Euro Ncap Assessment Protocol Sa Safe Driving v104

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(Euro NCAP)



Implementation 2023

Version 10.4
February 2024
Copyright 2024 ©Euro NCAP - This work is the intellectual property of Euro NCAP. Permission is granted for this
material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears
on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of Euro NCAP. To disseminate
otherwise or to republish requires written permission from Euro NCAP.


Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1
2 METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................... 2
3 OCCUPANT STATUS MONITORING ........................................................................ 3
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Seat belt reminder assessment .............................................................................................. 7
3.5 Driver State Monitoring...................................................................................................... 11
3.6 Scoring & Visualisation....................................................................................................... 22
4 ASSESSMENT OF SPEED ASSIST SYSTEMS ....................................................... 24
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 24
4.3 Requirements for SLIF and Speed Control Functions .................................................... 25
4.4 Speed Limit Information Function .................................................................................... 26
4.5 Speed Control Function ...................................................................................................... 29
4.6 Scoring and Visualisation ................................................................................................... 31
APPENDIX I ............................................................................................................................ 32
APPENDIX II .......................................................................................................................... 35

The following protocol deals with the assessments in the area of Safe Driving,
specifically for Occupant Status Monitoring and Speed Assist Systems.

DISCLAIMER: Euro NCAP has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information
published in this protocol is accurate and reflects the technical decisions taken by the
organisation. In the unlikely event that this protocol contains a typographical error or
any other inaccuracy, Euro NCAP reserves the right to make corrections and determine
the assessment and subsequent result of the affected requirement(s).

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Unlike the assessment of protection offered in the event of a crash, the assessment of
Safety Assist functions does not require destructive testing of the vehicle. Assessment
of the Safety Assist functions is based on performance requirements verified by Euro
NCAP. The intention is to promote standard fitment across the car volume sold in the
European Community in combination with good functionality for these systems, where
this is possible.

It is important to note that Euro NCAP only considers assessment of safety assist systems
that meet the fitment requirements for base safety equipment or dual rating (as defined
in the Vehicle Specification, Selection, Testing and Re-testing protocol). For the
performance assessment of seat belt reminder and speed assistance systems, the car is
subjected to a number of trial sequences designed to highlight the effectiveness of the
systems. The car performance is scored using the observations made by the inspector
during driving. In addition to the basic Euro NCAP assessment, additional information
may be recorded that may be added to the Euro NCAP assessment in the future.

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3.1 Introduction
Human factors are common causes of accidents. In general, two kinds of mistakes can
be observed: violations, of which speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol or
drugs are most common; and human “errors”, in which the driver state - inattentiveness,
fatigue, distraction - and inexperience play an important role. In an aging society, sudden
medical incapacitation is also a growing cause of road crashes.

Already, driver advisory systems such as Speed Assistance Systems (SAS) and Attention
Assist target the human element in crashes by alerting the driver in critical situations
and, ultimately, by supporting the driver to improve his behaviour. In addition, adapting
intervention criteria to individual drivers and the driver’s state may provide a significant
potential for earlier interventions in the future without compromising false-positive

Euro NCAP envisages an incentive for driver monitoring systems that effectively detect
impaired and distracted driving and give appropriate warning and take effective action
e.g. increasing sensitivity of ADAS systems or initiating a safe evasive manoeuvre.
Implementation in the overall rating is planned in phases, starting with systems that have
already entered the market. The assessment will evolve around how reliably and
accurately the status of the driver is detected and what action the vehicle takes based on
the information.

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3.2 Definitions
Throughout this protocol the following terms are used:

Seat Belt Reminder (SBR) – Seat Belt Reminder that indicates the status of the seatbelt
whether it is in use or not in use

Driver State Monitoring (DSM) – Driver State Monitoring system that is able to
(in)directly determine the state of the driver

Direct Monitoring – Where driver state determination is supported by sensor(s) directly

observing the driver.

Indirect Monitoring – Where driver state determination is achieved indirectly through

means other than sensor(s) directly observing the driver (e.g. steering input).

Impaired driving – A driver who is disconnected from the driving task or not in a
physical state that is sufficient for safe driving, either due to distraction, fatigue or

Distraction – Anything (e.g. secondary tasks) that reduces the driver’s focus on the
primary task of driving/controlling the vehicle.
- Long Distraction – A single long duration distraction which takes the driver’s
gaze away from the forward road view.
- Short Distraction / Visual Attention Time Sharing (VATS) – Repeated short
duration gazes away from the forward road view, which cumulatively reduce the
driver’s awareness of the driving situation, until their attention returns to the
driving task for long enough for them to fully assess the driving situation.
- Phone Use – A subset of short distraction (VATS) where the object the driver’s
attention is shared with is their mobile phone.

Fatigue – State of the driver where he/she is not awake enough to properly perform the
driving task
- Drowsy – State of the driver where tiredness has an adverse effect of the driver’s
ability to focus on the driving task.
- Microsleep – A microsleep is a temporary episode of sleep which may last up to
several seconds.
- Sleep – In this assessment sleep is considered as when a driver has been in a state
of unconsciousness due to fatigue for a period of greater than a few seconds.

Unresponsive Driver – Where a driver becomes unresponsive during driving, likely due
to an onset of sudden sickness or extreme fatigue.

Impaired driving vehicle response – Warning and/or adapted vehicle mode after an
impaired driving has been detected
- Impaired driving warning – Warning issued in case the system determines an
impaired driver
- High sensitivity mode – A more sensitive and earlier warning and/or
intervention of Safety Assist systems to compensate for the driver state
- Minimum Risk Manoeuvre – Emergency manoeuvre where the vehicle will
come to either a controlled stop or speed of <10km/h without input from the

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Owl type movement – A shifting of visual attention away from the road and forward-
facing position that is primarily achieved by head rotation followed by the eyes.

Lizard type movement – A movement in which the driver focuses on a task by moving
primarily their eyeline away from the road with their head/face remaining in the forward-
facing position.

Degraded system – A direct driver monitoring system is considered degraded in this

assessment when an entire subsystem becomes fully unavailable. E.g. A direct driver
monitoring system which uses head pose tracking and eye tracking would be considered
degraded if eye tracking became fully unavailable therefore preventing the system
identifying any lizard type movements.

Eye lid aperture – Distance between the point where the straight line drawn in the y-
axis direction from the midpoint of line segment connecting the outer and inner corners
of the driver’s eye overlaps the lower edge of the upper eyelid and upper edge of the
lower eyelid. Measured when driver is awake and attentive.

