Final Test (Unit 9-12)

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OPTIMISE B1 (Unit 9-12)

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1 Complete the sentences with the correct alternative.

1 I’ll call you as soon as I will reach /reach the stadium.

2 When I am /will be running the marathon, could you pass me some water?
3 T he referee didn’t start the match until all the players would be /were on the pitch.
4 Before you will start /start running, you should warm up slowly.
5 Mary won’t enter the competition when /until she is completely ready.
6 I’ll clean my boots straight when /after I finish the match, I promise!
7 When /As soon he reached the stadium, Jack bought the tickets.
8 After you finish the race, we meet /’ll meet at your house to celebrate.
9 T here won’t be anybody in the sports centre when you get /will get there.
10 As soon as Sarah lifts the trophy, the crowd cheers /will cheer.

Score: / 10

2 Complete the sentences with the correct alternative.

1 T he actors got /did their make-up done by a professional.

2 You look different. Are you got /Have you had your hair cut?
3 I can’t believe that I have stolen my phone /had my phone stolen again.
4 You can’t come round. We are having /have the house painted at the moment.
5 T omorrow I will have my nails done /did before the party.
6 Yesterday my dad got his car fixed /got fixed his car.
7 After the party Tom had /got Tom his suit cleaned.
8 Would you ever have /got your ears pierced?
9 Gilly went to the optician have /to get her eyes tested.
10 Sam had the hole in his sock mending /mended by his grandmother.

Score: / 10
3 Read what Pepe asked Samantha about her cookery course. Complete the reported questions with the correct
word or phrase.

Hi Sammy,

You finished your cookery course yesterday. What was it like? Did you learn a lot? When are we going to meet? Are
you going to come round to my house tomorrow? And will you cook something for me?

T ell me everything!


Pepe asked Samantha what her course (1) and if she (2) a lot. He then asked
her when (3) to meet. After that, he asked her (4) she
(5) to come round to (6) house (7) day. Finally, he
asked (8) if she (9) cook something for (10) .

Score: / 10

4 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 By the end of the day, the volunteers collected the rubbish from three beaches.

A have B will have C might

2 finished your homework by 8.45? If you have, we can watch the football.

A Did you B Have you C Will you have

3 I still have posted my blog by tonight. I’ve been very busy.

A don’t B might not C didn’t

4 By the end of this year, I have walked my dog more than a hundred times!

A did B will C can

5 By the time I am 25, I hope I a job in a good company.

A will have found B find C am finding

6 Liz arrived home by now. Let’s call her.

A should have B will has C has will

7 Roger will over 200 plastic bottle tops by the time the competition ends.

A collect B have collected C have been collected

8 I think by 2025 scientists a robot that can think like a human.

A will have invented B invented C have invented

9 T he painters should painting my room by the weekend.

A are finished B finished C have finished

10 How many countries have visited by the time you are fifty?

A you will B will you C should

Score: / 10
5 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 My dog is not well. She might /can have eaten something that she shouldn’t have.
2 Cory must /can have hurt herself when she fell. T hey have taken her to hospital.
3 Petra ought /must to have arrived at the camp by now.
4 Emma’s exam results must /should have been bad; she looks very unhappy.
5 You could /can’t have looked very carefully. Your homework is on the table!
6 You must /might have been tired when you arrived home – you fell asleep on the sofa!
7 You ought /should have separated the plastic and the paper before you threw it away.
8 Josh can /must have forgotten that we were going to plant trees today; he’s not here.
9 Your dog must /couldn’t have been very hungry. He hadn’t eaten any of his food.
10 You should /ought to have watched the dolphin display with us. It was amazing!

Score: / 10


6 Complete the sentences with the correct alternative.

1 I didn’t like the circus clowns but I loved the climbers /acrobats.
2 Now that there is a public bike sharing system in our city, you see a lot more cyclists /gamers.
3 When the captain /player of the team was injured the coach had to choose a new one.
4 T he French gymnast /climber was doing well on the floor until he fell. I think he’ll lose some points.
5 I think the tennis player /referee made a bad decision. T he ball was going out and he hit it.
6 I can’t run and I’m not very fit. I don’t think I’ll ever be a great gamer /athlete.
7 Did you see the T our de France? T hey were going down a mountain and several climbers /riders fell off!
8 My two brothers are keen gamers /players. T hey spend hours playing on their computers.

