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University of Mysore

B.Sc. (Honors) Degree Programme in Chemistry



Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with Multiple Entry

and Exit Options

2022-23 (Batch onwards)


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1. measurements.
2. Determine the transport numbers.

Separation methods:
Fundamentals of chromatography: General description, definition, terms and
parameters used in chromatography, classification of chromatographic methods, criteria
for selection of stationary and mobile phase and nature of adsorbents. Principles of paper,
thin layer, column chromatography. Column efficiency, factors affecting the column
efficiency, van Deemter’s equation and its modern version.
3 Hrs.
Paper chromatography: Theory and applications
Thin layer chromatography (TLC): Mechanism, Rf value, efficiency of TLC plates,
methodology–selection of stationary and mobile phases, development, spray reagents,
identification and detection, qualitative applications. 4 Hrs.
Solvent Extraction: Types- batch, continuous, efficiency, selectivity, distribution
coefficient, Nernst distribution law, derivation, factors affecting the partition, relationship
between % extraction and volume fraction, Numerical problems on solvent extraction.
Solvent extraction of iron and copper. 4 Hrs.
Ion exchange chromatography: resins, types with examples- cation exchange and
anion exchange resins, mechanism of cation and anion exchange process and applications
of ion- exchange chromatography (softening of hard water, separation of lanthanides,
industrial applications). 3 Hrs.

Structure and Bonding-I: The ionic bond: Structures of ionic solids. Radius ratio rules,
Calculation of some limiting radius ratio values, Coordination number 3 (planar triangle),
Coordination number 4 (tetrahedral and square planar), Coordination number 6
(octahedral), Close packing. 3 Hrs.
Classification of ionic structures:
Ionic compounds of the type AX (ZnS, NaCl, CsCI), Ionic compounds of the type AX 2
(Calcium fluoride (fluorite) and Rutile structure Layer structures CdI2, Cadmium iodide
structure. Limitations of radius ratio concept
2 Hrs.
Lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle, Derivation of Born-Lande equation and its
drawbacks, Kapustinskii equation, solvation energy and solubility of ionic solids,
polarizing power and polarizability, Fajan’s rules with applications. Numerical problems
5 Hrs.
Covalent bond: Valence bond theory, The Lewis theory, The octet rule, Exceptions to the
octet rule, Sidgwick- Powell theory. Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory,
Effect of lone pairs, electronegativity, isoelectronic principle, Examples using VSEPR
theory: BF3 and BF4-, NH3 and NH4+, H2O, PCl5, CIF3, SF4, I3- and I3+, SF6, and IF7. Limitations
of VSEPR. 7Hrs.

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Reaction Intermediates: Generation, structure, stability and reactions involving;
i. Carbocations: Dienone-phenol and Pinacol-Pinacolone Rearrangement.
ii. Carbanions: Perkin Reaction, Aldol condensation, Claisen-Schmitt condensation.
iii. Free Radicals: Chlorination of methane, formation of gammaxene (lindane).
iv. Carbenes: Singlet and triplet states, their relative stability. Riemer-Tieman, and Wolff
v. Nitrenes: Singlet and triplet states, their relative stability. Hoffman and Curtius
vi. Arynes: Formation, detection. Bromobenzene to aniline, (4+2) cycloaddition reaction.
8 Hrs.
Methods for Identifying Reaction Mechanism: Product analysis, Isolation and
Identification of Intermediates, Stereochemical Evidences, Effect of Catalyst, crossover
Experiments, Isotopic studies, Kinetic Studies. 6 Hrs.

Chemical Kinetics: Introduction, rate of reaction, order and molecularity with examples.
Rate constant-definition and explanation. Differential and integrated form of rate
expressions up to second order reactions, Derivation of expression of rate constant of
second order reaction (a=b and a ≠ b), Problems on rate constant (a=b), Methods of
determination of order of a reaction (half-life method, isolation method), temperature
dependence of reaction rates; Arrhenius equation, activation energy, Numerical problems
on Arrhenius equation in calculating energy of activation and rate constants. Collision
theory of reaction rates, Lindemann’s mechanism, qualitative treatment of the theory of
absolute reaction rates. Experimental determination of kinetics of (i) inversion of cane
sugar by polarimetric method (ii) spectrophotometric method for the reaction between
potassium persulphate and potassium iodide. 7 Hrs.
Electrochemistry – I: Introduction, strong and weak electrolytes, definition with
examples. Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation. Merits and Demerits, Conductance,
Specific conductance, equivalent and molar conductivity and their variation with dilution.
Molar conductivity at infinite dilution. Numerical problems.
Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions and its applications, Debye-Hückel-
Onsager equation. Ionic mobilities and their determinations, transference numbers and
their relation to ionic mobility’s, determination of transference numbers using Hittorf and
Moving Boundary methods.
Applications of conductance measurement: (i) Degree of dissociation of weak
electrolytes (ii) ionic product of water (iii) solubility and solubility product of sparingly
soluble salts (iv) conductometric titrations (acid base titrations only) and (v) Hydrolysis
constants of salts. Numerical problems. 7 Hrs.


