STDA SIMATIC Control Systems (C2003)

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Catalog ST DA · 2003

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SIMATIC Introduction 1
Control Systems
Technological Technological module
Catalog ST DA · 2003 module T400 Technological box
SRT400 2
Standard software

SIMATIC FM 458-1 DP Basic modules

modules 3
Catalog DA 99 · 1999

The products contained in this SIMATIC TDC Introduction

Catalog are also included in the Subracks
CD-ROM Catalog CA 01 Modules 4
Order No.: GlobalDataMemory
SIMADYN D control Introduction
Please contact your local system Subracks
Siemens office. Modules 5
© Siemens AG 2003

Accessories Introduction
Interface modules
Cables and connectors 6

Software Introduction
Configuring using

Dimension drawings
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1 Introduction
SIMATIC Control Systems Introduction

Increased productivity in the • extremely fast response Technological module T400 SIMATIC FM 458-1 DP
global competitive arena is times, arithmetic operations
The T400 technological mod- A conventional SIMATIC
exceptionally important. and/or
ule (Drive Based) handles S7-400 (Controller Based) is
It is no longer possible to se- • closed-loop control with the technological tasks directly in expanded using the high-per-
cure cost-effective operations highest precision are re- the drive: formance application module
without a high degree of auto- quired (sampling time from FM 458-1 DP. This allows it to
• The T400 technological
mation. 100 µs). master average up to sophis-
module is inserted in the
For these and comparable ap- - SIMOVERT® ticated tasks, especially for
To achieve that all important
plications, SIMATIC control MASTERDRIVES® AC machinery and plant con-
competitive lead, high perfor-
systems have graduated per- drive inverters and con- struction.
mance and reliable automa-
tion systems must be used. formance levels to permit verters or in the Using this combination, all
scalable solutions. All of the - SIMOREG DC-Master® PLC, technological and Mo-
SIMATIC control systems solutions are based on the drive converters tion Control tasks can be uni-
can be used for the widest same technological kernel, • Using the SRT400 techno- versally implemented - which
range of applications and in- but differ when it comes to the logical box, the T400 can makes it unique in the
dustry sectors. This is due to packaging technology used: also be used as standalone SIMATIC system.
the free configurability, the ex-
tensive function block library • Drive Based solution for other drives Expansion modules for com-
and the wide range of mod- T400 technological module munications and I/O peripher-
ules. • Controller Based als, aligned and harmonized
SIMATIC FM 458-1 DP to the FM 458-1 DP, let you
SIMATIC control systems are
• Rack Based create solutions which are
used, if
SIMATIC TDC/ precisely matched to a ma-
• conventional controllers SIMADYN D control system chine or a plant.
have reached their perfor-
mance limits,


+ CP 443-1

with FM 458-1 DP


with T400 with T400 with T400

1/2 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Introduction 1
SIMATIC Control Systems

SIMATIC TDC and Highlights

SIMADYN D control system • SIMATIC control systems • They offer the short sam-
The SIMATIC TDC and process every closed-loop pling times from 100 µs
SIMADYN D (Rack Based) control, arithmetic, open- • They ensure reproducible
subrack systems, have been loop control and communi- process quantities (i.e. sta-
especially designed for com- cation task involving contin- bility of the settings and opti-
plex closed-loop control and ually changing data with the mization of the production
arithmetic operations. highest speed and precision speed with the best quality)
• The multi-processor • SIMATIC control systems
SIMATIC TDC automation have an extensive function-
system offers an almost un- ality
limited computational per- • They are graphically freely
formance. Up to twenty configurable
64-bit RISC CPU modules
can be operated in synchro-
nism in a single subrack.
• The SIMADYN D control sys-
tem, using 32-bit technolo-
gy, can accommodate up to
eight CPU modules.
Totally Integrated
SIMATIC control systems are
integrated in Totally Integrat-
ed Automation (TIA)  the
Siemens concept for triple in-
tegration - engineering, data
management and communi-
The system is engineered us-
ing the integrated, unified
SIMATIC software STEP 7,
Over 300 function blocks are
integrated in the D7-SYS
library to tackle almost any

application areas
• Closed-loop torque, speed • Special applications with
and position control for con- converters, e.g. for excitation
verter-fed DC and three- current control, high voltage
phase drives. For examples DC power transmission, stat-
these include synchronous, ic reactive power compensa-
dancer or closed-loop ten- tion systems
sion control systems, wind- • Mechatronic solutions with
ers, multi-motor drives, high cycle rates in the area of
gearbox/motor test stands, production, packaging and
complex setpoint algorithms printing machines
and closed-loop control for
cross-cutters, "break-proof"
electronic shafts
• High precision rolling mill
• Hydraulic drives with a high-
dynamic performance

Siemens ST DA · 2003 1/3

1 Introduction
SIMATIC Control Systems
T400 Technological Module
Using the T400 technological Engineering
module, sophisticated techno-
Dynamic technological appli-
logical tasks for SIMOVERT,
cations are quickly generated
using the appropriate CFC
drive inverter/converters as
function blocks.
well as for the SIMOREG
6RA70 DC Master can be di- Standard software packages
rectly implemented in the which can be simply parame-
drive, and that simply and at a terized for
favorable price. This is our • Angular synchronism,
Drive Based solution.
• Axial winders,
In this case, the prerequisite is • Flying shears/cross-cutters
that the drive must have an
electronics box. offer a truly plug & play drive
The compact SRT400 techno-
logical box, with space for up
to two T400 modules has been
especially designed for appli-
cations where the T400 tech-
nological module cannot be
used in the drive.
The technology box is espe-
cially suitable for smaller,
cost-sensitive stand-alone ap-
The T400 module is based on
the well-proven, powerful
32-bit technology. This per-
mits cycle times for typical
control loops, of between ap- T400 technological module, inserted in the SRT400 technology box
prox. 0.8 ms and 1.6 ms.
Beyond this, the T400 offers
extensive onboard peripher-
als as basis for flexible ma-
chinery concepts.

T400 technological module

Processor 32-bit RISC with FPU
Program memory 2 Mbyte flash
Working memory 4 Mbyte DRAM
Cache (program/data) 4 Kbyte each T400 technological module, installed in SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
Permanent change memory 32 Kbyte NOVRAM
Sampling time, rigidly cyclic
• Shortest 100 µs
• Typical 0.8 ms
Typical computation time (REAL)
• MUL, multiplier 5.5 µs
• PIC, PI controller 14.3 µs
• RGE, ramp generator 32.9 µs
Networking Point-to-point
PROFIBUS slave, optionally
with CBP2
T400 technological module, installed in SIMOREG DC Master

1/4 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Introduction 1
SIMATIC Control Systems
The SIMATIC FM 458-1 DP Communications Interface modules Configuring
application module process-
Communications to partners As a result of the high number Complex and high speed mo-
es sophisticated PLC, Motion
external to the S7-400 is pref- of signals, the plant and pro- tion control systems are sim-
Control and technological
erably done with the cess signals, for example, an- ply and reliably created using
tasks in conjunction with the
PROFIBUS DP interface pro- alog, digital and incremental the appropriate CFC function
SIMATIC S7-400 automation
vided on the FM 458-1 DP. encoder signals are not con- blocks.
system (Controller Based).
This offers the following new nected directly to the mod-
Given the unlimited function- features: ules, but rather to interface
ality, the FM 458-1 DP can be • Equidistance, which means modules and plug-in termi-
flexibly used for a wide range that the PROFIBUS DP cycle nals.
of applications. always has the same precise
In addition to Motion Control, duration.
technological functions are • Isochrone mode, this
possible, for example, cross- means that the CPU/periph-
cutter, winder and hydraulic ery/user program are always
controls. in synchronism with the
Because of its high clock cy- PROFIBUS clock cycle.
cle rates, the FM 458-1 DP • Slave-to-slave communi-
can also handle closed-loop cations, this means that the
position and synchronous configured slaves can „di-
controls for up to several hun- rectly“ exchange data with
dred drives. one another without any
configuring in the
The integrated, clock-cycle FM 458-1 DP.
synchronous and equidis-
tance-capable PROFIBUS DP • Routing-capable, this
interface, is ideally suited for means that all of the bus
motion control applications. nodes are accessed
through an interface, for ex-
ample, MPI (Multi-Point-In-
terface) or PROFIBUS DP
and optionally, also Industri-
al Ethernet (CP 443-1).
Further, the extremely fast
fiber-optic cable ring
SIMOLINK® is used on the
EXM 448-1 expansion module
to couple many drives.
For fast peripheral connec-
tions, the EXM 438-1 expan-
SIMATIC S7-400 with the application module FM 458-1 DP,
sion module is used. with expansion modules EXM 448-1 and EXM 438-1

SIMATIC S7-400 with FM 458-1 DP

Processor 64-bit RISC with FPU
Program memory (MMC) 2 or 4 Mbyte flash
Working memory 8 Mbyte SDRAM
Cache (program/data) Each 16 Kbyte
Permanent change memory 8 Kbyte EEPROM
256 Kbyte SRAM, battery-backed
Sampling time, rigidly cyclic
• Shorted 100 µs
• Typical 0.5 ms
Typical computation times (REAL)
• MUL, multiplier 1.5 µs
• PIC, PI controller 4.7 µs
• RGE, ramp generator 10.9 µs
Networking PROFIBUS
SIMOLINK, optionally with
EXM 448-1

SIMATIC S7-400: Inserting the FM 458-1 DP

Siemens ST DA · 2003 1/5

1 Introduction
SIMATIC Control Systems
Extremely complex closed- GlobalDataMemory Interface modules Engineering
loop control and extensive
Data can be exchanged As a result of the large num- Extensive plant and communi-
communication tasks can be
„across all networked sub- ber of signals, the plant and cation engineering/configur-
implemented using the
racks“ between all of the CPU process signals, for example, ing work is quickly and cost-
modules in the system analog, digital and incremen- effectively carried-out using
Technology and Drives Con-
through the GlobalDataMem- tal encoder signals, are not the CFC function blocks.
trol) control system. It is admi-
ory (GDM), the central memo- directly connected to the
rably suited for applications in
ry. modules, but are connected
plant construction, for exam-
via interface modules and
ple, in rolling mills or in iron Communications plug-in terminals.
Drive units and the distributed
SIMATIC TDC is a state-of- peripherals are coupled by
the-art subrack system (Rack PROFIBUS DP interfaces with
Based) and can accommo- master and/or slave function.
date up to 21 modules. Indi-
vidually configured for the Using a TCP/IP interface for
particular application, the re- up to 100 Mbit/s, several
quired computational perfor- SIMATIC stations and third-
mance, the digital, analog, party systems and host com-
incremental and absolute val- puters can be networked to-
ue encoder connections as gether with an extremely high
well as the serial interfaces degree of performance.
can be combined with one an- The PC or the PG, which is
other. used for engineering and
commissioning, as well as all
of the SIMATIC HMI visualiza-
In order to achieve a really ef- tion components (e.g.
fective multi-processing sys- WinCC or operator devices
tem, which can be synchro- OP/TD) are connected
nized, all of the modules in the through MPI (Multi-Point-Inter-
SIMATIC TDC subrack are face).
connected with one another
through a high-performance
64-bit backplane bus.


Processor 64-bit RISC with FPU
Program memory (PC card) 2, 4, 8 Mbyte flash SIMATIC TDC control system
Working memory 32 Mbyte SDRAM
Cache 2 Mbyte program/data
Permanent change memory 8 Kbyte EEPROM
256 Kbyte SRAM, battery-backed
Sampling time, rigidly cyclic
• Shortest 100 µs
• Typical 0.3 ms
Typical computation times
(REAL) 0.9 µs
• MUL, multiplier 2.3 µs
• PIC, PI controller 5.3 µs
• RGE, ramp generator
Networking PROFIBUS
Industrial Ethernet

1/6 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Introduction 1
SIMATIC Control Systems
SIMADYN D is suitable for all Interface modules
applications which involve
As a result of the high number
high control dynamic re-
of signals, the plant and pro-
sponse and arithmetic accu-
cess signals, for example an-
alog, digital and incremental
SIMADYN D is a well-proven encoder signals are not di-
subrack-based system (Rack rectly connected to the mod-
Based), with a modular hard- ules but rather to interface
ware and software design. modules and plug-in termi-
This means that it can be con- nals.
figured for any type of appli-
cation. Configuring

The subracks with up to 24 Control-related applications

slots have two high-perfor- are quickly and simply creat-
mance 16-bit backplane bus- ed using CFC function blocks.
es for fast data transfer
between the individual mod-
An extremely fast fiber-optic
cable couples several sub-
racks for extremely complex
closed-loop control and arith-
metic tasks.
Serial coupling to
Industrial Ethernet is estab-
lished with communication
modules. Plug-in communica-
tion sub-modules are inserted SIMADYN D control system
on the main communication

SIMADYN D with CPU module PM5 PM6

Processor 32-bit RISC with FPU 64-bit RISC with FPU
Program memory (PC card) 2, 4 Mbyte flash 2, 4, 8 Mbyte flash
Working memory 4 Mbyte DRAM 8 Mbyte SDRAM
Cache (program/data) 16/4 Kbyte Each 16 Kbyte
Permanent change memory 8 Kbyte EEPROM 8 Kbyte EEPROM
64 Kbyte SRAM, battery-backed 256 Kbyte SRAM, battery-backed
Sampling time
• Shortest 100 µs 100 µs
• Typical 0.8 ms 0.5 ms
Typical computation times (REAL)
• MUL, multiplier 5.5 µs 1.5 µs
• PIC, PI controller 14.3 µs 4.7 µs
• RGE, ramp generator 32.9 µs 10.9 µs
Industrial Ethernet Industrial Ethernet

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1 Introduction
SIMATIC Control Systems
For many years now, SIMATIC Motion Control functions This means that even sophisti-
control systems have been cated Motion Control tasks
Machines, especially in the
used to develop and imple- can be implemented in a user-
production, packaging and
ment closed-loop control, friendly fashion with SIMATIC
printing areas require many
technological and motion without any programming
drive-specific functions.
control concepts and their work required.
testing on the target system The D7-SYS library contains
An especially positive feature:
using graphic engineering Motion Control blocks which
An additional runtime
tools directly on the screen. have been especially de-
license for each axis is not re-
signed for Motion Control
Only well-proven and stan- quired.
tasks. These include, for ex-
dard SIMATIC tools are used
to engineer and configure the
Manager and HW Config:
For project management Virtual master
and to engineer the hard- Function block
ware library
• Continuous Function Chart The majority of specific func-
tions for state-of-the-art ma- Catch-up/shutdown
The graphic function chart chines are implemented with
editor to implement techno- pre-configured CFC function
logical functions blocks. These are included in
• Sequential Function Chart the library of the supplemen- Gear synchronism
SFC (optional): tary D7-SYS package and are
To combine CFC programs interconnected with one an-
using a user-friendly and other in the CFC.
transparent configurable se-
quence control D7-SYS contains more than Positioning
300 function blocks which can
No matter which task has to be combined as required –
be tackled, everything can be from simple mathematical or
graphically configured using logical operations up to com- Engaging/disengaging
the SIMATIC engineering plex functions to handle the
tools. complete Motion Control of
A powerful code generator is Cam control
also contained, which com-
piles the completed function
charts into fast machine code.
These function blocks elimi- Traversing curves
nate time-consuming pro-
gramming work! The system
is only configured.
Further, for special applica-
tions, dedicated function
blocks can be programmed in
C, and simply integrated into
the application. Cam disks

And many more

1/8 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Technological Module
2/2 T400 Technological Module

2/7 SRT400 Technological Box

2/8 Standard Software Packages

2/8 Introduction
2/8 Axial winder with T400 -
2/9 Angular synchronous controls with T400 -
2/10 Cross-cutter with T400 -

Siemens ST DA · 2003 2/1

T400 Technological Module
T400 Technological Module
T400 Technological Module

2 ■ Overview Configuring/engineering • Serial interface 1 with

RS 232 and RS 485 data
The following software tools
transfer format; selectable
are required to program the
- service protocol for com-
• If standard application soft- missioning in the CFC test
ware is already loaded: mode and program down-
Assign parameters through load
SIMOVIS or PROFIBUS DP - USS protocol, 2 wire, with
• For free configuring or when selectable RS 232 or
using the source code of the RS 485 data transfer for-
standard application soft- mat: Baud rates up to
ware: 38.4 kbit/s; can be config-
STEP 7, CFC, optionally ured as slave with parame-
SFC, D7-SYS ters assigned by SIMOVIS
Note: • Serial interface 2 with
RS 485 data transfer format,
It is only possible to make
selectable data transfer
changes online in the CFC
rates up to 38.4 kbit/s:
test mode using the CFC
- peer-to-peer, for fast pro-
The T400 is a technological source code.
cess coupling (4 wire)
module which can be graphi- Complex supplementary cus- - USS protocol, configurable
cally configured. This allows tomer-specific functions can as slave for parameterizing
drives to be expanded by so- be very simply realized in the SIMOVIS (2 or 4 wire).
phisticated open-loop and drives using the graphic • 2 absolute value encoders
closed-loop control functions STEP 7/CFC SIMATIC engi- with SSI or EnDat protocol
- and that at a reasonable neering tools. (RS 485) for positioning ap-
Onboard I/O
The T400 can be used in the • Various ways of synchroniz-
electronics box when using • 2 analog outputs
ing to the sampling time per-
the local bus adapter LBA: • 5 analog inputs mit short deadtimes:
• SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES • 2 digital outputs - synchronizing the T400 to
VC, MC Compact (not in the MASTERDRIVES (CUx,
• 8 digital inputs
MC Compact PLUS!), and CBx) or a second T400
of which 4 digital inputs can
• SIMOREG DC-Master be used to call interrupt - T400 generates synchro-
6RA70 or tasks (50 µs response time) nizing signals for
• As standalone solution in the • 4 bi-directional digital inputs CBx) or a second T400
SRT400 technological box or outputs
(an LBA is not required) Note:
• 2 incremental encoder in-
The T400 can also be used in puts with zero pulse • Only one serial interface can
the drive units and in the - encoder 1 for HTL (15 V) be operated with USS!
SRT400 together with the encoder. • Serial interface 2 (peer,
MASTERDRIVES communica- - encoder 2 for HTL (15 V) or USS) or absolute value en-
tion modules. These include, TTL/RS 422 encoder (5 V) coder 2 can be alternatively
for example, CBx as well as • 2 coarse pulse inputs can be used.
the ADB carrier module with used also as digital inputs
the plug-in communication
• The I/O are not electrically
modules CBP2
CBD (DeviceNet).
Information on the T400 with
the ADB adapter board:
• It is not possible to use the
SBx, SBRx encoder mod-
• The EBx (terminal expan-
sion) and SLB (SIMOLINK)
modules are not supported

2/2 Siemens ST DA · 2003

T400 Technological Module
T400 Technological Modules

■ Overview (continued) Features • 3 LEDs to display the operat-

ing status
• 32 Kbyte change memory,
permanent (EEPROM)
• Shortest sampling time is
0.1 ms, typical sampling • Soldered-in flash memory • NOVRAM for data storage
times for a control loop are (2 Mbyte) for program code when the power is discon-
between 0.8 and 1.6 ms (compressed), which can be nected/fails for 30 config-
• As a result of the floating- downloaded from the PC urable values (real type)
point arithmetic, not only a through a serial interface; a • Cache: 4 Kbyte program,
high accuracy, but also sim- plug-in memory module is 4 Kbyte data
plified configuring as nor- not required!
malization and value range • 4 Mbyte DRAM as working
limits are eliminated memory for programs and
• Operation without fan data

Comparison of the T400 and the predecessor module T300

T400 T300
Configured with STEP 7/CFC on a Windows PC Configured using STRUC G on a UNIX PC
(this is simple to learn; all help and documentation or STRUC L on a Windows PC
resources online)
Typical sampling time 0.8 ms, optimally suitable for Typical sampling time, 4 ms
The program is downloaded over a serial link; the pro- Programmed via a SIMADYN D programming
gram memory cannot be removed! device; erased using a UV lamp; the program
memory can be exchanged
All connections directly on the T400 Connections through a separate terminal module
Can be used in the SRT400 technological box –
USS slave to directly connect SIMOVIS –
(e.g. for use in the SRT400)
Two absolute value encoder connections for –
positioning applications
Upper and lower slot of the ADB carrier module can Only the lower slot of the ADB carrier module
be used can be used
High precision and simple configuring using floating- Fixed-point numerical processing
point numbers
Function blocks can be inserted online –
Block groups can be switched-in and switched-out –

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T400 Technological Module
T400 Technological Modules

2 ■ Technical data ■ Technical data (continued)

Power supply/ + 5 V p5%: 1.1 A Digital outputs (continued)
typ. current consumption + 15 V p4%: 140 mA
+max. 100 mA Input current:
encoder current • For a 0 signal 0 mA
 15 V p3%: 140 mA • For a 1 signal 3 mA typical, 5 mA max.
Electrical isolation No Delay time 150 µs
of the inputs/outputs
Incremental encoder 1
Space requirement 1 slot
Encoder signal connection Converter module (CUx) or
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 14 x 267 x 140 T400/terminals 81-83
Weight 0.3 kg Signal voltage when connected to
Analog outputs T400 (HTL, unipolar):
Number 2 • For a “0” signal <5V
• For a “1” signal >8V
Output range p10 V
Signal voltage when connected to a As for the converter (refer there);
Short-circuit protection Yes converter 5 V encoders are also possible
Short-circuit current p10 mA Input current 8 mA (max.)
Resolution 12 bit (4.88 mV) Max. pulse frequency 400 kHz (this depends on the
Accuracy, absolute p 3 bit cable length)
Linearity error < 1 bit Input filter This can be configured at the
function block (NAV)
Voltage rise time 4.2 V/µs
Incremental encoder 2
Delay time 3.5 µs
Connecting the encoder signals T400/terminals 62-64, 86-88
Analog inputs
Signal voltages (nominal value) 5 V (TTL) or 15 V (HTL)
Number 2 differential inputs unipolar or bipolar
3 unipolar inputs
Signal voltage for RS 422,
Input range p10 V bipolar:
Measuring principle Sampling • For a “0” signal < 0.2 V
Conversion time 12 µs • For a “1” signal > 0.2 V
Input resistance 20 k8 Signal voltage for TTL,
unipolar (untyp):
Input filter 3 dB transition frequency:
25 kHz • For a “0” signal < 0.8 V
• For a “1” signal > 2.3 V
Resolution 12 bit (4.88 mV)
Signal voltage at 15 V
Absolute accuracy p 3 bit (HTL, bipolar):
Linearity error < 1 bit • For a “0” signal - 30 V to 4 V
Digital outputs • For a “1” signal 8 V to 30 V
No. 2 + max. 4 (bi-directional) Signal voltage 15 V
(HTL, unipolar):
External power supply voltage
• For a “0” signal <4V
• Nominal value 24 V DC
• For a “1” signal >8V
• Permissible range 15 to 33 V DC
• Current drain 20 mA + output currents Input current 2 mA (max.)

Output voltage Max. pulse frequency 1.5 MHz (this depends on the
cable length)
• For a „0“ signal Max. 0.1 V
Input filter This can be configured at the
• For a „1“ signal External power supply voltage function block (NAV)
 0.3 V
Absolute value encoder
Output current Max. 50 mA/output
Number Max. 2
Overload protection Yes (limited to 220 mA)
Encoders which can be connected Single or multi-turn encoders
Switching frequency with SSI (synchronous-serial) or
• Ohmic load 5 kHz with EnDat interface
Max. switching delay 70 µs Signal voltage 5 V according to RS 422
(0 to 24 V)
Data transfer rate 100 kHz to 2 MHz
Digital inputs and coarse pulses
Data representation Dual, Gray and Gray-Excess
Number 8 + max. 4 (bi-directional) code
+ max. 2 (coarse pulses)
Input voltage
• Nominal voltage 24 V DC
• For a 0 signal 1 to +6 V or open-circuit input
• For a 1 signal +13 to +33 V

2/4 Siemens ST DA · 2003

T400 Technological Module
T400 Technological Modules

■ Connection diagram 2
8 0
T 4 0 0
+ 1 5 V / 1 0 0 m A
T ra c k A M A S T E R D R IV E S
8 1 T ra c k s A a n d B fro m C U x o r D C -M A S T E R
8 2 T ra c k B b a s ic d r iv e
P u ls e Z e r o p u ls e fr o m C U x C U x
8 3 0 p u ls e e n c o d .
C o a rs e p . 1
8 4
e .g .
c o n ta c t- 8 5 In c re m _ 1
s w itc h
F c t.-
b lo c k R S 4 8 5 , 2 - w ir e
2 p u ls e 6 2 T ra c k A +
e n c o d e r T /R x + 7 0
6 3 T ra c k B +
in p u ts X 0 1
6 4 0 p u ls e + T /R x - 7 1
H T L /
6 5 C o a r s e p . P u ls e S e r ia l in te rfa c e 1
(R S 4 2 2 ) e .g .
e n c o d . In c re m _ 2 - P ro g ra m d o w n lo a d
c o n ta c t-
6 65 2 6 9
S e le c te d w ith
M - C F C te s t m o d e (s ta rt-u p )
s w itc h
s w itc h S 2 8 6 T ra c k A - T x D 6 8 - U S S (S IM O V IS )
H a rd w a re - T T L
8 7 T ra c k B - a d d re s s e s R x D 6 7
8 8 0 p u ls e - . o f th e b a s ic
R S 2 3 2
c o n fig u re d
s o ftw a re
9 0
+ A A n a _ In _ 1
9 1 - D
9 2
+ 1 1 b it + s ig n
9 3 A A n a _ In _ 2
- D 9 7
5 a n a lo g in p u ts A n a _ O u t_ 1 D
d iffe re n tia l in p u ts 9 4 A
1 1 b its + s ig n + A A n a _ In _ 3
- D
± 1 0 V / 1 0 k O h m
D 9 8 2 a n a lo g o u tp u ts
9 5 A n a _ O u t_ 2
+ A ± 1 0 V / 1 0 m A
A A n a _ In _ 4
- D 1 1 b its + s ig n
9 9
9 6
+ A A n a _ In _ 5
- D
9 9
5 0 P 2 4 e x te rn a l 4 5
M + 2 4 V 2 d ig ita l o u tp u ts
5 0 D C 2 4 V /1 0 0 m A ,
+ 2 4 V
4 5 4 0 m A b a s ic lo a d
P 2 4 e x te rn a l 5 1
fo r th e e x te rn a l
4 d ig ita l 4 6
5 2 P 2 4 in fe e d ,
o u tp u ts 4 7 w h ic h c a n a ls o c o m e
b i- d ir e c tio n a l 4 8 D ig In O u t
fr o m th e b a s ic u n it
2 4 V D C ( b i-
( 8 m A in p u t 4 9 d ir e c tio n a l) 7 6
c u rre n t)
7 7
S S I_ 1 7 8 A b s o lu te v a lu e
7 9 e n c o d e r 1
F c t.-
b lo c k
5 3
5 4 S S I_ 2
4 d ig ita l in p u ts 5 5 A b s o lu te v a lu e
a la r m - c a p a b le e n c o d e r 2
2 4 V D C 6 1
( 8 m A in p u t M
7 2
c u rre n t) + 2 4 V D ig In p u t o r
5 6 X 0 2 7 3
5 7 F c t.- S e r ia l
7 4
4 d ig ita l- 5 8 b lo c k in te r fa c e 2 :
in p u ts 5 9 7 5 fo r
2 4 V D C - p e e r-to -p e e r
6 0
- U S S

D u a l- D u a l- M A S T E R D R IV E S
C o m m u n ic - o r D C -M A S T E R
a tio n s m o d u le P o rt- P o rt-
b a s ic d r iv e
e .g . C B 1 , A D B R A M R A M
C U x

Siemens ST DA · 2003 2/5

T400 Technological Module
T400 Technological Module

2 ■ Ordering data Order No. ■ Layout diagram

T400 technological module 6DD1 606-0AD0
(incl. T400 brief description) 4 5
SC400 commissioning cable
to connect a PC to the T400
6DD1 684-0GF0 T 4 0 0
LBA local bus adapter 6SE7 090-0XX84-4HA0 1 1 - p in
X 5
L E D H 1 re d
ADB adapter module 6SE7 090-0XX84-0KA0
L E D H 2 y e llo w
CBP2 communications module 6SE7 090-0XX84-0FF5 X 1 3 7
L E D H 3 g re e n
1 1 - p in
CBC communications module 6SE7 090-0XX84-0FG0 X 6
for CAN 1 S 1

1 1 - p in
X 7
1 S 2

1 1 - p in
X 8

X 1 3 5

1 1 - p in
X 9

9 9

2/6 Siemens ST DA · 2003

T400 Technological Module
SRT400 Technological Box
SRT400 Technological Box

■ Overview • MASTERDRIVES communi-

cation modules which can
be used:
- ADB carrier module for
sub-modules CBP2 and
• All of the synchronizing pos-
sibilities of the T400 can be
• Integrated power supply for
115/230 V, 50/60 Hz
with monitoring functions for
the input and output voltag-
es and 24 V DC output, for
example for digital inputs/
• Air self-cooling
• An enclosure which is
closed and shielded on all
Compact subrack for techno- This means, that for example,
• A hinged front panel which
logically orientated open-loop the functionality of existing
can be swung to the left
and closed-loop control tasks, plants and systems can be
e.g. for closed-loop controls expanded at a reasonable • T400 terminal assignment is
for two up to four drives with a price. This is also true for printed on the inside of the
high dynamic response. modernization work. front door

The SRT400 is comparable The drives can be controlled • Strain relief for connecting
with the electronics box of via analog or serial interfaces cables
SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES. such as PROFIBUS DP, USS • Monitoring LED for the pow-
or peer-to-peer. er supply
The following can be inserted
into the SRT400: • Two slots for T400 and/or Dimension drawing: Refer to
MASTERDRIVES communi- Section 8
• Up to two T400 technologi-
cations module
cal modules, or
• One T400 and one
cations module (e.g. CBx,

■ Technical data ■ Technical data (continued)

SRT400 technological box Output (continued)
for T400
Output currents
Input •5V 3.0 A
Input voltage • +15 V 0.5 A
• Nominal value 115 V/230 V AC • 15 V 0.5 A
• Permissible range p 15% • +24 V 0.6 A
Line supply frequency Short-circuit protection Yes
• Nominal value 50/60 Hz Electrical isolation Yes
• Permissible range p 2.5 Hz
Power drain
Line supply failure buffering 10 ms for two T400 and 43 W at 115 V
max. 24 V load 54 W at 230 V
Input current (nominal value)
• At 120 V AC 190 mA to 370 mA Power loss, typical 7 W at 115 V
(without modules) 16 W at 230 V
• At 230 V AC 140 mA to 320 mA
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 90 x 291 x 175
(when the 24 V DC
output is loaded) Weight 2 kg
Output voltages
•5V 5.05 to 5.15 V ■ Ordering data Order No.
• +15 V 14.25 to 15.75 V
SRT400 technological box 6DD1 682-0CG0
• 15 V 14.25 to 15.75 V
• +24 V 20 to 30 V

Siemens ST DA · 2003 2/7

T400 Technological Module
Standard Software Packages

2 ■ Introduction Standard software packages

are available for the following
technological box to couple
third-party devices.
• Application-specific chang-
es have to be made, which
applications: are no longer possible using
The standard software pack-
• Axial winder the integrated parameters
ages are available in the fol-
• Angular synchronism lowing forms: • A standard application soft-
ware is frequently used
• Cross-cutter/ The standard software pack-
shears control ageisloaded,asrun Using the source code, the
able code, on the T400: functions of a T400 standard
These standard software software package can also be
packages are configured us- • Can be immediately used
ported to other processor
ing STEP 7/CFC. • When commissioning, only a modules.
They have been especially few parameters must be set
depending on the specific In this case, it is especially the
conceived for distributed ap- closed-loop control-related
plications with the T400 tech- application
core which can be used. Only
nological module. • STEP 7/CFC is not required the function blocks for the in-
This can be inserted in the We recommend standard ap- put, output and communica-
MASTERDRIVES and plication software as CFC tion interfaces have to
SIMOREG DC-Master drive source code on CD-ROM, if: adapted.
units or also in the SRT400

Axial winder with T400 - SPW420

■ Overview This standard software pack- • The diameter value is saved • Winding hardness control
age is suitable for use in the when the power fails and characteristic
following drive units: • Tension and speed control- • Winder-related control
• MASTERDRIVES VC/MC lers are adapted depending (open-loop) with alarm and
• SIMOREG DC-Master on the diameter fault evaluation
• Friction equalization using a • Jog, positioning and crawl
Features polygon characteristic, de- • Two motor potentiometers
• This software package is pending on the speed which can be freely used
suitable for winders and un- • Inertia compensation de-
winders with and without fly- • The drive can be shutdown
pending on the diameter, softly without any overshoot
ing roll change material width and gearbox using a braking characteris-
• Several closed-loop tension stage tic
control methods, e.g. direct, • Ramp-function generator to
indirect tension control, • Web break detection with
ramp-up for a flying roll automatic response
v = constant control change followed by shut-
• A dancer roll or tension mea- down • Standstill detection
suring transducer can be • Pulse encoder can be con- • Web length calculation
connected nected for web velocity mea- • Automatic measures against
• There are several tech- surement web sag
niques to calculate the diam- • The tension controller can ei- The documentation for these
eter with „Set diameter“ and ther act on the speed con- standard software packages
„Hold“, e.g. with/without in- troller or directly on the can be downloaded from the
cremental encoder or web torque control Internet.

