SE3262 Handout 3262 Se3262 Bowles Downstream Construction Utilization

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Modeling in Revit Structure:

Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Jeremiah Bowles – Black & Veatch
Justin Honey – Pittsburg State University

SE3262 The engineer's model in Autodesk Revit Structure software is quite valuable when used
in construction. This class explores the avenues for using Revit Structure—from traditional architecture
and engineering projects to process plant application. We will provide tips and tricks for working with
Revit tools that enable construction, including parts, assemblies, rebar, tilt-up, embeds, structural
supports, beam pockets, lift drawings, location, cast-in-place, logistics, bracing, and component
connections. We will discuss the value of the engineering model and the potential for contractors to use
it in planning, sequencing, animation, location, detailed shop drawings, fabrication, and estimation.
Discover how construction engineers can take full advantage of the analysis data to assist in temporary
load calculations and how engineering and construction firms can partner with each other for mutual

Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to:
 Understand vital engineering modeling tools that assist in Estimation, Fabrication and Construction
 Create a competitive advantage and synergy when partnering with engineered models.
 Understand how Construction firms can leverage the Engineers model beyond traditional 4D uses.
 Understand how Engineering & Construction firms can work together for mutual benefit.

About the Speaker

Jeremiah Bowles is National BIM Manager at Black & Veatch Engineering , Autodesk Revit Structure
SME and Adjunct Professor at ITT Tech. He has been in the AEC industry since 1992 with a diverse
portfolio of experience. As an early adopter of Revit and BIM technologies he has been able to leverage
his real world experience to create contextual and applicable learning. He is an innovator in CAD & BIM
use and is on the forefront of extending BIM utilization into construction beyond the current methods. He
holds a B.A. in Business, previously attended Pittsburg State working for B.S. in Technology in
Construction Management and currently attaining a Masters in Construction Management at University
of Kansas. Follow me on twitter @therevitcoach or email me @ [email protected]
or LinkedIn @

Justin Honey is Assistant Professor at Pittsburg State University in the College of Construction. With
over 20 years in the Construction industry he is an advocate for technology utilization in the field and is
able to transform learning opportunities and blend building methodologies and technology. His industry
experience and CAD / BIM experience provide relevant context and progressive curriculum.
[email protected]
Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Table of Contents
Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................... 1
About the Speaker .................................................................................................................................... 1
Can contractors Benefit from Modeling in Revit ...................................................................................... 3
Immediate Benefits (a.k.a. Low hanging fruit).......................................................................................... 3
Visualization .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Conflict Avoidance(a.k.a. “Clash Detection”)........................................................................................ 3
A|E & Contractor synergy (get a ladder attaining the “Not So Low hanging fruit) .................................. 4
There are distinct model differences .................................................................................................... 4
Integrated Structural Analysis................................................................................................................... 6
Revit as the Model of Record ................................................................................................................ 7
Integrated / Enhanced Documentation ............................................................................................... 9
Improve model fidelity before export: ............................................................................................... 12
Import Changes from Analysis Software............................................................................................. 16
Moving Beyond the Detailing Mentality: ................................................................................................ 17
Assimilate Data for Connections ......................................................................................................... 17
Construction Modeling “Parts “ .......................................................................................................... 18
Create Assemblies ............................................................................................................................... 25
Schedules ............................................................................................................................................ 27
Additional Assembly Workflow Ideas ................................................................................................. 29
Consuming Revit Data to Automate Navisworks .................................................................................... 29
Setting Export Settings for Navisworks ............................................................................................... 29
Establish Default Search Sets .............................................................................................................. 30
Automating Simulation Selections ...................................................................................................... 31

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Can contractors Benefit from Modeling in Revit

The success in using Revit in the BIM process is not the tool alone, but in the strategies and
tactics in how we use the tool. The right tool with the appropriate strategy can go a long way to
increasing productivity, ensure accuracy, & improve safety.

Some important QUESTIONS we must ask?

 When Should BIM be used?

