Carbonated Yogurt Drink

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United States Patent (19) 11 4,206,244

Schenk 45) Jun. 3, 1980

45-40259 12/1970 Japan.
(75) Inventor: Roy U. Schenk, Madison, Wis. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(73) Assignee: Persian Delight, Inc., Santa Barbara, Webb, et al., By Products from Milk, 2nd Ed. The Avi
Calif. Publ. Co., Inc., Westport, Conn. 1970 (pp. 36 & 37).
Chemicals Used In Food Processing Publication 1274,
21 Appl. No.: 875,430 National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. (p.
42) 1965.
22 Filed: Feb. 6, 1978 Primary Examiner-David M. Naff
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Lyon & Lyon
51) Int. Cl’......................... A23C9/10; A23C 11/00 57 ABSTRACT
(52) U.S. C. ..................................... 426/583; 426/588
(58) Field of Search ................. 426/43,583, 588, 551, A dry mix for combining with water to make a carbon
426/554 ated liquid yogurt is prepared containing powdered
yogurt, an edible, solid acid and a solid metal carbonate.
56 References Cited A preferred metal carbonate is a mixture of sodium
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS bicarbonate and calcium carbonate. The mix may also
contain an edible, water insoluble opacifier.
3,080,236 3/1963 Ferguson Jr. ................... 426/588 X
4,066,794 1/1978 Schur ................................. 426/43X 22 Claims, No Drawings
ble alkaline earth metal carbonates and bicarbonates;
YOGURT The powdered yogurt is prepared by dehydrating a
conventionally prepared yogurt product. This can be
either from cultured or acidified yogurt. Such powders
Yogurt is a fermented, slightly acidic, semi-solid food are available commercially. For example, Beatrice
made of whole and skimmed milk and milk solids to Foods manufactures a powdered yogurt under the trade
which cultures of bacteria have been added. The milk name Beatrene 3315.
can be cow's milk, goats milk, or milk from other mam O A problem with powdered yogurts is when they are
mals, Bacteria commonly used for producing yogurt are mixed with water, the resultant product has a taste
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thenophilus, which is not as good as the original yogurt product.
Instead of preparing yogurt with bacteria cultures, Therefore, to produce a yogurt product with a satisfac
methods have been developed for preparation of yogurt tory taste, sufficient metal carbonate is mixed with the
by chemical acidification, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 15 powdered yogurt to produce a carbonated liquid yogurt
3,432,306, issued to Joseph R. Edwards. The term "yo when the mix is combined with water. However, the
gurt' as used herein refers to both cultured and acidi presence of the metal carbonate partially neutralizes the
fied yogurts. natural acidity of the powdered yogurt. Therefore,
Yogurt products require refrigeration to prevent deg sufficient acid is included in the mix to produce a liquid
radation of product quality and spoiling. Such refrigera yogurt having a pH less than 7 when the mix is com
tion is expensive, both for the producer of yogurt and 20 bined with water.
for the retailer, and adds to the cost of commercial The acid used is at least partially water-soluble, pref.
products. In addition, even with such refrigeration, erably totally soluble in water, so that when the mix is
yogurt products have a limited shelf-life. combined with water, the acid dissolves. Also, prefera
Another problem with yogurt products is that they bly the acid is solid for ease of packaging and to avoid
are bulky because of the high water content, and are 25
inconvenient to carry outside of the home such as on premature reaction with the metal carbonate in the mix.
camping trips, backpacking, and the like. As used herein, the term "solid' means solid at room
Therefore, there is a need for a yogurt food product temperature.
which does not require refrigeration, which is tasty, and The preferred acids are organic acids such as citric
which can be conveniently used outside of the home. 30 acid and tartaric acid. Citric acid is the most preferred
acid because it is inexpensive and approved for food
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION use. It is desirable to include stearic acid in the mix
Therefore, there is provided according to the present because it adds a rich taste to the yogurt product. This
invention a mix for preparing a carbonated liquid yo occurs because stearic acid gives a "fatty' taste to the
gurt, the carbonation giving the product an excellent 35 product. Ascorbic acid can be added to the mix in an
taste. The mix comprises powdered yogurt and suffi amount of about 100 milligrams per 8 ounce serving to
cient edible, solid, at least partially water-soluble acid to raise the vitamin C content of the mix and in the case of
produce a liquid yogurt having a pH of less than 7 when citrus flavored mixes, improve taste.
