Chapter 3 - 6th To 11th Year After Hijrah

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6th Year of Hijrah – Treaty of Hudaibiyah

➢ Prophet (SAW)’s dream & preparation

o In 6 AH, 628AD, Prophet (SAW) dreamt of his visit to Kabah, performing ceremonies of
o “God has fulfilled His Messenger's vision in Truth: "You will enter the Sacred House,
God willing, in safety, with your heads shaved or hair shortened, with no fear. He
knew what you did not know, and has granted you besides this, a victory soon to
come.” (Al Fath-48:27)
o He shared his dream and asked companions to prepare for Umarah too.
o After appointing an in charge in Madinah, he set out with 1400 companions, wearing
Ihraam in the month of Zul Qadah.
o He mounted on Al- Qaswah and his wife Um Salamah joined him in this journey.
o He strictly instructed his companions not to carry any weapons except shielded swords
and small daggers for self-defence purpose only.
o Moreover, they took seventy camels for sacrifice, with collar around their neck as an
indication of sacrificial Animal.

➢ Quraish resistance to Muslims’s entry in Makkah by force

o Quraysh refused to allow Muslim’s entry in Makkah
o An army was sent under Khalid bin Waleed & Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl
o They planned to take Muslims by surprise during Zuhur prayer but missed their chance
due to revelation of rules of fear prayer (Salaat Al Khauf) where Muslims shorten their
prayer. Surah Nisa, verse: 4 was revwaled.
o Prophet (SAW) had no intention to fight so he took unusual road and camped at
Hudaibiyah, 3 miles away from Makkah.

➢ Negotiations between Muslims and Makkans

o Quraysh sent ambassadors including Urwa bin Masood to convince Prophet (SAW) to
return back to Madinah.
o But the Holy Prophet gave him all same reply, that they had not come to fight but to do
honour to the House of Allah and carry out a religious duty.
o Prophet (SAW) sent two envoys to persuade Quraysh too, but they were mistreated by
o Finally, Uthman (RA) was sent due to his influential family in Makkah. He went Abu
Sufyan and other Makkan chiefs to seek their permission for performance of Umrah and
assured them of Muslims peaceful depart afterwards.
o However, they offered Uthman (RA) to perform Umrah individually but he refused.
➢ Bait Al Ridwan – Pledge of Allah’s pleasure

o Uthman (RA) was detained for long time in Makkah by Quraish.

o In Muslims’ camp, a rumour of his assassination spread.
o Prophet (SAW) call upon his companions to take pledge to revenge the Uthman (RA)’s
o It came to be known as Bayt Al Ridwan – Pledge of Allah’s pleasure.
o It’s mentioned in Quran: “God was pleased with the believers when they pledged
allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent
down tranquillity to them, and rewarded them with an imminent victory.” (Al- Fateh
o This pledge was the demonstration of Muslims’ determination to stand by the Holy
Prophet (SAW), no matter what the Quraish might did.
o Fortunately, Uthman RA returned soon after this pledge and the negotiation resumed
once again.

➢ Treaty of Hudaibiyah and Terms

o Quraysh heard about the oath and decided to negotiate.
o This time Quraish sent Sohail bin Amr to negotiate with Muslims.
o After prolonged debate, a peace treaty was signed known as Treaty of Hudaibiyah.

Terms of Treaty:
1. There will be no fighting for 10 years between Quraish and Muslims. Both parties
would live with full security and peace.
2. Muslims would go back this year; they may perform Hajj next year but shall not stay
in Makkah for more than three days and will be armed with swords only.
3. Tribes of Arabia are free to ally any side they want.
4. Anyone fleeing from Makkah to Madinah will be returned, but anyone fleeing from
Madinah to Makkah would not be returned.

➢ Immediate Results and Influences

o Muslims, in general, were not satisfied with the terms as they regarded it much
humiliating to themselves and feeling disappointed.
o The Prophet (SAW) orders Muslims to undo their Ihram on the based the on term 2.
o Banu Khuza’a joined the alliance of Muslims and Banu Bakr joined Quraish according
to term 3.
o The Prophet returns Abu Jandal, son of Suhail bin Amr to Quraish as per term 4, This
intensified the grief of Muslims.
o Omar (RA) expressed his unhappiness to the Prophet (SAW)
o Muslims did not shave or sacrificed their animals in grief until the Prophet (SAW) took
initiative on the suggestion of his wife Um Salamah.