In-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system - The area containing the infotainment system
and/or vehicle controls, typically located centrally ahead of the front row seating in the
conventional passenger car layout.

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3.3 Prerequisites
In order to be rewarded any points in each of the individual assessment areas of this
protocol, SBR, DSM and SAS systems must be fitted as standard equipment to the model
tested as defined in the Euro NCAP Vehicle Specification, Sponsorship Testing and Re-
testing Protocol.

To be eligible for scoring points in DSM:

• All seating positions must have met the SBR requirements detailed in Section
3.4. However, the fitment of rear seat occupancy detection and compliance with
Section is NOT a prerequisite for scoring in DSM.
• The vehicle under assessment must be equipped with an AEB system (meeting
the Euro NCAP C2C and VRU preconditions as a minimum) and an LSS.

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3.4 Seat belt reminder assessment
All seating positions in the vehicle will be assessed including optional and removable
All front row seating positions must meet the assessment criteria of Section 3.4.1 and
3.4.2 as a prerequisite of scoring.
All rear seating positions must be equipped with SBR and meet the assessment criteria
of Section 3.4.1 and 3.4.3. Only those rear seating positions equipped with occupant
detection that are also compliant with Section will be eligible for SBR scoring.

3.4.1 General requirements

The seatbelt reminder system should "start" at the commencement of each "journey" that
the vehicle makes. Short breaks in the journey are allowed, where the reminder system
is not required to start again. Such short breaks, of up to 30 seconds, are to allow for
events such as stalling of the engine where passengers may remain in the vehicle.

For the purpose of defining the start of the final audible signal, forward motion at less
than 10 km/h, or rearward motion, is not deemed to be motion. Signal
All seatbelt reminder systems shall be audio-visual, where there must be a clear and
obvious link between the audible and visual signals. As soon as the audible part of the
seatbelt reminder signal starts, the visual signal needs to flash and be synchronised (not
necessarily at the same frequency, but an integer multiple of each other, e.g. two flashes
with every chime) with the audible part.

The first 8 seconds after ‘ignition on’ are not considered for initial and/or final audible
signal quality assessments, and the synchronisation requirements above do not apply
during this time.*

Any visual signal must be clearly visible to the driver, without the need for the head to
be moved from the normal driving position (e.g. instrument panel, head-up display, rear-
view mirror, centre console). Any final audible signal must be "Loud and Clear" for the

* This is to avoid conflict with some US FMVSS 208 compliant SBR warning
configurations. Airbag deactivation switch

There must be no link between the front seat passenger airbag and the front seat
passenger SBR signals. It is NOT acceptable to Euro NCAP for the passenger seat SBR
to be disabled via the passenger airbag switch. Occupant detection

In the case of the driver's seat, occupancy can be assumed so the system does not have
to be capable of detecting whether or not the seat is in use. For all front seat passengers,
seat use must be detected. For all rear seat passengers, only those equipped with occupant
detection that are also compliant with Section will be eligible for SBR scoring.
Euro NCAP defines occupancy as use by an occupant larger, taller or heavier than a

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small female (5th percentile). Secondary buckles

Monitoring of rear seat belt secondary buckles that require a tool to unlock, is not
required. Change of Status

During a change of status (from buckled to unbuckled) at speeds over 25 km/h, the
system must immediately deploy the audio-visual signal meeting the requirements of
section 3.4.2 for the front seats and that of section 3.4.3 for the rear seats.

Where the change of status occurs below 25km/h, and no doors are opened, the signal
may be delayed until before at least one of the below requirements (at the choice of the
manufacturer) are met:
- The car has reached a forward speed of 25 km/h, or
- The car has been in "Forward Motion" for 500 meters.

Where the change of status occurs below 25km/h, and doors are opened, the system
should consider this situation as a “new journey” and warn accordingly.

Where the system is able to track the number of buckled positions in the rear, no change
of status signal (for the rear seats) is required as long as all doors remain closed, and the
number of buckled positions remains the same. This is to minimise the number of false
positives (ex: children remaining in the vehicle but swapping seats in the rear while at a
traffic light). End of signal

Once the audible part of the SBR signal has started, it must only stop under one of the
following circumstances.
- The signal has operated for the duration as specified in
- The related seat belts are put into use. Where the system is able to track the
number of buckled positions in the rear, the change of status signal (for the rear
seats) can be terminated as long as all doors remain closed, and the number of
buckled positions remains the same.
- The vehicle speed is below 10 km/h. When no doors have been opened, and the
seatbelts remain unbuckled, the signal must resume again when the vehicle speed
goes above 25 km/h.

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3.4.2 Front seating positions Visual signal
A visual signal must be activated when the ignition switch is engaged (engine running
or not) and the seatbelt is not fastened, and in case of a change of status as defined in This signal must remain until the seatbelt is fastened and recommence once a
seatbelt is unfastened. Initial Audible Signal

An Initial Audible Signal needs to be deployed before at least one of the following (at
the choice of the manufacturer):
- The car has reached a forward speed of 25 km/h, or
- The engine has been running for 60 seconds, or
- The car has been in "Forward Motion" for 500 meters.

The duration of the initial audible signal can have a maximum duration of 30 seconds
and must start with a positive audio-visual signal (not a gap). There must be no gaps
greater than 10 seconds. Final Audible Signal

A Final Audible Signal (Loud and Clear) is to be deployed before at least one of the
following (at the choice of the manufacturer):

- The car has reached a forward speed of 40 km/h, or

- The engine has been running for 90 seconds, or
- The car has been in "Forward Motion" for 90 seconds, or
- The car has been in "Forward Motion" for 1000 meters, or
- The Initial Audible Signal (lasting maximum 30 seconds) is finished.

The duration of the final audible signal must be at least 90 seconds not counting gaps
exceeding 3 seconds and must start with a positive audible signal (not a gap). There must
be no gaps greater than 10 seconds.

NOTE: The manufacturer has the option to utilise the Initial Audible Signal as the Final
Audible Signal, as long as it is “Loud and Clear”, and the duration is at least 90 seconds
not counting gaps exceeding 3 seconds and must start with a positive audible signal (not
a gap). There must be no gaps greater than 10 seconds.

