Zumtobel CBS User Manual

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i-Join i-Connect DALI


i-Case i-Connect PROFI


ONLITE central CPS

with SETLON technology

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any
information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Zumtobel
Lighting GmbH.
© 2016 Zumtobel Lighting GmbH. All rights reserved.

Zumtobel Lighting GmbH
Schweizerstraße 30
6850 Dornbirn/Austria
Phone: 00 43. (0) 55 72/390-0
Table of contents


1. Use of manual and safety regulations.................................................6

1.1. Symbols used in this manual.....................................................6

1.2. Who is allowed to carry out the installation? ..............................6

1.3. Safety and danger notes ...........................................................7

1.4. Designated use .........................................................................8

2. Short description of the Central Power System .................................9

2.1. Scope of application ..................................................................9

2.2. Features....................................................................................9

2.3. Status notifications via LED.....................................................10

3. Operation ............................................................................................11

3.1. User interface .........................................................................11

3.2. Display of the system status....................................................12

3.3. Menus and tabs ......................................................................13

3.4. Displaying the software version ...............................................14

3.5. Menu structure and user profiles .............................................15

4. User profiles........................................................................................16

4.1. Login with a user profile ..........................................................17

5. Displaying system information ..........................................................18

5.1. Sub-distributions (SD overview) ..............................................18

5.1.1. Symbols indicating the status of the sub-distribution ....19

5.2. Displaying the luminaire status................................................19

5.2.1. Icons indicating the phase-detector-, circuit- and

luminaire status ...........................................................20

5.2.2. Show faulty luminaires only .........................................21

5.3. Alarm list .................................................................................21

5.3.1. Confirming deep discharge protection and manual test


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Table of contents

5.4. Test book ................................................................................22

5.4.1. Displaying the test book ...............................................22

5.4.2. Using the filter function of the test book .......................23

5.4.3. Creating a service entry ...............................................24

5.4.3. Exporting the test book as an HTTP-file.......................24

5.4.4. Deleting entries from test book ....................................25

5.5. Luminaire logbook ...................................................................26

5.5.1. Displaying the luminaire logbook .................................26

5.5.2. Using the filter function of the luminaire logbook ..........27

5.5.3. Creating a service entry ...............................................27

5.5.4. Exporting the luminaire logbook as an HTTP-file .........28

5.5.5. Deleting entries from the luminaire logbook .................29

6. Home facility management ................................................................30

6.1. Turning section switches on and off ........................................30

6.2. Switching lights on and off ......................................................31

6.3. Triggering the control test .......................................................31

6.4. Switching the continuous light on and off ................................31

6.5. Blocking and unblocking the system .......................................31

7. Test functions .....................................................................................33

7.1. Function test (performed manually) .........................................33

7.2. Circuit/luminaire test................................................................34

7.2.1. Various actions and tests concerning luminaires .........35

7.2.2. Carrying out an automatic luminaire test or switch-over

test ..............................................................................36

7.4. Continuous operating test .......................................................37

7.5. Switch-over (mains to equivalent network) ..............................38

7.6. Deep discharge/charger test ...................................................38

7.6.1. Deep discharge simulation...........................................39

7.6.2. Testing automatic charge boost ...................................39

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Table of contents

7.6.4. Load currents measurement ........................................40

8. Time settings ......................................................................................41

8.1. Defining timers ........................................................................41

8.2. Data synchronisation (charger) ...............................................42

8.3. Setting the system time ...........................................................43

9. Configuration ......................................................................................44

9.1. Configuring sub-distributions ...................................................44

9.1.1. Creating new sub-distributions .....................................44

9.1.2. Deleting a sub-distribution ...........................................45

9.1.3. Editing a sub-distribution .............................................45

9.1.4. Parameters for the sub-distribution configuration .........46

9.2. Configuring circuits .................................................................47

9.2.1. Creating a new circuit ..................................................47

9.2.2. Deleting a circuit ..........................................................48

9.2.3. Editing a circuit ............................................................48

9.2.4. Parameters of the circuit configuration .........................49

9.3. Configuring luminaires of a circuit monitored sub-distribution

with Profi technology ...............................................................50

9.3.1. Creating a new luminaire .............................................50

9.3.2. Deleting a luminaire .....................................................51

9.3.3. Editing a luminaire .......................................................51

9.3.4. Parameters of the luminaires configuration ..................51

9.4. Configuring luminaires of a separately monitored sub-

distribution using DALI-technology ..........................................52

9.4.1. Addressing luminaires .................................................52

9.4.2. Assigning luminaires to a group ...................................54

9.4.3. Deleting a luminaire .....................................................54

9.4.4. Locating luminaires ......................................................55

9.5. Configuring groups..................................................................55

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Table of contents

9.6. Configuring special switches ...................................................56

10. Factory settings ..................................................................................59

10.1. Battery parameters (refer to AC-DC systems) .........................59

10.2. Relay configuration .................................................................60

10.3. Data synchronisation (with the charger) ..................................61

11. System settings ..................................................................................62

11.1. Changing the project data .......................................................62

11.2. Changing the language ...........................................................63

11.3. Updating the system ...............................................................63

11.4. Transferring configuration .......................................................64

12. Changing the network settings..........................................................66

13. Appendix .............................................................................................68

13.1. Troubleshooting ......................................................................68

13.2. Technical Abbreviations ..........................................................71

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1. Use of manual and safety regulations


1.1. Symbols used in this manual

 Points out instructions for actions to be taken by the user.

Indications and messages

Indicates that the data and message texts displayed cannot be altered as they are
 part of the system.

Indicates tips and advice on an operation, or contains additional explanations for
 a procedure. Reading these notes is strongly recommended

 Hyperlinks to further information concerning present operating step.

Indicates operational requirements and restrictions. Inappropriate use may cause
! material damage. Be sure to read these items carefully to operate the product
correctly, and avoid damage to the product

Indicates a caution concerning operations that may lead to injury to persons
(death or severe injury), or damage to property if not performed correctly. To use
the system safely, always pay attention to these cautions.

1.2. Who is allowed to carry out the installation?

The installation is only to be carried out by suitably qualified professional electrical
specialists who have been briefed on local and operational conditions.
The responsible person has to be trained and certificated specifically for the system. Non-
authorized and non-professional work on the system or ignoring the safety regulations can
lead to failure, i.e. stoppage, of the emergency escape lighting system. This means
immediate danger for persons or malfunction of the system. In production facilities further
damage might be caused to machines and systems as well as bringing production outfall.
In the case of improper and non-professional usage or damage caused by accident, abuse,
neglect or misapplication the manufacturer’s warranty becomes void.

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1. Use of manual and safety regulations

1.3. Safety and danger notes

The central power system is part of the emergency and general lighting system and
consequently part of a building’s safety equipment. Installation and start-up of the system
must be carried out with the appropriate care and precision.
Please note that the luminaires are supplied with 216 VDC in the case of
emergency operation. Mortal danger by electrical shock!
Only qualified electrical specialists may carry out work on the 230 V mains. Any
electrical installation (including any signal/control lines) must be carried out in
compliance with the relevant guidelines and standards. National guidelines and
regulations applicable in the country in which the system is being installed and
operated have to be observed.
Improper use of the batteries or battery-powered parts of the system can cause
risk of injury or death from high current or discharge arcs that can occur briefly
on battery discharge.
Ensure that the batteries are connected to the correct poles.
Non-authorized or improper installation or handling may result in failures of the
safety equipment. This implies danger for people and the emergency equipment
itself. In addition, damage to machines and plants as well as loss of productions
are possible consequences for production sites.
Non-authorized or non-professional system installation or handling of the system
may result in damage to the batteries. The electrolyte sulphuric acid contained
in them is extremely caustic and contact can lead to serious injuries!
! Only luminaires with an operation voltage of 230 VAC (50/60 Hz) and 230 VDC
may be connected to the outputs for the emergency lighting end circuits of the
System. Disregarding the instructions may result in damage to system and
! Pay attention to the line length of final circuits. A maximum length of 300 m must
not be exceeded. Disregarding the instructions may result in interruption of the
emergency lighting, because the proper communication between the system
components is not given.
! The batteries must not be stored without maintenance for longer than 3 months.
Disregarding the instructions may result in damage to the batteries. If the
batteries are stored without a maintenance charge, their capacity decreases to
the point where they will fail.
In standard operation, the following operations must be carried out continually on the
▪ Frequent monitoring and review of the system (1x per annum)

▪ Inspection and logging of the system functions according to regulations

▪ Safety measures in the case of disorder

 Inspections, safety checks and documentations are to be carried out only by

authorized personnel.
Please note the national law and the guidance for conducting inspections and
safety audits furthermore implementation of a general and an emergency lighting

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1. Use of manual and safety regulations

1.4. Designated use

The central power system is designed for controlling and monitoring an emergency lighting
system. Any use for any other emergency systems is not permitted.
The adjustment and operation of the system are restricted to authorized technical staff.
Personal danger may occur in case of
▪ improper use

▪ disregarding the safety regulations

The central power system and connected parts of the system may be operated only if all
system components are in perfect technical condition and in compliance with
▪ the safety and danger notes contained in this user manual,

▪ the operating and safety instructions stipulated by the system operator,

▪ the commissioning notes and installation instructions supplied with the central
battery system

Failures which cannot be corrected by confirming are to be reported to the responsible

service person.
Operational and safety regulations that are within this user manual, organizational
instructions as well as technical guidelines and regulations aim to accident prevention.
The manufacturer will not assume warranty or liability for consequential damage occurring
due to:
▪ improper use

▪ disregard of regulations

▪ non-authorized modifications or modifications made by technically non-competent

persons to device connections and settings of the system

▪ the use of inadmissible or unsuitable system parts

! Also, pay attention to all laws, standards and guidelines applicable in the country
in which the system is being operated.
! Verify whether electrical installations comply with the application environment.
Special environment conditions (e.g. areas subject to explosion hazards or areas
with an aggressive atmosphere) require special equipment and installations.
! Verify whether all used series reactor and luminaires used fulfil the requirements
of an emergency lighting system and the operation in an emergency lighting
! If the mains supplying the emergency lighting system are interrupted for more than
three days, the battery is to be disconnected to prevent from deep discharge and
thus damage of the battery.