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DSC-3: Chemistry-III Practical
(L:T:P = 0:0:2) Contact Hours: 56 Credits: 2 Work load: 4 Hours/Week

Course objectives: To attain practical knowledge about:

1. Analytical skills in detecting the constituents present in unknown samples by
systematically carrying out the qualitative analysis.
2. The methods of determining rates of chemical reactions.
3. Designing electrochemical cells and making measurements related to it.
4. Determination of physical characteristics of electrolytes using conductivity
measurements in solution.
5. Adsorption phenomenon, mechanism and basic models to explain adsorption.
6. Simple techniques like conductometry to obtain physicochemical parameters of

Course Specific outcomes: At the end of the course student would be able to;
1. Understand the chemical reactions involved in the detection of cations and anions.
2. Explain basic principles involved in classification of ions into groups in semi-micro
qualitative analysis of salt mixture
3. Carryout the separation of cations into groups and understand the concept of
common ion effect.
4. Understand the choice of group reagents used in the analysis.
5. Analyze a simple inorganic salt mixture containing two anions and cations
6. Use instruments like conductivity meter to obtain various physicochemical
7. Apply the theory about chemical kinetics and determine the velocity constants of
various reactions.
8. Learn about the reaction mechanisms.
9. Interpret the behavior of interfaces, the phenomena of physisorption and
chemisorption’s and their applications in chemical and industrial processes.
10. Learn to fit experimental data with theoretical models and interpret the data

Part A: Inorganic Chemistry Practicals

Qualitative semi-micro analysis of mixtures containing 2 anions and 2 cations. Emphasis
should be given to the understanding of different reactions.
The following cations and anions are suggested.
Cations: NH4+, Pb2+, Bi3+, Cu2+, Al3+, Fe3+, Co2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ba2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Mg2+,
Na+, K+ and Li+.
Anions: CO32-, CH3COO-, Cl-, Br-, I-, NO3- , BO33- , SO42-, C2O42- and PO43-.
Spot tests and flame tests to be carried out wherever possible.
Part B: Physical Chemistry Practicals
1. Determination of the enthalpy of neutralization of a strong acid with strong base.
2. Verification of Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms for adsorption of acetic acid on
activated charcoal.
3. The study of kinetics of potassium persulphate and potassium iodide

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4. Determination of velocity constant for acid catalyzed hydrolysis of methyl acetate
5. Determination of velocity constant for the saponification of ethyl acetate (a = b)
6. Determination of equivalent conductivity of strong electrolyte and verification of DHO
equation using meter bridge.
7. Determination of dissociation constant of weak acid by conductivity method using
meter bridge.
8. Conductometric titration of strong acid and strong base.
9. Conductometric titration of weak acid and strong base.
10. Determination of the hydrolysis constant of aniline hydrochloride by conductometric
11. Determination of solubility product of sparingly soluble salt by conductometric


DSC-4: Chemistry-IV
(L:T:P = 4:0:0) Contact Hours: 56 Credits: 4 Workload:4Hours/Week

Course Objectives:
1. Principle, instrumentation and applications of spectrophotometry, nephelometry
and turbidometry will be taught.
2. Principle, types and applications of solvent extraction will be taught.
3. Concept of stereochemistry and its importance will be taught.
4. The various projection formulae and the techniques of designating the molecules in to R,
S, D, L will be taught taking proper examples.
5. The theory and concept of Cis-, Trans- isomerism and its importance and the
techniques to differentiate between them will be taught taking examples.
6. The structures of molecules/compounds/ions based on different models/theories.
7. Properties of compounds based on bonding and structure.
8. The fundamentals of thermodynamics including the laws, the concept of entropy and
free energy functions and their applications.
9. The concepts of surface chemistry, catalysis and their applications.