■ Applications • Foil manufacturing and fin- ■ Ordering data Order No.

ishing systems Axial winder with T400 - SPW420 6DD1 842-0AA0
• Paper machines
Axial winder software 6DD1 843-0AA0
• Paper finishing machines
• Coating machines
• Textile machines
• All types of printing ma-
chines (foil, paper)
• Wire-drawing machines
• Coilers in metal processing
(e.g. aligning machines,
strip handling systems, etc.)

2/8 Siemens ST DA · 2003

T400 Technological Module
Standard Software Packages
Angular Synchronous Control with T400 - SPA440

■ Overview The standard software pack-

age is suitable for use in the
• Angular reference point can
be changed via a setpoint
ent and must be compensat-
ed. An additional example is
following drive units: • Reverse motion inhibit a crane track where the fine
• MASTERDRIVES MC/SC/VC pulse marks are on the flat
• Overspeed and locked rotor surface.
• SIMOREG DC-Master protection
• The angular controller is
Features • Jogging adapted corresponding to
• Angular synchronism with a • Different offset angles can the ratio
ratio which can be set within be entered for both direc- • A setpoint can also be en-
wide limits tions of rotation (automatic tered (speed setpoint) from
changeover when the direc- a pulse encoder, for exam-
• The offset angle between tion of rotation changes).
the drives can be set de- ple, if there is no speed set-
This is required when syn- point available via terminal
pending on coarse and fine chronizing if the switching
pulse marks for angular de- or interface.
position of the fine pulse
tection (synchronizing) marks for clockwise and The documentation for these
• Synchronizing signals can counter-clockwise rotation standard software packages
be obtained from proximity of the drive (or the machine can be downloaded from the
switches (e.g. BEROs) or part to which the drive is to Internet.
from pulse encoders (zero be synchronized) are differ-

■ Applications • Replacing mechanical • Replacing gearboxes with • Angular synchronism, also

shafts, e.g. on gantry tra- fixed or variable ratios, e.g. when two machine parts in-
versing units, loading and changeover gearboxes termesh with one another,
unloading machines for fur- used at transfer locations on e.g. when finishing (cloth-
naces/ovens or weaving ma- conveyor belts or at the tran- ing) materials. It can also be
chines sition from one machine sec- used for printing or folding
tion to the other as is used paper bags, round material
for packaging machines, etc.
book binding machines.

■ Ordering data Order No.

Synchronous angular control 6DD1 842-0AB0
with T400 - SPA440

Siemens ST DA · 2003 2/9

T400 Technological Module
Standard Software Packages
Cross-Cutter with T400 - SPS450

2 ■ Overview The standard software pack-

age is suitable for use in the
- end cut to cut-off a defined
length at the end of the ma-
• Format controller to optimize
the cut accuracy
following drive units: terial web • Cutting characteristic to op-
• MASTERDRIVES MC/SC/VC - continuous longitudinal timize the cutting velocity
cuts to chop or produce
• SIMOREG DC-Master sheets • KP adaptation of the speed
- test cut to cut a sheet control to increase the cut-
Features ting accuracy
- cutting program where the
• Local operating modes: • A variable moment of inertia
number of cuts and cut
- jogging 1/2 can be compensated
length can be entered
- calibrating (oscillating torque), e.g. for
- approaching the start posi- • Referencing
oscillating shears
tion • Fault monitoring
• Friction compensation
• Parameterizable angular • Overspeed to adjust the
ranges for synchronous op- lead • Torque pre-control for accel-
eration eration
• Format change from cut to
• Cutting mode types: cut • Cutting torque input
- single material cut • Soft traversing characteris- The documentation for these
- cut to cut-off a defined tics (sin/cos) to increase the standard software packages
length at the start of the cut accuracy and reduce can be downloaded from the
material web the stressing on the me- Internet.
chanical system

■ Applications • Flying saw/knife

• Rotational cross-cutter
(drum-type shears)

■ Ordering data Order No.

Cross-cutters with T400 - SPS450 6DD1 842-0AD0

2/10 Siemens ST DA · 2003


3/2 FM 458-1 DP Basic Module

3/5 Expansion Modules

3/5 Input/Output Expansion
EXM 438-1
3/8 Universal Communication Expansion
EXM 448

Siemens ST DA · 2003 3/1

Basic Module
FM 458-1 DP Basic Module

TIC FM 458-1 DP

■ Overview • Basic module to handle

open and closed-loop con-
trol and arithmetic tasks
• PROFIBUS DP interface to
couple distributed I/O (pe-
ripherals) and drive technol-
3 ogy
• Can be expanded in a mod-
ular fashion using expansion
modules for the I/O periph-
ery and communications

■ Applications The basic FM 458-1 DP mod- • Normalization not required The shortest sampling times
ule handles complete control • Practically unlimited value from 100 µs also allow dynam-
and arithmetic tasks. The use range ic closed-loop control tasks to
of floating-point arithmetic be mastered. These include,
significantly simplifies the • Very high resolution for example, cross-cutter ap-
configuring/engineering: plications, hydraulic press
control systems.

■ Design • 64-bit RISC processor for Expansion modules • One slot for optional
the highest computational MASTERDRIVES modules,
Expansion modules for the
performance e.g. for the
basic FM 458-1 DP module
• 8 fast digital inputs for signal - SIMOLINK module SLB
are available for fast signal
level or edge-controlled call (this is already integrated
of up to 8 interrupt tasks (in- for the EXM 448-1)
terrupts) EXM 438-1: I/O expansion - high-resolution multi-turn
• Analog and digital inputs/ encoder module SBM2
• PROFIBUS DP interface to - PROFIBUS DP slave
couple distributed I/O (pe- outputs
module CBP2
ripherals) and drive technol- • Incremental encoder and
ogy absolute value encoder con- The EXM 448 communication
• Battery-buffered SRAM with nections expansion is available un-
256 Kbytes to save up to changed for compatibility rea-
EXM 448: Communications sons and is configured using
1000 process quantities or expansion
recorded trace data in a COM PROFIBUS.
non-volatile fashion • PROFIBUS DP (master or Any combination with a maxi-
slave) neither equidistance mum of two of these expan-
nor slave-to-slave communi- sion modules can be config-
cations capability; config- ured using the FM 458-1 DP.
ured with COM PROFIBUS

Combination examples of FM 458-1 DP using expansion modules:

FM 458-1 DP + EXM 438-1
FM 458-1 DP + EXM 448 or EXM 448-1
FM 458-1 DP + EXM 438-1 + EXM 448 or EXM 448-1
FM 458-1 DP + EXM 448 or EXM 448-1 + EXM 438-1
FM 458-1 DP + EXM 438-1 + EXM 438-1
FM 458-1 DP + EXM 448 or EXM 448-1 + EXM 448 or EXM 448-1

3/2 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Basic Module
FM 458-1 DP Basic Module

■ Design (continued) When taking into account the

power drain, as many
”FM 458-1 DP combinations”
can be incorporated in one
SIMATIC S7-400 station.
The backplane bus transmits
the data transfer to the as-
signed SIMATIC CPU (as
configured in HW Config).
Commissioning and service
using the online functions of
STEP7/CFC are realized
through the so-called K bus of
the S7-400 station.
This means that it is possible
Basic module FM 458-1 DP with expansion modules EXM 438-1
to commission and trouble- and EXM 448 (from the left)
shoot the FM 458-1 DP
through the central MPI con-
nection of the SIMATIC-CPU. • Slave-to-slave communica- • Configuration with
tions HW Config
Communications to partners The configured slaves can The configuration software is
external to the S7-400 are „directly“ exchange data already integrated in STEP 7
preferably effected through with one another without re- (an additional tool is not re-
the PROFIBUS DP interface quiring any configuring in quired)
provided on the basic the FM 458-1 DP
FM 458-1 DP module. This in- Accessories
terface has the following fea- • Routing-capable
The slave, connected to the • SB10, SB60, SB61, SU12 in-
tures: terface modules with SC64
PROFIBUS DP interface, can
• Equidistance be parameterized and diag- cable (for digital inputs)
The PROFIBUS DP cycle is nosed using the integrated • Micro Memory Card (pro-
always the same precise K-bus function through any gram memory, necessary for
length and can be used as interface in the S7-400 sys- operation)
start event for one of the tem (e.g. the MP interface
eight interrupt tasks. This integrated on the SIMATIC
means that it is possible to CPU) (as long as this is sup-
synchronize the user pro- ported by the slave, e.g. by
cycle SIMOREG DC-Master)

■ Configuring Configuring instead of - values can be viewed and Please refer to Section 7
programming with CFC changed „Software“ for additional
- connections between func- information on D7-SYS
The FM 458-1 DP is
tion blocks can be created,
configured using the STEP 7
changed and deleted
and CFC software tools al-
- function blocks can be in-
ready known and optionally
serted or deleted
• Using the D7-FB-Gen user
• The ”CFC test mode” allows,
block generator, individual
during operation, fast graph-
function blocks can be cre-
ically supported commis-
ated in “C” for special appli-
sioning and signal tracking
cations; they can also be
integrated into CFC

Siemens ST DA · 2003 3/3

Basic Module
FM 458-1 DP Basic Module

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Basic FM 458-1 DP module
Power supply/ +5 V: 2.3 A
current rating F M 4 5 8 -1 D P
(nominal values)
Back-up battery 3.4 V: 10 µA
3 (of the SIMATIC power supply)
PROFIBUS DP interface Equidistant with connection to
1 1 d ia g n o s tic s L E D

(connector X3) interrupt tasks M ic r o M e m o r y C a r d

Capable of slave-to-slave com-

Configured with HW Config
Digital inputs S IM A T IC
(connector X2) P b u s P R O F IB U S D P 9 - p in
Number 8 inputs, interrupt-capable
X 3
Electrical isolation No, only through optional inter-
face modules S e r ia l
in te r fa c e 9 - p in
Input voltage S IM A T IC ( d ia g n o s tic s )
Nominal value 24 V DC P b u s
X 1
• For a “0” signal 1 to +6 V or open-circuit input
8 d ig ita l S C 6 4
• For a“1” signal +13 to +33 V ( 1 0 - p in )
in p u ts 9 - p in
8 D I
Input current X 2 l = 2 m
S B 1 0
• For a “0” signal 0 mA S IM A T IC L E
K b u s b u s S B 6 0
• For a “1” signal, typical 3 mA at 24 V In te rfa c e
S B 6 1 m o d u le s
Delay time 20 µs
o r
Real-time clock, resolution 0.1 ms S U 1 2
Space requirement/width 1 SIMATIC slot
Weight Approx. 0.8 kg

■ Ordering data Order No.

Basic FM 458-1 DP module 6DD1 607-0AA1
Micro Memory Card 2 MB 6ES7 953-8LL00-0AA0
Micro Memory Card 4 MB 6ES7 953-8LM00-0AA0
Micro Memory Card 8 MB 6ES7 953-8LP10-0AA0

3/4 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Expansion Modules
EXM 438-1 Input/Output Expansion

■ Overview • Optional plug-in expansion

module for the FM 458-1 DP
basic module
• This is used to read-in and
output signals which are crit-
ical from a time perspective
• With digital and analog in- 3
• Incremental and absolute
value encoders can be con-
• 4 high-resolution analog out-
• Operation without fan up to
40 °C

■ Applications The EXM 438-1 input/output FM 458-1 DP module and the that an actual value is avail-
expansion module, which can plant/system. able for the FM 458-1 DP in
be optionally used allows every cycle (from 100 µs).
The EXM 438-1 can sense
signals to be directly ex-
and convert the signals so fast
changed with the basic

■ Design • 5 analog inputs • 4 absolute value encoders • SB10, SB70, SB71, SU12 in-
• 4 analog outputs, 12 bit terface modules with SC62
A fan is required for ambient
cable for digital outputs
• 4 analog outputs, 16 bit temperatures above 40 °C.
• SB10, SB60, SB61, SU12 in-
• 16 digital inputs Accessories terface modules with SC62
• 8 digital outputs • SU13 interface module with cable for digital inputs
• 8 incremental encoders, can SC63 for all signals without
be synchronized signal conversion

■ Mode of operation The EXM 438-1 can be direct- Only supply voltage is trans- The I/O periphery is accessed
ly connected to the ferred over the backplane bus through function blocks which
FM 458-1 DP application of the SIMATIC rack, but no must be appropriately config-
module through the internal data transfer takes place. ured.
bus. This allows the
FM 458-1 DP to quickly ac-
cess the I/O periphery.

Siemens ST DA · 2003 3/5

Expansion Modules
EXM 438-1 Input/Output Expansion

■ Technical data ■ Technical data (continued)

Power supply Digital outputs
Nominal voltage +5 V Number 8, non-floating
24 V (this must be externally
connected) Power supply voltage Must be externally connected
• Minimum +4.75 V • Nominal value 24 V
3 • Maximum +5.25 V • Permissible range
(including ripple)
+20 to +30 V

Current drain, typical 1.5 A • Briefly +35 V, max. 0.5 s

Space requirement 1 slot Output current for a 1 signal
Weight 1 kg • Nominal current 50 mA
Analog outputs,12 bit • Permissible range Up to 100 mA
Number 4 Short-circuit protection Electronic/thermal
at approx. 250 mA
Electrical isolation No
Limiting of inductive switch-off-volt- Supply voltage +1 V
Output voltage range 10 V to +10 V ages
Output current, max. p10 mA Total load 80 % at 50°C
Resolution 12 bit All outputs 50 mA
Conversion time per channel, typi- 4 µs Residual current for a 0 signal 20 µA
cal Signal level of the outputs
Accuracy • For a 0 signal Max. 3 V
• Integral linearity error, max. p1 LSB • For a 1 signal Supply voltage 2.5 V
• Gain error, max. p0.3 % • Switching delay Max. 15 µs
• Offset error, max. p24 mV Digital inputs
Slew rate Approx. 3.5 V/µs Number 16, non-floating
Voltage output Input voltage
• Short-circuit protection Yes (with respect to ground) • Rated voltage +24 V
• Short-circuit current Approx. 100 mA • For a 0 signal 1 to +6 V or open-circuit input
Analog outputs, 16 bit • For a 1 signal +13 to +33 V
Number 4 Input current
Electrical isolation No • For a 0 signal 0 mA
Output voltage range 10 V to +10 V • For a 1 signal 3 mA typical
Output current, max. p10 mA Delay time Max. 200 µs
Resolution 16 bit 15 V incremental encoder (HTL)
Conversion time per channel, typi- 2 µs Number of encoders Max. 8 (incl. 5 V encoders)
cal Version Differential inputs with electrical
Accuracy isolation
• Integral linearity error, max. p1 LSB Internal current limiting Approx. 15 mA (electronic)
• Gain error, max. p0.1 % Track signals Tracks A and B (phase-shifted
• Offset error, max. p1 mV through 90°), if relevant, with zero
pulse N
Slew rate Approx. 0.7 V/µs
Monitoring track One monitoring track for each
Voltage output encoder;
• Short-circuit protection Yes (with respect to ground) specifications as for digital inputs
• Short-circuit current Approx. 27 mA per channel Pulse frequency Max. 1 MHz, dependent on the
cable length (track frequency)
Analog inputs
Phase difference of the track sig- Independent of the pulse
Number 5 nals frequency, min. 200 ns
Version Differential inputs, non-floating Input voltage
Input voltage range  10 V p4 LSB to • For a 0 signal 30 V to +4 V
+10 V p4 LSB (1 LSB = 4.88 mV) (for a 15 mA load)
Input resistance 470 k8 • For a 1 signal +8 V to +30 V
(for a 15 mA load)
Input filter 3 dB transition frequency:
1.5 kHz Permissible input voltage range Differential voltage,
30 V to +30 V
Resolution 12 bit
Noise pulse suppression This can be configured at the
Absolute accuracy Typical 11 bits over the complete
speed actual value function block:
temperature range
0 to 16 µs (62.5 kHz)
Max. conversion time 45 µs

3/6 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Expansion Modules
EXM 438-1 Input/Output Expansion

■ Technical data (continued) ■ Connecting diagram

5 V incremental encoder (TTL)
Number of encoders Max. 8 (incl. 15 V encoder)
Version Differential inputs with
E X M 4 3 8 -1
electrical isolation X 1
Track signals 1.) For tracks A and B (phase-
shifted through 90°), if relevant, 2 in c . e n c o d e r s
8 a n a lo g o u tp u ts
5 0 -
p in S C 6 3 ( 5 0 - p in ) A
with zero pulse N 2 IE
5 a n a lo g in p u ts
2.) For separate forwards and l = 2 m 8 A O
reverse track S U 1 3 5 A I
Pulse frequency Max. 2.5 MHz, dependent on the X 2
cable length
Permissible input voltage range Differential voltage 5 0 -
5 V to +5 V 6 in c . e n c o d e r s p in S C 6 3 ( 5 0 - p in ) A
Max. input current 15 mA (caution, this is not limited l = 2 m 6 IE
on the module side!) S U 1 3
Input voltage
• For a 0 signal 5 V to 0 V X 3 S C 6 3 ( 5 0 - p in ) A
• For a 1 signal +3 V to +5 V 4 a b s . e n c o d e rs 1 6 D I
1 6 d ig . in p u ts 5 0 - l = 2 m
Input resistance
8 d ig . o u tp u ts p in
o r S U 1 3
8 D O
( 1 0 - p in e a c h ) 4 A E
• Steady-state 180 8 S C 6 2 A B C D E
• Dynamic 100 8 (corresponds to the charac- 8 D O 2 A E 8 D I 8 D I 2 A E
teristic impedance of a twisted- S IM A T IC l = 5 * 2 m
pair cable) P b u s S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2
Noise pulse suppression This can be configured at the o r S B 7 0 S B 6 0 S B 6 0
speed actual value function block:
0 or 125 ns o r S B 7 1 S B 6 1 S B 6 1

Power supply voltage connection L E o r S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0

b u s
for pulse encoder
Version Non-floating, electronic short-cir-
cuit and overload protection
Output voltage Approx. 14 V
Max. output current 100 mA
Absolute value encoder ■ Ordering data Order No.
Number 4
EXM 438-1 input/output expansion 6DD1 607-0CA1
Types which can be connected Single or multi-turn encoders module
with SSI or EnDat interface
Signal voltage 5 V according to RS 422
Data transfer rate 100 kHz to 2 MHz
(this is dependent on the
cable length)
Data formats Dual, Gray, Gray-excess code

Siemens ST DA · 2003 3/7

Expansion Modules
EXM 448
Universal Communication Expansion

■ Overview • Optional plug-in expansion

module for the basic
FM 458-1 DP module
• For fast communications
through PROFIBUS DP or
3 • EXM 448: With a free slot for
• EXM 448-1: With a mounted
module SLB to establish a
SIMOLINK fiber-optic cable

■ Applications The optional EXM 448/ lished between the basic

EXM 448-1 communications FM 458-1 DP module with
expansion module allows fast drives, ET 200 stations and
communications to be estab- other components.

■ Design EXM 448 operation as SIMOLINK • Mounted MASTERDRIVES

• PROFIBUS DP interface master, dispatcher or slave option module SLB to estab-
(master and/or slave), not (transceiver) lish a SIMOLINK very fast fi-
equidistant and not slave-to- - SBM2 to connect a high- ber-optic cable connection
slave communications- resolution multi-turn en- to drive units which can be
capable; is configured using coder (sin/cos encoder) synchronized
slave or USS tion as SIMOLINK master,
• Free slot for a dispatcher or slave (trans-
MASTERDRIVES option EXM 448-1 ceiver).
module, e.g. for • PROFIBUS DP interface
- SLB to establish a (master and/or slave), not Also refer to the System and
SIMOLINK fiber-optic ca- equidistant and slave-to- Communications Manual,
ble to implement a fast slave communications- Section 17, SIMOLINK drive
connection to drive units capable; should be config- coupling.
which can be synchro- ured using COM PROFIBUS

■ Mode of operation The EXM 448/EXM 448-1 is di- er supply voltage is taken is accessed by function
rectly connected to the basic from the backplane bus of the blocks which must be appro-
FM 458-1 DP module through SIMATIC rack but data is not priately configured.
the internal bus. Only the pow- exchanged. The I/O periphery

■ Programming DP master programming The bus parameters can be • Using the ”SS52load” pro-
using COM PROFIBUS downloaded into the gram through the RS 232 in-
EXM 448/EXM 448-1 expan- terface of the EXM 448/
In order to use an EXM 448 or
sion module through the fol- EXM 448-1; ”SS52load” is
an EXM 448-1 as a
lowing interfaces: contained in the
PROFIBUS DP master, the as-
sociated bus parameters
must be calculated using the connection in the PC, direct-
PC program COM PROFIBUS ly through the PROFIBUS
(configured as SS52!) and cable; e.g. using the
then downloaded into the PROFIBUS PC cards
EXM 448/EXM 448-1. CP 5611 (PCI), CP 5411
(ISA) or CP 5511 (PCMCIA)
Parameterization using
COM PROFIBUS is not re- • Through the MPI interface of
quired when used as DP a PC or PG; data transfer
slave. rate, 187.5 kbit/s

3/8 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Expansion Modules
EXM 448
Universal Communication Expansion

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

EXM 448/EXM 448-1
Rated voltage/current drain +5 V/approx. 0.8 A
Space requirement 1 slot
E X M 4 4 8
Weight 0.8 kg O p tio n m o d u le
e .g .
■ Ordering data Order No.
C o n n e c to r
EXM 448 communications 6DD1 607-0EA0 O p tio n m o d u le
expansion module e .g . F O
EXM 448-1 communications 6DD1 607-0EA1
expansion module

S IM A T IC P in a s s ig n e m e n t
P b u s
P R O F IB U S D P R S 2 3 2 (D o w n lo a d )
T x D = 2
9 - p in R x D = 7
G rd = 5

R S 4 8 5 (P R O F IB U S )
L E + T x /R x = 3
b u s
-T x /R x = 8
G rd = 5
+ 5 V = 6

Siemens ST DA · 2003 3/9

Expansion Modules

3/10 Siemens ST DA · 2003


4/2 Introduction

4/3 Subracks
4/3 UR5213 Subrack
4/3 SR51 Slot Cover

4/4 Modules
4/4 CPU551 Processor Module
4/5 CP50M0 Communication Module
4/6 SM500 I/O Module
4/9 CP5100 Communication Module

4/10 GlobalDataMemory

Siemens ST DA · 2003 4/1



■ Overview Service and commissioning

The system is serviced and
commissioned directly from
the graphic engineering/con-
figuring interface of STEP 7
and CFC. In this case, an MPI
connection is used, to access
all of the CPU modules in the
Alternatively, a CPU module
can be addressed through a
serial link (RS 232). In this
4 case, access is restricted to
the CPU module whose ser-
vice interface is presently be-
ing used.
Drives and distributed periph-
erals (e.g. I/O) are connected
SIMATIC TDC (Technology Can be freely graphically to SIMATIC TDC using
and Drives Control) is a digital configured PROFIBUS DP interfaces with
control system which distin- master and/or slave function.
SIMATIC TDC is configured/
guishes itself as a result of the
engineered using the win- Several SIMATIC stations as
high computational/arith-
dows-based STEP 7 and CFC well as third-party systems
metic performance and the
graphic SIMATIC engineering and host computers can be
fact that it can process exten-
tools. The D7-SYS software connected using a TCP/IP in-
sive, complex programs. It is
package supplements the terface for up to 100 Mbit/s.
especially used in plant con-
CFC engineering tool by the
struction, rolling mills and iron All of the visualization compo-
function blocks for
plants. nents of SIMATIC HMI, for ex-
SIMATIC TDC as well as the
SIMATIC TDC provides the high-performance operating ample, WinCC or operator
highest degree of compe- system. devices OP/TD are connected
tence when it comes to motion through MPI (Multi-Point Inter-
control and closed-loop con- GlobalDataMemory face).
trol technology. For complex automation Programs from other pro-
The system is of a modular tasks, it may be necessary to cessor modules
design and can, depending exchange data between
CPUs accommodated in sev- CFC charts for the CPU mod-
on the particular application, ules PM5, PM6, for the
be equipped with the neces- eral subracks. For this reason,
a GlobalDataMemory (GDM) FM 458-1 DP application
sary computational/arithmetic module or for the T400 tech-
performance as well as digi- can be used as central mem-
ory for a coupling involving a nological module can be ex-
tal, analog, incremental and tremely simply transferred to
absolute value encoder con- maximum of 44 subracks.
the CPU modules of the
nections or communication in- Data can be exchanged be- SIMATIC TDC automation
terfaces. tween all of the CPU modules system.
An extensive library with in the system, across all of the
about 300 pre-configured networked subracks, through
function blocks is available for this memory. This means that
fast engineering. over 800 CPU modules can
be used in one system.
SIMATIC TDC especially dis-
tinguishes itself as an effec- GDM comprises a subrack in
tive, synchronizable multi- which only GDM modules are
processing system. inserted. This means that the
subrack can be operated in a
All of the modules in the special fast mode.
SIMATIC TDC subracks are
connected through a high-
performance 64-bit back-
plane bus. This allows data to
be exchanged between all of
the modules, almost in the
processor clock cycle.

4/2 Siemens ST DA · 2003

UR5213 Subrack

■ Overview The UR5213 subrack, as ba- • Battery compartment for

sis for SIMATIC TDC, has an back-up batteries (2 x 1.5 V
integrated system power sup- Mignon, AA)
ply and system fan. • Power supply with 3x fan
Fast data exchange is possi- and line switch which can be
ble using a high-performance plugged-in and removed
64-bit backplane bus. from the front
• Fan with fan monitoring
• High-performance 64-bit
• Enclosed enclosure which is
backplane bus for fast data
EMC shielded
exchange between the vari-
• 21 slots ous modules
• 3 status LEDs • Handles so that the module 4
• 3 floating fault signaling re- can be easily inserted and
lays withdrawn

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Input voltage range 95 – 255 V, 47 – 63 Hz UR5213 subrack 6DD1 682-0CH0
Power failure buffering Min. 15 ms Spare part:
Dimensions (W x H x D) 482.6 x 354.9 x 342 PS5213 power supply 6DD1 683-0CH0
with system fan
Weight Approx. 20 kg
Degree of protection IP20
Rated input current Typical < 10 A
Inrush current max. 16 A
Recommended fuse/protection Miniature circuit-breaker:
16 A (type B)
Slow-acting 16 A
Max. switching voltage of the fault 230 V AC
signaling relay
Output voltages + 3.3 V 60 A
+ 5 V 30 A
+ 12 V 8 A
– 12 V 8 A
Operating temperature range 0 to +55 °C
Storage temperature range 40 °C to +70 °C

SR51 slot cover

■ Overview The SR51 slot cover is used to This is required in order to en-
cover subrack slots which are sure the correct cooling and
not used. EMC properties of the system.

