SEL Fridays Student Packet

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9th Grade ELA Double Period: Explicit Teaching and Modeling of 14 Sequenced and Spiraling SEL Skills

Social-Emotional Fridays

Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art
Therapy Association “Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two
Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies” by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham
(August 21, 2019).
Explicit Teaching and Modeling of
14 Sequenced & Spiraling SEL Skills

SEL Skill #1: Belly Breathing

SEL Skill #2: Anger Management
SEL Skill #3: Pause for Empathy
SEL Skill #4: Positive Self-Talk
SEL Skill #5: Rapid Resets
SEL Skill #6: Gratitude Prompts
SEL Skill #7: Emotions Wheel
SEL Skill #8: Jealousy
SEL Skill #9: Internal Conflict
SEL Skill #10: Test-Taking Anxiety
SEL Skill #11: Self-Soothing
SEL Skill #12: Mindfulness
SEL Skill #13: Comfort vs. Growth Zones
SEL Skill #14: Expressive Writing
for Trauma

SEL Skill #1: Belly Breathing

Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art
Therapy Association “Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two
Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies” by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham
(August 21, 2019).

Practice Belly Breathing

Write About Belly Breathing

Step 1: Complete paragraph outline using WITSI note-taking
symbols for details. Do not write complete sentences for
details 1, 2, 3.

Topic Sentence: Practicing belly breathing may reduce my

stress because I can feel the following three things happening
to my mind and body.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Concluding Sentence: In conclusion, I will try to the technique

of belly breathing the next time I feel stressed.

Step 2: Use your paragraph outline to write a fully developed

paragraph using capital letter, periods, and transitional words:
such as, in addition, first, next, last, in the end, etc. Remember
to indent 5 spaces at the beginning of paragraph.


SEL Skill #2: Anger Management

The last time I was really angry was:
When? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Where? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What happened? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Who was there? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Now that I look back at that time I was really
angry, I think the source of my anger might
have been that I was feeling ______________
(refer to anger poster above and previous page)

The next time I am angry, I will try
these three things (copy top 3 things
from above checklist):
SEL Skill #3: Pause for Empathy
Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art
Therapy Association “Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two
Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies” by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham
(August 21, 2019).

What is empathy?

Root Word &
Definition of Empathy
Pathos= feelings or emotions

Empathy = being able to feel what others are


You can “walk in someone else’s shoes”.

If someone is sad you feel sad.
If someone is happy, you feel happy.
If someone is in pain, you feel pain.

Empathetic Listening

Write About Empathy
Step 1: Complete paragraph outline using WITSI note-taking
symbols for details. Do not write complete sentences for
details 1, 2, 3.

Topic Sentence: There are three questions I should ask myself

when I want to practice empathy.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Concluding Sentence: In conclusion, I will try to the technique

of empathy the next time I see my friend is stressed and in
need of support.

Step 2: Use your paragraph outline to write a fully developed
paragraph using capital letter, periods, and transitional words:
such as, in addition, first, next, last, in the end, etc. Remember
to indent 5 spaces at the beginning of paragraph.


Read about Empathy:

What Is Empathy?
Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand
what other people feel, see things from their point of
view, and imagine yourself in their place. Essentially, it is
putting yourself in someone else's position and feeling
what they are feeling.

Empathy means that when you see another person

suffering, such as after they've lost a loved one, you are
able to instantly envision yourself going through that
same experience and feel what they are going through.

Tips for Practicing Empathy

Fortunately, empathy is a skill that you can learn and
strengthen. If you would like to build your empathy skills,
there are a few things that you can do:

1. Work on listening to people without interrupting

2.Pay attention to body language and other types of
nonverbal communication
3.Try to understand people, even when you don't agree
with them
4.Ask people questions to learn more about them and
their lives
5.Imagine yourself in another person's shoes
6.Strengthen your connection with others to learn
more about how they feel
7.Seek to identify biases you may have and how they
affect your empathy for others
8.Look for ways in which you are similar to others
versus focusing on differences
9.Be willing to be vulnerable, opening up about how you
10. Engage in new experiences, giving you better
insight into how others in that situation may feel
Get involved in organizations that push for social

SEL Skill #4: Positive Self Talk

Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art
Therapy Association “Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two
Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies” by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham
(August 21, 2019).

