Syllabus Jmi Fet Ee
Syllabus Jmi Fet Ee
Syllabus Jmi Fet Ee
No No. week (Distribution of Marks)
1. EE-301 Transformer and Induction Machine DC 3 2 1 - 8 22 45 75
2. EE-302 Network Analysis DC 3 2 1 - 8 22 45 75
3. EE-303 Analog Electronics ES 3 2 1 - 8 22 45 75
4. EE-304 Signals and System ES 3 2 1 - 8 22 45 75
5. EE-305 Electromagnetic Field Theory CBCS 4 3 1 - 10 30 60 100
6. BS-301 Engineering Mathematics- III BS 3 2 1 - 8 22 45 75
7. EE-331 Transformer and Induction Machine Lab. DC 1 - - 2 15 - 10 25
8. EE-332 Network Analysis Lab. DC 1 - - 2 15 - 10 25
9. EE-333 Analog Electronics Lab. ES 1 - - 2 15 - 10 25
Total 22 13 6 6 Total 550
Fourth Semester
1. EE-401 DC and Synchronous Machine DC 3 2 1 - 8 22 45 75
2. EE-402 Digital Electronics ES 3 2 1 - 8 22 45 75
3. EE-403 Fundamentals of Power Systems DC 3 2 1 - 8 22 45 75
4. EE-404 Programming Languages ES 3 2 1 - 8 22 45 75
5. EE-405 Computer Architecture CBCS 4 3 1 - 10 30 60 100
6. BS-401 Engineering Mathematics-IV BS 3 2 1 - 8 22 45 75
7. EE-431 DC and Synchronous Machine Lab. DC 1 - - 2 15 - 10 25
8. EE-432 Digital Electronics Lab. ES 1 - - 2 15 - 10 25
9. EE-434 Programming Languages Lab ES 1 - - 2 15 - 10 25
Total 23 14 5 8 Total 550
Refer ordinance 15-C (XV-C) clause 3(2).
The Mid Semester Evaluation shall have a weightage of 40% while the remaining 60% weightage will
be for End Semester Examination.
(i) 30% for two mid semester tests, both of equal weightage;
(ii) 10% for other modes of sessional evaluation (to be specified by the Faculty Committee and
notified before the commencement of teaching of each course).
There will be no Mid Semester practical tests. In a practical course/ project/ seminar/ industrial training/ field
work, the End Semester Examination shall have a weightage of 40% while the performance of the student as
evaluated by the teacher concerned during the semester (i.e. Mid Semester Evaluation) shall have a weightage of
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
TRANSFORMER: Losses and efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency. Efficiency consideration
in power and distribution transformers. All-day efficiency. Phasing out in three-phase transformer
units. Polarity test. Single-phase transformers connected as three-phase bank. Comparison of 3-phase
unit with 3-phase bank. Star/star, delta/delta, star/delta, delta/star and open delta connections. 3-phase
to 2-phase and 3-phase to 6-phase conversions. Need and conditions for parallel operation, load
sharing with equal and unequal voltage ratios, effect of per-unit impedance and X/R ratio, proportional
load sharing.
TRANSFORMER: Principle of working and comparison of autotransformer with two-winding
transformer. Advantages of tertiary winding in a three-winding transformer. Harmonics and
magnetizing inrush in transformer.
3-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR: General constructional features. Qualitative description of working
of 3-phase induction motor from rotating field viewpoint. Stator fed and rotor fed induction motor.
Steady state analysis: Equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, power flow diagram. Steinmetz IEEE
equivalent circuit.
3-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR: Thevenin’s equivalent model, torque-speed equation and
characteristic, motoring, generating and braking regions, starting torque, maximum torque. Concept of
leakage reactance and its importance in machine performance and design. Effect of rotor resistance on
performance of induction motor. Deep-bar rotor and double-cage rotor. Starting, speed control and
3-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR: No-load and blocked-rotor tests, circle diagram, prediction of
performance by circle diagram. Effect of space harmonics and time harmonics, crawling and cogging.
Open, semi-closed, closed slots and their effect on motor performance.
SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR: Double revolving field theory, principle of operation based
on double revolving field theory, forward torque and backward torque, torque-speed characteristic.
Equivalent circuit based on double revolving theory. Starting methods: Resistance-start split-phase,
capacitor-start, capacitor-run, 2-value capacitor type motors, shaded pole motor, characteristics and
1. I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, “Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Ashfaq Husain, “Electric Machines”, Dhanpat Rai & Co.
3. George McPherson, “An Introduction to Electric Machine and Transformers”, John Wiley, New
4. A.E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley and S.D. Umans, “Electric Machinery”, Tata McGraw Hill, New
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Network graph, properties of tree in a graph, incidence matrix, cut- set matrix, tie- set matrix
and their properties, No. of possible trees of graph, Maximum power transfer theorem,
Tellegen’s theorem, Millman’s theorem, Reciprocity theorem, duality.
Transfer function, transient and steady state system, transient response, natural response,
zero state response, initial condition, complete response: inductance, capacitance, RL, RC
and RLC network their Continuity relationship, their response to sinusoidal input, to
exponential excitation, second order response.
Two port networks, synthesis, impedance parameters, admittance parameters, transmission
parameters, inverse transmission parameters, hybrid parameters, inverse hybrid parameters,
their reciprocity and symmetry conditions, inter- relationship between the parameters, inter-
connection of two port networks, cascaded connection, series, parallel, series –parallel
Network functions, driving point impedance function, voltage transfer function, ladder
network, poles- zeros, necessary condition for transfer function, necessary conditions for
driving function, effect of pole position on stability, significance of pole zero position, time-
domain and frequency response from pole- zero plot.
Driving point immitance function: properties, physical realizability, Synthesis: Hurwitz
polynomial and properties, positive real function and properties, LC, RC, RL- network and
their synthesis using Foster –I, II and Cauer –I, II form.
1. A. Sudhakar, Shyammohan S. Palli, “Circuits & Networks – Analysis and Synthesis”,
Tata Mc Graw Hill Co.,3rd Edition,New Delhi.
2. Network Analysis by Mac Van Valkenberg
3. Network analysis and synthesis by F. F. Kuo
4. Network analysis and synthesis by C. L. Wadhwa
5. Fundamentals of Network analysis and synthesis by Behrouz Peikari
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
JFET: characteristics and equations. Common Source, Common Gate configurations and
Source follower. MOSFET: Depletion type MOSFETs and Enhancement type MOSFETs.
VMOS and CMOS. Biasing and small signal AC analysis of FETs.
Darlington pair, Emitter follower, Current mirror, Differential amplifier (Emitter-coupled),
calculation of Adm, Acm and CMRR. Amplifier fundamentals, Op-amp basics and its
equivalent circuit, Input offset voltage and current, Input bias current, Gain bandwidth
product, Slew rate.
Non-inverting, Buffer, Inverting, Summing, Differentiating, Integrating amplifier,
Logarithmic, Anti-logarithmic, Instrumentation amplifier. Schmitt trigger circuit, Precision
rectifier, Peak detector, and Active filter.
Power Amplifier: Introduction and definition. Series fed class-A amplifier, Transformer
coupled class-A amplifier, Class-B, Class-C, and class-D power amplifier. Push-Pull
amplifier circuit. Distortion and efficiency of Power Amplifier.
Feedback concept and types of feedback, Feedback connections. Effect of negative feedback
on amplifier’s input impedance, output impedance, gain, stability and bandwidth.
Barkhausen’s criterion for oscillation, Phase-shift oscillator, Wien’s bridge oscillator, 555
timer, Voltage controlled oscillator.
1. Robert Boylested, Louis Nashelky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, India.
2. Sergio Franco, Design with Operational Amplifier and Analog Integrated Circuits,
McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi, India.
3. Jacob Millman, Christor C. Halkias, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, McGraw Hill
Book Company, New Delhi, India.
4. E. Norman lurch, “Fundamental of Electronics”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
Donald L.Schilling, CharlesBelove, “Electronic Circuits: Discrete and Integrated,”
5. McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi, India.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Morphology of signals and their classifications. Even and odd functions, orthogonal function,
definition of Step, impulse, ramp functions. Other non-sinusoidal signals and wave forms as
the sum of standard functions. Fourier series representation of signals.
