is as effectual for the interception, removal and disposal of dust thrown off as a
hood, duct and fan would be.
Not more than one person shall at any time perform the actual process of grinding
or glazing upon a grindstone, abrasive wheel or glazing appliance:
Provided that this paragraph shall not prohibit the employment of persons to assist
in the manipulation of heavy or bulky articles at any such grindstone, abrasive wheel or
glazing appliance.
5. Glazing:- Glazing or other processes, except processes incidental to wet grinding upon a
grindstone shall not be carried on in any room in which wet grinding upon a grindstone is
6. Hacking and rodding:- Hacking or rodding shall not be done unless during the process
either an adequate supply of water is laid on at the upper surface of the grindstone or
adequate appliances for the interception of dust are provided in accordance with the
requirements of paragraph 3.
1) All equipment for the extraction or suppression of dust shall at least once in
every 6 months be examined and tested by a competent person, and any defect
disclosed by such examinations and tests shall be rectified as soon as
1) The occupier of every factory in which grinding or glazing of metals are carried
out, shall—
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the
said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by
the Chief Inspector, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available
for inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer
fit for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein
would involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record
of his findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his
findings in those documents should also include the period for which he
considers that the said person is unfit for work in the said processes.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternative
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the
Certifying Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably
6) No person who has been found unfit to work under sub-paragraph (5) shall be
re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying
Surgeon, after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in
those processes.
10. Exemption:- The Chief Inspector may by certificate in writing, subject to such
conditions as he may specify therein, relax or suspend any of the provisions of this
schedule in respect of any factory if owing to the special methods of work or otherwise
such relaxation or suspension is practicable without danger to the health or safety of
the persons employed.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manufacture and treatment of lead and certain compounds of lead
1. Application:- This shall apply to all factories or parts of factories in which any of the
following operations are carried on namely:—
a) work at a furnace where the reduction or treatment of zinc or lead ores is carried
c) manufacture of solder or alloys containing more than ten per cent of lead;
g) the cleaning of workrooms where any of the operations aforesaid are carried on.
2. Definitions:-
b) "lead compound" means any compound of lead other than galena which, when
treated in the manner described below, yields to an aqueous solution of hydrochloric
acid, a quantity of soluble lead compound exceeding when calculated as lead
monoxide, five per cent of the "dry weight" of the portion taken for analysis. In the
case of paints and similar products and other mixtures containing oil or fat the "dry
weight" means the dry weight of the material remaining after the substance has
been thoroughly mixed and treated with suitable solvents to remove oil, fats,
varnish or other media.
A weighed quantity of the material which has been dried at 100°C and thoroughly
mixed shall be continuously shaken for one hour, at the common temperature with 1,000
times its weight of an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid containing 0.25 per cent by
weight of hydrogen chloride. This solution shall thereafter be allowed to stand for one hour
and then filtered. The lead salt contained in the clear filterate shall then be precipitated as
lead sulphide and weighed as lead sulphate.
3. Prohibition relating to women and young persons:- No woman or young person shall
be employed or permitted to work in any of the operations specified in paragraph 1.
5. Exhaust draught:- Where dust, fume, gas or vapour is produced in the process, provisions
shall be made for removing them by means of an efficient exhaust draught so contrived as
to operate on the dust, fume, gas or vapour as closely as possible to the point of origin.
6. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in workroom:- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco
shall be brought into or consumed by any worker in any workroom in which the process is
carried on and no person shall remain in any such room during intervals for meals or rest.
7. Protective clothing:- Suitable protective overalls and head coverings shall be provided,
maintained and kept clean by the occupier and such overalls and head coverings shall be
worn by the persons employed.
8. Cleanliness of workrooms, tools etc:- The rooms in which the persons are employed
and all tools and apparatus used by them shall be kept in a clean state.
9. Washing facilities:-
1) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed suitable
washing facilities consisting of:—
a) a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe without
plug and of sufficient length to allow at least 60 centimetres for every ten
persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of clean
water from taps of jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 60
centimetres; or
b) at least one wash-basin for every ten persons employed at any one time,
fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of dean
water together with, in either case, a sufficient supply of nail or brushes,
soap or other suitable cleaning material and clean towels.
2) The facilities so provided shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person
and shall be kept clean.
10. Messroom or canteen:- The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of the
persons employed suitable and adequate arrangements for taking their meals. The
arrangements shall consist of the use of a room separate from any workroom which shall
be furnished with sufficient tables and benches, and unless a canteen serving hot meals is
provided, adequate means of warming the food. The room shall be adequately ventilated
by the circulation of fresh air and shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person
and shall be kept clean.
11. Cloakroom:- The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of persons employed,
suitable accommodation for clothing not worn during working hours, and for the drying of
wet clothing.
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
1) Every worker employed in the processes referred to in paragraph 1 shall be
examined by a Certifying Surgeon within 15 days of his first employment. Such
examination shall include tests for lead in blood and urine, ALA in urine, hemoglobin
content, stippling of cells and steadiness test. No worker shall be allowed to work
after 15 days of his first employment in the factory unless certified fit for such
employment by the Certifying Surgeon.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a Certificate of Fitness
in Form 4.The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be
entered in the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the
Manager of the factory. The record of each examination and re-examination carried
out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively including the nature and the
results of the tests shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health
register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit
for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would
involve special danger to the Health of the worker, he shall make a record of his
findings in the said Certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in
those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said
person is unfit for work in the said processes.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work under sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying Surgeon,
after further examination again certifies him fit for employment in those processes.
14. Exemption:- Where the Chief Inspector is satisfied that all or any of the provisions of this
schedule are not necessary for the protection of the persons employed, he may by
certificate in writing exempt any factory from all or any of such provisions, subject to such
conditions as he may specify.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Generating Petrol gas from petrol
1. Prohibition relating to women and young persons:- No women or young person shall
be employed or permitted to work in or shall be allowed to enter any building in which the
generation of gas from dangerous petroleum is carried on.
2. Flame traps:- The plant for generation of gas from dangerous petroleum and associated
piping and fittings shall be fitted and maintained as to prevent a flash back from any
burner to the plant. One of these traps shall be fitted as close to the plant as possible. The
plant and all pipes and valves shall be installed and maintained free from leaks.
3. Generating building or room:- All plants for generation of gas from dangerous
petroleum shall be erected after the coming into force of the provisions or this schedule, be
erected outside the factory building proper in a separate well ventilated building
(hereinafter referred to as the 'generating building"). In the case of such plants erected
before the coming into force of the provisions of this schedule there shall be no direct
communication/specified between the room where such plants are erected (hereinafter
referred to as "the generating room") and the remainder of the factory building. So far as
practicable, all such generating rooms shall be constructed of fire resisting materials.
6. Escape of petrol:- Effective steps shall be taken to prevent petrol from escaping into any
drain or sewer.
7. Prohibition relating to smoking:- No person shall smoke or carry matches, fire or naked
light or other means of producing a naked light or spark in the generation room or building
or in the vicinity thereof and a warning notice in the language understood by the majority
of the workers shall be posted in the factory prohibiting smoking and the carrying of
matches, fire or naked light or other means of producing a naked light or spark into such
room or building.
8. Access to petrol or container:- No unauthorised person shall have access to any petrol
or to a vessel containing or having actually contained petrol.
9. Electric fittings:- All electric fittings shall be of flameproof construction and. all electric
conductors shall either be enclosed in metal conduits or be lead-sheathed.
10. Construction of doors:- All doors in the generating room or building shall be constructed
to open outwards or to slide and no door shall be looked or obstructed or fastened in such
a manner that it cannot be easily and immediately opened from the inside while gas is
being generated and any person is working in the generating room or building.
11. Repair of containers:- No vessel that has contained petrol shall be repaired in a
generating room or building and no repairs to any such vessel shall be undertaken unless
live steam has been blown into the vessel and until the interior is thoroughly steamed out
or other equally effective steps have been taken to ensure that it has been rendered free
from petrol or flammable vapour.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Cleaning or smoothing, roughening, etc., of articles, by a jet of sand metal shot, or grit,
or other available abrasive propelled by a blast or compressed air or steam
1. Definitions:-
c) "blasting chamber" means a blasting enclosure in which any person may enter at
any time in connection with any work or otherwise; and
2. Prohibition of sand blasting:- Sand or any other substance containing free silica shall
not be introduced as an abrasive into any blasting apparatus and shall not be used for
Provided that this paragraph shall come into force two years after the coming into
force of this schedule:
Provided further that no woman or young person shall be employed or permitted to
work at any operation of sand blasting.
1) Blasting shall not be done except in a blasting enclosure and no work other than a
blasting and any work immediately incidental thereto and cleaning and repairing of
the enclosure including the plant and appliances situated therein, shall be performed
in a blasting enclosure. Every door, aperture and joint of blasting enclosure, shall be
kept closed and air tight while blasting is being done therein.
3) There shall be provided and maintained for and in connection with every blasting
enclosure, efficient apparatus for separating, so far as practicable, abrasive which
has been used for blasting and which is to be used again as an abrasive, from dust
or particles of other materials arising from blasting; and no such abrasive shall be
introduced into any blasting apparatus and used for blasting until it has been so
Provided that this paragraph shall not apply, except in the case of blasting
chambers, to blasting enclosures constructed or installed before the coming into
force of this schedule, if the Chief Inspector is of opinion that it is not reasonably
practicable to provide such separating apparatus.
4) There shall be provided and maintained in connection with every blasting enclosure
efficient ventilating plant to extract, by exhaust draught effected by mechanical
means, dust produced in the enclosure. The dust extracted and removed shall be
disposed of by such method and in such manner that it shall not escape into the air
of every room; and every other filtering or setting device situated in a room in
which persons are employed, other than persons attending to such bag or other
filtering or settling device, shall be completely separated from the general air of that
room in an enclosure ventilated to the open air.
5) The ventilating plant provided for the purpose of sub-paragraph (4) shall be kept in
continuous operation whenever the blasting enclosure is in use whether or not
blasting is actually taking place therein, and in the case of a blasting chamber, it
shall be in operation even when any person is inside the chamber for the purpose of
2) Particulars of the result of every such inspection, examination or test shall forthwith
be entered in a register which shall be kept in a form approved by the Chief
Inspector and shall be available for inspection by any workman employed in or in
connection with blasting in the factory. Any defect found in any such inspection,
examination or test shall be immediately reported by the person carrying out the
inspection, examination or test to the occupier, manager or other appropriate
person and without prejudice to the foregoing requirements of this schedule, shall
be removed without avoidable delay.
1) There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons who are employed
in a blasting chamber, whether in blasting or in any work connected therewith or in
cleaning such a chamber, protective helmets of a type approved and certified by the
Chief Inspector; and every such person shall wear the helmet and shall not remove
it until he is outside the chamber.
2) Each protective helmet shall carry a distinguishing mark indicating the person by
whom it is intended to be used and no person shall be allowed or required to wear a
helmet not carrying his mark or a helmet which has been worn by another person
and has not since been thoroughly disinfected.
3) Each protective helmet when in use shall be supplied with clean and not
unreasonably cold air at a rate of not less than 170 litres per minute.
4) Suitable gauntlets and overalls shall be provided for use of all persons while
performing blasting or assisting at blasting, and every such person shall while so
engaged, wear the gauntlet and overall provided.
2) All practicable measures shall be taken in connection with any cleaning operation
referred to in paragraph 5 and the removal of dust from filtering or settling devices,
to dispose of the dust in such a manner that it does not enter the air of any room.
Vacuum cleaners shall be provided and used wherever practicable for such cleaning
and such accommodation shall be kept clean. Helmets, gauntlets and overalls when not in
actual use shall be kept in this accommodation.
8. Maintenance and cleaning of protective wear:- All helmets, gauntlets, overalls and
other protective devices or clothings provided and worn for the purposes of this schedule,
shall be kept in good condition and so far as is reasonably practicable shall be cleaned on
every week day in which they are used. Where dust arising from the cleaning of such
protective clothing or devices is likely to be inhaled, all practicable measures shall be taken
to prevent such inhalation. Vacuum cleaners shall, wherever practicable, be used for
removing dust from such clothing and compressed air shall not be used for removing dust
from any clothing.
9. Maintenance of vacuum cleaning plant:- Vacuum cleaning plant used for the purpose of
this schedule shall be properly maintained.
b) provide to the said Medical Practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in Clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said
Medical Practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a Certificate of Fitness
in Form 4. The record of examination and re-examination carried out shall be
entered in the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the
Manager of the factory. The record of each examination and re-examination carried
under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively, including the nature and the results
of the tests, shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health register in
Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit for
employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would
involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of his
findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in
those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said
person is unfit for work in the said processes.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion or the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work in the said processes under sub-
paragraph (5) shall be re-employed or permitted to work unless the Certifying
Surgeon, after further examination, again certifies him to be fit for employment in
those processes.
1) If the Chief Inspector is satisfied that in any factory or any class of factory, the use
of sand or other substance containing free silica as an abrasive in blasting is
necessary for a particular manufacture or process (other than the process incidental
or supplemental to making of metal castings) and that the manufacture or process
cannot be carried on without the use of such abrasive or that owing to the special
conditions or special method of work or otherwise any requirement of this schedule
can be suspended either temporarily or permanently, or can be relaxed without
endangering the health of the persons employed or that application of any of such
requirements is for any reason impracticable or inappropriate, he may, with the
previous sanction of the State Government by an order in writing exempt the said
factory or class of factories from such provisions of this schedule, to such an extent
and subject to such conditions and for such period as may be specified in the said
2) Where an exemption has been granted under sub-paragraph (1), a copy of the order
shall be displayed at a notice board at a prominent place at the main entrance or
entrances to the factory and also at the place where the blasting is carried on.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Liming and tanning of raw hides and skins and processes incidental thereto
1. Cautionary notices:-
3) Notices shall be affixed in prominent places in the factory stating the position of
the first aid box or cupboard and the name of the person in charge of such box
or cupboard.
4) If any person employed in the factory is illiterate, effective steps shall be taken
to explain carefully to such illiterate person the contents of the notice specified
in sub-paragraphs (1), (2) and if chrome solutions are used in the factory the
contents of the notice specified in sub-paragraph (2).
2. Protective clothing:- The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition the
following articles or protective clothing, namely:
i. Waterproof footwear, leg coverings, aprons and gloves for persons employed in
processes involving contact with chrome solutions, including the preparation of such
ii. gloves and boots for persons employed in lime yard; and
iii. protective footwear, aprons and gloves for persons employed processes involving
the handling of hides or skins, other then; processes specified in clauses (a) and
Provided above that the gloves, aprons, leg coverings or boots may be of rubber or
leather, but the gloves and boots to be provided under clauses (a) and (b) shall be of rubber:
Provided further that the gloves may not be provided to persons fleshing by hand or
employed in processes in which there is no risk of contact with lime, sodium sulphide or other
caustic liquor.
3. Washing facilities, messroom and cloakroom:- There shall be provided and maintained
in a clean state and in good repair for the use of all persons employed-
a) a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe without plug of
sufficient length to allow of at least 60 centimetres for every ten persons employed
at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from taps or jets above the
trough at intervals of not more than 60 centimetres, or at least one wash basin for
every ten persons employed at any one time, fitted with a waste pipe and plug and
having a constant supply of water together with, in either case, a sufficient supply
of nail brushes, soap or other suitable cleansing materials and clean towels;
b) a suitable messroom, adequate for the number remaining on the premises during
the meal intervals, which shall be furnished with sufficient tables and benches and
adequate means for warming food and for boiling water.
The messroom shall be,
i. separate from any room or shed in which hides or skins are stored, treated or
ii. separate from the cloakroom, and
iii. placed under the charge of a responsible person; and
c) suitable accommodation for clothing put off during working hours and another
accommodation for protective clothing and also adequate arrangements for drying
up the clothing in both the cases, if wet. The accommodation so provided shall be
kept dean at all times and placed in the charge of a responsible person.
4. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in workrooms:- No food, drinks, pan and supari or
tobacco shall be brought into or consumed by any worker in any workroom or shed in
which the hides or skins are stored, treated or manipulated.
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a);
c) arrange for inspection twice a week of the hands of all the persons and
keeping in contact with chromium substances; and
d) provide maintain and supply suitable ointment and plaster in a box readily
accessible to the workers and solely used for the purpose or keeping the
ointment and the plaster.
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the
Chief Inspector which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
1) Every worker employed in any of the processes to which the schedule applies shall
be examined by a Certifying Surgeon within 15 days of his first employment. Such
examination shall include skin test for dermatomes and detection of anthrax
bacillus from local lesion by gram stain. No worker shall be allowed to work after 15
days of his first employment in the factory unless certified fit for such employment
by the Certifying Surgeon.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a Certificate in Fitness
in Form 4. The record of examination and re-examination carried out shall be
entered in the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the
Manager of the factory. The record of each examination and re-examination carried
out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively, including the nature and the
results of the tests, shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health
register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit
for employment-in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would
involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of his
findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in
those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said
person is unfit for work in the said processes.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work under sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying Surgeon,
after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in those processes.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Printing presses and type foundries and certain lead processes carried therein
1. Definitions:-
b) "lead material" means material containing not less than five per cent of lead;
i. the melting of lead or any lead material for casting and mechanical composing,
iii. any other work including removal of dross from melting pots and cleaning
of plungers, and
2. Exhaust draught:-
1) None of the following processes shall be carried on except with an efficient exhaust
draught unless carried on in such a manner as to prevent free escape of gas,
vapour, fumes or dust into any place in which work is carried on, or unless carried
on in electrically heated and thermostatically controlled melting pots namely:
a) melting lead material or slugs; and
b) heating lead material so that vapour containing lead is given off.
2) Such exhaust draught shall be effected by mechanical means and so contrived as to
operate on the dust, fume, gas or vapour given off as closely as may be at its point
of origin.
3. Prohibition relating to women and young persons:- No woman or young person shall
be employed or permitted to work in any lead processes.
c) mechanical composing.
5. Container for dross:- A suitable receptacle with tightly fitting cover shall be provided and
used for dross as it is removed from every melting pot. Such receptacle shall be kept
covered while in the workroom near the machine except when the dross is being deposited
6. Floor of workroom:- The floor of every workroom where lead process is carried on shall
be -
a) of cement or similar material so as to be smooth and impervious to water;
c) cleaned throughout daily after being thoroughly damped with water at a time
when no other work is being carried at the place.
7. Messroom:- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed in a
lead process and remaining on the premises during the meal intervals, a suitable mess room
which shall be furnished with sufficient tables and benches.
8. Washing facilities:- There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good
repair for the use of all persons employed in a lead process,
ii. at least one wash basin for every five such persons employed at any one time
fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having an adequate supply of water laid on
or always readily available; and
b) a sufficient supply of clean towels made of suitable material, renewed daily with a
sufficient supply of soap or other suitable cleansing material.
9. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in workrooms:- No food, drink pan and supari or tobacco
shall be consumed or brought by any worker in any workroom in which any lead
process is carried on.
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the
Chief Inspector which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a certificate of Fitness in
Form 4. The record of examination and re-examination carried out shall be entered in
the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the Manager of the
factory. The record of each examination or re-examination carried out under sub-
paragraphs (1) and respectively, including the nature and the results of the tests, shall
also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit for
employment in the said process on the ground that continuance therein would involve
special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of his findings in the
said certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in those documents
should include the period for which he considers that the said persons is unfit for work
in the said processes.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work under sub-paragraphs (5) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the said process unless the Certifying Surgeon, after
further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in those processes.
12. Exemption:- Where the Chief Inspector is satisfied that all or any of the provisions of
this schedule are not necessary for the protection of persons employed, he may, by
certificate in writing exempt any factory from all or any of such provisions subject to
such conditions as he may specify therein. Such certificate may at any time be revoked
by the Chief Inspector.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manufacture of Pottery
1. Savings:- These provisions shall not apply to a factory in which any of the following
articles, but no other pottery, are made, namely:—
a) unglazed or salt glazed bricks and tiles; and
b) architectural terra-cotta made from plastic clay and either unglazed or glazed
with a leadless glaze only.
2. Definitions:-
d) "leadless glaze" means a glaze which does not contain more than one per
cent of its dry weight, of a lead compound calculated as lead monoxide;
e) "low solubility glare" means a glaze which does not yield to dilute
hydrochloric acid more than five per cent of its dry weight, of a soluble lead
compound calculated as lead monoxide when determined in the manner
specified below:
A weighed quantity of the material which has been dried at 100 degrees
centigrade and thoroughly mixed shall be continuously shaken for one hour at
the common temperature with 1000 times its weight of an aqueous solution of
hydrochloric acid containing 0.25 percent by weight of hydrogen chloride. This
solution shall thereafter be allowed to stand for one hour and then filtered. The
lead salt contained in the dear filterate shall then be precipitated as lead
sulphide and weighed as lead sulphate;
g) "potter's shop" includes all places where pottery is formed by pressing or-
by any other process and all places where shaping, fettling or other
treatment of pottery articles prior to placing for the biscuit fire is carried on.
3. Efficient exhaust draught:- The following processes shall not be carried on without the
use of an efficient exhaust draught, namely—
a) all process involving the manipulation or use of a dry and unfretted lead
c) shifting of clay dust or any other material for making tiles or other
articles by pressure, except where—
i. this is done in a machine so enclosed as to effectually prevent
the escape of dust; or
ii. the material to be shifted is so damp that no dust can be given off;
d) pressing of tiles from clay dust, an exhaust opening being connected with
each press and pressing from day dust of articles other than tiles, unless the
material is so damp that no dust is given off;
e) fettling of tiles made from day dust by pressure, except where the fettling
is done wholly on, or with, damp material and fettling of other articles
made from day dust, unless the material is so damp that no dust is given
h) fettling of biscuit ware which has been fired in powdered flint or quartz
except where this is done in machines so enclosed as to effectually
prevent the escape of dust;
j) crushing and dry grinding of materials for pottery bodies and seggars,
unless carried on in machines so enclosed as to effectively prevent the
escape of dust or is so damp that no dust can be given off;
o) mould making unless the binds or similar receptacles used for holding
plaster of paris are provided with suitable covers; and
p) manipulation of calcined material unless the material has been made and
remains so wet that no dust is given off.
a) crushing and dry grinding or sieving of materials, fettling pressing of tiles, drying or
day and green ware loading an3 unloading of seggars; and
5. Prohibition on use of glaze:- No glaze which is not a leadless glaze or a low solubility
glaze shall be used in a factory in which pottery is manufactured.
6. Prohibition relating to women and young person:- No woman or young person shall be
employed or permitted to work in any of the operations specified in paragraph 4, or at any
place where such operations are carried on.
7. Provisions of screen to potter's wheel:- The potter's wheel (Jolly and Jigger) shall be
provided with screens or so constructed as to prevent clay scrapings being thrown off beyond
the wheel.
b) Damp saw-dust or other suitable material shall be used to render the moist method
effective in preventing dust rising into the air during the cleaning process which
shall be carried out after work has ceased.
9. Floor of certain workrooms:- The floors of potter's shops, slip houses, dipping houses and
ware cleaning rooms shall be hard, smooth and impervious and shall be thoroughly cleaned
daily by an adult male using a moist method.
1) The occupier shall provide and maintain suitable overalls and head coverings for all
persons employed in process included under paragraph 3.
2) The occupier shall provide and maintain suitable aprons of a waterproof or similar
material, which can be sponged daily, for the use of the dippers, dippers assistants,
throwers, jolly workers, casters mould makers and filter press and pug mill workers.
4) No person shall be allowed to work in emptying sacks of dusty materials, weighing out
and mixing of dusty materials and changing of ball mills and plungers without wearing
a suitable and efficient dust respirator.
1) The occupier shall provide and maintain, in a clean state and in good repair for the
use of all persons employed in any of the processes specified in paragraph 3—
a) a wash place under cover with either—
i. a trough with smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe without
plug and of sufficient length to allow at least 60 centimetres for every
five such persons employed at any one time and having a constant
supply of clean water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of
not more than 60 centimetres.
ii. at least one tap of stand pipe for every five such persons employed at
any one time and having a constant supply of dean water, the tap of
stand pipe being spaced not less than 120 centimetres apart; and
12. Time allowed for washing:- Before each meal and before the end of the day's work, at least
ten minutes, in addition to the regular meal times, shall be allowed for washing to each
person employed in any of the processes mentioned in paragraph 3.
13. Messroom:-
1) There shall be provided and maintained for use of all persons remaining within the
premises during the rest intervals, a suitable messroom providing accommodation
of 0.93 square metre per head and furnished with—
2) The room shall be adequately ventilated by the circulation of fresh air and placed
under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.
14. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in workrooms:- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco
shall be brought into or consumed by any worker in any workroom in which any of the
processes mentioned in paragraph 3 are carried on and no person shall remain in any such
room during intervals for meals or rest.
15. Cloakroom etc:- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons
employed in any of the processes mentioned in paragraph 3—
a) a cloakroom for clothing put off during working hours and such
accommodation shall be separate from any messroom; and
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate test carried out by the said
medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
2) All persons employed in any of the processes included under clauses (a) and (n)
paragraph 3 shall be examined by a Certifying Surgeon once in every 3 calendar
months. Those employed in any other processes mentioned in the remaining clauses
of paragraph 3 shall be examined by a Certifying Surgeon once in every twelve
calendar months. Such examinations in respect of all the workers shall include all
the tests as specified in sub-paragraph (1) except chest X-ray which shall be done
once in 3 years.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue Certificate of Fitness in
Form 4. The record of examination and re-examination carried out shall be entered
in the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the Manager of
the factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1)
and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests, shall also be entered by
the Certifying Surgeon in a health register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit
for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would
involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of his
findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in
those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said
person is unfit for work in the said processes.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion or the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) The person who has been found unfit to work under sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying Surgeon,
after further examination again certifies him fit for employment in those processes.
18. Exemption:- If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that all or any of
the provisions or this schedule are not necessary for the protection of the persons employed in
such factory, he may by a certificate in writing exempt such factory from all or any of such
provisions, subject to such conditions as he may specify therein. Such Certificate may at any
time be revoked by the Chief Inspector without assigning any reasons.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Chemical Works
Part I
1. Application:- This apply to all manufacture and processes incidental there to carried on in
chemical works.
2. Definitions:-
a) "chemical works" means any factory or such parts of any factory as are listed in
appendix 'A' to this schedule.
h) the term "permit to work" system means the compliance with the procedures laid
down under para 20 of part II;
i) "toxic substances" means all those substances which when they enter into
the human body, through inhalation or ingestion or absorption through skin, in
sufficient quantities cause fatality or exert serious affliction of health, or chronic
harmful effects on the health of persons exposed to it due to its inherent
chemical or biological effects. In respect of substances whose TLV is specified in
Rule 131-A exceeding the concentration specified therein would make the
substance toxic;
n) "appropriate personal protective equipment" means that when the protective
equipment is used by the worker, he shall have no risk to his life or health or body;
Part II
General Requirements
Applying to all the works in Appendix 'A'
1. Housekeeping:-
2) Floors, platforms, stairways, passages and gangways shall be kept free of any
3) There shall be provided easy means of access to all parts of the plant to facilitate
3. Prohibition on the use of food, etc:- No food, drink, tobacco, pan or any edible item shall
be stored or heated or consumed on or near any part of the plant or equipment.
2) In addition to the above cautionary notice, arrangement shall be made to instruct and
educate all the workers including illiterate workers about the hazards in the process
including the specific hazards to which they may be exposed to, in the normal course of
their work. Such instructions and education should also deal with the hazards involved in
unauthorised and unsafe practices including the properties of substances used in the process
under normal conditions as well as abnormal conditions and the precautions to be observed
against each and every hazard. Further, an undertaking from the workers shall be obtained
within 1 month of their employment and for old workers employed, within one month of
coming into operation of the rules, to the effect that they have read the contents of the
cautionary notices and instructions, understood them and would abide by them. The training
and instructions to all workers and all supervisory personnel shall include the significance of
different types of symbols and colours used on the labels stuck or painted on the various
types of containers and pipe lines.
1) Before commencing any process or any experimental work, or any new manufacture
covered under Appendix 'A, the occupier shall take all possible steps to ascertain
definitely all the hazards involved both from the actual operations and the chemical
reactions including the dangerous chemical reactions. The properties of the raw
materials used, the final products to be made, and any by-products derived during
manufacture, shall be carefully studied and provisions shall be made for dealing with
any hazards including effects on worker which may occur during manufacturing.
2) Information in writing giving details of the process, its hazards and the steps taken
or proposed to be taken from the design stage to disposal stage for ensuring the
safety as in sub-para (1) above should be sent to the Chief Inspector at the earliest
but in no case less than 15 days before commencing manufacture, handling, or
storage of any of items covered under Appendix 'A', whether on experimental basis,
or as pilot plant or as trial production, or as large scale manufacture.
4) The requirements under the sub-paras (1) to (3) shall not act in lieu of or in
derogation to, any other provisions contained in any act governing the work.
6. Authorised entry:- Authorised persons only shall be permitted to enter any section of the
factory or plant where any dangerous operations or processes are being carried on or where
dangerous chemical reactions are taking place or where hazardous chemicals are stored.
1) All instruments and safety devices used in the process shall be tested before taking
into use and after carrying out any repair to them and examined once in a month by a
competent person. Records of such tests and examinations shall be maintained in a
2) All instruments and safety devices used in the process shall be operated daily or as
often as it is necessary, to ensure its effective and efficient working at all times.
8. Electrical installations:- All electrical installations used in the process covered in Appendix
'A' shall be of an appropriate type to ensure safety against the hazard prevalent in that area
such as suitability against dust, dampness, corrosion, flammability and explosivity etc. and
shall conform to the relevant ISI specifications governing their construction and use for that
b) Whenever the quantities laid down in the above clause (a) are to be
exceeded, the permission of the Chief Inspector shall be obtained.
c) Not withstanding anything contained in clause (a) and (b) above, the Chief
Inspector of Factories may direct any factory carrying out processes covered in
Appendix 'A' to further limit to storage of hazardous substances to quantities
less than two months on considerations of safety.
10. Facility for isolation:- The plant and equipment shall be so constructed and maintained as
to enable quick isolation of plant or part of plant or equipment, with appropriate indication.
One copy of the layout plan indicating the isolation facilities shall always be available with the
security personnel, the maintenance and the health and safety personnel and these isolation
facilities shall be checked for its effectiveness once in a month.
2) The occupier shall arrange to inform, educate and supervise all the workers in the
use of personal protective equipment while carrying out the job.
1) Suitable and effective alarm systems giving audible and visible indications, shall be
installed at the control room as well as in all strategic locations where process
control arrangements are available so as to enable corrective action to be taken
before the operational parameters exceed the predetermined safe levels or lead to
conditions conducive for an outbreak of fire or explosion to occur. Such alarm
systems shall be checked daily and tested every month at least once to ensure its
performance efficiency at all times.
2) The Chief Inspector of Factories may direct such system to be installed in case of
plants or processes where toxic materials are being used and spillage or leakage of
which may cause wide spread poisoning in or around the plant.
2) In the event of the failure of the arrangements for control resulting in the escape of
substances in the work atmosphere immediate steps shall be taken to control the
process in such a manner, that further escape is brought down to the safe level.
3) The substance that would have escaped into the work atmosphere taking immediate
steps as required in sub-para (2), shall be rendered innocuous by diluting with air or
water or any other suitable agent or by suitably treating the substances.
14. Control of dangerous chemical reactions:- Suitable provisions, such as automatic and or
remote control arrangements, shall be made for controlling the effects of 'dangerous chemical
reactions'. In the event of failure of control arrangements automatic flooding of blanketing or
other effective arrangements shall come into operation.
