Design and Implementation of Students Result Mobile App

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APRIL, 2022


I hereby declare that this project is my original work and it has been written by me in its
entirety. I have duly acknowledged all the sources of information which have been used in
the project.

This project has also not been submitted in any institution previously.

Name of Student Date & Sign

………………………………... …………………………

Name of Supervisor Date & Sign

………………………………… …………………………

Name of Project Coordinator Date & Sign

………………………………… …………………………

Name of HOD Date & Sign

………………………………… ……………………

Computer science is the study of computation, automation, and information technology.
Technology is now making human activity and services easier and efficiency, a work that
takes a person an hour, due to the technology now it may be done within one second.
Regarding to this we are here to change our department manual process of accessing result to
be online, where the students’ records will now store in a database this means that the result
will be available everywhere anytime.

An android application has been developed in order to come up with the new system, so the
system is only available to android users. Furthermore, the app requires an internet
connection before it works.

We have use primary and secondary method of collecting data from the users of the system.
The primary data collection technique we use includes; observations and interview with both
staff and students, in secondary data collection we have collect data from existing source
which includes; books, internet, and analysis have been done. We have compared both the
primary data and the secondary data, and we have made a final decision and conclusion.

Thankful was been to Allah. I feel delighted to express my profound gratitude to almighty

Allah the most gracious and the most merciful, the master of definition that can never ever be

define by anybody, for the protection and opportunity given to me in the completion of this

project in a successful manner.

I like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my parents, Mal. Umar Ahmad and Asma’u
Ahmad, for their financial support, moral and spiritual training throughout my project work
and the whole life.

I also wish to express my profound gratitude to my humble supervisor in person of Malam

Ahmad Salisu Abdu, for his contribution, guidance, corrections and suggestions till the
completion of this work. Also my special gratitude to the staffs of computer science

Special gratitude to my brothers, and sister, Bashir Umar, Shafiu Umar and Asiya Umar, they
all made positive impact on my spiritual, personal, academic and professional life.

I will like to also express my special gratitude to our project coordinator in person of Malam,
Shamsu Abdullahi, and also my sincere appreciation goes to our mentor and role model Head
of Computer Science department.


Figure 3.1 water fall model ………………………………………………………………………

Figure 4.1 flowchart of the new system…………………………………………………………..

Figure 4.2 input design for adding a new student………………………………………………..

Figure 4.3 input design for login…………………………………………………………………

Figure 4.4 input design for publishing news……………………………………………………..

Figure 4.5 input design for uploading result……………………………………………………..

Figure 4.6 output design for students result……………………………………………………...

Figure 4.7 output design for accessing news…………………………………………………….

Figure 4.8 output design that displays grading points…………………………………..


LIST OF FIGURES...............................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background to the Study........................................................................................................1
1.3 Objectives of the Study..........................................................................................................2
1.4 Justification of the Study.......................................................................................................2
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study.........................................................................................2
1.6 Definition of Terms...............................................................................................................2
1.7 Research Question.................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................5
2.2 Related Work.........................................................................................................................5
2.3 Review of Manual Result Processing.....................................................................................6
2.4 The Need for Automated System...........................................................................................6
2.5 Review of some recent related works that aimed at improving the earlier systems..........7
2.6 Packages/Tools Used in Designing of Mobile Result Processing System..............................7
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................9
3.1 Research Design....................................................................................................................9
3.2 Research Procedure Adopted.................................................................................................9
3.3 Procedure for Collecting Data................................................................................................9
3.3.1 Interviewing..................................................................................................................9
3.3.2 Observation................................................................................................................10
3.4 Validation of the Instrumentation........................................................................................10
3.5 Reliability of the Instrument................................................................................................10
3.6 Methodology Adopted.........................................................................................................10
3.6.1 Planning Phase...........................................................................................................11