➢ Later Outcomes
o The Prophet said that Muslims had been victorious. On the way to Madinah Prophet
(SAW) was supported in this by new revelation: ‘Verily we have granted thee a
manifest victory’. (48:1)
o Later on, result of this treaty proved this treaty a turning point and a manifest victory for
Islam and Muslims.
7th Year of Hijrah – The Expedition of Khyber

➢ Background
o Jews settled in Khyber after their expulsion from Madinah.
o Khyber was a fertile farming area that included many strong fortresses in the North of
o They were a constant threat to the peace and security of Madinah due to their conspiring
nature and military strength.

➢ Main cause and Jew’s secret preparation

o Jews considered the treaty of Hudaibiya as a weakness and defeat of Muslims so
started the secret preparations to attack Madinah.
o Some of their leaders succeeded in persuading the Ghatafan tribes to join hands by
offering them a percentage of their yearly produce of fruits and dates.
o They also had a secret negotiation with Abdullah bin Ubbay against Muslims.

➢ Prophet (SAW)’s action to prevent reinforcement against Islam

o When Prophet (SAW) came to know about Jewish plan, he quickly prepared to counter
them strategically.

➢ Muslim army
o In Muharram, 7AH, Prophet (SAW) led an army of sixteen hundred warriors and
marched towards Khyber and reached there in three days.

➢ Jewish army in Khyber

o Jews were not ready for this surprise attack; therefore, Jew's 20,000 army saw the
Muslims and shut themselves in their 8 best and strong well-guarded fortresses.
o Khyber was divided in 3 Sectors, Nataah, Katibah and Shaq.
o Nataah had three fortresses: Hisn Naam, Hisn sab bin Muadh & Hisn Qala Al-Zubayr.
o Katibah had three fortresses: Hsin Qamus ,Hisn Wateeh & Hisn Salalam.
o Shaq had two fortresses: Hisn Abi & Hisn Nazir.
o Muslims laid siege to their forts.

➢ Main Event
o Jews resisted and hurled stones and arrows on the Muslims whenever they
approached the forts but Muslims remained persistent.
o Within twenty days all, the forts fell to the Muslims one after the other.
o The first battle took place on the fort called Naim, which was conquered by Muslims
after a fierce battle.
➢ Matchless bravery of Ali (RA)
o Fight prolonged when Muslims reached at Qamus Fort.
o So, one night Prophet (SAW) said: “Tomorrow I will give the banner to a person who
loves Allah and His messenger and Allah and His messenger loves him”.
o Next morning, Ali (RA) was called by Prophet (SAW) who was suffering with eye
o Prophet (SAW) applied his spittle to Ali (RA)’s eye and prayed for his recovery. Ali (RA)
found his eyes were cured instantly.
o Then, Ali (RA) was given Muslim’s banner and sent him as commander of Muslims’
troops for that day.
o Prophet advised him to try to convince Jews with the message of Islam and keep fighting
as a last alternative.
o According to Prophet (SAW)’s instruction, he called Jews to accept Islam.
o In response, Marhab, warrior of the Jews, came out of the fort bragging about his
strength and invited Ali (RA) for a combat and Ali (RA) killed Marhab in a single stroke.

➢ Surrender of Jews
o Finally, the last fort of Qamus was conquered, rest of the fortresses were surrendered
peacefully as Jews seeing the situation of the battle surrendered to Holy Prophet who
granted them peace and protection, returned their lands and allowed them to stay at
Khyber under the protection of the Muslims and give half of the produce of their lands
to the Muslims as a security tax known as Jizyah

➢ Outcomes
o During expedition of Khyber, 15 to 18 Muslims were martyred and 93 Jews were killed.
o An agreement was made with Jews to pay half of the annual harvest as Jizyah
o The strength of Jews weakened and there was a huge loss to their economy.
o The expedition of Khyber improved economical position of the Muslims.
o This expedition strengthened the Muslims and the Prophet’s leadership.
o After the expedition of Khyber, the Muslims became the most powerful force in Arabia.

➢ Important Incidents after Khyber

o A Jewish woman poisoned the Prophet (SAW).
o Prophet (SAW) married to Safiyah bint huayy bin Akhtab, who was the widow of chief
Kinanah. Her husband was killed for breach of promise.
o Prophet (SAW) performed Umrah in 7th AH as per term of treaty of Hudaibiyah with
2000 Muslims.
o The Prophet (SAW) married Maimunah (RA) during return journey from Umrah.
o Khalid bin Waleed, Amr bin Aas and Abu Hurrairah accepted Islam.
o J’afar bin Abi Talib, returned Madinah from Abyssinia.
8th Year of Hijrah – Battle of Mu’tah
➢ Causes
o It was one of the most significant and dangerous battle.
o It was Muslims first attempt towards Christians.
o In 7th AH, Prophet (SAW) sent Haris bin Umair (RA) with a letter for the ruler of Basra (Syria)
but he was intercepted and killed by Shrahbil Ghassani, the Roman Governor of Al Balqa
and a close ally of Heraclius, Caesar of the Roman Empire.
➢ Preparation of Muslim
o Prophet (SAW) shocked and grieved as the killing of an ambassador was an act of war.
o In response to this aggression, Prophet (SAW) dispatched an army of 3000 warriors in
8th AH, under Zaid bin Hairtha (RA) with detailed instructions regarding the chain of