 LOD’s – What Should Be modeled?
 Where is the balance of Effort / Reward?
 Where is productivity lost?
 Do any synergies exist?
 What are the clients end deliverables?
 Should we re-invent the wheel 3 different times?
 Does the designer / A|E team have all the information?
 Does the Fabricator have all the information?
 What obstacles face our collaborative world of information exchange? <adversarial

Immediate Benefits (a.k.a. Low hanging fruit)

Too much focus in Design & Construction is placed complaining what the technology can’t do.
Technology Implementation takes a crawl, walk, run, sprint approach. You must usually crawl
well before you can walk, walk before you can run, etc.. One should not begin looking into the
benefits of BIM in construction without grabbing the low hanging fruit, at least if they are
concerned with profits and the key stakeholders.

Contractors / Construction Engineers, take a walk around your “Virtual Project”. Although you
probably think you understand the project after pouring through a set of Construction / Contract
documents you haven’t seen it until you’ve seen it in BIM. Sometimes in creating a model from
2D documents you will find excellent insights into your project that were not captured in reading
the plans but building the model.

Conflict Avoidance(a.k.a. “Clash Detection”)

Although this is an obvious piece, it is important to run a clash in earlier design than at the
construction bid. This class was intended to address joint venturing and working together to
leverage the A|E model for construction use, still don’t forget to do a 3D clash detection. Once
mastered you may also look at a 4D and 5D clash?

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

A|E Design Model Constructability Model

Design Intent Means & Methods
Building state completed Materials
Structural Requirements Component Assembly
Engineering Specifics Fabrication / Shop Dwgs
Loads, connections Coordination
Detail Concepts Scheduling
Min. Component Req’d. Logistical Planning
Proof of Concept Firefighting?

A|E & Contractor synergy (get a ladder attaining the “Not So Low hanging fruit)
The low hanging fruit may provide some immediate BIM success but the proper balance of
implementing the next elements can provide greater benefits, increased production probability,
and additional success. These next strategies are not easily attainable but with the correct
understanding of the BIM Constructability workflow CM / Construction professionals can partner
with A|E Firms to create synergy for downstream construction utilization of the model.

There are distinct model differences

The A|E Model is not traditionally sufficient to construct from. There are also other items that
may need to be constructed just to build the construction items that will stay in place. Suffice it
to say, you will need to create your own model in addition to the A|E. Their model is called the
Design Intent model; your model is called the Constructability model. This can be a hybrid of
architecture and structure elements but will most certainly will be different than the Architects
model. This model can utilize Revit Phasing to illustrate the construction phasing / break-out of
work or you can embed parameters into the model components to do phasing inside
Navisworks. I usually find that both are useful, especially when creating documents illustrating
different phases.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Site Coordinates
Can we really say we have a coordinated design if we have no coordinates? Many BIM design
packages may omit the critical site information but this is crucial to understanding the project,
logistics and in using Revit & Civil 3D well beyond what the A|E team may have done. There
are many strategies around using site information including mass cut / fill iterations, egress
planning logistics, etc. For this course we will focus on the

4D Clash Detection
Have you ever heard of this? You usually don’t hear about it as 4D clash detection but its clash
detection while taking into account prefabrication activities not just the built environment.

Strategic Modeling Consideration:

 Does your site have challenging space limitations?
o Yard placement
o 4D yard management
o 4D SWPP Plans
o Jobsite trailers
o Hazardous material zones?
o Do your subs need layout zones?
o Temporary Power locations with Ratings
o Benching and Shoring
 Is Safety a consideration in your planning? (IT SHOULD)
o Safety Considerations?
o Virtual Hazard Analysis
o Lock-out Tag-out
o Confined Spaces considerations
o Fall protection
o RE: BIM for Construction Safety: Beyond the Low Hanging Fruit
 Are there other built items that have to be built on site? (Don’t forget to estimate these
o Temporary Forms, Walls, openings, shoring, excavation bracing, etc.
o Bracing (does your bracing interfere with other elements?)
o Mass Excavation / Shoring / Bracing / Egress / Fall Protection / Temporary walls?
 Do the items modeled include a higher LOD that the A|E wasn’t required to model? Can you
leverage the A|E model to add the greater level of detail?
o Ductwork may have been modeled but are flanges, insulation and support structure
being evaluated?
o Piping may have been modeled but did the A|E draw with the correct content? IS
there any flanged pipe, support structures required to support the pipe(s) outside of
the pipe supports? Will you have to build pipe racks?
o Rebar is not traditionally drawn, could you have the record engineer model these?

