13th TP-Final-Report-Vol-2-part2
13th TP-Final-Report-Vol-2-part2
13th TP-Final-Report-Vol-2-part2
(Volume 2, Part 2)
Feb 2017
Revision Index
Internal Approval
Transmission planning studies for 13th plan covers load flow, contingency, short circuit,
transient stability and light load studies for the years 2019-20 up to 2021-22. Preliminary
report covering load flow, contingency and short circuit studies for year 2018-19 was
submitted on 20.10.2015. Draft report (part 1) covering load flow, contingency and short
circuit studies for year 2021-22 and draft report (part 2) covering transient stability and
light load studies for the horizon year 2021-22 was submitted on 07.01.2016. Final report
is prepared in two volumes; Final report (volume 1) covering load flow, contingency and
short circuit studies for year 2018-19 was submitted on 23.12.2015.
Further, final report (Volume 2) is prepared in two parts. Final report (Volume 2, part 1)
covers load flow, contingency and short circuit studies for year 2019-20, 2020-21 and
2021-22. Present final report (Volume 2, part 2) covers transient stability and light load
studies for the horizon year 2021-22.
Transient stability studies for year 2021-22 were simulated considering various types of
disturbances detailed in CEA transmission planning criteria such as three phase to
ground fault on 765 kV lines, single line to ground fault on one circuit of 765 kV D/C lines
with unsuccessful re-closure, three phase to ground fault on 400 kV lines, single line to
ground fault on one circuit of 400 kV D/C lines with unsuccessful re-closure, three phase
to ground fault on 220 kV lines, outage of 400 kV interstate lines, outage of 400/220 kV
interconnecting transformer, generator outages and load disturbances. Also, cases were
simulated to find the critical clearing time of generators.
Based on the transient stability studies simulated for the disturbances created on 765kV,
400kV & 220kV lines, 400/220kV interconnecting transformers, generator outages and
load disturbances of OPTCL system, it is observed that the system is stable and the
frequency and rotor angle swing damp adequately with respect to time.
Also, 765 kV bus reactors 240 MVAr each at Begunia and OTPCL generation
switchyard, 2x240 MVAr 765 kV line reactors in Begunia to OTPCL 765 kV D/C
line at Begunia end and 2x240 MVAr 765 kV line reactors in Angul to OTPCL 765
kV D/C line at Angul end are considered in the study.
With existing bus/line reactors and planned PGCIL bus/line reactors in Odisha, it
is observed that voltages at all the substations in Odisha are well within the
voltage limits prescribed by CEA.
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CPP Captive Power Plant
D/C Double circuit
ICT Inter Connecting Transformer
IEEE Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers
IPP Independent Power Producer
NALCO National Aluminum Company
NBVL Nava Bharat Ventures Limited
NHPC National Hydroelectric Power Corporation
NTPC National Thermal Power Corporation
NINL Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited
OHPC Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited
OPCL Odisha Power Consortium Limited
OPGC Odisha Power Generation Corporation
OPTCL Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited
PGCIL Power Grid Corporation Of India Limited
PRDC Power Research and Development Consultants Private Limited
RSP Rourkela Steel Plant
S/C Single circuit
S/S Substation
STPS Super Thermal Power Station
TTPS Talcher Thermal Power Station
Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 3
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 8
2. Scope of Work ........................................................................................................... 9
3. System Data ............................................................................................................ 10
3.1 System data for transient stability study ................................................................... 10
3.2 System data for light load study ............................................................................... 14
4. Transient Stability Study - Methodology ................................................................... 17
5. Transient Stability – Case Studies ........................................................................... 21
5.1 Transmission line outage ......................................................................................... 21
5.2 Interconnecting transformer outage ......................................................................... 37
5.3 Generator outage .................................................................................................... 43
5.4 Observation from transient stability studies .............................................................. 51
6. Light Load Study ...................................................................................................... 52
6.1 Observations and recommendations ....................................................................... 60