3.6.2 Analysis Phase............................................................................................................11
3.6.3 Design Phase...............................................................................................................12
3.6.4 Implementation..........................................................................................................12
3.6.5 Testing.........................................................................................................................12
3.6.6 Maintenance...............................................................................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION..........................................................................13
4.1 Flow chart of the new system..............................................................................................13
4.2 Input and Output of New System.........................................................................................13
4.2.1 Input Design......................................................................................................................13
4.2.2 Output Design............................................................................................................15
4.3 Database Design..................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION......................................................................................................19
5.1 Summary..............................................................................................................................19
5.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................19
5.3 Recommendations for Further Research..............................................................................19


1.1 Background to the Study

One of the major issues in many organizations is the creation, maintenance, and retrieval of
information. It has been estimated that in an organization such as a tertiary institution,
information is highly essential for student’s records and examination data. The Students
information, if not properly created and stored, will cause many errors in usage.
Nearly every section of the educational system requires information processing. With the use
of computers for information processing, the following are possible: instant access to
students’ personal and course information, instant student information updating, automatic
computation of the Grade Point Average (GPA), generation of the graduating students list,
monitoring of failed courses, keeping an up-to-date record of the entire student body in the

Regarding to this, computer science department lecturer always used to advice their students
to focus and be serious on their studies (such as attending lectures, conducting assignment,
reading lecture notes, making researches through internet and books), obeying school rules
and regulations etc.

Computer science department lecturers also help their students with almost all useful
requirements and experiences, which would guide and help them to be professional in their
course area. Such experiences gained by the students, makes the students to depend on their
selves after graduating from the institution. We have learned so many experiences from them,
such as creating and designing of graphics, designing and implementation of website pages,
creating and developing software programs.

With a little knowledge I have acquired from my lecturers and researches through internet, I
have now developed an android application as my project. The project solved a very useful
issue that students always use to complain on it, that is accessing\viewing of result which is a
manual process, but now it will become easy for students through the use of my application
to access their result online easily and securely.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The major problem that computer science department has in terms of accessing and viewing
of result, is that the existing method for students to access their result is a manual method, the

result is being pasted on notice board, which is difficult for some students to view their result

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The following are the main objectives of the project;

1. To have a medium for keeping records of students result in the database by the

2. To develop an android app that will allow the students of computer science
department to view their result.

3. To develop an android app that will guide students about the grading points.

4. To develop an android app that will notify the students about the releasing of

1.4 Justification of the Study

The mobile app system for computer science department was identifying and solving the
problems that was existing in the old system at the computer science department, the app was
design specifically to come up with a more resound and effective system that will not only
counteract this problem but also provides a detailed future plan that will give room for more
information and technological improvement in the department.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

Result Mobile App for Computer Science Department, mainly use for uploading results by
the staff, and viewing results by the students, and is limited to only computer science
department of Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, Katsina. This application is only available
to android users.

1.6 Definition of Terms

During the execution of the project there are some relevant words that are used in the study
which are important to Explain. They are as follows:

1. Sketchware: is an IDE that uses block language that transforms the complex
language of text-based coding into visual, drag-and-drop building blocks. It is an

android application IDE, which would allow you to create native android apps using
your phone.

2. Firebase: is a Google-backed application development software that enables

developers to develop iOS, Android and Web apps. Firebase provides tools for
tracking analytics, reporting and fixing app crashes, real time database.

3. Course: is a program of study or training, especially one that leads to a certificate

from a recognized educational institution; or a unit of study relating to a specific
academic discipline.

4. Database: is a systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so that

it can be automatically accessed, retrieved or manipulated.

5. Software: the program and other operating information used by computer; also a set
of programs written to carry out some task in the computer. Logical related programs
that works together to control hardware.

6. Design: is the art or process of deciding how something will look, works etc.

7. GPA (Grade-Point Average): is a system of judging a student’s performance in

Tertiary Institution.

8. CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) this is the up-to-date mean of a grade
point average earned by the student in a programme of study. It is an indication of
student’s overall performance at any point in the programme of study. This obtained
by adding the grade point earned to date and dividing by the number of credit hours
taken to date.

9. Semester: this is an arrangement whereby student learning activities are organized,

administered, and accessed in two separate and equal periods within one academic
session, each period consisting of 15-18 weeks (excluding any possible break).

