Quantitative Techniques For Management - Removed
Quantitative Techniques For Management - Removed
Quantitative Techniques For Management - Removed
Page No.
Unit -I
Unit -II
Unit -III
Unit -IV
Subject Description: This course presents the various mathematical models, networking, probability,
inventory models and simulations for managerial decisions.
Goals: To enable the students to learn techniques of operations research and resources management
and their application in decision making in the management.
2. Learnt the feasible solution and optimum solution for the resource management.
5. Learnt the various inventory models and simulations in the resource planning and management.
Transportation model – Initial Basic Feasible solutions – optimum solution for non – degeneracy and
degeneracy model – Trans-shipment Model – Assignment Model – Travelling Salesmen problem.
Network Model – networking – CPM – critical path – Time estimates – critical path – crashing,
Resource levelling, Resources planning. Waiting Line Model – Structure of model – M/M/1 for
infinite population.
Probability – definitions – addition and multiplication Rules (only statements) – simple business
application problems – probability distribution – expected value concept – theoretical probability
distributions – Binomial, Poison and Normal – Simple problems applied to business.
Inventory Models – Deterministic – EOQ – EOQ with Price Breaks – Probabilistic Inventory Models
- Probabilistic EOQ model – Game theory-zero sum games: Arithmetic and Graphical Method.
1.0 Aims and Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Historical Development
1.3 About Quantitative Technique
1.4 Methodology of Quantitative Techniques
1.4.1 Formulating the Problem
1.4.2 Defining the Decision Variables and Constraints
1.4.3 Developing a Suitable Model
1.4.4 Acquiring the Input Data
1.4.5 Solving the Model
1.4.6 Validating the Model
1.4.7 Implementing the Results
1.5 Advantages of Mathematical Modelling
1.6 Scope of Quantitative Technique
1.7 Statistics : An Introduction
1.7.1 Origin and Growth of Statistics
1.7.2 Meaning and Definition of Statistics
1.7.3 Statistics as Data
1.7.4 Statistics as a Science
1.7.5 Statistics as a Science different from Natural Sciences
1.7.6 Statistics as a Scientific Method
1.7.7 Statistics as a Science or an Art
1.8 Let us Sum Up
1.9 Lesson-end Activities
1.10 Keywords
1.11 Questions for Discussion
1.12 Terminal Questions
1.13 Model Answers to Questions for Discussion
Scientific methods have been man’s outstanding asset to pursue an ample number of
activities. It is analysed that whenever some national crisis, emerges due to the impact
of political, social, economic or cultural factors the talents from all walks of life amalgamate
together to overcome the situation and rectify the problem. In this chapter we will see
how the quantitative techniques had facilitated the organization in solving complex
problems on time with greater accuracy. The historical development will facilitate in
managerial decision-making & resource allocation, The methodology helps us in studying
the scientific methods with respect to phenomenon connected with human behaviour
like formulating the problem, defining decision variable and constraints, developing a
suitable model, acquiring the input data, solving the model, validating the model,
implementing the results. The major advantage of mathematical model is that its facilitates
in taking decision faster and more accurately.
Managerial activities have become complex and it is necessary to make right decisions
to avoid heavy losses. Whether it is a manufacturing unit, or a service organization, the
resources have to be utilized to its maximum in an efficient manner. The future is clouded
with uncertainty and fast changing, and decision-making – a crucial activity – cannot be
made on a trial-and-error basis or by using a thumb rule approach. In such situations,
there is a greater need for applying scientific methods to decision-making to increase the
probability of coming up with good decisions. Quantitative Technique is a scientific approach
to managerial decision-making. The successful use of Quantitative Technique for
management would help the organization in solving complex problems on time, with
greater accuracy and in the most economical way. Today, several scientific management
techniques are available to solve managerial problems and use of these techniques helps
managers become explicit about their objectives and provides additional information to
select an optimal decision. This study material is presented with variety of these techniques
with real life problem areas.
Explain with the help of example some of the important Quantitative Techniques
used in modern business and in industrial unit.
8 Contd....
Notes: (a) Write your answer in the space given below. Quantitative Techniques –
(b) Please go through the lesson sub-head thoroughly you will get your
answers in it.
(c) This Chek Your Progress will help you to understand the lesson better.
Try to write answers for them, but do not submit your answers to the
university for assessment. These are for your practice only.
Do you think the day will come when all decision in a business unit are made with
assistance of quantitative techniques? Give reasons for your answer.
Notes: (a) Write your answer in the space given below.
(b) Please go through the lesson sub-head thoroughly you will get your
answers in it.
Contd.... 9
Quantitative Techniques (c) This Chek Your Progress will help you to understand the lesson better.
for Management
Try to write answers for them, but do not submit your answers to the
university for assessment. These are for your practice only.
Figure 1.1
“Quantitative Technique is a very powerful tools and analytical process that offers
the presentation of an optimum solutions in spite of its limitations”. Discuss.
Notes: (a) Write your answer in the space given below.
(b) Please go through the lesson sub-head thoroughly you will get your
answers in it.
(c) This Chek Your Progress will help you to understand the lesson better.
Try to write answers for them, but do not submit your answers to the
university for assessment. These are for your practice only.
12 Contd....
Quantitative Techniques –
_____________________________________________________________________ Introduction
Management science
Mathematical model
Quantitative Techniques for
Management LESSON
2.0 Aims and Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Definition of Average
2.3 Functions and Characterstics of an Average
2.4 Various Measures of Average
2.5 Arithmetic Mean
2.6 Median
2.7 Other Partition or Positional Measures
2.8 Mode
2.9 Relation between Mean, Median and Mode
2.10 Geometric Mean
2.11 Harmonic Mean
2.12 Let us Sum Up
2.13 Lesson-end Activity
2.14 Keywords
2.15 Questions for Discussion
2.16 Terminal Questions
2.17 Model Answers to Questions for Discussion
2.18 Suggested Readings
Summarisation of the data is a necessary function of any statistical analysis. As a first
step in this direction, the huge mass of unwieldy data are summarised in the form of
tables and frequency distributions. In order to bring the characteristics of the data into
sharp focus, these tables and frequency distributions need to be summarised further. A
measure of central tendency or an average is very essential and an important summary
measure in any statistical analysis. An average is a single value which can be taken as
24 representative of the whole distribution.
Measures of Central Tendency
The average of a distribution has been defined in various ways. Some of the important
definitions are :
(i) "An average is an attempt to find one single figure to describe the whole of
figures". - Clark and Sekkade
(ii) "Average is a value which is typical or representative of a set of data".
- Murray R. Spiegal
(iii) "An average is a single value within the range of the data that is used to
represent all the values in the series. Since an average is somewhere within
the range of data it is sometimes called a measure of central value".
- Croxton and Cowden
(iv) "A measure of central tendency is a typical value around which other figures
congregate". - Sipson and Kafka
abbreviated form as ∑X
i =1
i , where S (called sigma) denotes summation sign.
The subscript of X, i.e., 'i' is a positive integer, which indicates the serial number of the
observation. Since there are n observations, variation in i will be from 1 to n. This is
indicated by writing it below and above S, as written earlier. When there is no ambiguity
in range of summation, this indication can be skipped and we may simply write X1 + X2
+ ..... + Xn = SXi.
Arithmetic Mean is defined as the sum of observations divided by the number of
observations. It can be computed in two ways : (i) Simple arithmetic mean and
(ii) weighted arithmetic mean. In case of simple arithmetic mean, equal importance is
given to all the observations while in weighted arithmetic mean, the importance given to
various observations is not same.
Calculation of Simple Arithmetic Mean
(a) When Individual Observations are given.
Let there be n observations X1, X2 ..... Xn. Their arithmetic mean can be calculated
either by direct method or by short cut method. The arithmetic mean of these observations
will be denoted by X
Direct Method: Under this method, X is obtained by dividing sum of observations by
number of observations, i.e.,
i =1
Short-cut Method: This method is used when the magnitude of individual observations
is large. The use of short-cut method is helpful in the simplification of calculation work.
Let A be any assumed mean. We subtract A from every observation. The difference
between an observation and A, i.e., Xi - A is called the deviation of i th observation from
A and is denoted by di. Thus, we can write ; d1 = X1 - A, d2 = X2 - A, ..... dn = Xn - A. On
adding these deviations and dividing by n we get
∑ di = ∑ ( Xi − A) = ∑ Xi − nA = ∑ Xi − A
n n n n
or d =X−A (Where d =
∑ i)
On rearranging, we get X = A + d = A +
∑d i
This result can be used for the calculation of X .
Remarks: Theoretically we can select any value as assumed mean. However, for the
purpose of simplification of calculation work, the selected value should be as nearer to
26 the value of X as possible.
Example 1: The following figures relate to monthly output of cloth of a factory in a Measures of Central Tendency
given year:
Months : Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
: 80 88 92 84 96 92 96 100 92 94 98 86
( in '000 metres )
Xi 80 88 92 84 96 92 96 100 92 94 98 86 Total
d i = X i - A - 10 - 2 2 - 6 6 2 6 10 2 4 8 - 4 Â di = 18
\ X = 90 + = 90 + 1.5 = 91.5 thousand mtrs
(b) When data are in the form of an ungrouped frequency distribution
Let there be n values X1, X2, ..... Xn out of which X1 has occurred f1 times, X2 has
occurred f 2 times, ..... Xn has occurred f n times. Let N be the total frequency,
i.e., N = ∑f
i =1
i . Alternatively, this can be written as follows :
Direct Method : The arithmetic mean of these observations using direct method is given
X1 + X1 + ... + X1 + X 2 + ... + ... + X 2 + ... + ... + X n + ... + X n
1442443 144424443 1442443
f1times f 2times f ntimes
f1 + f 2 + ... f n
Since X1 + X1 + ..... + X1 added f1 times can also be written f1X1. Similarly, by writing
other observation in same manner, we have
n n
∑ fi X i ∑ fi X i
f X + f X + ... + fn Xn i = 1 i =1
X= 1 1 2 2 = =
f1 + f2 + ... + fn n N
∑ f .... (3)
i =1
b g
S fi d i = S fi X i − A = S fi X i − AS fi = S fiXi - A.N 27
Quantitative Techniques for Dividing both sides by N we have
∑ fi di ∑ fi X i  fi di
= − A = X - A or X=A+ = A+d .
Direct method: The computations are shown in the following table :
X 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total
f 25 45 90 165 112 96 81 26 18 12 ∑ f = 670
fX 125 270 630 1320 1008 960 891 312 234 168 ∑ fX = 5918
∑ fX 5918
X= = = 8.83 years.
∑f 670
Short-Cut Method: The method of computations are shown in the following table :
X 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total
f 25 45 90 165 112 96 81 26 18 12 670
d = X −8 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
fd − 75 − 90 − 90 0 112 192 243 104 90 72 558
∑ fd 558
\ X = A+ =8+ = 8 + 0.83 = 8.83 years.
N 670
(c) When data are in the form of a grouped frequency distribution
In a grouped frequency distribution, there are classes along with their respective
frequencies. Let li be the lower limit and ui be the upper limit of i th class. Further, let the
number of classes be n, so that i = 1, 2,.....n. Also let fi be the frequency of i th class. This
distribution can written in tabular form, as shown.
Note: Here u1 may or may not be equal to l2, i.e., the upper limit of a class may or may
not be equal to the lower limit of its following class.
It may be recalled here that, in a grouped frequency distribution, we only know the
number of observations in a particular class interval and not their individual magnitudes.
Therefore, to calculate mean, we have to make a fundamental
assumption that the observations in a class are uniformly distributed. Class Frequency
Under this assumption, the mid-value of a class will be equal to the Intervals (f )
mean of observations in that class and hence can be taken as their l1 -u1 f1
representative. Therefore, if Xi is the mid-value of i th class with l2 -u2 f2
frequency fi , the above assumption implies that there are fi M M
observations each with magnitude Xi (i = 1 to n). Thus, the ln -un fn
arithmetic mean of a grouped frequency distribution can also be Total
calculated by the use of the formula, given in § 9.5.1(b). = ∑ fi = N
Remarks: The accuracy of arithmetic mean calculated for a
grouped frequency distribution depends upon the validity of the fundamental assumption.
This assumption is rarely met in practice. Therefore, we can only get an approximate
value of the arithmetic mean of a grouped frequency distribution.
Example 3: Calculate arithmetic mean of the following distribution : Measures of Central Tendency
Intervals : 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70 70 - 80
Frequency : 3 8 12 15 18 16 11 5
Solution: Here only short-cut method will be used to calculate arithmetic mean but it
can also be calculated by the use of direct-method.
Class Mid Frequency
d = X - 35 fd
Intervals Values (X ) (f )
0-10 5 3 - 30 - 90
10-20 15 8 - 20 -160
20-30 25 12 -10 -120
30-40 35 15 0 0
40-50 45 18 10 180
50-60 55 16 20 320
60-70 65 11 30 330
70-80 75 5 40 200
Total 88 660
\ X = A + ∑ = 35 +
fd 660
= 42.5
N 88
Example 4: The following table gives the distribution of weekly wages of workers in a
factory. Calculate the arithmetic mean of the distribution.
Wages : 240 - 269 270 - 299 300 - 329 330 - 359 360 - 389 390 - 419 420 - 449
No. of
Workers : 7 19 27 15 12 12 8
Solution: It may be noted here that the given class intervals are inclusive. However, for
the computation of mean, they need not be converted into exclusive class intervals.
Class Mid
Frequency d = X - 344.5 fd
Intervals Values (X )
240-269 254.5 7 - 90 - 630
270-299 284.5 19 - 60 -1140
300-329 314.5 27 - 30 - 810
330-359 344.5 15 0 0
360-389 374.5 12 30 360
390-419 404.5 12 60 720
420-449 434.5 8 90 720
Total 100 -780
X = A+
∑ fd = 344.5 − 780 = 336.7
N 100
Step deviation method or coding method
In a grouped frequency distribution, if all the classes are of equal width, say 'h', the
successive mid-values of various classes will differ from each other by this width. This
fact can be utilised for reducing the work of computations.
Xi - A
Let us define ui = . Multiplying both sides by fi and taking sum over all the
1 n
observations we have, ∑ fu
i =1
i i = ∑ fi ( Xi − A)
h i =1
n n n n
h∑ fi ui = ∑ fi Xi − A∑ fi = ∑ fi Xi − A.N
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1
Quantitative Techniques for Dividing both sides by N, we have
n n
∑fui i
i =1
∑f X
i =1
i i
h⋅ = − A= X− A
∑ fu i i
\ X = A + h ⋅ i =1 .... (5)
Using this relation we can simplify the computations of Example 4, as shown below.
X - 344.5
u= -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Total
f 7 19 27 15 12 12 8 100
fu - 21 - 38 - 27 0 12 24 24 - 26
Using formula (5), we have
30 × 26
X = 344.5 − = 336.7
Example 5: Following table gives the distribution of companies according to size of
capital. Find the mean size of the capital of a company.
Capital ( Lacs Rs ) < 5 < 10 < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30
No . of Companies 20 27 29 38 48 53
Solution: This is a 'less than' cumulative frequency distribution. This will first be converted
into class intervals.
Class Frequency Mid - values X − 12.5
u= fu
Intervals (f ) (X) 5
0-5 20 2.5 −2 − 40
5 - 10 7 7.5 −1 −7
10 - 15 2 12.5 0 0
15 - 20 9 17.5 1 9
20 - 25 10 22.5 2 20
25 - 30 5 27.5 3 15
Total 53 −3
5× 3
\ X = 12.5 − = Rs 12.22 Lacs
Example 6: A charitable organisation decided to give old age pension to people over
sixty years of age. The scale of pension were fixed as follows :
If the total pension paid per month in various age groups are :
Age Group : 60 - 65 65 - 70 70 - 75 75 - 80 80 - 85 85 - 90 90 - 95
Total Pension/ Month : 700 600 840 800 720 600 440
Calculate the average amount of pension paid per month per head and the average age
of the group of old persons.
Solution: The computations of pension per head and the average age are shown in the
30 following table.
Rate of Total Mid - values Measures of Central Tendency
No . of X − 77 . 5
Age Pension per Pension paid of Class
Persons u= fu
Group month ( Y ) per month ( T ) Intervals 5
f =T ÷Y
( in Rs ) ( in Rs ) (X)
60 - 65 100 700 7 62 . 5 −3 − 21
65 - 70 120 600 5 67 . 5 −2 − 10
70 - 75 140 840 6 72 . 5 −1 −6
75 - 80 160 800 5 77 . 5 0 0
80 - 85 180 720 4 82 . 5 1 4
85 - 90 200 600 3 87 . 5 2 6
90 - 95 220 440 2 92 . 5 3 6
Total 4700 32 − 21
5 × ( − 21)
Average age X = 77.5 + = 77.5 - 3.28 = 74.22 Years
∑ f (d
i i + 1) = ∑ fi di + ∑ fi
or ∑ f d = ∑ f (d
i i i i + 1) − ∑ fi = ∑ fi ( di + 1) − N
∑ f (u
i i + 1) = ∑ fi ui + ∑ fi
or ∑ f u = ∑ f (u
i i i i + 1) − ∑ fi = ∑ fi (ui + 1) − N
∑ f (u + 1) = 20 × ( - 1 ) + ( 7 × 0) + ( 2 × 1) + ( 9 × 2) + ( 10 × 3) + ( 5 × 4) = 50
Since ∑ f (u + 1) − N = 50 − 53 = − 3 = ∑ fu , the calculations are correct.