Fourier Integral and Fourier transform and its properties. Parsevel’s theorem. System
representation using differential equations, transfer function, impulse response. Poles and
zeroswith their concepts and significance
Analysis of continuous-time Linear Time Invariant (LTI) system using Laplace Transform.
Frequency response of LTI systems, zero input response, forced input response. Stability of
LTI system, pole criteria for stability.
Introduction to Z-transform, Inverse Z- transform and their properties, region of convergence.
Poles and zeros. Difference equation, transfer function, pulse response. Application of Z-
transform for the analysis of discrete-time LTI systems.
Correlation: Energy signals, power signals, autocorrelation, cross-correlations its properties
and examples. Power spectral density, it’s definition and derivations.
1. S. Hykin, Barry Van Veen “Signals and System”, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Robert A Gabel, “Signal and Linear Systems”, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Mahmood Nahvi, “Signals and Systems”, Mc Graw Hill Education.
4. Material from internet.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Vector Analysis, coordinate systems, vector operator, curl, divergence theorem, Stoke’s
theorem, Coulomb’s law, electric field intensity, field due to continuous volume charge
distribution, field of a line charge, field of a sheet of charge.
Electric flux density, Gauss’s law, symmetrical charge distributions, differential volume
element, divergence, Maxwell’s first equation, energy expended in moving a point charge in
an electrostatic field, line integral, definition of potential; and potential difference, potential
field of a charge, potential field of a system of charges, potential gradient, the dipole, energy
density in electric field.
Current and current density, continuity of current, metallic conductors, conductor properties
and boundary conditions, semiconductors, nature of dielectric materials, boundary conditions
for perfect dielectric materials, capacitance, several capacitance examples, capacitance of two
wire line, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations, unique Theorem, examples of the solution of
Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, product solution of Laplace equation.
Boit Savart law, Ampere’s circuital law, magnetic flux and magnetic flux density, scalar and
vector magnetic potentials, derivations of steady magnetic field laws, force on a moving
charge, force on differential current element, force between differential current elements,
force and torque on a closed circuit.
Faraday’s law, displacement current, Maxwell’s equations in point forms and in integral
forms, Application of Maxwell’s equations, EM waves and propagation of energy. Wave
equation for free space. Plane and uniform plane wave. Poynting vector and power, Intrinsic
impendance of media for uniform plane wave.
1. William H. Hayt (Jr.), “Engineering Electromagnetics”, McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi.
2. N.Narayana Rao, “Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
3. Joseph A. Edminister, “Electromagnetics”, Schaum’s Outline Series in Engineering, McGraw Hill
Co., New Delhi.
4. David K. Cheng, “Field and Wave Electromagnetics”, Second Latest Edition, Addison Wesley
Publishing Company Inc. Reading, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Review of Gradient, Curl, Divergence, vector identities and directional derivatives: Line,
Surface and volume integrals, Green’s theorem in xy- plane, Gauss divergence theorem and
Stoke’s curl theorem (without proof), and related problems.
Extremals of functions (by mean of Euler- Poisson equation), Isoperimetric problems, Beta
and Gamma functions, Dirichlet&Liouville’s multiple integrals of first, second and third
kinds Representation of a definite integrals in Legendre & Jacobi forms of Elliptic Integrals
of first, second and third kinds.
Review of Theorem on Probability, conditional probability; Law of total probability, Baye’s
Theorem and related problems; Random variable and Probability distribution, mean &
variance of Binomial & Poisson distributions, Normal, Gamma and ,Beta distribution and
related problems, Moments generating function, measures of Skewness& Kurtosis,
Correlation and Regression Analysis.
Fourier’s series (full range and half range) for arbitrary period, Representation of a function
in terms of Fourier integral, Fourier Sine integral and Fourier Cosine integral, Infinite
complex Fourier transform, Finite & infinite Fourier sine & cosine transforms and their
inverse transforms, Properties of different transforms and associated theorems, application in
integral equations and boundary value problems.
Generating functions, Recurrence relations and orthogonal properties for Bessel’s functions
Jn(x) and Legendre’s polynomials Pn(x), Jacobi series, Fourier-Bessel series and Fourier-
Legendre series, Differential equations reducible to Bessel form, Rodrigue formula for Pn(x)
and related problems
Test for convergence and divergence of infinite series using comparison test, D’Alembart’s
ratio test, Logarithmic test, Raabe’s test, Cauchy nth root test, Leibnitz test for convergence of
alternating series, Absolute & conditional convergence and uniform convergence.
1. A.B. Mathur& V.P. Jaggi: “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”
2. B.S. Grewal: “Higher Engineering Mathematics”.
3. R.K. Jain and S.R.K. Iyengar : “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”
4. H.C. Taneja :“Engineering Mathematics Volume I, II”.
5. Erwin Kreyszig : “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
DC Machine: Basic parts, induced e.m.f., developed torque, lap winding, wave winding, equalizer
connection. Armature flux distribution and its effects, brush shift, demagnetizing and cross
magnetizing m.m.f., commutation, interpoles and compensating winding. Determination of
compensating winding m.m.f. Determination of interpolem.m.f. for compensated and uncompensated
DC machines.
DC Generator: Types, magnetization characteristics, self-excitation principles. External and internal
characteristics of separately excited and self excited DC generators. Applications. Parallel operation
of DC generators.
DC Motor: Types, load characteristics of separately excited, shunt, series and compound motors.
Applications. Starting, speed control and braking.
DC Machine: Power balance, losses and efficiency, condition for maximum power output and
maximum efficiency. Testing- Swinburne’s, Hopkinson’s, Field’s and retardation tests; separation of
Synchronous Machine: General constructional features, principle of operation, types of rotor, e.m.f.
equation, short pitch winding and pitch factor, distributed winding and distribution factor. Cylindrical
rotor machine- interaction between excitation flux and armature m.m.f., steady state equivalent circuit
and phasor diagram, transition from generator action to motor action.
Synchronous Machine: Steady state power flow and power angle characteristics. Effect of variation in
excitation at constant load, V-curves, inverted V-curves and generator compounding curves. Open-
circuit, short-circuit and zero power factor (lagging) tests. Short Circuit Ratio (SCR). Voltage
regulation of alternator and its determination by synchronous impedance, m.m.f., Potier’s triangle and
American Standards Association methods.
Synchronous Generator: Synchronization and parallel operation of synchronous generators
(Alternators). Governor characteristics and load sharing. Synchronizing current, synchronizing power
and synchronizing torque.
Synchronous Motor: Starting methods of synchronous motor. Operation as synchronous condenser.
Salient-pole machine: Two reaction theory. Operation under balanced steady-state conditions in
generator and motor modes. Power angle equations and characteristics. Determination of Xdand Xq by
slip test.
1. I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, “Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Ashfaq Husain, “Electric Machines”, Dhanpat Rai & Co.
3. George McPherson, “An Introduction to Electric Machine and Transformers”, John Wiley, New
4. A.E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley and S.D. Umans, “Electric Machinery”, Tata McGraw Hill, New
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Introduction to Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra and Minimization Techniques for BooleanExpressions,
Introduction to codes: ASCII, Excess-3, Gray, Hamming codes.
Binary Half-Adder, Full-Adder, Subtractor, Parity Checker/Generator, Multiplexer/Demultiplexer,
Encoder, Decoder, Digital to Analog Converter, Weighed Register: R-2R Ladder Network: Analog to
Digital Conversion, Successive Approximation Type, Dual Slope Type.
Introduction to Asynchronous Systems, Flip-Flop: RS, T, D, JK, Master-Salve JK, RippleCounters-
Shortened modulus. Up and down counter designs, Applications of Ripple counter.
Parallel Counters, Type T Counter Design, Non-Sequential Counting (Skipping States), Type D
Counter Design, Shift Registers, Ring Counters, Type JK Counter Design, Asynchronous
Sequential Circuits Design.
