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Edition Nikolay D. Nikandrov (Auth.)
Solid Mechanics and Its Applications

Nikolay Banichuk
Alexander Barsuk
Juha Jeronen
Tero Tuovinen
Pekka Neittaanmäki

of Axially
Solid Mechanics and Its Applications

Volume 259

Founding Editor
G. M. L. Gladwell, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada

Series Editors
J. R. Barber, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Anders Klarbring, Mechanical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping,
The fundamental questions arising in mechanics are: Why?, How?, and How much?
The aim of this series is to provide lucid accounts written by authoritative
researchers giving vision and insight in answering these questions on the subject of
mechanics as it relates to solids. The scope of the series covers the entire spectrum
of solid mechanics. Thus it includes the foundation of mechanics; variational
formulations; computational mechanics; statics, kinematics and dynamics of rigid
and elastic bodies; vibrations of solids and structures; dynamical systems and
chaos; the theories of elasticity, plasticity and viscoelasticity; composite materials;
rods, beams, shells and membranes; structural control and stability; soils, rocks and
geomechanics; fracture; tribology; experimental mechanics; biomechanics and
machine design. The median level of presentation is the first year graduate student.
Some texts are monographs defining the current state of the field; others are
accessible to final year undergraduates; but essentially the emphasis is on
readability and clarity.

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Nikolay Banichuk Alexander Barsuk
• •

Juha Jeronen Tero Tuovinen

• •

Pekka Neittaanmäki

Stability of Axially Moving


Nikolay Banichuk Alexander Barsuk
Russian Academy of Sciences State University of Moldova
Institute for Problems in Mechanics Chisinau, Moldova
Moscow, Russia
Tero Tuovinen
Juha Jeronen Faculty of Information Technology
Faculty of Information Technology University of Jyväskylä
University of Jyväskylä Jyväskylä, Finland
Jyväskylä, Finland

Pekka Neittaanmäki
Faculty of Information Technology
University of Jyväskylä
Jyväskylä, Finland

ISSN 0925-0042 ISSN 2214-7764 (electronic)

Solid Mechanics and Its Applications
ISBN 978-3-030-23802-5 ISBN 978-3-030-23803-2 (eBook)
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
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In this book, we discuss a variety of problems involving analyses of stability in

mechanics, focusing especially on the stability of axially moving materials. This is a
special topic encountered, for example, in process industry applications, such as in
papermaking. In theoretical terms, the field of axially moving materials is located
halfway between classical solid mechanics and fluid mechanics. The object of
interest is a solid, but it flows through the domain of interest such as a particular
section of a paper machine, motivating the use of an Eulerian viewpoint. In vibration
problems in mechanics, a loss of stability is often (but not always) accompanied by a
bifurcation in the complex eigenvalue curves describing the behavior of the system
under the action of a quasistatically increasing external load. Thus in many of the
chapters of this book, we will consider bifurcations in some form.
In our opinion, at the present time, analytical and semianalytical approaches are
undervalued. They can serve as a basis for fundamental theoretical understanding,
but also importantly, as a basis for fast numerical solvers for realtime applications,
such as online prediction and control of industrial processes. In this book, a focus
on analytical approaches is a recurring theme, sometimes with a change in per-
spective, or with an unconventional application of a known general result such as
the implicit function theorem. Some of the results presented in this book are new,
and some have appeared only in specialized journals or in conference proceedings.
Some appear now for the first time in English.
The book is organized into nine chapters. Chapters 1 through 4 discuss bifur-
cations in mechanics, introducing the basic ideas, approaches and methods used
throughout the book. Many topics are discussed via the use of particular examples.
Chapter 1 plays an introductory role, discussing prototype problems and bifurca-
tions of different kinds. This chapter concisely summarizes the typical simplest
bifurcation problems that arise in a setting of classical solid mechanics. We con-
centrate on finding the eigenvalues (critical stability parameters) and eigenmodes,
characterizing the shape of stability loss, of the appropriate spectral problem.
Chapter 2 is devoted to the bifurcation analysis of algebraic polynomial equa-
tions. The parametric representation of the solutions of considered equations and
their bifurcations are considered. Bifurcation analyses of the cubic equation and

vi Preface

of the fourth-order polynomial equation are presented in detail. This has applica-
tions in the stability analysis of one-dimensional differential equation models whose
characteristic equations reduce into polynomials.
Chapter 3 deals with non-conservative dynamic systems with a finite number of
degrees of freedom. The system is investigated under small perturbations, charac-
terized by a small parameter. The characteristic polynomial and a series expansion
with respect to the small parameter are used for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors to
evaluate the critical stability parameter and to study ideal and destabilizing per-
turbations. Sufficient conditions for stability are obtained and described. Some
examples of ideal perturbations and the structure of the corresponding perturbation
matrices are considered. The stability of the systems subjected to deficient pertur-
bations is also investigated, and the determination of the deficiency index is pre-
sented. Ziegler’s double pendulum is considered as a classical example of a
non-conservative system. We give a detailed exposition, deriving the governing
equations starting from the principle of virtual work, analyze the stability of the
system, and consider some special cases. We present numerical simulations using
new visualization techniques, in which the bifurcation behavior can be seen.
Chapter 4 deals with the general methods of bifurcation analysis, applied to
continuous systems, and some methods of optimization of the critical stability
parameter. We will briefly introduce the different types of stability loss and then
look at conditions under which merging of eigenvalues may occur. We will look at
a problem where applying symmetry arguments allows us to eliminate multiple
(merged) eigenvalues, thus reducing the problem to determining a classical simple
eigenvalue. We then discuss a general technique to look for bifurcations in prob-
lems formulated as implicit functionals. This is useful for a wide class of problems,
including many problems in axially moving materials. At the end of the chapter, we
will consider a variational approach to the stability analysis of an axially moving
panel (a plate undergoing cylindrical deformation).
Chapters 5 through 8 form the main content of the book, concentrating specif-
ically on axially moving materials. We start by introducing the theory of axially
moving materials in a systematic manner, the aim being to give a complete over-
view of the fundamentals. By presenting the theory as a self-contained unit, it is our
hope that this chapter may especially help the student or new researcher just
entering the research field of axially moving materials. Specialists, on the other
hand, can benefit from the discussion on the effects of the axial motion on the
boundary conditions, a topic that has received relatively little attention. This nat-
urally leads to a mixed formulation, which both reduces the continuity requirements
on the solution and clearly shows how the boundary conditions arise, contrasting
the classical treatment of the transverse deformations of axially moving elastic and
viscoelastic materials using fourth- and fifth-order partial differential equations.
Chapter 5 starts by considering the general balance laws of linear and angular
momentum. We derive some general equations for beams and specialize them to the
small-displacement regime. We discuss linear constitutive models for elastic and
viscoelastic materials, and highlight the connection between beams and panels. We
then introduce axial motion in a systematic manner, via a coordinate transformation,
Preface vii

and discuss how this affects the boundary conditions. We consider the dynamic
linear stability analysis of axially moving elastic and viscoelastic materials. We
numerically look at bifurcations in the stability exponents. As a result, we find that
the small-viscosity case behaves radically different from the purely elastic case.
Because no real material in papermaking is purely elastic, this has important
practical implications for the correct qualitative understanding of real physical
Chapter 6 treats bifurcations of axially moving elastic plates made of isotropic
and orthotropic materials. A static stability analysis is performed to find the critical
axial drive velocity and the corresponding shape in which the system loses stability.
As a special topic of particular interest for process industry applications, we then
look at the axially moving isotropic plate, but with an axial tension distribution that
varies along the width. It is seen that as far as the critical velocity is concerned, the
classical simplification assuming homogeneous tension is acceptable, but the
eigenmode is highly sensitive to even minor variations in the axial tension distri-
bution in the width direction.
Chapter 7 deals with the theoretical analysis of bifurcations of axially moving
strings and beams. Critical velocities of bifurcations of the traveling material are
determined for torsional, longitudinal, and transverse vibration types. The stability
analysis of the axially moving string with and without damping is performed. We
also comment on exact eigensolutions for axially moving beams and panels. The
stability analyses of an axially moving web with elastic supports, and when sub-
jected to a uniform gravitational field, are also considered.
Chapter 8 deals with bifurcations in fluid–structure interaction in the context of
axially moving materials. This chapter includes a brief introduction to fluid
mechanics, after which we look at analytical solutions for two-dimensional
potential flow in fluid–structure interaction with an axially moving panel. A Green’s
function approach is used to analytically derive the fluid reaction pressure in terms
of the panel displacement function. This simplifies the numerical problem to
solving a one-dimensional integrodifferential model. An added-mass approximation
of the derived solution is discussed. Numerical results based on the original exact
solution are presented, for both elastic and viscoelastic axially moving panels
subjected to a potential flow.
The book concludes with Chap. 9, considering optimization problems in ther-
moelasticity. We find the optimal thickness distribution for a beam to resist thermal
buckling and the optimal material distribution for a beam of uniform thickness, with
the same goal. Finally, we derive a guaranteed double-sided estimate that governs
energy dissipation in heat conduction in a locally orthotropic solid body, which
holds regardless of how the local material orientation is distributed in the solid
body. Connecting to the main theme of this book, this has applications in the
analysis of heat conduction in paper materials, which is important when considering
the drying process in papermaking.
This book is addressed to researchers, specialists, and students in the fields
of theoretical and applied mechanics, and of applied and computational mathe-
matics. Considering topics related to manufacturing and processing, the book can
viii Preface

