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Abstract This article discusses the implementation of the Project Based Learning approach
in making innovative teaching aids for geometry material in SLB-C Pancaran Kasih
Cirebon City. The main objective of this program is to improve students'
understanding of abstract mathematical concepts through the use of interactive
teaching aids. The steps taken include identification of needs, preparation of training
materials, discussion of teaching aids, teacher training, classroom implementation,
evaluation, and adjustment if needed. This research method shows that the Project
Based Learning approach is effective in improving students' understanding of
geometry material. The references used in this research include various studies
related to the use of teaching aids in mathematics learning. The results of this study
provide valuable insights into the importance of using innovative teaching aids and
project-based learning approaches in improving the quality of mathematics
learning, especially in special education environments such as SLB-C Pancaran
Kasih Cirebon City.
1. Introduction
The development of science is not far from the role of mathematics. (Silaban et al., 2023).
Mathematics is useful for other sciences in analyzing and ultimately developing science itself.
In simple terms, science can be defined as the study of knowledge. Science includes many
sciences such as medical science, earth science, social science, physics, mathematics,
psychology, law, chemistry, biology, language, history, and other scientific fields. The
development of science did not just happen, many scientists played a role in the development
of science, such as Sir Isaac Newton played a role in the development of Newton's Law, Al-
khawarizmi played a role in the development of numbers and algebra, Leonardo da Pisa played
a role in the discovery of Fibonacci numbers, and many other scientists who played a role in
the development of science. The field of mathematics is a field that has a wide range of
material. Mathematics is a scientific study that covers several fields of study such as numbers,
formula equations and the structure of a flat or spatial building and quantities and their changes.
Mathematics, as the basic science of all fields, is very important to learn and is the science that
underlies the development of science and technology. Therefore, mathematics needs to be
taught starting from the elementary level to the university level. Facing the rapid development
of science and technology today, reliable human resources are needed and able to compete
globally. Competition will become a principle of life in a society, because of the open world
and compete to pursue quality and excellence.(Radmehr & Goodchild, 2023).
Science that has discipline and certain characteristics or characteristics is mathematics. Having
an abstract nature is one of the characteristics found in mathematics. (Sari et al., 2024). In
practice, the presentation of mathematics learning based on learning psychology theory is a
feature of mathematics learning today. In addition to focusing on the level of depth of
mathematical concepts provided, the way of delivering learning materials is required to adjust
to the level of ability of each child. A professional teacher before learning begins must know
in advance the level of mental development of a student and the way the material is delivered
must be adapted to the diversity of students' mental development levels. If a teacher does not
pay attention to the mental development of a student before learning begins, it is likely to cause
students to have difficulty in learning the material taught, because the material delivered by the
teacher does not adjust to the ability of students to absorb the material delivered.(Rusmining et
al., 2023).
Inclusive education is an approach to providing quality education for all children, including
children with special needs. (Hayati et al., 2023). Sekolah Luar Biasa is one of the institutions
that plays an important role in this regard that provides special education for children with
various types of disabilities. SLB-C Pancaran Kasih Kota Cirebon is one of the schools that
offers special attention to the education of children with mild to moderate mental backgrounds.
In the learning process, especially math learning, SLB-C students often face great difficulties
and challenges in the process of understanding abstract mathematical concepts, one of which
is Geometry. Therefore, an innovative and effective approach is needed in helping them to
understand the material.(Wahyuni et al., 2024). One of the most common and frequently used
approaches is Project Based Learning (PBL), which emphasizes project-based learning where
students are active in the creation of the project. (Faizin, n.d.).
2. Research Methods
Community Service is one of the Tridharma of Higher Education. This program is carried out
to provide training / assistance to teachers / teachers in making a simple mathematics teaching
aid with Geometry topic material through presentations, demonstrations of props, making, and
simulating how to use the props that have been made.
3. Discussion
The first step is to identify the needs of the school related to geometry materials. This step is
very important because a deep understanding of the problems faced by teachers and students
is the basis for designing good teaching aids. How to hold discussions and interviews with
teachers at SLB-C Pancaran Kasih Cirebon City is the process of identifying needs. In this
discussion teachers can convey their challenges in dealing with students in geometry material,
as well as the specific needs they have.
In addition to discussions with teachers, the program also socializes the objectives and work
plan to the school. This socialization is important to ensure that all parties involved understand
and support this program. With support from various parties, coordination and program
implementation can run more smoothly. This step also involves coordinating cooperation
between the mentoring team and the Head of SLB-C Pancaran Kasih Kota Cirebon, so that
implementation in the field can be carried out effectively.
After the needs are identified, the next step is to develop training materials that will be given
to teachers. The preparation of this material aims to provide clear and practical guidance on
how to make and use geometry props. The training materials were developed by considering
the difficulties faced by students in understanding certain geometry concepts. Therefore, this
material includes the identification of geometry concepts that require teaching aids to facilitate
student understanding.