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3.4.3 Rear seating positions Visual signal A visual signal must be activated when the ignition switch is engaged (engine
running or not), and any of the rear seatbelts are not fastened. No signal is required
if the system is able to determine that there are no occupants in the rear seating
positions. The signal must remain for at least 60 seconds or until the rear belts are
buckled for the seats in use. The system may allow the driver to acknowledge the signal, switching it off for this
unique event (a new trigger of the warning should not be prevented). For systems with seat occupant detection on all rear seating positions, the visual
signal does not need to indicate the number of seat belts in use or not in use, but the
signal must remain as long as the seatbelt remain unfastened on any of the occupied
seats in the rear. For systems without occupant detection on all rear seating positions, the visual signal
must clearly indicate to the driver the seating positions showing the rear seat belts in
use and not in use. No signal is required if all of the rear occupants are belted. Audible signal In addition to a visual signal, a “Loud and Clear” audible signal is to be deployed for
all rear seating positions in case of a change of status (from buckled to unbuckled)
as defined in Except for change of status events, the system may allow the driver to acknowledge
the signal, switching it off for this unique event (a new trigger of the warning should
not be prevented). For systems with occupant detection on any rear seating positions, a “Loud and
Clear” audible signal needs to be deployed before at least one of the following (at
the choice of the manufacturer) when any of those seats are occupied and the belt of
the occupied seat is unbuckled.
- The car has reached a forward speed of 25 km/h, or
- The car has been in "Forward Motion" for 500 meters.

The duration of the audible signal must be at least 30 seconds not counting gaps
exceeding 3 seconds and must start with a positive audible signal (not a gap). There must
be no gaps greater than 10 seconds. The system may allow the driver to acknowledge
the signal, so switching it off.
Alternatively, the manufacturer may use the same warning strategy (including initial and
final warning) as described in Section 3.4.2 in case of occupant detection in all rear
seating positions.

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3.5 Driver State Monitoring
For the evaluation of Driver State Monitoring systems (DMS), Euro NCAP requires a
dossier from the OEM containing a detailed technical assessment.
The dossier should contain:

- Sensing, providing evidence that the sensing system is capable of sensing a wide
variety of different drivers and that is able to operate in a wide range of
- Driver state, demonstrating which elements of Distraction, Drowsiness and
Unresponsive Driver can be identified by the system
- Vehicle response, detailing the vehicle response to a certain driver state.

To be eligible to score points the OEM must demonstrate by means of a dossier that they
meet the general requirements set out in 3.5.1 and the noise variable requirements (direct
monitoring systems only) set out in 3.5.2.
To score points the OEM must demonstrate by means of a dossier that they meet both
the detection requirements set out in 3.5.3 and the related response requirements set out
in 3.5.4. The breakdown of points available is set out in 3.6.
Euro NCAP test labs will conduct (spot) testing to validate the data supplied in the
In addition, the OEM must provide a separate dossier for the test laboratory reference,
which shall be based on the main dossier but must not include confidential information
e.g., system KPI figures, test subject pictures, etc.

3.5.1 General requirements

To be eligible for scoring points in DSM, the system needs to be default ON at the start
of every journey and deactivation of the system should not be possible with a momentary
single push on a button.

Direct monitoring systems must be active at all times when the vehicle is in forward
motion at speeds ≥10km/h. A cumulative period of up to 1 minute of driving at speeds
≥10km/h is permitted for the system to begin measuring the driver state, this is
acceptable providing it is detailed in the OEM provided dossier. For fatigue-related
driving behaviour, a learning period of up to 30 minutes is permitted from the start of
every journey (see

Indirect monitoring systems must be active when the vehicle is in forward motion at
speeds ≥65km/h.

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3.5.2 Noise Variables Drivers
A sensing system which is robust and covers a wide variety of the driver population will
be eligible for scoring points. Covering the full range of each driver variable detailed
here is a prerequisite to scoring points in the DSM assessment. The OEM needs to
demonstrate, by means of a dossier, that the sensing system was verified using a
population covering at least the following ranges and elements:

- Age Youthful (16-18) – aged (≥80)

- Sex All
- Stature AF05 – AM95
- Skin Complexion Fitzpatrick Skin Type (1 - 6)
- Eye lid aperture1 From 6.0mm up to 14.0mm

It is acknowledged that system performance may be affected by some combinations of

noise variables. The OEM must demonstrate that system performance does not deviate
strongly with different noise variables e.g. gender, age, ethnicity etc. The OEM’s
supporting evidence may be generated by sampling different noise variable
combinations. Occlusion
There are a number of variables seen in real world driving that may occlude the driver’s
facial features from the DSM system. A robust system must not be degraded by the most
common occlusion variables. Covering the full range of each occlusion variable detailed
here is a prerequisite to scoring points in the DSM assessment. The OEM must
demonstrate, by means of a dossier, that the DSM system performance in not degraded
in the following ranges and elements:

- Lighting Daytime (100,000 lux) – night-time (1 lux) when

measured outside the vehicle, using the method
stated in Annex B.7 of AEB VRU systems test
- Eyewear Clear sunglasses with >70% transmittance *
including those with thick rims.
- Facial hair Short facial hair (<20mm in length)

* Referred to light in the wavelength operated by the camera (Transmittance of

sunglasses should correlate to the light used by the sensor).

There are a number of variables that may occlude a driver’s face which may prevent a
suitably robust system from maintaining a consistent level of performance. A robust
system should be able to recognise when its performance is degraded. The OEM must
demonstrate, by means of a dossier, that when faced with the following ranges and
elements the DSM system is either not degraded in performance or that performance is
degraded and the driver is informed within 10s of the occlusion being present with visual
and/or audible information. It is sufficient for the information on performance
degradation to appear once per journey.

Comparative Evaluation of Asian and White Ocular Topography, Hickson-Curran et al, 2014.

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- Hand on wheel One hand on wheel at 12 o’clock position
- Facial occlusion Face-mask, hats, long head hair fringe obscuring
- Eyewear Sunglasses with a <15% transmittance*
- Eyelash makeup Thick eyelash makeup
- Facial hair Long facial hair (>150mm in length)

* Referred to light in the wavelength operated by the camera (Transmittance of

sunglasses should correlate to the light used by the sensor). Driver behaviours

There are a number of common driver behaviours that have the potential to affect the
performance of the DSM system. The OEM must demonstrate, by means of a dossier, if
and how the DSM system performance is affected by the following driver behaviours.
There is no performance requirement.