Weighted Arithmetic Mean
In the computation of simple arithmetic mean, equal importance is given to all the items.
But this may not be so in all situations. If all the items are not of equal importance, then
simple arithmetic mean will not be a good representative of the given data. Hence,
weighing of different items becomes necessary. The weights are assigned to different
items depending upon their importance, i.e., more important items are assigned more
weight. For example, to calculate mean wage of the workers of a factory, it would be
wrong to compute simple arithmetic mean if there are a few workers (say managers)
with very high wages while majority of the workers are at low level of wages. The
simple arithmetic mean, in such a situation, will give a higher value that cannot be regarded
as representative wage for the group. In order that the mean wage gives a realistic
picture of the distribution, the wages of managers should be given less importance in its
computation. The mean calculated in this manner is called weighted arithmetic mean.
The computation of weighted arithmetic is useful in many situations where different
items are of unequal importance, e.g., the construction index numbers, computation of
standardised death and birth rates, etc. 31
Quantitative Techniques for Formulae for Weighted Arithmetic Mean
Let X1, X2 ....., Xn be n values with their respective weights w1, w2 ....., wn. Their
weighted arithmetic mean denoted as Xw is given by,
Xw =
∑w Xi i
∑w i
(Using direct method),
(ii) Xw = A +
∑w d i i
(where di = Xi - A) (Using short-cut method),
∑w i
Xw = A +
∑w u i i
× h (where ui = X i - A ) (Using step-deviation method)
∑w i h
Solution: The average price is given by the weighted average of prices, taking the
number of shares purchased as weights.
Price of share ( X ) No . of shares
Month d = X − 150 dw
( in Rs ) (w)
Dec - 91 100 200 − 50 − 10000
Jan - 92 150 250 0 0
Feb - 92 200 280 50 14000
Mar - 92 125 300 − 25 − 7500
Total 1030 − 3500
Xw = 150 − = Rs 146.60
Example 8: From the following results of two colleges A and B, find out which of the
two is better :
Examination College A College B
Appeared Passed Appeared Passed
M.Sc. 60 40 200 160
M. A. 100 60 240 200
B.Sc. 200 150 200 140
B. A. 120 75 160 100
Solution: Performance of the two colleges can be compared by taking weighted arithmetic
mean of the pass percentage in various classes. The calculation of weighted arithmetic
mean is shown in the following table.
Measures of Central Tendency
X w for College A =
∑w X
= 67.71%
∑w A 480
X w for College B =
∑w XB B
∑w B 800 = 75%
Since the weighted average of pass percentage is higher for college B, hence college B
is better.
Remarks: If X denotes simple mean and Xw denotes the weighted mean of the same
data, then
(ii) X > Xw , when items of small magnitude are assigned greater weights and items of
large magnitude are assigned lesser weights.
(iii) X < Xw , when items of small magnitude are assigned lesser weights and items of
large magnitude are assigned greater weights.
Let di = X i - X , where i =1, 2 ..... n. Multiplying both sides by fi and taking sum
over all the observations, we have
∑ f d = ∑ f (X − X ) = ∑ f X − X∑ f
i i i i i i i
∑ f (X − X)
= i i
dS d2S
= 0 and >0
dA dA2 33
Quantitative Techniques for Differentiating (1) w.r.t. A we have
= − 2 ∑ fi ( Xi − A) = 0 , for minima. .... (2)
On dividing both sides by - 2, we have
∑ f (Xi i − A ) = 0 or ∑fX i i − NA = 0
∑fX i i
− A = 0 (on dividing both sides by N)
Thus, X - A = 0 or A = X .
Further, to show that S is minimum, it will be shown that 2 > 0 at A = X .
Differentiating (2) further w.r.t. A, we have
= − 2∑ fi ( 0 − 1) = 2∑ fi = 2 N , which is always positive.
N. According to this property, if any two of the three values are known, the third
can be easily computed. This property is obvious and requires no proof.
4. If X1 and N1 are the mean and number of observations of a series and X2 and N2
are the corresponding magnitudes of another series, then the mean X of the
N1 X 1 + N 2 X 2
combined series of N1 + N2 observations is given by X = ◊
N1 + N 2
Proof : To find mean of the combined series, we have to find sum of its observations.
Now, the sum of observations of the first series, i.e., ∑fX 1 1 = N1 X1 and the sum
N1 X 1 + N 2 X 2
Thus, the combined mean X = ◊
N1 + N 2
This result can be generalised: If there are k series each with mean Xi and number
of observations equal to Ni , where i = 1,2 ..... k, the mean of the combined series
of N1 + N2 + ..... + Nk observations is given by
 Ni X i
N1 X 1 + N 2 X 2 + ... + N k X k i =1
X = =
N1 + N 2 + ... + N k k
i =1
∑ fu i i
fi Xi
+ B or u = X + B .
Xi X
Similarly, it can be shown that if Di = , then D =
b b
ÂfY i i
= a +b
fi X i
or Y = a + bX
This shows that relationship between the means of two variables is same as the
relationship between the variables themselves.
7. If some observations of a series are replaced by some other observations, then the
mean of original observations will change by the average change in magnitude of
the changed observations.
X + X + LL + X
Proof: Let mean of n observations be X = 1 2 n . Further, Let X ,
n 1
X2, X3 are replaced by the respective observations Y1, Y2, Y3. Therefore, the
change in magnitude of the changed observations = (Y1 + Y2 + Y3) - (X1 + X2 +
(Y1 + Y2 + Y3 ) − (X1 + X 2 + X 3 )
Hence average change in magnitude = .
N 1X1 + N 2 X 2
N1 + N 2
30.5 =
35 x + 25 100 − x g = 35x + 2500 − 25x or 3050 = 10x + 2500
x + 100 − x 100
fi x = = 55%. Thus, there are 55% men and 45% women in the group.
To find missing frequency or a missing value
Example 12: The following is the distribution of weights (in lbs.) of 60 students of a
Weights : 93 - 97 98 - 102 103 - 107 108 - 112 113 - 117
No. of
Students : 2 5 12 ? 14
Weights : 118 - 122 123 - 127 128 - 132 Total
No. of
Students : ? 3 1 60
If the mean weight of the students is 110.917, find the missing frequencies.
Solution: Let f1 be the frequency of the class 108-112. Then, the frequency of the class
118-122 is given by 60 - (2 + 5 + 12 + 14 + 3 + 1 + f 1) = 23 - f1
Writing this information in tabular form we have :
Weights No. of Mid -Values X - 110
u= fu
(in lbs.) Students (f ) (X ) 5
93-97 2 95 -3 -6
98-102 5 100 -2 -10
103-107 12 105 -1 -12
108-112 f1 110 0 0
113-117 14 115 1 14
118-122 23 - f1 120 2 46 - 2 f1
123-127 3 125 3 9
128-132 1 130 4 4
Total 60 45 - 2 f1
(45 - 2 f1 )5
Using the formula for A.M., we can write 110.917 = 110 +
or 11.004 = 45 - 2f1 or 2f1 = 33.996 = 34 (approximately)
Thus, f1 = 17 is the frequency of the class 108 - 112 and 23 - 17= 6 is the frequency of
the class 118 - 122.
Example 13: Find out the missing item (x) of the following frequency distribution whose
arithmetic mean is 11.37. 37
Quantitative Techniques for
X : 5 7 axf 11 13 16 20
f : 2 4 29 54 11 8 4
 fX (5 ¥ 2) + (7 ¥ 4) + 29 x + (11 ¥ 54) + (13 ¥ 11) + (16 ¥ 8) + (20 ¥ 4)
Âf 112
10 + 28 + 29 x + 594 + 143 + 128 + 80
11.37 = or 11.37 ×112 = 983 + 29x
\ x= = 10.015 = 10 (approximately)
Example 14: The arithmetic mean of 50 items of a series was calculated by a student
as 20. However, it was later discovered that an item 25 was misread as 35. Find the
correct value of mean.
Solution: N = 50 and X = 20 \ SXi = 50 × 20 = 1000
Thus SXi (corrected) = 1000 + 25 - 35 = 990 and X (corrected) = = 19.8
Alternatively, using property 7 :
X new = X old + average change in magnitude = 20 - = 20 - 0.2 = 19.8
Example 15: The sales of a balloon seller on seven days of a week are as given below:
Days Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Sales ( in Rs ) 100 150 125 140 160 200 250
If the profit is 20% of sales, find his average profit per day.
Solution: Let P denote profit and S denote sales, \ P = ¥S
20 1
Using property 6, we can write P = ¥S or P= ¥S
100 5
\ P= = Rs 32.14
Hence, the average profit of the balloon seller is Rs 32.14 per day.
Alternatively, we can find profit of each day and take mean of these values.
Days Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Profit ( in Rs ) 20 30 25 28 32 40 50
20 + 30 + 25 + 28 + 32 + 40 + 50
P= = Rs 32.14
Hint : Take the mid-value of a class as the mean of its limits and find arithmetic
mean by the step-deviation method.
2. The following table gives the monthly income (in rupees) of families in a certain
locality. By stating the necessary assumptions, calculate arithmetic mean of the
distribution. 39
Quantitative Techniques for Income : 1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 5000
No. of
Families : 100 1200 1450 250 70 30
Hint : This distribution is with open end classes. To calculate mean, it is to be assumed
that the width of first class is same as the width of second class. On this
assumption the lower limit of the first class will be 0. Similarly, it is assumed that
the width of last class is equal to the width of last but one class. Therefore, the
upper limit of the last class can be taken as 6,000.
3. Compute arithmetic mean of the following distribution of marks in Economics of 50
Marks more than No. of Students Marks more than No. of Students
0 50 50 15
10 46 60 8
20 40 70 3
30 33 80 0
40 25
Hint: First convert the distribution into class intervals and then calculate X .
4. The monthly profits, in '000 rupees, of 100 shops are distributed as follows:
Profit per Shop : 0 - 100 0 - 200 0 - 300 0 - 400 0 - 500 0 - 600
No. of Shops : 12 30 57 77 94 100
Find average profit per shop.
Hint: This is a less than type cumulative frequency distribution.
5. Typist A can type a letter in five minutes, typist B in ten minutes and typist C in
fifteen minutes. What is the average number of letters typed per hour per typist?
Hint: In one hour, A will type 12 letters, B will type 6 letters and C will type
4 letters.
6. A taxi ride in Delhi costs Rs 5 for the first kilometre and Rs 3 for every additional
kilometre travelled. The cost of each kilometre is incurred at the beginning of the
kilometre so that the rider pays for the whole kilometre. What is the average cost
of travelling 2 kilometres?
Hint: Total cost of travelling 2 kilometres = Rs 5 + 3 + 3 = Rs 11.
7. A company gave bonus to its employees. The rates of bonus in various salary
groups are :
Monthly Salary
: 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000
( in Rs )
Rate of Bonus
: 2000 2500 3000 3500
( in Rs )
Frequency : 3 5 23 45 66 85 95 98 2
Hint: Rearrange this in the form of frequency distribution by taking class inter-
vals as 90 - 100, 100 - 110, etc.
9. By arranging the following information in the form of a frequency distribution, find
arithmetic mean.
"In a group of companies 15%, 25%, 40% and 75% of them get profits less than Rs
6 lakhs, 10 lakhs, 14 lakhs and 20 lakhs respectively and 10% get Rs 30 lakhs or
more but less than 40 lakhs."
Hint: Take class intervals as 0 - 6, 6 - 10, 10 - 14, 14 - 20, etc.
10. Find class intervals if the arithmetic mean of the following distribution is 38.2 and
the assumed mean is equal to 40.
Step deviations : 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Frequency : 8 14 18 28 17 10 5
Hint: The no. of shares of each type = no. of companies × average no. of shares.
12. The mean weight of 150 students in a certain class is 60 kgs. The mean weight of
boys in the class is 70 kgs and that of girls is 55 kgs. Find the number of girls and
boys in the class.
Hint: Take n1 as the no. of boys and 150 - n1 as the no. of girls.
13. The mean wage of 100 labourers working in a factory, running two shifts of 60 and
40 workers respectively, is Rs 38. The mean wage of 60 labourers working in the
morning shift is Rs 40. Find the mean wage of 40 laboures working in the evening
Hint: See example 10.
14. The mean of 25 items was calculated by a student as 20. If an item 13 is replaced
by 30, find the changed value of mean.
Hint: See example 14.
15. The average daily price of share of a company from Monday to Friday was
Rs 130. If the highest and lowest price during the week were Rs 200 and
Rs 100 respectively, find average daily price when the highest and lowest price are
not included.
Hint: See example 10.
16. The mean salary paid to 1000 employees of an establishment was found to be Rs
180.40. Later on, after disbursement of the salary, it was discovered that the salaries
of two employees were wrongly recorded as Rs 297 and Rs 165 instead of Rs 197
and Rs 185. Find the correct arithmetic mean.
Hint: See example 14.
17. Find the missing frequencies of the following frequency distribution : 41
Quantitative Techniques for Class
Management Intervals : 60 - 65 65 - 70 70 - 75 75 - 80 80 - 85 85 - 90 90 - 95 95 - 100
Frequency : 5 10 26 35 ? 20 15 ?
Hint: See example 12.
18. Marks obtained by students who passed a given examination are given
below :
Marks obtained
: 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70 70 - 80 80 - 90 90 - 100
( in percent )
No . of
: 10 12 20 9 5 4
If 100 students took the examination and their mean marks were 51, calculate the
mean marks of students who failed.
Hint: See example 9.
19. A appeared in three tests of the value of 20, 50 and 30 marks respectively. He
obtained 75% marks in the first and 60% marks in the second test. What should be
his percentage of marks in the third test in order that his aggregate is 60%?
Hint: Let x be the percentage of marks in third test. Then the weighted average of
75, 60 and x should be 60, where weights are 20, 50 and 30 respectively.
20. Price of a banana is 80 paise and the price of an orange is Rs 1.20. If a person
purchases two dozens of bananas and one dozen of oranges, show by stating reasons
that the average price per piece of fruit is 93 paise and not one rupee.
Hint: Correct average is weighted arithmetic average.
21. The average marks of 39 students of a class is 50. The marks obtained by 40th
student are 39 more than the average marks of all the 40 students. Find mean
marks of all the 40 students.
Hint: X + 39 + 39 × 50 = 40 X .
22. The means calculated for frequency distributions I and II were 36 and 32
respectively. Find the missing frequencies of the two distributions.
Frequency of Frequency of
Class Intervals Distribution I Distribution II
5 - 15 4 10
15 - 25 10 14
25 - 35 14 3y
35 - 45 16 13
45 - 55 2x 10
55 - 65 y x
Calculate the average rate of conveyance allowance given to each salesman per
kilometre by the company.
Hint: Obtain total number of kilometre travelled for each rate of conveyance allowance
by multiplying mid-values of column 1 with column 2. Treat this as frequency 'f'
and third column as 'X' and find X .
25. The details of monthly income and expenditure of a group of five families are given
in the following table:
Income Expenditure per No. of members
( in Rs ) member ( in Rs ) in the family
A 1100 220 4
B 1200 190 5
C 1300 230 4
D 1400 260 3
E 1500 250 4
Find: (i) Average income per member for the entire group of families.
(ii) Average expenditure per family.
(iii) The difference between actual and average expenditure for each family.
Total income of the group of families
Hint: (i) Average income per member = ◊
Total no. of members in the group
Which of these two diseases has more incidence in April 1991? Justify your
Hint: The more incidence of disease is given by higher average number of patients.
28. A company has three categories of workers A, B and C. During 1994, the number
of workers in respective category were 40, 240 and 120 with monthly wages
Rs 1,000, Rs 1,300 and Rs 1,500. During the following year, the monthly wages of
all the workers were increased by 15% and their number, in each category, were
130, 150 and 20, respectively.
(a) Compute the average monthly wages of workers for the two years.
(b) Compute the percentage change of average wage in 1995 as compared with
1994. Is it equal to 15%? Explain.
Hint: Since the weight of the largest wage is less in 1995, the increase in average wage
will be less than 15%.
29. (a) The average cost of producing 10 units is Rs 6 and the average cost of
producing 11 units is Rs 6.5. Find the marginal cost of the 11th unit.
(b) A salesman is entitled to bonus in a year if his average quarterly sales are at
least Rs 40,000. If his average sales of the first three quarters is Rs 35,000,
find his minimum level of sales in the fourth quarter so that he becomes
eligible for bonus.
Hint: See example 10.
30. (a) The monthly salaries of five persons were Rs 5,000, Rs 5,500, Rs 6,000, Rs
7,000 and Rs 20,000. Compute their mean salary. Would you regard this mean
as typical of the salaries? Explain.
(b) There are 100 workers in a company out of which 70 are males and 30
females. If a male worker earns Rs 100 per day and a female worker earns
Rs. 70 per day, find average wage. Would you regard this as a typical wage?
Hint: An average that is representative of most of the observations is said to be a
typical average.
Median of distribution is that value of the variate which divides it into two equal parts. In
terms of frequency curve, the ordinate drawn at median divides the area under the curve
44 into two equal parts. Median is a positional average because its value depends upon the
position of an item and not on its magnitude. Measures of Central Tendency
Determination of Median
(a) When individual observations are given
The following steps are involved in the determination of median :
(i) The given observations are arranged in either ascending or descending order of
(ii) Given that there are n observations, the median is given by:
Ê n + 1ˆ
1. The size of ÁË ˜ th observations, when n is odd.
2 ¯
n Ê n + 1ˆ
2. The mean of the sizes of th and ÁË ˜ th observations, when n is even.
2 2 ¯
Example 16: Find median of the following observations :
20, 15, 25, 28, 18, 16, 30.
