Chemistry 5th Sem

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Department of Studies in Chemistry

V Semester Syllabus

Bachelor of Science

With effect from 2021-22 and onwards

Name of the Department: Chemistry



Course Title: Inorganic Chemistry And Course code: 21BSC5C5CHL

Total Contact Hours: 56 Course Credits: 4
Internal Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE: 2hrs
Semester End Examination Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (CO’s):

1. Interrelationship among frequency, wavelength and wave number and importance of
validation parameters of an instrumental method will be taught
2. Principle, instrumentation and applications of spectrophotometry, nephelometry and
turbidometry will be taught
3. Fundamentals of acids and bases as well as its chemistry & applications will be taught.
4. Principle, basics & some applications of nuclear chemistry will be taught.
5. The various spectroscopic tools like NMR, Mass spectroscopy, UV-Spectroscopy and
IR Spectroscopy will be taught tacking proper expels.
6. Molecular spectroscopy including vibrational spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy etc
will be taught to the student level

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Know how different analytes in different matrices (water and real samples)
can be determined by spectrophotometric, nephelometric and turbidometric
2. Understanding the importance of fundamental inorganic compounds & its
3. Understanding the requirement of nuclear chemistry with its validation
4. Understanding the basic concepts of spectroscopy
5. Utilization of the spectroscopy principle for structural identification.
6. Explain the importance of spectroscopy in predicting the structure.
DSC 5: Inorganic Chemistry and Spectroscopy

Unit Description Hours

Main group chemistry & Acid-Base Concept: Chemistry of main group
elements – Structure and bonding in boranes, carboranes,
metallocarboranes, Wades rules, borazines, phosphozenes, S,N –
compounds. Silicates-classification, structures, isomorphous replacement,
pyroxenes, layered and vitreous silicates, zeolites and molecular sieves.
HSAB concept: Basis of HSAB concept, acid – base strength, hardness and 11hrs
softness, symbiosis, applications of HSAB concept; Acid – base concept in
non aqueous media , reactions in BrF3, N2O4, anhydrous H2SO4,
CH3COOH. Isopoly and heteropoly acids of W, Mo, and V preparations,
properties structure and applications.
Nuclear chemistry: the atomic nucleus – elementary particles, quarks,
classification of nuclides besed on Z and N values, nuclear stability, nuclear
potential, binding energy. Nuclear models: shell model-salient features,
forms of the nuclear potential, filling orbitals, nuclear configuration, liquid
drop model, Fermi gas model, collective model and optical model.
2 11hrs
Radioactivity, radioactive decay kinetics, Parent- daughter decay growth
relationship secular and transient equilibria, theories of α, β-, β+, and γ-
decay, internal conversion.

General principles and Introduction to absorption and emission

UV Spectroscopy: Types of electronic transitions, λmax,
Chromophores and Auxochromes, Bathochromic and Hypsochromic
shifts, Intensity of absorption; Application of Woodward Rules for
3 calculation of λmax for the following systems for Conjugated dienes.
IR Spectroscopy: Fundamental and non-fundamental molecular 10 hrs
vibrations; IR absorption positions of O, N and S containing
functional groups; Effect of H-bonding, conjugation, resonance, and
ring size on IR absorptions; Fingerprint region and its significance;
application in functional group analysis
Molecular spectroscopy :
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with molecules and various
types of spectra; Born- Oppenheimer approximation.
Rotation spectroscopy: Selection rules, energy level diagrams, effect
of isotopic substitution, intensities of spectral lines, determination of
bond lengths of diatomic molecules.
4 Vibrational spectroscopy: Classical equation of vibration,
computation of force constant, amplitude of diatomic molecular 12hrs
vibrations, anharmonicity, Morse potential, dissociation energies.
Fundamental frequencies, overtones, hot bands.
Raman spectroscopy: Qualitative treatment of Rotational Raman
effect; Effect of nuclear spin, Vibrational Raman spectra, Stokes and
anti-Stokes lines;
NMR & Mass Spectroscopy: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
spectroscopy: Principles of NMR spectroscopy, Larmor precession,
chemical shift and low resolution spectra, different scales, spin-spin
coupling and high resolution spectra, Anisotropic effects Interpretation of
5 NMR spectra of simple compounds. 12hrs