Course Specific Outcomes: After the completion of this course, the student would be able to;
1. Understand the importance of fundamental law and validation parameters in
chemical analysis.
2. Know how different analytes in different matrices (water and real samples) can be
determined by spectrophotometric, nephelometric and turbidimetric methods.
3. Explain the importance of Stereochemistry in predicting the structure and property
of organic molecules.
4. Predict the configuration of an organic molecule and able to designate it.

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5. Identify the chiral molecules and predict its actual configuration.
6. Write the M.O. energy diagrams for simple molecules.
7. Differentiate bonding in metals from their compounds.
8. Learn important laws of thermodynamics and their applications to various
thermodynamic systems.
9. Understand adsorption processes and their mechanisms and the function and
purpose of a catalyst.
10. Apply adsorption as a versatile method for waste water purification.

Quantitative analysis-Instrumental methods: Electromagnetic spectrum, absorption of
electromagnetic radiation, Definition and units of frequency, wavelength, wave number,
Beer’s law, Beer-Lambert law derivation, deviations from Beer’s law, limitations,
construction of calibration graph (Plot of absorbance versus concentration), Evaluation
Procedures- standard addition, Internal standard addition, validation parameters-
detection limits, sensitivity, dynamic/linearity range, Instrumentation, single beam and
double beam spectrophotometers, quantitative applications of colorimetry (determination
of Fe, Mo, Cu, Ti and PO43-) and numerical problems on application of Beer’s law. 10 Hrs.
Nephelometry and Turbidimetry: Introduction, principle, instrumentations of
nephelometry and turbidimetry; effects of concentration, particle size and wavelength on
scattering; choice between nephelometry, applications of nephelometry & turbidimetry
(determination of S042- and PO43-). 4 Hrs.

Structure and Bonding -II:
Concept of resonance, resonance energy, hybridization, types of hybridization, sp, sp 2, sp3
dsp2, dsp3, d2sp3, sp3d2 with one example each, and energetics of hybridization. Bent's
rule, Limitations of Valence Bond Theory. 3 Hrs.
Molecular Orbital theory: LCAO concept: s-s, s-p, p-p, p-d and d-d combinations of
orbitals, bonding, nonbonding and antibonding molecular orbitals, non-bonding
combinations of orbitals, Rules for linear combination of atomic orbitals.
Examples of molecular orbital treatment for homonuclear diatomic molecules: H2
molecule, H2+ molecule ion, He2 molecule, He2+ molecule ion, Li2 molecule, Be2 molecule,
B2 molecule, C2 molecule, N2 molecule, N2+ molecule ion, O2 molecule, O2- and O22- molecule
M.O. Energy diagrams of heteronuclear diatomic molecules with examples (NO, NO +, CO
and HCl). Calculation of bond order, relationship between bond order, bond energy, and
bond length, magnetic properties based on MOT. 7 Hrs.
Metallic Bonding: General properties of metals-conductivity, lustre, malleability and
cohesive force. Crystal structures of metals and Bond lengths.
Theories of bonding in metals: Free electron theory, valence bond theory, molecular
orbital or band theory of solids. Prediction of conducting properties of conductors,
insulators and semiconductors, extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductors using M.O. theory.
4 Hrs.

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Structure and Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds:
Concept of isomerism, types of isomerism. Projection formulae of chiral molecules-
Fischer (glyceric acid), Newman (2,3-dibromobutane), Sawhorse (2,3-dibromobutane)
and Fly-wedge (glyceric acid) projection formulae. Interconversion of projection
formulae: Conversion of; Fisher into Sawhorse projection (tartaric acid), Sawhorse into
Fisher projection (2,3-dibromobutane), Sawhorse to Newman to Fisher projection (3-
amino-3-bromo-2-chlorobutan-2-ol), Fisher to Newman to Sawhorse (3-chloro-2,4-
dihydroxybutanal), Fisher into Fly-wedge formula and vice- versa (2-bromo propanoic
acid), 4 Hrs.
Geometrical isomerism: Cause of geometrical isomerism. Cis-trans isomerism
(cinnamic acid, but-2-enedioic acid) and syn-anti isomerism (benzaldoxime, ethyl methyl
ketoxime), E/Z notations with examples following C.I.P rules.
Optical Isomerism: Optical activity, conditions for optical activity-Elements of symmetry
(plane, centre, C2-axis, rotation-reflection with examples). Specific rotation,
Chirality/Asymmetry, Enantiomers-definition with examples, properties, Molecules with
two or more chiral centres, Diasteroisomers-definition with examples (threo and erytho
isomers), properties. Meso compounds- definition with examples. optical isomerism in
tartaric acid, and biphenyls. Asymmetric synthesis, Walden inversion. Racemic
modification- Definition with examples. Resolution-definition with examples, chemical and
biochemical methods of resolution, Relative and absolute configuration, D/L convention,
limitations, and R/S designations-CIP rules with examples. 10 Hrs.