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2. Short description of the Central Power System



2.1. Scope of application

The central power system is used in medium-sized and large emergency lighting systems
▪ supply the emergency escape lighting from the emergency lighting mains should the
general power supply fails,

▪ automatically switch-over to an equivalent power supply mode if the AC-

emergency lighting mains fails;

▪ automatically monitor the functionality of the emergency lighting system and to

display any errors which may occur,

▪ to document and store the operating state of the system in the electronic test book.

2.2. Features
Modularity is the main feature of the central power system. Depending on the number of
emergency luminaries required, the system can be assembled from individual modules:
▪ Batteries arranged in series in combination with a charging module build the
emergency power supply for 216 VDC.

▪ The control unit (touch panel) monitors the system and is used to control it. Using
this control unit the safety lighting system can be configured and circuits can be set
up or mandatory emergency lighting tests can be carried out.

▪ The sub-distributions supply the luminaires on the final circuits. Two types of
i-Connect-modules are available:

Sub-distributions are circuit monitored with Profi-

technology (might appear as SDP)

Sub-distributions are monitored separately with

DALI-technology (might appear as SDD)

The modular system design allows mixing sub-distributions with current circuit monitoring
and modules with separate monitoring of luminaires within a central power system.

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2. Short description of the Central Power System

2.3. Status notifications via LED

Figure 1: Controller PFC 200

Explanation of symbols
LED is LED lights continuously in the LED blinks in the
off particular colour particular colour

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The central power system is operated menu-driven via the touch panel. All messages
(system, status and error messages) of the controller are shown on the display. Selecting
menus or tabs, entering or changing parameters as well as executing commands is done
via the appropriate buttons and icons on the touch panel.
The touch panel can be operated by using the special pen (recommended) or a finger.

3.1. User interface

Figure 2: User interface at the example of the start screen

By default, the homepage is always shown. If the menu is not operated for a period of 20
minutes, the display will return to the homepage. This applies to all tabs, except “luminaires
configuration” and “SD-overview”.
Top right: the current date and time are always displayed. The values for date and time can
be changed in the menu “time settings” > “system clock” ( page 43).
Top left: the system description is displayed. These entries can always be customized in
the menu “system settings” > “project data” ( page 62).
In the picture of the cabinet, the following values are shown: battery voltage (V), charging
current (A) and battery temperature (°C).
In the bottom line: the latest message sent by the system is displayed with date and time.
Each message is automatically stored in the test book. The test book is accessed by
tapping this button twice:

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3.2. Display of the system status

In the middle of the start page the system status is displayed in detail. The following
statuses are possible:
Default display Optional display Description
manual reset Appears in the case of an external SD
failure. Confirm only if the failure has
been remedied.
operable The system is ready for operation.

operable The device is currently inoperable (e.g. a

test is running).
test Currently no test is running.

test running A test is running (applies for the function

(blinks yellow) test and continuous operating test).
mains operation System operates in main operation.

battery operation System operates in battery operation.

(lights yellow)
deep-discharge Deep-discharge test is running.
(blinks yellow)
unit error No unit error exists. All sub-distributions
are operating without error.
unit error An error exists in a sub-distribution.

continuous light The continuous light is switched on.

continuous light The continuous light is controlled by a

(timer) timer. Manual switching is not possible.
continuous light The continuous light is switched-off.

SD power failure No power failure exists in the sub-

distribution of the general lighting.
SD power failure A power failure exists in the sub-
(lights yellow) distribution of the general lighting.
luminaire error No luminaire error exists.

luminaire error A luminaire error exists.

luminaire test Luminaire test is running.

(blinks yellow)
status inquiry Luminaire status is being requested.
(blinks yellow)
system bus The system bus is OK.

system bus The system bus is not OK.

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3.3. Menus and tabs

For a comfortable navigation within the software, the functions are grouped in menus.
Typing on the menu icon opens the corresponding page.
Within a menu, the software functions are also grouped and can be accessed via tabs.
The following menus are available:
▪ Home facility management ( page 29)

▪ Test functions ( page 33)

▪ Time settings ( page 41)

▪ Configurations ( page 44)

▪ Factory settings ( page 59)

▪ System settings ( page 62)

▪ Communication ( page 66)

Access to the individual menus depends on the user profile of your login.
 ( page 15)

In the following table you will find a description of the available toolbar icons. The toolbar
is located on the right side of the user interface.
The arrow right opens the next page or tab. Via this icon on the
homepage you proceed to “home facility management”.

The arrow left opens the previous page or tab.

The arrow page up leads to the next higher level. If you are in a menu or
tab (2nd level) this icon will take you to the next higher tab (1st level).

The arrow up allows scrolling upwards in lists.

The arrow down allows scrolling downwards in lists.

This icon is meant for an optional application called the topographical

visualization. Whether you see this icon depends on the activation.

Press the info button to display system information such as the alarm list.

Press the home button to open the homepage. The status of the system
is displayed via the button at the same time.

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Green: The system is running without error.

Yellow: The system is not running in standard mode. Perhaps a test

is being/has been carried out. There is no urgent need for
Red: The system is disturbed: There is urgent need for action.

Orange: The system is blocked.

3.4. Displaying the software version

 Touch the SETLON-logo is located bottom right of the user interface to display the
software versions installed on your system.
The page “system software versions” appears.

 To go back to the start page, touch the home button .

The following information is displayed on the “system software versions” page.

Name Description
PKN Project identification number
CPS CPS system software
CU software of WAGO node for charging unit
SD1 up to SDx software of WAGO node for sub-distributions
SDP software for circuit-monitored sub-distributions with Profi technology
SDD software for separately monitored sub-distributions with DALI technology

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3.5. Menu structure and user profiles

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4. User profiles


The System provides a user administration function for managing access rights via user
profiles. The user profiles are defined and cannot be changed. Login to a particular profile
is performed by entering a password.
After starting the software, you are automatically logged in with the user profile “Guest”.
This is displayed by the closed lock icon in the status bar.
 This manual entails explanations of all steps that the user is potentially able to
carry out.
Which settings are actually being realisable depends on the access rights of the
specific users. Thus, it might be that some figures and descriptions in this manual
corresponding to actions and steps are not accessible due to insufficient access
An overview on all access profiles can be found below. Furthermore, in the
beginning of each chapter the appropriate/necessary access right is mentioned.

Icon Description
The user profile “Guest” is activated. Touching on the lock icon opens
the login screen. Here you can log in with a user profile. (see below)
After 60 minutes without any user activity on the screen, the profile
“Guest” is activated automatically.
One of the user profiles “Standard”, “Maintenance” or “Service” is
activated. Touching the lock icon again activates the user profile
“Guest”. The homepage is displayed.
More than one user is logged in the system.

Overview of user profiles and access rights

User profile access rights Password
Guest “Guest” users have access to the start page and the pages no
showing the system information (“SD overview”, “luminaire password
status”, “alarm list”, “test book” and “luminaire logbook”).
Standard In addition to the functions of the user profile “Guest”, the
“Home facility management” page is accessible containing
functions such as “area switches”, “switch light on/off”,
“continuous light on/off”, and “control test”.
The switch „operable“ cannot be operated.
Maintenance In addition to the functions of the user profile “Standard”,
the system can be blocked and unblocked on the “Home
facility management” page. Furthermore, the tabs “Test
(function test”, “luminaire/continuous operating test”,
“continuous operating test”, “switch over mains-equivalent
network”, “deep discharge/charger test”) and “Time
settings” (“timers”, “system clock”) are accessible.
Service In addition to the functions of the user profile
“Maintenance”, all settings for “SD configuration”, “factory
setting”, “system configuration”, and “communication” are

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4. User profiles

User profile access rights Password

Manger / The user profile “Admin” is accessible only for system
Admin engineers of the manufacturer. Thus, these functions are
not described in this user manual.

4.1. Login with a user profile

To log in with a particular user profile, proceed as follows:
 Touch the lock symbol in the status bar. The login screen appears.

 From the list box “user” select the profile you wish to log in to.

 Enter the appropriate password in the output field “password”.

 Press “login”.
The login screen will be closed and the start page will appear. If the login was
successful, an opened lock symbol will appear in the status bar.
 To log out, touch the opened lock symbol in the status bar. The user profile “Guest”
will be activated and the start page will appear again. The lock symbol becomes

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5. Displaying system information


The software provides a clear visualisation of the system status. In a few steps the most
important system information can be displayed.
The following pages are available:
▪ SD overview ( page 18)

▪ Luminaire status ( page 19)

▪ Alarm list ( page 21)

▪ Test book ( page 22)

▪ Luminaire logbook ( page 26)

5.1. Sub-distributions (SD overview)

 To open the overview of sub-distributions, touch the button in the toolbar. The
symbols show the status of each individual sub-distribution ( page 19).