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

o Imbed plates (Are these exposed, if not modeled the Architect may not have realized
they would be seen)
o Structural Connections
o Parts & Assemblies
 Can you place materials on your site before they are fully built?
o Will you have temporary construction loads?
o Did the Engineer do loads in Revit?
o Can you do quick loads to analyze this?
o Can you quickly get loading values from Revit to evaluate if your temporary
construction loads are satisfactory?

5D Clash Detection
Should we be doing this? 5D Clash detection would be detecting elements that may cause the
owner issues. This should have been done by the A|E but you will show the value of your
services if you address this question.

 If you picked a different manufacture for equipment specified, did you check for required
 If there are filters or any other elements that require lift equipment, can you get access to
 Any other evaluation of commissioned elements?

3D Sections
If you received a Revit model you most likely received a model with 2D Details and Sections.
You may want to create some 3D sections to illustrate key elements like:

 Elevation Changes
 Identify Assembly order, elements to be constructed first (Create 3D, static isometric to
convey assembly order) Validate in 4D with Navisworks.

Integrated Structural Analysis

You may already be doing structural analysis in
your office. Are you doing integrated structural
analysis. As this course if for both A|E and
Construction professionals you will want to
consider a few things:
A. What data can I create?
B. Do I have a diagramed workflow of data
C. Is this process efficient?
D. What Data can be consumed?
E. Do we understand each other’s needs?
A|E & Construction

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Revit as the Model of Record

Setting & Creating Loads

The most common Load Cases are already established in Revit by Default. You may want to
Add Construction Load Cases into your list if you want to extend this for construction use.

 Create Load
Combinations out of
Established Load

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Placing Loads in Model

Loads can be place on any work plane or level.
It is best to place these loads in a floor plan and
are placed on your physical model. Ensure that
loads are assigned to the analytical model

There are 3 Types of loads, each with hosting

and free modeling capabilities.

Note with Hosted Area loads you don’t have the option to set reference
points for multiple forces.

 Area Loads are applied to Walls & Floors

 No hosting allows for specifying workplane, level, irregular
surfaces, and to pick supports, this is ideal for placing mechanical
equipment or any loads you want supported with specified beams.
 Point Loads can be placed directly on a workplane or hosted to an
object (i.e. Beams, etc.)
 Line loads can be drawn on an object or hosted
 Once you are done drawing a load you can select the loads and
apply the forces (Fx,Fy,Fz) or Moments (Mx,My,Mz) in the
properties palette shown to the Right.
 Deselect Uniform Load to adjust start and end forces.
 To draw on a sloped frame see Revit WIKI for detailed instructions.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Integrated / Enhanced Documentation

Boundary Condition Settings

Boundary conditions are analytical model elements that define the support
conditions of a structural element by its surrounding environment. They
communicate the engineering assumptions about support conditions to the
analysis software.
 Assign Boundary conditions to Point, Line or Areas.
 Set Boundary Condition Settings Defaults to control Graphics in Structural
Settings Tab.

 Default Boundary Conditions are set below:

Point Line Area

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Documenting Modeled Loads

 When Creating loads you can host
them to objects or draw them
individually. You may want to do an
initial graphical analysis to evaluate
any floor loads that may not be
common and begin
 Mono floor vs. separate floors
 Require 2 different approaches.
 Create loads and document them
with tags to pull out graphically the
information that will be transferred.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Documenting Beam Reactions

 After analysis has been completed beam reactions and can be Documented using the Beam
Annotation Tagging tool. Define Start / End Reactions and Framing Tag’s.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Improve model fidelity before export:

Clean up the model by adjusting the analytical model to avoid
warnings & errors and nsure connectivity and analysis fidelity

Review model graphically to see if columns, foundations and

footings are aligning up top to bottom. These analytical lines
will be what Revit exports to analysis software.

Change the Vertical Analytical Alignment options:

 When a graphical error is noticed select the analytical line

and review the Analytical Alignment options in the
individual member set-up. Most times it is set to
“AutoDetect”. You will want to make changes from the
three different options <Manually Adjusted>, Auto-
detect, or by projection where you can modify the X & Y
location for walls / foundations and Y & Z adjustment for
beams & columns.
 Walls: Alignment Method Auto- detect, Projection
(Center of Element, Interior Face, Center of Core,
Exterior Face, or Grid Options.)
 Floors: Analyze As (One-Way, Two-Way)

Review Horizontal Analytical Alignment / Settings

 Walls: Alignment Method Auto- detect, Projection (Center

of Element, Interior Face, Center of Core, Exterior Face,
or Grid Options.)
 Floors: Analyze As (One-Way, Two-Way)

Review Beam Settings (moment, etc.)