also be applied in industrial mathematics. We hope that contents should also be of

interest to applied mathematicians and mechanicians not currently in these fields,
who may nonetheless be stimulated by the material presented.
It is our hope that the various solution techniques touched upon across the
chapters will benefit the reader, whether in their original context or in an unexpected
new application. We also hope, via detailed exposition and examples, to have made
the theory of axially moving materials more accessible to a new generation of
researchers. Although the field of axially moving materials was established over a
century ago, new exciting applications await, for example, in printable electronics
and microfluidics. This makes the field worthy of study not only from a fundamental
academic viewpoint but also for those primarily interested in applications.

Moscow, Russia Nikolay Banichuk

Chisinau, Moldova Alexander Barsuk
Jyväskylä, Finland Juha Jeronen
Jyväskylä, Finland Tero Tuovinen
Jyväskylä, Finland Pekka Neittaanmäki

Acknowledgements The research presented in this book was supported by the Academy of
Finland (grant no. 140221, 301391, 297616); RFBR (grant 14-08-00016-a); Project RSF
No. 17 19-01247; RAS program 12, Program of Support of Leading Scientific Schools (grant
2954.2014.1); Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation. The authors would like to thank Matthew
Wuetrich for proofreading. For discussions and valuable input, the authors would like to thank
Svetlana Ivanova, Evgeny Makeev, Reijo Kouhia, Tytti Saksa, and Tuomo Ojala.

1 Prototype Problems: Bifurcations of Different Kinds . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Rigid Column with Elastic Clamping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Elastic Column and Its Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Elastic Rod Under Torsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4 Divergence and Optimization of Wings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.5 Stability of Tensioned Cantilever Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.6 Accelerating Motion of Rod (Rocket, Missile) Under
Follower Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 27
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 31
2 Bifurcation Analysis for Polynomial Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.1 Bifurcation and Parametric Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2 Analysis of a Cubic Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.3 Analysis of a Quartic (Fourth-Order) Polynomial Equation . . . . . . 49
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3 Nonconservative Systems with a Finite Number of Degrees
of Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 69
3.1 Critical Parameters and Destabilizing Perturbations . . . . . . ...... 69
3.2 Characteristic Polynomial and Series Expansions . . . . . . . ...... 71
3.3 Ideal Perturbations and Sufficient Conditions for Stability
(n ¼ 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 73
3.4 Matrices and Examples of Ideal Perturbations . . . . . . . . . ...... 75
3.5 Stability of Systems Subjected to Deficient Perturbations
and Determination of the Deficiency Index . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 78
3.6 On the Stability and Trajectories of the Double Pendulum
with Linear Springs and Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.6.1 Problem Setup and Derivation of the Model . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.6.2 Governing Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.6.3 Nondimensional Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

x Contents

3.6.4 Energy Considerations . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.6.5 Static Equilibrium Paths . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
3.6.6 Linearization . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
3.6.7 Numerical Considerations .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
3.6.8 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
References ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
4 Some General Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
4.1 Criteria of Elastic Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
4.2 Bifurcations and Multiplicity of Critical Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4.3 Decomposition Method for Bimodal Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
4.4 Bifurcation and Analysis of Implicitly Given Functionals . . . . . . . 154
4.5 Variational Principle and Bifurcation Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
5 Modeling and Stability Analysis of Axially Moving Materials . . . . . 179
5.1 General Dynamics and Geometric Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
5.2 Kinematic Relations of Small Deformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
5.3 Constitutive Linear Elastic and Visco-Elastic Relations . . . . . . . . . 212
5.4 Modeling of Beams and Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
5.5 Modeling of Axially Moving Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
5.6 Transformation to Weak Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
5.7 Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
5.8 Numerical Examples in Stability of Axially Moving Elastic
and Viscoelastic Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
6 Stability of Axially Moving Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
6.1 Isotropic Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
6.2 Orthotropic Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
6.3 Plates with a Nonuniform Axial Tension Distribution . . . . . . . . . . 373
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
7 Stability of Axially Moving Strings, Beams and Panels . . . . . . . . . . . 397
7.1 Unified Model and Exact Eigensolutions for Torsional,
Longitudinal and Transverse Vibration Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
7.2 Exact Eigensolutions of the Traveling String with Damping . . . . . 413
7.3 Exact Eigensolutions of Axially Moving Beams and Panels . . . . . 425
7.4 Long Axially Moving Beam with Periodic Elastic Supports . . . . . 445
7.5 Stability of a Traveling Beam in a Gravitational Field . . . . . . . . . 463
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Contents xi

8 Stability in Fluid—Structure Interaction of Axially Moving

Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
8.1 Basic Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
8.2 Analytical Solution of Two-dimensional Potential Flow . . . . . . . . 498
8.3 Added-Mass Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
8.4 Numerical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
8.5 Recommendations for Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
9 Optimization of Elastic Bodies Subjected to Thermal Loads . . . . . . . 563
9.1 Optimal Distribution of Thickness in a Thermoelastic Beam . . . . . 563
9.2 Optimal Distribution of Materials in a Thermoelastic Beam . . . . . 570
9.3 A Guaranteed Double-Sided Estimate for Energy Dissipation
in Heat Conduction of Locally Orthotropic Solid Bodies . . . . . . . 576
9.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586

Appendix A: Cartesian Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589

Appendix B: Numerical Integration of ODEs and Semidiscrete
PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
Appendix C: Finite Elements of the Hermite Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
Chapter 1
Prototype Problems:
Bifurcations of Different Kinds

In this chapter, we present some prototype bifurcation problems that arise in the
mechanics of rigid and deformable structural elements. These problems are typical
for engineering applications and characterize the approaches that can be applied in
the investigation of stability. Some methods of bifurcation theory will be presented
in the context of stability studies of the considered one-dimensional mechanical

1.1 Rigid Column with Elastic Clamping

Consider the problem of the stability of an absolutely rigid column of length , which
is elastically clamped at one end, and assume that a compressive force P is applied
to the free end, as shown in Fig. 1.1.
For sufficiently large values of P, when the rigid column loses its vertical trivial
position (i.e., loses stability), the force vector retains its original direction, but its line
of action is displaced in a parallel manner, and the point of application remains at
the free end of the column. We adopt rectangular coordinates x and z, where the end
of the column is at the origin O of this coordinate system, and the x axis coincides
with the direction of the force P, see Fig. 1.1. The axis z lies in the buckling plane
for the beam. Its direction is indicated in Fig. 1.1. We restrict our discussion to small
deflections of the beam. The magnitude of the deflection of the axis of the beam is
measured from the line of action of the force and described by the angle θ, while
 and C denote the length of the beam, and the rigidity of the elastic clamping,
respectively. The total potential energy J of the considered mechanical system is the
sum of the elastic energy U and the potential of external force , in other words,

J =U +. (1.1.1)

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 1

N. Banichuk et al., Stability of Axially Moving Materials, Solid Mechanics
and Its Applications 259,
2 1 Prototype Problems: Bifurcations of Different Kinds