Score: /8

7 Complete the sentences with the correct f orm of go, do or play.

1 Last weekend Saul swimming with his sister in the local pool.
2 I’ve never yoga but it seems to be very popular.
3 Next weekend I’m for a bike ride in the mountains. Do you want to come?
4 My dad usually golf twice a week. He usually wins and the losers pay for his tea.
5 I athletics when I was at school but now I prefer playing on the computer.

Score: /5

8 Complete the sentences with the correct alternative.

1 T onight my school drama group is performing Mamma Mia at a small local theatre /stage.
2 T om is going to stay at a campsite when he goes to the three-day music studio /festival.
3 When Max was in the art venue /gallery, he looked at one painting for about 20 minutes!
4 I think the presenter /performer of The Breakfast Show asks his guests very good questions.
5 My sister wants to be a journalist /author. She likes writing and interviewing people.
6 Have you found a venue /stage for your 16th birthday party yet? A boat would be a great place!
7 I think Luke Evans is the presenter /actor who should be the next James Bond.
8 Hazel’s rock band has got three performers /musicians and a singer.

Score: /8

9 If a word in bold is correct, put a tick. If it’s incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1 Kevin was allowed to meet his friends when everyone had finished eating dinner.

2 Julie wasn’t capable of keep her room tidy for more than a day.

3 If I had the chance to try a new sport, I’d probably try hockey.

4 Jackie’s parents didn’t let her using her mobile when they were eating meals at the table.

5 I managed to f inishing my English homework in less than 20 minutes!

6 What are the chances of it rain tomorrow? I want to go walking in the countryside.

Score: /6

10 Complete the text with words f rom the box. T here are two words which you do not need to use.

lesson pass primary pupils read secondary student study subjects take

What is it like to (1) in the UK? T he school system starts when a child is five years old. At
(2) school, a child will learn about a wide range of (3) as well as literacy and maths, which they
must study. Later at (4) school, (5) will also study modern languages, for example French,
German or Spanish. Pupils (6) some important exams called GCEs and the marks A, B, C, D and E mean a
(7) and U means a fail. T o become a university (8) you might need to get a lot of A grades and
now there is even an A* mark which you might need to get into the best universities!

Score: /8

11 Complete the dialogue with the words f rom the box. T here are three extra words that you do not need to use

at by class colours in lesson scores the thinking

Jack: Have you got your nose (1) a book again, Rachel?
Rachel: Yes and no. I have a presentation tomorrow and we are not allowed to use notes, so I need to learn everything
(2) heart.
Jack: Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. I’m sure you’ll pass with flying (3) . You usually do.
Rachel: T hanks, Jack. How is your new job at the cinema going?
Jack: I spent the first few days learning (4) ropes. But I only applied for the job so I could watch some free
films and I’ve spent the whole time in the shop.
Rachel: T hat will teach you a (5) ! It’s called ‘work’ for a reason. Anyway, I need to think of a way to end my
presentation. Have you got any ideas?
Jack: Me? No. I was thinking about dinner!
Rachel: Well, put your (6) cap on! I need an idea!

Score: /6

12 Complete the sentences with words f rom the box. T here are two words that you do not need to use.

camels dolphins elephants grasslands lizards monkeys ocean rainforests sharks zebras

1 You can find elephants, lions and giraffes in the African .

2 are sea animals with long noses that are famous for being intelligent and friendly.
3 live in Africa and Asia. T hey have thick skins and a long nose called a trunk.
4 are like horses but with black and white stripes.
5 have long tails and use them to swing from tree to tree.
6 can carry people and their possessions long distances without water.
7 T he covers over 70% of the planet but is so deep we have only explored 5% of it!
8 As well as sharp teeth and powerful jaws, have good eyesight which helps them hunt in the water.