Table 3.1: Details of generator parameters considered in the study ............................. 10
Table 3.2: AVR Type-1 data (Typical values) ............................................................... 12
Table 3.3: Hydro turbine governor data (Typical Values) .............................................. 13
Table 3.4: Steam Turbine governor data (Typical Values) ............................................ 14
Table 3.5: List of existing bus/line reactors in Odisha ................................................... 14
Table 3.6: List of bus/line reactors planned by PGCIL for Odisha network ................... 15
Table 3.7: Voltage limits at various voltage level prescribed in CEA’s “Transmission
Planning Criteria” .................................................................................................. 16
Table 4.1: List of case studies conducted for transmission line outages. ...................... 19
Table 4.2: List of case studies conducted for 400/220kV ICT outages. ......................... 19
Table 4.3: List of case studies conducted for generator outages. ................................. 20
Table 4.4: List of case studies conducted for load disturbances. .................................. 20
Table 4.5: List of case studies conducted for critical clearing time. ............................... 20
Table 6.1: State and central sector generations in Odisha ............................................ 52
Table 6.2: CGP generation details considered for year 2021-22 .................................. 52
Table 6.3: IPP generation details considered for year 2021-22 .................................... 54
Table 6.4: Summary of load details considered for light load studies (2021-22) ........... 54
Table 6.5: DISCOM wise loads considered for light load studies (2021-22) .................. 55
Table 6.6: Industrial and CGP loads considered for light load studies (2021-22) .......... 55
Table 6.7: Traction loads considered for light load studies (2021-22) ........................... 57
Table 6.8: Load generation balance details for light load studies (2021-22) ................. 59
Table 6.9: Import-export details for light load studies (2021-22) ................................... 59
Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL) is one of the largest
transmission utilities in the country and was incorporated in March 2004 under the
companies Act, 1956 as a company wholly owned by the government of Odisha to
undertake the business of transmission and wheeling of electricity in the State. The
registered office of the company is at Bhubaneswar, the capital of the state of Odisha. Its
projects and field units are spread all over the State.
OPTCL became fully operational with effect from 9th June 2005 consequent to Odisha
electricity reform (Transfer of transmission and related activities) scheme, 2005 under
the provisions of Electricity Act, 2003 and the Odisha Reforms Act, 1995 by the State
Government for transfer and vesting of transmission related activities of GRIDCO with
OPTCL. The Company has been designated as the State Transmission Utility in terms of
Section 39 of the Electricity Act, 2003.
Presently the company is carrying on the intra state transmission and wheeling of
electricity under a license issued by the Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission
(OERC). The company is also discharging the functions of State Load Dispatch Center.
The Company owns Extra High Voltage Transmission system and operates about
12,171.194 circuit km of transmission lines at 400 kV, 220 kV, 132 kV levels and 115
nos. of substations with transformation capacity of 14,032 MVA as on June 2015.
In this context, OPTCL has entrusted the work to carry out the transmission planning
studies to prepare OPTCL transmission plan up to end of 13th plan period (2019-20 to
2021-2022) to M/s. Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. vide work
order reference no CP-12/2015/10043(8)/epc dated 17 October 2015.
Present final report Volume 2, part 2 covers transient stability and light load studies for
the horizon year 2021-22. Study observations and recommendations are also highlighted
in this report.
The broad scope of work to be carried out by PRDC is as follows,
a) Simulating load flow, short circuit studies for base case network configuration.
b) Simulating load flow studies for peak load conditions with high hydro, Low
hydro and high thermal generation taking the future load growth into account.
This will be done for the period from 2019-20 to 2021-22.
Preliminary report submitted on 20.10.2015 covered point “a” to “d” and “g” & “h”
specified in the above scope of work for year 2018-19. Draft report (part 1 and part 2)
submitted on 07.01.2016 covered point “b” to “h” specified in the above scope of work for
the year 2021-22.
Final report (volume 1) for year 2018-19 was submitted on 23.12.2015 covered point “a”
to “d” and “g” & “h” specified in the above scope of work.