Mass spectroscopy: Principle, fragmentation process,

Instrumentation & Applications

1. Basic Inorganic Chemistry- F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson and P. L. Gaus; John Wiley and
sons. Inc, 6thedition (1999).
2. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th edition; F. A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson.
3. Inorganic Chemistry IV edition; J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter and R. L. Keiter, Addison;
Wesley (1993).
4. Inorganic Chemistry, II edition, D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford, ELBS;
Oxford UniversityPress, 1994.
5. Chemistry of elements; N. N. Greenwood and A. E. Earnshaw, Butterworth Heinemann
6. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th edition; J. D. Lee (1996).
7. Essentials of nuclear chemistry, 4th edition; H. J. Arniker, NAIL publishers (1995);
Chapters 1, 3 and 4.
8. Nuclear and Radioactive chemistry; Friedlander, Kennedy and Miller; Chapters 8 and 9.
9. Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Edition; Gary. L. Miessler and Donald . A. Tarr (2007).
10. Banwell, C. N. & McCash, E. M. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy 4th
Ed.Tata McGraw-Hill:New Delhi (2006).
11. Brian Smith: Infrared Spectral Interpretations: A Systematic Approach.
12. Kemp, W. Organic Spectroscopy, Palgrave
13. Principles of Instrumental Analysis - 6th Edition by Douglas A. Skoog, F. James
Holler, and StanleyCrouch (ISBN 0-495-01201-7).
14. Instrumental Methods of Analysis, 7th ed, Willard, Merritt, Dean, Settle.

Date Course Coordinator Subject Committee Chairperson


Course Title: Physical & Inorganic Chemistry Course code: 21BSC5C5CHP

Total Contact Hours: 4 hrs Course Credits: 2
Internal Assessment Marks: 25 marks Duration of SEE: 3
Semester End Examination Marks: 25 marks

Course Outcomes (CO’s):

1. To impart skills related to preparation of stock and working solutions and handling of
instrumental methods
2. To know the principle of condutometric analysis and construction of calibration plot
3. To understand the chemistry involved in condutometric titration of weak acid &weak
base & strong acid & weak base
4. To prepare the metal complexes in a simple procedure.
5. To impart the knowledge on the importance of conductometric titration of acids & basis
6. A technique to identify the metal ions by coloromertic methods.

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the importance of instrumental methods for quantitative applications
2. Apply condutometric methods for accurate abseration of acids & Basis.
3. Apply colorometric methods for aureate absorption of light passed through solution.
4. Learn the importance of preparation methods and also determination of metal solutions.
5. Understand the mechanism of absorption and titrometric estimations.

DSC: Physical & Inorganic Chemistry Practicals

List of Experiments
Sl No Name of the Experiment
PART-A Preparation and quantitative analysis of inorganic complexes.
Cis and trans potassium dioxalatodiaquachromium(III) complex
(Analysis of oxalate and chromium)
2 Hexamminecobalt(III)chloride (Analysis of cobalt)
3 Mercurytetrathiocyanatocobaltate.
4 Preparation of pentamminechlorocobalt(III)chloride.

5 preparation of hexamminenickel(II)chloride.

1. PART-B (Physical Chemistry)

1 Conductometric titration of weak acid vs weak base.

Conductometric titration of mixture of strong acid and weak acid with
strong base.
3 Determination of degree of dissociation of weak electrolyte (acetic acid).

4 Determination of dissociation constant of weak electrolyte.

Estimation of Fe+2 ion in given solution by titration of FAS vs KMnO4
Estimation of Fe+2 ion concentration using EDTA through colorimetric
7 Adsorption isotherm of acetic acid on activated charcoal.

