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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is secondary sex

A. Beard

B. Uterus

C. Ovary

D. Broad hips

Answer: B

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2. Scrotal sacs of man is connected with the

abdominal cavity by-

A. epididymis

B. spermatic canal

C. inguinal canal

D. haversian canal

Answer: C

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3. In mammals, failure of testes to descend

into the scrotum is known as

A. castration

B. impotency

C. paedogenesis

D. cryptorchidism

Answer: D

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4. Mesorchium in frog refers to

A. capsule in testis
B. capsule in ovary

C. a peritoneal fold that covers testis


Answer: C

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5. Tunica albuginea is the covering around

A. testes

B. kidneys
C. uterus

D. epididymis

Answer: A

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6. Supporting cells found in between the

germinal epithelium is called:

A. Phagocytes

B. Sertoli cells
C. Leydig cells

D. granular cells

Answer: B

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7. Sertoli cells are found in testis. These cells


A. nurse cells

B. reproductive cells
C. receptor cells

D. none of these

Answer: A

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8. Rete testis opens to

A. urethra

B. vasa efferentia

C. bidder's canal
D. cauda epididymis

Answer: B

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9. Major part of semen is secreted by

A. (a) Seminal vesicle

B. (b) prostate gland

C. (c) Cowper's gland

D. (d) bartholin's gland

Answer: A

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10. The common duct formed by the union of

vas deferens and duct from seminal vesicle is

A. (a) urethra

B. (b) stensen's duct

C. (c) spermatic duct

D. (d) ejaculatory duct

Answer: D

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11. Which gland in mammel makes alkaline

secreation for lubrication?

A. Testis

B. Pineal body

C. Cervical glands

D. Cowper's gland
Answer: D

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12. Seminal fluid contains the secretion of:

A. follicles, uterus and prostate gland

B. prostate, cowper's and bartholin's gland

C. seminal vesicle, uterus and prostate

D. seminal vesicle, prostate and cowper's


Answer: D

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13. Which one is unpaired gland in male

reproductive system?

A. Seminal vesicle

B. Cowper's gland
C. Prostate gland

D. Lacrimal gland

Answer: C

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14. Which of the following sugars in semen is a

source of energy for the spermatoza?

A. sucrose

B. fructose
C. glucose

D. galactose

Answer: B

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15. Fructose is present in the secretion of

A. (a) seminal vesicles

B. (b) Cowper's gland

C. (c) pineal gland

D. (d) bartholin's gland

Answer: A

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16. At what speed a human sperm moves in the

female genital tract?

A. 3mm/min

B. 10 mm/min

C. 15mm/min
D. 20 mm/min

Answer: A

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17. Which is the correct sequence of layers in

the mammalian egg from outside to inside?

A. Zona pellucida, corona radiata, plasma

B. Corona radiata, zona pellucida, plasma


C. Plasma membrane, zona pellucida,

corona radiata

D. None of the above

Answer: B

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18. Bartholin's glands of female correspond to

which gland in male?

A. Rectal glands

B. inguinal glands

C. prostate glands

D. Cowper's glands

Answer: D

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19. Labium majora of a female mammal is

homologous to

A. scrotal sac

B. prostate gland

C. epididymis

D. seminal vesicle

Answer: A

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20. Which of the following hormones is active

during proliferative phase of menstrual cycle?

A. Estrogen

B. Progesterone

C. Testosterone

D. All of these

Answer: A

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21. Progesterone hormone is active during

A. follicular phase

B. secretory phase

C. menstrual phase

D. proliferative phase

Answer: B

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22. Cessation of menstrual cycle in women is


A. menarche

B. menopause

C. impotency

D. puberty

Answer: B

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23. At menopause there is rise in urinary

excretion of



C. Oxytocin

D. Oestrogen

Answer: A

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24. In spermatogenesis, the phase of

maturation involves

A. The growth of spermatogonia into

primary spermatocyte

B. The formation of spermatogonia from

gonocytes through mitosis

C. The formation of spermatids from

primary spermatocytes through meiosis

D. The formation of spermatogonia from

the spermatocytes through meiosis

Answer: C

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25. Which of the following are haploid in


A. Spermatids

B. Spermatogonia
C. Primary spermatocytes

D. Secondary spermatocytes

Answer: B

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26. In the given diagram identify parts 1-5

A. 1-nucleus, 2-tail, 3-mitochondia, 4-

acrosome, 5-centriole

B. 1-acrosome, 2-nucleus, 3-centriole, 4-

mitochondria, 5-plasma mambrane

C. 1-nucleus, 2-mitochondia, 3-plasma

membrane, 4-centriole, 5-neck

D. 1-acrosome, 2-centriole, 3-mitochondria,

4-plasma membrane, 5-tail

Answer: B

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27. Acrosome of sperm is formed from

A. nucleus of spermatid

B. centrosome of spermatid

C. mitochondia of spermatid

D. golgi complex of spermatid

Answer: D
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28. How many centrioles are normally present

in a sperm?

A. One

B. Two

C. Many

D. None of these

Answer: B
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29. Which organelle is absent in human



B. Nucleus

C. Centriole

D. Mitochondria

Answer: A

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30. Middle piece of sperm contains

A. mitochondria and golgi body

B. centriole and golgi body

C. axial filament and golgi body

D. mitochondria and axial filament

Answer: D

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31. Oogonium is

A. haploid

B. diploid

C. triploid

D. euploid

Answer: B

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32. The number of chromosomes in a mature

gamete gets halved during;

A. Meiosis II

B. Formationof first polar body

C. Formation of second polar body

D. Division of secondary oocyte and

secondary spermatocyte

Answer: B

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33. In which phase of cell division is oocyte

arrested ?

A. Interphase

B. Prophase I

C. Anaphase II

D. Both prophase I and II

Answer: B

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34. 100 eggs and 100 sperms can be produced

from_____and_____meiotic division respectively.