Present final report (volume 2, Part 2) covers point “e” and “f” specified in the above
scope of work for year 2021-22 by incorporation draft report comments received on
20.04.2016 and 13.07.2016.
3.1 System data for transient stability study
Transient stability study requires detailed modeling of Generators, Automatic Voltage
Regulators (AVR) and governor control systems as these have a significant effect on
system stability. This section presents the detailed modeling of these components
considered for the study.
Generator parameters:
Table 3.1 present the details of generator parameters considered in the transient stability
Table 3.1: Details of generator parameters considered in the study
Capacity 800 MW 660 MW 600 MW 500 MW 350 MW 210 MW 150 MW
1 MVA 941 776 705 588 415 247 166.7
2 Type Thermal Thermal Thermal Thermal Thermal Thermal Hydro
3 kV rating 21 21 21 21 21 15.75 11
Direct axis
4 reactance Xd in 2.08 2.22 2.22 2.23 2.23 2.23 0.083
Quadrature axis
5 reactance Xqin 2.04 2.11 2.11 2.19 2.11 2.11 0.57
Direct axis sub
6 " 0.18 0.196 0.196 0.21 0.2 0.21 0.15
reactance X d in
Quadrature axis
sub transient
7 " 0.18 0.24 0.22 0.23 0.25 0.25 0.2
reactance X q in
Negative seq.
8 reactance Xn in 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.27 0.23 0.15
Zero seq.
9 reactance Xo in 0.21 0.12 0.095 0.18 0.15 0.11 0.087
Open circuit time
10 8.6 6.2 6.0 9.14 6.5 7.00 9.70
Transient Direct
axis (T’d0)in sec.
Open circuit time
11 1.80 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.5
Transient Direct
axis (T’q0) in sec.
Open circuit time
constant Sub-
12 0.033 0.037 0.035 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05
transient Direct
axis (T’’d0) in sec.
Open circuit time
constant Sub-
13 0.05 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10
transient Direct
axis (T’’q0) in sec.
Inertia constant
14 4.5 4.05 4.05 4.05 2.73 2.73 3.5
IEEE Type-1 AVR is considered for the study. Figure 3.1 presents the control bock
During increase or decrease of the load, the governor system provides a means for
controlling power and frequency. The control block diagram of hydro governor model is
given in Figure 3.2 and values of the constants used for the study is given in Table 3.3.
ref + 1 1 1
1 sT1 T2 s Ps
+ -
- Pmin
+ k1.
1 sT3
Transient Droop Compensator
Permanent Droop Compensator
The control block diagram of steam governor model is given in Figure 3.3 and values of
the constants used for the study is given in Table 3.4.
Figure 3.3: Control block diagram of IEEE Type-1 Steam Turbine Governor
Table 3.6: List of bus/line reactors planned by PGCIL for Odisha network
Voltage level
Sl. No Substation/Line Rating (MVAr) Bus reactor/Line reactor
1 Baripada 420 2x125 Bus reactor
2 Bolangir 420 1x125 Bus reactor
3 Rengali 420 2x125 Bus reactor
4 Keonjhar 420 1x125 Bus reactor
5 Bisra 420 1x80 Bus reactor
6 Bisra 420 1x125 Bus reactor
Jharsuguda to Raipur Line reactor (Jharsuguda
7 800 2x240
double circuit end)
Line reactor (Narendrapur
8 Angul to Narendrapur 420 2x80
Narendrapur to Line reactor (Narendrapur
9 420 2x80
Gazuwaka end)
Note: It is assumed that line reactors will be installed in the proposed Angul-Narendrapur–
Gazuwaka 400 kV D/C since length of both Angul to Narendrapur and Narendrapur to Gazuwaka
sections are more than 200 km.
OPTCL network planned for meeting the 2021-22 projected peak demand of 6051 MW
along with 887 MW of additional bulk load was considered for the transient stability
study. The system frequency prior to disturbance is considered as 50 Hz. All the
generators were suitably modeled (sub-transient modeling) along with the Eastern,
Western and Northern region system. The synchronous machine parameters of
generating stations considered in the studies are presented in Table 3.1. Typical
parameters as per CEA guidelines were assumed in case of non-availability of any data.