■ Ordering data Order No.

SR51 slot cover 6DD1 682-0DA1

Siemens ST DA · 2003 4/3

CPU551 Processor Module

■ Overview High-performance CPU mod- • 266 MHz clock cycle

ule for open and closed-loop • 64-bit RISC CPU with
control and arithmetic tasks. floating point unit
Features • 256 Kbyte battery-buffered
• 8 digital inputs, of which 4 SRAM
are interrupt-capable • This module has approxi-
• 5x7 LED display element mately 3 times the arithmetic
performance of the PM6
• Serial RS 232 interface for lo- module
cal service
• Slot for the MC5xx program Accessories
memory module Ordering information for the
4 • Sampling times from 100 µs SC67 service cable and SC66
interface cable are provided
• 32 Mbyte SDRAM
in Section 6.
• 2 Mbyte synchronous cache

■ Technical dataConnecting diagram ■

Power supply
Voltage/current supply + 3.3 V typical 2.0 A C P U 5 5 1
(at 25°C) + 5V typical 1.5 A
+ 12 V typical 0.04 A O p e r a tin g d e v ic e
– 12 V typical 0.04 A (P C )

Back-up battery 3.0 V typical 2.2 µA

Power loss, typical 15 W X 0 1
S C 6 7
Space requirement/width 1 slot S e r ia l
9 - p in
in te r fa c e C O M 1 /2
Weight 0.6 kg ( s e r v ic e ) l = 7 m
Digital inputs
Number 8 inputs, of which 4 are
Electrical isolation Only by using optional
X 2
interface modules
Input voltage S C 6 6
( 1 0 - p in )
8 d ig . in p u ts . D I,
• Rated voltage 24 V
4 o f th e s e a re 8 D I
• For a 0 signal 1 V to +6 V in te r r u p t- c a p a b le
l = 2 m
• For a 1 signal +13.5 V to +33 V S B 1 0
o r
S B 6 0
Input current
o r
• For a 0 signal 0 mA S B 6 1
• For a 1 signal 3 mA o r
S U 1 2
Delay time 100 µs
Real-time clock, resolution 0.1 ms

■ Ordering data Order No.

CPU551 processor module 6DD1 600-0BA1

4/4 Siemens ST DA · 2003

CP50M0 Communications Module

■ Overview The visualization components DP master programming us-

of SIMATIC HMI, for example, ing COM PROFIBUS
WinCC or other HMI devices
If the CP50M0 is to act as
can be connected through
PROFIBUS DP master, then
MPI. The configuring worksta-
the associated bus parame-
tion with CFC in the test mode
ters must be computed using
can be coupled through this
MPI interface.
gram and then download into
For MPI, the SIMATIC PG and the CP50M0.
SIMATIC OP utilities, i.e. ser-
When used as DP slave, it is
vice, commissioning and visu-
not required to parameterize
alization are supported.
the module using
However, general process
data transfer is not supported.
The bus parameters can be
Features downloaded into the CP50M0
• 8 Mbyte buffer memory through the following interfac-
• Up to 2 MPI interfaces: es:
- PG/OP utilities can be used • For a PROFIBUS DP con-
The CP50M0 communications - status display by LEDs nection in the PC, directly
module provides two through the PROFIBUS con-
• Up to 2 PROFIBUS DP inter-
PROFIBUS DP/MPI interfaces nector and cable; e.g. using
and a buffer memory for com- the PROFIBUS PC cards
- maximum data transfer
munications between the CP5611 (PCI) or CP5511
rate, 12 Mbit/s
CPUs. The interfaces can be (PCMCIA)
- multi-master capable
used as PROFIBUS DP mas-
- up to 244 bytes of net data • Through the MPI interface of
ter, slave, as master and slave
per node (station) a PC or PG; data transfer
simultaneously or as MPI
- SYNC and FREEZE rate of 187.5 kbit/s
- shared input (reading) • Using the program
For PROFIBUS DP, in addi- - can also be used as slave “SS52load“ through the
tion, the functions SYNC and - database is generated us- RS 232 interface of the
FREEZE as well as shared in- ing COM PROFIBUS CP50M0 communications
put (being able to read data - the database is download- module; SS52load is includ-
from/to another master) are ed through PROFIBUS ca- ed in COM PROFIBUS from
supported. ble or serial interface V3.1 onwards.
- status display using LEDs

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Connector assignment of the PC CP50M0 cable
CP50M0 PC PC C P 5 0 M 0
(RS 232 interface) 9-pin connector 25-pin connector
2 (TxD) 2 (RxD) 3 (RxD) X 1
7 (RxD) 3 (TxD) 2 (TxD)
P in a s s ig n m e n t
1 (ground) 5 (ground) 7 (ground)
R S 2 3 2 (d o w n lo a d )
T x D = 2
Power supply R x D = 7
G r o u n d = 1
Voltage/current supply + 5 V typical 1.0 A
+ 12 V typical 20 mA X 2
– 12 V typical 10 mA R S 4 8 5 (P R O F IB U S )
+ T x /R x - S ig . = 3
Power loss, typical 5.5 W - T x /R x - S ig . = 8
Space requirement/width 1 slot P R O F IB U S D P G ro u n d = 5
Weight 0.6 kg

■ Ordering data Order No.

CP50M0 communications module 6DD1 661-0AD0

Siemens ST DA · 2003 4/5

SM500 I/O Module

■ Overview The SM500 I/O module pro- • 4 absolute value encoder in-
vides analog and digital in- puts
puts/outputs as well as
incremental and absolute val- Accessories
ue encoder connections. • SU13 interface module with
SC63 for all signals (without
Features signal conversion, no electri-
• 8 analog outputs cal isolation)
• 8 analog inputs • SB10, SB70, SB71, SU12 in-
• 4 integrating analog inputs terface modules with SC62
cable for digital outputs (with
• 16 digital outputs electrical isolation)
• 16 digital inputs
4 • 6 LED for status displays
• SB10, SB60, SB61, SU12 in-
terface modules with SC62
• 4 incremental encoder in- cable for digital inputs (with
puts electrical isolation)

■ Technical data ■ Technical data (continued)

Power supply Analog inputs (continued)
Voltage/current supply + 5V typical 1.0 A Input resistance 20 k8
(at 25 °C) + 3.3 V typical 0.05 A
+ 12 V typical 0.3 A Input filter 34 kHz
– 12 V typical 0.3 A Incorrect polarity protection Yes, as differential inputs are used
Typical power loss 12.5 W Integrating analog inputs
Space requirement/width 1 slot (V/Hz)

Weight 0.7 kg Number 4

Analog outputs Version Differential inputs

Number 8 Electrical isolation No

Version Outputs with associated Input voltage range 10 V to +10 V

ground Resolution Dependent on the integration time,
Electrical isolation No e.g.15 bits for a 4 ms
integration time
Output voltage range 10 V to +10 V
Max. integration time per channel Can be configured
Output current p 10 mA
Resolution 12 bit
• Max. differential linearity error 0.05%
Typical conversion time per channel 4 µs • Max. gain error 1%
Accuracy • Max. offset error p 2 LSB (software calibration)
• Max. differential linearity error p 1 LSB (monotony guaranteed) Input resistance 470 k8
• Max. gain error p 0,3 % Input filter 2 kHz
• Max. offset error p 24 LSB
Incorrect polarity protection Yes, as differential inputs are used
Slew rate Approx. 3.5 V/µs
Digital outputs
Voltage output
Number 16
• Short-circuit protection to ground Yes
Electrical isolation Only by using the optional
• Short-circuit current Approx. 100 mA interface modules
Analog inputs External power supply
Number 8 • Rated voltage 24 V
Version Differential inputs • Permissible range 20 to 30
Electrical isolation No • Briefly 35 V, for max. 0.5 s
Input voltage range 10 V to +10 V • Max. current drain without load 40 mA

Resolution 12 bit Output voltage range

Max. conversion time per channel Approx. 20 µs • For a 0 signal, max. 3V

• For a 1 signal, min. Ext. power supply voltage, 2.5 V
Output current
• Max. differential linearity error p 1 LSB (no missing code)
• Max. gain error p 0.3 % • For a 0 signal, min. 20 µA
• Max. offset error p 5 LSB • For a 1 signal
- rated value 50 mA
- permissible range, max. 100 mA

4/6 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SM500 I/O Module

■ Technical data (continued) ■ Technical data (continued)

Digital outputs (continued) Incremental encoders (continued)
Delay time 100 µs Interrupt reset output
Max. switching frequency of the 6 kHz • Short-circuit protection to ground Yes
outputs for an ohmic load
- ext. power supply No
Short-circuit protection to
- max. short-circuit current 20 mA
• Ground Yes
Interrupt input
• Ext. power supply No
• Input voltage
Max. short-circuit current 250 mA (permissible range) 0 V to 5 V
Summed current of the outputs 16 x 50 mA - 0 signal, max. < 0.5 V
(to 60 °C) - 1 signal, min. > 2.0 V
Limiting of inductive switch-off volt- External
ages power supply voltage +1 V
• Input current 4
- 0 signal  2.8 mA
Digital inputs - 1 signal 1.6 mA
Number 16 Power supply voltage for encod-
Electrical isolation Only by using the optional ers
interface modules Number 1
Input voltage Electrical isolation No
• Rated voltage 24 V Typical output voltage 13.5 V
• For a 0 signal -1 V to +6 V Max. output current 150 mA, short-circuit proof to
• For a 1 signal +13.5 V to +33 V ground, short-circuit current,
approx. 250 mA
Input current
Absolute value encoder inputs
• For a 0 signal 0 mA
• For a 1 signal 3 mA Number 4

Delay time 100 µs Version Differential inputs, RS 485 signal

Incremental encoders
Types which can be connected Single or multi-turn encoders
Number 4
Protocols SSI, EnDat
Types which can be connected Incremental Incremental
encoder with encoder with for- Data formats Gray, binary
tracks offset ward and reverse Data direction
through 90° tracks
degrees • Uni-directional SSI
Version Differential inputs, can be • Bi-directional EnDat
changed-over between 15 V (HTL) Data bits SSI: 13+parity, 25+parity
and 5 V (TTL) encoder signals EnDat: variable
Track signals Track A, B with Forward or Max. pulse frequency 2 MHz, dependant on the cable
or without zero reverse track length
Input voltage
Min. phase difference of the track 200 ns
signals • Permissible range RS 485 signal level
Max. pulse frequency 1 MHz 2.5 MHz
(track frequency)
Input voltage
• 15 V encoders
- permissible range  30 V to + 30 V
- for a 0 signal  30 V to + 4 V
- for a 1 signal + 8 V to + 30 V
• 5 V encoders
- permissible range  7 V to + 7 V
- for a 0 signal  7 V to  0.7 V
- for a 1 signal +1.5 V to + 7 V
Input current
• For 15 V encoders (typical, 5.0 mA
• For 5 V encoders (typical, 1.5 mA
Monitoring output Not available
Monitoring input Specifications the same as for
the digital input

Siemens ST DA · 2003 4/7

SM500 I/O Module

■ Connecting diagram ■ Ordering data Order No.

SM500 I/O module 6DD1 640-0AH0
S M 5 0 0
X 1
8 a n a . o u tp u ts A O
8 a n a . in p u ts A I 5 0 - S C 6 3
4 a n a . in p u ts A I p in ( 5 0 - p in )
( in te g r a tin g , U /F ) l = 2 m 8 A O
S U 1 3 8 A I
4 IA I

X 2

4 4 in c r . e n c o d e r s
5 0 - S C 6 3
p in ( 5 0 - p in )
2 a b s o lu te
e n c o d e rs l = 2 m 4 IG
S U 1 3 2 A E

X 3 S C 6 3
( 5 0 - p in )

l = 2 m 1 6 D O
5 0 - S U 1 3
8 d ig . o u tp u ts D O 1 6 D I
p in o r
8 d ig . in p u ts D I 2 A G
2 a b s o lu te S C 6 2 A B C D E
e n c o d e rs ( 1 0 - p in e a c h )

l = 5 *2 m
8 D O 8 D O 8 D I 8 D I 2 A G
S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2
o r S B 7 0 S B 7 0 S B 6 0 S B 6 0
o r S B 7 1 S B 7 1 S B 6 1 S B 6 1
o r S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0

4/8 Siemens ST DA · 2003

CP5100 Communications Module

■ Overview The CP5100 communications Features

module provides an Industrial • Protocols: TCP/IP and/or
Ethernet interface. The follow- UDP
ing tasks can be implemented
through this interface: • Telegram lengths, also ex-
ceeding 2 Kbyte
• Process data can be ex-
changed with other • Refresh, handshake, multi-
CP5100 and Industrial Eth- ple and select data transfer
ernet modules modes

• Process data and messages • Auto-sensing for 10 Mbit or

can be visualized using 100 Mbit networks
WinCC • Default routers can be set

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Voltage/current supply + 5 V 2.5 A
(max. values) + 12 V 100 mA
– 12 V 100 mA C P 5 1 0 0
Power loss, typical 15 W
Space requirement/width 1 slot
Weight 0.6 kg
Industrial Ethernet connection RJ45 X 3

■ Ordering data Order No. In d u s tr ia l E th e r n e t

CP5100 communications module 6DD1 661-0AE0

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■ Overview CP52IO interface module

The GDM access modules
CP52A0 in the coupled sub-
racks are connected to the
GlobalDataMemory interface
module CP52IO through fiber-
optic cables. Up to 4 sub-
racks can be connected to
each CP52IO.
CP52A0 access module
The CP52A0 access module
4 is configured in every subrack
which is connected to the
Mixed operation
The CP52M0 and CP52IO
GDM modules are operated in
a special mode which is espe-
GlobalDataMemory the GDM subrack at all of the cially fast. It is not possible to
fiber-optic cable interfaces. It use the GDM modules togeth-
Data can be exchanged be- er with other SIMATIC TDC
centrally detects the operat-
tween all of the CPU modules modules.
ing status of all of the fiber-op-
in the system, over all of the
tic cable interfaces. The result Fiber-optic cable
networked subracks, using
is output at the digital outputs
the memory in the Global- A duplex glass fiber-optic ca-
of the CP52M0 where the data
DataMemory (GDM). ble (62.5/125 µm core diame-
can be further evaluated.
Up to 44 subracks can be ter) is used to establish the
coupled in synchronism connection between the
through the central memory. CP52IO interface modules
This means that a maximum of and the CP52A0 access mod-
836 CPU modules can be ule. The maximum cable
used. length is 200 m. A duplex SC
connector is used to make the
A dedicated UR5213 (21 connection.
slots) is used for the GDM.
The CP52M0 memory module
(slot 1) and an appropriate
number of CP52IO interface
modules (slots 2 to 12) are U R 5 2 1 3
B a c k p la n e b u s in G D M m o d e
specified for this.
An CP52A0 access module is
required in every subrack X 1 X 1 X 1
which is coupled to the GDM. X 2 X 2 X 2
X 3
The subracks are connected X 3 X 3
in a star topology to the GDM X 4 X 4
X 6
using glass fiber-optic cables.
C P 5 2 M 0 C P 5 2 IO C P 5 2 IO
CP52M0 memory module
The 2 Mbyte central memory
of the GDM system is located
on the CP52M0 memory mod-
ule. The complete data trans- U R 5 2 1 3 U R 5 2 1 3 U R 5 2 1 3 U R 5 2 1 3 U R 5 2 1 3
fer and exchange between B a c k p la n e b u s B a c k p la n e b u s B a c k p la n e b u s B a c k p la n e b u s B a c k p la n e b u s
the processors in the coupled
subracks is handled by this
2 Mbyte memory.
Data is exchanged between
the CP52IO interface modules
and the memory module X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1
along the backplane bus.
The CP52M0 reads-out from C P 5 2 A 0 C P 5 2 A 0 C P 5 2 A 0 C P 5 2 A 0 C P 5 2 A 0
the fault and diagnostic regis-
ters of the CP52IO inserted in Example of GDM system with 5 subracks coupled by fiber-optic cables

4/10 Siemens ST DA · 2003


■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

CP52M0 CP52M0 memory module 6DD1 660-0BF0
Power supply CP52IO interface module 6DD1 660-0BG0
Voltage/current supply + 5V typical 0.4 A CP52A0 access module 6DD1 660-0BH0
(at 25 °C) + 3.3 V typical 0.7 A
+ 12 V typical 0.01 A
– 12 V typical 0.01 A
Power loss, typical 4.5 W
Space requirement/width 1 slot
Weight 0.6 kg
Digital outputs
Electrical isolation
External power supply
• Rated voltage 24 V
• Permissible range 20 to 30
• Briefly 35 V, for max. 0.5 s
• Max. current drain, without load 40 mA
Output voltage range
• For a 0 signal, max. 3V
• For a 1 signal, min. External
power supply -2.5 V
Output current
• For a 0 signal, min. 20 µA
• For a 1 signal
- nominal value 50 mA
- permissible range, max. 100 mA
Delay time 100 µs
Max. switching frequency of the out- 6 kHz
puts for an ohmic load
Short-circuit protection with
respect to
• Ground Yes
• External power supply No
Max. short-circuit current 250 mA
Summed current of the outputs 16 x 50 mA
(up to 60 °C)
Limiting of inductive switch-off External
voltages power supply voltage +1 V

Power supply
Voltage/current supply + 5 V typical 3 A
(at 25 °C) + 3.3 V typical 0.8 A
Power loss, typical 18 W
Space requirement/width 1 slot
Weight 0.6 kg

Power supply
Voltage/current supply + 5 V typical 1.5 A
(at 25 °C) + 3.3 V typical 0.4 A
Power loss, typical 9W
Space requirement/width 1 slot
Weight 0.6 kg

Siemens ST DA · 2003 4/11


4/12 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System

5/2 Introduction

5/3 Subracks
5/5 SR6 Subrack
5/6 SR12 Subrack
5/7 SR24 Subrack
5/8 Slot Covers

5/9 CPU Modules

5/10 PM5 CPU Module
5/11 PM6 CPU Module

5/12 Accessories for CPU Modules

5/12 MS5, MS51, MS52 Flash Memory

5/13 Buffer Memory Modules

5/13 MM3 Buffer Memory
5/14 MM4 Buffer Memory

5/15 Input/Output Modules

5/15 EA12 Analog Output Module
5/16 EB11 Digital Input and Output Module
5/17 IT41 Digital/Analog Input
and Output Module
5/19 IT42 Digital/Analog Input
and Output Module
5/21 ITDC SITOR® Converter Gating Module

5/23 Communication Modules

5/24 CS7 Carrier Module
5/25 SS4 Communications Module
5/25 SS1 20 mA Interface Sub-Module
5/26 SS2 RS 232 Interface Sub-Module
5/27 SS52 Communications Module
5/28 COM PROFIBUS Parameterizing Software
5/29 CS8 Carrier Module
5/30 CSH11 Communications Module
5/31 Fiber-Optic Cable Subrack Coupling
5/31 CS12 Master Module
5/32 CS13 Master Module
5/32 CS14 Master Module
5/33 CS22 Slave Module
5/34 ITSL SIMOLINK® Module

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/1

SIMADYN D Control System
SIMADYN D Control System
SIMADYN D Control System

■ Overview Graphic engineering control and visualization sys-

tems of the SIMATIC HMI fam-
For many years now, using
ily, such as Operator Panels
SIMADYN D, control con-
(OP/TD) and process visual-
cepts have been developed,
ization systems, based on
implemented and tested on
WinCC, can be connected.
the target system with the
graphic STEP 7, and CFC en- Advantages at a glance
gineering tools and, as an op- • Using SIMADYN D, every
tion, SFC - and that directly on automation task can be sim-
the screen. These advantag- ply tackled thanks to the free
es have a positive impact in all graphic configuring/engi-
of the phases of a project: neering using the SIMATIC
• Standard tools for engineer- S7 software tools. This sig-
ing/configuring, testing, nificantly reduces the total
commissioning, service and costs when generating auto-
Because of its excellent per- maintenance as well as mation and drive solutions. A
formance, SIMADYN D is es- when making changes and technology diagram can be
pecially suitable for all appli- expanding the functionality printed-out for documenta-
5 cations where a high control
dynamic response and arith-
• Configuring instead of pro-
gramming: Suitable function
tion purposes.
• Using state-of-the-art CPU
metic accuracy are required blocks, e.g. for closed-loop modules, extremely high-
or where a high level of func- control, arithmetic opera- performance system buses
tionality is required. tions, input/output, commu- for effective multi-process-
SIMADYN D can be used for nication or diagnostic tasks, ing and with a fast operating
the widest range of different are selected from a library system, which is tailored for
applications and industry sec- and are located as graphic complex control systems,
tors as it can be freely config- symbol directly on the "work- SIMADYN D masters tasks
ured and its comprehensive sheet" on the screen. These requiring the highest dy-
range of modules. function blocks are then in- namic response and com-
terconnected using the plexity.
Central solution:
mouse or are parameter- • SIMADYN D can be optimal-
ized. A high-performance ly adapted to any applica-
SIMADYN D distinguishes it- auto router immediately vi- tion as a result of the
self due to the various pack- sualizes the signal flow modular hardware and soft-
aging types with subracks which has been entered ware structure - from small
which are suitable for small • Complex tasks can be bro- applications up to large
extending up to high require- ken-down into transparent plants. There are no restric-
ments. Not only this, but also sub-tasks. This supports tions due to the defined
the matching modules for structured work and makes it functions of a standard con-
closed-loop control, input/out- easier to understand and troller. SIMADYN D can also
put and communications. even allows older concepts be subsequently expanded
In addition to user-friendly en- to be comprehended. at any time for plant expan-
gineering using graphic pro- • An authentic print-out can sions and retrofits.
gram techniques, users have be created from the config- • SIMADYN D can be
all of the advantages of a sys- ured hardware and software connected to higher-level
tem which has proven itself at the "press of a button". automation systems and
admirably in the widest range subordinate drive systems
of applications, and that for The fact that automation tasks
can be solved in a standard using standardized bus sys-
over a decade now. tems.
integrated fashion is reflected
in the fact that the operator

■ Applications SIMADYN D can be used for gearbox/motor test stands, • Special applications using
the widest range of applica- complex setpoint calcula- converters, e.g. for closed-
tions and industry sectors as it tions and closed-loop con- loop excitation current con-
can be freely configured and trol for cross-cutters, "break- trol, high voltage DC power
because of its extensive proof" electronic shafts transmission, static reactive
range of modules: • High precision rolling mill power compensation equip-
• Closed-loop torque, speed drives ment
and position control for con- • Hydraulic drives with a high
verter-fed DC and three- dynamic response
phase drives. For example,
for synchronous operation,
dancer or tension controls,
winders, multi-motor drives,

5/2 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
SIMADYN D Control System

■ Design The SIMADYN D control sys- buffer memory module MM.. Operator panels
tem is of a modular design must be inserted between the
SIMATIC operator panels are
comprising hardware and CPUs to implement data ex-
connected to MPI through the
software components, which change.
CS7 communication module
are combined for a specific
Input/output modules and the SS52 communication
module. Several operator
Analog, digital and incremen- panels can be operated on
tal encoder signals are con- the MPI bus.
The selected modules are op- nected to input/output
erated in a SIMADYN D sub- expansion modules IT41/IT42 The user programs the func-
rack (SR..). Depending on the as well as via the SITOR con- tion and display of the opera-
number of subracks required, verter module ITDC. tor panels using the ProTool/
there are versions available Lite SIMATIC tool. This
Every CPU module can be ex- means, for example, that sev-
with between 6 and 24 slots.
panded by a max. of 2 IT.. eral process quantities can be
Two high-performance back-
modules. monitored and changed.
plane buses guarantee ex-
tremely fast data exchange The EA12 and EB11 input/out- Commands can be entered,
between the various modules. put modules also provide ad- the SIMADYN D clock time
ditional connections for can be set and displayed us-
For extremely complex tasks,
several subracks are con-
analog, digital and incremen-
tal encoder signals.
ing function keys. 5
nected together through an Operating and fault messag-
extremely fast fiber-optic ca- Communication es can be defined in the OP
ble coupling. modules using the user data areas.
CPU modules High-performance serial cou-
plings are implemented
A SIMADYN D system always
(PROFIBUS DP, Industrial
contains one or several CPU
Ethernet, fiber-optic cable
modules. The configured user
subrack coupling) using the
program (e.g. user software)
communication modules
run on these CPU modules.
(CS..) and the communication
For extremely complex, so-
sub-modules which can be in-
phisticated tasks, or if many
serted on them.
functions have to be pro-
cessed in extremely short cy- It is important to especially
cle times, then several CPU mention the CS7 carrier mod-
modules are used. There are ule. Up to three communica-
various types of CPU modules tion modules, type SS4 (for
with the following features: DUST/USS protocols) or SS52
• State-of-the art, high-perfor- (for PROFIBUS DP) can be
mance 32-bit technology plugged-onto the CS7.
(PM5, PM6) permits cycle A SIMOLINK® master inter-
times for typical control face ITSL is directly plugged
loops of approximately onto one of the CPU modules.
0.5 ms.
Interface modules
• PM5 for standard applica-
tions and PM6 for applica- As a result of the high quantity
tions requiring a high of signals, the plant and pro-
performance cess signals, for example, an-
alog, digital and incremental
Up to 8 CPU modules can be
encoder signals, are acquired
operated in a subrack.
through interface modules.
Program memory modules The interface modules (SA..,
A program, generated on a SE.., SU..) are snapped onto
PC, is downloaded into a pro- mounting rails in the cabinet
gram memory module (MS..). and are connected to the
This memory module is then modules through pre-assem-
inserted in the CPU module. bled, plug-in cables (SC..).
The memory modules also Using these interface mod-
have a non-volatile memory ules, analog signals can be
for permanently saving online electrically isolated and
changes. adapted.
Buffer memory Digital signals are displayed
If more than one CPU module on LEDs and can be electri-
is operated in a subrack, a cally isolated.

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/3

SIMADYN D Control System

■ Overview • For a module format Features of the integrated Subrack types

ES 902C (233.4 x 220 mm) power supplies • SR6: 6 slots for 230 V AC
• A housing enclosed and • Permissible voltage ranges: power supply
shielded on all sides with - for 115/230 V AC: voltage
SR8x slot covers. – 15 %, + 10 % • SR12: 12 slots for 24 V DC or
• A battery can be installed or - for 24 V DC: 115 – 230 V AC supply volt-
connected to save data 20 – 30 V ages
when the power is discon- • Input and output voltages • SR24: 24 slots for 24 V DC or
nected or during power fail- are monitored; switch-off 115 – 230 V AC power sup-
ures: 3.4 V/5 Ah Lithium routines initiated to maintain ply voltages
battery; size C (baby cell) data and reset outputs
• Backplane buses with inte- • LED operating status dis-
grated bus terminating cir- play
cuit • Automatic restart after pow-
• Degree of protection IP00 er supply dips or failure
• Can be supplied with or
without fan; fan operating
time, 40,000 h; the fan can
5 be retrofitted or removed

■ Applications The SRxx subracks represent • Fast data transfer between The output power of the inte-
the mechanical rack system the individual modules grated power supply is limit-
for the SIMADYN D control through the L and C back- ed. For this reason it is
system. These subracks have plane buses important to observe the pow-
the following task: • CPU, buffer memory, input/ er requirement of the modules
• They mechanically accom- output, expansion and com- used (especially the current
modate the modules munication modules can be consumption at 5 V).
• They supply the modules inserted If the power supply output
with the operating voltages available with an SR6 or SR12
is not sufficient, then the next
larger subrack should be
used (SR12 or SR24).

5/4 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
SR6 Subrack

■ Overview • With 6 slots • L bus (local bus) with bus

• 230 V AC power supply volt- termination, no C bus; there-
age fore, the following modules
cannot be used: CSH11,
• An external battery can be CS12 to CS22
connected to save the data
when the power supply is
• Cooling:
- SR6 subracks: Without fan
- SR6V subracks: With fan
("ventilated"); mounted on
the top assembly; no fan
monitoring; forced ventila-
tion is required for the PM6
CPU modules

■ Applications Subracks for SIMADYN D When modules are inserted in Dimension drawing: Refer to
modules with 6 slots and pow- the subrack, it is important to Section 8
er supply (as plug-in module)
for small and average sized
observe the maximum current
which the power supply can
applications. provide!