Solution: Writing the observations in ascending order, we get 15, 16, 18, 20, 25, 28, 30.
Ê 7 + 1ˆ
Since n = 7, i.e., odd, the median is the size of ÁË ˜ th, i.e., 4th observation.
2 ¯
Hence, median, denoted by Md = 20.
Note: The same value of Md will be obtained by arranging the observations in descending
order of magnitude.
Example 17: Find median of the data : 245, 230, 265, 236, 220, 250.
Solution: Arranging these observations in ascending order of magnitude, we get
220, 230, 236, 245, 250, 265. Here n = 6, i.e., even.
6 Ê6 ˆ
\ Median will be arithmetic mean of the size of 2 th, i.e., 3rd and ÁË + 1˜¯ th,
236 + 245
i.e., 4th observations. Hence Md = = 240.5 .
Remarks: Consider the observations: 13, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23. On the basis of
the method given above, their median is 17.
According to the above definition of median, "half (i.e., 50%) of the observations should
be below 17 and half of the observations should be above 17". Here we may note that
only 3 observations are below 17 and 4 observations are above it and hence, the definition
of median given above is some what ambiguous. In order to avoid this ambiguity, the
median of a distribution may also be defined in the following way :
Median of a distribution is that value of the variate such that at least half of the observations
are less than or equal to it and at least half of the observations are greater than or equal
to it.
Based on this definition, we find that there are 5 observations which are less than or
equal to 17 and there are 6 observations which are greater than or equal to 17. Since
n = 9, the numbers 5 and 6 are both more than half, i.e., 4.5. Thus, median of the
distribtion is 17.
Further, if the number of observations is even and the two middle most observations are
not equal, e.g., if the observations are 2, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, then there are 3 observations
Quantitative Techniques for
Management Ên ˆ
ÁË = 3˜¯ which are less than or equal to 5 and there are 4 (i.e., more than half) observations
which are greater than or equal to 5. Further, there are 4 observations which are less
than or equal to 6 and there are 3 observations which are greater than or equal to 6.
Hence, both 5 and 6 satisfy the conditions of the new definition of median. In such a
case, any value lying in the closed interval [5, 6] can be taken as median. By convention
we take the middle value of the interval as median. Thus, median is = 5.5
(b) When ungrouped frequency distribution is given
In this case, the data are already arranged in the order of magnitude. Here, cumulative
frequency is computed and the median is determined in a manner similar to that of
individual observations.
Example 18: Locate median of the following frequency distribution :
Variable (X) : 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Frequency ( f ) : 8 15 25 20 12 10 5
X : 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
f : 8 15 25 20 12 10 5
c. f . : 8 23 48 68 80 90 95
LM 95 + 1OP th
N 95
Alternative Method: = = 47.5 Looking at the frequency distribution we note that
2 2
there are 48 observations which are less than or equal to 12 and there are 72
(i.e., 95 - 23) observations which are greater than or equal to 12. Hence, median is 12.
Example 19: Locate median of the following frequency distribution :
X : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
f : 7 14 18 36 51 54 52 20
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
f 7 14 18 36 51 54 52 20
c. f . 7 21 39 75 126 180 232 252
\ Md = = 4.5
Alternative Method: Looking at the frequency distribution we note that there are 126
observations which are less than or equal to 4 and there are 252 - 75 = 177 observations
which are greater than or equal to 4. Similarly, observation 5 also satisfies this criterion.
Therefore, median = = 4.5.
46 2
(c) When grouped frequency distribution is given (Interpolation formula) Measures of Central Tendency
The determination of median, in this case, will be explained with the help of the following
Example 20: Suppose we wish to find the median of the following frequency distribution.
Classes : 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60
Frequency : 5 12 14 18 13 8
Solution: The median of a distribution is that value of the variate which divides
the distribution into two equal parts. In case of a grouped frequency distribution, this
implies that the ordinate drawn at the median divides the area under
the histogram into two equal parts. Writing the given data in a tabular form, we have :
Classes Frequency ( f ) ' Less than' Frequency
(1) (2) type c. f . ( 3) Density ( 4)
0 - 10 5 5 0. 5
10 - 20 12 17 1. 2
20 - 30 14 31 1. 4
30 - 40 18 49 1. 8
40 - 50 13 62 1. 3
50 - 60 8 70 0. 8
For the location of median, we make a histogram with heights of different rectangles
equal to frequency density of the corresponding class. Such a histogram is shown below:
Figure : 2.1
Since the ordinate at median divides the total area under the histogram into two equal
parts, therefore we have to find a point (like Md as shown in the figure) on X - axis such
that an ordinate (AMd) drawn at it divides the total area under the histogram into two
equal parts.
We may note here that area under each rectangle is equal to the frequency of the
corresponding class.
Since area = length × breadth = frequency density× width of class = × h = f.
Thus, the total area under the histogram is equal to total frequency N. In the given
example N = 70, therefore N = 35. We note that area of first three rectangles is
5 + 12 + 14 = 31 and the area of first four rectangles is 5 + 12 + 14 + 18 = 49. Thus,
median lies in the fourth class interval which is also termed as median class. Let the
point, in median class, at which median lies be denoted by Md. The position of this point
Quantitative Techniques for should be such that the ordinate AMd (in the above histogram) divides the area of median
rectangle so that there are only 35 - 31 = 4 observations to its left. From the histogram,
we can also say that the position of Md should be such that
M d - 30 4
= .... (1)
40 - 30 18
Thus, M d = + 30 = 32.2
N Ê N -Cˆ
M d - Lm 2 - C Á 2 ˜
= or Md = Lm + Á ˜ h ...(2)
h fm ÁË f m ˜¯
Where, Lm is lower limit, h is the width and fm is frequency of the median class and C is
the cumulative frequency of classes preceding median class. Equation (2) gives the
required formula for the computation of median.
1. Since the variable, in a grouped frequency distribution, is assumed to be continuous
we always take exact value of , including figures after decimals, when N is odd.
2. The above formula is also applicable when classes are of unequal width.
3. Median can be computed even if there are open end classes because here we
need to know only the frequencies of classes preceding or following the median
Determination of Median When 'greater than' type cumulative frequencies are given
By looking at the histogram, we note that one has to find a point denoted by Md such that
area to the right of the ordinate at Md is 35. The area of the last two rectangles is
13 + 8 = 21. Therefore, we have to get 35 - 21 = 14 units of area from the median
rectangle towards right of the ordinate. Let U m be the upper limit of
the median class. Then the formula for median in this case can be written as
Um M d -C -C
= 2 or M d = Um - 2 ¥h .... (3)
h fm fm
Note that C denotes the 'greater than type' cumulative frequency of classes following
the median class. Applying this formula to the above example, we get
Md = 40 –
(35 - 21) ¥ 10 = 32.2
Height in inches : 3 - 4 4 - 5 5 - 6 6 - 7 7 - 8 8 - 9 9 - 10 10 - 11
No . of saplings : 3 7 12 16 22 20 13 7
Solution: Measures of Central Tendency
Calculation of Median
Class Intervals Frequency ( f ) ' Less than' type c. f .
3-4 3 3
4-5 7 10
5-6 12 22
6-7 16 38
7-8 22 60
8-9 20 80
9 - 10 13 93
10 - 11 7 100
N 100
Since = = 50, the median class is 7- 8. Further, Lm = 7, h = 1, fm = 22 and C = 38.
2 2
50 - 38
Thus, Md = 7 + ¥ 1 = 7.55 inches.
Example 22: The following table gives the distribution of marks by 500 students in an
examination. Obtain median of the given data.
Marks : 0 - 9 10 - 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 - 79
No. of Students : 30 40 50 48 24 162 132 14
Solution: Since the class intervals are inclusive, therefore, it is necessary to convert
them into class boundaries.
Class Intervals Class Boundaries Frequency ' Less than' type c . f .
0-9 − 0 . 5 - 9. 5 30 30
10 - 19 9 . 5 - 19 . 5 40 70
20 - 29 19. 5 - 29 . 5 50 120
30 - 39 29. 5 - 39. 5 48 168
40 - 49 39 . 5 - 49 . 5 24 192
50 - 59 49 . 5 - 59 . 5 162 354
60 - 69 59 . 5 - 69 . 5 132 486
70 - 79 69 . 5 - 79 . 5 14 500
Since = 250, the median class is 49.5 - 59.5 and, therefore, Lm = 49.5, h = 10,
fm = 162, C = 192.
250 - 192
Thus, Md = 49.5 + ¥ 10 = 53.08 marks.
Example 23: The weekly wages of 1,000 workers of a factory are shown in the following
table. Calculate median.
Weekly Wages (less than) : 425 475 525 575 625 675 725 775 825 875
No. of Workers : 2 10 43 123 293 506 719 864 955 1000
Solution: The above is a 'less than' type frequency distribution. This will first be converted
into class intervals.
Class Intervals Frequency Less than c. f .
less than 425 2 2
425 - 475 8 10
475 - 525 33 43
525 - 575 80 123
575 - 625 170 293
625 - 675 213 506
675 - 725 213 719
725 - 775 145 864
775 - 825 91 955
825 - 875 45 1000
Quantitative Techniques for
Management Since = 500, the median class is 625 - 675. On substituting various
values in the formula for median, we get
500 − 293
Md = 625 + × 50 = Rs 673.59
Example 24: Find the median of the following data :
Age greater than ( in yrs ) : 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
No . of Persons : 230 218 200 165 123 73 28 8
Using the formula, Md = Um - 2 ×h
115 - 73
= 50 - ¥ 10 = 41.6 years
Example 25: The following table gives the daily profits (in Rs) of 195 shops of a town.
Calculate mean and median.
Profits : 50 - 60 60 - 70 70 - 80 80 - 90 90 - 100 100 - 110 110 - 120 120 - 130 130 - 140
No.of shops : 15 20 32 35 33 22 20 10 8
∑ fu 95
X =A+ × h = 95 − × 10 = Rs 90.13
N 195
N 195
50 Since 2 = 2 = 97.5, the median class is 80 - 90.
Measures of Central Tendency
97.5 - 67
\ Md = 80 + ¥ 10 = Rs 88.71
Example 26: Find median of the following distribution :
Mid - Values : 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500
Frequency : 27 32 65 78 58 32 8
Solution: Since the mid-values are equally spaced, the difference between their two
successive values will be the width of each class interval. This width is 1,000. On
subtracting and adding half of this, i.e., 500 to each of the mid-values, we get the lower
and the upper limits of the respective class intervals. After this, the calculation of median
can be done in the usual way.
Mid - Values Class Intervals Frequency c. f .(less than)
1500 1000 - 2000 27 27
2500 2000 - 3000 32 59
3500 3000 - 4000 65 124
4500 4000 - 5000 78 202
5500 5000 - 6000 58 260
6500 6000 - 7000 32 292
7500 7000 - 8000 8 300
Since = 150, the median class is 4,000 - 5,000.
150 - 124
Hence Md = 4,000 + ¥ 1,000 = 4,333.33.
Determination of Missing Frequencies
If the frequencies of some classes are missing, however, the median of the distribution is
known, then these frequencies can be determined by the use of median formula.
Example 27: The following table gives the distribution of daily wages of 900 workers.
However, the frequencies of the classes 40 - 50 and 60 - 70 are missing. If the median
of the distribution is Rs 59.25, find the missing frequencies.
Wages ( Rs ) : 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70 70 - 80
No . of Workers : 120 ? 200 ? 185
Solution: Let f1 and f2 be the frequencies of the classes 40 - 50 and 60 - 70 respectively.
Class c. f .
Intervals (less than)
30-40 120 120
40-50 f1 120 + f1
50-60 200 320 + f1
60-70 f2 320 + f1 + f 2
70-80 185 900
Since median is given as 59.25, the median class is 50 - 60.
Therefore, we can write
Figure 2.2
The value N = 115 is marked on the vertical axis and a horizontal line is drawn from this
point to meet the ogive at point S. Drop a perpendicular from S. The point at which this
meets X- axis is the median.
(ii) Using both types of ogives
52 Figure 2.3
A perpendicular is dropped from the point of intersection of the two ogives. The point at Measures of Central Tendency
which it intersects the X-axis gives median. It is obvious from Fig. 2.2 and 2.3 that
median = 2080.
Properties of Median
1. It is a positional average.
2. It can be shown that the sum of absolute deviations is minimum when taken from
median. This property implies that median is centrally located.
Merits and Demerits of Median
(a) Merits
1. It is easy to understand and easy to calculate, especially in series of individual
observations and ungrouped frequency distributions. In such cases it can even be
located by inspection.
2. Median can be determined even when class intervals have open ends or not of
equal width.
3. It is not much affected by extreme observations. It is also independent of range or
dispersion of the data.
4. Median can also be located graphically.
5. It is centrally located measure of average since the sum of absolute deviation is
minimum when taken from median.
6. It is the only suitable average when data are qualitative and it is possible to rank
various items according to qualitative characteristics.
7. Median conveys the idea of a typical observation.
(b) Demerits
1. In case of individual observations, the process of location of median requires their
arrangement in the order of magnitude which may be a cumbersome task,
particularly when the number of observations is very large.
2. It, being a positional average, is not capable of being treated algebraically.
3. In case of individual observations, when the number of observations is even, the
median is estimated by taking mean of the two middle-most observations, which is
not an actual observation of the given data.
4. It is not based on the magnitudes of all the observations. There may be a situation
where different sets of observations give same value of median. For example, the
following two different sets of observations, have median equal to 30.
Set I : 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and Set II : 15, 25, 30, 60, 90.
5. In comparison to arithmetic mean, it is much affected by the fluctuations of sampling.
6. The formula for the computation of median, in case of grouped frequency distribution,
is based on the assumption that the observations in the median class are uniformly
distributed. This assumption is rarely met in practice.
7. Since it is not possible to define weighted median like weighted arithmetic mean,
this average is not suitable when different items are of unequal importance.
1. It is an appropriate measure of central tendency when the characteristics are not
measurable but different items are capable of being ranked.
2. Median is used to convey the idea of a typical observation of the given data.
3. Median is the most suitable measure of central tendency when the frequency
distribution is skewed. For example, income distribution of the people is generally
positively skewed and median is the most suitable measure of average in this case.
4. Median is often computed when quick estimates of average are desired.
5. When the given data has class intervals with open ends, median is preferred as a
measure of central tendency since it is not possible to calculate mean in this case. 53
Quantitative Techniques for
Management Check Your Progress 2.1
Here, LQ1 is lower limit of the first quartile class, h is its width, fQ1 is its frequency and C
is cumulative frequency of classes preceding the first quartile class.
By definition, the second quartile is median of the distribution. The third quartile (Q3) of
a distribution can also be defined in a similar manner.
For a discrete distribution, Q3 is that value of the variate such that at least 75% of the
observations are less than or equal to it and at least 25% of the observations are greater
than or equal to it.
For a grouped frequency distribution, Q3 is that value of the variate such that area under
the histogram to the left of the ordinate at Q3 is 75% and the area to its right is 25%. The
formula for computation of Q3 can be written as
54 Q3 = LQ3 +
H 4 K × h, where the symbols have their usual meaning.
f Q3
Deciles Measures of Central Tendency
Deciles divide a distribution into 10 equal parts and there are, in all, 9 deciles denoted as
D1, D2, ...... D9 respectively.
For a discrete distribution, the i th decile Di is that value of the variate such that at least
(10i)% of the observation are less than or equal to it and at least (100 - 10i)% of the
observations are greater than or equal to it (i = 1, 2, ...... 9).
For a continuous or grouped frequency distribution, D i is that value of the variate such
that the area under the histogram to the left of the ordinate at Di is (10i)% and the area
to its right is (100 - 10i)%. The formula for the i th decile can be written as
Di = LDi +
H 10 K × h (i = 1, 2, ...... 9)
f Di
Percentiles divide a distribution into 100 equal parts and there are, in all, 99 percentiles
denoted as P1, P2, ...... P25, ...... P40, ...... P60, ...... P99 respectively.
For a discrete distribution, the kth percentile Pk is that value of the variate such that at
least k% of the observations are less than or equal to it and at least (100 - k)% of the
observations are greater than or equal to it.
For a grouped frequency distribution, Pk is that value of the variate such that the area
under the histogram to the left of the ordinate at Pk is k% and the area to its right is
(100 - k)% . The formula for the kth percentile can be written as
Pk = L Pk +
H 100 K × h, (k = 1, 2, ...... 99)
f Pk
Remarks :
(i) We may note here that P25 = Q1, P50 = D5 = Q2 = Md, P75 = Q3, P10 = D1, P20 = D2,
(ii) In continuation of the above, the partition values are known as Quintiles (Octiles) if
a distribution is divided in to 5 (8) equal parts.
(iii) The formulae for various partition values of a grouped frequency distribution, given
so far, are based on 'less than' type cumulative frequencies. The corresponding
formulae based on 'greater than' type cumulative frequencies can be written in a
similar manner, as given below:
Ê 3N ˆ ÊN ˆ
ÁË - C˜ ÁË - C ˜¯
4 ¯ 4
Q1 = U Q1 - ¥ h , Q3 = U Q3 - ¥h
f Q1 f Q3
ÈÊ iN ˆ ˘ ÈÊ kN ˆ ˘
ÍÁË N - 10 ˜¯ - C ˙ ÍÁË N - 100 ˜¯ - C ˙
Î ˚ ¥h, -Î ˚¥
Di = U Di - Pk = U PK h
f Di f Pk
Here UQ1 ,UQ3 ,UDi ,U PK are the upper limits of the corresponding classes and C
denotes the greater than type cumulative frequencies.
