English 9 - Exam Sheet Third Quarter

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Pamosaingan, Socorro, Surigao del Norte

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Grade and Section:


General Directions;

1. Read the directions carefully before answering the test. No

point will be given for answer/s which doesn’t comply with the
given instruction.
2. Any form of erasure or alteration is strictly prohibited. A
point will be deducted to the total score for every erasure or
alteration done. Think before answering.
3. Refrain from talking and asking questions to your classmates
while taking the exam. Consult the proctor or the teacher if you
have questions queries and clarifications about the exam.
4. DO NOT CHEAT. If caught cheating (in any form), your
examination for this subject will be void automatically. Always
bear in mind: Prefer even to fail with honor than to pass by
cheating. There is no success without hardship.


sentences and try to choose the best definition for the
italicized word by searching for context clues in the sentence.

1.The designer window treatments in her house, installed 17 years

ago, were outmoded.

a. unnecessary b. pointless c. out-of-date d. worthless

2. The spies conducted a covert operation.

a. dangerous b. foreign c. hidden d. illegal

3. The baseball player’s malice toward the referee was revealed

in his spiteful remarks to the media, which almost ruined the
referee’s career.
a. vindictive b. crazy c. rude d. unpleasant
4. Although Zachary is much too inexperienced for the managerial
position, he is a willful young man and obdurately refuses to
withdraw his application.
a. foolishly b. reluctantly c. constantly d. stubbornly

5. His neighbor’s superficial remarks trivialized the property

line dispute and infuriated Malcolm.
a. enraged b. petty c. insulting d. misleading

ANALOGY: The similarity between these two unrelated pairs of

words is an analogy. The best way to approach an analogy question
is to make up a sentence that describes the relationship between
the first two words and find another pair in the choices that
would fit into that same sentence. A fish is covered with scales,
as a bird is covered with feathers.

a.jam : jelly
b. paint : wood
c. toast : jelly
d. head : foot
e. yellow : blue

a. arm : leg
b. stage : curtain
c. bench : chair
d. key : piano
e. lamp : bulb

a. wolf : pack
b. tiger : jungle
c. herd : peacock
d. raven : school
e. dog : collie

a. yardstick : length
b. width : depth
c. length : width
d. size : area
e. mileage : speed
a. collar : leash
b. dog : companion
c. fish : bowl
d. Dalmatian : canine
e. apple : orange

GETTING THE MAIN IDEA: Read the following paragraphs and

carefully determine what the main idea is for each.

The best recipes for clam chowder all include onions and a bay leaf. The onions add a sharpness
and zest to the blandness of the clams, and also help remove their slimy texture. The bay leaf
complements the onion’s strong flavor.

11. This paragraph best supports the statement that

a. onions were once thought to be poisonous.
b. bay leaves are essential in many soups.
c. clam chowder is very nutritious.
d. onions and bay leaves go well with clams.
e. clams should not be overcooked.

One New York publisher has estimated that 50,000 to 60,000 people in the United States want an
anthology that includes the complete works of William Shakespeare. And what accounts for this
renewed interest in Shakespeare? As scholars point out, the psychological insights he portrays in
both male and female characters are amazing even today.

12. This paragraph best supports the statement that

a. Shakespeare’s characters are more interesting than fictional
characters today.
b. people today are interested in Shakespeare’s work because of
the characters.
c. academic scholars are putting together an anthology of
Shakespeare’s work.
d. New Yorkers have a renewed interested in the work of
e. Shakespeare was a psychiatrist as well as a playwright.

Critical reading is a demanding process. To read critically, you must slow down you’re reading
and, with pencil in hand, perform specific operations on the text. Mark up the text with your
reactions, conclusions, and questions. When you read, become an active participant.

13. This paragraph best supports the statement that

a. critical reading is a slow, dull, but essential process.
b. the best critical reading happens at critical times in a
person’s life.
c. readers should get in the habit of questioning the truth of
what they read.
d. critical reading requires thoughtful and careful attention.
e. critical reading should take place at the same time each day.

There are no effective boundaries when it comes to pollutants. Studies have shown that toxic
insecticides that have been banned in many countries are riding the wind from countries where
they remain legal. Compounds such as DDT and toxaphene have been found in remote places
like the Yukon and other Arctic regions.