First Law of Thermodynamics: Introduction, system, surroundings, types of systems.
Thermodynamic Processes (isothermal, adiabatic, isochoric, isobaric and cyclic), Nature
of Heat and Work, Internal Energy, First Law of Thermodynamics, Enthalpy of a System,
Work done in isothermal and adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, Numerical problems, Joule -
Thomson Expansion, Relation between Joule-Thomson coefficient and other
thermodynamic parameters.
Second law of Thermodynamics: Limitations of first law of thermodynamics. Reversible
and Irreversible Processes, Concept of entropy, thermodynamic scale of temperature,
Statements of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, molecular and statistical interpretation of
entropy, Calculation of entropy change for reversible and irreversible processes, Free Energy
Functions: Gibbs and Helmholtz energy, variation of S, G, A with T, V and P, Numerical
problems, Free energy change and spontaneity, Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.
Third Law of Thermodynamics: Statement of third law, concept of residual entropy,
calculation of absolute entropy of molecules. 10 Hrs.
Surface Chemistry Adsorption: Introduction, types of adsorptions with examples. Types of
adsorption isotherms. Freundlich adsorption isotherm (only equation), its limitations.
Langmuir adsorption isotherm (derivation to be done) and BET equation (derivation not
Catalysis: Types of Catalysis (positive, negative, auto and induced), characteristics of
catalysis, and theories with examples (intermediate compound theory and adsorption

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theory), Theory of acid base catalysis, Michaelis-Menten mechanism. Heterogeneous
catalysis: surface reactions, unimolecular, bimolecular surface reactions. Autocatalysis with
examples. Applications: Design process to removal of toxic compounds from industrial
wastewater and treatment of portable water requirements. 4 Hrs.


DSC-4: Chemistry-IV Practical

(L:T:P = 0:0:2) Contact Hours: 56 Credits: 2 Workload:4Hours/Week

Course objectives:
1. To impart skills related to preparation of stock and working solutions and
handling of instrumental methods.
2. To know the principle of colorimetric analysis and construction of calibration plot.
3. To understand the chemistry involved in colorimetric determination of metal ions and
4. To determine Rf values of different metal ions present in a mixture.
5. To impart knowledge on the importance of functional groups in organic compounds.
6. Techniques to identify the functional groups in a compound by performing physical
and chemical tests.
7. To record its melting point/boiling point.
8. To prepare suitable derivative for that compound and to characterize it.

Course Specific outcomes: After the completion of this course, the student be able to
1. Understand the importance of instrumental methods for quantitative applications.
2. Apply colorimetric methods for accurate determination of metal ions and anions in
water or real samples.
3. Understand how functional group in a compound is responsible for its
characteristic properties.
4. Learn the importance of qualitative tests in identifying functional groups.
5. Learn how to prepare a derivative for particular functional groups and how to purify

PART-A: Analytical Chemistry Practicals

1. Colorimetric determination of copper using ammonia solution.
2. Colorimetric determination of iron using thiocyanate solution.
3. Colorimetric determination of nickel using DMG solution.
4. Colorimetric determination of titanium using hydrogen peroxide.
5. Colorimetric determination of nitrite in a water sample (diazo coupling
Reaction/Griess reagent.
6. Colorimetric determination of phosphate as ammonium phosphomolybdate.
7. Determination of Rf values of two or three component systems by TLC.
8. Separation of different metal ions by paper chromatography/ Solvent extraction of
iron using oxine solution (demonstration).

