English For Civil Engineering bt4063

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English for Civil Engineering

Part II
Lect. univ. dr. Ionela IONIȚIU

English for Civil Engineering

Part II

Bucureşti, 2020

Referenţi ştiinţifici: Prof. univ. dr. Lavinia NĂDRAG

Conf. univ. dr. Liliana Carmen MĂRUNȚELU

Redactor: Gheorghe Iovan

Tehnoredactor: Ameluţa Vişan
Coperta: Monica Balaban

Editură recunoscută de Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice (C.N.C.S.) şi

inclusă de Consiliul Naţional de Atestare a Titlurilor, Diplomelor şi
Certificatelor Universitare (C.N.A.T.D.C.U.) în categoria editurilor de prestigiu

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României

English for civil engineering : student's book / Ionela Ioniţiu. -
Bucureşti : Editura Universitară, 2014-2020
2 vol.
ISBN 978-606-28-0064-2
Part 2. - 2020. - Conţine bibliografie. - ISBN 978-606-28-1155-6


DOI: (Digital Object Identifier): 10.5682/9786062811556

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lucrare nu poate fi copiată fără acordul Editurii Universitare

Copyright © 2020
Editura Universitară
Editor: Vasile Muscalu
B-dul. N. Bălcescu nr. 27-33, Sector 1, Bucureşti
Tel.: 021.315.32.47
e-mail: [email protected]

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So far, I have learnt that an interactive teaching/

learning activity that will value my students’ interventions
should focus on creating a scientific context that would
stimulate the debates within my ESP seminars and lectures.

The textbook is a compilation based on the authentic

texts adapted from websites and magazines (USA, UK,
Canada) and is intended for civil engineering students. One
of the aims of this project has been to develop materials
both for testing the foreign language competence of civil
engineers and for teaching them the language that they need
to require for their professional certification.

I do not assume that my users will have an in-depth

knowledge of civil engineering works. Therefore, the units
have been devised to help students improve their
knowledge and use of English in an engineering
environment. Each unit covers vocabulary related to a
certain topic area- ranging from basic civil engineering
vocabulary to roads, architecture, bridges, types of
foundations and so on- and is designed to reinforce and
improve their communicative skills.

I have come to realize that the more realistic

situations and contexts I will focus on, the more realistic
my teaching materials and methods will become. My

lectures are addressed to intermediate and upper-
intermediate students that already have basic knowledge of
English grammar and, therefore, they are thematically-
centered on developing the reading, writing, speaking and
listening/viewing abilities that they need in order to
communicate in their studying field. In other words, the
lectures aim to help them:

 Increase their knowledge of technical English.

 Discuss familiar things, key engineering concepts
and principles.
 Communicate with fellow students and engineers
in other countries.
 And, nevertheless, become more fluent and
accurate in a wide range of technical fields.

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................. 5
Chapter 1. Standard operating procedures of
hand tools ................................................ 9
Chapter 2. Tools and equipment used in civil
engineering.............................................. 17
Chapter 3. Safety equipment. Safety at work ......... 27
Chapter 4. Building materials .................................. 37
Chapter 5. Types of structure. Parts of a
residence/ commercial building ............ 47
Chapter 6. Site investigation and layout ................. 58
Chapter 7. Cranes and rigging on a building site .. 69
Chapter 8. Excavation and types of foundations ... 80
Chapter 9. The building process: formwork,
framing and mold ................................... 93
Chapter 10. Plans, sketches and blueprints .............. 103
Chapter 11. Civil engineering careers ....................... 113
Chapter 12. Concrete works....................................... 124
Chapter 13. Steel, concrete and timber frames ........ 135
Chapter 14. Insulation materials and methods ........ 145

Chapter 15. Types of roofs ......................................... 155
Chapter 16. Architecture ............................................ 166
Chapter 17. Types of bridges ..................................... 177
Chapter 18. Types of roads ........................................ 188
Chapter 19. Types of pavements ................................ 197
Chapter 20. Road and bridge maintenance .............. 209

Chapter 1
Standard operating procedures of hand tools

Task 1.