- Eating
- Talking
- Laughing
- Singing
- Smoking / Vaping
- Eye scratching / rubbing
- Sneezing

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3.5.3 Detection of Driver State
When the general requirements are met, the system is eligible for scoring points in
Distraction, Fatigue and Unresponsive Driver. Distraction
Where applicable, Owl (head movement), Lizard (eye movement) and body lean looking
behaviours are used to assess detection of driver distraction in three main areas:
- Long Distraction
o Away from forward road, non-driving task
o Driving task
- Short Multiple Distractions (VATS)
o Away from forward road, non-driving task
o Driving task
o Away from road (multiple locations)
- Phone Usage
o Phone Use Detection – Basic (Phone not within driver’s view of
o Phone Use Detection – Advanced (Phone within driver’s view of
windscreen) Driver Gaze locations

The OEM must demonstrate, by means of a dossier, that the driver is classified as
distracted in the following combinations of distraction scenario, movement type and
gaze location.
For Long Distraction and Short Distraction (VATS), PASS / FAIL is assessed per
movement type; all gaze locations listed per movement type must be covered to be
awarded a PASS.
For Phone use, PASS / FAIL is assessed per distraction scenario; all movement types
and gaze locations listed per distraction scenario must be covered to be awarded a PASS.

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Distraction Distraction Movement
Gaze Location Vehicle Response
Type Scenario Type
Driver side window
Passenger side window
Owl Passenger footwell
Away from Passenger face
forward road /
In-vehicle infotainment system Warning and Intervention
task In-vehicle infotainment system
Distraction Passenger footwell
Body Lean
Rear passenger
Rear view mirror
Owl Passenger side mirror
Driver side mirror Warning and Intervention
Driving Task OR
Instrument Cluster Intervention only
Lizard Driver side mirror
Rear view mirror
In-vehicle infotainment system
Owl Passenger side window
Away from
forward road / Passenger footwell Warning and Intervention
non-driving Driver side window
Lizard Passenger footwell
In-vehicle infotainment system
Short Rear view mirror
(VATS) Owl Passenger side mirror Warning and Intervention
Driver side mirror OR
Driving Task Intervention only
Instrument Cluster
Lizard Driver side mirror
Rear view mirror
Away from
road (multi- Lizard Any combination of non-driving task locations Warning and Intervention
Driver knee driver side
Driver knee passenger side
Owl Driver lap
Phone mounted on dashboard driver side
Phone in OEM designed charge port or dedicated phone holding position
Warning and Intervention
Phone Use Driver knee driver side
Detection - Driver knee passenger side
Phone use Driver lap

Lizard Phone held centre of steering wheel (below cluster view)

Phone in OEM designed charge port or dedicated phone holding position
Phone mounted on dashboard driver side
Phone held in 9-11 or 13-15 o'clock region on wheel (uppermost position
below windscreen view and outside of cluster view) Warning and Intervention
Phone Use Phone held in view of windscreen
Intervention only
Detection - Lizard Phone held in view of instrument cluster
Phone mounted in forward view of windscreen

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A long distraction is considered a single long duration driver gaze away from the forward
road to one consistent location of ≥3 seconds. Euro NCAP understands that dangerous
situations can occur both within this 3 second period as well as after this time. Therefore:
• The detection requirements for issuing a warning as detailed in 3.5.4 are any
single gaze away from forward road view to one consistent location of ≥ 3s (+1
second with compelling evidence for implementation) – as per following

T0 Start of test (Taway – 4.0s or Tclose – 4.0s)
Taway Time of first eye movement looking away from forward road view
Tgaze Time of glance first landing on gaze location
Twarn Time of first instance of audio/visual warning

• The detection requirements for vehicle response vary depending on the response
action of the vehicle and are listed alongside the vehicle response in The
detection requirement can be as low as gazes away of ≥1 second.

This must be implemented covering the driver gaze locations as set out for Long
Distraction in Gaze locations are considered to be the primary input in
determining distraction. However, an OEM may use additional inputs to determine if the
driver is truly distracted or if a gaze away from the forward road view is appropriate for
the driving situation. These inputs should be detailed in the dossier. Short Distraction (VATS)

A short distraction (or visual attention time sharing) event is considered to be repeated
glances away from the forward road view either repeated towards one location, or to
multiple different locations. A short distraction event is a build-up of multiple glances
away from the forward road view and is considered to end when the driver’s attention
returns to the forward road view for a period long enough for the driver to fully interpret
the road situation.

An example of suitable requirements for a driver to be classified as distracted is when a

driver glances away from the forward road view for a cumulative 10 seconds within a
30 second time period, where the time period is reset if the driver’s glance returns to the
forward road view for a period of ≥ 2 seconds. This must be implemented covering the
driver gaze locations as set out for Short Distraction (VATS) in

The OEM must provide information, by means of a dossier, of the requirements of their
system to classify a driver as distracted. Where the OEM’s approach meets the
requirements set out above, the system will be accepted. Where the OEM’s approach
differs from the requirements set out above, the OEM must provide compelling evidence
to demonstrate the safety benefits of and justify the implementation of their approach. It
is permissible for the OEM to implement different strategies for driving related and non-
driving related tasks.

Version 10.4 16
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Phone use is considered to be a specific type of short distraction (or visual attention time
sharing) event where the driver’s repeated gaze is towards their mobile phone.

The detection requirements for phone use mirror those set out in, in
combination with the gaze locations set out for phone use in Fatigue
Fatigue is a typical behaviour that builds up over time. Euro NCAP rewards detection of
and response to different stages of fatigue:
- Drowsiness
- Microsleep
- Sleep
A maximum of 30 minutes from the beginning of the journey may be used to form a
baseline of driver behaviour. Drowsiness
The OEM must provide information, by means of a dossier, demonstrating the
requirements of their system to classify a driver as drowsy.
The OEM must provide evidence that their system will classify a driver as drowsy when
the driver reaches a KSS level >7 at the latest, or an equivalent measure.
Both direct and indirect monitoring systems are rewarded for detection of drowsiness.
From 2026, only direct (or a combination of direct and indirect) monitoring systems will
be awarded. Microsleep
A common symptom of a microsleep is an eye closure of <3s although Euro NCAP
recognises that non-eye closure microsleep events are possible.
The OEM must provide information, by means of a dossier, demonstrating the
requirements and ability of their system to detect microsleep events.
An example of a suitable system is one able to detect a short duration eye closure (1-2
seconds) after a build-up of drowsiness has been seen in the driver. If the OEM’s
approach is unable to meet this requirement, the OEM must provide compelling evidence
to justify their approach and demonstrate the safety benefits. Sleep
A driver is considered to be asleep in this assessment when displaying a continued eye
closure >3 seconds.
The OEM must provide information, by means of a dossier, to demonstrate the ability to
detect a long eye closure event. If the OEM uses other inputs to determine a driver is
asleep, this is permitted and these inputs should be detailed in the dossier. Unresponsive driver

Where a driver becomes unresponsive during driving, likely due to a sudden onset of
sickness. It is likely, but not certain, that initially an unresponsive driver will be
determined as either distracted or asleep.
An unresponsive driver is determined as a driver who either does not return their gaze

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to the forward road view within 3 seconds of an inattention warning being issued or a
driver whose gaze has been away from the forward road view or has been eyes closed
for ≥ 6 seconds.

