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Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science

Applicable to students admitted in 2013-14

Major Programme Requirement

Students are required to complete a minimum of 87 units of courses as follows:

1. Faculty Package: 9
MATH1010, DSME1030, 1040

2. Required Courses: 48
(a) FINA3010, 3080, 3210, MATH1030, 2010#, RMSC2001, 4001, 4003,
STAT2001#, 2006#, 3007#, 3008#
(b) ACCT1111 or 2111
(c) CSCI1510 or 1520 or 1530 or 1580
(d) CSCI2520# or DSME2051# or SEEM3540#
(e) FINA2010 or 2110

3. Elective Courses: 30
(a) Business (choose at least 6 units of courses from the following list, but no more
than 6 one-unit courses):
ACCT2121, 4214#, 4251#, FINA2210, 3020, 3030, 3040, 3060, 3070, 3110,
3230, 3240, 3280, 3310, 3320, 3330, 3340, 3350, 3360, 4010, 4020, 4030, 4040,
4050, 4060, 4230, 4240, 4310, 4320, 4330, 4340, 4350, IBBA3020#,
MGNT1020, 4010#, MKTG2010#
(b) QFIN (choose at least 9 units of courses from the following list):
FINA4110, 4120, 4150, 4160, 4370
(c) RMSC (choose at least 12 units of courses from the following list):
ECON3420#, MATH3210#, 3220#, 3230#, 3240#, 4210#, RMSC4002, 4004,
4005, 4007, STAT4002#, 4003#, 4004#, 4005#, 4006#, 4008#
(d) Capstone / Research (choose at least 3 units of courses from the following list):
FINA4130, 4140, 4190, 4380, 4390, 6232, 6242, 6252, RMSC4102, 4202

Total: 87

Explanatory Note:
1. FINA and RMSC courses at 2000 and above level as well as those labeled as # will be
included in the calculation of Major GPA for honours classification.

Recommended Course Pattern Units

First Year of 1st term
Attendance Faculty Package: DSME1030, MATH1010 6
Major Required: ACCT1111 or 2111 3
Major Elective(s):
2nd term
Faculty Package: DSME1040 3
Major Required: FINA2010 or 2110, MATH1030 6
Major Elective(s):
Second Year of 1st term
Attendance Major Required: CSCI1510 or 1520 or 1530 or 1580, MATH2010, 12
RMSC2001, STAT2001
Major Elective(s):
2nd term
Major Required: CSCI2520 or DSME2051 or SEEM3540, 12
FINA3010, 3080, STAT2006
Major Elective(s):
Third Year of 1st term
Attendance Major Required: FINA3210, RMSC4003, STAT3007 9
Major Elective(s): 6 units from Business, QFIN, and RMSC 6
2 term
Major Required: RMSC4001, STAT3008 6
Major Elective(s): 9 units from Business, QFIN, and RMSC 9
Fourth Year of 1 term
Attendance Major Required:
Major Elective(s): 12 units from QFIN and RMSC electives 12
2nd term
Major Required:
Major Elective(s): 3 units from Capstone / Research electives 3
Total (including Faculty Package): 87

Course List

Course Code Course Title Unit(s)