8 Titration of AgNO3 versus KCl.

1. Vogel's Text book of Qualitative Chemical Analysis, J. Bassett, G. H. Jeffery and J.
Mendham, ELBS (1986).
2. Vogel's text book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 5th Edition, J. Bassett, G. H. Jeffery
and J. Mendham, and R. C. Denny, Longman Scientific and Technical (1999).
3. Inorganic Semimicro Qualitative Analysis, V. V. Ramanujam; The National Pub. Co.
4. Practical Inorganic Chemistry, G. Marr and B. W. Rockett, Von Nostrand Reinhold Co.,
London (1972).
5. Findlays practical physical chemistry revised by P. B. Levitt, Longman's London (1966).
6. Experiments in Physical Chemistry by Shoemaker and Garland, McGraw Hill
International Edn. (1966)
7. Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry by J. B. Yadav, Goel Publications Meerut (1988)
8. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry by B. C. Kosla, Simla Printers New Delhi (1987)
9. Experimental Physical Chemistry by Daniel et al., McGraw Hill, New York (1962).
10. Practical Physical Chemistry by A.M James and P. E. Pritchard, Longman's Group Ltd
11. Experimental Physical Chemistry by Wilson, Newcombe & others, Pergamon Press,
New York (1962)
12. Experimental Physical Chemistry by R. C. Behra and B Behra, Tata McGraw, New
Delhi (1983)
13. Experimental Physical Chemistry by V. D. Atavale and Parul Mathur, New Age
International, New York (2
14. Physical Chemistry Laboratory Principles and Experiments by H. W. Salberg J. I.
Morrow, S. R. Cohen anGreen Macmillan publishing Co .new York.
Practical's in physical chemistry A. Modern Approach by P.S Sindhu, Mac. Millan
Publishers Delhi (200)(1986).

Date Course Coordinator Subject Committee Chairperson

Name of the Department: Chemistry



Course Title: Organic & Physical Chemistry Course code: 21BSC5C6CHL

Total Contact Hours: 56 Course Credits: 4
Internal Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of SEE: 2hrs
Semester End Examination Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (CO’s):

7. Interrelationship among frequency, wavelength and wave number and importance of
validation parameters of an instrumental method will be taught
8. The concept of mechanism and its importance will be taught to the student
9. Concept and importance of intermediates in organic chemistry will be taught taking
proper examples
10. The various techniques for identification of reaction mechanism will be taught to the
student taking proper examples
11. Concept of stereochemistry and its importance will be taught.
12. The various projection formulae and the techniques of designating the molecules into
R,S, D, L will be taught taking proper examples
13. The theory and concept of Cis-, Trans- isomerism and its importance and the
techniques to differentiate between them will be taught taking examples.
14. Basic concepts of quantum mechanics and chemical dynamic will be taught.
15. The various applications of quantum chemistry and also chemical kinetics will be

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the importance of fundamental law and validation parameters in chemical

2. Know how different analytes in different matrices (water and real samples) can be
determined by spectrophotometric, nephelometric and turbidometric methods.
3. Explain mechanism for a given reaction.
4. Predict the probable mechanism for an reaction Eexplain the importance of reaction
intermediates, its role and techniques of generating such intermediates
5. Explain the importance of Stereochemistry in predicting the structure and property of
organic molecules.
6. Predict the configuration of an organic molecule and able to designate it.
7. Identify the chiral molecules and predict its actual configuration
8. Explain the importance of quantum mechanics for various applications.
9. Predict the possible importance & applications of some chemical reaction with kinetic
DSC 5: Organic & Physical Chemistry

