Physical Sciences GR 11 Assessment Frame June 2023 ENG

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Grade 11 Assessment Framework Physical Sciences June Examination 2023


1 10 Multiple choice questions of 2 marks each on all topics 20
2 Vectors in two dimensions 13
3-5 Newton's laws and application of Newton's laws 29
6 Electrostatics 21
7 Electromagnetism 17
8 Electric circuits 24
9 Atomic combinations 13
10 Intermolecular forces 13
Cognitive level Description Marks
1 Remembering/ Recall 15%
2 Understanding/ Comprehension 35%
3 Applying and analysing 40%
4 Evaluating and creating (synthesis) 10%

Skills in Physical Sciences

• Identify and question phenomena:
o Formulate an investigative question.
o List all possible variables.
o Formulate a testable hypothesis.
• Design/Plan of an investigation:
o Identify variables (dependent, independent, and controlled variables).
o List appropriate apparatus.
o Plan the sequence of steps which should include, amongst others:
- The need for more than one trial to minimise experimental errors.
- Identify safety precautions that need to be taken.
- Identify conditions that ensure a fair test.
- Set an appropriate control.
• Graphs:
o Draw accurate graphs from given data/information.
o Interpret graphs.
o Draw sketch graphs from given information.
• Results:
o Identify patterns/relationships in data.
o Interpret results.
• Conclusions:
o Draw conclusions from given information, e.g., tables, graphs.
o Evaluate the validity of conclusions.
• Calculations:
o Solve problems using two or more different calculations (multistep calculations).
• Descriptions:
o Explain/Describe/Argue the validity of a statement/event using scientific principles.

Prior knowledge from Grade 10

All skills and application of knowledge learnt in Grade 10 are applicable to assessment in Grade 11. Skills and
knowledge from Grade 10 that may be assessed in Grade 11 include the following:
• The scientific method
• Vectors and scalars
• Equations of motion
• The periodic table
• Writing of formulae and balanced equations
• The kinetic molecular theory
• Chemical bonding

Grade 11 Assessment Framework Physical Sciences June Examination 2023
Resultant of vectors
• Define a resultant as the vector sum of two or more vectors, i.e., a single vector having the same effect
as two or more vectors together.
• Determine the resultant of vectors (maximum four) on a Cartesian plane, using the component method
i.e. find the vertical and horizontal components of each vector and then add co-linear vertical components
and co-linear horizontal components to obtain the resultant vertical vector (R y) and resultant horizontal
vector (Rx).
• Sketch the resultant vertical vector (Ry) and the resultant horizontal vector (Rx) on a Cartesian plane.
• Calculate the magnitude of the resultant using the theorem of Pythagoras.
• Determine the direction of the resultant using simple trigonometric ratios.
• Determine the resultant (R) of two vectors graphically using either the tail-to-head or tail-to-tail method
(parallelogram method) as well as by calculation (component method) for a maximum of four vectors in
both 1-dimension and 2-dimensions.
• Explain the meaning of a closed vector diagram.
Resolution of a vector into its horizontal and vertical components
• Use Rx = Rcosθ for the resultant x component if θ is the angle between R and the x axis.
• Use Ry = Rsinθ for the resultant y component if θ is the angle between R and the x axis.
Different kinds of forces: weight, normal force, frictional force, applied force (push, pull),
tension (strings or cables)
• Define normal force, N, as the force or the component of a force which is perpendicular to the surface
and is exerted by the surface on an object in contact with it.
NOTE: The normal force acts perpendicular to the surface irrespective of whether the plane is horizontal
or inclined. For horizontal planes, the only forces perpendicular to the plane should be the weight, w, and
the normal force, N. All other forces should be parallel to the plane. For inclined planes, the only forces
perpendicular to the plane is the component of weight, wcosθ, and the normal, N. All other forces should
be parallel to the plane.
• Define frictional force, f, as the force that opposes the motion of an object and which acts parallel to
the surface.
Know that a frictional force:
o Is proportional to the normal force.
o Is independent of the area of the surfaces that are in contact with each other.
• Define the static frictional force, fs, as the force that opposes the tendency of motion of a stationary
object relative to a surface. The static frictional force can have a range of values from zero up to a
maximum value, μsN. If a force, F, applied to an object parallel to the surface, does not cause the object
to move, F is equal in magnitude to the static frictional force.
• State that the static frictional force is a maximum, f s , just before the object starts to move across the
surface. The maximum static frictional force, f s , is equal to the magnitude of the maximum
horizontal force that can be applied to the object without it starting to move across the surface.
max max
• Solve problems using f s = μsN where f s is the maximum static frictional force and μs is the coefficient
of static friction. If the applied force exceeds f s , a net force accelerates the object.
• Define the kinetic frictional force, fk, as the force that opposes the motion of a moving object relative
to a surface. The kinetic frictional force on an object is constant for a given surface and equals μ kN.
• Solve problems using fk = μkN, where fk is the kinetic frictional force and μk the coefficient of kinetic friction.
Force diagrams, free-body diagrams
• Draw force diagrams. In a force diagram the force is represented by an arrow. The direction of the
arrow indicates the direction of the force and the length of the arrow indicates the magnitude of the force.
• Draw free-body diagrams. Such a diagram shows the relative magnitudes and directions of forces
acting on an object that has been isolated from its surroundings. The object is drawn as a dot and all the
forces acting on it are drawn as arrows pointing away from the dot. The lengths of the arrows are
proportional to the magnitude of the respective forces.
• Resolve a two-dimensional force e.g. the weight of an object on an inclined plane, into its parallel (F //)
and perpendicular ( F⊥ ) components.
• Determine the resultant/net force of two or more forces.