If an OEM uses more advanced systems using different/ additional inputs to determine
the driver is unresponsive, this is permitted and these inputs should be detailed in the

3.5.4 Vehicle Response Requirements

When the system is able to detect certain Driver State(s) specified in 3.5.3, a vehicle
response in terms of warning and/or intervention is required.

For each inattention category, intervention requirements are listed including a list of
suitable intervention strategies.
Specifically for Distraction, the OEM may choose one of the following vehicle response
strategies for some of the gaze locations as per
a) Warning and intervention
b) Intervention only

Where the requirements state “any other intervention that the OEM considers to be
appropriate”, the OEM must provide information, by means of a dossier, detailing their
intervention strategy and provide compelling evidence of the safety benefits of their
implementation. These will be rewarded subject to review by Euro NCAP. Distraction Long Distraction
Warning Requirements:
- When the vehicle is travelling at ≥ 20km/h, a visual + (haptic and/or audible)
warning must be issued immediately after the driver is classified as
distracted, as per the OEM information provided to satisfy

Intervention Requirements:
- High sensitivity FCW setting, to be activated ≤ 1 second of continuous gaze
away from forward road view, until driver attention is restored. Further
details for high sensitivity FCW are set out in
- Low level braking intervention, where low level braking begins immediately
after the driver is classified as distracted, as per the OEM information
provided to satisfy, and continuous until driver attention is restored.
- Any other intervention that the OEM considers to be appropriate. Short Distraction (VATS)

Warning Requirements:
- When the vehicle is travelling at ≥ 20km/h, a visual + (haptic and/or audible)
warning must be issued immediately after the driver is classified as distracted, as

Version 10.4 18
February 2024
per the OEM information provided to satisfy

Intervention Requirements:
- High sensitivity FCW setting, to be activated immediately after driver is
classified as distracted, as per the OEM information provided to satisfy,
until driver attention is restored. Further details for high sensitivity FCW are set
out in
- Low level braking intervention, where low level braking begins immediately
after driver is classified as distracted, as per the OEM information provided to
satisfy, until driver attention is restored.
- Any other intervention that the OEM considers to be appropriate. Phone Usage

Warning Requirements:
- When the vehicle is travelling at ≥ 20km/h, a visual + (haptic and/or audible)
warning must be issued immediately after driver is classified as distracted, as per
the OEM information provided to satisfy

Intervention Requirements:
- High sensitivity FCW setting, to be activated immediately after driver is
classified as distracted, as per the OEM information provided to satisfy,
until driver attention is restored. Further details for high sensitivity FCW are set
out in
- Low level braking intervention, where low level braking begins after
immediately after driver is classified as distracted, as per the OEM information
provided to satisfy, until driver attention is restored.
- Any other intervention that the OEM considers to be appropriate. Fatigue Drowsiness
Warning Requirements:
- A visual + (haptic and/or audible) warning must be issued immediately after
driver is classified as drowsy, as per the OEM information provided to satisfy

Intervention Requirements:
- High sensitivity FCW and LDW setting, to be activated immediately after driver
is classified as drowsy, as per the OEM information provided to satisfy,
for the remainder of the journey. Further details for high sensitivity FCW and
LDW are set out in
- Any other intervention that the OEM considers to be appropriate. Microsleep
Warning Requirements:

Version 10.4 19
February 2024
- A visual + (haptic and/or audible) warning must be issued immediately after a
microsleep is detected, as per the OEM information provided to satisfy

Intervention Requirements:
- High sensitivity FCW and LDW setting, to be activated immediately
after a microsleep is detected, as per the OEM information provided to
satisfy, for the remainder of the journey. Further details for high
sensitivity FCW and LDW are set out in
- Any other intervention that the OEM considers to be appropriate. Sleep
Warning Requirements:
- A visual + (haptic and/or audible) warning must be issued immediately after the
driver is classified as asleep, as per the OEM information provided to satisfy

Intervention Requirements:
- High sensitivity FCW and LDW setting, to be activated immediately after the
driver is classified as asleep, as per the OEM information provided to satisfy, for the remainder of the journey. Further details for high sensitivity
FCW and LDW are set out in
- Any other intervention that the OEM considers to be appropriate. Unresponsive driver

Intervention Requirements:
- A minimum risk manoeuvre should be initiated, where the distinct warning phase
begins <1 second after a driver is classified as unresponsive as per High Sensitivity FCW and LDW

To ensure a safety benefit is realised by the implementation of a significantly more
sensitive FCW when the driver is detected as inattentive, the OEM shall demonstrate an
optimised (advanced) warning timing. In cases where the driver is detected as attentive,
warnings can be delayed.

Where high sensitivity LDW is also required (Drowsiness and Microsleep); an LDW
system must be activated and set in the most sensitive setting available. Noting that an
LDW system is not required to be default on by Euro NCAP, so system activation may
be required at this time. For this strategy to be rewarded, the LDW system must be
capable of meeting the LDW requirements, as set out in the Euro NCAP SA – Crash
Avoidance protocol once activated.

Where the protocol states that the high sensitivity setting shall remain until the end of
the journey, the FCW / LDW system must remain in the highest sensitivity setting until
the next ignition cycle of the vehicle. Exceptions to this requirement are:
- If the driver state monitoring system continues to measure the driver’s state and

Version 10.4 20
February 2024
determines the driver’s attentiveness has been restored.
- It is permissible for the driver to override the system and return the FCW / LDW
systems to a reduced sensitivity level.