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Rated input voltage 1 AC 50/60 Hz 230 V
SR6 subrack 6DD1 682-0BB0
Dimensions W x H x D in mm without fan, 6 slots
SR6 228 x 320 x 280 SR6V subrack 6DD1 682-0BB1
SR6V (fan) 228 x 335 x 280 with fan, 6 slots
Weight 4 kg
Rated input current 0.6 A AC
I²t value 0.5 A²s
Maximum value 25 A
Output voltages + 5 V/7 A
+15 V/0.7 A
 15 V/0.6 A

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/5

SIMADYN D Control System
SR12 Subrack

■ Overview • With12 slots • For versions with fan: The

• Continuous Local Bus fan is integrated in the power
(L bus) and Communication supply, fan monitoring;
Bus (C bus) with the appro- forced cooling is required for
priate bus termination the PM6 CPU module as well
as CS12 to CS22
• Slot for a buffer battery for
saving data when the power • The operating status (ready/
is disconnected; this back- fault) from the power supply,
up battery must be sepa- and if relevant, a fan, is sig-
rately ordered naled using a separate relay
Dimension drawing: Refer to
Section 8

■ Applications Subrack with 12 slots and • SR12.1 • SR12.3

power supply. There are four with fan, 24 V DC input with fan, 115/230 V AC
supply voltage versions (sup- voltage input voltage
5 ply voltage) and cooling ver-
• SR12.2
without fan, 24 V DC input
• SR12.4
without fan, 115/230 V AC
voltage input voltage

■ Technical data ■ Technical data (continued)

SR12.1 subrack with fan SR12.4 subrack without fan
Rated input voltage 24 V DC Rated input voltage 1 AC 50/60 Hz 115/230 V
Dimensions W x H x D in mm 298.5 x 508.5 x 320 Dimensions W x H x D in mm 298.5 x 508.5 x 320
Weight 11 kg Weight 10,5 kg
Rated input current 16 A Rated input current 2.4 A, 115 V
1.2 A, 230 V
Inrush current, max 32 A
Inrush current, max 3 A, 115 V
I²t value 10 A²s 6 A, 230 V
Output voltages + 5 V/26 A I²t value 0.15 A²s, 115 V
+15 V/3.3 A 0.6 A²s, 230 V
 15 V/3 A
Output voltages + 5 V/26 A
SR12.2 subrack without fan +15 V/3.3 A
Rated input voltage 24 V DC  15 V/3 A
Dimensions W x H x D in mm 298.5 x 508.5 x 320
Weight 10.5 kg
Rated input current 16 A ■ Ordering data Order No.
Inrush current, max 32 A SR12.1 subrack 6DD1 682-0CC0
I²t value 10 A²s with fan, 12 slots
24 V DC input voltage
Output voltages + 5 V/26 A
+15 V/3.3 A SR12.2 subrack 6DD1 682-0CD0
 15 V/3 A without fan, 12 slots
SR12.3 subrack with fan 24 V DC input voltage

Rated input voltage 1 AC 50/60 Hz 115/230 V SR12.3 subrack 6DD1 682-0BC3

Dimensions W x H x D in mm 298.5 x 508.5 x 320 with fan, 12 slots
115/230 V AC input voltage
Weight 11 kg
SR12.4 subrack 6DD1 682-0BC4
Rated input current 2.4 A, 115 V without fan, 12 slots
1.2 A, 230 V 115/230 V AC input voltage
Inrush current, max 3 A, 115 V
6 A, 230 V
I²t value 0.15 A²s, 115 V
0.6 A²s, 230 V
Output voltages + 5 V/26 A
+15 V/3.3 A
 15 V/3 A

5/6 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
SR24 Subrack

■ Overview • With 24 slots • For versions with fan: The

• Continuous Local Bus fan is integrated in the power
(L bus) and Communication supply, fan monitoring;
Bus (C bus) with the relevant forced cooling is required for
bus termination the PM6 CPU module as well
as CS12 to CS22
• Slot for a buffer battery for
saving data when the power • The operating status (ready/
is disconnected; this back- fault) from the power supply,
up battery must be sepa- and if relevant, a fan, is sig-
rately ordered naled using a separate relay

■ Applications Subrack with 24 slots and • SR24.1 • SR24.3

power supply. There are 3 in- with fan, 24 V DC input volt- with fan, 115/230 V AC input
put voltage and cooling ver- age voltage
sions: • SR24.2
without fan, 24 V DC input
Dimension drawing: Refer to 5
Section 8

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

SR24.1 subrack with fan
SR24.1 subrack 6DD1 682-0BC0
Rated input voltage 24 V DC with fan, 24 slots,
24 V DC input voltage
Dimensions W x H x D in mm 542 x 508.5 x 320
Weight 17.3 kg SR24.2 subrack 6DD1 682-0BE0
without fan, 24 slots,
Rated input current 32 A 24 V DC input voltage
Inrush current, max 64 A
SR24.3 subrack 6DD1 682-0CE3
I²t value 10 A²s with fan, 24 slots,
Output voltages + 5 V/52 A 115/230 V AC input voltage
+15 V/6.5 A
 15 V/6 A
SR24.2 subrack without fan
Rated input voltage 24 V DC
Dimensions W x H x D in mm 542 x 508.5 x 320
Weight 16.2 kg
Rated input current 32 A
Inrush current, max 64 A
I²t value 10 A²s
Output voltages + 5 V/52 A
+15 V/6.5 A
 15 V/6 A
SR24.3 subrack with fan
Rated input voltage 1 AC 50/60 Hz, 115/230 V
Dimensions W x H x D in mm 542 x 508.5 x 320
Weight 17.3 kg
Rated input current 5.4 A, 115 V
2.7 A, 230 V
Inrush current, max 4.5 A, 115 V
9 A, 230 V
I²t value 0.25 A²s, 115 V
1 A²s, 230 V
Output voltages + 5 V/52 A
+15 V/6.5 A
 15 V/6 A

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/7

SIMADYN D Control System
SR8x Slot Covers

■ Overview • SR81: Cover for one slot,

20.32 mm wide
• SR82: Cover for two slots,
40.64 mm wide
• SR83: Cover for three slots,
60.96 mm wide

5 ■ Applications The SR8x is used to cover This is required to maintain

slots which are not used in an the electromagnetic compati-
SR6, SR12 or SR24 subrack. bility (EMC).

■ Ordering data Order No.

SR81 slot cover 6DD1 682-0AJ1

for 20.32 mm wide slots

SR82 slot cover 6DD1 682-0AJ2

for 40.64 mm wide slots

SR83 slot cover 6DD1 682-0AJ3

for 60.96 mm wide slots

5/8 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
CPU Modules
CPU Modules/
Buffer Memory Modules

■ Overview Buffer memory modules

• The buffer memory modules
provide a memory via which
several CPU modules can
exchange data with one an-
• Program memory modules
MS5, MS51, MS52
• Interface modules to use
digital inputs: SB10, SB60,
SB61, SU12
• Pre-assembled plug-in ca-
- SC7:
10-core ribbon cable to
connect interface modules
for the digital inputs 5
CPU modules • One buffered SRAM (using a - SC57:
battery in the subrack) per- Round cable with 9-pin
• They utilize floating-point
mits up to 1000 configured sub-D connectors to con-
arithmetic; this means that a
processor quantities, mes- nect a PC as programming
high arithmetic accuracy is
sages and trace data to be and operator device
achieved and configuring is
saved in a non-volatile fash- to the serial interface of the
simplified because normal-
ion (through power failures) CPU module
ization is not required
• 7-segment operating status • Option: Input/output
• Very short sampling times of
display expansions
0.1 ms can be attained; typi-
Up to two "expansion mod-
cal sampling times are ap- • Real-time clock to stamp
ules” can be mounted on the
proximately 0.5 ms messages of a configured
32-bit CPU modules. They
• 10-pin front panel connector message system and diag-
provide the following sup-
(X5) for digital inputs; nostic messages of the op-
plementary functions for this
electrical isolation is possi- erating system;
CPU module:
ble through the SB60, SB61 Note: When the power fails,
- IT41: Analog and digital in-
interface modules the time is not buffered! If
puts/outputs, incremental
buffering is required, then
• Up to four digital inputs can encoder connections
the MM3 buffer memory
be used to call interrupt - IT42: Analog and digital in-
module must be used with
tasks; with selectable signal puts/outputs, integrating
integrated real-time clock
level or edge evaluation analog inputs
• C and L bus connection - ITDC: To control line-com-
• 9-pin sub-D socket (X01) on
the front panel for the serial • Slot to plug-in the flash pro- mutated converters with a
RS 232 interface for: gram memory modules SITOR interface
- commissioning and trou- MS5, MS51, MS52 - ITSL: SIMOLINK
bleshooting the processor • Width: 1 slot connection with master
program (using "Service- function
IBS” or the CFC test mode)
- downloading the proces-
sor program

■ Applications For SIMADYN D, general SIMADYN D application soft-

open-loop and closed-loop ware programs can be very
control tasks are executed on simply ported to other
high-performance 32 and 64- SIMATIC modules.
bit CPU modules with RISC

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/9

SIMADYN D Control System
CPU Modules
PM5 CPU Module (Standard CPU)

■ Overview All of the features of a 32-bit - 1 absolute value encoder

CPU module; beyond this: and 1 incremental encoder
• 10-pin front panel connector for extremely fast position
X5: The function of the sig- calculations
nals fed through the connec- - 2 absolute value encoders
tor, are set using coding - 2 incremental encoders
connectors on the module. • Can be operated in sub-
One of the following combi- racks without fans
nations can be selected • 4 Mbyte DRAM as program
- 8 digital inputs; 4 of which and data memory
are interrupt-capable
- 4 digital inputs (interrupt- • 64 Kbyte SRAM memory ar-
capable) and 1 absolute ea, which can be buffered
value encoder using the subrack battery; to
- 4 digital inputs (interrupt- save configured data in a
capable) and 1 incremen- non-volatile fashion
tal encoder • Cache: 16 Kbyte program,
4 Kbyte data
• Clock cycle (external/inter-
5 nal): 32/32 MHz

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Voltage/current supply (rated val- + 5 V/1,2 A
ues) +15 V/25 mA
 15 V/25 mA P M 5
Back-up battery (can be con- 3.4 V/10 µA
nected-up through the subrack)
I/O periphery • 4 interrupt-capable digital C b u s
(technical data of the inputs: As for inputs, or O p e r a tin g a n d
T400, refer to Page 2/4) • 2 absolute value encoder s e r v ic e P C
inputs, or
• 2 incremental encoder inputs X 0 1
Real-time clock, resolution 0.1 ms S e r ia l S C 5 7 ( s e c tio n 1 )
9 - p in
Space requirement/width 1 slot (20.32 mm) in te r fa c e
( s e r v ic e ) C O M 1 /2
( 9 - p in e a c h )
Weight 0.6 kg l = 5 m

■ Ordering data Order No. O p tio n a lly X 5 S C 7 ( 1 0 - p in e a c h )

4 d ig ita l in p u ts D I, 1 0 - p in
PM5 CPU module 6DD1 600-0AJ0 o f w h ic h 4 a r e a la r m -
c a p a b le , 2 a b s o lu te 8 in p u ts
v a lu e e n c o d e r s , l = 2 m S B 1 0
2 in c r e m e n ta l e n c o d e r s
S B 6 0
S B 6 1
o r
L b u s S U 1 2

5/10 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
CPU Modules
PM6 CPU Module (High Performance CPU)

■ Overview All of the features of a 64-bit • Cache: 16 Kbyte program,

CPU module (as described in 16 Kbyte data
the introduction); beyond this: • Clock cycle (external/inter-
• 8 digital inputs nal):
• Requires a forced-ventilated 32 MHz for the local I/O pe-
subrack riphery or 64 MHz for DRAM
access operations/128 MHz
• 8 Mbyte DRAM as program internal
and data memory
• 256 Kbyte SRAM memory
area which can be buffered
using the subrack battery; to
save configured data in a
non-volatile fashion

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Voltage/current supply + 5 V/1,7 A
(rated values) +15 V/50 mA
 15 V/30 mA P M 6
Back-up battery (can be con- 3.4 V/10 µA
nected-up through the subrack)
Digital inputs: Connector X5 C b u s
Number of inputs 8, max. 4 interrupt-capable O p e r a tin g a n d
s e r v ic e P C
Electrical isolation No; only using optional interface
X 0 1
Input voltage
• Rated value 24 V DC S e r ia l 9 - p in S C 5 7 ( s e c tio n 1 )
in te r fa c e
• For a "0" signal 1 to +6 or open-circuit input ( s e r v ic e ) C O M 1 /2
( 9 - p in e a c h )
• For a "1" signal +13 to +33 V l = 5 m

Input current
• For a "0" signal –
• For a "1" signal 5 mA typical X 5
8 d ig ita l in p u ts D I, S C 7
Delay time 0.05 ms 1 0 - p in ( 1 0 - p in e a c h )
o f w h ic h 4 a r e
in te r r u p t- c a p a b le
Real-time clock, resolution 0.1 ms l = 2 m
8 B E
Space requirement/width 1 slot (20.32 mm) S B 1 0
Weight 0.6 kg S B 6 0
L b u s S B 6 1
o r
S U 1 2
■ Ordering data Order No.

PM6 CPU module 6DD1 600-0AK0

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/11

SIMADYN D Control System
CPU Modules
Accessories: MS5, MS51, MS52 Flash Memories

■ Overview • Can be electrically erased • Typical flash programming

(flash technology) time for a medium-sized pro-
• 8 Kbyte EEPROM to perma- gram is approx. 0.5 min
nently save operating pa- • MS5:
rameters which can be 2 Mbyte flash for universal
changed use
• The EEPROM allows a maxi- • MS51:
mum of 100,000 write opera- 4 Mbyte flash for large pro-
tions. This restriction must grams
be carefully observed if write • MS52:
access operations are fre- 8 Mbyte flash for extremely
quently made, e.g. from an large programs, preferably
automation system through for PM6
PROFIBUS or USS (e.g. in
the form of a "permanent
change task"). Continuous
changes should be made as
simple change task (in the
■ Applications MS5x program memory mod- It is generated on a PC (con- The program can be down-
ules contain the program to figured) using STEP7/CFC loaded using a PC card slot
be processed by the CPU and then downloaded into the (PCMCIA) integrated in the
modules (PM5, PM6). program memory module. PC.
This memory module is then
inserted in the slot provided
on the CPU module.

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption At +5 V:
MS5 flash memory 6DD1 610-0AH0
• MS5 150 mA 2 Mbyte
• MS51 150 mA
MS51 flash memory 6DD1 610-0AK0
• MS52 180 mA 4 Mbyte
Dimensions (in mm) 3.3 x 54 x 85.6
MS52 flash memory 6DD1 610-0AH2
Weight 0.03 kg 8 Mbyte

5/12 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Buffer Memory Modules
MM3 Buffer Memory

■ Overview • With radio clock • 10 digit, 7-segment display

• L and C bus connection to display the time:
Month, day, hour, minute,
• 64 Kbyte RAM each for the seconds (years can be alter-
L and C buses natively displayed as a 4-
• Real-time clock; the time is digit number)
buffered using the battery in • 4 LEDs to display the status
the subrack of the time receiver
- the time can be set via
keys • Digital output (relay) to out-
- the time can be received put a system error (program
(DCF77) interrupted/stop status of a
CPU module)

■ Applications 2 x 64 Kbyte buffer memories This clock can be used as The real-time clock displays
are available to exchange
data between CPU modules.
source for all clock function
blocks of the CPU modules in
the year as a 4-digit number.
The time and the date are
the subrack ("system time", used to stamp messages of a
The buffer memory also con-
max. jitter between the indi- configured message system
tains a clock unit which can
vidual modules: 3 ms). and for diagnostic messages
be optionally synchronized by
of the operating system.
receiving the DCF77 time sig-
nal (radio-based clock).

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption + 5 V/600 mA
MM3 buffer memory module 6DD1 611-0AF0
+ 15 V/50 mA
2 x 64 Kbytes for the L and C buses
+3,4 V/0.02 mA
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm)
Weight 0.5 kg

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/13

SIMADYN D Control System
Buffer Memory Modules
MM4 Buffer Memory

■ Overview • L and C bus connection

• 2 Mbyte RAM each for the
L and C bus
• Digital output (relay) to out-
put a system error (program
cancellation/stop status of a
CPU module)

5 ■ Applications 2 x 2 Mbyte buffer memories The MM4 should be used if ules ($ signals) as well as
are available to exchange there is a high memory re- extensive communications.
data between CPU modules. quirement, e.g. due to a large
number of connections be-
tween the various CPU mod-

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption + 5 V/600 mA
MM4 buffer memory module 6DD1 611-0AG0
+ 15 V/50 mA
2 x 2 Mbytes for the L and C buses
+3.4 V/0.02 mA
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm)
Weight 0.5 kg

5/14 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Input/Output Modules
Input/Output Modules

■ Overview Input and output modules pro- the CPU modules (PM5, PM6) this CPU module can directly
vide additional analog and (max. two modules). They use the inputs/outputs of the
digital units/outputs as well as supplement the CPU modules IT modules.
incremental encoder connec- by input/output functions.
Interface modules, which can
Data is not exchanged be mounted on rails, provide
Type Exxx modules can be in- through the L/C bus, but the associated screw-plug-in
serted at any slot in the sub- through a direct connection to terminals to connect the sig-
rack. The input/output chan- the CPU module (LE bus). nal lines. The interface mod-
nels of different CPU modules This means that it is especially ules are connected to the
can be used via the L/C bus. fast (instantaneous) and does input/output modules via
not influence data transfer appropriate pre-assembled
The type ITxx expansion mod-
with other modules through cables.
ules are directly mounted on
the L/C bus. However, only

EA12 analog output module

■ Overview • 8 analog outputs, ±10 V,

with the associated test
• There is no electrical isola-
tion; optional via interface
• L-bus connection

■ Applications The EA12 module outputs an-

alog signals.

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Current consumption + 5 V/600 mA
+ 15 V/200 mA
- 15 V/200 mA E A 1 2 X 5
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm) S C 1 2
2 0 - p in
Weight 0.5 kg 8 a n a lo g o u tp u ts
A O l = 2 m 8 A O
Analog outputs X5A to X5H (8 outputs) S U 1 1
Output voltage 10 to +10 V
Output current <10 mA
Resolution 16 bit
Monotony 14 bits over the complete tem- L b u s
perature range
Absolute accuracy Typical 13 bits over the com-
plete temperature range
Short-circuit protection to ground R = 56 Ohm
Short-circuit duration <120 s

■ Ordering data Order No.

EA12 analog output module 6DD1 642-0BC0

8 AI, ±10 V

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/15

SIMADYN D Control System
Input/Output Modules
EB11 Digital Input and Output Module

■ Overview • 2 x 16 digital inputs and • Overload display (LED) of

2 x 16 digital outputs the digital outputs for each
• 16 digital inputs and 16 digi- connector
tal outputs are combined in • L-bus connection
a connector; these 16 in-
puts/outputs are combined,
on the software side to form
two groups of 8 (function
• No electrical isolation;
electrical isolation is option-
ally possible through the ap-
propriate interface modules
• Electronic/thermal overload
protection of the digital out-
puts with display

5 ■ Applications The EB11 digital input and

output module reads-in 16
digital signals and outputs 16
digital signals.

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Current consumption + 5 V/400 mA
+ 15 V/0 mA S C 5 5 A B
 15 V/20 mA E B 1 1 X 5 ( 2 0 - p in e a .)
+ 24 V/200 mA (without X5/X6)
4 0 - p in l= 2 * 2 m 8 D O 8 D I
2 * 8 d ig . o u tp u ts D O S U 1 1 S U 1 1
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm) 8 D O 8 D I
o d e r
2 * 8 d ig . in p u ts D I
Weight 0.6 kg
S C 1 3 A B C D
Digital outputs X5A/X5B (2 x 8 outputs) ( 1 0 - p in e a .)
X6A/X6B (2 x 8 outputs) l= 4 * 2 m
8 D O 8 D O 8 D I 8 D I
Potential isolation No
S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0
External P24 power supply
S B 7 0 S B 7 0 S B 6 0 S B 6 0
• Rated value +24 V
S B 7 1 S B 7 1 S B 6 1 S B 6 1
• Ripple 3.6 V
o r o r o r o r
• Permissible range +20 to +30 V S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2
(including ripple)
• Briefly for t <0.5 s +35 V
X 6 S C 5 5 A B
Output current for a 1 signal ( 2 0 - p in e a .)

• Rated value 50 mA 4 0 - p in l= 2 * 2 m 8 D O 8 D I
2 * 8 d ig . o u tp u ts D O S U 1 1 S U 1 1
• Permissible range 0.2 to 100 mA 8 D O 8 D I
o r
2 * 8 d ig . in p u ts D I
Short-circuit protection Electronic at approx. 250 mA S C 1 3 A B C D
( 1 0 - p in e a .)
Residual current for a 0 signal 0.02 mA
l= 4 * 2 m
Signal level of the outputs 8 D O 8 D O 8 D I 8 D I
• For a 0 signal < +3 V L b u s S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0
• For a 1 signal > P24 –2.5 V S B 7 0 S B 7 0 S B 6 0 S B 6 0
Switching delay 0.015 ms S B 7 1 S B 7 1 S B 6 1 S B 6 1
o r o r o r o r
Digital inputs X5C/X5D (2 x 8 inputs)
S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2
X6C/X6D (2 x 8 inputs)
Electrical isolation No
Input voltage
• Rated value +24 V
• For a 0 signal 1 to +6 V or open-circuit input
• For a 1 signal +13 to +33 V
■ Ordering data Order No.
Input current for a 1 signal (typ.) 5 mA
EB11 digital input and output 6DD1 641-0AC0
Delay time 0.2 ms module
2 x 16 DI, 2 x 16 DO

5/16 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Input/Output Modules
IT41 Digital/Analog Input and Output Module

■ Overview • 4 analog outputs, p10 V, 16- • 4 incremental encoder in-

bit resolution, puts with zero pulse, suit-
14-bit accuracy, short-cir- able for differential signals,
cuit proof to ground floating:
• 4 analog inputs, ±10 V differ- - for tracks (A, B), offset
ential signal, through 90° or separate
12-bit resolution forwards and reverse
• 16 digital outputs, 24 V - for 15 V (HTL) or 5 V en-
• 16 digital inputs, 24 V coders
• The inputs/outputs are not - With interrupt inputs and
electrically isolated outputs and monitoring
tracks for the appropriate
(Sony encoder)
- Max. 1 MHz (15 V) or
2.5 MHz (5 V) pulse fre-
quency (dependant on the
cable length)

■ Applications Expansion module for CPU

modules (PM5, PM6) for addi-
tional analog and digital in-
puts/outputs as well as
incremental encoders.

■ Technical data ■ Technical data (continued)

Power supply Analog inputs (continued)
Rated voltage + 5 V/400 mA Input voltage range  10 V ± 4 LSB to
+ 15 V/0 mA + 10 V ± 4 LSB
 15 V/20 mA (1 LSB = 4.88 mV)
+ 24 V/200 mA (without X5/X6)
Input resistance 470 kOhm
Typical current consumption
Input filter 3 dB transition frequency:
• At +5 V 420 mA 1.5 kHz
• At +15 V 450 mA + encoder currents Resolution 12 bit
• At -15 V 175 mA
Absolute accuracy Typical 11 bits over the com-
• At +24 V 100 mA + digital output plete temperature range
Max. conversion time 45 µs
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm)
Digital outputs
Weight 600 g
Number of digital outputs 16, non-floating
Analog outputs
Power supply voltage Must be externally connected
Number of analog outputs 4
• Rated value 24 V
Version Output with associated ground, • Permissible range +20 to +30 V
non-floating (including ripple)
Output voltage range 10 V to +10 V • Briefly +35 V, max. 0.5 s
Output current ± 10 mA Output current for a 1 signal
Resolution 16 bit • Rated current 50 mA
Monotony 14 bits over the complete • Permissible range Up to 100 mA
temperature range Short-circuit protection Electronic/thermal
Absolute accuracy Typical13 bits over the complete at approx. 250 mA
temperature range Limiting for inductive switch-off Power supply voltage + 1 V
Short-circuit protection to ground Yes voltages
Analog inputs Total load 80 % at 50° C, all outputs 50 mA
Number of inputs 4 Residual current for a 0 signal 20 µA
Version Differential inputs, Signal level of the outputs
non-floating • For a 0 signal Max. 3 V
• For a 1 signal Power supply voltage  2.5 V
Switching delay Max. 15 µs

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/17

SIMADYN D Control System
Input/Output Modules
IT41 Digital/Analog Input and Output Module

■ Technical data (continued) ■ Technical data (continued)

Digital inputs Interrupt inputs (e.g. for Sony encoders)
Number of digital inputs 16, non-floating Number of interrupt inputs 4
Input voltage Version Non-floating
• Rated voltage +24 V Permissible input voltage range 0 V to +5 V
• For a 0 signal 1 to +6 V or open-circuit input Input voltage
• For a 1 signal +13 to +33 V • For a 0 signal < 1.4 V
Input current • For a 1 signal > 2.0 V
• For a 0 signal 0 mA Input current
• For a 1 signal 3 mA typ • For a 0 signal Min. -5 mA, max. -3.6 mA
Delay time Max. 200 µs • For a 1 signal Min. -3 mA, max. 0 mA
15 V incremental encoders Interrupt reset outputs (e.g. for Sony encoders)
Number of encoders Max. 4 (incl. 5 V encoders) Number of interrupt reset outputs 4
Version Differential inputs with electrical Version Non-floating
Output voltage 15 V through 1 kOhm output
Internal current limiting Approx. 15 mA (electronic) resistor

5 Track signals Tracks A and B (phase-shifted

through 90 °), if required with
Output voltage for a 10 mA load 5V
zero pulse N Power supply connection for pulse encoders
Monitoring track One monitoring track per Version Non-floating, electronic short-
encoder; specification as for the circuit and overload protection
digital inputs Output voltage Approx. 14 V
Pulse frequency Max. 1 MHz, dependent on the Max. output current 100 mA
cable length (track frequency)
Phase difference of the track sig- Independent of the pulse
nals frequency, min. 200 ns ■ Connecting diagram
Input voltage
• For a 0 signal 30 V to +4 V
(for 15 mA load) IT 4 1 X 6
• For a 1 signal +8 V to + 30 V
(for 15 mA load)
Permissible Differential voltage
input voltage range 30 V to +30 V 5 0 - p in S C 4 9 A B
( 2 6 - p in e a .)
4 in c r . e n c o d e r
Noise pulse suppression Can be configured at the speed
l= 2 * 2 m 4 in c r . 4 A O
actual value function block: 4 a n a . o u tp u t A O S U 1 0 e n c o d e r S U 1 0
0 – 16 µs (62.5 kHz)
5 V incremental encoders
Number of encoders Max. 4 (incl. 15 V encoders)
Version Differential inputs with electrical C P U
in te r -
isolation fa c e
Track signals 1.) For tracks A and B (phase- L E
shifted through 90°), if required b u s
with zero pulse N X 7 S C 5 4 A B C D E
2.) For separate forward and ( 1 0 - p in e a .)
reverse track l= 5 * 2 m
8 D O 8 D O 8 D I 8 D I 4 A I
Pulse frequency Max. 2.5 MHz (this depends on
the cable length) 4 a n a lo g in p u t A I S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S U 1 2
5 0 - p in
Permissible input voltage range Differential voltage 2 * 8 d ig . o u tp u t D O S B 7 0 S B 7 0 S B 6 0 S B 6 0
-5 V to +5 V S B 7 1 S B 7 1 S B 6 1 S B 6 1
2 * 8 d ig . in p u t D I
Max. input current 15 mA (caution, this is not lim- o r o r o r o r
ited on the module side!) S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2
o r
Input voltage
S C 4 9 A B
• For a 0 signal 5 V to 0 V ( 2 6 - p in e a .)
• For a 1 signal +3 V to +5 V 8 D O 3 D I
l= 2 * 2 m
S U 1 0 8 D O S U 1 0 8 D I
Input resistance
5 D I 4 A I
• Steady-state 180 Ohm
• Dynamic 100 Ohm (corresponds to the
characteristic impedance of a
twisted-pair cable) ■ Ordering data Order No.
Noise pulse suppression This can be configured at the
speed actual value function IT41 digital/analog input and 6DD1 606-3AC0
block: output module
0 or 125 ns with 4 incremental encoder inputs

5/18 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Input/Output Modules
IT42 Digital/Analog Input and Output Module

■ Overview • With high-resolution analog • 4 integrating analog inputs

outputs (V/Hz conversion), ±10 V
• 16 digital outputs, 24 V differential signal, floating,
up to 17-bit resolution de-
• 16 digital inputs, 24 V pending on the integrating
• 4 analog outputs, ±10 V, 16- time, the integrating time
bit resolution, can be externally triggered
14-bit accuracy, short-cir- • All of the other I/O are not
cuit proof to ground floating; electrical isolation is
• 4 analog inputs, ±10 V differ- optionally possible when us-
ential signal, 12-bit resolu- ing interface modules

■ Applications Expansion module for CPU and high-resolution, integrat-

modules (PM5, PM6) for addi-
tional digital inputs/outputs
ing analog inputs. 5

■ Technical data ■ Technical data (continued)

Power supply Integrating analog inputs (V/Hz) (continued)
Rated voltage + 5 V/400 mA Input resistance 470 kOhm
+ 15 V/0 mA
 15 V/20 mA Input filter 3 dB transition frequency: 2 kHz
+ 24 V/200 mA (without X5/X6) Resolution Up to 17 bits (this depends on
Typical current consumption the integration time):
• At +5 V 420 mA • 13 bit for1 ms integration time
• At +15 V 450 mA • 15 bit for 4 ms integration time
• At -15 V 140 mA • 17 bit for 20 ms integration time
• At +24 V 100 mA + digital output Relative accuracy Typical 14 bits over the com-
currents plete temperature range
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm) Analog inputs
Weight Approx. 500 g Number of analog inputs 4
Analog outputs Version Differential inputs, non-floating
Number of analog outputs 4 Input voltage range  10 V ± 4 LSB to
+ 10 V ± 4 LSB
Version Output with associated ground, (1 LSB = 4.88 mV)
Input resistance 470 kOhm
Output voltage range 10 V to +10 V
Input filter 3 dB transition frequency:
Output current ± 10 mA 1.5 kHz
Resolution 16 bit Resolution 12 bit
Monotony 14 bits over the complete Absolute accuracy, typical 10 bits over the complete
temperature range temperature range
Absolute accuracy, typical 13 bits over the complete Max. conversion time 45 µs
temperature range
Digital outputs
Short-circuit protection to ground Yes
Number of digital outputs 16, non-floating
Integrating analog inputs (V/Hz)
Power supply voltage
Number of integrating inputs 4
• Rated value 24 V
Version Differential inputs, • Permissible range +20 to +30 V
floating, integrating, (including ripple)
V/Hz conversion;
integrating time can also be • Briefly +35 V, max. 0.5 s
externally triggered Output current for a 1 signal
Input voltage range 10 V to +10 V • Rated current 50 mA
• Permissible range < 100 mA
Short-circuit protection Electronic/thermal
at approx. 250 mA

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/19

SIMADYN D Control System
Input/Output Modules
IT42 Digital/Analog Input and Output Module

■ Technical data (continued) ■ Connecting diagram

Limiting of inductive switch-off Vcc + 1 V
IT 4 2 X 6
Total load 80 % at 50°C, all S C 5 0
outputs 50 mA 4 a n a . in p u t A I 1 5 - p in

Residual current for a 0 signal 20 µA ( in te g r a tin g , U /f) l = 2 m 4 A I,

S U 1 0 in te g r a tin g
Signal level of the outputs
• For a 0 signal Max. 3 V
X 7
• For a 1 signal  2.5 V supply voltage
S C 5 1
Switching delay Max. 15 µs 4 a n a . o u tp u t A O 2 5 - p in

Digital inputs 4 a n a . o u tp u t A I l = 2 m
S U 1 0 4 A O
Number of inputs 16, non-floating 4 A I
Trigger inputs for integrating A/D 4, non-floating in te r
converters fa c e
Input voltage b u s
• Rated voltage +24 V
• For a 0 signal 1 to +6 V or open-circuit input
5 • For a 1 signal +13 to +33 V X 8 S C 5 4 A B C D E
( 1 0 - p in e a .)
Input current l= 5 * 2 m
• For a 0 signal 0 mA 8 D O 8 D O 8 D I 8 D I
2 * 8 d ig . o u tp u t D O S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S B 1 0 S U 1 2
• For a 1 signal 3 mA typical
5 0 - p in 4 tr ig g e r
2 * 8 d ig . in p u t. D I S B 7 0 S B 7 0 S B 6 0 S B 6 0
Delay time Max. 200 µs in te g r . A I
4 tr ig g e r s ig n a ls S B 7 1 S B 7 1 S B 6 1 S B 6 1
fo r in te g r a tin g o r o r o r o r
in p u ts A I S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2 S U 1 2
■ Ordering data Order No. o r
S C 4 9 A B
( 2 6 - p in e a .)
IT42 digital/analog input and 6DD1 606-4AB0
output module l= 2 * 2 m 8 D O 3 D I
with high-resolution analog S U 1 0 8 D O S U 1 0 8 D I
outputs 5 D I 4 tr ig g e r
in te g r. A I

5/20 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Input/Output Modules
ITDC SITOR Converter Gating Module

■ Overview • 2 analog outputs, of which Features of the converter

1 output optionally for an gating
excitation current setpoint • Auto-reversing stage
for an external closed-loop
excitation current control • Current controller

• 4 digital outputs, 24 V • Gating unit (for 8 - 400 Hz

line frequency)
• 4 digital inputs, 24 V
• For 6-pulse converters
• No electrical isolation of the
inputs/outputs Presently is not possible to
operate two ITDC modules on
• 1 incremental encoder input
a single CPU module.
• Various SITOR setpoint/ac-
tual value as well as service/
diagnostics signals

■ Applications Expansion module for CPU

modules (PM5, PM6) to gate
line-commutated converters
via a SITOR interface ("torque
shell" for DC drives).