Standard IEEE primary governor and Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) models are
considered in the study. Stability studies were performed considering following
disturbances based on the guidelines outlined in CEA transmission planning criteria.
The transmission system shall be stable after it is subjected to one of the following
The system shall be able to survive a permanent three phase to ground fault on a
765 kV line close to the bus to be cleared in 100 ms.
The system shall be able to survive a permanent single phase to ground fault on
a 765 kV line close to the bus. Accordingly, single pole opening (100 ms) of the
faulted phase and unsuccessful re-closure (dead time 1 second) followed by 3-
pole opening (100 ms) of the faulted line shall be considered.
The system shall be able to survive a permanent Three-phase to ground fault on
a 400 kV line close to the bus to be cleared in 100ms.
The system shall be able to survive a permanent single phase to ground fault on
a 400 kV line close to the bus. Accordingly, single pole opening (100ms) of the
faulted phase and unsuccessful re-closure (dead time 1 second) followed by 3-
pole opening (100ms) of the faulted line shall be considered.
In case of 220 kV / 132 kV networks, the system shall be able to survive a
permanent Three-phase fault on one circuit, close to a bus, with a fault clearing
time of 160ms (8 cycles) assuming 3-pole opening.
The various case studies selected for transient stability analysis are provided in Table
4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5. These tables provide element details of OPTCL network where
disturbance is created; type of disturbances selected & exhibit numbers with typical plots
of swing curves, frequency, and voltage at generator terminals.
Table 4.1: List of case studies conducted for transmission line outages.
Table 4.2: List of case studies conducted for 400/220kV ICT outages.
Plot Exhibit Numbers Remarks
Case Voltage
Name of the Station Type of disturbance Power
No Voltage Swing (Corresponding System Stability
11 Duburi Outage of 1x315 MVA 400/220kV ICT 31 32 33 34 Stable
12 Mendhasal Outage of 1x315 MVA 400/220kV ICT 35 36 37 38 Stable
13 Lapanga Outage of 1x315 MVA 400/220kV ICT 39 40 41 42 Stable
Table 4.5: List of case studies conducted for critical clearing time.
Plot Exhibit Numbers
Case No Name of the generator Type of disturbance
Three Phase to Ground Fault on one circuit of 220kV D/C line from IB generation to
19 IB (220 kV) 58
Budhipadar 220/132kV substation.
Three Phase to Ground Fault on one circuit of 765kV D/C line from OTPCL
20 OTPCL 59
generation to Jajpur road 765/400kV substation.
Observation: The maximum oscillation to an extent of around 15 degrees from the pre-
fault value is observed at OTPCL generator, and it stabilizes within 10 seconds.
Case 2: Single line to ground fault on one circuit of OTPCL- Begunia 765 kV D/C line at
1.0 second with single pole opening at 1.1 second to clear the fault followed by
unsuccessful re-closure at 2.10 second (with dead time of 1.0 second) and clearing the
fault by opening of all the three poles at 2.20 second with the simulation time 10 seconds.
Case 3: Three phase to ground fault on one circuit of Pandiabil – Begunia 400 kV D/C
line at 1.0 second and fault cleared at 1.1 seconds by opening the line.
Case 4: Single line to ground fault on one circuit of Pandiabil – Begunia 400 kV D/C line
at 1.0 second with single pole opening at 1.1 second to clear the fault followed by
unsuccessful re-closure at 2.10 second (with dead time of 1.0 second) and clearing the
fault by opening of all the three poles at 2.20 second with the simulation time 10 seconds.
Case 5: Three phase to ground fault on one circuit of Meramundali-Khuntuni 400 kV D/C
line at 1.0 second and fault cleared at 1.1 seconds by opening the line.
