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Electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles by use of an electrolytic containing

acids, bases or salts of
metals such as chromium, nickel, cadmium, zinc, copper, silver, gold, etc

1. Definitions.-For the purpose of this Schedule

(a) "electrolytic process" means the electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal

articles by the use of an electrolyte containing acids, bases or salts of metals
such as chromium, nickel, cadmium, zinc, copper, silver, gold, etc;
(b) "bath" means any vessel used for an electrolytic process or for any subsequent
process; and
(c) "employed" means employed in any process involving contact with liquid
from a bath.
2. Exhaust Draught

An efficient exhaust draught shall be applied to every vessel in which an

electrolytic process is carried on. Such draught shall provided by mechanical means
and shall operate on the vapour or spray given off in the process as near as may be
at the point of origin. The exhaust draught appliance shall be so constructed,
arranged and maintained as to prevent the vapour or spray entering into any room
or place in which work is carried on.
3. Prohibition Relating to Women and Young Persons

No women, adolescent or child shall be employed or permitted to work at a bath.

4. Floor of Workrooms

The floor of every workroom containing a bath shall be impervious to water. The
floor shall be maintained in good and level condition and shall be washed down at
least once a day.
5. Protective Devices

(1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good and clean condition the
following articles of protective devices for the use of all persons employed on
any process at which they are liable to come in contact with liquid from a bath
and such devices shall be worn by the persons concerned -
(a) waterproof aprons and bibs ; and
(b) for persons actually working at a bath, loose fitting, rubber gloves and
rubber boots or other footwear, and chemical goggles,
(2) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed
suitable accommodation for the storage and drying of protective devices.
6. Water Facilities

(1) There shall be provided and maintained in good repairs for the use of all
persons employed in electronic process and processes incidental to it -
(a) a wash place undercover, with either-
(i) a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe,
and of sufficient length to allow at least 60 cms. for every 5 persons
employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from
taps or jobs above the trough at intervals of not more than 60 cms, or
(ii) at least one wash basin for every five such persons employed at any
one time, fitted with a waste pipe and having a constant supply of
water laid on.
(1) a sufficient supply of clean towels renewed daily, and soap or other
suitable cleaning material.
(2) In addition to the facility in sub-paragraph 1, an approved type of
emergency shower with eye fountain shall be provided and maintained
in good working order. Wherever necessary, in order to ensure
continuous water supply, storage tank of 1500 liters capacity shall be
provided as a source of clean water for emergency use.
7. Cautionary Placard

A cautionary placard in the form specified below and printed in the language of the
majority of the workers employed shall be affixed in a prominent place in the
factory where it can be easily and conveniently read by the workers.
Electrolytic plating
(1) Chemicals handled in this plant are corrosive and poisonous.
(2) Smoking chewing tobacco, eating food or drinking, in this area is prohibited.
No food stuff or drink shall be brought in this area.
(3) Some of these chemicals may be absorbed through the skin and may cause
(4) A good wash shall be taken before meals.
(5) Protective devices supplied shall be used while working in this area.
(6) Spillage of the chemicals on any part of the body or on the floor shall be
immediately washed away with water.
(7) All workers shall report for the prescribed medical test regulars to protect their
own health.
8. Medical Facilities and Record of Examination and Tests.-
(1) The occupier of every factory in which electrolytic processes are carried on
(a) employ a qualified medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the
workers employed therein whose appointment shall be subject to the
approval of the Chief Inspector of Factories;
(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities of the
purpose referred to in clause (a); and
(c) maintain a sufficient supply of suitable barrier cream, ointment and
impermeable water proof plaster in a separate box readily accessible to the
workers and used solely for the purpose of keeping these substances. In
case cyanides are used in the bath, the box shall also contain an emergency
cyanide kit.
(2) The medical practitioner shall examine all worker before they are employed in
electrolytic processes. Such examination in case of chrome plating shall
include inspection of hands, forearms, and nose, and shall be carried out at
least once in every fortnight.
(3) The record of the examinations referred to in sub-paragraph (2) shall be
maintained in a separate register approved by chief Inspector of Factories
which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector.
9. Medical Examination by the Certifying Surgeon

(1) Every worker employed in the electrolytic processes shall be examined by a

Certifying Surgeon before his first employment. Such examination shall include
X-ray of the chest and-
(a) in case of chromium plating include examination for nasal septum
perforation and test for chromium in urine;
(b) in case of nickel plating, test for nickel in urine; and
(c) in case of cadmium plating, test for cadmium in urine and 2 microglobulin
in urine.
(2) No worker shall be employed in any electrolytic process unless certified fit for
such employment by the certifying surgeon.
(3) Every worker employed in the electrolytic processes shall be re-examined by a
certifying surgeon at least once in every year except in case of the workers
employed in cadmium, chromium and nickel plating processes for whom this
examination shall be carried out once in every six months, such re-examination
shall, wherever the Certifying Surgeon considers appropriate, include tests as
specified under sub-paragraph (1) excluding the X-ray of the chest which shall
not be required to be carried out earlier than once in three years.
(4) The Certifying Surgeon after examining a worker, shall issue Certificate of
Fitness in Form 27-A, the record of Examinations carried out shall be kept in
custody of the manager of the factory. The record of each examination carried
out under sub-paragraph (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the
tests, shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a health register on
Form No. 20.
(5) The certificate of fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available
for inspection by the Inspector.
(6) if at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer
fit for employment in the electrolytic processes on the ground that continuous
therein would involve danger to the health of the worker., he shall make a
record of his findings in the said certificate and the health register, the entry of
his findings in those documents shall also include the period for which he
considers that the said person is unfit in such circumstances shall be provided
with alternate placement facility unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion
of the Certifying Surgeon, in which case the person affected shall be suitably
(7) No person who has been found unfit to work as specified in sub-paragraph (6)
shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said process unless the
Certifying Surgeon, after further examination, again certifies him fit for
employment in those processes.

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