A. 25,25

B. 100,25

C. 100,100

D. 25,100

Answer: B

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35. One million oocytes and one million

secondary spermatocytes will give:

A. 2 million ova 1 million sperms

B. 2 million ova and 2 million sperms

C. 1 million ova and 2 million sperms

D. 1 million ova and 1 million sperms

Answer: C

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36. Which statement is true?

A. At the onset of menopause, the human

female stops producing FSH & LH

B. Primary oocytes are produced by the

human female throughout adolescence

C. Oocytes produced by the females are

stored in the seminiferous tubules

D. At birth, the human female has

produced all the oocytes she will ever


Answer: D

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37. Cytoplasm of ovum does not contain:

A. Ribosomes

B. Mitochondria

C. Golgi bodies

D. Centrosomes
Answer: D

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38. During a women's life time, she produces


A. 40-50 eggs

B. 300-350 eggs

C. 400-500 eggs

D. 750-850 eggs
Answer: C

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39. Capacitation occurs in

A. epididymis

B. vas efferens

C. vas deferens

D. female genital tract

Answer: D
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40. Find out the correct sequence in

embryonic development of animal:

A. cleavage, zygote, fertilization, morula,

glastula, gastrula

B. Fertilization, zygote,cleavage, morula,


C. Fertilization, cleavage, morula, zygote,

blastula, gastrula
D. Fertilization, zygote, blastula, morula,

cleavage, gastrula

Answer: B

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41. What is true about cleavage in fertilized

egg in humans?

A. It is meroblastic

B. It is identical to normal mitosis

C. It starts when the egg reaches uterus

D. It starts while the egg is in fallopian


Answer: D

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42. Cleavage in mammals:

A. Discoidal

B. superficial
C. equal holoblastic

D. unequal holoblastic

Answer: C

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43. Zona pellucida disintegrates just

A. (a) after fertilization

B. (b) before fertilization

C. (c) before cleavage

D. (d) after completion of cleavage

Answer: D

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44. The portion of the endometrium that

covers the embryo and located between the

embryo and the uterine cavity is the:

A. decidua basalis

B. decidua umbilicus
C. decidua capsularis

D. decidua functionalis

Answer: C

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45. Human embryo will be called as a 'foetus'


A. two months

B. six months
C. four months

D. seven months

Answer: A

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46. Study the following:

A. Testosterone influences the male secondary

sexual characters

B. Gestation period in rabbit is approximately

276 days
C. Bulbo-uretheral glands secrete a vaginal


D. Placenta secretes estrogen

The correct answer is:

A. C and D

B. A and B

C. A and D

D. B, C and D

Answer: C

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47. In oogenesis, haploid egg is fertilized by

sperm at which stage?

A. Ovum

B. Oogonium

C. Primary oocyte

D. Secondary oocyte

Answer: D

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48. 2n=6 in a primary spermatocyte which is in

metapahase of first meiotic divison. What shall

be the total number of chromatids in each of

the secondary spermatocyte?

A. 6

B. 8

C. 24

D. 32

Answer: A

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49. Some important events in the human

female reproductive cycle are given below.

Arrange the events in a proper squence.

A- Secretion of FSH, B - Growth of corpus


C- Growth of the follicle and oogenesis, D-


E - Sudden increase in the levels of LH.




Answer: C

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50. The 16 cells stage of the human embryo is

A. smaller than the fertilized egg

B. same size as the fertilized egg

C. two times of the size of the fertilized


D. four times the size of the fertilized egg

Answer: B

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51. The principal tail piece of human sperm

shows the microtubular arrangement of

(a) 7+2

(b) 9+2
(c) 11+2

(d) 13+2

A. 7+2

B. 9+2

C. 11+2

D. 13+2

Answer: B

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52. Eggs of placental mammals/human egg are

expected to be

A. alecithal

B. polylecithal

C. telolecithal

D. mesolecithal

Answer: A

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53. The eggs of some mammals have more

yolk. They are

A. (a) eutherians

B. (b) prototherians

C. (c) metatherians

D. (d) aquatic mammals

Answer: B

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54. The primary egg membrane of

mammalians egg is termed as -

A. Zona pellucida

B. corona radiata

C. shell

D. All of these

Answer: A

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55. After a sperm has penetrated an ovum,

entry of further sperm is prevented by

A. condensation of yolk

B. formation of pigment coat

C. development of vitelline membrane

D. development of fertlisation membrane

Answer: D

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56. Fusion of male and female pronuclei of two

conjugate Paramecium is known as

A. apomixis

B. capacitation

C. acrosome reaction

D. amphimixis

Answer: D

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57. Cleavage is a unique form of mitotic cell

division in that

A. there is no growth of cells

B. the nucleus does not particulars

C. no spindle develops to drag


D. The plasma membranes of daughter

cells do not separate

Answer: A

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58. During cleavage, the cell division is very

rapid. The daughter cells do not undergo any

growth and the cells thus become gradually

smaller in volume. Hence

A. the embryo becomes haploid

B. the embryo grows in volume

C. the embryo becomes smaller in volume

D. there is no increase in the volume of the

Answer: D

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59. Which one of the following is incorrect?