Diode Transistor Logic (DTL), Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL), Typical TTL NAND
Gate,Function of the Input Transistor, Volt-Ampere Characteristics, Fan-In and Fan-Out Calculations,
Output Stages: Totem Pole and Modified Totem Pole, Introduction to Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL),
Integrated Injection Logic (IIL) and MOS-logic, Comparison of Various Logic Families.
Additional topics:
1. Generation of Control signals using Flip-Flop
2. Simulation using PSIM
1. Morris Manno, “Digital Circuits and Logic Design”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
2. Reference book names + websites
3. Herbert Taub and Donald Schilling, “Digital Integrated Electronics”, McGraw Hill Book Co.
4. William H.Gothman, “Digital Electronics-An Introduction to Theory and Practice”, Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Credit L T P
3 2 1 -
Line parameters, Resistance, calculation of inductance of single phase and three phase line
with equilateral and un- symmetrical spacing, transposition, GMD, GMR, Capacitance
calculation of two wire three phase line with symmetrical and un- symmetrical spacing, skin
effect and proximity effect.
Representation of short and medium lines, nominal T and Pie method, solution for long line,
ABCD parameters, receiving and sending end voltage, regulation and efficiency.
Ferranti effect, corona, disruptive critical voltage, visual corona, corona power loss,
interference between power and communication circuits, types of insulators and their
constructional features, potential distribution in string of suspension insulator, method of
equalizing the potential, string efficiency, single and bundle conductors.
Types and construction of cables, insulation resistance of a cable, capacitance and grading in
cables, current rating of power cable, dielectric stress, overhead lines versus underground
cables, types of towers and poles used, standard clearance, sag calculation in conductor
suspended on level supports and support at different levels, effect of wind, ice, tension and
sag at erection.
Substation classification, layout, scheme of bus-bar arrangement, single line diagram of
typical sub- station showing location of different components and their functions, grounding
and testing of installation.
1. William D. Stevensen, Jr., “Elements of Power System Analysis”, Mc Graw Hill Co.,
2. H. Cotton and Barber, “The Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy”, B. I.
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. I. J. Narath and D. P. Kothari, “Modern Power System Analysis”, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Publishing Co., New Delhi.
4. C. L. Wadhwa, “Electrical Power System”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Hadi Sadat, “Power System Analysis”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Introduction to Procedure Oriented and Object-Oriented programming: elements of object
oriented programming, C++ fundamentals – data types, operators and expressions, control
construct, arrays, functions.
Classes and objects – Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Classes, Object as function
arguments, returning object from function. Constructors and destructors. Inheritance.
MATLAB environment: MATALAB Desktop overview, everything is matrix, defining data
types, display formats, predefined variables, complex numbers, Built-in Functions, input and
output statements.
Control Constructs: sequential, selection and iteration using IF-END, IF-ELSE-END,
MATLAB applications: Polynomial in MATLAB, solving equations, numerical integration,
Graph and Figure plotting, Handling graphics window, plotting 2D and 3D graphs. File input
and output: Opening and closing files, writing formatted output to files, reading formatted
data from files, Introduction to Simulink.
Additional topics:
GUI with Matlab
1. E. Balaguruswamy, “Object Oriented Programming with C++”, TataMcGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. David Kuncicky, “MATLAB Programming”, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Turbo C++, Robert Lafore
4. C++ by Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. ManaullahAbid, Programming in C, MATLAB and Simulink, CAD PLAN, 2012
6. Marc E. Herinter, “Programming in MATLAB”, Thomson Learning, 2001.
7. RK Bansal, “MATLAB and Its Application in Engineering”, Pearson 2012
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Introduction, Regiter section, General purpose register design. Adder and Subtractor design,
Fast adder design, ALU design, Multiplication of unsigned and signed integer, Array
multiplier, Division of unsigned integer.
Introduction, Basic concepts of register transfer language (Micro operation), control unit
design, Hardwired control, Multiplier control unit, CPU control unit, Micro programmed
control, Basic concepts control memory.
Introduction Characteristics of memory system, memory unit, Randon access memory
(RAM), Bipolar memory cell, dynamic memory cell, Internal organization of RAM, Main
Memory design, Cache memory, Associative memory, concepts, Associative memory cell.
Basic concepts, Programmed I/O, Standard I/O versus memory mapped I/O, Unconditional
and conditional programmed I/O, Interrput I/O, Direct memory access (DMA), Virtual
memory and memory management concepts, Magnetic taps and Disk.
Introduction, parallelism in conventional computers, Type of parallel processors, Array
processors, Systolic arrays wave front array processors pipeline processing, basic concepts
pipeline structure. Arithmetic pipeline, Instruction pipeline.
1. Morris Mano, “Computer System Architecture”, Pearson, 2007.
2. Mohamed Rafiquzzaman, “Modern Computer Architecture”, Galgotia Publications, 1988
3. John P.Hayes, ‘Computer architecture and Organization’, Tata McGraw- Hill,Third
edition, 1998.
4. V. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G. Varanesic and Safat G. Zaky, “ Computer Organization“,
V edition, McGraw-Hill Inc, 1996
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Newton-Gregory, Gauss, Stirling and Bessel Formulae, Aitken & cubic spline interpolation methods
for equal intervals; Newton’s divided difference and Lagrange’s formulae for unequal intervals;
Inverse interpolation using.Lagrange’s formula, method of successive approximation and double
Numerical successive differentiation using Forward, Backward, Central difference interpolation
formulae. Newton’s divided difference formula. Review of Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rules,
Numerical integration using Boole’s rule, Weddle’s rule, Gauss-Legendre, Lobatto, Radau and Gauss-
Chebyshev rules. Errors in Quadrature formulae, Romberg integration and Numerical double
Bisection, Regula-False position, Newton-Raphson&Graeffe’s Root-Squaring method for the solution
of non-linear algebraic & transcendental equations involving one variable, rate of Convergence and
error analysis of the methods, Newton-Raphson method for the solution of a system of non-linear
equations of two variables.
Gauss Elimination & Gauss-Jordan methods, III conditioned linear system, Gauss-Seidal and Crout
methods for the solution of a system of linear equations in four unknowns; General curves (linear,
quadratic, exponential and other non-linear functions) fitting using methods of least squares.
Numerical approximate solutions of a system of simultaneous and higher order differential equation
using Taylor’s series method, Picard’s method and Runge-Kutta fourth order method; Runge-Kutta,
Fehlberg method, Modified Euler and Milne methods; Solution of boundary value problems using
finite differences method and cubic spline method.
1. M.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar& R.K. Jain: “Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering
Computation”, 4th Edition, New Age International Publisher, Daryaganj, New Delhi-01
2. S.S.Sastry: “Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis”, 4th edition, Prentice Hall of India,
Jhilmil House, Patparganj, New Delhi.
3. Steven C. Chapra& Raymond P. Canal “Numerical Methods for Engineers”, Tata McGraw Hill
Book Co.
4. V. Rajaraman, “Computer Oriented Numerical Methods”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
5. Madhumangal Pal, “Numerical Analysis for Scientists & Engineers, Theory & C Programs”,
Narosa Publishing House, Daryaganj, New Delhi -110002
6. Shanta Kumar M, “Computer Based Numerical Analysis”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi-110002
7. B.S. Grewal, “Numerical Methods in Engineering & Science with Programming in C/C++”,
Khanna Publishers.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Fuse, H.R.C. fuse, Isolators, Theory of arc formation, properties of arc, Arc interruption
theories. Circuit constants and circuit conditions, Restriking voltage transient Rate of Rise of
Restrikingvoltage(RRRV ), Current Chopping, Duties of switch-gear, Resistance switching ,
Circuit breaker rating.
Construction and Operation of Air-break circuit breakers (CBs), Oil CBs, Single and Multi-
break construction, Air-blast CB, Recent development in circuit breakers, Vacuum Breaker,
Sulpher Hexa-phloride CB’s, DC circuit breaker, Comparative merits and demarits of CBs.
Need for protective relaying, Protective Zones, Primary and back up protection, Desirable
Properties of protective relaying, Principle and operation of Electromagnetic and Induction
type Relays, Relay settings, Directional, Distance, Differential, Overcurrent and earth fault
relays, Static Relays, Numerical Relays/IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices).