14.This paragraph best supports the statement that

a. toxic insecticides such as DDT have not been banned throughout
the world.
b. more pollutants find their way into polar climates than they
do into warmer areas.
c. studies have proven that many countries have ignored their own
anti-pollution laws.
d. DDT and toxaphene are the two most toxic insecticides in the
e. even a worldwide ban on toxic insecticides would not stop the
spread of DDT pollution.

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects citizens against unreasonable searches and
seizures. No search of a person’s home or personal effects may be conducted without a written
search warrant issued on probable cause. This means that a neutral judge must approve the
factual basis justifying a search before it can be conducted.

15. This paragraph best supports the statement that the police
cannot search a person’s home or private papers unless they have
a. legal authorization.
b. direct evidence of a crime.
c. read the person his or her constitutional rights.
d. a reasonable belief that a crime has occurred.
e. requested that a judge be present.

WELCOME TO TOPIC SENTENCES: For the following questions, choose

the topic sentence that best fits the paragraph.
16. The term spices is a pleasant one, whether it connotes fine
French cuisine or a down-home, cinnamon-flavored apple pie.
____________. In the past, individuals traveled the world seeking
exotic spices for profit and, in searching, have changed the
course of history. Indeed, to gain control of lands harboring new
spices, nations have actually gone to war.

a. The taste and aroma of spices are the main elements that make
food such a source of fascination and pleasure.
b. The term might equally bring to mind Indian curry made
thousands of miles away and those delicious barbecued ribs sold
on the corner.
c. It is exciting to find a good cookbook and experiment with
spices from other lands—indeed, it is one way to travel around
the globe!
d. The history of spices, however, is another matter altogether,
and at times, it can be filled with danger and intrigue.

17. It weighs less than three pounds and is hardly more

interesting to look at than an overly ripe cauliflower.
___________________________. It has created poetry and music,
planned and executed horrific wars, and devised intricate
scientific theories. It thinks and dreams, plots and schemes, and
easily holds more information than all the libraries on Earth.

a. The human brain is made of gelatinous matter and contains no

nerve endings.
b. The science of neurology has found a way to map the most
important areas of the human brain.
c. Nevertheless, the human brain is the most mysterious and
complex object on Earth.
d. However, scientists say that each person uses only 10% of his
or her brain over the course of a lifetime!

18. ___________________. It rained in April; it rained in May.

It rained in the mornings; it rained in the afternoons. It
poured, it drizzled, it showered, it misted—but always it rained.
But the good news is we won’t have a drought this summer.

a. The rain makes me gloomy.

b. This spring was the rainiest on record.
c. Rain is nice, but I prefer sunshine.
d. Scientists know very little about the global climate.

19. A fireplace should be lined with special fire bricks to

prevent heat transfer.
a. Normal bricks are not dense enough to withstand excessive
b. Fire codes also require a smoke alarm in every room.
c. Good up-drafts can make a pleasant fire, however.
d. Modern houses don’t use as much lumber as older homes did.

20. Cosmetic plastic surgery is one of the fastest-growing

segments of U.S. medicine.
a. Cosmetic plastic surgery can have dangerous side effects, some
of which can be fatal.
b. Americans are eager to make their bodies as perfect as
possible and to minimize the visible signs of aging.
c. The price of cosmetic plastic surgery is also on the rise.
d. This increase in cosmetic plastic surgery says something quite
disturbing about our culture.

SIMPLE TENSES: Choose the correct answers in the following


21. Which word goes in the gap? How many times a week _____ the
family eat together these days?
a) did b) do c) does d) can

22. Which word goes in the gap? When ____ the children start
school in the mornings?
a) did b) do c) does d) can

23. She ____________ around the living room. (run‐present)

24. We ____________ our plans for the weekend. (discuss, past)

25. The man in the corner plays lead guitar in the band. (play,
INDIFENITE PRONOUNS: Fill in the gaps with the following words:
something/anything - somebody/anybody - somewhere/anywhere.

26. She said ______________ but I didn't understand anything.

27. Has ____________ found my blue pencil? No, I'm sorry.
28. Would ________________ help me, please? Yes, I can help you.
29. Have you got _________________to eat? No, I haven't.
30. Tom, can you give me _______________ to drink, please?

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