Fig. 1.1 Rigid column with

elastic clamping

z 0


Taking into account the expressions for the elastic energy of a deformed hinge,

1 2
U= Cθ , (1.1.2)
and for the potential of the external force, represented by the product of the force
and the vertical displacement of the point of its application, that is,

 = −P (1 − cos θ) , (1.1.3)

we find the expression for J , given by (1.1.1), in the form

1 2
J= Cθ − P (1 − cos θ) . (1.1.4)
In the equilibrium position the total potential energy of the considered conservative
mechanical system has a stationary value. In accordance with Lagrange’s theorem on
the stability of an equilibrium position, if, in some position of a conservative system,
the total potential energy has a strict minimum, then this position is the position of
stable equilibrium of the system.
Note here that a position of a system is called a position of equilibrium if the
system, starting from that position with zero velocity, remains in that position. The
position of equilibrium is called stable if, for sufficiently small initial deviations and
sufficiently small initial velocities, the system does not go beyond the limits of an
arbitrary small (preassigned) neighborhood of the position of equilibrium during the
entire period of motion, and similarly has arbitrary small velocities.
1.1 Rigid Column with Elastic Clamping 3

Note also that if the total potential energy J of a conservative system at a position
of equilibrium does not have a minimum there, then the given position of equilibrium
is unstable.
The system under consideration is characterized by the single coordinate θ, and
to analyze the behavior of the system we will use the following expressions for the
derivatives of J :
= Cθ − P sin θ, (1.1.5)

d2 J
= C − P cos θ . (1.1.6)
To find the equation of equilibrium, we equate the first derivative (1.1.5) to zero. We
P sin θ = Cθ . (1.1.7)

There are several equilibrium solutions (equilibrium positions) of the Eq. (1.1.7).
The equilibrium position θ = 0 is stable if

d2 J
>0. (1.1.8)
Using (1.1.6), we have the condition

d2 J
= C − P > 0 . (1.1.9)
Thus, the total potential energy is at a minimum when P < C and θ = 0 (vertical
position). If P > C and θ = 0, then, as follows from Eq. (1.1.9), the total potential
energy is at a maximum, and consequently the vertical position of the beam is unstable
in this case (see Fig. 1.2).
To study the stability of an equilibrium of the system in non-trivial positions
(θ = 0), it is possible to use the Eq. (1.1.7), the expression (1.1.6), and to require
d2 J θ
=C 1− >0. (1.1.10)
dθ2 tan θ

This inequality is fulfilled when θ < tan θ, in other words for |θ| < π. Thus, the
second derivative is positive for the deflected positions if P > k. Consequently, the
position with θ = 0 is stable for P > C.
In the case
θ=0 and P= , (1.1.11)

4 1 Prototype Problems: Bifurcations of Different Kinds

Fig. 1.2 Unstable and stable

branches unstable P̃


−π 0 π

the second derivative of the total potential energy is equal to zero, that is,

d2 J
=0, (1.1.12)
and consequently it is necessary to derive and estimate the expressions for higher
derivatives. We have

d3 J d4 J
= P sin θ, = P cos θ. (1.1.13)
dθ3 dθ4
The third derivative is equal to zero, but the fourth derivative is positive,

d4 J
=C >0. (1.1.14)
Thus, the nondeflected position (θ = 0), in this case (P = C/), is characterized by
a minimal total potential energy, and consequently this position is stable (see Fig. 1.2,
where P̃ = P/C).
As it was shown previously, the vertical state of the beam is stable up to P ≤ C/.
Therefore, if we load the beam and P̃ ≤ 1, then the beam remains in its original
vertical state. If the force exceeds this value, then the vertical position becomes
unstable, and the beam leaves the original position. Taking into account that, in the
vicinity of the point B, there is another stable deflected position of equilibrium,
the beam passes to the deflected state. The corresponding behavior is shown by the
arrows in Fig. 1.3. If P̃ > 0, then the beam cannot stay in the vertical position, and
it deviates to the right or to the left.
Thus, the first stage in Fig. 1.3 is characterized by the point B, where the ordinate
axis corresponding to the original vertical position crosses the curve P̄ = that
sin θ
corresponds to the deflected position.
1.1 Rigid Column with Elastic Clamping 5

unstable P̃

P̃ = sinθ

P cr

π θ
−π − π2 0

Fig. 1.3 When we load the beam and P̃ ≤ 1, then the beam remains in its original vertical state.
If the force exceeds this value, then the vertical position becomes unstable, and the beam leaves
the original position. Taking into account that in the vicinity of the point B there is another stable
deflected position of equilibrium, the beam passes to the deflected state. The corresponding behavior
is shown by the arrows

Points at which the solution splits into two (or more) branches, such as the point
B, are called bifurcation points or branch points.
If we go through the bifurcation point B, then the original equilibrium state of the
beam loses the stability property, and the points on the line θ = 0 above the point B
correspond to unstable positions.
Bifurcation Phenomenon
If the equation
F(u, λ) = 0 , (1.1.15)

where F is a nonlinear operator, depending on a parameter λ, applied to an unknown

function or vector u, has a critical value λ0 such that the given solution of Eq. (1.1.15)
splits at λ = λ0 , then λ0 is called the bifurcation (or branching) value.

1.2 Elastic Column and Its Optimization

In the discussion given below, following the paper by Banichuk [1], we shall consider
the problems of stability for a compressed rod (column). We shall, in the course of
the investigation, generalize the well-known solution given in the article by Clausen
[2], originally developed for the specific case having a rigid support.
We assume that a cantilevered column is elastically held at one end and a com-
pressive force P is applied to the free end (as shown in Fig. 1.4).
6 1 Prototype Problems: Bifurcations of Different Kinds

Fig. 1.4 Elastic column

with an elastic support P

For sufficiently large values of P, while the column loses its stability and buckles,
the force vector retains its original direction, but its line of action is displaced in a
parallel manner, and the point of application remains at the free end of the column.
We adopt rectangular coordinates x and z, where the end of the column is at the
origin O of this coordinate system, and the axis x coincides with the direction of the
force P, see Fig. 1.4. The axis z lies in the buckling plane of the beam. Its direction
is indicated in Fig. 1.4.
We restrict our discussion to small deformations of the beam, and we study its
equilibrium within the framework of the linear theory of elasticity. The magnitude
of the deflection of the bent axis of the beam, denoted as w(x), is measured from the
line of action of the force, while  denotes the length of the beam. Assuming that the
shape of the cross section of the beam is uniform, we shall derive the basic relations
arising in the problem of maximizing the load causing the loss of stability. We shall
find the optimum (in the above sense) distribution of cross-sectional area S = S(x)
as a function of the distance x measured along the axis of the beam. We have

d2 w
EI + Pw = 0 , E I = C2 S 2 ,
dx 2
w(0) = 0 , c − Pw =0, (1.2.1)
dx x=

S dx = V , P → max ,
0 S
1.2 Elastic Column and Its Optimization 7

where E, c, V and I = I (x) are respectively Young’s modulus, the coefficient of the
rigidity of foundations, the given volume of the beam and moment of inertia of the
cross-sectional area, relative to the axis perpendicular to the bending plane x z and
intersecting the neutral axis of the beam at the point with the coordinate x. The load
P denotes the eigenvalue of the boundary-value problem of Eq. (1.2.1).
A necessary condition for maximizing the critical load of compressed columns
was derived in Lurie [3], Nikolai [4], Chentsov [5], Clausen [2], Keller [6]. It was
obtained that
w2 = S 3 . (1.2.2)

This condition was originally derived for other types of boundary conditions; how-
ever, it is not hard to show that it remains valid in the case considered above. The
necessary condition for maximizing the critical load relates the functions w and S
and, together with the basic relations (1.2.2), leads to a solvable boundary-value
problem. Using (1.2.2) to eliminate the function S from the bending equations and
from the isoperimetric condition, and introducing the nondimensional variables

x C2  
x̃ = , w̃ = w , S̃ = S , P̃ = P,
 P2 V C
we obtain the following relations:

d2 w
+ w −1/3 = 0 , (1.2.3)
dx 2
w(0) = 0 , − Pw = 0 ,

γ V C2
w 2/3 dx = √ , γ= .
0 P  c

We have omitted the tilde from the notation.