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PART-B: Organic Chemistry Practical
Qualitative analysis of mono and bifunctional Organic compounds: Benzoic acid, Salycilic
acid, p-Nitro benzoic acid, Anthranilic acid, p-Chloro benzoic acid, o-Cresol, p-Cresol,
Resorcinol, o- Nitrophenol, p-nitophenol, o-Nitro aniline, p-Nitroaniline, p-Toluidine, p-
Chloroaniline, p- Bromoaniline, Ethyl Salicylate, Salicylaldehyde, Acetophenone, Urea,
Thiourea, Aniline, Benzldehyde, acetanilide, Naphthalene, Chlorobenzene, p-
Dichlorobenzene, p-Nitro toluene, Benzamide etc. (At least 6-8 compounds to be analyzed
in a semester).


1. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch, 8th
Ed., Saunders College Publishing, New York (2005).
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 6th edition, Wiley-India (2007).
3. Quantitative Analysis, R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood, 6th edition, PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi (2009).
4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J.D.
Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint, Pearson Education
Pvt. Ltd. (2007).
5. Organic Reaction Mechanism by V.K. Ahluwalia and R.K. Parashar (Narosa
6. Organic Chemistry by S.M. Mukherji, S.P. Singh and R.K. Kapoor (Narosa Publishers).
7. Morrison R.N and Boyd R.N, Organic Chemistry, Darling Kindersley (India) Pvt.
Ltd. (Pearson Education).
8. Finar I.L, Organic Chemistry (Volume I); Finar I.L (Volume II) Stereochemistry
and the Chemistry of Natural Products., Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
9. Kalsi P.S. Stereochemistry, conformation and Mechanism, New age International.
10. Eliel E.L and Wilen S.H, Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, Wiley, (London).
11. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J.D. Barnes
and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th Ed. Third Indian Reprint,Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd. (2007).
12. Vogel’s Text Book of Qualitative Chemical Analysis, ELBS.
13. Peter Atkins & Julio De Paula, Physical Chemistry, 9th Ed., Oxford University Press
14. G W Castellan, Physical Chemistry, 4th Ed., Narosa (2004).
15. R G Mortimer, Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed., Elsevier: Noida, UP (2009).
16. B R Puri, L R Sharma and M S Pathania, Principal of Physical Chemistry, Vishal
Publishing Co.
17. B S Bahl, G D Tuli and Arun Bahl, Essentials of Physical Chemistry, S Chand & Comp.
18. A S Negi and S C Anand, A textbook of Physical Chemistry, New Age International.
19. B N Bajpai, Advanced Physical chemistry, S Chand and Company ltd.
20. R L Madan, Chemistry for Degree Students, Semester I, II, III and IV, S Chand and

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Company Ltd.
21. P L Soni, O P Dharmarha and U N Dash, Textbook of Physical Chemistry, Sultan
Chand and Sons.
22. Vogel’s Qualitative analysis, Revised by G. Svehla, Pearson education, 2002
23. J B Yadav, Advanced Physical Chemistry, Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd, Meerut.
24. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, S. Chand &
Co.: New Delhi (2011).
25. Garland, C. W.; Nibler, J. W. & Shoemaker, D. P. Experiments in Physical Chemistry
8th Ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York (2003).
26. Halpern, A. M. & McBane, G. C. Experimental Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed.; W.H.
Freeman & Co.: New York (2003).


Open Elective Course

OEC-3: Atomic Structure, Bonding and Concepts in Organic Chemistry
(L:T:P = 3:0:0) Contact Hours: 42 Credits: 3 Workload:3Hours/Week

Course Objectives:
1. To develop an understanding of principles of atomic structure.
2. To know the importance of quantum numbers, writing of electronic
configurations and representation of orbitals.
3. To develop an understanding of the periodic trends.
4. To understand the nature of bonding and to predict the shapes of molecules.
5. To construct MO energy level diagrams and predict the properties of molecules.
6. To understand the formation of sigma and pi bonds and the bond strength.
7. To study the classification of organic reactions.
8. To learn nomenclature preparation and reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and
stability of alicyclic compounds.

Course Specific Outcomes: On completion of the course the student will learn and be able
to understand/explain;
1. The concept of atomic structure, significance of quantum numbers, filling of
electrons of atoms/ions in various orbitals as per rules.
2. The trends in periodic properties.
3. The structures of ionic solids, applications of B-H cycle, solubility of compounds
and consequences of polarization of ions.
4. The shapes of molecules/ions based on VSEPR theory.
5. The construction of MO energy level diagrams and prediction of
properties of molecules/ions like bond order, bond energies, bond lengths and
magnetic properties.
6. The formation of sigma and pi bonds and the bond strength.
7. The classification of organic reactions.

