C4 Mass Weight and Density Notes

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Chapter 4 Notes

Mass, Weight
and Density

 The mass of a body is the amount of substance in the body
 Inertia: the ability to resist a change from its state of rest or motion is
called inertia. The inertia of a body depends on its mass.

 The weight (force) of a body is the pull of gravity on the body due to
gravitational attraction (acceleration)
 Hence F = ma becomes W = mg

W = mg where W = weight

m = mass

g = gravity

Gravitational Field Strength, g

 Defined as gravitational force per unit mass
 Varies from place to place

Difference between Mass and Weight

Mass Weight
Definition the amount of The gravitational pull
substance in a body acting on a body
Dependent on No Yes
location? The weight is same on The weight is different
the Moon as on Earth on the Moon from Earth
Measured using? A beam balance A spring balance
Unit Kilogram Newton
Chapter 4: Mass, Weight and Density

 The density of a substance is defined as its mass
per unit volume.
 Density = Mass/Volume
 SI unit: kg m-3

Chapter 5 Notes
Turning Effect of

Turning Effect of Forces

● The turning effect of a force about a point is the product of the force
and the perpendicular distance from the point to its line of action of the
○ Also known as ‘ moment’ or ‘ torque’
● Moment = F x d
○ d refers to its perpendicular distance!

● Clockwise vs. Anti-Clockwise Moments

● Unit is Nm (newton meter)

How to find the moment

1. Draw the line of action of force
2. Connect it to the pivot
3. Make sure it’s perpendicular

Principle of Moments

 When an object is in equilibrium, the sum of clockwise moments

about a point = the sum of anticlockwise moments about same point
 Conditions for Equilibrium of an Object
- Resultant force acting on it is zero
- Resultant moment about a pivot is zero
Chapter 5: Turning Effect of Forces
Example 1:

Example 2:

The masses of P, Q, and R are such that the

rods are horizontal. What are their possible
- R: 2x distance from pivot → ½ mass of Q
- P: 2x distance from pivot → ½ mass Q+R

Object R falls off. Describe what happens to

rod N.
- Only Q left on rod N, creating an anticlockwise moment about pivot, so
rod N rotates anticlockwise about its pivot

Example 3:
Describe how the largest moment about the pivot can be produced at A.
- With force at A, perpendicular distance of line of action of force from
pivot is greatest
- Using formula ‘moment = F x dh’, this generates largest moment about

Chapter 5: Turning Effect of Forces
Centre of Gravity

● The point through which its whole weight appears to act

● An object will only balance in equilibrium if the point of balance is

directly below the center of gravity
● For any uniform/regular object, the C.G. is located at its geometrical
● If you place the pivot at any point that is NOT C.G., sum of clockwise
moments will not be = sum of anticlockwise moments

Chapter 5: Turning Effect of Forces
Example 1: The front of a helicopter tilts down, while its CG stays at the
same height. How?
- Lift force from front rotor decreased, while lift force from back rotor

Example 2: Where is the CG of the object?

Most of mass is on right of knife, so CG is to

right of it → Exerts clockwise moment to
counter anticlockwise moment caused by
suspended weight

- Definition: Measure of a body’s ability to maintain its original position
(after being tilted)
- For something to be stable, the line of action must fall within the base
- Stability can be increased by lowering center of gravity +
increasing base area
- An object with a lower CG and a larger base area has to be tilted
at a larger angle before the line of action falls outside base area,
so it is more stable

Chapter 7 Notes
Work, Energy &

● Definition: The capacity to do work.
● Different types of energy
○ Kinetic Energy
○ Gravitational Potential Energy
○ Elastic Potential Energy
○ Sound, Thermal, Electrical, Light Energy
Conservation of Energy
 Definition: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be
converted from one form into another or transferred from one body to
 The total energy of a closed system remains constant
 Energy gained = Energy lost (eg. loss in E[ = gain in Ek)
 Swinging Object
- Start: Max. Ep, Zero Ek
- Midpoint: Zero Ep, Max. Ek
- End: Max. Ep, Zero Ek
Chapter 7: Work, Energy & Power
Kinetic Energy
 Energy related to movement of mass

𝑬𝒌 = 𝒎𝒗𝟐
 Where Ek = kinetic energy (j), m = mass (kg), v = velocity (v)