 Now you have the opportunity:

▪ to display the luminaire status of the sub-distributions ( page 19)

▪ to open the alarm list ( page 21)

▪ to display faulty luminaires of all sub-distributions. For this purpose, touch

the “Show all faulty luminaires” button.

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5. Displaying system information

5.1.1. Symbols indicating the status of the sub-distribution

Icon Description
The sub-distribution is set up but not yet registered. All other symbols are
overlaid due to the inactive status of the sub-distribution.

A LON-bus failure exists.

The sub-distribution is logged on and has a failure (e.g. DALI-bus disturbance).

A test is being performed for the sub-distribution. This status is displayed after
you have, for example, started a function test.

A status test is running in the sub-distribution (for instance luminaire status,

failure status, message status).

Note: Despite this icon a luminaire failure or phase-detector failure may exist.
The status test cannot be carried out until other tests are finished.

At least one luminaire error exists in the sub-distribution.

A power failure exists in the sub-distribution.

A luminaire error exists in the sub-distribution and the mains supply in the
general lighting has failed.

The sub-distribution is working without error.

Note: Despite this display, luminaires can be faulty. This depends on the number
of luminaire errors that are defined as being allowed for the sub-distribution. (
page 46)

5.2. Displaying the luminaire status

The page “luminaire status” shows each luminaire in detail. In addition to the optical error
display, further information such as location, lamp type, wattage, switch mode and address
of each luminaire is available.
 Displaying the luminaire status is only possible for luminaires which are monitored
 To open the luminaire status of a sub-distribution, touch the icon of a sub-
distribution on the “SD overview” page. ( page 18)

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5. Displaying system information

After a moment, the status of each luminaire is shown ( page 19) as well as the
complete circuit.

 To display the current luminaire status of a circuit range, select the sub-distribution
and a circuit range for which the current luminaire status is to be displayed. Confirm
your choice with “select”.
 To display the faulty luminaires of the selected circuit range, touch the “Show faulty
luminaires only” button.
 To go back to the “SD overview” page, touch the arrow page up button .

5.2.1. Icons indicating the phase-detector-, circuit- and luminaire status

Icon Description

The line monitor is working without error.

state The line monitor reports a power failure in the general

The circuit is calibrated but no function test has been

performed yet.
Circuit state A luminaire error exists in the circuit.

The circuit is error-free.

No luminaire installed.

If no icon is displayed, the luminaire is new or has not yet

been assigned.

Red: The luminaire is faulty.

luminaire status
Green: The luminaire is OK and does not light.

Yellow: The luminaire is OK and lights.

The electronic ballast does not respond: Communication


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5. Displaying system information

The position you want to assign to the luminaire is not


5.2.2. Show faulty luminaires only

 Touch “Show faulty luminaires only” button. A new page appears showing all faulty
luminaires with position (sub-distribution and circuit).

If all luminaires are functioning, a short message will appear with the current date,
time and the particular area: “8/6/2016, 11:44:55, No luminaire faults have
occurred in the selected area (SD-P 1).”
 To go back, touch the button “close”.

5.3. Alarm list

On the “Alarm list” page, all active alarms are displayed with message location, message
text and timestamp. If an alarm is no longer active, it is automatically deleted from the list.
 To open the alarm list, touch the “info” button in the toolbar und then the button
The alarm list appears.

 Normally the alarm list is updated automatically. You can also update the alarm
list manually by touching “update” (e.g. after confirming an alarm).

5.3.1. Confirming deep discharge protection and manual test

On the “Alarm list” page you have the “confirm” button.
Touch this to:
(1) confirm the deep discharge protection after a power failure.

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5. Displaying system information

(2) confirm the deep discharge test

(3) confirm the manual reset

Confirming an alarm is logged in the test book.

 Check the batteries and battery charge after a deep discharge.

Causes for the deep discharge can be:
▪ The duration of the power failure has exceeded the permissible operation
time of the batteries

▪ Battery charge failure or defective batteries (failure has to be remedied by

technical staff).

▪ The lifetime of the batteries has elapsed and the admissible permissible
operation time in the event of a continuous operating test has been
exceeded (batteries have to be replaced by technical staff).

After the deep discharge protection, has been activated, the batteries have to be
charged completely (approx. 10 hours) before the system is fully functional.
If a power failure occurs before this has taken place the designated interim supply
of battery emergency lighting operation cannot be guaranteed. The emergency
lighting will not work properly or will work only for a limited time.

5.4. Test book

On the “test book” page all test results and messages reported by the system, are displayed
in plain language.
The test book is a record and stored for three years in a non-volatile memory. The entries
cannot be deleted.
Via the filter function the test book entries can be sorted according to message location,
message text, time of occurrence, and alarm type.
Additionally, an export function is available for exporting the test book as an HTTP file.
Thus, the data can easily be processed further and the test book can be printed from any
This chapter contains instructions for:
▪ displaying the test book ( page 22)

▪ using the filter function of the test book ( page 23)

▪ Creating a service entry ( page Creating a service entry24)

▪ exporting the test book as an HTTP file ( page 24)

▪ deleting entries from test book ( page 25)

5.4.1. Displaying the test book

 To open the test book, touch the “info” button in the toolbar and tap the button

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5. Displaying system information

The test book appears. By default, no filter is activated, i.e. all available test results
and messages are displayed. The arrow buttons can be used to scroll the test

5.4.2. Using the filter function of the test book

 The test book has been opened ( chapter above).

Activate the list boxes “message location”, “message text” and “alarm type” and
select the filter criteria required.

 In the list of message texts, the total number of entries of the messages type is
displayed after each entry.
Alarms fall into these categories:
all No filter. Messages of each alarm type are displayed.
Non-recurring non-recurring message, e.g. „configuration changed“.
alarm repeat the present message was not removed within a certain time
defined by the system. Thus, the system sends it again.
alarm out the message is no longer available, e.g. a failure has been
alarm in the message has arrived.

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5. Displaying system information

 If you wish, you can enter a time range (start time and end time) in the input fields
“timestamp” to show only messages which have been sent within this time range.
Possible inputs are date and/or time.
 To activate the filter criteria you have entered, touch the “select” button. Only the
test book entries are displayed which match your filter criteria.
 Filter criteria can be combined as desired. If no entries are displayed, check your
filter criteria and change them if necessary.

5.4.3. Creating a service entry

 The page “test logbook” has been opened. Touch the “service entry” button.

 Now you can create a user-defined service entry. Touch the list box to choose the
sub-distribution (SD). Add an individual text.
Your entry will be saved and is available in the filter function.
The service entry aims to provide more transparency by recording for future
reference additional information and any changes you have made to the system.
The provider recommends the use of this facility for recording changes
automatically, safely and systematically.

5.4.3. Exporting the test book as an HTTP-file

 The page test book has been opened.

Touch the “HTTP export” button. The screen for starting the export appears.

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5. Displaying system information

 Touch “HTTP export” and immediately a download link appears in the upper field.
Touching this link will start the export process.

 Depending on your internet browser a new download window, i.e. status bar,
appears. Now, you have the opportunity to open and save the table as an Excel-
Choose the opportunity and click “OK”
The test book opens in Excel.
 If you have activated a filter for displaying particular test book entries, only those
entries are exported which correspond with the filter criteria. If you want to export
the complete test book, ensure that no filter has been selected.

5.4.4. Deleting entries from test book

 Touch the “Delete” button to delete messages from the test book. This frees
memory space.

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5. Displaying system information

 Please note that you can only delete messages that correspond to the filter criteria
and that have already been exported.

5.5. Luminaire logbook

The “luminaire logbook” page displays all luminaires with their current status. Using the
filter function, the luminaire logbook entries can be sorted according to sub-distribution,
circuit, luminaire, time of occurrence and status.
This chapter contain instructions how to:
▪ displaying the luminaire logbook ( page 26)

▪ using the filter function of the luminaire logbook ( page 27)

▪ Creating a service entry ( page 27)

▪ exporting the luminaire logbook as an Excel sheet ( page 27)

▪ deleting entries from the luminaire logbook ( page 29)

5.5.1. Displaying the luminaire logbook

 To open the luminaire logbook, touch the “info” button in the toolbar and then the
button three times.
The luminaire logbook appears. By default, no filter is activated, i.e. all available
luminaires are displayed. The arrow buttons can be used to scroll the logbook.

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5. Displaying system information

 The arrow left button leads back to the test book.

5.5.2. Using the filter function of the luminaire logbook

 The luminaire logbook has been opened.

Activate the list boxes “sub-distribution”, “circuit”, “luminaire” and “status” and
select the filter criteria required.
If you wish, you can enter a time range (start time and end time) in the input field
“timestamp” to show only the luminaires which have fulfilled the selected criteria
within this time range. Possible inputs are date and/or time.

 To activate the filter criteria, you have entered, touch the “select” button.
Only those luminaires are displayed which match your filter criteria.
 Filter criteria can be combined as desired. If no entries are displayed, check your
filter criteria and change them if necessary.

5.5.3. Creating a service entry

 The page “luminaire logbook” has been opened. Touch the “service entry” button.

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5. Displaying system information

 Now you can create a user-defined service entry. Touch the list boxes to create
your service entry more precisely and add an individual text. Your entry will be
saved and is available in the filter function.

