Lawal Yusuf Olaitan UIL-PG2022-1039 Appraisal of IBS

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JULY, 2024.













JULY, 2024.


Lawal Yusuf Olaitan, DR. [ARC] C. J. EZE

Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Department of Architecture, Nigeria.
Email;- [email protected]

The Industrialised Building System (IBS) is a construction method that utilises prefabricated components,
offering numerous advantages over traditional cast-on-site approaches. These benefits include expedited
construction timelines, reduced costs, enhanced labour productivity, improved site management, and
minimised waste generation. Given the growing demand for housing due to Nigeria's increasing population.
This research study aimed to investigate Architects perceptions of IBS's potential, challenges, and strategies
for its adoption in housing development. A purposive sampling technique was employed, surveying 50 built
environment Architects involved in housing projects. The results showed that most Architect rely on
traditional methods, with IBS applied only in a few cases. The primary obstacles to IBS adoption identified
by respondents include the limited availability of IBS manufacturers, resistance to change, high capital
costs, and lack of government support. To overcome these challenges, respondents suggested improving
educational curricula, providing intensive training for professionals, showcasing IBS in government
housing projects, offering government-backed start-up capital, and promoting market acceptance of IBS
housing units. This study highlights the need for government support and increased awareness to enhance
IBS adoption in Nigeria's construction industry

Keywords: The Industrialised Building System (IBS), Prefabricated Components, Housing Development,
IBS Adoption, Construction Industry.

The Industrialized Building System (IBS) has been utilized in construction since the
1960s, yet its adoption remains limited globally, despite its long history. The reasons
for this incomplete adoption are multifaceted, sparking debate on its viability.
However, recent technological advancements in the Architecture, Engineering, and
Construction (AEC) industries offer opportunities to enhance IBS efficiency and
promote its widespread adoption. The concept of prefabrication, pioneered by Joseph
Paxton in the construction of the Crystal Palace, marked the first significant
development in IBS (Agren & Wing, 2013). IBS involves investing in technology,
facilities, and equipment to boost productivity, reduce labor costs, and enhance value.
In the UK, prefabricated construction is commonly used for building hospitals, military
accommodations, prisons, and hostels, highlighting the potential for IBS to transform
the construction industry.

In developing countries like Nigeria, the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction

(AEC) industry plays a significant role in driving economic growth, social
development, and government revenue, contributing to the nation's Gross Domestic
Product (GDP). However, traditional construction methods largely dominate the
industry's practices, particularly in residential buildings. This is due to individual
homeowners' diverse preferences in design and structure, which architects often
struggle to meet due to limited technology adoption. As a result, architects rely on
conventional construction methods, dependent on manual labor for assembling raw
materials like water, cement, and aggregates into prefabricated blocks onsite. Nigeria
faces a significant housing shortage, hindering the AEC industry's potential for
transformative growth. To address this, strategic planning, stakeholder engagement,
and policy reforms are essential to maximize the benefits of Industrialized Building
Systems (IBS) and overcome associated challenges, ultimately bridging the housing

The population of Nigeria is about 186.9 million (2016) and with a claim of about 17
million housing deficits, the country will continue to embark on developing an
affordable and sustainably low and medium house. Furthermore, infrastructures are
needed due to the growing population, the increasing demand for construction shall
continue as long as the population increases and there is an improvement in the quality
of life of the populace. Meeting the infrastructural needs of Nigeria within the
framework of sustainable development will require new technology and sustainable
strategies to be adopted.
Despite many problems faced by Nigeria, the need for infrastructure for the growing
populace is one of the problems, and implementing IBS to help overcome such
problems. The outlook for IBS implementation in Nigeria is bright, but great work is
still needed from both the government and individuals to be able to adopt the IBS
construction method. Therefore, this research is focused on determining the
implementation of IBS and how it can be improved to solve the infrastructure and
housing needs in Nigeria.
The IBS has been defined as a construction technique where all the components are manufactured in
a controlled environment, and are then transported, placed, and assembled at the work site with
minimal additional structures (Nurul, Hamzah & Mahanim 2009; Kamar, Alshawi, Hamid, Nawi,
Haron, & Abdullah, 2009). IBS is not only efficient in accelerating the construction of housing
projects, but it improves the quality and affordability of the projects. (Wong and Lau, 2015). Despite
the IBS being accepted by most construction firms as a viable method, because of its advantages in
terms of speed, safety, and quality, the wet construction method which is costly and has a slow
completion time, is still the most common construction method, in construction projects
(Khalil, Aziz, Hassim & Jaafar, 2016).