A. fertilization follows capacitation

B. cleavage of fertilized ovum results in


C. fusiion of sperm and ovum occurs in

fallopian tube
D. cleavage leads to increase in the mass of


Answer: D

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60. In embryo,cleavage brings about

A. Increased size

B. increased DNA content

C. change in shape and size

D. increased mass of protoplasm

Answer: B

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61. A zygote is completely divided into two by a

cleavage furrow. The cleavage type is

A. radial

B. equatorial

C. holoblastic
D. meroblastic

Answer: C

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62. Solid ball like structure formed after

completion of cleavage is

A. morula

B. foetus

C. gastrula
D. blastocyst

Answer: A

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63. A morula can be differentiated from

blastula in

A. absence of yolk

B. presence of cavity

C. absenceof cavity
D. presence of more yolk

Answer: C

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64. Morphogenetic movements convert hollow

spherical blastula into

A. morula

B. gastrula

C. foetus
D. embryonic disc

Answer: B

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65. The best definition of the process of

gastrulation is that it is a process where

A. (a) blastocoel is formed

B. (b) zygote gets converted to larva

C. (c) cells move the occupy their definite


D. (d) simple layered blastula becomes two


Answer: C

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66. Notochord develops from

A. ectoderm
B. endoderm

C. mesoderm

D. All of these

Answer: C

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67. Extra embryonic membrane of the

mammals embryo are derived from

A. trophoblast
B. follicle cells

C. endodermal cells

D. inner cell mass

Answer: A

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68. Mammalian foetus is directly surrounded


A. yolk sac cavity

B. aminiotic cavity

C. allantoic cavity

D. primary digestive cavity

Answer: B

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69. The fluid released from the vagina just

prior to childbirth is

A. amniotic fluid
B. baby's accumulated urine

C. mother's plasma from umbilical cord

D. baby's plasma form its foetal circulation

Answer: A

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70. Blood flowing through umbilical cord of

mammalian embryo is

A. 100% foetal
B. 100% maternal

C. 50% maternal and 50% foetal

D. 75% maternal and 25% foetal

Answer: A

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71. Drugs causing embryo malformations

during pregnancy are called

A. nicotine
B. sedatives

C. teratogens

D. tranquillizer

Answer: C

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72. The chemical substances released by

activated spermatozoa that acts on the

ground substances of the follicle cells is

known as
A. relaxin

B. teratogen

C. progesterone

D. hyaluronidase

Answer: D

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73. Choose the incorrect statement from the

A. In birds and mammals, internal

fertilization takes place

B. colostrum contains antibodies and


C. Polyspermy in mammals is prevented by

the chemical changes in the sperm


D. In the human female implantation

occurs almost seven days after

Answer: C

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74. Spot the odd one out from the following

structures with reference to the male

reproductive system

A. Rete testis

B. Epididymis

C. Vasa efferentia

D. Isthmus
Answer: D

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75. Seminal plasma, the fluid part of semen, is

contributed by

(i) seminal vesicle (ii) prostate

(iii) urethra (iv) bulbourethral gland

A. (i) and (ii)

B. i,ii and iv

C. ii,iii and iv
D. i and iv

Answer: B

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76. Spermiation is the process of the release of

sperms from

A. Seminiferous tubules

B. Vas deferens

C. Epididymis
D. prostate gland

Answer: A

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77. Mature Graffian follicle is generally present

in the ovary of a healthy human female


A. 5-8 day of menstrual cycle

B. 11-17 day of menstrual cycle

C. 18-23 day of menstrual cycle

D. 24-28 day of menstrual cycle

Answer: B

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78. Acrosomal reaction of the sperm occurs

due to

A. its contact with zona pellucida of the

B. reactions within the uterine

environment of the female

C. Reactions within the epididymal

environment of the male

D. androgens produced in the uterus

Answer: A

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79. The immature male germ cells undergo

division to produce sperms by the process of

spermatogenesis. Choose the correct one with

reference to above.

A. Spermatogonia have 46 chromosomes

and always undergo meiotic cell division

B. Primary spermatocytes divide by mitotic

cell division

C. Secondary spermatocytes have 23

chromosomes and undergo second

meiotic division

D. Spermatozoa are transformed into


Answer: C

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80. Match between the following representing

parts of the sperms and their functions and

choose the correct option.

A. A-ii,B-iv,C-i,D-iii

B. A-iv,B-iii,C-i,D-ii

C. A-iv,B-i,C-ii,D-iii

D. A-ii,B-i,C-iii,D-iv

Answer: B

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81. Match the following and choose the correct


A. A-ii,B-i,C-iii,D-iv

B. A-iii,B-iv,C-ii,D-i

C. A-i,B-iv,C-ii,D-iii

D. A-ii,B-iv,C-iii,D-i
Answer: B

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82. The vas deferens receives duct from the

seminal vesicle and opens into urethra as

A. epididymis

B. ejaculatory duct

C. efferent ductule

D. ureter
Answer: B

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83. Morula is a development stage:

A. between the zygote and blastocyst

B. between the blastocyst and gastrula

C. after the implantation

D. between implantation and parturition

Answer: A
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84. The cellular cover of the ovum at ovulation


A. corona radiate

B. zona radiata

C. zona pellucida

D. chorion

Answer: A
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85. Identify the odd one from the following.

A. Labia minora

B. Fimbriae

C. Infundibulum

D. Isthmus

Answer: A

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86. Which of the following statements about

he female reproductive system are true (+) or

false (-)?

1. Both FSH and LH are necessary for ovulation

to take place.

2. Oestrogen tends to inhibit the production

of FSH by the anterior pituitary gland.

3. Fertilization of the ovum by the

spermatozoa normally takes place in the


4. Progesterone production is largely under

the control of LH
5. Throughout the part of the menstrual cycle

that follows ovulation, there is a slight rise in

body temperature.

A. + + − + +

B. − − + + +

C. − + − + −

D. + + − − −

Answer: A

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87. Go through the following statements

(i) The secodnary oocyte undergoes meiosis II

which proceeds only till metaphase until a

sperm enters it.

(ii) Ovulation occurs about 36-38 hours after

the start of LH surge at midcycle.

(iii) In humans, it takes about 74 hours to form

a mature sperm from a primitive germ cells.

(iv). About 70% of the human ejaculate is

contributed by bulbourethral glands

Which of these are correct?

A. (i) & (iii)

B. (ii) & (iii)

C. (i) & (ii)

D. all are correct

Answer: C

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88. What would happen if vasa deferentia of

man are cut?

A. Sperms are non-nucleate

B. spermatogenesis does not occur

C. Semen is without sperms

D. Sperms are nonmotile

Answer: C

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89. Go through the following statement

(i) Relaxin produced by the ovary, facilitates

delivery of the foetus by softening the

connective tissue of pubic symphysis and

relaxing the pelvic ligaments and joints.