The service entry aims to provide more transparency by recording for future
reference additional information and any changes you have made to the system.
The provider recommends the use of this facility for recording changes
automatically, safely and systematically. Such extra information could be type and
allocation of the unit or reasons for the step you have taken.

5.5.4. Exporting the luminaire logbook as an HTTP-file

 The page “luminaire logbook” has been opened. Touch the “HTTP export button”.
The screen for starting the export appears. Touch HTTP export and a download
link will appear immediately in the upper field. By typing on this link, the export
process will start.

 Depending on your internet browser a new download window, i.e. status bar,
appears. Now, you have the opportunity to open and save the table as an Excel-
Choose the opportunity and click “OK”.

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5. Displaying system information

 The test book will be exported as Excel sheet and contains the same information
as shown in the display.
 If you have activated a filter for displaying particular test book entries, only the
entries are exported which correspond to the filter criteria. If you want to export the
entire test book, ensure that no filter is selected.

5.5.5. Deleting entries from the luminaire logbook

 Tap the „delete“-button to delete messages from the luminaire logbook.

 Note that only messages would be deleted that fulfil the selected criteria and that
have already been exported.

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6. Home facility management


The “home facility management” page provides quick access to frequently used functions
of the emergency lighting system.
Here you find the following functions used to:
▪ turn the section switches on and off ( page 30)

▪ switch lights on and off ( page 31)

▪ trigger the control test ( page 6.331)

▪ switch the maintained light on and off ( page 31)

▪ block and unblock the system ( page 31)

 The functions described in this chapter are accessible only for users logged in with
the user profiles “Standard” “Maintenance” or higher. An overview of the user
profiles available can be found on ( page 15).
 On the start page touch the button to open the “home facility management”

6.1. Turning section switches on and off

It is possible to allot sub-distributions, circuits and groups to section switches. The
assignment is performed by allotting switch logics to a specific section of your building in
the configuration settings of the corresponding areas.
Here you can find the necessary information for the configurations:
▪ Sub-distributions ( page 44)

▪ Circuits ( page 47)

▪ Groups ( page 55)

 The designation of the section switches can be changed in the menu “project data”
of the “system settings” tab. ( page 62)

 To switch sections on or off, touch the appropriate button.

Depending on the status the colour of the button changes from blue (section switch
OFF) to yellow (section switch ON).

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6. Home facility management

 If a timer, an external input or a logical interconnection is activated for an area the

light cannot be switched on or off using the area switches. The colour of the button
changes from blue to yellow anyway depending on the status.

6.2. Switching lights on and off

The function “switch light on/off” turns all luminaires connected to the system on or off. This
function makes it easier to locate faulty luminaires in the building.
 Touch the “switch light on/off” button.
All luminaires from all distributions are switched on and supplied with mains (VAC)
by the system. The colour of the button changes from blue (light OFF) to yellow
(light ON).
 The function is stopped automatically after 60 minutes (light OFF).

6.3. Triggering the control test

Using the function “control test”, the status of all luminaires is checked.
 Touch the “control test” button.
The test starts immediately. The colour of the buttons changes from blue (control
test inactive) to yellow (control test active).
 The control test checks the system only for faulty luminaires. The test will not be
started if the system reports no faulty luminaires.
The test duration varies according to the number of luminaires and the type of sub-
distribution (the test might take ca. 20 minutes).

6.4. Switching the continuous light on and off

The function “continuous light on/off” switches all luminaires which have been programmed
with the function “continuous light on or off”.
 Touch the “continuous light on/off” button.
All luminaires which have been programmed with the function “continuous light”
are switched on or off. The colour of the button changes from blue to yellow or
vice versa.
 In emergency mode, the continuous light is switched on regardless of this switch
position (status).

6.5. Blocking and unblocking the system

The function “block system” switches the system to the status inoperable in order to prevent
discharging the battery (e.g. while a building is not used).
 This function is accessible only for users logged in with the user profile
“Maintenance” or higher.
Please note that a blocked system is inoperable. No emergency operation
 To block the system, touch the “block system” button.

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6. Home facility management

The system is no longer operable. The blinking orange “unblock system” button
is displayed.
 To make the system operable again touch the blinking orange “unblock system”
Make sure that the system is switched on again as soon as the building is used
for its intended purpose.
If the mains suppling the are interrupted for more than three days, the battery
must be disconnected to protect them from deep discharge. Simply open the
battery fuses -2F4 to -2F9.
The number of fuses depends on the number of established switching-units.

Figure 3 Battery fuses -2F4 to -2F9

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7. Test functions


The function of emergency lighting systems must be checked regularly to conform with
legal requirements. The result of the emergency lighting tests must be documented. These
emergency lighting tests can be performed using the software.
For this purpose, the “test functions” menu is available, which provides access to the
following functions:
▪ Function test ( page 33)

▪ Circuit/luminaire test ( page 34)

▪ Continuous operating test  (page 37)

▪ Switching from mains to battery operation ( page 38)

▪ Deep discharge/charger test ( page 38)

 The functions described in this chapter are accessible only for users that are
logged in with the user profiles “Maintenance”, “Manager” or “Service”.

7.1. Function test (performed manually)

The operational readiness of the emergency luminaires is checked by the function test.
During this test, the switch-over from mains to an equivalent network operation is checked
(duration: 2 minutes) and the correct function of all connected luminaires is tested.
 According to current norms and regulations, the function test must be performed
cyclic. The test results must be stored for at least two years. On request, the
operator must be able to show the written documentation of the emergency lighting
tests performed.
Depending on the system configuration and number of connected luminaires, the
function test might be very time-consuming, since both a switch-over from mains
to an equivalent network as well as a test of all luminaires are carried out here.

 Select the menu item “function test” on the test tab.

The function test page appears. Here an overview of the battery data and load
currents is displayed.
 Touch the “start test” button.

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7. Test functions

The test will be started immediately. It cannot be stopped. All status displays are
depicted in yellow or blinking yellow. The battery data and load currents measured
are displayed in real time.

 After successful completion, the function test ends automatically. The test process
and the test result are entered in the test book. If values measured lie outside the
scope of legal requirements a message is sent to the alarm list ( page 21).
 If you want the function test to be performed automatically you can programme
luminaire test and switch-over test separately on the “circuit/luminaire test” page.
Both tests encompass the entire range of the function test. ( page 36)

7.2. Circuit/luminaire test

On the “circuit/luminaire test” page the following functions are available:
▪ various actions and tests concerning luminaires (such as localization, calibrations
and tests of luminaires) and circuits ( page 35)

▪ Setting programmable auto boots for luminaire tests that aim to check the correct
function of a particular selection of luminaires ( page 36)

▪ Setting programmable auto boots for switch-over tests, in this case the switch-over
from mains to equivalent network operation ( page 36)

 The functions described in this chapter are accessible only for users logged in with
the user profiles “Maintenance” or higher.

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7. Test functions

7.2.1. Various actions and tests concerning luminaires

 To limit the luminaire test to a particular range of sub-distributions or circuits, touch

“modify selection” in the screen areas “SD” and “circuit”.
 To save your settings, touch “select”.
All luminaires of the particular area are displayed above the status bar.

 Touch “modify selection” in the “action” screen area and select the function to be
performed for your selection.
You can choose from the following options:
▪ stop test

▪ luminaire test

▪ locate luminaires

▪ locate circuit

▪ calibrate luminaires

▪ DALI luminaire test

▪ locate SD / DALI terminals

▪ luminaire inquiry

▪ control test

After your selection the drop-down field is closed and the selected setting is
 Touch the “start action” button.
The selected action is carried out. The button colour changes from blue to yellow
 The result of the luminaire test is displayed on the “luminaire status” page of the
system information ( page 19).
 If you want to cancel the test prematurely open the list field in the menu
“circuit/luminaire test” and select “stop test”

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7. Test functions

7.2.2. Carrying out an automatic luminaire test or switch-over test

Both the luminaire test and the switch-over test can be initiated automatically.

 Activate or deactivate the timer by checking/unchecking the “active” checkbox.

 Touch the input field “time”.

The screen keypad appears.
 Delete the existing time using the key .
Enter the new time in the format HH:MM.
 Activate the list box “day of the week”.
The list containing all available days is opened.
 Select the desired execution time required by touching the appropriate list box
 To save your changes, touch “save”.
Now the luminaire test or the continuous operating test is configured.
 Normally the times for the luminaire test and function test are programmed by the
manufacturer. The times are Tuesday, 06:04 am, and Tuesday 06:10 am.
These auto-starts can be changed at any time, but note that the tests must be
carried out correctly and regularly.
 An automatic luminaire test is always performed for all sub-distributions, circuits
and luminaires.

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7. Test functions

7.3. Continuous operating test

The continuous operating test simulates the equivalent network operation. The batteries (if
available) or the equivalent network of all connected consumers are discharged in order to
check the prescribed nominal operation time. The continuous operating test takes as long
as the nominal operation time of the emergency mode (autonomous time - one hour or
three hours).
The continuous operating test is stopped automatically if the cut-off voltage of the battery
is reached and the deep-discharging protection is activated.
 The continuous operating test must be performed in accordance with valid
Perform the continuous operating test outside the operation times and ensure
that the batteries are re-charged in time before your business operations start
The system is designed to ensure that the batteries are fully re-charged within
10 hours.
If there is not enough time to charge the batteries fully after the continuous
operating test, the batteries must not be discharged more than 2/3 of their overall
capacity. If this limit is reached, the continuous operating test is automatically
aborted to protect the batteries from danger.
 The continuous operating test is aborted automatically if the cut-off voltage of the
battery is reached and the deep-discharging protection is activated.

