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Synopsis of Thesis Problem of Post-graduate student: M.Sc.

Name of the Student : ANMOLDEEP SINGH Admission No : L-2022-A-95-M
Major Subject : Soil Science Minor Subject : Vegetable Science
Major Advisor : Dr. A.A.S Gill
1. Title
2. Introduction
Tomato is one of the most widely grown vegetable crop all over the world. Tomato has high
nutritional value as it is rich source of vitamin A and B and is excellent source of vitamin C. It is
highly appetizing, tastes good and relieves constipation. Consuming it lower the chance of getting
stomach, rectal and colon cancer. It contains the antioxidant lycopene, which is the most common
form of carotenoid and it lowers the risk of prostate cancer. Tomatoes are used in making various
products such as pickles, paste, soup, ketchup, puree, sauce, powder, etc. It is cooked and also used in
various kind of salads. Tomato is widely regarded as a "Protective Food" and provides small and
marginal farmers with a very good source of income. India is the second largest producer of tomato in
the world, only after the China. India produces on an average 18554.25 metric tonnes of tomato every
year. In India Andhra Pradesh is the largest producer of tomato, produces around 18% of total tomato
production done in India. Punjab produce around 185.87 metric tonnes of tomato every year
(Anonymous, 2018).

It is essential that a suitable amount of nutrients be accessible for the production and the
nutrient content of tomatoes since the mineral composition of tomatoes depends on the quantity and
the kind of minerals obtained from the growing medium, such as soil. Therefore for satisfactory
growth, yield and quality, tomato requires ample supply of a plant nutrients (Rafi et al 2002). The
soils of Punjab are poor in nitrogen, medium in phosphorus and high in potassium content. Nitrogen is
the most limiting nutrient for growth and development of tomato and hence required in large quantity
for its optimum production, its deficiency reduces the yield, fruit size, colour, taste and storage quality
of tomato, however high soil nitrogen levels encourage excessive vegetative growth, which postpones
the setting and maturation of tomato fruits, thereby lowers tomato yield (Sainju et al 2003). Hence,
they need sufficient application of nutrients to meet the crop requirement. However, the high
application of chemical fertilizers not only enhance the cost of production but also decrease the
biological activity of soil, imbalance the availability of different nutrient elements, ultimately
deteriorates the soil quality. High use of inorganic nitrogenous fertilizers also leads to accumulation of
nitrates in fruits, which on consumption is hazardous to the human beings.

Since ancient times, organic manures have been used to fertilize the crops. Addition of
organic manure to the soil increases its microbial activity and consequently increasing fertility and
fertilizer use efficiency of the soil (Nanwai et al 1998). In organic manures there are high levels of
readily available nutrient elements, which are important for plant growth and it also helps in
improving physical properties of soil (Awad et al 2002). By adding the farm yard manure into the
soil, its bulk density decreased significantly whereas organic carbon content and water holding
capacity of the soil increased (Biswas and Khosla 1971). Chemical properties of the soil were
influenced considerably by the long term application of organic manure. Electrical conductivity of the
soil increased and the soil pH increased or remained unchanged. Organic carbon content and the
available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil increased and thus increased the crop yield
(Acharya et al 1988).

Therefore, an Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) system aids in preserving optimal soil
fertility and a sufficient supply of plant nutrients to preserve desired crop yield. Sustainable
agriculture advocates the integrated use of inorganic fertilizers and organic manures and thus it would
be rewarding approach to use an integrated approach for nutrient management which would involve
judicious combination of organic manures and chemical fertilizers (Raj and Patel 1970). Bonato and
Ridray (2007) stated that the sustainable agroecosystem can be maintained only by using the
environment friendly techniques based on biological and non-chemical methods. To be able to cope
up with an increasing agricultural, environmental and economic constraints, a properly designed
fertilizer strategy should be worked out which would ultimately optimize the nutrient use efficiency,
crop production and quality.

Nutrient management techniques such as split application of N fertilizers, the use of organic
manure such as FYM and their combined application have proven to be very effective in increasing
nutrient use efficiency, crop yield, and reducing nutrient losses such as leaching, denitrification, etc
(Shafeek et al 2012). Singh et al (2000) reported increase in growth and yield of tomato when
nitrogen is applied in more than two splits. Therefore, the present investigation has been planned to
investigate the impact of different timings and levels of nitrogen application with and without FYM
on growth and yield of tomato.

2.1 Knowledge gap

Limited information is available related to the effect of timing and levels of nitrogen
application with and without FYM on tomato yield.