1) All parts of plants, equipment and machinery used in the process which in the likely
event of their failure may give rise to an emergent situation shall be tested by a
competent person before commencing process and retested at an interval of two years
or after carrying out repairs to it. The competent person shall identify the parts of the
plant, equipment and machinery required to be tested as aforesaid and evolve a
suitable testing procedures. In carrying out the test as mentioned above in respect of
pressure vessels or reaction vessels the following precautions shall be observed,
a) before the test is carried out, each vessel shall be thoroughly cleaned and
examined externally, and as far as practicable, internally also for surface
defects, corrosion and foreign matters. During the process of cleaning and
removal of sludge, if any, all due precautions shall be taken against fire or
explosion, if such sludge is of pyropheric nature or contains spontaneously
combustible chemicals;
c) any vessel which fails to pass the test or which for any other reason is found to
be unsafe for use shall be destroyed or rendered unusable under intimation to
the Chief Inspector.
2) All parts of plant, equipment, machinery which in the likely event of failure may give
rise to an emergent situation shall be examined once in a month by the competent
3) Records of testing and examination referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be
maintained as long as that part of the plant, equipment and machinery are in use.
4) All repair work including alteration, modification and addition to be carried out to the
plant, equipment and machinery shall be done under the supervision of a responsible
person who shall evolve a procedure to ensure safety and health of persons doing the
work. When repairs or modification is done on pipelines, and joints are required to be
welded, but welding of joints shall be preferred. Wherever necessary, the responsible
person shall regulate the aforesaid work through a 'permit to work system'.
16. Staging:-
1) All staging that is erected for the purpose of maintenance work or repair work or for
work connected with entry into confined spaces and used in the process included in
Appendix 'A' shall be stable, rigid and constructed out of substantial material of
adequate strength. Such staging shall conform to the respective Indian Standard
2) Staging shall not be erected over any closed or open vessel unless the vessel is so
constructed and ventilated to prevent exposure of persons working on the stages.
3) All the staging constructed for the purpose of this para shall have appropriate access
which are safe and shall be fitted with proper hand rails to a height of one metre and
to a board.
17. Seating Arrangements;- The seating arrangements provided for the operating personnel
working in processes covered in Appendix 'A' shall be located in a safe manner as to prevent
the risk of exposure to toxic, flammable and explosive substances evolved in the work
environment in the course of manufacture or repair or maintenance, either due to failure of
plant and equipment or due to the substances which are under pressure, escaping into the
1) The occupier of every factory to which the provisions of this schedule apply, shall
ensure the observance of the following precautions before permitting any person to
enter or work inside the confined spaces—
a) Identify all confined spaces and the nature of hazards that are encountered in
such spaces, normally or abnormally and arrange to develop the most
appropriate safeguards for ensuring the safety and health of persons entering
into or working inside, the confined spaces;
b) regulate the entry of work inside the confined spaces through a 'permit to
work system' which should include the safeguards developed as required
under sub-clause (a) above;
c) before testing the confined space for entry into for work, the place shall be
rendered safe by washing or cleaning with neutralizing agents; or purging with
steam or inert gases and making adequate forced ventilation arrangements or
such measure which will render the confined space safe;
d) shall arrange to carry out such tests as are necessary for the purpose by a
competent person and ensure that the confined space is safe for the persons
to enter or work. Such testing shall be carried out as often as is necessary
during the course of work to ensure its continued safety;
e) shall arrange to educate and train the personnel who would be required to
work in confined spaces about the hazards involved in the work. He shall also
keep in readiness the appropriate and approved personal protective
equipment including arrangements for rescue, resurrection and first aid, and
shall arrange supervision of the work at all times by a responsible and
knowledgeable person.
2) The manager shall maintain a log of all entry into or work in confined spaces and such
record shall contain the details of persons assigned for the work, location of the work
and such other details that would have a bearing on the safety and health of persons
assigned for this work. The log book so maintained shall be retained as long as the
concerned workers are in service and produced to the inspector when demanded.
2) Maintenance work shall be carried out in such a manner that there is no risk to
persons in the vicinity or to persons who pass by. If necessary, the place of such work
shall be cordoned off or the presence of unconnected persons effectively controlled.
20. Permit to work system:- The permit to work system shall inter and include the observance
of the following precautions while carrying out any specified work to be subjected to the
permit to work system—
a) all work subject to the permit to work system shall be carried out under the supervision
of acknowledgeable and responsible person;
b) all parts of plant or machinery or equipment on which permit to work system is carried
out, shall remain isolated from other parts throughout the period of permit to work and
the place of work including the parts of plant, machinery shall be rendered safe by
cleaning, purgings, washing, etc.;
c) all work subject to the permit to work system shall have pre-determined work
procedures which integrate safety with the work. Such procedures shall be reviewed
whenever any change occurs in material or equipment so that continued safety is
d) persons who are assigned to carry out the permit to work system shall be physically fit
in all respects taking into consideration the demands and nature of the work before
entering into the confined space. Such person shall be adequately informed about the
correct work procedures as well as the precautions to be observed while carrying out
the permit to work system;
e) adequate rescue arrangements wherever considered necessary and adequate first aid,
rescue and resurrection arrangements shall be available in good working condition near
the place of work while carrying out the permit to work system, for use in emergency;
f) appropriate and approved personal protective equipment shall be used while carrying
out the 'permit to work system';
g) after completion of work subject to the 'permit to work system' the person responsible
shall remove all the equipment and tools and restore to the original condition so as to
prevent any danger while carrying out regular process.
21. Safety sampling personnel:- The occupier shall ensure the safety of persons assigned
for collecting samples by instructing them on the safe procedures. Such personnel shall be
provided with proper and approved personal protective equipment, if required.
22. Ventilation:- Adequate ventilation arrangements shall be provided and maintained at all
times in the process area where dangerous or toxic of flammable or explosive substances
could be evolved. These arrangements shall ensure that concentrations, which are either
harmful or could result in explosion, are not permitted to be built up in the work
1) The occupier of every factory carrying out the works covered in Appendix 'A', shall
arrange to identify all types of possible emergencies that could occur in the processes
during the course of work or while carrying out maintenance work or repair work. The
emergencies so identified shall be reviewed every year.
2) The occupier shall formulate a detailed plan to meet all such identified emergencies
including arrangements for summoning outside help for rescue and fire fighting and
arrangements for making available urgent medical facilities.
3) The occupier shall send the list of emergencies and the details of procedures and plans
formulated to meet the emergencies, to the Chief Inspector of Factories.
duties. All concerned must be well informed about the warning arrangements and their
meaning. The arrangements must be checked for its effectiveness every month.
5) Alternate power supply arrangements shall be made and interlocked with normal
power supply system so as to ensure constant supply of power to the facilities and
equipment meant for compliance with requirements of paragraphs 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
18, 22 and this paragraph on Part II, Part III, Part IV, and Part VI of this schedule.
6) The occupier shall arrange to suspend the further process work in place where
emergency is established and shall forthwith evaluate all persons in that area except
workers who have been assigned emergency duties.
7) All the employees of the factory shall be trained about the action to be taken by them
including evacuation procedures during emergencies.
8) All emergency procedures must be rehearsed every three months and deficiencies, if
any, in the achievement of the objectives shall suitably be corrected.
9) The occupier shall arrange to have ten per cent of the workers trained in the use of
First Aid, Fire fighting appliances and in the rendering of specific First Aid measures
taking into consideration the special hazards of the particular process.
10) The occupier shall furnish immediately on request the specific chemical identity of the
hazardous substance to the treating physician when the information is needed to
administer proper emergency or first-aid treatment to exposed persons.
2) Effluents which contain or give rise in the presence of other effluents to poisonous
gases shall be provided with independent drainage systems to ensure that they may be
trapped and rendered safe.
Part III
Fire and Explosions Risks
1) No internal combustion engine and no electric motor or other electrical equipment, and
fittings and fixtures capable of generating sparks or otherwise causing combustion or any
other source of ignition or any naked light shall be installed or permitted to be used in the
process area where there could be fire and explosion hazards.
2) All hot exhaust pipes shall be installed outside a building and other hot pipes or hot surface
or surfaces likely to become hot shall be suitably protected.
3) The classification of work areas in terms of its hazard potential and the selection of
electrical equipment or other equipment that could constitute a source of ignition shall be
in accordance with the respective Indian Standard.
4) Where a flammable atmosphere may be prevalent or could occur, the soles of footwear
worn by workers shall have no metal on them and the wheels of trucks or conveyors shall
be conductive type.
5) All tools and appliances used for work in this area shall be of non-sparking type.
6) Smoking in process area where there are risks of fire and explosion shall be prohibited, and
warning notices in the language understood by majority of workers shall be posted in the
factory prohibiting smoking in the specified area.
2. Static Electricity:-
1) All machinery and plant, particularly, pipe lines and belt drives, on which static charge is
likely to accumulate, shall be effectively earthed. Receptacles for flammable liquids shall
have metallic connections to the earthed supply tanks to prevent static sparking. Where
necessary, humidity shall be regulated.
2) Mobile-tanker wagons shall be earthed during filling and discharge, and precautions shall
be taken to ensure that earthing is effective before such filling or discharge takes place.
4. Process heating:- The method of providing heat for a process likely to result in fire explosion
shall be as safe as possible and where the use of naked flame is necessary, the plant shall be
so constructed as to prevent any escaping flammable gas, vapour, or dust coming into contact
with the flame, or exhaust gases, or other sources likely to cause ignition. Wherever possible,
the heating arrangement shall be automatically controlled at a pre-determined temperature
below the danger temperature.
1) Provisions shall be made to confine by means of bund walls, dykes, sumps etc., possible
leakages from storage vessels containing flammable liquids.
2) Waste material in contact with flammable substances shall be disposed off suitably under
the supervision of knowledgeable and responsible person.
3) Adequate and suitable fire-fighting appliances shall be installed in the vicinity of such
6. Safety valves:- Every still and every closed vessel in which gas is evolved or into which gas is
passed, and in which the pressure is liable to rise above the atmospheric pressure, shall have
attached to it a pressure gauge, and a proper safety valve or other equally efficient means to
relieve the pressure. These appliances shall be maintained in good condition.
7. Installation of pipeline etc:- All pipelines carrying flammable or explosive substances shall be
protected from mechanical damage and shall be examined by a responsible person once in a
week to detect and deterioration or defects, or accumulation of flammable or explosive
substances, and record kept of any defects found and repairs made.
1) Every factory employing 500 or more persons and carrying out processes listed in Appendix
'A' shall provide—
a) Trained and responsible fire fighting squad so as to effectively handle the fire
fighting and life saving equipment in the event of fire or other emergency.
Number of persons in this squad will necessarily depend upon the size of risk
involved, but in no case shall be less than 8 such trained persons to De available
at any time. The squad shall consist of watch and ward personnel, fire pumpman
and departmental supervisors and operator trained in the operations of fire and
emergency services.
2) A muster roll showing the duties allocated to each member of the squad shall be prepared
and copies supplied to each leader as well as displayed in prominent places so as to be
easily available for reference in case or emergency.
3) The pumpman shall be thoroughly conversant with the location of all appliances. He shall
be responsible for maintaining all fire fighting equipment in proper working order. Any
defect coming to his notice shall be immediately be brought to the notice of squad leader.
4) As far as is practicable, the fire pump room and the main gate (s) of the factory be
connected to all manufacturing or storing areas through telephone interlinked and placed in
a convenient location near such area.
Risks of Toxic Substances
1. Leakage:-
1) All plants shall be so designed and constructed as to prevent the escape of toxic
substance, where necessary, separate buildings, rooms or protective structures shall
be used for the dangerous stages of the process and the buildings shall be so
designed as to localise any escape of toxic substances.
2) Catch pits, bund walls, dykes, or other suitable safeguards shall be provided to
restrict the serious effects of such leakages. Catch pits shall be placed below joints
in pipelines where there is danger involved to maintenance and other workers from
such leakage.
2. Drainage:- Adequate drainage shall be provided and shall lead to collection tanks
specificity provided for this purpose wherein deleterious material shall be neutralised,
treated or otherwise rendered safe before it is discharged into public drains or sewers.
3. Covering of vessels:-
1) Every fixed vessel or structure containing any toxic substance and not so covered as
to eliminate all reasonable risk of accidental contact of any portion of the body of a
worker, shall be so constructed as to avoid physical contact.
2) Such vessel shall, unless its edge is at least 90 centimetres above the adjoining
ground or platform, be securely fenced to a height of at least 90 centimetres above
such adjoining ground or platform.
3) Where such vessel adjoin and the space between them, clear of any surrounding
brick or other work is either less than 45 centimetres in width or is 45 or more
centimetres in width, but is not securely fenced on both sides to a height of at least
90 centimetres, secure barriers shall be so placed as to prevent passage between
Provided that sub-paragraph (2) of this paragraph shall not apply to—
b) that part of the sides of brine evaporating pans which require raking, drawing or
1) Any process evolving toxic vapour, gas, fume and substance shall have efficient
continuous exhaust draught. Such arrangement shall be interlocked in the process
control wherever possible.
5. Work Bench:- All the work benches used in processes involving the manipulation of toxic
substances, shall be graded properly and shall be made of smooth impervious surface
which shall be washed daily after the completion of work.
6. Waste disposal:-
1) There shall be provided a suitable receptacle made of non-absorbable material with a
tightly fitting cover for depositing waste material soiled with toxic substances and the
contents of such receptacle shall be destroyed by burning or using other suitable
methods under the supervision of a responsible person.
2) During the course of manufacture, whenever any batch or intermediate products having
toxcity is rejected on considerations of quality, sufficient precautions shall be taken to
render them innocuous or otherwise treat them or inactive them, before disposal.
3) The empty containers of toxic substances shall be cleaned thoroughly before disposal
under the supervision of a responsible person.
Part V
Special Provisions
1) Unless the crystalised nitro or amino substances or any of its liquor is broken or
agitated in a completely enclosed process so as not to give rise to dust or fume, such
process shall be carried on under an efficient exhaust draught or by adopting any other
suitable means in such a manner as to prevent the escape of dust or fume in the
working atmosphere.
2) No part of the plant or equipment or implements which was in contact with nitro or
amino compounds shall be repaired, or handled unless they have been emptied and
thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated.
3) Filling of containers with nitro or amino compounds shall be done only by using a
suitable scoop to avoid physical contact and the drying or the containers in the stove
shall be done in such a manner that the hot and contaminated air from the stove is not
drawn into the work room.
4) Processes involving the steaming into or around any vessel containing nitro or amino
compounds or its raw materials shall be carried out in such a manner that the steam or
vapour is effectively prevented to be blown back into the working atmosphere.
1) Grinding and sieving of raw materials in chrome processes shall be carried on in such
a manner and under such condition as to secure effective separation from any other
processes and under an efficient exhaust draught.
2) There shall be washing facilities located very near to places where wet chrome
processes such as leaching, acidification, sulphate settling, evaporation, crystallisation,
centrifugation or packing are carried out, to enable quick washing of affected parts of
body with running water.
3) Weekly inspection of hand and feet of all persons employed in chrome process shall be
done by a qualified nurse and record of such inspections shall be maintained in a form
approved by the Chief Inspector of Factories.
4) There shall be always available at designated places of work suitable ointment such as
glycerine, vaceline etc., and water proof plaster in a separate box readily accessible to
the workers so as to protect against perforation of nasal septum.
1) Processes and chemical reactions such as manufacture of vinyl chloride, benzyl
chloride etc., which are required to be carried out in all glass vessels shall have
suitable means like substantial wire mesh covering to protect persons working
nearby in the event of breakage of glass vessel.
2) Any spillage or omission of vapour from the all glass vessel due to breakage, shall
be immediately inactivated or rendered innocuous by suitable means such as
dilution with water or suitable solvents so as to avoid the risks of fire or explosion or
health hazards.