Version 10.4 21
February 2024
3.6 Scoring & Visualisation
A maximum of 3.0 points can be scored for Occupant Status Monitoring in 2023:
- Up to 1.0 point for SBR
- Up to 2.0 points for DSM

3.6.1 Seatbelt Reminder

1.0/n points is available for each rear seating position with occupant detection systems
that is also compliant with Section, where n is the total number of rear seating
positions. SBR Scoring examples

- 5-Seater (2 Front + 3 Rear) with occupant detection on all seats
- Row 1 Driver & Passenger prerequisite
- Rear occupant detection on 3 seats 1.000 Points
1.0 1.0
( 𝑛 ) ∗ # 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ( 3 ) ∗ 3
- Total SBR Score 1.000 Points

- 5-Seater (2 Front + 3 Rear) with occupant detection on outboard rear seats.

- Row 1 Driver & Passenger prerequisite
- Rear occupant detection on 2 seats 0.667 Points
1.0 1.0
( 𝑛 ) ∗ # 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ( 3 ) ∗ 2
- Total SBR Score 0.667 Points

- 6-Seater (3 Front + 3 Rear) with occupant detection on outboard rear seats.

- Row 1 Driver & Passengers prerequisite
- Rear occupant detection on 2 seats 0.667 Points
1.0 1.0
( 𝑛 ) ∗ # 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ( 3 ) ∗ 2
- Total SBR Score 0.667 Points

- 7-Seater (2 Front + 3 2nd Row + 2 3rd Row) with occupant detection on all seats
in the 2nd row.
- Row 1 Driver & Passenger prerequisite
- Rear occupant detection on 3 seats 0.600 Points
1.0 1.0
( ) ∗ # 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ( ) ∗ 3
𝑛 5
- Total SBR Score 0.600 Points

- 7-Seater (2 Front + 3 2nd Row + 2 3rd Row) with occupant detection on outboard
seats in the 2nd row only.
- Row 1 Driver & Passenger prerequisite
- Rear occupant detection on 2 seats 0.400 Points
1.0 1.0
( 𝑛 ) ∗ # 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ( 5 ) ∗ 2
- Total SBR Score 0.400 Points

- 7-Seater (2 Front + 3 2nd Row + 2 3rd Row) with occupant detection on outboard
seats in the 2nd row, and no SBR in the third row.

Version 10.4 22
February 2024
- Row 1 Driver & Passenger prerequisite
- Rear Seats 0.000 Points
- Total SBR Score 0.000 Points
- Vehicle NOT eligible for DSM scoring

3.6.2 Driver State Monitoring

The Euro NCAP Secretariat will review the DSM dossier provided by the OEM and will
ask the test laboratory to spot check a number of Distraction, Fatigue and Unresponsive
Driver situations before awarding the points.

Predicted score
Distraction Scenario Sub
Type Warning Intervention Total
Owl 0.03 0.03 0.06
Away from road / non Lizard 0.03 0.03 0.06
driving task
Long Body Lean 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.30
Owl 0.03 0.03 0.06
Driving task
Lizard 0.03 0.03 0.06
Owl 0.03 0.03 0.06
Away from road / non
driving task Lizard 0.03 0.03 0.06
Short Owl 0.03 0.03 0.06
Distraction Driving task 0.30
(VATS) Lizard 0.03 0.03 0.06
Away from road
Lizard 0.03 0.03 0.06
Phone Use Detection - Owl +
0.05 0.10 0.15
Basic Lizard
Phone Use 0.30
Phone Use Detection -
Lizard 0.05 0.10 0.15
Drowsiness 0.25 0.10 0.35 0.35
Fatigue Microsleep 0.20 0.10 0.30 0.30
Sleep 0.05 0.20 0.25 0.2
Unresponsive Driver 0.20 0.20 0.20
Total 2.00

For intervention-only strategies, the score for Warning shall be automatically awarded
in the corresponding gaze locations as per

Version 10.4 23
February 2024

4.1 Introduction
Excessive and inappropriate speed is a factor in the causation and severity of many road
accidents. Speed restrictions are intended to promote safe operation of the road network
by keeping traffic speeds below the maximum that is appropriate for a given traffic
environment, thereby protecting vehicle occupants and other road users, both motorised
and non-motorised. These maximum speeds are intended to control energy levels in
typical crashes and to allow sufficient time for drivers to react to traffic situations.
Properly selected speed limits should facilitate efficient traffic flow, reduce violations
and promote safe driving conditions. Greater adherence to speed limits would avert
many accidents and mitigate the effects of those that occur.

By July 2022, the Intelligent Speed Assistant ISA will be mandatory for new types of
vehicles under EU 2021/1958 due to the update of the EU 2019/2144 General Safety
Regulation (GSR). All vehicles in the market follow in July 2024. Euro NCAP
requirements for speed limitation devices are a mean to improve accuracy and reliability
of this kind of systems and to promote best practice while using them. Euro NCAP hopes
to encourage manufacturers to promote such enhanced speed-limitation functionalities
and to fit them as standard equipment. This, it is hoped, will lead to greater demand by
consumers and an increased introduction of speed limitation systems.

The margins for alarm activation set out in this document are based on prevailing
speedometer accuracy, which is specified by regulation and typically overstates the
vehicle speed by several km/h.

This version of the protocol contains technical requirements for both speed limit
information functions to continuously inform the driver of the speed limit and speed
warning and control functions supporting the driver in his driving task by limiting or
maintaining the set speed.

4.2 Definitions
Throughout this protocol the following terms are used:

Vindicated – The speed the vehicle travels as displayed to the driver by the speedometer
as in ECE R39.

Vlimit – Maximum allowed legal speed for the vehicle at the location, time and in the
circumstance the vehicle is driving.

Speed Limit Information Function (SLIF) – SLIF means a function with which the
vehicle knows and communicates the speed limit.

Speed Limit Warning Function (SLWF) – SLWF means a function that alerts the
driver that the Vindicated is exceeding the perceived speed limit

Adjustable speed (Vadj) – Adjustable speed Vadj means the voluntarily set speed for
the speed control functions, which is based on Vindicated and includes the offset set by
the driver.

Version 10.4 24
February 2024
Speed Limitation Function (SLF) – SLF means a system which allows the driver to set
a vehicle speed Vadj, to which he wishes the speed of his car to be limited and above
which he wishes to be warned.

Intelligent Speed Limiter (ISL) – ISL is a SLF combined with SLIF, where the Vadj
is set by the SLIF with or without driver confirmation.

Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control (iACC) – iACC is an ACC combined with SLIF,
where the speed is set by the SLIF with or without driver confirmation.

The following term is used for the assessment of the Speed Limitation function:

Stabilised speed (Vstab) – Stabilised speed Vstab means the mean actual vehicle speed
when operating. Vstab is calculated as the average actual vehicle speed over a time
interval of 20 seconds beginning 10 seconds after first reaching Vadj – 10 km/h.

4.3 Requirements for SLIF and Speed Control Functions

The Speed Assist Systems is developed in such a way that it allows different types of
Speed Assist Systems to be assessed in two areas; SLIF and Speed Control Functions
which may be combined.

4.3.1 Speed Limit Information Function

- Basic SLIF meeting the General Requirements on this protocol (4.4.1) and the
ones set by GSR ISA EU 2021/4455 (SLIF Technical Requirements – chapter
- Advanced Functions
- Conditional speed limits
- Road features
- Local hazards
- System updates
- Warning function

4.3.2 Speed Control Function

- Speed Limitation Function (without SLIF coupling)
- Intelligent Speed Limiter (SLIF and Speed Limitation Function coupled)
- Intelligent ACC (SLIF and ACC coupled)

Version 10.4 25
February 2024
4.4 Speed Limit Information Function
The Speed Limit Information Function can be a standalone function or an integrated part
of a Speed Control Function. Any SLIF using all relevant system inputs, for example
camera input and electronic map based or a combination of both, is eligible for scoring
points for Advanced Functions when meeting the General Requirements when the SLIF
is default ON at the start of a journey.

4.4.1 General Requirements

The speed limit shall be shown using a traffic sign and shall be clearly seen in the direct
field of view of the driver, without the need for the head to be moved from the normal
driving position, e.g. instrument cluster or head-up display.

The speed limit information must be shown at all times (excluding the initialization
period and temporary interruption for safety reasons). The indicated speed limit
information may indicate the level of reliability of the speed limit.
In the presence of explicit conditional speed limits (see for examples Appendix I) the
system needs to either:
- Properly identify and show (for example when raining) the applicable speed limit
- Needs to indicate the presence of a conditional speed limit which the system is
not able to compute, in addition to the non-conditional speed limit.

Manufacturers must supply Euro NCAP with background information of the SLIF (if
applicable to the technology). Warning Function

Any Speed Limit Information Function requires a warning function to indicate the driver
that Vlimit is exceeded. The warning function shall be default ON. It may be switched
OFF fully or partially by the driver, but it shall be reinstated in normal operation mode
upon each activation of the vehicle master control switch.

- The warning shall be a flashing traffic sign used to communicate the speed limit
or an additional visual signal adjacent to the traffic sign.

4.4.2 Advanced Functions

Those systems providing more advanced functions in the following three areas can score
additional points:
- Advanced speed limits
- Road features
- Local hazards

These advanced functions are not required to be default ON.

For each advanced function, in order to be awarded with the corresponding points, the
manufacturer must provide evidence that the advanced functions operate as intended,
unless the infrastructure would not enable these functions. The evidence shall
demonstrate that the features can support the driver during at least 80% of typical driving
on public roads. This requirement must be met in all the following conditions:
• In these specific countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, the

Version 10.4 26
February 2024
Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom (Norway from 2024).
• In at least half of the countries of the Euro NCAP Application Area (as defined
in TB002). Advanced speed limits

Systems that are able to properly identify conditions and act accordingly can attract
points based on the number of conditions it can identify compute and show correctly.

The speed limit under these conditions shall not be shown separately from the speed
limit information requested in the general requirements (Section 4.4.1).

These functions are listed in the table below and example traffic signs of a limited
number of countries are specified in APPENDIX I.

ADVANCED SPEED LIMITS Points Required Action

Rain* / Wetness 2 Show correct speed limit
Snow / Icy 2 Warning only and ignore if irrelevant
Time Time / Season 3 Show correct speed limit
Distance Distance for / in 1 Show correct speed limit
limits Arrows Arrows 1 Show correct speed limit / ignore if irrelevant
Vehicle Other vehicle / weight
1 Show correct speed limit
Categories categories
Highway / Motorway 2
Implicit Speed Limits City Entry / Exit 3 Show correct speed limit
Residential zones 2
Dynamic speed signs
Dynamic Speed Limits 3 Show correct speed limit
including roadworks
* including implicit Road Features
Systems that are able to properly identify road features where a speed, lower than the
legal speed limit, is more appropriate and/or advised or the vehicle should come to a stop
can attract points based on the number of road features. The recommended speed under
these conditions may be shown separately from the speed limit information requested in
the general requirements (Section 4.4.1).

These road features are listed in the table below and example traffic signs of a limited
number of countries are specified in APPENDIX I.

Version 10.4 27
February 2024
ROAD FEATURES Points Required Action
Curves* 2 Show and start reducing to appropriate speed
Roundabouts* 2 Show and start reducing to appropriate speed
Junctions , without right of way* 1 Show and start reducing to appropriate speed
Traffic Lights 2 Warning only
Stop Signs 1 Warning only
Yield Signs 1 Warning only
No Entry 1 Warning only
* Only eligible for scoring when linked to ISL and/or iACC Local Hazards

Systems that are able to receive messages and process them to warn for local hazards
before the come within the field of view of the vehicle forward looking sensors can
attract points for the features implemented. The possible features to select from are listed
in the table below.

The information / warning referring to these conditions may be shown separately from
the speed limit information requested in the general requirements (Section 4.4.1).

The hazard information/data could either be provided by vehicle-integrated devices or

by mobile devices physically connected to the vehicle network (provided in all cases by
standard vehicle-integrated driver interfaces). A list of compatible devices needs to be
mentioned in the vehicle handbook.

LOCAL HAZARDS Points Required Action

Traffic Jams 2 Inform and Warn
Construction Zones 1 Inform and Warn
Accident Ahead 1 Inform and Warn
Wrong Way Driver 1 Inform and Warn
Stopped Vehicle on Hard Shoulder 1 Inform and Warn
Items on road (includes animals, persons, debris, etc) 1 Inform and Warn
Poor Road Conditions (incl. slippery roads) 1 Inform and Warn
Poor Weather Conditions (e.g. fog, heavy rain, etc) 1 Inform and Warn
Emergency Vehicle 1 Inform and Warn
TOTAL 10 System Updates

Keeping systems updated is crucial for a high level of accuracy and acceptance over the
lifetime of the vehicle. Systems updates might include map updates and/or any software
updated related to the operation of the Speed Assist System in relation to speed limits,

Version 10.4 28
February 2024
conditional speed limits and road features.