Scheme of protection of Generator, Transformer, Bus-Zone, Transmission line. Merz-Price
circulating current scheme, Restricted earth fault protection, Negative Sequence Protection,
Bucholz relay, Translay scheme, pilot protection.
Lightning and switching surges, dynamic overvoltages, ground wire, transmission reflection,
refraction and attenuation of surges, spark gap, arresters, surge absorbers, BIL, insulation
coordination, grounding of power system.
Additional topics:
Substation Automation SCADA System
1. Suni S. Rao, “Switchgear and Protection”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
2. C. R. Masion, “The Art and Science of Protective Relaying”, New Age International,
3. New Delhi.
4. C. L. Wadhva, “Electrical Power Systems”, New Age International, New Delhi.
5. C. L. Wadhwa, Generation, distribution and utilization of electric energy, New Age Publications,
New Delhi.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Introduction, Devices: Diodes-silicon, fast recovery, Schottky diode, SCR,TRIAC, SCS,
GTO, PUT, SUS, CUJT, LASCR, Mosfet, IGBT with their V-I characteristics. SCR:
Operating principle, Gate Characteristics, Two transistor model, over-current and over
voltage protection,snubber circuits, methods of turning on (triggering) and turning off
Half-wave and full-wave controlled rectifiers with resistive and reactive load,battery load
Freewheeling diode. Detailed derivation of rms, average value, harmonic factor, displacement
factor, THD, crest factor. Three phase half wave and full wave controlled rectifiers. Effect of
Source impedance.
Voltage-driven inverter, current-driven inverter, Single-phase inverter with resistive load,
inductive load: Bridge, Parallel, Centre tapped. Mc-Murrey-Bedford inverter,Zero current
switching(ZCS), Zero voltage Switching (ZVS). Introduction of resonant inverters. Three
phase bridge inverter, 120-180 degree conduction.
Principle of chopper, Step down-Step up chopper, Step down chopper with RL load without
linear approximation, Chopper classification: First Quadrant, Second Quadrant, Third and
Fourth Quadrant, Fourth Quadrant, All Four Quadrant Chopper. Buck, Boost, Buck-boost
DC-DC converters. Morgan and Jones Chopper.
AC Voltage Controllers: Single and three phase ac voltage controllers. Cycloconverters:
Singlephaseto single-phase, three-phase to single-phase, three-phase to three-phase cyclo-
converter circuit and their operation. Various PWM Techniques.
Additional topics:
Control Analysis of Converters
Simulation using PSIM
1. M. H. Rashid, “Introduction to Power Electronics”, Pearson Education India, New Delhi.
2. Reference book names + websites
3. P. C. Sen, “Power Electronics” Tata McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi.
4. G. K. Dubey, S.R. Doradla, A.Joshi and R.M.K. Sinha, “Thyristorised Power Controllers” Wiley
Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Need for modulation, Amplitude modulation, modulation index, SSB-SC, DSB-SC and
side band: generation and detection, Calculation of power.
Concept of frequency and phase modulation, frequency deviation and modulation index. FM
spectra, carlson’srule.Generation of Narrow-band and Wide-band FM: Armstrong method,
direct method and indirect method. Demodulation of FM.
Sampling theorem, time-division multiplexing, pulse modulation, pulse width modulation
(PWM), pulse position modulation (PPM), pulse code modulation (PCM), quantization,
encoding, quantization error, companding and expanding, delta-modulation and adaptive
delta modulation, performance of digital systems.
TRF receiver, disadvantages of TRF receiver, superheterodyne, advantages, performance of
radio receivers, sensitivity, image frequency and its rejection, double spotting, AGC, AFC,
AMand FM transmitters, their elementary circuits and block diagram representations.
Introduction, optical fiber v/s metallic cable, Types of optical fiber: step index and graded
index,multimode and single mode, Attenuation and dispersion in fibers, LEDs and Laser
diode, Opticaldetectors: PIN and APDs, optical sources, optical coupling, splicing.
1. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, New Age International, New Delhi.
2. B. P. Lathi, “Communications Systems”, New Age International, New Delhi.
3. George Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore.
4. Herbert Taub and Donald L.Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill,
Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo.
5. WayeTomasi, “Electronics Communication System”, Pearson Education India.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Units, dimensions, classification of errors, accuracy and precision, statistical analysis of
errors, standards for measurement, temperature, emf, resistance, current, inductance,
capacitance. Methods of measurements. Classification of instruments- absolute, secondary,
indicating, recording, integrating.
Instruments for voltage and current measurement, control, balancing and damping forces of
instruments, D Arsonval galvanometer- construction and operation, PMMC (Permanent
magnet moving coil), moving iron, dynamometer type instruments. Electrostatic and
induction type instruments. Use of rectifier for measuring instruments.
Extension of range of voltmeter and ammeter. Current transformer (CT) and Potential
transformer (PT) - theory, ratio and phase angle error, design considerations, characteristics,
effect of power factor, secondary burden. Industrial current sensors (Hall Effect).
Power in ac circuits, construction and operation of dynamometer and induction type
wattmeter. Measurement of power using wattmeter for single phase circuits and three phase
circuits. Measurement of reactive power (CT and PT).
Measurement of energy- single phase induction type watt-hour meter and clock meters.
Polyphase watt-hour meters. Ac energy meter testing. Meters for special purposes-
prepayment meters, maximum demand indicator, power factor meter, frequency meter and
1. W D Cooper, A D Helfric, “Electronic Instruments and Measurements”, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
2. E W Golding and F C Widdis, “ Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments”, JOBS
3. A.K.Sawhney, “A Course in Electrical and Electronic Instruments and Measurements”, Dhanpat
Rai and Sons, Delhi.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Typical transmission and distribution scheme. DC 2-Wire and 3-wire, A.C single-phase, 3-phase and
4 wire system, comparison of copper efficiency, Kelvin’s law, D.C. distributor fed at one end, three
wire D.C. distributor fed at one end, distributor fed at both ends, uniformly loaded distributor, ring
mains, stepped mains, A.C. distribution. Standard voltages and advantages of high voltage
transmission. Comparison of D.C. and A.C. transmission
One line diagram, impedance and reactance diagram, per unit representation of single phase and three
phase system, change of base, per unit impedance of a transformer, Network model formulation,
Formulation of Y-Bus and Load flow equation formulation, Classification of Buss.
Load Flow Solution Techniques, Gauss-Siedal method, Newton-Raphson method, Fast decoupled
load flow equation, comparison of solution methods.
Symmetrical 3-phase fault. Short-circuit current and reactance of synchronous machines. Fault current
in unloaded systems. Internal voltage of loaded machines. Short-circuit currents by method of internal
voltage and Thevenin’s theorem. Symmetrical components of three-phase unbalanced phasors, Power
in terms of symmetrical components, Phase-shift in Star-Delta transformer banks, Sequence
impedance and sequence network. Zero-sequence equivalent circuits for various three-phase
transformer connections.
Inter-connection of sequence network for various faults: line-to-ground fault, line-to-line fault,
double-line to ground fault, Fault through impedance. Introduction to computer calculations of fault
current problems.
Additional topics:
Economic Operation of Power System
Stability Analysis
1. William D. Stevenson, Jr., “Elements of Power Systems Analysis”, McGraw Hill Book Co.,
2. H. Cotton and Barber, “The Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy”, Third Edition,
B.I. Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. I. J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, “Modern Power System Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co., New Delhi.
4. C. L. Wadhwa, “Electrical Power System”, New Age International, New Delhi.
5. HadiSaadat, “Power System Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Pubishing co. New Delhi
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Cost of Power Generation: running cost and fixed cost, Method for providing for depreciation
factor affecting cost of generation. Load Factor, Load Curve, Demand Factor, Diversity
Factor. Number and size of generation units: plant capacity factor and plant use factor.
Tariffs: Flat-rate, Two part, Block rate, Maximum Demand and Power Factor, Tariff
Economics of Power Factor improvements.