1) Crystallisation, grinding or packing of chlorate shall not be done in a place used for
any other purpose and such places shall have hard, smooth and impervious surface
made of non-combustible material. The place shall be thoroughly cleaned daily.
2) The personal protective equipment like overall, etc., provided for the chlorate
workers shall not be taken from the place of work and they shall be thoroughly
cleaned daily.
3) Adequate quantity of water shall be available near the place of chlorate process for
use during fire emergency.
Part VI
Medical requirements
1. Decontamination facilities:- In all places where toxic substances are used in processes
listed in Appendix 'A' the following provisions shall be made to meet an emergency—
b) readily accessible means of drenching with water persons, parts of body of persons
and clothing or persons who have been contaminated with such toxic and
corrosive substances and such means shall be as shown in the Table below:
c) a sufficient number of eye wash bottles filled with distilled water or suitable liquid,
kept in boxes or cupboards conveniently situated and clearly indicated by a
distinctive sign which shall be visible at all times.
2. Occupational health centre:- In all the factories carrying out processes covered in
Appendix 'A' there shall be provided and maintained in good order an occupational health centre
with facilities as per scale laid down hereunder—
a) The occupational health centre shall have a room having a minimum floor area
of 15 with floors and walls made of smooth, hard and impervious surface
and shall be adequately illuminated, ventilated and equipped.
b) A part-time Factory Medical Officer will be in over all charge of the Centre who
shall visit the factory minimum twice in a week and whose services shall be
readily available during emergencies.
a) There shall be one full-time Factory Medical Officer for factories employing 500
workers and one more Medical Officer for every 1000 workers or part thereof.
b) The occupational health centre in this case shall have a minimum of 2 rooms
each having a minimum floor area of 15 sq. mt. with floors and walls made of
smooth, hard and impervious surface and shall be adequately illuminated,
ventilated and equipped.
c) There shall be one qualified and trained nurse, one dresser-cum-compounder and
one sweeper-cum-ward boy throughout the working period.
3. Ambulance van:-
1) In every factory carrying out processes covered in Appendix 'A' there shall be provided
and maintained in good condition, a suitably constructed and fully equipped ambulance
van as per Appendix 'C manned by a full time driver-cum-mechanic and a helper,
trained in first aid for the purposes of transportation of serious cases of accidents or
sickness unless arrangements for procuring such facility at short notice during
emergencies have been made with the nearby hospital or other places. The ambulance
van shall not be used for any purpose other than the purpose stipulated herein and will
always be available near the Occupational Health Centre.
2) The relaxation to procure Ambulance Van from nearby places provided for in sub-para
(1) above will not be applicable to factories employing more than 500 workers.
4. Medical examination:-
b) Once in a period of 6 months, to ascertain the health status of the worker;
2) Any findings of the Factory Medical Officer revealing any abnormality or unsuitability of
any person employed in the process shall immediately be reported to the Certifying
Surgeon who shall in turn, examine the concerned workers and communicate his
findings within 30 days. If the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that the person so
examined is required to be suspended from the process for health protection he will
direct the occupier accordingly, who shall not employ the said worker in the same
process. However, the person so suspended from the process shall be provided with
alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the
Certifying Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated:
Provided that the Certifying Surgeon on his own may examine any other workers
whom he feels necessary to be examined for ascertaining the suitability of his
employment in the process covered in Appendix 'A' or for ascertaining the health status
of any other worker and his opinion shall be final.
3) No person shall be newly appointed without the Certificate of Fitness granted by the
Factory Medical Officer. If the Factory Medical Officer declares a person unfit for being
appointed to work in the process covered in Appendix 'A', such person shall have a
right of appeal to the Certifying Surgeon, whose opinion shall be final in this regard.
4) The worker suspended from the process owing to the circumstances covered in sub-
para shall be employed again in the same process only after obtaining the Fitness
Certificate from the Certifying Surgeon and after making entries to that effect in the
health register.
Part VII
Additional Welfare Amenities
1. Washing facilities:-
1) There shall be provided and maintained in every factory for the use of all the workers
taps for washing, at the rate of one tap for every 15 persons including liquid soap in a
container with tilting arrangements and nail brushes or other suitable means for
effective cleaning. Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in a
clean and hygienic condition.
2) If washing facilities as required above are provided for women, such facilities shall be
separate for them and adequate privacy at all times shall be ensured in such facilities.
1) The occupier of all the factories carrying out processes covered in Appendix 'A' and
employing 50 workers or more, shall provide for all the workers working in a shift mess
room facilities which are ventilated and provided with tables and sitting facilities along
with the provision of cold and hygienic drinking water facilities.
2) Such facilities shall include suitable arrangements for cleaning and washing and shall be
maintained in a clean and hygienic condition.
3. Cloakroom facilities:-
1) The occupier of every factory carrying out any process covered in Appendix 'A' shall
provide for all the workers employed in the process cloakroom facilities with lockers.
Each worker shall be provided with two lockers, one for work clothing and another
separately for personal clothing and the lockers should be such > as to enable the
keeping of the clothing in a hanging position.
2) The cloakroom facilities so provided in pursuance of sub-para (1) shall be located as far as
possible near to the facilities provided for washing in pursuance of para 1(1). If it is not
possible to locate the washing facilities the cloakroom facilities shall have adequate and
suitable arrangements for cleaning and washing.
1) The occupier of any factory carrying out the processes covered under Appendix 'B' shall
provide special Bathing facilities for all the workers employed and such facilities shall be
provided at the rate of 1 for 25 workers and part thereof, and shall be maintained in a
clean and hygienic condition.
2) The occupier shall insist all the workers employed in processes covered in Appendix 'B'
to take bath after the completion of the day's or shift work using the bathing facilities
so provided and or also effectively prevent such of those workers taking bath in any
place other than the bathing facilities.
3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-para (1) above, the Chief Inspector may
require in writing the occupier of any factory carrying out any other process for which in
his opinion bathing facilities are essential from the health point of view, to provide
special bathing facilities.
1. Duties of workers:-
1) Every worker employed in the processes covered in Appendix 'B' shall not make any
safety device or appliance or any guarding or fencing arrangement, inoperative or
defective and shall report the defective condition of the aforesaid arrangements as soon
as he is aware of any such defect.
2) Before commencing any work, all workers employed in processes covered in Appendix
'A shall check their work place as well as the machinery, equipment or appliance used
in the processes and report any mal-function or defect immediately to the supervisor or
any responsible person of the management.
3) All workers shall co-operate in all respects with the management while carrying out any
work or any emergency duty assigned to them in pursuance of this schedule and shall
always used and the personal protective equipments issued to them in a careful
4) All workers employed in the processes covered in Appendix 'A' or Appendix 'B' shall not
smoke in the process area or storage area. If special facilities are provided by the
management only such facilities should be used.
5) All workers employed in the processes covered in Appendix 'A’ shall not remain in
unauthorised place or carry out unauthorised work or improvise any arrangements or
adopt short cut method or misuse any of the facilities provided in pursuance of this
schedule, in such a manner as to cause risk to themselves as well as or to others
6) The workers shall not refuse undergoing medical examinations as required under these
Part IX
Restrictions on the employment of young persons under 18 years of age and women:-
1) The Chief Inspector of Factories may by an order in writing restrict or prohibit the
employment of women and young persons under the age of 18, in any of the processes
covered in appendix 'A' of this schedule on considerations of health and safety of women
and young persons.
2) Such persons who are restricted or prohibited from working in the process due to the order
issued in pursuance of sub-para (1) above shall be provided with alternate work which is
not detrimental to their health or safety.
Part X
1. Power of exemption:- The State Government or subject to the control of the State
Government, the Chief Inspector may exempt from the compliance with any of the
requirements of this Schedule partly or fully, any factory carrying out processes covered in
Appendix 'A' if it is clearly and satisfactorily established by the occupier that the
compliance with any of the requirement is not necessary to ensure the safety and health
of persons employed suitable and effective alternate arrangements are available to any of
the requirements covered in this schedule.
Appendix "A”
vi. chlorine;
d) (i) gas tar or coal or bitumen or shale oil asphalt or any residue or such tar is distilled
or is used in any process of chemicals manufacture;
(ii) tar based synthetic colouring matters or their intermediates are produced;
Appendix 'B'
Appendix 'C’
i. An wheeled stretcher with folding and adjusting devices; Head of the stretcher must
be capable or being tilted upward;
v. Sheets;
vi. Blankets;
vii. Towels;
x. Urinal;
xi. Glass;
xv. Flashlights;
iv. Airways;
v. Mouth gags;
x. Cuggi;
xi. Stethoscope;
I. Syrup of Ipecac
IV. Drinking water
Emergency Medicines:
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manipulation of stone or any other material containing free silica
1. Application:- This shall apply to all factories or parts of factories in which manipulation of
stone or any other material containing free silica is carried on.
2. Definitions:-
b) "stone or any other material containing free silica" means a stone or any other
solid material containing not less than 5% by weight of free silica;
Provided that such measures as above said are not necessary if the process or
operation itself is such that the level of dust created and prevailing does not exceed
the permissible level referred to.
4. Maintenance of floors:-
1) All floors or places where fire dust is likely to settle on and whereon any person has
to work or pass shall be of impervious material and maintained in such conditions
that they can be thoroughly cleaned by a moist method or any other method which
would prevent dust being airborne in the process of cleaning.
2) The surface of every floor of every work room or place where y work is carried on or
where any person has to pass during the course his work, shall be cleaned of dust
at least once during each shift after being sprayed with water or by any other
suitable method so as to prevent dust being airborne in the process of cleaning.
b) provide to the said medical officer all the necessary facilities for the purpose
referred to in clause (1).
2) The record of medical examination and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical officer shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
7. Medical examination by Certifying Surgeon:-
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available
for inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer
fit for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein
would involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record
of his findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his
findings in those documents should also include the period for which he
considered that the said person is unfit for work in the said processes.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the
Certifying Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably
6) No person who has been found unfit to work sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying
Surgeon, after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in
those processes.
8. Exemption:- If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that owing to the
exceptional circumstances or in frequency of the processes or for any other reason, all or
any of the provisions of this schedule are not necessary for protection of the workers in the
factory, the Chief Inspector may by a certificate in writing, which he may in his discretion
revoke at any time, exempt such factory from all or any of such provisions subject to such
conditions, if any as he may specify therein.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Handling and processing of asbestos, manufacture of any article of asbestos and any other
process of manufacture or otherwise in which asbestos is used in any form
1. Application:- This shall apply to all factories or parts of factories in which any of the
following processes is carried on, namely—
h) sawing, grinding, turning, abrading and polishing in the dry state or articles
composed wholly or partly of asbestos; and
i) cleaning of any room, vessel, chamber fixture or appliances for the collection of
asbestos dust; and
j) any other processes in which asbestos dust is given off into the work environment.
2. Definition:-
a) "asbestos" means any fibrous silicate mineral and any admixture containing
actionlite, amosite, anthophyllite, dhrysotile, croddolite, tremolite or any mixture
thereof, whether crude, crushed or opened;
c) "approved" means approved for the time being in writing by the Chief Inspector;
e) "efficient exhaust draught" means localised ventilation by mechanical means for the
removal of dust so as to prevent dust from escaping into air of any place in which work
is carried in and no draught shall be deemed to be efficient which fails to control dust
produced at the point where such dust originates;
g) "protective clothing" means overall and head covering which (in either case) will
when worn exclude asbestos dust.
3. Tools and Equipment:- Any tools or equipment used in processes to which this schedule
apply shall be such that they do not create asbestos dust above the permissible limit or are
equipped with efficient exhaust draught.
4. Exhaust draught:-
k) any other process in which dust is given off into the work environment.
4) The asbestos bearing dust removed from any workrooms by the exhaust
system shall be collected in suitable receptacles or filter bag which shall be
isolated from all work areas.
1) All ventilating systems used for the purpose of extracting or suppressing dust
as required by this schedule shaft be examined and inspected once in a week
by a responsible person. It shall be thoroughly examined and tested by a
competent person once in every period of 12 months. Any defects found by
such examinations or test shall be rectified forthwith.
2) A register containing particulars of such examination and tests and the state of
the plant and the repairs or alternations, if any found to be necessary shall be
kept and shall be available for inspection by an Inspector.
7. Storage and distribution of loose asbestos:- All loose asbestos shall while not in use,
be kept in suitable closed receptacles which prevent the escape of asbestos dust there
from and such asbestos shall not be distributed within a factory except in such receptacles
or in a totally enclosed system of conveyance.
8. Asbestos sacks:-
1) All sacks used as receptacles for the purposes of transport of asbestos within the
factory shall be constructed of impermeable materials and shall be kept in good
2) A sack which has contained asbestos shall not be cleaned by hand heating but
by a machine, complying with paragraph 4.
a) the floors, work-benches, machinery and plant shall be kept in a clean state
and free from asbestos debris and suitable arrangements shall be made for
the storage of asbestos not immediately-required for use; and
b) the floors shall be kept free from any materials, plant or other articles not
immediately required for the work carried on in the room which would
obstruct the proper cleaning of the floor.
3) When the cleaning is done by any method other than that mentioned in sub-
paragraph (2), the persons doing clearing work and any other person employed
in that room shall be provided with respiratory protective equipment and
protective clothing.
5) Asbestos waste shall not be permitted to remain on the floors or other surfaces
at the work place at the end of the working shift and shall be transferred without
delay to suitable receptacles. Any spillage of asbestos waste occurring during the
course of the work at any time shall be removed and transferred to the
receptacles maintained for the purpose without delay.
c) in cleaning the cylinders including the doffer cylinders or other parts of a carding
machine by means of handstrickles;
3) All breathing apparatus and protective clothing when not in use shall be stored in the
accommodation provided under sub-paragraph (2). All protective clothing in use shall
be de-dusted under an efficient exhaust draught or by vacuum cleaning and shall be
washed at suitable intervals.
4) The cleaning schedule and procedure should be such as to ensure the efficiency in
protective the wearer.
5) All breathing apparatus shall be cleaned and disinfected at suitable intervals and
thoroughly inspected once in a month by a responsible person.
6) A record of the cleaning and maintenance and of the condition of the breathing
apparatus shall be maintained in a register provided for that purpose which shall be
readily available for inspection by an Inspector.
7) No person shall be employed to perform any work specified in sub-paragraph (1) for
which breathing apparatus is necessary to be provided under that sub-paragraph
unless he has been fully instructed in the proper use of that equipment.
8) No breathing apparatus provided under sub-paragraph (1) which has been worn by a
person shall be worn by another person unless it has been thoroughly cleaned and
disinfected since last being worn and the person has been fully instructed in the proper
use of that equipment.
1) There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the use
of all workers employed in the processes covered by the schedule, adequate washing
and bathing places having a constant supply of water under cover at the rate of one
such place for every 15 persons employed.
2) The washing places shall have standpipes placed at intervals of not less than one
3) Not less than one half of the total number of washing places shall be provided with
13. Messroom:-
1) There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all workers employed in the
factory covered by this schedule, remaining on the premises during the rest intervals, a
suitable messroom which shall be furnished with—
2) The messroom shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person and shall be
14. Prohibition of employment of young persons:- No young person shall be employed in any
of the process covered by this schedule.
15. Prohibition relating to smoking:- No person shall smoke in any area where processes
covered by this schedule are carried on. A notice in the language understood by majority of
the workers shall be posted in the plant prohibiting smoking at such areas.
1) Cautionary notices shall be displayed at the approaches and along the perimeter of
every asbestos processing area to warn all persons regarding—
2) Such notices shall be in the language understood by the majority of the workers.
17. Air-monitoring:- To ensure the effectiveness of the control measures, monitoring or asbestos
fibre in air shall be carried out once atleast in every shift and the record of the results so
obtained shall be entered in a register specially maintained for the purpose.
