Aqua Energy Expo Magazine 8th Issue August 2024

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Contents Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

Water Section Energy Section

Articles Articles
Page 16: Breakthrough Korean Artificial Page 43: Transforming Waste into Green
Intelligence Technology gives boost to Wastewater Energy: A Breakthrough in Hydrogen Production

Page 40: Rockwell Automation Leads the Charge in Re-
Page 19 Towards a Water-Secure Future:
newable Energy Innovation with Sweetch Energy's Os-
SWCC's Journey for Energy-Efficient
motic Solutions

Page 37: Green Investing: The Core to a Sustainable
Features Energy Future

Page 12: Kurita's Cetamine® Film Forming

Technology Savings Water & Energy

Page 9: Driving Sustainability: ABB's Innovative Solu-

tions to Energy Efficiency in Water and Wastewater

News Brief
Page 22: Water Monthly News Brief
Page 48: Energy Monthly News Brief

Webinars : Page 29 Page 34: Water’s Role in Producing Sustainable Green

Hydrogen: Insights From Veolia's Expertise
Global Events
Page 30: Global Water Events
Page 54: Global Energy Events | August 2024 3
From The Editor Building a Sustainable Future
through Water & Energy Innovation

August 2024 Aqua Energy Expo Magazine Issue

Welcome to the August issue of our magazine, where we tack-

le the critical intersection of water, energy, and sustainability.
As global challenges mount, innovative solutions are emerging
to address the pressing need for efficiency and environmental
In our lead article, "Driving Sustainability: ABB's Innovative
Solutions to Energy Efficiency in Water and Wastewater," high-
lights how cutting-edge technology can enhance operational
efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. This is com-
plemented by "Water’s Role in Producing Sustainable Green
Hydrogen: Insights from Veolia's Expertise," which explores the
intersection of water and renewable energy, showcasing how ef-
fective water management is essential for advancing green hy-
drogen production.
We also examine the efforts of SWCC in "Towards a Wa-
Mohamed Khalifa ter-Secure Future: SWCC's Journey for Energy-Efficient De-
salination," detailing their commitment to making desalination
Founder and CEO processes more energy-efficient and sustainable.
Similarly, Rockwell Automation’s collaboration with Sweetch
Energy in "Rockwell Automation Leads the Charge in Renew-
able Energy Innovation with Sweetch Energy's Osmotic Solu-
tions" demonstrates how innovative osmotic solutions can rev-
olutionize energy production while conserving precious water
COMPANY: resources.
AQUA ENERGY EXPO LLC Additionally, Kurita's introduction of Cetamine® Film
ADDRESS: Forming Technology in "Kurita's Cetamine® Film Forming
(ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA USA 33702) Technology Savings Water & Energy" showcases a practical ap-
(L23000439864), EIN (61-2116509) proach to reducing water and energy consumption in industrial
Finally, we address the financial aspect of sustainability with
"Green Investing: The Core to a Sustainable Energy Future."
This article underscores the importance of aligning investment
EMAIL ADDRESS: strategies with sustainable practices, encouraging investors to
[email protected] support companies that prioritize environmental responsibili-
LinkedIn: ty. The shift towards green investing is not just a trend; it is a necessary evolution in our economic landscape.
Together, these articles paint a comprehensive picture of the
interconnectedness of water management, energy efficiency,
and sustainable practices. They remind us that the path to a
greener future is paved with innovation, collaboration, and a
commitment to responsible stewardship of our resources. | August 2024 7

Driving Sustainability: ABB's

Innovative Solutions to Energy
Efficiency in Water and
he water and wastewater industries play a vital role in to reduce emissions and minimize energy use, as well as elimi-
meeting the needs of a growing global population and nate water pollution. Water tariffs often do not cover produc-
increasing industrial demand. On a basic level, clean wa- tion and operation costs due to high energy and maintenance
ter is essential for human survival as well as for a diverse range expenses, with energy accounting for 45% of water production
of industrial applications, while effective wastewater treatment costs on average. Mechanical water flow control and oversized
is critical to ensuring a sustainable water cycle. Yet this vital re- pumps contribute to this high energy consumption. While
source comes with a substantial energy output. Driven by sus- wastewater processing uses more energy per cubic meter, water
tainability regulations, rising costs, and the desire to reduce en- distribution networks still consume the most energy globally
vironmental impact, utilities are seeking solutions to optimize due to regional variations in wastewater processing.
their operations. This article takes us on a journey through
ABB's holistic approach, using innovative technologies and dig-
ital tools to deliver substantial energy savings and operational
enhancements for water operators.

Growing water demand requires better energy

The water and wastewater sector uses a significant portion of
the world's electricity to produce and provide clean water and
to process the subsequent wastewater, consuming an estimated
3.5% to 4% - nearly as much as Australia's total energy demand.
However, energy efficiency and recovery measures will allow for
a 15% reduction in energy consumption by 2040 through ener-
gy efficiency and recovery measures. Utilities are seeking ways
to improve energy efficiency, driven by sustainability legislation
like the EU's European Green Deal, which requires businesses
Electricity consumption in the water sector by process, 2014-2040 | August 2024 9

Sustainability Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
Boosting Water Efficiency Through ABB's Holistic Giving A Boost to A Booster System
Energy Solutions Variable speed drives (VSDs) can significantly reduce energy
Energy efficiency in the water cycle is a crucial factor in consumption in water industry processes, especially for pumps.
optimizing water generation through any technology. AB- However, further gains are possible by pairing VSDs like ABB's
B's approach to energy efficiency has three pillars: Firstly, the ACQ580 with the latest generation of ultra-premium efficien-
continuous development of highly efficient products like trans- cy IE5 synchronous reluctance (SynRM) motors from ABB.
formers and motors that significantly contribute to a plant's Compared to the new EU Ecodesign Regulation's minimum
electricity bill. Secondly, accurate energy audits and advice for IE3 standard, ABB's SynRM motors comply with the even
plant modifications to improve the overall energy footprint, higher IE5 efficiency rating.
including the use of Variable Frequency Drives to control the
process. Finally, the exploitation of Industry 4.0's full potential
through dedicated digital solutions that optimize the process by
“ When an IE3 induction motor is paired
identifying the optimal operational points and providing ope- with a VSD, energy bills are typically
rators with insights to make immediate operational decisions, reduced by up to 25%. Upgrading this
such as taking equipment into or out of service to maintain pro- combination to an IE5 SynRM-ACQ580
duction levels with less energy.
VSD package can provide an additional
3-4% energy savings ”
Beyond it's exceptional efficiency, the SynRM-ACQ580 VSD
solution also offers reliable performance, low maintenance, and
easy retrofitting or integration into new projects. The ACQ580
VSD provides application-dedicated functions like multi-pump
control, flow calculation, and more, further optimizing system
efficiency. The combination of advanced motors and ABB's
ACQ580 VSD technologies enables water industry operators to
achieve exceptional levels of energy savings and operational op-
timization, making it a compelling solution for improving the
sustainability of water and wastewater systems.

How does A VSD Deliver Energy Savings

Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) deliver significant energy sa-
vings in water treatment plants by optimizing the operation
of pumps and blowers. VSDs adjust the speed and torque of
electric motors to match the exact process requirements, unli-
ke traditional systems that run motors at full speed regardless
of the load. This non-linear relationship between motor speed
and energy consumption means that small reductions in speed
can lead to substantial energy savings, up to 50% when slowing
a pump motor by 20%. VSDs eliminate the energy waste asso-
ciated with throttling, providing a more efficient way to control
How Digital Technology Enables Sustainable Energy
“ Adopting modern pump technolo- Use ?
gy and incorporating VSDs can result Leveraging digital solutions is another way to reduce energy
in energy savings ranging from 3% to use. It is estimated that optimizing the control of pumping sys-
tems in wastewater treatment plants could result in 10 to 20%
30% or more in clean water plants ”
energy savings. | August 2024 10

Sustainability Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
Energy optimization can be implemented in a continuous ABB's ACQ580 water-dedicated drives with multi-pump
manner, such as by installing sensors on motors and pumps, control can meet flow and pressure needs based on demand.
or by optimizing the entire system architecture of a water and Thanks to these solutions, Saneago was able to reduce their
wastewater plant. Data from connected equipment, combined energy consumption by 25%. This investment in energy-effi-
with service expertise, can be used to remotely monitor and cient technology allowed Saneago to significantly lower their
optimize pumping efficiency and performance. Additionally, operational costs while continuing to provide clean water to
VSDs like the ABB ACQ580 VSD for water and wastewater millions of people.
provide convenient access to energy optimization functions
without the need for additional equipment. The ACQ580 VSD
includes a built-in energy optimizer and pump functionalities,
which automatically ensure maximum torque per ampere and
reduce the energy drawn from the supply. VSDs can also in-
clude energy monitor functions to measure savings in energy,
CO2 emissions, and money.

ABB OPTIMAX: Enhancing Water-Wastewater En-

ergy Sustainability
The ABB Ability™ Energy Management for Water and
Wastewater – OPTIMAX® solution has been launched to the
industry to identify unnecessary energy losses within plants. Its
optimization process also cuts chemical usage, improving sus-
tainability. OPTIMAX applies real-time monitoring and con-
trol to orchestrate diverse energy sources, enabling operators • Singapore's Energy-Efficient Desalination Secures Sustainable
to analyze flows, pinpoint savings, and unlock flexibilities. At Water Supply
a net zero wastewater treatment plant pilot project in Schwar- Singapore struggles to meet its daily drinking water demand
zenbruck, Germany, OPTIMAX utilized on-site renewables of 430 million gallons. To address this, the country opened the
to achieve self-sufficiency, cutting CO2 by 300 tons/year. Its Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant in 2021, providing 30
predictive 3-step optimization plans ahead to trade competiti- million gallons daily, 7% of demand. Desalination will supply
vely with the grid, creating a circular energy system based on 30% of Singapore's water by 2060. However, it is energy-inten-
renewable availability. OPTIMAX's monitoring and reporting sive. To align with its net-zero emissions goal by 2050, Singapo-
functionalities also reduce compliance time by 50%, supporting re is investing in energy-efficient desalination. By upgrading to
standards like ISO 50001. energy-efficient motors, variable speed drives, and optimizing
processes, the plant can reduce energy consumption by 40%.
Advanced monitoring and control systems also improve opera-
A Solution in Sight
tions. This makes the plant more sustainable while ensuring a
• Bocholt Wastewater Plant Boosts Energy Efficiency with ABB
consistent water supply.
SynRM Motors and Drives
In 2020, a wastewater treatment plant in Germany upgraded
its motors and drives to improve energy efficiency and reduce
CO2 emissions. The sludge pumping station II replaced six
motors with four highly efficient SynRM models, paired with
ACS880-31 ultra-low harmonic variable speed drives (VSDs).
This enabled dynamic adjustment to hydraulic loads and redu-
ced power network disturbances. Three more motor-drive pack-
ages were used for the flocculation filtration system, delivering
similar benefits. Together, these upgrades reduced the plant's
power consumption by 40%. The plant now generates more re-
newable electricity on-site than it consumes, with the surplus
fed back to the local grid. These efficiency improvements sup-
port the plant's goal of becoming more energy-efficient in res-
“ ABB has decades of experience in creating in-
ponse to climate change.
tegrated solutions for desalination plants world-
• Saneago reduces energy consumption in clean water pumping
wide, and ABB’s products and systems are found
Saneago provides drinking water to over 5.7 million people
in all of Singapore’s water plants in one way
in Goiás, Brazil. Their biggest expense is the energy required for
or another. We are proud to be a part of Singa-
pumping water. After an energy assessment, they identified are-
pore’s water story as we continue to develop our
as for improvement. To address this, ABB provided 15 high-effi-
long-standing relationship with PUB,” said Ji-
ciency motors, 15 drives, smart sensors, and remote monitoring
anYuan Ling, ABB’s Energy Industries Division
tools for four pumping stations.
Manager in Singapore ” | August 2024 11