Gravitational Potential Energy

 Energy related to position of mass is gravitational potential energy

𝑬𝒑 = 𝒎𝒈𝒉
 E = gravitational energy (j), m = mass (kg), h = height (m), g =
gravitational constant

Electrical Energy
- Fluorescent Bulb: Electrical energy → More light than thermal energy
- Incandescent Bulb: Electrical energy → More thermal than light energy
- Saving water conserves energy because less electrical energy of the
pump is needed to be converted into kinetic energy of water
- Air Conditioner: Electrical energy → Net thermal energy

Mechanical Energy
- Sum of kinetic and potential energy in an object used to do work
- Mechanical energy of an object is constant if its weight is only force
acting on it
- Initial ME = Final ME (e.g. Final Ek = Initial Ep + Ek)

Chapter 7: Work, Energy & Power
Law of Conservation of Energy
- By the law of conservation of energy,
Gain in Ek = Loss in Ep / Max. Ek = Max. Ep

Example 1:
Account for the failure of the ball to reach the original height.
- Some of the energy has been converted to thermal and sound energy
when the ball contacted with the floor, so the KE after the ball rebounds
is smaller than before it hits the ground
- Since the ball’s KE is smaller, its final GPE will also be smaller

Work Done

𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝑫𝒐𝒏𝒆 = 𝑭 × 𝒔
 Where F = force (N) , s = displacement (m), Work Done units: joules

 Calculating energy in joules: Power in watts (W) and time in seconds


Chapter 7: Work, Energy & Power

Example 1:

An electric kettle has 2.5kW. How much energy is transferred in 3min?

Energy = (2.5 x 1000) (3 x 60) = 450,000J

Example 2:

What is the distance moved by a 6kg box gliding at 2m s-1 when friction is 3N?
- Initial KE = ½ x 4 x 6 = 12J; Final KE = 0J
- ½mv2 = F x s
- Distance = 12/3 = 4m

Example 3:

A man exerts a force, F, to push a 2kg box 5m up an 8m long slope at a

constant speed. Friction is 3N. Calculate force F.
- Final E = Initial E + Net work done
- mgh = F(8) - (3)(8)J
- 2x10x5 = F(8)-24J
- 8F = 124J
- F = 15.5J

Chapter 7: Work, Energy & Power

 Definition: The rate of doing work

𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒆 × 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 = 𝒐𝒓
𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑏𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 =
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

 Unit: Watt (W) / Joules per second (J s-1)

Example 1:

A man is doing push-ups. He applies a force of 300N as he pushes up 0.5m.

He does 10 push-ups in 30s. What is his average power output in 30s?
- Power = W/t = (F x s) /t = (300 x 0.5 x 10) / 30 = 50W

Example 2:

What information is not required to find useful work done of man going up
- Horizontal distance NOT needed! [finds work done against friction]
- Vertical height is needed as it is same direction as the weight (e.g. work
done by person weighing 600N, upstairs with 3m vertical height = 600
x 3 = 1800J)

Chapter 7: Work, Energy & Power

Example 3:

A man of 80kg jumps 39km above earth’s surface and parachute opens 3km
above. During freefall, gravitational field strength increased from 9.7N kg-1 to
9.8N kg-1. Estimate the loss in Ep during freefall.
- Initial Ep 36km above
= mgh = (80)(9.7)(36)
= 27,936kJ
- Final Ep 3km above
= mgh = (80)(9.8)(3)
= 2352kJ
- Loss in Ep
= 27,936 - 2352 = 25,584kJ

Example 4:

State energy change that occurs during fall and explain why man’s speed does
not depend on his mass (air resistance negligible).
- Loss in Ep, which is converted to Ek
- Object with greater mass has more GPE, but requires more conversion
to KE to move at same speed as object with smaller mass
- Hence, man’s speed depends on gravitational field strength, not mass

- Efficiency = (Useful output energy/Total input energy) x 100%
- Efficiency = (Useful mechanical work done/Total input energy) x
- Efficiency = (Useful output power/Total input power) x 100%

Chapter 5: Turning Effect of Forces
Types of Equilibrium
- Stable Equilibrium : Object returns to original position after being
displaced slightly
- Limiting Equilibrium: Maximum orientation of an object before it
- Unstable Equilibrium: Object continues to move away from original
- Neutral Equilibrium: Object remains where it is displaced (new

- Currently in neutral equilibrium position (ramp) → Tilted further, line of

action of weight outside base area → Resultant clockwise moment about
right wheel → Tilts over

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