Choose 5 words from the previous page and copy them
in the dialogue bubbles above. Then, choose the colors
that best represent you to color this page. Collect
completed papers from class, and let’s guess the owner
of each just from the 5 words and colors chosen.

SEL Skill #5: Rapid Resets

5 Physical Ways to De-Stress
1. Push the wall
2. Take a walk
3. Take a sip of water
4. Do heavy work
5. Hum or sing

4 Physical Ways to De-Stress:

Rapid Resets
1.Push the wall:

2.Take a walk:👟👟

3.Take a sip of water:🥛

4. Do heavy work:🏋🏾



Stress and trauma can trigger a response in the amygdala, the part of the brain that
sends the body into fight, flight, or freeze mode, hijacking the rest of the brain so it
becomes focused solely on responding to or fleeing the perceived threat.

“Our thinking brain is where we process language, so if I have flipped my lid, and
you talk to me, you sound like the Charlie Brown teacher,” says Ann DuPre Rogers,
executive director of Resources for Resilience, the nonprofit organization that conducts
the training. When a person is triggered and can’t be reached through conversation,
the training directs them to take a sip of water, press against a wall, or try a quick walk
while paying close attention to their physical sensations.

For example, when drinking a sip of water, a participant might try to feel every
droplet of water in their mouth. How does it feel as it passes over the lips? Is it cool or
warm? Does it have texture? This process of closely examining sensory details called
sensing-in is similar to mindfulness practices which are increasingly backed by
research, and even prescribed by doctors, for addressing acute stress and trauma.

“You notice all the sort of sensory elements of the sip,” said Rogers, explaining one
of the strategies that allows teachers and kids to calm their brains and bodies. Once
the amygdala is calmed, she continues, “then the brain can come back and we can talk
it through. We can make a plan.”

Rapid Reset: Push the Wall

1. I think this de-stressing activity would work

best for me because ____________________

2. I think this de-stressing activity would NOT

work for me because____________________

Rapid Reset: Take a Walk👟👟

3. I think this de-stressing activity would work
best for me because ____________________

4. I think this de-stressing activity would NOT

work for me because____________________

Rapid Reset:Take a Sip of Water🥛

5. I think this de-stressing activity would work
best for me because ____________________

6. I think this de-stressing activity would NOT

work for me because____________________
Rapid Reset: Do Heavy Work

7. I think this de-stressing activity would work
best for me because ____________________

8. I think this de-stressing activity would NOT

work for me because____________________

Rapid Reset:Hum or Sing🎶

9. I think this de-stressing activity would work
best for me because ____________________

10. I think this de-stressing activity would NOT

work for me because____________________
SEL Skill #6: Gratitude Prompts

Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art
Therapy Association “Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two
Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies” by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham
(August 21, 2019).

1. A strength of mine for which I am grateful for is_______

2. Something money can't buy that I'm grateful for is______


3. Something that comforts me that I am grateful for is____


4. Something that's funny for which I'm grateful for is_____


5. Something in nature that I’m grateful for is___________


6. A memory I’m grateful for is_______________________

7. Something that changes that I’m grateful for is________


8. A challenge I’m grateful for is______________________


9. Something interesting I’m grateful for is______________


10. Something beautiful I’m grateful for


SEL Skill #7: Emotions Wheel

Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art
Therapy Association “Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two
Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies” by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham
(August 21, 2019).

Why are certain emojis different colors?


1. What is the feeling/emotion each emoji is expressing?

Write the feeling/emotion below each emoji.

2. Color each emoji. Choose a color that you think matches

this feeling/emotion. For example, red color can mean
angry and blue color can mean sad.

Emotions Wheel

There are 7 emotions in the middle of the emotions wheel. Draw a line
matching the 7 center emotions to the appropriate emotion in that category:
Matching Emotions
1. Surprised Jealous
2. Happy Worried
3. Sad Energetic
4. Disgusted Sleepy
5. Angry Confident
6. Fearful Embarrassed
7. Bad Nervous

In the text "With Friends Like These...", Dorothy Rowe states
"All our emotions relate to the degree of safety or danger our
sense of being a person is experiencing" (page 142).

1. One emotion that makes me feel SAFE is _______.

2.One emotion that makes me feel in DANGER is ___.

