Unit 6

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Lesson 1: Getting started – Heritage sites in Vietnam

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain an overview about the topic Preserving our heritage;
- Gain vocabulary to talk about how to preserve our heritage;
- Get to know the language aspects: To-infinitives clauses.
2. Competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Familiarize with the ways to keep fit and stay healthy;
- Develop self-study skills.

- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 6, Getting started
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- Phần mềm tương tác hoclieu.vn

Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning

1. landscape (n) /ˈlændskeɪp/ everything you can see when you look Phong cảnh
across a large area of land, especially
in the country

2. monument /ˈmɒnjumənt/ a building, column, statue, etc. built to Công trình

(n) remind people of a famous person or tưởng niệm

3. architecture /ˈɑːkɪtektʃə(r)/ the design or style of a building or Kiến trúc

(n) buildings

4. urban (adj) /ˈɜːbən/ connected with a town or city Đô thị

5. promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/ to help something to happen or Đẩy mạnh,

develop phát triển

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

- Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups

Students are reluctant to work in
so that they can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.

- Explain expectations for each task in detail.

- Continue to explain task expectations in small
chunks (before every activity).
Students may lack vocabulary to
- Provide vocabulary and useful language before
deliver a speech
assigning tasks
- Encourage students to work in groups so that they
can help each other.

1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic of heritage sites;
- To set the context for the listening and reading part;
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates.
b. Content:
- Game: Name the places.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can name some famous destinations in Vietnam.
d. Organisation


GAME: NAME THE PLACES Suggested pictures:
- Ss work in 2 groups. 1. Tam Chuc Pagoda
- Teacher shows pictures on the screen and Ss have to 2. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex.
say BINGO to grasp the chance to answer where it is. 3. Hoi An Ancient Town
- One point for each correct answer. 4. Mekong River Delta
- The group which gains most points is the winner of the 5. Thang Long Imperial Citadel
e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the groups and give feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To get students learn vocabulary related to the topic.
b. Content:
- Pre-teach vocabulary related to the content of the dialogue.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can use key language more appropriately before they read.
d. Organisation


Vocabulary pre-teaching New words:

- Teacher introduces the vocabulary.
- Teacher explains the meaning of the new vocabulary 1. landscape (n)
by pictures. 2. monument (n)
- Teacher checks students’ understanding with the “Rub 3. architecture (n)
out and remember” technique. 4. urban (adj)
- Teacher reveals that these five words will appear in the 5. promote (v)
reading text and asks students to open their textbook to
discover further.
e. Assessment
- Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives feedback.
- Teacher observes Ss’ writing of vocabulary on their notebooks.

3. ACTIVITY 2: PRACTICE (20 mins)

a. Objectives:
- To help students get to know the topic.
- To introduce words and phrases related to heritage sites.
- To help Ss identify the To-infinitives clauses.
b. Content:
- Task 1. Listen and read (p.66)
- Task 2. Where can we do the following? Write T for Trang An, H for Hoi An and M for
Mekong River Delta. (p.67)
- Task 3. Match the words to make phrases used in Task 1 (p.67)
- Task 4. Complete the sentences, using phrases from Task 1. (p.67)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can thoroughly understand the content of the text and complete the tasks
d. Organisation


Task 1. Listen and read. (5 mins)

- Teacher puts Ss in groups. Draw a mind map on
the board and write Heritage in the middle. Elicit
some sub-categories of the topic, e.g. traditions,
buildings, literature, natural sites, and write them
on the branches of the mind map. Have groups
brainstorm words related to each one, e.g.
traditions: festivals, dance, performances, and
- Call on some groups to write their words in the
mind map on the board.
- Teacher introduces the context of the
conversation (A group of international students,
including Peter and Anna, are discussing the
destinations for their upcoming field trip).
- Teacher plays the recording twice for Ss to listen
and read along. Have Ss underline words / phrases
related to the topic.
- Teacher puts Ss in pairs and asks them to
compare the words and phrases they have
underlined and discuss their meaning. Then check
comprehension as a class.
- Teacher calls on three Ss to read the
conversation aloud.

Task 2. Where can we do the following? Write T for Trang An, H for Hoi An and M for Mekong
River Delta. (5 mins)
- Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs and read the
activities carefully. Tell them to write T for Trang Answer key:
An, H for Hoi An and M for Mekong River Delta 1. T
in the appropriate boxes 2. T
3. H
- Teacher has Ss share their answers with the
4. M
class. Encourage them to provide evidence from
the conversation for their answers.
- In stronger classes, ask Ss some additional
questions to elaborate on the topic, e.g: Have you
ever been to those places? What did you do
- Teacher confirms the correct answers.

Task 3. Match the words to make phrases used in Task 1 (5 mins)

- Teacher checks Ss’ understanding of the
individual words (adjectives in column A and Answer key:
nouns in column B). Note that the meaning of one 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a
adjective in A may fit several nouns in B but they
do not “collocate” with each other, so ask Ss to
find the collocations in the conversation to work
out the answers.
- Teacher has Ss read the conversation quickly,
find and underline the phrases,.
- Then teacher asks Ss to do the matching.
- Check answers as a class.
- Teacher writes the adjectives on the board and
calls on individual Ss to write the correct noun
next to each adjective. Alternatively, ask one
student to read an adjective and another student to
say the noun that goes with it.

Task 4. Complete the sentences, using phrases from Task 1. (5 mins)

- Teacher has Ss read each incomplete sentence.
Check understanding and elicit the clause that they Answer key:
need to use to fill in the gaps. 1. to be recognized as a mixed heritage by
- Teacher asks Ss to find the clauses in the UNESCO
conversation and fill in the gaps. 2. to enjoy beautiful landscape
3. to learn about Vietnamese history
- Teacher checks answers as a class. Call on 4. to promote Don ca Tai Tu to wider
individual Ss to read the complete sentences. audience

e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To help Ss practice speaking skills;
- To help Ss memorize the information about heritage sites in Vietnam that they have learnt
in the lesson.
b. Content:
- Role play
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can give a short introduction about heritage sites in Vietnam.
d. Organisation


Task 5. Role play

- Teacher asks Ss to work in 3 groups. Each group will Students’ own creativity.
come from one place: Trang An (Ninh Binh), Hoi An
(Quang Nam), Mekong River Delta.
- Each group has to prepare an introduction about their
home land (Where is it? What is the most special thing
about their home land? What can visitors do there?)
- Ss have 3 minutes to prepare for the role play.
- Teacher invites one representative from each group to
come to the stage and make a short presentation.
- Teacher asks other groups to listen and give
- Teacher gives feedback and give marks to the best
e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.

a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.

b. Homework
- Write a short paragraph about how to keep fit and stay healthy.
- Prepare for the project in Lesson 8

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 1: Preserving our heritages
Lesson 1: Getting started

* Vocabulary
1. landscape (n)
2. monument (n)
3. architecture (n)
4. urban (adj)
5. promote (v)

- Task 1. Listen and read (p.66)

- Task 2. Where can we do the following? Write T for Trang An, H for Hoi An and M
for Mekong River Delta. (p.67)
- Task 3. Match the words to make phrases used in Task 1 (p.67)
- Task 4. Complete the sentences, using phrases from Task 1. (p.67)
- Task 5: Role play

Lesson 2: Language

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Use the lexical items related to the topic Preserving our heritage;
- Revise intonation in statements, commands and lists;
- Review and practise the use of to-infinitive clauses.
2. Core competence
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work;
- Access and consolidate information from a variety of sources;
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Personal qualities
- Be ready to have a healthy lifestyle;
- Develop self-study skills.

- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 6, Language
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- Phần mềm tương tác hoclieu.vn

Language analysis

A to-infinitive clause can be used:

1. to express purpose E.g: He studied hard to pass the exam.
I bought some souvenirs to give to my
2. to modify a noun or noun phrase that E.g. Ethan is usually the last person to
contain ordinal numbers (the first, the understand the joke.
second, etc.), superlatives (the best, the
most beautiful, etc.) and next, last, and only.