1) The occupier of every factory or part of the factory to which this schedule applies, shall—
a) employ a qualified medical practitioner for medical surveillance or the workers
covered by this schedule those employment shall be subject to the approval of
the Chief Inspector, and
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical
practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector
which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspectors.
2) Every worker employed in the process referred to in sub-paragraph (1) shall be re-
examined by a Certifying Surgeon at least once in every twelve calendar months. Such
examinations shall wherever the Certifying Surgeon considers appropriate, include all
the tests specified in sub-paragraph (1) except chest X-ray which will be carried out
once in 3 years.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a certificate of fitness in
form A. The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in
the certificate and the certificate shall be kept in the custody of the manager of the
factory. The record of each examination and re-examination carried out under sub-
paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively including the nature and the results of the tests,
shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit for
employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve
special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of his findings in the
said certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in those documents
should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is unfit to
work in the said processes.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion or the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work under sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying Surgeon,
after further examination, further certifies him fit for employment in those processes.
20. Exemptions:- If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that owing to the
exceptional circumstances or infrequency of the processes or for any other reason, all or any
of the provisions of this schedule are not necessary for protection of the workers in the
factory, the Chief Inspector may, by a certificate in writing, which he may at his discretion
revoke at any time, exempt such factory from all or any of such provisions subject to such
conditions, if any, as he may specify therein.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Handling of Manipulation of corrosive substances
1. Definitions:-
2. Flooring:- The floor of every workroom of a factory in which corrosive operation is carried
on shall be made of impervious, corrosion and fire resistant material and shall be so
constructed as to prevent collection of any corrosive substance. The surface of such
flooring shall be smooth and cleaned as often as necessary and maintained in a sound
3. Protective equipment:-
1) The occupier shall provide for the use of all persons employed in any corrosive
operation suitable protective wear for hands and feet, suitable aprons, face shields,
chemical safety goggles and respirators. The equipments shall be maintained in
good order and shall be held in clean and hygienic condition by suitably treating to
get rid of the ill effects of any absorbed chemicals and by disinfecting. The occupier
shall also provide suitable protective creams and other preparations wherever
2) The protective equipment and preparations provided shall be used by the persons
employed in any corrosive operations.
4. Water facilities:- Where any corrosive operations is carried on, there shall be provided as
close to the place of such operation as possible, a source of clean water at a height of 210
centimeters from a pipe 1.25 centimeters diameter and fitted with a quick acting valve so
that in case of injury to the worker by any corrosive substance the injured part can be
thoroughly flooded with water. Whenever necessary in order to ensure continuous water
supply a storage tank having a minimum length, breadth and height of 210 centimeters,
120 centimeters and 60 centimeters respectively or such dimensions as are approved by
the Chief Inspector shall be provided as the source of clean water.
5. Cautionary notice:- A cautionary notice in the following form and printed in the language
which majority of the workers employed understand, shall be displayed prominently close
to the place where a corrosive operation is carried out and where it can be easily and
conveniently read by the workers. If any worker is illiterate, effective steps shall be taken
to explain carefully to him the contents of the notice so displayed.
Cautionary Notice
"Corrosive substances cause severe burns and vapours thereof may be extremely
hazardous. In case of contact, immediately flood the part affected with plenty of water for
at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention quickly"
6. Transport:-
2) A container with a capacity of 11.5 litres or more of a corrosive substance shall be
placed in a receptacle or crate and then carried by more than one person at a
height below the waist line unless a suitable rubber wheeled truck is used for the
1) In cleaning out or removing residues from stills or other large chambers used for
holding any corrosive substance, suitable implements made of wood or other
material shall be used to prevent production of arseniuretted hydrogen (arsine).
10. Storage:-
1) Corrosive substances shall not be stored in the same room with other chemicals
such as turpentine, carbides, metallic powders and combustible materials, the
accidental mixing with which may cause a reaction which is either violent or
gives rise to toxic fumes and gases.
3) Every container having a capacity of twenty litres or more and every pipeline,
valve and fitting used for storing or carrying corrosive substances shall be
thoroughly examined every year for finding out any defects and defects so found
out shall be removed forthwith. A register shall be maintained of every such
examination made and shall be produced before the Inspector whenever
11. Fire extinguishers and fire fighting equipment:- An adequate number of suitable type
of fire extinguishers or other fire fighting equipment depending on the nature of chemicals
stored, shall be provided. Such extinguishers or other equipment shall be regularly tested
and refilled. Clear instructions as to now the extinguishers or other equipment should be
used, printed in the language which majority of the workers employed understand, shall be
affixed near each extinguisher or other equipment.
12. Exemption:- If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector, on an application made by
the manager is satisfied that owing to the exceptional circumstances, or the infrequency of
the process or for any other reason to be recorded by him in writing, all or any of the
provisions of this schedule are not necessary for the protection of the persons employed
therein, he may by a certificate in writing, which he may at any time revoke, exempt the
factory from such of the provisions and subject to such conditions as he may specify
Standard Operating Procedures for
Compression of oxygen and hydrogen produced by the electrolysis of water
1. Location of electrolyser plant:- The room in which electrolyser plant is installed shall be
separate from the plant for storing and compressing the oxygen and hydrogen and also the
electric generator room.
2. Testing of purity:-
1) The purity of oxygen and hydrogen shall be tested by a competent person at least
once in every shirt at the following posts; namely:
2) The purity figures shall be entered in a register and shall be signed by the persons
carrying out such tests:
Provided however, that if the electrolyser plant is fitted with automatic recorder of
purity of oxygen and hydrogen with alarm lights, it shall be sufficient if the purity of
gases is tested at the suction end of the compressor only.
3. Restriction as to the compression:- The oxygen and hydrogen gases shall not be
compressed if their purity as determined under paragraph 2 above falls below 98% at any
4. Limit switch for gasholder:- The bell of any gasholder shall not be permitted to go
within the 30 centimeters of its lowest position when empty and a limit switch shall be
fitted to the gasholder in such a manner as to switch off the compressor motor when the
limit is reached.
5. Provisions of negative pressure switch:- In addition to the limit switch in the gas
holder a sensitive negative pressure switch shall be provided in or adjacent to the suction
main for hydrogen close to the gasholder and between the gasholder and the hydrogen
compressor to switch off the compressor motor in the event of the gasholder being emptied
to the extent as to cause vacuum.
6. Purity of caustic soda:- The water and caustic soda used for making lye shall be
chemically pure within pharmaceutical limits.
8. Colouring of gas pipes:- Oxygen and hydrogen gas pipes shall be painted with
distinguishing colours and in the event of leakage at the joints of the hydrogen gas pipe,
the pipe after reconnection shall be purged of all air before drawing in hydrogen gas.
9. Use of flameproof fittings:- All electrical wiring and apparatus in the electrolyser room
shall be of flameproof construction or enclosed in flameproof fittings and no naked light or
flame shall be allowed to be taken either in the electrolyser room or where compression
and filling of the gases is carried on and such warning notices shall be exhibited in
prominent places.
10. Prohibition of hot work:- No part of the electrolyser plant and the gasholders and
compressor shall be subjected to welding, brazing, soldering or cutting until steps have
been taken to remove explosive substance from that part and render the part safe for such
operations and after the completion of such operations no explosive substance shall be
allowed to enter that part until the metal has cooled sufficiently to prevent risk of
12. Checking of plant:- Every part of the electrolyser plant and the gasholders and
compressor shall have a regular schedule of overhaul and checking and every defect
noticed shall be rectified forthwith.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Process of extracting oils and fats from vegetable and animal source in solvent
extraction plants
1. Definitions:-
Provided further that the State Government may accept any other
qualifications if in its opinion they are equivalent to the qualifications aforesaid.
c) "solvent" means a flammable liquid such as pentane, hexane and heptane used for
the recovery of vegetable oils;
d) "solvent extraction plant" means a plant in which the process of extracting oil
sand fats from vegetable and animal sources by use of solvents is carried on.
2) A continuous wire fencing of the height of 1.5 metre shall be provided around the
solvent extraction plant upto a minimum distance of 15 metres from the plant.
3) No person shall be allowed to carry any matches or an open flame of fire inside the
area bound by the fencing.
4) Boiler houses and other buildings where open flame processes are carried on shall
be located at least 30 metres away from the solvent extraction plant.
5) In godowns and preparatory processes are at a distance of less than 30 metres from
the solvent extraction plant, these shall be atleast 15 metres distance from the
plant and a continuous barrier wall of non-combustible material of 1.5 metres height
shall be erected at a distance of not less than 15 metres from the solvent extraction
plant so that it extends to at least 30 metres of vapour travel around its ends from
the plant to the possible sources of ignition.
3. Electrical installations:-
1) All electrical motors and wiring and other electrical equipment installed or housed in
solvent extraction plant shall be of flame proof construction.
2) All metal parts of the plant and building including various tanks and containers
where solvents are stored or are present and all parts of electrical equipment not
required to be energised shall be properly bonded together and connected to earth
so as to avoid accidental rise in the electrical potential of such parts above the earth
4. Restriction on smoking:- Smoking shall be strictly prohibited within 15 metres distance
from solvent extraction plant. For this purpose, 'No Smoking' signs shall be permanently
displayed in the area.
1) All tools and equipment including ladders, chains and other lifting trackle required to
be used in solvent extraction plant shall be of non-sparking type.
3) No person shall be allowed to enter and work in the solvent extraction plant if
wearing clothes made of nylon or such other fibre that can generate static electrical
charge, or wearing footwear which is likely to cause sparks by friction.
1) Adequate number of portable fire extinguishers suitable for use against flammable
liquid fires shall be provided in the solvent extraction plant.
2) An automatic water supply spray sprinkler system on a wet pipe or open head
deluge system with sufficient supply or storage water shall be provided over solvent
extraction plant and throughout the building housing such plant.
7. Precautions against power failure:- Provision shall be made for the automatic cutting
off of steam in the event of power failure and also for emergency overhead water supply
for feeding water by gravity to condensers which shall come into play automatically with
the power failure.
8. Magnetic separators:- Oil cake shall be fed to the extractor by a conveyer through a
hopper and a magnetic separator shall be provided to remove any pieces of iron during its
9. Venting:-
2) All emergency relief vents shall terminate at least 6 metres above the ground and
be so located that vapours will not re-enter the building in which solvent extraction
plant is located.
10. Waste water:- Process waste water shall be passed through a flash evaporator to
remove any solvent before it is discharged into a sump which should be located within the
fenced area but not closer than 8 metres to the fence.
11. Ventilation:- The solvent extraction plant shall be well ventilated and if the plant is
housed in a building, the building shall be provided with mechanical ventilation with
provision for at least six air changes per hour.
12. Housekeeping:-
1) Solvents shall not be stored in an area covered by solvent extraction plant except
in small quantities which shall be stored in approved safety cans.
2) Waste materials such as oily rags, other wastes and absorbents used to wipe off
solvent and paints and oils shall be deposited in approved containers and removed
from the premises at least once a day.
3) Space within the solvent extraction plant and within 15 metres from the plant shall
be kept free from any combustible materials and any spills of oil or solvent shall be
cleaned up immediately.
2) No repairs shall be carried out to the machinery or plant except under the direct
supervision of the competent person.
3) Facility shall be provided for purging the plant with inert gas or steam before
opening for cleaning or repairs and before introducing solvent after repairs.
14. Operating personnel:- The operation of the plant and machinery in the solvent
extraction plant shall be in the charge of such duly qualified and trained persons as are
certified by the competent person to be fit for the purpose and no other person shall be
allowed to operate the plant and machinery.
15. Employment of women and young persons:- No women or young person shall be
employed in the solvent extraction plant.
16. Vapour detection:- A suitable type of flameproof and portable combustible gas indicator
shall be provided and maintained in good working order and a schedule of routine
sampling of atmosphere at various locations as approved by the Chief Inspector shall be
drawn out and entered in a register maintained for the purpose.
17. Exemption:- If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that owing to the
exceptional circumstances or in frequency of the processes or for any other reason, all or
any of the provisions of this schedule are not necessary for the protection of the workers
in the factory, he may, by a certificate in writing which he may in his discretion revoke at
any time exempt such factory from all or any of such provisions subject to conditions, if
any, as he may specify therein.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manufacture or manipulation of manganese and its compounds
1. Application:- This shall apply to every factory in which or in any part of which any
manganese process is carried on.
2. Definitions:-
3. Isolation of a process:- Every manganese process which may give rise to dust, vapour,
or mist containing manganese shall be carried on in a totally enclosed system or otherwise
effectively isolated from other parts of the factory and persons employed on other
processes so that they may not be affected by the same.
1) The occupier of the factory shall provide and maintain in good and clean condition
suitable overalls and head coverings for all persons employed in any manganese
process and such overalls and head coverings shall be worn by the persons while
working on a manganese process.
2) The occupier of the factory shall provide suitable respiratory protective equipment
for use by workers in emergency to prevent inhalation of dusts, fumes or mists.
Sufficient number of complete sets of such equipment shall always be kept near the
work place and the same shall be properly maintained and Kept always in a
condition to be used readily.
3) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed,
suitable accommodation for the storage and make adequate arrangements for
cleaning and maintenance of personal protective equipment.
6. Prohibition relating to women and young persons:- No women or young persons shall
be employed or permitted to work in any manganese process.
7. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in the work rooms:- No food, drink, pan and supari or
tobacco shall be allowed to be brought into or consumed by any worker in any work room
in which any manganese process is carried on.
8. Messroom:- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of the persons employed
in a manganese process a suitable messroom which shall be furnished with sufficient tables
and benches and adequate means for warming of food. The messroom shall be placed
under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.
9. Washing facilities:- There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good
condition for the use of persons employed in manganese process—
10. Cloakroom:- If the Chief Inspector so requires there shall be provided and maintained for
the use or persons employed in manganese process a cloakroom for clothing put off during
working hours with adequate arrangements for drying the clothing.
11. Cautionary placard instructions:- Cautionary notices in the form specified in the
appendix to this schedule and printed in the language of the majority of the workers
employed, shall be affixed in prominent places in the factory where they can be easily and
conveniently read by the workers and arrangement shall be made by the occupier to
instruct periodically all workers employed in a manganese process regarding the health
hazards connected with their duties and the best preventive measure and methods to
protect themselves. The notices shall always be maintained in a legible condition.
b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a Certificate of Fitness
in Form 4. The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be
entered in the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the
Manager of the Factory. The record of each examination and re-examination carried
out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively including the nature and the
results of these tests, shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health
register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that the worker is no longer
fit for employment in the said process on the ground that continuance therein
would involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of
his findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings
in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the
said person is unfit to work in the said process.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work under sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in said processes unless the Certifying Surgeon,
after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in these
14. Exemption:- If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that owing to any
exceptional circumstances, or infrequency of the process, or for any other reason
application of all or any of the provisions of this schedule is not necessary for the protection
of the persons employed in such factory, he may, by an order in writing which he may at
his discretion revoke, exempt such factory from all or any of the provisions on such
conditions and for such period as he may specify in the said order.
Cautionary Notice
Manganese and Manganese Compounds
1. Dust fumes and mists of manganese and its compounds are toxic when inhaled or when
2. Do not consume food or drink near the work place.
3. Take a good wash before taking meals.
4. Keep the working area dean.
5. Use the protective clothing and equipment provided.
6. When required to work in situations where dusts, fumes or mists are likely to be inhaled,
use respiratory protective equipment provided for the purpose.