Grade 11 Assessment Framework Physical Sciences June Examination 2023
Newton's first, second and third laws of motion
• State Newton's first law of motion: A body will remain in its state of rest or motion at constant velocity
unless a non-zero resultant/net force acts on it.
• Define inertia as the resistance of an object to any change in its state of motion. The mass of an object
is a quantitative measure of its inertia.
• Discuss why it is important to wear seatbelts using Newton's first law of motion.
• State Newton's second law of motion: When a resultant/net force acts on an object, the object will
accelerate in the direction of the force at an acceleration directly proportional to the force and inversely
proportional to the mass of the object.
In symbols: a  Fnet, constant m and a  , constant Fnet, and therefore Fnet = ma
• Draw force diagrams and free-body diagrams for objects that are in equilibrium or accelerating.
• Apply Newton's second law of motion, and therefore, to a variety of equilibrium and non-equilibrium
problems including:
o A single object:
- Moving in a horizontal plane with or without friction
- Moving on an inclined plane with or without friction
- Moving in the vertical plane (lifts, rockets, etc.)
o Two-body systems (joined by a light inextensible string):
- Both on a flat horizontal plane with or without friction
- One in a horizontal plane with or without friction, and a second hanging vertically from a
string over a frictionless pulley
- Both on an inclined plane with or without friction
- Both hanging vertically from a string over a frictionless pulley
NOTE: When an object accelerates, the equation F net = ma must be applied separately in the x
and y directions. If there is more than one object, a free body diagram must be drawn for each
object and Newton’s second law must be applied to each object separately.
• State Newton's third law of motion: When object A exerts a force on object B, object B
SIMULTANEOUSLY exerts an oppositely directed force of equal magnitude on object A. (The forces are
therefore an interaction between two bodies.)
• Identify Newton III force pairs (action-reaction pairs) and list the properties of the force pairs (action-
reaction pairs). When identifying the forces, it must be clearly stated which body exert a force on which
body, and what kind of force it is, e.g. the earth exerts a downward gravitational force on the object, and
the object exerts an upward gravitational force of equal magnitude on the earth.
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
• State Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation: Each particle in the universe attracts every other particle
with a gravitational force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between their centres.
Gm1 m2
• Solve problems using F = .
• Calculate acceleration due to gravity on the Earth using g = , and on another planet using g =
r2E r2p
where Mp is the mass of the planet and rp is the radius of the planet.
• Describe weight as the gravitational force, in newton (N), exerted by the Earth on an object. Describe
mass as the amount of matter in a body measured in kilogram (kg).
• Calculate weight using the expression w = mg.
• Calculate the weight of an object on other planets with different values of gravitational acceleration.
• Explain weightlessness as the sensation experienced when all contact forces are removed i.e. no
external objects touch one's body. For example, when in free fall, the only force acting on your body is
the force of gravity that is a non-contact force. Since the force of gravity cannot be felt without any other
opposing forces, you would have no sensation of it and you would feel weightless when in free fall.