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

- Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups

Students are reluctant to work in so that they can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.
- Explain expectations for each task in detail.
- Continue to explain task expectations in small
chunks (before every activity).
Students may lack vocabulary to
deliver a speech - Provide vocabulary and useful language before
assigning tasks
- Encourage students to work in groups so that they
can help each other.

1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic of heritage sites;
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates.
b. Content:
- Watch a video and name the destinations and cultural heritage of Vietnam that you see in
the video.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can listen and find out some destinations and cultural heritage from the video clip.
d. Organisation


Watch a video Suggested answers:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDsjiWWwG80 - Complex of Huế Monuments
- Ss work in 4 groups. Each group is given a big-sized - Hội An Ancient Town
piece of paper and markers. - Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary
- Ss watch the video once and list out name the - Hạ Long Bay
destinations and cultural heritage of Vietnam that they - Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng National Park
see in the video. - Imperial Citadel of Thăng Long
- Tràng An Scenic Landscape Complex
- All teams stick the paper on the boards.
- Space of Gong Culture - Không gian văn
- Teacher checks answers of each group. hoá Cồng chiêng Tây Nguyên
- The group that has the most correct answers is the - Vietnamese Court Music - Nhã Nhạc Cung
winner. Đình Huế
- Folk Songs - Quan họ Bắc Ninh
- Ca Tru Singing
- Art of Đờn ca tài tử music and song in
southern Vietnam
- Practices related to Viet beliefs in the
Mother Goddesses of Three Realms - Tín
ngưỡng thờ Mẫu Tam Phủ

e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the groups and give feedback.
a. Objectives:
- To help Ss revise intonation in statements, commands and lists;
- To help Ss practise intonation in statements, commands and lists.
b. Content:
- Task 1: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the falling intonation and level-rising intonation
in the following sentences. (p.67)
- Task 2: Listen and mark the intonation in these sentences, using falling intonation or level-
rising intonation. Then practise saying them in pairs. (p.68)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can put correct intonation in statements, commands and lists.
d. Organisation


Task 1: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the falling intonation and level-rising intonation in the
following sentences. (5 mins)
- Teacher plays the recording and asks Ss to listen and Audio script – Track 45:
repeat after each sentence, paying attention to intonation 1. Our class is going on a field trip
in the sentences. Play the recording as many times as next week. ↘
necessary. 2. Put your rubbish in the bin! ↘
3. You can see beautiful caves ↗,
- Focus attention on the way the intonation patterns are green valleys ↗, and mountains. ↘
used (We usually use a falling intonation at the end of
statements and commands. When listing things, we
slightly raise our voice on each item (level-rising) and
lower our voice on the last item to show that the list is
- Teacher puts Ss into pairs and has them practise
reading the sentences to each other as naturally as they

Task 2: Listen and mark the intonation in these sentences, using falling intonation or level-rising
intonation. Then practise saying them in pairs. (7 mins)
- Teacher puts Ss into pairs and has them read out the Answer key:
sentences to each other as naturally as possible. 1. Hoi An Ancient Town became a
- Teacher reminds Ss to raise or lower their voice at the world heritage site in 1999 ➘.
right words. 2. Please turn on the light ➘. It’s dark
in here. ➘
- Teacher has Ss mark the changes in intonation in the 3. Cultural heritage may include
sentences individually. temples ➚, pagodas ➚ and
- Teacher has Ss compare their answers in pairs. Check monuments. ➘
answers as a class. 4. Tourists can enjoy live music
performances in the pedestrian
- Teacher puts Ss in pairs again and has them practise streets in ➘ Hanoi.
reading the sentences to each other.

e. Assessment
- Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives feedback.
- Students in class listen and give feedback on their friends’ performance.


a. Objectives:
- To help Ss understand the meanings of the words / phrases that have been introduced in
Getting Started or will be encountered in the unit.
- To help Ss practise the words in meaningful contexts.
b. Content:
- Task 1: Match the words with their meanings (p.68)
- Task 2. Complete the sentences using the words in Task 1 (p.68)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students understand the meaning of words, memorise them and are able to use them in
meaningful context.
d. Organisation


Task 1. Match the words with their meanings (6 mins)

- Teacher has Ss work independently or in pairs. Answer key:
- Teacher asks them to read the words and phrases carefully 1. d
and match them to their meanings. 2. a
3. e
- Teacher checks answers as a class. Call on one student to 4. b
read aloud a word / phrase and another student to read its 5. c

Task 2. Complete the sentences using the words in Task 1 (6 mins)

- Teacher has Ss work in pairs. Tell them to read the sentences
carefully to decide which word / phrase in 1 can be used to Answer key:
complete each of the sentences. Explain that they can use the 1. historical
context clues to help them decide on the word / phrase. 2. historic
3. restore
- Teacher checks answers as a class. Ask individual Ss to call
4. preserve
out the word / phrase they have used in each sentence first.
5. folk
- Teacher confirms the correct answers. Ask Ss to give reasons
why they have chosen the word / phrase for each sentence
(based on the context clues), e.g. The first sentence needs an
adjective and the context (novels set in World War Two)
suggests “historical” is the best choice here.
- Teacher asks some Ss to read the complete sentences.
Extension: Divide Ss into two teams. Have each team come
up with a sentence with each of the target words. Have teams
take turns reading out their sentences while a student from the
other team race to write it down on the board. Give a time
limit of 20 seconds for each sentence. Check all the sentences
at the end. The winner is the team with five correct sentences
or most correct words.

e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.

4. ACTIVITY 3: GRAMMAR (13 mins)

a. Objectives:
- To help Ss understand the use of to-infinitive clauses;
- To help Ss practise the use of to-infinitive clauses.
b. Content:
- Task 1. Combine the sentences using to-infinitive clauses (p.68)
- Task 2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about heritage sites of traditions, using to-
infinitive clauses. (p.68)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students know how to use To-infinitive clauses and can apply it to make a conversation on
the given topic.
d. Organisation


Task 1. Combine the sentences using to-infinitive clauses (6 mins)
- Teacher tells Ss to look at the Remember! box and Answer key:
introduces the use of a to-infinitive clause. 1. Lan went to Hue to see the
monuments there.
- In stronger classes, explain that a to-infinitive clause can be
2. Minh created a website to give more
used in other structures and have other functions, but this
information about local historic sites to
unit only focuses on two uses: to express purpose and to visitors.
modify a noun or noun phrase. 3. Peter took a boat trip around the
- Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs or individually to combine floating market to listen to Cai Luong
the sentences. there.
4. My sister opened a small shop behind
- Teacher calls on some Ss to write the sentences on the the museum to sell postcards and
board. souvenirs to tourists.

- Teacher checks answers as a class and confirms the correct


Task 2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about heritage sites of traditions, using to-
infinitive clauses. (7 mins)
- Teacher asks Ss to work independently and rewrite the Suggested answer:
sentences replacing underlined relative clauses with to- 1. The only thing to see at the Citadel of
infinitive clauses. the Ho Dynasty is the stone walls.
2. The Complex of Hue Monuments was
- Teacher has Ss work in pairs to compare answers.
the first site in Viet Nam to be
- Teacher checks answers as a class. Confirm the correct recognised as a World Heritage Site by
answers. UNESCO.
3. Bao Dai was the last king of the
Extension: For stronger classes, T may introduce more uses Nguyen Dynasty to rule Viet Nam.
of to-infinitive clauses and assign Ss more exercise for them 4. My brother is the youngest person to
to practice. Common uses of to-infinitive clause may win a folk song competition.
include: to-infinitive as a subject of a sentence e.g. To learn
English well is not always difficult; to-infinitive clause with
question words e.g. My mom asked me how to use the
mobile phone; to infinitive clause with adjectives e.g. It’s
important for the teacher to explain the rules of the game. .

e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.

a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.

b. Homework
- Do exercises on workbook.
- Prepare for Lesson 3. Reading.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 1: Preserving heritage sites
Lesson 2: Language
Watch a video
* Pronunciation
- Task 1: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the falling intonation and level-rising
intonation in the following sentences.
- Task 2: Listen and mark the intonation in these sentences, using falling intonation or
level-rising intonation. Then practise saying them in pairs.
* Vocabulary
- Task 1: Match the words with their meanings
- Task 2. Complete the sentences using the words in Task 1
* Grammar
- Task 1. Combine the sentences using to-infinitive clauses
- Task 2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about heritage sites of traditions,
using to-infinitive clauses.
Lesson 3: Reading – Teenagers’ ideas for preserving heritage

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Develop reading skills for general ideas and for specific information about how to
protect our heritage.
2. Competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- Develop presentation skills;
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Personal qualities
- Acknowledge and be able to apply the ideas mentioned in the reading text to protect the
- Develop self-study skills.

- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 6, Reading
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- Phần mềm tương tác hoclieu.vn

Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning

1. appreciate (v) /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ to recognize the good qualities of Trân trọng


2. challenge (n) /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ an invitation or a suggestion to Thử thách

somebody that they should enter a
competition, fight, etc.

3. trending (adj) /ˈtrendɪŋ/ being discussed a lot on social media Theo xu


4. entry (n) /ˈentri/ something that you do, write or make Bài dự thi
to take part in a competition, for
example answering a set of questions
5. keen (adj) /kiːn/ [usually before noun] strong or deep Mạnh mẽ,
sâu sắc

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may lack knowledge Provide students with the meaning and
about some lexical items. pronunciation of words.

- Let students read the text again (if necessary).

- Create a comfortable and encouraging
2. Students may have
environment for students to speak.
underdeveloped reading, speaking
- Encourage students to work in pairs, in groups so
and co-operating skills.
that they can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.

1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic of heritage site;
- To set the context for the reading part;
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates.
b. Content:
- Brainstorming: What can we do to protect our heritage?
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can find out as many as ideas as possible to protect the heritage.
d. Organisation


BRAINSTORMING Suggested ideas
- Teacher divides the class into 4 groups. - Organize nature walks/excursions to local parks,
- Teacher gives each group a big piece of paper. areas of bio-diversity
Ask them to work in groups and write down as - Organize site visits to museums, interpretation
many ideas as possible for the questions: What centres, and archaeological sites
can we do to protect our heritage? - Organize essay competitions on literature (in
- Students have 3 minutes to discuss and write. English and local languages)
- All groups stick their paper on the board. - Carry out small research projects for students
- Teacher checks the answers. that can be put up as mini-exhibitions/bulletin
- The group with the most ideas will be the board displays on heritage.
winner. - Involve students in documenting local living
heritage like festivals, performing arts or
craftsmen and women.
- Establish clubs for heritage debates, quizzes,
discussions and activities like presentations, field
trips and documentation.
- Organizing painting and drawing competitions
for students at built heritage sites
- Clean up the environment, investigate its local
official and oral history.

e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the groups, collect their answers and give feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To get students learn vocabulary related to the topic;
- To activate prior knowledge about the topic and get Ss involved in the lesson.
b. Content:
- Lead students in the reading passage;
- Pre-teach vocabulary related to the content of the reading passage.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can use key language more appropriately before they read.
d. Organisation


Lead-in (4 mins)
- Teacher asks specific questions about one particular
type of heritage: Suggested answers:
Why do people visit heritage sites? - People visit heritage sites to enjoy the
beautiful scenery and learn the cultural
What can we do at heritage sites? values.
What can we learn from them? - At heritage sites, we can go sight-seeing,
participate in cultural activities, meet local
- Teacher tell Ss that there are no right or wrong
answers and encourage Ss to come up with as many people and learn about their traditions.
ideas as possible.
Vocabulary pre-teaching (5 mins)
- Teacher introduces the vocabulary. New words:
- Teacher explains the meaning of the new vocabulary 1. appreciate (v)
by pictures. 2. challenge (n)
- Teacher checks students’ understanding with the “Rub 3. trending (adj)
out and remember” technique. 4. entry (n)
- Teacher reveals that these five words will appear in the 5. keen (adj)
reading text and asks students to open their textbook to
discover further.
e. Assessment
- Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives feedback.
- Teacher observes Ss’ writing of vocabulary on their notebooks.


a. Objectives:
- To help Ss practise guessing the meaning of words from context;
- To develop reading skills for general information;
- To develop reading skills for specific information.
b. Content:
- Task 2. Read the article and circle the correct meanings of the highlighted words and
phrases (p.69)
- Task 3. Read the article again. Match the following headings (1-4) with the appropriate
paragraph (A-C). There is ONE extra heading. (p.70)
- Task 4. Read the article again and decide which paragraph includes the following
information. (p.70)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can thoroughly understand the content of the text and complete the tasks
d. Organisation


Task 2. Read the article and circle the correct meanings of the highlighted words and phrases (6
- Teacher asks Ss to read the whole text once to get an
overall idea, then choose the correct meaning of the Answer key:
highlighted words in the text. 1. A
- Teacher encourages Ss to base their guesses on the context 2. A
in which the words are used rather than looking them up in 3. C
the dictionary. 4. B
- Teacher tells Ss to work in groups to discuss the best
option and compare answers.
- Check answers as a class and confirm the correct one.

Task 3. Read the article again. Match the section (A-C) with the heading (1-5) below. There are
ONE extra heading. (7 mins)
- Teacher asks Ss to read the whole text again and match Answer key:
the headings with the appropriate paragraphs. Note that 1. (Extra heading)
there is one extra heading that Ss may not need to use. 2. C
3. A
- Teacher tells Ss to identify key words in the heading first. 4. B
Remind Ss that the correct heading has to express the idea
of the whole paragraph, not just one detail e.g. Heading 1
(Organising photo competitions of performing artists) only
expresses one detail and the detail does not express the
main idea of any paragraph given.
- Teacher tells Ss to work in pairs to discuss and compare
their answers.
- Teacher checks answers as a class.

Task 4. Read the article again and decide which paragraph includes the following information (7
- Teacher asks Ss to read the text again and decide which
paragraph includes each of the ideas. Answer key:
- Teacher tells Ss to read through the text to locate the 1. B
answers, then read again, this time paying attention only to 2. A
3. B
the parts of the text that contain the answers.
4. C
- Teacher explains that the information in the statements is
paraphrased and make sure Ss understand the vocabulary
and the overall meaning of the statements.
- Teacher has Ss work in pairs or groups to compare
- Teacher checks answers as a class.
Extension: Ask Ss to close their books. Choose three
sentences from the text and write them on the board. Have
Ss read them aloud several times. Then erase two or three
words from each sentence and have Ss say them again,
including the missing words. Erase more words and repeat
until Ss are saying the full sentences from an almost empty

e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To check students’ understanding about the reading passage;
- To help some students enhance presentation skills;
- To help Ss use the ideas and discuss which one is the best to preserve the heritage.
b. Content:
- Elicit the three ideas described in the text, i.e. promoting heritage sites and traditions
through social media, organising events and discussions, and developing the folk arts. Ask
individual Ss to write them on the board.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can use the language and ideas from the unit to suggest three ideas for preserving
d. Organisation


Task 5. Discussion
- Teacher has Ss work in groups. Ask them to discuss
each idea and decide the most effective one to preserve Students’ own ideas.
- Teacher tells Ss that there are no right or wrong
answers and encourage them to explain the reasons for
their choice.
- Teacher invites one or two groups to present a
summary of their discussions to the whole class.
e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.

a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.

b. Homework
- Write a short paragraph about effective methods to live healthily and increase life
- Do exercises on workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson – Speaking.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 6: Preserving our heritage
Lesson 3: Reading – Teenagers’ ideas for preserving heritage
* Lead-in
* Vocabulary
1. appreciate (v)
2. challenge (n)
3. trending (adj)
4. entry (n)
5. keen (adj)
- Task 2. Read the article and circle the correct meanings of the highlighted words and
- Task 3. Read the article again. Match the following headings (1-4) with the
appropriate paragraph (A-C). There is ONE extra heading.
- Task 4. Read the article again and decide which paragraph includes the following
- Task 5: Discussion

Lesson 4: Speaking – Preserving cultural heritage

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain an overview about ways to preserve heritage;
- Memorize vocabulary to discuss ways to preserve heritage.
2. Competences
- Gain some language expressions to talk about ways to preserve heritage;
- Make a conversation about ways to protect local heritage;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- Develop presentation skills;
3. Personal qualities
- Acknowledge and be able to talk about ways to preserve heritage;
- Develop self-study skills;
- Actively join in class activities.

- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 6, Speaking
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- Phần mềm tương tác hoclieu.vn

Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning

1. spread (v) /spred/ to affect or make something affect, be known by,

or be used by more and more people

2. involved (adj) /ɪnˈvɒlvd/ being part of something or connected with


3. cultural /ˈkʌltʃərəl the heritage of tangible and intangible heritage

heritage (n) ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ assets of a group or society that is inherited from
past generations.

4. (to) set up /set ʌp/ to create something or start it

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
Students may lack more vocabulary - Provide vocabulary and useful language before
to deliver a speech. assigning tasks.
- Encourage students to work in groups so that they
can help each other.
- Give short, clear instructions and help if

1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic;
- To set the context for the speaking part;
b. Content:
- Game: Jumble words.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can find the correct words related to the topic of the lesson.
d. Organisation


Game: Jumble words
- Teacher divides class into 2 groups. Suggested words:
- Teacher shows each jumble word on the screen. 1. U/C/O/K/F/I/M/L/S (2 words)
- If a team can answer the word, students raise their 2. R/A/S/W/E/S/E/N/A
hands and say BINGO to get the chance to answer. 3. L/I/O/M/S/E/D/A/C/I/A (2 words)
- If Ss have a correct answer, they get one point for 4. N/E/C/M/I/P/O/T/T/O/I
their team. 5. L/A/E/F/S/I/V/T
- The team with more points will be the winner of the Key:
game. 1. FOLK MUSIC

e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the students’ performance, collect their answers and give feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To get students learn vocabulary related to the topic;
- To activate prior knowledge about the topic and get Ss involved in the lesson.
b. Content:
- Pre-teach vocabulary related to the content of the lesson;
- To introduce more ideas for the main speaking task;
- To introduce a model conversation in which speakers discuss ways to preserve heritage.

c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can use key language more appropriately when they speak;
- Students have an overview on how to talk about ways to preserve heritage.
d. Organisation


Vocabulary pre-teaching (5 mins)

- Teacher introduces the vocabulary. New words:
- Teacher explains the meaning of the new vocabulary 1. spread (v)
with different techniques (pictures, actions, synonyms 2. involved (adj)
…) 3. cultural heritage (n)
- Teacher checks students’ understanding with the 4. (to) set up
“Rub out and remember” technique.
- Teacher asks Ss to take notes on their notebooks.
Task 1. Work in pairs. Match the ways to preserve our heritage with the reason for doing so (4
- Teacher quickly reviews the ways to preserve
heritage described in the Reading lesson by asking the
whole class to give ideas. Answer key:
- Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs and match each way 1. b 2. a 3. d 4.c
with the appropriate reason for doing so.
- Teacher calls on some Ss to give their answers to the
class. Encourage them to give reasons for their
- Teacher checks answers in front of the class as a

Task 2. Complete the conversation with the words and phrase in the box. Then practise it in pairs
(5 mins)
- Teacher keeps Ss working in the same pairs. Ask Answer key:
them to read the conversation and complete it with the 1. D (Let me think)
words and phrases in the box. 2. B (Right)
3. A (Well)
- Teacher explains that the words and phrases in the 4. C (Really)
box are used to keep the conversation going and to Tips for keep a conversation going:
show that you are interested in it and encourage the - Show that you are interested in it and
speaker to continue speaking. encourage the speaker to continue speaking
using words and phrases such as Yeah, Uh
- Teacher checks answers as a class.
huh, OK, Right, I see, Really, Interesting…
- Teacher asks Ss to practise the completed - Show that you have understood and are
conversation in pairs and calls on some pairs to going to speak, use words and phrases such as
practice the conversation aloud in front of the class. .
Well, Let me think, Hold on a minute, That’s
a good question.
e. Assessment
- Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives feedback.
- Teacher observes Ss’ writing of vocabulary on their notebooks.


a. Objectives:
- To give Ss an opportunity to make a similar conversation about ways to protect local
b. Content:
- Task 3. Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation about ways to protect local heritage
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students know how to make a similar conversation about ways to protect local heritage.
d. Organisation


Task 3. Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation about ways to protect local heritage (12 mins)
- Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs to make a similar
conversation as in Task 2.
- Teacher reminds Ss to use the phrases in the Tips, ideas
given in 1 and the model conversation in 2 to make their Suggested answers:
own conversation. Students’ own ideas

- Teacher encourages Ss to choose the other ways to

preserve heritage mentioned in Task 1 to develop their
conversation rather than simply copying the information
from the model conversation.
- Teacher calls on some pairs to role-play their
conversations in front of the class. Praise pairs who use
expressions to show interest and encouragement.

e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To give Ss an opportunity to present ways to preserve their local heritage to the class;
- To help some students enhance presentation skills;
- To practise team working;
- To give students authentic practice in using target language.
b. Content:
- Task 4. Work in groups. Think of a form of cultural heritage (such as a tradition, a festival,
or a form of music) and discuss ways to preserve it. Report your group’s ideas to the whole
class (p.71)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can use the language and ideas from the unit to preserve their local heritage.
d. Organisation


Task 4. Work in groups. Think of a form of cultural heritage (such as a tradition, a festival, or a
form of music) and discuss ways to preserve it. Report your group’s ideas to the whole class.
- Teacher asks Ss to work in groups and think of some local
heritage such as a tradition, festival, form of music or
heritage site and discuss ways to preserve it. Students’ practice.
- Teacher may divide the class into three/four groups and
assign each group an aspect of local heritage so that each
group focus on one topic.
- Teacher encourages Ss to choose a type of heritage they
know about (e.g. one in their city/province/country) and
discuss what they can actually do to help preserve it.
- Teacher calls on some groups to present their ideas to the
- Teacher praises groups for good effort, interesting ideas
and fluent delivery.
- Teacher gives feedback and give marks to Ss’ performance.
e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.

a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
b. Homework
- Do exercises on workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson – Listening.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 6: Preserving our heritage
Lesson 4: Speaking – Preserving cultural heritage

* Vocabulary
1. spread (v)
2. involved (adj)
3. cultural heritage (n)
4. (to) set up
- Task 1. Match the ways to preserve our heritage with the reason for doing so
- Task 2. Complete the conversation with the words and phrase in the box. Then
practise it in pairs.
- Task 3. Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation about ways to protect local
- Task 4. Work in groups. Think of a form of cultural heritage (such as a tradition, a
festival, or a form of music) and discuss ways to preserve it. Report your group’s ideas
to the whole class.

Lesson 5: Listening – A trip to Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain an overview about Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex;
- Memorize vocabulary to talk about a heritage site.
2. Competences
- Develop listening skills: listening for the main idea and listening for specific details
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- Develop presentation skills;
3. Personal qualities
- Be proud of a natural and cultural heritage site in Vietnam;
- Develop self-study skills;
- Actively join in class activities.

- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 6, Listening
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- Phần mềm tương tác hoclieu.vn

Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning

1. limestone (n) /ˈlaɪmstəʊn/ a type of white rock that contains calcium, used in
building and in making cement

2. valley (n) /ˈvæli/ an area of low land between hills or mountains,

often with a river flowing through it

3. ecosystem (n) /ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/ all the plants and living creatures in a particular
area considered in relation to their physical

4. interact (v) /ˌɪntərˈækt/ if one thing interacts with another, or if two

things interact, the two things have an effect on
each other

5. original (adj) /əˈrɪdʒənl/ existing at the beginning of a particular period,

process or activity
Anticipated difficulties Solutions

Students may lack more vocabulary - Provide vocabulary and useful language before
to deliver a speech. assigning tasks.
- Encourage students to work in groups so that they
can help each other.
- Give short, clear instructions and help if

Students cannot follow the speed of - Make sure they understand the meaning and
the recording. pronunciation of important words.
- Teach them the skill of underlining key words in
the questions before they listen.
- Play more time if necessary.

1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic;
- To set the context for the listening part;
b. Content:
- Game: Jigsaw puzzle
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can join the game and gain knowledge on the topic.
d. Organisation


Game: Jigsaw puzzle Questions:
- Ss work in groups. 1. Who was the founding emperor of the Đinh
- There are 4 questions related to a key picture. dynasty of Vietnam?
- T asks Ss to guess the word in each puzzle and guess
the key picture behind after each puzzle is opened. 2. What is a complex of Buddhist temples
- The group which gets the correct answer of the key in Gia Viễn District, Ninh Bình
picture is the winner. Province, Vietnam?
- Teacher asks the Ss to explain the relationship 3. Which movie took place in the northern
between 4 questions and the key picture. part of Vietnam such as Vân Long and Tam
Cốc (Ninh Bình Province), Hạ Long
Bay (Quảng Ninh Province)?
4. What are they? Large holes in the side of
a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that
is underground.
Answer keys:
1. Dinh Bo Linh / Dinh Tien Hoang
2. Bai Dinh Pagoda
3. The movie: Kong – The Skull Island.
4. Caves
Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex

e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the students’ performance, collect their answers and give feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To get students learn vocabulary related to the topic;
- To activate prior knowledge about the topic and get Ss involved in the lesson.
b. Content:
- Pre-teach vocabulary related to the content of the lesson;
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students understand the meaning and know how to pronounce some words from the
d. Organisation


Lead-in (4 mins)

- Teacher asks Ss some questions about Trang An

Scenic Landscape Complex.
Suggested answers:
+ Where is Trang An? - Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex in
+ Is Trang An a World Heritage Site? Ninh Binh Province in Northern Viet Nam is
called as an “Ha Long Bay on land” with
+ How big is the area? numerous caves, mountains, valley, trees
+ Have you ever been to Trang An? and historic relics.
- It covers an area of 10,000ha in Hoa Lu,
+ If yes, what did you see and do there?
Gia Vien and Nho Quan districts and Ninh
- Students work in pairs or groups, discuss and raise Binh City.
their voice to answer the questions.
- Teacher sets the scene of the listening part and lead in
the lesson.
Vocabulary pre-teaching (5 mins)
- Teacher introduces the vocabulary. Vocabulary:
- Teacher explains the meaning of the new vocabulary 1. limestone (n)
with different techniques (pictures, actions, synonyms 2. valley (n)
…) 3. ecosystem (n)
- Teacher checks students’ understanding with the “Rub
out and remember” technique. 4. interact (v)
- Teacher asks Ss to take notes on their notebooks. 5. original (adj)
e. Assessment
- Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives feedback.
- Teacher observes Ss’ writing of vocabulary on their notebooks.


a. Objectives:
- To help Ss practise listening for the main idea;
- To help Ss practise listening for specific information;
- To provide Ss with some basic information about Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex..
b. Content:
- Task 2. Listen to a talk. What is the talk mainly about? (p.71)
- Task 3. Listen to the talk again and complete each gap in the notes with no more than three
words and/or numbers. (p.71)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can catch the main idea as well as specific details of the recording and complete
the tasks successfully.
d. Organisation


Task 2. Listen to a talk. What is the talk mainly about? (6 mins)
- Teacher tells Ss that they’re going to listen to a talk by a Answer key:
tour guide who is introducing Trang An to tourists. B. The tour guide is talking about the
- Teacher asks Ss to have a guess about the summary of the ecosystem of Trang An and efforts to
talk. preserve it.

- Teacher plays the recording for the first time and asks Ss
to circle the option that best summarise the main idea of the
- Teacher checks answers as a class. Explain why the other
options cannot be the correct answers. (A and C are only
parts of the talk, not the main idea.)
- Teacher gives the correct answer.

Task 3. Listen to the talk again and complete each gap in the notes with no more than three
words and/or numbers. (9 mins)
- Teacher asks Ss to read the notes carefully to have an Answer key:
understand about the overall structure of the talk. 1. 2014
2. three protected areas
- Teacher makes sure that Ss understand that they can write
3. 600 types
up to three words per gap, and these words should be the
exact words from the recording. In stronger classes,
encourage them to work out the missing words based on 4. early humans
what they remember from the first listening in Activity 1. 5. natural state
- Teacher plays the recording once (or twice in weaker
classes) for Ss to complete the notes.
- Teacher asks Ss to work with a partner to compare their
- Teacher calls on some Ss to write their answers on the
board or read their answers aloud.
- Teacher checks answers as a class. Play the recording
again if many Ss have incorrect answers, pausing at the
places where they can get the correct information.

e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.
Hello everyone. Welcome to Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex. My name is Thanh
and I’m your guide for this tour.
First, let me give you some quick facts. Trang An became the first site in Vietnam to be
recognised by UNESCO as a mixed World Heritage Site in 2014. It’s famous for its beautiful
landscape and long cultural history. The site consists of three protected areas: Hoa Lu
Ancient Capital, Trang An - Tam Coc - Bich Dong Scenic Area and Hoa Lu Special - Use
Primary Forest. These areas are linked together by limestone mountains, valleys and rivers.
Trang An ecosystem has more than 600 types of plants and 200 types of animals.
Trang An is also a place where nature meets culture. Evidence from the caves that we’ll
visit todays shows how early humans interacted with the natural environment to deal with
climate changes over a period of 30,000 years. The site also contains hundreds of temples
and historic pagodas dating from different historical periods.
As you’ll see, the site is a place of natural beauty and wild scenery that has not been
changed or damaged by human activities. There is a long history of protection of the area
and most of the site is still in its natural state. For example, the architecture of the pagodas
and temples is kept in its original style. Any work to preserve, protect and promote the area
is planned carefully.
Now, we’ll start our tour with….(fading)


a. Objectives:
- To check students’ understanding and memorize the information in the recording;
- To give Ss an opportunity to make predictions;
- To help some students enhance presentation skills;
- To practise team working;
b. Content:
- Students make predictions of what the tour guide will say next.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can make appropriate predictions, do some quick research and present their ideas.
d. Organisation


- Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss what they Suggested ideas:
think the tour guide will say next. Tour guide: We’ll start our tour with
- Teacher tells Ss to base their predictions on the last …
sentence of the talk (Now, we’ll start our tour with…) 1. Hoa Lu Ancient Capital
2. Trang An Scenic Area
- Teacher calls on some pairs to present and explain their
3. Tam Coc Scenic Area
predictions to the class. Note that there is no right or wrong
4. Bich Dong Scenic Area
prediction. Encourage Ss to give different answers based on
the signal at the end of the talk. 5. Hoa Lu Special-use primary forest

- Teacher lets Ss work in groups, use their smart devices to

search for information they predicted.
- Playing the role of the tour guide, the groups prepare the
information and make presentation of the next part.
- Teacher calls some groups to present their ideas in front of
- Teacher gives comments and feedback.

e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance, provide help if necessary.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.

a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.

b. Homework
- Do exercises on workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson –Writing.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 1: Preserving our heritage
Lesson 5: Listening – A trip to Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
* Vocabulary
1. limestone (n)
2. valley (n)
3. ecosystem (n)
4. interact (v)
5. original (adj)
- Task 1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
- Task 2. Listen to a talk. What is the talk mainly about?
- Task 3. Listen to the talk again and complete each gap in the notes with no more than
three words and/or numbers.
- Task 4. Work in pairs. Make some predictions about what the tour guide will say

Lesson 6: Writing – A leaflet about ways to preserve Trang An Scenic Landscape

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain an overview about how to write a leaflet about ways to preserve Trang An Scenic
Landscape Complex;
- Apply structures to express solutions to problems.
2. Competences
- Develop writing skills, in terms of vocabulary, grammar, coherence and cohesion.
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- Develop presentation skills;
3. Personal qualities
- Be polite and clear when writing a short message;
- Develop self-study skills;
- Actively join in class activities.

- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 6, Writing
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- Phần mềm tương tác hoclieu.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

Students may have underdeveloped - Guide students to make an outline before they
writing skills. write.
- Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups
so that they can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.

1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge of a leaflet;
- To set the context for the writing part;
b. Content:
- Get to know what a leaflet is.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students are aware of what a leaflet is and what should be included in a leaflet.
d. Organisation


Some pictures of leaflet:
- Teacher asks Ss to look at the board and say the
name of the things (LEAFLET)
- Teacher provides the synonyms of leaflet: booklet
or pamphlet.
- Teacher asks Ss if they know what a leaflet is.
- Teacher gives definition of leaflet: a printed sheet
of paper or a few printed pages that are given free
to advertise or give information about something
- Teacher introduces the lesson.

e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the students’ performance, collect their answers and give feedback.

2. ACTIVITY 1: PRE-WRITNG (9 mins)

a. Objectives:
- To provide Ss’ with ideas for the writing including a list of problems facing Trang An and
solutions to them.
b. Content:
- Task 1. Work in pairs. Put the problems that Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex may
face and the possible solutions in the correct blanks. (p.72)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students have some ideas about problems and solutions to preserve Trang An Scenic
Landscape Complex
d. Organisation


Task 1. Work in pairs. Put the problems that Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex may face and
the possible solutions in the correct blanks. (4 mins)
- Teacher has Ss work in pairs to match the problems
with the possible solutions.
- Teacher tells Ss to read both notes carefully to have an Answer key:
overview of the problems and solutions before doing the 1. B
task. 2. D
3. C
- In stronger classes, encourage Ss to come up with
4. A
more potential problems and possible solutions, e.g the
problem of poor management, the construction of new
buildings near the heritage area and possible solutions
may include better planning and stricter laws on
heritage preservation.
- Teacher calls on some Ss to present their answers to
the class.
- Teacher checks answers as a class.

Useful expressions (5 mins)

- Teacher gives Ss a handout and asks them to classify List of expressions:
the items into correct categories. - To talk about problems and consequences
- Teacher lets Ss work in groups. + … causes ….
- The groups show their answers on the board. + … leads to ….
- The whole class check the task together. + … results in …
+ As a result, …
+ As a consequence, …
+ Consequently, …
- To talk about solutions
+ It is necessary to …
+ It is recommended that …
+ This problem can be solved if …
+ To deal with this problem, we should …
+ It is advisable / vital/ crucial to …
+ It is urgent to …
e. Assessment
- Teacher observes Ss’ work and give feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To give Ss an opportunity to write a leaflet in class.
b. Content:
- Task 2. Write a leaflet about the problems that Trang An may face and the possible
solutions to them. Use the ideas in Task 1 and the outline below to help you (p.72)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can write a complete leaflet in which the language is clear, short and simple.
d. Organisation


Task 2. Write a leaflet about the problems that Trang An may face and the possible solutions to
them. Use the ideas in Task 1 and the outline below to help you.
- Teacher remind Ss of the structure of a leaflet and the Suggested answer:
purpose of each part as explained in Unit 5. PREVERVE OUR HERITAGE –
- Teacher has Ss identify these parts in the outline on COMPLEX
page 72 of the student’s book e.g. heading, subheadings, Trang An (Ninh Binh Province) was the
slogans, one idea per paragraph, call for action,... and first site in Viet Nam to be recognised by
also asks them to identify which information is missing UNESCO as a mixed World Heritage Site
in the outline. in 2014. It is famous for its natural beauty
and rich biodiversity. To preserve its
- Teacher asks Ss to work individually and reads the beauty, we need to identify what problems
instruction for the writing carefully (Ss have to complete Trang An may face and find ways for
the leaflet with problems that may damage Trang An and preserving it.
possible solutions ).
- Teacher gives Ss enough time so that they can finish Trang An is affected by mass tourism. This
the leaflet. kind of tourism can pollute rivers and
- Teacher goes around the class and provides help when valley. It can also damage the ecosystem
because of the large number of visitors.
To preserve Trang An, it is necessary to
- Teacher corrects some pieces of writing in class. organize eco-tours to the heritage sites. We
should also create a sustainable habitat for
- Teacher collects Ss’ writings and provide written wildlife on the heritage site.
feedback in the next lesson.
- In weaker classes, provide some suggested answers if PRESERVING CULTURE
necessary. Another problem is young people’s lack of
knowledge about our cultural heritage. As
a result, they are not be able to appreciate
our traditions.
This problem can be solved if schools teach
the importance of heritage. Our heritage
values should also be promoted on social
media so that they reach wider audiences.

e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To provide Ss with practical tips in writing and designing a leaflet.
b. Content:
- Students complete a task about tips to design a leaflet.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can evaluate others’ work as well as improve their own pieces of writing.
d. Organisation


- Teacher explains the purpose of post-writing activity: In Fill in the blank with suitable words
the future, the Ss may need to design different leaflets in in the box to create a list of tips in
different contexts. designing a leaflet.
1. Brand (1)______ and Logo
- There are some tips in designing beautiful and professional 2. Make it (2) _______: The Purpose of
leaflets that students need to know. the Leaflet
3. (3) _____ is the Leaflet For?
- Students work in groups to fill in the blanks with suitable 4. Speak (4) _____ to People
words in the box to create a list of tips in designing a leaflet. 5. The Right Spacing
- Teacher checks their answers and gives feedback. Discuss 6. Eye-Catching, (5) ______ Imagery
each tip with the whole class. 7. The Power of Persuasion
8. Call to (6) _______
- Teacher further elicits some information about which
softwares / websites / applications can help Ss in designing colours different who
leaflet. E.g: Canva, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, directly actions useful

Answer keys:
1. colours
2. different
3. who
4. directly
5. useful
6. actions

e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance, provide help if necessary.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.
a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.

b. Homework
- Do exercises on workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson – Communication and Culture.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 6: Preserving our heritage
Lesson 6: Writing – A leaflet about ways to preserve Trang An Scenic Landscape

- Task 1. Work in pairs. Put the problems that Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
may face and the possible solutions in the correct blanks.
* Useful expressions
-Task 2. Write a leaflet about the problems that Trang An may face and the possible
solutions to them. Use the ideas in Task 1 and the outline below to help you
* Tips to design a leaflet

Lesson 7: Communication and Culture / CLIL

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Expand vocabulary with the topic of the unit;
- Have some knowledge about how heritage is preserved around the world;
- Review expressions for asking for and giving directions.
2. Core competence
- Be able to ask for and give directions to popular places in Ha Noi based on the map in
the book;
- Access and consolidate information from a variety of sources;
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Personal qualities
- Be ready to give directions to others when necessary;
- Be aware of how to preserve heritage around the world .

- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 6, Communication and Culture
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- Phần mềm tương tác hoclieu.vn

Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning

1. crowdfunding /ˈkraʊdfʌndɪŋ/ the practice of funding a project or an việc gây quỹ

(n) activity by raising many small
amounts of money from a large
number of people, usually using the

2. non-profit (adj) /ˌnɒn ˈprɒfɪt/ without the aim of making a profit phi lợi

3. regardless of /rɪˈɡɑːdləs əv/ paying no attention to bất kể

(prep) something/somebody; treating
something/somebody as not being

4. fine (n) /faɪn/ a sum of money that must be paid as tiền phạt
punishment for breaking a law or rule

5. unique (adj) /juˈniːk/ being the only one of its kind độc nhất vô

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

- Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups

Students are reluctant to work in so that they can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.