 (Manage releases before sending to software)

 Member # (Tracked from Analytical Software)
 Set Releases (Fixed, Pinned, & Bending Moment)
Checked = it’s pinned in that direction, un-checked =
 Review Analytical Model Options
o Analyze as (Gravity, Lateral, Hanger)
o Analytical Links (yes, no, From Column)
 Note: From Column requires both Beam
& Column to be linked.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Adjust Analytical Model (Override)

Review for un-supported elements (Elements not correctly connected)

Step 1 Adjust Analytical Properties (previous Step)
Step 2 Fine tune with Analytical Adjust Step 1.
1. Move points with Gizmo adjustment.
 Overrides the analytical location and disconnects it from the location.
 Move nodes together if both
 Use Align, to align node to node.
2. Wall Adjust allows you to override
overshoots and missed
3. Wall Opening Adjustments allow
you to toggle on or off to remove
openings that may have been
placed in your model that are Step 2. Step 2
affecting the analytical model.
4. For Creating Rigid diaphragms we
can us the analytical links to them
5. If you have made mistakes, use analytical reset or Reset Links.

Step 3.

Step 4.

Step 5.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Check Analytical Model Settings

 Automatic Checks: model
for Member Supports &
Analytical Model
Consistency after most
settings are established.
This will help you avoid the
constant checks you will get
when you override or modify
settings. This can be run at
any time.
 Tolerance Checks will assist
you in ensuring model
 Consistency Checks ensure
connectivity, adjustments
away from default location,
beam / floor overlaps, and
instability of release
 If you are exporting material
assets to another program
you will also want to check
the Physical Material
 Analytical Model Visibility
Settings enable start and
end conditions to show
 Establish Modeling Rules
(e.g. left to right Start~End
Create, Draw Clockwise,

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Check Member Supports Tools (Yellow)

Click Analyze tab Tools panel Check
This tool will allow you to review warnings and
make changes as appropriate for your design.
Typical Errors are:
 Unsupported Elements
 Circular Support Chain

Check Analytical / Physical Consistency Tool

Typical Errors are:
 Analytical Elements without Structural
 Possible Model Instability
 Detected Physical Connection between
Structural Elements did not detect Analytical Intersection
 Distance between Analytical and Physical Models of
structural Elements is beyond tolerance of . . .
 Expand list and fix some of these warnings. Note: Not all
warnings are critical and are suitable to export for analysis.

Check Structural Model Assets

 Consistency checks materials properties will flag if
 Check if Physical properties are assigned.

 Review Material Assets(2013 improved feature)

 Material assets can track into analysis software. These
come in from the material assets assigned to Beams,
Columns, walls, and other structural materials and be
passed into analysis software.
 Mechanical
 Strength Assets
 Note: No materials will be transferred to analysis software
if these are not placed. Many new industry tools are being
developed to capture these properties for FEA Analysis.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Import Changes from Analysis Software

Import Changes / Reactions from Analysis Software

Document Captured Data

 Start / End Reactions
 Number of Studs
 Camber

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Moving Beyond the Detailing Mentality:

Assimilate Data for Connections
SDS/2 Connect can Read Member end and moment loads
from store n Revit Structure from:
 CSC’s Fastrack Building Designer
 Risa-3D or Ram

 More than placeholder geometry for Clash Detection
 Member loads stored in Revit can be consumed.
 Input Loads or auto-set
 Tagging of many family

Dynamic change management

 Bolt Diameters
 Plate thickness
 Weld design
 # of Bolts

Greater User Control

 Safety connections
 Attachment methods
 Near side/Far side attachment
 Other variations on the connection

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Data Transfer to Fabricator

Do you have a data transfer plan? After learning and understanding the tools you can put
together a data transfer plan to outline the LOD requirements, required data fields, and
proposed value added workflow.
Data Export Fidelity
 Exports the model to SDS/2 Detailing
 Several options to provide fullest control of export
 Populate a new structure
 Update an existing model
 Import connections from detailer
 Load Calculations
 Shear loads for beams are the only load that Revit Structure stores currently
 SDS/2 Connect will only manage major structural connections. Embed Plates and Base
Plates will need to be done in Revit
 SDS/2 Connect was designed to provide optimized data to fabricators using SDS/2
Manufacturing Software and provide an improved workflow and communication plan for
A|E and Fabricator.