■ Technical data ■ Technical data (continued)

Power supply Limiting of inductive switch-off volt- Power supply voltage + 1 V
Rated voltage + 5 V/400 mA
+ 15 V/0 mA Total load 80 % at 50° C, all outputs 50 mA
 15 V/20 mA
+ 24 V/200 mA (without X5/X6) Residual current 20 µA for a 0 signal

Typical current consumption Signal level

• At +5 V 100 mA • For a 0 signal Max. 3 V
• At +15 V 490 mA + encoder currents • For a 1 signal  2.5 V supply voltage
• At -15 V 75mA Switching delay 1 -> 0: max. 10 µs
0 -> 1: max. 100 µs
• At +24 V 40 mA + digital output
currents Digital inputs
Analog outputs Number of digital inputs 4, non-floating
Number of analog outputs 2 Input voltage +24 V rated voltage
Version Output with associated ground, • For a 0 signal 1 to +6 V or
non-floating open-circuit digital inputs
Output voltage range 10 V to +10 V • For a 1 signal +13 to +33 V

Output current ± 10 mA Input current

• For a 0 signal 0 mA
Resolution 12 bit
• For a 1 signal 3 mA typical
Monotony 10 bits over the complete
temperature range Delay time 50 µs
Absolute accuracy Typical 9 bits over the complete 15 V incremental encoder
temperature range Number of encoders 1, non-floating
Short-circuit protection to ground Yes Version Differential inputs,
Digital outputs without electrical isolation, can
be changed-over 5 V/15 V (HTL)
Number of digital outputs 4, non-floating
Track signals Tracks A and B ( phase-shifted
Power supply voltage through 90°),
• Rated value 24 V DC if required with zero pulse N
• Permissible range +20 to +30 V incl. ripple Pulse frequency Max. 1 MHz, dependent on the
• Briefly +35 V, max. 0.5 s cable length (track frequency)

Output current for a 1 signal Phase difference of the track sig- Independent of the pulse
nals frequency, min. 200 ns
• Rated current 50 mA
• Permissible range To 100 mA
Short-circuit protection Electronic/thermal
at approx. 250 mA

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/21

SIMADYN D Control System
Input/Output Modules
ITDC SITOR Converter Gating Module

■ Technical data (continued) ■ Connecting diagram

Input voltage at 15 V (HTL)
• For a 0 signal -30 V to +5 V IT D C X 5
• For a 1 signal +8 V to +30 V
Input voltage at 5 V 2 0 - p in S C 1 2
S IT O R ( 2 0 - p in )
• For a 0 signal 7 V to 1,5 V d ia g n o s tic s s ig n a ls
l = 2 m
2 a n a lo g o u tp u ts 2 A O
• For a 1 signal +1.5 V to +7 V S U 1 1
Permissible Differential voltage
input voltage range 30 V to +30 V
Input resistance Approx. 40 kOhm
Noise pulse suppression This can be configured at the X 6
speed actual value function 4 d ig o u tp u ts . D O
block: 2 0 - p in S C 1 2
4 d ig . in p u ts D I ( 2 0 - p in )
0 to 16 µs (62.5 kHz)
1 in c re m e n ta l- l = 2 m 4 D O
Power supply voltage e n c o d e r in p u t S U 1 1 4 D I
for the pulse encoder 1 IN C
Output voltage Approx. 14 V

5 Max. output current

100 mA
Non-floating, electronic short-
X 7
S C 1 7 .2 (l = 2 m )
circuit and overload protection S IT O R 5 0 - p in o r
General information in te r fa c e S C 3 1 .2 (l = 1 0 m ) S IT O R
( 5 0 - p in e a .) In te rfa c e S E 2 0 .2
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm) o r
Weight 600 g S IT O R s e t

b u s
■ Ordering data Order No.

ITDC SITOR converter gating 6DD1 601-0AH0


5/22 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
Communication Modules

■ Overview
Coupling to SIMOREG, SIMOVERT converter units PC couplings for service and download
Protocol Hardware (module, Application, Protocol Hardware (module, Application,
sub-module) comment sub-module) comment
PROFIBUS DP CS7 with SS52 • CS7/SS52 has a Industrial Ethernet CSH11 • Fast, high-perfor-
master function (SINEC H1) mance coupling
• User data is adapted • Recommended if
to the device parame- there are several H1
terization (PPO types) bus nodes (especial-
• For process data and ly SIMADYN D racks)
parameters • Industrial Ethernet in-
terface is required in
the PC
Coupling to automation devices DUST1 • CS7 with SS4 • Low-cost point-to-
point (no special PC
Protocol Hardware (module, Application, hardware)
sub-module) comments
Industrial Ethernet CSH11 • Fast, serial bus, pref-
(SINEC H1) erably for the master
control level Coupling to the operator panels
PROFIBUS DP CS7 with SS52 • As slave or master Protocol Hardware (module,
DUST3 CS7 with SS4 • Protocol 3964(R) with

Coupling to additional SIMADYN D subracks

Protocol Hardware (module, Application,
sub-module) comments
Fiber-optic cable sub- CS12/13/14 (master) • Extremely fast
rack and CS22 (slave) • Star topology
• Up to 9 subracks and
more can be coupled
Industrial Ethernet CSH11 • Serial bus, preferably
(SINEC H1) for the supervisory
• Recommended if
there are additional
SINEC H1 bus nodes
in the overall system
PROFIBUS DP CS7 with SS52 • Master or slave inter-
• Recommended if
there are additional
DP nodes

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/23

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
CS7 Carrier Module

■ Overview • For SS4, SS5x communica-

tion modules
• L-bus connection
• 2 LEDs for each slot to indi-
cate the operating status of
the communication module
and the interface and bus

■ Applications Carrier module for SS4, SS52 A maximum of three commu-

5 communication modules with
which serial links can be es-
nication modules can be in-
serted and operated.
tablished via PROFIBUS DP,
MPI (Multi-Point-Interface),
USS and DUST protocols.

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram (example of a configuration)

Current consumption +5 V/400 mA
O p e ra to r a n d
Space requirement 2 slots (40.64 mm) s e r v ic e P C
Weight 0.5 kg C S 7

S C 5 7
■ Ordering data Order No. s e c tio n 2 s e c tio n 1 C O M 1 /2
l = 2 m l = 5 m

CS7 carrier module 6DD1 662-0AB0 S S 4 2 6 - p in

2 6 - p in 9 - p in 9 - p in
o r P IN a s s ig n m e n t S S 4
for SS4 and SS5x D U S T /U S S
S M 8 R S 2 3 2 R S 4 8 5
communication modules S u b -D (U S S b u s )
h ig h d e n s ity T x D = 4 + R S 4 8 5 P = 5
C o n n e c to r R x D = 1 7 -R S 4 8 5 N = 1 7
a s s e m b ly G rd = 9 G rd = 9

o r

S S 5 2 9 - p in S M 5
P IN a s s ig n m e n t S S 5 2
R S 2 3 2 R S 4 8 5
P R O F IB U S D P , (M o n ito r ) (P R O F IB U S )
C o n n e c to r T x D = 7 + T x /R x - S ig . = 3
a s s e m b ly R x D = 2 - T x /R x - S ig . = 8
G rd = 5 G rd = 5

o r

S S 5 2 9 - p in S M 5
P IN a s s ig n e m e n t S S 5 2
R S 2 3 2 R S 4 8 5
P R O F IB U S D P , (M o n ito r ) (P R O F IB U S )
C o n n e c to r T x D = 7 + T x /R x - S ig . = 3
a s s e m b ly R x D = 2 - T x /R x - S ig . = 8
G rd = 5 G rd = 5

b u s

5/24 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
SS4 Communication Module

■ Overview • This module is inserted in

one of the three slots of the
CS7 carrier module
• RS 232 interface for a con-
figured USS or DUST proto-
• The data transfer format can
be appropriately modified
by inserting an interface
sub-module (e.g. to adapt to
the coupling partners, to in-
crease the noise immunity or
for longer cables):
- interface sub-module SS1
for a 20 mA line current

■ Applications Communication module connected to a PC (operator/ • DUST1 PC coupling for com-

which is inserted in the CS7
carrier module for USS or
programming device) for
CFC/CFC test mode or ser-
missioning, TELEMASTER,
program download and the
SIMADYN D-specific DUST vice commissioning. CFC test mode
protocols (DUST: • DUST3 protocol 3964 of the
Possible protocols:
data transfer control). SIMATIC S5
• USS for SIMOREG and
This is especially used as an SIMOVERT drive converters
interface to commission a
multi-processor system. It is

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption + 5 V/300 mA
SS4 communication module 6DD1 688-0AD0
+ 15 V/100 mA
 15 V/100 mA
Space requirement 1 slot on the CS7
Weight 0.2 kg

20 mA interface sub-module SS1 for SS4

■ Overview • 1 send and 1 receive circuit • The sender and receiver cir- • Max. data transfer rate:
(full duplex) with the associ- cuits can be electrically iso- 19.2 kbit/s
ated line current source can lated with respect to the • Max. cable length: 1000 m
be connected electronics of the carrier
module through optocou-

■ Applications Serial interface with 20 mA for

process coupling

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption + 5 V/45 mA
SS1 20 mA interface sub-module 6DD1 688-1AA0
+ 15 V/40 mA
for the SS4 communication module
Weight 0.011 kg

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/25

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
SS2 RS 232 Interface Sub-Module

■ Overview • For the SS4 communication • Non-floating • Max. cable length: This is in-
module • Max. data transfer rate: versely proportional to the
• 1 send and 1 receive chan- 76.8 kbit/s data transfer rate and de-
nel pends on cable parameters,
e.g. approx. 50 m at
19.2 kbit/s.

■ Applications Serial interface with an RS 232

signal level. SS2 should be
used for the SS4 communica-
tion module instead of the
simple and integrated RS 232
interface if the coupling part-
ner requires V.24 control sig-
nals (CTS, RTS, etc.).

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

5 Current consumption + 5 V/95 mA

+ 15 V/75 mA
SS2 RS 232 interface sub-module
for the SS4 communication module
6DD1 688-1AB0
 15 V/75 mA
Weight 0.011 kg

5/26 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
SS52 Communication Module

■ Overview • For PROFIBUS DP/MPI • Connection to the bus cable

• Data transfer rate: 9.6 kbit/s via (also refer to Catalog
up to 12 Mbit/s IK PI):
- PROFIBUS bus connector
• Max. 127 slaves can be with integrated terminating
connected resistors (up to 12 Mbit/s),
• Telegram length: e.g.
Max. 244 bytes per slave 6ES7 972-0BB12-0XA0,
• Sub-module which can be 6ES7 972-0BB41-0XA0,
inserted in a CS7 slot - PROFIBUS bus terminal
with integrated terminating
• RS 485 interface for
resistors and plug-in cable
PROFIBUS DP, electrically
to the SS52 (up to
1.5 Mbit/s), e.g.
• RS 232 interface to parame- 6GK1 500-0AA10
terize the bus node using
• 1 diagnostics LED for the in-
terface; located on the PC
set which is generated is
downloaded into the SS52
via serial data transfer
■ Applications Communication module for If the SS52 is used as
PROFIBUS DP in the master PROFIBUS DP master, the as-
or slave function. The SS52 sociated bus parameters
also has the additional func- must be calculated on the PC
tions - shared input, SYNC using the parameterizing soft-
and FREEZE. ware COM PROFIBUS (refer
to Page 5/28) and download-
It is especially important to
ed into the SS52.
note that the SIMATIC remote
I/O (distributed peripherals) Parameterization is not re-
can be connected to the SS52 quired when used as DP slave
- e.g.: or for MPI.
• ET 200B/C/L/U/IS and
• Conditionally ET 200M with
signal modules, no signal
pre-processing modules

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption + 5 V/300 mA
SS52 communication module 6DD1 688-0AE2
+ 15 V/50 mA
 15 V/50 mA
COM PROFIBUS Refer to Page 5/28
Space requirement 1 slot on the CS7 carrier parameterizing software
Weight 0.2 kg
DP slaves used, e.g.
SIMATIC S5 IM 308-C, IM 180, S5-95U/DP,
CP 5431
SIMATIC S7 315-2DP, 413-2DP, 414-2DP,
416-2DP, CP 342-5, IM 467,
CP 443-5Ext., IF 964-DP
PC CP 5411, CP 5412 (A2),
CP 5511, CP 5611
Machine tools IM 329, SINUMERIK 840D

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/27

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
COM PROFIBUS Parameterizing Software

■ Overview COM PROFIBUS is a parame-

terizing software to set the
SS52 as PROFIBUS master.

■ Applications The data set, to be generated • MPI with MPI interface in the
with COM PROFIBUS should PC or PG (data transfer rate,
be downloaded into the SS52 187.5 kbit/s)
(also refer to Page 5/27). • Using the "SS52load" pro-
The data set can be down- gram via the serial PC inter-
loaded via: face on the RS 232 interface
of the SS52. The "SS52load"
• Bus cable with
download program is includ-
PROFIBUS DP interface in
ed in the COM PROFIBUS
the PC (PROFIBUS cards
parameterizing tool
without microprocessor
CP 5411 (ISA), CP 5511

5 ■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Connector assignment of the RS 232 connecting cable for
COM PROFIBUS V5.1 6ES5 895-6SE03
parameterizing software
SS52 PC (9-pin interface) PC (25-pin interface)
2 2 3
7 3 2
1 5 7

5/28 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
CS8 Carrier Module

■ Overview • L-bus connection

• 2 slots (X01, X02) to accept
2 communication modules

■ Applications The CS8 is a carrier module Serial data transfer protocols The properties and features of 5
for the following (CAN, DEVICE-NET Slave, the communication interfaces
MASTERDRIVES communica- PROFIBUS DP Slave) can be are defined by the
tion modules: implemented using the CS8 MASTERDRIVES communica-
• CBP2 and the communication mod- tion modules which are actu-
ules. ally used.

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption +5 V/400 mA
CS8 carrier module 6DD1 662-0AC0
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm) for MASTERDRIVES communication
modules CBx
Weight 0.3 kg
CBP2 communication module 6SE7 090-0XX84-0FF5

CBC communication module 6SE7 090-0XX84-0FG0

for CAN

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/29

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
CSH11 Communications Module

■ Overview This module is used for The data set, created using
Industrial Ethernet SINEC NML can be down-
(SINEC H1) loaded via the RS 232 inter-
face of the CSH11.
Parameterization with
SINEC NML The data set can also be
downloaded via the bus if ei-
The PC software (for DOS) ther an Industrial Ethernet in-
"SINEC NML" with the terface CP 1411 (ISA) or
SIMADYN D-specific supple- CP 1511 (PCMCIA) is inserted
ment is required to parameter- in the PC.
ize the module for the
Industrial Ethernet bus. Features
The software, which can be • RS 485 interface for the bus
downloaded at no charge • RS 232 interface for parame-
from the Internet, contains a terization
pre-configured database • Includes the CP 1470
(e.g. for profiles and function SIMATIC communications
distribution tables for layer 4 processor
and 7 applications and appli-
5 cation relationships). • L and C bus connection (this
cannot be used in the SR6
The layer 7 functions of the subrack)
CSH11 include the SINEC
• CSH11 modules require
technological functions (STF)
force-ventilated subracks -
according to the "SINEC AP
this means that they can be
1.0 specifications".
used in subracks SR12.1,
SR12.3 /SR24.1, SR24.3

■ Applications Communications connection The CSH11 can only be used Connected to Industrial Ether-
for "Industrial Ethernet" - previ- in subracks with C bus (SR12, net bus cable with:
ously called SINEC H1. SR24) and can only directly • Bus coupler for triaxial cable
exchange data via the C bus. 727-0: e.g.
Using this interface, a process
coupling can be established 6GK1 901-0AA00-0AC0
to higher-level automation • Drop cable 727-1, 15-pin
systems. sub-D at both ends, e.g.
6ES5 727-1BD20 connects
the CSH11 with the bus cou-

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption + 5 V/2,5 A
CSH11 communication module 6DD1 661-0AB1
+ 15 V/600 mA
for Industrial Ethernet (SINEC H1)
 15 V/100 mA
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm)
Weight 0.6 kg

5/30 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
Fiber-Optic Cable Subrack Coupling

■ Overview • Max. glass fiber-optic cable • A master module can, in ad- • L and C bus connection (the
length for point-to-point con- dition to the configured pro- modules cannot be used in
nections: 200 m (cable sold cess data, also transfer the subrack SR6!)
by the meter, e.g. following signals to the • Requires force-ventilated
6XV1820-5AH10 or slave: subracks, i.e. can be used in
6XV1820-6AH10) - base sampling time (for subracks SR12.1, .3 /
• Connections for FOC with synchronization) SR24.1, .3.
BF0C connectors (bayonet - clock interrupt
type); e.g. - alarm interrupt

■ Applications SIMADYN D subracks can be full duplex point-to-point cou- master-slave arrangements)
coupled with one another us- plings (2 fiber-optic cables). to each of these masters.
ing an extremely fast fiber-op-
Pre-assembled SIMATIC In addition, a master module
tic cable coupling to master
fiber-optic (glass) cables (re- can also be inserted in a slave
complex open and closed-
fer to Catalog IK PI) are used subrack. This means that, for
loop control and arithmetic
to connect the modules. For example, together with its as-
example, 6XV1820-5Bxxx. sociated slaves in additional
The fiber-optic cable coupling
represents an approximately
Up to 8 slaves can be con-
subracks, a second master-
slave arrangement can be es-
nected to a master. If addi-
parallel "extension" of the L tablished.
tional subracks are connect-
and C bus. The access to a
ed to one another, several Any subracks can be con-
connected subrack is realized
masters can also be inserted nected with one another using
within 5 to 8 µs per word.
in a subrack. 8 slaves can this possibility of combining
All of the slaves are connect- then be connected (several and cascading subracks.
ed to the master module using

CS12 master module

■ Overview Master module of a fiber-optic

cable connection to connect
additional subracks through a
CS22 slave module.

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption + 5 V/1.8 A
CS12 master module 6DD1 660-0BA0
+ 15 V/50 mA
for 1 slave
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm)
Weight 0.4 kg

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/31

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
CS13 Master Module

■ Overview Master module of a fiber-optic

cable coupling to connect up
to 4 additional subracks
through an appropriate num-
ber of CS22 slave modules.
The CS13 comprises a CS12
on which is mounted an ICS1
module. This ICS1 module
has the fiber-optic cable con-
nections for the
4 slave modules.
The two fiber-optic cable con-
nections of the basic CS12
module cannot be used in
this configuration.

5 ■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption + 5 V/4 A
CS13 master module 6DD1 660-0BB0
+ 15 V/100 mA
for 4 slaves
Space requirement 2 slots (40.64 mm)
Weight 0.8 kg

CS14 master module

■ Overview Master module of a fiber-optic

cable connection to connect 8
additional subracks through
an appropriate number of
CS22 slave modules.
The CS14 comprises a CS12
on which is mounted 2 ICS1
modules. These ICS1 mod-
ules have fiber-optic cable
connections for the 8 slave
The two fiber-optic cable con-
nections of the basic CS12
module cannot be used in this

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption + 5 V/5.5 A
CS14 master module 6DD1 660-0BC0
+ 15 V/150 mA
for 8 slaves
Space requirement 3 slots (60.96 mm)
Weight 1.1 kg

5/32 Siemens ST DA · 2003

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules
CS22 Slave Module

■ Overview Slave module for a fiber-optic

cable connection (a full du-
plex point-to-point coupling)
to a master module CS12,
CS13 or CS14.

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No. 5

Current consumption + 5 V/1.5 A
CS22 slave module 6DD1 660-0BD0
+ 15 V/50 mA
for a full duplex point-to-point
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm) coupling
Weight 0.4 kg

■ Ordering information Standard SIMATIC compo-

nents are used for the fiber-
optic cable subrack coupling
(refer to Catalog IK PI).
Presently, only glass-fiber-op-
tic cables with a max. length
of 200 m are released!
• Pre-assembled:
- 6XV1 820-5B... or
- 6XV1 820-6B... or
- 6XV1 820-7B
• Fiber-optic cable sold by the
meter, e.g.
- 6XV1 820-5AH10 or
- 6XV1 820-6AH10
• Connections for fiber-optic
cables with BF0C plug con-
nectors, e.g.

Siemens ST DA · 2003 5/33

SIMADYN D Control System
Communication Modules

■ Overview • Data transfer rate: 11 Mbit/s • Telegram cycle jitter: < 1 µs

• Data transfer time: • 3 diagnostic LEDs
6.36 µs/32-bit word • Free slot for additional, op-
• For each node, up to eight tional MASTERDRIVES
32-bit words can be sent SIMOLINK module SLB
and received (Order No.:
• Up to 200 bus nodes 6SE7090-0xx84-0FJ0)
• Number of net data per tele- • Max. 40 m plastic fiber-optic
gram: Max. 1000 32-bit cable
words • Max. 300 m glass fiber-optic
• Telegrams can be sent, syn- cable, e.g. Siemens
chronized to the base sam- LY-1V015200/230,10A
pling time; beyond this,
additional synchronizing
types are possible

■ Applications SIMOLINK interface for CPU Data is clocked, in the form of SIMOLINK is especially used
5 modules (PM5, PM6) - can ei-
ther be used as master or
a large shift register, through
the fiber-optic cables and the
in conjunction with the
slave. connected nodes (slaves). MC AC drive converters (as
SIMOLINK is an extremely fast Up to eight data words (each
serial fiber-optic cable cou- 32 bit) are assigned to each Ordering information and in-
pling which can also be syn- node in the shift register; structions regarding fiber-op-
chronized (this is an important when receiving, the node can tic cables: Refer to Catalog
feature) in a ring-type topolo- read these data words and DA 65 (SIMOVERT
gy for Siemens drive units. when sending, can write into MASTERDRIVES).

■ Technical data ■ Ordering data Order No.

Current consumption without SLB + 5 V/0.5 A
ITSL SIMOLINK module 6DD1 663-0AB0
module ± 15 V/6 mA
Current consumption with SLB + 5 V/0.7 A
module ± 15 V/22 mA
Space requirement 1 slot (20.32 mm)
Weight 0.3 kg

5/34 Siemens ST DA · 2003


6/2 Interface Modules, Plug-in Cables
6/2 Introduction
6/2 Overview Table

6/4 Interface Modules

6/4 SB10 Interface Module
6/5 SB60 Interface Module
6/6 SB61 Interface Module
6/7 SB70 Interface Module
6/8 SB71 Interface Module
6/9 SU10 Interface Module
6/10 SU11 Interface Module
6/11 SU12 Interface Module
6/12 SU13 Interface Module

6/13 Cables and Connectors,

Back-up Battery
6/13 SC7 Ribbon Cable
6/13 SC12 Ribbon Cable
6/13 SC17.2 Ribbon Cable
6/14 SC13 Ribbon Cable
6/14 SC55 Ribbon Cable
6/15 SC49 Round Cable
6/15 SC50 Round Cable
6/16 SC51 Round Cable
6/16 SC54 Round Cable
6/17 SC57 Round Cable Set
6/18 SC62 Interface Cable
6/18 SC63 Interface Cable
6/19 SC64 Interface Cable
6/19 SC66 Interface Cable
6/20 SC67 Service Cable
6/20 SM8 Connector Assembly
6/21 SM11 Power Supply Connector
6/21 Back-up Battery

Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/1

Interface Modules, Plug-in Cables

■ Introduction Interface modules represent The connection to the An overview of which plug-in
the coupling element between SIMATIC control system is es- cable is used with which inter-
the SIMATIC control system tablished using pre-assem- face module is provided in the
and the process. The signal bled plug-in cables. following table. This of course
cables of the process are con- depends on the particular
nected at the screw/plug-in control system.
terminals of the modules.

■ Overview table
Control system Plug-in cable Interface module
Connector Cable Part connector No. of pins
T400 technological module
T400 Terminals 67-69 SC400 3-pin to 9-pin Engineering/service PC
FM 458-1 DP X1 SC57 Only part 1: 9-pin to PC (only spline edit, service
9-pin commissioning, symTrace)
X2 SC64 9-pin to 10-pin SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
EXM 438-1 X1,X2 SC63 50-pin to 50-pin SU13
X3 SC63 50-pin to 50-pin SU13
SC62 A 40-pin to 5 x 10-pin SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
B SU12

6 C
SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61,
SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
E SU12
CPU551 X01 SC67 8-pin to 9-pin Configuring/service PC
X2 SC66 8-pin to 10-pin SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61

SM500 X1,X2 SC63 50-pin to 50-pin SU13

X3 SC63 50-pin to 50-pin SU13
SC62 A 40-pin to 5 x 10-pin SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
B SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
C SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
D SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
E SU12

6/2 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Interface Modules, Plug-in Cables

■ Overview table (continued)

Plug-in connector
Control system Interface module
Connector Cable Part connector No. of pins
PM5, PM6 X4 SC57 Only part1: 9-pin to Configuring/service PC
X5 SC7 10-pin to 10-pin SU12
CS7 with SS4 X5 SC57 Part 1: 9-pin to 9-pin Configuring/service PC
Part 2: 26-pin to 9-pin
EA12 X6 SC12 20-pin to 20-pin SU11
EB11 X5 SC55 A 40-pin to 2 x 20-pin SU11
B SU11
SC13 A 40-pin to 4 x 10-pin SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
B SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
C SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
D SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
X6 SC55 A 40-pin to 2 x 20-pin SU11
B SU11
SC13 A 40-pin to 4 x 10-pin SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
B SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
C SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
D SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61 6
IT41 X6 SC49 A 50-pin to 2 x 26-pin SU10
B SU10
SC54 A 50-pin to 5 x 10-pin SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
B SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
C SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
D SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
E SU12
X7 SC49 A 50-pin to 2 x 26-pin SU10
B SU10
SC54 A 50-pin to 5 x 10-pin SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
B SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
C SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
D SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
E SU12
IT42 X6 SC50 15-pin to 26-pin SU10
X7 SC51 25-pin to 26-pin SU10
X8 SC49 A 50-pin to 2 x 26-pin SU10
B SU10
SC54 A 50-pin to 5 x 10-pin SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
B SU12, SB10, SB70, SB71
C SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
D SU12, SB10, SB60, SB61
E SU12
ITDC X5, X6 SC12 20-pin to 20-pin SU11
X7 SC17.2 50-pin to 50-pin SITOR interface (2 m)

Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/3

Interface Modules
SB10 Interface Module

■ Overview • For digital inputs or outputs

• 2 x 8 terminals to connect 8
signal cables
• Status display of digital sig-
nals, each with one LED
• Status display of the
24 V supply for the digital
• Can be mounted onto stan-
dard mounting rails
• Requires an auxiliary volt-
age which must be external-
ly connected (commercially
available power supply

■ Applications The SB10 interface module is The signals are only trans-
suitable for the control sys- ferred through; the signals are
tems SIMADYN D, SIMATIC not electronically converted or
TDC and SIMATIC S7-400. processed.
It is used to connect 8 digital
inputs or outputs.