Case 6: Single line to ground fault on one circuit of Meramundali-Khuntuni 400 kV D/C
line at 1.0 second with single pole opening at 1.1 second to clear the fault followed by
unsuccessful re-closure at 2.10 second (with dead time of 1.0 second) and clearing the
fault by opening of all the three poles at 2.20 second with the simulation time 10 seconds.
Case 8: Three phase to ground fault on one circuit of Kuchei-Jamshedpur 400 kV D/C line
at 1.0 second and fault cleared at 1.1 seconds by opening the line.
Case 9: Three phase to ground fault on one circuit of Jayanagar-Balimela 220 kV D/C line
at 1.0 second and fault cleared at 1.16 seconds by opening the line.
Case 10: Three phase to ground fault on one circuit of Narendrapur-Theruvali 220 kV D/C
line at 1.0 second and fault cleared at 1.16 seconds by opening the line.
Observation: With the outage of one 315 MVA transformer, the other transformer would
be loaded to an extent of around 155 MW.
Observation: The maximum oscillation to an extent of around 3 degrees from the pre-
fault value is observed at IB generator, and it stabilizes within 6 seconds.
Observation: The maximum oscillation to an extent of around 6.5 degrees from the pre-
fault value is observed at OTPCL generator, and it stabilizes within 10 seconds.
Observation: The maximum oscillation to an extent of around 6.3 degrees from the pre-
fault value is observed at Indravati generator, and it stabilizes within 7 seconds.
Case 17: Simultaneous load rejection of around 433 MW at 1.0 second in Bhubaneswar
area (mainly in Ranasinghpur, Chandaka, Bidanasi, Khurda, Cuttack and Badagada 132
kV substations).
Observation: Marginal oscillations are observed in all the generators which stabilizes by
the end of 10 seconds.
Observation: The grid frequency will rise up to 50.02 Hz and settles at almost 50.01 Hz
due to decrease in load.
Observation: The grid frequency will rise up to 50.02 Hz and settles at almost 50.01 Hz
due to decrease in load.
Observation: For three phase to ground fault on one circuit of OTPCL-Jajpur road 765kV
D/C line, critical clearing time is 265ms. Beyond 265ms clearing time, the OTPCL
generator will go out of step as shown in the exhibit 59.
Table 6.4, Table 6.5, Table 6.6 and Table 6.7 presents the summary of load details
considered for light load studies (2021-22), DISCOM wise load details for light load
studies (2021-22), industrial and CGP load details considered for light load studies (2021-
22) and traction loads considered for light load studies (2021-22) respectively.
Table 6.4: Summary of load details considered for light load studies (2021-22)
Table 6.6: Industrial and CGP loads considered for light load studies (2021-22)
Connected Load
Sl. Connected grid
Industrial load voltage level considered for
No. substation
(kV) the study (MW)
1 ACC Bargarh 132 10.9
2 Action Ispat& Power (P) Ltd Jharsuguda 132 3.3
3 Adani Mining Pvt. Ltd. Rengali 220 37.7
Shree Ganesh Metaliks
4 Adhunik Metaliks Ltd 132 32.4
Sw. Stn.