1.7 Research Question

1. What is the current system for viewing of result in computer science department?

2. Does the current system quickly, efficiently and easier for students to view their

3. If an android app is going to be develops, what are the academic and technical
requirements seems to be included in the app.

4. If the academic and technical requirement where in the app, does the app help both
the students and staff?


2.1 Introduction
This chapter will review (existing literature related to this study) other people’s works, and
discuss on their contribution. The main objective of Result App Processing System is to
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the computer science department academic work
through a paperless interface to facilitate information transition, and storage. In this chapter,
we concentrate on reviewing some related works concerned with web-based student
academic result processing systems. Ideas were drawn from these diverse areas that inform
the design and developing of this Result Mobile App Processing System.

2.2 Related Work

Mobile learning (m-learning) currently is a well-established methodology. It has been in use
for almost 20 years and its use offers an anytime and anywhere method of learning. Klimova,
B.; Poulova, P. 2016. Nearly all university students in developed countries possess some kind
of mobile device and 50% of them possess more than one. Cheung, S.K.S. 2014. The most
used mobile devices among young people appear to be smartphones. The largest group as far
as the use and ownership is concerned is young adults between 18 years and 29 years.

The tremendous development of computer technology also rises the variety of multimedia in
learning process. In more advanced level, recently multimedia becomes more flexible due to
the impressive development of computer technology in the form of mobile phone. Computer
is now packed as a small device called smartphone. Smartphone allows various multimedia
that can be used for education. Some educators have developed smartphone assisted learning
in science education (Arista et al., 2018; Astra, Nasbey, & Nugraha, 2015; Wang, Wu, &
Hsu, 2017). The flexibility of multimedia is supported by advanced information and
communication technology, especially, the presence of smartphone.

This fact has been also confirmed by other research studies conducted among university
students. In fact, students of tertiary education are a focus group in the context of this study.
The rapid spread of mobile devices, specifically mobile phones, led to their use in education,
which resulted in the development of a new field, so-called Mobile Assisted Language
Learning (MALL) Chinnery, G., 2006. MALL is a subdivision of Computer Assisted
Language Learning (CALL). but MALL differs from CALL in the use of handheld devices

which enable spontaneous access to information and interactivity across different contexts of
use summarizes the key features of MALL, which involve the opportunity to study
independent of time and place, in both formal and informal settings, portability of mobile
devices, and a chance of collaboration between students as well as between students and their
teachers. Nevertheless, the key attribute of any mobile learning is the ubiquitous nature of
mobile devices, Blanka Klimova, (2019).

2.3 Review of Manual Result Processing

Nearly every section of the educational system requires information processing. With the use
of computers for information processing, the following are possible: instant access to
students’ personal and course information, instant student information updating, automatic
computation of the Grade Point Average (GPA), generation of the graduating students list,
monitoring of failed courses, keeping an up-to-date record of the entire student body in the
institution, storing course information such as course code, course description, course unit,
and scores for the purpose of GPA computation, and producing user-friendly data entry
screens for ease of use. It is unfortunate that many of the educational institutions in the
developing world, such as the Universities, Colleges of Education and polytechnics in
Nigeria, still operate under the manual method of result checking. Nnamdi Azikwe University
for example, still operates on this manual method which is highly prone to errors Okonigene,
et al (2008).

2.4 The Need for Automated System

The introduction of computer into information technology has massively improved the
information need of organization; the success of this machine is dependent on the knowledge
base. For the fact that we are already into a new millennium, no organization, company or
institution that can do without information processing system or organizational information
system. So many authors and researchers have in one way or the other taken step towards
analyzing the problems associated with manual result processing and the need for
computerized result processing Anigbogu, (2000).
Errors associated with the existing manual method of processing of students results in most
Institution in Nigeria, make it not only desirable but imperative that computerized approach
be used in measuring students’ progress. According to him, the manual methods being
employed suffer a number of setbacks; they make the process to be time consuming and
prone to error. They lead to examination results being published late, sometimes with wrong
grades being entered and student's grade point averages being wrongly computed as a result,