The general solution of the differential Eq. (1.2.3) may be represented in a para-
metric form as  
1 √ 2/3 1
x= 3μ1 θ − sin 2θ + μ2 , (1.2.4)
2 2

w = μ1 sin3 θ, θ0 ≤ θ ≤ θ1 ,

where μ1 , μ2 , θ0 and θ1 are constants that are to be determined. To find the values
of these constants, we make use of the boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = 1,
and the conditions x (θ0 ) = 0 and x (θ1 ) = 1. After substituting these values into the
solution (1.2.4), we have
8 1 Prototype Problems: Bifurcations of Different Kinds

1 √ 2/3
sin θ0 = 0 , μ2 = − 3μ1 θ0 , (1.2.5)
1 √ 2/3 1
3μ1 θ1 − θ0 − sin 2θ1 = 1 ,
2 2

√ cos θ1
μ1 = 3 .
P sin3 θ1
√ (1.2.5) are satisfied if we substitute θ0 = 0, μ2 = 0, θ1 = θ∗ and μ1 =
3 (cos θ∗ ) / P sin3 θ∗ , where θ∗ denotes a root of the equation
θ − sin 2θ
ϕ (θ) = 3 cos θ   =P (1.2.6)
2 sin3 θ

that satisfies the inequality 0 ≤ θ∗ ≤ π/2. Equation (1.2.6) may be obtained by sub-
stituting the expression for μ1 into (1.2.5), satisfying (1.2.5) and setting θ0 = 0.
If we add to θ0 = 0 and to θ1 = θ∗ a quantity that is a multiple of π (while the
constants μ1 and μ2 are still computed by the use of (1.2.5)), this can result only in
the change of sign in (1.2.4) for w. Since w is determined by (1.2.3) up to its sign,
this translation along the θ axis does not result in a different solution. It is in principle
possible to find the solution of (1.2.5) with θ0 = 0 and πi < θ1 < π (i + 0.5), where
i = 1, 2, . . . . At the same time, it is easy to see by looking at (1.2.4) that the
function w has additional loops. Since we are computing the eigenvalue P and the
corresponding eigenfunction has a minimum number of loops, it is not necessary
to consider such (more complex) solutions. The solution of the problem posed in
(1.2.5) with
π(i − 0.5) < θ1 < πi, i = 1, 2, . . .

does not exist, since in this case the right-hand side of (1.2.5) is negative, while the
left-hand side is positive.
Let us study some properties of the functions ϕ(θ) that will be needed in our future
discussion. For small values of θ, we represent ϕ(θ) by a Taylor
 with accuracy
up to terms of the order θ3 . Then we have ϕ(θ) ≈ (1/5) 1 − θ2 . Consequently, as
θ → 0, the function ϕ (θ) → 1, with ϕ(θ) < 1. Further, let us consider the case
θ → π/2. For the sake of convenience, we introduce the variable ω = π/2 − θ,
which approaches zero as θ → π/2. Substituting the variable ω for ϕ in (1.2.6) and
eliminating θ and then decomposing ϕ in a Taylor series for small values of ω, we
derive ϕ ≈ (3ω(π − 4ω)) /4. Therefore, ϕ approaches zero as θ → π/2. Using an
asymptotic series and some simple calculations, we obtain a graph of the function
ϕ(θ), which is illustrated in Fig. 1.5.
We can see from this graph that as the variable θ varies between zero and π/2, the
function ϕ(θ) monotonically decreases from one to zero. Hence P < 1. In terms of
1.2 Elastic Column and Its Optimization 9

Fig. 1.5 Behaviour of ϕ

function ϕ(θ)


0.25π 0.5π θ

subsequently introduced dimensional quantities, this inequality can be written in the

form P < c/. It represent the condition of the stability for a perfectly rigid clamped
Equation (1.2.6) gives us a relation between the unknown quantities θ∗ and P. To
obtain a second equation that is necessary for determining θ∗ and P∗ , we substitute
the solution of (1.2.4), (1.2.5), into the isoperimetric condition (1.2.3) and eliminate
P from the resulting equation by utilizing (1.2.6). We have

 (θ1 ) = γ,  (θ1 ) ≡  (θ1 ) ϕ−3/2 (θ1 ) (1.2.7)

The graph of the function (θ) shown in Fig. 1.6 was drawn with the help of very
simple calculus.
As θ decreases from π/2 to zero, the function  increases in a monotonic fashion
from zero to infinity. As θ → 0, this function has an asymptotic representation

3 3
(θ) ≈ (1.2.8)

Consequently, there is the solution for (1.2.7), which satisfies the conditions 0 <
θ1 ≤ π/2 for an arbitrary nonnegative value of the parameter γ.
Thus, for given values of the constants C2 , , V , and c, finding the optimum
distribution of the cross-sectional area S(x) and of the corresponding value of the
load P is reduced to the following sequence of computational steps.
For given values of C2 , , V , and c, we compute the value of the nondimensional
parameter γ. Using this value of γ, we solve Eq. (1.2.7) and compute the value of
θ1 . Next, we calculate the magnitude of the critical load P, which according to Eq.
(1.2.6) is equal to P = ϕ(θ1 ). The computation of the critical shape (of the deformed
column) is carried out by using the formulas
10 1 Prototype Problems: Bifurcations of Different Kinds

Fig. 1.6 The graph of the

function (θ)

0 0.5 π

Table 1.1 Parameters and values

γ θ1 P γ θ1 P
0.5 1.283 0.488 3 0.339 0.976
1 0.882 0.811 3.5 0.292 0.983
1.5 0.640 0.909 4 0.257 0.987
2 0.496 0.948 4.5 0.229 0.989
2.5 0.404 0.966 5 0.206 0.991

1 √
θ−sin 2θ 2 P sin2 θ
x= 2 , S=   (1.2.9)
1 √ 1
θ1 − sin 2θ1 3γ θ1 − sin 2θ1
2 2

where 0 ≤ θ ≤ θ1 . Equation (1.2.9) follow directly from Eqs. (1.2.2), (1.2.4) and
(1.2.5). The results derived for γ = 0.5i, i = 1, 2, . . . and for ten values of the
quantities θ1 and P are illustrated in Table 1.1.
In Fig. 1.7, curves 1 and 2 illustrate the optimum distribution of S = S(x) for
γ = 0.5 and γ = 5. The dotted curve shows the distribution S(x) for a rigidly held
beam (γ = 0). Using (1.2.9) it is possible to show that as the rigidity of the support c
1.2 Elastic Column and Its Optimization 11

S 1


0 0.5 x 1

Fig. 1.7 Curves 1 and 2 illustrate the optimum distribution of S = S(x) for corresponding values
of γ = 0.5 and γ = 5. The dotted curve shows the distribution S(x) for a rigidly held beam (γ = 0)

increases (γ → 0), the distribution of S(x) approaches the corresponding distribution

for a rigidly held beam. As the rigidity c decreases (i.e. γ increases), then in the
optimal shape, the material of the beam is “displaced” from the free end toward the
built-in end.

1.3 Elastic Rod Under Torsion

Let a straight elastic rod of length  be positioned along the x axis of a Cartesian
coordinate system x yz. The ends of the rod are rigidly held at the points x = 0
and x = . The rod is torsioned by a couple M applied to its end (see Fig. 1.8). It
is assumed that the rod has constant rigidity in various cross-sectional planes, and
therefore that
E I y = E Iz = a ,

where E is Young’s modulus for the material, and I y and Iz are the moments of
inertia of the transverse cross-sectional area with respect to lines passing through a
point on the neutral axis of bending and parallel to the axes y and z, respectively.
In studying the stability of the rod and the critical values of the applied torque,
we shall follow Euler’s static approach. Let y = y(x) and z = z(x) be functions
describing the shape of the axis of the buckled rod. We write down the corresponding
equations of equilibrium and the boundary conditions:
d2 d y d3 z
a 2 =M 3 ,
dx 2 dx dx
12 1 Prototype Problems: Bifurcations of Different Kinds

Fig. 1.8 Torsioned rod M

0 z

d2 d z d3 y
a 2 =M 3 , (1.3.1)
dx 2 dx dx
dy dz
y(0) = = z(0) = =0,
dx x=0 dx x=0
dy dz
y() = = z() = =0,
dx x= dx x=