Grade 11 Assessment Framework Physical Sciences June Examination 2023
Coulomb's law
• State Coulomb's law: The magnitude of the electrostatic force exerted by two point charges (Q1 and Q2)
on each other is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the charges and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance (r) between them.
kQ1 Q2
• Solve problems using the equation F = for charges in one dimension (1D) - restrict to three
kQ1 Q2
• Solve problems using the equation F = for charges in two dimensions (2D) – for three charges in
a right-angled formation (limit to charges at the 'vertices of a right- angled triangle').
Electric field
• Describe an electric field as a region in space in which an electric charge experiences a force. The
direction of the electric field at a point is the direction that a positive test charge would move if placed at
that point.
• Draw electric field patterns for the following configurations: (Restrict to charges identical in
o A single point charge
o Two point charges (one negative, one positive OR both positive OR both negative)
o A charged sphere
NOTE: Restrict to situations in which the charges are identical in magnitude.
• Define the magnitude of the electric field at a point: The magnitude of the electric field at a point is
the electrostatic force experienced per unit positive charge placed at that point.
In symbols: E =
• Solve problems using the equation E = .
• Calculate the electric field strength at a point due to several point charges, using the equation E = to
determine the contribution to the field due to each charge. Restrict to three charges in a straight line.
Magnetic field associated with current carrying conductors
• Use the Right Hand Rule to determine the magnetic field (B) associated with a:
o Straight current carrying conductor
o Current carrying loop (single turn)
o Solenoid
• Draw the magnetic field pattern around a:
o Straight current carrying wire
o Current carrying loop (single turn)
o Solenoid
Faraday’s law
• Discuss qualitatively the environmental impact of overhead electrical cables.
• Define magnetic flux as ɸ = BAcosθ for a loop of area A in the presence of a uniform magnetic field B
where θ is the angle between the magnetic field B and the normal to the area of the loop (A).
• Predict the direction of the induced current in a coil. The induced current flows in a direction to set up a
magnetic field to oppose the change in magnetic.
• State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction: The magnitude of the induced emf across the ends
of a conductor is directly proportional to the rate of change in the magnetic flux linkage with the
• Use words and pictures to describe what happens when a bar magnet is pushed into or pulled out of a
solenoid connected to a galvanometer.
• Use the Right Hand Rule to determine the direction of the current induced in a solenoid when a pole of
a bar magnet moves into and out of the solenoid.

Grade 11 Assessment Framework Physical Sciences June Examination 2023
Ohm's law
• State Ohm's law in words: The potential difference across a conductor is directly proportional to the
current in the conductor at constant temperature.
• Interpret data/graphs on the relationship between current, potential difference and resistance at constant
• State the difference between ohmic and non-ohmic conductors and give an example of each.
• Solve problems using R = for circuits containing resistors that are connected in series and/or in parallel
(maximum four resistors).
Power, energy
• Define power as the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred.
• Solve problems using P = .
• Recall that W = VQ, and therefore, by substituting V = IR in the equation, W = VIΔt, W = I2RΔt and
W= ∆t are obtained.
• Deduce, by substituting P = into above equations, the following equations:
P = VI, P = I2R and P =
• Solve problems using P = VI, P = I2R and P =.
• Solve circuit problems involving the concepts of power and electrical energy.
• Deduce that the kilowatt hour (kWh) refers to the use of 1 kilowatt of electricity for 1 hour. Know that 1 kWh
is an amount of electrical energy, also known as one unit of electricity.
• Calculate the cost of electricity usage given the power specifications of the appliances used, the duration
and the cost of 1 kWh.
A chemical bond
• Define a chemical bond as a mutual attraction between two atoms resulting from the simultaneous
attraction between their nuclei and the outer electrons. (NOTE: The energy of the combined atoms is
lower than that of the individual atoms resulting in higher stability.)
• Draw Lewis dot diagrams of elements.
A Lewis dot diagram is a structural formula in which valence electrons are represented by dots or
crosses. It is also known as an electron dot formula or a Lewis formula or an electron diagram.
• Determine the number of valence electrons in an atom of an element.
Valence electrons or outer electrons are the electrons in the highest energy level, of an atom, in which
there are electrons.
• Explain, in terms of electrostatic forces between protons and electrons, and in terms of energy
considerations, why:
o Two H atoms form an H2 molecule
o He does not form He2
Interpret the graph of potential energy versus distance between nuclei for two approaching H atoms.
• Define a covalent bond as the sharing of electrons between two atoms to form a molecule.
Molecule: A group of two or more atoms covalently bonded and that function as a unit.
• Draw Lewis diagrams, given the formula and using electron configurations, for simple molecules e.g. H 2,
F2, H2O, NH3, HF, OF2, HOCℓ and molecules with multiple bonds e.g. N2, O2 and HCN.
• Discuss molecular shapes of H2 (linear) H2O (angular), NH3 (pyramidal), CO2 (linear), CH4 (tetrahedral).
• Describe rules for bond formation:
o Different atoms, each with an unpaired valence electron can share these electrons to form a
chemical bond e.g., two H atoms form a H2 molecule by sharing an electron pair.
o Different atoms with paired valence electrons, called lone pairs, cannot share these four
electrons, and cannot form a chemical bond e.g., no bond forms between two He atoms.
o Different atoms, with unpaired valence electrons, can share these electrons and form a chemical
bond for each electron pair shared. The two atoms can form multiple bonds between them. If two
pairs of electrons are shared, a double bond is formed e.g., between two O atoms to form O2.
o Atoms with an empty valence shell can share a lone pair of electrons from another atom to form a
coordinate covalent or dative covalent bond e.g., in NH+4 the lone pair of nitrogen is shared with H+
and in H3O+ the lone pair of oxygen is shared with H+.

