Secure a
Demo Kit
The ultimate locating platform for
your digital enterprise
The SIMATIC RTLS demo kit is ideally suited for simple and SIMATIC RTLS’s Locating Manager is pre-installed on the IPC
temporary use in various environments. It allows for the and all the RTLS devices are pre-configured so that the
presentation and basic visualization of our real time locating demo kit is ready for operation immediately after the
system, SIMATIC RTLS. With the tripods that are included in physical setup of the devices.
the delivery, the physical setup of the components is simple
and fast. In addition, all components are packed in a
convenient transport case.
© Siemens 2019
Application specific
IT infrastructure
Locating Infrastructure
Industrial Ethernet
Scope of delivery
◾ SIMATIC IPC 427E incl. pre-installed Locating Manager
License (up to 100 Transponders)
◾ 5x SIMATIC RTLS4030G Gateways
◾ 5x Power supply EU incl. power cable for Gateways
◾ 5x Tripods incl. holder for Gateways
◾ Various accessories including laser measurement device
◾ Transport case
Transponder ◾ Variety of different, pre-configured Transponders
(e.g. RTLS4030T and 4083T).
With the components included in the demo kit it is possible on a customizable background map or facility layout that
to set up a RTLS demo application in an area of up to appro- can be easily changed. It is also possible to integrate the
ximately 100m². To do so the Gateways are mounted on RTLS demo into other systems via an Ethernet connection.
the tripods and set up in the area where the transponders
are to be located in. A sampling of the included transponders enables the user
to test a variety of application scenarios including the zone-
The Locating Manager license that is pre-installed on the dependent visualization of content on an e-Ink-Display.
IPC includes all functions that are required to operate a live
demo. The visualization of moving transponders is based
Security information
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats it
is necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-
art industrial security concept. Siemens products and solutions constitute one ele-
The SIMATIC RTLS demo kit is intended solely for demo purposes. Using the delivered ment of such a concept. For more information about industrial security, visit:
hardware and software components for productive purposes is not permitted.
Published by PDF The information provided in this catalog contains merely general descriptions or
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© Siemens 2019 scribed or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An
Digital Industries obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed
Process Automation in the terms of contract. Availability and technical specifications are subject to
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