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8. Nomenclature preparation, and reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and
stability of alicyclic compounds.

Unit I: Atomic Structure and Periodic Properties

History of an atom. Idea of de Broglie matter waves. Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Schrödinger wave equation, significance of wave functions, Bohr’s model of hydrogen
atom and its limitations. Quantum numbers and their importance, atomic orbitals and
shapes of s, p, d orbitals, multi-electron atoms, Aufbau and Pauli exclusion principle and
Hund’s multiplicity rule- Electronic configurations of the elements (atomic no. up to 30),
effective nuclear charge and shielding. 8 Hrs.
Periodic Properties: Atomic radius, Covalent, ionic and van der Waal radii-explanation
with examples. Definition and periodicity of the following properties - ionic radii,
ionization potential, electron affinity and electronegativity, methods of determination of
electronegativity. Factors affecting the values of ionization energy. 6 Hrs.

Unit II: Chemical Bonding:

Ionic Solids– Ionic structures (NaCl, CsCl, TiO2, ZnS), radius ratio rule and coordination
number, limitation of radius ratio rule, lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle, solvation
energy and solubility of ionic solids, polarizing power and polarizability of ions, Fajan’s
rule and their consequences. 4 Hrs.
Covalent Bond – Valence bond theory and its limitations, directional characteristics of
covalent bond, various types of hybridization with examples and shapes of simple
inorganic molecules and ions. Shapes of NH3, I3+, I3- , SF4, CIF3, IF5, ICl2- and H2O using
valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory, linear combination of atomic
orbitals (LCAO), bonding, nonbonding and antibonding molecular orbitals, physical
picture of bonding and antibonding wave functions. Applications of MO theory to explain
the stability of homo dinuclear (He2, N2, O2, F2, C2) and hetero dinuclear (NO and CO)
molecules. Comparison of M.O. and V.B. Models. 7 Hrs.
Metallic bond-free electron, Band theory-electrical properties of metals,
semiconductors and insulators. Weak interactions – Hydrogen bonding and its
consequences, van der Waals forces. 3 Hrs.

Unit III: Bonding and molecular structure and hydrocarbons

Bonding and molecular structure: Introduction to organic chemistry, atomic orbitals,
sigma and pi bond formation-molecular orbital [MO] method, sp, sp2 and sp3
hybridization, bond length, bond dissociation energies and bond angles (open chain and
cyclic compounds). Electronegativity and polarity of the bonds. Classification and
reactions of organic compounds (with examples).
7 Hrs.
Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes: Definition, Nomenclature, preparations (any two
methods). Reactions: Electrophilic, nucleophilic and free radical addition reactions.
Alicyclic compounds: Nomenclature, preparation and stability of cyclopropane,
cyclobutane, cyclopentane and cyclohexane. 7 Hrs.


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1. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J. D. Lee, ELBS, 1996.
2. Inorganic Chemistry, A. K. Das.
3. Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity, Huheey, J. E., Keiter, E.A.,
Keiter, R.L. & Medhi, O. K. Pearson Education India, 2006.
4. Inorganic Chemistry, Shriver, D.F. & Atkins, P.W. Oxford University Press.
5. Schaum’s Outline Series Theory and Problems of Organic Chemistry.SI (metric)
Ed Herbert Meislich, Howard Nechamkin and Jacob Sharefkin.
6. Organic chemistry. Robert T. Morrison Robert N. Boyd, 6th Ed.
7. Organic Chemistry Volume-1, I.L. Finar.


OEC-4: Electrochemistry, Corrosion and Metallurgy
(L:T:P = 3:0:0) Contact Hours: 42 Credits: 3 Workload:3Hours/Week

Course Objectives: This course will deal with

1. Types of conductance, concept of electrolytes, electrolysis, redox reactions and EMF.
2. Concept of different types of electrochemical cells, Types of electrodes and
electrode potential. Application of electrochemical series.
3. Basic principles and applications of conductometric, potentiometric and pH titrations.
4. Different types of Batteries their principle construction and working - lead-acid
storage and lithium ion battery. Study of Fuels cells.
5. Concept of corrosion, types of corrosion and its prevention by different
methods. Introduction to electroplating.
6. Introduction to ores and minerals, extraction of metals from their ores, and
purification. Eg., Manganese, Titanium and Uranium. Study of alloys, classification,
production and uses of alloys.