Selection of site, Thermal Power Plants: Types and their relative merits, Boilers accessories,
Economisers, Preheater and Super Heater. Fuel, Combustion Equipment: Types of Steam
Turbines, Condensers, Pumps, Cooling Towers. Layout of Plant, Pollution Control
Equipments. Elements of Nuclear Power Plant. Nuclear Reactor- it’s components and their
functions. Types of Nuclear Reactor, Boiling water, Pressurized water fast breeder reactor
and Candu Reactor, their advantages and disadvantages.
Hydro-Electric Power Plant: Selection of site. Classification based on: quantity of water
available, Nature of load, Available head, Layout, it’s main parts and their function:
reservoir, Dam, spillways, intake,forebay, Penstock, Search tank, Prime-mover, Draft-tube.
Governing of turbines, Types of Turbines and their characteristics, Comparison of various
types of plants.
Advantages of coordinated operation of different types of power plants, hydro-thermal
scheduling – short term and long term.
Tidal, Wind, Geo-Thermal, Wave, Magneto-Hydro Dynamic (MHD), Photo-voltaic and Solar
Power used for generation. Recent advances such as biogasgeneration, hydrogen, fuel cell.
Additional topics:
Biogas generation, hydrogen, fuel cell
Types of Turbines and their characteristics.
1. M. V. Deshpandae, “Elements of Electrical Power Station Design”, A. H. Wheeler and Co. Pvt.
Ltd. Allahabad.
2. B. G. A. Shrotzki and W. A. Vopal, “Power Plant Engineering and Economics”,McGraw Hill
Book Co.
3. C. L. Wadhwa,” Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Engineering”, New Age
International, New Delhi.
4. C. L. Wadhwa, “Electrical Power Systems”, New Age International, New Delhi.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
EE-601 Control Systems
Credit L T P
3 2 1 -
Introduction, Terminology and basic structure, Industrial control examples,
Mathematicalmodeling of mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Industrial controldevices: Potentiometers, tacho-generators, DC and AC servo-motors, Open
and closed loop
systems : their merits and demerits.
Transfer Functions of linear systems, Block Diagram representation, Block Diagram
reductiontechniques, Signal Flow Graphs and Mason’s Gain Formula. Time Response
analysis of secondorder systems, Performance specifications in time domain. Steady state
errors and errorconstants, static error coefficients.
Stability concept, Necessary conditions for stability. Routh stability criterion, Hurwitz’s
stabilitycriterion. Root locus plots, examples, general rules for constructing root loci, analysis
of controlsystem by root loci. Sensitivity of the roots of the characteristic equation. Relative
Relationship between time and frequency response, Polar plot, Bode’s Plot, Nyquist plot and
Nyquist stability criterion, Relative Stability, Phase and Gain Margins, Constant M and N
circleand Nichol’s chart.
Concept of state, State-variable, State model, State models for linear continuous-time
function,control system analysis using state-variable methods, state variable representation,
conversion ofstate-variable modes to transfer functions, conversion of transfer function to
canonical state variable models, solution of state equation, concepts of controllability and
observability.Equivalance between transfer function and state variable representation.
1. Gopal, M., “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co., New
1. Delhi.
2. Gopal, M., “Digital Control Systems and State Variable techniques”, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Book Co., New Delhi.
4. Kou, B.C., “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Ogata, K., “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Nagrath and Gopal, “Modern Control Systems” New Age International, New Delhi.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Classification of resistance and measurement challenges. Measurement of medium resistance-
voltmeter ammeter method, substitution, Wheatstone bridge methods and Ohmmeters.
Measurement of low resistance voltage drop method, potentiometer method, Kelvin double
bridge method, necessary precautions for precision and accuracy.
Measurement of high resistance- direct deflection method, loss of charge method and Meg-
ohm bridge.
Maxwell’s bridge, Hay’s bridge, Anderson bridge, De Sauty’s bridge, Modified De Sauty’s
bridge, Schering bridge and Wien bridge. Application of ac bridges in measurement of
resistance, capacitance, inductance, mutual inductance and frequency
Classification of transducers, Transducers: RTD, thermistor, thermocouple, strain gauge,
LVDT, Piezoelectric transducer. Application of transducers in measurement of pressure,
force, temperature, speed and other industrial parameters.
Signal conditioning issues; Signal level and bias adjustment, linearization, conversions,
filtering and impedance matching, and concept of loading. Basic instrumentation amplifier.
Magnetic measurements, magnetometer, ballistic galvanometer, fluxmeter, Hall-effect
devices (flux measurement). Separation of iron losses, methods of iron loss measurement.
Working and construction, application in measurement voltage and current (ac and dc),
significance of lissajous figures in measurement of frequency and phase angle. Other
measurement applications of oscilloscope.
Electronic voltmeters, digital volt meter (DVM), multimeters, Q-meter, spectrum analyzer,
ultrasonic measurements, introduction to data acquisition
1. Golding and Widdis: Electrical measurements & measuring instruments, Wheeler Books.
2. D. Helfrick and W. D. Cooper, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement
3. A. K. Sawhney , Electrical & Electronic Measurements and instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai
& Sons, 2009.
4. H S Kalsi, Electronic Instrumentation, TMH Publications, 2012
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Introduction to microprocessor, 8085 microprocessor: Architecture, instruction set, interrupt
structure, and brief assembly language programming.
Pin diagram and description of various signals, architecture, block diagram and details of
sub-blocks such as EU, BIU; memory segmentation and physical address computations,
program relocation, addressing modes, Interrupts and their description.
Instruction execution timing, assembler instruction format, data transfer instructions,
arithmetic instructions, branch instructions, looping instructions, NOP and HLT instructions,
flag manipulation instructions, logical instructions, shift and rotate instructions, directives
and operators.
Assembly language fundamentals, largest and smallest numbers in data array, sum of a series
of 16 bit numbers, multibyte addition, 16 bit multiplication, division by 8 bit and 16 bit
divisor, square root determination, BCD to hex conversion, factorial of given number.
Serial and parallel I/O Chips (8251 and 8255), Programmable DMA Controller (8257),
Programmable interrupt controller (8259), keyboard display controller (8279), Introduction to
DMA process and DMA controller (8237), Data acquisition using A/D and D/C converters.
1. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and System Design
8085, 8086, 8057, 8096 by Krishna kant; published by Prentice Hall of India, 2007.
2. James L. Antonakes, “An Introduction to the Intel Family of Microprocessors”, Published
by Pearson Education Asia, Third Edition, 2002.
3. Advanced Microprocessors and Interfacing: Intel 8086 to Pentium 4 Processors by Badri
Ram; published by Tata McGraw Hill Company Ltd. 2002.
4. Microprocessors-Theory and applications: Intel and Motorola by M. Rafiquzzaman;
published by Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
5. A text of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers by R.S. Kaler published by I.K.
International Publishing housePvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, 2011.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Introduction, concept of electric drives, classification, components and characteristics of
electric drives, starting, speed control and braking of DC electric motors, starting, speed
control and braking of AC electric motors, Elecro-mechanical transients, time –energy
calculations, load equilization
line commutated converters, choppers, Inverters, cycloconverters, AC voltage controllers.
Review of speed control of induction motors, Voltage injection in rotor circuit, Scherbius and
Kramer schemes, Vector and sensorless control
self controlled, permanent magnet motor drive systems, number of phases, radial and axial
field, sinusoidal and rectangular fed systems, closed loop control, sensor reduction and
Switched reluctance motor drive system-construction, principle of operation, merits and
demerits, characteristics, closed loop control and applications.
Design problems
1. G K Dubey, Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives, Printice Hall Englewood Cliffs,
2. S.K. Pillai, A First Course in Electric Drives, Wiley Easterns, New Delhi 1989
3. W. Leonard, Control of Electric Drives, Springer-Verelag, Berlin, 1985
4. G..K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electric Drives, Narosa Publishers Delhi, 1995
5. T.J.E. Miller, Switched Reluctance Motor and Their Control, Magna Physia and
Clanderon Press Oxford 1998
6. T. Kenjo and S. Nagamori, Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors, Clanderson Press
Oxford, 1985
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Elements of information theory, Source coding theorem, Huffman coding, channel coding
theorem, channel capacity theorem.
Sampling process, Baseband and bandpass sampling theorems, reconstruction from samples,
practical aspects of sampling and signal recovery, TDM.