(ii) By the end of fifth month of pregnancy, the

foetus develops limbs and digits.

(iii) Thalidomide is a teratogenic drug which

causes a condition called phocomelia.

(iv). Although the levels of prolactin are high

during pregnancy, milk secretion does not

occur because of the high oestrogen and

progesterone levels which make the breast

unresponsive to the prolactin.

Which of these are correct?

A. i,ii and iii

B. i, iii and iv

C. ii, iii and iv

D. all are correct

Answer: B

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90. Find the correct match regarding human

foetal development
A. Month of Pregnancy- End of 4

Event occurring-Eyelashes appear

B. Month of pregnancy-End of 3

Event occurring-Movements of foetus

C. Month of pregnancy-End of 5

Event occurring-Hair on head

D. Month of pregnancy-End of nd
2 month-

Event occurring-organ system develop

Answer: C

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91. Trace a sperm cell from the structure where

it is produced to fertilization of the egg

1. Seminiferous tubules

2. Vas deferens

3. Uterus

4. Fallopian tube

5. Vagina

6. Epididymis

7. Urethra

A. 6,1,2,7,5,3,4
B. 1,6,2,7,5,3,4

C. 1,6,2,7,5,4,3

D. 1,2,6,7,5,3,4

Answer: B

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92. How are the time of ovulation and the

onset of menstruation related in the human

menstrual cycle?
A. (a) Both are triggered by high luteinizing

hormone "spikes" (sharp increase in


B. (b) Ovulation occurs approximately 7

days after the first day of menstruation

C. (c) Ovulation occurs approximately 14

days before the first day of


D. (d) All of the above

Answer: C
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93. Select the correct statement

A. (a) Proximal and distal centrioles in the

middle piece of sperm help anchor the


B. (b) whereas proximal centrioles non

functional, distal centriole acts as basal

body for the flagellum of sperm

C. (c) The functions of proximal and distal

centrioles are not known

D. (d) Proximal centriole forms the spindle

fibres during cleavage and the distal

centriole anchors the flagellum of sperm

Answer: D

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94. The intra-testicular genital duct system

does not involve

A. Rete testis

B. Ductuli efference

C. Tubuli recti

D. Ductus deference

Answer: D

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95. Which of the following hormones is not

secreted by human placenta?

A. Relaxin

B. Lactogen

C. Gonadotropin

D. Oxytocin

Answer: D

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96. In humans, the first polar body formed

during oogenesis has

(i) 46 chromosomes

(ii) 23 chromosomes

(iii) 46 chromatids

(iv). 23 chromatids

A. (ii) and (iv)

B. (ii) and (iii)

C. (i) and (iii)

D. (i) and (iv)

Answer: B

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97. Go through the following statements

(i) Androgens are produced by the interstitial


(ii) Sertoli cells give rise to germ cells

(iii). Secretions of male accessory glands

constitute the seminal plasma which is rich in

fructose, calcium and certain enzymes

(iv) The presence or absence of hymen is a very

reliable indicator of virginity.

Which of these are correct?

A. (a) i & iii

B. (b) iii & iv

C. (c) i, iii & iv

D. (d) all are correct

Answer: A

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98. Go through the following statements:-

(i). Primary spermatocytes undergo mitotic

divisions to produce secondary spermatocytes

(ii). Sperms released from the seminiferous

tubules are fuly mature and motile

(iii) The head of sperm possesses may

mitochondria which produce energy for the

movement of tail

(iv) The human male ejaculates about 20-30

million sperms during a coitus

which of these are correct?

A. (a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

B. (b) (ii), (iii) & (iv)

C. (c) (i), (iii) & (iv)

D. (d) All are wrong

Answer: D

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99. Go through the following statements

(i) Mammary glands are modified sweat glands

and each mammary gland consists of 15-25

lobules of the compund tubulo-alveolar type.

(ii) The tertiary follicle is characterised by a

fluid filled cavity called antrum

(iii) Both LH and FSH attain a peak level

towards the middle of menstrual cycle

(iv). In oogenesis, both first and second

meiotic divison are unequal

Which of these are correct?

A. (a) (ii) & (iii)

B. (b) (i), (iii) & (iv)

C. (c) (i),(ii) & (iv)

D. (d) All are correct

Answer: D

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100. Go through the following statement:-

(i) In both pre-pubertal and post-meno-pausal

females, there are low levels of female sex

hormones and high levels of gonadotrophins.

(ii) There is no bleeding in an oestrous cycle as

the broken endometrium is absorbed.

(iii) Oestrogen is mainly secreted by the

granulosa cells and progesterone mainly by

the theca cells

(iv) Some of the menopausal symptoms can be

reversed HRT wherein a small sode of

gonadotrophins is given to the patient.

Which of these are correct?

A. (ii) & (iii)

B. (i), (ii), (iv)

C. (i), (ii) & (iii)

D. All are correct

Answer: A

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101. Go through the following statements

(i) HCG from placenta stimulates the sertoli

cells of the male foetus to produce

testosterone and is thus indirectly ivolved in

the development of male external genitalia

(ii) Sertoli cells secrete a protein called inhibin,

which suppresses FSH synthesis.

(iii) Humans have haemo-endothelial type of


(iv) oxytcin stimulates the placenta to secrete

prostaglandins which in turn stimulate more

contractions of uterus.

Which of these correct?

A. (i) & (iv)

B. (ii) & (iv)

C. (i), (ii) & (iv)

D. All are correct

Answer: B
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102. Both corpus lutea and macula lutea are

A. found in human ovaries

B. a source of hormones

C. characterized by a yellow colour

D. Contribute in maintaining pregnancy

Answer: C

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103. The phase of menstrual cycle in humans

that lasts for 7-8 days, is

A. Follicular phase

B. Ovulatory phase

C. Luteal phase

D. Menstruation

Answer: A

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104. Which one of the following statements

with regard to embryonic development in

humans is correct?

