Elizabeth Journal Entry
Elizabeth Journal Entry
Elizabeth Journal Entry
Created in 1971, the Elizabeth City State University Foundation was established to serve as the steward of
contributions from the private sector. This includes gifts from alumni, individuals, corporations, foundations,
churches and other organizations. The Foundation receives, invests and administers funds on behalf of the students
and programs at Elizabeth City State University and, as a result, for the greater good of the community.
The Elizabeth City State University Foundation adheres to the following guidelines relating to
requests for financial assistance. Failure to comply will result in the delay, rejection or denial of
funding requests.
1. Eligibility:
a. Only faculty and staff of Elizabeth City State University are eligible to apply to the
ECSU Foundation for funds through this process.
b. Requests must indicate that funds could not be obtained from other sources particularly
from University resources.
2. Guidelines for Submission
a. All requests for financial assistance must be accompanied by an ECSU Financial
Assistance Application. This is a two-page form.
b. The name of the applicant, department and division must be entered on the application.
A contact telephone number is also required.
c. A description of the event, program or project for which funding is requested must
include the following:
1. Purpose, nature of event, program or project;
2. A description of the activity/project for which funding is requested;
3. The targeted group, dates, number of projected participants, sponsors, hosts and
possible outcomes;
4. Timeliness, location and individuals involved in the event, program or project;
5. Number of individuals impacted;
6. Benefits to Elizabeth City State University’s faculty, staff or students; and
7. The description must also explain how the event, program or project supports the
mission of the Elizabeth City State University Foundation.
d. The total amount of financial assistance requested from the ECSU Foundation must be
entered on the application.
e. If this is a loan request the intended repayment date must be entered.
f. A complete budget for the activity/project must be submitted. This should include
sources of revenues and expenditures. The Net Profit is calculated by subtracting the
project’s expenditures from the project’s revenues.
g. The Foundation will not consider requests for funds to provide alcohol.
h. Recognition of the ECSU Foundation as a sponsor or co-sponsor must be
included in all printed materials and publicity for the activity/project. All funding
requests must undergo an administrative review by the requesting department or unit.
The applicant’s and department head’s signatures are required for the application.
Unsigned applications will be returned.
i. The printed name and title of the applicant and department head is also required.
j. All applications must be reviewed by the Foundation’s Executive Director.
k. Requests must be submitted to the ECSU Foundation Office by the 15th of the month to
be advanced to the Executive Director for consideration at the next monthly ECSU
Foundation Executive Committee meeting. Applicants are asked to plan their events,
programs and projects accordingly.
3. Follow-Up Report
a. Within thirty calendar days of the conclusion of the event, program or project, a follow-
up report must be forwarded to the ECSU Foundation Office. This report should include
the number of participants, reactions by participants, potential outcomes or results of
project for which funding was provided. You must also include copies of printed
materials, publicity and any news/media coverage. If the event, program or project will
be sponsored again in the next academic year please provide recommendations for
improvement. If a follow-up report is not forwarded, subsequent requests for funds may
be denied.
Please read the Request for Financial Assistance from the ECSU Foundation, Incorporated guidelines prior to submitting this
application. Incomplete applications will be returned. If additional space is needed, please attach to the application.
Department/Division _________________________________________________
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Event, Program or Project Budget
Total Revenues
Total Expenditures:
Net Profit
Required Signatures
Printed or Typed Name and Title Printed or Typed Name and Title
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