7. If you get severe head-aches, prolonged sleeplessness or abnormal sensations on the body
report to the manager who would make arrangements for your examination and
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manufacture or manipulation of dangerous pesticides
1. Application:- This shall apply in respect of all factories or any part thereof in which the
process of manufacture or manipulation of dangerous pesticides (hereinafter referred to as
the said manufacturing process) is carried on
2. Definitions:-
3. Instruction to workers:- Every worker on his first employment shall be fully instructed
on the properties including dangerous properties of the chemicals handled in the said
manufacturing process and the hazards involved. The employees shall also be instructed in
the measures to be taken to deal with any emergency. Such instructions shall be repeated
4. Cautionary notice and placards:- Cautionary notices and placards in the form specified
in appendix to this schedule and printed in the language of the majority of the workers
shall be displayed in all work places in which said manufacturing process is carried on so
that they can be easily and conveniently read by the workers. Arrangements shall be made
by the occupier and the manager of the factory to instruct the workers periodically
regarding the health hazards arising in the said manufacturing process and methods of
protection. Such notices shall include brief instructions and methods of periodical clinical
tests required to be undertaken for protecting health of the workers.
1) No food, drink, tobacco, pan or supari shall be brought into or consumed by any
worker in any work room in which the said manufacturing process is carried out.
1) Protective clothing consisting of long pants and shirts or overalls with long sleeves
and head coverings shall be provided for all workers employed in the said
manufacturing process.
2) Protective equipment consisting of rubber gloves, gum boots, rubber aprons,
chemical safety goggles and respirators shall be provided for all workers employed
in the said manufacturing process: Provided that where a pesticide contains oil,
gloves, boots and aprons shall be made from synthetic rubber.
3) Protective clothing and equipment shall be worn by the workers who are supplied
with such clothing and equipment.
4) Protective clothing and equipment shall be washed daily from inside and outside if
the workers handle pesticides containing nicotine or phosphorous and shall be
washed frequently if handling other pesticides.
2) Floors shall be maintained in a good repair, provided with adequate slope leading to
a drain and thoroughly washed once a day with hose pipe.
2) Cloth, rags, paper or other material soaked or soiled with a dangerous pesticide
shall be deposited in a suitable receptacle with tight fitting cover. Contaminated
waste shall be destroyed by burning at least once a week.
4) Easy means of access shall be provided to all parts of the plant for cleaning,
maintenance and repairs.
10. Empty containers used for dangerous pesticides:- Containers used for dangerous
pesticides shall be thoroughly cleaned of their contents and treated with an inactivating
agent before being discarded or destroyed.
2) Direct contact of any part of the body with a dangerous pesticide during its
manipulation shall be avoided.
12. Ventilation:-
2) Unless the process is completely enclosed, the following operations during
manipulation of a dangerous pesticide shall not be undertaken without an efficient
draught; namely—
1) Before each meal and before the end of the day's work at least ten minutes in
addition to the regular rest interval shall be allowed for washing to each worker
engaged in the manipulation of dangerous pesticides.
1) There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the
use of all workers employed in the factory where the said manufacturing process is
carried on adequate washing and bathing places having a constant supply of water
under cover at the rate of one such place for every 5 persons employed.
2) The washing place shall have stand pipes placed at intervals of not less than one
3) Not less than one half of the total number of washing places shall be provided with
Provided that such towels shall be supplied individually for each worker if so
ordered by the Inspector.
15. Cloakroom:- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all workers employed
in the factory where the said manufacturing process is carried on—
a) a cloakroom for clothing put off during working hours with adequate arrangements
for drying clothing, if wet; and
b) separate and suitable arrangements for the storage of protective clothing provided
under paragraph 7.
16. Messroom:-
1) There shall be provided arid maintained for the use of all workers employed in the
factory in which the said manufacturing process is carried on and remaining on the
premises during the rest intervals, a suitable messroom which shall be furnished
with -
a) sufficient tables and benches with back rest, and
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a Certificate of Fitness
in Form 4. The record or examination and re-examinations carried out shall be
entered in the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the
manager of the factory. The record of each examination and re-examinations carried
out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively, including the nature and the
results of these tests, shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health
register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit
for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would
involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of his
findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in
those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said
person is unfit to work in the said processes.
The persons so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) shall be
re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying
Surgeon, after further examination, again certifies him for employment in those
20. Exemption:- If in respect of any factory the Chief Inspector is satisfied that owing to the
exceptional circumstances or the infrequency of the said manufacturing process or for any
other reason which he shall record in writing all or any of the provisions or this schedule
are not necessary for the protection of the workers employed in the factory, he may by a
certificate in writing exempt such factory, from all or any of the provisions on such
condition as he may specify therein. Such certificate may at any time be revoked by the
Chief Inspector after recording his reasons therefore.
Cautionary Notice
2. Smoking, eating food or drinking, chewing tobacco in this area is prohibited. No rood stuff
or drink shall be brought in this area.
3. Some of these chemicals may be absorbed through skin and may cause poisoning.
6. Protective clothing and equipment supplied shall be used while working in this area.
7. Containers of pesticides shall not be used for keeping food stuffs.
8. Spillage of the chemicals on any part of the body or on the floor, or work-bench shall be
immediately washed away with water.
11. Do not handle pesticides with bare hands, use scoops provided with handle.
12. In case of sickness like nausea, vomiting, giddiness, the manager should be informed who
will make necessary arrangements for treatment.
13. All workers shall report for the prescribed medical tests regularly to protect their own
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manufacture, handling and usage of benzene and substances containing benzene
1. Application:- This shall apply in respect of factories or parts thereof in which benzene or
substances containing benzene are manufactured, handled or used.
2. Definitions:-
b) "enclosed system" means a system which will not allow escape of benzene
vapours to the working atmosphere.
d) "substitute" means a chemical which is harmless or less harmful than benzene and
can be used in place of benzene;
3) Where suitable substitutes are available, they shall be used instead of benzene or
substances containing benzene. This provision, however, shall not apply to the
following processes, namely-
a) production of benzene;
4) The Chief Inspector may, subject to confirmation by the State Government, permit
exemptions from the percentage laid down in clause (c) of paragraph 2 and also
from the provisions of sub-paragraph (2), of this paragraph temporarily under
conditions and within limits of time to be determined after consultation with the
employees and workers concerned.
1) The process involving the use of benzene or substances containing benzene shall as
far as practicable be carried out in an enclosed system.
2) Where however it is not practicable to carry out the process in an enclosed system
the workroom in which benzene or substances containing benzene are used shall be
equipped with an efficient exhaust draught or other means for the removal of
benzene vapours to prevent their escape into the air of the workroom so that the
concentration of benzene in the air does not exceed 25 parts per million by volume
or 80 milligrams per cubic metre.
3) Air analysis for the measurement of concentration of benzene vapours in air shall be
carried out every 8 hours or at such intervals as may be directed by the Chief
Inspector at places where process involving use of benzene is carried and the result
of the analysis shall be entered in a register specially maintained for this purpose, if
the concentration of benzene vapours in air as measured by air analysis, exceeds
25 parts per million by volume or 80 milligrams per cubic metre, the manager shall
forthwith report the concentration to the Chief Inspector stating the reasons for
such increase.
1) Workers who are likely to come in contact with liquid benzene or liquid substances
containing benzene shall be provided with suitable gloves, boots and where
necessary vapour tight chemical goggles made of material not affected by benzene
or its vapours.
7. Labelling:- Every container holding benzene or substances containing benzene shall have
the word Benzene" and approved danger symbols clearly visible on it and shall also display
information on benzene content, warning about toxicity and warning about the
inflammability of the chemical.
8. Improper use of benzene:-
1) The use of benzene or substances containing benzene by workers for cleaning their
hands or their work clothing shall be prohibited.
2) Workers shall be instructed on the possible dangers arising from such misuse.
10. Instructions as regards risks:- Every worker on his first employment shall be fully
instructed on the properties of benzene or substances containing benzene which he has to
handle and of the dangers involved. Workers shall also be instructed on the measures to be
taken to deal with in an emergency.
11. Cautionary notices:- Cautionary notices in the form specified in appendix to this schedule
and printed in the language easily read and understood by the majority of the workers shall
be displayed in prominent places in the workrooms where benzene or substances containing
benzene are manufactured, handled or used.
a) washing facilities under cover, of the standard of at least one tap for every 10
persons having constant supply of water with soap and a clean towel provided
individually to each worker if so ordered by the Inspector;
b) a cloakroom with lockers for for each worker having two compartments; one for
work-clothing and one for work-clothing; and
c) a messroom furnished with tables and benches with means for warming food,
provided that where a canteen or other proper arrangements exist for the workers to
take their meals, the requirements of messroom shall be dispensed with.
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examination and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
1) Every worker employed in processes mentioned in paragraph 1, shall be examined
by a Certifying Surgeon within 15 days of his first employment. Such examination
shall include tests for detection of phenol in urine and determination of urinary
sulphide ratio and C.N.S. and hematological tests. No worker shall be allowed to
work after 15 days of his first employment in the factory unless certified fit for such
employment by the Certifying Surgeon.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a Certificate of Fitness
in Form 4. The record of examination and re-examination carried out shall be
entered in the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the
manager of the factory. The record of each examination and re-examination carried
out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively, including the nature and the
results of these tests, shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health
register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit
for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would
involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of his
findings in the said Certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in
those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said
person is unfit to work in the said processes.
The persons so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work under sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying Surgeon,
after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in those processes.
Cautionary Notice
Benzene and substances containing benzene
1. Hazards:-
a) benzene and substances containing benzene are harmful.
b) Prolonged or repeated breathing of benzene vapours may result in acute or chronic
c) Benzene can also be absorbed through skin which may cause skin and other
2. Preventive measures:-
a) Avoid breathing of benzene vapours.
b) Avoid prolonged or repeated contact of benzene with the skin.
c) Remove benzene soaked or wet clothing promptly.
d) If any time you are exposed to high concentration of benzene vapours and exhibit
signs and symptoms such as dizziness, difficulty in breathing, excessive excitation
and losing of consciousness, immediately inform your factory manager.
e) Keep all the containers of benzene closed.
f) Handle, use and process benzene and substance containing benzene carefully in
order to prevent their spillage on floor.
g) Maintain good housekeeping.
3. Protective equipment:—
a) use respiratory protective equipment in places where benzene vapours are present in
high concentration.
b) In emergency, use self generating oxygen mask or oxygen or air cylinder masks.
c) Wear hand gloves, aprons, goggles and gum boots to avoid contact of benzene with
your skin and body parts.
2) If liquid benzene enters eyes, flush thoroughly for atleast 15 minutes with clean
running water and immediately secure medical attention.
a) lay him down preferably on the left side with the head low.
b) remove any false teeth, chewing gums, tobacco or other foreign objects
which may be in his mouth.
c) provide him artificial respiration in case difficulty is being experienced in
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manufacturing process or operations in carbon disulphide plants
1. Application:- This shall apply to all electric furnaces in which carbon disulphide is
generated and all other plants where carbon disulphide after generation is condensed,
refined and stored. This schedule is in addition to and not in derogation of any of the
provisions of the Act and rules made there under.
1) The buildings in which electric furnaces are installed and carbon disulphide after
generation is condensed and refined shall be segregated from other parts of the factory
and shall be of open type to ensure optimum ventilation and the plant layout shall be
such that only a minimum number of workers are exposed to the risk of any fire or
explosion at any one time.
2) Every electric furnace and every plant in which carbon disulphide is condensed, refined
and stored with all their fittings and attachments shall be of good construction, sound
material and of adequate strength to sustain the internal pressure to which the furnace
or the plant may be subjected to and shall be so designed that carbon disulphide liquid
and gas are in closed system during their normal working.
3) The electric furnace supports shall be firmly grouted about 60 centimeters in concrete
or by other effective means.
3. Electrodes:-
1) Where upper ring electrodes made of steel are used in the electric furnace, they shall
be of seamless tube construction and shall have arrangement for being connected to
cooling water system through a siphon built in the electrodes or through a positive
pressure water-pump.
2) The arrangement for cooling water referred to in sub-paragraph (1) shall be connected
with automatic alarm system which will actuate in the event of interruption of cooling
water in the electrodes and give visible and audible alarm signals in the control room
and simultaneously stop power supply for the furnace operation and to stop the further
supply of water. The alarm system and the actuating device shall be checked every
4. Maintenance of charcoal level:- When any electric furnace is in operation, it shall been
ensured that the electrodes are kept covered with charcoal bed.
5. Charcoal separator:- A cyclone type of charcoal separator shall be fitted on the off take
between the electric furnace and sulphur separator to prevent entry of pieces of charcoal
into the condensers and piping.
1) At least two rupture discs of adequate size which shall blow off at a pressure twice the
maximum operating pressure shall be provided on each furnace and shall either be
mounted directly on the top of the furnace or each through an independent pipe as
close as possible to the furnace.
2) A safety water seal shall be provided and tapped from a point between the charcoal
separator and the sulphur separator.
1) Each electric furnace shall be fitted with adequate number of pyrometers to give an
indication of the temperature as correctly as reasonably practicable at various points in
the furnace. The dials for reading the temperatures shall be located in the control room.
2) Manometers or any other suitable devices shall be provided for indicating pressure—
a) in the off take pipe before and after the sulphur separator; and
8. Check valves:- All piping carrying carbon disulphide shall be fitted with check valves at
suitable positions so as to prevent gas from flowing back into any electric furnace in the
event of its shut down.
c) periodically every time the furnace is opened for cleaning or de-ashing or for
replacing electrodes.
a) the brick lining shall be checked for continuity and any part found defective
b) after removal of any part of the lining referred to in (a) the condition of the shell
shall be closely inspected; and
c) any plates forming shell found corroded to the extent that safety of the furnace
is endangered shall be replaced.
10. Maintenance of records:- The following hourly records shall be maintained in a log book
b) gas temperature indicated by pyrometers and all other vital points near the
sulphur separator and primary and secondary condensers;
c) water temperature and flow of water through the syphon in the electrodes; and
11. Electrical apparatus, wiring and fittings:- All buildings in which carbon disulphide is
refined or stored shall be provided with electrical apparatus, wiring and fittings which shall
afford adequate protection from fire and explosion.
12. Prohibition relating to smoking:- No person shall smoke or carry matches, fire or naked
light or other means of producing a naked light or spark in buildings in which carbon
disulphide is refined or stored, and a notice in the language understood by a majority of the
workers shall be pasted in the plant prohibiting smoking and carrying matches, fire or naked
light or other means or producing naked light spark into such rooms.
13. Means of escape:- Adequate means of escape shall be provided and maintained to enable
persons to move to a safe place as quickly as possible in case of an emergency. At least two
independent staircases of adequate width shall be provided in every building housing the
furnaces at reasonable intervals at opposite ends. They shall always be kept clear of all
obstructions and so designed as to afford easy passage.
14. Warnings in case of fire:- There shall be adequate arrangements for giving warnings in
case of fire or explosion which shall operate on electricity and in case of failure of electricity,
by some mechanical means.
1) Open or semi-enclosed spaces for storage of bulk sulphur shall be sited with due
regard to the dangers which may arise from sparks given off by nearly locomotives,
etc., and precautions shall be taken to see that flames, smoking and matches and
other sources of ignition do not come into contact with the clouds of dust arising
during handling of bulk sulphur.
2) All enclosures for bulk sulphur shall be non-combustible construction, adequately
ventilated and so designed as to provide a minimum of ledges on which dust may
4) No repairs involving flames, heat or use of hand or power tools shall be made in the
enclosure where bulk sulphur is stored.
17. Liquid sulphur:- Open flames, electric sparks, matches, smoking, and other sources of
ignition shall be excluded from the vicinity of molten sulphur.
1) All electric furnaces and all plants in which carbon disulphide is condensed, refined or
stored shall be under adequate supervision at all times while the furnaces and plant
are in operation.
2) Workers in charge of operation and maintenance of electric furnaces and the plants
shall be properly qualified and adequately trained.
1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in a clean state and in good repair for the
use of all persons employed wash place under cover with at least one tap or stand-
pipe, having a constant supply of clean water for every five such persons, the taps or
stand-pipes being spaced not less than 120 centimeters apart with a sufficient supply
of soap and clean towels; provided that towels shall be supplied individually to each
worker if so ordered by the Inspector.
2) All the workers employed in the sulphur storage, handling and melting operations
shall be provided with a nail brush.