Waveform coding techniques, PCM, Channel noise and error probability, DPCM and DM,
coding speech at low bit-rates, Prediction and adaptive filters, baseband shaping for data
transmission, PAM signals and their power spectra, Nyquist criterion, ISI and eye pattern,
Digital modulation techniques: Binary and M-ary modulation techniques, coherent and non-
coherent detection, bit v/s symbol error probability and bandwidth efficiency.
Error control coding: Rationale for coding, linear block codes, cyclic codes and
convolutional codes, Viterbi codes decoding algorithm and trellis codes.
Spread spectrum codes: Pseudonoise sequences, Direct-sequence and frequency-Hop spread
spectrum, signal-space dimensionality and processing gain.
Data Networks: Communication networks, circuit switching, store-and-forward switching,
layered architecture, packet switching, multiple access communication.
1. Data communication and networking: B.A. Forouzan: Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Digital communication and design for the real world : Andy batenas (addi son)
3. Digital communication and design for the real world: S.K.LAR.
4. Digital communication systems: Kolinbiris.
5. Analog &digital communication: Roden
6. Digital communication: Proakis
7. Telecommunication by : Crane
8. Telecommunication systems &technology :Michael khalid
9. Digital &analog communication systems :William E. barre
10. Electronic communication modulation & Tech: Robert J.schoenbeck.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
The PLC: A look inside, General PLC programming Procedure, Devices to which PLC Input
and Output Modules are connected: Input On/Off Switching Devices, Input Analog Devices,
Output On/Off Devices, Output Analog Devices.
Programming On/Off inputs to Procedure on-off outputs, Relation of Digital Gate to
Contact/Coil logic, Creating Ladder Diagrams from Process Control Descriptions:
Introduction, Ladder diagrams and sequence listings, Large Process Ladder diagram
construction, Flowcharting as a programming Method.
Register Basics: Introduction, General characteristics of Registers, Module addressing,
Holding Registers, Input registers and Output Registers. PLC Timer Functions: Introduction,
examples of Timer Function Industrial Applications, Industrial Process Timing Application.
PLC Counter Functions: Introduction, PLC Counters with examples.
PLC Arithmetic Functions: Introduction, PLC addition and subtraction, repetitive clock, PLC
multiplication, division and square root, Trigonometric and Log function. PLC Number
Comparison: Introduction, Basic comparison Function, its application. Numbering System:
Intro to Decimal, Binary, BCD, Octal and Hexadecimal number system.
The PLC SKIP and Master Control Relay Functions, JUMP Functions, PLC data move
system, PLC FIFO function, One Shot(ONS) and Clear (CLR). Controlling Robot: Intro,
basic two axis robot with PLC sequencer control, Industrial three-axis Robot with PLC
1. Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Applications, Fifth Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2006
2. PLC Programming For Industrial Automation by Kevin Collins
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Introduction, Types and characteristics of Data structures, Abstract Data Type (ADT),
Algorithm Concepts, Definition of Algorithm, Objectives of algorithms, Space complexity
and Time complexity of algorithm, Arrays: Characteristics of an array, Implementation of 1-
D arrays, Row and Column Major Implementations of 2-D, 3-D and n-D arrays.
Stacks: Basic concepts, operations on stack, Stack implementation using array, Applications
of Stack: Polish and reverse Polish notations, Evaluating a Postfix expression, conversion of
an expression from Infix to Postfix, Recursion, Queue: Introduction, Operations on queue,
and types of queues: Linear Queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue, and Double Ended
Queue, Queue implementation.
Linked Lists: Concept of a Linked List, Inserting and removing nodes from the list, Linked
implementation of stack and queues. Array implementation of lists, Linear, Single and
Double lists, Circular Single and Double List, Generalized Linked List, Header Linked list.
Trees: Concepts of a Tree, Binary trees, Strictly Binary Tree, Complete Binary Tree, Almost
Complete Binary Tree, Weight of a tree, Level of a node, Height/Depth of a Tree. Operations
on tree, Tree Search Algorithms, Binary Search Tree, Tree traversal Algorithms, AVL Trees -
Balance of a node, Weight Balanced Trees. Tree implementation.
Graphs: vertex and edge, Types of graphs – directed/undirected, connected/disconnected,
cyclic/acyclic, Representation of graphs: Adjacency matrix, linked list implementation.
Searching and sorting techniques: Linear Search, Binary Search. Bubble Sort, Sequential
Sort, Shell Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort techniques.
1. Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein, Aaron M. Tenenbaum, “Data Structures Using
C & C++”, PHI, Second Edition.
2. D. Samanta, “Classic Data Structures”, PHI.
3. S. Lipshutz, “ Data Structures” , Schaum outline series, Tata Mc-graw Hill.
4. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Cliff Stein “Introduction to
Algorithms”, McGraw Hill, Second Edition.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
System constraints, Economic dispatch neglecting losses, Optimal load dispatch including
transmission losses, Exact transmission loss formula, Coordination equation, Automatic load
Methods of voltage control, VAR compensation, Reactive power injection and Control by
transformers, Power flow through transmission line, Receiving-end and Sending-end power
circle diagrams, Universal power circle diagram.
Introduction to automatic generation and voltage control, Speed governor, Turbine and Power
system modeling, Load Frequency Control (LFC), Single area case, Automatic voltage
Introduction, Rotor dynamics, Swing equation, Power angle curve, Steady state stability,
Transient stability, Equal area criterion (Sudden change in mechanical input, sudden loss of
one of the parallel lines, sudden short-circuit on one of the parallel lines), Point-by-point
solution of the swing equation, Multi-machine stability studies, Factors affecting transient
stability, Effect of grounding on stability, Prevention of steady-state pullout.
Flexible AC transmission, Series and Shunt Compensation schemes, HVDC transmission,
Limitation and advantages, Classification of DC links, Back – to – back and bulk power
supply systems.
1. William D. Stevenson Jr, ‘Elements of Power System Analysis’, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co., New Delhi.
2. C. L. Wadhwa, ’Electrical Power System’, New Age International, New Delhi.
3. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, ‘Modern Power System Analysis’, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co., New Delhi.
4. N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, ‘Understanding FACTS’, IEEE Press, USA.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Introduction of DC Power transmission technology – Comparison of AC and DCtransmission
– Application of DC transmission – Description of DC transmission system – Planning for
HVDC transmission – Modern trends in DC transmission
Pulse number – Choice of converter configuration – Simplified analysis of Graetz circuit–
Converter bridge characteristics – Characteristics of a twelve pulse converter –Detailed
analysis of converters.
General – Required regulation – Inverter compounding – Uncompounded inverter –Rectifier
compounding – Transmission characteristics with the rectifier and inverter compounding –
Communication link – Current regulation from the inverter side –Transformer tap changing.
Introduction – Generation of harmonics – Design of AC filters and DC filters –Interference
with neighboring communication lines.
Introduction of DC cables – Basic physical phenomenon arising in DC insulation –Practical
dielectrics – Dielectric stress consideration – Economics of DC cables compared with AC
cables. Introduction to system simulation – Philosophy and tools –HVDC system simulation
– Modeling of HVDC systems for digital dynamic simulation.
Additional topics:
Matlab (Simulink) based problem solving procedures.
1. Padiyar, K. R., “HVDC power transmission system”, Wiley Eastern Limited, New
2. Delhi 1990. First edition.
3. Edward Wilson Kimbark, “Direct Current Transmission”, Vol. I, Wiley interscience,
4. New York, London, Sydney, 1971.
5. Colin Adamson and Hingorani N G, “High Voltage Direct Current Power
6. Transmission”, Garraway Limited, London, 1960.
7. Arrillaga, J., “High Voltage Direct Current Transmission”, Peter Pregrinus, London,
8. 1983.
9. Rakosh Das Begamudre, “Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering”, New
10. Age Interantional (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1990.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Introduction to PIC microcontrollers, factors to be considered in selecting a micro controller.
Architecture of 8051: internal resources, pin diagram, I/O pins, ports and their internal logic
circuits, counters, serial port, interrupt structure, SFRs and their addresses, watch dog timer,
internal code memory, data memory, stack pointer, flags, bit addressable memory. Program
memory organization, Data memory organization. Power management.