 Touch the “start test” button.

The test is started immediately. It cannot be stopped. All status displays are
depicted yellow or blinking yellow. The values measured for the equivalent
network and the load currents are displayed in real time.
After successful completion, the test process and the test result are entered in
the test book ( page 22). If the values measured differ by the permissible
number of errors, a message is written to the alarm list. ( page 21).
 The type of continuous operating test and its running time can be defined in the
“factory settings” on the “battery parameters” page ( page 59).

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7. Test functions

7.4. Switch-over (mains to equivalent network)

 Touch the blue button “start switch-over”.

The test is started immediately. It can be stopped by touching on “stop switch-over”.

 All status displays are depicted yellow or blinking yellow. The measured battery data
and load currents are displayed in real time.
The status changes to “unit error” as the system is running in an equivalent network
operation. The home button is coloured red.
The test process and the test result are entered in the test book ( page 22). If the
measured values differ by the permissible number of errors, a message is written to
the alarm list ( page 21).

7.5. Deep discharge/charger test

There are three functions available on the deep discharge/charger test page:
▪ deep discharge simulation ( page 39)

▪ automatic charger test: checks whether a power charging of the battery is possible
( page 39)

▪ load currents measurement ( page 40)

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7. Test functions

7.5.1. Deep discharge simulation

The deep discharge simulation simulates the discharging of the battery until the deep
discharge protection (180 VDC) reacts. Afterwards, the system is operable immediately.

 Touch the start “deep discharge simulation” button.

The test is started immediately. It can be stopped by touching the “stop deep
discharging simulation” button. The button colour changes from blue to blinking
The test process and the test result are entered in the test book. The deep
discharge of the battery is written to the alarm list. It further has to be confirmed
there. ( page 21)
 The DD-simulation imitates the discharge process of the battery until the deep-
discharge protection responds. Afterwards, the unit is immediately operable again.

7.5.2. Testing automatic charge boost

Using the automatic charge test you can check whether the charger provides power
charging of the batteries.
 To start the test, touch test “automatic charge”.
The colour of the button changes from blue to yellow. The battery data are
displayed when it ends.
The test process and the test result are entered in the test book ( page 22). If
the measured values differ by the permissible number of errors, a message is
written in the alarm list ( page 21).

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7. Test functions

7.5.4. Load currents measurement

Using the load currents test, the actual currents of the individual phases and the total
current of individual sub-distributions can be measured.

 Select one sub-distribution or all sub-distributions from the “SD selection” list.

 To confirm the selection, touch “select”.

 Touch the blue “start” button.

The load currents are displayed.
The test process and the test result are entered in the test book ( page 22). If
the measured values differ from the permissible number of errors, a message is
written to the alarm list ( page 21).

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8. Time settings


The “time settings” tab is used for setting up the following functions:
▪ defining timers ( page 41)

▪ data synchronisation (charger) ( page 42)

▪ setting the system time ( page 43)

8.1. Defining timers

On the page “timers”, timers can be set for miscellaneous actions. The timers T1 to T4 are
reserved for continuous light functions, i.e. any circuits which have been configured for
continuous light can be switched on and off by these timers. Besides this, the timers T5 to
T8 can be freely allotted to particular circuits ( page 47) or groups ( page 55).

 Here you can see an overview of the available timers, their status and the planned
execution times.
 Touch the edit symbol of the timer you want to programme.
The screen for entering the timer properties appears.

 Activate or deactivate the timer by checking/unchecking the “active” checkbox.

 Touch the input field “time”. The screen keypad appears.

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8. Time settings

Delete the existing time using the key .

Enter the new time in the format HH:MM. (24-hour format)
 To change the activation time, activate the list box “day of the week”.
The list containing all available days is opened.
Select the desired activation time by touching the appropriate list box entry.
 To save your changes, touch “save”.
The timer is now programmed. Please note that the timers T5-T8 must be allotted
in the circuit or group configuration ( pages 47 and 55).
 Please note that for every ON timer a corresponding OFF timer must be defined.

8.2. Data synchronisation (charger)

Use this opportunity for data synchronisation, if you wish to connect another panel to your
system and use the timer values.

 Touch the item read configuration values (charger) to recall the stored data. The
action starts immediately.
 Touch the item “write configuration values (charger unit)”. The action starts
Please note that while writing the configuration values ALL previous configuration
values are deleted – irreversibly.

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8. Time settings

8.3. Setting the system time

On the “system clock” page you can set the system clock of your system. Additionally, you
can select the time zone and activate or deactivate the automatic consideration of daylight
saving time.
The system time set here is always displayed on right top of the display.
 Normally the system clock is set during system start-up. A re-adjustment is not

 Touch the first input field of the “new time” parameter. The screen keypad appears.

Delete the existing date using the key .

Enter the new date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
 Touch the second input field of the “new time”.

Delete the existing time using the key .

Enter the new time in the format “HH:MM:SS” (24h hour format).
 The currently active time zone is displayed below.

 Select the desired time zone by touching on the appropriate list box entry. The list
containing all available time zones is opened.
 To save your changes, touch “save”.
The time displayed right at the top right of the display is updated with your settings.

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9. Configuration


On the “configuration” tab the following system parts are set up:
▪ sub-distribution ( page 44)

▪ circuits ( page 47)

▪ circuit-monitored luminaires with Profi technology ( page 50)

▪ separately monitored luminaires via DALI ( page 52)

▪ groups ( page 55)

▪ special switches ( page 56)

 The functions described in this chapter are accessible only for users that are
logged in with the user profile “Service”. (Overview of the available user profiles
 page 15)

9.1. Configuring sub-distributions

The “SD setup” page contains all sub-distributions of your system which have already been
created. The configuration is carried out during the system start-up. You can change or
expand the configuration of sub-distributions at any time.
In the following chapter you can find information about:
▪ creating new sub-distributions ( page 44)

▪ deleting sub-distributions ( page 45)

▪ editing sub-distributions ( page 45)

▪ parameters of the SD setup ( page 46)

9.1.1. Creating new sub-distributions

 Activate the list box “number”. The list of sub-distributions is opened.

 Select the number of sub-distributions that you wish to create. The list will be

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9. Configuration

 Activate the list box “at position”. The list of positions is opened.
Select the position in the list at which the new sub-distribution is to begin.
(„Position” means the number („no.“) of the sub-distribution in the table.
Example: If you would like to add two new sub-distributions starting at position 10,
please choose 2 in the field “number” and 10 in the field “position”.
 Determine the “type” of the sub-distribution by selecting “DALI” or “Profi” in the
dropdown field.
 To create the sub-distribution, touch “new SD”. The new sub-distribution will be
added to the list.
 In the next step, we recommend that you edit the settings of the new sub-
It is also possible to set up the circuits directly for the new sub-distribution. For this
purpose, touch the arrow symbol in the column circuits. (description of the
circuits configuration ( page 47)
 If you have chosen the type “separately monitoring (DALI)” the DALI-symbol
appears in the overview of the sub-distributions after the saving the settings. Touch
this symbol to address luminaire (DALI) ( page 52)

9.1.2. Deleting a sub-distribution

 Touch the select icon for the particular sub-distribution you wish to delete.

 You are prompted to confirm the instruction with “delete”.

 Consequently, all circuits, luminaires and groups which have been configured for
the particular sub-distribution - are deleted.

9.1.3. Editing a sub-distribution

 Touch the edit symbol of the sub-distribution you wish to edit. The screen for
entering the properties of the sub-distribution appears.
Which parameters are shown per sub-distribution depends on the SD-type (DALI
or Profi).

 Define the properties and attributes of the sub-distribution. (Description of the

parameters used  page 46)

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9. Configuration

 To transmit the changes to the sub-distribution, touch “send data”. All configuration
changes made are sent to the single sub-distribution.
 If you have selected “monitor SD”, the PFC controller sends only the mask you
have to the sub-distribution. If the monitoring function is inactivated all available
information of the circuit configuration and the mask are transmitted.
The field “save data” is now shown. This process takes several minutes.