Example 29: Locate Median, Q1, Q3, D4, D7, P15, P60 and P90 from the following data :
Daily Profit ( in Rs ) : 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
No . of Shops : 15 20 32 35 33 22 20 10 8 3 2
Solution: First we calculate the cumulative frequencies, as in the following table : 55
Quantitative Techniques for
Management Daily Profit ( in Rs ) 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
No . of Shops ( f ) 15 20 32 35 33 22 20 10 8 3 2
Less than c . f . 15 35 67 102 135 157 177 187 195 198 200
1. Determination of Median: Here = 100. From the cumulative frequency column,
we note that there are 102 (greater than 50% of the total) observations that are
less than or equal to 78 and there are 133 observations that are greater than or
equal to 78. Therefore, Md = Rs 78.
2. Determination of Q1 and Q3: First we determine which is equal to 50. From
the cumulative frequency column, we note that there are 67 (which is greater than
25% of the total) observations that are less than or equal to 77 and there are 165
(which is greater than 75% of the total) observations that are greater than or equal
to 77. Therefore, Q1 = Rs 77. Similarly, Q3 = Rs 80.
3. Determination of D4 and D7: From the cumulative frequency column, we note
that there are 102 (greater than 40% of the total) observations that are less than or
equal to 78 and there are 133 (greater than 60% of the total) observations that are
greater than or equal to 78. Therefore, D4 = Rs 78. Similarly, D7 = Rs 80.
4. Determination of P15, P60 and P90: From the cumulative frequency column, we
note that there are 35 (greater than 15% of the total) observations that are less
than or equal to 76 and there are 185 (greater than 85% of the total) observations
that are greater than or equal to 76. Therefore, P15 = Rs 76. Similarly, P60 = Rs 79
and P90 = Rs 82.
Example 30: Calculate median, quartiles, 3rd and 6th deciles and 40th and 70th
percentiles, from the following data:
Wages per Week ( in Rs ) : 50 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 200 - 250 250 - 300
No . of Workers : 15 40 35 60 125
Wages per Week ( in Rs ) : 300 - 350 350 - 400 400 - 450 450 - 500
No . of Workers : 100 70 40 15
Also determine (i) The percentage of workers getting weekly wages between Rs 125
and Rs 260 and (ii) percentage of worker getting wages greater than Rs 340.
Solution: First we make a cumulative frequency distribution table :
(i) Calculation of median: Here N = 500 so that = 250. Thus, median class is
250 - 300 and hence Lm = 250, fm = 125, h = 50 and C = 150.
Substituting these values in the formula for median, we get
250 - 150
Md = 250 + ¥ 50 = Rs 290
56 125
(ii) Calculation of Quartiles: Measures of Central Tendency
(a) For Q1, we first find which is equal to 125. The first quartile class is
200 - 250 and hence LQ1 = 200, fQ1 = 60, h = 50 and C = 90.
125 - 90
\ Q1 = 200 + ¥ 50 = Rs 229.17
(b) For Q3 we first find which is equal to 375. The third quartile class is
300 - 350 and hence LQ3 = 300, fQ3 = 100, h = 50 and C =275.
375 - 275
\ Q3 = 300 + ¥ 50 = Rs 350
(iii) Calculation of Deciles:
(a) For D3 we first find which is equal to 150. The third decile class is
200 - 250 and hence LD3 = 200, fD3 = 60, h = 50, C = 90.
150 - 90
\ D3 = 200 + ¥ 50 = Rs 250
(b) For D6 we first find which is equal to 300. The sixth decile class is
300 - 350 and hence LD6 = 300, fD6 = 100, h = 50 and C = 275.
300 - 275
\ D6 = 300 + ¥ 50 = Rs 312.50
(iv) Calculation of percentiles:
40 N
(a) For P40 we first find which is equal to 200. The 40th percentile class is
250 - 300 and hence LP40 = 250, fP40 = 125, h = 50 and C = 150.
200 - 150
\ P40 = 250 + ¥ 50 = Rs 270
(b) For P70 we first find which is equal to 350. The 70th percentile class is
300 - 350 and hence LP70 = 300, fP70 = 100, h = 50 and C = 275.
350 - 275
\ P70 = 300 + ¥ 50 = Rs 337.5
(v) Determination of percentage of workers getting wages between Rs 125
and Rs 260:
Let x be the percentage of workers getting wage less than 125. Since 125 lies in
the class 100 - 150, this is xth percentiles class. Using the formula for xth percentile
we have
- 15
125 = 100 + 100 ¥ 50 or 5x – 15 = 20 fi x = 7
Further, let y be the percentage of workers getting wages less then 260. Since 260
lies in the class 250 - 300, this is yth percentile class. Using the relevant formula,
we have 57
Quantitative Techniques for
Management 5 y - 150
260 = 250 + ¥ 50 or 5y – 150 = 25 or y = 35
Hence percentage of workers getting wages between Rs 125 and Rs 260 is given
by 35 – 7 = 28%.
Alternative Method
The number of workers getting wages between 125 and 260 can be written directly
5 x - 275
\ 340 = 300 + ¥ 50 or 5x - 275 = 80 or x = 71
Hence, percentage of workers getting wages greater than Rs 340 is (100 - 71)
= 29%.
Alternative Method
This percentage can also be obtained directly as shown below.
The percentage of workers getting wages greater than Rs 340
350 - 340
= ¥ 100 + 70 + 40 + 15 = 145
\ Percentage = ¥ 100 = 29%
Example 31: From the following table, showing the wage distribution of workers, find
(i) the range of incomes earned by middle 50% of the workers,
(ii) the range of incomes earned by middle 80% of the workers,
(iii) the percentage of workers earning between Rs 550 and Rs 880.
Monthly Income ( Rs ) No . of Workers
0 - 200 150
0 - 400 250
0 - 600 330
0 - 800 380
0 - 1000 400
Solution: The above table gives a 'less than' type cumulative frequency distribution.
Therefore, we can rewrite the above table as :
Monthly Income ( Rs ) c . f . ( less than ) Frequency ( f )
0 - 200 150 150
200 - 400 250 100
400 - 600 330 80
600 - 800 380 50
58 800 - 1000 400 20
(i) The range of incomes earned by middle 50% of the workers is given by Q3 - Q1. Measures of Central Tendency
100 0
Now Q1 = 0 + × 200 = Rs 133.33
300 - 250
and Q3 = 400 + ¥ 200 = Rs 525.
Thus, Q3 - Q1 = 525 - 133.33 = Rs. 391.67.
(ii) The range of incomes of middle 80% of the workers is given by P90 - P10.
10 ¥ 400
100 ¥ 200 = Rs 53.33
Now P10 = 0 +
90 ¥ 400
- 330
100 ¥ 200 = Rs 720.
and P90 = 600 +
Thus, P90 - P10 = 720 - 53.33 = Rs 666.67.
(iii) The No. of workers earning between Rs 550 and Rs 880 is given by
600 - 550 880 - 800
¥ 80 + 50 + ¥ 20 = 78.
200 200
\ Percentage of workers = × 100 = 19.5%
Example 32: The following incomplete table gives the number of students in different
age groups of a town. If the median of the distribution is 11 years, find out the missing
Age Group : 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 Total
No. of Students : 15 125 ? 66 ? 4 300
Solution: Let x be the frequency of age group 10 - 15. Then the frequency of the age
group 20 - 25 will be 300 - (15 + 125 + x + 66 + 4) = 90 - x.
Making a cumulative frequency table we have
Age Groups No . of Students c . f . ( less than )
0-5 15 15
5 - 10 125 140
10 - 15 x 140 + x
15 - 20 66 206 + x
20 - 25 90 − x 296
25 - 30 4 300
N 300
Here = = 150. Since median is given as 11, the median class is 10 - 15.
2 2
150 - 140
Hence, 11 = 10 + ¥ 5 or x = 50.
Also, frequency of the age group 20 - 25 is 90 - 50 = 40.
Determination of Mode
(a) When data are either in the form of individual observations or in the form of ungrouped
frequency distribution
Given individual observations, these are first transformed into an ungrouped frequency
distribution. The mode of an ungrouped frequency distribution can be determined in two
ways, as given below :
(i) By inspection or
(ii) By method of Grouping
(i) By inspection: When a frequency distribution is fairly regular, then mode is often
determined by inspection. It is that value of the variate for which frequency is
maximum. By a fairly regular frequency distribution we mean that as the values of
the variable increase the corresponding frequencies of these values first increase
in a gradual manner and reach a peak at certain value and, finally, start declining
gradually in, approximately, the same manner as in case of increase.
Example 33: Compute mode of the following data :
3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 10, 16, 18,
20, 10, 9, 8, 19, 11, 14, 10, 13, 17, 9, 11
Solution: Writing this in the form of a frequency distribution, we get
Values : 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Frequency : 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
\ Mode = 10
Remarks :
(i) If the frequency of each possible value of the variable is same, there is no mode.
(ii) If there are two values having maximum frequency, the distribution is said to be bi-
modal. 63
Quantitative Techniques for Example 34: Compute mode of the following distribution:
X: 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
f: 2 4 6 10 15 9 5 4
Solution: The given distribution is fairly regular. Therefore, the mode can be deter-
mined just by inspection. Since for X = 25 the frequency is maximum, mode = 25.
(ii) By method of Grouping: This method is used when the frequency distribution is
not regular. Let us consider the following example to illustrate this method.
Example 35: Determine the mode of the following distribution
X : 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
f : 8 15 20 100 98 95 90 75 50 30
Solution: This distribution is not regular because there is sudden increase in frequency
from 20 to 100. Therefore, mode cannot be located by inspection and hence the method
of grouping is used. Various steps involved in this method are as follows :
(i) Prepare a table consisting of 6 columns in addition to a column for various values
of X.
(ii) In the first column, write the frequencies against various values of X as given in the
(iii) In second column, the sum of frequencies, starting from the top and grouped in
twos, are written.
(iv) In third column, the sum of frequencies, starting from the second and grouped in
twos, are written.
(v) In fourth column, the sum of frequencies, starting from the top and grouped in
threes are written.
(vi) In fifth column, the sum of frequencies, starting from the second and grouped in
threes are written.
(vii) In the sixth column, the sum of frequencies, starting from the third and grouped in
threes are written.
The highest frequency total in each of the six columns is identified and analysed to
determine mode. We apply this method for determining mode of the above example.
Analysis Table
Columns 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1 1
5 1 1 1
6 1 1 1
64 Total 0 0 0 3 4 4 2 1 0 0
Since the value 14 and 15 are both repeated maximum number of times in the analysis Measures of Central Tendency
table, therefore, mode is ill defined. Mode in this case can be approximately located by
the use of the following formula, which will be discussed later, in this chapter.
Mode = 3 Median - 2 mean
Calculation of Median and Mean
X 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Total
f 8 15 20 100 98 95 90 75 50 30 581
c. f . 8 23 43 143 241 336 426 501 551 581
fX 80 165 240 1300 1372 1425 1440 1275 900 570 8767
Ê 581 + 1ˆ 8767
Median = Size of ÁË ˜¯ th, i.e., 291st observation = 15. Mean = = 15.09
2 581
\ Mode = 3 ×15 - 2 ×15.09 = 45 - 30.18 = 14.82
Remarks: If the most repeated values, in the above analysis table, were not adjacent,
the distribution would have been bi-modal, i.e., having two modes
Example 36: From the following data regarding weights of 60 students of a class, find
modal weight :
Weight : 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
No. of Students : 2 4 5 6 8 5 4 7 11 5 3
Solution: Since the distribution is not regular, method of grouping will be used for
determination of mode.
Grouping Table
Analysis Table
Columns 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1 1
5 1 1 1
6 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 3 6 3 1
Since the value 58 has occurred maximum number of times, therefore, mode of the
distribution is 58 kgs.
(b) When data are in the form of a grouped frequency distribution
The following steps are involved in the computation of mode from a grouped frequency
(i) Determination of modal class: It is the class in which mode of the distribution
lies. If the distribution is regular, the modal class can be determined by inspection,
otherwise, by method of grouping.
Quantitative Techniques for (ii) Exact location of mode in a modal class (interpolation formula): The exact
location of mode, in a modal class, will depend upon the frequencies of the classes
immediately preceding and following it. If these frequencies are equal, the mode
would lie at the middle of the modal class interval. However, the position of mode
would be to the left or to the right of the middle point depending upon whether the
frequency of preceding class is greater or less
than the frequency of the class following it. The
exact location of mode can be done by the use of
interpolation formula, developed below :
Let the modal class be denoted by Lm - Um, where
Lm and Um denote its lower and the upper limits
respectively. Further, let fm be its frequency and h
its width. Also let f1 and f2 be the respective
frequencies of the immediately preceding and
following classes. Figure 2.4
We assume that the width of all the class intervals of the distribution are equal. If
these are not equal, make them so by regrouping under the assumption that
frequencies in a class are uniformly distributed.
Make a histogram of the frequency distribution with height of each rectangle equal
to the frequency of the corresponding class. Only three rectangles, out of the
complete histogram, that are necessary for the purpose are shown in the above
Let ∆ 1 = fm - f1 and ∆ 2 = fm - f2. Then the mode, denoted by Mo, will divide the
modal class interval in the ratio D . The graphical location of mode is shown
in Fig. 2.4.
To derive a formula for mode, the point Mo in the figure, should be such that
M o - Lm D1
U m - M o D 2 or MoD2 - LmD2 = UmD1 - MoD1
M o = Lm + ×h .... (1)
∆1 + ∆2
By slight adjustment, the above formula can also be written in terms of the upper
limit (Um) of the modal class.
∆ LM ∆ OP
Mo = Um - h + ∆ + ∆ × h = Um - 1 − ∆ + ∆ × h
1 1
1 2 1 N 2 Q
È D2 ˘
= Um - Í ¥ h˙ .... (2)
Î D1 + D 2 ˚
Replacing D1 by fm - f1 and D2 by fm - f2, the above equations can be written as
f m - f1
Mo = Lm + 2 f - f - f ¥ h .... (3)
m 1 2
Measures of Central Tendency
fm - f2
and Mo = Um - 2 f - f - f ¥ h .... (4)
m 1 2
Note: The above formulae are applicable only to a unimodal frequency distribution.
Example 37: The monthly profits (in Rs) of 100 shops are distributed as follows :
Profit per Shop : 0 - 100 100 - 200 200 - 300 300 - 400 400 - 500 500 - 600
No. of Shops : 12 18 27 20 17 6
Determine the 'modal value' of the distribution graphically and verify the result by
Solution: Since the distribution is regular, the modal class would be a class having the
highest frequency. The modal class, of the given distribution, is 200 - 300.
Graphical Location of Mode
To locate mode we draw a histogram of the
given frequency distribution. The mode is
located as shown in Fig. 9.5. From the figure,
mode = Rs 256.
Determination of Mode by interpolation
formula Figure 2.5
Since the modal class is 200 - 300, Lm = 200, D1 = 27 - 18 = 9, D2 = 27 - 20 = 7 and
h = 100.
\ Mo = 200 + ¥ 100 = Rs 256.25
Example 38: The frequency distribution of marks obtained by 60 students of a class in
a college is given below :
Marks : 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64
Frequency : 3 5 12 18 14 6 2
Find mode of the distribution.
Solution: The given class intervals are first converted into class boundaries, as given in
the following table :
Marks : 29. 5 - 34. 5 34. 5 - 39. 5 39. 5 - 44. 5 44. 5 - 49. 5
Frequency : 3 5 12 18
Marks : 49. 5 - 54. 5 54. 5 - 59. 5 59. 5 - 64. 5
Frequency : 14 6 2
We note that the distribution is regular. Thus, the modal class, by inspection, is
44.5 - 49.5.
Further, Lm = 44.5, D1 = 18 - 12 = 6, D2 = 18 - 14 = 4 and h = 5
\ Mode = 44.5 + ¥ 5 = 47.5 marks
Example 39: Calculate mode of the following data :
Weekly Wages ( Rs ) : 200- 250 250- 300 300- 350 350- 400
No. of Workers : 4 6 20 12
Weekly Wages ( Rs ) : 400- 450 450- 500 500- 550 550- 600
No. of Workers : 33 17 8 2
Solution: Since the frequency distribution is not regular, the modal class will be determined
by the method of grouping.
Quantitative Techniques for Grouping Table
Analysis Table
Columns 300 - 350 350 - 400 400 - 450 450 - 500 500 - 550
1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1 1
5 1 1 1
6 1 1 1
Total 1 3 6 3 1
Hence, mode = 400 + ¥ 50 = Rs 428.38
Example 40: Calculate mode of the following distribution :
Weights (lbs. ) : below 100 below 110 below 120 below 130 below 140
No. of Students : 4 6 24 46 67
Weights (lbs. ) : below 150 below 160 below 170 below 180
No. of Students : 86 96 99 100
Solution: Rewriting the above distribution in the form of a frequency distribution with
class limits, we get
Weights (lbs. ) : Less than 100 100 - 110 110 - 120 120 - 130 130 - 140
Frequency : 4 2 18 22 21
Weights (lbs. ) : 140 - 150 150 - 160 160 - 170 170 - 180
Frequency : 19 10 3 1
We note that there is a concentration of observations in classes 120 - 130 and 130 - 140,
therefore, modal class can be determined by the method of grouping.