➢ Appointment of Three Commanders and Instructions

o He asked to appoint Jaffer bin Abi Talib (RA) if Zaid bin Harith (RA) embraced martyrdom and
in case he too dies, then Abdullah bin Rawahah (RA) should lead the troops. If these three
are martyred then the army can choose their own commander.
o The Prophet (SAW) gave Zaid (RA) a white flag made by himself.

o He (SAW) instructed them to invite Islam. Muslims were to fight only if they reject the call.
o The code of conduct of the war was mentioned by Prophet (SAW). He advised them to fight
for Allah. He (SAW) ordered them to avoid aggression and violation of treaties, forbade the
killing of children, women, old and weak, discouraged hiding or stealing of booty, cutting of
trees and demolishing of homes.
o Prophet (SAW) Said, “In the name of Allah and in the way of Allah, Fight against those
who blaspheme Him. Behold! Commit no breach of Promise, nor of trust, nor kill their
children, old men on the verge of death, nor recluse the hermitage, and do not cut down
trees, nor demolish any building. (Al-Bukhari)
o Prophet (SAW) escorted the army for some distance out of Madinah and then bade them
➢ Roman Army and Inspiring Speech of Abdullah bin Rawahah (RA)
o Roman sent 100,000 troops with another 100,000 from Arabian tribes allied to fight with the
Muslim army.
o When Muslims heard about the strength of Roman army, they sat conferring about the situation,
wondering whether to wade into the battlefield outnumbered or to send for reinforcements. In
this situation, Abdullah bin Rawahah (RA) gave an impassionate speech which encouraged
them to fight.
➢ Main Events of Battle of Mutah
o Both armies met at Mutah. The fierce battle started in which all three commanders of Muslims
were martyred one after another.
➢ Martyrdom of First Commander - Zayd bin Haritha (RA)
o Zaid bin Harith (RA) was the adopted son of Prophet (SAW). He fought with his absolute
strength and matchless bravery until he was fatally stabbed.

➢ Martyrdom of Second Commander - Jaffar bin Abu Talib (RA)

o Next, the banner was given to Jaffer, who was entitled as Tayyar (one with two wings); he
also did a courageous job.
o Dismounting on the horse, he resumed fighting until his right hand was cut off. He seized the
banner with his left hand until this too was cut down. He then held onto the banner with both
arms until the Byzantine soldier cut him into two pieces. He had ninety wounds on his body,
none of them in the back.
o He made sure that the Flag of Islam was suspended in air until he died.
➢ Martyrdom of Third Commander - Abdullah bin Ruwahah (RA)
o The prophet (SAW)’s standard (white flag) was then taken up by Abdullah bin Ruwahah who
was a poet. He fought bravely and attained martyrdom.
➢ Appointment of Fourth commander - Khalid bin Waleed (RA) and his unique strategy
o After the last leader had fallen, Thabit bin Aqram (RA) ran to receive the flag and rose it high,
so that the Muslims would not disperse in chaos.
o Then Muslims chose Khalid bin Walid (RA) unanimously as their fourth commander.
o Khalid bin Waleed (RA) showed his skills as a strategist. He reshuffled the right and left
wings of the army and brought the rear division to the front.
o Khalid bin Walid (RA) cast fear in the enemy’s heart by misleading them that fresh forces had
arrived to fight them.
o While he was fighting, He (RA) used nine swords that broke. Later, the Prophet (SAW) entitled
him as “Saifullah” (The Sword of Allah)
o Along with fighting random clashes with the enemy, the Muslim forces retreated gradually in an
organized manner. The Byzantine thought they were being entrapped in the heart of the desert,
so they decided to stop pursuing the Muslim army. Thus, the Muslim army managed to retreat
to Madinah with minimal casualties.
➢ Allah (SWT)’s inspiration to Prophet (SAW) about battlefield
o Back in Madinah the Prophet (SAW) was fully informed of the happenings of the war. He (SAW)
gave the news of the martyrdom of three commanders and informed people that the command
had been handed over to Khalid bin Waleed (RA), whom he then referred to as one of Allah’s
➢ Outcomes
o Khalid bin Waleed (RA) brought back the army safely with his great strategy.
o 12 Muslims were martyred only.
o It shows the strong determination of the Muslims that they are ready to give their lives for the
cause of Allah.
o Romans realized the power of Muslims that they can never be easily defeated.
o Arab tribes were very much impressed that Muslims can even face the challenge of the romans,
which is the most powerful empire in the world.
Even though the battle did not satisfy the Muslims’ objective, namely avenging Al-Harith’s murder,
it resulted in a far-ranging impact and attached to the Muslims a great reputation in the battlefields.
8th Year after Hijrah – Conquest of Makkah