and ultimately leading to wrong conclusions being arrived at the class of degree awarded.
Some students could end up with undeserved good class of degree, while others could be
unfairly victimized, bringing about frustration and bad blood. The Departments concerned,
and the whole University, could become tarnished Ukem et al, (2012.)
Publication of students’ results in the manual system takes a very long time owing to which
student’s remain idle for months together. Sometimes the delay in declaration of result cause
heavy losses to the students as generally they cannot join further studies or appear in
competitive exams or join jobs because of the non‐availability of examination result in time
Mohini and Amar, (2011).
With the use of computers for information processing, the following are possible: instant
access to students’ personal and course information, instant student information updating,
generation of the graduating students list, monitoring of failed courses, keeping an up-to-date
record of the entire student body in the University, storing course information such as course
code, course description, course unit, and scores for the purpose of GPA computation, and
producing user friendly data entry screens for ease of use Okonigene et al, (2008).

2.5 Review of some recent related works that aimed at improving the earlier
Obasi, et al (2013) developed a web-based student academic records information system
which implements a wide range of students’ functionality. Limitations of this work include:
only students use the system; no roles for administrators and staff, no candidate application
module, no admission processing, no SET module on the system and it does not use any of
the Information System.

2.6 Packages/Tools Used in Designing of Mobile Result Processing System

Human being expresses themselves using a language with many words e.g. English, Hausa
and Arabic. These are natural languages. Computers use a simple language consisting of 1s
and 0s, with 1 meaning “On” and 0 meaning “Off”. Try to talk to a computer in its own
language will be like trying to talk to your friends using some strange seemingly meaningless
code – it can be done, but why would you. So basically a programming language acts as a
translator between you and the computer. Rather than learning the computer basic language
(known as machine language), you can use a programming language to instruct the computer
in a way that is easier to learn and understand. A specialized program known as a compiler
takes the instructions written in the programming language and converts them to machine
language. The following are the tools/packages used in developing the application.

1. Firebase

Firebase is a Google-backed application development software that enables developers to

develop iOS, Android and Web apps. Firebase provides tools for tracking analytics, reporting
and fixing app crashes, real time database.

2. Sketchware

Sketchware is an IDE that uses block language that transforms the complex language of text-
based coding into visual, drag-and-drop building blocks. It is an android application IDE,
which would allow you to create native android apps using your phone.

This identified the methods and procedures that I have used and applied in this study. It
describes the research methodology which includes; research design, research procedure,
procedure for collecting data, the validation of instrument, reliability of instrument, method
of data analysis, methodology adopted.

3.1 Research Design

In this research design, I have used the descriptive design in which an interview was
distributed to the staffs of computer science department, Hassan Usman Katsina polytechnic,
regarding to the tools and features that the “result mobile app” need to come up with, also an
observation where included in the research design in order to know how to design the
environment of the app and how it supposed to be operated.

3.2 Research Procedure Adopted

The research procedure adopted to the study are; interview, observation and documentation,
where interview was distributed to the staffs of computer science Hassan Usman Katsina
polytechnic, and observation was take place based on the witness to an existing system, and
also documenting was included because of the researches made through the internet, journals,
projects and textbooks,

3.3 Procedure for Collecting Data

i. Primary: In Primary sources of data, I have collect data through an observation, and
an interview.
ii. Secondary: These include the use of textbooks, journals, electronic books and
internet downloads to collect data and aid comprehension of the system design.

3.3.1 Interviewing
In view to investigation, computer science staffs as well as some of the students who are
potential of the proposed system was interviewed. This method yields the most profitable
result as it is obtained by physical contacts; hence a firsthand knowledge of the various
processes involved is obtained by speaking to the operator of the system. The essential
element of the interview is obtained directly and in a short time than when other methods are
employed since the interviewer is with the interviewed. This immediate feedback gives the
opportunity to ask ambiguous questions and hence, obtain detailed responses.

3.3.2 Observation
The method of data collection enables the researchers to witness a firsthand operation of the
old system or manual system. Direct observation is the surest method of learning as a
scientist and this method was richly employed.