9.1.4. Parameters for the sub-distribution configuration

Parameter Description
type Type of the sub-distribution. The monitoring type circuit monitoring
(Profi) and separate monitoring (DALI) are available.
name Individual designation of the sub-distribution (max. 20 characters).
circuit min. (W) Tolerance value1 in watts for all circuits of the sub-distribution. If the
value falls below the value entered during the calibration, the error
message “unit error” is displayed.
luminaire min. Tolerance value in watts in relation to all luminaires of the sub-
(W) distribution with SET009-monitoring module. If the value falls below
the entered value, the error message “luminaire error” is displayed.
C-error Maximum permissible number of circuits which may have one or more
luminaire errors. If the value entered is exceeded, the error message
“luminaire error” is displayed.
luminaire error Maximum permissible number of luminaires per sub-distribution
which may be faulty. If the value entered is exceeded, the error
message “luminaire error” is displayed.
circuit error (%) Percentage number of circuits which may have one or more luminaire
errors. If the entered value is exceeded, the error message “luminaire
error” is displayed.
Defining a tolerance value reduces the number or error messages.
Example: If “0” is defined for “luminaire min. (W)” the system sends
an error message for each faulty luminaire in the sub-distribution. In
contrast, a tolerance value of “5” would not cause an error message
for four faulty luminaires or less.
monitor SD Monitoring of the sub-distribution. Only with the monitoring function
activated will an error message be sent should a sub-distribution fail.
no. of Number of available measuring modules. In general, only one
measuring measuring module is available per sub-distribution (measuring range
modules < 4700 VA).
Measurement Phase in which the measurement is performed. The possible number
1 to 6 of measurements depends on the number of available measuring
modules (see previous parameter).
The load currents measured are displayed on the “test function”
( page 33)

1 The definition of tolerance values aims to reduce the number of error messages.

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9. Configuration

9.2. Configuring circuits

The page “circuit configuration” entails all already established circuits of the sub-
distributions of your system.
The configuration takes place during the system start-up process and is adjusted to your
system: You can change or increase the configuration of circuits at any time. The system
software supports 20 circuits per sub-distribution.
In the following chapter, you will find information on:
▪ Creating new circuits ( page 47)

▪ Deleting circuits ( page 48)

▪ Editing circuits ( page 48)

▪ Parameters of the circuit configuration ( page 49)

9.2.1. Creating a new circuit

There are two ways to open the circuit configuration:
 Firstly, by selecting the menu “SD setup” on the
“configuration” tab. Touch the arrow symbol in the space
“circuits”. All circuits of the appropriate sub-distribution are

 Secondly, by selecting the menu item “circuit configuration” on the “configuration”

tab. Touch the arrow symbol in the column “circuits”.
The circuit configuration page appears. By default, all circuits of the first sub-
distribution are displayed. If you have opened the circuit configuration via the SD
setup, the circuits of the sub-distribution you have selected there are displayed.

 If the sub-distribution you require is not displayed, activate the list box “SD” and
select the appropriate sub-distribution. To display the circuits of the sub-
distribution marked, touch “select”.
Those circuits which have already been configured are displayed.
 Activate the list box “number”. The list of circuits is opened.

 From the list, select the number of circuits that you wish to create.

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9. Configuration

 Activate the list box “at position”.

The list of positions is opened.
 From the list, select the position at which the new circuit should begin. (“Position”
means the number (No.) of the sub-distribution in the list.)
 Touch “new circuit” to establish new circuits.
A new circuit is added to the list.
 In the next step, we recommend that you edit the settings of the new circuit directly.
( page 48)
It is also possible to set up the luminaires for the new circuit directly. For this
purpose, touch the arrow symbol in the column “luminaires”. (description of the
luminaire configuration page 50 ff.)

9.2.2. Deleting a circuit

 Touch the delete icon for the circuit you want to delete.
You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
 Confirm the deletion with “delete”.
 If you delete a circuit, all luminaires which have been configured for this circuit are

9.2.3. Editing a circuit

 Touch the edit symbol of the circuit you wish to edit. The screen for entering the
circuit properties appears.

 Define the circuit’s attributes. (Description of the available parameters  page 49)

 To save your settings, touch “save”.

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9. Configuration

9.2.4. Parameters of the circuit configuration

Parameter Description
name Designation of the circuit (max. 20 characters).
circuit operation Function and monitoring type of the circuit.
parameter Extended circuit functions. The following options are available:
Standard: No extended parameters are activated
SL confirm: To deactivate the standby light (SL) after a power failure,
the “confirm” button must be touched.
Enforced measurement: A An enforced measurement is
separate luminaire measurement only possible if a SET009
is enforced even if measured and monitoring module is available.
the current values measured are
identical with those calibrated.
SL confirm/enforced measurement: Combination of both
Relay DI/O: Special feature for a circuit-monitored sub-distribution
with external monitoring.
SL confirm with logic:  Additional components like
Particular circuits can be external switches are
selectively confirmed by means required for the configuration
of logics. This is particularly of parameters with logics
advantageous for building
If you wish to configure
complexes which consist of
parameters with logics,
several areas that are to be
proceed as following:
confirmed differently.
(Example: A sub-distribution (1) Determine switch logic 3
supplies several auditoriums of a as trigger mechanism,
cinema; each auditorium has its i.e. critical circuit (e.g.
own confirm button). NOC 1), that release the
self-retaining mode.
SL confirm with
logic/enforced measurement: (2) Determine switch logic 2
Combination of several as confirmation
parameters. mechanism that
terminate the self-
SL confirm with logic or retaining mode.
confirm button:
To deactivate the stand-by
luminaires after a power failure,
you must press the “Confirm”
button or the respective defined

SL confirm with logic confirm

Combination of several
delay time/ Time in minutes after which the final circuit switches the SL luminaires
follow-up time off (delayed). The delay time has to be defined for each circuit.
(1) Select the desired time (in minutes) for the delay time via the
dropdown menu.

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9. Configuration

Parameter Description
(2) Define the appropriate phase detector input and enter it (the
critical circuit) in switch logic 1 (NOC 1) or 2 (NOC2).

(3) Switch logic 3 will be ignored for the delay time (here you can
define and configure area switches or external switches).

switching logic Switching logic(s) for the circuit. If several switching logics are
1-3 defined, all logics are valid (OR functional).

9.3. Configuring luminaires of a circuit monitored sub-distribution with

Profi technology
The page “luminaires configuration” includes all the established luminaires of your system.
The configuration takes place during the system start-up process of your system. You can
change or expand the luminaires configuration at any time. The system software supports
20 luminaires per circuit.
In the following chapter, you will find information on:
▪ Creating new luminaires ( page 50)

▪ Deleting luminaires ( page 51)

▪ Editing luminaires ( page 51)

▪ Parameters of the luminaires configuration ( page 51)

9.3.1. Creating a new luminaire

 To create new luminaires, open the menu “test functions” and select the tab
“luminaire/ function test”.

 Open the appropriate list box by touching on “modify select”.

 Select the desired sub-distributions and circuits for which you want to create new
 It is also possible to select “all sub-distributions” and “all circuits”.

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9. Configuration

 Select “calibrate luminaires” in the list box field “action” on the right.

 Touch the blue button to start the action.

All available luminaires will be calibrated.

9.3.2. Deleting a luminaire

 Touch the delete icon for the luminaire you want to delete.
You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
 Confirm the deletion with “delete”.

9.3.3. Editing a luminaire

 Touch the edit symbol of the luminaire you want to edit.

The screen for entering the luminaire attributes appears.

 Define the attributes of the luminaire. (Description of the parameters used  page
 To save your settings touch “save”.

9.3.4. Parameters of the luminaires configuration

Parameter Description
location Designation of the luminaire (max. 20 characters).
group This option is not available, because circuit-monitored luminaires cannot
be grouped.
illuminant List of all luminaires created so far. If a designation is saved, the
illuminant designation entered is provided in the “illuminant” list box for
illuminant Illuminant designation. Once the designation is saved, the iIIuminant
(new) designation entered is provided in the “illuminant” list box for selection.
Info Information text for the luminaire (max. 16 characters)

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9. Configuration

9.4. Configuring luminaires of a separately monitored sub-distribution

using DALI-technology
The luminaires configuration for separately monitored sub-distributions with DALI-
technology is automated in the system software. After selecting a circuit, you can search
for any luminaire installed and allocate it.
It is also possible to group separately monitored luminaires. The system software supports
20 luminaires per circuit.
In the following chapter, you will find information on:
▪ Addressing luminaires ( page 52)

▪ Assigning luminaires to a group ( page 54)

▪ Deleting luminaires ( page 54)

▪ Locating luminaires ( page 55)

9.4.1. Addressing luminaires

 Select the “configuration” menu. The “SD setup” page appears.

 Touch the DALI symbol for the sub-distribution whose

luminaires you want to configure.
All luminaires of the sub-distribution appear dimmed.
The screen for selecting the configuration method

 Touch the list box and select a configuration method.

change configuration: changing luminaire parameters, assigning groups etc.
without adding a new luminaire.
system extensions: adding at least one luminaire without discarding the existent
allocation and info texts of luminaires.
reconfiguration: re-allocating all luminaires connected to the particular circuit.
Doing so will delete the luminaire from the circuit and re-allocate them.
replace devices: If you want to change a defect luminaire or ballast unit, you can
replace the faulty unit at this tab.

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9. Configuration

reconfiguration DALI 1 (c1-c2) […]: deleting of clamp assignment and new

 After selecting the configuration method, the luminaires addressing is started
automatically. The electronic ballast unit and connected luminaires are searched.
This process might take several minutes.
Note the status display “Status: Please wait, please do not operate, check circuit
selection, check luminaire selection, searching DALI ballasts“
 After completing the automatic search, the new luminaires are displayed under
“non-assigned luminaires”.

 Touch “modify selection” and select the circuit whose luminaire you want to
address. The number of “non-assigned luminaires” decreases by the choice of the
particular circuit, i.e. the number of related luminaires.
All luminaires of the selected circuit appear dimmed.
 Touch the luminaire number you want to assign (e.g. “1”)
The luminaire button appears coloured.
 Touch “quick search”.
The colour of the button changes from blue to yellow. All luminaires of the circuit
light up one after another.
 Use the “advanced search” instead of the “quick search” if the luminaire you want
to assign does not blink during the search process. Besides new luminaires, the
advanced search finds luminaires with obsolete addresses.
 Touch “stop” as soon as the luminaire lights up to which you want to assign the
selected luminaire number (“1” in our example).
The cycling blinking is interrupted.
 Please note, that the short address starts with 0. For instance, if there are three
non-assigned luminaires, the respective short addresses are “0”, “1”, and “2”.
 If you have touched the “stop” button too late, you can light up the luminaires
separately using the << and >> buttons (single steps).
 Touch the “assign luminaire” button as soon as the desired luminaire lights up.
The luminaire symbol appears at the luminaire number selected before. The
luminaire is addressed using the number you have previously selected (“1” in our
The addressed luminaire lights up once.
 If you want to assign additional luminaires, please start “quick search” again or use
the << and >> buttons.