➢ Background and Causes

o The treaty of Hudaibiya remained for two years. The Makkans were allied with Banu Bakr,
whereas Madinah was allied with Banu Khuza. Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza were old
o After the battle of Mutah, Banu Bakr attacked Banu Khuza. They killed several people of
Banu Khuza who were there into the Kaaba for protection.
o In return for this aggression, the chief of Banu Khuza ‘Amr bin Salim’ with a party of forty
men came to the Holy Prophet (SAW) in Madinah and requested the Prophet (SAW) for
o It was a bound duty for Muslims to take action, so the Prophet (SAW) sent his messenger
to Quraish with three alternatives, Quraish to pay money to the victims’ families or break
their alliance with Banu Bakr or dissolve the treaty.
➢ Abu Sufyan’s visit to Madinah for renewal of treaty
o Qurysh went for the third option but later realized that they have mistaken. They sent Abu
Sufyan to Madinah to rectify and renew treaty.
o Abu Sufyan ibn Al Harb approached his daughter-Umm-Habiba (RA), Prophet (SAW), Abu
Bakr (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA) and Ali (RA). They all declined to negotiate or help.
Consequently, he returned to Makkah without any success.

➢ Prophet (SAW)’s Secret preparation for battle

o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) started preparing for the battle against Quraish secretly.
o An effort of informing Quraish by Hatib was made fail.
o Ten thousand Muslims from Muhajirun, Ansar and some Arab tribes met for the purpose,
marched to Makkah on10th Ramadan, 8th A.H 630AD.

➢ Events on the way and close to Makkah

o Uncle Abbas joined Prophet (SAW) on the way after accepting Islam.
o Muslim army reached close to Makkah and encamped outside Makkah.
o Prophet (SAW) asked every soldier to ignite the light and also to spread to show their
strength and appear as huge army. This impression sank the hearts of disbelievers of
o Abu Sufyan surveyed the situation, surrendered to Prophet (SAW) and accepted Islam.
o Prophet (SAW) granted special status to him by declaring his house a safe haven.

➢ Prophet (SAW)’s division of Muslim army and Instructions

o Prophet (SAW) divided Muslim army in 4 columns and asked each to enter Makkah from
four different route.
o The four troops were commanded by Prophet (SAW), Ubaidah bin Jarrah (RA), Saad bin
Ubadah (RA) and Khalid bin Walid (RA).
o Before entering Makkah, the Prophet (SAW) instructed his army not to use arms against
anyone unless they met resistance or were attacked. Along with it, he ordered them to
avoid bloodshed and to refrain from harming the aged people, women, children and not to
pass through crops or cut fruit bearing trees.

➢ The Prophet (SAW) enters Makkah

o Muslim army entered Makkah from all four directions peacefully. Only the column of
Khalid bin Walid had been showered by arrows, and he fought back. In this encounter,
12 Makkans were killed while 2 Muslims embraced martyrdom.
o Moreover, it was announced that if someone closed his house doors, entered in the Holy
Kabah or in the house of Abu Sufyan will be saved.
o The Prophet (SAWS) entered in Makkah as a conqueror but an example of humility.

➢ Purification of Kabah
o This was on Friday morning of Ramadan, 8 A.H. Prophet (SAW) performed Tawaf and
prodded each of the 360 idols which were around the Kabah, reciting, ‘And declare, “The
truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood is bound to vanish.”
(Isra 17:81)
o Prophet (SAW) entered in Kabah after taking key from caretaker of Kabah, Usman bin
Talha and the idols inside were removed, destroyed and all the pictures rubbed out.
o Then, Prophet (SAW) offered two Rakkah inside the Kabah.