3.4 Validation of the Instrumentation

In this project I have developed an android app for accessing result by the students of
computer science department Hassan Usman Katsina polytechnic, and the app is beyond the
expectation that not only developed for accessing result, but it also guides the students to
know the grading point, getting an updated result news, saving the result as an image and
other useful features as identified below with their validation.

ITEMS VALIDATION First Test Second Test

Login Menu Validated 
Home Menu Validated 
Students Menu Validated 
Result Menu Validated
Result News Menu Validated 
Result Guide Menu Validated 
Admin Menu Validated 
Create New Account Menu Validated 
Contact us Menu Validated 
About the App Menu Validated 
Table: 3.1 Validation of the Instrumentation

3.5 Reliability of the Instrument

After designing and implementing software, testing has to be performed in order to figure the
underlying operations of that software, so I have test and re-test this Result Mobile App, and I
have finally find out that the app is performing the action it supposed to do.

3.6 Methodology Adopted

A methodology is a system of methods used in a particular area of study. It is a body of
practices, procedures and rules used by those who work in a discipline or engage in an
enquiry. It is in other words, a set of working methods.

The Model used in this project is waterfall model; the reason for chosen waterfall model is as

 Such projects are generally predictable

 Each phase is completed at a time and review

Waterfall model is a popular version of the system development life cycle model for software
engineering and is the best for every simple projects where requirements are guaranteed to
remain stable.

The waterfall model has the following phase of development, below is a description on how
the phase were visited.

Figure 3.1: Waterfall Model

3.6.1 Planning Phase

This phase will conclude all of the collected data that is needed to develop the systems. It
includes all the detail steps and work plan. This process will make sure that the idea of the
system development work smoothly. In this chapter the specification of the system scopes is
listed. Furthermore, the features system planning is concluded in this phase as well.

3.6.2 Analysis Phase

This phase includes identifying the data, the function of the system, and the requirements for
the system. This phase is divided in to sub phases, which is content analysis, interaction
analysis, and configuration analysis. The content analysis will identify the content that will be
provided for the user. For the online courses registration and result check management
system, it will record data for student, script unit and so on.

3.6.3 Design Phase

During this phase, the system is designed to satisfy the functional requirements identified in
the previous phase. Since problems in the design phase can be very expensive to solve in later
stages of the software development, a variety of elements are considered in the design to
mitigate risk. These include:

 Identifying potential risks and defining mitigating design features

 Performing a security risk assessment
 Developing a conversion plan to migrate current data to the new system
 Determining the operating environment
 Defining major subsystems and their inputs and outputs
 Allocating processes to resources.

3.6.4 Implementation
With inputs from the system design, the system is first developed in small programs called
units, which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its
functionality, which is referred to as Unit Testing.

3.6.5 Testing
All the units developed in the implementation phase are integrated into a system after testing
of each unit. Post integration the entire system is tested for any faults and failures. The
System will be deployed into a working environment.

3.6.6 Maintenance
The last phase of waterfall model, there are some issues which come up in the client
environment. To fix those issues, patches are released. Also to enhance the product some
better versions are released. Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the student
environment after the system is been deployed.


4.1 Flow chart of the new system

This shows the algorithm flow chart of the proposed system, and how it works.

Figure 4.1: Flow Chart of the New System

4.2 Input and Output of New System

4.2.1 Input Design
This involves the steps that was used to design the input of the new system i.e. inputting
data into the system. The inputs design includes;
1. Adding New Student: for a student to login and access the result, he must firstly
have an account that contains his email address, registration number, and
password. Thus details would be stored in the database. See figure 4.2
2. Students Login Page: this is where the student will input his email and password
for him to access his result. Only a valid email address and password will be

accepted. And forgot password option is available for a student to recover his
password as shown in figure 4.3 below

Figure 4.2: Input design for adding a new student Figure 4.3: Input design for login

3. Publishing Result News: this is a page where by the admin used to publish an updated
news about the releasing of the result. Every student can see the news at result news page in
the student’s menu. See figure 4.4 below.