Kurita's Cetamine® Film Forming
Technology Savings Water & Energy

Kurita's Cetamine is a game-changing boiler

technology addressing scale, corrosion, and high
water/energy use
Features Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

oiler systems play a critical role in a wide range of indu- Applications Where to Benefit from Cetamine®
stries, from manufacturing and power generation to he- Technology
althcare and hospitality. These systems are responsible Cetamine is applied in low-pressure fire tubes and medium
for producing the steam and hot water essential for various pro- to high-pressure water-tube boilers across industries, protecting
cesses and heating requirements. However, the efficient opera- the entire installation regardless of water make-up quality. It
tion of boiler systems can be challenged by a number of factors, prevents corrosion and deposits in feed water systems, boilers,
including scale buildup, corrosion, and high water and energy steam distribution, turbines, and condensate lines.
consumption. Addressing these challenges is crucial not only Cetamine products are available as single-component solu-
for maintaining optimal system performance but also for redu- tions for heat recovery steam generators and fossil-fired power
cing operational costs and environmental impact. One innova- plants, or multi-component for complete plant protection in
tive solution that has emerged to tackle these issues is Kurita's shell and water-tube boilers. Cetamine also benefits closed sys-
Cetamine® Film Forming Technology. tems and open cooling systems, providing exceptional protec-
tion for aluminum boilers, injection molding systems, and gal-
Boiler Efficiency vanized components. Theses ranges of benefits translate into
Operating boiler systems efficiently can indeed face several significant water and energy savings.
challenges, by proactively addressing these challenges, boiler
systems can operate more efficiently, reducing operational costs, How does the application of Cetamine lead to Water
minimizing environmental impact, and extending the lifespan & Energy Savings?
of the equipment. Let's discuss each of these factors in detail: Compared to traditional treatment programs requiring up to
• Scale Buildup 3 products, Kurita's Cetamine Technology usually needs only 1
Scale formation in boilers occurs due to the presence of dis- product to treat the entire plant, significantly simplifying op-
solved minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium, in the water erations and reducing costs for dosing equipment, handling,
supply. As the water is heated, these minerals precipitate out and storage. The carbon footprint is also lowered by applying
and form a hard, insulating layer on the boiler's internal surfa- fewer chemicals. The key component is a unique Film Form-
ces. This scale acts as a barrier, reducing heat transfer efficiency ing Substance (FFS) that adsorbs to system surfaces, forming
and increasing fuel consumption. It can also lead to hot spots, a protective film against corrosion. This removes existing scale
causing damage to the boiler tubes and compromising overall and prevents new scale formation, improving heat transfer and
system integrity. boiler performance.
• Corrosion
Corrosion in boilers is a significant concern, driven by factors
such as dissolved oxygen, acidity, and the presence of specific “ Cetamine has a negligible impact on boil-
contaminants like carbon dioxide and ammonia. Corrosion
er water conductivity, allowing the cycle
can lead to the deterioration of boiler components, resulting
in leaks, equipment failure, and potential safety hazards. It is of concentration (COC) to be increased by
crucial to maintain proper water chemistry and take preventive up to 50%, reducing blowdown water and
measures to mitigate corrosion risks. the associated costs for water preparation
• High Water and Energy Consumption and heating. For a 20 bar, 100 t/h steam
Inefficient boiler operation can lead to excessive water and boiler, this can save over 250,000€ per
energy consumption, increasing operational costs and environ-
mental impact. Factors contributing to high water consumption
year, while also reducing CO2 emissions
include frequent blowdown cycles, leaks, and improper water by 700 tons and saving 8,500 m³ of water
treatment. On the energy front, scale buildup, poor combusti- annually ”
on efficiency, and inadequate insulation can result in higher fuel
consumption and energy losses .

Searching for greater productivity

As a global leader in industrial water and process treatment,
Kurita leverages over 70 years of experience to provide state-
of-the-art, tailored solutions for its clients. Kurita Europe spe-
cializes in optimizing the reliability and efficiency of industrial
plants and projects, with customized technologies and paten-
ted products for water, paper, and process treatment. This im-
proves plant efficiency, lifetime, and reduces costly downtimes.
Cetamine, part of Kurita's Creating Shared Value (CSV) pro-
duct line, is a patented boiler water treatment technology that
utilizes filming amines to create a protective layer on metal sur-
faces. This comprehensive solution offers significant water and
energy savings, while also reducing CO2 emissions, benefiting
both the customer and society. | August 2024 13
Features Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
How to Verify the Obtained Savings in Water and • Blow-down Reduction and Conductivity Control in a Paper
Energy? Mill
Kurita has developed the S.sensing Value+ concept, a smart A major Italian paper mill producing 12,000 tons of paper
and innovative way to monitor and evaluate the consumption per year benefited from Cetamine® technology. The mill's
of water and energy through make-up water and blow-down steam generation system consisted of two boilers: a shell tube
reduction, boiler efficiency and emissions. The generated data boiler and a water tube recovery boiler. Prior to Cetamine®, the
then will be available online in My Kurita Portal illustrating the boiler water treatment used volatile deox, NaOH, and neutrali-
generated savings with Cetamine Technology. zing amines, resulting in high conductivity, alkalinity, and low
S.sensing™ Value+ brings visibility to our innovative Value+ cycle of concentration, leading to high blowdown and water
technologies to show: consumption.
• Energy and water savings “ By switching to Cetamine® V211, the
• Emissions control
• Critical equipment performance validation mill achieved a 50% reduction in blow-
• Total financial and social value contribution down and improved conductivity
• Fast and easy hardware installation control ”
• Quick delivery time
The simplified, all-in-one Cetamine® product also made the
treatment process easier to manage. The global reduction in
operating costs due to decreased water consumption and treat-
ment costs was a significant advantage, aligning with the mill's
sustainability goals.
• Protecting Boiler During Pretreatment Upset in a Refinery
A refinery in the GCC region successfully protected its boi-
ler during an upset in the feed water pretreatment system by
utilizing Kurita's Cetamine® technology. The refinery had
previously used a traditional treatment program with neutra-
lizing amine, oxygen scavenger, and phosphate-based products,
which resulted in high corrosion rates in the steam condensate
After switching to Kurita's Cetamine® film-forming treat-
ment, the refinery encountered a sudden drop in steam pH, rea-
ching 6.1, due to a malfunctioning dealkalizer vessel in the pre-
treatment system. Kurita's local representatives worked closely
with the plant team to identify the root cause and implement a
solution. By increasing the dosage of the Cetamine® product,
Customer success stories with Cetamine™ Techno-
the refinery was able to stabilize the pH and prevent any signi-
ficant impact on the steam and condensate system. The Ceta-
The benefits of the Cetamine® Film Forming Technology
mine® technology proved to be a robust and reliable solution,
have been demonstrated in numerous real-world case studies
effectively protecting the boiler during the pretreatment upset.
across various industries. Here are a few examples:
• Efficiency Improvement in a Hospital Boiler System
Kurita's Cetamine® Technology provided an efficient, eco-
Future outlook& Developments
Water is a key resource for the F&B industry, used for cle-
nomic and reliable boiler water treatment program to a large
aning, processing, and auxiliary functions. Monitoring and
hospital in Italy. By switching to the Cetamine® Technology,
maintaining water quality is critical. Kurita's experts help apply
the hospital achieved significant results within a few days, inclu-
advanced technologies to ensure high-quality water while redu-
ding a reduction of boiler water treatment products from 3 to 1,
cing water and energy use. Kurita is a reliable partner for water
pH stability, reduced scale formation, improved boiler efficien-
treatment solutions in the food & beverage industry, proven by
cy, and removal of old deposits. This led to a remarkable annual
years of cooperation with major companies.
savings of 20,000€ in the hospital's boiler operation, primarily
The newest development is the patent pending Cetamine
through water and energy consumption reduction.
FB product line for safe application in the food & beverage in-
dustry where the generated steam has either direct or indirect
“ The Cetamine® Technology proved to contact to the food production process.
be an effective solution for the hospital, Cetamine® FB Technology adsorbs on system surfaces and
helping them maximize operational effi- establishes a protective film acting as a barrier to prevent cor-
rosion. The surface-active Cetamine® FB Technology cleans
ciency while reducing their environmen- system surfaces during normal boiler operation which leads to
tal impact ” a better heat transfer and boiler efficiency. Boilers operating un-
der Cetamine® FB Technology consume less water and energy
leading to economical savings and reduced CO₂ emission. | August 2024 14
Breakthrough Korean Artificial
Intelligence Technology gives boost to
Wastewater Treatment

orean Artificial Intelligence Set to Revolutionize Treat- senior researcher, has developed a technology that classifies
ment of Emerging Contaminants in Water As the emerging trace substances based on their physicochemical prop-
world grapples with the growing challenge of emerging erties and predicts their concentrations using clustering and
contaminants in water, a new wave of innovation is sweeping prediction-based artificial intelligence technology. They used
through the Korean water industry. Driven by the rapid ad- self-organizing maps to cluster 29 known micropollutants based
vancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning on physicochemical properties, functional groups, and biolog-
(ML), Korean researchers and companies are developing cut- ical reactions. Then, they employed random forests to predict
ting-edge solutions that promise to transform the way we ad- the properties and concentration changes of new trace sub-
dress this critical issue. stances by leveraging the data from the clustered groups. This
approach enables efficient monitoring and management of mi-
Tracking the Journey of Micropollutants in wastewa- cropollutants in wastewater treatment by reducing the number
ter treatment of samples required and providing representative information
Chemicals such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, on the fate of these trace contaminants.
steroids, estrogens, pesticides, and surfactants have become es-
sential for modern living. Over 350,000 of these chemicals have
been registered and used worldwide from 2010 to 2019, with
global medicine consumption in 2020 estimated at 4.5 trillion
doses. While most or some of these chemicals flow into waste-
water treatment plants (WWTPs), they are not completely de-
graded. These undecomposed chemicals, known as micropol-
lutants (MPs), can adversely impact aquatic ecosystems when
discharged from the WWTPs. To assess the impact and poten-
tial risks of these MPs, frequent and accurate monitoring of ef-
fluent from WWTPs is crucial. However, periodic monitoring
of MPs is expensive and labor-intensive. Therefore, there is an
urgent need for technologies that can quickly and accurately
predict the properties and behavior of these trace substances, in
order to optimize their monitoring and management in waste- AI-Powered Micropollutant Prediction in
water treatment processes. Wastewater
The KIST research team's AI-based model, combining
New Technology, With Pilot Study, Solves the Prob- self-organizing maps and random forests, achieved an excellent
lem prediction accuracy of approximately 0.75 when applied to 13
Researchers at KIST, led by Hong Seok-won, director of the new trace substances. This significantly surpassed the 0.40 pre-
Water Resources and Cycle Research Center, and Son Moon, diction accuracy of existing AI techniques using biological in-
formation. | August 2024 16
Articles Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
Compared to traditional formula-based methods, the KIST potential failures, AI can notify maintenance teams in advance,
model's data-driven approach only requires the physicochemi- allowing them to perform preventive maintenance before cost-
cal properties of trace substances as input and can efficiently ly breakdowns occur. This helps minimize downtime, reduces
identify concentration changes by clustering similar substan- repair costs, and ensures the smooth operation of the treatment
ces. Moreover, this versatile AI model can be further utilized plant.
to predict the concentrations of new substances of societal • Process Optimization
concern, such as drugs, making it a valuable tool for efficient AI analyzes vast amounts of historical data to identify pat-
monitoring and management of micropollutants in wastewater terns and correlations between different treatment process pa-