2.2 Objectives
To assess the productivity of tomato under different nitrogen management practices.

3. Expected new knowledge

The study may optimize the N fertilizer management of tomato for higher use efficiency and

4. Review of literature
Tomato is an important vegetable crop having high nutrient value and is cultivated for fresh
market. To achieve satisfactory development and output, a sufficient supply of nitrogen fertilisers
through inorganic fertilisers is required. The soil and ecology suffered significant harm as a result of
the careless application of chemical fertilisers. This problem can be overcome by the application of
additional amount of organic residues and manures. The utilisation of increased amounts of organic
residues and manures will help solve this issue. (Fritz and wonnebeger 1973). Yadav et al (2001)
observed significant improvement in physical properties of soil when organic manure applied alone or
in conjuction with inorganic fertilizers.

Ye et al (2020) showed that tomato yields achieved from treatments using full rates of
chemical fertiliser without inoculants were statistically equal to those obtained from treatments
employing 75 % chemical fertiliser with bio-organic fertiliser. Total soluble sugars (TSS) content of
the fruit was almost 40 % higher in the bio-organic fertilizer treatments than the chemical fertilizer
treatments, whereas the nitrate accumulation in the fruits from the Chemical fertilizer treatment was
almost 70 % higher than that in fruit from the bio-organic fertilizer treatments. Vitamin C content in
tomato fruit increased significantly by 57 % when treated with bio-organic fertilizer as compared to
chemical fertilizer treatments.

Hozhbryan (2013) studied the effects of different levels of urea on the growth and yield of
Tomato. The results showed that the maximum yield was obtained when 150 mg urea per kg of soil
was applied, highest number of flowers were recorded in treatment 100 mg of urea per kilogram of
soil. For most traits, urea levels 100 and 150 mg/kg of soil were the best. An increase in the number
of fruits per plant in tomato as compared to control was recorded with application of FYM @ 500
g/plant (Chaudhary et al 2003). Kaur et al (2003) recorded the highest number of fruits per plant and
maximum fruit weight with an application of nitrogen @ 220 kg /ha and potassium @ 100 kg/ha in

Elia and Conversa (2012) studied the physiological and agronomic responses of a tomato crop
to nitrogen input. They found out that the nitrogen supply had a favourable impact on N
accumulation, above-ground dry weight (DW), leaf area index (LAI) and radiation use efficiency
(RUE). With N=300 kg ha-1, N accumulation was 383 kg ha-1, DW was 13.4 Mg ha-1, LAI was 4.6 and
RUE was 1.16 g/MJ. However, as the nitrogen input increased from the 200 kg/ha to 300 kg/ha, the
above-ground dry weight and the N tissue content primarily increased in the vegetative organs,
leading to a reduced overall and marketable yield, primarily because N 300 plants produced fewer fruits.
With the N200 rate, the highest overall and marketable yield was attained.

Kirimi et al (2011) stated that the affects various attributes in tomato yield and quality such as

fruit yield, total soluble solids, number of fruits per plant, fruit size and fruit firmness. Warner et al
(2004) stated that when fertilizer N was applied above 100 kg/ha, it increased the green fruit yield but
there was little increase in the marketable yield. Storability and other quality characters of tomato fruit
were affected drastically when it was supplied with very high rates of fertilizer nitrogen (Sainju et al
2003). Samalia et al (2011) stated that the tomato fruits were firmest in the plots which were treated
with no fertilizer (control) and softness of the fruits increased as the fertilizer rates were increased.

Renuka and Shankar (2001) recorded an increase in number of fruits per plant in tomato with
an application of FYM+NPK as compared to control. The highest number of fruits per plant (52.00)
and average fruit weight (45.06 g) in tomato were observed with an application of 50% RDF of NPK
(100:50:50) +50% FYM (Rafi et al 2002). The application of 50% N (Urea) + 50% (FYM) found
effective in increasing the number of fruits per plant in tomato as compared to control (Yadav et al

Ronga et al (2020) studied effects of different N rates (0, 50, 125, 200, 275, and 350 kg ha -1)
on fruit yield and quality characteristics of processing tomato ‘San Marzano’ landrace. The findings
demonstrated that the rates of 125 and 200 kg of N ha -1, which guarantee the highest values of
marketable yield and brix yield, are the most suitable rates on soil with high fertility. However,
compared to plants fertilised with 200 kg of N ha -1, those grown with 125 kg of N ha -1 achieved higher
levels of N efficiency and fruit K and P concentrations. Oversupplies of N had a negative impact on
San Marzano landrace fruit productivity and quality when cultivated under high soil fertility
circumstances, which also decreased agricultural sustainability.

Parmar et al (2019) stated that the integrated nutrient management improved most of the
yield, growth and phenological attributes of tomato cv. NS2535 hybrid of namdhari seeds. In the
terms of number of fruit clusters per plant, days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, number of
leaves per plant and plant height the treatment where 100% RDF (180:100:60) was applied performed
best. However, the maximum yield was obtained under the treatment where 75% RDF% + 25% of
RDF [i.e Neem cake (6.25%), Vermicompost (6.25%), FYM (6.25%), Poultry manure (6.25%), PSB,
and Azospirillum] was applied.