Grouping Table
Analysis Table Measures of Central Tendency
Columns 110 - 120 120 - 130 130 - 140 140 - 150 150 - 160
1 1
2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1 1
5 1 1 1
6 1 1 1
Total 2 5 5 3 1
Since the two classes, 120 - 130 and 130 - 140, are repeated maximum number of times
in the above table, it is not possible to locate modal class even by the method of grouping.
However, an approximate value of mode is given by the empirical formula:
Mode = 3 Median - 2 Mean (See § 2.9)
Looking at the cumulative frequency column, given in the question, the median class is
130 - 140. Thus, Lm = 130, C = 46, fm = 21, h = 10.
50 - 46
\ Md = 130 + ¥ 10 = 131.9 lbs.
Assuming that the width of the first class is equal to the width of second, we can write
Mid - Values ( X ) 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Total
f 4 2 18 22 21 19 10 3 1 100
u X 135 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
fu 16 6 36 22 0 19 20 9 4 28
28 ¥ 10
Thus, X = 135 - = 135 - 2.8 = 132.2 lbs.
Using the values of mean and median, we get
Mo = 3 × 131.9 - 2 × 132.2 = 131.3 lbs.
Remarks: Another situation, in which we can use the empirical formula, rather than the
interpolation formula, is when there is maximum frequency either in the first or in the last
Calculation of Mode when either D1 or D2 is negative
The interpolation formula, for the calculation of mode, is applicable only if both D1 and
D2 are positive. If either D1 or D2 is negative, we use an alternative formula that gives
only an approximate value of the mode.
We recall that the position of mode, in a modal class, depends upon the frequencies of its
preceding and following classes, denoted by f1 and f2 respectively. If f1 = f2, the mode
will be at the middle point which can be obtained by adding f + f ¥ h to the lower limit
1 2
of the modal class or, equivalently, it can be obtained by subtracting f + f ¥ h from its
1 2
f1 f2 1
upper limit. We may note that f f = f f = 2 when f1 = f2.
1 2 1 2
Further, if f2 > f1, the mode will lie to the right of the mid-value of modal class and,
f2 1
therefore, the ratio f f2
will be greater than 2 . Similarly, if f2 < f1, the mode will lie to
Quantitative Techniques for
Management f2
the left of the mid-value of modal class and, therefore, the ratio f + f will be less than
1 2
. Thus, we can write an alternative formula for mode as :
f2 f2
Mode = Lm + ¥ h or equivalently, Mode = Um – ¥h
f1 + f 2 f1 + f 2
Remarks: The above formula gives only an approximate estimate of mode vis-a-vis the
interpolation formula.
Example 41: Calculate mode of the following distribution.
Mid - Values : 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75
Frequency : 7 15 18 30 31 4 3 1
Solution: The mid-values with equal gaps are given, therefore, the corresponding class
intervals would be 0 - 10, 10 - 20, 20 - 30, etc.
Since the given frequency distribution is not regular, the modal class will be determined
by the method of grouping.
Grouping Table
Analysis Table
Columns 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60
1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1 1
5 1 1 1
6 1 1 1
Total 1 3 5 4 1
128 - 72
\ Mo = 5 + ¥ 5 = 8.33%
128 - 72 + 128 - 100
Example 43: The following table gives the incomplete income distribution of 300 workers
of a firm, where the frequencies of the classes 3000 - 4000 and 5000 - 6000 are missing.
If the mode of the distribution is Rs 4428.57, find the missing frequencies.
Monthly Income ( Rs ) No. of Workers
1000- 2000 30
2000- 3000 35
3000- 4000 ?
4000- 5000 75
5000-6000 ?
6000-7000 30
7000-8000 15
Solution: Let the frequency of the class 3000 - 4000 be f1. Then the frequency of the
class 5000 - 6000 will be equal to 300 - 30 - 35 - f1 - 75 - 30 - 15 = 115 - f1. It is given that
mode = 4428.57, therefore, modal class is 4000 - 5000.
Thus, Lm = 4000, D1 = 75 - f1, D2 = 75 - (115 - f1) = f1 - 40 and h = 1000.
Using the interpolation formula, we have
75 - f1
4428.57 = 4000 + ¥ 1000
75 - f1 + f1 - 40
75 - f1
or 428.57 = ¥ 1000 or 14.999 = 75 - f1
or f1 = 75 - 15 = 60 (taking 14.999 = 15). Also f2 = 115 - 60 = 55
Fig. 2.8
X - M o = 3 ( X - M d ) or M o = 3M d - 2 X
3M d - M o
(b) Using the empirical relation, we can write X =
It is given that Md = Rs 380 and Mo = Rs. 350
3 ¥ 380 - 350
\ X= = Rs 395
Example 45: Find mode of the following distribution :
Class Intervals : 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50
Frequency : 45 20 14 7 3
Solution: Since the highest frequency occurs in the first class interval, the interpolation
formula is not applicable. Thus, mode will be calculated by the use of empirical formula.
Calculation of Mean and Median
Class Mid - X 25
Intervals Frequency c. f . Values u fu
0 - 10 45 45 5 2 90
10 - 20 20 65 15 1 20
20 - 30 14 79 25 0 0
30 - 40 7 86 35 1 7
40 - 50 3 89 45 2 6
Total 89 97
N 89
Since = = 44.5, the median class is 0 - 10.
2 2 73
Quantitative Techniques for
Management 44.5 - 0
\ Md = 0 + ¥ 10 = 9.89
X = 25 –
97 ¥ 10
Also = 14.10
N 150
Since = 75, the median class is 135 - 145
2 2
75 - 48
\ Md = 135 + ¥ 10 = 135 + 6.75 = 141.75
133 ¥ 10
Also X = 130 + = 138.87
Thus, Mo = 3 × 141.75 - 2 × 138.87 = 147.51
F n In
product of observations.
To evaluate GM, we have to use logarithms. Taking log of both sides we have
log (GM) =
log X 1 . X 2 KK X n g
log X 1 + log X 2 +LL+ log X n =
∑ log X i
n n
Taking antilog of both sides, we have
È Â log X i ˘
GM = antilog Í n
ÍÎ ˙˚
This result shows that the GM of a set of observations is the antilog of the arithmetic
mean of their logarithms.
Example 47: Calculate geometric mean of the following data :
1, 7, 29, 92, 115 and 375
Calculation of Geometric Mean
È Â log X ˘
˙ = antilog 8.9060 = 30.50 OP
GM = antilog Í
ÍÎ n ˙˚ 6 N Q
(b) Ungrouped Frequency Distribution
If the data consists of observations X1, X2, ...... Xn with respective frequencies f1, f2,
= MX
f1 f2 fn
KK X n
1 . X2
Taking log of both sides, we have Measures of Central Tendency
log (GM) = log X 1 f1 + log X 2 f2 + LL + log X n fn
 f log X
i i
= f1 log X 1 + f2 log X 2 + LL + fn log X n = i =1
Ê1 n ˆ
or GM = antilog Á Â fi log X i ˜ , which is again equal to the antilog of the arithmetic
Ë N i =1 ¯
mean of the logarithm of observations.
Example 48: Calculate geometric mean of the following distribution :
X : 5 10 15 20 25 30
f : 13 18 50 40 10 6
Calculation of GM
X f logX f logX
5 13 0. 6990 9. 0870
10 18 1. 0000 18. 0000
15 50 1.1761 58. 8050
20 40 1. 3010 52. 0400
25 10 1. 3979 13. 9790
30 6 1. 4771 8. 8626
Total 137 160. 7736
È Â fi log X i ˘
i.e., GM = antilog Í N
ÎÍ ˙˚
GM = antilog = antilog 1.4257 = 26.65
85 79
Quantitative Techniques for Weighted Geometric Mean
If various observations, X1, X2, ......Xn, are not of equal importance in the data, weighted
geometric mean is calculated. Weighted GM of the observations X1, X2, ......Xn with
respective weights as w1, w2 ......wn is given by :
È Â wi log X i ˘
GM = antilog Í ˙ , i.e., weighted geometric mean of
ÍÎ Â wi ˙˚
observations is equal to the antilog of weighted arithmetic mean of their logarithms.
Example 50: Calculate weighted geometric mean of the following data :
Variable X a f : 5 8 44 160 500
Weights w a f : 10 9 3 2 1
How does it differ from simple geometric mean?
Calculation of weighted and simple GM
X Weights ( w) logX wlogX
5 10 0. 6990 6. 9900
8 9 0. 9031 8.1278
44 3 1. 6435 4. 9304
160 2 2. 2041 4. 4082
500 1 2. 6990 2. 6990
Total 25 8.1487 27.1554
Weighted GM = antilog = antilog 1.0862 = 12.20
Simple GM = antilog (n = 5) = antilog 1.6297 = 42.63
Note that the simple GM is greater than the weighted GM because the given system of
weights assigns more importance to values having smaller magnitude.
1 2 2 k k
G = antilog antilog Í ˙
n + n + LL + n
1 2 k ÎÍ Â n ˚˙ i
Example 51: If the geometric means of two groups consisting of 10 and 25 observations
are 90.4 and 125.5 respectively, find the geometric mean of all the 35 observations
combined into a single group.
È n1 log G1 + n2 log G2 ˘
Combined GM = antilog Í n1 + n2
Î ˚
Here n1 = 10, G1 = 90.4 and n2 = 25, G2 = 125.5
È10log90.4 + 25log125.5 ˘
\ GM = antilog Í ˙
Î 35 ˚
È10 ¥ 1.9562 + 25 ¥ 2.0986 ˘
= antilog Í ˙ = antilog 2.0579 = 114.27
Î 35 ˚
To determine the average rate of change of price for the entire period when Measures of Central Tendency
b gb g b g
or (1 + r) = 1 + r1 1 + r2 KK 1 + rn n .... (3)
This shows that (1 + r) is geometric mean of (1 + r1), (1 + r2), ...... and (1 + rn).
From (3), we get
b gb g b g
r = 1 + r1 1 + r2 KK 1 + rn n
-1 .... (4)
Note: Here r denotes the per unit rate of change. This rate is termed as the rate of
increase or the rate of growth if positive and the rate of decrease or the rate of decay if
Example 52: The price of a commodity went up by 5%, 8% and 77% respectively in
the last three years. The annual average rise of price is 26% and not 30%. Comment.
Solution: The correct average in this case is given by equation (4), given above.
Let r1, r2 and r3 be the increase in price per rupee in the respective years.
5 8 77
\ r1 = = 0.05, r2 = = 0.08 and r3 = = 0.77
100 100 100
The average rate of rise of price, denoted by r, is given by
r = ÈÎ(1 + r1 )(1 + r2 ) (1 + r3 )˘˚ 3 - 1
1 1
= ÈÎ(1 + 0.05)(1 + 0.08)(1 + 0.77 ) ˘˚ 3 - 1 = (1.05 ¥ 1.08 ¥ 1.77 ) 3 - 1
Quantitative Techniques for 1
Now log (1.05 ¥ 1.08 ¥ 1.77) 3 = (log1.05 + log1.08 + log1.77)
1 1
= [ 0.0212 + 0.0334 + 0.2480] = × 0.3026 = 0.1009
3 3
\ (1.05 ¥ 1.08 ¥ 1.77 ) 3 = antilog 0.1009 = 1.26
130 ¥ 130
Price at the end of 2nd year = = 169
169 ¥ 130
Price at the end of 3rd year = = 219.7
Similarly, taking the average as 26%, the price at the end of 3rd year
r=G J
- 1.
Similarly, Equation (4), given above, can be used to find the average rate of growth of
population when its rates of growth in various years are given.
Remarks: The formulae of price and population changes, considered above, can also be
extended to various other situations like growth of money, capital, output, etc.
Example 53: The population of a country increased from 2,00,000 to 2,40,000 within a
period of 10 years. Find the average rate of growth of population per year.
Solution: Let r be the average rate of growth of population per year for the period of 10
years. Let P0 be initial and P10 be the final population for this period.
We are given P0 = 2,00,000 and P10 = 2,40,000.
1 1
\ r=G J
10 Ê 2, 40,000 ˆ 10
1= Á -1
82 0 Ë 2,00,000 ˜¯
Measures of Central Tendency
Ê 24 ˆ 10 È1 ˘
Now ÁË ˜¯ = antilog Í ( log 24 - log 20)˙
20 Î10 ˚
È1 ˘
= anti log Í (1.3802 - 1.3010)˙ = anti log (0.0079) =1.018
Î10 ˚
Thus, r = 1.018 - 1 = 0.018.
Hence, the percentage rate of growth = 0.018 ××100 = 1.8% p. a.
Example 54: The gross national product of a country was Rs 20,000 crores before 5
years. If it is Rs 30,000 crores now, find the annual rate of growth of G.N.P.
Solution: Here P5 = 30,000, P0 = 20,000 and n = 5.
Ê 30,000 ˆ 5
\ r =Á -1
Ë 20,000 ˜¯
Ê 3ˆ 5 È1 ˘ È1 ˘
Now Á ˜ = antilog Í (log 3 - log 2) ˙ = antilog Í (0.4771 - 0.3010) ˙
Ë 2¯ Î5 ˚ Î5 ˚
= antilog (0.0352) = 1.084
Hence r = 1.084 - 1 = 0.084
Thus, the percentage rate of growth of G.N.P. is 8.4% p.a
Example 55: Find the average rate of increase of population per decade, which increased
by 20% in first, 30% in second and 40% in the third decade.
Solution: Let r denote the average rate of growth of population per decade, then
Ê 120 130 140 ˆ 3
r=Á ¥ ¥ - 1 = (1.2 ¥ 1.3 ¥ 1.4) 3
Ë 100 100 100 ˜¯
È1 ˘
Now (1.2 ¥ 1.3 ¥ 1.4) = anti log Í (log1.2 + log1.3 + log1.4) ˙
Î 3 ˚
LM 1 (0.0792 OP
anti log
N3 Q
0.1139 0.1461) = antilog 0.1131 = 1.297
\ r = 1.297 - 1 = 0.297
Hence, the percentage rate of growth of population per decade is 29.7%.
2 1 3
+ +4
3 4= 11 11
Now AM of (x/y) ratios = and the AM of (y/x) ratios = 2 = .
2 24 2 4
Quantitative Techniques for We note that their product is not equal to unity.
However, the product of their respective geometric means, i.e., and 6 , is equal to
Since it is desirable that a method of average should be independent of the way in which
a ratio is expressed, it seems reasonable to regard geometric mean as more appropriate
than arithmetic mean while averaging ratios.
6. An economy grows at the rate of 2% in the first year, 2.5% in the second, 3% in
the third, 4% in the fourth ...... and 10% in the tenth year. What is the average rate
of growth of the economy?
Hint: r = (1.02 × 1.025 × 1.03 × 1.04 × 1.05 × 1.06 × 1.07 × 1.08 × 1.09 × 1.10)10 − 1 .
7. The export of a commodity increased by 30% in 1988, decreased by 22% in 1989
and then increased by 45% in the following year. The increase/decrease, in each
year, being measured in comparison to its previous year. Calculate the average
rate of change of the exports per annum.
Hint: r = (1.30 × 0.78 × 1.45) 3 − 1 .
8. Show that the arithmetic mean of two positive numbers a and b is at least as large
as their geometric mean.
Hint: We know that the square of the difference of two numbers is always
positive, i.e., (a - b)2 ≥ 0. Make adjustments to get the inequality (a + b)2 ≥ 4ab
and then get the desired result, i.e., AM ≥ GM.
9. If population has doubled itself in 20 years, is it correct to say that the rate of
growth has been 5% per annum?
È 1 ˘
Hint: The annual rate of growth is given by 100r = 100 Í(2) 20 - 1˙ = 3.53%,
Î ˚
which is not equal to 5%.
10. The weighted geometric mean of 5 numbers 10, 15, 25, 12 and 20 is 17.15. If the
weights of the first four numbers are 2, 3, 5, and 2 respectively, find weight of the
fifth number.
Hint: Let x be the weight of the 5th number, then È102. x ˘12+ x = 17.15.
Î ˚ 85
Quantitative Techniques for
Management 2.11 HARMONIC MEAN
The harmonic mean of n observations, none of which is zero, is defined as the reciprocal
of the arithmetic mean of their reciprocals.
n n
HM = =
1 1 1 n 1
+ + LL +
X1 X 2 X n i∑
= 1 Xi
Example 56: Obtain harmonic mean of 15, 18, 23, 25 and 30.
5 5
Solution: HM = = = 20.92 Ans.
1 1 1 1 1 0.239
+ + + +
15 18 23 25 30
Thus, HM =
\ HM = = 11.94
Âw i
HM = w
ÂX i
Solution: HM =
Âw i
.... (1)
w 50 60 40 1.25 + 1.20 + 0.67
ÂX i
+ +
40 50 60
= 48.13 kms/hour
Total distance travelled
Verification : Average speed =
Total time taken
We note that the numerator of Equation (1) gives the total distance travelled by train.
Further, its denominator represents total time taken by the train in travelling 150 kms,
since is time taken by the train in travelling 50 kms at a speed of 40 kms/hour.
60 40
Similarly and are time taken by the train in travelling 60 kms and 40 kms at the
50 60
speeds of 50 kms./hour and 60 kms/hour respectively. Hence, weighted harmonic mean
is most appropriate average in this case.