Dada, (2013) reported that Nigeria is currently facing a progressive housing deficit which is similar to
many other rapidly developing countries. For example, Nigeria has a population of over 187 million,
with an annual growth rate of about 2.5% with an urgent need of about 17 million new houses. Thus, to
address this housing deficit, mitigation efforts such as a paradigm shift from the conventional
construction method to a more innovative housing production process like an industrialized building
system approach are vital.
In IBS efforts are made to move some risk-prone construction site activities into a controlled
environment - typically associated with a manufacturing or factory facility. This controlled environment
and application of IBS offers several benefits, particularly: a higher speed of construction; improved quality
of the finished product; lower costs; and lower labor requirements on-site (Mohammad, Baharin,
Musa, & Yusof, 2016). This approach offers a platform for addressing the specific problems
inherent, in conventional housing delivery systems. The population of Nigeria and the huge housing
deficit require that the country will continue to embark on housing development. Furthermore,
the increasing demand for the construction of housing units will require that new technology and
sustainable strategies such as IBS be adopted. The prospect for IBS adoption in Nigeria is bright, but
great work is still needed from both the government and professionals to be able to increase the
application of this construction method in housing development. Therefore, the focus of this study is
to investigate the level of adoption of IBS in housing development in Nigeria. Architect
perceptions on critical success factors and challenges to IBS utilization in housing projects will be
investigated. Furthermore, the strategies for promoting the adoption of IBS will be determined.
Industrialized Building System
The Industrialized Building System (IBS) is a term used for a technique of construction
where by components are manufactured in a controlled environment, either at site or off
site, placed and assembled into construction works. Various researchers defined IBS base
on their position and philosophy, but the common view among most authors is that they
define it on either a technique or a process.

The Concept of Industrialised Building System

Industrialized Building System (IBS) requires a short period for completion of the erection of
structures. The quality of the buildings that are constructed using the conventional method
depends on the technical knowledge of the laborers as well as their conduct at the construction sites.
IBS offers good quality components with better surface finishes, which are more refined than those made
possible by the conventional method (Khalil, et, al. 2016).

IBS Roadmap (2003), defines industrialization as a process of social and economic change
whereby a society is transformed from pre-industrial to industrial state. It was further defined as a
part of a wider modernization process through the gainful utilization of relevant and viable
technologies. Generally, IBS also known as offsite construction or prefabricated component in the UK
construction industry is defined from two perspectives namely system and process of construction. IBS is
“a system in which concrete components prefabricated at sites or in factories are assembled to form
structures under strict quality control. (Azman, Majid, Ahamad, & Hanafi, 2011; Pan, Gibb, & Dainty,

Previous studies have carried out comparisons between conventional building systems
and the IBS projects based on the aspects of cost, productivity and quality. The first
pioneer project had shown an increased percentage in cost (8.1%) through the use of
IBS, as compared to conventional construction systems. The second project, however,
showed a decreased cost percentage (2.6%) when compared to conventional methods.
In terms of efficiency, both projects required at least 27 months to install the
components from the prefabrication factories. Evaluation has shown that IBS has higher
and better quality han conventional systems. All in all, IBS was seen as having the
potential to be extensively implemented as this approach was evidently perceived to be
acceptable within the construction industry. These two pioneering projects were
considered to be the projects that paved the initial path for subsequent IBS