- Explain expectations for each task in detail.

- Continue to explain task expectations in small
chunks (before every activity).
Students may lack vocabulary to
deliver a speech - Provide vocabulary and useful language before
assigning tasks
- Encourage students to work in groups so that they
can help each other.

1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic of the lesson.
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates.
b. Content:
- Game: Lucky number
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students know the names of famous places in Hanoi.
d. Organisation


Game: Lucky number Lists of pictures:
- Ss work in 4 groups.
- There are 8 numbers, including 3 lucky numbers and 5
numbers are corresponding to 5 questions.
- If a team picks a lucky number, they get one point
without having to answer the question.
- If a team picks a question, they have to answer “Where
is it?”
- If they answer the question correctly, they get one
- Teacher uses the information in the warm up game to
lead in the lesson.

Answer key:
1. Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum
2. Hanoi Flag Tower
3. One Pillar Pagoda
4. Ho Chi Minh Museum
5. Imperial Citadel of Thang Long

e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the groups and give feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To review expressions for asking for and giving directions.
- To help Ss practise asking for and giving directions to popular places in Ha Noi based on
the map in the book.
b. Content:
- Task 1: Listen and complete the conversation with the expressions in the box. Then practice
it in pairs (p.73)
- Task 2: Work in pairs. Use the model in Task 1 to make similar conversation for these
situations (p.73)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can use appropriate language to ask for and give directions in certain situations.
d. Organisation


Task 1: Listen and complete the conversation with the expressions in the box. Then practice it in
pairs (6 mins)
- Teacher tells Ss that they are going to revise Answer key
expressions used to ask for and give directions. 1. A
- Teacher asks Ss to listen and complete the 2. D
conversations with the expressions in the box. 3. C
4. B
- Teacher plays the recording once in stronger Audio script:
classes or twice in weaker classes if necessary. David: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to
- Teacher calls on some Ss to give their answers Thang Long Imperial Citadel? I’m lost.
to the class. Nam: Sure. The citadel is not far from here. Go
straight ahead until you get to Hoang Dieu street.
- Teacher checks answers as a class. Ask them to You’ll see it on your right. It’s next to the park.
practise the conversations in pairs. David: Thank you.
Extension: Bring some street maps of your town or
neighbourhoods. Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask
for and give directions to places which are familiar
to them. Alternatively, they can use the maps on
their mobile phones.

Useful expressions (7 mins)

- Teacher gives students a list of expressions Useful expressions
which are mixed together. Ss have to classify - Asking for directions:
them into 2 groups: asking for directions and + Can you tell me the way to …?
giving directions. + Excuse me, is … near here?
- Ss work in groups to do the task. + How do/can I get to …?
- Check as a class. + What is the best/easiest way to …?
- T asks if Ss can add some more expressions. + Could you show me how to get to …?
- Giving directions
+ Go straight ahead/on.
+ Walk along … street/road.
+ Walk past the (post office/bank).
+ Turn left/right at the traffic lights/into Star Street.
+Take the first/second road/turning on the left.
+ It’s on your left/right.
+ It’s next to/opposite/between/at the end
of/behind/in front of…
+ It’s (just) around the corner.
Task 2: Work in pairs. Make similar conversation for these situations. (7 mins)
- Teacher focuses attention on the map and
identifies the location of the five tourist
attractions on the map and locate student A and
student B.
- Teacher explains the two situations with
Student A asking for directions to Ho Chi Minh
Mausoleum and Student B asking for directions
to Ha Noi Flag Tower.
- Teacher has Ss work in pairs and make Sample conversations:
conversations asking for and giving directions to Situation 1.
the tourist attractions in the situations.
A: Excuse me. Can you show me the way to Ho Chi
- Teacher asks Ss to read the list of useful Minh Mausoleum?
expressions and check understanding.
B: Sure, it’s not far from here. Go straight ahead
- Teacher gives Ss a few minutes to plan their and turn right into Hung Vuong Street. Then walk
conversations before they role-play it (e.g. who along Hung Vuong Street and you can see it on the
will be Student A, who will be Student B, and left.
have them underline key words in the task
question). Have them write down some prompts B: Thank you so much.
to help them. Encourage them to swap roles. Situation 2.
- Teacher walks round the class and provide help B: Excuse me. How can I get to Hanoi Flag Tower?
when necessary.
A: Sure. Walk along Phan Dinh Phung Street and
- Teacher asks some pairs to role-play their take the second turn on the left into Hoang Dieu
conversations in front of the whole class. Praise
Street. Walk past the Thang Long Imperial Citadel.
for good effort, clear pronunciation and fluent
delivery Hanoi Flag Tower is just behind it.
B: Thank you very much.
e. Assessment
- Teacher obverses Ss’s work and give feedback.
- Teacher gives score to evaluate Ss’ performance.

3. ACTIVITY 2: CLIL (20 mins)

a. Objectives:
- To help Ss practise reading comprehension;
- To help Ss learn about how heritage is preserved around the world.
- To give Ss an opportunity to relate what they have learnt in the reading text to their own
b. Content:
- Task 1: Read the text and answer the questions (p.74)
- Task 2. Work in groups. Discuss the following questions. Are the methods of preserving
heritage in the text used in Vietnam? Which one do you think works best in Vietnam (p.74)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students understand the information, practise reading skills and develop critical thinking to
decide which methods are applicable in preserving heritage in Vietnam.
d. Organisation


Pre-teach vocabulary (5 mins)
- Teacher introduces the vocabulary. New words
- Teacher explains the meaning of the new vocabulary by 1. crowdfunding (n)
pictures. 2. non-profit (adj)
- Teacher checks students’ understanding with the “Rub 3. regardless of (prep)
out and remember” technique. 4. fine (n)
- Teacher reveals that these words will appear in the 5. unique (adj)
reading text and asks students to open their textbook to
discover further.
Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions (7 mins)
- Teacher activates Ss’ prior knowledge by asking
questions about heritage sites or traditions around the Answer key:
world. (Have you been to any heritage sites outside Viet 1. Italy 2. Spain 3. Australia
Nam? What did you see there? Was it preserved in its
original state? Do you know any cultural heritage such
as traditions or folk music from other countries?)
- Teacher puts Ss into pairs. Ask them to read the text
about preserving heritage around the world and answer
the questions.
- Teacher walks round the class and offer help, explaining
unfamiliar words or answering questions. (e.g
crowdfunding, heavy fines, harsh punishment)
- Teacher checks answers as a class by calling on pairs
give their answers to the class.
- Teacher confirms the correct answers.
Extension: Ask Ss comprehension questions to check
understanding of the text, e.g. Which city was taken as an
example of successful crowdfunding? How much do
individuals and companies have to pay for damaging a
heritage site? Which festivals are mentioned in the text?

Task 2. Work in groups. Discuss the following questions. Are the methods of preserving heritage in
the text used in Vietnam? Which one do you think works best in Vietnam? (8 mins)
- Teacher asks Ss to work in groups to answer the Students’ own ideas
- In weaker classes, have Ss underline the ideas in the text
so they can use them in their discussion.
- In stronger classes, encourage Ss to come up with other
ideas about effective methods to preserve heritage in Viet
Nam e.g. installing donation box at the heritage sites,
introducing folk arts to schools,…
- Teacher calls on some groups to present their ideas to

e. Assessment
- Teacher observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.

a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.

b. Homework
- Do exercises on workbook.
- Prepare for Lesson 8. Looking back and project.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 6: Preserving our heritage
Lesson 7: Communication and Culture / CLIL

* Everyday English. Asking for and giving directions

- Task 1: Listen and complete the conversation with the expressions in the box. Then
practice it in pairs
- Task 2: Work in pairs. Use the model in Task 1 to make similar conversation for
these situations
* CLIL (Culture) Preserving heritage around the world
- Task 1: Read the text and answer the questions
- Task 2. Work in groups. Discuss the following questions. Are the methods of
preserving heritage in the text used in Vietnam? Which one do you think works best in

Lesson 8: Looking back and project

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 6;
- Apply what they have learnt (vocabulary and grammar) into practice through a project.
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity;
- Develop presentation skills;
- Develop critical thinking skills;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work;
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Personal qualities
- Be more creative when doing the project;
- Develop self-study skills.
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 6, Looking back and project
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- Phần mềm tương tác hoclieu.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

Students may have underdeveloped - Encourage students to work in pairs and in

speaking, writing and co-operating groups so that they can help each other.
skills when doing the project. - Provide feedback and help if necessary.

