Me-305 Lab Report 3

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Heat Transfer

Lab Report No. 3
Steady State Conduction through a Composite Plane Wall

Submitted by

NUST Scholar Hania Irfan (99-A) 222614

NUST Scholar Koaib Kaleem (99-A) 222611
Avn Cdt Abdullah Khan (99-A) 22099027
Avn Cdt Muhammad Sennan Khan (99-A) 22099018
Avn Cdt Najm-us Saqib (99-A) 22099039

Submitted to
Lab Engineer Zeeshan Khan

June 25th, 2024
(i) To measure the temperature distribution for steady-state conduction of energy
through a composite plane wall
(ii) To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for the flow of heat through a
combination of different materials in use.
Thermal Conduction
Conduction is the process by which heat is transferred from the hotter end to the colder
end of an object. The ability of the object to conduct heat is known as its thermal
conductivity, and is denoted k.
Heat spontaneously flows along a temperature gradient (i.e. from a hotter body to a
colder body). In the absence of an opposing external driving energy source, within a body
or between bodies, temperature differences decay over time, and thermal equilibrium is
approached, temperature becoming more uniform. In conduction, the heat flow is within
and through the body itself. In solids, conduction is mediated by the combination of
vibrations and collisions of molecules, propagation and collisions of phonons, and
diffusion and collisions of free electrons. In gases and liquids, conduction is due to the
collisions and diffusion of molecules during their random motion.
On a microscopic scale, conduction occurs within a body considered as being stationary;
this means that the kinetic and potential energies of the bulk motion of the body are
separately accounted for. Internal energy diffuses as rapidly moving or vibrating atoms
and molecules interact with neighboring particles, transferring some of their microscopic
kinetic and potential energies, these quantities being defined relative to the bulk of the
body considered as being stationary. Heat is transferred by conduction when adjacent
atoms or molecules collide, or as several electrons move backwards and forwards from
atom to atom in a disorganized way so as not to form a macroscopic electric current, or as
phonons collide and scatter.
Metals (e.g., copper, platinum, gold, etc.) are usually good conductors of thermal energy.
This is due to the way that metals bond chemically: metallic bonds (as opposed
to covalent or ionic bonds) have free-moving electrons that transfer thermal energy
rapidly through the metal.
Fourier’s law of conduction is a phenomenological observation which states that the
negative gradient of temperature and the time rate of heat transfer is proportional to the
area at right angles of that gradient through which the heat flows. Fourier’s law is the
other name of the law of heat conduction.
Fourier’s law of conduction in the differential form is as follows:


 q is the local heat flux density in W.m2

 k is the conductivity of the material in W m-1 K-1
 ▽T is the temperature gradient in K.m-1
In one-dimensional form

Composite Plane Walls and Steady State Conduction

If the Heated and cooled surfaces are clamped tightly together and are in good thermal
contact, then the two sections can be considered as a continuous homogeneous sample of
a uniform cross-section in materials. If it is assumed that the energy entering the heated
end is conducted without loss to the surroundings through to the cold end, then the heat
flow through each section must be equal. Hence, by applying Fourier’s law to each

From this:


1. Heat Transfer Service Unit (H111)

The range of optional modules that can be studied using the Hilton Heat Transfer
Service Unit H111 currently include convection, conduction (steady state and
transient), radiation, perfect gases, thermodynamic properties of fluids and solid
materials, enhanced methods of heat transfer, thermoelectric heat transfer, boiling and
condensing heat transfer and a closed cycle heat engine. However, the range is
continuously being expanded.
The unit is comprised of:
- Steel fabricated console with main power input and a variable voltage 0-240 Volts
at 2 amps, and a power outlet point for connecting optional equipment.
- 12 Type K input sockets for thermocouples connected using miniature plugs which
are suitable for temperatures in the range of 0-999.9 degrees Celsius.
- It has a 30mA residual current circuit breaker for disconnecting the system from
the mains in case of current leakage.

2. Linear Heat Conduction Unit (H111A)

The Hilton Linear Heat Conduction Unit H111A is used to study the basic laws of
heat transfer by conduction through a solid. The H111A is dependent upon the Heat
Transfer service Unit H111 for Heater Power and temperature measurement. Its
important features are:
- Heating section: Brass; 25mm diameter; with fixed thermocouples T1, T2, T3 at
15mm intervals
- Cooling section: Brass; 25mm diameter; cooled at bottom end by water; with fixed
thermocouples T6, T7, T8 at 15mm intervals
- Four intermediate sections available to place specimens between the heated and
cooled sections at equal spacing
1. Ensure that the main switch is in OFF position.
2. Switch on the apparatus.
3. Make sure the thermocouple components are in contact with each other.
4. Take the reading for the voltage and the current supplied from the digital display.
5. Take readings for temperature T1 for the heated section at thermocouple 1.
6. Take readings for temperature T8 for the cooled section at thermocouple 8.
7. Note down all the readings in the table.
8. Perform the calculations as per formulae provided in the formula section for
composite plane wall.
Safety Precautions
 Follow proper start-up and shut-down procedures to prevent sudden temperature
 Adhere to SOPs provided by lab supervisor.
Observations & Calculations
Diameter of specimen = 25 mm
2 2
π (0.025)
Area of specimen = A= π D = =¿ 0.00049 m2
4 4

Heat Transfer Rate = Q̇=VI

Temperature difference across the bar = T1 – T8
The distances between surfaces as follows.
∆Xhot = 0.0375 m; ∆Xint = 0.03 m; ∆Xcold = 0.0375 m
The heat transfer rate from the heater, U = A ( T 1−T 8 )
Heat Overall
Thermocouple Thermocouple
Readin Current Voltage Transfer Heat
1 8
g No. (Amperes) (Volts) Rate Transfer
(°C) (°C)
I V T1 T8
1 0.176 130 85.7 33.6 22.88 896.23
2 0.197 150 105.8 37.8 29.55 886.85

Uavg = (896.23 + 886.85)/2 = 891.54 W/m2 K

Individual Analyses:
Heat moves through a wall with different materials, first calculate how much each layer
resists heat flow based on its thickness and material. Next, add up all these resistances.
Finally, use the total resistance and the temperature difference from one side of the wall
to the other to determine how much heat is moving through the wall.
NS Koaib:
The overall heat transfer coefficient was obtained by taking average of two experimental
readings obtained using overall temperature difference. Unfortunately, a temperature
distribution (i.e readings of all thermocouples) was not available so experimental value
could not be compared with calculated value.
A/C Najam:
IN,this lab we found temp distribution through composite plane wall at steady state and
overall heat transfer coefficient for flow of heat through different materials.since haet
transfer coefficient of different materials is different so heat transfer through them also
varies because of different structure of materials. We took values at T1 for hot and at T2
for cold region.
In this lab, we calculated the overall heat transfer coefficient for a given spiceman by
using the formulae provided, the given data and the temp diff of the thermocouples that
was observed during the experiments.
N/S Hania:
In this lab, we took two readings from the temperature difference which helped us
calculate the heat transfer coefficient. Although the value couldn’t be compared with the
actual value since some readings were unavailable due to technical difficulties.

Lab Assessment Rubrics

Assessment Outstanding Good Average Average Poor
SNO Parameters (05) (04) (03) (01)
Safety Procedures
1 (x1.5)
Equipment Handling
2 and Operations (x1.5)

Group Participation
3 (x1)

4 Individual Performance
(x 6)
Methodology adopted
5 (x5)
Accuracy and Critical
6 Analysis of Results

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