We note that Eq. (1.3.1) result only if we assume that the deflections are “small”.
The functions y(x) = z(x) ≡ 0 describe the equation of the unbuckled axis satisfying
the equilibrium equations and the boundary conditions (1.3.1). According to Euler’s
theory, the magnitude of the critical load and the loss of stability are determined by
the smallest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenfunctions y(x) ≡ 0 and z(x) ≡ 0
for the boundary-value problem (1.3.1).
For the particular case when torsional rigidity is uniformly distributed, that is
a = const, finding the torque that causes a loss of stability is known to reduce to the
computation of the smallest root for the (transcendental) equation
tan = . (1.3.2)
2a 2a

The magnitude of the critical torque is equal to ±8.988 a/. Following the article
Banichuk and Barsuk [7], let us derive an analogue of this formula for the more
general case when the distribution of torsional rigidity is a fairly arbitrary function
1.3 Elastic Rod Under Torsion 13

of the variable x, i.e. a = a(x). To accomplish it, we integrate twice both sides of the
Eq. (1.3.1). Then we multiply the second equation in its integrated form by i (where
i is the imaginary unit) and add these equations side by side. After introduction of
the complex variable
w(x) = y(x) + i z(x) , (1.3.3)

the Eq. (1.3.1) become

d2 w dw
a 2
= iM + c1 x + c2 . (1.3.4)
dx dx
where c1 and c2 are complex constants of integration, determined from the boundary
conditions. By integrating the linear differential Eq. (1.3.4) twice, and taking care of
the boundary conditions, we derive the formula
−i Mϕ(t) c1 ξ + c2 i Mϕ(ξ)
w= e e dξ dt (1.3.5)
0 0 a(ξ)

and relations that determine the values of the constants

x i Mϕ(x) 1 i Mϕ(x)
c1 e dx + c2 e dx = 0 , (1.3.6)
0 a(x) 0 a(x)

   x    x   x 
t i Mϕ(t) ei Mϕ(t) dt
c1 e−i Mϕ(x) e dtdx + c2 e−i Mϕ(x) dtdx = 0 , ϕ(x) ≡ .
0 0 a(t) 0 0 a(t) 0 a(t)

The relations (1.3.6) represent a system of two homogeneous linear equations

that may serve the purpose of determining values of unknown constants c1 and c2 . A
necessary condition for the existence of the nontrivial solution of (1.3.5) (i.e., when
the determinant of the coefficient of (1.3.6) vanishes) can be reduced to an equation
that is to be solved for determining the critical torque
ei Mϕ(x) −i Mϕ(ξ)
ξei Mϕ(ξ)
f (M) = dx e dξdx− (1.3.8)
0 a(x) 0 0 a(ξ)
xei Mϕ(x) ei Mϕ(ξ)
dx e−i Mϕ(x) dξdx = 0 .
0 a(x) 0 0 a(ξ)

When rigidity is uniformly distributed along the length of the rod, that is, if a(x) =
const in (1.3.8), we arrive at the well-known formula tan (M/(2a)) = M/(2a).
We note that the complex Eq. (1.3.8) can be written as a system of two real equations

Re ( f (M)) = 0, Im ( f (M)) = 0 . (1.3.9)

14 1 Prototype Problems: Bifurcations of Different Kinds

In this manner a study of the stability of torsioned rods with variable rigidity may be
reduced to a computation of quadratures for a given function a(x) and the solution
of the transcendental Eq. (1.3.8) for M.
We shall consider separately the case of the symmetric distribution of bending
rigidity when a(x) = a( − x). In this case

ϕ(x) = ϕ +  (x) ,

where (x) is an antisymmetric function, that is, (x) = −( − x). Using these
properties of the functions a(x) and (x) and the rules of integration on symmetric
domains of symmetric or antisymmetric functions, (1.3.8), for example, is trans-
formed into the form
2 cos (M((x))) 2
f (M) = dx [χ1 cos (M(x)) + χ2 sin (M(x))] dx+
0 a(x) 0

2 2 2
sin (M(x)) dx [χ3 cos (M(x)) − χ4 sin (M(x))] dx = 0 .
0 a(x) 0

 x ξ−
2 2
χ1 (x) = cos (M(ξ)) dξ , χ2 (x) = sin (M(ξ)) dξ ,
0 a(ξ) 0 a(ξ)
 x  x
sin (M(ξ)) cos (M(ξ))
χ3 (x) = dξ , χ4 (x) = dξ .
0 a(ξ) 0 a(ξ)

The essential difference between (1.3.8) and (1.3.10) is that (1.3.10) is a single
equation in the unknown M instead of a system of equations.
Now let us consider a torsioned rod simply supported at the points x = 0 and
x = . Finding a static condition for the loss of stability (Greenhill’s problem) leads
to the boundary value problem

d2 y dz d2 z dy
a 2
=M , a 2
= −M , (1.3.11)
dx dx dx dx

y(0) = y() = z(0) = z() = 0 .

We multiply both sides of the second equation in (1.3.11) by i and add them side by
side. We introduce a function

w = y(x) + i z(x) (1.3.12)

1.3 Elastic Rod Under Torsion 15

and transform the boundary-value problem (1.3.11) into the form

d2 w dw
a 2
= −i M , (1.3.13)
dx dx

w(0) = w() = 0 .

Integrating equation (1.3.13) twice and taking care of the assigned boundary con-
ditions, we obtain a formula for w and a system of two simultaneous linear, homo-
geneous equations that can be solved to determine the constants of integration. The
necessary condition on the existence of nontrivial solutions (determinant of coeffi-
cients for this system vanishing) reduces to a single complex equation in M, which
may be written as a system of the two real equations
cos (Mϕ(x)) dx = 0 , sin (Mϕ(x)) dx = 0 . (1.3.14)
0 0

The smallest common root of these equations defines a critical divergence torque.
Therefore, finding critical torques amounts to finding a simultaneous solution for the
system (1.3.14).
We shall show that for a symmetric distribution of rigidity, the system (1.3.14)
may be replaced by a single equation. Let a(x) be a quite arbitrary distribution of
bending rigidity. We write 1/a(x) as a sum of the two terms

= (x) + (x) , (1.3.15)

where (x) and (x) are, respectively, symmetric and antisymmetric functions
with respect to the midpoint of the interval [0, ]. The function ϕ(x) can also be
represented as a sum of a symmetric and antisymmetric functions ω(x) and ψ(x),
ϕ(x) = ω(x) + ψ(x) , (1.3.16)
ω(x) = (t)dt + (t)dt ,
0 0

ψ(x) = (t)dt − (t)dt ,
0 0

We note the properties of integrals in symmetric domains of symmetric and antisym-

metric functions and use (1.3.16) to transform Eq. (1.3.14).
16 1 Prototype Problems: Bifurcations of Different Kinds

We obtain  
cos (Mψ(x)) cos (Mω(x)) dx = 0 , (1.3.17)

cos (Mψ(x)) sin (Mω(x)) dx = 0 .

For an antisymmetric distribution of rigidity (when (x) ≡ 0, 1/a = (x) and

ω(x) ≡ ϕ(/2) ), Eq. (1.3.17) assume the form

cos Mϕ cos (Mψ(x)) dx = 0 ,
2 0


sin Mϕ cos (Mψ(x)) dx = 0 .
2 0

It follows directly that the system (1.3.14) can be reduced in this case to the single
cos Mψ dx = 0 , , ψ(x) = ϕ(x) − ϕ . (1.3.18)
0 2 2

For a constant distribution of rigidity, Eq. (1.3.18) predicts the well-known value
of the critical torque
M = 2π .