Prospects of IBS Adoption in Housing Projects

Statistics are not promising on the housing delivery success in Nigeria, where only 10% of Nigerians can
currently afford to either purchase or build their desired house, compared to other countries where housing
delivery has recorded up to; 72% in the USA, 78% in UK, 60% in China, 54% in Korea and 92% in Singapore
(Dada, 2013). The housing situation in Nigeria is far from being satisfactory, taking into account the
high rates of urbanization and population growth. There is no prospect of improvement soon if the
country decides to continue to rely on its conventional housing delivery systems. The present system
of housing delivery presently is deficient in terms of quantity and quality of housing units delivered.
These problems will have multiple effects and may result in other problems, such as unstable businesses,
shortage of skills shortage of non-renewable materials, inadequate infrastructure, lack of innovation,
and unbalanced distribution of resources. Globally, skills shortage within the construction industry has
been a recurrent challenge over the past 30 years and this problem exists in almost all parts of the world to
varying degrees. In Nigeria, Marshall and Onyekachi (2015) identified this problem as one of the main
issues that hampered the effective delivery of housing. Similar to other countries, the Nigerian
construction industry lags behind other industries in terms of new technologies. This includes slacking
in adopting innovative technologies to improve the speed and quality of building production. Nigeria
currently requires about 17 million more housing units annually to bridge the gap between its housing
supply and demand.

Reduction in Material Wastage

Adeagbo, Achuenu and Oyemogun, (2016) presented statistics about waste generation in Nigerian
construction projects, where more than one ton per day of waste is generated in more than 70 percent of
building sites where conventional construction methods are engaged. They also noted that most waste
were generated from demolition works on site and material handling. According to a report by Waste and
Resources Action Programme (WRAP, 2007) within the context of the UK, where 40 per cent of all
council waste is attributed to construction projects, I B S has been successful by reducing waste
generation of typical construction projects by 70% to 90%. It has also been advocated that it is much
easier to gather and recycle waste generated from prefabricated construction (Jaillon, Poon, &
Chiang, 2009; WRAP, 2007).
Speedy Delivery of Construction Projects
The significant value of time is of great consideration in IBS. Similar to other countries, construction
projects in Nigeria are often delayed due to issues such as material shortages, skills shortages,
and poor weather conditions. With IBS, these issues are inherently addressed, since most of the
building components are manufactured in factories and transported to the site for speedy
assembly with predictable time. Furthermore, where there is a need to deliver the project
within a short time, prefabrication has the potential to allow different aspects of parallel activities
of site development to take place with a possibility of 30- 50% faster delivery times. (Dada, 2013)

Economical for Repetitive Construction

The higher initial cost of IBS projects can be offset through savings from cost certainty, reduction in risk,
maintenance costs, site overheads, and durable projects. Savings can be achieved by using IBS as a result
of a reduction in the wastage of building materials especially concrete because the volume of materials
required for formwork and scaffolding is reduced substantially if not eliminated. (Blismas, &
Wakefield, 2009; WRAP, 2007). In Nigeria where sandcrete blocks are predominantly used, incorporating
IBS has the potential of making a significant impact on the reduction of waste on site, thereby
offsetting the initial high cost and it is highly economical in repetitive large-scale construction
projects. (Dada, 2013)

Improvement in Quality of Construction

The need to improve the quality of construction has made IBS adoption critical because it meets the
three quality requirements of durability, whole-life cost, and performance. It was ascertained that
achieving greater quality was a major benefit and a key driver to the adoption of IBS, in different countries
such as India; Australia; and the UK. The production quality and output consistency are a result of the
controlled factory environment associated with offsite construction as opposed to the uncertain
conditions of a conventional construction site. (Gibb, 2001)

Reduction of Construction Duration

IBS's approach to construction can cut down on the overall construction period. Statistically,
IBS construction projects can save up to 30% in time compared to conventional methods.
Construction can be completed rapidly because of the speedy manufacturing and assembling of pre-cast
components in factories. In contrast, projects that deploy the conventional method are difficult to
complete within a short period. This method requires a long duration before completion since moulds
need to be built and the concrete has to be given enough time to set. With IBS, site disruptions and
environmental factors are eliminated, and having more control over projects has been identified as an
important benefit of IBS. ([CIDB] (2016); Haroon, Rahman, & Hanid, (2009); Mohammad, ET, al.