➢ A General Forgiveness
o Prophet (SAW) came out asked that what type of attitude did they expect. People of
Makkah replied, “you are a noble brother and noble cousin.” He (SAW) said, “There
shall be no reproach against you, go you are free.”
o A general forgiveness was proclaimed by Prophet (SAW) for all of his enemies at Makkah
except for a very small number of die-hard enemies of Islam.
o Qurysh, impressed with Prophet (SAW)’s forgiveness, accepted Islam in crowds.
o “When comes the Help of Allah, and victory, and you see that the people enter
Allah's religion (Islam) in crowds, so glorify the Praises of your Lord, and ask for
His Forgiveness. Verily, He is the One Who accepts the repentance and forgives.
(Surah An-Nasr 110:1-3)

➢ Conclusion
o Prophet (SAW) ordered Bilal (RA) to deliver the Adhan for Zuhr prayer on the roof
of the Ka`bah,
o The Prophet (SAW) stayed in Makkah, after its conquest, for nineteen days.
o The conquest of Makkah was one of the most significant events in the history of Islam.
was not just the conquest of a city militarily, but then it was the conquest of hearts of
Makkan leaders and citizens too, who were deeply impressed by the kindness and
magnanimity of the Prophet (SAW).
8th Year after Hijrah – Battle of Hunain and Siege of Taif

Background of battle
➢ Causes of the Battle
o After conquest of Makkah, there were only a few tribes left who had not accepted Islam. Among
these tribes were the neighbouring tribe of Hawazin and Thaqeef.
o The peaceful conquest of Makkah by Muslims and surrender of Quraish infuriated these tribes
who considered it as threat to their religion & economic interest.

➢ Preparation of Hawazin and Thaqeef Army

o Malik bin Awf of Hawazin commanded of Pagan’s Army.
o They prepared an army of 20,000 to suppress the growing power of Muslims. Also, they brought
their women, children, live stocks and their possessions to fight more courageously.

➢ Preparation of Muslim Army

o When informed of the developments, the Prophet (SAW) called his men for jihad.
o The Prophet (SAW) marched towards them as a head of 12,000, well equipped army that
included 10,000 men who accompanied him from Madinah and 2000 newly converts from
o Prophet (SAW) appointed Attab Ibn Asid, (RA) in charge of Makkah to look after the men who
had stayed behind. Then he (SAW) went forward to meet Hawazin tribe and their allies.
o Muslims became proud of their large number and were quite confident about their victory. Allah
has pointed this act of boastfulness in Quran, “when you took pride in your great numbers,
but they proved of no advantage to you.’’ (9:25 Al-Taubah)

Main Events of the Battle

➢ Battlefield of Hunain and Muslim Army Initial defeat

o On the morning of 10th Shawwal, the Muslim army reached the valley of Hunain.
o According to Malik bin Awf’s plan, Men of Hawazin were already appointed their archers on both
sides of the narrow pass.
o Just as Muslims army arrived there, they were attacked by these archers. The archers began to
shoot arrows fiercely to unsettle the majority of them.
o This sudden attack caused a chaos and terrible disorder among Muslims. Several Muslims
soldiers retreated in confusion. Most were killed in the stampede, leaving quite a few companions
on the battlefield.
o This situation is mentioned in Quran in Surah Taubah: “Indeed Allah has given you
˹believers˺ victory on many battlefields, even at the Battle of Ḥunain, when you
took pride in your great numbers, but they proved of no advantage to you. The
earth, despite its vastness, seemed to close in on you, then you turned back in
retreat.” (9:25 Al-Taubah)

➢ Courage of Prophet (SAW) and reassembling of Muslim Army

o Eventually, the Holy Prophet (SAW) was encircled by his senior companions and
kinsmen, who despite the threatening conditions, shielded the Prophet (SAW) and did
not leave him.
o Prophet (SAW) showed great bravery and courage while saying, “verily, I am the true
Prophet. I am the son of Abdul-Muttalib.” (Sahih Bukhari)
o The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said to his uncle Abbas (RA) to call out the fleeing
o After hearing the blooming voice of Abbas (RA), the Muslim warriors, started to
o The fighting recommenced and a very furious battle took place.
o It is mentioned in Quran, “Then Allah sent down His tranquillity upon His
Messenger and upon the believers and sent down soldiers [i.e., angels] whom
you did not see and punished those who disbelieved. And that is the recompense
of the disbelievers.” (9:26 Al-Taubah)
➢ Allah’s Help in the Battlefield and Muslim’s Victory
o Meanwhile, Prophet (SAW) got off his mule and prayed to Allah (SWT) for help and then
picked a handful of sand and threw it against the enemy soldiers, saying, “May your
faces be shameful”.
o Their eyes were thick with dust. and the enemy began to retreat.
o During the most severe moment of the battle, Ali (RA) and Abu Dujana (RA) killed one
of the flag-bearers of the enemy. When Hawazins saw that, they started to feel scared.
o The enemy began to ran to the fort of Autaas then from there to their town Taif and shut
themselves in the forts.
o Leaving behind their women, children and all their properties (camels, goats and silver
etc.) in Autaas.

Outcome of the of the Battle

o Muslims were victorious in this battle and this victory was the severe blow to Hawazin.