6 ■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Number of digital inputs or outputs 8
Electrical isolation No X 1 X 2
1 1
Max. cable cross-section 1.5 mm2
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 130 x 156 1 5 1

Weight 0.3 kg

■ Ordering data Order No. 8 8

SB10 interface module 6DD1 681-0AE2 8 5 8

8digital inputs/outputs, 24 V DC

1 W
1 P 1 M

1 0

X 3
1 +
2 G

6/4 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Interface Modules
SB60 Interface Module

■ Overview • For 230 V AC • Requires an auxiliary volt-

digital inputs age which is externally con-
• 3 x 8 terminals to connect 8 nected (commercially
signal cables available power supply
• Digital signal voltage,
either 115 V DC/AC or
230 V
• Status display of the digital
signals, each with one LED
• Can be mounted on stan-
dard mounting rails

■ Applications The SB60 interface module is The interface module is used

suitable for the control sys- to connect 8 digital inputs with
tems SIMADYN D, SIMATIC conversion from 115/230 V
TDC and SIMATIC S7-400. DC/AC to 24 V DC.

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram 6

Number of digital inputs for 8
• Input voltage 115/230 V DC/AC X 2 X 1
Electrical isolation Yes, via optocoupler 1 1
1 2 1
Max. cable cross-section 1.5 mm2 1 4
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 130 x 156 1

Weight 0.31 kg

■ Ordering data Order No. 8 1

8 2 8
SB60 interface module 6DD1 681-0AF4 8 4
8 digital inputs, 230 V AC 8

1 0

X 3
1 +
2 G

Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/5

Interface Modules
SB61 Interface Module

■ Overview • For 24/48 V DC • Requires an auxiliary volt-

digital inputs age which is externally con-
• 3 x 8 terminals to connect 8 nected (commercially
signal cables available power supply
• Reference voltages can be
separately set for the digital
• The status of each digital
signal is displayed using an
• Can be mounted onto stan-
dard mounting rails

■ Applications The SB61 interface module is It is used to connect 8 digital

suitable for the control sys- inputs with conversion from
tems SIMADYN D, SIMATIC 24/48 V DC to 24 V DC.
TDC and SIMATIC S7-400.

6 ■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Number of digital inputs for 8
• Input voltage 24/48 V DC X 2 X 1
Electrical isolation Yes, via optocoupler 1 1
Max. cable cross-section 1.5 mm2 1
5 1
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 130 x 156 X 1 1 1
Weight 0.32 kg 1

■ Ordering data Order No. 1 8

8 8
SB61 interface module 6DD1 681-0EB3
5 8
8 digital inputs, 24/48 V DC
X 1 8 8

1 9
P 2 4

2 1 0
M 2 4

X 3
1 +
2 G

6/6 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Interface Modules
SB70 Interface Module

■ Overview • For digital outputs with • Requires an auxiliary volt-

relays age which is externally con-
• 2 x 8 terminals to connect 8 nected (commercially
signal cables; in the inter- available power supply
face module, connected units)
with the center, NC and NO
contacts of changeover con-
tacts (relays)
• The status of each digital
signal is displayed using an
• Can be mounted onto stan-
dard mounting rails

■ Applications The SB70 interface module is with conversion of the 24 V DC

suitable for the control sys- voltage on the module side to
tems SIMADYN D, SIMATIC a max. of 230 V DC/AC on the
TDC and SIMATIC S7-400. plant side using relays.
The interface module is used
to connect 8 digital outputs

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram 6

Number of digital outputs 8
• Output voltage, max. 230 V DC/AC X 1 X 2
1 1
Relay switching current 8 2
1 1 2
• For 230 V AC 4A 1 1
1 4 1 4
• For230 V DC 0.2 A 1

Electrical isolation Yes, via relay

Max. cable cross-section 1.5 mm2
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 130 x 156
8 1
Weight 0.32 kg 8 2
8 8 2
1 1 8 4
8 1 4

■ Ordering data Order No.

SB70 interface module 6DD1 681-0AG2
8 digital outputs with relay

1 0

X 3
1 +
2 G

Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/7

Interface Modules
SB71 Interface Module

■ Overview • For digital outputs with tran-

• 2 x 8 terminals to connect 8
signal cables
• The status of each digital
signal is displayed using an
• Can be mounted onto stan-
dard mounting rails
• Requires an auxiliary volt-
age which is externally con-
nected (commercially
available power supply

■ Applications The SB71 interface module is The interface module is used

suitable for the control sys- to connect 8 digital outputs
tems SIMADYN D, SIMATIC with conversion of the 24 V DC
TDC and SIMATIC S7-400. voltage on the module side to
a max. of 24/48 V DC/AC on
the plant side using
6 ■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram
Number of digital outputs 8
• Output voltage, max. 24/48 V DC X 1 X 2
Output current, max. 40 mA, short-circuit proof 1
Electrical isolation Yes, via optocoupler 5 1

Max. cable cross-section 1.5 mm2 1

Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 130 x 156

Weight 0.32 kg

■ Ordering data Order No.
5 8

SB71 interface module 6DD1 681-0DH1 8

8 digital outputs with transistors, 9
24/48 V DC
1 0

P 2 4 /4 8

M 2 4 /4 8

X 3
1 +
2 G

6/8 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Interface Modules
SU10 Interface Module

■ Overview • With 25-pin 1:1 connection

• With 26-pin plug-in terminal
to connect 25 signal cables
(terminal 26 is not as-
• Can be mounted onto stan-
dard mounting rails
• Requires an auxiliary volt-
age which is externally con-
nected (commercially
available power supply

■ Applications The SU10 interface module is It is used to connect 25 sig- • Cable SC49 to IT41, IT42
suitable for the SIMADYN D nals; there is no electronic • Cable SC50 to IT42
control system. conversion. The following
connecting cables can be • Cable SC51 to IT42
used to connect to the mod-

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram 6

Number of signal cables which can 25
be connected
Signal amplitude per signal, max. 60 V, 0.5 A X 1 X 2
Electrical isolation No
1 1
Max. cable cross-section 1.5 mm2
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 130 x 156 2 2
Weight 0.28 kg
3 3

■ Ordering data Order No.

SU10 interface module 6DD1 681-0FG0
with plug-in terminal, 26-pin

2 3 2 3

2 4 2 4

2 5 2 5

2 6 2 6

Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/9

Interface Modules
SU11 Interface Module

■ Overview • With 20-pin 1:1 connection

• With 20-pin plug-in terminal
to connect 20 signal cables
• Can be mounted onto stan-
dard mounting rails
• Requires an auxiliary volt-
age which is externally con-
nected (commercially
available power supply

■ Applications The SU11 interface module is It is used to connect 20 sig- • Cable SC12 to EA12, ITDC
suitable for the SIMADYN D nals; there is no electronic • Cable SC55 to EB11
control system. conversion. The following
connect. cables can be used
to connect to the modules:

6 ■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Number of signal cables which can 20
be connected
Signal amplitude per signal, max. 60 V, 0.5 A X 1 X 2

Electrical isolation No
1 1
Max. cable cross-section 1.5 mm2
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 130 x 156 2 2
Weight 0.28 kg 3 3

■ Ordering data Order No.

SU11 interface module 6DD1 681-0EA1
with plug-in terminal, 20-pin

1 9 1 9

2 0 2 0





6/10 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Interface Modules
SU12 Interface Module

■ Overview • With 10-pin 1:1 connection

• With 10-pin plug-in terminal
to connect 10 signal cables
• Can be mounted onto stan-
dard mounting rails
• Requires an auxiliary volt-
age which is externally con-
nected (commercially
available power supply

■ Applications The SU12 interface module is It is used to connect 10 sig- • Cable SC54 to IT41, IT42
suitable for the control sys- nals; there is no electronic • Cable SC62 to EXM438-1,
tems SIMADYN D, SIMATIC conversion. The following SM500
TDC and SIMATIC S7-400. connecting cables can be
used to connect to the mod- • Cable SC64 to FM 458-1 DP
ules: • Cable SC66 to CPU551
• Cables SC7 to PM5, PM6
• Cable SC13 to EB11 6

■ Technical data ■ Connecting diagram

Number of signal cables which can 10
be connected
Signal amplitude per signal, max. 60 V, 0.5 A X 1 X 2
Electrical isolation No
1 1
Max. cable cross-section 1.5 mm2
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 130 x 156 2 2
Weight 0.28 kg 3 3

■ Ordering data Order No.

SU12 interface module 6DD1 681-0AJ1 9 9
with plug-in terminal, 10-pin
1 0 1 0







Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/11

Interface Modules
SU13 Interface Module

■ Overview • With 50-pin 1:1 connection

• With 50-pin plug-in terminal
to connect 50 signal cables
• Can be mounted onto stan-
dard mounting rails
• Requires an auxiliary volt-
age which is externally con-
nected (commercially
available power supply

■ Applications The SU13 interface module is It is used to connect 50 sig-

suitable for the control sys- nals; there is no electronic
tems SIMATIC TDC and the conversion. The following
SIMATIC S7-400. connecting cables can be
used to connect to the mod-
• Cable SC62 to SM500
6 • Cable SC63 to EXM 438-1

■ Technical data Connecting diagram

Number of signal cables which can 50
be connected
X 1 X 2
Signal amplitude per signal, max. 60 V, 0.5 A
Electrical isolation No 1 1

Max. cable cross-section 1.5 mm2

2 2
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 130 x 156
3 3
Weight 0.30 kg

■ Ordering data Order No.

SU13 interface module 6DD1 681-0GK0
with screw-plug-in terminal, 50-pin

4 8 4 8

4 9 4 9

5 0 5 0

6/12 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Cables and Connectors
SC7 Ribbon Cable

■ Overview • For the SIMADYN D CPU

modules PM5, PM6 and the
SU12 interface module
• Length 2 m
• 10-pin socket connector to
10-pin socket connector
• 1:1 connection
• Plug connectors according
to DIN 41651 with strain re-
lief at both ends
• Any plug-in direction
• Non-shielded ribbon cable

■ Applications This cable is used to connect ■ Ordering data Order No.

an SU12 interface module to
SC7 ribbon cable 6DD1 684-0AH0
the digital inputs of a PM5 or between CPU PM5, PM6 and the
PM6 SIMADYN CPU. SU12 interface module, 2 m long

SC12 ribbon cable 6

■ Overview • For the SIMADYN D EA12
analog output module, the
ITDC SITOR converter mod-
ule and the SU11 interface
• Length 2 m
• 20-pin socket connector to
20-pin socket connector
• 1:1 connection
• Plug connectors according
to DIN 41651 with strain re-
lief at both ends
• Any plug-in direction
• Non-shielded ribbon cable,
twisted pairs

■ Applications Connects the 20-pin plug con- ■ Ordering data Order No.
nector of a SIMADYN EA12/
ITDC module with the 20-pin SC12 ribbon cable 6DD1 684-0BC0
between the EA12/ITDC module and
plug connector of an SU11 in- SU11 interface module, 2 m long
terface module.

SC17.2 ribbon cable

■ Overview and • 1:1 connection Connects the SITOR interface SITOR thyristor set or an inter-
applications • Sub-D plug connector of an ITDC SITOR module with face module.
(DIN 41652), 50-pin the SITOR interface of a
• Sub-D socket connector,
50-pin ■ Ordering data Order No.
• Twisted pairs SC17.2 ribbon cable 6DD1 684-0BH2
• Shielded cable between the ITDC modules and
SITOR converter, 2 m long
• Length 2 m

Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/13

Cables and Connectors
SC13 Ribbon Cable

■ Overview • For the SIMADYN D EB11

digital input/output module
and the SU12 and the SBxx
interface modules
• Length 2 m
• 40-pin socket connector to
4x10-pin socket connectors
• With printed partial
connector designations A to
D and the following assign-
ment to the 40-pin plug con-
A: Pins 1 to 10
B: Pins 11 to 20
C: Pins 21 to 30
D: Pins 31 to 40
• Plug connectors according
to DIN 41651 with strain re-
lief at both ends
• Non-shielded ribbon cable

■ Applications Connects the 40-pin plug con- ■ Ordering data Order No.
nector of an EB11 SIMADYN
6 D module with the 10-pin plug
connectors of 4 interface
SC13 ribbon cable
between DI/DO EB11 module and 5
interface modules SU12, SB10,
6DD1 684-0BD0

modules SU12, SB10, SB60, SB60, SB61, SB70 and SB71,

SB61, SB70, SB71. 2 m long

SC55 ribbon cable

■ Overview • For the EB11 SIMADYN D

digital input/output module
and the SU11 interface mod-
• Length 2 m
• 40-pin socket connector to
2x20-pin socket connectors
• With printed part connector
designations A to D and the
following assignment to the
40-pin plug connector: : A:
Pins 1 to 20
B: Pins 21 to 40
• Plug connectors according
to DIN 41651 with strain re-
lief at both ends
• Non-shielded ribbon cable

■ Applications Connects the 40-pin plug con- ■ Ordering data Order No.
nector of an EB11 SIMADYN
SC55 ribbon cable 6DD1 684-0FF0
module with the 20-pin plug between DI/DO EB11 module and 2
connectors of 2 SU11 inter- SU11 interface modules, 2 m long
face modules.

6/14 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Cables and Connectors
SC49 Round Cable

■ Overview • For the SIMADYN D IT41/

IT42 digital/analog input/out-
put modules and the SU10
interface module
• Length 2 m
• 50-pin sub-D plug connec-
tor to 2x26-pin socket con-
• With printed part connector
designations A to D and the
following assignment to the
50-pin plug connector:
A: Pins 1 to 25
B: Pins 26 to 50
• Cable ends, with strain relief:
- at the module: Sub-D plug
connect. DIN 41652
- at the interface module:
Plug connector acc. to
DIN 41651
• Shielded round cable

■ Applications Connects the 50-pin socket ■ Ordering data Order No.

connector of an IT41/IT42
module with the 26-pin plug
SC49 round cable 6DD1 684-0EK0 6
between IT41/IT42 modules and
connectors of 2 SU10 inter- 2 SU10 interface modules, 2 m long
face modules.

SC50 round cable

■ Overview • For the SIMADYN D IT42

digital/analog input/output
modules and the SU10 inter-
face module
• Length 2 m
• 15-pin sub-D plug connec-
tor to 26-pin socket conn.
• 1:1 connection
• Pins 16 to 26 of the socket
connector are not assigned
• Cable ends, with strain relief:
- at the module: Sub-D plug
connect. DIN 41652
- at the interface module:
DIN 41651
• Shielded round cable

■ Applications Connects the 15-pin sub-D ■ Ordering data Order No.

socket connector of an IT42
SC50 round cable 6DD1 684-0FA0
module with the 26-pin plug between the IT42 module and
connector of an SU10 inter- SU10 interface module, 2 m long
face module.

Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/15

Cables and Connectors
SC51 Round Cable

■ Overview • For the SIMADYN D IT42

digital/analog input/output
modules and the SU10 inter-
face module
• Length 2 m
• 25-pin sub-D plug connec-
tor to 26-pin socket connec-
• 1:1 connection
• Pin 26 of the socket connec-
tor is not assigned
• Cable ends, with strain relief:
- at the module: Sub-D plug
connect. DIN 41652
- at the interface module:
Plug connector acc. to
DIN 41651
• Shielded round cable

■ Applications Connects the 25-pin sub-D ■ Ordering data Order No.

socket connector of an IT42
SC51 round cable 6DD1 684-0FB0
module with the 26-pin plug between the IT42 module and
connector of an SU10 inter-
6 face module.
SU10 interface module, 2 m long

SC54 round cable

■ Overview • With printed part connector

designations A to E and the
following assignment to the
50-pin plug connector
A: Pins 1 to 10
B: Pins 11 to 20
C: Pins 21 to 30
D: Pins 31 to 40
E: Pins 41 to 50
• Length 2 m
• Cable ends, with strain relief:
- at the module: Sub-D plug
connect. DIN 41652
- at the interface module:
Plug connector acc. to
DIN 41651
• For the IT41/IT42 digital/ana- • 50-pin sub-D plug connec- • Shielded round cable
log input/output modules tor to 5x10-pin socket con-
and the SU12 and SBxx in- nectors
terface modules

■ Applications Connects the 50-pin sub-D ■ Ordering data Order No.

socket connector to an IT41/
SC54 ribbon cable 6DD1 684-0FE0
IT42 module with the between the IT41/IT42 modules and
10-pin plug connectors of 5 interface modules SU12, SB10,
interface modules SU12, SB60, SB61, SB70 and/or SB71,
SB10, SB60, SB61, SB70 and/ 2 m long
or SB71.

6/16 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Cables and Connectors
SC57 Round Cable Set

■ Overview Part 1
• Length 10 m
• Sub-D socket connector,
9 pin (on the PC side)
• Sub-D socket connector,
9 pin, for the CPU module or
Part 2
• Shielded round cable, twist-
ed pairs
Part 2
• Length 0.5 m
• Mini sub-D socket connec-
tor, 26 pin (on the CS7/SS4
• 9-pin sub-D socket connec-
tor to connect at Part 1
• For PC to the PM5/PM6 module with the SS4 com- • Shielded round cable, twist-
SIMADYN D CPU modules, munications module ed pairs
the FM 458-1 DP application
module or the CS7 carrier

■ Applications The round cable set compris- Part 1 Part 2

es 2 cables to connect an op-
erator control or configuring
9-pin/9-pin for Adapter cable, 26-pin to 6
PM5/6 jPC 9-pin for CS7/SS4 j Part 1
PC to a SIMATIC control sys-
tem. Service & commissioning With Part 1, the serial RS 232 Part 2 is used as adapter in or-
and programs can be down- interface (V.24) of a PM5, PM6 der to be able to connect a
loaded through this data CPU module or an CS7 with SS4 to a PC through
transfer link. FM 458-1 DP application Part 1.
module can be connected to
the serial interface of a PC
(COM1 or COM2).

■ Ordering data Order No.

SC57 round cable set 6DD1 684-0FH0
between a PC and PM5/6,
FM 458-1 DP or CS7 with SS4

Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/17

Cables and Connectors
SC62 Interface Cable

■ Overview • For the digital inputs/outputs

of the SIMATIC TDC SM500
peripheral module (I/O), the
SIMATIC S7-400 EXM 438-1
expansion module and for
the SBxx and SU12 interface
• Shielded round cable
• 5 x connector, 10 pin
• 50-pin connector (on the
module side)
• Length 2 m

■ Applications This cable is used to connect ■ Ordering data Order No.

the SIMATIC TDC SM500 pe-
SC62 interface cable 6DD1 684-0GC0
ripheral module (I/O) or the between the SM500 or EXM 438-1
SIMATIC S7-400 EXM 438-1 module and a max. of 5 interface
expansion module to up to 5 modules SB10, SB60, SB70, SB61
interface modules SB10, SB71 and/or SU12, 2 m long
SB60, SB70, SB61 SB71 and/
6 or SU12.

SC63 interface cable

■ Overview • For the SIMATIC TDC

SM500 peripheral (I/O) mod-
ule, the SIMATIC S7-400
EXM 438-1 expansion mod-
ule and the SU13 interface
• Shielded round cable
• 2 x 50-pin connectors
• Length 2 m

■ Applications This cable is used to connect ■ Ordering data Order No.

the SIMATIC TDC SM500 pe-
SC63 interface cable 6DD1 684-0GD0
ripheral (I/O) module or the between an SM500 or EXM 438-1
SIMATIC S7-400 EXM 438-1 module and SU13 interface module,
expansion module to a SU13 2 m long
interface module.

6/18 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Cables and Connectors
SC64 Interface Cable

■ Overview • For the basic FM 458-1 DP

module and the SB10, SB60,
SB61 and SU12 interface

■ Applications The SC64 interface cable is ■ Ordering data Order No.

used to connect terminal X2 of
SC64 interface cable 6DD1 684-0GE0
a SIMATIC FM 458-1 DP mod- between the FM 458-1 DP (X2) mod-
ule to an SBxx or SU12 inter- ule and an SBxx or SU12 interface
face module in order to be module, 2 m long
able to use the interrupt-capa-
ble, digital inputs of the
FM 458-1 DP.

SC66 interface cable

■ Overview • For the SIMATIC TDC

CPU551 processor module
and the SB10, SB60, SB61
and SU12 interface modules
• Shielded round cable
• Coded RJ-45 connector,
10 pin
• Connector 10 pin
• Length 2 m

■ Applications This interface cable is used to ■ Ordering data Order No.

connect terminal X2 of a
SC66 interface cable 6DD1 684-0GG0
SIMATIC TDC CPU CPU551 between the CPU551 and the
module with an SB10, SB60, SB10, SB60, SB61 or SU12 interface
SB61 or SU12 interface mod- module, 2 m long
ule in order to be able to use
the interrupt-capable, digital
inputs of the CPU551.

Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/19

Cables and Connectors
SC67 Service Cable

■ Overview • For the SIMATIC TDC

CPU551 processor module
and a local engineering/ser-
vice PC
• Shielded round cable
• Coded RJ-45 connector,
10 pin (CPU side)
• Sub-D socket connector,
9 pin (on the PC/PG side)
• Length 7 m

■ Applications This service cable is used to ■ Ordering data Order No.

connect the service interface
SC67 service cable 6DD1 684-0GH0
X1 of a SIMATIC TDC CPU between CPU551 and PG/PC,
CPU551 module to the serial 7 m long
interface of a PC/PG.

SM8 connector assembly for SS4

■ Overview • 1 plug connector, 26 pin,

mini sub-D plug connector
(with housing and mechani-
cal parts)

■ Applications This is used to connect a bus ■ Ordering data Order No.

cable to connector X5 of the
SM8 connector assembly 6DD1 680-0AJ0
SS4 communication module. for the SIMADYN D SS4 communica-
tion module
The connector must be firmly
screwed to the connector of
the SS4 communication mod-

6/20 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Plug-in Cables, Connectors and Batteries
SM11 Power Supply Connector

■ Overview • For interface modules

• 5 connectors with labeling

■ Applications This connector connects the ■ Ordering data Order No.

power supply for the interface
SM11 power supply connector 6DD1 680-0BB0
modules. for interface modules

Back-up battery

■ Overview • Lithium battery 3.4 V, 5 Ah

• Size C (baby cell)

■ Applications This battery is installed in the ■ Ordering data Order No.

Back-up battery 6EW1 000-7AA
subracks. for the SR12/SR24 subrack
It is used to save data when
the line supply or power sup-
ply fails.

Siemens ST DA · 2003 6/21

Plug-in Cables, Connectors and Batteries

6/22 Siemens ST DA · 2003


7/2 Introduction

7/4 Configuring using STEP 7/CFC

7/4 D7-SYS Function Block Library
7/5 D7-ES Complete Packages
7/5 D7-FB-Gen Block Generator
7/5 Channel DLLs to Couple to WinCC
7/6 CFC Function Blocks

Siemens ST DA · 2003 7/1

Configuring Software Software

■ Overview The required hardware and • In the Continuous Function The graphic editors automati-
the programs running on the Chart (CFC), the function cally generate entries in the
processor modules (T400 blocks are added and inter- margins with target and
technological module, connected corresponding to source information for signals
FM 458-1 DP application the technological require- which are used over several
module, SIMATIC TDC ments. The appropriate sheets. The function charts
CPU551 and SIMADYN D blocks are dragged & can be printed-out so they
PM5 or PM6) are configured dropped into the appropri- look exactly the same as they
on a PC using graphic config- ate chart. The configuring are when displayed on the
uring and engineering tools. engineer defines in which of screen. This provides power-
These engineering tools are in the five possible cycle times ful documentation.
the form of function blocks (tasks) the function blocks
The completed function
which can be used to imple- should be located and also
charts are directly compiled
ment closed-loop control in which run sequence.
into machine code, run-time
functions. • The Sequential Function optimized and then down-
Chart (SFC) is used for pro- loaded into the program mem-
gram sections which run in ory of the processor module.
sequence and which The program can be down-
progress from one program loaded using either integrated
step to the next program or external PC-card drives or
step dependant on condi- alternatively online via a serial
tions. The (technological) download link
functions, generated with
CFC, are controlled and se- The CFC test mode provides
lectively processed in the an extremely user-friendly
SFC. and transparent graphic tool
to test function charts and to
Simple arithmetic, communi- commission the automation
cations, logic, trigonometrical system.
and closed-loop control
blocks up to complex techno- Windows are opened by click-
logical blocks for Motion Con- ing on the block inputs or out-
puts with the mouse. The ac-
7 These tools are unified and in-
trol (gears, positioning, cam
disks, drum-type shears, and tual values are displayed in
tegrated with the standard many more) are provided in these windows and values
SIMATIC tools so that in addi- the STEP 7/CFC/SFC can be changed. Further,
tion to shared data manage- library D7-SYS. These pro- block connections can also
ment and communications, vide the optimum function be changed by clicking on
you also have the TIA benefit - blocks for every conceivable them with the mouse and the
lower engineering costs when application. function blocks can be delet-
generating and servicing your ed and inserted online. These
automation solutions. This in- The required program flow, changes are always made to-
creases the productivity of which means processing gether with the CFC source
machines and plants as well tasks in cycles which are re- code, provided on the PC, so
as the productivity of configur- peated, or after process syn- that inconsistencies are
ing engineers, programmers chronizing interrupts are avoided.
and operators. received, is controlled by allo-
cating run properties. This The "Service-IBS" program
The SIMATIC Manager, in- means that the sampling time („service-start-up“ program)
cluded in STEP 7, handles the and the processing sequence is available at no charge
program and project manage- within a sampling time is de- through the Internet so that
ment. HW Config, included fined for each individual application software config-
with SIMATIC Manager, is block. ured with CFC can be simply
used to configure the hard- commissioned in a list-type
ware platform and parameter- When configuring modules fashion.
ize its various properties. and function blocks, data
which is entered is subject to As a result of the standard
The Engineering Editors CFC a logical and syntax check. configuring and engineering
(SCL is not required) and op- tool for all control systems, it is
tionally SFC are used to Incorrect entries are flagged also very easy to port com-
graphically program or con- using appropriate error mes- plete application software
figure the system in an object- sages. packages or just parts of them
orientated fashion. Further, selection boxes make onto other types of processor
configuring easier. The ob- or technological modules.
jects used, e.g. symbolic ad-
dresses to access the
peripherals (i.e. I/O) are of-
fered contact-sensitive.

7/2 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Configuring Software

■ Applications Applications to be implement- The configuring software in- fast closed-loop controls and
ed using the SIMATIC control cludes over 300 function free configuring.
systems are configured using blocks as well as the code to
CFC function blocks. These initialize the hardware and the
function blocks are config- real-time operating system
ured on a PG/PC. which has been tailored for

■ Configuring The SIMATIC Industrial Soft- STEP 7, CFC and D7-SYS are The STEP 7 basis software in-
ware provides various tools to also available as a favorably- cludes the software tools
solve drive and automation priced complete package "SIMATIC Manager" and the
tasks using the SIMATIC and "D7-ES" (Engineering Sys- "Hardware Configuration" (HW
SIMATIC S7 control systems. tem). Config) which are used to
configure the control system.
The SIMATIC Software Tools The Engineering Tools can
STEP 7 and CFC (optionally, run on Windows PCs. They The SIMATIC Manager man-
SFC) are used for configuring. have an object-orientated ages the data of all of the
These are supplemented by Windows interface which al- projects. This is done inde-
the D7-SYS software package lows the hardware and tech- pendently of the target system
dedicated to control systems. nological functions to be - i.e. absolutely identical for
intuitively configured and en- the SIMATIC S7 and SIMATIC
D7-SYS includes:
gineered. control systems.
• Hardware and function
block Catalog The complete documentation Refer to Catalog ST 70 for the
is also available online on the ordering data of the SIMATIC
• Fast operating system PC for the STEP 7/CFC config- Industrial Software STEP 7,
• Code generator to generate uring environment and with CFC and SFC.
the machine code expanded functionality spe-
• Driver software to connect to cific to D7-SYS. This docu-
the control system mentation can then be called-
up in a context sensitive fash-

Siemens ST DA · 2003 7/3

Configuring with STEP 7/CFC
D7-SYS Function Block Library

■ Overview • Add-on for STEP 7/CFC/SFC • Contains function blocks for

to configure closed-loop every application
and automation tasks using
T400, FM 458-1 DP,

■ Applications The D7-SYS function block li- as well as also technological If the standard blocks avail-
brary provides the optimum blocks for Motion Control, able are not sufficient for spe-
function blocks for every ap- e.g.: cial applications, then the
plication, e.g. • Gearboxes D7-FB-Gen user block gener-
• Arithmetic blocks ator can be used.
• Positioning devices
• Communication blocks • Cam disks This means that user-specific
• Logic blocks function blocks can be gener-
• Drum-type shears ated in C, which can then be
• Control blocks • And many more used in the CFC.

■ Mode of operation The Engineering Editors CFC In the graphic Editor CFC, the The step sequence Editor
and SFC are used to program function blocks are located SFC to combine CFC pro-
and configure graphically in and interconnected in the grams is optionally available.
an object-orientated fashion. chart corresponding to the This provides a user-friendly
technological functionality re- transparent sequence control.
Sequential programs can be
SCL is not required for compi- easily generated using SFC
lation and download. by controlling and selectively
processing (technological)
functions generated with

■ Ordering data Order No.
D7-SYS V6.0 6DD1 801-5DA7
function block library
D7-SYS V6.0 (upgrade) 6DD1 807-5DA7
function block library
D7-SYS-SFC V6.0 6DD1 801-7DA7
function block library,
including step sequence Editor

7/4 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Configuring with STEP 7/CFC
D7-ES Complete Packages

■ Overview • SIMATIC STEP 7 (includes • Engineering Tool SFC • Library supplements

SIMATIC Manager and (optional) D7-SYS (incl. documenta-
HW Config) tion on CD-ROM in German
• Engineering Tool CFC and English)

■ Applications Complete software packages complete packages for users

to engineer and configure who still do not have any
SIMATIC control system with STEP 7 software.
STEP 7/CFC and, optionally,
SFC. We recommend these

■ Ordering data Order No.