Example 60: Ram goes from his house to office on a cycle at a speed of 12 kms/hour
and returns at a speed of 14 kms/hour. Find his average speed.
Solution: Since the distances of travel at various speeds are equal, the average speed of
Ram will be given by the simple harmonic mean of the given speeds.
2 2
Average speed = 1 1 = = 12.92 kms/hour
+ 0.1547
12 14
Choice between Harmonic Mean and Arithmetic Mean
The harmonic mean, like arithmetic mean, is also used in averaging of rates like price per
unit, kms per hour, work done per hour, etc., under certain conditions. To explain the
method of choosing an appropriate average, consider the following illustration.
Quantitative Techniques for Let the price of a commodity be Rs 3, 4 and 5 per unit in three successive years. If we
take A.M. of these prices, i.e., = 4 , then it will denote average price when
equal quantities of the commodity are purchased in each year. To verify this, let us
assume that 10 units of commodity are purchased in each year.
\ Total expenditure on the commodity in 3 years = 10 × 3 + 10 × 4 + 10 × 5.
Total expenditure 10 ¥ 3 + 10 ¥ 4 + 10 ¥ 5 3 + 4 + 5
Also, Average price = = = ,
Total quantity purchased 10 + 10 + 10 3
which is arithmetic mean of the prices in three years.
Further, if we take harmonic mean of the given prices, i.e., , it will denote the
1 1 1
+ +
3 4 5
average price when equal amounts of money are spent on the commodity in three years.
To verify this let us assume that Rs 100 is spent in each year on the purchase of the
Total expenditure 300 3
\ Average price = = 100 100 100 = 1 1 1
Total quantity purchased
+ + + +
3 4 5 3 4 5
Next, we consider a situation where different quantities are purchased in the three years.
Let us assume that 10, 15 and 20 units of the commodity are purchased at prices of Rs
3, 4 and 5 respectively.
Total expenditure 3 ¥ 10 + 4 ¥ 15 + 5 ¥ 20
Average price = = , which is weighted
Total quantity purchased 10 + 15 + 20
arithmetic mean of the prices taking respective quantities as weights.
Further, if Rs 150, 200 and 250 are spent on the purchase of the commodity at prices of
Rs 3, 4 and 5 respectively, then
50+30+20 100
= = Rs 1.25
Weighted HM = 50 30 20 50 + 20 + 10
+ +
1.00 1.50 2.00
Example 62: In a 400 metre athlete competition, a participant covers the distance as
given below. Find his average speed.
Speed (Metres per second)
First 80 metres 10
Next 240 metres 7.5
Last 80 metres 10
Solution: Since Speed = and the conditions are given in terms of distance
travelled at various speeds, HM will be the appropriate average.
80 + 240 + 80 400
= = 8.33 metres/second
80 240 80 8 + 32 + 8
+ +
10 7.5 10
Example 63: Peter travelled by a car for four days. He drove 10 hours each day. He
drove first day at the rate of 45 kms/hour, second day at the rate of 40 kms/hour, third
day at the rate of 38 kms/hour and fourth day at the rate of 37 kms/hour. What was his
average speed.
Ê distance ˆ
Solution: Since the rate to be averaged is speed= Á and the conditions are
Ë time ˜¯
given in terms of time, therefore AM will be appropriate. Further, since Peter travelled
for equal number of hours on each of the four days, simple AM will be calculated.
45 + 40 + 38 + 37
\ Average speed = = 40 kms/hour
Example 64: In a certain factory, a unit of work is completed by A in 4 minutes, by B
in 5 minutes, by C in 6 minutes, by D in 10 minutes and by E in 12 minutes. What is their
average rate of working? What is the average number of units of work completed per
minute? At this rate, how many units of work each of them, on the average, will complete
in a six hour day? Also find the total units of work completed.
Solution: Here the rate to be averaged is time taken to complete a unit of work,
i.e., units of work done . Since we have to determine the average with reference to a
(six hours) day, therefore, HM of the rates will give us appropriate average.
Quantitative Techniques for
Management 5
Thus, the average rate of working = 1 1 1 1 1 = 6.25 minutes/unit.
+ + + +
4 5 6 10 12
The average number of units of work completed per minute = 6.25 = 0.16.
The average number of units of work completed by each person = 0.16 × 360 = 57.6.
Total units of work completed by all the five persons = 57.6 × 5 = 288.0.
Example 65: A scooterist purchased petrol at the rate of Rs 14, 15.50 and 16 per litre
during three successive years. Calculate the average price of petrol (i) if he purchased
150, 160 and 170 litres of petrol in the respective years and (ii) if he spent Rs 2,200, 2,500
and 2,600 in the three years.
Solution: The rate to be averaged is expressed as
(i) Since the condition is given in terms of different litres of petrol in three years,
therefore, weighted AM will be appropriate.
150 ¥ 14 + 160 ¥ 15.5 + 170 ¥ 16
\ Average price = = Rs 15.21/litre.
150 + 160 + 170
(ii) The weighted HM will be appropriate in this case.
2200 + 2500 + 2600 7300
Average price = 2200 2500 2600 =
+ + 157.14 + 161.29 + 162.50
14 15.5 16
= Rs 15.18/litre
Merits and Demerits of Harmonic Mean
1. It is a rigidly defined average.
2. It is based on all the observations.
3. It gives less weight to large items and vice-versa.
4. It is capable of further mathematical treatment.
5. It is suitable in computing average rate under certain conditions.
1. It is not easy to compute and is difficult to understand.
2. It may not be an actual item of the given observations.
3. It cannot be calculated if one or more observations are equal to zero.
4. It may not be representative of the data if small observations are given
correspondingly small weights.
(a + b)2 ≥ ab or
≥ ab .... (1)
4 2
fi AM ≥ GM .... (2)
a b 2 ab
Divide both sides of inequality (1) by , to get 1 ≥
2 a+b
Multiply both sides by ab , to get ab ≥
fi GM ≥ HM .... (3)
Combining (2) and (3), we can write
AM ≥ GM ≥ HM
Note: The equality sign will hold when a = b
Example 67: For any two positive numbers, show that GM = AM ¥ HM .
Solution: If a and b are two positive numbers, then
a +b 2ab
AM = , GM = ab and HM =
2 a +b
a + b 2ab
Now AM.HM = ◊ = ab = (GM)2
2 a+b
or GM = AM ¥ HM . Hence the result.
Example 68:
(a) If AM of two observations is 15 and their GM is 9, find their HM and the two
(b) Comment on the following :
The AM of 20 observations is 25, GM = 20 and HM = 21.
(a) AM ¥ HM = GM
\ 15 ¥ HM = 9 or 15 × HM = 81. Thus, HM = 5.4.
X1 + X 2
Let the two observations be X1 and X2. We are given that = 15
or X1 + X2 = 30. .... (1)
Also X1 .X2 9 or X1.X2 = 81
We can write (X1 - X2)2 = (X1 + X2)2 – 4X1X2
= 900 – 4 × 81 = 576
or X1 - X2 = 24 .... (2)
Adding (1) and (2), we get
2X1 = 54, \ X1 = 27. Also X2 = 3
(b) The statement is wrong because HM cannot be greater than GM. 91
Quantitative Techniques for Exercise with Hints
1. A train runs 25 miles at a speed of 30 m.p.h., another 50 miles at a speed of 40
m.p.h., then due to repairs of the track, 6 miles at a speed of 10 m.p.h. What should
be the speed of the train to cover additional distance of 24 miles so that the average
speed of the whole run of 105 miles is 35 m.p.h?
Hint: Let x be the speed to cover a distance of 24 miles,
25 + 50 + 6 + 24
\ 35 = , find x .
25 50 6 24
+ + +
30 40 10 x
2. Prices per share of a company during first five days of a month were
Rs 100, 120, 150, 140 and 50.
(i) Find the average daily price per share.
(ii) Find the average price paid by an investor who purchased Rs 20,000 worth of
shares on each day.
(iii) Find the average price paid by an investor who purchased 100, 110, 120, 130
and 150 shares on respective days.
Hint: Find simple HM in (ii) and weighted AM in (iii).
3. Typist A can type a letter in five minutes, B in ten minutes and C in fifteen minutes.
What is the average number of letters typed per hour per typist?
Hint: Since we are given conditions in terms of per hour, therefore, simple HM of speed
will give the average time taken to type one letter. From this we can obtain the
average number of letters typed in one hour by each typist.
Simple HM = = 8.18 minutes per letter.
1 1 1
+ +
5 10 15
\ No. of letters typed in 60 minutes = = 7.33
4. Ram paid Rs 15 for two dozens of bananas in one shop, another Rs 15 for three
dozens of bananas in second shop and Rs 15 for four dozens of
bananas in third shop. Find the average price per dozen paid by him.
Hint: First find the prices per dozen in three situations and since equal money is spent,
HM is the appropriate average.
5. A country accumulates Rs 100 crores of capital stock at the rate of Rs 10 crores/
year, another Rs 100 crores at the rate of Rs 20 crores/year and Rs 100 crores at
the rate of Rs 25 crores/year. What is the average rate of accumulation?
Hint: Since Rs 100 crores, each, is accumulated at the rates of Rs 10, 20
and 25 crores/year, simple HM of these rates would be most appropriate.
6. A motor car covered a distance of 50 miles 4 times. The first time at 50 m.p.h., the
second at 20 m.p.h., the third at 40 m.p.h. and the fourth at 25 m.p.h. Calculate the
average speed.
Hint: Use HM.
7. The interest paid on each of the three different sums of money yielding 10%, 12%
and 15% simple interest p.a. is the same. What is the average yield percent on the
sum invested?
92 Hint: Use HM.
Quadratic Mean Measures of Central Tendency
Quadratic mean is the square root of the arithmetic mean of squares of observations.
If X1, X2 ...... Xn are n observations, their quadratic mean is given by
QM =
X 1 2 + X 2 2 + LL + X n 2
∑X i
n n
Similarly, the QM of observations X1, X2 ...... Xn with their respective frequencies as f1,
f2 ...... fn is given by QM
ÂfX i i
, where N = Sfi.
Moving Average
This is a special type of average used to eliminate periodic fluctuations from the time
series data.
Progressive Average
A progressive average is a cumulative average which is computed by taking all the
available figures in each succeeding years. The average for different periods are obtained
as shown below :
X1 + X 2 X1 + X 2 + X 3
X1 , , , LL etc.
2 3
This average is often used in the early years of a business.
Composite Average
A composite average is an average of various other averages. If for example,
X 1 , X 2 , KK X k are the arithmetic means of k series, their composite average
X 1 + X 2 + KK + X k
= .
(i) X=
ÂfX i i
(Simple AM)
(ii) X = A+
Âfd i i
(Short-cut method)
(iii) X = A+ h◊
Âfu i i
(Step-deviation method)
Xw =
Âw X i i
(iv) (Weighted AM)
Âw i
N 1 X 1 + N 2 X 2 + LL + N k X k
(v) X = (Mean of combined series)
N 1 + N 2 + LL+ N k
(vi) M d = Lm + 2 ¥h (Median)
(vii) Qi LQi 4 where i = 1, 3 (Quartiles)
(viii) Pk = LPk + 100 ¥h (k th Percentile)
f Pk
È Â fi log X i ˘
(ix) GM = Anti log Í ˙ (Simple GM)
ÍÎ N ˙˚
È Â wi log X i ˘
(x) GM w = Anti log Í ˙ (Weighted GM)
ÍÎ Â wi ˙˚
G = Anti log
LM n log G + n log G + LL + n log G OP
N Q (GM of the combined series)
1 1 2 2 k k
(xi) n + n + LL+ n 1 2 k
(xiv) HM w =
Âw i
(Weighted HM)
ÂX i
25. (a) The following table gives the monthly salary of academic staff of a college.
Calculate the simple and weighted arithmetic means of their monthly salary.
Which of these averages is most appropriate and why?
(b) The sum of deviations of a certain number of observations from 12 is 166 and
the sum of deviations of these observations from 16 is 54. Find the number of
observations and their mean.
26. Twelve persons gambled on a certain night. Seven of them lost at an average rate
of Rs 10.50 while remaining five gained at an average of Rs 13.00. Is the information
given above is correct? If not, why?
27. The incomes of employees in an industrial concern are given below. The total
income of ten employees in the class over Rs 250 is Rs 3,000. Compute mean
income. Every employee belonging to the top 25% of the earners is required to pay
1% of his income to workers' relief fund. Estimate the contribution to this fund.
Income ( Rs ) : 0- 50 50-100 100-150 150- 200 200- 250 250 and above
Frequency : 90 150 100 80 70 10
28. Comment on the performance of the students of three universities given below:
Courses Bombay University Calcutta University Madras University
of Study Pass% No. of Students Pass% No. of Students Pass% No. of Students
M. A. 71 300 82 200 81 200
M. Com. 83 400 76 300 76 350
M. Sc. 66 300 60 700 73 200
B. A. 73 500 73 600 74 450
B. Com. 74 200 76 700 58 200
B. Sc. 65 300 65 300 70 700 97
Quantitative Techniques for 29. (a) Compute the weighted arithmetic mean of the indices of various groups as
given below:
Group Index Weight
Food 120 4
Clothing 130 2
Housing 150 2
Education of
Children 100 1
Miscellaneous 160 1
(b) A cumulative frequency distribution has 65 as the mid-value of its last class
interval. The cumulative frequencies of the first, second ...... seventh classes
are 5, 21, 45, 72, 85, 94 and 100 respectively. If all the class intervals are of
equal width of 10 units, write down the relevant frequency distribution. Also
calculate its mean and median.
30. A distribution consists of three components each with total frequency of 200, 250
and 300 and with means of 25, 10 and 15 respectively. Find out the mean of the
combined distribution.
31. Find the average number of children per family for the sub-groups separately as
well as combined as a whole.
Sub - group I Sub - group II
No. of Children No. of families No. of Children No. of families
0 10 4-5 20
1 50 6-7 12
2 60 8-9 4
3 40 10 - 11 4
32. (a) The mean of a certain number of items is 20. If an observation 25 is added to
the data, the mean becomes 21. Find the number of items in the original data.
(b) The mean age of a combined group of men and women is 30 years. If the
mean age of the men's group is 32 years and that for the women’s group is 27
years, find the percentage of men and women in the combined group.
33. The average age of 40 students entering B.A. (Honours) Economics first year in a
college was 19 years. Out of this only 25 students passed the third year examination.
If the average age of these 25 students is 22.5 years, find the average age of the
remaining students.
34. Fifty students took a test. The result of those who passed the test is given below:
Marks : 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. of Students : 8 10 9 6 4 3
If the average marks for all the 50 students was 5.16, find the average marks of
those who failed.
35. A person had 7 children. The average age of the children was 14 years when one
of the child died at the age of 8 years. What will be the average age of the remaining
children after five years of this death?
36. The mean marks of 100 students was calculated as 40. Later on it was discovered
that a score 53 was misread as 83. Find the correct mean.
37. An examination was held to decide the award of a scholarship. The weights given
to various subjects were different. Only three applicants for the scholarship obtained
over 50% marks in aggregate. The marks were as follows :
40. The mean salary paid to 1,000 employees of an establishment was found to be Rs
180.40. Later on, after disbursement of salary, it was discovered that the salaries
of two employees were wrongly entered as Rs 297 and Rs 165
instead of Rs 197 and 185 respectively. Find the correct mean salary.
41. The following variations were recorded in the measurements of parts by a machine:
46. In a class of 16 students, the following are the marks obtained by them in statistics.
Find out the lower quartile, upper quartile, seventh decile and thirty-fifth percentile.
S. No. : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Marks : 5 12 17 23 28 31 37 41 42 49 54 58 65 68 17 77
47. Locate Md, Q1, Q3, D4, D7, P26, P45, P66, P70 and P79 from the following data :
Age of Children (in years ) : 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
No. of Children : 32 33 39 43 58 59 52 38 33 13
54. With the help of the following figures, prepare a cumulative frequency curve and
locate the median and quartiles:
Marks Obtained : 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50
No. of Students : 10 12 20 18 10
55. Draw a cumulative frequency curve from the following data and find out the median
and both quartiles:
Class : 1 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 20 21- 25 26 - 30 31- 35 36 - 40 41- 45
Frequency : 7 10 16 32 24 18 10 5 1
56. Calculate median and both quartiles from the following data :
Age : 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59
No. of Persons : 50 70 100 180 150 120 70 60
57. Calculate the quartiles, D7 and P85 from the following data :
Class : Less than 100 100 - 250 250 - 400 400 - 500 500 - 550
Frequency : 85 100 175 74 66
Class : 550 - 600 600 - 800 800 - 900 900 - 1000
Frequency : 35 5 18 2
58. Calculate arithmetic mean and median from the data given below :
Income in Rs ( less than ) : 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
No . of Workers : 100 90 80 60 32 20 13 5
65. Following relate to the weekly wages (in Rs) of workers of a factory :
100, 75, 79, 80, 110, 93, 109, 84, 95, 77, 100, 89, 84, 81, 106, 96, 94, 83, 95, 78, 101,
99, 83, 89, 102, 97, 93, 82, 97, 80, 102, 96, 87, 99, 107, 99, 97, 80, 98, 93, 106, 94, 88,
104, 103, 100, 98, 84, 100, 96, 86, 93, 89, 100, 101, 106, 92, 86, 105, 97, 82, 92, 75,
103, 101, 103, 100, 88, 106, 98, 87, 90, 76, 104, 101, 107, 97, 91, 103, 98, 109, 86, 76,
107, 88, 107, 88, 93, 85, 98, 104, 78, 79, 110, 94, 108, 86, 95, 84, 87.
