Common Nursing Abbreviations

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The text provides a long list of common medical abbreviations used in nursing with their corresponding full forms.

Some of the commonly abbreviated medical conditions and procedures mentioned include types of diseases, procedures, vital signs, medications and doses. For example, DM for diabetes mellitus, TURP for transurethral resection of the prostate, VS for vital signs.

Some examples of lab tests and their abbreviations include CBC for complete blood count, BMP for basic metabolic panel, CXR for chest x-ray, and EKG for electrocardiogram.

Common Nursing Abbreviations

A&P: ausculationa and percussion A&W: alive and well a.c.,ac: before meals AB: abortion Ab: anitbody ABC: aspiration, biopsy, cytology abd: abdomen ACE: angiotensing coronary syndromes ACL: anterior cruciate ligament ACS: acute coronary syndroms ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone ad lib: freely as desired ADD: attention deficit disorder ADH: antidiuretic hormone ADHD: attention deficit disorder AIDS: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome alb: albumin alk phos: alkaline phosphatase ALL: acute lymphocytic leukemia ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALT: alanine transaminase AML: acute myelocytic leukemia AP or A/P: anteroposterior

aq: water ASD: atrial septal defect ASHD: arteriosclerotic heart disease AST: aspartate transaminase AV: B cells: white blood cells b.i.d., bid: twice a day BaE: barium enema BM: bowel movement, bone marrow BP,B/P: blood pressure BPH: benign prostatic hypertrophy Bronch: bronchoscopy bs: blood sugar; bowel sounds; breath sounds BSE: breast self examination BSO: bilateral salpingooophorectomy BUN: blood urea nitrogen BW: birth weight Bx, bx: biopsy C&S, C+S: culture adn sensitivity C-section, CS: cesarean section c/o: complains of c/w: consistent with C1,C2: first, second cervical verebra Ca: calcium graft CAD: coronary artery disease

cap: capsule CAPD: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis cath: catheter, catheterization CBC: complete blood count CC: chief complaint critical care unit CF: cystic fibrosis Chemo: chemotherapy CHF: congestive heart failure Chol: cholesterol neoplasia CIS: carcinoma CKD: chronic kidney diseaase cm: centimeter CML: chronic myelocytic leukemia CNS: central nervous system CO2: carbon dioxide COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP: cerebral palsy, chest pain CPD: cephalopelvic desproportion CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation CSF: cerebrospinal fluid CT: computed tomography CT (CAT) scan: computed axial tomography CVA: cerebrovascualr accident (stroke) cysto: cystoscopy D&C: dilation and curettage

arteriovenous;atrioventricular CCU: coronary care unit;

BMT: bone marrow transplant CIN: cervical intraepithelial

CABG: coronary artery bypass CXR, CX: chest x-ray

DES: diethylstilbestrol DIC: disseminated intravascular coagulation diff: differential DKA: diabetic ketoacidosis DM: diabetes mellitus DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid DOB: date of birth DOE: dyspne on exdrtion DRE: digital rectal exam DT: delirium tremens DTR: deep tendon reflex DVT: deep vein thrombosis Dx: diangosis EBV: Epstein-barr virus ECG: electrocardiogram Echo: echoardiogram ECMO: extrcoporeal membrane oxygenator ECT: electroconvulsive therapy ED: emergency department EDC: estimated date of confinement EEG: electroencephalogram EENT: eyes ears nose and throat EGD: esophagogastroduodenoscop y ELISA: enzyme linke immunosorbet assay EMG: electromyogram ENT: ear nose throat Eos: eosinophil

ER: emergency room, estrogen receptor ERCP: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESRD: end stage renal disease ESWL: extracoporeal shockwave lithotripsy ETOH: ethyl alcohol ETT: exercise tolerance test, endotracheal tube F/U, f/u: follow up FBS: fasting blood sugar administration Fe: iron FH: family history FHR: fetal heart rate FSH: follicle-stimulation hormone FUO: fever of unknown origin Fx: fracture g (gm): gram Ga: gallium GB: gallbladder GC: gonococcus Gd: gadolinium GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease Grav. 1,2,3: first second third pregnancy gt, gtt: drop, drops GTT: glucose tolerance test GU: genitourinary