treatment. rameters and the resulting effluent quality. This information is
used to optimize the treatment process, adjusting factors like
chemical dosing, aeration rates, and settling times to achieve the
“ Dr. Seokwon Hong and Dr. Moon Son, co-cor-
desired effluent quality more efficiently. AI can also adapt the
responding authors at KIST, stated, "It can be treatment process to handle variations in influent characteris-
applied not only to actual wastewater treatment tics, such as seasonal changes or sudden pollution events.
plants but also to most water treatment-relat- • Energy Efficiency
ed facilities where new trace substances exist, AI-driven control systems optimize energy consumption in
providing quick and accurate data in the pol- wastewater treatment plants by dynamically adjusting the ope-
icy-making process for related regulations. ration of pumps, blowers, and other energy-intensive equip-
Since it utilizes machine learning technology, ment. By analyzing real-time data on energy prices, plant load,
the accuracy of the prediction will improve as and process requirements, AI can schedule operations during
relevant data is accumulated " off-peak hours when energy costs are lower, leading to signifi-
cant energy savings.
The Potential of AI in Wastewater Treatment • Water Quality Monitoring and Alarming
AI is being used in wastewater treatment to optimize various AI-enabled water quality monitoring systems continuously
aspects of the process, leading to significant cost savings. For analyze data from various sensors placed throughout the treat-
example, AI-driven optimizations can reduce aeration energy ment process. If the data indicates a deviation from regulatory
consumption by 30-40%, which translates to approximately standards or an impending issue, AI can trigger alarms to alert
$1 operating expense per population equivalent (PE). Further- operators. For example, if ammonia levels exceed permissible
more, these AI-driven optimizations can enhance nutrient limits, AI can notify operators to take corrective actions and
removal by 30-40% while simultaneously saving 10-15% of avoid environmental violations.
energy, mitigating the need for costly plant upgrades. • Resource Recovery
AI can optimize resource recovery processes in wastewater
treatment, such as anaerobic digestion and nutrient removal.
By analyzing real-time data on organic matter content and
nutrient levels, AI can optimize the timing and dosing of che-
micals, enhancing nutrient removal efficiency. Additionally, AI
can optimize anaerobic digestion processes to maximize biogas
production from sludge, providing a valuable renewable energy
• Data Analysis and Decision Support
AI algorithms analyze historical data from wastewater treat-
ment processes to identify trends and patterns that might not be
immediately apparent to human operators. These insights can
AI is being applied in Wastewater Treatment for be used for informed decision-making, process improvements,
• Real-Time Monitoring and Control and long-term planning to enhance overall plant performance.
AI-powered systems in wastewater treatment continuously
monitor various parameters, such as flow rates, pH levels, tur- Seoul from Intelligence to Efficiency
bidity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient concentrations. AI algo- Seoul plans to convert 4 wastewater recovery centers into
rithms analyze this real-time data to make informed decisions AI-powered "intelligent water recovery centers" by 2030. The
and adjustments to the treatment process. For instance, AI can automated system will collect and analyze big data on parame-
control the speed of pumps, aeration rates, and chemical dosing ters like BOD and phosphorus, using AI to optimize water qua-
to optimize treatment efficiency based on fluctuating influent lity management in real-time, replacing manual processes. The
characteristics and changing environmental conditions. This 3-phase plan involves: 1) was establishing an integrated databa-
enables the wastewater treatment process to adapt dynamically, se, central monitoring, and remote control systems by August
enhancing overall efficiency and performance. 2021; 2) upgrading the system from 2022-2023; and 3) develo-
• Predictive Maintenance ping a utilization program from 2027-2030. This is expected to
AI can predict equipment failures and maintenance needs by maximize operational efficiency, strengthen transparency, and
analyzing data from sensors installed in pumps, blowers, and enable stable water quality management, even in emergencies.
other critical equipment. By detecting patterns indicative of | August 2024 17
Features Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
The city also anticipates energy savings and reduced green-
house gas emissions by minimizing unnecessary equipment This digital water management innovation promises a relia-
operation. ble and rapid response to the urgent needs arising from clima-
te-related water conditions, offering hope to African nations
grappling with clean water supply challenges. The visit has spar-
ked discussions on potential collaborations, with Madagascar's
president expressing interest in expanding the country's water
infrastructure through partnerships with South Korea's K-wa-
ter, leveraging both governmental and European Union funds.

Korea's AI innovations in wastewater treat-
ment reflect its commitment to technologi-
cal advancement. This underscores the glob-
al trend of adopting digital tools to enhance
water treatment and monitoring. The com-
“ By adopting the AI-based automated system
in four water reuse centers in Seoul, we aim to
bination of expert knowledge and AI-pow-
take a leap towards a city with intelligent cen- ered systems is opening new avenues to ad-
ters,” said Han Yu-Seok, director general of the dress environmental challenges. AI is applied
Water Circulation Safety Bureau. “We are look- in wastewater treatment for real-time mon-
ing forward to optimized quality control with itoring, predictive maintenance, optimiza-
the maximized efficiency of sewage treatment tion, energy efficiency, and resource recovery,
operations "
leading to cost savings. Seoul plans to convert
wastewater centers into AI-powered "intelli-
Collaboration is the Key to Success in Africa gent water recovery centers" by 2030, maxi-
In a quest to address Africa's water quality and supply issues,
African leaders recently visited a cutting-edge Artificial Intel- mizing efficiency and enabling stable water
ligence (AI)-powered water treatment facility in South Korea. quality management. Korea's collaboration
The AI-driven plant in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, em- with African leaders offers hope for address-
ploys big data to optimize the entire water purification process,
reducing human error and harnessing real-time energy monito-
ing water challenges in Africa.
ring for efficient management. | August 2024 18

Towards a Water-Secure Future:
SWCC's Journey for Energy-Efficient

Articles Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

ising global freshwater demand due to population Van't Hoff's law states that osmotic pressure can be deter-
growth, industrialization, and climate change makes mined by evaluating the molar concentrations of dissolved salts.
desalination a crucial solution, especially in arid regi- In seawater desalination with 32,000 ppm NaCl, the minimum
ons. As the world's largest desalinator, Saudi Water Conversi- theoretical energy requirement is ~1 kWh/m³. As total dissol-
on Corporation (SWCC) produces 11.5 million cubic meters ved solids increase, energy consumption rises proportionally.
of water daily to meet Saudi Arabia's needs. SWCC is leading Osmotic pressure is crucial in reverse osmosis and pressure re-
the transition towards more energy-efficient reverse osmosis tarded osmosis, where high pressure is required to overcome it.
systems, renewable energy integration, and innovative brine Optimizing system design, such as adjusting pressure and mem-
management to drive sustainable desalination practices and brane configurations is key to improving desalination efficiency
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 62% by 2025. This article and sustainability.
explores the complexities of energy consumption in desalinati- • Impact of Feedwater Quality on Energy Consumption
on and the strategies employed by SWCC to enhance efficiency Feedwater quality is critical for desalination energy consump-
and environmental sustainability. tion. Higher concentrations of salts and impurities require more
energy to achieve desired water quality.
Energy Footprint of Water Desalination
Desalination is crucial for addressing global water scarcity, “ Seawater in Saudi Arabia has TDS rang-
but its energy-intensive nature poses sustainability and cost
ing from 38,500-41,900 mg/L, with an
challenges. Understanding the factors influencing energy con-
sumption, such as specific energy consumption (SEC), feed- average of 40,366 mg/L ”
water quality, and osmotic pressure, is essential for optimizing
operations and minimizing environmental impacts. Energy WHO guidelines state TDS up to 600 mg/L is considered
consumption in desalination is a complex phenomenon in- good for palatability, while above 1,000 mg/L becomes incre-
fluenced by these interrelated factors, each exerting distinct asingly unpalatable. For every 100 mg/L of TDS, osmotic pres-
impacts on system efficiency and environmental footprint. sure of 0.04-0.076 bar is generated, which must be overcome in
Addressing these factors is key to improving the viability and reverse osmosis. For seawater at 35,000 ppm TDS, the osmotic
sustainability of desalination technologies. pressure is 24.13 bar, requiring careful pressure and power cal-
culations for optimal system performance.

Energy Efficiency of Desalination Technologies

Desalination technologies can be broadly classified into two
main categories: thermal desalination and membrane-based de-
• Thermal Desalination
Thermal desalination technologies, such as Multi-Stage Flash
(MSF) and Multi-Effect Distillation (MED), are widely used
in the industry. MSF desalination involves heating seawater to
create steam, which is then condensed to produce fresh water.
MED plants use a sequential arrangement of effects or stages to
reduce temperature and pressure, enhancing evaporation and
condensation. While effective, thermal methods are energy-in-
tensive, with MSF plants consuming 13.5 to 30 kWh/m³ and
MED plants consuming 6 to 22.5 kWh/m³ on average.
Desalination Capacities in Gulf Cooperation Council countries
“ SWCC's Jubail MSF plant achieves a
• Specific Energy Consumption Metrics
SEC metrics are quantifiable indicators that measure the
lower-than-average specific energy con-
energy expended per unit of water produced in desalination. sumption of 14.3 kWh/m³, demonstrating
For seawater desalination, SEC is defined as total energy con- the company's expertise in optimizing
sumed in kWh per 1 m³ of water. SEC metrics provide valuable thermal desalination operations ”
insights on operational efficiency, enabling improvements and
comparative analysis of different desalination technologies. Des- However, the high energy demands of these methods have
alination is energy-intensive, with the process costing $0.5-$3/ prompted a strategic shift towards more energy-efficient mem-
m³ and requiring 10 times more energy than freshwater treat- brane-based desalination technologies.
ment, accounting for 30-50% of total costs. • Membrane Desalination
• Osmotic pressure and energy requirements Membrane desalination, particularly Reverse Osmosis (RO),
Osmotic pressure, determined by feedwater salinity, impo- has emerged as the dominant technology in the desalination in-
ses significant energy requirements on desalination processes. dustry. RO utilizes semi-permeable membranes to separate salts
Higher osmotic pressure necessitates greater energy input to and other impurities from saline water, producing fresh water.
overcome the barrier and purify water. | August 2024 20
Articles Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
• Investing in renewable energy sources, such as the AlKhafji
“ Unlike thermal desalination methods, Solar Saline Water Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant, which
can produce up to 60,000 m3 of purified water daily using solar
RO is significantly more energy-efficient, power.
consuming 4 to 8 kWh/m³ of electricity • Adopting advanced membrane technologies and integrating
on average, compared to 12 to 15 kWh/ energy recovery devices to further improve efficiency and redu-
m³ for thermal processes ” ce energy consumption. Energy recovery devices (ERDs) play
a crucial role in improving the efficiency of desalination pro-
cesses. Pelton turbines, turbochargers, and pressure exchangers
The RO process involves applying high pressure to the saline can recover up to 98% of the hydraulic energy from the brine
feedwater, forcing it through the membrane and leaving behind stream, reducing specific energy consumption (SEC) from 4-5
the concentrated brine. Energy recovery devices in RO systems kWh/m³ in the 1990s to around 2.5 kWh/m³ with the latest iso-
recapture and reuse pressure energy from the brine, improving baric ERDs.
efficiency. Membrane advancements have also lowered RO
energy consumption. Energy recovery devices are often integra- Desalination Process: How Ddoes it Affect the En-
ted into RO systems to recapture and reuse the pressure energy vironment?
from the brine, further improving efficiency. The desalination industry has a significant impact on green-
• Comparison of Desalination Technologies house gas (GHG) emissions, accounting for an estimated 17% of
Desalination is a sustainable solution for water scarcity, but the total emissions from the water sector. Thermal desalination
large power input and high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions technologies, such as Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) and Multi-Effect
are major drawbacks. In Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province, ther- Distillation (MED), are particularly energy-intensive, consum-
mal desalination technologies account for 99.2% of energy con- ing large amounts of fossil fuels and contributing to high car-
sumption for water production, with Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) bon emissions.
using 75% of the total. Membrane-based desalination, parti- In contrast,membrane-based desalination,particularly Re-
cularly Reverse Osmosis (RO), offers greater energy efficiency verse Osmosis (RO), has a much lower carbon footprint.
and environmental advantages. RO consumes the least electri- SWCC's transition towards RO technology has been a strategic
city and has lower GHG emissions and costs compared to ther- move to reduce the environmental impact of its operations. The
mal methods like MSF and Multi-Effect Distillation (MED). Shuaiba RO4 commercial plant, for example, achieves a specif-
SWCC, the world's largest desalinator, achieved a 10.9% reduc- ic energy consumption of 2.45 kWh/m³, which is significantly
tion in specific energy consumption since 2020 by transitioning lower than the thermodynamic limit of 1.56 kWh/m³ for a 50%
from thermal to membrane-based desalination. This transition recovery rate and a feed seawater salinity of 35 g/L.
has not only improved energy efficiency but also enhanced the By adopting more energy-efficient RO technology and inte-
environmental sustainability of SWCC's operations. grating renewable energy sources, SWCC aims to slash its green-
house gas emissions by 62% by 2025, demonstrating its commit-
ment to environmental sustainability and its role as a leader in
promoting clean desalination practices.