➢ The Captives and Booty taken to Jiranah:

o Bedouins fled, leaving belongings behind at Autaas, so Muslims captured vast booty
consisting 24,000 camels, 40,000 sheep, 4000 pieces of silver and 6,000 prisoners.
o Shaima, the daughter of Halima Saadia (RA) was among the prisoners of battle.
Prophet (SAW) recognized her and treated her with massive respect.
o Prophet (SAW) ordered booty to be taken to Jiranah, a place near Makkah and he
himself proceeded with his army and laid siege to the fortresses in which the enemy
had taken refuge.
➢ The Siege of Taif
o After the battle, Hawazin managed to escape to Taif, a well-fortified city, and took refuge
in fortress with Adequate supplies
o Prophet (SAW) led his troops towards Taif and laid siege around it.
o The Muslims were deficient in weapons, Banu Thaqeef and Hawazain were skilful
archers, whenever, the Muslims tried to move near the city, they showered them with
arrows and spears, which forced the Muslims to keep a distance.

o This siege lasted for twenty days, seeing that the fortress was too well stocked and
protected for any immediate surrender from Hawazins, Prophet (SAW) decided to lift
the siege and return after consultation with his companions.

➢ Distributed the booty (Spoils of War)

o After returning from Taif, Muslims stayed in Je’rana for more than ten days. The Prophet
(SAW) delayed the distribution of booty for few days hoping that the Hawazin would
come to claim their property and families. However, when they did not come, Prophet
(SAW) distributed the booty amongst the new converts to reconcile their hearts to Islam.

➢ The Complaint of Ansar

o The Ansars were upset for not getting share from booty and they were also afraid that
Prophet (SAW) might stay in Makkah.
o Prophet (SAW) respond to Ansars’ when he realized their resentment by saying, “O’
men of Ansar, why you disturb your hearts because of the things of this life?
Would you not prefer that the other people return to their homes with the goats
and camels, while you go back to your homes with me in your midst?”
o Upon hearing his words, the Ansar wept and said that they wanted only Muhammad
(S.A.W) and nothing else.

➢ Deputation from Taif

o Later, a delegation of Hawazin came and accepted Islam. They demanded their
properties and captives back too but they were told to choose any one. So, their families
were returned back.

➢ Conclusion/Effects of Battle
o Victory in Hunain was quite significant as it marked the elimination of the threat to
Makkah from the south.
o Prophet (SAW)’s generous treatment touched Hawazin profoundly in a result, this town
also embraced Islam in the 9th year of Hijra.
o Ultimately, the Battle of Hunain was the last Arabian battle that had proved the
supremacy of Islam.
9th Year after Hijrah – Expedition of Tabuk

➢ Background
o The Christians had a hostile relation with Muslims since the time of the Battle of Mautah.
o The Byzantines were afraid of the growth of Arabia and the spread of Islam.

➢ Preparation of Roman’s army

o Caesar, Heraclius, could not ignore the progressive danger threatening his borders. So,
he concluded to demolish the power of Muslims before they became powerful enough to
o To meet the requirements, Caesar gathered a massive army of the Byzantines to launch a
o Heraclius prepared almost 40,000 men to attack Madinah.

Preparation of Muslims army

➢ Prophet (SAW) called Muslims for jihad.

o As Muslims returned from Makkah, they got the news of the Roman plans.
o The Prophet (SAW) ordered his companions to get ready for war and sent messages to
Makkans and other tribes for their assistance too.
o For Muslims this was a difficult time to wage war because of extreme heat, drought and
famine in Hijaz moreover, date crops were ready to be harvested.
o Some Muslim tribes were hesitant due to the fear of Roman power and long journey through
a barren desert

➢ Role of Hypocrites
o Abdullah bin Ubbay with his group spread discontentment, fear and made excuses not to
o This is mentioned in surah At Tawbah (9:81)
o Those ˹hypocrites˺ who remained behind rejoiced for doing so in defiance of
the Messenger of Allah and hated ˹the prospect of˺ striving with their wealth and their
lives in the cause of Allah. They said ˹to one another˺, “Do not march forth in the
heat.” Say, ˹O Prophet, ˺ “The Fire of Hell is far hotter!” If only they could
➢ Prophet (SAW) asked for donation and charity for the preparation of the expedition. The
Muslims made great contributions.
o Abu Bakr (RA) gave all of his property, Umar (RA) gave half of his property, Uthman (RA)
gave 10 thousand dinars,300 camels & fifty horses and Abdul Rehman bin Auf (RA) gave
eight thousand Dirhams.
o Muslim women also contributed by donating their ornaments.