1. Circle three emotions you are feeling
2. The emotion that I am feeling the most
now is ____________________________.
3. I think I am feeling this emotion right now
SEL Skill #8: Jealousy

Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art
Therapy Association “Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two

Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies” by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham
(August 21, 2019).

In the text "With Friends Like These...", Dorothy
Rowe states “Take jealousy, for example. Feeling
self-confident, we can rejoice in our friend’s
success at a new job; feeling inferior, we see
danger and try to defend ourselves with: ‘It’s not
fair’” (page 142).

The last time I felt proud of my friend was when_____


The last time I felt jealous of my friend was when_____
SEL Skill #9: Identifying Internal Conflict

Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art
Therapy Association “Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two
Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies” by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham
(August 21, 2019).

Kobe Bryant’s Internal Conflict

Shadow = Symbol of internal conflict

Write About Your Internal Conflict

Step 1: Complete paragraph outline using WITSI note-taking
symbols for details. Do not write complete sentences for
details 1, 2, 3.

Topic Sentence: Kobe Bryant’s shadow is his own obstacle, just

like I can think of three things that I do that get in the way of
my own success.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Concluding Sentence: In conclusion, when I encounter this

internal conflict, I will try to use some of the social emotional
techniques that I learned in class.

Step 2: Use your paragraph outline to write a fully developed
paragraph using capital letter, periods, and transitional words:
such as, in addition, first, next, last, in the end, etc. Remember
to indent 5 spaces at the beginning of paragraph.


SEL Skill #10: Test-Taking Anxiety

Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art
Therapy Association “Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two
Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies” by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham
(August 21, 2019).

How to reduce test anxiety:
Write about Test Anxiety
Step 1: Complete paragraph outline using WITSI note-taking
symbols for details. Do not write complete sentences for
details 1, 2, 3.
Topic Sentence: When I am nervous during a test, these are
the three things I can do to reduce my anxiety.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Concluding Sentence: In conclusion, when I take Regents exams

this June, I will try to use some of the social emotional
techniques that I learned in class.

Step 2: Use your paragraph outline to write a fully developed

paragraph using capital letter, periods, and transitional words:
such as, in addition, first, next, last, in the end, etc. Remember
to indent 5 spaces at the beginning of paragraph.


SEL Skill #11: Self-Soothing

Listen to the rain to self-soothe:

Listen to the beach to self-soothe:

Write About Self-Soothing
Step 1: Complete paragraph outline using WITSI note-taking
symbols for details. Do not write complete sentences for
details 1, 2, 3.

Topic Sentence: Listening to the rain for 10 mintues may

decrease my personal stress because I can feel the
following three things happening to my mind and body.
1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Concluding Sentence: In conclusion, the next time I feel really

stressed, I may try listening to self-soothing videos like rain or
the beach.

Step 2: Use your paragraph outline to write a fully developed

paragraph using capital letter, periods, and transitional words:
such as, in addition, first, next, last, in the end, etc. Remember
to indent 5 spaces at the beginning of paragraph.


SEL Skill #12: Mindfulness

Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art
Therapy Association “Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two
Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies” by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham
(August 21, 2019).

fill your mind with the present moment

Thinking about the past —> sad & depressed

Thinking about the future —> anxiety & stress

Thinking about now —> calm & clear

Complete this mindfulness activity on the next page.

5 things I can see right now:

1. ____________________

4 things I can feel right now:

1. ___________________

3 things I can hear right now:

1. ___________________

2 things I can smell right now:

1. ___________________

1 thing I can taste right now:

1. __________________

SEL Skill #13: Comfort Zone vs. Growth Zone

Did you know that coloring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress?
There is scientific research available in the Journal of the American Art Therapy Association
“Cognitive and Affective Benefits of Coloring: Two Randomized Controlled Crossover Studies”
by Holt, Furbert, Sweetingham (August 21, 2019).

In the text "With Friends Like These..." Dorothy
Rowe states “Change creates uncertainty, and
uncertainty can be frightening” (page 143).

One change this year that has stressed me out


Directions: Use note-taking symbols to answer the questions below.
Then, use the information on dotted lines to write an expanded

Simple sentence: This change stressed me out this year.

What?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Where?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

How?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Expanded sentence:______________________________



SEL Skill #14: Expressive Writing for Trauma


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