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9. Configuration

 To save your changes, touch “quit”.

The addressed luminaires are automatically created in the “luminaires
configuration”. Here, additional information can be entered for each luminaire. (
page 51)
Once all luminaires are assigned, you must perform a luminaire calibration and a
luminaire test.

9.4.2. Assigning luminaires to a group

Separately monitored luminaires can be allotted to groups. Using the grouping, particular
functions can be performed for any number of separately monitored luminaires.
The system software supports 15 groups which can be configured freely with switch logics
( page 55) and several factory-defined groups (e. g. continuous light).
 Select the “configuration” tab. The “SD setup” page appears.

 Touch the DALI-Symbol in the sub-distribution whose luminaires you want to

All luminaires of the sub-distribution appeared dimmed.
The screen for selecting the configuration method appears.
 Activate the list box and select the configuration method “reconfiguration” and
touch “select”.
 Touch “modify selection” and select the circuit whose luminaires you want to
All luminaires of the selected circuit appear dimmed.
 Touch the luminaire number of the luminaire which you want to assign to a group
(e. g. “1”).
The luminaire number appears in colour and the particular luminaire is activated.
 Activate the list box and select the group to which you want to assign the luminaire.

 To save the assignment, touch select.

The grouped luminaire appears dimmed and then lights up once.
 Touch the assign luminaire button as soon as the desired luminaire lights up.

 To save your changes, touch quit. Otherwise your settings will not be saved!

9.4.3. Deleting a luminaire

 Select the “configuration” tab. The “SD setup” page appears.

 Touch the DALl symbol for the sub-distribution that contains the luminaire to
be deleted.
All luminaires of the sub-distribution appear dimmed.
The screen for selecting the configuration method appears.
 Activate the list box and select the configuration method “system extension”.
After selecting the configuration method, the addressing of the luminaires is
started automatically. The system searches for the series reactors and connected
This process may take several minutes. Please watch the status display!

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9. Configuration

 Touch “modify selection” and select the circuit which contains the luminaire you
want to delete.
All luminaires of the selected circuit appear dimmed.
 Touch the luminaire number of the luminaire you want to delete.
The luminaire number will appear in colour and the established luminaire will be
switched on.
 Touch “delete luminaire”.
The luminaire will be deleted. The luminaire is dimmed, then lights up and
gradually becomes as bright as the others.
 To save your changes, touch “quit”. Otherwise your settings will not be saved!
After a luminaire has been deleted the total number of non-assigned luminaires
increases by “1”. This display appears after the process and re-search for non-
assigned luminaires.
 After deleting a luminaire the total number of the non-assigned luminaires
increases by the value “1”. However, this changed display only appears after
“ending” this process and after searching again for non-assigned luminaires.

9.4.4. Locating luminaires

 Select the “configuration” tab. The “SD setup” page appears.

 Touch the DALI symbol in the sub-distribution which contains the luminaire to
be located.
All luminaires of the sub-distribution are dimmed less bright.
The screen for selecting the configuration method appears.
 Activate the list box and select the configuration method “change configuration”
and touch “next”
 Touch “modify selection” and choose the circuit whose luminaire you want to
locate. Touch “select”.
All luminaires of the selected circuit are dimmed darker.
 Touch the luminaire number of the luminaire you want to locate.
The luminaire number is coloured.
 Touch “locate luminaire”. The button colour changes from blue to yellow (blinking).
The selected luminaire is blinking until you stop the function by typing on “Iocate
luminaire” again.
 To leave the configuration page, tap “quit”.

9.5. Configuring groups

On the “group configuration” page you can assign up to three switching logics to pre-
defined groups. Groups can be used in the luminaire addressing (DALI) to group separately
monitored luminaires ( page 54). The software supports 15 groups per sub-distribution.
 Grouping circuit-monitored luminaires is not possible.
 Select the menu item “group configuration” on the “configuration” tab.
The “group configuration” page appears.

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9. Configuration

 Activate the “SD” list box and select the sub-distribution whose groups you want
to configure.
 To display the groups available for the sub-distribution selected, touch “select”.

 Touch the edit symbol of the group whose properties you want to edit.
The screen for entering the group properties appears.

 Select up to three switching logics from the list boxes “switching logic 1” to
“switching logic 3”. If several switching logics are selected, these logics act as an
OR function.
 Touch the “info” input field and enter an information text for the assigned switching
logics. A maximum of 20 characters can be entered.
 To save your settings, touch “save”.
 Information on switch logics can be also found (in relation to circuit-relevant switch
logics) in the parameters for circuit configurations ( page 49).

9.6. Configuring special switches

On the “special switches” page, up to three switching logics can be assigned to special
switches. Special switches are predefined logics or messages which are valid for the entire
sub-distribution they are defined for.
If you assign messages to switching logics, the messages are displayed in the SD overview
in the case the defined switching logic belongs to ( page 18).
The following special switches are available:

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9. Configuration

Special switches Description

PD message – Allows up to eight lines of monitored messages. For each
SD 1 […SD 32] message a maximum of three switching logics can be set up. If an
event occurs which has been defined using the switching logics,
the event is displayed on the “SD overview” page ( page 18).
logic L 1 Allows the definition of a function (logic) of a maximum of three
(…L 6) switching logics. The defined logic can be assigned to a circuit in
the “circuit configuration”. ( page 47)
to SD x - NS 5 Allows linkage of several sub-distributions.
(…NS 8) Example: The normally open contact (NOC) S7 of SD1 should
switch on SD2 at the same time. In SD1, the NOC S7 is assigned
to the message "to SDx –NS5". SD2 should switch to AC
emergency operation in the event of receiving the message "to
SDx-NS5". Thus, the switching logic "to SDx –NS5" is assigned to
special switch "PD SDG".
PD SDG Switches the entire sub-distribution to AC emergency operation.
Note: The switching input (S1) 01 the line monitor is a factory-
bridge: if you remove this bridge or if the line monitor is activated,
the entire sub-distribution switches to AC emergency operation.
To configure a special switch, proceed as follows:
 Select the menu item “special switches” on the “configuration” tab.
The “special switches” page appears.

 Activate the “SD” list box and select the sub-distribution whose special switches
you want to configure.
 To display the special switches available for the sub-distribution selected, touch
 Touch the edit symbol of the special switch whose properties you want to edit.
The screen for entering the properties of the special switch appears.

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9. Configuration

 Select up to three switching logics from the list boxes “switching logic 1” to
“switching logic 3”. If several switching logics are selected, these logics act as an
OR functions.
 Touch the “info” input field and enter an information text for the assigned switching
A maximum of 16 characters can be entered.
 To save your settings, touch “save”.

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10. Factory settings


In the following chapter, you will find information on:

▪ Battery parameters ( page 59)

▪ Relay configuration ( page 60)

▪ Data synchronisation (charger) ( page 61)

 The functions described in this chapter are accessible only to users logged in with
the user profile “Service” and higher. Overview on the available user profiles 
page 15.
 The subordinate tab “factory setting” is only accessible for users with administrator

10.1. Battery parameters (refer to AC-DC systems)

 The chapter applies to AC-DC systems with batteries.

The “battery parameters” page shows information on the battery used in your system.
Additionally, you can define the charging method and the runtime of the continuous
operating test.
 Select the menu item “battery parameters” on the “factory settings” tab.
The “battery parameters” page appears.

 Touch the “temperature controlled charge” button to activate or deactivate this

 The “temperature controlled charge” function protects the batteries during
charging in the case of temperature fluctuations by adapting the charging voltage
to the ambient temperature.
 To change the type and runtime of the continuous operating test, activate the list
box “redefine runtime”. The list containing all available types is opened.
 Select the type required by touching the appropriate list box entry.

 Note the period to the next maintenances in the field “maintenance interval (days)”.
If this period is exceeded, the appropriate message is shown in the display.
 To save your changes, touch “save”.

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10. Factory settings

 The required runtime of the continuous operating test is pre-set on delivery of the
system. It depends on the battery capacity and can also be seen on the system’s
type plate.

10.2. Relay configuration

Your system provides five relay outputs. On the “relay configuration” page, you can assign
messages and functions to the relay outputs. Up to three messages per relay are
 Select the menu item “relay configuration” on the “factory settings” tab.
The “relay configuration” page appears. Here, an overview of the messages
already assigned is displayed.

 To edit an assignment or to add new messages, touch the edit symbol of the
corresponding relay.
The screen for selecting the message for the relay appears.

 Activate the list box “message 1” [-3]

The list containing all available functions and messages is opened.
 Select the desired message/function by touching on the appropriate list box entry.

 To save your changes, touch “save”.

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10. Factory settings

10.3. Data synchronisation (with the charger)

Take this opportunity to synchronize data if you want to connect another panel to your
system and use the timer values.

 Touch the item “write configuration values (charger unit)”. The process starts
 Please note that writing the configuration values deletes ALL previous
configuration values irreversibly.
 Touch the item “read configuration values (charger)” to recall the stored data. The
process starts immediately.