Prativa and Bhattarai (2011) stated that the integrated use of organic manures and inorganic
fertilizers as opposed to unilateral application of either of these nutrients significantly improved the
overall growth of plant, yield and micronutrient status of soil. Maximum fruit yield (25.74 mt/ha),
highest fruit weight, maximum number of fruit clusters, maximum plant height and maximum number
of leaves per plant were recorded in treatment NPK + 16.66 mt/ha FYM + 8.33 mt/ha Vermicompost.
Maximum organic matter percentage and near to neutral pH was recorded in 10 mt/ha vermicompost
treatment. Treatment ½ NPK + 15 mt/ha vermicompost recorded the highest available nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium were found in treatment.

5. Technical Programme of work
5.1 Name of the experiment:
Experiment 1: Assessing the influence of timing and levels of nitrogen application with and
without FYM on Spring grown Tomato
Location: Research Farm, Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
5.2 Methodology:
Main plots (2):
F0 - Without FYM
F25 - With FYM @ 25 t ha-1 (RDF)
Sub plots (10):
T1- Control (without N)
T2 - 100 kg N ha-1 application in 2 equal splits at transplanting and 30 DAT (days after
T3 - 100 kg N ha-1 application in 3 equal splits at transplanting, 30 DAT and 1st flowering
T4 - 100 kg N ha-1 application in 4 equal splits at transplanting, 30 DAT, 1 st flowering and
after 1st picking
T5 - 150 kg N ha-1 (60 kg acre-1) application in 2 equal splits at transplanting and 30 DAT
T6 - 150 kg N ha-1 application in 3 equal splits at transplanting, 30 DAT and 1st flowering
T7 - 150 kg N ha-1 application in 4 equal splits at transplanting, 30 DAT, 1 st flowering and
after 1st picking
T8 - 200 kg N ha-1 application in 2 equal splits at transplanting and 30 DAT
T9 - 200 kg N ha-1 application in 3 equal splits at transplanting, 30 DAT and 1st flowering
T10 - 200 kg N ha-1 application in 4 equal splits at transplanting, 30 DAT, 1 st flowering and
after 1st picking
Replication: 3
Total number of plots: 2x10x3= 60
Plot Size: 3 x 6 meter
Variety: Punjab Ratta

5.3 Observations to be recorded:

A. Crop observation
a. Fruit yield at every picking
b. Shoot weight at every picking
c. N content of shoot and fruit
d. Plant height at every picking
e. Number of branches plant-1

f. N uptake
g. Total soluble solids of fruit (oBrix)
h. Dry matter content (%)
i. Lycopene content (mg/100g of fresh weight)
j. Titratable acidity (mg/100g of fresh juice)
k. Green Seeker reading before every picking
l. Phenological stages (date of transplanting, picking, physiological maturity)

B. Soil analysis (0-15 cm):

a. pH, EC, SOC, N, P, K, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn at start of,the experiment and after harvesting
of crop

5.4 Statistical analysis: Various parameters will be analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) in
split plot design and treatments will be compared using least significant difference (LSD) at
5 % level of significance

6. Schedule work flow diagram

Sr. Activity Semester-II Semester-III Semester-IV

No. F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J
1. Field Selection ●
and Soil
2. Collection of ● 
Soil Sample
and lab
3. Transplanting ●
of Crop
4. Split ● ● ● ●
Application of
5. Plant and Soil ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
6. Picking and ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Plant and Soil ● ● ● ● ●
7. analysis

8. Data collection ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
9. Thesis writing ● ● ●
10 Thesis seminar ●
. and rough
11 Final thesis ●
. submission
J,F,M…..D refer to months name

7. Collaboration, if any: Nil

8. References:
Acharya C L, Bishnoi S K and Yaduvanshi H S (1988). Effect of long term application of fertilizer
and organic inorganic amendments under continuous cropping on soil physical and chemical
properties of Alfisol. J Indian Soc Soil Sci 58(7): 509-11
Anonymous (2018) Monthly report tomato. Pp 2. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare,
Government of India, New Delhi

Awad A M, Tartoura E A, Elfouly H M and Fattah A I (2002). Response of potato growth, yield and
quality to farmyard manure sulphur and gypsum levels application. 2nd Int Conf Hortic Sc. 24-
39, Kafr El-Sheikh, Tanta University, Egypt.