Course Specific Outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to;
1. Understand the concept of conductance in electrolytic solutions, electrolysis and
redox reactions involved in electrode reactions.
2. Learn the different types of electrochemical cells, their symbolical representation
and application of electrochemical series.
3. Apply conductometric, potentiometric and pH titrations.
4. Know the principle, construction and working of batteries.
5. Understand different types of corrosion and its prevention by different methods.
6. Learn the methods of extraction of metals from their ores and purification.

Unit I: Electrochemistry: Conductance, specific and molar conductance Types of

Electrolytes, Conductivity in electrolytic solution, Electrolysis, Kohlrausch’s law and its
application, Equivalent Conductance of Weak electrolyte at Infinite dilution.
Oxidation -reduction reactions, electrode potential, EMF of an electrochemical cell, cell

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reaction, Daniel cell, dry Cells - electrolytic and Galvanic cell, Representation of a cell.
Standard electrode potential, Nernst equation (No derivation) and its application to
chemical cell, Electrochemical series and its importance. Types of Electrodes.
Basic Principles of (i) Conductometric titrations- HCl Vs NaOH, CH3COOH Vs NaOH
Potentiometric titrations: Acid-base titration HCl Vs NaOH, Redox titration (FAS Vs
K2Cr2O7) Determination of PH using glass electrode. 12Hrs.

Batteries- Primary and Secondary batteries, Battery components and their role. Working
of the following Batteries- Lead acid, Lithium Storage, Batteries, Fuel cells. 2 Hrs.

Unit II: Corrosion: Introduction, definition, Types of Corrosion, Corrosion rate, Factors
affecting corrosion rate, Metallic factor-purity, electrode potential of metal, hydrogen
over voltage, nature of corrosion product. Environmental Factors-Temperature, pH of the
medium, humidity, presence of impurities, electrical conductivity of the medium, velocity
of the medium, concentration of the medium.
Prevention of Corrosion: Material selection - Metals and alloys, metal purification, non-
metallic, Alteration of environment - Changing media, inhibitors, Design-wall thickness,
design rules, Coating-Metallic and other inorganic coatings, organic coating.
Electroplating: Introduction, Electroplating of chromium (hard and decorative). Electro
less plating: Introduction, distinction between electroplating and electroless plating
processes. Electroless plating of copper. 14 Hrs.

Unit III: Metallurgy: Introduction: Ore, minerals, important ores of some common
elements in India, General Principles of pyrometallurgy, roasting, Calcination, Gangue,
Smelting, Flux, Gravity separation, Froth flotation process, leaching. Techniques
employed for Purification of metal (Distillation process, Bessemerization, Electro-
refining, Van Arkel and De Boer’s Filament. 7 Hrs.
Extraction of metals: Extraction of Manganese (Pyrolusite), Titanium (Ilmanite) and
Uranium. 4 Hrs.
Alloys: Introduction, Classification of alloys, commercially important alloys, gold karats,
Production of Ferro alloys; Ferrochrome, Ferro Manganese, Uses of alloys.

1. Barrow. G.M, Physical Chemistry, Tata McGraw‐Hill, (2007).
2. An introduction to electrochemistry, Samuel Glasstone, East-West edition New Delhi,
3. Text book of physical chemistry, Samuel Glasstone, 2ndEdition, Mac Millan India Ltd,
4. Principles and applications of Electrochemistry, D. R. Crow, 3rd edition,
Chapman Hall London, (1988).
5. Fundamentals of electrochemical deposition, Milan Paunovic and Mordechay
Schlesinger, Wiley Interscience Publications, New York, (1998).

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6. Engineering Chemistry, V R Kulkarni and K Ramakrishna Reddy, New Age
International, (2015).
7. Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science, Nestor Perez, Springer (india) Pvt. Ltd.,
8. Principles and Prevention of Corrosion, D. A. Jones, Macmillan Publ. Co., (1996).
9. Essential of Materials Science and Engineering, Donald R. Askeland, Thomson
Learning, 5th Edition, (2006).
10. Introduction to Engineering Materials, B. K. Agarwal, Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Edition.
11. Material Science and Engineering, V. Raghavan, PHI Learning, 5th Edition.
12. Engineering Materials and Metallurgy, R. K. Rajput, S. Chand - 1st Edition, (2011).