Labour Efficiency
Construction of housing units is labour-intensive, using conventional construction methods. However,
with the IBS, the fabrication and assemblage of the pre-cast components is relatively less labour-
intensive but still requires f e w skilled labourers for installation on-site this explains the minimal
number of labourers because they are only used for the installation of the IBS components. Labour
efficiency is one of the factors that contribute to improvement in productivity. (Malaysia Equity
Research 2014; Yunus, 2017).

Challenges to the Adoption of Industrialised Building System

There are problems faced in the usage of IBS because the system requires a high initial investment of
capital to acquire plant, equipment, steel mold, foreign technology, transportation, and the wages of
skilled workers for the installation process. There is limited research and inadequate knowledge on IBS
which is a major barrier to IBS usage. In an IBS project, the contractor is expected to be paid an initial
deposit which will be paid to the manufacturer for prefabricated components (Ogunde, Selekere, Joshua,
Kukoyi, & Omuh, 2016). IBS manufacturers normally require an advance payment of about 75% of
the capital to manufacture the components before delivery to construction sites. Most times, local
contractors don’t have sufficient funds to finance the project (Jaillon, 2009). Leakage sometimes
occurs at the connection between two components. This problem may be due to an error in the
installation of the components or probably because of an error that occurred during the manufacturing
stage. IBS involves high costs during the initial stages of construction because it requires the
involvement of heavy types of machinery during the manufacturing, delivery, and erection of
components at the project sites. IBS components are considered to be expensive due to the lack of
IBS component manufacturers. However, it offers a lower cost of construction in the long run, because
wastage is kept to a minimum level. (Rahim, Hamid, Zen, Ismail, & Kamar, 2012; WRAP, 2007).
Research methods are the different processes, systems, and algorithms used in study, while research
methodology is the science of how to conduct studies, research design involves scientific research
methods and processes. (Bishop & Herron, 2015). The study is a research survey involving the use of a
cross-sectional survey design. The data used in the study was made up of variables of the same sample
observed at one point in time in Nigeria. The population of this study includes in particular,
Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Contractors, Project Managers, Estate Surveyors, Civil
Engineers, and Builders. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive methods of sampling.
This technique was used as participants were chosen among professionals with expertise in housing
projects. Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill, (2009) recommend the use of such a technique when a
researcher wishes to select respondents who have particular information to fulfill the research objective. A
total of 50 questionnaires were distributed and 38 questionnaires were returned. This reflects a 76
percent response rate. With the help of Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS), data collected
from the administration of the research tool were analyzed using descriptive statistics where the mean was
used as a basis to rank the factors studied. This data analysis technique is informed by the works of (Bishop
& Herron, 2015)

Analysis of Results
Table 1 Level of knowledge on IBS application in projects

Parameter Frequency Percent

Yes 9 23.68
No 29 76.32
Total 76 100

Table 1 shows the level of knowledge in IBS application in projects. According to the table, the
percentage of respondents with sufficient knowledge of the application of IBS in projects is 11.25% of
the total number of respondents while 71 respondents indicated that they do not have practical knowledge,
this constitutes 88.75% of the total number of respondents. This implies that majority of the respondent do
not have practical exposure to IBS usage in their projects. Which means that most respondents do not
make use of IBS.
Table 2 Extent of IBS usage in projects

Parameter Frequency Percent

Low 72 90.0
Medium 5 6.25
High 3 3.75
Total 80 100.0

Table 2 presents the extent of usage of IBS in their various housing developments. This revealed that out
of a total number of 80 respondents, 72respondents which is 90.0% of the total number of respondents have
low extent of IBS usage. 5 respondents which is 6.25% of the total number of respondents have medium
extent of IBS usage. While 3 respondents which is 3.75% of the total respondents have high extent of IBS
usage. This implies that a greater percentage of respondents have low extent of IBS usage in their
housing development.