GVHD: graft versus host disease Gyn: gynecology H: hydrogen H&P: history and physical h, hr: hour h/o: history of HBV: hepatitis B virus HCG, hCG: human chorionic gonadotopin Hct: hematocrit HCV: hepatitis C virus HD: hemodialysis HDL: high density lipoproteins HEENT: head ears eyes nose and throat Hg: mercury Hgb: hemoglobin portability and accountability act HIV: human immunodeficieency virus HPV: human papilloma virus HRT: hormone replacement therap HSV-1,,2: herpes simplex virus type 1,2 HSY: hysterosalpinggography HTN: hypertension Hx: history I: iodine I&D: incision and drainage I&O: intake and outake IBD: inflammatory bowel disease IBS: irritable bowel syndrom

ECC: emergency cardiac care FDA: food and drug

FEV: forced expiratory volume HIPAA: health insurance

IM: intramuscular; infectious mononucleosis INH: isoniazid intensive care unit: ICU IOL: intraocular lens IUD: intrauterine device IV: intravenous IVP: intravenous pyelogram K: potassium kg: kilogram KS: Kaposi sarcoma L&W: living and well L, l: left, liter, lower L1, L2: first, second lumbar vertebra LA: left atrium lat: lateral pressure LDH: lactate dehdrogenase LDL: low-density lipoproteins LE: lupus erythematosus LEEP: loop electrocautery excision procedure LES: lower esophageal sphincter LFT: liver function test LLQ: lower left quadrant LMP: last menstrual period LP: lumbar puncture LPN: licensed practical nurse LTB: laryngotracheal bronchitis LUQ: left upper quadrant LV: left venticle

LVAD: left ventricle assist device lymphs: lymphocytes lytes: electolytes m: meter, milli MAC: monitored anesthesia care MCH: mean corpuscular hemoglovin MCHC: mean corpuscular hemoglobing concentration volume MD, M.D.: medical doctor, muscular dystorphy mets: metastases mg: milligram Mg: Magnesium health MI: myocardial infarction ml: milliliter mm: millimeter bp mono: moncytes MRA: magnetic rsonance angiograpy MRI: magnetic resonance angiography MS: mitral stenosis, multiple sclerosis, mental status MSW: medical social worker MVP: mitarl valve prolapse myop: myopia N: nitrogen N+V: nausea and vomiting

Na: sodium NB: newborn NED: no evidence of disease NG tube: nasogastic tube NICU: neonatal intensive care unit NKA: no known allergies NPO: nothing by mouth NSAID: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug NSR: normal sinus rhythm NTP: normal temperature and pressure O2: oxygen OA: osteoarthritis OB: obstetrics OD, O.D.: right eye, eye doctor OR: operating room ORIF: open reduction, internal fixation ORTH, ortho.: orthodpeics or orthopaedics OS: left eye OSA: obstructive sleep apnea OU: each eye OV: office visit P: plan, posterior, pulse, phosphours, pupil, pressure p.c.,pc: after meals p.o., po: by mouth p.r.n., prn: as needed p/o: postoperative PA: posteroanterior, pulmonary artery

KUB: kidneys, ureters, bladder MCV: mean corpuscular

LBP: low back pain, low blood MH: marital history; mental

mm HG: milimiter of mercury, os: mouth

PAC: premature atrial contraction PaCO2: arterial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood PACS: picture achival communications system palp: palpale PaO2: arterial pressure of oxygen in the blood Pap smear: Papanicolaou smear para: paracentesis Para 1,2,3: woman having produced one, two, three viable offspring PCI: percutaneous cornary interventions PE: physical examination; pulmonary embolus PE tube: pressure-equalizing tube pressure per: by PERRLA: pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accomdation PET: positive emmision tomography PFT: pulmonary function test PH: past history PI: present illness PID: pelvic inflammatory disease PKU: phenyketonuria PM: afternoon, postmortem