1.1. Pair work activity (5 minutes). Look at the picture

below ad try to identify/list as many hand tools as
possible. Compare your lists and then check your
answers using the following online glossaries:
british/general-hand-tools or https://www.eslbuzz.com/

(Source: https://m.made-in-china.com/product/All-Types-of-

Task 2. Before reading the passage, discuss these
a. What common hand tools do you know?
b. Which hand tools would construction workers use to
build a house?
c. What tools could be used for cutting metal and sawing

Task 3. Reading (10 minutes)

3.1. Read the article below and complete the following
The goal of this lecture is to familiarize students with the
hand tools used in civil engineering and the construction
trade, such as hammers, saws, levels, pullers, and clamps.
The lecture will explain the specific role of each tool, how
to properly use it, and the important safety and maintenance
issues related to each tool.
To safely use each tool follow the standard operating
procedures below. Every hand tool is listed and described
in this document. If you are unsure how to use any of the
hand tools, please carefully read this document or ask a lab
technician for assistance.
(Adapted from:https://www.tri-c.edu/programs/

3.1.1.Mark the following statements as True (T) or False
a. The article deals with the importance of using hand tools
b. The goal of the article is to list various useful hand tools.
c. The article is a manufacturer’s brochure to advertise a
construction company.

3.1.2. Choose the correct answer:

1. What is the purpose of the article above?
a. to instruct how to use various hand tools
b. to give a narrow description of each hand tool
c. to suggest which hand tool to use adequately
d. to eplain the specific role of each hand tool
2. Which of the following is NOT a hand tool?
a. Philips screwdriver
b. Sand paper
c. Adjustable wrech
d. Rubber gasket
3.2. Read the texts below and perform the following
A (1......) is a heavy paper with abrasive material attached
to its surface. (1......) is part of the "coated abrasives" family
of abrasive products. It is used to remove small amounts of
material from surfaces, either to make them smoother (for
example, in painting and wood finishing), to remove a layer
of material (such as old paint), or sometimes to make the
surface rougher (for example, as a preparation to gluing).

A traditional (2.....) looks like a short plank of wood and
often has a wide body to ensure stability, and that the
surface is measured correctly. In the middle of the spirit
level is a small window where the bubble and the tube is
mounted. Two notches (or rings) designate where the
bubble should be if the surface is level. Often an indicator
for a 45° inclination is included.
A (3......) is a hand-tool for turning (driving) screws (and
sometimes bolts or other machine elements with a mating
drive system). A (3......) will be easy to identify by its tip,
which is shaped to fit, or mate with, a screw the head of
which has a particular contour, or surface shape. A (3......)
is, thus, a mechanism to apply torque to a screw.
(4.....) are both cutting and holding pliers. They are often
used by electricians and other tradespersons to bend, re-
position and cut wire. Their namesake long gripping nose
provides excellent control and reach for fine work in small
or crowded electrical, while cutting edges nearer the pliers'
joint provide "one-tool" convenience. Given their long
shape, they are useful for reaching into cavities where
cables (or other materials) have become stuck or
unreachable to fingers or other means.
(Adapted from: https://www.tangischools.org/cms/lib/

3.2.1. Recognize and identify some of the basic hand

tools and their proper uses in the construction trade.
Fill in the blanks with the missing words.
3.2.2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words.

4. Vocabulary
4.1. Match the words in column A wih their definitions
in column B:
1. Chisels a. the part of a piece of equipment,
especially electrical equipment, into
which another part fits
2. punches b. a tool consisting of a metal handle and
a socket, used for turning objects in
one direction only
3. pliers c. a tool for breaking hard surfaces, with
a long wooden handle and curved
metal bar with a sharp point
4. ratchets d. a thin, flat or rounded metal tool with
rough surfaces for rubbing wooden or
metal objects to make them smooth or
to change their shape
5. wrenches e. a tool with a rough blade, used for
shaping wood or metal
6. sockets f. a tool with a long metal blade that has
a sharp edge for cutting wood, stone,
7. Saws g. a tool with a long or round blade and a
row of sharp points along one edge,
used for cutting hard materials such as
wood or metal
8. files h. a tool for holding and turning objects,
especially one that can be made larger
and smaller to hold different sized
9. rasps i. a piece of equipment that cuts holes
ina material by pushing a piece of
metal through it

10. pickaxes j. a small tool with two handles for
holding or pulling small things like
nails, or for cutting wire

4.2. Write a word that has a similar meaning to the

underlined part:
a. Thistool combination allows you to turn a nut or a bolt
without repositioning the tool on the fastener — as
ithappens with a wrench when there isn't enough room to
turn it in a full circle. = s _ _ _ _ t w _ _ _ _ h
b.A tool used to tighten or loosen screws that have a
straight, linear notch in their heads.= f _ _ _ _ e _ d s _ _ e _
_ _ _ e r.
c.A tool with a fine-toothed saw, originally and mainly
made for cutting metal. =ha _ _ _ a w
d.A tool used to drive nails into a wooden surface, to shape
metal or to crush/ smash something. = h _ _ _ _ r
e.This tool is used whenever you need to cut tape, cord,
cardboard, or other packaging material. = u _ _ _ _ _ y k _