Scheme of Examination for DSC-3 and DSC-4 (III and IV Semesters): Credits (4:0:0)
Continuous Internal Assessment Marks
Assignment Test Total
C1 10 10 20
C2 10 10 20
Semester End Examination Duration: 02 Hours
C3 60
Total Marks 100
Question Paper pattern for DSC-3 and DSC-4 (III and IV Semesters)
Duration: 02 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Part-A Answer any six out of eight questions 6 x 2 =12
(Two questions from each unit)
Part-B (Analytical Chemistry) Answer any two out of three questions 2 x 6 = 12
Part-C (Inorganic Chemistry) Answer any two out of three questions 2 x 6 = 12
Part-D (Organic Chemistry) Answer any two out of three questions 2 x 6 = 12
Part-E (Physical Chemistry) Answer any two out of three questions 2 x 6 = 12
Sub-questions Pattern: (3 + 3)/(4 + 2)/(2 + 2 + 2)

Scheme of Examination for DSC-3 and DSC-4 practical (III and IV Semesters) Credits (0:0:2)
Continuous Internal Assessment Marks
Test Continuous a ssessment/ Record Total
C1 10 - -- 10
C2 -- 10 05 15
Semester End Examination Duration: 04 Hours
C3 25
Total Marks 50


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Scheme of valuation: Practical
III Semester: Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Practical
Part-A: Semimicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis 13 Marks
(Two acid radicals and two basic radicals be given, two radicals in a group be avoided)

Preliminary tests: State, color, solubility 1 Mark
Identification of 2 anions: Group Identification: 1 + 1 Mark 2 Mark
Confirmatory tests: 1 + 1 Mark 2 Mark
Group Separation of cations Group Identification: 1 + 1 Mark 2 Mark
Identification of 2 cations: Confirmatory tests: 2 + 2 Mark 4 Mark
Ionic equations for CT tests: 1 + 1 Mark 2 Mark

Part-B: Physical Chemistry Practical 12 Marks

The following experiments be given, but not more than two candidates be given the same
1. The study of kinetics of potassium persulphate and potassium iodide
2. Determination of velocity constant for acid catalyzed hydrolysis of methyl acetate.
3. Determination of velocity constant for the saponification of ethyl acetate
(a = b) volumetrically.
4. Determination of equivalent conductivity of strong electrolyte and verification
of DHO equation.
5. Determination of dissociation constant of weak acid by conductivity method.
6. Conductometric titration of strong acid and strong base.
7. Conductometric titration of weak acid and strong base.

DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS (For Experiments 1, 2 and 3)

k values 5 Constant values 7 Marks
4 Constant values 6 Marks
3 Constant values 5 Marks
Any other values 3 Marks
Graph (straight line) 2 Marks
Unit of k 1 Mark
Calculation 2 Marks

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DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS (For Experiments 4 and 5)
Determination of cell constant 3 Marks
Determination of specific conductance 2 Marks
Determination of equivalent conductance 3 Marks
SI unit of k and λ (1 + 1 Mark) 2 Marks
Verification of DHO or ka Calculations 2 Marks

DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS (For Experiments 6 and 7)

Deviation ± 0.2 cm3 8 Marks
± 0.3 cm3 6 Marks
± 0.4 cm3 4 Marks
Any other value 3 Marks
Graph 2 Marks
Calculation of Normality 1 Mark
Calculation of weight/dm3 1 Mark

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IV Semester: Analytical and Organic Chemistry Practical
Part-A: Analytical Chemistry Experiments 13 Marks
Any one of the Colorimetric determination experiments be given, but not more than
two candidates be given the same experiment.
 Colorimetric determination of copper using ammonia solution.
 Colorimetric determination of iron using thiocyanate solution.
 Colorimetric determination of nickel using DMG solution.
 Colorimetric determination of titanium using hydrogen peroxide.
 Colorimetric determination of nitrite in a water sample (diazo coupling
Reaction/Griess reagent.
 Colorimetric determination of phosphate as ammonium phosphomolybdate.

DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS (For all colorimetric determinations)

Preparation of solutions 4 Marks
Determination of λmax 2 Marks
Accuracy ± 5% 5 Marks
± 10% 3 Marks
Any other value 2 Marks
Graph 2 Marks

Part-B: Qualitative Organic Analysis 12 Marks

Preliminary tests 2 Marks
Physical constant 1 Mark
Detection of elements (one each) 3 Marks
Solubility (complete chart/table) 2 Marks
Functional group tests (minimum two important tests) 3 Marks
Naming and structure 1 Mark


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