the mix is combined with water. The milk also com Sufficient acid is included in the mix so that liquid
prises sufficient metal carbonate selected from the yogurt prepared from the mix has a pH less than 7, and
group consisting of edible, solid, at least partially water preferably has a pH of about 5 or lower. The powdered
soluble alkali metal carbonates and bicarbonates; edible, yogurt by itself when dissolved in water has a pH of
solid, at least partially water-soluble alkaline earth about 4.75. It has been found that to obtain a satisfac
metal carbonates and bicarbonates; and mixtures tory acidic taste in the product, the mix should contain
thereof, to produce a carbonated liquid yogurt when 45 from about 0.2 to about 0.4 pbw of acid, and preferably
the mix is combined with water. about 0.3 pbw of acid per 1 pbw of powdered yogurt,
Preferably, the acid is an organic acid such as citric Exemplary of suitable metal carbonates are calcium
acid and the mix contains from about 0.2 to about 0.4 carbonate, calcium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, so
pbw (parts by weight) of the acid per 1 pbw powdered dium bicarbonate, and dolomite powder. Preferably the
yogurt. The preferred metal carbonates are sodium 50 metal carbonates used are sodium bicarbonate and cal
bicarbonate and calcium carbonate and preferably the cium carbonate in combination. It is desirable to include
mix contains from about 0.05 to about 0.25 pbw metal sodium bicarbonate in the mix because it dissolves
carbonate per 1 pbw powdered yogurt. quickly in water, and thereby quickly releases carbon
The mix can also contain an opacifier such as calcium dioxide. Thus almost immediately after combining the
lactate or calcium biphosphate, sweetener, and pow 55 yogurt mix with water, a carbonated beverage is pro
dered whole milk. duced.
These and other features, aspects and advantages of It is desirable to include calcium carbonate in the mix
the present invention will be better understood with because it dissolves slower than sodium bicarbonate,
reference to the appended claims and following descrip and thus carbonates the liquid yogurt produced by mix
tion. ing the powder with water for a long period of time.
DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Thus, the carbonated beverage does not quickly go flat
upon standing.
A substantially dry mix for preparing a carbonated A further advantage of including calcium carbonate
liquid yogurt comprises powdered yogurt; edible, solid, and other calcium compounds in the mix is that the
at least partially water-soluble acid; and metal carbon 65 calcium reacts with the acid present to form a substan
ate selected from a group consisting of edible, solid, at tially water insoluble salt such as calcium citrate and
least partially water-soluble alkali metal carbonates and calcium lactate. These salts add opacity to the liquid
bicarbonates; edible, solid, at least partially water solu product prepared from the mix.
3 4.
If less than about 0.05 pbw of metal carbonate per 1 Food grade colorants can be added to the product so
pbw powdered yogurt is used in the mix, insufficient that the product has a color corresponding to the fla
carbonation results. If more than about 0.25 pbw of vorant added.
metal carbonate is used per 1 pbw powdered yogurt, The ingredients of the mix can be combined in con
then the liquid yogurt produced from the mix has an ventional mixing equipment. Preferably this is done at
unsatisfactory alkaline and salty taste. low humidity so that the mix has a low moisture con
Therefore, it is preferred that the mix contain from tent. If too much moisture is absorbed by the mix, the
about 0.05 to about 0.25 pbw metal carbonate. More acid and the metal carbonate in the mix can react in
preferably the mix contains from about 0.1 to about 0.2 storage, thereby ruining the product.
pbw metal carbonate per 1 pbw powdered yogurt for O These and other features of the present invention will
satisfactory carbonation and optimum taste. In these become better understood with reference to the follow
weight ratio ranges, it is preferred that the weight ratio ing examples.
of sodium bicarbonate to calcium carbonate in the mix
be from about 0.5:1 to about 2:1, and more preferably 15 EXAMPLES 1-18
the mix contains from about 1 to about 1.5 pbw sodium Table 1 presents the compositions of 18 different dry
carbonate per 1 pbw calcium carbonate to obtain fast yogurt mixtures produced. With the exception of Ex
and long lasting carbonation of the liquid yogurt. ample 1, each mix was formulated so that a delicious
A variety of other ingredients can be added to the dry carbonated liquid yogurt can be prepared by combining
mix such as milk solids, opacifiers, flavorants, sweeten 20 30 grams of the mix with 8 ounces of water. It was
ers, stabilizers, colorants, and fillers. found that the mix of Example 18 gave the best tasting
Milk solids which can be added to the mix include product, particularly when made with a raspberry fla
WOrant. -
powdered whole milk and powdered non-fat milk. Pref. A few of the ingredients listed in Table 1 need addi
erably powdered whole milk is used to add richness to tional description. "Staleydex' corn sugar is the trade
the product. It is found that adding about 0.1 pbw pow 25 name for glucose sold by Staley Manufacturing Com
dered whole mix per 1 pbw yogurt powder adds rich pany, Decatur, Ill. "FRO-DEX 10” is a dextran filler
ness to the liquid yogurt produced from the mix without sold by American Maize Products of Hammond, Indi
unduly increasing its cost. ana. Jaguar CMHPG is a modified guar gum sold by
To increase the opacity of the liquid product pro Stein, Hall, and Company., Inc., of New York, New
duced from the mix, edible calcium salts can be included 30 York. Keltrol is a gum derived from kelp manufactured
in the mix. Exemplary of suitable calcium solids are by Kalco Company of Clark, New Jersey.