5 Aditya Alumina Budhipadar 220 27.1
Meramundali -
6 Arati Steel & Power Ltd 132 9.9
7 Arya Iron & Steel Co. (P) Ltd Joda - Rourkela 132 6.7
8 Aryan Ispat& Power (P) Ltd Aryan-Viraj Sw. Stn 132 2.7
9 Balasore Alloys Balasore 132 42.4
Beekay Steels and Power
10 Joda - Rourkela 132 8.1
11 Bhusan Power & Steel Ltd Budhipadar 220 54.3
12 Bhushan Steel & Power Ltd Meramundali 220 111.2
13 Birla Tyres Balasore 132 4.0
Brahmani River Pellets Ltd
14 Duburi - MESCO 132 18.3
Brahmani River Pellets Ltd
15 Palasponga 132 18.3
(BRPL), Barbil
16 BRG Iron & Steel Co. (P) Ltd Meramundali 132 43.0
17 CONCAST Budhipadar 220 5.4
Dhamara Port Company Ltd
18 Bhadrak 132 6.7
19 Emami Paper Mills Ltd Balasore 132 9.4
20 ESSAR Dabuna Arya Sw. Stn. 132 14.7
21 Essar Steel India Ltd Paradeep 220 43.8
Essel Mining & Industries
22 Barbil 132 10.1
23 Facor Charge Chrome Plant Bhadrak 132 22.9
24 FCI, Talcher Chainpal 132 0.6
25 FMP, Joda Joda 132 13.2
Table 6.7: Traction loads considered for light load studies (2021-22)
Voltage level
SI. No Traction load Connected grid substation Load (MW )
1 Balasore Balasore 132 12.3
2 Bamra Rajgangpur-Kuchinda 132 6
3 Bansapani Joda 132 13
4 Bhadrak Bhadrak 132 11.6
5 Bhalulata LILO of Rourkela-Joda 132 7.1
6 Brajamunda Barjamunda 132 13.7
7 Ch. Kusumi Machhkund-Jayanagar feeder 132 3.1
Table 6.8 and Table 6.9 presents the details of load generation balance and import/export
details for light load condition (2021-22) respectively.
Sl. No. Odisha Substation Other agency/state Voltage level Export Import
1 Jharsuguda (PGCIL) Dharamjaygarh 765 694 0
2 Jharsuguda (PGCIL) Dharamjaygarh 765 5057 0
3 Sundergarh new Raipur 765 1785 0
4 Angul(PGCIL) Srikakulam 765 1506 0
5 Bisra (PGCIL) Raigarh (PGCIL) 765 2165 0
6 Bisra (PGCIL) Chaibasa 400 0 526
7 Bisra (PGCIL) Ranchi 400 0 850
8 Kuchei (PGCIL) Jamshedpur (PGCIL) 400 0 171
9 Kuchei (PGCIL) DVC 400 0 80
10 Kuchei (PGCIL) Kharagpur (WBSETCL) 400 70 0
11 Jaypore (PGCIL) Gazuwaka (PGCIL) 400 333 0
12 Narendrapur Gazuwaka (PGCIL) 400 471 0
13 Talcher Kolar HVDC 1595 0
14 Sundergarh new Maharani bagh/Badrapur HVDC 2796 0
15 Budhipadar (OPTCL) Korba (CSPTCL) 220 0 147
16 Joda Chaibasa 220 22 0
17 JSPL Joda Jamshedpur (DVC) 220 0 48
18 Budhipadar (OPTCL) Raigarh (CSPTCL) 220 33 0
19 Balasore Egra (WBSETCL) 220 38 0
20 Machhkund Vizag 220 41 0
Total 16606 1822
Around 255 MVAr of capacitor banks are switched off at 33 kV buses of many
132/33 kV substations out of a total of 1210 MVAr of capacitor banks considered
up to year 2021-22.
It is observed that, voltage at 400 kV bus of proposed Narendrapur 400/220 kV
substation is close to 1.05 pu. Hence it is recommended to install 80 MVAr bus
reactor at Narendrapur 400/220 kV substation in order to control voltage during
light load condition.
Also, 765 kV bus reactors 240 MVAr each at Begunia and OTPCL generation
switchyard, 2x240 MVAr 765 kV line reactors in Begunia to OTPCL 765 kV D/C
line at Begunia end and 2x240 MVAr 765 kV line reactors in Angul to OTPCL 765
kV D/C line at Angul end are considered in the study.
With existing bus/line reactors and planned PGCIL bus/line reactors in Odisha, it is
observed that voltages at all the substations in Odisha are well within the voltage
limits prescribed by CEA.
(Light load Study)
Sl. No Drawing no Description
1 LFA_light load/2021-22/765-400kV-Basecase
2 LFA_light load/2021-22/220kV-Basecase Load flow study results for Odisha
3 LFA_light load/2021-22/132kV(North)-Basecase system light load condition.
4 LFA_light load/2021-22/132kV(South)-Basecase