Score: /8

13 Complete the sentences with the correct alternative.

1 Did you see they found a girl who had been brought /grown up by monkeys?
2 Swans usually mate for life but koala bears end /split up after mating.
3 When bears sleep in winter they sleep so deeply that even a loud noise won’t bring /wake them up.
4 When they emptied the lake in the park to clean it, it took a day to keep /fill it up again.
5 When my younger brother Gavin grows /brings up he wants to be a vet.
6 Some animals use tools to cut /split up their food.

Score: /6

14 Complete the sentences with the correct f orm of the words in brackets.

1 Max had no (explain) why his geography homework was late.

2 I don’t like zoos because the animals are not in their (nature) habitat.
3 T he best thing about Switzerland is the spectacular (scene).
4 I think most (science) agree that recent global warming is caused by humans.
5 When it is (sun), Alison eats her lunch out in the park.
6 Many (tropic) rainforests are being cut down for the wood they contain.

Score: /6

T ry something new!

Here is our guide to some of the best courses for teenagers.

A At the Zen Room learn how yoga helps you relax and forget about your problems! Our helpful instructors teach
you the basic techniques so you can practise anywhere. Simple to learn and very cheap, yoga will help you
concentrate better and reduce your worries. It’s good for your body as well as your mind! Classes mornings and
B Salsa Express is a fun way to learn the basic steps of salsa. Classes on Friday at 8 pm start with a 20-minute lesson
with our highly qualified instructor Joshua. T hen you practise each move with different partners while Joshua and
his assistant Marie walk around the pairs helping and giving advice. T o finish you can dance with anyone to the
best salsa music! Classes cost £15 but your first class is free!
C At Craf t101 we have a number of different 12-week courses. We work with jewellery, material, card and paper. If
you like fashion, you could learn how to make necklaces and bracelets or sew a design on a jacket. If you want to
make a gift, try scrapbooking, where you collect pictures and memories and put them in a book. Or card making; if
you learn this skill you will never need to buy a birthday card again! All courses include a lesson on creating a
website to sell your work.
D Are you the next Masterchef? Join us at the Cooking Club! Our chef Amanda worked in a top London restaurant
for ten years and will show you how to make four main dishes, two starters and two desserts. T his one-day course
lasts six hours. All equipment and ingredients provided. Cost €80. And you can eat all the food you prepare!
Numbers limited to five people.
E Do you like books? At Bookworm we have three courses. Beginners, where we teach how to write great sentences
and paragraphs; Authors, where experienced writers share what they have written; and Readers, where
participants read short stories and say what they like about them. All courses last three weeks and take place on
Wednesdays 6 pm–8 pm. Food and drinks provided during the breaks. T he best story on our Authors course wins a
book voucher!
F At T opT rees Centre we will help you keep fit by running and climbing in the countryside. We have four trails
through the beautiful local forests. Each one is designed to challenge you as you will need to work as a team to get
over obstacles and find four flags on the course. T he winning team gets a free meal in a local restaurant! We are
open Saturday and Sunday 9 am–6 pm. €30 a day.
G FirstFoto has a range of evening courses from beginners’ photography to advanced photo editing. Use the latest
cameras to create your photos and the best programmes to edit them. All equipment provided but if you have
your own camera please bring it along! All students completing a course will receive a certificate and the best
photos can win a free course in our end-of-year draw.

15 Scan the text and write the paragraph (A–G) which mentions these ideas.

1 You can use your own equipment on the course.

2 Making something that you can give as a present.

3 You could win a prize for yourself and your team.

4 An instructor with lots of qualifications.

5 T here are two times of day that you can do this activity.

Score: /5
16 Which activity (A–G) f rom the text would be most suitable f or these teenagers?

Jim is very active and wants to meet people. He is very competitive and he likes the outdoors.

Yolanda would like to do something that helps her to relax after a hard week. She would like to do something that is
not very expensive.

Josh wants to do a short course. He likes food and making things for people.