Grade 11 Assessment Framework Physical Sciences June Examination 2023
• Define a bonding pair as a pair of electrons that is shared between two atoms in a covalent bond.
Define a lone pair as a pair of electrons in the valence shell of an atom that is not shared with another
• Describe the formation of the dative covalent (or coordinate covalent) bond by means of electron
diagrams using NH+4 and H3O+ as examples.
Electronegativity of atoms to explain the polarity of bonds.
• Define electronegativity as a measure of the tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract bonding
• Describe a non-polar covalent bond as a bond in which the electron density is shared equally between
the two atoms. An example is the bond between two H atoms.
• Describe a polar covalent bond as a bond in which the electron density is shared unequally between the
two atoms. An example is the bond between an H atom and a Cℓ atom.
• Show polarity of bonds using partial charges e.g., δ+H - Cℓδ-
• Compare the polarity of chemical bonds using a table of electronegativities:
o With an electronegativity difference ∆EN > 1,7 electron transfer takes place and the bond is ionic.
o With an electronegativity difference 0 > ∆EN ≤ 1,7 the bond will be polar covalent.
o With an electronegativity difference ∆EN = 0 the bond will be nonpolar covalent
• Use difference in electronegativity and molecular shape to explain that polar bonds do not always lead
to polar molecules.
Bond energy and bond length
• Define bond energy of a compound as the energy needed to break one mole of its molecules into
separate atoms.
• Define bond length as the average distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms.
• Explain the relationship between bond energy and bond length i.e. bonds with a shorter bond length
requires more energy to break than bonds with a longer bond length.
• Explain the relationship between the strength of a chemical bond between two atoms and:
o Length of the bond between them
If the force of attraction between two atoms is strong, the nuclei come very close together resulting
in a short bond length.
o Size of the bonded atoms
The bond length between larger atoms is longer than the bond length between smaller atoms.
o Number of bonds (single, double, triple) between the atoms
• Bond strength increases as the number of bonds between atoms increases i.e., triple bonds are stronger
than double bonds which are stronger than single bonds.
Intermolecular forces and interatomic forces (chemical bonds)
• Name and explain the different intermolecular forces (Van der Waal's forces):
(i) Mutually induced dipole forces or London forces: Forces between non-polar molecules
(ii) Dipole-dipole forces: Forces between two polar molecules
(iii) Dipole-induced dipole forces: Forces between polar and non-polar molecules
(iv) Hydrogen bonding: Forces between molecules in which hydrogen is covalently bonded to nitrogen,
oxygen, or fluorine – a special case of dipole-dipole forces.
(v) Ion-dipole forces: Forces between ions and polar molecules
• Describe the difference between intermolecular forces and interatomic forces (intramolecular forces)
using a diagram of a group of small molecules, and in words.
Example: H Intermolecular force H
Interatomic force/chemical bond
• State the relationship between intermolecular forces and molecular mass. For non-polar molecules, the
strength of induced dipole forces increases with molecular size.
• Explain the effect of intermolecular forces on boiling point, melting point, vapour pressure and solubility.
Boiling point: The temperature at which the vapour pressure of a substance equals atmospheric
pressure. The stronger the intermolecular forces, the higher the boiling point.
Melting point: The temperature at which the solid and liquid phases of a substance are at equilibrium.
The stronger the intermolecular forces, the higher the melting point.
Vapour pressure: The pressure exerted by a vapour at equilibrium with its liquid in a closed system.
The stronger the intermolecular forces, the lower the vapour pressure.
Solubility: The property of a solid, liquid, or gaseous chemical substance (solute) to dissolve in a solid,
liquid, or gaseous solvent to form a homogeneous solution.


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