The solution of Eq. (1.3.18) can be found very effectively using one of several
analytic or numerical techniques, in particular, Newton’s methods. Thus, equation
(1.3.18) results in a real simplification particularly in solving problems, such as the
optimization of rigidities, in which it is necessary to recompute the critical value of
M several times for various approximate values of a(x).
Let us examine some of the simplest problems of optimizing stability. Let a rod
have similarly shaped cross-sections, and consequently

a(x) = k [S(x)]2

where S(x) is the function defining the distribution of magnitude of the area. We
formulate the following problem in terms of nondimensional variables: we need
to find a function of cross-sectional area S(x) satisfying Smin < S(x), and also a
constant volume condition, and assign a maximum to the critical value of the torque:

M∗ = max M, (1.3.19)
1.3 Elastic Rod Under Torsion 17

where M is computed from (1.3.10) and (1.3.18), and Smin is a given nondimensional
For the indicated constraints on the volume of the rod, and the allowable values
of its thickness, problem (1.3.19) was solved numerically in Banichuk and Barsuk
[7] using an iterative algorithm. This algorithm, applied to our optimization prob-
lem, consists of finding an approximate value of a(x) using Newton’s method (in
the process of iterating critical values of M) from the current value of a(x), and
then improving the variation of the control function a(x) by the gradient projection
technique. The computation of the critical value of M from (1.3.10) and (1.3.18)
was carried out to within 10−5 accuracy. The computation was terminated when the
magnitude of the gradient of the optimized functional (i.e. the error in satisfying the
optimality conditions) was smaller than 10−3 .
The optimal functions S(x) were found for several values of the parameter Smin .
Figure 1.9 illustrates the function S(x) found as a result of these numerical compu-
tations for a rod simply supported at both ends.
Curves 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the values of the parameter Smin = 0.98, 0.92
and 0.88, respectively. For these values of the parameter, the magnitude of the critical
torque is M = 6.56, 7.12, and 7.80, respectively. The relative gain in comparison with
a rod having a constant rigidity function and a unit volume amounts to 4.45%, 14.9%,
and 24.2%, respectively. Numerical solutions were also carried out for rods with
built-in ends. The expression for the gradient in the stability optimization problem
was carried out with the help of the following representation for the eigenvalue of
the boundary-value problem (1.3.1):
1 d2 w d2 w ∗
S Re · dx
dx 2 dx 2
M =−   (1.3.20)
1 dw d2 w ∗
0 Im · dx
dx dx 2

where w(x) is computed from (1.3.5) and (1.3.6), and w ∗ is the complex conjugate
function of w.

Fig. 1.9 Graph illustrates

the function S(x) found as a 2
result of these numerical 1.08
computations for a rod 1
simply supported at both S
ends. Curves 1, 2, and 3
correspond to the values of 0.88
the parameter
Smin = 0.98, 0.92 and 0.88

0 0.2 0.4
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no related content on Scribd:
Yet I spoke forth, with a great show of anger, that I, Ammaerln, vizier
and companion to the Rthr, did but walk and speak in confidence with
my liege lord.
But they persisted, Gholad foremost among them. And then one saw
the hidden corpse and in an instant they ringed me in.

Then did I draw the long blade and hold it at the throat of Qulqlan.
"Press me not, or your king will surely die," I said. And they feared me
and shrank back.
"Do you dream that I, Ammaerln, wisest of the wise, have come for
the love of far-voyaging?" I raged. "Long have I plotted against this
hour; to lure the king a-voyaging in this his princely yacht, his faithful
vizier at his side, that the Change might come on him far from his
court. Then would the ancient wrong be redressed.
"There are those men born to rule as inevitably as the dream-tree
seeks the sun—and such a one am I! Long has this one, now
mindless, denied to me my destiny. But behold: I, with a stroke, shall
set things aright.
"Below us lies a green world, peopled by savages. Not one am I to
take blood vengeance on a man newborn from the Change. Instead I
shall set him free to take up his life there below. May the Fates lead
him again to royal state if that be their will—"

But there were naught but fools among them and they drew steel. I
cried out to them that all, all should share!
But they heeded me not but rushed upon me. Then did I turn to
Qulqlan and drive the long blade at his throat, but Gholad threw
himself before him and fell, impaled in the throat. Then they pressed
me and I did strike out against three who hemmed me close, and
though they took many wounds they persisted in their madness, one
leaping in to strike and another at my back, so that I whirled and
slashed at shadows who danced away.
In the end I hunted them down in those corners whither they had
dragged themselves and each did I put to the sword. And I turned at
last to find the Rthr gone and some few with him, and madness took
me that I had been gulled like a tinker by common men.
In the chamber of the memory couch would I find them. There they
would seek to give back to the mindless one that memory of past
glories which I had schemed so long to deny him. Almost I wept to
see such cunning wasted. Terrible in my wrath I came upon them
there. There were but two and, though they stood shoulder in the
entry way, their poor dirks were no match for my long blade. I struck
them dead and went to the couch, to lay my hand on the cylinder
marked with the vile gold and black of Qulqlan, that I might destroy it
and, with it, the Rthr, forever—
And I heard a sound and whirled about. A hideous figure staggered to
me from the gloom and for an instant I saw the flash of steel in the
bloody hand of the accursed Gholad whom I had left for dead. Then I
knew cold agony between my ribs....

Gholad lay slumped against the wall, his face greenish above the
blood-soaked tunic. When he spoke air whistled through his slashed
"Have done, traitor who once was honored of the king," he
whispered. "Have you no pity for him who once ruled in justice and
splendor at High Okk-Hamiloth?"
"Had you not robbed me of my destiny, murderous dog," I croaked,
"that splendor would have been mine."
"You came upon him helpless," gasped Gholad. "Make some amends
now for your shame. Let the Rthr have his mind, which is more
precious than his life."
"I but rest to gather strength. Soon will I rise and turn him from the
couch. Then will I die content."
"Once you were his friend," Gholad whispered. "By his side you
fought, when both of you were young. Remember that ... and have
pity. To leave him here, in this ship of death, mindless and alone...."
"I have loosed the Hunters!" I shrieked in triumph. "With them will the
Rthr share this tomb until the end of time!"
Then I searched within me and found a last terrible strength and I
rose up ... and even as my hand reached out to pluck away the mind
trace of the king I felt the bloody fingers of Gholad on my ankle, and
then my strength was gone. And I was falling headlong into that dark
well of death from which there is no returning....

I woke up and lay for a long time in the dark without moving, trying to
remember the fragments of a strange dream of violence and death. I
could still taste the lingering dregs of some bitter emotion. For a
moment I couldn't remember what it was I had to do; then with a start
I recalled where I was. I had lain down on the couch and pulled the
head-piece into place—
It hadn't worked.
I thought hard, tried to tap a new reservoir of memories, drew a blank.
Maybe my Earth-mind was too alien for the Vallonian memory-trace to
affect. It was another good idea that hadn't worked out. But at least I
had had a good rest. Now it was time to get moving. First: to see if
Ommodurad was still asleep. I started to sit up—
Nothing happened.
I had a moment of vertigo, as my inner ear tried to accommodate to
having stayed in the same place after automatically adjusting to my
intention of rising. I lay perfectly still and tried to think it through.
I had tried to move ... and hadn't so much as twitched a muscle. I was
paralyzed ... or tied up ... or maybe, if I was lucky, imagining things. I
could try it again and next time—
I was afraid to try. Suppose I tried and nothing happened—again?
This was ridiculous. All I had to do was sit up. I—
Nothing. I lay in the dark and tried to will an arm to move, my head to
turn. It was as though I had no arm, no head—just a mind, alone in
the dark. I strained to sense the ropes that held me down; still
nothing. No ropes, no arms, no body. There was no pressure against
me from the couch, no vagrant itch or cramp, no physical sensation. I
was a disembodied brain, lying nestled in a great bed of pitch-black
cotton wool.
Then, abruptly, I was aware of myself—not the gross mechanism of
clumsy bone and muscle, but the neuro-electric field generated within
the massive structure of a brain alive with flashing currents and a
lightning interplay of molecular forces. A sense of orientation grew. I
occupied a block of cells ... here in the left hemisphere. The mass of
neural tissue loomed over me, gigantic. And "I" ... "I" was reduced to
the elemental ego, who possessed as a material appurtenance "my"
arms and legs, "my" body, "my" brain.... Relieved of outside stimuli I
was able now to conceptualize myself as I actually was: an
insubstantial state existing in an immaterial continuum, created by the
action of neural currents within the cerebrum, as a magnetic field is
created in space by the flow of electricity.
And I knew what had happened. I had opened my mind to invasion by
alien memories. The other mind had seized upon the sensory
centers, driven me to this dark corner. I was a fugitive within my own
For a timeless time I lay stunned, immured now as the massive
stones of Bar-Ponderone had never confined me. My basic self-
awareness still survived, but was shunted aside, cut off from any
contact with the body itself.
With shadowy fingers of imagination I clawed at the walls surrounding
me, fought for a glimpse of light, for a way out.
And found none.
Then, at last, I began again to think.
I must analyze my awareness of my surroundings, seek out channels
through which impulses from sensory nerves flowed, and tap them.
I tried cautiously; an extension of my self-concept reached out with
ultimate delicacy. There were the ranked infinities of cells, there the
rushing torrents of gross fluid, there the taut cables of the
interconnecting web, and there—
Barrier! Blank and impregnable the wall reared up. My questing
tendril of self-stuff raced over the surface like an ant over a melon,
and found no tiniest fissure.
I withdrew. To dissipate my forces was senseless. I must select a
point of attack, hurl against it all the power of my surviving identity.
The last of the phantom emotions that had clung—for how long?—to
the incorporeal mind field had faded now, leaving me with no more
than an intellectual determination to reassert myself. Dimly I
recognized this sign of my waning sense of identity but there was no
surge of instinctive fear. Instead I coolly assessed my resources—
and almost at once stumbled into an unused channel, here within my
own self-field. For a moment I recoiled from the outer configuration of
the stored patterns ... and then I remembered.
I had been in the water, struggling, while the Red soldier waited, rifle
aimed. And then: a flood of data, flowing with cold, impersonal
precision. And I had deftly marshalled the forces of my body to
And once more: as I hung by numbed fingers under the cornice of the
Yordano Tower, the cold voice had spoken.
And I had forgotten. The miracle had been pushed back, rejected by
the conscious mind. But now I knew: this was the knowledge that I
had received from the background briefing device that I had used in
my island strong-room before I fled. This was the survival data known
to all Old Vallonians of the days of the Two Worlds. It had lain here,
unused; the secrets of superhuman strength and endurance ... buried
by the imbecile censor-self's aversion to the alien.