4. Uploading Students Results: this is a place where by the admin used to upload the
student’s results. The admin has to fill all the necessary fields which include; Semester of the
current result, GPA and CGPA of the student, Remark of student result. See figure 4.5

Figure 4.4: Input design for publishing news Figure 4.5: Input design for uploading result

4.2.2 Output Design

This is what is given out specifically when a particular data that is inputted into the
database are processed, hence for output process to be complete and to take place
effectively there is a necessity for the input to be feed into the database for processing to
effectively take place. The following are the possible outputs that student may see;

1. Student Result: this is a place in which a student can see his result if it’s available,
and also a student can save the result as image as shown in figure 4.6 below.
2. Result News: it is a place where every student can view the Result News Which is
published by the admin as shown in figure 4.7.
3. Grading point guide: this is a place where grading point has been explain clearly,
see fig. 4.8 below

Figure 4.6: Output Design for Students Result Figure 4.7: Output Design for accessing news

Figure 4.8: output design that displays grading points

4.3 Database Design

This part actually portrays the database file that was used in this program in order to
House and store information in the program, for this program to work effectively, there
are databases that are used specifically for managing of the information and data of the
The databases that are in the program are listed below as follows:

1. Creating New Account for Student

2. Uploading Students Result
3. Publishing Result News

Creating New Account

This table is used to store record of students, at the point of insertion, for login purpose.

#colum_name #Data type

Email address Varchar (50)
Registration number Varchar (8)
Password Varchar (30)
Table 4.1: creating new account database

Uploading Students Result

This table is used to store Result of each Student in the database.

#column_name Data type
Id Primary key
Registration Number Varchar (8)
Semester Varchar (15)
GPA Varchar (4)
CGPA Varchar (4)
Remark Varchar (100)
Email Varchar (50)
Table 4.2: Uploading Students Result database

Publishing Result News

This table is used to store the result news to keep the students up-to-date about the day that
the result will be release, and to notify them if the result is available.

#column_name Data type

Date Varchar (15)
Message Contents Varchar (225)
Table 4.3: Publishing Result News database


5.1 Summary
Result Mobile App System is purposely designed and developed to provide a system
that will help staff to upload the record of student’s result in the database, and allows
the students to access the result using this mobile app. I have review the previous
works conducted by researchers so as to acquire useful points from them (discussed in
chapter two). The data have been collected from the staffs of computer science
department Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic. an observation, journals, internet also
have been used (discussed in chapter three). I have find out that a Result Mobile
App System makes it more convenient, efficient and produces an accurate result
for the students. This is an opposite of the manual method, which is stressful, time
consuming for students to view the result at the notice board.

5.2 Conclusion
Result Mobile App System meets its aims, and has improved a preferable available
open source for result mobile app system, right from uploading the result till
accessing by the students. The app is not limited for only uploading and viewing of
the result but it also includes other features such as; publishing result news by the
staff which students can access to get an updated news about the result, and also the
app guides students to know the meaning of the most common grade points (discussed
in chapter four). I have test the Result Mobile App and all the pages was validated.

5.3 Recommendations for Further Research

Due the usefulness of Result Mobile App System to the staffs and students, I
recommend the following suggestion in order to improve the app;
1. The app has to be extended for not only the computer science department, but
also for the college in particular and the whole institution at large.
2. The overall students’ performance has to be added (such as exam scores, C.A
Test records, assignment marks, attendance performance, practical’s,
timetables and both lectures and examination venues) respectively.
3. The app should include a place which will automatically calculate the grade of
the students.

4. It is recommended that a computer software should further be developed in the
near future.

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Main activity (page) source code has been written bellow.