Assembly /C language programming: study of instruction set of 8051, Addressing modes
supported by 8051, Data transfer instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Logical instructions,
Boolean instructions and Program control transfer instructions. Long Jump and short jump,
call instructions. Delay programs, subroutines. Programming examples.
Introduction to interrupts. External and internal interrupts 8051 micro controller, hardware
and software interrupts. SFRs related to control of interrupts. Design of ISR (Interrupt
Service Routine) for interrupts. Introduction to Timers and counters. Intel 8051/8052 Timers,
SFRs related to timer’s control: TCON, TMOD, IE,IP. Operating modes of timers, timer
control and operations. Design of ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) for timers. Delay design
using timers. Programming examples.
Overview of the serial communications: synchronous and asynchronous communications;
simplex, full duplex and half duplex communications. Serial communication SFRs: SBUF,
SCON, PCON. Modes of serial communications; Mode0, Mode1, Mode2, Mode3. Serial data
format, Baud rate and Baud rate generation using Timer. Programming for serial
communication; initialization steps, serial communication interrupt service subroutine.
Programming examples for serial communication in various modes.
Interfacing external memory, RAM and ROM, with MC-8051. Interfacing signals. Program
memory interfacing, data memory interfacing. Interfacing with 8255,Interfacing Key board.
Interfacing ADC and DAC. Interfacing dc motor; direction control, speed control. Interfacing
stepper motor; full step rotation, step angle control, direction control, speed control.
Interfacing servo motor; features of servo motor, direction control, speed control. Some
programming examples of each.
1. Mohammad Ali Mazidi, the 8051 Microcontroller and embedded systems, Pearson
2. Kenneth Ayala, the 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and Applications,
2nd Ed. Penram International.
3. Ajay Deshmukh, Microcontrollers [Theory and Applications], Tata McGraw Hill.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Hard Computing: Features of Hard Computing, Soft Computing: features of soft computing,
Hybrid Computing, Fuzzy Set Theory: fuzzy versus crisp sets, basic fuzzy set operations,
linguistic variables, membership functions, fuzzy Cartesian product, fuzzy relations, fuzzy
Approximate reasoning, fuzzy modelling, fuzzification, inferencing and defuzzification,
fuzzymodeling and control schemes for nonlinear systems, applications in power system.
Biological neural networks, models of an artificial neuron, neural network architectures,
characteristics of neural networks, McCulloch-Pitts neuron, learning methods, Hebbian
learningrules, Hebb nets.
Architecture of backpropagation networks, perceptron model, single layer and multi-layer
perceptron models, backpropagation learning, tuning parameters of backpropagation
networks,neuro-fuzzy models, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), applications.
Basic concepts, creation of offsprings, working principle, encoding, fitness function,
reproduction, Genetic Modelling; inheritance operators, cross over, inversion and deletion,
mutation operator, bit-wise operator, generational cycle, convergence of genetic algorithm,
multi-level optimization, real life problems
1. Soft Computing and Intelligent System Design: Theory, Tools and Applications,
1. Fakhreddine O. Karray and Clarence De Silva, Pearson Education Ltd., India.
2. Soft Computing: Techniques and its Applications in Electrical engineering, D. K.
3. Chaturvedi, Springer-Verlag, Germany.
4. Soft Computing and its Applications, R. A. Aliev and R. R. Aliev, World Scientific
5. Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
4. Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational Approach to Learning and Machine
6. Intelligence, J.-S. R. Jang, C.-T. Sun, and E. Mizutani, Pearson Education Ltd., India.
5. Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithms: Synthesis and Applications, S.
7. Rajasekaran and G. A. VijayalakshmiPai, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Review of Basics of Power electronics. Advance power electronics converter: Integrated
boost inverter, H5, H6, Heric Topology. Type of faults & Protection schemes.
Operation of DC-DC converter, inverter used in solar application, grid connection of solar
inverter, MPPT.
Modelling of DC-DC converter, Solar Inverter, Grid connected inverter, Stability Analysis.
IEEE Standars, IEC standard, LVRT, HVRT, Anti Islanding.
Introduction to Power Management and Voltage Regulators Need of power management,
power management applications, classification of power management, power delivery of a
VLSI system, power conversion, discrete vs. integrated power management, types of voltage
regulators (switching Vs linear regulators) and applications, converter’s performance
parameters (voltage accuracy, power conversion efficiency, load regulation, line regulation,
line and load transient response, settling time, voltage tracking), local Vs remote feedback,
kelvin sensing, Point-of-Load (POL) regulators.
Introduction to Advanced Topics in Power Management Digitally controlled dc-dc
converters, digitally controlled LDOs, adaptive compensation, dynamic voltage scaling
(DVS), Single-Inductor Multiple-Outputs (SIMO) Converters, dc-dc converters for LED
lighting, Li-ion battery charging circuits, Multiphase converters.
Additional topics:
Analysis of Converters for different applications
Simulation using PSIM
1. Ned Mohan, Undeland, Robin, “Power Electronics, Converters, Application and
Design”, John Wiley and Sons. Inc, New York, 2011.
2. P. C. Sen, “Power Electronics” Tata McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi.
3. G. K. Dubey, S.R. Doradla, A.Joshi and R.M.K. Sinha, “Thyristorised Power
Controllers” Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
4. M. H. Rashid, “Introduction to Power Electronics”, Pearson Education India, New
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
The cell, body fluids, body as a control system, biomedical signals and electrodes, biomedical
amplifiers, general block diagram of biomedical instrumentation.
Active versus passive sensors, Sensor error sources, sensor terminology, electrochemical
sensors, electrodes for biophysical sensing, transducer and transduction principles, active and
passive transducers, transducers for biomedical applications, transducer care.
Heart is a potential source, ECG waveform, Frontal plane ECG measurements, Lead systems
for ECG recording, determination of heart rate, electrocardiograph, ECG faults and
troubleshooting, Introduction of EEG based instruments.
Stimulators; types of stimulators, electro-diagnostic/ therapeutic stimulator, peripheral nerve
stimulator, AC and DC defibrillators, pacemakers, diathermy, respirators, blood pumps,
Myoelectric control of paralyzed muscles.
Electrical impedance plethysmography, Audiometry, X-rays and radiography, X-ray
computed tomography, diagnostic ultrasound, electromagnetic flow meter, Magnetic
resonance imaging, electrical impedance tomography.
Recent Trends in Neurotechnology
1. Raja Rao, C; Guha, S.K. Principles of Medical Electronics and Biomedical
Instrumentation. Universities Press (India) Limited 2013.
2. Barbara Christe. Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation: The Technology of
Patient Care. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
3. John G. Webster. Medical Instrumentation Application and Design. 4th Edition, John
wiley & sons, 2009.
4. Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown. Introduction of Biomedical Equipment
Technology. 4th Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
5. John E, Susan B, Joseph B. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering. 2nd Edition,
Academic Press, Indian Reprint 2009.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Management and its functions: Purpose and Objectives of Planning; Organizing: Nature and
Purpose of Organizing;, Authority and Responsibility; Staffing, Supply of Human Resources;
Performance Appraisal: Controlling; System and Process of Controlling; Control Techniques.
Social and Ethical Issues in Management: Ethics in Management, Social Factors; Unfair and
Restrictive Trade Practices. Strategic and Technology Management: Need, Nature, Scope and
Strategy SWOT analysis.
Quality definition, dimensions and basic concepts, Cost of Quality, Quality control through
control charts. Sampling plans. Statistical Quality Control, Total Quality Management and
ISO Certification
Project Management, Different phases of Project Management, CPM and PERT. Marketing
Environment, Consumer Markets and Buyer Behavior; Marketing Mix, Advertising and Sales
Promotion; Channels of Distribution.
Inventory and Inventory Control, EOQ model. Basics of Supply Chain Management and
value chain, Maintenance Management, Production planning and control, Planning and
Design of Production and Operations Systems; Facilities Planning, Location, Layout and
Movement of materials.
Financial Management and Accounting Concepts, Basics of Financial Statements Analysis;
Financial Ratios; Capital Budgeting; Break-even Analysis.