D7-ES V6.0 6DD1 801-4DA7
comprising STEP 7, CFC and
D7-ES-SFC V6.0 6DD1 801-6DA7
comprising STEP 7, CFC, D7-SYS
and SFC

D7-FB-Gen block generator

■ Overview The function block generator blocks to supplement the

allows experienced users to existing D7-SYS library.
generate their own function

■ Applications The function block generator high-level programs are to be Block generation is supported
to generate D7-SYS function run and if specific technologi- by integrated example func-
blocks in the ANSI-C pro- cal know-how in the control tion blocks and a project-ori-
gramming language is used,
among other things if existing
system is to be protected. entated generation with an in-
tegrated compiler. 7
■ Ordering data Order No.
D7-FB-Gen V2.1 6DD1 805-5DA0
generator to generate your own
function blocks

Channel-DLLs to couple to WinCC

■ Overview A channel DLL is required in

order to connect SIMATIC

■ Applications Using these channel DLLs, protocol can be coupled to

stations with the S5-PMC

■ Ordering data Order No.

Channel DLL for
• SIMATIC TDC - PMC - TCP/IP 6AT4 822-0CD43-0KX0
• SIMADYN D - PMC - Industrial 6AT4 822-0CD43-0AX0
• SIMADYN D - PMC - Industrial 6AT4 822-0CD43-0CX0
Ethernet redundant

Siemens ST DA · 2003 7/5

Configuring with STEP 7/CFC
CFC Function Blocks

■ CFC function blocks (D7-SYS V6.0) Arithmetic blocks

The function block files are sub-divided into a standard library, ACOS Arccosine function
GMC library (Motion Control), technological library and various ADD Adder
libraries which are dependant on the hardware and software ADD_I Adder INT
ADD_M Modulo adder for adding with the correct axis cycle
Control blocks
ASIN Arcsine function
DEL Dead line block
ATAN Arctangent function
DEZ Dead zone block
DIF Differentiator block AVA Absolute value generator with sign evaluation

DT1 Differentiator block with smoothing AVA_D Absolute value generator DINT

FUZ Fuzzy controller REAL COS Cosine function

DIV Divider
FUZ_I Fuzzy controller INT
DIV_I Divider INT
INT Integrator
DIV_D Divider DINT
INT_M Modulo integrator for integration w/ the correct axis cycle
LIM Limiter DIV_R Divider REAL

LIM_D Limiter DINT MAS Maximum evaluator

PC P controller MIS Minimum evaluator

MUL Multiplier
PIC PI controller
MUL_I Multiplier INT
PT1 PT1 smoothing element
MUL_D Multiplier DINT
PWM Pulse-width modulator
RGE Ramp-function generator NATCON Natural constant

RGJ Ramp-function generator with jerk limiting PLI10 Polygon curve, 10 points
PLI20 Polygon curve, 20 points
General Motion Control (GMC) SII Inverter
MDCMP Compensation block with mode changeover SIN Sine function
CAMSW Cam block with 2 cams SQR Square-root extractor
7 CATCH Catch-up/shutdown SUB Subtractor
EDC Engager/disengager SUB_I Subtractor INT
NAVMC Speed/position actual value sensing SUB_D Subtractor DINT
POSREG Read-out position register TAN Tangent function
PHSFT Phase shifter
ADDAZ Adder with axis cycle limiting Logic blocks
AND AND block (BOOL)
SPLINE Spline with 32 points and gradient input (calculation)
CAMD Cam disk AND12 AND block, status word (WORD)

TABCAM Cam disk in a tabular form AND_W AND block (WORD)

POSMC Positioning block NAND NAND block (BOOL)

NOR NOR block (BOOL)
OFSSAV Offset calculation
NOT Inverter (BOOL)
OFSGEN Offset input
NOT_W Inverter status word (WORD)
GEAR Gearbox block
INT_MR Virtual master OR OR block (BOOL)

WEBSFT Measured value shift OR_12 OR block, status word (WORD)

OVFHSK Overflow-handshake handling OR_W OR block, status word (WORD)

XOR Exclusive OR block (BOOL)
TAB Administering tabular values, REAL
XOR_W Exclusive OR block, status word (WORD)
TAB_D Administering tabular values, DINT
DRVIF Interface to the drive
MDCMP1 Basic and equalization functions for Motion Control
CLUTCH Clutch-in/clutch-out (coupling)
SHEAR Cross-cutter/transverse seamer
EDC1 Engager/disengager
MCSB Generating motion sequences (basis block)
MCSS Generating motion sequences (subsequent block)
CAMSW1 Cam controller for timed operations

7/6 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Configuring with STEP 7/CFC
CFC Function Blocks

■ Timers BIQT Digital input/output on T400

MFP Pulse generator (BOOL) DAC Analog output
PCL Pulse contractor (BOOL) NAV Speed/position actual value sensing
PDE Switch-on delay (BOOL) NAVS Speed/position/position difference sensing
PDF Switch-off delay (BOOL) SBI Input, status byte
PST Pulse extender (BOOL) SBM Speed encoder block
SBQ Output, status byte
CTR Counter (BOOL) T400-specific couplings
UDI Up-down pulse evaluator (BOOL) @PEER Peer-to-peer central block on T400
@USS_M USS master central block on T400
@USS_S USS slave central block on T400
NCM Numerical comparator (REAL)
NCM_I Numerical comparator (INT) FM 458-specific couplings
NCM_D Numerical comparator (DINT) @CPB P-bus coupling, central block
S7RD Reading from the peripheral area of the S7-CPU (REAL)
S7RD_B Reading from the peripheral area of the S7-CPU (BOOL)
ANS Automatic numerical changeover switch (REAL)
S7RD_I Reading from the peripheral area of the S7-CPU (INT)
ANS_I Automatic numerical changeover switch (INT)
S7RD_D Reading from the peripheral area of the S7-CPU (DINT)
BSW Binary changeover switch (INT)
S7WR Writing into the peripheral area of the S7-CPU (REAL)
NSW Numerical changeover switch (REAL)
S7WR_B Writing into the peripheral area of the S7-CPU (BOOL)
NSW_D Numerical changeover switch (DINT)
S7WR_I Writing into the peripheral area of the S7-CPU (INT)
NSW_I Numerical changeover switch (INT)
S7WR_D Writing into the peripheral area of the S7-CPU (DINT)

SIMOLINK drive couplings
DX8 Demultiplexer, 8 outputs, can be cascaded (REA)L
@SL Central and initialization block
DX8_I Demultiplexer, 8 outputs, can be cascaded (INT)
MUX8 Multiplexer, can be cascaded (REAL)
Receive block, one for each actual value
Receive block, one for each actual value (REAL)
MUX8_I Multiplexer, can be cascaded (INT)
SLD Delta evaluation

Memories SLDIS Dispatcher

CNM Controllable numerical quantity (REAL) SLSV Send block, one for each setpoint

CNM_D Controllable numerical quantity (DINT) SLSV_R Send block, one for each setpoint (REAL)

CNM_I Controllable numerical quantity (INT) SLSV2 Send block for 2 setpoints

DFR D flipflop, R-dominant (BOOL) SLSV2_R Send blocks for 2 setpoints (REAL)

DFR_W Reset-dominant D flipflop (WORD)

RSR RS flipflop, R-dominant (BOOL)
CBCONF COMBOARD configuration
RSS RS flipflop, S-dominant (BOOL)
CBRFAW Receives alarms from a COMBOARD

Data buffers @CSPAR Parameter processing on CPU modules

DAT Data memory I/O of REAL values in/out of a data mem. @FMPAR Parameter processing on an FM 458-1 DP module

DLB Delay block (REAL) @DRIVE Device coupling, parameter processing on T400

SAV Value buffer (REAL) PLIM Operator parameter limit (REAL)

SAV_B Value buffer (BOOL) PLIM_B Operator parameter limit (BOOL)

SAV_D Value buffer (DINT) PLIM_I Operator parameter limit (INT)

SAV_I Value buffer (INT) PLIM_D Operator parameter limit (DINT)

SAV_TR Save FB for NOV_RAM PNAME Parameter names

PSTAT Release to change a parameter
Input/output blocks PTRANS Parameter transfer on T400
ADC Analog input via A/D converter RFAW Receives errors and alarms on a BASEBOARD-T400
AFC Analog input via V/f/D converter
SYNCT4 Synchronization on T400
AENC Absolute value encoder (SSI/EnDat)
TFAW Sends errors and alarms from a TECHBOARD T400 to a
BII8 Digital input BASEBOARD
BIQ8 Digital output

Siemens ST DA · 2003 7/7

Configuring with STEP 7/CFC
CFC Function Blocks

■ Data type conversion blocks SER Service block

B_W Converter, 16 binary quantities in a status word SQG Square-wave generator (REAL)
BNR Binary thumbwheel switch input SQGB Clock generator for binary signals (BOOL)
B_DW Converter, 32 binary quantities into a DWORD (32 bit) SSD Output on a 7-segment display (WORD)
BY_W Status byte to status word converter STG Step function (REAL)
D_I Double integer to integer converter SYF1 System error field (WORD), 1-word format
D_R Double integer to real converter SYF4 System error field (WORD), 4-word format
DW_B DWORD (32 bit) into 32 binary quantities USF User flags (WORD)
DW_W DWORD (32 bit) into two WORDS (16 bit)
I_D Integer to double integer converter Special functions
I_R Integer to real converter BF Flash function for a binary quantity (BOOL)
N2_R 16-bit fixed-point format (N2) to REAL BF_W Flash function for a status word (WORD)
N4_R 32-bit fixed-point format (N4) to REAL DTS Synchronization delay time (BOOL)
R_D REAL to double integer converter (DINT) ETE Edge evaluator (BOOL)
R_I REAL to integer converter (INT) FUI_W First-up indicator (WORD)
R_N2 REAL to 16-bit fixed-point format (N2) converter LVM Limit value monitor w/ hysteresis, two directions (BOOL)
R_N4 REAL to 32-bit fixed-point format (N4) converter NOP1 Dummy block (REAL)
SWB_DW Byte reverser for double word inputs (DWORD) NOP1_B Dummy block (BOOL)
SWB_W Byte reverser for word inputs (WORD) NOP1_D Dummy block (DINT)
SWBI Byte reverser for real connections (input) NOP1_I Dummy block (INT)
SWBO Byte reverser for real connections (output) NOP8 Dummy block (REAL)
W_B Converter, status word into 16 binary quantities NOP8_B Dummy block, 8 binary quantities (BOOL)
W_BY Status word to status byte converter NOP8_D Dummy block 8, 4-byte quantities (DINT)
W_DW Two WORDS (16 bit) into one DWORD (32 bit) converter NOP8_I Dummy block, 8 word quantities (INT)
PIN8 Priority evaluator
Signaling system SH Shift block (WORD)
7 @MSC Central and initialization block PAC Process interrupt, counter
MSI Message output block PAI Process interrupt, periphery input
MSIPRI Message output block (printer) PAS Process interrupt, software
MER0 Message block for 16 activated messages PAS7 Initiate process interrupt to S7-CPU
MER1 Message block for 1 activated messages with text
MER16 Message block for 16 activated messages with text Trace
MER Mess. block f.1 act. message w/ measured value (REAL) TRCC Analog trace acquisition block (REAL)
MER_I Mess. block f.1 act. message w/ measured value (INT) TRCC_I Analog trace acquisition block (INT)
MER_D Mess. block f.1 act. message w/ measured value (DINT) TRCC_D Analog trace acquisition block (DINT)
MERF0 Mess. block f. 16 act. and 16 de-activated messages @TCP Single trace, central block
MERF1 Mess. block f.1 act. and 1 de-activated message w/ text TRHI Single trace, header block
MERF16 Mess. block f. 16 act. and 16 de-act. messages w/ text TRP Single trace, acquisition block
MERF Message block for 1 activated and 1 de-activated mes- TRP_B Single trace, acquisition block (BOOL)
sage with measured value (REAL)
TRP_I Single trace, acquisition block (INT)
MERF_I Message block for 1 activated and 1 de-activated mes-
TRP_D Single trace, acquisition block (DINT)
sage with measured value (INT)
@TCI Central and initialization block, system trace
MERF_D Message block for 1 activated and 1 de-activated mes-
sage with measured value (DINT) @TRI Acquisition block, system trace

Service/diagnostic blocks Clock synchronization

ASI Acknowledge signal (BOOL) RTCABS Date and time output
DLED Control diagnostics LED RTCM System time distribution
EPE Erase change memory RTCCPU Set module clock
FMLED Control FM 458-1 DP diagnostics LED RTCREL Relative time output
PNO CPU number (INT)
PSL Processor utilization (REAL)
RFG Ramp function (REAL)

7/8 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Configuring with STEP 7/CFC
CFC Function Blocks

■ SIMATIC OP connection Display control

S7OS OP function block @DIS Central and initialization block
S7IA User data area, "Interface area" DISA Display device, actual value output (REAL)
S7EMA User data area, "Operating messages" DISA_B Display device, actual value output (BOOL)
S7AMA User data area "Fault messages" DISA_I Display device, actual value output (INT)
S7FKA User data area "Function keyboard image" DISA_D Display device, actual value output (DINT)
DISA_W Display device, actual value output (WORD)
Communications DISA_T Display device, actual value output (TIME)
DIAPRO Diagnostics DP (PROFIBUS DP coupling) DISA1B Display device, actual value output (BINARY)
SYNPRO SYNC/FREEZE DP (PROFIBUS DP coupling) DISS Display device, actual value output (REAL)
@CEP EP coupling, central block DISS_B Display device, setpoint input (BOOL)
@CMM Communications buffer-coupling central block DISS_I Display device, setpoint input (INT)
@CPN Local coupling, central block DISS_D Display device, setpoint input (DINT)
@CS1 Subrack coupling (master), central block DISS_W Display device, setpoint input (WORD)
@CS2 Subrack coupling (slave), central block DISS_T Display device, setpoint input (TIME)
@CSD01 DUST1 coupling, central block DISS1B Display device, setpoint input (BINARY)
@CSD02 DUST2 coupling, central block
@CSD03 DUST3 coupling, central block Parameter processing with CS 7
@CSD07 DUST 7 coupling, central block @DPH Central and initialization block
@CSH11 SINEC H1 coupling, central block DPI Read/change parameters (PROFIBUS DP, USS)
@CSL2F PROFIBUS FMS coupling, central block
@CSL2L PROFIBUS FDL, central block Converter-specific blocks (ITDC)

@CSMPI MPI coupling, central block CAV Current actual value sensing

@CSPRO PROFIBUS DP, central block CPC Current pre-control

@CSU USS master, central block CPI Current controller

CCC4 Collect block, process data CSP Current-setpoint calculation

CDC4 Distribution block, process data EMF

Voltage actual value sensing
Field current setpoint output
CRV Receive block, process data
CTV Send block, process data PA6 Synchronization and firing angle actual value generation
PC6 Firing angle controller
Network SOL Auto-reversing stage
@NMC Network central block
NRI Freely selectable network interface block SFC blocks

NSI Network status interface block SFC SFC monitoring block

NSL Network status transfer block SFCSI SFC step info block

NTC Rigid network monitoring block SFCTI SFC transition info block

NTD Rigid network copy block

Siemens ST DA · 2003 7/9

Configuring with STEP 7/CFC

7/10 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Dimension Drawings

8/2 Dimension Drawing for the SR6 Subrack
8/3 Dimension Drawing for the SR12 Subrack
8/4 Dimension Drawing for the SR24 Subrack

8/5 T400 Technological Module

8/5 Dimension Drawing for the SRT400
Technological Box

Siemens ST DA · 2003 8/1

Dimension Drawings
SR6 Subrack
Dimension Drawings

■ Dimension Drawing
2 2 8 3 1 1
2 1 0
1 8 8
2 8 0
1 7 3

1 1 4


2 6 6

3 3 5
1 9 0 ,5
2 8 8

2 3 8

L -LB bus
u s

L L- B bus
u s
2 0
2 0
5 8
3 8
1 0

8/2 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Dimension Drawings
SR12 Subrack

■ Dimension Drawing
2 9 8 .5
2 8 2 .2 3 2 0
2 4 9 .4 2 8 0

5 1 .7 5

2 3 0 V A C / 2 4 V D C
6 9 .3 5

Power supply
1 2 0 .6 5
1 2 0
2 0

C bus C bus
1 3 3 .3 5

4 5 4 .3 5

5 0 8 .5
1 2 0

2 2 0
L bus L bus


Siemens ST DA · 2003 8/3

Dimension Drawings
SR24 Subrack

■ Dimension Drawing
5 4 2
5 2 6 3 2 0
4 9 3 2 8 0

5 1 ,7 5

2 3 0 V A C / 2 4 V D C
6 9 ,3 5

Power supply
1 2 0 ,6 5
1 2 0
2 0

C bus C bus
1 3 3 ,3 5

4 5 4 .3 5

5 0 8 .5
1 2 0

2 2 0
L bus L bus


8/4 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Dimension Drawings
T400 Technological Module
SRT400 Technological Box

■ Dimension Drawing
9 0
8 4
6 5
3 5 .1
1 7 .3
1 0 Key hole for M4
6 1 2 3 .5 3 K e y h o le fo r M 4

1 4

2 2
1 2
8 .5
2 1
1 0 0

2 5 5 .3
2 4 0

3 .2 ∅

2 9 1
2 2 5
1 0 0

1 3
8 .5

1 2

1 8
4 .5 ∅ 4 .5 ∅
2 1

2 7
2 7

1 5

1 0

1 0

1 .5 1 2 .5 1 2 3 .5 1 0 3 2 3
3 .5 ∅
1 .5

3 4 .5 1 6 8 .5 6 7
5 5 .5
7 7 .5

Siemens ST DA · 2003 8/5

Dimension Drawings

8/6 Siemens ST DA · 2003


9/2 CE Mark

9/3 Safety of Electronic Devices and


9/4 Quality Management

9/4 Siemens Automation Solution


9/5 Siemens Contact Partners

9/6 Customer Support

9/8 Service

9/9 Training for Automation & Drives

9/10 Training for SIMATIC Control Systems

9/11 Information and Ordering in the

Internet and on CD ROM

9/12 Software Licenses

9/13 Order Numbers

9/14 Index

9/16 Fax Forms

9/20 Conditions for Sale and Shipment

Siemens ST DA · 2003 9/1

CE marking
CE marking Appendix


■ CE-Kennzeichnung The electronic products The EU conformity declaration The SIMATIC PC meets strin-
described in this catalog com- is available for examination by gent requirements with regard
ply with the requirements and the appropriate authorities at: to emitted interference and is
protection objectives of the therefore allowed to be used
following EU guidelines and in the domestic environment::
with the harmonized Euro- SIMATIC Noise emissions:
pean standards (EN) which Siemens AG, EN 50 081-2: 1993
have been published for pro- Bereich Automatisierungs- Noise immunity:
grammable controllers in the technik EN 50 082-2: 1995
Official Journal of the Euro- Dept. A&D AS
pean Union: The installation guidelines
Postfach 1963 described in the manuals and
• 89/336/CEE "Electro- D-92209 Amberg the important notes concern-
magnetic Compatibility" Germany ing installation in cabinets and
(EMC guideline) the use of shielded cables
• 73/23/CEE "Electrical must be complied with when
Equipment for Use Within installing and operating the
Specific Voltage Limits" products described in this
(low voltage guideline) catalog.
• Machinery Directive .
(ML 89/392/EWG)
• Explosion Protection
Directive ATEX 94/9/EG

■ Notes for machine SIMATIC control systems are The EU guideline for The EN 60204-1 standard
manufacturers not machines within the con- machines 89/392/EMC speci- (safety of machines, general
text of the EU machine guide- fies the requirements for a requirements for the electrical
lines. A conformity declaration machine. For purposes of this equipment of machines) is
with respect to the EU guideline, a machine is under- applicable to the electrical
machine guideline 89/392/ stood to be a combination of equipment of machines.
EMC is not available for interconnected parts or The following table should be
SIMATIC. mechanisms (see also of assistance with the confor-
EN 292-1, Paragraph 3.1). mity declaration and shows
SIMATIC is part of the electri- which criteria of EN 60 204-1
cal equipment of a machine (as of June 1993) apply for
and must therefore be SIMATIC.
included in the conformity
declaration procedure by the
machine manufacturer.

EN 60204-1 Topic/criteria Notes

Paragraph 4 General requirements The requirements are met when
the equipment is assembled/
installed in accordance with the
installation guidelines. Please note
the relevant information in the man-
Paragraph 11.2 Digital input/output interfaces The requirements are met

9 Paragraph 12.3 Programmable equipment The requirements are met when

the equipment is installed in lock-
able cabinets to protect against
alteration of the memory contents
by unauthorized persons.
Paragraph 20.4 Voltage tests The requirements are met

9/2 Siemens ST DA · 2003


Safety of electronic devices

■ Safety of electronic devices The information listed here These measures are regarded control system into a safe and
is mainly of a fundamental a basic measures in safety a non-safe zone. No special
nature and applies regard- engineering. They prevent or requirements are imposed on
less of the type and vendor keep control of the majority of the safety of the control sys-
of the electronic control potential faults. tem in the non-safe zone
system. because there would be no
Risks impact on the safety of the
Reliability Wherever faults are liable to plant if the electronics failed in
The reliability of devices and cause injury to persons or this case. In the safe zone, on
components is being driven damage to property it is nec- the other hand, you are only
as high as possible by essary to introduce measures allowed to use control sys-
employing extensive and aimed in particular at the tems and/or circuits which
cost-effective measures in safety of the plant and, there- satisfy the directives in ques-
development and production. fore, of the control system. tion.
This includes Special, plan-specific direc- The following zonal divisions
tives exist for these applica- are customary in practice:
• Selection of high-quality tions and need to be taken
components; into account when configuring 1. Control systems with little
• Worst-case design calcula- the control system. safety engineering, e.g.
tion of all circuits; machine control systems.
In the case of safety-relevant
• Systematic and computer- electronic control systems the 2. Control systems with bal-
controlled testing of all sub- measures needing to be taken anced zones, e.g. chemical
contracted components; to prevent or keep control of plants, aerial ropeways.
• Burn-in of all large-scale in- faults are aimed at the risk 3. Control systems with mainly
tegrated circuits (e.g. pro- presented by the plant. In safety engineering, e.g.
cessors, memories etc.); such a case the basic mea- incineration plants.
sures listed above are no
• Measures to prevent static longer sufficient above a cer- Important
charging when working at or tain level of hazard potential. Even if a maximum of design-
with MOS circuits; Additional measures have to based safety is achieved in
• Visual checks at various be implemented and certified the configuration of an elec-
stages of production; (e.g.dual-channel arrange- tronic control systems – e.g.
• In-circuit testing of all mod- ments, tests, checksums etc.) through multi-edge configura-
ules, i.e. computer-aided for the control system. tion – it is still essential to
testing of all components closely follow the instructions
Division into a safe and a in the operating manuals as
and their interaction in the non-safe zone
circuit; otherwise wrong actions may
In practically all machine suspend precautions for pre-
• Hot endurance run at high venting potential faults or may
ambient temperature over installations there are parts
which perform safety-related create additional sources of
several days; danger.
functions (e.g. emergency
• Meticulous computer- stop pushbuttons, mesh
controlled final testing; guards, two-hand controls). In
• Statistical evaluation of all order not to have to consider
returns for immediate intro- the complete control system
duction of remedial actions. in terms of safety engineering
it is customary to divide the

Siemens ST DA · 2003 9/3


Quality management

■ The quality management sys- DQS certificate nos.:

tem of our A&D division com- Siemens AG
plies with the international Automation and Drives
standard ISO 9001. Technology
The products and systems • Division
described in this catalog are Industrial Automation
manufactured under applica- Systems
tion of a quality management 1323-05 (Reg. No: 1323)
system certified by DQS in
accordance with DIN
EN ISO 9001. The DQS
certificate is recognized in all
EQ Net countries.

■ Certificates An overview of the certificates It is continuously updated.

available for SIMATIC NET The data for products which
products (CE, UL, CSA, FM, have not yet been included in
shipping authorizations) and the overview is continuously
classification figures (MTBF) collected and prepared for
can be found in the Internet at the subsequent edition.

Siemens Automation Solution Automation Solution Provider

■ Automation solutions are The program Your advantages

becoming increasingly more You are looking for automation • Tailor-made, economical
complex as the requirements solutions for specific applica- and future-proof solutions
which need to be met con- tions? For professional advice
tinue to grow. We will help you • Considerable advantages in
and support? For industry terms of speed, efficiency
to find competent partners specialists? For a leading
who – through a combination and proximity of location
edge on the market? If so, our
of industrial expertise, experi- Siemens Automation Solution • Special industry know-how
ence and extensive know-how Providers are exactly what of the solution providers
in automation solutions – will you want! • Current state of the art and
deliver an outstanding and knowledge of the latest
reliable solution. Our partner companies have
the know-how to develop reli- developments guaranteed
The Siemens Automation able, economical and future-
Solution Provider Program Certificates
proof solutions – for all sectors
sets new standards with and all automation compo- The solution providers receive
regard to the special fields of nents: from all SIMATIC continuous instruction in order
9 competence offered by the
companies involved and to
components, SIMATIC HMI
visualization systems,
to keep abreast of the state of
the art. They attend a special
the world-wide network of communication networks certification scheme where
partners. Through careful through SIMATIC PCS 7, they have to prove their high
selection and continuous microsystems and motion expertise in handling automa-
training of our solution provid- control systems to products tion tools from Siemens.
ers there are always compe- for the vertical integration of We can thus guarantee a spe-
tent contacts right at hand industrial automation and the cial standard of quality which
with the latest state of the art. office world. is successively reinforced
through training on new com-
ponents and participation in
special solution provider
[email protected]

9/4 Siemens ST DA · 2003


Contact partners

■ Siemens contacts worldwide

Visit our partner information
site at:
you can find out all about
Siemens contact partners for
certain technologies.
Where possible you get a
contact person per site for
• Sales
• Service and
• Training
Select the continent, country,
technology, product or area of
your choice under "Standard
Find". The appropriate contact
person is shown by clicking
the "Display".

Or select the desired country

under "Find by location" in
the world map. Cities with
Siemens contact persons then
appear in a listbox in a subse-
quent screen mask.
You can show the addresses of
the different partners with
folder tabs.
After selecting a place with the
mouse you will see the
address of the responsible
contact person for Sales, 9
Service and Training.
You can print a fax form for a
message to the currently
selected contact person with
the Fax Print button.

Need more info?

Fast Fax Info!
Fax: 0 08 00 74 62 84 27
for further information

Siemens ST DA · 2003 9/5


Customer Support

■ Customer Support Automation & Drives

Whether you need a service
specialist or a spare part, a
product expert for advice or
simply have a question:
Consult our Service & Support
– the team for your success.

■ Helpline for service and support

Do you need help and don't Our helplines guarantee that Tel.: +49 180 50 50 111
know who to ask? We will the right specialist provides
make sure you get help expert local support. The
quickly. helpline for Germany for
example provides help
around the clock 365 days a
year in both German and

■ Online Support
Our online support provides • FAQs, tips and tricks,
you with fast and effective downloads, news automation/service&
support – round the clock, • Free manuals support
worldwide, in five languages.
• Helpful programs and
The online support offers a software products –
mine of technical information: accounting through Automa-
tion Value Card (AV card))

■ Field Service
Your system is installed and Thanks to the dense service Tel.: +49 180 50 50 444
you need fast local help. We network, we have short Of course we also offer you
have specialists worldwide response times – competent, individual service contracts.
with the necessary know-how fast, reliable. Please contact your local
in your area. In Germany you can call an Siemens branch.
expert around the clock 365
days a year.

■ Spare parts and repairs

Our worldwide network of For inquiries concerning Outside office hours and at
9 regional spare parts ware-
houses and repair centers
repairs or spare parts please
contact the following phone
week-ends this phone num-
ber will connect you to our
react quickly and reliably with number (in Germany): emergency spare parts ser-
modern logistics. vice.
Tel.: +49 180 50 50 446

■ Technical Support
From competent, trained and • in America round-the-clock support
experienced specialists who Tel.: +1 42 34 61 25 22 through FastConnect on the
also offer teleservice and Fax: +1 42 34 61 22 31 "follow the sun" principle – the
video conferencing for your E-mail: simatic.hotline@ fast way to technical support:
special problems. • We guarantee to call you
Free contact – How to get free • in Asia back within the next two
technical support Tel.: +65 740 7000 hours
• in Europe (central office) Fax: +65 740 7001 • Round the clock
Technical support with the use Tel.: +49 180 50 50 222 E-mail: • Use subject to fee
of products, systems and Fax: +49 180 50 50 223 [email protected] (with SIMATIC Card)
solutions in drives and auto- E-mail: techsupport@ Through our networked Tel.: +49 911 895 7777
mation is available in German locations in Germany, USA Fax: +49 911 895 7001
and English. and Singapore we offer

9/6 Siemens ST DA · 2003


Customer Support

■ Automation Value Card Small card - great support Card number and PIN are on Detailed information on the
The Automation Value Card is the back of the Automation services offered is available
an integral component of the Value Card. When delivered, on our Internet site at:
comprehensive service con- the PIN is covered by a
cept with which Siemens Auto- scratch field, guaranteeing
mation and Drives will accom- that the full credit is on the
pany you in each phase of card. Service & Support a la Card:
your automation project. By entering the card number Examples:
It doesn’t matter whether you and PIN you have full access
want just specific services to the Service & Support ser-
from our Technical Support or vices being offered. The Technical Support
want to purchase high-quality charge for the services pro- "Priority" Priority process-
cured is debited from the ing for urgent
Support Tools in our Online cases
Shop, you can always pay with credits on your Automation
Value Card. "24 h"" Availability round
your Automation Value Card. the clock
No invoicing, transparent and All the services offered are
"Extended" Technical consult-
safe. With your personal card marked in currency-neutral ing for complex
number and associated PIN credits, so you can use the questions
you can view the state of your Automation Value Card world- Support Tools in the
account and all transactions at wide. Support Shop
any time. "System Tools that can be
Services on card. This is how Utilities" used directly for
it’s done: configuration,
analysis and test-
Automation Value Card ing
order numbers "Applications" Complete topic
Credits Order no. solutions includ-
200 6ES7 997-0BA00-0XA0 ing ready-tested
500 6ES7 997-0BB00-0XA0
"Functions & Adaptable blocks
1000 6ES7 997-0BC00-0XA0 Samples" for accelerating
10000 6ES7 997-0BG00-0XA0 your develop-

■ Knowledge Base This CD-ROM contains all the You can order the Knowledge
on CD-ROM product information current at Base:
the time of creation (FAQs, From your SIEMENS contact:
downloads, tips & tricks, user
information) as well as gen- Order No.
eral information on service 6ZB5310-0EP30-0BA1
and technical support. Through the Internet
This CD-ROM also contains (with SIMATIC Card or credit
a full text search and our card):
SIMATIC Knowledge Manager
to search for specific solu- automation/service&support
tions. The CD-ROM is in the "Support Shop"
updated every 4 months.
Just like our online offer on the
Internet, our entire SIMATIC
Customer Support Knowl- 9
edge Base is available in 5
languages (German, English,
For areas without an online French, Italian, Spanish).
connection, a copy of the free
information site is available on
the CD "SIMATIC Customer
Support Knowledge Base".