Prepare a frequency distribution by taking class intervals as 75 - 80, 80 - 85, etc.
and locate its median and the two quartiles.
66. Find an appropriate average for the following distribution :
67. In the frequency distribution of 100 families given below, the number of families
corresponding to weekly expenditure groups 200 - 400 and 600 - 800 are missing.
However, the median of the distribution is known to be Rs 500. Find the missing
Expenditure : 0 - 200 200 - 400 400 - 600 600 - 800 800 - 1000
No. of families : 14 ? 27 ? 15
S. No. : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Size : 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
73. The number of calls received in 240 successive one minute intervals at an exchange
are shown in the following frequency distribution. Calculate mode:
No. of calls : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Frequency : 14 21 25 43 51 35 39 12
80. Find out mode of the following data graphically and check the result by calculation:
Size : 0 - 1 1 - 2 2 - 3 3 - 4 4 - 5 5 - 6 6 - 7 7 - 8 8 - 9 9 - 10 10 - 11
Frequency : 3 7 9 15 25 20 14 12 8 6 2
85. (a) In a moderately skewed distribution, the arithmetic mean is 10 and mode is 7.
Find median.
(b) In a moderately asymmetrical distribution, the mean is 25 and the median is
23.5. Find mode.
86. Find geometric mean from the following daily income (in Rs) of 10 families:
85, 70, 15, 75, 500, 8, 45, 250, 40 and 36.
87. Calculate geometric mean of the following distribution :
Marks (less than) : 10 20 30 40 50
No. of Students : 12 27 72 93 100
88. The value of a machine depreciates at a constant rate from the cost price of Rs
1,000 to the scrap value of Rs 100 in ten years. Find the annual rate of depreciation
and the value of the machine at the end of one, two, three years.
89. Calculate weighted GM from the following data :
90. The price of a commodity increased by 12% in 1986, by 30% in 1987 and by 15%
in 1988. Calculate the average increase of price per year.
91. The population of a city was 30 lakh in 1981 which increased to 45 lakh in 1991.
Determine the rate of growth of population per annum. If the same growth continues,
what will be the population of the city in 1995.
92. The value of a machine depreciated by 30% in 1st year, 13% in 2nd year and by
5% in each of the following three years. Determine the average rate of depreciation
for the entire period.
93. The following table gives the diameters of screws obtained in a sample enquiry.
Calculate mean diameter by using geometric average.
Diameter (mm) : 130 135 140 145 146 148 149 150 157
No. of Screws : 3 4 6 6 3 5 2 1 1
94. (a) The price of a commodity doubles in a period of 5 years. What will be the
average rate of increase per annum.
(b) If a sum of Rs 1,500 is invested at 15% rate of interest compounded annually,
determine the amount after 5 years.
95. (a) Find the average rate of increase per decade in the population which increased Measures of Central Tendency
by 10% in the first decade, by 20% in the second and by 40% in the third.
(b) The price of a commodity increased by 10% in 1st year, by 15% in 2nd year
and decreased by 10% in 3rd year. Determine the average change of price
after 3 years.
96. The following table gives the marks obtained by 70 students in mathematics.
Calculate arithmetic and geometric means:
Marks ( more than) : 80 70 60 50 40 30 20
No. of Students : 0 7 18 40 40 63 70
105. Four typists take 15, 10, 8, 7 minutes respectively to type a letter. Determine the
average time required to type a letter if
(a) Four letters are to be typed by each typist.
(b) Each typist works for two hours.
106. (a) A person spends Rs 60 for oranges costing Rs 10 per dozen and another Rs
70 for oranges costing Rs 14 per dozen. What is the average price per dozen
paid by him?
(b) Three mechanics take 10, 8, and 6 hours respectively to assemble a machine.
Determine the average number of hours required to assemble one machine. 105
Quantitative Techniques for 107. At harvesting time, a farmer employed 10 men, 20 women and 16 boys to lift
potatoes. A woman's work was three quarters as effective as that of a man, while
a boy's work was only half. Find the daily wage bill if a man's rate was Rs 24 per
day and the rates for the women and boys were in proportion to their effectiveness.
Calculate the average daily rate for the 46 workers.
108. Saddam takes a trip which entails travelling 1,350 kms by train at a speed of 60
kms/hr, 630 kms by aeroplane at 350 kms/hr, 4,500 kms by ship at 25 kms/hr and
20 kms by car at 30 kms/hr. What is the average speed for the entire journey?
109. (a) A man travels from Lucknow to Kanpur, a distance of 80 kms, at a speed of
45 kms/hr. From Kanpur he goes to Etawah, a distance of 165 kms, at a
speed of 65 kms/hr and from Etawah he comes back to Lucknow, along the
same route, at a speed of 60 kms/hr. What is his average speed for the entire
(b) If refills for 5 rupees are purchased at 40 paise each and for another 5 rupees
are purchased at 60 paise each, the average price would be 48 paise and not
50 paise. Explain and verify.
110. (a) An aeroplane travels distances of 2,500, 1,200, and 500 kms at the speeds of
500, 400 and 250 kms/hour respectively. Find the average speed for the entire
trip, commenting upon the choice of your average.
(b) A train goes from Delhi to Agra in four hours at speeds of 25, 60, 80 and 40
kms/hour in each successive hour respectively. Find the average speed of the
train and verify your answer.
111. A can do a unit of work in 10 minutes, B in 18 minutes and C in 20 minutes. Find
their average rate of working when :
(i) A works for 8 hours, B for 9 hours and C for 10 hours per day.
(ii) Each of them have to complete 40 units of work per day.
Also determine the total units of work done per day in each of the above situations
and verify your answer.
112. Choose an appropriate average to find the average price per kg., for the
following data:
Now change the weights as 12, 6, 8 and 2 respectively and recalculate the weighted
harmonic mean. What do you conclude?
114. (a) The speeds of various buses of a company plying on the same route was
found to be as given below :
Speed ( in miles / hour ) : 12 15 18
No . of Buses : 3 5 2
(i) For a set of 50 observations Xi, i = 1, 2 ...... 50, Â(X
i =1
i - 10) = 90 , when
X = 10.
(ii) Geometric mean of a given number of observations cannot be obtained if one
of them is zero.
(iii) The mean depth of water of a river is 130 cms, therefore, a man with a height
of 165 cms can cross the river safely.
(iv) For a wholesale manufacturer, interested in the type which is usually in
demand, median is the most suitable average.
(v) If AM = 25 and HM = 9, then GM = 15 for two positive values of a variable. Measures of Central Tendency
(vi) For a set of 8 observations AM, GM and HM are 5.2, 6.3 and 7.1 respectively.
(vii) If 2y – 6x = 6 and mode of y is 66, then mode of x is 21.
Quantitative Technique
for Management LESSON
3.0 Aims and Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Mathematics — The Language of Modelling
3.3 Building a Mathematical Model
3.4 Verifying and Refining a Model
3.5 Variables and Parameters
3.6 Continuous-in-Time vs. Discrete-in-Time Models
3.7 Deterministic Model Example
3.8 Probabilistic Models
3.9 Let us Sum Up
3.10 Lesson-end Activity
3.11 Keywords
3.12 Questions for Discussion
3.13 Model Answers to Questions for Discussion
3.14 Suggested Readings
Models in science come in different forms. A physical model that you probably are
familiar with is an anatomically detailed model of the human body. Mathematical models
are less commonly found in science classes, but they form the core of modem cosmology.
Mathematical models are extremely powerful because they usually enable predictions to
be made about a system. The predictions then provide a road map for further
experimentation. Consequently, it is important for you to develop an appreciation for this
type of model as you learn more about cosmology. Two sections of the activity develop
mathematical models of direct relevance to cosmology and astronomy. The math skills
required in the activity increase with each section, but nothing terribly advanced is required.
A very common approach to the mathematical modeling of a physical system is to collect
a set of experimental data and then figure out a way to graph the data so that one gets a Mathematical Model
straight line. Once a straight line is obtained, it is possible to generalize the information
contained in the straight line in terms of the powerful algebraic equation: You probably
are familiar with this equation. In it y represents a value on the y-axis, x represents a
value on the x-axis, m represents the slope of the straight line, and b represents the value
of the intercept of the line on the y-axis. In all sections of this activity, your goal will be
to analyze and then graph a set of data so that you obtain a straight line. Then you will
derive the equation that describes the line, and use the equation to make predictions
about the system. So relax and have fun with math!
y = mx + b
Population Growth
A Spring Mass System
A Falling Rock Heat Flow
Problem 1
Rotating all or part of a space station can create artificial gravity in the station. The
resulting centrifugal force will be indistinguishable from gravitational force. Develop a
mathematical model that will determine the rotational rate of the station as a function of
the radius of the station (distance from the center of rotation) and the desired artificial
gravitational force. Use this model to answer the question: What rotational rate is needed
if the radius of the station is 150 m and Earth surface gravity is desired.
Problem 2
A stretch of Interstate 25 is being widened to accommodate increasing traffIc going
north and south. Unfortunately, the Department of Transportation is going to have to
bring out the orange barrels and close all but one lane at the “big I” intersection.
The department would like to have traffIc move along as quickly as possible without
additional accidents. What speed limit would provide for maximum, but safe, traffic
The inputs are the initial investment (P = $1000), annual interest rate (r = 7% = 0.07), the
compounding period (m = 12 months), and the number of years (Y = 5).
Quantitative Technique
for Management
One of the purposes of a model such as this is to make predictions and try “What If?”
scenarios. You can change the inputs and recalculate the model and you’ll get a new
answer. You might even want to plot a graph of the future value (F) vs. years (Y). In
some cases, you may have a fixed interest rate, but what do you do if the interest rate is
allowed to change? For this simple equation, you might only care to know a worst/best
case scenario, where you calculate the future value based upon the lowest and highest
interest rates that you might expect.
Suppose that you have $10.00 and that you want to win an additional $10.00. We will
consider two different strategies.
l The Flamboyant Strategy:
You stride purposefully up to the wheel with a devil-may-care smile on your face.
You bet your entire fortune of $10.00 on one spin of the wheel. If the ball lands in
a red slot then you win, pocket your winnings, and leave with $20.00 and a genuine
114 happy smile on your face. If the ball lands in a slot of a different color then you
smile bravely at everyone as if $10.00 is mere chickenfeed and leave with empty Mathematical Model
pockets and feeling gloomy. With the flamboyant strategy your chances of
winning are 18/38 or roughly 0.4737.
l The Timid Strategy:
With this strategy you approach the roulette table with obvious trepidation. After
watching for a while and working up your courage, you bet $1.00. When the ball
falls in a slot you either win or lose $1.00. Now you have either $9.00 or $11.00.
You continue betting one dollar on each spin of the wheel until you either go broke
or reach your goal of $20.00.
Before continuing pause and think about these two strategies. Which of the two do you
think gives you the best chance of winning? — or are your chances of winning the same
whichever strategy you use?
One way to study the questions raised above is by trying the two strategies in real
casinos, wagering your own real money. This approach has several advantages and
several disadvantages. One advantage is that this approach is realistic. Real casinos are
run by people who know how to make a profit. They are skilled at creating an atmosphere
that is likely to encourage customers to bet and lose more than they might like. The
lessons that you learn in a real casino are more likely to be real lessons than the ones you
learn in a simulated casino like the one we use below. One disadvantage is that this
approach can be very costly both in terms of money and time.
We take a different approach — using the CAS window to simulate playing with the
second, or timid, strategy. We already know the chances of winning with the first, or
flamboyant, strategy — 18/38, or roughly 0.4737.
Computer algebra systems like Maple, MathCad, Mathematica, or the CAS system in
the TI-92 have a procedure that generates random numbers. For example, on the TI-92
the command randO, produces a random number between zero and one. The screen
below shows the results of executing this command seven times. Notice that it produced
seven different random numbers.
Using the random number generator in your CAS window, you can easily simulate one
spin of a roulette with a procedure like the one shown below.
Quantitative Technique
for Management
Your CAS window has a program that is built on this basic idea and will simulate playing
roulette using the timid strategy. Use this program to answer the questions below.
Time Models
Flamboyant Strategy
Timid Strategy
4.0 Aims and Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Essentials of Linear Programming Model
4.3 Properties of Linear Programming Model
4.4 Formulation of Linear Programming
4.5 General Linear Programming Model
4.6 Maximization & Minimization Models
4.7 Graphical Method
4.8 Solving Linear Programming Graphically Using Computer
4.9 Summary of Graphical Method
4.10 Unbounded LP Problem
4.11 Let us Sum Up
4.12 Lesson-end Activity
4.13 Keywords
4.14 Questions for Discussion
4.15 Terminal Questions
4.16 Model Answers to Questions for Discussion
4.17 Suggested Readings
Linear programming is a widely used mathematical modeling technique to determine the
optimum allocation of scarce resources among competing demands. Resources typically
include raw materials, manpower, machinery, time, money and space. The technique is
very powerful and found especially useful because of its application to many different
types of real business problems in areas like finance, production, sales and distribution,
personnel, marketing and many more areas of management. As its name implies, the
Quantitative Techniques linear programming model consists of linear objectives and linear constraints, which
for Management
means that the variables in a model have a proportionate relationship. For example, an
increase in manpower resource will result in an increase in work output.
When the availability of resources are in surplus, there will be no problem in making
decisions. But in real life, organizations normally have scarce resources within which the
job has to be performed in the most effective way. Therefore, problem situations are
within confined limits in which the optimal solution to the problem must be found.
Considering the previous example of furniture manufacturer, let w be the amount of
wood available to produce tables and chairs. Each unit of table consumes w1 unit of
wood and each unit of chair consumes w2 units of wood.
For the constraint of raw material availability, the mathematical expression is,
w1 x1 + w2 x2 £ w
In addition to raw material, if other resources such as labour, machinery and time are
also considered as constraint equations.
Non-negativity constraint
Negative values of physical quantities are impossible, like producing negative number of
chairs, tables, etc., so it is necessary to include the element of non-negativity as a constraint
i.e., x1, x2 ³ 0
Key Decision: To determine the number of round and square biscuits to be produced.
Decision Variables:
Let x1 be the number of round biscuits to be produced daily, and
x2 be the number of square biscuits to be produced daily
Objective function: It is given that the profit on each unit of round biscuits is Rs 3.00
and of square biscuits is Rs. 2.00. The objective is to maximize profits, therefore, the
total profit will be given by the equation,
Zmax = 3x1+2x2
Constraints: Now, the manufacturing process is imposed by a constraint with the limited
availability of raw material. For the production of round biscuits, 100x 1 of raw material is
used daily and for the production of square biscuits, 115x2 of raw material is used daily.
It is given that the total availability of raw material per day is 1500 grams.
Therefore, the constraint for raw material is,
100x1 + 115x2 £ 1500
Similarly, the constraint for machine hours is, Linear Programming:
Graphical Method
10x1+12x2 £ 720
and for the manpower is,
3x1 +2x2 £ 240
Since the resources are to be used within or below the daily available level, inequality
sign of less than or equal sign (£) is used. Further, we cannot produce negative number
of units of biscuits which is a non-negative constraint expressed as,
x1 ³ 0 and x2 ³ 0
Thus, the linear programming model for the given problem is,
Maximize Z = 3x1 + 2x2
Subject to constraints,
100x1+115x2 £ 1500 ..........................(i)
10x1+12x2 £ 720 ..........................(ii)
3x1+2x2 £ 240 ..........................(iii)
where x1 ³ 0, x2 ³ 0
Example 2: Rahul Ads, an advertising company is planning a promotional campaign for
the client's product, i.e., sunglasses. The client is willing to spend Rs. 5 lakhs. It was
decided to limit the campaign media to a weekly magazine, a daily newspaper and TV
advertisement. The product is targeted at middle-aged men and women, and the following
data was collected (Table 4.2).
Table 4.2: Data Collected
Campaign media Cost per advertisement (Rs.) Expected
Weekly Magazine 30,000 1,15,000
Daily Newspaper 45,000 2,05,000
TV Advetisement 1,25,000 7,00,000
The client is interested to spend only Rs. 1 lakh on the ads in the weekly magazine which
expecting a viewership of a minimum of 21 lakh people in the case of the television
advertising. Maximize the viewers to the advertisements.
Key Decision: To determine number of advertisements on weekly magazine, daily
newspaper and TV.
Let x1 be the number of weekly magazine advertisements.
x2 be the number of daily newspaper advertisements.
x3 be the number of TV advertisements.
Objective function: The objective is to maximize the number of viewers through all
media. The total viewers will be given by the equation,
Zmax = 115000x1 + 205000x2+ 700000x3
Constraints: Firstly, the client is willing to spend Rs. 500000 on all media,
30000x1 + 45000x2 + 125000x3 £ 500000
30x1 + 45x2+ 125x3 £ 500 ..........................(i)
Quantitative Techniques Secondly, a minimum of 2100000 people should view the television advertising,
for Management
700000x3 ³ 2100000
x3 ³ 3 ..........................(ii)
Lastly, the client is interested to pay only Rs. 100000 in weekly magazine advertising,
30000x1 £ 100000
3x1 £ 10 ..........................(iii)
Summarizing the LP model for the given problem,
Maximize Z = 115000x1 + 205000x2 + 700000x3
Subject to constraints,
30x1 + 45x2 + 125x3 £ 500 ..........................(i)
x3 ³ 3 ..........................(ii)
3x1 £ 10 ..........................(iii)
where x1, x2, x3 ³ 0
Example 3: The data given in Table 4.3 represents the shipping cost (in Rs.) per unit for
shipping from each warehouse to each distribution centre. The supply and demand data
of each warehouse and distribution centre is given. Determine how many units should be
shipped from each warehouse to each centre in order to minimize the overall
transportation cost.