Required Courses
ACCT1111 Foundations in Financial Accounting 3
ACCT2111 Introductory Financial Accounting 3
CSCI1510 Computer Principles and C Programming 3
CSCI1520 Computer Principles and C++ Programming 3
CSCI1530 Computer Principles and Java Programming 3
CSCI1580 Visual Programming 3
CSCI2520 Data Structures and Applications 3
DSME1030 Economics for Business Studies I 3
DSME1040 Economics for Business Studies II 3
DSME2051 Business Information Systems 3
FINA2010 Financial Management 3
FINA2110 Financial Management: Foundations and Analysis 3
FINA3010 Financial Markets 3
FINA3080 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 3
FINA3210 Risk Management and Insurance 3
MATH1010 University Mathematics 3
MATH1030 Linear Algebra I 3
MATH2010 Advanced Calculus I 3
RMSC2001 Introduction to Risk Management 3
RMSC4001 Simulation Methods for Risk Management Science and 3
RMSC4003 Statistical Modelling in Financial Markets 3
SEEM3540 Concepts of Information Systems 3
STAT2001 Basic Concepts in Statistics and Probability I 3
STAT2006 Basic Concepts in Statistics and Probability II 3
STAT3007 Introduction to Stochastic Processes 3
STAT3008 Applied Regression Analysis 3
Elective Courses
Electives 3(a)
ACCT2121 Introductory Management Accounting 3
ACCT4214 Applied Financial Statement Analysis 3
ACCT4251 Securities Regulation 3
FINA2210 Interest Theory and Finance 3
FINA3020 International Finance 3
FINA3030 Management of Financial Institutions 3
FINA3040 Commercial and Central Banking 3
FINA3060 Real Estate Finance and Investment 3
FINA3070 Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice 3
FINA3110 Issues in Finance 3
FINA3230 Life and Health Insurance 3
FINA3240 Corporate Property and Liability Insurance 3
FINA3280 Insurance Company Operations and Management 3
FINA3310 Introduction to Investment Banking 1
FINA3320 Introduction to Credit Rating 1
FINA3330 Introduction to Alternative Investment 1
FINA3340 Trading Strategies: Behavioral and Technical Analysis 1
FINA3350 Foreign Exchange Market Practices 1
FINA3360 Derivative Warrants, Proprietary and Arbitrage Trading 1
FINA4010 Security Analysis 3
FINA4020 Fund Management and Asset Allocation 3
FINA4030 Selected Topics in Finance 3
FINA4040 Cases in Corporate Finance 3
FINA4050 Mergers And Acquisitions 3
FINA4060 China Finance 3
FINA4230 Reinsurance and Alternative Risk Transfer 3
FINA4240 Employee Benefits, Retirement and Estate Planning 3
FINA4310 China Banking and Financial System 1
FINA4320 China Equity Securities Market 1
FINA4330 China Derivative Securities Market 1
FINA4340 Structured Products: Fundamentals and Analysis 1
FINA4350 Bond Markets: Analysis and Strategies 1
IBBA3020 Corporate Social Responsibilities: Distinguished Speaker 1
MGNT1020 Principles of Management 3
MGNT4010 Business Policy and Strategy 3
MKTG2010 Marketing Management 3
Electives 3(b)
FINA4110 Options and Futures 3
FINA4120 Fixed Income Securities Analysis 3
FINA4150 Quantitative Methods for Financial Derivatives 3
FINA4160 Intermediate Financial Theory 3
FINA4370 Derivatives Trading: Analysis and Strategies 3
Electives 3(c)
ECON3420 Financial Economics 3
MATH3210 Linear Programming 3
MATH3220 Operations Research and Logistics 3
MATH3230 Numerical Analysis 3
MATH3240 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations 3
MATH4210 Financial Mathematics 3
RMSC4002 Data Analysis in Finance and Risk Management Science 3
RMSC4004 Theory of Risk and Insurance 3
RMSC4005 Stochastic Calculus for Finance and Risk 3
RMSC4007 Risk Management with Derivatives Concepts 3
STAT4002 Multivariate Techniques with Business Applications 3
STAT4003 Statistical Inference 3
STAT4004 Actuarial Science 3
STAT4005 Time Series 3
STAT4006 Categorical Data Analysis 3
STAT4008 Survival Modelling 3
Electives 3(d)
FINA4130 Empirical Finance 3
FINA4140 Computational Finance 3
FINA4190 Research Project in Quantitative Finance 3
FINA4380 Derivatives Trading: Research and Development 3
FINA4390 Banking and Finance Practicum 3
FINA6232 Seminar in Asset Pricing 3
FINA6242 Seminar in Corporate Finance 3
FINA6252 Empirical Research in Finance 3
RMSC4102 Research Project 3
RMSC4202 Practicum 3

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