Siemens ST DA · 2003 9/7



■ Online services, hotlines Online services Hotlines for the time zones,
Europe and Africa
You can obtain additional cur-
rent information from the Inter- Tel.: +49 (0)180 5050-222
net at the "SIMATIC based Fax: +49 (0)9131 98-1603
technology" Fax: +49 (0)911 895-7001
Fax: +49 (0)180 5050-223
[email protected]
For the authorization of SIMATIC Industrial Software:
Tel.: +49 (0)911 895-7200
homepage. Fax: +49 (0)911 895-7201
Mo.-Fr.: 7:00 to 17:00 (CET)

Hotlines for the time zone,

Tel.: +1 (0)770 740-3505
Tel.: This is only free for US
Using the site map, you can
+1 (0)800 241-4453
directly access information on
the individual products and Fax: +1 (0)770 740-3699
solutions by simply clicking
Mail: isd-callcenter@sea.
with the mouse.
You can also go directly to the
individual product pages Hotlines for the time zones,
through the URLs. For the Asia / Australia
SIMATIC control system these
Tel.: +65 (0)740-7000
Fax: +65 (0)740-7001
Mail: simatic.hotline@sae.
fm458 Mail:
simadyn Mo.-Fr.: 8:30 to 17:30
(local time: Singapore)

9/8 Siemens ST DA · 2003


Training for Automation and Drives

■ Up-to-date information Information from the market Thanks to our made-to-mea- Whether for administrators or
from one source leader has a decisive advan- sure training program you will service technicians, planners,
tage: you get the all latest become a master of the latest developers or configurers,
trends and information on all operating systems, applica- decision makers or managers
aspects of automation and tion programs and methods in – SITRAIN, the comprehen-
drive technology, first hand no time – and are able to sive training program for auto-
and direct. respond quickly and con- mation and drive technology
At the same time we, as an structively to changes. from Siemens has something
innovative trendsetter, are for everybody.
familiar with the future require- Stress-free learning in small
ments of industry and can groups – everything you need
adapt our further training pro- for your day to day work.
gram exactly to meet these
requirements. For you this
means: you get tomorrow’s
solutions today.

SITRAIN offers you a whole From the classical seminar or You can find detailed informa-
new world of learning. course to the current online tion at:
In the Virtual Training Center learning module. From the
from Siemens you will find comfort of your own PC you
your individual program in the can select your personal route
A&D training portfolio at any to maximum learning success
time and from anywhere in the from a comprehensive range
world. of service and training prod-
ucts, all of which can be pro-
cessed "online". or call us:
Infoline: +49 18 05 23 56 11

Siemens ST DA · 2003 9/9


Training for Automation and Drives

■ From the field for the field

Our trainers have many years
of experience in commission-
ing and plant/system service.
This ensures that know-how is
passed on in a practical way
for use in the field.
During their training, course
participants get to know the
latest engineering tools and
learn about the design and
system philosophy.
The theoretical background
regarding the configuring and
engineering steps and func-
tions is part of the course. This
theoretical know-how is then
directly implemented for use
in the field using numerous
exercises on devices with
standard blocks. Please se-
lect the optimum course for
• Course SSP770
Configuring the SIMATIC
FM 458 application module
and basic configuring of the
T400 technological module
• Course T400
The course office of the Train- You will find detailed informa- Commissioning the T400
ing Center will only be too glad tion under technological module
to provide you with more infor- • Course SD5
mation about the individual Introduction into the
courses along with the dates SIMADYN D/D7-SYS control
and prices: system
Course office, standard courses sibrain
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 65
or simply call us:
91052 Erlangen
Germany Infoline: 49 (0) 9131/7-2 92 62
Fax: 49 (0) 9131/7-2 81 72
Mail: [email protected]

9/10 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Information and ordering options
in the Internet and on CD ROM

■ A&D in the WWW

A detailed knowledge of the providing easy and user-
range of products and ser- friendly access to all essential
vices available is essential information.
when planning and configur- Just visit us at:
ing automation systems.
It goes without saying that this
information must always be automation
fully up-to-date. to find out everything you
For this reason, the Siemens need to know about products,
Automation and Drives Group systems and services.
(A&D) has built up a compre-
hensive range of information
in the World Wide Web,

■ Product selection with interactive catalogs

Detailed information together After selecting the product of
with convenient interactive your choice you can order by
functions: fax at the press of a button
The interactive catalogs through our online link.
CA 01 and ET 01 include Information on the interactive
more than 80,000 products catalogs can be found in the
and offer a comprehensive Internet at
overview of the Siemens Auto-
mation & Drives product base. http://www.siemens .com/
Here you will find everything
that you need to solve tasks in or on CD-ROM:
the fields of automation, Automation and Drives, CA 01
switchgear, installation and Order No.:
drives. All information is linked E86060-D4001-A110-B8-7600
to a user interface which is Electrical Installation
easy to work with and intuitive. Technology, ET 01
Order No.:

■ Easy Shopping with the A&D Mall

The Siemens Mall is the For example, powerful search
Siemens AG virtual depart- functions make it easy to find
ment store on the Internet. the required products which
Here you have access to a can be immediately checked
huge range of products pre- for availability. Customer-
sented in electronic catalogs
in an informative and attrac-
specific discounts and cost
estimates can be carried out 9
tive way. online just as easily as order
The exchange of data through tracking and tracing.
EDIFACT supports the whole The Siemens Mall is in the
procedure – from selection Internet at:
through ordering to online
order tracking on the Internet. automation/mall
Numerous functions are avail-
able to support you.

Siemens ST DA · 2003 9/11


Software licenses

■ Types of software Engineering software Runtime software the ordering data (e.g. cata-
All software requiring a This category includes all his category includes all soft- log). Software use is differenti-
license is assigned to a type. software products for the cre- ware products required for the ated, for example, according
Following software types are ation (engineering) of user operation of plants/machinery, to use per CPU, per installa-
defined software, e.g. configuration, e.g. the operating system, tion, per channel, per
programming, parameteriza- basic system, system expan- instance, per axis, per control
• Engineering software circuit, per variable etc.
tion, testing, commissioning sions, drivers.
• Runtime software or service. If extended rights result for
The runtime software or exe-
Data or executable programs cutable files created with the parameterization/configura-
created with the engineering runtime software for your own tion tools forming part of the
software for your own use or use or for use by third parties scope of delivery for the run-
for use by third parties can be can be duplicated at a charge. time software, these rights will
duplicated without charge. Details of license fees payable be noted in the Read Me file
according to use are listed in supplied with the software.

■ License types Floating license The type of use requiring the After the licence code is
Siemens Automation & Drives Installation of the software is license is specified in the installed, the software can be
offers different types of permitted on any number of ordering data and on the cer- used for a defined number of
license for software: the licensee's devices for tificate of license (CoL). Differ- hours, which can be inter-
internal use. Only the concur- entiation is drawn, for exam- rupted any number of times.
• Floating license ple, between use per device, One licence per installation of
rent user is licensed. The con-
• Single license current user is the person per axis, per channel etc. the software is required.
• Rental license using a program. Use begins A single license is required
per defined use. Trial license
• Trial license when the software is started.
A license is required for each The trial license supports the
Rental License "short-term use" of the soft-
concurrent user.
The rental license supports ware in a non-productive
Single license the "sporadic use" of engi- application, e.g. use for test
Unlike the floating license, neering software. and evaluation purposes.
only one instance of the soft- It can be converted into a
ware is allowed to be different license.

■ Downgrading The licensee is entitled to use has such an earlier version/

the software or an earlier ver- release and the technical and
sion/release of the software, the technical means for its
assuming the licensee use.

■ Delivery versions Power Pack license was previously ac- Service Packs may be dupli-
Software is subject to continu- Power Packs are packs for quired for an earlier version. cated for the specified pur-
ous further development. switching to more powerful Together with the Upgrade the pose according to the number
The delivery version software. licensee receives a new of original licenses acquired .
• Power Pack Together with the Power Pack license agreement incl. CoL. Information on license
the licensee receives a new This CoL and the CoL of the conditions can be found in
• Upgrade previous product form the the "Terms of Business of
license agreement incl. certifi-
provides access to these cate of license (CoL). confirmation of license for the Siemens AG" or at
further developments. This CoL and the CoL of the new version.
9 Remedial measures are also
provided through the Delivery
original product form the con-
firmation of license for the new
Depending on the original
license of the software being
Version Service Pack. software. updated it may be necessary
Depending on the original to purchase an independent
license of the software being upgrade. automation/mall
replaced it may be necessary (A&D Mall
to purchase an independent Service Pack online help system)
PowerPack. Available remedial measures
are made available in Service
Upgrade Packs.
An upgrade permits the use of
a newer, available version of
the software providing that a

■ License Code Siemens Automation & Drives and is simultaneously a the program (software) to be
offers software products both "switch" for the software's be- licensed and the license key
with and without a license havior (floating license, rental (the representative of the
code. The license code acts license, ...). In the case of soft- license).
as an electronic license stamp ware requiring a license code,
complete installation requires

■ Certificate of License The certificate of license that use of the software has A CoL has to be assigned to
(CoL) is proof for the licensee been licensed by Siemens. each case of use and kept in
a safe place.
9/12 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Ordering data summary

6AT4 ... 6DD1 ... 6DD1 682-0CE3 5/7 6ES ...

6AT4 822-0CD43-0AX0 7/5 6DD1 600-0AJ0 5/10 6DD1 682-0CG0 2/7 6ES5 895-6SE03 5/28
6AT4 822-0CD43-0BX0 7/5 6DD1 600-0AK0 5/11 6DD1 682-0CH0 4/3 6ES7 953-8LL00-0AA0 3/4
6AT4 822-0CD43-0CX0 7/5 6DD1 600-0BA1 4/4 6DD1 682-0DA1 4/3 6ES7 953-8LM00-0AA0 3/4
6AT4 822-0CD43-0KX0 7/5 6DD1 601-0AH0 5/22 6DD1 683-0CH0 4/3 6ES7 953-8LP10-0AA0 3/4
6DD1 606-0AD0 2/6 6DD1 684-0AH0 6/13 6SE7 090-0XX84-0FF5 2/6
6DD1 606-3AC0 5/18 6DD1 684-0BC0 6/13 6SE7 090-0XX84-0FF5 5/29
6DD1 606-4AB0 5/20 6DD1 684-0BD0 6/14 6SE7 090-0XX84-0FG0 2/6
6DD1 607-0AA1 3/4 6DD1 684-0BH2 6/13 6SE7 090-0XX84-0KA0 2/6
6DD1 607-0CA1 3/7 6DD1 684-0EK0 6/15 6SE7 090-0XX84-4HA0 2/6
6DD1 607-0EA0 3/9 6DD1 684-0FA0 6/15 6ES7 997-0BA00-0XA0 9/7
6DD1 607-0EA1 3/9 6DD1 684-0FB0 6/16 6ES7 997-0BB00-0XA0 9/7
6DD1 610-0AH0 5/12 6DD1 684-0FE0 6/16 6ES7 997-0BC00-0XA0 9/7
6DD1 610-0AH2 5/12 6DD1 684-0FF0 6/14
6DD1 610-0AK0 5/12 6DD1 684-0FH0 6/17
6EW ...
6DD1 611-0AF0 5/13 6DD1 684-0GC0 6/18
6EW1 000-7AA 6/21
6DD1 611-0AG0 5/14 6DD1 684-0GD0 6/18
6DD1 640-0AH0 4/7 6DD1 684-0GE0 6/19
6DD1 641-0AC0 5/16 6DD1 684-0GF0 2/6
6DD1 642-0BC0 5/15 6DD1 684-0GG0 6/19
6DD1 660-0BA0 5/31 6DD1 684-0GH0 6/20
6DD1 660-0BB0 5/32 6DD1 688-0AD0 5/24, 5/25
6DD1 660-0BC0 5/32 6DD1 688-0AE2 5/24, 5/27
6DD1 660-0BD0 5/33 6DD1 688-1AA0 5/24, 5/25
6DD1 660-0BF0 4/10 6DD1 688-1AB0 5/24, 5/26
6DD1 660-0BG0 4/10 6DD1 688-1AC1 5/24, 5/26
6DD1 660-0BH0 4/10 6DD1 801-4DA7 7/5
6DD1 661-0AB1 5/30 6DD1 801-5DA7 7/4
6DD1 661-0AD0 4/5 6DD1 801-6DA7 7/5
6DD1 661-0AE0 4/9 6DD1 801-7DA7 7/4
6DD1 662-0AB0 5/24 6DD1 805-5DA0 7/5
6DD1 662-0AD0 5/29 6DD1 807-5DA7 7/4
6DD1 663-0AB0 5/34 6DD1 842-0AA0 2/8
6DD1 680-0AJ0 6/20 6DD1 842-0AB0 2/9
6DD1 680-0BB0 6/21 6DD1 842-0AD0 2/10
6DD1 681-0AE2 6/4 6DD1 843-0AA0 2/8
6DD1 681-0AF4 6/5
6DD1 681-0AG2
6DD1 681-0DH1
6DD1 681-0EA1 6/10
6DD1 681-0EB3 6/6
6DD1 681-0FG0 6/9
6DD1 681-0GK0 6/12
6DD1 682-0AJ1 5/8
6DD1 682-0AJ2 5/8
6DD1 682-0AJ3 5/8
6DD1 682-0BB0 5/5
6DD1 682-0BB1 5/5
6DD1 682-0BC0 5/7
6DD1 682-0BC3 5/6
6DD1 682-0BC4 5/6
6DD1 682-0BE0 5/7
6DD1 682-0CC0 5/6
6DD1 682-0CD0 5/6

Siemens ST DA · 2003 9/13


Couplings - overview 5/23 General Motion Control (GMC) 7/6
A&D Mall 9/11 CP50M0 4/5 Glass fiber-optic cable 3/72
Access module CP52A0 4/10 CP5100 4/9 Glass fiber-optic cable 5/33
Adapter module ADB 2/6 CP52A0 4/10 GlobalDataMemory 4/2, 4/10
Analog output module EA12 5/15 CP52IO 4/10 Graphic engineering 5/2
Angular synchronism 2/8 CP52M0 4/10
Angular synchronous control with CPU module, CPU551 4/4
T400 2/9 CPU module, PM5 5/10 Helpline for service and support 9/6
Arithmetic blocks 7/6 CPU module, PM6 5/11 High-resolution analog outputs 5/20
Automation Value Card 9/7 CPU551 4/4
Axial winder 2/8 Cross-cutter with T400 2/10 ICS1 module 5/32
Axial winder with T400 2/8 Cross-cutter/shears control 2/8 Industrial Ethernet 5/30
CS12 5/31 Information and instructions for
CS13 5/32 manufacturers of machinery 9/2
Back-up battery 6/21 CS14 5/32 Input/output modules 5/15
Basic module FM 458-1 DP 3/2 CS22 5/33 Interactive Catalog 9/11
Battery 6/21 CS7 5/24 Interface cable SC62 6/18
Block generator 7/5 CS8 5/29 Interface cable SC63 6/18
Buffer memory module MM3 5/13 CSH11 5/30 Interface cable SC64 6/19
Buffer memory module MM4 5/14 Interface cable SC66 6/19
Buffer memory modules 5/9 Interface module SB10 6/4
D7-ES 7/5 Interface module SB60 6/5
D7-ES-SFC 7/5 Interface module SB61 6/6
Cables for IT41 and IT42 6/15 D7-FB-Gen 3/3, 7/5 Interface module SB70 6/7
Cables for SIMADYN CPU and D7-SYS 7/2, 7/4
input/output modules 6/13 Interface module SB71 6/8
D7-SYS-SFC 7/4 Interface module SU10 6/9
CAN 2/6, 5/29
Digital input and output module 5/16 Interface module SU11 6/10
Carrier board CS7 5/24 EB11
Carrier board CS8 5/29 Interface module SU12 6/11
Digital/analog input and output
CBC 5/29 module IT41 5/17 Interface module SU13 6/12
CBP2 5/29 Digital/analog input and output IT41 5/17
Certificate of Licence 9/12 module IT42 5/19 IT42 5/19
CFC 2/8 Dimension drawing for subrack SR12 8/3 ITDC 5/21
CFC function blocks 7/6 Dimension drawing for subrack SR24 8/4 ITSL 5/34
CFC test mode 3/3 Dimension drawing for subrack SR6 8/2 ITSP2 signal processor module 5/9
Channel DLL 7/5 Dimension drawing for the
technological box SRT400 8/5
Downgrading 9/12 Knowledge base 9/7
DQS certificate 9/4
Communications expansion
9 EXM 448
Communications module CBC
5/29 EA12 5/15
License key
Communications module CBP2 5/29 EB11 5/16 Lithium battery 6/21
Communications module SS4 5/25 EEPROM 5/12 Local bus adapter LBA 2/6
Communications module SS52 5/27 EN 60204-1 9/2 Logic blocks 7/6
Communications module, CBC 2/6 EXM 438-1 3/5
Communications module, CBP2 2/6 EXM 448/EXM 448-1 3/8 Master module CS12 5/31
Communications module, CP50M0 4/5
Master module CS13 5/32
Communications module, CP5100 4/9
Fiber-optic cable 5/33 Master module CS14 5/32
Communications module, CSH11 5/30
Fiber-optic cable subrack MASTERDRIVES 3/8
Conditions for the sale and delivery 9/18 coupling 5/31, 5/33 Memory module CP52M0 4/10
Configuring software 7/2 Field Service 9/6 Micro Memory Card 3/4
Connector part set SM8 6/20 Flash memory 5/12 MS5x flash memory 5/12
Connector parts 6/20 Floating license 9/12
Contact partner 9/5 FM 458-1 DP 3/2
Continuous Function Chart 7/2 Function block generator 7/5
Control blocks 7/6
Converter gating module ITDC 5/21
GDM modules 4/10

9/14 Siemens ST DA · 2003


SC66 6/19 Subrack, SRT400 2/7
Online Support 9/6 SC67 6/20 Subrack, UR5213 4/3
Order numbers, list of 9/13 SC7 6/13 Supply versions 9/12
Overview table of interface Sequential Function Chart 7/2
modules - plug-in cables 6/2 Service 9/8
Service cable SC67 6/20 T300 2/3
SIMADYN D 5/2 T400 2/2
Parameterizing software COM SIMATIC S5 parameterizing TDC (Technology and Drives
PROFIBUS V5.1 5/28 software COM PROFIBUS V5.1 5/28 Control) 4/2
Peripheral module (I/O) SM500 4/6 SIMATIC TDC 4/2 Technical Support 9/6
PM5 5/10 SIMOLINK 3/8, 5/34 Technological box SRT400 2/7
PM6 5/11 SIMOLINK interface ITSL 5/34 Technological module T400 2/2
Power supply connector SM11 6/21 SIMOREG DC-Master 2/2 Torque shell for DC drives 5/21
Power supply PS5213 4/3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 2/2 Training Center 9/9
PROFIBUS DP/USS 5/29 SIMOVIS 2/3 Training for SIMATIC control system 9/10
Program memory modules 5/12 SINEC NML 5/30 Trial License 9/12
PS5213 4/3 Single license 9/12
SITOR 5/21
UR5213 4/3
Slave module CS22 5/33
Quality management system 9/4
SLB module 5/34
Slot cover SR51 4/3 World Wide Web 9/11
Radio clock 5/13 Slot cover SR81 5/8
Real-time clock 5/13 SM11 6/21
Rental license 9/12 SM500 4/6
Repair locations 9/6 SM8 6/20
Ribbon cable SC12 6/13 Software 7/2
Ribbon cable SC13 6/14 Software licenses 9/12
Ribbon cable SC54 6/16 Solution provider 9/4
Ribbon cable SC55 6/14 SPA440 2/9
Ribbon cable SC7 6/13 Spare parts warehouse and repair
locations 9/6
Ribbon cable SC17.2 6/13
SPS450 2/10
Round cable SC49 6/15
SPW420 2/8
Round cable SC50 6/15
SR12 5/6
Round cable SC51 6/16
SR24 5/7
Round cable set SC57 6/17
SR51 4/3
RS 232 interfaces sub-module SS2 5/26
SR6 5/5
RS 485 interfaces sub-module SS31 5/26
SR6V 5/5
SR8x 5/8
Safety of electronic devices 9/3 SRT400 2/7 9
SB10 6/4 SS1 5/25
SB60 6/5 SS2 5/26
SB61 6/6 SS4 5/25
SB70 6/7 SS52load 3/8, 4/5, 5/28
SB71 6/8 Standard software packages 2/8
SC12 6/13 Start-up cable SC400 2/6
SC13 6/14 STEP 7/CFC/SFC 7/2
SC17.2 6/13 STRUC G 2/3
SC49 6/15 SU10 6/9
SC50 6/15 SU11 6/10
SC51 6/16 SU12 6/11
SC54 6/16 SU13 6/12
SC55 6/14 Subrack for SIMADYN D 5/4
SC57 6/17 Subrack, SR12 5/6
SC62 6/18 Subrack, SR24 5/7
SC63 6/18 Subrack, SR6 5/5
SC64 6/19

Siemens ST DA · 2003 9/15

Suggestions for improving the catalog
Fax form

■ To Your Address
Siemens AG, A&D PT5
ST DA 2003
Hr. Fregien Name
Gleiwitzer Straße 555
90475 Nürnberg
Germany Company/Dept.

Fax: +49 911 895 4837 Street/No.

Postal code/City

Tel. No./Fax

■ Your opinion is Our catalog should be an A small request on our part

important to us! important and frequently used to you:
document. For this reason, we Please take time to fill in the
are continuously endeavoring form and fax it to us.
to improve it.

■ We invite you to grade our catalog on a points system from 1 (good) to 6 (poor):
1. Do the contents of the catalog live up to your 4. Do the technical details meet your
expectations? expectations?

2. Is the information easy to find? 5. How would you assess the graphics
and tables?

3. Can the text be readily understood? 6. Did you find typo errors?

9/16 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Fax order form
Just copy, fill out the form and fax it to us
We will deliver immediately!

■ To


(Address see page 9/5 "Contact persons") Contact person

No. Order No. Description Amount Unit price Total price

Company address (company stamp): Delivery address (if different):

Company number (if known) Company/Dept.

Company/Dept. Street, No.

Street, No. ZIP code/City

Postal code/City

Contact partners

Tel. No./Fax Comments

Customer Order No.: .................................................................. Desired delivery date: ..............................................................

Date Signature

Siemens ST DA · 2003 9/17



9/18 Siemens ST DA · 2003



Siemens ST DA · 2003 9/19


Conditions for sale and delivery

■ Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery ■ Export regulations

in the Federal Republic of Germany The products listed in this catalog / price list may be subject to
European / German and/or US export regulations.
By using this catalog you can acquire hardware and software
products described therein from the Siemens AG subject to the Therefore, any export requiring a license is subject to approval
following terms. Please note! The scope, the quality and the con- by the competent authorities.
ditions for supplies and services, including software products, According to current provisions, the following export regulations
by any Siemens entity having a registered office outside the must be observed with respect to the products featured in this
Federal Republic of Germany, shall be subject exclusively to the catalog / price list:
General Terms and Conditions of the respective Siemens entity.
for customers based in the Federal Republic of Germany AL Number of the German Export List.
The General Terms of Payment as well as the General Conditions Products marked other than "N" require an export
for the Supply of Products and Services of the Electrical and license.
Electronics Industry shall apply. In the case of software products, the export des-
ignations of the relevant data medium must also
For software products, the General License Conditions for Soft- be generally adhered to.
ware Products for Automation and Drives for Customers with
Seat or registered Office in Germany shall apply. Goods labeled with an "AL not equal to N" are
subject to a European or German export authori-
for customers with a seat or registered office outside the zation when being exported out of the EU.
Federal Republic of Germany
ECCN Export Control Classification Number.
The General Terms of Payment as well as the General Conditions
for Supplies of Siemens, Automation and Drives for Customers Products marked other than "N" are subject to a
with a Seat or registered Office outside of Germany shall apply. reexport license to specific countries.
For software products, the General License Conditions for Soft- In the case of software products, the export
ware Products for Automation and Drives for Customers with designations of the relevant data medium must
Seat or registered Office outside of Germany shall apply. also be generally adhered to.
Goods labeled with an "ECCN not equal to N" are
General subject to a US re-export authorization.
The prices are in € (Euro) ex works, exclusive packaging.
The sales tax (value added tax) is not included in the prices. Even without a label or with an "AL: N" or "ECCN: N", authoriza-
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Published by Siemens AG E86060-K4670-B201-A1-7600

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Automation and Drives
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Industrial Automation Systems
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9/20 Siemens ST DA · 2003

Catalogs of the
Automation and Drives Group (A&D)
Further information can be obtained from our branch
offices listed in the appendix of this catalog

Automation & Drives Catalog Low-Voltage Controls and Distribution Catalog

Interactive catalogs on CD-ROM Low-Voltage Controlgear, Switchgear and Systems NS K
• Components for Automation & Drives CA 01 Communication-Capable Controlgear,
• Electrical Installation Technology ET 01 Controlgear with SIRIUS, SIGUARD Safety Systems,
Control and Signalling Devices, Switchgear,
Transformers and DC Power Supplies,
Automation Systems for Machine Tools Main- and EMERGENCY-STOP Switches,
SINUMERIK & SIMODRIVE NC 60 Control Switches, Terminal Blocks
Cables, Connectors and System Components NC Z BERO - Sensors for Automation NS BERO
Products and Systems NS PS
for Low-Voltage Power Distribution
Drive Systems
Variable-Speed Drives
DC Motors DA 12 Motion Control System SIMOTION PM 10
DC Drives Preferred Series up to 500 kW DA 12.1
DC Drives Preferred Series 215 kW to 1500 kW DA 12.2 Process Instrumentation and Analytics
SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RA70 Digital Chassis DA 21.1 Field Instruments for Process Automation FI 01
Converters Measuring Instruments for Pressure,
SIMOREG K 6RA22 Analog Chassis Converters DA 21.2 Differential Pressure, Flow, Level and Temperature,
Positioners and Liquid Meters
SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RM70 Digital Converter DA 22
Cabinet Units Process Recorders and Accessories MP 20
SIMOVERT PM Modular Converter Systems DA 45 SIPART, Controllers and Software MP 31
SIEMOSYN Motors DA 48 SIWAREX Weighing Systems WT 01
MICROMASTER 410/420/430/440 Inverters DA 51.2 Gas Analysis Equipment for the Process Industry PA 10
MICROMASTER 411/COMBIMASTER 411 DA 51.3 PDF: Process Analytics, PA 11
Components for Sample Preparation
SIMOVERT A Current-Source DC Link Converters DA 62
SIPAN Liquid Analysis PA 20
SIMOVERT MV Medium-Voltage Drives DA 63
SIMATIC Industrial Automation Systems
SIMATIC PCS Process Control System ST 45
Synchronous and asynchronous servomotors for DA 65.3
PDF: SIMATIC S5/PC/505 Automation Systems ST 50
Components for Totally Integrated Automation ST 70
SIMODRIVE 611 universal and POSMO DA 65.4
SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Control System ST PCS 7
Automation Systems for Machine Tools SIMODRIVE NC 60
Add-ons for the SIMATIC PCS 7 ST PCS 7.A
• AC Main Spindle Motors 1PM, 1FE, 1PH
Process Control System
• AC Servomotors 1FT, 1FK
• AC Linear motors 1FN SIMATIC Control Systems ST DA

• Converter System SIMODRIVE 611 SIPOS Electric Actuators

• Converter Systems SIMODRIVE POSMO A/CD/CA/SI Electric Rotary, Linear and Part-turn Actuators MP 35

Low-Voltage Three-Phase-Motors Electric Rotary Actuators for Nuclear Plants MP 35.1/.2

Project Manual M 10
Systems Engineering
Squirrel-Cage Motors, Totally Enclosed, Fan-Cooled M 11
Power supplies SITOP power KT 10.1
Drive and Control Components for Hoisting Equipment HE 1
System cabling SIMATIC TOP connect KT 10.2
MOBY Identification Systems KT 21
Electrical Installation Technology
Industrial Microcomputers SICOMP KT 51
PDF: ALPHA Small Distribution Boards and ET A1
Distribution Boards
System Solutions
PDF: ALPHA Side-by-Side Switchgear Cabinets ET A3
Applications, Products and Services for Industry SL 01
PDF: BETA Modular Installation Devices ET B1
Automation Solutions in the Plastic Industry SL 10
PDF: DELTA Switches and Outlets ET D1 with SIMATIC S7
PDF: GAMMA Building Management Systems ET G1
TELEPERM M Process Control System
Human Machine Interface Systems SIMATIC HMI ST 80 AS 235, AS 235H and AS 235K automation systems PLT 111
AS 388/TM and AS 488/TM automation systems PLT 112
OS 525 operating and monitoring system PLT 122
Industrial Communication and Field Devices IK PI
Operating and monitoring with WinCC/TM PLT 123
CS 275 bus system PLT 130

PDF: These catalogs are only available as pdf files.

A&D/3U/En 07.11.02
Siemens AG

Automation and Drives

Industrial Automation Systems Order No. E86060-K4670-B201-A1-7600

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