4.3. Pair work activity – role play. Imagine you are a

tool supervisor. Talk to your partner about what tools
are needed to mend a cabinet. (10 lines)
5. Group work activity – brainstorming. Translate into

Unelte necesare:

 veți avea nevoie de un creion de tâmplărie pentru a

face marcaje pe lemn și piatră. În caz de urgență,
este bun și un creion normal;
 ferăstraie (electrice sau clasice) pentru a tăia
 cu ajutorul târnăcopului spargeți pământul pentru a
facilita săparea fundației;
 cu o daltă plată, mai mult sau mai putin largă, puteți
îndepărta din locurile nepotrivite mortarul sau
betonul întărit;

(Adapted from Manfred Braun, 2013, Construcții de

cărămidă, editura M.A.S.T.)

6. Listening/ viewing. Watch the video and try to

perform the tasks:


6.1. After viewing the material, mark the following

statements as true (T) or false (F):

a. You can use a hammer and a punch to strike with and

make a dimple.

b. A ratchet is a driver.

c. A Philips screwdriver has a flat tip.

d. A ball-pin hammer is used for sawing wood.

e. There are three different standard drills.

6.2. Answer the following questions:
a. How many tool families are mentioned in the video?
b. What is a double-opening wrench?
c. What is the difference between a socket wrench and a
d. What is the difference between a ball-pin hammer and a
carpenter’s hammer?

7. Writing
7.1. Write a short paragraph (no more than 70 words)
describing a hand tool you frequently use.
7.2. Comment on the following statement: There are some
basic tools that every homeowner should own, whatever
their skill level. (200 words)

Chapter 2
Tools and equipment used in civil engineering

Task 1. Group work activity. Conversation (5 minutes).

Look at the pictures below ad try to identify/list as
many construction tools as possible.

c=tCZeGm4TkeAUzM )

Task 2. Before reading the passage, discuss these

1. What machine makes cement?

2. Name some tools used to collect/ spread building
3. What tools will you use to break up a concrete slab?

Task 3. Reading
3.1. Read the text below and complete the following

Masonry work is one of those home improvement skills that

few homeowners attempt to master. Drywall, electrical,
plumbing, and painting get most of the do-it-yourself
attention, while masonry is often hired out to skilled
masons. Yet do-it-yourself masonry work can be highly
satisfying and creative. And aside from the pleasure of
seeing a job well done, one of the great things about doing
masonry work is that its tools and materials are basic,
inexpensive, and easy to comprehend. Once wet concrete
starts to pour, you need to be prepared to move quickly. No
one wants to get to the job site and realize they left a tool
behind. In case you are for pouring cement or concrete
here’s an exhaustive list of construction tools you might
need on a concrete construction site from start to finish:

Whether you’re mixing in a truck, a portable mixer or a
wheelbarrow, you want to be sure your concrete is
thoroughly mixed for maximum strength and durability.

If the site of the concrete slab is to be prepped with a sub-
base of any type, a compactor helps settle the stone or
aggregate into position.

Both the sub-base and slab surface must be leveled. A
standard long-line level, or a laser level, will let you verify
that the slab is completely according to spec before pouring
and after.

Moisture Retarders

Moisture or vapor retarders are used to prevent water vapor

from intruding on a finished concrete slab. They are
generally placed directly under on grade or below grade

Reciprocating saws, circular saws or grinders can be
necessary to cut rebar or forms on the job site. They can
also be necessary if a problem develops under the slab and
a portion of the concrete has to be removed after it has set
and dried.

Screeds come in a variety of sizes and can be a specific tool
(also called straight edges or bump cutters), or can be
simple flat pieces of dimensional lumber. The purpose of a
screed is to smooth concrete after it has been moved into
place by scraping away any excess from the slab surface.

Bull Floats

Bull floats are wide-bladed tools on a long (possibly

telescoping handle) that provide the first pass for leveling
ridges and filling voids in the concrete after the screed work
has been done.
(Adapted from: https://www.thespruce.com/overview-of-

3.1.1. Mark the following statements as True (T) or

False (F):

1. In case the concrete slab is provided with a sub-base the

screeds are used to verify if the slab si leveled.

2. Moisture retarders are mainly used to trap water inside

the concrete slab.
3. In case a problem occurs beneath the hardened concrete
slab you can use a saw to cut and remove that portion.

3.1.2. Choose the correct answer:

1. What is the purpose of the excerpt?
a) to prevent tool damage
b) to assess tool purpose
c) to describe tool quality
2. Which tool was NOT mentioned in the text:
a) bull float
b) grinder
c) screed
d) compactor


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