Bright future ahead

As the world's largest producer of desalinated water, the Sau-
di Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) is at the forefront
of driving sustainable desalination practices in Saudi Arabia.
SWCC has set ambitious goals to enhance energy efficiency and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions across its operations:
• Replacing energy-intensive thermal desalination technologies
with more efficient reverse osmosis (RO) systems, resulting in
a 10.9% reduction in specific energy consumption (SEC) since
SWCC overall reduction of SEC (percentages) 2020, outperforming national benchmarks. The Shuaiba RO4
How do we make Desalination more Sustainable? plant has achieved an SEC of 2.45 kWh/m³, significantly lower
Desalination is an energy-intensive process, so improving than the 1.56 kWh/m³ thermodynamic limit.
energy efficiency is crucial to reducing environmental impact • Aiming to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 62% by 2025
and ensuring affordability. The Saudi Water Authority (SWA) through continued RO adoption, renewable energy integra-
has implemented various strategies to optimize energy use in tion, and energy-saving measures across plants.
desalination plants: • Investing in the first-of-its-kind reverse osmosis membrane
• Decommissioning obsolete thermal plants and transitioning production facility in the Middle East, set to commence in
to reverse osmosis (RO) technology, which has reduced the 2025, which is expected to reduce energy consumption by 4%
specific energy consumption (SEC) by 10.9% since 2020, out- and lower the levelized cost of water by 14%.
performing the 21.6% average for Saudi Arabia's desalination
sector. | August 2024 21
Water News Brirf Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

Nicholas Cumins takes charge as CEO of Bentley Systems

Nicholas Cumins has officially taken over as CEO of Bent-
ley Systems, succeeding Greg Bentley, who becomes Executive
Chair of the Board. This marks a historic moment as Cumins is
the first non-family member to lead the company in its 40-year
history. The Bentley brothers revolutionized computer-aid-
ed design (CAD) with MicroStation, and now, after over 120
acquisitions, Bentley Systems is a leader in infrastructure engi-
neering software. Cumins steps in at a crucial time when the en-
gineering sector faces talent shortages and aging infrastructure
challenges exacerbated by climate change. He emphasizes the
importance of AI-powered digital twin solutions for enhancing
infrastructure resilience and asset performance, aiming to im-
prove the quality of life for future generations. Cumins previ-
ously served as COO and has a diverse background in product
management and strategy.

Alkhorayef Water secures $51M Contract with Saudi National Water

Alkhorayef Water and Power Technologies Compa-
ny has secured a contract worth 191 million Saudi riyals
($51 million) from the National Water Company (NWC)
to enhance water and wastewater infrastructure in Sau-
di Arabia. This deal includes six blanket purchase agree-
ments for installing new connections in Al-Qassim, Hail,
Jazan, and the Eastern Region, covering the North, South,
and Central sectors. The agreements will last 36 months,
significantly boosting the nation's water infrastructure.
The contract was announced in a statement to the Sau-
di stock exchange, with Alkhorayef Water indicating that
more project details will be released in due course.

Only One Bidder for Initial Contract in $10B Iona Sewage Plant Replace-
Metro Vancouver is set to replace the Iona Wastewater
Treatment Plant, with the initial contract valued at $60.6
million for preliminary design, estimated construction
and operating costs, testing equipment, and consultation
fees. Only one bidder participated, but the oversight com-
mittee plans to recommend approval to the board on July
26. The Fraser Delta Group, a consortium, is expected
to secure the contract. The total project cost is projected
to be around $10 billion. The Iona Island plant, located
in a complex ecological area, aims to upgrade treatment
processes while implementing ecological restoration ini-
tiatives, including reconnecting the river and sea and re-
storing habitats for juvenile salmon and other species. | August 2024 23

Water News Brief Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

World Bank approves $200 Million to improve Sanitation Services and

Water Resources in Senegal
The World Bank has approved $200 million to enhance
sanitation services and water resources in Senegal's priority
areas through the Integrated Water Security and Sanitation
Program (PISEA). This first phase aims to improve access to
drinking water and sanitation while building resilience against
floods and droughts. It will benefit 600,000 people in great-
er Dakar and over seven million nationwide, including 3,000
farmers using treated wastewater to irrigate 600 hectares. The
project includes the construction of sewage systems in Pikine
and Guédiawaye, along with an activated sludge treatment
plant. Treated water will support irrigation in Niayes. Addi-
tional financing components address groundwater recharge,
reduce non-revenue water loss, and promote citizen engage-
ment. Funded by the International Development Association
(IDA), this is the first phase of a 10-year program, totaling an
investment of $800 million.

XPV Water Partners announces Sale of Holland Pump to Workdry Interna-

XPV Water Partners has announced that Workdry Interna-
tional, its parent company specializing in engineered pump rental
solutions, has acquired Holland Pump to expand into the North
American market. This acquisition is supported by Arcus Europe-
an Infrastructure Fund 3 (AEIF3), making Workdry a key player in
the East and Gulf Coast regions of the U.S. Holland Pump, which
XPV invested in as a majority stakeholder in 2019, has grown to be-
come one of the largest pump rental providers in the U.S., with over
1,000 assets across 15 locations. The company serves diverse sectors,
including municipal water infrastructure and industrial segments.
CEO Tom Vossman will continue leading Holland Pump, collabo-
rating with Workdry's leadership on best practices. Sam Saintonge
from XPV expressed excitement about the partnership's potential
to contribute to a sustainable water future.

Jacobs secures $800 Million Contract for King County Wastewater Infra-
structure Overhaul
Jacobs has been appointed to manage an $800 million upgrade of
King County's Wastewater Treatment Division infrastructure, en-
hancing water quality and resilience for about two million residents
in Seattle and central Puget Sound. The company will oversee the
South Treatment Plant Facility Program from design to commis-
sioning. Located in Renton, this facility processes an average of 115
million gallons of wastewater daily in wet weather and 96 million
gallons in dry conditions. It also features educational programs and
the CitySoil demonstration farm, producing around 4,000 pounds
of food each year for a local food bank. Jacobs Senior Vice President
Katus Watson emphasized that this program represents a significant
investment in Washington communities and a commitment to pre-
serving regional water quality, leveraging Jacobs' extensive program
management and construction resources for successful execution. | August 2024 24

Water News Brief Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

Xylem Expands Corporate Venture Capital Investments to $50M, Target-

ing Water Scarcity, Quality, and Decarbonization
Xylem expands corporate venture capital investments to
US$50m, targeting water scarcity, quality, and deGlobal water
technology group Xylem is expanding its corporate venture invest-
ing plans with a commitment of $50 million to support emerging
companies and water service providers addressing climate challeng-
es like water scarcity, quality, and decarbonization. Xylem will in-
vest directly in startups developing disruptive water technologies
and specialty venture capital funds, focusing on solutions that
align with its growth priorities, including advanced treatment and
digital technology. Sivan Zamir, VP of Xylem Innovation Labs,
emphasized the urgency for innovative solutions as water scarcity
intensifies. In 2022, Xylem invested $20 million in Burnt Island
Ventures and The Westly Group, and the new framework will con-
tinue evaluating investments in targeted funds and startups.

Northumbrian Water selects Connexin to create New Smart Water

Network UK-based smart technology provider Connexin has been chosen
by Northumbrian Water to manage advanced water metering infra-
structure (AMI) contract, overseeing the supply and connectivity of
over 900,000 smart meters in the North East of England, which serves
a population of 2.7 million. This contract follows a similar agreement
with Essex and Suffolk Water, solidifying Connexin's role as a leading
IoT solutions provider in the water sector. The installation of Con-
nexin’s LoRaWAN® network will facilitate near real-time data com-
munication from smart meters, with plans to connect over 330,000
meters by the end of 2029. This partnership aims to enhance leak de-
tection and provide households with remote access to hourly water
usage data, empowering customers to manage their bills. This is Con-
nexin's fourth major contract win in smart metering, following suc-
cesses with Yorkshire Water and Severn Trent Water. Connexin will
also sponsor Northumbrian Water’s Innovation Festival this summer.

Sustainability at Katara: Veolia’s Innovative Water Solutions in Doha

Veolia Water Technologies (VWT) has partnered with Katara

Cultural Village to launch Qatar's largest water reuse facility, signifi-
cantly decreasing reliance on freshwater resources. This advanced
facility can save between 5,000 to 15,000 cubic meters of freshwater
daily, enhancing the country's environmental sustainability efforts.
The innovative Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) Polishing Plant will
reuse treated sewage for irrigation and district cooling, setting new
water management standards. Located within the Katara Energy
Centre, the plant efficiently converts treated sewage into high-qual-
ity demineralized water, reducing costs from 9 QAR to just 1 QAR
per cubic meter. Additionally, the energy required for water produc-
tion is cut to 20% of that needed for traditional treatment methods.
This project exemplifies sustainable wastewater reuse, preserving
groundwater resources while employing Veolia’s inline design tech-
nology, a groundbreaking solution for the region's water challenges. | August 2024 25

Water News Brief Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

SOUTH AFRICA: $250m Nedbank loan to support Water Supply in

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB)
has secured a R4.5 billion ($250 million) term loan for the
Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA) to support the
Mokolo-Crocodile River Water Augmentation Project Phase
2A (MCWAP-2A). This initiative aims to address severe water
shortages in Limpopo province, which hinder industrial growth
and social progress. The project includes constructing an ab-
straction weir, advanced pump stations, and a 160 km pipeline
to transport water from the Crocodile River (West) to Lepha-
lale, delivering 75 million cubic meters of water annually to sec-
tors like Eskom and Exxaro. Phuti Mokwatedi from Nedbank
emphasized the importance of water access as a constitutional
right. TCTA CEO Percy Sechemane noted that this funding is
crucial for ensuring water security in Limpopo, aligning with
Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation)
and promoting economic growth.

Floris Jan Cuypers named CEO of NX Filtration

NX Filtration has appointed Floris Jan Cuypers as Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) effective September 1, 2024, suc-
ceeding Jeroen Pynenburg, who will step down on July
31, 2024. Cuypers has a strong track record in executive
leadership, focusing on commercial impact and opera-
tional excellence. He previously served as Chief Operating
Officer (COO) and Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at
ERIKS and was interim CEO of its Dutch operations.
Most recently, he was COO at SHV Energy. NX Filtration
reported half-year 2024 revenues of €5.9 million, a 57% in-
crease compared to the first half of 2023, and reconfirmed
its full-year revenue outlook. Carolina Wielinga, Chair of
the Supervisory Board, expressed confidence in Cuypers'
ability to lead the company through its next growth stag-
es, acknowledging the strong progress made under Pynen-
burg's leadership. Cuypers will be nominated for the Man-
agement Board at an Extraordinary General Meeting on
September 6, 2024.
Markham District Energy Announces World’s Largest Wastewater
Energy Transfer Project
Markham District Energy (MDE) has announced the groundbreak-
ing of the world’s largest wastewater energy transfer (WET) project
at its Low Carbon Energy Centre (LCEC) in Downtown Markham,
Ontario. MDE President and CEO Bruce Ander highlighted this
milestone as a step towards becoming a net-zero district energy suppli-
er, aiming to reduce carbon emissions by over 30,000 tonnes annually.
The project will utilize the Region of York’s wastewater system and
complements existing technologies that cut emissions by over 13,000
tonnes per year. Funding for the project includes $16.7 million from
the Low Carbon Economy Fund, $8.2 million from the Green Mu-
nicipal Fund, and a $135 million loan from the Canada Infrastruc-
ture Bank. Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland emphasized the
importance of supporting homegrown innovations to reduce energy
costs and create jobs. Local leaders also attended the announcement,
underlining the project's community impact. | August 2024 26



Global Water Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

Global Water Events

Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport Show
Date: From 24 to 26 Jan 2024
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
The Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport
Show (WETT) was a showcase of the latest innovations within
the wastewater industry. The show brings together industry
experts, technologies and services. It provides 90+ expert-led
courses, live show demonstrations, hundreds of interactive
booths and networking opportunities.


BRITISH WATER Micropollutants Conference

Date: From 8 February 2024
Location: Leeds, UK
British Water continued the conversation on how micropollutants affect the water sector in the
third BW Micropollutants Conference. Our speakers covered the latest topics on current legislation
and ongoing initiatives about the environmental risks associated with micropollutant emissions and
treatment approaches.