Unit Description Hours

Reaction Mechanism: Alternant and nonalternant hydrocarbons, Energy
levels in odd and even-alternant hydrocarbons, energy levels for the benzyl
cation, benzyl free- radical and benzyl carbanion. Hyperconjugation.
Methods of determining mechanisms based on structure of products,
1 determination of the presence of the intermediates, isotopic labeling,
isotopic effects from stereochemical evidence, 10hrs
Effect of structure on reactivity:- resonance and field effects, steric effects,
the Hammett equation and linear free energy relationship, Substituent and
reaction constants, Taft equation.
Stereochemistry & Carbohydrates:
Stereochemistry: Cram's and Prelog's rules. Conformational analysis:
Conformational analysis of cycloalkanes: cyclobutane, cyclopentane,
cyclohexanes (monosubstituted e.g., methyl, iso-propyl, tert-butyl and di-
substituted cyclohexanes e.g., dialkyl, dihalo, diols), and cycloheptane.
Introduction and classification, mechanism of osazone formation. 10hrs
Interconversion of glucose into fructose and vice-versa, chain lengthening in
aldoses (Killiani Fischer synthesis). Chain shortening in aldoses (Ruff
degradation). Epimerization and mutarotation. Elucidation of open chain
structure of D-glucose. Cyclic structures of glucose, maltose and sucrose
(Fischer and Haworth representation).
Synthesis of aldonic, uronic, aldaric acids and alditols.
Heterocyclic compounds
Nomenclature of heterocyclic compounds. Structure, reactivity, synthesis
and reactions of pyrazole, imidazole, oxazole, isoxazole, thiazole,
isothiazole, pyrimidine, purine and indole.

3 Biological importance and synthesis of Vitamins A, Vitamin B1 12 hrs
(thiamine), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid, pantothenic acid,
riboflavin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (?-tocopherol), Vitamin H (biotin).

Quantum mechanics
Concepts of Operators: Laplacian, Hamiltonian, Linear and Hermitian
operators. Angular Momentum operators and their properties.
Commutation of operators. Solutions of Schrödinger wave equation for
a free particle, particle in a ring, particle in a three-dimensional box. 09hrs
4 Quantum mechanical degeneracy, tunneling (no derivation).
Application of Schrödinger equation to harmonic oscillator, rigid
rotator. Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of angular momentum. Ladder
operator method for angular momentum.
Chemical dynamics
Concept of Steady state kinetics, Chain reactions - chain length and chain
inhibition, comparison of photochemical and thermal reactions,
Mechanisms of thermal and photochemical reactions between hydrogen-
bromine and hydrogen-chlorine. Comparative study of thermal and
photochemical hydrogen- halogen reactions. Pyrolysis of acetaldehyde,
Decomposition of ethane. Kinetics of fast reactions- Introduction, Study of
reactions by relaxation method (Temperature and pressure jump), flow
5 method (Plug flow method and Stopped flow method), Flash photolysis and 15hrs
Shock tube method. Kinetics of homogeneous catalysis-kinetics of auto
catalytic reactions, kinetics of acid-base catalysed reactions. Comparison of
enzyme catalysed and chemical catalysed reactions, Mechanism (Lock and
Key theory), Kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions - Henri-Michaelis-
Menten mechanism, Significance of Michaelis-Menten constant,
Lineweaver-Burk plot. Effects of enzyme concentration, pH, Temperature,
Activators and Inhibitors on enzyme activity.

1. Advanced Organic Chemistry - Reactions, Mechanism and Structure, Jerry March, John
Wiley (2008).
2. Advanced Organic Chemistry, F A Carey and R J Sundberg Plenum, (1990).
3. A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Peter Sykes, Longman, (2000).
4. Structure and mechanism of Organic Chemistry, C K Ingold, Cornell University Press
5. Organic Chemistry, R T Morrison and R N Boyd, Prentice-Hall, (1998).
6. Modern Organic Reactions, H O House, Benjamin, (1972).
7. Principles of Organic Synthesis, R O C Norman and J M Coxon, Blackie Academic and
Professional, (1996).
8. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, D Nasipuri, New-Age International, (1999).
9. Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds, E L Eliel, S H Wilen and L N Mander, John
Wiley, (1994).
10. Stereochemistry, Potapov, MIR, Moscow, 1984.
11. Organic Chemistry, Volumes I and II, I L Finar, Longman, (1999).
12. Introduction to Quantum Chemistry, A. K. Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill, (1988).
13. Quantum Chemistry, Ira. N. Levine, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, (1991).
14. Quantum Chemistry, R. K. Prasad, New Age International, 2nd edition, (2000).
15. Quantum Chemistry through problems and solutions, R. K. Prasad, New Age
International (1997).
16. Chemical Kinetics- K. J. Laidler, McGraw Hill. Inc. New York (1988).
17. Principles of Chemical Kinetics - House J. E. Wm C Brown Publisher, Boston, (1997).
18. Kinetics and Mechanism - A. A. Frost and R. G. Pearson, John-Wiley, New York,
19. Chemical Kinetic Methods - C. Kalidas, New Age International Publisher, New Delhi
20. S.H. Maran and C. F. Pruton, 4th Edn., Oxford, & IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New
Delhi (1965).
21. Physical Chemistry- P. Atkins and J. D. Paula, 9th Edn., Oxford University Press (2010).
22. Biochemistry, - Geoffrey Zubay, 2nd Edn.,Macmillan Publishing Co. New York (1981).
23. Kinetics and Mechanism of Chemical Transformations- J. Rajaraman and J. Kuriakose,
Mc Millan.