A. Cleavage divisions bring about

considerable increase in the mass of


B. In the second cleavage division, one of

the two blastomeres usually divides a

little sooner than the second

C. With more cleavage divisions, the

resultant blastomeres become larger

and larger.

D. Cleavage division results in a hollow ball

of cells called morula

Answer: B

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105. Assertion:Holoblastic cleavage with

almost equal sized blastomeres is a

characteristic of placental animals.

Reason: Eggs of most mammals, including

humans, are of centrolecithal type.

A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is the correct

explanation of the assertion, then mark

B. if both assertion and reason are ture but

the reason is not the correct explanation

of assertion, then mark b.

C. if assertion is true statement but reason

is false, then mark c.

D. If both assertion and reason are false

statements, then mark d.

Answer: C

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106. Which one of the following events is

correctly matched with the time period in a

normal menstrual cycle?

A. Release of egg, 5 day


B. Endometrium regenerates: 5-10 days

C. Endometrium secretes nutrients for

implantation: 11-18 days

D. Rise in progesterone level: 1-15 days

Answer: B

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107. Which of the following has the longest

gestation period:-

A. Man

B. Cat

C. Dog

D. Elephant

Answer: D

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108. Secretion of GnRH would lead to

A. secretion of testosterone leading to

mammary gland development

B. release of prolactin leading to milk

production in mammary glands

C. secretion of LH and FSH leading to

follicle development

D. All of the above

Answer: C

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109. Find the odd one out


B. Trichomoniasis

C. Gonorrhoea

D. Typhoid

Answer: D
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110. Assertion: If scrotal sacs removed,

testosterone is still found in the body.

Reason: Small amount of adrogents is

secreted by the adrenal cortex.

A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is the correct

explanation of the assertion, then mark

B. if both assertion and reason are ture but

the reason is not the correct explanation

of assertion, then mark b.

C. if assertion is true statement but reason

is false, then mark c.

D. If both assertion and reason are false

statements, then mark d.

Answer: A

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111. The entry of additional sperms into the

ovum is prevented because of

A. (a) release of secretions from the


B. (b) changes in the zona pellucida

C. (c) changes in the corona radiata

D. (d) contractions and secretions of the

fallopian tube

Answer: B
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112. Ovulation in the human female normally

takes place during the menstrual cycle

A. at the beginning of the proliferative


B. at the end of the proliferative phase

C. at the mid secretory phase

D. just before the end of the secretory

Answer: B

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113. Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an

endocrine gland after ovulation ?

A. (a) Stroma

B. (b) Germinal epithelium

C. (c) Vitelline membrane

D. (d) Graffian follicle

Answer: D

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114. In the human female , menstruation can

be deferred by the administration of :-

A. combination of FSH and LH

B. combination of estrogen and


C. FSH only
D. LH only

Answer: B

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115. Compared to a bull a bullock is docile

because of

A. higher levels of cortisone

B. lower levels of blood testosterone

C. lower levels of adrenalin/noradrenalin in

its blood

D. higher levels of thyroxin

Answer: B

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116. In humans, at the end of the first meiotic

division, the male germ cells differentiate into

A. spermatozonia

B. Primary spermatocytes

C. secondary spermatocytes

D. spermatids

Answer: C

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117. Which extra-embryonic membrane in

human prvents desiccation of the embryo

inside the uterus?

A. Amnion

B. Chorion

C. Allantois

D. Yolk sac

Answer: A

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118. Which one of the following statement is

incorrect about menstruation ?

A. The beginning of the cycle of

menstruation is called menarche.

B. During normal menstruation about 40

ml blood is lost.

C. The menstrual fluid can easily clot.

D. At menopause I the female, there is

especially abrupt increase in

gonadotropic hormones

Answer: C

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119. In human adult females, oxytocin

A. causes strong uterine contractions

during parturition

B. is secreted by anterior pituitary

C. stimulates growth of mammary gands

D. stimulates pituitary to secrete


Answer: A
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120. Which one of the following is the correct

matching of the events occurring during

mentrual cycle?

A. Development of corpus luteum-secretory

phase and increased secretion of


B. Menstruation-Breakdown of

myometrium and ovum not fertilized.

C. Ovulation-LH and FSH attain peak level

and sharp fall in the secretion of


D. Proliferative phase- Rapid regeneration

of myometrium and maturation of

graafian follicle.

Answer: A

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121. The correct sequence of spermatogenetic

stages leading to the formation of sperms in a

mature human testis is

A. Spermatid-spermatocyte-


B. Spermatogonia-spermatid-spermatocyte-


C. spermatocyte-spermatogonia-spermatid-

D. Spermatogonia-spermatocyte-spermatid-


Answer: D

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122. Foetal ejection reflex in human female is

induced by:

A. fully developed foetus and placenta

B. differentiation of mammary glands

C. pressure exerted by amniotic fluid

D. release of oxytocin from pituitary

Answer: A

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123. In a regularly cycling human female, which

can be the root cause of menstrual failure?

A. Maintenancy of high concentration of

sex-hormones in the blood stream

B. Retention of well-developed corpus


C. Fertilisation of the ovum

D. Maintenancy of the pypertrophical

endometrial lining

Answer: C

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124. Given below is a diagrammatic sketch of a

portion ofhuman male reproductive system.

Select the correct set of the names of the

parts labelled A,B,C,D:-

A. A-Vasdeferens, B-Seminal vasicle, C-

Bulbourethrall gland, D-Prostate

B. A,Ureter, B-Seminal vesicle, C-Prostate, D-

Bulbourethral gland

C. A-Ureter, B-Prostate, C-Seminal vesicle, D-

Bulbourethral gland.