AOAP Conference and Exposition & NDPA Water Safety

Date: From 12 to 14 Feb 2024
Location: The Grand Sierra Resort and Convention Center in Reno, Nevada

The AOAP Conference and Exposition & NDPA Water Safety Conference was an
opportunity for professionals from around the world to earn about the latest trends,
legislation, and issues facing our industry. Education, networking & professional development
opportunities during the conference are one of a kind.

Website: | August 2024 29

Global Water Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

WEF/AWWA Utility Management Conference 2024

Date: From 13 to 16 February 2024

Location: Portland, Oregon
The 2024 WEF/AWWA Utility
Management Conference offered 6 pre-
conference workshops and 36 technical
sessions focused on a wide variety of
topicsrelated to water and wastewater
utility management.


WEX Global

Date: From 4 to 6 March 2024

Location: Madrid, Spain
WEX Global was a three-day event which
brings together the sector’s leading experts to
discuss water sustainability.


Membrane Technology
Date: From 4 to 7 March, 2024
Location: West Palm BEeach, Florida
The AMTA/AWWA Membrane Tech-
nology Conference explored the latest de-
velopments in membrane technology, as
it affects water and wastewater treatment.
The conference reveals new directions in
water and wastewater treatment technol-
ogies, desalting and membrane bioreactor
Website: | August 2024 30

Global Water Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

The Collection Systems Conference and Stormwater Conference


Date: From 9 to 12 April, 2024

Location: The conference will be hosted at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hart-
ford, CT.

The Collection Systems Conference and Storm-

water Conference 2024 was an exhibition focused
on the design and operations of wastewater col-
lection systems, as well as wet weather control and
stormwater management.


Texas Water Conference

Date: From 9 to 12 April, 2024
Location: NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT, UK

The conference was celebrating it’s 28th year as the Largest Regional Water Conference
in the U.S.© Itcaters to professionals in the wastewater and water industry, including
water quality engineers, treatment plant technicians and scientists. Also government of-
ficials, regulatory agency personnel, manufacturers and their agents, libraries, universities
and groups and individuals concerned with protecting public health and the environ-


MACH Exhibition
Date: From 15 to 19 April, 2024
Location: NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT, UK

MACH 2024 was a five-day event

where key manufacturing buyers,
engineers and manufacturers go
to find, specify and purchase new

Website: | August 2024 31

Water’s Role in Producing Sustainable
Green Hydrogen: Insights From Veolia's
he global transition towards sustainable energy has pro- newable sources and accelerating the energy transition. Additi-
pelled green hydrogen to the forefront as a viable soluti- onally, hydrogen's versatility in producing fuels, chemicals, and
on to decarbonize various sectors, from transportation power connects and reshapes current power, gas, chemicals, and
to industry. As the world moves away from fossil fuels, the pro- fuel markets.
duction of green hydrogen, generated through water electrolysis
using renewable energy, has become a crucial part of the clean
energy landscape. Veolia, a global leader in environmental so-
lutions, recognizes the importance of water management and
has developed innovative technologies to ensure the reliable and
efficient production of this clean fuel, supporting the world's
shift towards a sustainable future.

The World needs A Cleaner, More Sustainable Energy

Hydrogen has a central role in helping the world reach net-ze-
ro emissions by 2050 and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Navigating the Water Landscape for Green Hydro-
Celsius. Clean hydrogen, both renewable and low-carbon, of- gen Production
fers a scalable and cost-effective solution for deep decarbonizati- Hydrogen can be produced through various methods, each
on in sectors like steel, maritime, aviation, and ammonia. with different environmental impacts. Carbon-based hydrogen
By 2050, hydrogen can avoid 80 gigatons of cumulative CO2 from steam reforming of natural gas releases significant green-
emissions, contributing 20% of the total abatement needed. house gas emissions. In contrast, water electrolysis using renew-
able electricity generates "green" hydrogen without emissions.
“ The use of 660 million metric tons of Biomethane reforming is another green option, where the re-
sulting CO2 can be captured or has a neutral carbon footprint.
renewable and low-carbon hydrogen in While water electrolysis is the best-known green hydrogen pro-
2050 is equivalent to 22% of global final duction process, it requires substantial volumes of high-quality
energy demand ” water. A typical 60MW electrolyser would need around 390
cubic meters of water per day to generate 27,000 kilograms of
Hydrogen facilitates the integration of renewable energy, hydrogen. Efficient water management is crucial for the green
allowing energy companies to tap into remote, competitive re- hydrogen value chain. | August 2024 33

Sustainability Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
When Producing Green Hydrogen, Three Distinct Production of Green Hydrogen: Veolia Makes A
Types of Water Must Be Considered: Commitment
• Ultrapure water (used as a feedstock for the electrolyser) Veolia Water Technologies supports the green hydrogen and
• Cooling water blue hydrogen industries by providing world-class water treat-
• Raw water ment technologies and services to improve hydrogen electrolysis
The amount of ultrapure water required for electrolysis dif- efficiency. They offer three tiers of solutions: boxed (100 kilo-
fers from the raw water extracted from the environment, and watt hour), standard (20 to 100 megawatts), and bespoke (over
the quality of ultrapure and cooling water also varies. Ultrapure 500 megawatts) for onshore and offshore applications. Water
water requires strict quality standards, with conductivity limits management is a key challenge, as high-quality water (less than
typically below 1 μS/cm for alkaline and 0.1 μS/cm for PEM 0.1 microsiemens per centimetre) is required for the electroly-
systems. Producing 100,000 tons of green hydrogen annual- sis process, and wastewater management is necessary to handle
ly would consume 900,000 m3 of ultrapure water, with most the residual streams. Veolia can treat various water sources, in-
systems requiring 163-200 liters per hour per MW of capacity. cluding groundwater, surface water, and seawater, and ensure
Cooling water usage is more difficult to estimate, but a general maximum water recovery through zero liquid discharge. Their
rule of thumb is 400 L/h per MW of electrolyser capacity. The expertise in reverse osmosis and continuous electrodeioniza-
impact on local water systems depends on the raw water source, tion technologies can help electrolyzer companies overcome
with groundwater requiring the least extraction (1,200,000 m3) water-related challenges and ensure water quality and quantity,
compared to treated wastewater (1,300,000 m3) and seawater regardless of the source.
(3,000,000 m3).

How Much Water does Different Green Hydrogen

Production Technologies Consume?
Green hydrogen is the most water-efficient clean hydrogen
type, with proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis hav-
ing the lowest water consumption intensity at 17.5 litres per ki-
logramme of hydrogen (L/kg), followed by alkaline electrolysis
at 22.3 L/kg. In comparison, steam methane reforming–carbon
capture, utilisation and storage (SMR-CCUS) and autothermal
reforming (ATR)-CCUS have higher water consumption in-
tensities of 32.2 L/kg and 24.2 L/kg, respectively. Coal gasifica-
tion is the most water-intensive, with a withdrawal requirement Techno map - production plants from between 20 to 100 MW,
of about 50 L/kg and a consumption of 31 L/kg, which could boxed solution
further increase to 80.2 L/kg and 49.4 L/kg, respectively, if
equipped with CCUS. Water is required as an input for produc-
tion and as a cooling medium, with the share of withdrawal for
cooling ranging from 14% to 92%, depending on the technolo-
gy. Improving electrolysis efficiency by 1 percentage point can
reduce the water withdrawal and consumption requirements of
green hydrogen production by about 2%.

Techno map - production plants from between 20 to 100 MW,

standard solution

A comparison of average water withdrawal and consumption intensities

by hydrogen production technology Techno map - production plants over 500MW, bespoke solution
(onshore and offshore) | August 2024 34
Sustainability Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
Veolia’s Water Treatment Technologies for the
Hydrogen Production
• TERION™ for Hydrogen Production
Veolia's TERION™ is a plug-and-play integrated water treat-
ment solution that combines RO and CEDI processes to pro-
duce high-quality demineralized water for hydrogen electrolysis.
Suitable for PEM and alkaline electrolyzers, TERION™ sup-
ports the transition to green hydrogen production by ensuring
efficient and cost-effective operation through a reliable supply
of essential demineralized water.
Key Features
• Modular Design: TERION™ units are available in various ca-
pacities, ranging from 100 kWh to over 500 MW, making them
suitable for a wide range of hydrogen production scales. •Veolia's Entropie: Thermal Desalination for Green H2
• Compact Footprint: The integrated RO-CEDI design offers a Entropie is continuously seeking eco-friendly solutions to ad-
compact footprint, reducing the overall space requirements for dress major challenges. Their thermal distiller for green hydro-
installation. gen production is a carbon-neutral technology that utilizes the
•Plug-and-Play: The pre-engineered and factory-tested units en- waste heat from electrolyzers to evaporate seawater, producing
able quick installation and commissioning, minimizing down- high-purity distilled water. The process directly feeds seawater
time and ensuring rapid deployment. to the thermal distillation cell, where the heat from hydrogen
•High-Quality Water: TERION™ produces demineralized production is used to evaporate the water, leaving behind the
water with low levels of silica, sodium, total organic carbon salts in the brine, thereby reducing the carbon footprint and
(TOC), and other impurities, meeting the stringent water qual- electrical consumption of the hydrogen or e-fuel plant.
ity requirements for hydrogen electrolysis. Key Features
•Safety and Reliability: The thermal system has no high-pres-
sure connections, making it safer than membrane-based reverse
osmosis systems. Thermal distillation units are known for their
robust and reliable performance, ensuring consistent water
quality throughout the system's lifetime.
•Fast and Easy Installation: The distiller is skid-mounted and
delivered as a plug-and-play system, eliminating the need for any
building or shelter. This makes it suitable for fast-track projects
and off-shore or remote application.
•Sustainability: Thermal distillation does not require any chem-
icals for cleaning or maintenance, unlike membrane-based sys-
tems that need regular cleaning and maintenance. This results
in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly solution.
• PURENERGY 30 •Maintenance-free Operation: The Entropie system does not
The PURENERGY 30 is a compact, high performance require any maintenance, ensuring continuous operation and
water purification system for PEM Electrolyser Systems with optimized availability, particularly suitable for continuous pro-
purified water demands of up to 30 l/hour. Guaranteed water cesses.
purity, space saving design and simple maintenance, makes the
PURENERGY 30 an ideal solution to feed hydrogen Electroly- Growing Capability and Expertise
ser Systems producing up to 30Nm³/h of hydrogen. Veolia's water management and environmental expertise have
Key Features made the company a sought-after partner in the green hydrogen
• Compact: 550mm wide and 460mm height. Wall mountable, ecosystem. Veolia collaborates with stakeholders to integrate its
optional docking vessel - saving valuable space. water treatment technologies, tailoring solutions to local needs.
• Easy to Use: A near plug & play installation process combined These partnerships contribute to a robust and resilient green
with automated monitoring & alarms enables a simple set up & hydrogen industry, underpinned by reliable water management.
operation. Veolia is committed to developing low-carbon energy sourc-
• Reliable: ELGA Veolia ‘s extensive experience in mission crit- es, including producing hydrogen from biomethane or electrol-
ical environments means reliability is tested, proven and unri- ysis using excess electricity from waste-to-energy. An innovative
valled. project in Toulon converts biogas from sewage sludge into hy-
• Guaranteed Water Purity: Regular recirculation through the drogen fuel, with only water vapor as an emission. The project
system’s purification technologies ensures the water specifica- also aims to recycle CO2 by growing microalgae, demonstrating
tion is maintained. Veolia's circular economy approach. This pioneering wastewa-
• Eco-aware: The EDI technology minimizes environmental im- ter-to-hydrogen plant is being replicated in Hong Kong.
pact. | August 2024 35