But the ego alone remained now, stripped of the burden of neurosis,
freed from subconscious pressures. The levels of the mind were laid
bare, and I saw close at hand the regions where dreams were born,
the barren sources of instinctive fear-patterns, the linkages to the
blinding emotions; and all lay now under my overt control.
Without further hesitation I tapped the stored Vallonian knowledge,
encompassed it, made it mine. There again I approached the barrier,
spread out across it, probed in vain—
"... vile primitive...."
The thought thundered out with crushing force. I recoiled, then
renewed my attack, alert now. I knew what to do.
I sought and found a line of synaptic weakness, burrowed at it—
"... intolerable ... vestigial ... erasure...."
I struck instantly, slipped past the impervious shield, laid firm hold on
the optic receptor bank. The alien mind threw itself against me, but
too late. I held secure and the assault faded, withdrew. Cautiously I
extended my interpretive receptivity. There was a pattern of pulses,
oscillations in the lambda/mu range. I tuned, focussed—
Abruptly I was seeing. For a moment my fragile equilibrium tottered,
as I strove to integrate the flow of external stimuli into my bodiless
self-concept. Then a balance was struck: I held my ground and stared
through the one eye I had recaptured from the usurper.
And I reeled again!
Bright daylight blazed in the chamber of Ommodurad. The scene
shifted as the body moved about, crossing the room, turning.... I had
assumed that the body still lay in the dark but instead, it walked,
without my knowledge, propelled by a stranger.
The field of vision flashed across the couch. Ommodurad was gone.
I sensed that the entire left lobe, disoriented by the loss of the eye,
had slipped now to secondary awareness, its defenses weakened. I
retreated momentarily from my optic outpost, laid a temporary
traumatic block across the access nerves to keep the intruder from
reasserting possession, and concentrated my force in an attack on
the auricular channels. It was an easy rout. I seized on the nerve
trunk, then instantly reoccupied the eye, co-ordinated its impressions
with those coming in along the aural nerves ... and heard my voice
mouth a curse.

The body was standing beside a bare wall with a hand laid upon it. In
the wall a recess partly obscured by a sliding panel stood empty.
The body turned, strode to a doorway, emerged into a gloomy violet-
shadowed corridor. The glance flicked from the face of one guard to
another. They stared in open-mouthed surprise, brought weapons up.
"You dare to bar the path to the Lord Ammaerln?" My voice slashed
at the men. "Stand aside, as you value your lives."
And the body pushed past them, strode off along the corridor. It
passed through a great archway, descended a flight of marble stairs,
came along a hall I had seen on my tour of the Palace of Sapphires
and into the Onyx Chamber with the great golden sunburst that
covered the high black wall.
In the Great Owner's chair at the ringboard Ommodurad sat scowling
at the lame courtier whose red hair was hidden now under a black
cowl. Between them Foster stood, the heavy manacles dragging at
his wrists.
Ommodurad turned; his face paled, then flushed dark rose, teeth
The gaze of my eye fixed on Foster. Foster stared back, a look of
incredulity growing on his face.
"My Lord Rthr," my voice said. The eye swept down and fixed on the
manacles. The body drew back a step, as if in horror.
"You overreach yourself, Ommodurad!" my voice cried harshly.
Ommodurad stepped toward me, his immense arm raised.
"Lay not a hand on me, dog of a usurper!" my voice roared out. "By
the Gods, would you take me for common clay!"
And, unbelievably, Ommodurad paused, stared in my face.
"I know you as the upstart Drgon, petty Owner," he rumbled. "But I
trow I see another there behind your pale eyes."
"Foul was the crime that brought me to this pass," my voice said. "But
... know that your master, Ammaerln, stands before you, in the body
of a primitive!"
"Ammaerln...!" Ommodurad jerked as though he had been struck.
My body turned, dismissing him. The eye rested on Foster.
"My liege," my voice said unctuously. "I swear the dog dies for this
"It is a mindless one, intruder," Ommodurad broke in. "Seek no favor
with the Rthr, for he that was Rthr is no more. You deal with me now."
My body whirled on Ommodurad. "Give a thought to your tone, lest
your ambitions prove your death!"

Ommodurad put a hand to his dagger. "Ammaerln of Bros-Ilyond you

may be, or a changeling from dark regions I know not of. But know
that this day I hold all power in Vallon."
"And what of this one who was once Qulqlan? What consort do you
hold with him you say is mindless?" I saw my hand sweep out in a
contemptuous gesture at Foster.
"An end to patience!" the Great Owner roared. He started toward my
"Does the fool, Ommodurad, forget the power of the great
Ammaerln?" my voice said softly. And the towering figure hesitated
once more, searching my face. "The Rthr's hour is past ... and so is
yours, bungler and fool. Your self-delusion is ended." My voice rose in
a bellow: "Know that I ... Ammaerln, the great ... have returned to rule
at High Okk-Hamiloth...."
He threw back his head, and laughed a choked throaty laugh that
was half sob.
"Know, demon, or madman, or ancient prince of evil: for thirty
centuries have I brooded alone, sealed from an empire by a single
I felt the shock rack through and through the invader mind. This was
the opportunity I had hoped for. Quick as thought I moved, slashed at
the wavering shield, and was past it—
Upon the mind-picture of Foster's face was now superimposed
another: that of Qulqlan, Rthr of all Vallon, ruler of the Two Worlds!
And other pictures, snatched from the intruder mind, were present
now in the Earth-consciousness of me, Legion:
the vaults, deep in the rock under the fabled city of Okk-Hamiloth,
where the mind-trace of every citizen was stored, sealed by the Rthr
and keyed to his mind alone;
Ammaerln, urging the king to embark on a far-voyage, stressing the
burden of government, tempting him to bring with him the royal mind-
Qulqlan's acquiescence and Ammaerln's secret joy at the
advancement of his scheme;
the coming of the Change for the Rthr, aboard ship, far out in space,
and the vizier's bold stroke;
and then the fools who found him at the lifeboat ... and the loss of all,
There my own lived memories took up the tale: the awakening of
Foster, unsuspecting, and his recording of the mind of the dying
Ammaerln; the flight from the Hunters; the memory-trace of the king,
that lay for three millennia among neolithic bones until I, a primitive,
plucked it from its place; and the pocket of a coarse fibre garment
where the cylinder lay now, on a hip of the body I inhabited and as
inaccessible to me as if it had been a million miles away.
But there was a second memory-trace—Ammaerln. I had crossed a
galaxy to come to Foster, and with me, locked in an unmarked pewter
cylinder, I had brought Foster's ancient nemesis.
I had given it life, and a body.
Foster, once Rthr, had survived against all logic and had come back
from the dead: the last hope of a golden age....
To meet his fate at my hands.

