Physics CSEC Quizlet Notes
Physics CSEC Quizlet Notes
Physics CSEC Quizlet Notes
2. Fluid Pressure the pressure of a fluid and depends on the depth and
density of the fluid
4. Archimedes Prin- the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the
ciple/ Upthrust fluid displaced by the object
5. Law of flotation A floating object displaces its own weight of the fluid in
which it floats
7. What effect can a A force can change the size, shape or motion of an object
force have on an
12. Centre of gravity the point at which all of the gravitational force of an object
may be considered to act.
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13. Factors affecting -position of centre of gravity
stability -wide base area
16. Aristotle's Law of the speed of the body is directly proportional to the force
motion applied and inversely proportional to its resistance
17. conservation of two bodies collide the total momentum of the bodies re-
momentum mains constant provided no external forces act on them
Pbefore = Pafter
(m x v) = (m x v)
18. Newtons laws of - Every body remains at rest remains at rest unless acted
motion upon by an unbalanced force
- For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
19. Circular Motion Type of motion where velocity is constantly changing be-
cause direction is continuously changing
20. law of conserva- Energy neither created nor destroyed transformed from
tion of energy one state to another
energy input = energy output + wasted energy
25. conduction The direct transfer of heat from one substance to another
substance that it is touching.
-measures how much energy the substance has
30. Expansion of Liq- A flask filled with colored liquid and a stopper with glass
uids tubing can he heated. As the liquid is heated it expands +
rises up the glass tubing
31. Expansion of A flask with a narrow glass tube is placed in a bath of hot
Gases water + a bead of colored water is placed in the glass tube,
as it is heated, the bead moves up the tube.
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33. Effect of temper- - volume of a liquid/gas
ature -electrical resistance of metal
-the pressure at a constant volume of gas
34. Heat Capacity the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a
substance by 1 degree
heat capacity = heat absorbed / temp. rise
35. Specific heat ca- the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g
pacity of a substance by 1 degree (J)
Eh = m x c x ^T
36. Specific Latent the amount of energy needed to change 1kg of a sub-
Heat stance from one phase to the other at a constant temp.
Eh = mass x latent heat
37. specific latent quantity of heat energy needed to change 1kg of a sub-
heat of fusion stance from a solid to a liquid
38. specific latent quantity of heat energy needed to change 1kg of a sub-
heat of vaporiza- stance from liquid to a gas.
40. Kinetic Molecular series of ideas that help explain how gases work
Theory -consist of large numbers of tiny particles, far apart relative
to own size
- move continuously, rapidly, in straight lines in all direc-
-elastic collisions between particles + container
41. Caloric theory thought that heat was a fluid thing which flowed from the
hotter body to the cooler body
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42. Boyle's Law as volume decreases, pressure increases as long as temp
remains constant
P1V1 = P2V2
43. Charle's Law the volume of a gas increases, mass and pressure remain
= V1T1/V2T2
45. Inferences due to -motion due to gas particles colliding with air particles
Brownian Motion -exhibited by small particles
-enhances as temp increases
53. Reflection when waves reach a barrier or boundary and bounces off;
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55. diffraction the spreading out of waves
56. Constructive in- when two crests or two troughs combine to make a larger
terference wave
57. destructive inter- when the crest of one wave cancels out the trough of
ference another
60. real image formed by rays of light that meet at a point and the ray
comes to the eye from direct points
61. virtual image when rays from the object diverge and the ray appears to
converge behind the device
63. refractive index describes how much the light passing through a medium
will bend
n = sin i / sin r
64. Critical Angle a wave of light passes from a denser medium to a less
dense medium and bends at 90 degrees
65. Total internal re- The angle of incidence is too large that the refracted ray
flection passes 90 degrees and is reflected
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67. Geiger- Marsden 1. nucleus has positive + neutral charges
experiment 2. mainly consists of empty space
3. Electrons orbit around the nucleus
4. nucleus small compared to the atom
69. radioactivity when the nucleus of an atom is split it emits energy (nu-
clear radiation)
73. half life the time it takes for half a radioactive substance takes to
75. Electrostatics When certain materials are rubbed they acquire the ability
to attract light objects. Said to have become 'charged'
Glass rubbed with silk
polythene rubbed with a polishing cloth
cellulose acetate with a polishing cloth
76. Electric field a region where the electric charge experiences a force
-towards negative
-away from positive
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77. Electricity Q=Ixt
(Coloumbs - Ampres per second)
79. Series circuit -current exactly the same at any particular point
-if any component fails, all fails
-sum of current = current flowing through the whole circuit
86. Fuse metls/ breaks the circuit when too much current is flowing
through it
88. earth wire provides an alternative root incase failure with an appli-
ance; instead of shocking you gets dispersed into the
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91. magnetic field the region around a magnet where a magnetic force may
be exerted.
93. Transformers Change the voltage from one value to another of greater
of smaller value.
Secondary voltage/primary coltage
secondary turns/primary turns
Vs/Vp = Ns/Np