D. A-Vasdeferends, B-Seiminal vesicle, C-

prostate, D-Bulbourethrall gland

Answer: D

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125. A change in the amount of yolk and its

distribution in the egg will affect :-

A. number of blastomeres produced

B. fertilization

C. Formation of zygote

D. pattern of cleavage

Answer: D

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126. Seminal plasma in humans is rich in

A. glucose and certain enzymes but has no


B. fructose and certain enzymes but poor

in calcium

C. fuctose, calcium and certain enzymes

D. fructose and calcium but has no


Answer: C

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127. Vasa efferentia are the ductules leading


A. epididymis to urethra

B. testicular lobules to rete testis

C. rete testic to vas deferens

D. vas deferens to epididymis

Answer: C

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128. The first movements of the fetus and

appearance of hair on its head are usually

observed during which month of pregnancy?

A. Third month

B. fourth month

C. fifth month

D. sixth month

Answer: C

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129. Which is correct about human sperm

A. Acrosome serves no particular function

B. Acrosome has a conical pointed

structure used for piercing and

penetrating the egg resulting in


C. The sperm lysins in the acrosome disolve

the egg envolope facilitating fertilization

D. Acrosome serves as a sensory structure

leading the pserm towards the ovum

Answer: C

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130. Sertoli cells are found :

A. pancreas and secrete cholecystokinin

B. ovaries and secrete progesterone

C. adrenal cortex and secrete adrenaline

D. seminiferous tubules and provide

nutrition to germ cells

Answer: D

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131. The part of Fallopian tube closest to the

ovary is:

A. ampulla

B. isthmus
C. infundibulum

D. cervix

Answer: C

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132. The second maturation division of the

mammalian ovum occurs

A. (a) in the graffian follicle following the

first maturation division

B. (b) shortly after ovulation before the

ovum makes entry into the fallopian


C. (c) until after the ovum has been

penetrated by a sperm

D. (d) until the nucleus of the sperm has

fused with ovum

Answer: C

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133. Which one of the following statements

about morula humans is correct?

A. (a) It has more cytoplasm and more DNA

than an uncleaved zygote

B. (b) It has almost equal quantity of

cytoplasm as an uncleaved zygote but

much more DNA

C. (c) It has far less cytoplasm as less DNA

than in an uncleaved zygote

D. (d) It has more or less equal quantity of

cytoplasm and DNA as in uncleaved


Answer: B

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134. If for some reason, the vesa effeerentia in

the human reproductive system get blocked,

the gametes will not transported from

A. testes to epididymis

B. epididymis to vas deference

C. ovary to uterus

D. vagina to uterus

Answer: A

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135. The testes in humans are situated outside

the scrotum. The pupose served is for

A. maintaining the scrotal temperature

lower than the internal body


B. escaping any possible compression by

the vesceral organs

C. providing more space for the growth of


D. providing a secodary sexual feature for

exhibiting the male sex.

Answer: A
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136. The figure given below depists a

diagramatic sectional view of the female

reproduction system f humans. Which one set

of three parts out of I-VI have been correctly

A. (II) Endometrium, (III) Infundibulum, (IV)


B. (III) infundibulum, (IV) fimbriae, (V) cervix

C. (IV) oviducal funnel, (V) uterus, (VI) cervix

D. (I) perimetrium, (II) Myometrium, (III)


Answer: B

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137. What is correct to say about the hormone

action in humans ?

A. Secretion of thymosins is stimulated

with aging

B. In females, FSH first binds with specific

receptors on ovarian cell membrane

C. FSH stimulates the secretion of estrogen

and progesterone
D. Glucagon is secreted by beta-cells of

islets of langerhans and stimulates


Answer: B

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138. In a normal pregnant woman, the amount

of total gonadotropin activity was assessed.

The result expected was

A. High level of cirulating HCG to stimulate

endometrial thickening

B. High levels of FSH and LH in uterus to

stimulate endometrial thickening

C. High level of circulating HCG to

stimulate estrogen and progesterone


D. High level of circulating FSH and LH in

the uterus to stimulate implantation of

the embryo
Answer: C

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139. Signals for parturition originate from

A. Oxytocin released from maternal


B. placenta only

C. Fully developed foetus only

D. Both placenta as well as fully developed


Answer: D

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140. The leydig cells as found in the human

body are the secretory source of

A. intestinal mucus

B. glucagon
C. androgens

D. progesterone

Answer: C

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141. Which one of the following statements is

not true with respect to viability of

mammalian sperm?
A. Survival of sperm depends on the pH of

the medium and is more active in

alkaline medium

B. Vibility of sperm is determined by its


C. sperms must be concentrated in a thick


D. Sperrm is viable for only up to 24 hours

Answer: D

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142. Signals from the fully developed foetus

and placenta ultimately lead to parturition

which requires the release of

A. Estrogen from placenta

B. oxytocin from maternal pituitary

C. oxytocin from foetal pituitary

D. Relaxin from placenta

Answer: B

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143. In human female the blastocyst:

A. Forms placenta even before


B. gets implanted into uterus 3 days after


C. Gets nutrition from uterine endometrial

secretion only after implantation

D. gets implanted in endometrium by the

trophoblast cells

Answer: D

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144. What happens during fertilization in

humans after many sperms reach close to the

A. Secretions of acrosome helps one sperm

enter cytoplasm of ovum through


B. All sperms except the one nearest to the

ovum lose their tails

C. Cells of corona radiata trap all the

sperms except one

D. Only two sperms nearest the ovum

penetrate zonapellucida

Answer: A
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145. About which day in a normal human

menstrual cycle does rapid secretion of LH

(popularly called LH-surge) normally occurs?