Green Investing: The Core to a
Sustainable Energy Future

he world is facing a critical juncture. The scientific con- Green investing plays a pivotal part in ensuring a sustainable
sensus is clear: human-induced climate change is a re- future. The International Energy Agency estimates that around
ality, and its impacts are becoming increasingly severe. US$2.8tn was invested in energy in 2023 alone, more than
Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and the depletion US$1.7tn of which funnelled into clean energy such as renew-
of natural resources are just a few of the pressing issues that de- able power, nuclear, grids, storage, low-emission fuels, efficiency
mand immediate action. As the global population continues to improvements and end-use renewables and electrification.The
grow and energy demands soar, the need for sustainable energy appeal of green investing lies in its ability to generate both finan-
solutions has never been more urgent. Recognizing this imper- cial returns and positive environmental and social impact. By
ative, governments, corporations, and individual investors are aligning their investment portfolios with their values and sus-
increasingly turning to green investing as a means of driving the tainability goals, investors can contribute to the development of
transition towards a low-carbon economy. By channeling capi- a greener, more equitable, and more resilient global economy.
tal into renewable energy sources, energy-efficient technologies,
and sustainable infrastructure, green investors are not only mit- The Transformative Power of Green Investing
igating environmental risks but also unlocking new opportuni- The transformative power of green investing lies in its ability
ties for growth and innovation. to drive large-scale change across multiple sectors. From renew-
able energy and clean transportation to sustainable agriculture
The Rise of Green Investing and circular economies, green investment is catalyzing innova-
Green investing, also known as sustainable or responsible in- tion, creating new job opportunities, and accelerating the tran-
vesting, is a rapidly growing field that encompasses a wide range sition towards a more sustainable future.
of investment strategies and products. At its core, green invest- One of the most prominent examples of this transformative
ing focuses on identifying and supporting companies, projects, power is the rapid growth of the renewable energy sector.
and technologies that prioritize environmental sustainability,
social responsibility, and good governance (ESG) practices. This “ In the past ten years, the cost of elec-
holistic approach to investment decision-making has gained sig- tricity from solar has fallen by 87 %, and
nificant traction in recent years, as investors recognize the long-
term value and resilience of sustainable business models. the cost of battery storage by 85 % ”

Wind power, heat pumps and other fossil-free technolo-

“ According to the Global Sustainable gies are also experiencing a sharp drop in prices, making these
Investment Alliance, the global sustain- technologies increasingly competitive with traditional fossil fu-
able investment market reached $35.3 el-based energy sources. This shift has been fueled in large part
by the influx of green investment, which has enabled the scaling
trillion in 2020, a 15% increase from up of renewable energy infrastructure and the development of
2018 ” new, more efficient technologies. | August 2024 36

Sustainability Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
Similarly, green investing is transforming the transportation As the field of sustainable investing continues to evolve, in-
sector, with a growing focus on electric vehicles, public transit, vestors are grappling with the complexity of evaluating and
and sustainable mobility solutions. As investors channel capital comparing the environmental and social performance of diffe-
into these areas, they are not only reducing carbon emissions rent companies and investment options.
but also shaping the future of urban planning and infrastructu- To address this challenge, regulatory bodies and industry or-
re development. ganizations are working to develop more robust and harmoni-
zed ESG reporting frameworks. This will not only enhance the
reliability and comparability of ESG data but also help to build
greater trust and confidence in the green investing ecosystem.
Another key challenge is the need to overcome the perceived
trade-off between financial returns and sustainability. While
there is growing evidence that green investments can deliver
competitive financial performance, some investors remain hesi-
tant to prioritize environmental and social factors over traditio-
nal financial metrics.
However, this perception is slowly shifting as more investors
recognize the long-term value and resilience of sustainable busi-
ness models. By incorporating ESG considerations into their
investment strategies, investors can not only mitigate environ-
mental and social risks but also identify new opportunities for
growth and innovation.
The Importance of Green Investments
Resilient energy systems rely on investments in intelligent
grids, armed with advanced data analytics and real-time monito-
ring capabilities to allow for flexible management of renewable
energy and distributed energy resources.
This however is tainted somewhat by the green investment
gap, a shortfall in funding needed to reach climate goals. This is
apparent in the UK, for example. Climate Change Committee
(CCC) research states that in order to meet its 2050 net zero
target, the UK will have to increase its low-carbon investment
from £10bn (US$12.5bn) per year in 2020 to around £50bn
(US$62.4bn) per year by 2030. The challenge of which has been
exacerbated by Brexit, however, Europe is facing similar challen-

“ The Foundation for European Progres- The Path Forward: Unlocking the Potential of Green
sive Studies (FEPS) showcases that the Investing
European Commission’s modelling of As the world grapples with the urgent need for sustainable
energy solutions, green investing is poised to play a pivotal role
required investment needs is “overly op-
in shaping the future. By channeling capital into the develop-
timistic” as the EU faces an investment ment and deployment of clean technologies, renewable energy
gap of €11.7bn (US$12.5bn) to €16.3bn infrastructure, and sustainable business practices, green inves-
(US$17.4bn) between 2020 and 2050 ” tors can drive the transition towards a more resilient and equi-
table global economy.
“A major barrier is the private sector’s lack of green investments To unlock the full potential of green investing, a multiface-
due to large upfront costs and potential uncertain returns. Pu- ted approach is required. This includes:
blic investment banks are crucial in providing ‘patient capital’ •Strengthening ESG Reporting and Disclosure
for long-term projects, but they have limited resources and ca- • Fostering Collaboration and Partnerships
pacity, which hampers the potential speed of the transition to • Educating and Engaging Investors
net zero. • Innovating and Diversifying Green Investment Products
By embracing these strategies and harnessing the transfor-
The Challenges and Opportunities of Green Inves- mative power of green investing, we can unlock a future where
ting sustainable energy solutions are the norm, not the exception.
While the potential of green investing is immense, it is not This is the path towards a more resilient, equitable, and en-
without its challenges. One of the primary hurdles is the need vironmentally-conscious global economy – one that is built to
for greater transparency and standardization in ESG reporting withstand the challenges of the 21st century and beyond.
and data. | August 2024 37
Rockwell Automation Leads the Charge in
Renewable Energy Innovation with Sweetch
Energy's Osmotic Solutions

Rockwell Automation plays a crucial role in tackling en-

ergy challenges through the integration of advanced au-
tomation and control systems, paving the way for a sus-
tainable future
Companies Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

s the world aims for a completely renewable energy However, commercial viability remains limited due to mem-
grid by 2050, the challenges are significant, especially brane power density challenges.
with increasing energy demands due to a rising popula-
tion. This article explores the innovative collaboration between
Rockwell Automation and Sweetch Energy, highlighting their
pioneering osmotic energy technology. By leveraging the energy
produced from the salinity difference between freshwater and
seawater, they seek to deliver a continuous, zero-carbon electric-
ity source. Rockwell Automation plays a crucial role in tackling
energy challenges through the integration of advanced automa-
tion and control systems, paving the way for a sustainable fu-

What are the Key Challenges in Achieving a Fully

Renewable Energy Grid by 2050?
Seventy-five percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come
from burning fossil fuels for energy.

" By 2050, energy demand-especially A Ground-Breaking Technology

for renewables-could double or triple as Sweetch Energy was founded in 2015 to address climate
change by harnessing osmotic power, a renewable energy re-
the population reaches 9.7 billion and source generated when freshwater meets seawater. With sup-
more people join the middle class " port from leading investors and industrial partners, Sweetch
developed INOD®, the first osmotic power technology that
Decades of investment have made solar and wind energy produces permanent, carbon-free, and cost-effective electrici-
cheaper than coal in every global market, which is a positive de- ty. The company has received backing from notable European
velopment. However, challenges persist. Seasonal intermitten- and French institutions and earned several accolades in 2023,
cy and high storage costs may necessitate alternative base-load including the international deep-tech Grand Prize at the Hello
production. Geographical constraints can limit the benefits of Tomorrow Global Challenge. INOD® technology employs a
renewables, as utility-level installations are often far from cities, newly discovered phenomenon called ionic nano-osmotic dif-
requiring costly transmission lines. Additionally, solar and wind fusion to create ionic currents through advanced membranes.
technologies rely on rare earth minerals with damaging supply Hundreds of these membranes are stacked in osmotic genera-
chains, posing risks to technological autonomy in the West. tors paired with electrodes to capture blue energy. These gen-
Consequently, developing a fully renewable energy grid poses erators are cost-efficient, modular, and deliver unprecedented
immense challenges that must be addressed to ensure a sustain- power outputs, making it feasible to harness clean, permanent
able future. osmotic energy effectively, positioning Sweetch Energy at the
forefront of renewable energy innovation.
The Need for Zero-Carbon Solutions
Osmotic energy, derived from the salinity difference when
freshwater meets seawater, is an underappreciated renewable re-
source, despite hydropower accounting for 60% of global renew-
able production. Companies like Sweetch Energy are exploring
this potential, which could theoretically generate 27,000 TWh/
year, with practical estimates around 1,500 TWh/year. In com-
parison, solar energy produced 725 TWh and wind generated
1,420 TWh in 2019. Osmotic energy is continuous and predict-
able, unlike solar and wind. Although it requires significant in-
frastructure, it has a smaller footprint and is often located near
urban centers, reducing transmission needs.
" Each year, nearly 30,000 TWh of os-
motic energy is available from deltas
and estuaries, surpassing global elec-
tricity demand "
By integrating osmotic energy, projections suggest that re-
newable contributions could exceed 65% of global electricity
production by 2050, marking a significant step toward a sus-
tainable energy future. | August 2024 40
Companies Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
A Global Première in the Renewable Energy Land- Overall, the FactoryTalk Optix portfolio empowers users
scape with the flexibility, innovation, and adaptability necessary for
In 2024, the first industrial-scale osmotic power station uti- modern industrial automation and control challenges.
lizing INOD® technology will be launched. Sweetch Energy is • Streamlining Operations with PlantPAx Distributed Control
currently constructing its initial osmotic demonstrator plant System
at the Barcarin lock in Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, France. The PlantPAx Distributed Control System (DCS) by Rock-
The company plans to establish several osmotic stations at the well Automation is a comprehensive process automation solu-
Rhône River's mouth to harness natural osmotic energy. These tion designed for plant-wide optimization and operational ex-
stations are projected to generate up to 500 MW of carbon-free cellence. It integrates seamlessly with Rockwell's FactoryTalk®
electricity, sufficient to power over 1.5 million people—compa- software and Allen-Bradley® hardware, facilitating data ex-
rable to the populations of cities like Marseille, Barcelona, Am- change and control. Key features include:
sterdam, or Montreal. Plant-wide Control and Optimization: A unified automation
platform consolidating process, discrete, power, information,
Rockwell Automation: A Leader in Industrial Auto- and safety controls, resulting in streamlined management and
mation reduced total cost of ownership.
Rockwell Automation is a global leader in industrial auto- Scalable and Modular Architecture: Offers diverse architecture
mation and information technology, offering solutions that options for flexibility, suitable for both single stations and large
enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in the man- setups, enabling quick integration and scalability in HMI and
ufacturing and energy sectors. The company is committed to data collection.
innovation, utilizing advanced technologies like artificial intel- Open, Information-enabled, and Secure: Utilizes EtherNet/IP
ligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). for real-time information flow, supporting IT/OT convergence
Their expertise in automation and control systems allows for and achieving energy reductions of up to 10%.
the seamless integration of renewable energy sources into ex- Flexible Delivery and Support Network: Allows selection of op-
isting power grids, ensuring stability, reliability, and optimized timal implementation and support teams to meet specific needs,
performance in energy generation. ensuring effective system deployment.
• How Does Rockwell Automation's FactoryTalk Optix Portfo- The Collaboration: Optimizing Zero-Carbon Elec-
lio Enhance Industrial Automation? tricity Generation
Rockwell Automation's FactoryTalk Optix portfolio is a Rockwell Automation, a global leader in industrial automa-
comprehensive solution for industrial automation, integrating tion and digital transformation, is collaborating with Sweetch
hardware and software to create a flexible platform for control Energy to innovate osmotic power generation. This partnership
applications. It features a modern cloud-based software plat- will implement Rockwell's advanced process control system and
form that enables users to design advanced human-machine remote operations visualization to enhance Sweetch Energy’s ef-
interface (HMI) systems, with open architecture allowing ficiency and scalability worldwide.
seamless integration with third-party systems. The hardware in- By utilizing Rockwell’s turnkey process control platform and
cludes industrial-grade devices like graphic terminals and panel visualization technology, Sweetch Energy aims to optimize its
PCs, built to endure harsh environments while offering high zero-carbon electricity generation technology at its first osmotic
performance. A key advantage is its emphasis on choice and agil- demonstrator plant located at the Barcarin lock in Port-Saint-
ity, enabling users to customize solutions and easily upgrade as Louis-du-Rhône, France. Rockwell's technologies will auto-
needs evolve. The open architecture promotes interoperability, mate, control, and monitor the system, improving process and
allowing integration with diverse systems from various manu- power-generation efficiency. The technology deployed at the pi-
facturers, fostering innovation without being tied to a propri- lot plant is also designed to be highly scalable, enabling Sweetch
etary ecosystem. Energy to develop standardized, modular solutions with global
support for installations of any size, anywhere.