System updates with the latest and most-up-to-date knowledge can score points based
on the frequency of updates when available without user action and free of charge for
the duration of the rating.

SYSTEM UPDATES Points Required Action

Quarterly (from 1 to 3 months) 5 Automatic update without user action
Continuous (daily, weekly) 10 Automatic update without user action

4.5 Speed Control Function

Three speed control functions are considered in this section; Speed Limitation Function
(manually set), Intelligent Speed Limiter and Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control which
need to meet the following requirements to score points:


Speed Limitation Function (SLF) 4.5.1, & 4.5.3
Intelligent Speed Limiter (ISL)
4.5.1, & 4.5.3
Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control (iACC)

4.5.1 Activation / de-activation of the function

- The speed control function must be capable of being activated/de-activated at
any time with a simple operation. Functionalities above GSR ISA requirements
could be configurable by customer, with the possibility of being defined as
default ON or OFF.

4.5.2 Setting of Vadj Manually setting the speed
- It shall be possible to set, by a control device operated directly by the driver, by
steps not greater than 10km/h (5mph) between 30km/h (20mph) and 130km/h
- It shall be possible to set it independently of the vehicle speed.
- If Vadj is set to a speed lower than the current vehicle speed, the system shall
limit the vehicle speed to the new within 30s or shall initiate a warning (Section
4.5.3, para 7) no later than 30s after Vadj has been set.
- The Vadj value shall be permanently indicated to the driver and visible from the
driver's seat. This does not preclude temporary interruption of the indication for
safety reasons or driver's demand.

Version 10.4 29
February 2024 Automatic setting the speed
An automatic setting is using the speed limit information from the SLIF to set the Vadj.
iACC and ISL automatic adjustments can be introduced with or without driver
confirmation. Both ISL and iACC functions fulfilling the requirements from this section
are eligible for scoring points:

- In case of ISL, the activation time for speed reduction and/or warning shall be
according the general requirements of GSR ISA. In case of iACC, the system
should adopt, or offer the driver to adopt, an adjusted Vadj within 5s after a
change in the speed limit.
- If Vadj is set to a speed lower than the current vehicle speed, the system starts to
limit the vehicle speed to the new Vadj or shall initiate a warning (Section 4.5.3,
para 7) no later than 30s after Vadj has been set.
- A negative and/or positive offset with respect to the known speed limit is allowed
but may not be larger than 10 km/h (5 mph). This offset is included in Vadj.
- The Vadj in the automatic mode of an ISL or iACC system may be retained at
the end of a journey.
- Where Vadj is set to the speed limit advised (i.e. as per Road Features)
by the SLIF, the indication of Vadj may be suppressed.

4.5.3 Speed Control

- The vehicle speed shall be limited or controlled to Vadj.
- It shall still be possible to exceed Vadj by applying a positive action – e.g.
pressing the accelerator harder/deeper or kickdown.
- After exceeding Vadj by applying a positive action, the speed control function
shall be reactivated when the vehicle speed drops to a speed less than or equal to
- The speed control function shall permit a normal use of the accelerator control
for gear selection.
- The speed control function shall ensure that, when stable speed control has been
achieved, Vstab shall be within -5/+0 km/h of Vadj (see test protocol)
- NOTE: For 2026, Euro NCAP will require a speedometer accuracy of -3/+0
- When the speed control function is not able to limit to and/or maintain Vadj and
Vadj is exceeded, a warning will be issued according the SLWF Requirements
of GSR ISA (i.e. warning type and total duration). No warning needs to be given
when Vadj is exceeded as a result of a positive action or when Vadj was advised
(i.e. as per Road Features) by the SLIF.
- For systems where active braking is applied to maintain and/or limit the speed,
this warning requirement does not apply.

Note: The warning signal does not preclude temporary interruption of the indication for
safety reasons.

Version 10.4 30
February 2024
4.5.4 Scoring and Visualisation
The following points are awarded for systems that meet the requirements. These points
will contribute to the Safety Assist score.


Basic SLIF (Compliant with Euro NCAP and GSR SLIF General Requirements) 0.50
Advanced Speed Limits 0.25
Road Features 0.25
Local Hazards 0.25
System Updates 0.25


Speed Limitation Function 0.50
Intelligent Speed Limiter, not default ON 1.00
Intelligent ACC or Intelligent Speed Limiter default ON 1.50


Version 10.4 31
February 2024

Weather Condition
Luxembour United
Austria France Germany Italy Netherlands Spain Sweden
g Kingdom

Date / Time Condition

Austria France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Spain Sweden

Black: Mo-
Fri except
holiday or
day before

Saturday or
day before
Red: Sunday
or holiday
Note! Can be
one, two or
all three

Could also
be in words:
“1 juni – 31

Version 10.4 32
February 2024
Distance Conditions
Austria France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Spain Sweden

Austria France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Spain Sweden

Other vehicle/weight categories

Austria France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Spain Sweden

Version 10.4 33
February 2024
Implicit Speed Limits
Austria France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Spain Sweden

Dynamic (variable) speed limit

Austria France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Spain Sweden

Version 10.4 34
February 2024
Terms alignment for Euro NCAP Speed Assist Systems 2023 and GSR Intelligent
Speed Assist Systems EU 2021/4455

Concept Term used in Euro NCAP SAS Term used in GSR ISA

General name of the

SAS – Speed Assist System ISA – Intelligent Speed Assist
Information SLIF – Speed Limit Information
function SLIF – Speed Limit Information Function
Function SLWF – Speed Limit Warning
Warning function
Manual speed
SLF – Speed Limitation Function -
limiter function
Automated speed
ISL – Intelligent Speed Limiter SCF – Speed Control Function
limiter function
Automated speed iACC – Intelligent Adaptive Cruise
control function control

Test variable Term used in Euro NCAP SAS Term used in GSR ISA

Driving speed of the

Vindicated Speedometer Speed

Legal speed limit Vlimit Applicable Speed Limit

Manually adjustable
Vadj – Adjustable Speed -
speed for SLF

Average speed Vstab – Stabilised Speed Stabilised Speed

Version 10.4 35
February 2024

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