The design of teaching props is also an important part of the training materials. The teaching
aids designed should be simple yet effective in helping visualize geometry concepts. For
example, to teach the concept of volume, the props can be three-dimensional models that can
be taken apart, so that students can see and understand how volume is calculated. The training
materials also include demonstrations on how to use the teaching aids in the classroom.
Teachers are trained to be able to practice the use of these teaching aids in daily teaching, so
that students can more easily understand the geometry concepts taught. The teaching aid
models used in this study are very diverse and include various geometric shapes such as cubes,
blocks, prisms, pyramids, tubes, cones and spheres. Each prop model is designed to help
students understand different aspects of geometry, such as the concepts of distance, volume,
and three-dimensional shapes. Here are some examples of the teaching aids used:
Cubes: The cube frame is used to help students understand the concepts of shape and space. It
also comes with the concept of distance in cubes and a Pop Up Book that explains flat-sided
space. Beams: Similar to cubes, the block frame is used to help students understand the shape
and space of blocks. It also comes with the concept of distance in blocks and a Pop Up Book
for flat-sided spaces.
Prisms and Pyramids: Prism and pyramid frames are used to introduce students to more
complex geometric shapes. Pop Up Books are also used to explain flat-sided spaces. Tubes,
Cones and Spheres: These props cover volume and curved sides. For example, the volume of
tubes and cones is explained through three-dimensional models, while spheres are explained
through skeletons and engaging Pop Up Books.
The use of these props not only helps students understand geometry concepts better, but also
makes the teaching and learning process more interesting and interactive. Students can see,
touch and interact with the props, which will help them develop a deeper understanding. Once
the props have been created and teachers have been trained, the next step is to implement the
use of the props in the classroom. This involves testing the props in real teaching situations to
see how students respond and how effective the props are in aiding their understanding.
Teachers will practice using the teaching aids in their daily teaching, while the mentoring team
will observe and evaluate the effectiveness of the props.
Evaluation is done by collecting feedback from teachers and students regarding the use of
teaching aids. This feedback is then analyzed to determine whether the teaching aids are
successful in improving students' understanding of geometry materials. If necessary,
adjustments and improvements to the design of the teaching props will be made based on the
results of this evaluation.
4. Conclusion
This research method shows that with proper identification of needs, preparation of good
training materials, and creation of innovative teaching props, students' understanding of
geometry materials can be improved. The Project Based Learning-based approach allows
students to learn through hands-on and interactive experiences, which is very beneficial
especially in the context of education in SLB. The mentoring provided to teachers also ensures
that they have the ability to effectively implement these methods and teaching aids in the
classroom. Through these steps, it is expected that the teaching and learning process of
geometry in SLB-C Pancaran Kasih Cirebon City will become more effective and enjoyable,
so that students can achieve a better and deeper understanding of geometry concepts.
Kontribusi Penulis
Nurma Izzati takes an important role as a lecturer in the mathematics study program for
ongoing community service initiatives. As the main supporter, she also acts as a pioneer,
organizer, and presenter of community service activities. In addition, Nurma Izzati also played
a very important role in the preparation of the title and proposition of the innovative teaching
aid. The ideas provided also involve a lot of assessment in terms of the way teachers teach and
the models used in KBM, besides that this community service activity provides an opportunity
for us to help each other and carry out one of the Tridharma of Higher Education.
Aditiya Eka Nugraha as the second author also plays an important role, namely the executor
and companion of community service activities. He is also a student of the mathematics study
program who implements the ideas and propositions conveyed by the first author, Nurma Izzati.
He played an important role in making teaching props and coordinating with the school.
Fitri Leilani Desmonda as the third author took an important role in the design of teaching aids
to be more interesting and innovative. In addition, he also supervised the implementation of
the service of making mathematics teaching props in geometry material. She is also responsible
for administrating the implementation of community service activities.
The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the rector of the Syekh Nurjati
Cyber State Islamic University Cirebon Prof. Dr. H. Aan Jaelani, M.Ag, dean of the Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Dr. H. Saifudin, M.Ag, and do not forget to the head of the
mathematics study program Arif Abdul Haqq, S.Si., M.Pd who has given permission to carry
out one of the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely community service in this case
assistance in making innovative teaching props at SLB-C Pancaran Kasih Cirebon City. The
authors also do not lose respect for these honorable people for language assistance, correcting
this article until it is finished.
During the writing of this journal article and community service was funded by independent
funding in its entirety.
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Short Biography
Nurma Izzati is a lecturer in the mathematics education program at the Syekh Nurjati Cyber
State Islamic University Cirebon. She is also interested in one of the service activities,
namely teaching aids assistance.
Aditiya Eka Nugraha is a student in the mathematics education program at Syekh Nurjati
Cyber State Islamic University Cirebon.
Fitri Leilani Desmonda is a student in the mathematics education program at the Syekh
Nurjati Cyber State Islamic University Cirebon.