LS2-PSW-G6 - Lessons 3-4

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Job bag: LS2-G 6- PSW- Lesson 3&4 Week: 3-4 of 10

Subject: Life Skills Grade: 6 Term: 2

Study area: Personal and Social Wellbeing Duration: 3 hours Date:
Topic: Development of the self
Sub-topic: Bullying: reasons for bullying. Content: -Bullying
Reading skills: reading with -Reasons for bullying.
understanding and fluency - Getting out of the bullying
-Getting out of bullying habits: habits where to find help.
where to get/find help. - Reading about how to get out
-Reading about how to get out of habit of bullying: interpret /
of habit of bullying: explain and relate what has
interpret/explain and relate been studied.
what has been studied

Link with prior Problem solving skill in conflict Concepts: Bullying, bullies and habits.
knowledge: situations.

Link with Cultural rites of passage. Skills: -To develop skills such as problem-
future solving,
knowledge: - Interpersonal relations, decision-
making, and effective
Specific Aims • To teach learners to exercise their constitutional rights and responsibility and to
respect the rights of others.
• To guide learners to achieve their full intellectual, personal, emotional and social
• To develop skills such as self-awareness, problem-solving, interpersonal relations,
leadership, decision-making, and effective communication.
• To develop creative, expressive, innovative individuals.
Enrichment: Learners who complete their Inclusivity The teacher should incorporate the use of
activity can develop their own different learning styles and multiple
person year plan. intelligences to accommodate all the
(Grammar makes no sense) learners in class by having different
¤ Teaching Steps: Learner activities
Lesson 1 1½ hrs
The teacher will discuss with learners what the In pairs, learners talk about a bullying
word “bullying” means, then write the meaning on situation that they have seen. They
the board. also explain what happened and how it
Bullying: when one is hurting someone physically ended.
or emotionally / frightening a person.
Bullies: people who frighten and hurt others. Learners will mention 5 reasons that
The teacher will ask learners to work in pairs and might cause bullying at school.
talk about a bullying situation they have seen.
They must explain what happened and how it

The teacher will ask learners to mention 5 reasons

that might cause bullying at school.
- A child who is abused might be a bully at
- When one does not have good way of
asking things from others.
- A lack of self-respect and respect for
- Lack of time management which can make
one to be stressed about incomplete task,
(causing the bully to force others to assist,
Lesson 2 1 hour

Use a case study from any textbook or develop a Learners will be given a copy of the
scenario on bullying, but remember it should be case study to read and paste in their
grade and age appropriate. Have questions based books. They will then answer the
on case study, e.g. following questions based on the case
1. Who was bullied? study:
2. How was he / she bullied? 1. Who was bullied?
3. Who was the bully? 2. How was he / she bullied?
4. Mention 2 things that can be done by the victim 3. Who was the bully?
to get out of the bullying situation. 4. Mention 2 things that can be done
5. Do you think it’s cool to bully others? Why? by the victim to get out of the bullying
6. List 3 places where the victim can get help. situation.
5. Do you think it’s cool to bully
others? Why?
6. List 3 places where the victim can
get help.

Teacher explains places and people where help Learners listen attentively as the
can be found if someone is bullied. teacher explains places / people where
- Tell an adult / teacher help can be found.
- Report to police
- Social worker
- Call child line 0800055555
- RCL, etc.

The teacher will ask learners to design and make a The learners will design and make a
pamphlet on bullying, effects and how to pamphlet on bullying, its effects and
respond/avoid bullying where to get help. Reading how to respond to / avoid bullying
skills. Reading with understanding and using where to get help.
½ hr The learners will read about how to get
Reading about how to get out of the habit of out of the habit of bullying: interpret /
bullying: interpret / explain and relate what has explain and relate what has been
been studied. Reading skills. Reading with studied.
understanding and using dictionary
Assessment Informal Case study Assessment tool: Memo
Recommended CAPS, NPPPPR, NPA, Textbook, life skills books, magazines and newspapers
HOD input:
Teacher HOD signature:

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