1080 Books Doubtnut Question Bank

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following can be made into crystal?

A. A bacterium

B. An Amoeba
C. A virus

D. A sperm

Answer: C

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2. A cell with swell up if

A. the concentration of water molecules in the cell

is higher than the concentration of water

molecules in surrounding medium

B. the concentration of water molecules is

surrounding medium is higher than water

molecules concentration in the cell

C. the concentration of water molecules is same in

the cell and in the surrounding medium

D. concentration of water molecules does not


Answer: B

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3. Chromosomes are made up of


B. Protein

C. DNA and protein


Answer: C

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4. Which of these options are not a function of


I. It helps in manufacture of protein molecules.

II. It helps in manufacture of enzymes.

III. In helps in manufacture of hormones.

IV. In helps in manufacture of starch molecules.

A. I and II

B. II and III

C. III and IV

D. IV and I

Answer: C

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5. Which of these is not related to endoplasmic

A. It behaves as transport channel for proteins

between nucleus and cytoplasm

B. It transports materials between various regions

in cytoplasm

C. It can be the site of energy generation

D. It can be the site for some biochemical activities

of the cell

Answer: C

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6. Following are a few definitions of osmosis. Read

carefully and select the correct definition.

A. Movement of water molecules from a region of

higher concentration to a region of lower

concentration through a semipermeable


B. Movement of solvent molecules from its higher

concentration to lower concentration

C. Movement of solvent molecules from higher

concentration to higher concentration of

solution through a permeable membrane

D. Movement of solute molecules from lower

concentration to higher concentration of

solution through a semipermeable membrane

Answer: A

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7. Plasmolysis in a plant cell is defined as

A. break down (lysis) of plasma membrane in

hypotonic medium

B. shrinkage of cytoplasm in hypertonic medium

C. shrinkage of nucleoplasm

D. None of the above

Answer: B

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8. Which of the following are covered by a single


A. Mitochondria

B. Vacuole

C. Lysosome

D. Plastid
Answer: C

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9. Find out the false sentences.

A. Golgi apparatus in involved with the formation of


B. Nucleus, mitochondria and plastid have DNA,

hence they are able to make their own structural


C. Mitochondria is said to be the power house of

the cell as ATP is generated in them

D. Cytoplasm is called as protoplasm

Answer: D

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10. Find out the correct sentence

A. Enzymes packed in lysosomes are made through

RER (Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum)

B. Rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth

endoplasmic reticulum produce lipid and protein

C. Endoplasmic reticulum is related with the

destruction of plasma membrane

D. Nucleoid is present inside the nucleoplasm of

eukaryotic nucleus

Answer: A

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11. Which cell organelle plays a crucial role in

detoxifying many poisons and drugs in a cell?

A. Golgi apparatus

B. Lysosomes
C. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

D. Vacuoles

Answer: C

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12. The proteins and lipids, essential for building the

cell membrane, are manufactured by

A. endoplasmic reticulum

B. Golgi apparatus

C. plasma membrane

D. mitochondria
Answer: A

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13. The undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes are

also known as

A. nucleus

B. nucleolus

C. nucleic acid

D. nucleoid

Answer: D

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14. The cell organelle involved in forming complex

sugars from simple sugars are

A. endoplasmic reticulum

B. ribosomes

C. plastids

D. Golgi apparatus

Answer: D

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15. Which out of the following is not a function of

vacuole ?

A. Storage

B. Providing turgidity and rigidity to the cell

C. Waste excretion

D. Locomotion

Answer: B

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16. Amoeba takes food through

A. exocytosis

B. endocytosis

C. plasmolysis

D. Both exocytosis and endocytosis

Answer: B

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17. The cell wall of which of these is not made up of


A. bacteria

B. Hydrilla
C. mango tree

D. lactus

Answer: A

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18. Silver nitrate solution is used to study

A. endoplasmic reticulum

B. Golgi apparatus

C. nucleus

D. mitochondria
Answer: b

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19. Organelle other than nucleus, containing DNA is

A. endoplasmic reticulum

B. Golgi apparatus

C. mitochondria

D. Iysosome

Answer: C

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20. Kitchen of the cell is

A. Mitochondria

B. endoplasmic reticulum

C. chloroplast

D. Golgi apparatus

Answer: C

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21. Lipid molecules in the cell are synthesised by

A. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

B. rough endoplasmic reticulum

C. Golgi apparatus

D. plastids

Answer: A

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22. Cell arises from pre-existing cell was stated by

A. Haeckel

B. Virchow

C. Hooke
D. Schleiden

Answer: B

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23. Cell theory was formulated by

A. Schleiden and Schwann

B. Virchow

C. Hooke

D. Haeckel

Answer: A
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24. The only cell organelle seen in prokaryotic cell is

A. mitochondria

B. ribosomes

C. plastids

D. lysosomes

Answer: B

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25. Organelle withour a cell membrane is

A. ribosome

B. Golgi apparatus

C. chloroplast

D. nucleus

Answer: A

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26. 1μm is

A. 10 −6

B. 10 −9
C. 10 − 10

D. 10 −3

Answer: A

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27. Lysosome arises from

A. endoplasmic reticulum

B. Golgi apparatus

C. nucleus

D. mitochondria
Answer: B

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28. Living cells were discovered by

A. Robert Hooke

B. Purkinje

C. Leeuwenhoek

D. Robert Brown

Answer: C

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29. Select the odd on out

A. The movement of water across a semi permeable

membrane is affected by the amount of

substances dissolved in it

B. Membranes are made of organic molecules like

proteins and lipids

C. Molecules soluble in organic solvents can easily

pass through the membrane.