Biswas T D and Khosla B K (1971). Building up organic matter status of the soil and its relation to
the physical properties of soil. Soil Sci Soc America J 19:31-37

Bonato O and Ridray G (2007). Effect of tomato deleafing on mirids, the natural predators of
whiteflies. Agron Sustain Dev 27:167–170.

Chaudhary R S, Das A and Patnik U S (2003). Effect of organic farming for vegetable production
using vermicompost and FYM in Koriguoa watershed of Orissa. Indian J Soil Conserv 31(2):

Elia A and Conversa G (2012). Agronomic and physiological responses of a tomato crop to nitrogen
input. European J Agron 40: 64-74

Fritz D and Wonneberger C (1973). The significance of organic fertilization at proper mineral
fertilization and irrigation. Acta Hortic 29: 203-36.

Hozhbryan M (2013) Effects of different levels of urea on the growth and yield of tomato. J Novel
Appl Sci S3:1031-35

Kaur H, Thakaur J C and Chawla N (2003). Effect of nitrogen and potassium on growth, yield and
quality of tomato. Haryana J Hotic Sci 32(3-4):286-88.

Kirimi J K, Itulya F M and Mwaja V N (2011). Effects of nitrogen and spacing on fruit yield of
tomato. Afr J Hortic Sci 5:50-60

Nanwai R K, Sharma B D and Taneja K D (1998). Role of organic and inorganic fertilizers for
maximizing wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield in sandy loam soils. Crop Res 16(2): 159-61.

Parmar U, Tembhre D, Das M P and Pradhan J (2019) Effect of integrated nutrient management on
growth development and yield traits of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.). J Pharmacogn
Phytochem 8(3): 2764-68

Prativa K C and Bhattarai B P (2011) Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on the Growth, Yield
and Soil Nutrient Status in Tomato. Nepal J Sci Tech 12: 23-28

Rafi M, Narwadkar P R, Prabu T and Sajindranath A K (2002). Effect of organic and inorganic
fertilizers on growth and yield of tomato. South Indian Hortic 50(4-6): 522-26

Raj V C and Patel Z G (1970) Integrated nutrient management in crop production. J Indian Soc Soil
Sci 8(11): 120-22.

Renuka B and Ravisankar C (2001). Effect of organic manures on growth and yield of tomato. South

Indian Hortic 49: 216-19.

Ronga D, Pentangelo A and Parisi M (2020). Optimizing N fertilization to improve yield,

technological and nutritional quality of tomato grown in high fertility soil conditions. Plants

Sainju U M, Dris R and Singh B (2003). Mineral nutrition of tomato. J Food Agric Environ 1:176-83.

Samaila A A, Amans E B, Babaji B A (2011). Yield and fruit quality of tomato (Lycopersicon
esculentum Mill) as influenced by mulching, nitrogen and irrigation interval. Intl Res J Agric
Sci Soil Sci 1: 90-95.

Shafeek M, Nagwa M K, Hassan, Awatef, Beheiry G and Rizk F A (2012) Productivity of sweet
pepper plant (Capsicum annuum L.) as affected by different sources of nitrogen and sulphur
fertilizers under newly reclaimed soil. J Appl Sci Res 8(11): 5365-71.

Singh A K, Singh P K and Gaur G S (2000). Determination of nitrogen doses and its method of
application for growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) var. Pusa hybrid-
2. Haryana J Hortic Sci 29:263-64.

Warner J, Zhang T Q, Hao X (2004). Effects of nitrogen fertilization on fruit yield and quality of
processing tomatoes. Canadian J Plant Sci 84:865-71.

Yadav M K, Raj M. and Yadav R P (2001). Integrated nutrient management for maintaining soil
health. Int Conf Nature Farming and Eco Balance. Pp 119. CCS HAU, Hisar, India.

Yadav B D, Singh B and Sharma Y K (2004). Production of tomato under organic conditions.
Haryana J Hortic Sci 33(3-4): 306-07

Ye L, Zhao X, Bao E, Li J, Zou Z and Cao K (2020). Bio-organic fertilizer with reduced rates of
chemical fertilization improves soil fertility and enhances tomato yield and quality. Sci Rep

Signature of the student


S. No. Name Designation and Department Signature

1. Dr. A.A.S Gill Soil Chemist,
(Major Advisor) Department of Soil Science
2. Dr. Salesh Kumar Jindal Senior Vegetable Breeder,
Department of Vegetable Science
3. Dr. Neena Chawla Principle Biochemist
Department of Vegetable Science
4. Dr. Varinderpal Singh Principal Soil Chemist,
(Dean P.G.S Nominee) Department of Soil Science

Forwarded five copies to the Dean, Postgraduate Studies, PAU, Ludhiana for its approval by
the Synopsis Approval Committee

Head of the Department

Memo No:

Postgraduate Studies
PAU, Ludhiana


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