Vision for the future

Rockwell Automation is advancing its ESG efforts with a 10-
year plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 for its Scope 1
and 2 emissions. In 2023, the company partnered with 1Point-
Five to acquire carbon dioxide removal credits from a Direct Air
Capture facility in Texas. Tom O’Reilly, VP of Sustainability,
emphasized Rockwell's commitment to helping global custom-
ers meet sustainability goals through data-driven solutions.
Alongside its net-zero targets, Rockwell aims for no increase in
water usage and plans to recycle at least 85% of solid waste. The
company's sustainability strategy focuses on sustainable cus-
tomers, companies, and communities, highlighting the impor-
tance of information in achieving sustainability. Rockwell also
supports renewable energy integration and modernizes energy
infrastructure worldwide. | August 2024 41
Transforming Waste into Green
Energy: A Breakthrough in Hydrogen

Hydrogen-based fuels are a promising clean energy

Articles Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

he global shift toward zero-emissions energy generation As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of cli-
is crucial in combating climate change. Hydrogen-based mate change, the quest for sustainable hydrogen production
fuels are one of the most promising sources of clean en- has become a global priority. The successful development and
ergy. But producing pure hydrogen gas is an energy-intensive deployment of these innovative technologies will not only con-
process that often requires coal or natural gas and large amounts tribute to the decarbonization of various industries but also
of electricity. A multi-institutional team led by UIC engineer pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient energy future.
Meenesh Singh unveils the new process for green hydrogen
production. The method uses a carbon-rich substance called Challenges of green hydrogen production using bio-
biochar to decrease the amount of electricity needed to convert fuels
water to hydrogen. By using renewable energy sources such as Producing green hydrogen from biofuels faces several key
solar power or wind and capturing byproducts for other uses, challenges. One major hurdle is the high cost of biofuel feed-
the process can reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero. stocks and the hydrogen production process itself. Biofuels can
be more expensive to produce than traditional fossil fuels, mak-
The Quest for Sustainable Hydrogen Production ing green hydrogen a costlier option.
The global transition towards a low-carbon economy has
placed a significant emphasis on the development of sustain- " Approximately 98% of hydrogen is
able hydrogen production methods. Hydrogen has emerged as a generated from fossil fuels, mainly
promising energy carrier, with the potential to play a crucial role
in decarbonizing various sectors, from transportation to indus- through steam reforming of natural gas
trial processes. However, the traditional methods of hydrogen (known as 'grey' hydrogen). However,
production, such as steam methane reforming, are heavily reli- this approach contributes significantly
ant on fossil fuels and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
This has sparked an intense search for alternative, more sustain-
to greenhouse gas emissions ”
able approaches to hydrogen production. Additionally, the conversion of biofuels into hydrogen re-
One of the most promising avenues for sustainable hydrogen quires complex and energy-intensive processes, further increas-
production is water electrolysis, a process that uses electricity to ing the overall costs. Another challenge is the limited availability
split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. While water and scalability of sustainable biofuel sources. Many biofuel feed-
electrolysis has been around for decades, the quest for sustain- stocks compete with food production, raising concerns about
able hydrogen production has driven significant advancements land use and food security. Overcoming these economic and lo-
in this technology. Researchers and engineers are exploring ways gistical barriers will be crucial for green hydrogen from biofuels
to power the electrolysis process using renewable energy sourc- to become a viable large-scale energy solution.
es, such as solar, wind, or hydropower, to create a truly green
hydrogen ecosystem. A Transformative Technology: Innovation in green
Furthermore, the integration of innovative materials and cat- hydrogen production
alysts into the electrolysis system has the potential to enhance Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) have
the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the process. For instance, pioneered a revolutionary method to produce hydrogen gas
the use of advanced materials like perovskites or the incorpo- from water using solar power and agricultural waste, such as
ration of biochar, can improve the overall performance and manure and husks.
reduce the energy demands of water electrolyzers. These tech- The method utilizes biochar, a carbon-rich material derived
nological advancements are crucial in making sustainable hy- from biomass, to lower the electrical energy needed for water
drogen production a viable and scalable solution for the future electrolysis. By integrating renewable energy sources like solar
energy landscape. or wind power and repurposing byproducts, the process aims to
achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. | August 2024 43

Articles Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
• Biochar Powers Water Electrolyzer, Reduces Energy Demand Hydrogen as Future Energy Generation
The UIC team’s approach utilizes biochar, a carbon-rich As previously mentioned, hydrogen energy has the ability
material derived from agricultural waste, to power a water elec- to act as an energy carrier, and both developed and developing
trolyzer. This process splits water molecules into hydrogen and nations now recognize the importance of this energy source
oxygen, traditionally requiring substantial energy input. How- for achieving global sustainable growth. By 2050, the globe is
ever, the researchers achieved a remarkable 600% reduction in expected to need between 600 and 1000 EJ of primary power,
energy consumption by incorporating biochar. according to research. In emerging nations, where a high need
This breakthrough, published in the Cell Reports Physical for power is present for economic development and poverty re-
Science journal, opens the door to large-scale, eco-conscious duction, energy demands are anticipated to rise even more. Fos-
hydrogen production, potentially revolutionizing the energy sil fuels, which, at the current pace of usage, are expected to run
sector. out in roughly 50 years, nevertheless make up the majority of
Biochar: A Key Ingredient for Energy Efficiency the world's primary energy mix. Most people consider hydrogen
Traditional electrolysis requires significant electricity, often and fuel cells to be crucial technologies for a future source of
generated from fossil fuels. By introducing biochar made from sustainable energy.
agricultural waste and animal manure, the UIC team has sig-
nificantly reduced the power requirement. In their experiments,
biochar from cow dung proved most effective, cutting the ener- “ For the total energy demand, it is pre-
gy need to just one-fifth of a volt.
dicted that RS shares of 36% by 2025
and 69% by 2050 might lead to an in-
“ The process is efficient enough to be pow- crease in hydrogen shares of 11% by
ered by a single silicon solar cell, producing 2025 and 34% by 2050 ”
hydrogen with 35% conversion efficiency-a
world record. The reaction’s byproduct, Fuel cells can be used to convert hydrogen into electrical ener-
carbon dioxide, can be captured for indus- gy, which can then be transferred and stored. Depending on the
trial use, offering further environmental and energy source used to produce it, hydrogen is environmentally
economic benefits ” beneficial; for example, when hydrogen is produced from water,
it oxidizes back into water. There are several reasons why hydro-
gen is a suitable and logical choice as a chemical fuel to replace
This breakthrough not only presents a cost-effective way fossil fuels.
to produce hydrogen but also provides farmers with a poten-
tial new revenue stream, fostering self-sustainability. Orochem
Technologies Inc., the research sponsor, is seeking patents for
this technology, and large-scale testing is planned. | August 2024 44

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Energy News Brief Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

Masdar acquires $887m of solar assets from Spain’s Endesa

Masdar, a leading UAE-based energy company, has
signed a deal to acquire a 49.99% stake in Endesa's 2.5GW
renewable energy portfolio in Spain, valued at €1.7bn
($1.8bn). The acquisition, which includes 48 operational
solar plants with a combined capacity of 2GW, is one of the
largest renewable energy transactions in Spain. The deal was
supported by acquisition financing from a consortium of
banks, including BNPP, Santander, and Intesa. The solar
projects are expected to contribute significantly to Spain's
National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) and the EU's
goal of reaching net zero by 2050. Masdar and Endesa have
also signed a memorandum of understanding to explore po-
tential joint renewable energy projects in Spain. The deal
strengthens Masdar's European presence, following its ac-
quisition of a 67% stake in Terna Energy in June 2024.

GB Energy partners with Crown Estate to drive “£60bn in investment” in

energy sector
The UK Government has announced a partnership between GB
Energy and the Crown Estate to boost renewable energy capacity
and ensure energy security. The agreement will leverage the Crown
Estate's experience in wind farms, while GB Energy will bring the
state's heft to set out supportive industrial policy. The partnership
will see the public sector taking on a new role in early development
work for offshore wind projects, lowering risk for developers and
speeding up development processes. The Crown Estate, which
owns the majority of the UK's seabed, will provide long-established
expertise to the partnership. The partnership aims to drive up to
£60 billion in investment into the energy sector, turbocharging the
country toward energy security, the next generation of skilled jobs,
and lowering bills for families and businesses.

China adds 102.48GW of solar capacity in first half of 2024

China has increased its solar power generating capacity

by 102.48GW between January and June 2024, marking a
30.68% year-on-year growth. However, Wang Bohua, honor-
ary chairman of the China PV Industry Association, predicts
the total installed capacity to be between 190GW and 220GW.
The General Administration of Customs of China reported a
35.07% drop in the export value of China's PV materials from
2023 to $18.98bn. Despite this, China remains a world leader
in the global solar market, accounting for more than half of the
371.7GW of global solar capacity added last year. China's cu-
mulative solar capacity stood at 609.5GW, followed by the US,
Japan, and India. China's wind energy market also saw an 8%
increase, with total solar and wind capacity reaching 758GW
in Q1 2024. | August 2024 48

Energy News Brief Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

DTEK’s DRI acquires 133MW battery storage in Trzebinia, Poland

DTEK, a leading renewable energy company, has acquired

a 133MW battery storage project in Trzebinia, Poland, in line
with its strategic goal to develop 1GW of renewable energy and
storage capacity in Poland by 2030. The project, which DRI
acquired in March 2024, is expected to commence construction
in the second half of 2022 and be operational by January 2027.
DRI is also developing six additional solar and onshore wind
projects across Italy, Romania, and Croatia. The upcoming
Văcărești solar park, set to begin construction in autumn 2024,
is expected to generate 205.8 GWh of electricity, boosting
DRI's renewable portfolio in Romania to 239MW. DRI CEO
John Stuart emphasized the importance of investing in Roma-
nia's renewable energy potential and signed a memorandum
of agreement with GE Vernova in June 2024 to develop wind
power generation projects in Ukraine and the European Union.

Clearway signs PPA with Puget Sound Energy for Haymaker wind farm

US-based Clearway Energy Group has secured a 25-year power

purchase agreement (PPA) with Puget Sound Energy (PSE) for
wind energy from the Haymaker wind farm in Montana. The fa-
cility, with a planned capacity of 315MW, is under development
in Wheatland and Meagher counties. The Haymaker wind farm
will generate enough electricity to power 116,000 homes annu-
ally. Clearway Origination senior vice-president Valerie Wooley
expressed pride in partnering with Puget Sound Energy in deliv-
ering low-cost clean energy and supporting their renewable ener-
gy goals. The project is expected to deliver millions in payments
to landowners and contribute $100m in property tax revenue
throughout its lifespan. The construction phase, set to com-
mence in 2026, will create hundreds of union jobs and a perma-
nent local workforce for operation and maintenance. The project
is expected to come online by 2028.

Elda River joins Spearmint Energy $200m funding for BESS development
Spearmint Energy, a renewable energy company, has announced
that Elda River Capital Management will join its $200m enhanced
credit facility alongside Nuveen's Energy Infrastructure Credit
team and Aiga Capital Partners. The loan is intended to support
the development and operation of Spearmint's 4.1GW portfolio of
battery energy storage systems (BESS) assets, including over 1GW
of projects nearing construction in Texas. The $200m term loan was
initially processed in June 2023 with Aiga, and Nuveen joined in
December 2023 as a co-anchor to provide debt and structured equi-
ty solutions. Spearmint Energy's chief financial officer, Cory Mag-
nuson, expressed confidence in Elda River's ability to contribute to
a greener future through battery energy storage. The company has
over 20 projects, totaling over ten gigawatt-hours of capacity across
four US regions. | August 2024 49

Energy News Brief Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

TotalEnergies acquires stake in OranjeWind offshore wind farm

TotalEnergies has partnered with German renewable developer
RWE to acquire a 50% stake in OranjeWind, a 795 MW offshore
wind farm in the Netherlands. TotalEnergies will use the renewable
electricity produced from the project to power 350 MW electrolyser
projects, which will produce around 40,000 tpy of green hydrogen
for the decarbonisation of TotalEnergies' refineries in Northern Eu-
rope. The project aims to reduce TotalEnergies' carbon emissions by
around 5 million tpy by 2030. TotalEnergies will allocate its share in
OranjeWind to produce electricity to generate green hydrogen via
electrolysis, avoiding approximately 400,000 tpy of carbon dioxide
emissions. The project is a milestone towards TotalEnergies' goal
of a 40% reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions linked directly
to its oil and gas operations by 2030. The wind farm is scheduled
to start in 2026, with full commissioning expected in early 2028.
TotalEnergies CEO Sven Utermöhlen expressed delight in working
with RWE on the project, highlighting their pioneering role in the
energy transition in Europe.