D. Plasma membranes contain chitin sugar in plants

Answer: D

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Short Anwer Type Questions

1. Why are lysosome known as suicidal-bags of a cell?

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2. Do you agree that 'A cell is a building unit of on

organism'. If yes, explain why?

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3. Why does the skin of your finger shrink when you

wash clothes for a long time?

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4. Why is endocytosis found is animals only?

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5. A person takes concentrated solution of salt, after

sometime, he starts vomiting. What is the

phenomenon responsible for such situation? Explain.

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6. Name any cell organelle which is non-membranes.

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7. We eat food composed of all the nutrients like

carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and

water. After digestion, these are absorbed in the form

of glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol, etc. what

mechanisms are Involved in absorption of digested

food and water?

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8. If you are provided with some vegetables to cook.

You generally add salt into the vegetables during

cooking process. After adding salt, vegetables release

water. What mechanism is responsible for this?

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9. If cells of onion peel and RBC are separately kept in

hypotonic solution, what among the following will take

place? Explain the reason for your.

(a) Both the cells will swell.

(b) RBC will burst easily while cells of onion peel will

resist the bursting to some extent.

(c) Both (a) and (b) are correct.

(d) RBC and onion peel cells will behave similarly.

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10. Bacteria do not have chloroplast, but some bacteria

are photoautotrophic in nature and perform

photosynthesis. Which part of bacterial cell performs


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11. Match the following columns
ColumnI ColumnII

A. Smooth endoplasmic 1. Amoeba

B. Lysosome 2. Nucleus

C. Nucleoid 3. Bacteria

D. Food vacuoles 4. Detoxification

E. Chromatin material and nucleolus 5. Suicidal bag

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12. Write the name of different plants parts in which

chromoplast, chloroplast and Leucoplast are present.

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13. Name the organelles which show the analogy

written as under

(i) Transporting channels of the cell

(b) Power house of the cell

(c) Packaging and dispatching unit of the cell

(d) Digestive bag of the cell

(e) Storage sacs of the cell

(f) Kitchen of the cell

(g) Control room of the cell

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14. How is bacterial cell different from onion peel?

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15. How do substances like carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and

water (H 2
O) move in and out of the cell?

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16. How does an Amoeba obtain its food?

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17. Name the two organelles in a plant cell that contain

their own genetic material and ribosome.

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18. Why are lysosomes also known as scavengers of the


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19. Which cell organelle controls most of the activities

of the cell?

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20. Which kind of plastid is more common in

(a) roots of the plant (b) leaves of the plant (c) flowers
and fruits

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21. Why do plant cells posses large sized vacuole?

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22. How are chromatin, chromatid and chromosomes

related to each other?

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23. What are the consequences of the following


(a) A cell containing higher water concentration than

the surrounding medium

(b) A cell having low water concentration then the

surrounding medium.

(c) A cell having equal water concentration to its

surrounding medium.

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Long Answer Type Questions

1. Draw a plant cell and label the parts which

(a) determines the function and development of the

cell. (b) packages materials coming from the

endoplasmic reticulum.

(c) provides resistance to microbes to withstand

hypotonic external media without bursting.

(d) is site for any biochemical reaction necessary to

sustain life.

(e) is a fluid contained inside the nucleus.

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2. Illustrate only a plant cell as seen under electron

microscope. How its different from animal cell?

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3. Draw a neat labelled diagram of an animal cell.

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4. Draw a well labelled diagram of an eukaryotic

nucleus. How is it different form nucleoid?

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5. Differentiate between rough and smooth

endoplasmic reticulum. How is endoplasmic reticulum

important for membrane biogenesis?

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6. In brief state what happens when

(a) Dry apricots are left for sometime in pure water and

later transferred to sugar solution?

(b) A red blood cell is kept in concentrated saline


(c) The plasma-membrane of a cell breaks down?

(d) When Rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then

a drop of sugar syrup is put on it, osmosis does not

occurs, due to the death of the cells of the leaf. This

shown that selective permeability is property of living

plasma membrane.

(e) Golgi complex helps in the package, storage and

transfer of proteins synthesised by ribosomes. Thus,

when ribosomes are removed the cell will not function


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7. Draw a neat diagram of plant cell and label any three

parts which differentiate it from animal cell.

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