package cs.huk.polytechnic;
import androidx.annotation.*;
import android.os.*;
import android.view.*;
import android.view.View.*;
import android.widget.*;
import android.content.*;
import android.content.res.*;
import android.text.*;
import android.util.*;
import android.webkit.*;
import android.animation.*;
import android.view.animation.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import java.text.*;
import org.json.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;

import android.view.View;

public class EditResultActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private FirebaseDatabase _firebase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
private double error = 0;
private HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
private Button button1;
private TextView textview4;
private LinearLayout linear7;
private EditText semester;
private TextView textview5;
private LinearLayout linear8;
private LinearLayout linear10;
private EditText remark;
private FirebaseAuth fauth;
private OnCompleteListener<Void> fauth_updateEmailListener;
private OnCompleteListener<AuthResult> fauth_googleSignInListener;
private OnCompleteListener<AuthResult> _fauth_create_user_listener;
private OnCompleteListener<AuthResult> _fauth_sign_in_listener;
private OnCompleteListener<Void> _fauth_reset_password_listener;
private DatabaseReference results = _firebase.getReference("results");
private ChildEventListener _results_child_listener;

protected void onCreate(Bundle _savedInstanceState) {


private void initialize(Bundle _savedInstanceState)
regna = (TextView) findViewById(;
linear3 = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
linear4 = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
linear5 = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
linear6 = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
button1 = (Button) findViewById(;
textview4 = (TextView) findViewById(;
linear7 = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
semester = (EditText) findViewById(;
textview5 = (TextView) findViewById(;
linear8 = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
gcp = (EditText) findViewById(;
textview6 = (TextView) findViewById(;
linear9 = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
gcpa = (EditText) findViewById(;
textview7 = (TextView) findViewById(;
linear10 = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
remark = (EditText) findViewById(;
fauth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();
button1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View _view) {

error = 1;

if (semester.getText().toString().length() > 0) {

if ((gcp.getText().toString().length() > 0) &&

((gcpa.getText().toString().length() > 0) && (remark.getText().toString().length() > 0))) {
error = 0;
map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("regno", reg_no.getText().toString());
map.put("gcp", gcp.getText().toString());
map.put("gcpa", gcpa.get
map.put("remark", remark.getText().toString());


if (error == 1) {

SketchwareUtil.showMessage(getApplicationContext(), "Fill empty fields");

_results_child_listener = new ChildEventListener() {

fauth_emailVerificationSentListener = new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {

public void onComplete(Task<Void> _param1) {
final boolean _success = _param1.isSuccessful();
final String _errorMessage = _param1.getException() != null ?
_param1.getException().getMessage() : "";
fauth_deleteUserListener = new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {

public void onComplete(Task<Void> _param1) {
final boolean _success = _param1.isSuccessful();
final String _errorMessage = _param1.getException() != null ?
_param1.getException().getMessage() : "";
fauth_phoneAuthListener = new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {

public void onComplete(Task<AuthResult> task){

final boolean _success = task.isSuccessful();
final String _errorMessage = task.getException() != null ?
task.getException().getMessage() : "";
fauth_updateProfileListener = new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
public void onComplete(Task<Void> _param1) {
final boolean _success = _param1.isSuccessful();
final String _errorMessage = _param1.getException() != null ?
_param1.getException().getMessage() : "";
fauth_googleSignInListener = new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
public void onComplete(Task<AuthResult> task){
final boolean _success = task.isSuccessful();
final String _errorMessage = task.getException() != null ?
task.getException().getMessage() : "";
_fauth_create_user_listener = new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
public void onComplete(Task<AuthResult> _param1) {

final boolean _success = _param1.isSuccessful();
final String _errorMessage = _param1.getException() != null ?
_param1.getException().getMessage() : "";
_fauth_sign_in_listener = new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
public void onComplete(Task<AuthResult> _param1) {
final boolean _success = _param1.isSuccessful();
final String _errorMessage = _param1.getException() != null ?
_param1.getException().getMessage() : "";
_fauth_reset_password_listener = new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
public void onComplete(Task<Void> _param1) {
final boolean _success = _param1.isSuccessful();
private void initializeLogic() {
result_path = "results/".concat(getIntent().getStringExtra("userid"));
results = _firebase.getReference(result_path);
protected void onActivityResult(int _requestCode, int _resultCode, Intent _data) {
super.onActivityResult(_requestCode, _resultCode, _data);
switch (_requestCode) {
public void showMessage(String _s) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), _s,
public int getLocationX(View _v) {
int _location[] = new int[2];
return _location[0];
public int getLocationY(View _v)
int _location[] = new int[2];
return _location[1];


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