3) Arrangements shall be made for proper and efficient cleaning of all such protective
21. Cloakroom:- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed in
the processes a suitable cloakroom for clothing put off during work hours and a suitable
place separate from lie cloakroom for the storage of overalls or working clothes. The
accommodation so provided shall be placed in the charge of a responsible person and shall
be kept clean.
22. Unauthorized persons:- Only maintenance and repair personnel, persons directly
connected with the plant operation and those accompanied by authorised persons shall be
admitted into the plant.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manufacture or manipulation of carcinogenic dye intermediates
1. Application:- This shall apply in respect of all factories or any part there of where
processes in which the substances mentioned in paragraphs 3 and 4 are formed,
manufactured, handled or used and the processes incidental thereto in the course of which
these substances are formed, are carried on. The processes indicated in this paragraph
shall be herein after referred to as the said processes and such a reference shall mean any
or all the processes described in this paragraph.
2. Definition:-
c) "first employment" means first employment in the said processes and also re-
employment in such processes following any cessation of employment for a
continuous period exceeding three calendar months;
3. Prohibited substances:- For the purpose of this schedule, the following chemical
substances shall be classified as "prohibited substances" except when these substances are
present or are formed as a product of a chemical reaction in a total concentration not
exceeding one percent, namely—
4. Controlled substances:- For the purpose of this schedule, the following chemical
substances shall be classified as "controlled substances" namely—
c) dianisidine and its salts;
e) auramine; and
2) As far as possible all operations shall be carried out in a totally enclosed system.
Wherever such enclosure is not possible, efficient exhaust draught shall be applied at
the point where the controlled substances are likely to escape into the atmosphere
during the process.
3) The controlled substances shall be received in the factory in tightly closed containers
and shall be kept so except when these substances are in process or in use. The
controlled substances shall leave the factory only in tightly closed containers of
appropriate type. All the containers shall be plainly labeled to indicate the contents.
1) The following items of personal protective equipment shall be provided and issued to
every worker employed in the said processes; namely:
a) long trousers and shirts or overalls with full sleeves and head coverings, the
shirt or overall shall cover the neck completely; and
b) rubber gumboots.
a) rubber handgloves
3) It shall be the responsibility of the manager to maintain all items of personal
protective equipment in a clean and hygienic condition and in good repair.
9. Floors of workroom:- The floor of every workroom in which the said processes are
carried on shall be—
a) smooth and impervious to water and that asphalt or tar shall not be used in
the composition of the floor;
c) with a suitable slope for easy draining and provided with gutters; and
d) thoroughly washed daily with the drain water being led into sewer a through
a closed channel.
10. Disposal of empty containers:- Empty containers used for holding controlled substances
shall be thoroughly cleaned of their contents and treated with an inactivating agent before
being discarded.
11. Manual handling:- Controlled substances shall be allowed to be mixed, filled, emptied or
handled by means of a scoop with a handle. Such scoop shall be thoroughly cleaned daily.
12. Instructions regarding risk:- Every worker on his first employment in the said processes
shall be fully instructed on the properties of the toxic chemicals to which he is likely to be
exposed to, of the dangers involved and the precautions to be taken. Workers shall also be
instructed in the measures to be taken to deal with an emergency.
13. Cautionary Placards:- Cautionary placards in the form specified in the appendix to this
schedule and printed in the language of the majority of the workers employed in the said
process frequented by them in the factory, where the placards can be easily and
conveniently read. Arrangements shall be made by the manager to instruct periodically all
such workers regarding the precautions contained in the cautionary placards.
14. Obligations of the workers:- It shall be the duty of the persons employed in the said
processes to submit themselves for the medical examination including exfoliative cytology of
urine by the Certifying Surgeon or the qualified medical practitioner as provided for under
these paragraphs.
1) The following washing and bathing facilities shall be provided and maintained in a
clean state and in good repair for the use of all workers employed in the said
processes, namely—
a) a wash place under cover having constant supply of water and provided with
clean towels, soap and nail brushes and with at least one stand pipe for every
five such workers;
b) 50 per cent of the stand pipes provided under clause (a) shall be located in
bathrooms where both hot and cold water shall be made available during the
working hours of the factory and for one hour thereafter;
c) the washing and bathing facilities shall be in dose proximity of the area
housing the said processes;
e) in addition to the taps mentioned under clause (a), one stand pipe in which
warm water is made available shall be provided on each floor.
2) Arrangement shall be made to wash factory uniforms and other work clothes
16. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in workroom:- No worker shall consume food, drink, pan,
supari or tobacco or shall smoke in any workroom in which the said processes are carried on
and no worker shall remain in any such room during intervals for meals or rest.
17. Cloakroom:-
1) There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the
use of the workers employed in the said process—
a) a cloakroom with lockers having two compartments - one for street clothes
and the other for work clothes; and
b) a place separate from the locker room and the messroom, for the storage of
protective equipment provided under paragraph 7.
2) The accommodation so provided shall be under the care of a responsible person and
shall be kept clean.
18. Messroom:- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of workers employed in
the said processes who remain on the premises during the meal intervals, a messroom
which shall be furnished with tables and benches and provided with suitable means of
warming food.
19. Time allowed for washing:- Before the end of each shift 30 minutes shall be allowed for
bathing for each worker who is employed in the said processes. Further, at least 10 minutes
shall be allowed for washing before each meal in addition to the regular time for meals.
20. Restriction on age of person employed:- No worker under the age of 40 years shall be
engaged in the factory in the said processes for the first time after the date on which this
schedule comes into force.
a) employ a qualified medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the workers
employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the
Chief Inspector; and
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried by the said medical
practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
3) The record of each examination and re-examination carried out under sub-
paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively including the nature and the results of these
tests, shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit
for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would
involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of his
findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in
those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said
person is unfit to work in the said processes.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion or the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph. (5) shall be
re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying
Surgeon, after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment.
1) The Chief Inspector may, by a certificate in writing which he may at his discretion
revoke at any time, subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified therein,
exempt any process in the course of which any of the prohibited substances is
formed, processed, manufactured, handled or used from the provisions of paragraph
5 if he is satisfied that the process is carried out in a totally enclosed and
hermetically sealed system in such a manner that the prohibited substance is not
removed from the system except in quantities not greater than that required for the
purpose of control of the process or such purposes as is necessary to ensure that the
product is free from any of the prohibited substances.
2) The Chief Inspector may allow the manufacture, handling or use of benzidine
hydrochloride provided that all the processes in connection with it are carried out in a
totally enclosed system in such a manner that no prohibited substance other than
benzidine hydrochloride is removed from except in quantities not greater than that
required for the purpose of control of the processes or such purposes as is necessary
to ensure that the product is free from prohibited substances and that adequate
steps are taken to ensure that oenzidine hydrochloride is, except while not in a
totally enclosed system, kept wet with not less than one part of water to two parts of
benzidine hydrochloride at all times.
24. Exemptions-General:- If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that
owing to the exceptional circumstances or infrequency of the processes or for any other
reason, all or any of the provisions of this schedule is not necessary for the protection of the
workers in the factory, the Chief Inspector may by a certificate in writing which he may in
his discretion revoke at any time, exempt such factory from all or any of such provisions
subject to the such conditions, if any, as he may specify therein.
Cautionary Placard Notice
Carcinogenic dye intermediates
1. Dye intermediates which are nitro amino derivatives or aromatic hydrocarbons are toxic.
You have to handle these chemicals frequently in this factory.
2. Use the various items of protective wear to safeguard your own health.
3. Maintain scrupulous cleanliness at all items. Thoroughly was hands and feet before
taking meals.It is essential to take a bath before leaving the factory.
4. Wash off any chemical falling on your body with soap and water. If splashed with a
solution of the chemical, remove the contaminated clothing immediately. These
chemicals are known to produce cyanosis. Contact the medical officer or appointed
doctor immediately and get his advice.
5. Handle the dye intermediates only with long handled scoops, never with bare hands.
6. Alcoholic drinks should be avoided as they enhance the risk of poisoning by the
7. Keep your food and drinks away from work place. Consuming food, drinks or tobacco in
any form at the place of work is prohibited.
8. Serious effects from work with toxic chemicals may follow after many years. Great care
must be taken to maintain absolute cleanliness of body, clothes, machinery and
Standard Operating Procedures for
Operation involving high noise levels
1. Application:- This shall apply to all operations in any manufacturing process having high
noise level.
2. Definitions:-
Explanation:- The noise level (or the sound pressure level) corresponds to a
reference pressure of(20 x 10-6 newtons per square metre or 0.0002 dynes per
square centimeter which is the threshold of hearing, that is, the lowest sound
pressure level necessary to produce the sensation of hearing in average health
listeners. The decibel in abbreviated form is dB.
e) "high noise level" means any noise level measure on the A-weighted scale is
90 dB or above;
Table 1
Table 2
i. No exposure in excess of 140 dB peak sound pressure level is permitted.
ii. For any peak sound pressure level falling in between any figure and the next higher
or lower figure as indicated in column 1, the permitted number of impulses or
impacts per day is to be determined by extrapolation on a proportionate basis.
2) For the purposes of this schedule, if the variations in the noise level involve
maximum at intervals of one second or less, the noise is to be considered as a
continuous one and the criteria given in Table 1 would apply. In other cases, the
noise is to be considered as impulsive or impact noise and the criteria given in Table
2 would apply.
3) When the daily exposure is composed of two or more periods of noise exposure at
different levels their combined effect should be considered rather than the individual
effect of each. The mixed exposure should be considered to exceed the limit value if
the sum of the fractions C1 /T1 + C2/T2.. Cn / Tn exceeds unity.
Where the C1, C2 etc., indicate the total time of actual exposure at a
specified noise level and T1, T2, etc., denote the time or exposure permissible at
that level. Noise exposure of less than 90 dBA may be ignored in the above
4) Where it is not possible to reduce the noise exposure to the levels specified in sub-
paragraph (1) by reasonably practicable engineering control or administrative
measures the noise exposure shall be reduced to the greatest feasible by such
control or measures and each worker so exposed shall be provided with suitable ear
protectors so as to reduce the exposure to noise to the levels specified in sub-
paragraph (1).
5) Where the ear protectors provided in accordance with sub-paragraph (2) and worn
by a worker cannot still attenuate the noise reaching near his ear, as determined by
subtracting the attenuation value in dBA of the ear protectors concerned from the
measured sound pressure level to a level permissible shall be suitably reduced to
correspond to the permissible noise exposures specified in sub-paragraph (1).
6) (a) In all cases where the prevailing sound levels exceed the permissible levels
specified in sub-paragraph (1) there shall be administered an effective hearing
conservation programme which shall include among other hearing conservation
measures pre-employment and periodical auditory surveys conducted on workers,
exposed to noise exceeding the permissible levels and rehabilitation of such workers
either by reducing the exposure to the noise levels or by transferring them to places
where noise levels are relatively less or by any other suitable means.
(b) Every workers employed in areas where the noise exceeds the maximum
permissible exposure levels specified in sub-paragraph. (1) shall be subjected to an
auditory examination by Certifying Surgeon within 14 days of his first employment
and thereafter, shall be re-examined at least once in a year. Such initial and
periodical examinations shall include tests which the Certifying Surgeon may
consider appropriate, and shall include determination of auditory thresholds for pure
tones of 125,250, 500,1000,2000,4000 and 8000 cycles per second.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Manufacture of Rayon by Viscose Process
1. Definitions:-
a) "approved" means approved for the time being in writing by the Chief Inspector;
c) "churn" means the vessel in which alkali collulose pulp is treated with carbon
e) “efficient exhaust draught" means localised ventilation by. mechanical means for
the removal of any gas or vapour so as to prevent it from escaping into the air of
any place in which work is carried on and no draught shall be deemed to be efficient
if it fails to control effectively any gas or vapour generated at the point where such
gas or fume originates;
f) "fume process" means any process in which carbon disulphide or hydrogen sulphide
is produced, used or given off;
g) "life belt" means a belt made of leather or other suitable material which can be
securely fastened round the body with a suitable length of rope attached to it, each
of which is sufficiently strong to sustain the weight of a man;
h) "protective equipment" means apron, goggles, face shields, foot wear, gloves and
overalls made of suitable materials.
2. Ventilation:-
1) In all workrooms where a fume process is carried on, adequate ventilation by natural
or mechanical means shall be provided so as to control, in association with other
control measures, the concentration of carbon-di-sulphide and hydrogen sulphide in
the air of every work environment within the permissible limits.
b) spinning machines,
e) after treatment processes, and
f) spin baths
3) In so far as the spinning machines and trio rollers and cutters used in staple fibre
spinning are concerned, they shall for the purpose of ensuring the effectiveness or
the exhaust draught to be provided as required in sub-paragraph be enclosed as fully
as practicable and provided with suitable shutters in sections to enable the required
operations to be carried out without giving rise to undue quantities of carbon-di-
sulphide and hydrogen sulphide escaping to the work environment.
4) No dry churn shall be opened after completion of reaction without initially exhausting
the residual vapours of carbon-di-sulphide by operation or a suitable and efficient
arrangement for exhausting the vapours which shall be continued to be operated as
long as the churn is kept opened.
5) Whenever any ventilation apparatus normally required for the purpose of meeting
the requirements in sub-paragraphs (I), (2), (3) and (4) is ineffective, fails or is
stopped for any purpose whatsoever all persons shall be required to leave the work
areas where the equipment or processes specified in the said sub-paragraphs are in
use, as soon as possible and in any case not later than 15 minutes after such an
6) (i) All ventilation systems provided for the purposes as required in sub-paragraphs
(2), (3) and (4) shall be examined and inspected once in every work by a responsible
person. It shall be thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person once in
every period of 12 months. Any defects found by such examinations or test shall be
rectified forthwith.
(ii) A register containing particulars of such examinations and tests, and the state of
the systems and the repairs or alterations if any, found to be necessary shall be kept
and shall be available for inspection by an Inspector.
3. Waste from spinning machines:- Waste yarn from the spinning machines shall be
deposited in suitable containers provided with close fitting covers. Such waste shall be
disposed off as quickly as possible after decontamination.
4. Lining of dry churns:- The inside surface of all dry churns shall be coated with a non-
sticky paint so that cellulose xanthate will not stick to the surface of the churn. Such coating
shall be maintained in good condition.
5. Air monitoring:-
2) For the purpose of the requirement in subparagraph (1), instantaneous gas detector
tubes shall not be used. Samples shall be collected over duration of not less than 10
minutes and analysed by an approved method. The locations where such monitoring
is to be done shall be as directed by the Inspector.
3) If the concentration of either carbon-di-sulphide or hydrogen sulphide exceeds the
permissible limits for such vapour or gas as laid down in rule 133-A, suitable steps
shall be taken for controlling the concentration in air of such contaminants. A report
of such occurrences shall be sent to the Chief Inspector forthwith.
6. Prohibition to remain in fume process room:- No person during his intervals for meal or
rest shall remain in any room wherein fume process is carried on.
8. Protective equipment:-
1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition protective equipment as
specified in the Table below for use of person employed in the processes referred to
2) A suitable room, rooms or lockers shall be provided exclusively for the storage of all
the protective equipment supplied to workers and no such equipment shall be stored
at any place other than the room, rooms or lockers so provided.
9. Breathing apparatus:-
1) There shall be provided in every factory where fume process is carried on,
sufficient supply of -
a) breathing apparatus;
c) lifebelts;
2) The breathing apparatus and other appliances referred to in clauses (a) and (b)
of sub-paragraph (1) shall be cleaned and disinfected at suitable intervals and
thoroughly inspected once in every month by a responsible person.
3) A record of the maintenance and the condition of the breathing apparatus and
other appliances referred to in sub-paragraph (1) shall be entered in a register
provided for that purpose which shall be readily available for inspection by an
7) No breathing apparatus provided under sub-paragraph (1) which has been worn
by a person shall be worn by another person unless it has been thoroughly
cleaned and disinfected since last being worn and the person has been fully
instructed in the proper use of that equipment.
