Cloud Computing

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Virtualization is the "creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of

something, such as a server, a desktop, a storage device, an operating system
or network resources".

In other words, Virtualization is a technique, which allows to share a single

physical instance of a resource or an application among multiple customers
and organizations. It does by assigning a logical name to a physical storage
and providing a pointer to that physical resource when demanded.


Runtime is a piece of code that implements portions of a programming
language's execution model. In doing this, it allows the program to interact
with the computing resources it needs to work. Runtimes are often integral
parts of the programming language and don't need to be installed separately.


Middleware is a software that acts as an intermediary between two
applications or services to facilitate their communication.
A server is a software or hardware device that accepts and responds to
requests made over a network. The device that makes the request, and
receives a response from the server, is called a client. On the Internet, the
term "server" commonly refers to the computer system that receives requests
for a web files and sends those files to the client.

Computer networking refers to interconnected computing devices that can
exchange data and share resources with each other. These networked devices
use a system of rules, called communications protocols, to transmit
information over physical or wireless technologies.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the
Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data
storage, servers, databases, networking, and software.

Cloud Computing Service Models

There are three main cloud computing service models – Infrastructure as

a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a Service. Each service
model represents a different part of the cloud computing stack and
comprises its own unique division of responsibility between you and the
service provider.
Within each cloud computing service model, there are 100s of different
cloud service options to choose from – which we will explore later in the
post. For now, let’s take a closer look at the three main service models.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the service model that forms the

foundation for your cloud technology deployment. Through an IaaS
provider, you gain on-demand access via the internet to core IT
resources including computers (virtual or dedicated hardware),
networking, and storage.

IaaS provides you with access to a flexible state-of-the-art hardware

resource that can be scaled to meet the processing and storage needs of
your business. You utilize this infrastructure to provision your
organization’s applications, software, and platforms – free from the
responsibility of managing and maintaining it.

A typical example of an IaaS deployment will combine virtual machines

and storage disks. With each individual element customized to meet the
needs of your business whether it’s the Server OS or the size of the
capacity of storage.


Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is the cloud service model where you access
combined hardware and software tools through a service provider. PaaS
is most commonly used for application development.

A PaaS provider gives you access to the combined cloud infrastructure

required for application development – databases, middleware, operating
systems, servers – without the underlying complexity of managing it.
This allows you to become more efficient. Instead of spending time
installing and configuring infrastructure, you are instead focussed solely
on developing, running, and managing applications.


Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) is the cloud service model that provides you
access to a completed software product, run and managed by the service
provider. Most SaaS solutions tend to be end-user applications.

Accessing your chosen software using a SaaS model frees you to focus
solely on how to best utilize that software. With the SaaS provider
responsible for providing, maintaining, and upgrading the software –
including the underlying infrastructure.

A common SaaS example is a web-based customer relationship

management (CRM) solution. You store and manage all your contacts via
CRM without having to upgrade the software to the latest version or
maintaining the server and operation system the software is running on.

Cloud Computing Deployment Models

Once you have selected your chosen cloud service(s) you have the option of
three main cloud computing deployment models: public cloud, private cloud,
and hybrid cloud.

Cloud Deployment Models (Image source: AVI Networks)

Like cloud service models, each cloud deployment model has its own unique
setup with a range of differing requirements and associated benefits.

Suggested read: The Many Benefits of Cloud Computing in 2022

Let’s look closer:

1. Public Cloud
2. Private Cloud
3. Hybrid Cloud
4. Other Cloud Deployment Models

Public Cloud

Public cloud is the provision of computing services over the public internet by
a third-party provider. Public cloud services are available to anyone who
wants to use them and can be free or paid to use.

In a public cloud deployment, the responsibility for the management and

maintenance of the systems falls directly to the provider. Although public and
private cloud architecture can be identical, there may be significant
differences in the security requirements of each cloud deployment.

A public cloud deployment model removes the expensive upfront costs of

purchasing, managing, and maintaining on-premises hardware and software
infrastructure. It also offers rapid deployment and almost infinite scalability
thanks to the sheer size of public cloud technology
providers Google, Microsoft, and Amazon.

Private Cloud

Private cloud is the provision of computing services for a single organization

access over the internet or a private internal network. A private cloud can be
managed internally or by a third-party provider.

A private cloud deployment will offer you many of the same benefits of public
cloud, including self-service and scalability. When compared to public cloud,
you will also have greater control and customization of the services you
consume within your private cloud. This means you can implement a higher
level of security and privacy – ideal if you’re operating in an industry where
compliance is a requirement.

However, these additional benefits come at a cost. With most deployments, the
responsibility for cost and accountability of managing the private cloud will
remain with your IT department. This means private clouds are slower to
deploy and carry the same expenses – staffing, management, maintenance –
as traditional data center ownership.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud is the provision of computing services through a combination of

public cloud and private cloud deployments. This type of deployment allows
the sharing of data and applications between both cloud environments.

Hybrid cloud offers you the capability to seamlessly scale resources from on-
premises private infrastructure up to the public cloud to meet fluctuations in
processing computing demands. This allows you to utilize public cloud
resources for non-sensitive computing tasks while keeping sensitive business-
critical applications secure within a private cloud deployment.

Used effectively, a hybrid cloud deployment allows you to scale and meet
spikes in short term resource demand without the requirement for long term
investment. Hybrid computing is a platform that offers the ‘best of both
worlds’, giving you access to the full range of cloud computing benefits –
flexibility, scalability, and cost efficiencies paired with the lowest possible risk

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