➢ Muslim Army Journey towards Tabuk

o Ali (RA) was left to look after the women & children in Madinah.
o Prophet (SAW) gathered 30,000 men and marched to Tabuk in Rajab 9 AH
o Among these 30,000 only 10,000 were trained soldiers only.
o It was a tough and challenging journey due to shortage of provisions and mounts as
there was 1 camel for 18 men and a man gets one date to eat per day.
o This expedition was one of great difficulty; even the Messenger (SAW) tiredness reached
the highest level and he even slept on his own ride.
o Umar (RA) narrated, “We were so thirsty that we thought our necks would break due to
thirst. We looked for water among our things but could not find any and knelt down there.
One of us slaughtered his camel and drank the water in its hump.”
o Allah (SWT) has called this army as “Army of Distress”

➢ Allah (SWT)’s Help and withdrawal of Romans

o Muslim army arrived at Tabuk after 7 days tiring journey.
o Allah (SWT) helped and put fear in Romans hearts, they did not dare to face the Muslims
in battlefield and withdrew from borders.

➢ Muslims army stay in Tabuk

o When the Prophet (SAW) saw no reason to pursue them in their territory, he returned to
Madinah after 20 days.
o During this stay, he sent small expedition to tribes around.
o Many Christians Tribes made alliance. They either accepted Islam or agreed to pay
Jizyah in return of guarantee for security & safety.

➢ Hypocrites Attempt to Assassinate Prophet (SAW)

o On the way, back from Tabuk, Prophet (SAW) took different route than others with Ammar
and Hudhyafah bin Yaman.
o Twelve Hypocrites saw an opportunity to attack on Prophet (SAW) while passing through
a narrow pass but Huzaifa (RA) well-defended Prophet (SAW).
o They were scared, ran away and joined the ranks of the army. After this event Hudhyafah
(RA) is known as “Confidant of Prophet (SAW)”
o About this event, the Quran states: “And they resolved that (plot to murder Prophet
Mohammad (S.A.W) which they were unable to carry out.” (9:74 Al-Tauba)
➢ Outcomes
o The Islamic army did not confront anybody in Tabuk. However, it was a great success for
the Islamic army to cover such a distance under very hard circumstances and to attempt
to confront the enemy.
o This expedition was also a clear challenge to the Byzantine Empire, one of the biggest
states of that time.
o The Muslim army under Prophet (SAW) managed to successfully sign treaties with the
influential tribes around Madinah.

➢ Significance of Tabuk Expedition

o The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) signed the treaties with several tribes around Madinah.
o Muslims were able to show their strength to their enemies and it was proved that the
Muslims were ready for war at any time.
o Tabuk Expedition was a great success for the Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
taught his followers to prevent bloodshed as much as they could.

o This event indicates a peaceful message of Islam. The Quran also says: “Fight in the
cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you, but do not exceed
the limits.1 Allah does not like transgressors.” Surah Baqarah 2:190.

o Abdullah ibn Ubayy died after two months and Prophet PBUH offered his funeral prayer.
o This was last campaign of the Prophet (SAW). At the end of 9th year of Hijra the whole of
Arabia had been unified under the banner of Islam.

o Muslims no longer feared neighbouring tribes would attack Madinah if they left to fight.
o Many miracles occurred during the journey which were signs of Allah’s mercy to Muslims.
o It’s well known from this mission that Munaafiqoon were just kuffar disguised as Muslims.
10th and 11th Year of Hijrah - Final Year of Prophet (SAW)

➢ Tenth Year After Hijrah

o By the year 10 AH, Prophet (SAW) had successfully established of Islam all over Arabia.
o Since the tenth year of the Hijrah, Prophet (SAW) began to express through his words and his
actions that he had expected to pass soon.

➢ In the Ramadan of 10th AH

o He performed Ite’kaf twenty days and stated to Review the Qur’an twice with Jibrail (AS)
during this time.

➢ The Farewell Pilgrimage 10th AH

o In the end of the 10th AH, Holy Prophet decided to perform his final pilgrimage and sent
messengers to all Muslims tribes to join him in his last Hajj.
o On 9th of Zil-hajj at Arafah he delivered his Farewell Sermon at Jabal-e -Rahma in the plain
of Arafat to over 1, 00,000 believers.

➢ Sermon of the Farewell Pilgrimage

o This sermon is the ultimate charter of human rights and the final message to his Ummah.
o In this speech Holy Prophet indicated that he may not be there the following year, he also gave
instructions relating to unlawful shedding of blood, declared usury unlawful the obligation
towards looking after wives was emphasised as well as the kind treatment of women. Equality
of humankind was emphasised; brotherhood was established.
o Holy Prophet (SAW) told Muslims that he is leaving Holy Qur'an and Sunnah behind him for the
entire Muslim community and then talked about following the five pillars of Islam.