Some students will excessively talk - Explain expectations for each task in detail.
in the class. - Have excessive talking students practise.
- Continue to explain task expectations in small
chunks (before every activity).

1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ reading comprehension of the related topic;
b. Content:
- Do a worksheet to develop reading comprehension about the topic.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can develop reading skills and gain some knowledge about preserving the heritage.
d. Organisation
Who is faster? Match the headings (A-D) with the paragraphs (1-4)
- Teacher lets Ss work in group A. Form a volunteer group
of four. B. Offer tours.
- Teacher gives each group a C. Host special events.
worksheet, in which they have D. Conduct community workshops
to read and match the
paragraphs with appropriate 1. Gather fellow residents who care about preserving your
headings. community’s recent past places. Working together, you can
- The first team which research and nominate buildings for landmark designation;
completes correctly is the become your community’s advocate for the recent past and
winner. Modern design; create a website and maintain a discussion
- Teacher checks answers for board.
the whole class. 2. Tours are a tried-and-true method for building a community’s
- Teacher leads in the lesson. appreciation for its historic resources and significant
architecture. Put together a bus tour that takes guests past
Modern structures throughout the neighborhood. Create a self-
guided driving tour accompanied by a booklet that visitors and
residents can continue to use.
3. Special events encourage those interested in mid-century
architecture to connect with like-minded people. These can
include fundraising events; special exhibits (complete with
opening night parties) that feature the architecture and modern
heritage of your community; or a lecture series that features
local historians, architects, or professors to speaking about the
area’s modern architecture.
4. Workshops and seminars can be useful ways to educate
specific audiences about buildings and cultural sites from the
recent past. These classes can help teach participants the basics
of historic preservation, give them an overview of the history of
post-war architecture, offer tips on how to identify threats or
problems, find appropriate replacement materials to keep mid-
century homes looking true to their original architecture, and
more. Contact a local preservation group for help or
partnership opportunities.

e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the students’ performance, collect their answers and give feedback.

e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the groups and give feedback.


a. Objectives:
- To help Ss further revise intonation in statements and practise speaking with a natural
- To help Ss revise words and phrases they have learnt in this unit.
- To help Ss revise the use of to-infinitive clauses
b. Content:
- Task 1: Listen and mark the intonation in the following sentences, using falling or level-
rising intonation. Then practise saying them in pairs. (p.74)
- Task 2: Choose the correct word to complete each sentence (p.75)
- Task 3: Rewrite the sentences using to-infinitive clauses (p.75)
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can use the knowledge they have learnt in this unit to complete the tasks
d. Organisation


Task 1: Listen and mark the intonation in the following sentences, using falling or level-rising
intonation. Then practise saying them in pairs (4 mins)
- Teacher asks Ss to listen to the recording and mark the Audio script:
changes in intonation in the sentences with falling tone, 1. The trip to Hoi An Ancient Town
or rising tone. was amazing .➘
2. Please turn off the air-conditioner.
- Teacher plays the recording several times if necessary. ➘ It wastes too much electricity. ➘
3. A boat tour is the best way to
- Teacher asks some Ss to read the sentences aloud in
experience wildlife habitats. ➘
front of the class.
4. In Ha Long Bay you can go
- Teacher puts Ss into pairs and have them read the swimming,➚ diving➚ and fishing.
sentences to each other. Encourage them to use correct ➘
intonation. Praise Ss who try to speak with correct

Task 2: Choose the correct word to complete each sentence (4 mins)

- Teacher asks Ss to choose the correct word to complete Answer key
each sentence. 1. Well-preserved
2. historical
- Teacher has Ss do this activity individually, then
3. folk
compare their answers with their partners.
4. protected
- Teacher checks answers as a class. Ask some Ss to
write the words on the board and explain their choices.

Task 3: Rewrite the sentences using to-infinitive clauses (4 mins)

- Teacher asks Ss to rewrite the sentences using to-
Answer key:
infinitive clauses.
- Teacher has Ss do this activity individually, then 1. Mai went to Soc Son to attend
compare their answers with a partner. Giong Festival.
- Teacher checks answers as a class. Ask some Ss to 2. The first place to visit on the trip is
write the sentences on the board and explain the Hue Imperial Citadel.
changes they made to the original sentences. 3. Our music teacher gave lessons in
Xoan singing to help us appreciate
our cultural heritage.
4. The most famous site to see is the
old bridge across the river.

e. Assessment
- Teacher obverses Ss’s work and give feedback.

3. ACTIVITY 2: PROJECT (28 mins)

a. Objectives:
- To provide an opportunity for Ss to develop their research and collaboration skills and to
practise giving an oral presentation.
b. Content:
- Presentation of posters/leaflets about “How can we preserve our heritage?” in class.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students practise giving an oral presentation.
d. Organisation


Instructions (given in Lesson 1 – Getting Started)
- T assigns the project after finishing Lesson 1 – Getting Suggested checklist for peer assessment
Started. T divides class into 4 groups. and self-assessment are attached below as
- As Ss have prepared for the project throughout the unit, appendixes.
the focus of this lesson should be on the final product,
which is an oral presentation, a leaflet or a poster.
- Teacher has Ss work in their groups. Give them a few
minutes to prepare for the presentation.
- Teacher gives Ss a checklist for peer and self-
assessment. Explain that they will have to tick appropriate
items while listening to their classmates’ presentations
and write comments if they have any. The presenters
should complete their self-assessment checklist after
completing their presentation.
- If necessary, teacher goes through the criteria for
assessing their talk to make sure Ss are familiar with
- Teacher invites two or three groups to give their
presentations. Encourage the rest of the class to ask
questions at the end.
- Teacher gives praise and feedback after each
- Teacher can also give Ss marks for their presentation as
part of their continuous assessment

Students’ presentations
- All groups exhibit their posters and make presentations.
- When one group make presentation, others listen and
complete the evaluation sheet.

Suggested checklist for peer assessment:

Tick where Comments (in English

appropriate or Vietnamese)


- The presenters greeted the audience.

- The presenters spoke clearly and


- The presenters cooperated when

delivering their talk.

- The presenters interacted with the


- The presenters used appropriate

photos / pictures to illustrate their ideas.

- The presenters concluded their talk


CONTENT: The presentation includes

the following information:

What the heritage is

What it is famous for

How important it is

What we can do to preserve it


The poster is well-organized and

visually attractive.
There are no spelling or grammar

Suggested checklist for self-assessment:

Tick where Comments (in English

appropriate or Vietnamese)


- I greeted the audience.

- I spoke clearly and naturally.

- I cooperated with my group members

when delivering the talk.

- I interacted with the audience.

- I used some photos/pictures to

illustrate my ideas.

- I concluded my part of the talk


CONTENT: Our presentation includes

the following information:

What the heritage is

What it is famous for

How important it is

What we can do to preserve it


The poster is well-organized and

visually attractive.

There are no spelling or grammar

e. Assessment
- T gives comments and feedback to all posters and presentations, and awards a prize to the
group which has the most votes.
a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.

b. Homework
- Do exercises on workbook.
- Prepare for Unit 7.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 6: Preserving our heritage
Lesson 8: Looking back and project
* Looking back
- Pronunciation
- Vocabulary
- Language
* Project. How can we preserve our heritage?

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