Table 4.3: Data Shows Shipping Cost from Warehouse to Distribution
Distribution Centre
Warehouse 1 2 3 Supply
1 9 10 11 150
2 4 6 8 250
Demand 150 100 150 400
Decision Variables
Let xij be the number of units to be shipped from warehouse i to distribution centre j.
x11 be the number of units to be shipped from warehouse 1 to distribution centre 1.
x12 be the number of units to be shipped from warehouse 1 to distribution centre 2.
x13 be the number of units to be shipped from warehouse 1 to distribution centre 3.
x21 be the number of units to be shipped from warehouse 2 to distribution centre 1.
x22 be the number of units to be shipped from warehouse 2 to distribution centre 2.
x23 be the number of units to be shipped from warehouse 2 to distribution centre 3.
Objective Function: The Table 4.3 shows the transportation cost from each warehouse
to each distribution centre. Therefore 9x11 represents the total cost of shipping x11 units
from warehouse 1 to distribution centre 1. The objective function is to minimize the
transportation cost. Therefore, the objective function is,
Minimize Z = 9x11 + 10x12+11x13+4x21+6x22+8x23
Constraints: The supply and demand constraints to ship the units from warehouses are,
to ship the units and distribution centres must receive the shipped units. Since the given
table is a 2 ´ 3 matrix we have a total 5 constraints apart from the non-negativity
124 constraint. The constraints are as follows,
x11+ x12+x13 £ 150 ..........................(i) Linear Programming:
Graphical Method
x21+ x22+ x23 £ 250 ..........................(ii)
x11+ x21 = 150 ..........................(iii)
x12+ x22=100 ..........................(iv)
x13+ x23=150 ..........................(v)
where xij ³ 0 (i =1,2, and j = 1,2,3)
Thus the LP model for the given transportation problem is summarized as,
Minimize Z = 9x11 + 10x12+11x13+4x21+6x22+8x23
Subject to constraints,
x11+ x12+ x13 £ 150 ..........................(i)
x21+ x22+ x23 £ 250 ..........................(ii)
x11 + x21 = 150 ..........................(iii)
x12 + x22 = 100 ..........................(iv)
x13 + x23 = 150 ..........................(v)
where xij > 0 (i =1,2, and j = 1,2,3)
Example 4: Sivakumar & Co., manufactures two types of T-shirts, one with collar and
another without collar. Each T-shirt with collar yields a profit of Rs. 20, while each T-
shirt without collar yields Rs. 30. Shirt with collar requires 15 minutes of cutting and 25
minutes of stitching. Shirt without collar requires 10 minutes of cutting and 20 minutes of
stitching. The full shift time is available for cutting in an 8 hour shift, but only 6 hours are
available for stitching. Formulate the problem as an LP model to maximize the profit.
Key decision: To determine the number of T-shirts with collar and without collar to be
Decision variables:
Let x1 be the number of T-shirts with collar
x2 be the number of T-shirts without collar
Objective Function:
Zmax = 20x1 + 30x2
15x1 + 10x2 £ 8 ´ 60 (Cutting) ..........................(i)
25x1 + 20x2 £ 6 ´ 60 (Stitching) ..........................(ii)
Non-negativity constraints:
x1 ³ 0 , x2 ³ 0
The linear programming model is,
Zmax = 20x1 + 30x2
Subject to constraints,
15x1 + 10x2 £ 480 ..........................(i)
25x1 + 20x2 £ 360 ..........................(ii)
where x1 , x2 ³ 0 125
Quantitative Techniques Example 5: An agricultural urea company must daily produce 500 kg of a mixture
for Management
consisting of ingredients x1, x2 and x3. Ingredient x1 costs Rs. 30 per kg, x2 Rs. 50 per kg
and x3 Rs. 20 per kg. Due to raw material constraint, not more than 100 kg of x1, 70 kg
of x2 and 45 kg of x3 must be used. Determine how much of each ingredient should be
used if the company wants to minimize the cost.
Let x1 be the kg of ingredient x1 to be used
x2 be the kg of ingredient x2 to be used
x3 be the kg of ingredient x3 to be used
The objective is to minimize the cost,
Minimize Z = 30x1 + 50x2 + 20x3
Subject to constraints,
x1+ x2+ x3 = 500 (total production) .......................(i)
x1 £ 100 (max. use of x1) .......................(ii)
x2 £ 70 (max. use of x2) .......................(iii)
x3 £ 45 (max. use of x3) .......................(iv)
where x1, x2, x3 ³ 0 (non-negativity)
Example 6: Chandru Bag Company produces two types of school bags: deluxe and
ordinary. If the company is producing only ordinary bags, it can make a total of 200
ordinary bags a day. Deluxe bag requires twice as much labour and time as an ordinary
type. The demand for deluxe bag and ordinary bag are 75 and 100 bags per day
respectively. The deluxe bag yields a profit of Rs 12.00 per bag and ordinary bag yields
a profit of Rs. 7.00 per bag. Formulate the problem as LP model.
Let x1 be deluxe bags to be produced per day
x2 be ordinary bags to be produced per day
Objective function: The objective is to maximize the profit. Deluxe bag yields a profit of
Rs. 12.00 per bag and ordinary bag yields a profit of Rs. 7.00 per bag.
Maximize Z = 12x1 + 7x2
Constraints: There are two constraints in the problem, the "number of bags" constraint
and "demand" constraint. It is given that the deluxe bag takes twice as much time of
ordinary bag and if only ordinary bags alone are produced, the company can make 200
The constraint is,
2x1 + x2 £ 200
The demand for the deluxe bag is 75 bags and ordinary bag is 100 bags
The constraints are,
x1 £ 75
x2 £ 100
and the non-negativity constraint is,
126 x1 ³ 0 , x 2 ³ 0
The LP formulation is Linear Programming:
Graphical Method
Maximize, Z = 12x1+ 7x2
Subject to constraints,
2x1 + x2 £ 200 ..........................(i)
x1 £ 75 ..........................(ii)
x2 £ 100 ..........................(iii)
where x1 , x2 ³ 0
Example 7: Geetha Perfume Company produces both perfumes and body spray from
two flower extracts F1 and F2 The following data is provided:
Table 4.4: Data Collected
Litres of Extract
Perfume Body Spray Daily Availability (litres)
Flower Extract, F1 8 4 20
Flower Extract, F2 2 3 8
Profit Per litre (Rs.) 7 5
The maximum daily demand of body spray is 20 bottles of 100 ml each. A market survey
indicates that the daily demand of body spray cannot exceed that of perfume by more
than 2 litres. The company wants to find out the optimal mix of perfume and body spray
that maximizes the total daily profit. Formulate the problem as a linear programming
Let x1 be the litres of perfume produced daily
x2 be the litres of body spray produced daily
Objective function: The company wants to increase the profit by optimal product mix
Zmax = 7x1+5x2
Constraints: The total availability of flower extract F1 and flower extract F2 are 20 and
8 litres respectively. The sum of flower extract F1 used for perfume and body spray
must not exceed 20 litres. Similarly, flower extract F2 must not exceed 8 litres daily.
The constraints are,
8x1+4x2 £ 20 (Flower extract F1)
2x1+3x2 £ 8 (Flower extract F2)
The daily demand of body spray x2 is limited to 20 bottles of 100ml each (i.e, 20 ´ 100 =
2000 ml = 2 litres)
Therefore, x2 £ 2
Again, there is an additional restriction, that the difference between the daily production
of perfume and body spray , x2 – x1 does not exceed 2 litres, which is expressed as
x2–x1 £ 2
–x1 + x2 £ 2.
The model for Geetha perfumes company is,
Maximize , Z = 7x1+ 5x2
Quantitative Techniques Subject to constraints,
for Management
8x1 + 4x2 £ 20 ……………………….(i)
2x1 + 3x2 £ 8 ………………………..(ii)
–x1 + x2 £ 2 ……………………….....(iii)
x2 £ 2 ……………………….............(iv)
where x1, x2 ³ 0
Feasible Solution: Any values of x1 and x2 that satisfy all the constraints of the model
constitute a feasible solution. For example, in the above problem if the values of x1 = 2
and x2 = l are substituted in the constraint equation, we get
(i) 8(2) + 4(1) £ 20
20 £ 20
(ii) 2(2) + 3 (1) £ 8
(iii) – 2 +1 £ 2
(iv) 1 £ 2
All the above constraints (including non-negativity constraint) are satisfied. The objective
function for these values of x1 = 2 and x2 = 1, are
Zmax = 7(2 ) + 5(1)
= 14 + 5 = Rs. 19.00
As said earlier, all the values that do not violate the constraint equations are feasible
solutions. But, the problem is to find out the values of x1 and x2 to obtain the optimum
feasible solution that maximizes the profit. These optimum values of x1 and x2 can be
found by using the Graphical Method or by Simplex Method. (The above problem is
solved using graphical method shown on page number 117).
No. of carton boxes x2
(0, 40)
30 2x1 + 3x2 = 120
10 (60, 0)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
60 (0, 60)
50 2x1 + x2 = 60
L2 40
2x1 + 3x2 = 120
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 x1
Figure 4.4: Graph Showing Feasible Area
Quantitative Techniques Example 9: A soft drink manufacturing company has 300 ml and 150 ml canned cola as
for Management
its products with profit margin of Rs. 4 and Rs. 2 per unit respectively. Both the products
have to undergo process in three types of machine. The following Table 4.5, indicates the
time required on each machine and the available machine-hours per week.
Table 4.5: Available Data
Requirement Cola 300 ml Cola 150 ml Available machine-
hours per week
Machine 1 3 2 300
Machine 2 2 4 480
Machine 3 5 7 560
Formulate the linear programming problem specifying the product mix which will maximize
the profits within the limited resources. Also solve the problem using computer.
Solution: Let x1 be the number of units of 300 ml cola and x2 be the number of units of
150 ml cola to be produced respectively. Formulating the given problem, we get
Objective function:
Zmax = 4x1 + 2x2
Subject to constraints,
3x1 + 2x2 £ 300 ............................(i)
2x1 +4x2 £ 480 ............................(ii)
5x1 +7x2 £ 560 ............................(iii)
where x1 , x2 ³ 0
The inequalities are removed to give the following equations:
3x1 + 2x2 = 300 ............................(iv)
2x1 + 4x2 = 480 ............................(v)
5x1 + 7x2 = 560 ............................(vi)
Find the co-ordinates of lines by substituting x1 = 0 to find x2 and x2 = 0 to find x1.
Line 3x2 + 2x2 = 300 passes through (0,150),(100,0)
Line 2x1 + 4x2 = 480 passes through (0,120),(240,0)
Line 5x1 + 7x2 = 650 passes through (0,80),(112,0)
Linear Programming
Graphical Method
(e) LP techniques are used in analyzing the effect of changes.
3. Fill in the blanks: Linear Programming:
Graphical Method
(a) Organization normally have _________ resources.
(b) A model has a _________ constraint.
(c) In real life, the two _________ problems are practiced very little.
(d) _________ refer to the products, workers’, efficiency, and machines are
assumed to be identical.
(e) The _________ function represents the aim or goal of the system.
Exercise Problems
1. For the problem given in Example 7, formulate the constraints for the following
without any change in R.H.S.:
(a) The flower extract F1 must be used at most to 15 litres and at least 5 litres.
(b) The demand for perfume cannot be less than the demand for body spray.
(c) The daily demand of body spray exceeds that of perfume by at least 2 litres.
2. For the problem given in Example 1.7, determine the best feasible solution among
the following values of x1 and x2:
(a) x1 =2, x2 = 1
(b) x1 =0, x2 = 3
(c) x1 =3, x2 = 1
(d) x1 = 5, x2 = 1
(e) x1 = 2, x2 = –1
(f) x1 = 1.75, x2 = 1.50
3. Determine the feasible space for each of the following constraints:
(c) x1 – x2 £ 0
5.0 Aims and Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Additional Variables used in Solving LPP
5.3 Maximization Case
5.4 Solving LP Problems Using Computer with TORA
5.5 Minimization LP Problems
5.6 Big M Method
5.7 Degeneracy in LP Problems
5.8 Unbounded Solutions in LPP
5.9 Multiple Solutions in LPP
5.10 Duality in LP Problems
5.11 Sensitivity Analysis
5.12 Let us Sum Up
5.13 Lesson-end Activities
5.14 Keywords
5.15 Questions for Discussion
5.16 Terminal Questions
5.17 Model Answers to Questions for Discussion
5.18 Suggested Readings
In practice, most problems contain more than two variables and are consequently too
large to be tackled by conventional means. Therefore, an algebraic technique is used to
solve large problems using Simplex Method. This method is carried out through iterative
process systematically step by step, and finally the maximum or minimum values of the
objective function are attained.
Quantitative Techniques The basic concepts of simplex method are explained using the Example 1.8 of the
for Management
packaging product mix problem illustrated in the previous chapter. The simplex method
solves the linear programming problem in iterations to improve the value of the objective
function. The simplex approach not only yields the optimal solution but also other valuable
information to perform economic and 'what if' analysis.
0 S3 120 2 3 1 0 60
S4 60 2 1 0 1 30
– Zj 0 –6 –4 0 0
If the objective of the given problem is a maximization one, enter the co-efficient of the
objective function Zj with opposite sign as shown in Table 5.3. Take the most negative
coefficient of the objective function and that is the key column Kc. In this case, it is -6.
Find the ratio between the solution value and the key column coefficient and enter it in
the minimum ratio column. The intersecting coefficients of the key column and key row
are called the pivotal element i.e. 2. The variable corresponding to the key column is the
entering element of the next iteration table and the corresponding variable of the key
row is the leaving element of the next iteration table. In other words, x1 replaces S4 in the
next iteration table. Table 5.3 indicates the key column, key row and the pivotal element.
Table 5.3
0 S3 120 2 3 1 0 60
Kr S4 60 2 1 0 1 30
-Zj 0 -6 -4 0 0
Quantitative Techniques In the next iteration, enter the basic variables by eliminating the leaving variable (i.e., key
for Management
row) and introducing the entering variable (i.e., key column). Make the pivotal element
as 1 and enter the values of other elements in that row accordingly. In this case, convert
the pivotal element value 2 as 1 in the next interation table. For this, divide the pivotal
element by 2. Similarly divide the other elements in that row by 2. The equation is S4 /2.
This row is called as Pivotal Equation Row Pe. The other co-efficients of the key column
in iteration Table 5.4 must be made as zero in the iteration Table 5.5. For this, a solver, Q,
is formed for easy calculation. Change the sign of the key column coefficient, multiply
with pivotal equation element and add with the corresponding variable to get the equation,
Solver, Q = SB + (–Kc ´ Pe)
The equations for the variables in the iteration number 1 of table 8 are,
For S3 Q = SB + (– Kc ´ Pe)
= S3 + (–2x Pe)
= S3 – 2Pe …………………………(i)
For – Z, Q = SB + (– Kc ´ Pe)
= – Z + ((– 6) ´ Pe)
= – Z + 6Pe …………………………(ii)
Using the equations (i) and (ii) the values of S3 and –Z for the values of Table 1 are
found as shown in Table 5.4
Table 5.4: S3 and –Z Values Calculated
0 S3 120 2 3 1 0 60
Kr S4 60 2 1 0 1 30
– Zj 0 –6 –4 0 0
S3 60 0 2 1 –1 30 S3 – 2Pe
Pe x1 30 1 ½ 0 ½ 60 S4 / 2
– Zj 100 0 –1 0 3 – Z + 6Pe
Using these equations, enter the values of basic variables SB and objective function Z. If
all the values in the objective function are non-negative, the solution is optimal. Here, we
have one negative value – 1. Repeat the steps to find the key row and pivotal equation
values for the iteration 2 and check for optimality.
In the iteration 2 number of Table 5.5, all the values of Zj are non-negative, Zj ³ 0, hence
optimality is reached. The corresponding values of x1 and x2 for the final iteration table
gives the optimal values of the decision variables i.e., x1 = 15, x2 = 30. Substituting these
values in the objectives function equation, we get
Zmax = 6x1 + 4x2
= 6(15) + 4(30)
= 90 + 120
0 S3 120 2 3 1 0 60
S4 60 2 1 0 1 30
Kr – Zj 0 –6 –4 0 0
1 S3 60 0 2 1 –1 30 S3 – 2pe
Kr x1 30 1 ½ 0 ½ 60 S4/2
Pe – Zj 100 0 –1 0 3 – Z + 6Pe
2 Pe X2 30 0 1 ½ – S3/2
x1 15 1 0 – 1/2 S3 – Pe/2
– Zj 210 0 0 1/4 ¾ – Z + Pe
½ 5/2
Figure 5.1: Solving LPP using Computer with TORA (Input Screen )
Click Solve Menu, and select Solve Problem → Algebraic → Iterations → All-Slack
Starting Solution. Now, click Go To Output screen, then the first iteration table will be
displayed. To select the entering variable, click a non-basic variable (if correct, the column
turns green). Similarly, select the leaving variable (if correct, the row turns red),
Figure 5.2.
In the final table, all the values of –Zj are ³ 0, hence optimality is reached. The optimum
solution is,
(a) The value of x1 = 800 units