➢ Revelation of verses of surah Al Maidah- 5:3

o Then the following verse was revealed "this day have I perfected your religion for you
completed My favours upon you and have chosen Islam as your religion”. (Surah Al
Maidah- 5:3)
o It became obvious that the work of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was done and he would soon leave
the Ummah.
o Then he completed his pilgrimage and returned to Madinah.
➢ Eleventh Year After Hijrah
o In the beginning of 11th AH, he went to Mont Uhud and prayed for the martyrs.

➢ Signs of Prophet’s (SAW) imminent death

o After two months of Hajj ul Wada, Prophet (SAW) fell ill with fever and headache.
o The pain grew so severe that the symptoms of poison He had at Khyber came to light.
He (S.A.W) said to Ayesha (RA): “I still feel the painful effect of that food I tasted
at the Khyber. I feel as if death is approaching.”
o He (SAW) kept performing his duties and continued leading prayers
o He (SAW) moved into A’isha (RA)’s quarters in the last week with consent of his
o Ayesha (RA) said,
o “When Allah’s Apostle became ill seriously, he started covering his face with his
woolen sheet, and when he felt short of breath, he removed it from his face and
said, ‘That is so; Allah’s curse be on the Jews and the Christians, as they took
the graves of their prophets as (places of worship), ‘intending to warn (the
Muslims) of what they had done.” (Sahih Bukhari)

➢ Illness Intensified and Abu Bakr (RA) led the Prayer

o His illness intensified three days before his demise therefore, He asked Abu Bakr
(RA) to lead the congregational prayers in the last days.
o On the last day of his life Prophet (SAW) came to Mosque, supported by Abbas (RA)
and Ali (RA).
o Abu Bakr (RA) tried to retreat but the Prophet (SAW) beckoned him to carry on. He
(SAW) joined the congregational prayer Abu Bakr (RA) was leading prayer
o Prophet (SAW) asked for forgiveness from his hearers and believers.

➢ Last Advises to the Muslims

o His last Advises to the Muslims to be careful about, Rights of Ansaar, Five Daily
Prayers, Rights of women and servants and, not to worship is grave.

➢ Charity by Prophet (SAW)

o Prophet (SAW) set his slave free, gave away his last seven dinars in charity and
weapons to Muslim army as present.

➢ Meeting Fatima (RA) & her sons

o He called his daughter Fatima (RA) and whisper twice in her ear.
o First, she burst into tears as he (SAW) informed that wouldn’t recover from illness.
o Later, she (RA) smiled as he (SAW) informed that she would be next to join him from
his children as leader of women in paradise.
o He called her sons, Hassan and Hussain then kissed them.
➢ Demise of Prophet (SAW)
o According to Aisha (RA), his Last act was cleaning of his mouth with Miswak.
o Abu Bakr’s son Abdul Rahman (RA) came in to visit him. In his hand was a miswak, and
although the Prophet (SAW) was too weak to ask for it, Ayesha (RA) had understood his facial
expression and helped fulfil prophet’s (SAW) needs. She took the miswak and put it in his
mouth, but he could not use it because of the lack of saliva in his mouth due to this t, Ayesha
(RA) took it from the Prophet (SAW) and soften it, then gave it back to the Prophet (SAW) so
it was easier for him to use.
o His last words were, “Now, none but He, the companion on High is needed.”
o Prophet (SAW) died on Monday morning, the 12th Rabbi-ul-Awwal 11th AH in Aisha (RA)’s
apartment. He was sixty-three years when he died.

➢ Abu Bakr (RA) united the Mourners

o The death of the Prophet (SAW) came as a big shock to his followers. Everyone was stunned
with grief. Even Umar (RA) stood fiercely denying the news of the Prophet’s demise. At the
moment, Abu Bakr (RA) consoled and united the Mourners by reciting verses of surah Al-
o “Muhammad is but a messenger, and many other messengers have passed away before
him. If he dies or is killed, will you return to disbelief? Truly, those who abandon belief
do not hurt Allah. Indeed, Allah rewards those who are grateful.” (3:144)
➢ Funeral rites and burial
o He was buried in Quarter of Ayesha (RA) where he was passed away.
o His companions came in batches of ten to offer funeral prayer without an imam to lead the
o The first to pray for him were people of his clan followed by the emigrants, the helpers then the
women and children.
o Once the Prophet (SAW) passed away, there was disagreement as where he was to be buried.
Abu Bakr said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: ‘A dead Prophet is buried where he
dies”, So Abu Talhah (RA) lifted the bed on which he died, dug underneath and cut the ground
to make the grave.
o Ali (RA), Abbas (RA) and family members lowered him in his grave and the funeral rites were
performed by those who were present.

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