Math SBA
Math SBA
Math SBA
Subject: Mathematics
Titles Pages
Presentation of Data……………………………………………………………………….4
Analysis of Data…………………………………………………………………………….7
Car manufacturers and salesmen must import, sell and create cars based on their colour and
Andre the entrepreneur is starting a new car dealership to sell electric cars but doesn't know
what is the most trendy colour of car on the road. He plans to import 100 cars in his first
shipment. The available colours are white, black, blue, red and yellow,
Based on the problem, we must decide on which colour car is the most frequently seen car
within Barbados which is why the results, after this analysis, should have a number of cars
which are frequently used on the roads with various, different tints. This group will spend 30
minute sessions on the outside of Combermere School to observe the different types of
vehicles passing. We will tally down every car within this period and record the observations
for the SBA.
Personally, we believe that the colour white will prevail over all of the other colours, based
on all of our average encounters on the road before this project. We also believe that other
colours such as pink, yellow, green etc will be rarely spotted during this time period.
Method of Data Collection
● We selected three 30-minutes time periods during the 8th, December, 2022
between 9:45- 10: 15 am, 9th December, 2022 between 9:10- 9:40 am and 15th,
December, 2022 between 11:15-11:40 am to observed vehicles that passed in
front of Comberemere School. A pair of students were used to collect the data.
One person called out the colour of the car while the other person wrote up the
tally chart. Half of the group recorded information by the school and the other
half recorded information by the gardens.
● A tally chart was used to record the colours of the vehicles that passed by the
● The results were collated and recorded in a frequency table.
Presentation Of Data
Table 1: Frequency Table Showing the Data Collected During the Observation
The collected data shown above represents the proportion of car colour that was
driving past The Combermere School and The Botanical Gardens, with Combermere
being on the left side of the road and The Botanical Gardens on the right. We observed
a range on coloured cars which varied from white, blue, black, grey and others (which
are colours like purple, yellow, green etc). In our experiment, it became obvious that
white was the most popular car colour among all three time periods with 548 and
36.9%, in 2nd was Grey with 381 and 25.6 %. 3rd is other car colours with 224 and
15.1%. 4th, 5th and 6th are blue with 137 and 9.2%, black with 125 and 8.4%, and red
with 71 and 4.8%. On our first day of data collection, there was 197 white cars, 115
grey cars, 60 random coloured cars, 44 blue cars, 36 black cars and 22 red cars. On
our second day, we recorded 177 white cars, 116 grey cars, 50 random coloured cars,
48 blue cars, 40 black cars and 34 red cars. Finally, on the third day and last day of
data collection, we saw 174 white cars, 150 grey cars, 114 random coloured cars, 49
black cars, 45 blue cars and 15 red cars. The modal car colour is described as the most
frequent car colour amongst this whole experiment, which was said at the beginning
of this analysis.
We determined from our results that the most popular coloured car within 3 time
periods with 548 and the second most popular colour car is grey with 381.
These two colours were very close in comparison with each day the colour grey came
close to the colour white. First day= white ; 197 , grey ;115. Second day= white; 177 ,
grey; 116. Third day= white; 170 , grey;154.
There is a significant difference between the proportions. 1st white with 548, 2nd grey
with 381, 3rd is other cars with 224, 4th is blue with 137, 5th is black with 125 and
6th is red with 71. This our observations that happened within 3 days.
From our observations within these are the colours of the cars that we suggest that
Adam should import. White; he should import this colour because it was seen the
most, calculated to have 36.9% popularity during the observations and most people
like white cars so it would be a good choice. Grey; he should import this colour in
close quantities to white because it was seen with 25.6% popularity which is the
second most within our observations and there are a lot of different variations of grey
and people love grey as we can see from results and it also has a nice but simple look
to it. I would also suggest to Adam to import other colours like yellow, orange, green
and all of different types of green because they all are vibrant colours that people
including us love but don’t import in high quantities.