calcium phosphate, dibasic (CaFFO4), calcium lactate, As indicated in Table 1, a variety of flavorants were
and calcium citrate. An advantage of including calcium used. The most satisfactory tasting liquid products were
lactate in the mix is that it gives the liquid product obtained using raspberry, strawberry, and lemon flavor
produced from the mix a lactic acid taste. Since yogurt 35 ants. The raspberry flavorants used were Permaseal
includes lactic acid, calcium lactate makes the liquid Artificial Raspberry Flavor F-2827-S and Artificial
product produced from the mix better tasting because it Raspberry Flavor SD-V-18-274 manufactured by
tastes more like natural, undehydrated yogurt. When Givaudan Corporation of Clifton, New Jersey. The
the liquid mix includes calcium lactate, preferably the strawberry flavorant used as Permaseal Artificial
mix contains about 0.06 pbw calcium lactate per 1 pbw Strawberry Flavor F-5930-A manufactured by Givau
yogurt powder. . dan Corporation. The lemon flavorant used was IFF
Sweetenerican be added to the dry mix to add bulk to Sealva Lemon Flavor V-5137 manufactured by Interna
the mix and for taste. Suitable sweeteners include glu tional Flavoring and Fragrance, Inc. of Teterboro, New
cose, fructose, dry molasses solids, dry honey solids, Jersey.
sucrose, or a combination of these sweeteners. For taste 45 Satisfactory orange and pineapple flavor products
purposes, preferably, the mix contains at least about were produced, although they did not taste as good as
pbw sweetener, and up to about 1.2 pbw sweetener per the raspberry, lemon and strawberry products. The
1 pbw yogurt powder. flavoring used for orange tasting products was provided
The food product can contain an edible stabilizer to by Ungerer Company of New York, New York, their
prevent separation of the solid portions of the mix when 50 catalog number Flavolope Orange 4702. The pineapple
the mix is combined with water. Preferably, the product flavorant tested was Permaseal Artificial Pineapple
contains sufficient stabilizer that substantially no visible Flavor F-4966-S from Givaudan Corporation. Another
separation of the yogurt and the water occurs in at least pineapple flavorant tested was provided by Interna
one hour after combining the mix with water. Any tional Flavoring and Fragrance, Inc., their catalog num
known solid edible stabilizer or mixture of stabilizers 55 ber IFF V12 197.
can be utilized in the food products. Stabilizers which The mix of the present invention has significant ad
can be used include gelatin, sodium caseinate, water vantages over conventional yogurt products. Com
dispersible proteins, flour, tapioca flour and other hy pared to undehydrated yogurt, the mix has the advan
drophilic colloids, starch including corn starch and tages of low bulk and room temperature stability.
modified starch, agar, Irish moss extract, algin, locust Therefore, it can easily be used and sold in out of the
bean gun, guar gum, cellulose gums such as carboxy way places. Compared to yogurt powder, the liquid
methyl cellulose and hydroxy propyl, methyl cellulose product prepared from the mix has a taste which is
and methyl cellulose gum, tragacanth, gum arabic, tapi superior to the taste of the liquid product prepared from
oca starch, pectin, corn flour, simple emulsified fats, plain yogurt powder.
lecithin, and mixtures thereof. 65 Although this invention has been described in terms
Fillers can be added to the mix to increase the bulk of of certain preferred versions thereof, other versions of
the mix and decrease the cost of the mix. A particularly the mix can be formulated within the guidelines pres
suitable filler is dextran. ented above. For example, additives including sweeten
ing enhancers such as mono-ammonium glycyrrhizinate 9. The mix of claim 8 in which the opacifier is se
(C2H61O16NH4) can be included in the mix. Therefore, lected from the group consisting of calcium lactate,
because of variations such as this, the spirit and scope of calcium biphosphate, and mixtures thereof.
the appended claims should not necessarily be limited to 10. The mix of claim 9 comprising about 0.06 part by
the description of the preferred versions contained 5 weight calcium lactate per one part by weight pow
herein. dered yogurt.