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11. System settings


This chapter provides information on:

▪ changing the project data ( page 62)

▪ changing the language ( page 63)

▪ updating the system ( page 63)

▪ transferring configuration ( page 64)

 The functions described in this chapter are accessible only to users logged in with
the user profile “Service”. Overview on the available user profiles ( page 15).

11.1. Changing the project data

The system designation on the start page and the texts of the area switches shown on the
“home facility management” page ( page 30) can be defined by the user. So, it is possible
to easily customise the software's user interface according to your special needs.
 Select the menu item “project data” on the “system settings” tab.
The “project data” page appears.

 Touch the input field of the text you want to change. The screen keypad appears.

 Enter your text (max. 20 characters per input field).

 To save your changes, touch “save”.

The new project name and the description are now displayed on the start page.
The new labelling of the area switching appears in the menu “Home facility
management” (page 29).

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11. System settings

11.2. Changing the language

The software user interface can be displayed in several languages. The languages
German, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Dutch are available.
 Select the menu item “select language” on the “system settings” tab.
The “select language” page appears.

 Select the language required from the list box.

 To save your selection, touch “save”.

The new language is applied as from the next user action.

11.3. Updating the system

The touch panel system software can be updated via Internet.
The software checks automatically whether the update server can be accessed via Internet
connection with correct update files is connected to the touch panel.
 Existing network connection with internet access is prerequisite.
 Select the tab “installing update” on the “system settings” menu.
The “installing update” page appears. The update source HTTP is displayed.

 Before the system software is updated, the system checks whether a new version
of the programme is available.

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11. System settings

The update cannot be started if the update status “No update information available”
is displayed.
 If an update is available, touch “start update”. The update is performed
immediately. The update progress is displayed in a status window.
 Important! An update is possible only if the internet connection remains
uninterrupted. If an error occurs during the update, the system will restart with the
previous system version.
 After successful download, a new screen appears.

 After the update process has been completed, you are prompted to restart the
system. To do this touch “Click here to continue and restart the system!” on the
screen. The system will be restarted.

11.4. Transferring configuration

Always store the configuration of the touch panel after you have performed an update.
This step is necessary because the configuration saved is compatible only with the software
version it was created with. You can export the configuration as an HTTP-file.
 Select the tab “Transfer configuration”. Touch the button „HTTP-Export“. A new
window appears explaining the next steps:

 Click on „HTTP-Export“. Wait for the message “Export complete”.

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11. System settings

 Close the window by clicking „Close”.

 The message appears: 2016-05-09 15:01:48 - The system is operating in special

mode. The export process has successfully finished. Above you can see the
results. You can download the export file by clicking here.
 Download the export file by clicking on the link.

 Now you have the opportunity to open or save the data as an Excel sheet. Choose
one option and touch “OK”.
 Click on “Restart” to reboot the system.

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12. Changing the network settings


The touch panel provides a network interface (RJ45). Thus, each system can be connected
to an existing network using the TCP/IP protocol.
The network connection can be used to:
▪ update the system software of the touch panel via Internet ( page 63).

▪ visualise and operate the system via remote control on any computer which uses a
standard internet browser (e. g. Mozilla Firefox).

 The functions described in this chapter are accessible only to users logged in with
the user profile “Service” and higher. Overview on the available user profiles (
page 15).
The integration of the system into the network must be carried out with the utmost
care and only by an IT expert of the system operator. It must be ensured that the
network meets the highest safety standards at the time of installation in order to
avoid unauthorized access to the system.
The obligation of due diligence concerning the IT-security is in sole responsibility
of the operator of the emergency escape lighting system.

Proceed as following to change the network settings:

 The touch panel of the system and the network must be connected via network
 Important: Valid settings for IP address subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS
(Domain Name System) are available below. Please ask your system
administrator for the necessary information.
 Select the “communication” menu. The “network TCP/IP” page appears.

 Select the configuration method from the list box:

▪ static: the network settings must be entered manually.

▪ DHCP: The network settings are assigned automatically by a DHCP server.

You do not have to enter any data. Confirm your selection with “save”.

 Touch the input field “IP address”. The screen keypad appears.

 Enter the address required.

 Repeat the procedure for all remaining network settings.

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12. Changing the network settings

 Confirm your inputs with “save” and the network settings will be stored.
 If you have changed the IP address, the touch panel must be restarted. For this
purpose, unplug the 24 VDC power supply at the back of the display for a short

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13. Appendix


13.1. Troubleshooting

Error message in Error description and Remedy

the display  cause

battery deep The battery is deep-discharged. Please observe further

discharged messages. Check the fuses
 The battery operation
and/or the charger fuse.
exceeds the nominal operation
 The mains fuses are faulty.
 The charger fuse is faulty.

voltage too high The voltage is too high. Check the voltage using a
voltage meter and the voltage
 The control loop is
displayed. If the voltage is within
the tolerance range, confirm the
or message.
 The battery parameters have Additionally, check the battery
not been set correctly. parameters displayed ( page
 The measuring board -2A2 is

voltage too low The voltage is too low. Check the charger fuses (-
2F10.1/-2F10.2; optional:
 The charger fuse is faulty.
 The control loop is
Additionally, check the battery
parameters displayed ( page
or 59).
 The battery parameters have
not been set correctly.
 The measuring board -2A2 is

charging faulty The charging is malfunctioning. Check the charger fuse and the
battery as well as the battery
 The charger or battery fuse is
connections and fuses.

INSU error or ISO Insulation error of the battery


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13. Appendix

Error message in Error description and Remedy

the display  cause

Battery operation The system is supplied by the Check the net-side of the supply
battery. and the internal mains fuses (-
2F1, -2F2, -2F3).
 The mains have failed.
 The mains fuse is faulty.

charger safety A safety shutdown of the Check the battery and the
shutdown charging is in process. charge circuit.
 The control loop is Additionally, check the battery
malfunctioning. parameters displayed ( page
 The battery parameters have
not been set properly.
 The measuring board -2A2 is
 The battery is faulty.

fan error There is an error of the battery Check the fan and its protective
fan. equipment.
Caution! In this case the power
charge is blocked!

annual The maintenance date has been Perform the maintenance.

maintenance exceeded.

continuous The continuous operating test Check the battery and the
operating test has been aborted due to battery fuse.
deep-discharge insufficient battery capacity
abort (deep discharge protection

continuous The continuous operating test Open the alarm list to determine
operating test has been aborted due to an the cause of the abortion of the
aborted error. test.

continuous The continuous operating test Check the battery and the
operating test has been aborted due to battery fuse.
abort insufficient battery capacity
(deep discharge protection

trafo temp. sensor The transformer temperature Check the temperature sensor
open sensor line is open or not and connect it if required.

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13. Appendix

Error message in Error description and Remedy

the display  cause

trafo temp. sensor The transformer temperature Check the temperature sensor
hot-wired sensor line is short-circuited or line of the transformer.
the line is faulty.

trafo temp. sensor The transformer temperature Connect the temperature sensor
wrongly sensor line is not connected line correctly.
connected correctly.

sensor battery The battery temperature sensor Connect the temperature sensor
temperature open line has open or not connected. line correctly.

sensor battery The battery temperature sensor Check the temperature sensor
temperature hot is short-circuited or the line is line of the battery.
wired faulty.

sensor battery The battery temperature sensor Connect the temperature sensor
temperature line is reverse connected. line of the battery correctly.

system bus faulty A sub-distribution or a bus line Check the bus lines and the
monitor does not respond. correct connection.
 The bus line is interrupted.

battery The battery temperature is too Make sure that the battery or the
temperature too high. battery room is air-conditioned.
 The ambient temperature of Additionally, check the battery
the battery is too high. parameters displayed ( page
 The charging voltage does
not correspond to the
manufacturer’s specification.

trafo temperature The transformer temperature is Make sure that the battery or the
too high too high. The charging will be battery room is air conditioned.
shut down.
Additionally, check the battery
 The ambient temperature of parameters displayed ( page
the charger is too high. 59).
 The charger parameters have
not been set properly.

no battery Battery operation is not possible. Check the switch-over and the
operation battery connections.
 A battery connection is faulty
or inactive.

INSU error There is an insulation error of a Check the insulation resistance

electrical load consumer. of the load circuits.

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13. Appendix

Error message in Error description and Remedy

the display  cause

SDG 1 […] NIO A critical circuit in a sub- Check the external monitors.
distribution is faulty, i.e. not
 The monitor loop is open.

luminaire error There is a luminaire error. On the SD overview page, touch

the “Show all faulty luminaires”
 One or more luminaires are
button ( page 18).

luminaire test The luminaire test has been Check the line monitor reported
abort SDG NIO aborted due to a line monitor and remedy the cause.
remove network failure.

13.2. Technical Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
B Bereich (= German) means section of building
CC Critical circuit
C-error Circuit-error
CL Continuous light
CPS Central Safety Power Supply System
CU Charging unit
DD (-charger test) Deep-discharged (- & charger test)
DNS Domain Name System
L-error Luminaire-error
MD Main-distribution
NCC Normally Close Contact
NOC Normally Open Contact
PD Phase detector
PKN Project identification number
SD Sub-distribution
SDD Sub-distribution with DALI
SDE Sub-distribution emergency escape lighting
SDG Sub-distribution general lighting
SDP Sub-distribution with Profi-technology
SL Standby light / stand-by luminaires
T Timer

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