Table 3 Perception of professionals on the Prospects of IBS in Housing Development

Ranks Rank
S/N Prospect of IBS in housing development 5 4 3 2 1 RII
1 Time saving due to allowance for parallel activities 33 3 28 16 0 0.733 8
on site
2 Minimises the effect of adverse weather 24 34 0 22 0 0.750 6
3 Site can be located close to existing 14 0 38 20 8 0.580 15
4 Reduces environmental pollution during 22 20 38 0 0 0.620 14
construction and toxic waste disposals
5 Conserves the use of large volume of non- 38 26 16 0 0 0.855 2
renewable materials during construction
6 Improves workers’ productivity 6 24 42 8 0 0.670 13
7 Minimises construction labour shortage 6 44 18 7 5 0.698 10
8 Enhances workers safety and health 8 38 34 0 0 0.735 7
9 minimises energy consumption during 9 34 15 22 0 0.675 12
construction and increases energy performance
of buildings
10 The building components are more durable 42 10 28 0 0 0.835 3
11 Easy to disassemble and reuse components 38 11 31 0 0 0.818 4
12 Optimizes operational and maintenance practices 18 12 44 6 0 0.705 9
13 Results in higher quality products for
client 14 13 46 7 0 0.685 11
14 Improves productivity and profitability for
contractors in repetitive projects 31 14 35 0 0 0.790 5
15 Reduces material wastage during
construction 37 37 6 0 0 0.878 1

In Table 3, the prospect on the use of IBS as perceived by the professionals are ranked in descending order
where reduction of material wastage during construction was ranked first with a relative index (RII) of
0.878, conservation of large volume of non-renewable materials during construction was ranked
second with RII of 0.855, the building components are more durable with RII of 0.835 was ranked third,
easy to disassemble and reuse components with a RII of 0.818 was ranked fourth, it improves
productivity and profitability for contractors was ranked fifth with a RII of 0.790. Further analysis
of results revealed other prospects of IBS as it minimises the effect of adverse weather which was ranked
sixth with a RII of 0.750, it enhances workers safety and health was ranked seventh with a mean index of
0.735, it promotes time saving due to allowance for parallel activities on site was ranked eight with a mean
index of 0.733, it optimises operational and maintenance practices was ranked ninth on the table with a
mean index of 0.705, and it minimizes construction labour shortage was ranked tenth with a mean index
of 0.698.

Table 4 Challenges of IBS usage in housing projects

S/ Challenges 5 4 3 2 1 RII Rank

1 Inability to make changes to building 6 26 48 0 0 0.695 6
after it has been installed
2 Unfamiliarity and resistance to 52 28 0 0 0 0.930 2
3 Insufficient IBS manufacturers 14 58 8 0 0 0.815 4
4 Lack of knowledge on IBS 8 14 58 0 0 0.675 7
5 Limited availability of personnel to 7 29 44 0 0 0.708 5
install components
6 Expensive plant and equipment to 6 12 62 0 0 0.660 8
establish IBS factory
7 Initial high cost of financing projects 60 20 0 0 0 0.950 1
using IBS
8 Lack of subsidy and policy to promote 20 60 0 0 0 0.850 3
IBS usage

Table 4 focuses on the challenges of IBS in housing project in the construction industry. In this section
several factors were listed out for the respondents. The ranking according to the table is arranged in
descending order with challenge of initial high cost of financing IBS by contactors ranked first with an
index of 0.950, unfamiliarity and resistance to change ranked second with an index of 0.930, lack of
subsidy and policy to promote IBS usage ranked third with an index of 0.850, insufficient IBS
manufacturer ranked fourth with an index of 0.708, limited availability of personnel to install components
ranked fifth with an index of 0.756, and inability to make changes to building after it has been installed ranked
sixth with an index of 0.695. From the results it shows that more effort needs to be deployed to address the
challenges of IBS usage in housing development.