% by weight of total solids
COMPONENT 1. 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Yogurt Powder
Beatrene 67.6 36.2 36.2 36.2 35.7 35.7 35.7 31.7 32.2 33.3 33,S 33.5 32.0 33.0 335 33.3 33,5 33.8
citric Acid 20,3 10.9 109 10.9 10.7 10.7 10.7 11.1 12,1 100 OO 10.0 9.6 9.8 OO 100 100 10.2
NaHCO3 6.8 36 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.2 4, 40 4, 4.1 3.8 3.8 3.9 3,8 3.9 S.4
Dolomite Pwdr. 3.6 3.6
Ppted. Chalk 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.4
CahPO4 3.6
Corn Sugar 42.9 2.4 21.4 42.9 19.0 40,5 200 400 400 38.5 400 40,2 400 40.2 37.2
FRO-DEX 10 42.9 21.4 21.4 42.9 19.0 20,0
Stearic Acid 0.4
Calcium Lactate 0.7 0.7 0.7 6.3 1.3 2.1 2, 19 19 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Jaguar CMHPG 5.4, 29 2.9 29 2.9 2.9 2.9 6.7
Cellulose 6.3
Hydroxy Propyl
Methyl Cellulose 8,3
Keltrol 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 .3 1.3 3.4
Ascorbic Acid 2.9 0.3 0.3
Powdered Milk
Whole 2.0 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 3,4
Flavor 3.3 3.3 2.9 - 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.3 3.2
"P-peach, S-strawberry, L-lemon, O-orange, R-raspberry
I claim: part by weight sweetener per one part by wt. powdered
1. A substantially dry mix for preparing a carbonated yogurt.
liquid yogurt comprising: 13. The mix of claim 12 comprising up to about 1.2
(a) powdered yogurt; 35 parts by weight sweetener per one part by weight pow
(b) sufficient edible, solid, at least partially water-sol dered yogurt.
uble acid to produce a liquid yogurt having a pH of 14. The mix of claim 1 comprising powdered whole
less than 7 when the mix is combined with water; milk.
and 15. The mix of claim 14 comprising about 0.1 part by
(c) sufficient solid metal carbonate in an amount from weight whole milk per one part by weight powdered
about 0.05 to about 0.25 by weight metal carbonate yogurt.
per one part by weight powdered yogurt to pro 16. The mix of claim 1 in which the acid comprises
duce a carbonated liquid by solution of the metal citric acid.
carbonate in water when the mix is combined with 17. A substantially dry mix for preparing a carbon
water, wherein the solid carbonate is a mixture of a 45 ated liquid yogurt mix comprising:
bicarbonate that dissolves quickly in water and (a) one part by weight powdered yogurt;
quickly releases carbon dioxide and a carbonate (b) from about 0.2 to about 0.4 part by weight citric
that dissolves slowly in water and slowly releases acid;
carbon dioxide in a weight ratio of from about 0.5:1 (c) from about 0.1 to about 0.2 part by weight of
to about 2:1. 50 sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate in a
2. The mix of claim 1 wherein the metal carbonate weight ratio of sodium bicarbonate to calcium car
comprises sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate, bonate of from about 0.5:1 to about 2:1,
3. The mix of claim 1 in which metal carbonate in the (d) at least one part by weight sweetener; and
mix consists essentially of sodium bicarbonate and cal (e) calcium lactate.
cium carbonate. 55 18. The mix of claim 17 in which the weight ratio of
4. The mix of claims 2 or 3 in which the weight ratio sodium bicarbonate to calcium carbonate is from about
of sodium bicarbonate to calcium carbonate is from 1:1 to about 1.5:1.
about 0.5:1 to about 2:1. 19. The mix of claim 17 comprising about 0.3 part by
5. The mix of claims 2 or 3 in which the weight ratio weight of citric acid per one part by weight powdered
of sodium bicarbonate to calcium carbonate is from yogurt.
about 1:1 to about 1.5:1. 20. The mix of claim 17 comprising about 0.06 part by
6. The mix of claim 1 comprising about 0.3 part by weight calcium lactate per one part by weight pow
weight acid per one part by weight powdered yogurt. dered yogurt.
7. The mix of claims 1 or 6 comprising from about 0.1 21. The mix of claim 17 comprising up to about 1.2
to about 0.2 part by weight metal carbonate per one part 65 parts by weight sweetener per one part by weight pow
by weight powdered yogurt. dered yogurt.
8. The mix of claim 1 comprising an edible, water 22. The mix of claim 1 comprising from about 0.2 to
insoluble opacifier. about 0.4 part by weight acid per one part by weight
11. The mix of claim 1 including sweetener. powdered yogurt.
12. The mix of claim 11 comprising at least about one

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