Xenia has got a big family and she spends a lot of money on gifts. She would like to find a way to spend less money but
still make her family feel special.

Sam would like to be a journalist one day but he doesn’t have any experience. He isn’t free at weekends.

Score: /5


17 Choose the correct word to f ill each gap.

Chess Boxing

Possibly one of the most unusual sports in the world, chess boxing (1) of 11 rounds – six rounds of chess and
five of boxing. Each match starts with a (2) of chess, followed by alternating rounds of boxing and chess.
Each round lasts three minutes. T he two (3) sit down at a table in the middle of the boxing ring to play the first
round of chess. T hey play with a chess clock. If they take too long to think, the chess (4) starts to count to
ten. If the player hasn’t made their (5) by the end of the count, they lose the match. T here is a break of 60
seconds after each round. During this break, players can get advice from an assistant, but only about the boxing, not
about the chess! T he rules are the same as in normal boxing, so if the referee says ‘break’ the players must move apart.
T hey cannot (6) their opponent and they must not (7) their opponent below the belt. T he winner
is the first person to either win the chess game or win the boxing (8) . As you can (9) , it’s not an
easy sport to play because as the players get more tired they find it more difficult to think. Chess boxing is a
(10) which certainly challenges both the body and the mind!
1 A contains B consists C involves D includes
2 A play B competition C game D sport
3 A captains B gymnasts C gamers D players
4 A referee B captain C assistant D gamer
5 A play B move C game D competition
6 A carry B hold C bring D take
7 A bang B hit C take D carry
8 A competition B game C play D match
9 A view B dream C imagine D think
10 A play B hobby C sport D match

Score: / 10

18 Write one word in each gap to complete the text.

My First Podcast

23 May 7.28 pm

T hose of you who managed (1) read my last blog post will know that this week I have been trying to make
my first podcast. I needed somewhere quiet to record it, so when my parents told me they were going out on
Saturday I knew that this was my chance (2) record it at home. I (3) the neighbours had gone out too
because in the first recording I could hear them walking up and down and talking. I tried to remove the noise with my
sound-editing program but I wasn’t able (4) do it very well. If only I (5) enough money to pay for a
proper recording studio! Anyway, at school on Monday I asked if I would be allowed (6) use a classroom
when the classes had finished. Fortunately, my maths teacher, Mr Roberts (7) me use his classroom for one
hour. I set up my camera and started recording, but I kept making mistakes. If I had known how difficult it was, I
would (8) practised a lot more before! At least I know now that I am capable (9) using the
equipment, but I need to spend more time practising. I think if I (10) had three hours more I might have
finished! So, I’m sorry readers, you’ll have to wait another week to hear my first podcast!

Score: / 10

19 Choose the correct option to f ill each gap.

Do what you love

If you were given the (1) between a boring job with good pay and a job that you loved with low pay, which would
you choose? Here are four reasons (2) you should do the thing you love. Firstly, you will be happier, as every day
you will (3) up to do something you enjoy.
Secondly, if you enjoy your job, you will (4) it more successfully because you will be working harder at it.
T hirdly, you will be healthier. People who don’t enjoy their jobs suffer (5) stress. Enjoying your chosen job will
(6) certainly lengthen your life. (7) , you will attract other people. As you will become an expert on
your subject, people will want to (8) your thoughts and opinions. You may get the chance to (9) more
widely and meet more people. And (10) the time talking about the thing you love most!
1 A thought B decision C opinion D choice
2 A because B why C when D how
3 A wake B look C take D give
4 A have B make C do D be
5 A of B by C from D in
6 A nearly B almost C just D about
7 A Especially B Eventually C Lately D Finally
8 A hear B listen C feel D attend
9 A move B journey C travel D progress
10 A every B all C each D any

Score: / 10


20 Read the email f rom your f riend Jess and the notes you have made. Write your email to Jess using all the notes.
Write about 100 words.

Remember to:

begin your note with Hi … or Dear …

respond to all four notes.
say goodbye.
write about 100 words.
Score: / 10

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