Table 5 Strategies for improving IB usage in housing projects

S/N Strategies 5 4 3 2 1 RII

1 Educational courses on IBS in 42 10 28 0 0 0.835 2

2 Application of IBS in repetitive 38 11 31 0 0 0.818 3
government housing projects
3 Promoting market acceptance of IBS 18 12 44 6 0 0.705
housing units
4 Establishment of IBS manufacturing 38 26 16 0 0 0.855
factories at strategic housing project
5 Government support with startup 24 34 0 22 0 0.750
capital and financial incentive for

The ranking according to table 4 is arranged in descending order where establishment of IBS manufacturing
factories at strategic housing project locations has been ranked first with an index of 0.855, introduction of
educational courses on IBS in institutions is ranked second with an index of 0.835, Application of IBS in
repetitive government housing projects ranked third with an index of 0.818, Government support with startup
capital ranked fourth with an index of 0.750, specialist and experts on IBS should promote it as a faster and cheaper
option in repetitive housing projects. ranked fifth with a mean index of 0.733, promoting market acceptance of IBS
housing units ranked sixth with a mean index of 0.705 According to the table only few professionals are involved
in the usage of IBS in Nigerian housing development which means that IBS hasn’t been fully embraced in
housing development.


Respondent Background Analysis
The respondents selected are registered and certified professionals with high profile in the construction industry.
They participated in quite a number of projects at least more than 20 projects within the construction
industry from different professions. All the respondents are professionals and registered with their respective
professional bodies within the country. They have been involved in more than 20 projects and experience of more
than 20 years within the construction industry

On prospects of IBS, reduction of material wastage during construction has the highest rank, while the lowest
ranked factor is that site can be located close to existing structures. This implies that majority of the respondents
agreed that the application of IBS would improve housing development. The respondents ranked the highest
challenges to the usage of IBS as Initial high cost of financing IBS projects, lack of familiarity and
resistance to change. The findings of this study is in agreement with the work of (Dada, 2013 and Ogunde, et., al.
2016). This implies that stakeholders will need to address these problems to encourage the application of IBS in
housing development.
Strategies to improve the usage of IBS in housing development as suggested by respondents should
include; establishment of IBS manufacturing factories at strategic housing project locations, introduction of
educational courses on IBS in institutions, application of IBS in repetitive government housing projects ,
government support with startup capital, specialist and experts in IBS should promote it as a faster and cheaper
option in repetitive housing projects and promotion of market acceptance of IBS housing units. Again this is in
consonance with the submission of (Yunus, 2017; and Ogunde, et., al. 2016) The implementation of these strategies
would encourage the adoption of IBS and improve housing delivery.


The study has indeed revealed that there is a lot of factors militating against the use of IBS in the housing
development. The usage of IBS is the perception of being initially financially expensive and limited
knowledge on the benefits of IBS in repetitive housing development. It was discovered that the level of IBS
adoption is still very far from what it should be and those who know the benefits of IBS are not taking steps to
promote its usage. It is indeed a change issue as professionals accept that they have been exposed and trained in
the conventional construction method for decades and have mastered the act. Shifting to IBS will be too
complicated. It is undeniably easy and tempting to stay within known boundaries than to venture out and seek new
ideas; thus, the majority of Nigerian housing developers have naturally found it easier to stick to conventional
construction methods for their construction projects than to adopt IBS. Therefore, it is recommended that
the adoption of IBS would be enhanced if the Government introduces subsidy and invest in a long-
term comprehensive policy that would address the industrialisation of the housing construction sector. If the
utilization of IBS must be encouraged, various informative programmes and collaboration with the
institutions should be developed to educate the private sector as well as the public sector involved in housing


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