General Model Management Tips:

 Use Schedules To review elements settings w/ Split Screen.
 Break down the model to smaller sizes when review using
o 3D Sections
o Default 3D View leveraging Sections
 View templates
 Filters

Construction Modeling “Parts “

Clean up your models:

 Before you begin breaking up your model with parts you will want to
make sure your wall clean-ups are done before
hand. If you are using the model for analysis,
ensure that the walls are all “joining” Occasionally
Architects or engineers will select disallow join,
this will also make the analytical lines not join.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

 Horizontal Wall Sweeps do not break with parts unless imbed into walls where they will divide.
 Embed Brick Walls must be joined to void out existing walls.

 Parts Don’t show properly in Revit & Navisworks when embeds not joined.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Break up project into smaller view or sections that are

easier to manage.

 Use section boxes of specific regions (Focus

areas) or potential zones of work. Use your
Default {3D} view and use the View cube to
navigate to specific Section Boxes. Right click on
section box and select Orient to view and find pre-
defined views to orient to. (e.g. Box East, Box
 Dependent Views with “Match Lines” are good to
break up project.

Intelligent Tag’s & Planning Views

Planning data can be captured in parts and

assemblies. These parameters can be
consumed into Navisworks intelligently.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Create Different Part Views

Views have 3 view options:
 Show Parts (Only parts will only show after you
have enabled them and wall/floor/roof will
disappear after you have removed them)
 Show Original – only shows walls.
 Show Both (Recommend Differing Colors)
Set up a generic parts view template enabling your graphical overrides for parts to include:
 Color filters for walls, floor & roofs.
 Line overrides, etc. to differentiate what is a part and what is

Creating Parts
Select Designers wall and Select Create parts.

 Select wall / floor / roof - > Create part

 Or Select Create parts - > Select Multiple
 Parts with like materials join.

Divide Parts
 Use intersecting References

 Sketch Divisions (Extend Beyond Reference

offset lines to break embedded profiles)

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Modify Parts
 Enable Shape Handles
o Per material Layers

 Override Part Materials

 Override Phases Created / Demolished

 Use Drag Handles to adjust to conditions fitting

appropriate means and methods.
 Reset Shape if you want to revert to the original

 Exclude Parts
 Restore Parts

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

 Merge Parts – Like type materials can be Merged,

o Merged parts will be included in one
material Estimate. (like materials)
o Join walls included in one pour together.

 Notes:
o Wall Reveals Will divide with Parts
o Wall Sweeps (not hosted) will not divide or
be turned into parts. They can however be
included in wall assemblies. Suggest
hosting horizontal profiles in wall or redraw.

Define Division Profiles

 Modify/Create Division -> Properties -> Set division properties
 Set Divider Gap
 Set Split Profile Types
 Define Edge Match (Complimentary, Mirrored, &
 Check Profile Along Flip
 Profile Offsets (+ or -)
 New Profile Type (Division Profiles)

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Create Assemblies
Multiple elements combined that maintain independent views, schedules, tags and can & filters.

 Combine several objects into assemblies

 Manipulate elements as a single unit
 Each assembly is a separate assembly type
 Place instances of assemblies
 Changes are tracked as the model changes
 Assemblies consume parts, parameters, and associate to parts.
 Collect and pass data into NavisWorks for Simulation.

