Inter Test

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1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: Are you going (go) on holiday this year?
1 Sonia is working (work) in the garden. Shall I call her for you?
2 We went (go) to the Edinburgh Festival in August last year.
3 If I found £20 on the floor in a shop, I would give (give) it to one of the assistants.
4 My mother has been going (go) to salsa dance classes for the last two months – she loves it!
5 Wait until Roberto will get (get) here and then the meeting can begin.
6 I think I sent (send) Pedro the wrong file when I emailed him yesterday.
7 Diana told me she wanted (want) to start learning French.
8 I will drink (drink) less coffee at the moment to see if it helps with my headaches.
9 ‘Is Mike at home?’ ‘He went (go) to the shops. He’ll be back in an hour.’
10 When we returned, we saw that somebody had broken (break) one of our windows.
11 I would have invited you to the party if I had known (know) you were around!
12 Students will get their results in June. A letters will be send (send) to their home address.
13 I don’t want to eat curry again! We had had (have) it twice last week.
14 ‘Didn’t you hear your phone ring?’ ‘No, I was listening (listen) to music on headphones.’
15 Mary meets (meet) Anna for lunch most days. Their offices are very close.

2 Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: That’s the house where my father was born.
1 It won’t take long to paint this room, will it?
2 That’s the door which takes you back to reception.
3 You wouldn’t have missed the train if you hadn’t stayed in bed so long.
4 Wait for everyone is here before you start the meeting.
5 If I were you, I wouldn’t say anything and just forget about it.
6 Will Donna be pleased to give me a lift to the station later?
7 Chris would be angry at me if I knew why he had been made redundant.
8 You’re Andy’s new secretary, aren’t you?
9 The car park is free – you don’t need/have to to pay!
10 I didn’t use to like cabbage but I love it now.

3 Underline the correct word(s).

1 I don’t mind people disagree / disagreeing with me.
2 Could you drive more slower / slowly? I hate it when you drive fast.
3 Sally wouldn’t / won’t pass her driving test if she doesn’t practise more.
4 That’s the man whose / who’s dog bit me last month!
5 You mustn’t / shouldn’t record films in the cinema. It’s illegal!
6 My sister said / told me not to tell anyone about her new boyfriend.
7 Will / Shall you call me when William arrives?
8 If you sent him a birthday card, he’ll / he’d really appreciate it.
9 Lisa usually / use to listens to the radio when she works.
10 There were very few / little people at the concert because of the weather.
11 We’ll come and see you again the next / next Saturday.
12 There aren’t any / no eggs in the fridge. Shall I get some?
13 You won’t be able to get home unless / if you call a taxi. 15
14 Richard has always worked much harder than / that I do.
15 The Olympics and Paralympics held / were held in London in 2012. Grammar total 40

4 Underline the odd one out.

Example: composer teacher employee violinist
1 sociable charming affectionate spoilt
2 script cartoon comedy musical
3 get expelled graduate cheat fail
4 retire get sacked apply for resign 5
5 fried grilled tinned baked

5 Write the noun.

Example: organize organization
1 complain complaint
2 lose lost
3 respond responsibility
4 deliver delivery 6
5 succeed success
6 explain explanation

6 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

Example: What are you going to do next weekend?
1 Vicky is really good at card games – she always wins.
2 You must be really pleased with your exam results!
3 Scotland is famous by its golf courses.
4 We spent €4,000 for a holiday in New York.
5 I’m so tired. I’m really looking forward to my holiday next week.
6 Jake’s thinking about applying for a job with Microsoft. 7
7 I’m not keen on lamb. I prefer beef or chicken.

7 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

Example: I inherited a lot of money a few years ago from my grandfather.
Inherited earned invested
1 We were late, but luckily there was a taxi rank very near the office.
platform rank station
2 We didn’t just win the other team – we destroyed them!
win draw beat
3 The Hobbit was filmed in New Zealand.
directed by based on filmed in
4 My brother’s only seven so he’s still at primary school.
secondary nursery primary
5 I have plenty of free time because I only work part-time.
temporary part-time self-employed
6 You can’t ride your motorbike through here – it’s a pedestrian area.
residential pedestrian suburb
7 I got a 10% discount on the coat because it had a button missing.
refund bargain discount
8 Be careful what you say to Maria. She’s very sensitive.
reliable sensible sensitive
9 We usually eat outside on the terrace in summer.
terrace roof path
10 I didn’t have breakfast this morning. I’m absolutely starving!
starving furious freezing
11 Can you point to the shoes you want in the window?
nod point touch
12 It was very unfortunate that Jeff drove past and saw us just after we’d missed the bus.
fortune fortunate unfortunate
13 I’m not going to spend the money I inherited. I’m going to invest it.
owe waste invest
14 Megan was very jealous of her sister after she was promoted.
jealous ambitious moody