Additional Topics:
Just in Time(JIT) Manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing
1. Kotler Philip, “Marketing Management”, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Robbins Stephen, P. “Organizational Behaviour Concepts, Controversies and
Application”, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
3. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K. “Financial Management”, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Montgomery. Statistical Quality Control
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Fundamentals of compensator design in time and frequency domain. Cascade and Feedback
Compensation – Design of Lag, Lead, Lag-Lead Compensator using Bode Diagram and Root
Locus Plot. Intersection method.
Unit II
Introduction to Proportional( P) action , Integral action, PI controller for first order system,
Proportional derivative integral Controllers (PID),P, PI, PD and PID controller design
methodology, PID controller tuning methods, Ziegler Nichols tuning methods.
Introduction, Sampling theorem, Spectrum analysis of sampling process, Signal
reconstruction, Pulse transformation, z- transform analysis of sampled data system, Block
diagram reduction. State variable representation of digital control system, State transition
equation, Solution of state equation by z- transform technique, Digital controllers, Stability of
digital control system.
State regulator design, output regulator design, pole placement technique, Gain matrix by
Ackerman’s formula, Design example. Discrete data system Pole placement design by state
feedback of digital systems. Pole placement by incomplete state feedback or output feedback
Design of digital control systems with state feedback. Observer design, full order observer,
reduced order observer
Non-linear systems, Non-linear state equation, Phase plane and describing function
techniques of analysis, Lyapunov’s stability criteria, Methods of construction of Lyapunov’s
1. M. Gopal, “Control Systems (Principles and Design)”, McGraw Hill Education, 4th
edition, June 2012.
2. M. Gopal, “Digital control and State Variables methods”, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 4th edition, Publication, 2012.
3. Nagrath and Gopal, “Control System Engineering”, 5th Edition, New Age
International Publishers, June 2009.
4. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall India Learning Private
Limited, 5 edition 2010
5. B. C. Kuo, “Digital Control System”, Oxford University Press 2nd edition, February
6. Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop, “Modern Control Systems”, Prentice Hall
Publisher, 2008.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Introduction, general features, track specification, arrangement of locomotive drives,
transmission of power from motor to driving wheel. Mechanics of train movement, speed-
time curves, tractive effort for acceleration and propulsion, power and energy output from
driving axis.
Train resistance, adhesive weight, and coefficient of adhesion, Feeding and distributing
system for tramways and railways, Track arrangements, collector gears and auxiliary
equipments, Diesel-electric equipments, characteristics, transmission of drive, electric
transmission. Review of traction motors and their control, comparative features of ac and dc
traction. Recent trends in electric traction, Magnetic Levitation Systems.
Nature of light, definitions, units, basics laws of illumination, determination of luminous flux,
Light sources and their characteristics, light production by excitation and ionization,
incandescence and fluorescence, sources of light- filament lam, halogen lamp, discharge
lamp, fluorescent lamp, incandescent lamp, arc lamp and their applications, Direct lighting
and mixed reflection, reflection factor, transmission factor, refractors, lighting fitting, street
lighting, exterior and interior lighting.
Advantages of electric heating, resistance heating, types of furnaces, types of heating
materials, temperature control of furnaces, variable voltage supply, design of heating
element, arc furnace, induction heating, dielectric heating, microwave oven.
Welding- classification, electric supply, for arc welding, welding transformer, welding
techniques, Electrolytic Process- Basic principles, electrodeposition, electrolysis, electric
supply for electrolysis.
1. H. Partab, Art and science of utilization of electrical energy, Pritam, Surat and brothers,
New Delhi.
2. N. N. Hancock, Electric power utilization, Wheeler Publications, Allahabad.
3. Soni, Gupta and Bhatnagar, Electric power utilization, Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi.
4. E. Openshaw Taylor, Utilization of electrical energy, Orient Longman Publishers.
5. C. L. Wadhwa, Generation, distribution and utilization of electric energy, New Age
Publications, New Delhi.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Data Communication System: Introduction, Purpose, Components; Concepts of Frequency,
Spectrum, and Bandwidth; Bit Rate and Baud Rate, Bandwidth of a Transmission System,
Channel Capacity, Nyquist and Shannon Theorems, Throughput, Latency, Jitter,
Transmission Impairments - Attenuation, Distortion, Noise: Modes of Digital Data
Transmission Media: Guided Media - Twisted Pair, Co-Axial Cables, Optical Fiber, Wireless
Transmission – Antennas, Use of Frequency Spectrum, Terrestrial Microwaves, Satellite
Microwaves, Wireless Propagation- Line-of-sight Transmission, Communication Satellites.
Error Detection and Correction: Types of Errors: Single-Bit Error, Burst Error; Block
Coding, Process of Error Detection and Error Correction in Block Coding, Parameters of a
Coding Scheme, Minimum Hamming Distance for Error Detection and Error Correction,
Linear Block Codes, Simple parity Check Code.
Computer Networks: Network Topologies, IEEE LAN standards, Metropolitan Area
networks, Wide Area Networks, Internetworks, Overview of OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP
Protocol Suite, Comparison OSI and TCP/IP models, Addressing Schemes, Dotted Decimal
Notation, Classful and Classless Addressing, IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.
Medium Access Control: Multiple Access Protocols at Data Link Layer, Random Access:
ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA), CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA;
Controlled Access: Reservation, Polling, Token Passing; Channelization: Frequency Division
Multiple Access (FDMA), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Code Division Multiple
Access (CDMA).
Data and Network Security: Symmetric Key Cryptography, Traditional Cyphers, Substitution
Cypher, Shift Cypher, Transposition Cypher, Simple Modern Cyphers, XOR Cypher,
Rotation Cypher, Substitution Cyphers, S-box and P-box Cyphers, Modern Round Cyphers;
Asymmetric Key Cryptography, RSA and Diffie-Hellman Algorithms; Network Security
Services: Message Confidentiality, Message Integrity, message Authentication, Digital
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall,“Computer Networks,” 5th Edition, Pearson
Education, India, 2012.
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communication and Networking,” 5th Edition, Mc Graw
Hill, India, 2013.
3. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications,” 10th Edition, Pearson
Education, Inc., NJ.
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Department of Electrical Engineering, JMI Curriculum & Syllabi
Evolution of Smart Grid, Components of Smart Grid, Distributed Energy Resources-
Challenges & Opportunity, Smart Grid benefits, Status of Indian Electricity Systems Markets
and Regulations, Grid Modernization Initiatives-Case Studies.
Smart meters, Smart Appliances, Multiagent System Technology; multiagentspecifications-
Control agent, DER agent, User agent, Database agent. Challenges to load flow in Smart grid
and weaknesses of the present Load Flow Methods, Load flow for smart grid design,
Dynamic Stochastic Optimal Power Flow (DSOPF) application to the Smart Grid.
Distribution System Automation Requirement of the Power Grid-Voltage/VAr Control,
Power Quality, Network Reconfiguration, Demand side management, Distribution
Generation Control. Interoperability, Benefits and Challenges of Interoperability, Smart Grid
Network Interoperability, Review of standards for Smart Grid.
ISO’s OSI 7 layers Reference Model, TCP/IP Model, SCADA communication requirements,
SCADA communication systems topologies, data communication techniques-Master-Slave,
peer-to-peer, broadcast and multicast, Introduction to SCADA and Smart Grid
communication protocols- Modbus, IEC61850-5-101/103/194, DNP.
Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs), Substation Automation, Deregulation of Power
Systems and Substation Automation, Substation LAN, Substation Communication
Architecture, Ethernet in Substation, Wide area monitoring systems (WAMS), Phasor
Measurement Unit (PMU),
1. Mini S. Thomas and John Douglas McDonald, “Power System SCADA and Smart Grids”
CRC Press-2015.
2. James Momoh, “SMART GRID Fundamentals of Design and Analysis”, IEEE Press,
John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
3. JanakaEkanayake, Nick Jenkins, KithsiriLiyanage, Jianzhong Wu, Akihiko Yokoyama,
“Smart Grid: Technology and Applications”, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
4. Clark W. Gellings, “The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand
Response”, CRC Press-2009.
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