Using Assemblies
 Separate editable, tagged, schedules, and filtered
 Generate sheet and assembly views
 Shop Drawings, clarity drawings, slab plans, form layouts.
 Grouping like type objects

Creating Assembly Views

 Select Assembly in Browser and
 Views area automatically created
 Automatic Materials Take-off

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Wall / Rebar Settings

 Define Cover settings for whole wall.
 Draw specialty rebar first then add whole rebar
 Cover settings will only apply to parts, when
defining boundary, use offset and lock it to
the edge of the part.
 Rebar will accommodate openings for doors
etc. but does not consider the profile edits
unless you incorporate these into your wall.
These are associative but not identical
giving the designer better coverage.
 Rebar is not dynamically tied to your wall, if
you edit the profile or top / bottom, it will not
follow these edits. Use pick lines with lock
for better success.
 If your wall has an exterior finish (brick,
airspace, etc. You may want use the
Additional (Exterior / Interior) Cover offsets
<instance based>
 Thin set brick walls must join geometry to
concrete walls to void out material. Walls will
be separate parts.
 Create a View with Parts & Rebar only to facilitate Adding to Assembly views.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Rebar Schedules
 Not Included in Assembly Views (Separate)
 Rebar schedules itemize every instance.
 For QTO itemize by assembly name to estimate bar size
length per assembly.
 Sort by Assembly Name, provide totals by footer and give
grand totals per Settings below.
 All fields requiring tot als select calculate totals during

Scheduling Parts
 Create Schedules for Parts
 Associate with Assembly Name
 Sort by Material to break up into different

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Documenting / Tagging Assemblies

 Tag Rebar Segments / Spacing.
 Document Rebar layout, openings, and reveals from Assembly Views.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Additional Assembly Workflow Ideas

 Place & locate structural embeds plates from beams, joists, and braces into assemblies.
 Place & locate beam pockets into assemblies.
 Place and locate lift plates / devices for tilt-up and pre-cast walls into assemblies
 Locate & Place Bracing into assembles.
 Take all assembly components and add custom simulation parameter to consume in

Consuming Revit Data to Automate Navisworks

Setting Export Settings for Navisworks
 Select
o Convert Construction Parts
o Convert element Id’s
o Convert element properties (all)
o Convert element properties
o Coordinates (if defined select)
o Divide File into Levels
o Note: Create Export View
 Grid settings

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Establish Default Search Sets

Use parameter based search sets to filter and consume Revit data to avoid manual set-up.

 Material Search
 Phase Code Search
 Misc. Filters

Workflow (Parametric Search)

1. Use find items tool to search
for Revit Parameters for
category select <Element>,
Property <Parameter name>,
condition <=>, Value (select
desired value)
2. Select find all (to verify
3. Open Sets - > Manage Sets
4. Select Save Search to save a
search set. Note Do no Save a selection
set as changes in Revit will not be

5. Attach Search Set to Phases

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Automating Simulation Selections

With the proper planning there can be synergy between Project Schedule and Shop Drawings /
Revit Drawings. Depending on the planning software you can create a unique custom variable
that can be also identified in Revit to map to the project schedule then automated through the
Rules editor in Navisworks.

Create a custom Phase ID field in your project in whichever planning software you prefer.

Insert Parameter in Navisworks

and move to front. First add project
from schedule and select the
preferred User Column for the
Phase ID and map it to the External
Field Name.(note: this may have
been renamed in the planning
software), you may need to find this
through trial and error if you can’t
open the project planning software.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Choose Column for which you want to map the specific

parameter. This tool is found on the timeliner task bar. This may
automatically be added or may need to be added to existing

Auto-Attach Using Rules will enable you to map the elements via parameter vs. creating
individual search / selection sets. You will want to give it a name different than the other Auto-
Attach rules.

Modeling in Revit Structure:
Tips & Tricks for Downstream Construction Utilization

Use the Attach Items to task by

Category / Property. You can select
the Navisworks Column to map with
specific properties (similar to find
items with search Name) This will
automate the selection of items that
have the previously identified
parameters for PhaseCode in Revit.
Once created apply rule settings.
You may want to export these
settings for future use or
standardization in your organization.

Verify your Project Schedule to

ensure that there are explicit
selections and don’t forget to make
sure your task types are selected
(i.e. Construct, Demolish, etc.)

Animate areas of greatest concern

Many times animations can be a
very trick and complicated avenue
for simulation. Even though clients
enjoy a good dog and pony show, it is important to demonstrate / animate areas of the greatest
concern. This may be simulation of egress, 4D clashing, complicated areas, stacking /
demolishing sequences, temporary construction etc. Logistical issues are not always shown in
plans but should be not only demonstrated but somehow documented. Navisworks can
communicate these weekly elements without the need of plans. Animations can be added to
the construction schedule and are not always found on the schedule task bar, remember to add
these to your schedule in these complicated areas or egress studies.


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