8 Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: My sister and I get on well with each other.
1 I’m trying to cut down on the amount of meat I eat.
2 Rob’s the new sales manager, and is now in manage of 50 people.
3 I like foreign films but I prefer them dubbed. I hate having to read the subtitles.
4 Sarah does yoga for an hour every day. She says it’s very relaxing.
5 I’m afraid Katie isn’t in the office. Do you want to leave a ________?
6 Ben cheated in the exam – he copied answers from the boy next to him.
7 It was nice to see you again after such a long time. Let’s get in touch.
8 I got injured playing rugby last week. I sprained my ankle.
Vocabulary total 40
Grammar, Vocabulary total 80
1 Listen. Tick () the five things
which the speaker mentions.
1 He is going to travel around his own country. F
2 He will do some work during his holiday. T
3 He is going to spend his holiday in his house. T
4 He doesn’t have enough money to go abroad. F
5 He is often very tired when he travels somewhere. T
6 He always enjoys visiting beautiful places. F
7 He can get great views from his house. T
8 He usually travels at the weekend. F 5
9 He is going to buy something for his house. T
10 He thinks he will travel more when he has retired. F

2 Listen to five conversations. Tick () A, B, or C.

1 When Oliver was 11 years old, he went to A, scotland_____.
A boarding school  B school in India  C India for a holiday 
2 Helen tells Adam B _____.
A he wouldn’t like the film  B about the film’s plot  C how the film finishes 
3 Theo can’t find anyone A_____.
A to rent his flat  B to share his house  C to buy his flat 
4 Kay C_____ on the second day of her holiday. 5
A helped another skier  B hurt her arm  C got injured 
5 Mia says she’s trying to eat B_____.
A less meat and fruit  B less meat and cream  C more fish and cream 
Listening total 10
Our facial expression is usually the first indicator of our state of mind. When we’re happy, we smile. And when
we’re sad or angry, we frown. There are times, however, when we don’t want people to know what we’re really
thinking or feeling, or when we’re trying to hide something. In these situations, we choose our words carefully,
and we consciously make our facial expression mirror what we’re saying.

However, up to 90 per cent of communication is non-verbal. So we might say one thing, but our body language
often tells a different story. Body language refers to the pattern of gestures that express our inner thoughts and
feelings in communication.

Unless we are very clever, our bodies will usually try to tell the truth, no matter what our words and facial
expressions are communicating. Here are three of the most common ways that our bodies can give us away:
1) Touching our faces more often than usual. If we are lying, we often cover our mouth with our hand or put a
finger on our lip. Part of us knows that what we are saying is not true, and tries to stop it coming out.
Touching our ear or hair and, most commonly, our nose are signs that we might be feeling anxious, or that
we are angry or frightened but don’t feel able to express it.
2) Gesturing with our hands. Experiments have shown that we use our hands to talk with much less than usual
when what we are saying is not true. We don’t know exactly what our hands are saying, but we know they
are probably communicating something important so we try not to use them. A person who says he or she is
very pleased with something, and they have their arms folded while they are speaking, may actually be
feeling quite the opposite.
3) Moving our legs and feet. These are the most revealing parts of our body as they are the furthest from our
face and we don’t usually pay attention to what they are doing. An interviewer might be listening patiently,
smiling, and nodding, but if he’s tapping his foot, this could tell us that he is not enjoying the interview at all.

Most of us don’t know exactly what someone else’s body language means. But if we feel uneasy in someone’s
company, it may be because their words and their body are saying different things from each other. This
difference can have a significant effect on how we get on with that person.

1 We change the expression on our faces when we want people to believe _______.
A what we’re really thinking  B that we’re lying  C what we’re saying 
2 Our body language shows _______.
A what we want people to think  B what we’re really thinking 
C that we always tell the truth 
3 People who aren’t being honest often _______.
A touch their faces more frequently  B try to stop talking  C touch their hair 
4 People who are afraid tend to _______.
A cover their mouths  B touch their noses  C touch their hands 
5 It’s common to _______ if we aren’t telling the truth.
A use our hands more  B use our hands less  C look at our hands 
6 To decide if someone is telling the truth, looking at their hands is _______ listening to what they say.
A a better indication than  B just as effective as  C not as effective as 
7 When it comes to watching body language, legs and feet _______.
A aren’t as interesting as faces  B are the most revealing 
C aren’t worth looking at 
8 If an interviewer’s foot is moving, he’s probably _______.
A listening very carefully  B not enjoying the interview  C not paying attention 
9 _______ can interpret a person’s body language accurately.
A Few people  B Nobody  C Most people 
10 If a person’s words and body language don’t match, we can feel _______.
A at ease  B relaxed  C uncomfortable 

Reading total 10

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