A. 14th day

B. 20th day

C. 5th day

D. 11th day

Answer: A
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146. The secretory phase in the human

menstrual cycle is also called:

A. luteal phase and lasts for about 13 days

follicular phase and lasts for about 13


B. luteal phase and lasts for about 6 days

C. follicular phase and lasting for about 6

D. Follicular phase lasts for about 13 days

Answer: A

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147. Identify the human development stage

shown below as well as the related right place

of its occurrence in a normal pregnant woman,

and select the right option for the two


A. Developmental stage-Blastocyst, Site of

occurrence-Uterine wall
B. Developmental stage-8celled morula,

Site of occurrence-Starting point of

fallopian tube

C. Developmental stage-Late morula, Site of

occurrence-Middle part of Fallopian tube

D. Developmental stage-Blastula, Site of

occurrenec-End part of fallopian tube

Answer: A

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148. Bartholin's glands are situated:

A. On the sides of head of some


B. At the reduced tail end of birds

C. On either side of vagina in humans

D. On either side of vas deferens in humans

Answer: C

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149. Placenta in human beings is formed by :

A. amnion

B. chorion

C. allantois

D. chorion and allantois

Answer: B

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150. Which gland secretes alkaline mucus in

urethra to neutralise the acidity of urine?

A. Prostrate gland

B. Cowper's gland

C. Seminal vesicles

D. preputial glands

Answer: B

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151. A temporary endocrine gland in humans is

A. Islets of langerhans

B. Pineal body

C. Corpus luteum

D. corpora allata

Answer: C

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152. Braxton Hicks contractione occur during

A. paggase of food through amimentary


B. peristaltic movements

C. pregnancy

D. lactation

Answer: C

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153. Correct sequence of human embryonic

development is

A. Blastocoel-gastrocoel-neural crest-


B. gastrocoal-blastocoel-notochord-neural


C. gastrocoel-blastocoel-neural crest-

D. blastocoel-neural crest-gastrocoel-


Answer: A

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154. Onset of menstrual cycle in female

anthrapoid primates is

A. Puberty

B. Menarche
C. Menopause

D. Menstruation

Answer: B

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155. Thick yellow,high protein fluid produced

by mammary glands of a woman during first 2-

3 days after child birth is

A. Meconium
B. Hymen

C. Cumulus oophorus

D. Colostrum

Answer: D

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156. Which hormones is produced in women

during pregnancy?

A. human chorionic gonadotropin (hcG)

B. human placental lactogen (hpL)

C. Relaxin

D. All of above

Answer: D

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157. Menstrual phase is followed by

A. luteal phase and lasts for about 13 days

follicular phase and lasts for about 13


B. follicular phase

C. Fertilization, cleavage, morula, zygote,

blastula, gastrula

D. Implantation

Answer: B

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158. Which layer of uterus undergoes cyclic

changes during menstrual cycle

A. Perimetrium

B. Myometrium

C. Endometrium

D. All the above

Answer: C

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159. Which type of germ cells contain 23


A. Spermatogonia

B. Secondary spermatocytes

C. Primary spermatocytes

D. None of the above

Answer: B

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160. In human females, menstrual cycle ceases

around 50 years of age. It is termed as

A. Menarche

B. Diapause

C. Menopause

D. None of the above

Answer: C

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161. Which hormone is mainly secreted by

corpus luteum ?

A. Luteinizing hormone

B. Estrogen

C. Follicle stimulating hormone

D. Progesterone

Answer: D

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162. Thei internal cavity commonly formed by

ell division prior to gastrulation is the

A. Enteron

B. Blastopore

C. Blastocoel

D. Coelom

Answer: C

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163. Number of autosomes in human primary

spermatocyte is

A. 46

B. 44

C. 23

D. 22

Answer: B

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164. Which of the following organs is devoid of


A. Uterus

B. Vagina

C. Vulva

D. Oviduct

Answer: B

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165. Primary spermatocyte differs from

spermatogonium in

A. Number of chromosomes

B. size and volume

C. DNA content

D. Size of chromosomes

Answer: B

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166. In human, cleavage divisions are:

A. (a) slow and synchronous

B. (b) Fast and synchronous

C. (c) Slow and asynchronous

D. (d) Fast and asynchronous

Answer: C

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167. Vertebrate brain differentiates from

A. (a) endoderm

B. (b) mesoderm

C. (c) ectoderm

D. (d) blastoderm

Answer: C

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168. Which one is not a placental hormone



C. Progesterone

D. melatonin

Answer: D

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169. In human females, the ovarian cycle

begains when the:

A. levels of oestrogen reach their maximum

B. hypothalamus stimulates the anterior

pituitary to increase its output of FSH

and LH

C. level of progesterone drops

D. hypothalamus increases its release of

FSH and LH

Answer: C

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170. Sperm of animal species a cannot fertilise

ovum of species –b because

A. Fertilizin of A and antifertilizin of B are

not compatible
B. antifertilizin of A and fertilizin of B are

not compatible

C. fertilizin of A and B are not compatible.

D. antifertilizin of A and B are not


Answer: B

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171. In spermatogenesis, reduction division of

chromosomes occurs during conversion of

A. spermatogonia to primary


B. primary spermatocytes to secondary


C. secondary spermatcytes to spermatids

D. spermatids to sperms

Answer: B
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172. Presence of which of the following

hormones in the urine confirms pregnancy?

A. Progesterone

B. oestrogen

C. Human chorionic gonadotropin

D. prolactin

Answer: C

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173. What is the correct sequence of sperm


A. Spermatogonia, spermatozoa,

spermatocyte, spermatid

B. spermatogonia, spermatocyte,

spermatid, spermatozoa

C. spermatid, spermatocyte,

spermatogonia, Spermatozoa
D. spermatogonia, spermatocyte,

spermatozoa, spermatid

Answer: B

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174. Which one of the following is not the

function of placenta?It:

A. facilitates removal of carbon dioxide and

waste material from embryo

B. Secretes oxytocin during parturition.

C. Facilitates supply of oxygen and

nutrients to embryo.