Date Course Coordinator Subject Committee Chairperson


Course Title: Organic Chemistry Practicals Course code: 21BSC5C6CHP

Total Contact Hours: 4 hrs Course Credits: 2
Internal Assessment Marks: 25 marks Duration of SEE: 3
Semester End Examination Marks: 25 marks

Course Outcomes (CO’s):

7. To impart skills related to preparation of stock and working solutions.
8. To impart knowledge on the importance of functional groups in organic compounds.
9. Techniques to identify the functional groups in an compound by performing physical
and chemical tests
10. To record its melting point/boiling point.
11. To prepare suitable derivative for that compound and to characterize it.

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

6. Understand how functional groups in an compound is responsible for its characteristic
7. Learn the importance of qualitative tests in identifying functional groups.
8. Learn how to prepare a derivative for particular functional groups and how to purify it.
9. Learn the detection of melting point or boiling point.
10. The understanding of complete mechanisum of organic reactions.
11. Identification of nature of the organic compounds.

DSC: Physical & Inorganic Chemistry Practicals

List of Experiments
Sl No Name of the Experiment
PART-A Qualitative analysis:
Separation and identification of organic compounds in the following
types of mixtures.
A + N, A + B, P + B, P + N, B + N, (The compounds should be given
2 according to availability in respective institution only mixtures of solid
2. PART-B Preparation (one stage)

1 1. Cannizarro reaction: Benzaldehyde.

2 2. Fries rearrangement: Phenyl acetate.

3 3. Friedel-Crafts reaction: Benzene and Acetyl chloride.

4 Sandmeyer reaction: 4-Chlorotoluene from 4-toluidine.
5 Pechmann reaction: Resorcinol and ethylacetoacetate.

6 Oxidation of Cyclohexanol.

7 Preparation of S- Benzylisothiuronium chloride.

8 Synthesis of p-iodonitrobenzene

9 Synthesis of N-Phenyl-2,4-dinitroaniline.

10 Synthesis of 2,4,6-tribromoaniline.

11 Synthesis of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid.

1. Laboratory manual of Organic Chemistry- B. B. Dey, M V Sitaraman and T R
Govindachari, Allied PublishDelhi, (1996).
2. Practical Organic Chemistry - Mann and Saunders, (1980).
3. Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry- A. I. Vogel, (1996).
4. Textbook of Quantitative Organic Analysis- A. I. Vogel, (1996).
5. A Handbook of Organic Analysis - Clarke and Hayes, (1964).
6. Comprehensive practical organic chemistry: Preparation and quantitative Analysis,
V. K. Ahluwalia, R. Aggarwal, Universities Press (India), 2000.
7. Comprehensive practical organic chemistry: Qualitative analysis, V. K. Ahluwalia, S.
Dhingra, Universiti (India), 2000.
8. An advanced course in practical chemistry, A. Ghoshal, B. Mahapatra and A. Kr. Nad,
New central bookCalcutta, 2000.
9. Advanced practical organic chemistry, J. Mohan, Vol. I and II, Himalaya Publishing House,
10. Practical organic chemistry (Quantitative analysis), B. B. Dey, M. V. Sitaraman and T.
R. Govindachari, Publishers, New Delhi, 1992.

Date Course Coordinator Subject Committee Chairperson

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