"Three thousand years," I heard my voice saying. "Three thousand

years have the men of Vallon lived mindless, with the power that was
Vallon locked away in a vault without a key. And now, you think to
force this mind—that is no mind—to unseal the vault?"
"I know it for a hopeless task," Ommodurad said. "At first I thought—
since he speaks the tongue of old Vallon—that he dissembled. But he
knows nothing. This is but the dry husk of the Rthr ... and I sicken of
the sight. I would fain kill him now and let the long farce end."
"Not so!" my voice cut in. "Once I decreed exile to the mindless one.
So be it!"
The face of Ommodurad twisted in its rage. "Your witless chatterings!
I tire of them."
"Wait!" my voice snarled. "Would you put aside the key?"
There was a silence as Ommodurad stared at my face. I saw my
hand rise into view. Gripped in it was Foster's memory-trace.
"The Two Worlds lie in my hand," my voice spoke. "Observe well the
black and golden bands of the royal memory-trace. Who holds this
key is all-powerful. As for the mindless body yonder, let it be
Ommodurad locked eyes with mine. Then, "Let the deed be done," he
The red-head drew a long stiletto from under his cloak, smiling. I
could wait no longer....
Along the link I had kept through the intruder's barrier I poured the
last of the stored energy of my mind. I felt the enemy recoil, then
strike back with crushing force. But I was past the shield.
As the invader reached out to encircle me I shattered my unified
forward impulse into myriad nervous streamlets that flowed on, under,
over, and around the opposing force; I spread myself through and
through the inner mass, drawing new power from the trunk sources.
Now! I struck for the right optic center, clamped down with a death
The enemy mind went mad as the darkness closed in. I heard my
voice scream and I saw in vivid pantomime the vision that threatened
the invader: the red-head darting, the stiletto flashing—
And then the invading mind broke, swirled into chaos, and was

I reeled, shocked and alone inside my skull. The brain loomed, dark
and untenanted now. I began to move, crept along the major nerve
paths, reoccupied the cortex—
"I reeled, shocked and alone inside my skull. The brain loomed,
dark and untenanted now."

Agony! I twisted, felt again with a massive return of sensation my

arms, my legs, opened both eyes to see blurred figures moving. And
in my chest a hideous pain....
I was sprawled on the floor, I lay gasping. Sudden understanding
came: the red-head had struck ... and the other mind, in full rapport
with the pain centers, had broken under the shock, left the stricken
brain to me alone.
As through a red veil I saw the giant figure of Ommodurad loom,
stoop over me, rise with the royal cylinder in his hand. And beyond,
Foster strained backward, the chain between his wrists garroting the
red-head. Ommodurad turned, took a step, flicked the man from
Foster's grasp and hurled him aside. He drew his dagger. Quick as a
hunting cat Foster leaped, struck with the manacles ... and the knife
clattered across the floor. Ommodurad backed away with a curse,
while the red-head seized the stiletto he had let fall and moved in.
Foster turned to meet him, staggering, and raised heavy arms.
I fought to move, got my hand as far as my side, fumbled with the
leather strap. The alien mind had stolen from my brain the
knowledge of the cylinder but I had kept from it the fact of the pistol. I
had my hand on its butt now. Painfully I drew it, dragged my arm up,
struggled to raise the weapon, centered it on the back of the mop of
red hair, free now of the cowl ... and fired.
Ommodurad had found his dagger. He turned back from the corner
where Foster had sent it spinning. Foster retreated until his back was
at the wall: My vision grew dimmer. The great gold circles of the Two
Worlds seemed to revolve, while waves of darkness rolled over me.
But there was a thought: something I had found among the patterns
in the intruder's mind. At the center of the sunburst rose a boss, in
black and gold, erupting a foot from the wall, like a sword hilt....
The thought came from far away. The sword of the Rthr, used once,
in the dawn of a world, by a warrior king but laid away now, locked in
its sheath of stone, keyed to the mind-pattern of the Rthr, that none
other might ever draw it to some ignoble end.
A sword, keyed to the basic mind-pattern of the king....

I drew a last breath, blinked back the darkness. Ommodurad

stepped past me, knife in hand, toward the unarmed man.
"Foster," I croaked. "The sword...."
Foster's head came up. I had spoken in English; the syllables rang
strangely in that outworld setting. Ommodurad ignored the unknown
"Draw ... the sword ... from the stone!... You're ... Qulqlan ... Rthr ...
of Vallon."
I saw him reach out, grasp the ornate hilt. Ommodurad, with a cry,
leaped toward him—
The sword slid out smoothly, four feet of glittering steel. Ommodurad
stopped, stared at the manacled hands gripping the hilt of the fabled
blade. Slowly he sank to his knees, bent his neck.
"I yield, Qulqlan," he said. "I crave the mercy of the Rthr."
Behind me I heard thundering feet. Dimly I was aware of Torbu
raising my head, of Foster leaning over me. They were saying
something but I couldn't hear. My feet were cold, and the coldness
crept higher. The winds that swept through eternity blew away the
last shred of ego and I was one with darkness....

I awoke to a light like that of a morning when the world was young.
Gossamer curtains fluttered at tall windows, through which I saw a
squadron of trim white clouds riding in a high blue sky.
I turned my head, and Foster stood beside me, dressed in a short
white tunic.
"That's a crazy set of threads, Foster," I said, "but on your build it
looks good. But you've aged; you look twenty-five if you look a day."
Foster smiled. "Welcome to Vallon, my friend," he said in English.
"Vallon," I said. "Then it wasn't all a dream?"
"Regard it as a dream, Legion. Your life begins today." Someone
came forward from behind Foster.
"Gope," I said. Then I hesitated. "You are Gope, aren't you?" I said in
He laughed. "I was known by that name once," he said, "but my true
name is Gwanne."
My eyes fell on my legs. I saw that I was wearing a tunic like Foster's
except that mine was pale blue.
"Who put the dress on me?" I asked. "And where's my pants?"
"This garment suits you better," said Gope. "Come. Look in the
I got to my feet, stepped to a long mirror, glanced at the reflection.
"It's not the real me, boys," I started. Then I stared, open-mouthed. A
Hercules, black-haired and clean-limbed, stared back. I shut my
mouth ... and his mouth shut. I moved an arm and he did likewise. I
whirled on Foster.
"What ... how ... who...?"
"The mortal body that was Legion died of its wounds," he said, "but
the mind that was the man was recorded. We have waited many
years to give that mind life again."
I turned back to the mirror, gaped. The young giant gaped back. "I
remember," I said. "I remember ... a knife in my guts ... and a red-
headed man ... and the Great Owner, and...."
"For his crimes," told Gope, "he went to a place of exile until the
Change should come on him. Long have we waited."

I looked again and now I saw two faces in the mirror and both of
them were young. One was low down, just above my ankles, and it
belonged to a cat I had known as Itzenca. The other, higher up, was
that of a man I had known as Ommodurad. But this was a clear-eyed
Ommodurad, just under twenty-one.
"Onto the blank slate we traced your mind," said Gope.
"He owed you a life, Legion," Foster said. "His own was forfeit."
"I guess I ought to kick and scream and demand my original ugly
puss back," I said slowly, studying my reflection, "but the fact is, I like
looking like Mr. Universe."
"Your earthly body was infected with the germs of old age," said
Foster. "Now you can look forward to a great span of life."
"But come," said Gope. "All Vallon waits to honor you." He led the
way to the tall window.
"Your place is by my side at the great ringboard," said Foster. "And
afterwards: all of the Two Worlds lie before you."
I looked past the open window and saw a carpet of velvet green that
curved over foothills to the rim of a forest. Down the long sward I
saw a procession of bright knights and ladies come riding on
animals, some black, some golden palomino, that looked for all the
world like unicorns.
My eyes travelled upward to where the light of a great white sun
flashed on blue towers. And somewhere in the distance trumpets
"It looks like a pretty fair offer," I said.

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