D. secretes estrogen.

Answer: B

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175. Product of sexual reproduction generally

A. new genetic combination leading to


B. Lage biomass

C. Longer viability of seeds

D. Prolonged dormancy

Answer: A

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176. Menstrual flow occurs due to lack of:

A. Oxytocin released from maternal


B. Vasopressin

C. Progesterone


Answer: C

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177. The shared terminal duct of the

reproductive and urinary system in the human

male is

A. vasa efferentia

B. urethra

C. ureter

D. vas deferens

Answer: B

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178. Select the correct option describing

gonadotropin activity in a normal pregnant


A. (a) High level of hCG stimulates the

thickening of endometrium

B. (b) High level of FSH and LH stimulates

the thickening of endometrium

C. (c) High level of FSH and LH facilitate

implantation of the embryo

D. (d) High level of hCG stimulates the

synthesis of estrogen and progesterone

Answer: D

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179. Which of these is not and important

component of initiation of parturition in


A. Synthesis of prostaglandins
B. release of oxytocin

C. release of prolactin

D. increase in estrogen and progesterone


Answer: C

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180. Capacitation refers to changes in the

A. ovum before fertilization

B. ovum after fertilization

C. sperm after fertilization

D. sperm before fertilization

Answer: D

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181. Hysterectomy is surgical removal of

A. prostate gland

B. vas-deferens
C. Mammary glands

D. Uterus

Answer: D

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182. Which of the following cells during

gametogenesis is normally diploid?

A. Spermatid

B. Spermatogonia
C. Secondary polar body

D. Primary polar body

Answer: B

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183. A childless couple can be assisted to have

a child through a technique called GIFT. The

full form of this teclmique is

A. (a) Gamete inseminated fallopian


B. (b) Gamete intra fallopian transfer

C. (c) Gamete internal fertilization and


D. (d) Germ cell internal fallopian transfer

Answer: B

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184. Ectopic pregnancies are referred to as

A. pregnancies with genetic abnormality

B. implantation of embryo at site otherr

than uterus

C. implantation of defective embryo in the


D. pregnancies terminated dur to

hormonal imbalance

Answer: B
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185. Which of the following events is not

associated with ovulation in human female?

A. Decrease in estradiol

B. Full development of graafian follicle

C. release of secondary oocyte

D. LH surge

Answer: A

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186. Which of the following layers in an antral

follicle is acellular?

A. Granulosa

B. Theca interna

C. Stroma

D. Zona pellucida

Answer: D

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187. In human females, meiosis-II is not

completed until

A. puberty

B. fertilization

C. uterine implantation

D. birth

Answer: B

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188. Which of the following approaches does

not give the defined action of contraceptive?

A. Intra uterine devices-Increase

phagocytosis of sperms, suppress sperm

motility and fertilizing capacity of


B. Hormonal contraceptives- Prevent-retard

entry of sperms, prevent ovulation &

C. Vasectomy-Prevents spermatogenesis

D. Barrier methods-prevent fertilization

Answer: C

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189. Fertilization in humans is practically

feasible only if

A. the ovum and sperms are transported

simultaneously to ampullary-isthmic
junction of the fallopian tube

B. the ovum and sperms are transported

simultaneously to ampullary-isthmic

junction of the cervix

C. the sperms are transported into cervix

within 48 hrs of release of ovum in


D. the sperms are transported into vagina

just after the release of ovum in

fallopian tube.
Answer: A

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190. Identify the correct statement on 'inhibin'

A. is produced by granulosa cells in ovary

B. Is produced by granulose cells in ovary

and inhibits the secretion of LH.

C. Is produced by nurse cells in testes and

inhibits the secretion of LH.

D. Inhibits the secretion of H, FSH and


Answer: A

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191. Select the incorrect statement

A. LH triggers ovulation in ovary.

B. LH and FSH decrease gradually during

the follicular phase.

C. LH triggers secretion of androgens from

the Leydig cells.

D. FSH stimulates the sertoli cells which

help in spermiogenesis

Answer: B

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192. Changes in GnRH pulse frequency in

females is controlled by circulating levels of

A. Estrogen and inhibin

B. Progesterone only

C. progesterone and inhibin

D. Estrogen and progesterone

Answer: D

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193. Embryo with more than 16 blastomeres

formed due to in vitro ferilization is

transferred into
A. Uterus

B. Fallopian tube

C. Fimbriae

D. Cervix

Answer: A

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194. Which of the following depicts the correct

pathway of transport of sperms?

A. Rete testis → Efferent ductules →

Epididymis → vas deferens.

B. Rete testis → Epididymis → efferent

ductules → vas deferens

C. Rete testis → vas deferens → efferent

ductules → Epididymis

D. Efferent ductules → Rete testis → Vas

deferens → Epididymis

Answer: A

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195. Match column-I with column-II and select

the correct option using the codes given


A. 1-iii,2-iv,3-ii,4-i

B. 1-iii,2-iv,3-i,4-ii

C. 1-iii,2-i,3-iv,4-ii
D. 1-i,2-iv,3-iii,4-ii

Answer: B

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196. Several hormones like hCG, hPL, estrogen,

progesterone are produced by

A. Ovary

B. Placenta

C. Fallopian tube
D. Pituitary

Answer: B

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197. Select the correct route for the passage of

sperms in male frogs

A. (a) Testes → Bidder's canal → kidney

→ vasa efferentia → Urinogenital duct

→ cloaca
B. (b) Testes → vasa efferentia → kidney

→ seminal vesicle → urinogenital duct

→ cloaca

C. (c) Testes → vasa efferentia → Bidder's

canal → ureter → cloaca

D. (d) Testes → vasa efferentia → kidney

→ bidder's canal → urinogenital duct

→ cloaca

Answer: D

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198. A temporary endocrine gland in the

human body is

A. Pineal gland

B. corpus cardiacum

C. Corpus luteum

D. corpus allatum

Answer: C

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199. GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in

reproduction, acts on

A. anterior pituitary gland and stimulates

secretion of LH an oxytocin.

B. Anterior pituitary gland and stimulates

secretion of LH and FSH

C. posterior pituitary gland and stimulates

secretion of oxytocin and FSH

D. posterior pituitary gland and stimulates

secretion of LH and relaxin.

Answer: B

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200. Capacitation occurs in

A. Rete testis

B. Epididymis

C. Vas deferens
D. Female reproductive tract

Answer: D

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