PMH: past medical history PND: paroxysmal nocturnal dyspne; postnasal drip polys: polymorphonuclear leukocytes poplit: popliteal post-op: after operation PP: after meals; after birth PPD: purified protein derivative pre-op: before operation prep: prepare for pro time: prothromibin time procto: proctoscopy pt: patient PT: physical therapy;prothrombin time PTA: prior to admission PTCA: percuatneous transluminal coronary angioplasty PTR: patient to return PTT: partial thromboplastin time PVC: permature ventricular contraction PVD: peripheal vasular disease PVT: paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia PWB: partial weight bearing q: every q.h., qh: every hour q.i.d., qid: four times a day

q.n.s.,qns: quantity not sufficient q.s.,qs: quantity sufficient q2h: every two hours qt: quart R,r: right, respiration R/O, r/o: rule out RA: rtheumatoid arthritis right atrium rad: radiation absorbed dose RBC, rbc: red blood cell RIA: radioimmunoassary RLQ: right lower quadrant ROM: range of motion RP: retrograde pyelogram RR: recovery room; respiration rate RRR: regular rate and rythm RT: radiation therapy, recreational therapy, radiologic technologis RUQ: right upper quadrant RV: right ventricle Rx: treatment S-A node: sinoatrial node without glasses S/P, s/p: status post S1,S2: first, second sacral vertebra SARS: severe acute respiratory syndrom SBFT: small bowel follow through sed. rate: erthrocyte sedimentation rate

PSA: prostate specific antigen ROS: review of system

PEEP: positive end-expiratory PTH: parathyroid hormone

segs: segmented white blood cells SERM: selective estrogen receptor modulator SH: social history;serum hepatis SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome sig: let it be labeled SIRS: systemic lupus erythematosus SMA: sequential multiple analyzer SOAP: subjective data, ovjective data, assessment, plan SOB: shortness of breath specific gravity SPECT: single photon emission computed tomography SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor staph: staphyloccci STAT, stat: immediately STI: sexually transitted infection strep: streptococci Sx: symptoms;signs sz: seizure T: temperature, time T cells: lymphocytes originating in the thymus gland T&A: tonsillectomy and adenoidecotomy t.i.d.,tid: three times a day

T1, T2: first, second thoracic vertebra T3: triiodothyronine T4: thyroxine tab: tablet TAB: thearaputic abortion TAH-BSO: total abdominal hysteretomy-bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy TB: tuberculosis TEE: transesophageal echocardiogram TENS: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator THR: total hip replacement TIA: tranient ischemic attack TLC: total lung capacity TM: tympanice membrane TNM: tumor ,nodes, metastasis tomos: tomograms TRUS: transrectal ultrasound TSH: thyroid-stimulation hormone the prostate gland TUR, TURP: transurethral resection of the prostate gland TVH: total vaginal hysterectomy Tx: treatment U/O: urine output UA, U/A: urinalysis UE: upper extremity UGI: upper gastointestinal

umb: navel ung: ointment URI: upper respiratory infection US, u/s: ultrasound UTI: urinary tract infection UV: ultraviolet V tach, VT: ventricular tachycardia VA: visual acuity VC: vital capacity of lungs VCUG: voiding cystourethorgram VF: visual field, ventricular fibrilalltion VS, V/S: vital signs VSD: ventrivular septal defect VSS: vital signs stable W/C: wheel chair w/u: work up wd: wound nourished WNL: within normal limits WT, wt: weight y/o, yr: years old

TPN: total parenteral nutrition WDWN: well developed, well

TUIP: transurethral incision of XRT: radiotion thearpy

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