10. Electric fittings:- All electric fittings in any room in which carbon-di-sulphide is produced,
used or given off or is likely to be given off into the work environment other than a spinning
room shall be of flame-proof construction and all electric conductors shall either be enclosed
in metal conduits or be lead sheathed.
11. Prohibition relating to smoking etc:- No person shall smoke or carry matches, fire or
naked light or other means of producing a naked light or spark in a room in which fume
process is carried on. A notice in the language understood by the majority of the workers
shall be pasted at prominent locations in the plant prohibiting smoking and carrying of
matches, fire or naked light or other means of producing naked light or spark into such
Provided that fire, naked light or other means of producing a naked light of spark
may be carried on in such room only when required for the purposes of the process itself
under the direction of a responsible person.
1) There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the
use of all workers employed in the processes covered by this schedule, adequate
washing and bathing places having a constant supply of water under cover at the
rate of one such place for every 25 persons employed.
2) The washing places shall have stand pipes placed at intervals of not less than one
3) Not less than one half of the total number of washing places shall be provided with
Provided that such towels shall be supplied individually for each worker if so
ordered by the Inspector.
1) A rest room shall be provided for the workers engaged in doffing operations of
filament yarn spinning process.
2) Such rest room shall be provided with fresh air supply and adequate seating
1) The following cautionary notice shall be prominently displayed in each fume process
room namely—
"Cautionary notice"
2) The notice shall be in a language understand by the majority of the workers and
displayed where it can be easily and conveniently read. If any worker is illiterate,
effective steps shall be taken to explain carefully to him the contents of the notice so
3) Arrangements shall be made to instruct each worker employed in any room in which
fume process is carried on regarding the health hazards connected with their work
and the preventive measures and methods to protect themselves. Such instructions
shall be given on his first employment and repeated periodically.
4) Simple and special instructions shall be framed to ensure that effective measures will
be carried out in case of emergency involving escape of carbon-di-sulphide and
hydrogen sulphide. These instructions shall be displayed in the concerned areas and
workers shall be instructed and trained in the actions to be taken in such
15. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests:-
b) provide to the said medical officer all the necessary facilities for the purpose
referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examination and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical officer shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
3) The Certifying Surgeon shall after examining a worker, issue a Certificate of Fitness
in Form 4. The record of re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the
Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the Manager of the
factory. The record of each examination and re-examination carried out under sub-
paragraphs (1) and (2) respectively, including the nature and the results of the tests,
shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer fit
for employment in the fume process on the ground that continuance therein would
involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of his
findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in
those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said
person is unfit for work in the fume process.
The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate
placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion or the Certifying
Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work under sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-
employed or permitted to work in the fume process unless the Certifying Surgeon,
after further examination again certifies him fit for employment in such process.
17. Exemptions:- If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that owing to the
exceptional circumstances or infrequency of the processes or for any other reason, all or
any of the provisions of this schedule are not necessary for protection of the workers in the
factory, the Chief Inspector may by a Certificate in writing, which he may at his discretion
revoke at any time, exempt such factory from all or any of such provisions subject to such
conditions, if any, as he may specify therein.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Highly flammable Liquids and Flammable Compressed Gases
1. Application:- This shall apply to all factories where highly flammable liquids or flammable
compressed gases are manufactured, stored, handled or used.
2. Definition:-
b) "highly flammable liquid" means any liquid including its solution, emulsion or
suspension which when tested in a manner specified by Section 14 or 15 of the
Petroleum Act, 1934 gives off flammable vapour at a temperature less than 32
degrees centigrade.
3. Storage:-
1) Every flammable liquid or flammable compressed gas used in very factory shall be
stored in suitable fixed storage tank or in suitable closed vessel located in a safe
position under the ground, in the open or in a store room of adequate fire resistant
2) Except as necessary for use, operation or maintenance every vessel or tank which
contains or had contained a highly flammable liquid or flammable compressed gas
shall be always kept closed and all reasonably practicable steps shall be taken to
contain or immediately drain off to a suitable container any spill or leak that may
3) Every container, vessel, tank, cylinder or store room used for storing highly
flammable liquid or flammable compressed gas shall be clearly and in bold letters
marked "Danger-Highly Flammable Liquid" or "Danger Flammable Compressed Gas”.
6. Prevention of ignition:-
1) In every room, work place or other location where highly flammable liquid or
flammable combustible gas is stored, conveyed, handled or used or where there is
danger of fire or explosion from accumulation of highly flammable liquid or
flammable compressed gas in air, all practicable measures shall be taken to exclude
the sources of ignition. Such precautions shall include the following namely—
a) all electrical apparatus shall either be excluded from the area of risk or they
shall be of such construction and so installed and maintained as to prevent
the danger of their being source of ignition;
c) no person shall wear or be allowed to wear any foot wear haying iron or steel
nails or any other exposed ferrous materials which is likely to cause sparks by
7. Prohibition of smoking:- No person shall smoke in any place where highly flammable
liquid or flammable compressed gas is present in circumstances that smoking would give
rise to a risk of fire. The occupier shall take all practicable measures to ensure compliance
with this requirement including display of a bold notice indicating prohibition of smoking at
every place where this requirement applies.
8. Fire fighting:- In every factory where highly flammable liquid or flammable compressed
gas is manufactured, stored, handled, or used, appropriate and adequate means of fighting
a fire shall be provided. The adequacy and suitability of such means which expression
includes the fixed and portable fire extinguishing systems, extinguishing material,
procedures and the process of fire fighting, shall be to the standards and levels prescribed
by the Indian Standards applicable, and in any case not inferior to the stipulations under
rule 71.
9. Exemptions:- If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that owing to the
exceptional circumstances or infrequency of the processes or for any other reason, all or
any of the provisions of this schedule are not necessary for protection of the workers in the
factory, the Chief Inspector may by a certificate in writing, which he may at his discretion
revoke at any time, exempt such factory from all or any of such provisions subject to such
conditions, if any, as he may specify therein.
Standard Operating Procedures for
Operations in Foundries
1. Application:- This shall apply to all parts of factories where any of the following operations
or processes are carried on—
a) the production of iron castings or, as the case may be, steel castings by casting in
moulds made of sand, loam, moulding composition or other mixture of materials, or
by shall moulding, or by centrifugal casting and any process incidental to such
c) the melting and casting of non-ferrous metal for the production of ingots, billets,
slabs or other similar products, and the stripping thereof;
a) any process with respect to the smelting and manufacture of lead and the Electric
e) any process in the course of the manufacture of solder or any process incidental
to such manufacture; or
f) the melting and casting of lead or any lead based alloy for the production of
ingots, billets, slabs or other similar products or the stripping thereof, or any
process incidental to such melting, casting or stripping.
2. Definitions:-
d) "foundry" means those parts of a factory in which the production of iron or steel or
non-ferrous casting (not being the production of pig iron or the production of steel in
the form of ingots) is carried on by casting in moulds made of sand, loam, moulding
composition or other mixture of materials, or by shall moulding or by centrifugal
casting in metal moulds lined with sand, or die casting including pressure die
castings, together with any part of the factory in which any of the following
processes are carried on as incidental processes in connection with an in due course
of such production, namely, the preparation and mixing of materials used in foundry
process, the preparation of moulds and cores, knock out operations and dressing or
fettling operations;
e) "knock-out operations" means all methods of removing castings from mould sand
the following operations, when done in connection therewith, namely stripping,
coring-out and the removal of runners and risers;
f) "pouring aisle" means an aisle leading from a main gangway or l cupola or furnace
to where metal is poured into directly from a moulds.
Provided that this prohibition shall not prevent the following being used as a
parting material if the material does not contain an admixture of any other silica—
d. Silimanite
f. Olivine
g. Natural sand
2) Dust or other matter deposited from a fettling or blasting process shall not be used
as a parting material or as a constituent in a parting material.
4. Arrangement and storage:- For the purposes of promoting safety and cleanliness in work
rooms the following requirements shall be preserved—
a) moulding boxes, loam plates, ladles, patterns, pattern plates, frames, boards, box
weights, and other heavy articles shall be so arranged and placed as to enable work
to be carried on without unnecessary risk;
c) where there is bulk storage of sand, fuel, metal scrap or other materials or residues,
suitable bins, bunkers or other receptacles shall be provided for the purpose of such
5. Construction of floors:-
1) Floors of indoor workplaces in which the processes are carried on, other than parts
which are of sand, shall have an even surface of hard material.
2) No part of the floor of any such indoor workplace shall be of sand except where this
is necessary by reason of the work done.
3) All parts of the surface of the floor of any such indoor workplace which are of sand
shall, so far as practicable be maintained in an even and firm condition.
1) All accessible parts of the walls of every indoor work place in which the processes are
carried on and of everything affixed to those wall shall be effectively cleaned by a
suitable method to a height of not less than 4.2 metres from the floor at least once
in every period of fourteen months. A record of the carrying out of every such
effective cleaning in pursuance of this paragraph including the date (which shall be
not less than five months nor more than nine months after the last immediately
preceding washing, cleaning or other treatment).
2) Effective cleaning by a suitable method shall be carried out at least once every
working day or all accessible parts of the floor of every indoor workplace in which the
processes are carried on, other than parts which are of sand; and the parts which
are of sand shall be kept in good order.
1) There shall be provided and properly maintained for all persons employed on manual
operations involving molten metal with which they are liable to be splashed, a
working space for that operation—
2) Any operation involving the carrying by hand of a container holding molten metal
shall be performed on a floor all parts of which where any person walks while
engaged in the operation shall be on the same level:
8. Gangways and pouring aisles:-
a) shall have an even surface of hard material and shall, in particular, not be of
sand or have on them more sand than is necessary to avoid risk of flying
metal from accidental spillage;
c) if not used for carrying molten metal, shall be at least 920 millimeters in
i. where truck ladles are used exclusively at least 600 millimeters wider than
the overall width of the ladle.
ii. where hand shanks are carried by not more than two men, at least 920
millimeters in width;
iii. where hand shanks are carried by more than two men, at least 1.2
metres in width; and
iv. where used for simultaneous travel in both directions by men carrying
shanks, at least 1.8 metres in width.
a) shall have an even surface of hard material and shall, in particular, not be
of sand or have on them more sand than is necessary to avoid risk of
flying metal from accidental spillage;
c) if molten metal is carried in hand ladles or bull ladles by not more than
two men per ladle, shall be at least 460 millimeters wide, but where any
moulds along side the aisle are more than 510 millimeters above the floor
of the aisle, the aisle shall be not less than 600 millimeters wide;
d) if molten metal is carried in hand ladles or bull ladles by more than two
men per ladle, shall be at least 760 millimeters wide;
3) Requirements of sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) shall not apply to any workroom or part
of a workroom if, by reason of the nature of the work done therein, the floor of that
workroom or, as the case may be, that part of a workroom has to be of sand.
1) No person shall carry out any work within a distance of 4 metres from a vertical line
passing through the delivery end of any spout of a cupola or furnace, being a spout
used for delivering molten metal, or within a distance of 2.4 metres from vertical line
passing through the nearest part of any ladle which is in position at the end of such a
spout, except, in either case, where it is necessary for the proper use of maintenance
of a cupola or furnace that work should be carried out within that distance of that
work is being carried out at such a time and under such conditions that there is no
danger to the person carrying it out from molten metal which is being obtained from
the cupola or furnace or is in a ladle in position at the end of the spout.
2) No open coal, coke or wood fires shall be used for drying moulds except in
circumstances in which the use of such fires is unavoidable.
3) Mould stoves, core stores and annealing furnaces shall be so designed constructed,
maintained and worked as to prevent, so far as practicable, offensive or injurious
fumes from entering into any workroom during any period when a person is
employed therein.
and shall so far as reasonably practicable, be carried out with effective and suitable local
exhaust ventilation or other equality effective means of suppressing dust, operating as near as
possible to the point of origin of the dust.
10. Maintenance and examination of exhaust plant:-
1) All ventilation plant used for the purpose of extracting, suppressing or controlling
dust or fumes shall be properly maintained.
2) All ventilating plant used for the purpose of extracting, suppressing or controlling
dust or fumes shall be examined and inspected once every week by a responsible
person. It shall be thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person at least
once in every period of twelve months; and particulars of the results of every such
examination and test shall be entered in an approved register which shall be
available for inspection by an Inspector. Any defect found on such examination and
test shall be immediately reported in writing by the person carrying out the
examination and test to the occupier or manager of the factory.
1) The occupier shall provide and maintain suitable protective equipment specified for
the protection of workers,
a) suitable gloves or other protection for the hands for workers engaged in
handling any hot material likely to cause damage to the hands by burn, scald
or scar, or in handling pig iron, rough castings or other articles likely to cause
damage to the hands By cut or abrasion;
b) approved respirators for workers carrying out any operations creating a heavy
dust concentration which cannot be dispelled quickly and effectively by the
existing ventilation arrangements.
2) No respirator provided for the purposes of clause 1 (b) has been worn by a person
shall be worn by another person if it has not since been thoroughly cleaned and
shall be provided with suitable footwear and gaiters which worn by them prevent, so far as
reasonably practicable, risk or burns to his feet and ankles.
4) Where appropriate, suitable screens shall be provided for protection against flying
materials (including splashes of molten metal and sparks and chips thrown off in the
course of any process).
5) The occupier shall provide and maintain suitable accommodation for the storage and
make adequate arrangements for cleaning and maintaining or the protective
equipment supplied in pursuance of this paragraph.
6) Every person shall make full and proper use of the equipment provided for his
protection in pursuance of sub-paragraphs (1) and (4) and shall without delay report
to the occupier, manager or other appropriate person any defect in, or loss of, the
i. a trough with impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe without plug,
and of sufficient length to allow at least 60 centimeters for every 10
such persons employed at any one time and having a constant supply
of clean water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not
more than 60 centimeters; or
ii. at least one tap or stand pipe for every 10 such persons employed at
any one time, and having a constant supply of clean water, the tap or
stand pipe being spaced not less than 1.2 metres apart; and
b) not less than one half of the total number of washing places provided under
clause (a) shall be in the form of bath rooms.
2) The facilities provided for the purposes of sub-paragraph (1) shall be placed in
charge of a responsible person or persons and maintained in a clean and orderly
13. Disposal of dross and skimming:- Dross and skimming removed from molten metal or
taken from a furnace shall be placed forthwith in suitable receptacles.
14. Disposal of waste:- Appropriate measures shall be taken for the disposal of all waste
products from shell moulding (including waste burnt sand) as soon as reasonably
practicable after the castings have been knocked-out.
15. Material and equipment left out of doors:- All material and equipment left out of
doors(including material) and equipment so left only temporarily or occasionally shall be so
arranged and placed as to avoid unnecessary risk. There shall be safe means or access to all
such material and equipment and, so far as reasonably practicable, such access shall be by
roadways or pathways which shall be properly maintained. Such roadways or pathways shall
have a firm and even surface and shall, so far as reasonably practicable be kept free from
16. Medical facilities and records of examinations and test:-
b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said
medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief
Inspector of Factories, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the
3) The Certifying Surgeon after examining a worker, shall issue a Certificate of Fitness
in Form 4. The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be
entered in the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the
manager of the factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-
paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests, shall also
be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health register in Form 16.
4) The Certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that worker is no longer fit for
employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would
involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record of his
findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his findings in
those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said
person is unfit for work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the
process shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully
incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying Surgeon, in which case the person so
affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
6) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph (3) above shall
be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying
Surgeon, after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in those
18. Exemption:- If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that owing to the
exceptional circumstances or infrequency of the processes or for any other reason, all or
any of the provisions of this schedule is not necessary for protection of the workers in the
factory, the Chief Inspector may by a certificate in writing, which he may at his discretion
revoke at any time, exempt such factory from all or any of such provisions subject to such
conditions, if any, as he specify therein.