Siemens Energy wins contract for large scale hydrogen project from EWE

Siemens Energy has been awarded a contract to supply a 280-

MW electrolysis system by German utility EWE, which is part of
EWE's large-scale hydrogen project 'Clean Hydrogen Coastline'.
The plant, expected to operate in 2027, will provide up to 26,000
tpy of green hydrogen for various industrial applications in the
region. The electrolyser, which represents the core of the Emden
hydrogen production plant, has an average power consumption
of 320 MW over its lifetime. The project is classified as a strate-
gic funding measure, an IPCEI project. EWE CEO Stefan Dohler
emphasized the importance of regional and national value creation
in the project. The electrolyser from Siemens Energy is based on
PEM technology, suitable for operation with renewable energies
due to its flexible ramp-up times.

Iberdrola adds two Portuguese PV plants

Iberdrola has completed the construction of Montechoro I

and II photovoltaic plants in the Algarve region of southern Por-
tugal, contributing to the country's renewable energy production
capacity. The projects, awarded in 2019, have a total installed
capacity of 37 MW and an annual production capacity of 56.84
GWh. The construction has generated around 200 jobs and pro-
moted the local economy. The completion of these plants marks a
significant milestone in Portugal's path to decarbonisation, rein-
forcing renewable energy production capacity and contributing
to socio-economic development. Iberdrola is also investing in en-
vironmental conservation measures, such as preserving the Gruta
Pequena do Escarpão and creating habitats for reptiles, mammals,
amphibians, and birds. | August 2024 50

Energy News Brief Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

Trinasolar and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid join forces on solar

technologies research
Trinasolar, a global leader in smart PV technology and
energy storage solutions, has signed a long-term collabora-
tion agreement with the Institute of Solar Energy at Uni-
versidad Politécnica de Madrid (IES-UPM). The agreement,
signed on 26 June 2024, aims to advance research in pho-
tovoltaic sciences and technologies, focusing on areas such
as solar panel efficiency, solar tracker resilience, and improv-
ing solar energy management. Trinasolar, with 27 years of
experience in solar, has allocated US$768 million to R&D
in 2023, a 19.7% increase from 2022. The agreement also
includes the establishment of a state-of-the-art training cen-
ter at IES-UPM, providing the latest solar products and sys-
tems. The collaboration is Trinasolar's first in conjunction
with a university in Spain, aiming to support solar energy
development in the region.

Jan De Nul wins Taiwanese cable contract

Jan De Nul Group has signed a preferred supplier agreement

with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) for the installation
of 90 km of subsea high-voltage export cables for the Fengmiao I
wind farm in Taiwan. The cables will bring wind energy generated
at the farm ashore, providing power for half a million households.
Fengmiao I, part of the larger Fengmiao wind project, has a capac-
ity of 500 MW and is located 35 km off the coast of Taichung. Jan
De Nul Group will connect the offshore substation of Fengmiao I
to the onshore grid via two AC high-voltage cables, which will be
transported and installed by its cable-laying vessel Willem de Vlam-
ingh. The cables, which weigh over 8000 tonnes, have lengths of
45 km and 44 km and weigh over 8000 tons. Jan De Nul Group
is committed to the energy transition and is committed to green

Rovco awarded contact for Green Volt

Rovco has been awarded site characterisation operations

for the Green Volt floating offshore wind farm, located 80
km east of Peterhead, Scotland, set to be operational by
2029. This project, developed by Flotation Energy and Vår-
grønn, will feature up to 35 floating turbines, reducing CO2
emissions by 1 million tpy and generating 1.5 TWh of clean
energy annually. With a capacity of 560 MW, Green Volt
aims to electrify several oil and gas platforms in the Outer
Moray Firth and enhance the local supply chain, preserving
jobs in the sector. Rovco will conduct geophysical surveys
using the Glomar Supporter vessel, starting in July 2024, to
inform anchor design for the turbines, marking a significant
step in offshore wind development in the UK. | August 2024 51

Global Energy Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

Global Energy Events

2024 Intersolar North America and Energy Storage North America
Date: From 16 to 19 Jan 2024
Location: San Diego Convention Center 111
Harbor Dr.San Diego, CA 92101
Intersolar North America and Energy Storage North America
highlight the latest energy technologies, services, companies,
and organizations striving to create a positive impact on
climate change and support our planet’s transition into a more
sustainable energy future.


Electrical Energy Storage and

Technologies Conference

Date: From29 to 30 Jan 2024

Location: San Diego San Diego, US
EESAT has been the leading technical forum for showcasing advancements
in energy storage technologies and applications since 2000. It is currently
sponsored by the IEEE Energy Storage and Stationary Battery (ESSB)

Hydrogen Live 2024

Date: From 7 to 8 February 2024

Location: Titanic Hotel, Rum Warehouse, Liverpool United Kingdom
Foresight Hydrogen Live 2024 is a premier event focusing on
the hydrogen value chain. Taken place on February 7 and 8 at
the Titanic Hotel in Liverpool, it offers a valuable opportunity
for industry leaders, innovators, policymakers, and investors to
collaborate and influence the future of hydrogen.
Registeration: | August 2024 53

Global Energy Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

Egypt Energy Show

Date: From 19 to 21 February 2024

Location: Cairo
The EGYPES 2024 Conferences help shape the
future energy agenda to unlock the potential of the
energy transition and drive sustainable production
and climate-conscious practices. The EGYPES
strategic dialogue focuses on the need for a new
global energy system that reduces reliance on single
energy sources and supports supply and demand
cycles globally.


Go Hydrogen Business
Summit 2024

Date: From 21 to 22 February 2024

Location: Antwerp Belgium
Go Hydrogen is a business summit focused on
practicality, covering important projects, produc-
tion, and emerging technologies in the hydrogen
economy. The summit aims to provide a meeting
platform for project owners and off-taker companies
to network and conduct business together.

Wind Energy Asia 2024

Date:From 6 to 8 March 2024

Location: Taiwan
Wind Energy Asia is the only wind industry
focused tradeshow in Taiwan. Thanks to its
knowledge and vast connections into the lo-
cal supply chain, allied with its international
reputation, Wind Energy Asia provides great
business opportunities by gathering interna-
tional and local players on the best network-
ing platform for the wind industry in Taiwan.
Website: | August 2024 54

Global Energy Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

Waterpower Week

Date: From 13 to 15 March 2024

Location: Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C.

Waterpower Week 2024 has support

opportunities that fit the needs of your
budget and will help you surpass your
company’s marketing goals.


International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable

Energy (ICRESE-2024)

Date: From 25 to 27 March 2024

Location: Paris, France
The conference offers a dynamic
blend of expert keynotes, interactive
workshops, unparalleled networking
opportunities and fostering collabora-
tions that will shape the course of Re-
newable Energy and Sustainable Ener-
gy technology.


26th World Energy Congress

Date:From 22 to 25 April 2024

Location: Rotterdam Ahoy, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

The 26th World Energy Congress was a

critical turning point for leadership on clean
and inclusive energy transitions worldwide
and an opportunity to spring forward in re-
designing energy for people and the planet.

Registeration: | August 2024 55

Global Energy Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

Solar & Storage Live Story

Date: From 1 to 2 May 2024

Location: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
Solar & Storage Live is the world’s larg-
est series of trade shows and conferences
organised globally by Terrapinn Limited in
the UK, USA, South Africa, Egypt, Saudi
Arabia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet-
nam etc..., and coming to Brisbane, Aus-
tralia in May 2024.


CLEANPOWER 2024 Conference & Exhibition

Date: From 6 to 9 May 2024

Location: Minneapolis, MN | Minneapolis Convention Center

CLEANPOWER® is the clean energy

industry’s premier event, bringing policy
leaders, industry experts, and major play-
ers together for a week of learning, net-
working and innovation.


Future Energy Asia

Date: From 15 - 17 May 2024

Location: In Asia
In 2024, Future Energy Asia will host inter-
national ministers, Energy CEOs, policymakers,
and technical experts to analyze energy trends,
drive innovations for the transition to net zero,
and build partnerships for accessible, secure, and
affordable energy for all.
Registeration: | August 2024 56

Global Energy Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

PV ModuleTech USA

Date:From 21 to 22 May 2024

Location:Napa, USA
This event will address the module landscape
that is expected to unfold for U.S. buyers in the
coming years; in particular new domestic man-
ufacturing. Special attention will be given to the
module offerings, full value-chain traceability
and the financial health of the companies cur-
rently supplying the market.

Energy Powering Opportunity

Date:From 11 to 13 June 2024

Location: BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada
The Global Energy Show Canada is the
largest B2B exhibition and conference
engaging with industry buyers and sellers,
CEOs ,young professionals ,stakeholders
and partners together to share knowledge
and fuel innovation in the ever-changing
energy landscape.

Hydrovision International

Date: From 15 to 18 July 2024

Location: Denver, Colorado, USA | Colorado Convention Center
The conference and exhibit provide an unpar-
alleled platform for learning and procurement
that addresses every facet of hydropower, span-
ning Operations and Maintenance, Environmen-
tal Issues and Water Management, Equipment
and Technology, Industry Trends and Analysis,
and New Development.
Registeration: | August 2024 57

Global Energy Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

2024 World Battery & Energy Storage Industry Expo (WBE 2024)

Date: From 8 to 10 August 2024

Location: Guangzhou, China
WBE has developed into a professional exhi-
bition with the largest number of exhibitors in
battery enterprises and the highest participation
of professional visitors and foreign buyers. Re-
lying on its worldwide influence and thousands
of overseas buyers.


ICBR 2024 International Congress for Battery Recycling

Date:From 10 Sep to 12 Sep 2024

Location: Basel, Switzerland
ICBR 2024 is the global platform for address-
ing challenges in the battery recycling industry.
For 29 years, ICBR has united experts and de-
cision makers from the entire battery recycling
value chain, including recyclers, manufacturers,
collection organizations, OEM’s, policymakers,
materials and services providers, and more.


WindEnergy Hamburg 2024

Date: From 24 to 27 September 2024
Location: Hamburg, Germany
WindEnergy Hamburg is one of the world’s biggest
and most important wind business platforms for
exchanging news and views, building networks and
closing major deals. National and international wind
industry associations cooperate with WindEnergy
Hamburg and encourage their members to attend.

Registeration: | August 2024 58

Global Energy Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine

The Energy Event of Finland

Date: From 22 to 24 October 2024
Location: Tampere
The largest energy event in Finland brings together
energy production, power transmission and storing,
energy users, environmental and circular economy
and real estate decision makers under the same roof
in October. The event will showcase sustainable,
smart, productive, and modern solutions to the
energy transition.


HYDRO 2024

Date: From 18 to 20 November 2024

Location: Messe Congress Graz (MCG), Austria

The HYDRO 2024 Technical Exhibition will

showcase the most active and innovative companies
in the hydropower and dams industry worldwide.
Click on the button below to see the latest list of
exhibitors, or to book a stand.


6th Annual International Summit and Exhibition Balkan’s Power

Date:From 4 to 5 December 2024

Location:Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

6th Annual International Summit and Exhibition: Balkan’s Power is a professional platform, bringing
together chief ministers, major investors, decision-makers of the leading hydro, wind and solar power
plants and investment project initiators, as well as regulators, to consolidate efforts focused on efficient
implementation of key projects for the construction and reconstruction of power plants across Balkan

Registeration: | August 2024 59

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